Christian Courier: Two Lenten Practice Opportunities at FCC
Christian Courier: Two Lenten Practice Opportunities at FCC
Christian Courier: Two Lenten Practice Opportunities at FCC
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Christian Courier
First Christian Church of Minneapolis (Disciples of Christ)
church year sioned a devotional booklet series called
• Disciples 101 by Mike
Brady, page 3 for renew- “A People on the Move,” which has
ing our discipleship by adopting weekly meditations focusing not only on
• April Calendar, some more rigorous spiritual practic- Lent but also on the great changes that
page 4
es to heighten our spiritual aware- FCC will be experiencing this year as we
• FCC News in Brief, ness. Prayer, service, fasting and move to a new location. The devotional
page 5 meditation are examples of the type booklet series will extend beyond Lent, to
of spiritual disciplines many people cover the 40 weeks of preparation for this
On the Web:
adopt for Lenten observance in order momentous change.
to become more committed disciples. The first series of devotions for Lent
First Christian Church The 40-day period for Lent, begun were written by members of the Worship
in the early centuries of the Church, Committee, staff, and ministers. Members
Christian Church (Dis- reminds us of Jesus’ 40-day fast in of the congregation will contribute to the
ciples of Christ) the desert. This length of time also future installments, which continue
recalls other 40-day or 40-year times through Eastertide and Pentecost up to
Keeping Lent in your
of great significance in Jewish histo- Advent. The booklets are available in the
ry: Noah and the 40 days of rain, Lounge, or online on the church website.
Moses’ fasting for 40 days before The second Lenten opportunity is a se-
receiving the Ten Commandments, ries of forums titled “Find My Way
the Israelites’ wandering for 40 Home: Seeking Solutions to Homeless-
years, and Elijah’s traveling for 40 ness.” On three Wednesday evenings
days to reach God’s holy mountain. during Lent (March 16, March 30, April
These experiences were occasions 13), speakers from neighborhood organi-
of great spiritual cleansing and prepa- zations will give information on local pro-
Please Give to
ration to encounter God in a new grams working to make sure people have a
Foodshare way, and serve as models for modern place to call home.
March Lenten disciplines and expectations The forums will start at 6 pm in the Ga-
Campaign in preparation for Easter celebration thering Room on the dates above. Snacks
and renewal. will be provided. Flyers giving more in-
formation about the forums and the speak-
ers are in the Lounge or online at the
church’s website.
Adapted from materials from Living the Good News
online support site
Page 2 March 19, 2011
A Look at the
Brite Side
Learning to trust God in Lent and
in our whole lifetime
As I tried to point out in my wacko parts of our beings. So
sermon on Sunday, the central how do we go about trusting
question of the Christian life is God, a Being generally not
whether or not we trust God. present through our five
Paul says in Romans that senses? We have to work at it.
“death and sin entered the We have to study God’s per-
Pastor Bob Brite
world through one man sonhood through the Scriptures,
(Adam)…grace and forgive- reach out to listen to God in
ness came through Jesus Chr- prayer, develop the relationship
ist.” Adam and Jesus were with God so that God’s ways
both sons of God; the differ- and will are known to us, and
ence between them was that learn to recognize God in the
Adam and Jesus were both sons Adam didn’t trust God, and Je- Christian relationships we have
of God; the difference between sus did. with one another. Christian life
them was that Adam didn’t trust involves a lifetime of doing
God, and Jesus did. In our limited humanity, trust- these sorts of things.
ing God is a hard thing to do.
Such trust requires spiritual The season of Lent was devel-
eyes to see things that aren’t in oped by the Church, in part, to
front of us, spiritual ears to encourage the habits that even-
hear words that are spoken in tually become trust in God.
the midst of our souls, and a We have spirituality sessions
spiritual balance (healthiness) on Wednesday night and Sun-
that assures us that what we see day morning. Please come and
and hear by the Spirit is indeed join us.
from God and not from the
I’d like to see YOU on Sunday.
We pray for the people of Japan as they cope with the overwhelming dis-
asters following the earthquake; for those facing or recovering from recent
In our prayers surgery or medical procedures including Caleb Callanan, Bobbie Hall,
Gracious God, we Karen Kandik, Don Cain, and Ronda Dunham; for better health for
lift up these persons family members or friends of Belinda Flanagan, Kirsten Cackoski, Ja-
in our prayers, ask- nice Brady, Ernie Brennan, and Ann Wolverton; in joy with Fran and
ing the blessing of Russ Griffin who recently celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary, and
your Grace and out- with Aaron and Stephen Dunlop, who recently reached the top of Mt.
pouring of your Love Kilimanjaro; for John Carter’s mission that it can recoup the losses from
upon them. the recent robbery; for those leading or serving in the military, that they
may make wise decisions; for the officers of the MPD 5th Precinct, in
thanks for their extra protection of First Christian and vigilance through-
out the night, as well as for their safety at all times; for all our homebound
members including Velma Fancher and Dorothy Wilkins, Amen.
Christian Courier Page 3
1 2
6 pm Open 9 am- Men’s
Table Group
3 4 5 6 7 8 9
8 pm AA 7 pm Worship 9 am Nikkei 9 am Handcrafters 9 am- Men’s
Committee 6:30 Bell Choir Group
7:45 Chancel 10 am
Choir Women’s
Lenten Brunch
10 11 12 13 14 15 16
7 pm Carter 7 pm Property 5:30 Finance 9 am Handcrafters 9 am- Men’s
Circle @ Committee Committee Group
Wolverton’s 6 pm Forum on 10 am – Laura
8 pm AA Homelessness Lynne/Naomi
with Cathy ten circle
Broeke 6 pm Serve
6:30 Bell Choir dinner at St.
7:45 Chancel Stephens
17 18 19 20 21 22 23
Palm Sunday 8 pm AA 9 am Mpls. 9 am Nikkei 9 am Handcrafters Good Friday 9 am- Men’s
FCC Board Retired 6:30 Bell Choir Maundy Thurs- Prayer Vigil Group
Meeting Teachers 7:45 Chancel day until 3 pm
following luncheon Choir 7 pm Communion
Worship Service 7 pm Service
5 pm Elders Prayer Vigil starts
Mtg following
24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Easter Sunday 7 pm Book 6 pm Bible Study 9 am Handcrafters
Group @ resumes 7 pm Ministry
Westphal’s 6:30 Bell Choir Center Board
8 pm AA 7:45 Chancel
Regional Assembly scheduled April 9 Both groups looked to the New Testament to dis-
A called regional assembly of the Christian Church cover practices that united the early church. The
in the Upper Midwest will be held on Saturday, term, the Restoration Movement, has been used to
April 9, 10:30 – 2:00 p.m., at the Highland Park describe their interest in restoring the New Testa-
Christian Church, 4260 NW Sixth Drive in Des ment church. In their reading of the Scriptures,
Moines. The region is trying a new model of par- both groups found that the early church gathered
ticipation in regional life, and would like at least on the first day of the week (Sunday) "for the
two (or more) representatives from each congrega- breaking of bread." They began to celebrate the
tion to share in the meeting and the ministry. Lord's Supper every week, rather than on a less
regular basis as was common on the frontier be-
If anyone from FCC is interested or inclined, cause of lack of ministers. They left behind the
please contact Pastor Bob as soon as possible. practice of Morning Prayer and some other tradi-
tions of Anglicanism and the Presbyterian Church.
Share the Care coming May 21 In their study of the Bible, both groups determined
Mark your calendars: The joint spring Share-the- that baptism as portrayed in the New Testament
Care Saturday will be May 21. Details will follow was for adult converts and accomplished by im-
soon from the Property Committee. mersion in water. They adopted the practice in their
churches and abandoned infant baptism.