Christian Courier: Panhandling Forum Oct. 25 at Plymouth CC
Christian Courier: Panhandling Forum Oct. 25 at Plymouth CC
Christian Courier: Panhandling Forum Oct. 25 at Plymouth CC
The goal of this organization of congrega-
• Disciples 101, tions is to educate, advocate and provide
page 5 “Can you spare a dollar, friend?” direct support to Heading Home Henne-
What is the best response to a re- pin, a county plan to end homelessness by
• Young Acolytes,
page 5 quest for money from a stranger on 2016.
the street? A second forum on pan- Several FCC members recently heard
• November Calen-
dar, page 4
handling and how to end it will be Heidi McAllister and Annie Harm from
held Monday, Oct. 25, at Plymouth DCEH explain more about the coalition
Congregational Church from 6 to 8 and answer questions about the challenges.
pm. More information on DCEH goals and ac-
The forum will feature representa- tivities can be found at:
tives from the police department,
On the Web: Grande Sale Proceeds
government, business and religious organizations, and adults who have $1786.00
panhandled. $893 each for FCC and Spirit of
Disciples News Ser- St. Stephen‟s
We will host a lunch for volunteers following worship, and run the event from 1-3.
Please talk to Becki Whitaker or sign up in the lounge if you're willing to help out.
Page 2 The Christian Courier
In Our Prayers We pray in sympathy with June Andrix, whose sister, Betty Owens, passed
away in Columbus, Ohio; in concern for Tom Curry, who's suffering from
Gracious God, we shingles, Charlotte Ronnei for heart weakness, and Phil Kinney, who cracked
lift up these per- some ribs in a fall last week; for former member Patty Shoop who was re-
sons in our pray- cently hospitalized; for Kirsten Cackoski’s sister-in-law Sharon, still strug-
ers, asking the gling with cancer; in thanksgiving that Brenda Neudeck and Jay Gutzman
blessing of your have become members of our FCC family; in hope that those running for office
Grace and out- will campaign with civility and with focus on what is best for all citizens; for
pouring of your all our homebound members, including Dorothy Wilkins and Elaine Glore,
Love upon them. Amen.
Page 3
Christian Courier
1 2 3 4 5 6
7 pm Book Election Day 9am Nikkei 6 pm Open 9 am- Men’s
Club @ 6 pm Midweek Table Group
Westphals Bible Study
6:30 Bell Choir
7:45 Chancel Choir
7 8 9 10 11 12 13
10:30 Ecumeni- 7 pm Carter 7 pm Worship 5:30 pm Finance 9 am Handcrafters 9 am- Men’s
cal Worship Circle @ Committee Committee Group
Service at In- Barb Rusi- 7 pm Property 6 pm Midweek
termedia nak’s Committee Bible Study
Arts 6:30 Bell Choir
7:45 Chancel Choir
14 15 16 17 18 19 20
9 am Mpls Re- 9am Nikkei 9 am Handcrafters 7:30 pm 9 am- Men’s
tired Teachers 6 pm Midweek Christian Group
luncheon Bible Study League 10 am Laura
7 pm FCC Board 6:30 Bell Choir Lynne/Naomi
Meeting 7:45 Chancel Choir Circle
6 pm Dinner for
St. Stephen’s
21 22 23 24 25 26 27
Thanksgiving 6 pm Midweek Thanksgiving Office 9 am- Men’s
Service & Bible Study Closed Group
Potluck 6:30 Bell Choir Office Closed
Food Pantry 7:45 Chancel Choir
5 pm Elders
28 29 30