Parts of A Research Paper
Parts of A Research Paper
Parts of A Research Paper
This consists of the overview discussion of the problem by citing some phrases and sentences from published materials relevant to the study. This gives the reader general idea and impression as well as motivation of the study. Some researchers integrate related studies and related literature in this chapter.
Statement of the problem Hypothesis Significance of the study Scopes and Limitations of the Study Definition of key terms General organization and coverage of the study
Research problem and objectives have the same characteristics (SMART) but they differ in form because the former is stated in interrogative or question form and the latter, in declarative form.
A hypothesis defined as a wise guess that is formulated and temporarily adopted to explain the observed facts covered by the study. There are two types of hypothesis, the null hypothesis (Ho) and the alternative (Ha). These hypotheses are stated in declarative sentence form and are always based from the specific problems or objectives. The null is always stated in negative form. In contrast, the alternative hypothesis is the opposite extreme of the null hypothesis because the former stated in positive form.
The significance of the study in a research paper is a must. For a research project seeking for financial assistance from other agencies, significance of the study is presented comprehensively to convince the screening committee the importance of the study.
It is an important section of a research paper. This includes the coverage of the study area, the subjects, the research apparatus, the duration of the study and the constraints that have direct bearing on the result of the study.
This is the last section of a research paper in chapter 1. Thesis and dissertation do not include this section of the study if there are more than 15 term defined because this part is for the glossary. In this section of chapter 1, the key terms are defined clearly.
This is the second major component of the research paper. This includes the legal bases, literature and studies with relevant implications to the present study. The purposes are the following: To determine the similarities and differences of the past studies To gain insights into the aspects of the problem that are critical and controversial
The principal sources of related legal bases are laws, constitution, department directives, like circulars, orders, memoranda and many others.
In 1992, the Philippine nursing law, jurisprudence and ethics stressed that the nurse's role in the hospital has greatly expanded and her professional involvement has continually progressed in the pace of the technological, sociological, and economic changes in the society. A pressing problem confronting the nurse today is how she can adapt to these changes to be able to render professional nursing more effectively. (legal basis) Based on foregoing legal basis, some nurses may not be able to render professional nursing service efficiently and effectively in the health care and to cope with the technological, sociological and economic changes due to problems met by nurses in performing their duty in the hospital. In this manner, the health care industry, especially that of nurses, is greatly affected due to these problems met by nurses that block their way to render excellent health services to the people.
Republic Act No. 7164 known as the "Philippine Nursing Act of 1991" defines professional nursing as the performance for a fee, salary, or other reward or compensation. . . toward the promotion of health, and alleviation of suffering through utilization of nursing process. (legal basis) The foregoing professional nursing definition explicitly expressed that nurses practice their profession for a fee or salary commensurate with their work in order to satisfy their needs and wants to cope with the fast changing world. In other words, the performance of a particular job affects nurses' values especially if nurses meet problems related to their job in the hospital, hence, promotion of health services cannot be attained. (Explanation of the legal basis)
The related literature are taken from published articles, books, journals, magazines and many others which have bearing to the present study.
Computers have an important role in todays society. Almost all people are computer literate, even children and the handicapped have no problem with using computers. There are a lot of benefits that we could get from a computer, it would not require so much human effort in doing work and it provides easy access in getting information and makes our work presentable. This was proved in the magazine article of Frein Dickinson entitled Computer and Man. As well as the computer has good quality, as skilled teacher , the one who writescomputer program will successfully attain his goal to present information rather than to write papers and in books. Computers have become well established in society and they are continuing to multiply up to the end.
Computers are very flexible in terms of each usability. Silverman and Turkey stated in their book Computer Language, that: Computers have important impact in our daily work and leisure activities. In an increasing number of situations, the computer is a visible component of activities like engineering, manufacturing, scientific, business and other activities. The researcher believed that the existence of computer is great of turning point to mankinds social, intellectual and physical aspect. It does not only cater to those involve in a big business firm, but also to the little entrepreneurs who are really willing to put everything a systematic way of managing from a very simple paperwork for the monitoring of their customers needs.
Findings of published and unpublished researches which are related to the present study are presented in this section. An explanation for every finding of the related studies is a must to determine its similarities and differences to the present study.
Foreign: In the unpublished thesis of Henry Lieberman End of user Development (2006) it is mentioned that. The natural programming project is studying ways to make learning to programsignificantly easier, so that more people will be able to create useful, interesting and sophisticated programs. The goals of this project are to define and use a new programming language design process; where we study how non-programmers reason about programming concepts, create new programming languages and environments that take advantage of these findings, and evaluate them.
In the unpublished thesis of Kemeny and Kurtz (1999) mentioned that. VB6 was once the most popular programming environment in the entire history of the world! But even if its not as great as it was, its still a great place to start learning about programming if you have the software! (If you dont, its hard to find. Microsoft is actually trying hard to stamp it out and they dont sell it anymore.) One reason is that the original BASIC (Beginners All purpose Symbolic Instruction Code) was designed as a language to teach people how to program. A lot of very talented programmers have said that VB 6 is still the best development environment.
For an experimental design, the middle heading of Chapter 3 is Materials and Methods. The discussions of the subsections or subtopics in this chapter are different from the descriptive design since most of the materials in experimental design deal on plants and animals, except, pretest-posttest design.
Research method Materials Equipment/ Apparatus and Utensils Procedure Training of the panelists Evaluation of the products Statistical treatment
The researcher has to select the most appropriate method applicable to his study. If there are control and experimental groups, these must be presented.
The materials include the ingredients and its formulations. The ingredients must be quantified.
The researcher states the equipment and utensils used in the preparation of the study. Equipment must be presented first and followed by utensils. If there are apparatus, hence, these must be stated.
The researcher explains comprehensively the process in preparing the product. If there two or more variables, the variables must be emphasized whether control or experimental group. Flow sheet in preparing the product must be presented to have clearer picture of the procedure. Below is an illustration of procedure in an experimental design.
The panelists must be trained first before they are going to evaluate the product to determine the validity and reliability of their evaluation. It is expected that the evaluation of trained panelists is consistent, thus, it is valid and reliable. More so, trained panelists involve few individuals only to evaluate the products, hence, it is economical. However untrained panelists can also be used to evaluate the product, but it involve many individuals at least 30, hence, it is expensive.
If there are 10 panelists identified as trained, hence, they are going to evaluate the products.
The researcher must diagnose the most appropriate statistical tools used for experimental design to answer the specific questions and accept/reject the hypotheses presented in chapter 1.
All specific questions in Chapter 1 under statement of the problem must be answered in Chapter 4.
Summary of findings summarizes the results based on Chapter 4. If there are four specific research questions stated in Chapter 1 and answered in Chapter 4, there are only four results summarized in this section and no presentation of tables and graphs.
Conclusions should dovetail with the findings of the study. If there are four summarized results in results in the findings, there are also four conclusions Likewise, conclusions are arranged as it appears in the findings Rejection and acceptance of hypotheses are explained in this section.
Recommendations are based on conclusions. This is arranged as they appear in the findings and conclusions. In addition, recommendations must include further research of the study. If there are four research questions in Chapter 1 and answered these four questions in Chapter 4, summarized the four findings and conclusions in Chapter 5, there are five recommendations because the fifth recommendation is for further research
Bibliography is third to the last part of a research paper, thesis or dissertation. This is a listing of source materials used in the study which the researcher has read or quoted brief statements and acknowledged. The surnames of authors are arranged in alphabetical order. This page follows the recommendations and is paced at the middle heading of a page and in all capital letters.
An appendix is second to the last section of a research paper. This includes the training of panelist, sensory evaluation sheet, computations of data and tables that contain data of lesser importance and many others.