Oblicon Memaid
Oblicon Memaid
Oblicon Memaid
Note: The list of sources is exclusive (Sagrado Contract is the meeting of the minds between
Orden v. Nacoco, G.R. No. L-3756, June 30, 1952). two persons whereby one binds himself, with
However, it may be based on a unilateral promise (4 respect to the other, to give something or to
TOLENTINO, supra at 62). render some service (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1305).
I. OBLIGATION TO GIVE (Real) If the law or contract does not state the
diligence which is to be observed in the
Duties of the Obligor with Respect to performance, that which is expected of a
Determinate or Specific Thing good father of a family shall be required
1. Deliver the Thing Itself (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1173, par 2).
General Rule: The debtor of a thing cannot
compel the creditor to receive a different With respect to stipulation, it is lawful for the
one, although the latter may be of the same parties to agree upon the diligence more
value as, or more valuable than which is than that of a good father of a family, which
due (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1244, Par. 1). is high or extraordinary diligence and even
for liability for any fortuitous event, or for
Exceptions: less than the diligence of a good father of a
a. By agreement or consent, the debtor family (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1306), but not for
may deliver a different thing or perform absolute exemption from liability for
a different prestation in lieu of that negligence which is void for being contrary
to public policy.
General Rule: To deliver a thing which is Note: If a person is obliged to do something and
neither of superior nor inferior quality (CIVIL fails to do it, the same shall be executed at his
CODE, Art. 1246). cost. The same rule may be observed if he does
it in contravention of the tenor of the obligation.
Exception: When the purpose of the obligation Furthermore, it may be decreed that what has
and other circumstances shall have to be taken been poorly done be undone (CIVIL CODE, Art.
into consideration (Id.). 1167).
2. Negligence (Culpa)
The fault or negligence of the obligor
consists in the omission of the diligence
which is required by the nature of the
obligation and corresponds with the
circumstances of the persons, of the time
and place (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1173, par. 1);
Note: Consequently, the debtor cannot ask It is permitted only for such breaches as are
reimbursement for the expenses incurred for useful substantial and fundamental as to defeat the object
improvements of or improvements for mere pleasure of the parties in making the agreement (Universal
(CIVIL CODE, Art. 579). He can only ask Food Corp., v. CA, G.R. No. L-29155, May 13,
reimbursement for necessary expenses (CIVIL 1970).
CODE, Art. 546).
It can be demanded only if the plaintiff is ready,
The above rules apply to the following: willing, and able to comply with his own obligation
1. Determinate things only because the genus of a and the other is not (Seva v. Berwin, G.R. No. L-
thing never perishes (genus nun quam perit); 24321, January 11. 1926), and the party who has
2. Obligation with a period; or not performed his part of the agreement is not
3. Those who have a duty to return in case of loss, entitled to sue or rescind; the right belongs to the
deterioration or improvement of the thing in an injured party.
If the thing can no longer be recovered, the only Term/Period and Condition Distinguished
remedy is to proceed against the third person Term/Period Condition
who acted in bad faith for damages.
Interval of time which is Fact or event which is
Note: There can be partial rescission or future and certain future and uncertain
fulfillment under Art. 1191 of the Civil Code Must necessarily come,
(Central Bank v. CA, G.R. No. L-45710, October although it may not be May or may not happen
3, 1985). known when
Exerts an influence upon
Effects of Breach by Both Parties: Exerts an influence upon
the time of demandability
1. The liability of the first infractor shall be the very existence of the
or extinguishment of an
equitably tempered by the courts; obligation itself
2. If it cannot be determined which of the parties
first violated the contract, the same shall be No retroactive effect
deemed extinguished, and each shall bear his unless there is an
Has retroactive effect
own damages (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1192). agreement to the
Obligations with a Period When it is left exclusively
Obligations whose fulfillment a day certain has been to the will of the debtor,
When it is left exclusively
fixed, shall be demandable only when that day the existence of the
to the will of the debtor,
comes. Obligations with a resolutory period take obligation is not affected;
the very existence of the
effect at once but terminate upon the arrival of the empowers the court to fix
obligation is affected
day certain (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1193). the duration of the
Note: A day certain is understood to be that which Must be possible, Must be possible,
must necessarily come, although it may not be otherwise, obligation is otherwise, obligation is
known when. If the uncertainty consists in whether void void
the day will come or not, the obligation is a
conditional one (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1193).
Kinds of Period/Term: (EfEx-DeSo)
When the debtor binds himself to pay when his 1. As to Effect
means permit him, the obligation shall be deemed to a. Suspensive (Ex Die) – Obligations whose
be one with a period (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1180). fulfillment a day certain has been fixed, shall
be demandable only when that day comes
Term/Period (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1193, Par. 1).
Interval of time, which, exerting an influence on an
obligation as a consequence of a juridical act, either Thus, the period must lapse before the
suspends its demandability or produces its performance of the obligation can be
extinguishment. demanded.
However the other creditors will not be adversely Reason: Said debtor gives or loses nothing
affected, if the judgment is based on a cause
personal to the plaintiff in the first action (4 2. If for the benefit of one of the debtors covering
TOLENTINO, supra at 242). his entire share, he is completely released from
the creditor/s;
Effect of Novation, Compensation, Confusion, 3. If for the benefit of one of the debtors and it
and Remission in Solidary Obligations covers only part of his share, his character as a
solidary debtor is not affected.
Novation 4. If there is total or partial remission, creditor/s
1. If prejudicial, the solidary creditor who effected responsible for the remission are liable to
the novation shall reimburse the others for reimburse others for the share in the obligation
damages incurred by them; corresponding to them.
2. If beneficial and the creditor who effected the 5. If there is total or partial remission and if the
novation is able to secure performance of the creditor/s proceed against any one of the
obligation, such creditor shall be liable to the solidary debtors for the payment of the entire
others for the share which corresponds to them, obligation, such debtor can always avail himself
not only in the obligation, but also in the of the defense of partial remission (supra at 199-
benefits; 200).
3. If effected by substituting another person in
place of the debtor, the solidary creditor who The above rules cannot be applied in case the debt
effected the novation is liable for the acts of the has been totally paid by anyone of the solidary
new debtor in case there is deficiency in debtors before the remission was effected (CIVIL
performance or in case damages are incurred CODE, Art. 1219).
by the other solidary creditors as a result of the
substitution; Effect of Death of Principal Debtor
4. If effected by subrogating a third person in the Under the law and jurisprudence, the creditor may
rights of the solidary creditor responsible for the sue, separately or together, the principal debtor and
novation, the obligation of the debtor or creditors the surety, in view of the solidary nature of their
is not in reality extinguished; the relation liability. The death of the principal debtor will not
between the other creditors not substituted and work to convert, decrease or nullify the substantive
the debtor/s is maintained; right of the solidary creditor. Evidently, despite the
5. If the novation is effected by subrogating a third death of the principal debtor, the creditor may still
person in the rights of all the solidary creditors, sue the surety alone in accordance with the solidary
the creditor responsible for such novation is nature of the latter’s liability under the performance
The creditor may proceed against any one of the Effect of Loss or Impossibility of Performance in
solidary debtors or against all of them Solidary Obligation:
simultaneously (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1216). 1. If it is not due to the fault and before delay of the
solidary debtors, the obligation is extinguished
A creditor’s right to proceed against the surety exists (CIVIL CODE, 1221 par. 1).
independently of his right to proceed against the 2. If the loss or impossibility is due to the fault of
principal (Palmares v. CA, G.R. No. 126490, March one of the solidary debtors (CIVIL CODE, 1221,
31, 1998). par. 2) or due to a fortuitous event after one of
the solidary debtors had already incurred in
Because of the unity of the legal tie in solidarity, delay, the obligation is converted into an
although the solidary debtors may be individually obligation of indemnity for damages but the
distinct from each other, they constitute legally one solidary character of the obligation remains
and the same party (4 TOLENTINO, supra at 243). (CIVIL CODE, 1221, par. 3).
Note: If a claim from one of the solidary debtors has Defenses Available to a Solidary Debtor: (NP-
been dismissed by a court on grounds other than ShOt)
the extinguishment of the whole obligation or that 1. Defenses derived from the Nature of the
the claim has prescribed, it does not necessarily obligation – total defense; all the solidary co-
mean that the solidary indebtedness cannot be debtors are benefited.
claimed against the other solidary debtors who were
not impleaded in the case or against those who Illustration: Payment or performance, res
were impleaded but whose liability was found by the judicata, prescription, those that causes defects
court as proper (Inciong v. CA, G.R. No. 96405, in the contracts and others of similar nature
June 26, 1996).
2. Defenses Personal to him – constitutes total
Effect of Payment by a Debtor defense and partial defense.
Payment made by one of the solidary debtors either
totally or partially extinguishes the obligation Illustration of Total Defense: Minority, insanity,
depending upon whether the entire amount of debt and other defenses that causes the annulment
is paid or only a part thereof (CIVIL CODE, Art. of consent
1217, Par. 1)
Illustration of Partial Defense: Special terms
If two or more solidary debtors offer to pay, the or conditions affecting his part of the obligation
creditor may choose which offer to accept (CIVIL
CODE, Art. 1217, Par. 1) 3. Defenses pertaining to his own Share –
constitutes a partial defense; only the debtor is
Solidary debtor who made the payment merely benefited.
entitles him to claim from his co-debtors the share
which corresponds to them with interest from the Illustration: Share of debtor is not yet due, the
time of payment; does not create a real case of creditor can only compel the share of other co-
subrogation; if payment was made before the debt is debtors
due, no interest for the intervening period may be
demanded (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1217, Par. 2).
Benefit to the creditor is presumed in the following Note: In obligations to give, payment to
cases (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1241, Par. 2): (RES) incapacitated person is valid when:
a. If the creditor ratifies the payment to the third a. The incapacitated has kept the amount or
person (Ratification); thing paid or delivered; or
b. If by the creditor’s conduct, the debtor has been b. Payment has been beneficial to the
led to believe that the third person had authority incapacitated person (CIVIL CODE, Art.
to receive the payment (Estoppel); 1241, Par. 1).
c. If after the payment, the third person acquires
the creditor’s rights (Subrogation). Payment made to the creditor by the debtor after
the latter has been judicially ordered to retain
Art. 1237 states that whoever pays on behalf of the debt shall not be valid (CIVIL CODE, Art.
the debtor without the knowledge or against the 1243); unless otherwise stipulated, extrajudicial
will of the latter, cannot compel the creditor to expenses required by the payment shall be for
subrogate him in his rights. the account of the debtor (CIVIL CODE, Art.
Payment Made by a Third Person Who Does Not
Intend to be Reimbursed by the Debtor Thing to be Paid
Rule in Monetary Obligations (CIVIL CODE, Art.
Effects of Payment: 1249)
1. Presumed to be a donation. Therefore, the 1. Must be made in the currency stipulated; if it is
consent of the debtor is necessary, as in the not possible to deliver such currency, then in the
case of a donee in ordinary donations; currency which is legal tender in the Philippines.
2. Once the consent is secured, the rules on 2. Delivery of promissory notes payable to order or
ordinary donations will apply; and bills of exchange or other mercantile documents
3. If the consent is not secured, Art. 1236 and shall not produce the effect of payment except:
1237 will apply (JURADO, Obligations and a. When they have been cashed or credited; or
Contracts supra at 238). b. When through the fault of the creditor they
have been impaired.
To Whom Payment Must be Made (CIVIL CODE,
Art. 1240) Note: The impairment of the negotiable instrument
1. The person in whose favor the obligation has through the fault of the creditor contemplated by
been constituted; Article 1249 is applicable only to a document
2. His successor in interest; or executed by a third person and delivered by the
3. Any person authorized to receive it. debtor to the creditor and does not apply to
instruments executed by debtor himself and
Legal tender in the Philippines would be all notes Rule when the Obligation Consists in the
and coins issued by the Bangko Sentral (Circular Delivery of a Determinate or Specific Thing
No. 537, series of 2006): Debtor cannot fulfill his obligation by delivering a
1. P1, P5, P10 coins: in amounts not exceeding thing which is a different one, although the latter
P1,000.00 maybe of the same value as, or more valuable than
2. 25 centavo (P0.25) coin or less: in amounts not that which is due (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1244, Par. 1).
exceeding P100.00
Rule when the Obligation is to Do or Not to Do
Take note that bills, regardless of denomination, are and the Object is an Act or Forbearance which is
legal tender up to whatever amount. Specific or Determinate
Obligor cannot fulfill his obligation by substituting
R.A. 8183 provides that all monetary obligations another act or forbearance against the obligee’s will
shall be settled in the Philippine currency which is (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1244, par.2).
legal tender in the Philippines. However, the parties
may agree that the obligation or transaction shall be Rules when the Obligation Consists in the
settled in any other currency at the time of payment Delivery of Indeterminate or Generic Things
(R.A. 8183, Sec. 1). If contract does not specify the quality and
Extraordinary Inflation or Deflation (CIVIL CODE, 1. Creditor cannot demand a thing of superior
Art. 1250) quality (but he may demand and accept one of
inferior quality)
Requisites: 2. Debtor cannot deliver a thing of inferior quality,
1. There must be a decrease or increase in the but if he so desires, he may deliver one of
purchasing power of the currency which is superior quality (provided it is not of a different
unusual or beyond the common fluctuation in kind) (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1246).
the value of the currency; and
2. Such decrease or increase could not have been Note: The creditor cannot be compelled partially to
reasonably foreseen or which was manifestly receive the prestations in which the obligation
beyond the contemplation of the parties at the consists. Neither may the debtor be required to
time the obligation was established. make partial payments (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1248,
Par. 1).
Note: Art. 1250 mentions “in the currency
stipulated.” Thus, it applies only to contractual Exceptions:
obligations. 1. When the obligation expressly stipulates the
The value of currency at the time of the 2. When the different prestations which constitute
establishment of the obligation shall be the basis the objects of the obligation are subject to
of payment. The law does not say it should be different terms and conditions; or
the amount paid (JURADO, Obligations and 3. When the debt is in part liquidated and in part
Contracts, supra at 263). unliquidated, the creditor may demand and the
debtor may effect the payment of the former
Note: Even if the price index of the goods and without waiting for the liquidation of the latter
services may have risen during the intervening (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1248, Par. 2).
period (Sangrador v. Valderrama, G.R. No.
Instances Where Consignation Shall Produce 2. With consent of the creditor (CIVIL CODE, Art.
the Effects of Payment Without Prior Tender of 1261):
Payment (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1256, Par. 2): a. Creditor loses every preference which he
1. Creditor is absent or unknown, or does not may have over the thing;
appear at the place of payment. b. Solidary co-debtors, guarantors and sureties
Note: Absence need not be judicially declared. are released;
He must however, have no legal representative c. Solidary debtors are released only from their
to accept the payment. solidary liability but not from their shares of
their obligation; and
2. Creditor is incapacitated to receive the payment d. The obligation is revived, but without
at the time it is due. prejudice to other interested parties.
3. When without just cause, the creditor refuses to
give a receipt. Withdrawal by the debtor at this stage is a
matter of privilege (PARAS, Civil Code, supra at
Note: It appears in this case that the refusal to 434).
issue a receipt preceded the tender of payment.
Note: To have the effect of payment, the law
4. When two or more persons claim the same right requires the twin acts of tender of payment and
to collect (as in the case of interpleader). consignation. Tender of payment without
5. When the title of the obligation has been lost. consignation only frees the debtor from the
obligation to pay interest on the outstanding
The list is NOT exclusive. The rule also applies if the amount from the time the unjustified refusal
creditor, prior to the tender of payment, intimated takes place (Go Sinco v. CA, G.R. No. 151903,
that he will not accept the debtor’s payment. October 9, 2009).
Reason: The genus never perishes (Genus Natural impossibility is reckoned from the time of
nunquam peruit). constitution of the obligation. Thus, the obligation
remains void even if the prestation subsequently
Exception: Delimited Generic Thing – When there becomes possible.
is a limitation of the generic object to a particular
existing mass or a particular group of things, the In case of subsequent partial impossibility, the rule
obligation is extinguished by the loss of the in Article 1264 may be applied (4 TOLENTINO,
particular mass or group or limited quantity from supra at 345).
which the prestation has to be taken (4
TOLENTINO, supra at 340). Temporary impossibility does not extinguish the
obligation but merely delays its fulfillment. This
Effect of Partial Loss (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1264) presupposes that the duration of impossibility has
General Rule: Partial loss does not extinguish the been contemplated by the parties; otherwise, the
obligation. same may extinguish the obligation under Art. 1267.
In the latter case, the fact that the prestation later
Exception: When the partial loss or destruction of becomes possible does not revive the obligation (Id.
the thing is of such importance that would be at 346).
tantamount to a complete loss or destruction
(JURADO, Obligations and Contracts, supra at 291). Effect of Relative Impossibility
Doctrine of Unforeseen Events (CIVIL CODE, Art.
Rule if the Thing is in Debtor’s Possession 1267)
(CIVIL CODE, Art. 1265) When the service has become so difficult as to be
General Rule: If the thing is lost while in the manifestly beyond the contemplation of the parties,
possession of the debtor, it shall be presumed that the court should be authorized to release the obligor
the loss was due to his fault, unless there is proof to in whole or in part (This is also referred to as the
the contrary and without prejudice to the provisions Doctrine of Frustration of Enterprise) (JURADO,
of Art. 1165. Obligations and Contracts, supra at 295-296).
Exception: No such presumption in case of The intention of the parties should govern and if it
earthquake, flood, storm or other natural calamity. appears that the service turns out to be so difficult
as to have been beyond their contemplation, it
Effect of Impossibility of Performance in would be doing violence to the intention to hold the
Obligation to Do obligor still responsible (Ibid).
When the obligation becomes legally or physically
impossible without the fault of the debtor, obligor is
It is not a requirement under Article 1267 that the It is the gratuitous abandonment by the creditor of
contract be for future service with future unusual his right; a form of donation (Sanchez Roman).
change (Naga Telephone Co., v. CA, G.R. No.
107112, February 24, 1994). Requisites of Remission (GAD-CIF):
1. It must be Gratuitous(CIVIL CODE, Art. 1270);
The impossibility is relative because the difficulty of 2. It must be Accepted by the obligor (bilateral
performance triggers a manifest disequilibrium in the act)(Ibid.);
prestations, such that one party would be placed at 3. The obligation must be Demandable;
a disadvantage by the unforeseen event. 4. Parties must have the Capacity;
5. Not Inofficious; and
Principle of Subjective Impossibility 6. Must comply with the Forms of donation should
When there is no physical or legal loss but the it be express (CIVIL CODE, Art. 748 and 749).
object of the obligation belongs to another, the
performance by the debtor of the obligation Note: Whether express or implied, the extent of
undoubtedly becomes impossible. Failure of remission or condonation shall be governed by the
performance is imputable to the debtor. Thus, the rules regarding inofficious donation.
debtor must indemnify the creditor for the damages
suffered by the latter (4 TOLENTINO, supra at 336). Kinds of Remission or Condonation
1. As to Form
Effect of Loss on Reciprocal Obligations a. Express – when it is made in accordance
First view: If an obligation is extinguished by the with the formalities prescribed by law for
loss of the thing or impossibility of performance donations.
through fortuitous events, the counter-prestation is b. Implied – when, although it is not made in
also extinguished. The debtor is released from accordance with the formalities prescribed
liability but he cannot demand the prestation which by law for donations, it can be deduced from
has been stipulated for his benefit. He who gives the acts of the oblige or creditor.
nothing has no reason to demand (Id. at 337-338). 2. As to Extent
a. Total – when the entire obligation is
Second view: The loss or impossibility of extinguished.
performance must be due to the fault of the debtor. b. Partial – when it refers only to the principal
In this case, the injured party may ask for rescission or to the accessory obligation or to an
under Article 1191 plus damages. If the loss or aspect thereof which affects the debtor (as
impossibility was due to a fortuitous event, the other for instance solidarity).
party is still obliged to give the prestation due to the 3. As to Constitution
other (J.B.L. Reyes). a. Inter Vivos – when it is constituted by
agreement of the obligee and the obligor.
Rule if Obligation Arises from Criminal Offense b. Mortis Causa – when it is constituted by
(CIVIL CODE, Art. 1268) last will and testament (JURADO,
General Rule: Debtor shall not be exempted from Obligations and Contracts, supra at 298-
the payment of the price whatever may be the cause 299).
for the loss.
When Renunciation of Action Against the Debtor
Exception: When the thing having been offered by is Presumed
the debtor to the person who should receive it, the If the creditor voluntarily delivers the private
latter refused without justification. document evidencing the credit to the debtor, there
Debts Which Cannot be Compensated (CIVIL 2. Capacity of the contracting parties (to the new
CODE, Art. 1286-1287): contract);
1. Debts arising from contracts of depositum; 3. Animus novandi or intent to novate (especially
2. Debts arising from contracts of commodatum; for implied novation and substitution of debtors);
3. Claims for support due by gratuitous title; 4. Substantial difference between the old obligation
and the new obligation (especially for implied
Note: The law did not limit itself to legal support novation), consequently, extinguishment of the
and thus would include other rights which have obligation; and
for their purpose the subsistence of the debtor, 5. Validity of the new obligation (JURADO,
such as pensions. Obligations and Contracts, supra at 326).
If a subsequent contract is designed to novate a Illustration: Atoy owes Eugene P1,000. Atoy
previous contract and not all parties to the original texted Eugene that his friend Joey will pay the
contract consented to or are made parties in the debt, and he wishes to be released from the
subsequent contract, there can be no novation. obligation. Both Joey and Eugene agreed to
such terms. Take note again that the
substitution must be made with the intention to
release the original debtor.
Note: In either of the two modes of substitution, 2. Delegación – The right of the creditor can no
the consent of the creditor is an indispensible longer be revived except in the following cases:
requirement (Quinto v. People, G.R. No. a. Insolvency already existing and of public
126712, April 14, 1999). knowledge at the time when the original
debtor delegated his debt
Rights of New Debtor: b. Insolvency was already existing and known
1. Expromisión to the original debtor when he delegated his
a. Substitution with knowledge and consent of debt (Ibid.).
original debtor and payment made by new
debtor with or without knowledge and It is submitted that actual knowledge of the
consent of original debtor: creditor that new debtor was insolvent at the
i. Reimbursement from the original debtor time of delegation, will bar him from
of the entire amount paid recovering from the old debtor. He must
ii. Subrogation in all the rights of the bear the consequences of his acts
creditor knowingly done.
b. Substitution without the knowledge and
consent of the original debtor, and payment Note: A change in the incidental elements of, or an
is made by the new debtor without the addition of such elements to an obligation, unless
knowledge and consent of the original otherwise expressed by the parties, will not result in
debtor: its extinguishment.
i. Reimbursement from the original debtor
only insofar as the payment has been Effects of Novation upon Accessory Obligations
beneficial to such debtor General Rule: When the principal obligation is
ii. No subrogation extinguished in consequence of a novation,
2. Delegación – Since substitution was effected accessory obligation may subsist only insofar as
with the consent of all the parties, the new they may benefit third persons who did not give
debtor can demand reimbursement from the consent (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1296).
original debtor of the entire amount which he
has paid as well as compel the creditor to Exception: Article 1296 has no application to
subrogate him to all of his rights (JURADO, novation effected by subrogating a third person to
Obligations and Contracts, supra at 343-344). the rights of the creditor. Such novation is regulated
by Articles 1303-1304.
Note: The mere fact that the creditor receives a
guaranty or accepts payment from a third The exception refers to a case in which there is a
person who agrees to assume the obligation, stipulation constituted in favor of a third person,
when there is no agreement that the first debtor which may be demanded separately from the
shall be released from responsibility, does not principal obligation, although subordinated to the
constitute novation, and the creditor can still latter (e.g. stipulation pour autrui) (JURADO,
enforce the obligation against the original Obligations and Contracts, supra at 346).
debtor. If the older debtor is not released, there
is no novation; the third person becomes merely Effects of Condition in Novation:
a co-debtor, surety or co-surety (Mercantile 1. If the original obligation was subject to
Insurance Co., Inc. v. CA, GR No. 85647, April suspensive or resolutory condition, the new
22, 1991). obligation shall be under the same condition,
unless otherwise stipulated (CIVIL CODE, Art.
Effect of Insolvency or Non-fulfillment by the 1299).
New Debtor (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1294-1295) 2. If the new obligation and the old obligation are
1. Expromisión – If the substitution was effected subject to different conditions:
without the knowledge and against the will of the a. If the conditions can stand together:
original debtor, the new debtor’s insolvency or i. If both are fulfilled – the new obligation
nonfulfillment shall not revive the original becomes demandable
debtor’s liability to the creditor (JURADO, ii. If only the condition affecting the old
Obligations and Contracts, supra at 345). obligation is fulfilled – old obligation is
revived while the new obligation loses
its force.
A unilateral proposition which one party makes
to the other for the celebration of a contract. It
exists only if the contract can come into
existence by the mere acceptance by the
offeree, without any further act on the offeror (4
TOLENTINO, supra at 448).
Withdrawal of Acceptance
Crossing of Revocation and Acceptance
First View (Manresa): “Although the offeror is
General Rule: The expression of the will of a
not bound until he learns of the acceptance, the
person, addressed to another, does not become
same thing cannot be said of the offeree who,
effective except from the time it is received by
from the moment he accepts, loses the power to
the latter (4 TOLENTINO, supra at 465).
retract such acceptance since the right to
withdraw between the time of the acceptance
and its communication is a right which is
1. If the intention of the parties is not to
expressly limited by law to the offeror. Since the
demand an express acceptance, the tacit
offeree is the first person who knows of the
acceptance perfects the contract, and the
concurrence of wills of the parties, as a
subsequent receipt of letter of revocation is
consequence, the obligation, as far as he is
concerned, must also commence earlier.”
2. If the parties intended that there should be
an express acceptance, the contract will be
Second View (Dr. Tolentino): Acceptance may
perfected if the acceptance is the first to
be revoked before it comes to the knowledge of
reach the offeror; and it will not be
the offeror because in such case there is still no
perfected, if the revocation is the first to
meeting of the minds, since the revocation has
reach the offeree (Id. at 465-466).
cancelled or nullified the acceptance which
thereby ceased to have any legal effect
Theories that Determine the Exact Moment of
(JURADO, Obligations and Contracts, supra at
Perfection when Acceptance is Made by
Letter or Telegram: (MERC)
1. Manifestation Theory – perfected from the
Implied Acceptance
moment the acceptance is declared or
Implied acceptance may arise from acts or facts
which reveal the intent to accept, such as the
This is adhered to by the Code of
consumption of the things sent to the offeree, or
the fact of immediately carrying out the contract
2. Expedition Theory – perfected from the
offered (4 TOLENTINO, supra at 460, citing 1
moment the offeree transmits the
Von Tuhr, Obligaciones, p.139).
notification of acceptance to the offeror.
Kinds of Simulation of Contract: Note: The genus or kind of the object must be
1. Absolute (simulados) – parties do not intend expressed.
to be bound by the contract at all. It is void
(JURADO, Obligations and Contracts, supra Quantity should be Determinate as to its
at 454; there is color of contract, without any Kind or Species
substance thereof, the parties not having The fact that the quantity is not determinate
any intention to be bound shall not be an obstacle to the existence of the
(4 TOLENTINO, supra at 516;) and contract, provided it is possible to determine the
2. Relative (disimulados) – the parties have an same, without the need of a new contract
agreement which they conceal under the between the parties (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1349).
guise of another contract (Ibid.).
The object of a contract, in order to be
Note: A relatively simulated contract binds considered as “certain,” need not specify such
the parties to their real agreement, when it object with absolute certainty as long as it is
The liberality of the The thing which is given Where such moral obligation is based upon a
donor or benefactor or donated previous civil obligation which has already been
As to the Thing barred by the statute of limitations at the time
when the contract is entered into, it constitutes a
Prestation or promise of
sufficient cause or consideration to support a
a thing or service by the The thing or service itself
contract (Villaroel v. Estrada, G.R. No. 47362,
December 19, 1940), it is then already a natural
As to Contracting Parties obligation.
Different with respect of May be the same for
each party both the parties Effects of Lack, Illegality, Falsity or
Inadequacy of Cause
(Id. at 464-465)
1. Total lack or absence of cause – the
contract confers no right and produces no
Cause v. Motive
legal effect (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1352)
Cause Motive 2. Illegal/Unlawful cause – the contract is null
As to Proximity and void (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1409(1)
3. False cause – the contract is valid unless it
Direct and most
Indirect/particular or should be proved that it be founded upon
remote reason another cause which is true and lawful (See
reason of a contract
CIVIL CODE, Art. 1346)
As to Characteristic of Reason 4. Inadequacy of cause/Lesion – the contract
Objective or juridical Psychological, individual is valid unless there has been fraud,
reason for the existence or purely personal mistake or undue influence and in those
of a contract reason cases provided in Article 1381.
As to Contracting Parties Note: Even if the consideration for the contract
Always the same for Differs for each is only P1.00, it will not render the contract void,
each contracting party contracting party because it is the absence of consideration, not
mere inadequacy which will result in a void
As to Effect in the Validity of Contract
contract (Carantes v. CA, G.R. No. L-33360,
Its legality affects the Its legality does not April 25, 1977).
existence or validity of affect the existence or
the contract validity of contract Presumption of Lawful Cause
(Id. at 466) When the cause is not stated, it shall be
presumed to be in existence and lawful unless
Note: Motive becomes causa when it predetermines proof to the contrary is shown (CIVIL CODE,
the purpose of the contract (Ibid). Art.1354).
The Statute of Frauds, however, simply provide for Principles under Contracts where Both Parties
the manner in which contracts under it shall be are Incapacitated:
proved. It does not attempt to make such contracts 1. These contracts are also unenforceable (CIVIL
invalid if not executed in writing, but only makes CODE, Art. 1403, Par. 3); and
ineffective the action for specific performance 2. If only one of the parties is incapacitated, the
(JURADO, Obligations and Contracts, supra at 563). contract is voidable (CIVIL CODE Art. 1390,
Par. 1).
3. The contract may be ratified by the parents or
guardians of the contracting parties, or by the
Note: The laborer may still demand additional Note: In the principle of in pari delicto where only
compensation for service rendered beyond the one of the contracting parties is at fault, the non-
time limit even if the contract was signed availability of recovery of the thing given extends to
voluntarily by the laborer (Luzon Stevedoring his heirs. Thus, the heirs may not institute an action
Co. Inc. v. Luzon Marine Department Union, for nullity as the principle constitutes a bar for action
G.R. No. L-9265, April 29, 1957. (Liguez vs CA, G.R No. L-11240, Dec. 18, 1957).
Effects when Both Parties are at Fault and the Note: The binding tie of these obligations is in the
Act Constitutes A Criminal Offense: conscience of man, for under the law, they do not
1. They shall have no action against each other; have the necessary efficacy to give rise to an action.
2. Both shall be prosecuted; and
3. The effects or instruments of the crime shall be Necessity of Juridical Tie
confiscated in favor of the government (See In order that there may be a natural obligation there
CIVIL CODE, Art. 1411). must exist a juridical tie which is not prohibited by
law and which in itself could give a cause of action
Effects when Only One is at Fault and the Act but because of some special circumstances is
Constitutes A Criminal Offense: actually without legal sanction or means of enforcing
1. The guilty party will be prosecuted; compliance by intervention of courts
2. The instrument of the crime will be confiscated; (4 TOLENTINO, supra at 646).
3. The innocent one may claim what he has given;
or if he has not given anything yet, he shall not
Elements of Laches:
1. Conduct on the part of the defendant, or of one
under whom he claims, giving rise to the
situation of which complaint is made and for
which the complaint seeks a remedy;