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Heat Treatment
Standard and
BEAMEX Calibration White Paper

AMS2750E Heat Treatment

Standard and Calibration
In this white paper, we will take a look at the AMS2750E Why heat treatment?
standard, with a special focus on the requirements set for In some industrial processes, it is relatively easy to measure
accuracy, calibration and test/calibration equipment. and check the quality of the final product and judge if the
The AMS2750E is predominantly designed for heat product fulfills the requirements after the process is complete.
treatment in the aerospace industries. Heat treatment is an You may be able to simply measure the end product and see
essential process for many critical parts of an airplane, so it if it is good or not. In other processes where it is not possible/
is understandable that there are tight regulations and audit easy/practical to measure the quality of the final product you
processes set. need to have a very tight control and documentation of the
While the results and success of some other industrial process conditions, in order to be sure that the final product
processes can be relatively easily measured after the process, is made according to the requirements.
this is not the case in a heat treatment process. Therefore, very It is easy to understand that heat treatment is a process where
tight control and documentation of the heat treatment process you need to have a very good control in order to assure that
is essential to assure the quality of the end products. you get the required end product, especially since the products
are mostly used by the aerospace industry.

AMS2750 standard
As mentioned, the AMS2750E is a standard for heat treatment. Who is it for?
The “AMS” name in the standard is an abbreviation of The AMS2750E is predominantly designed for the aerospace
“Aerospace Materials Specifications”. The standard is industries. But the same standards and processing techniques
published by SAE Aerospace, part of SAE International Group. can be used within any industry which requires control of
The first version of the AMS2750 standard was published in the thermal processing of raw materials and manufactured
1980. Followed by revisions: revision A in 1987, B also in 1987, components, such as automotive, rail and manufacturing.
C in 1990 and D in 2005. The current revision AMS2750E
was published in 2012.
The AMS2750 standard was initially developed to provide What about the CQI-9?
consistent specifications for heat treatment through the The CQI-9 is a similar set of requirements for heat treatment,
aerospace supply chain. The use of the standard is audited by mainly aimed for the automotive industry. The first edition
PRI (Performance Review Institute) for the Nadcap (National of CQI-9 was published in 2006. The CQI-9 “Heat Treatment
Aerospace and Defense Contractors Accreditation Program). System Assessment” is a self-assessment of the heat treatment
Prior to Nadcap, aerospace companies each audited their own system, published by AIAG (Automotive Industry Action
suppliers, so there was a lot of redundancy and duplication Group). More details about CQI-9 maybe in an other article
of efforts. In 1990, the PRI was established to administer the later on.
Nadcap program.

Test instruments and calibration

AMS2750E scope Let’s discuss Test Instruments (calibrators) and what
According to the standard itself, the scope of the AMS2750E AMS2750E says about them.
standard is the following: A traceable calibration of different levels of measurement
“This specification covers pyrometric (high temperature) instruments is obviously required. The higher level standards
requirements for thermal processing equipment used for heat treatment. are typically calibrated in an external calibration laboratory.
It covers temperature sensors, instrumentation, thermal processing The process measurements are calibrated internally using
equipment, system accuracy tests, and temperature uniformity “field test instruments”.
surveys. These are necessary to ensure that parts or raw materials are Traceability is often described as traceability pyramid, or as
heat treated in accordance with the applicable specification(s)”. a traceability chain:

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Traceability pyramid: Field test instrument

Calibration of controlling, monitoring, or recording
instrument, performance of system accuracy tests, and
temperature uniformity surveys

AMS2750E accuracy requirements

AMS2750E also specifies the calibration period and accuracy
requirements for the different levels of instruments:

calibration Calibration accuracy
Instrument period
Traceability chain:
To learn more about the standard 12 ±0.3 °F (±0.2 °C), or ±0.05% of reading,
whichever is greater
metrological traceability in instrument
calibration read this blog post: Field test 3 ±1 °F (±0.6 °C), or ±0.1% of reading,
instrument whichever is greater
Metrological Traceability in
Calibration – Are you traceable?
Sometimes it is easier to look at a visual, so let’s look at
In Table 3 in the AMS2750E the required calibration accuracy graphically for “field test
standard, there are different instrument” and “secondary standard instrument”. And as
specifications for the test standards the Centigrade and Fahrenheit are different, below is a graph
and test equipment/calibrators. of both:
The different levels of instruments
are classified as follows:

• Reference standard
• Primary standard
• Secondary standard instruments
• Secondary standard cell
• Field test instrument
• Controlling, monitoring or
recording instruments

For each instrument class, there are specifications for

the calibration period and calibration accuracy. If we think
about calibrators/calibration equipment, it is typically used as
“field test instrument” or sometimes as “secondary standard

Secondary standard instrument

Limited to laboratory calibration of field test instruments,
system accuracy test sensors, temperature uniformity survey
sensors, load sensors and controlling, monitoring or recording

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Contradiction with different thermocouples types and

AMS2750E contents in a nutshell
The AMS2750E standard specifies different thermocouple Let’s take a brief look at the contents of the AMS2750E
types for different usage. Types B, R and S are included standard and further discuss a few key points in the standard.
for more demanding use, while types J, E, K, N, T are also
included in the standard. The AMS2750E standard starts with sections:
The standard has the same accuracy specification 1. Scope
regardless of the thermocouple type. This is a slightly strange 2. Applicable documents
requirement, as different thermocouples have much different
sensitivities. Chapter 3 “Technical Requirements” of AMS2570E includes
In practice, this means that a test field instrument (calibrator) the following key sections. (These sections are discussed in
normally has a specification for millivoltage, and when this more details in the next chapters):
mV accuracy is converted to temperature it means that the 3.1 Temperature sensors
calibrator normally has different specifications for different 3.2. Instrumentation
thermocouple types. Some thermocouple types have very low 3.3. Thermal processing equipment
sensitivity (voltage changes very little as temperature changes), 3.4. System Accuracy Tests (SAT)
especially in the lower end. 3.5. Furnace Temperature Uniformity Survey (TUS)
For example - a calibrator can have an electrical specification 3.6. Laboratory furnaces
of 4 microvolts at 0 V. With a K type, this 4 µV equals a 3.7. Records
temperature of 0.1 °C (0.2 °F), but for a S type, this equals 3.8. Rounding
0.7 °C (1.3 °F), and for a B type it equals almost 2 °C (3.6 °F).
Therefore, calibrators normally have very different accuracy The remaining sections are:
specifications for different thermocouple types. 4. Quality assurance provisions
To illustrate the different sensitivities of different 5. Preparation for delivery
thermocouple types, please see the graphics below: 6. Acknowledgement
7. Rejections
8. Notes

3.1 Temperature sensors

Section 3.1 discusses temperature sensors. Some key bullets
from that section:
• The AMS2750E standard specifies the thermocouple
sensors to be used, as well as the sensor wire types.
• The voltage to temperature conversion standard to be used
(ASTM E 230 or other national standards).
• Correction factors may be used to compensate for the
errors found in calibration.
• The temperature range for the sensors used.
• Allowance to use wireless transmitters.
• Contents of a sensor calibration certificate.
To learn more about thermocouples, different thermocouple • The max length of sensor wire/cable.
types and thermocouple cold junction compensation, please • The max number of usage of thermocouples in different
read this blog post: temperatures.
Thermocouple Cold (Reference) Junction Compensation • Types of thermocouple sensors to be used, the use for
thermocouples (primary calibration, secondary calibration,
sensor calibration, TUS, SAT, installation, load sensing),

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calibration period for thermocouples, and maximum • ID of test instrument

permitted error. • date and time
• set points
• readings of furnace under test
3.2 Instrumentation • test instrument readings
Section 3.2 covers the instrumentation that the sensors are • test sensor correction factors
used with. This includes control, monitoring, recording, • corrected test instrument reading
calibration, instrumentation, etc. • calculated system accuracy difference
• Instruments need to be traceably calibrated. • an indication of acceptance or failure
• Minimum resolution/readability of test instruments • who performed the test
(1 °F or 1 °C). • signature
• Specifications for electronic records. • quality organization approval
• Contents of calibration sticker:
– due date, performed by, any limitations
• Contents of calibration record: 3.5 Temperature uniformity surveys (TUS)
– identification, make and model, standard(s) Section 3.5 is about furnace temperature uniformity survey
used, calibration method, required accuracy, as found (TUS). The TUS is the testing of the temperature uniformity
and as left data of each calibration point, offset, found/ in all sections/zones of the furnace in the qualified operating
left, sensitivity, statement of acceptance or rejection, any range. An initial TUS needs to be performed for any new,
limitations or restrictions, calibration date, due date, modified (example modifications are listed in the standard)
performed by, calibration company, signature, quality, or repaired furnace, and thereafter it should be performed in
organization approval. accordance with the interval specified in the standard. For
furnaces with multiple qualified operating ranges, TUS shall
be performed within each operating range.
3.3 Thermal processing equipment There are many detailed specifications for TUS testing in
Section 3.3 discusses the furnace classification and the the AMS2750E standard.
temperature uniformity requirements in each class. Going
from class 1 having uniformity requirement of ±5°F / ±3 °C, The TUS report shall include:
to class 6 with ±50 °F / ±28 °C. • furnace identification
• survey temperatures
• sensor location and identification including detailed
3.4 System accuracy test (SAT) diagrams
Section 3.4 discusses the system accuracy tests (SAT). The • time and temperature data from all sensors
SAT is an on-site test where the whole measurement loop • correction factors for sensors in each temperature
(instrument / lead wire / sensor) is calibrated using appropriate • as found and as left offsets
calibration equipment. This is typically done by placing a • corrected/uncorrected readings of all TUS sensors at each
reference thermocouple close to the thermocouple to be temperature
calibrated and comparing the read-out of the measurement • testing company identification and signature
loop to the reference. • identification of the person who performed the survey
SAT shall be performed with a “field test instrument,” • survey start date and time
specified in the standard’s Table 3. SAT should be performed • survey end date and time
periodically or after any maintenance. SAT interval is based • test instrumentation identification
on equipment class and instrumentation type. • identification of pass or fail
• documentation of sensor failures (when applicable)
SAT test records shall include: • summary of corrected plus and minus TUS readings at
• identification of sensor calibrated each temperature after stabilization
• ID of reference sensor • quality organization approval

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An example customer case story

Q&A session with Deutsche Edelstahlwerke
Here’s an example case story of Trescal, UK. They are a
calibration service provider for aerospace customers and have
We asked a few questions from one of our customers
to follow the AMS2750 standard. Trescal have found Beamex
who is following the AMS2750 standard. Please see the
calibrators (MC2, MC5 and MC6) as a good fit for the work
questions and answers below:
they do. Click the link below to read the case Trescal story:
Case story: Trescal, UK - Extreme accuracy calibrations for
aerospace giant Tell us a little about you and your company?
I am Julian Disse (Team Coordinator Quality Assurance
Special Standards) at Deutsche Edelstahlwerke.
Deutsche Edelstahlwerke is one of the world’s leading
The AMS2750E specifications set a high standard for the manufacturers of special steel long products. Deutsche
aerospace industry. After reviewing sensor technology and the Edelstahlwerke can look back on over 160 years of
challenges for test equipment to make proper measurements, experience in the production of high-grade steel products.
meeting accuracy requirements takes careful analysis and The range of products is unique worldwide and includes
continuous supervision. It should be noted that the AMS2750E tool steels, stainless, acid- and heat-resistant steels,
engineering and bearing steels, and special materials.
specifications are not easily met and accurate test equipment
The product portfolio ranges from 0.8 mm drawn wire
must be utilized. By addressing calibration requirements up
to forged products of up to 1,100 mm in diameter.
front, maintenance personnel will be equipped with the proper
Deutsche Edelstahlwerke customers receive the entire
tools and procedures to not only maintain compliance but manufacturing chain from a single source: from production
ensure the best product quality. Good sensor measurements to prefabrication to heat and surface treatment. Deutsche
set the stage for good process control with repeatable results – a Edelstahlwerke is a company of the SCHMOLZ +
good formula for staying in business. BICKENBACH Group.
More information on Deutsche Edelstahlwerke can be
found at www.dew-stahl.com
Beamex solutions for AMS2750E
What do you think is the biggest challenge to
Beamex offers various temperature calibration products
follow the AMS2750E standard?
that can be used (and are being used) in an AMS2750E
• Building, rebuilding or modifying a furnace to meet all
environment. You can find the detailed information of our requirements for each furnace class.
offering on our website in the below link:
• Documentation in line with requirements.
Beamex temperature calibration products
Please contact us for information on how our products can • Qualification of all external suppliers for the calibration
be used in an AMS2750 environment. of devices and sensors according to the calibration
traceability chain required by the AMS2750.

Related blog posts By who are you being audited against the
AMS2750 standard?
If you found this article interesting, you might also like these
Since 2016 we are certified by the NADCAP management
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council, audited by the Performance Review Institute.

• Pt100 temperature sensor – useful things to know What would you consider being your most critical
• Thermocouple Cold (Reference) Junction Compensation measurement?
• Temperature units and temperature unit conversion Every measurement in our furnaces is extremely relevant.
• Metrological Traceability in Calibration – Are you Determining and maintaining temperature accuracy
traceable? plays an essential role in our process safety. In this case,
temperature measurement and simulation is the most
important measurement for us.

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What are the most common instruments to be laboratory calibrates our Beamex MC5 according to the
calibrated? German national standard DAkkS annually. Beamex MC6
Mainly, instruments for pressure measurement, is used as our secondary standard.
temperature instruments for monitoring, controlling,
recording and verification as well as sensors like What is the metrological traceability chain like at
your site?
resistance thermometer and thermocouples.
Short version:
Which are your most common temperature sensor • Reference standard: PTB (Physikalisch-Technische
types and their rough shares? Bundesanstalt Deutschland)
• Thermocouples: • Primary standard: external laboratory for calibration
Type K 60%, N 10%, B 10% and S 10% (Reference Standard as Reference)
• Resistance Thermometer 90% of all RTDs are PT100 • Secondary standard: Our MC6 (DAkkS as reference)
α385; 10% are Pt1000 α385
• Field-test-standard: Our MC5 (MC6 as reference)

Which are your important measurement ranges for • Instruments: Siemens S7 TC IN (MC5 or MC6 as
temperature sensors? reference)
• Type K: 0°C - 1200°C in 100K steps
Finally, what do you think are the best advantages
• Type N: 0°C - 1200°C in 100K steps of the Beamex equipment?
• Type B: 400°C - 1300°C in 100K steps Mainly:
• Type S: 0°C - 1300°C in 100K steps • Interface communication module

• PT100: -200°C - 850°C • Paperless documentation with calibration

management software
• PT1000: -200°C - 850°C
• The system creates electronic records that can
reviewed and cannot be altered
Which thermocouple types do you use and in
which application? • Easy handling, device settings are easy to understood
• It´s possible to handle and set the device with gloves
Use on AMS2750 Use on normal
Type Furnace Furnace • Reduction of wrong connection for different type of
TC for controlling, measurement or simulation
K Over temperature protection recording, monitoring,
• It’s possible to use different modules simultaneously
SAT-TC, TC for controlling,
recording, monitoring, verification • long battery life
SAT-TC, TC for controlling, TC for controlling, • small measurement uncertainty
S recording, monitoring, recording, monitoring,
TC for controlling, recording, TC for controlling, • long historical experience in our department
B monitoring, verification recording, monitoring,
• modular hardware for individual use of the calibrator

What kind of field test equipment do you use?

For us it is very important to fulfill all requirements
regarding the AMS2750, other specification and our
own quality standards. Due to this, we need a reliable
field-test-instrument with a small range of measurement
uncertainty. Beamex MC5 as Field-Test-Instrument fulfills
our requirements.
To achieve the best calibration standard, an accredited

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