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Christian Courier: Panhandling Forum Oct. 25 at Plymouth CC

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Christian Courier

First Christian Church of Minneapolis (Disciples of Christ)

October 23, 2010 Panhandling Forum Oct. 25 at Plymouth CC

Inside the Courier:
The forum is sponsored by Downtown
• A Look at the Brite Congregations to End Homelessness
Side, page 2 (DCEH), a coalition of 15 churches (in-
cluding First Christian), synagogues and
• Mission Notes,
page 3 mosques that is now in its second year.

The goal of this organization of congrega-
• Disciples 101, tions is to educate, advocate and provide
page 5 “Can you spare a dollar, friend?” direct support to Heading Home Henne-
What is the best response to a re- pin, a county plan to end homelessness by
• Young Acolytes,
page 5 quest for money from a stranger on 2016.
the street? A second forum on pan- Several FCC members recently heard
• November Calen-
dar, page 4
handling and how to end it will be Heidi McAllister and Annie Harm from
held Monday, Oct. 25, at Plymouth DCEH explain more about the coalition
Congregational Church from 6 to 8 and answer questions about the challenges.
pm. More information on DCEH goals and ac-
The forum will feature representa- tivities can be found at: www.dceh.org.
tives from the police department,
On the Web: Grande Sale Proceeds
government, business and religious
fccminneapolis.org organizations, and adults who have $1786.00
panhandled. $893 each for FCC and Spirit of
Disciples News Ser- St. Stephen‟s

Sharon Watkins blog

Younger Adults invite all to “Trunk or Treat” event

The "Younger Adults" invite you to join us on Halloween to present "Trunk or


This fun Halloween event will reach out to the neighborhood

kids and any others that would like to come. We are looking
for people willing to come in costume, decorate the trunk of
their car, and/or pass out candy or toys. We could also use peo-
ple to run games, do face painting, and other types of activities.
We're open to suggestions!

We will host a lunch for volunteers following worship, and run the event from 1-3.
Please talk to Becki Whitaker or sign up in the lounge if you're willing to help out.
Page 2 The Christian Courier

A Look at the Brite Side

Authenticity a key ingredient for the future of the church

Between this gathering and the look for whether or not our faith-
one I was at with Diana Butler life is “authentic” – whether we‟re
Bass a few weeks ago, I seem to honestly spiritually searching –
be getting pretty strongly accultu- and will respond accordingly.
rated in the opinions of experts, They also have a slight tendency
most of whom agree that they ha- to follow the counsel of their par-
ven‟t a clue about what the future ent‟s generation, in that folks-
will look like! over-30‟s trustworthiness is
somewhat suspect until proven
As I said a couple of weeks ago in otherwise. They really are a dif-
Pastor Bob Brite a sermon, however, the most im- ferent group of folk than a lot of
portant part of the future church, others who have come through life
as far as the generations upcoming before.
go, seems to be the quality of au-
I‟ve just returned from a brief thenticity. That‟s not too surpris- Last year at this time we were
gathering in retreat of the ing; having grown up under the going through “Unbinding Your
Downtown Ministerial Al- influences of massive advertising, Heart” which focused on being
liance. For the second year in cultural cynicism, and monumen- able to know one‟s faith story and
a row we‟ve focused on Har- tal internet fact-checking, and the be able to articulate it. That is the
vey Cox‟s The Future of Faith, like, it‟s a group of folks with high practice of authentic Christianity,
a fascinating book that talks ideals who insist that the realities and I want to encourage you to
about the vast changes going in which they‟re around be as reflect on what your faith story is
on in our culture. “real” (whatever that is) and mea- – who God and Christ are for you
ningful as they can be. They can – and think about sharing that sto-
sniff out experiences where people ry with others, particularly those
are just going through the motions younger than you. It would be a
(in their opinion), and run like great way to grow the church.
crazy from them. They will
I‟d like to see YOU on Sunday,

In Our Prayers We pray in sympathy with June Andrix, whose sister, Betty Owens, passed
away in Columbus, Ohio; in concern for Tom Curry, who's suffering from
Gracious God, we shingles, Charlotte Ronnei for heart weakness, and Phil Kinney, who cracked
lift up these per- some ribs in a fall last week; for former member Patty Shoop who was re-
sons in our pray- cently hospitalized; for Kirsten Cackoski’s sister-in-law Sharon, still strug-
ers, asking the gling with cancer; in thanksgiving that Brenda Neudeck and Jay Gutzman
blessing of your have become members of our FCC family; in hope that those running for office
Grace and out- will campaign with civility and with focus on what is best for all citizens; for
pouring of your all our homebound members, including Dorothy Wilkins and Elaine Glore,
Love upon them. Amen.
Page 3
Christian Courier

Mission Notes from Pastor Sanders

On giving and living in the light of what we believe

As I reviewed all of this, I low sisters and brothers. Giv-
realized that Deb was teaching ing also reminds us of the love
these kids a spiritual discipline, that God showed us in the life,
the discipline of giving. death and resurrection of Je-
sus. When we give, we are re-
Being a Christian is not
minded of God‟s love for us.
simply about what we believe,
I think about what First
but it is also about how we live
Christian has done over the last
in light of what we believe. In
few months. We made 10 wel-
a recent article in the evangeli-
come baskets for the Currie
cal magazine Christianity To-
A few weeks ago, I stopped Avenue Partnership. We made
day, writer Keri Wyatt Kent
by the children‟s Sunday 19 backpacks for Central Lu-
notes that Jesus gave every-
School class before Sunday theran‟s Restoration Center.
thing on the cross. To say we
worship. After a few minutes, We have gone on a regular ba-
love, but then do nothing to
Mason and his brother Fletcher sis to Feed My Starving Child-
show that loves, really puts our
showed up. Little Mason was ren to help hungry children
love in question. Kent quotes
clutching a dollar bill. Being a around the world. I‟ve see the
another evangelical, writer and
little kid, he was running Handcrafters make prayer
social justice activist Shane
around the room doing various shawls. What I hope you all
Claireborne, who had this to
things, but he never let go of realize is that this is a way to
say about our beliefs and out
that dollar. express our love for God. This
isn‟t simply about doing good
In chatting with Mason‟s “If you ask most people what deeds or being a good person,
teacher, Spiritual Formation Christians believe, they can tell but about realizing what God
Director Deb Murphy, I knew you, „Christians believe that has done in our lives and ex-
where that dollar was going to Jesus is God‟s Son and that Je- pressing our thanks in our holy
go. In the classroom sits a sus rose from the dead.‟ But if work helping our sisters and
shoebox wrapped in blue con- you ask the average person brothers.
struction paper. It‟s the bless- how Christians live, they are
ing box, and all of the children I usually end this column
struck silent. We have not
who attend place money in that with the words, “Go and be
shown the world another way
box. After a certain amount of church.” Being church means
of doing life. Christians pretty
time, Deb gathers the children living our lives as followers of
much live like everybody else,
and they talk about what to do Jesus. Little Mason is learning
they just sprinkle in a little Je-
with the money. In the past what it means to follow Jesus
sus along the way.”
they have given money to the and I hope all of us more “ma-
Heifer Project to buy animals Giving is a way of showing ture kids” are learning as well.
for people around the world. people how much we love
Go and be church.
God. Those kids in Sunday
Later this year, these kids School are learning that being a Dennis Sanders
will work to donate sunglasses follower of Jesus is not just
to kids at Plaster House, a Associate Pastor for Mission
about believing certain thing,
children‟s rehabilitation hospit- and Diversity
but it is also about how we live
al in Tanzania. our lives, how we help our fel-
Page 4 October 23 , 2010

Regular Worship Hours

9:15 Spiritual Formation Classes
November, 2010
10:30 Worship
First Christian Church
11:45 Fellowship Time in Lounge

1 2 3 4 5 6
7 pm Book Election Day 9am Nikkei 6 pm Open 9 am- Men’s
Club @ 6 pm Midweek Table Group
Westphals Bible Study
6:30 Bell Choir
7:45 Chancel Choir

7 8 9 10 11 12 13
10:30 Ecumeni- 7 pm Carter 7 pm Worship 5:30 pm Finance 9 am Handcrafters 9 am- Men’s
cal Worship Circle @ Committee Committee Group
Service at In- Barb Rusi- 7 pm Property 6 pm Midweek
termedia nak’s Committee Bible Study
Arts 6:30 Bell Choir
7:45 Chancel Choir
14 15 16 17 18 19 20
9 am Mpls Re- 9am Nikkei 9 am Handcrafters 7:30 pm 9 am- Men’s
tired Teachers 6 pm Midweek Christian Group
luncheon Bible Study League 10 am Laura
7 pm FCC Board 6:30 Bell Choir Lynne/Naomi
Meeting 7:45 Chancel Choir Circle
6 pm Dinner for
St. Stephen’s
21 22 23 24 25 26 27
Thanksgiving 6 pm Midweek Thanksgiving Office 9 am- Men’s
Service & Bible Study Closed Group
Potluck 6:30 Bell Choir Office Closed
Food Pantry 7:45 Chancel Choir
5 pm Elders

28 29 30

Elders Worship Leader Children’s Diaco- Bus Drivers Greeters

Moment aco-
Nov. 7 (Ecumenical Ser- Garry Hesser
vice with Salem 612-721-4905
Lutheran & Lyndale
Nov. 14 Dean Creighton Ronda Dunham Janice Brady Odd Mike Morgan Martha Harris
Warren Westphal Team 612-926-9384
Nov. 21 Val Dunham Max Hurlocker Bob Brite Odd Mike Hesano Valerie Dunham
Russ Griffin Team 651-645-6758
Nov. 28 Russ Griffin Jennifer Red- Elaine tucker Odd Garry Hesser Ardie Armstrong
Val Dunham mond Team & Shirley Draine
Christian Courier Page 5

Young acolytes return with an old tradition of lighting worship candles

Those of This holds meaning for them worship service has given me
you who and they look forward to it. the opportunity to talk about
have at- Since none of the Covenant worship, the Light of Christ,
tended kids had ever seen what aco- and the Trinity in class. Ask
worship lytes do (yes, it has been that Fletcher some time what the
this fall long since we have had aco- three wicks in the current can-
have lytes), I have been walking dle stand for - he can tell you.
surely with them to make sure that all And I‟m willing to bet that Ma-
noticed goes well. For example, we son can get two out of three.
an addi- found out on the first Sunday Assisting the children to
tion to our service –acolytes! that the candles that are nor- carry Christ‟s light has been an
Now if these acolytes seem a mally on the communion table awesome privilege. Seeing the
little younger and a little small- are too tall, so we have been smiles on the faces of the con-
er than you remember them using a Trinity Candle on a gregation at the start of worship
being previously, it is because, lower stand while the Worship as we return to the narthex has
well, they are. It has been quite Committee looks for other op- also been a privilege. Starting
a while since we have had aco- tions to use as well. We want worship with the Light of Chr-
lytes, but the Art of the Cove- this to be an empowering expe- ist and joy on our faces is truly
nant kids have very enthusiasti- rience for them. remarkable. May we all carry
cally agreed to help us re-ignite Having the Covenant kids Christ‟s Light as enthusiastical-
this part of our worship service. participate in the liturgy of the ly as the Covenant kids.
Deb Murphy
Disciples 101 with Mike Brady

Disciples: No doctrine but the Bible, no creed but Christ

As we explore who we are as Disciples of Chr- the local congregation. We practice weekly
ist and a part of the Restoration Movement, it is Communion.
important to state what it is we believe and stand  Freedom of belief which means that we to-
for. There is an old quote by Alexander Hamilton, lerate a wide diversity of interpretations of
"Those who stand for nothing fall for anything." the Bible. Each person is committed to read
So here is what we as Disciples stand for: “We and study to learn and be closer to God.
have no doctrine but the Bible and no creed but  Baptism by immersion is the preferred me-
Christ.” thod of baptism and at the age when the be-
The only requirement for membership in the liever can commit his or her life to Christ.
Disciples of Christ is accepting Jesus as the Christ, We honor, respect and accept the baptism
the only Son of the Living God, as Lord and Savior by other denominations.
and the will to commit to being a growing, com-  Belief in the oneness or unity of the church.
mitted member.  The ministry of believers which means that
both ministers and lay persons lead wor-
Disciples affirm: ship, direct service opportunities and nur-
 Jesus is the Son of the Living God, and of- ture spiritual growth.
fers saving grace to all.  The Bible is the inspired Word of God.
 Open Communion, which means that it is
open to all who believe, not just members Blessings, Mike Brady, Lay Minister
Bi-Weekly Calendar Reflections on the Word
From 10/24/10 Readings
Sunday Worship at 10:30 am
Before Worship (9:15 am): “The Pharisee, standing by himself,
Art of the Covenant Class Hearthstone/Adults Class was praying thus, „God, I thank you
that I am not like other people:
After worship: Fellowship Hour 11:45 am thieves, rogues, adulterers, or even
like this tax collector.” –Luke 18:11
This Week at FCC Next Week at FCC It‟s easy to see ourselves as the Tax
Sunday, October 24 Sunday, October 31 Collector in this famous parable; but
Trunk or Treat! 1-3 pm I often find myself with the Pharisee,
Wednesday, October 27 Monday, November 1 justifying my own actions instead of
Bible Study 6 pm Book Club @ Westphal‟s 7 pm relying on God‟s grace. We can do
Bell Choir 6:30 pm nothing to earn God‟s love, which is
Tuesday, November 2
Chancel Choir 7:45 pm
Election Day knit with us in our mother‟s wombs.
Thursday, October 28 But we can do something about how
Handcrafters 9 am Wednesday, November 3
we live with “other people,” includ-
Bible Study 6 pm
Saturday, October 30 Bell Choir 6:30 pm ing the grace we show them.
Men‟s Group 9 am Chancel Choir 7:45 pm
Share-the-Care 9 – 1 pm Loving God, make us instruments of
Thursday, November 4
Handcrafters 9 am your peace, and open our eyes to the
fact that the “other people” might
Friday, November 5 indeed be ourselves, similarly deserv-
Open Table 6 pm ing of your love & grace. Amen.
Saturday, November 6
Men‟s Group 9 am –Chris Wogaman

A Thoughtful Church in the FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH

Heart of the City OF MINNEAPOLIS
Ministry Team 2201 1st Avenue South
All Members of the Congregation Minneapolis, MN 55404
Robert Brite, Interim Minister
Dennis Sanders, Minister of Diversi-
ty and Mission
Chris Wogaman, Office Manager
Rick Bowman, Building Manager Address Service Requested
Deb Murphy, Director of Spiritual
Formation & Community Ministry
James Barnett, Interim Choir Direc-
Bryon Wilson, Interim Organist
Serena Carlson, Nursery Attendant
Martha Harris, Courier Editor
Telephone: 612.870.1868
E-Mail: fcc-mpls@qwest.net
Fax: 612.870.1860

Christian Courier is published bi-

monthly. Send items and ideas to
church office or to Martha Harris
by Fri, Oct. 29 for next issue.

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