ABM Clinical Protocol #1: Guidelines For Blood Glucose Monitoring and Treatment of Hypoglycemia in Term and Late-Preterm Neonates, Revised 2014
ABM Clinical Protocol #1: Guidelines For Blood Glucose Monitoring and Treatment of Hypoglycemia in Term and Late-Preterm Neonates, Revised 2014
ABM Clinical Protocol #1: Guidelines For Blood Glucose Monitoring and Treatment of Hypoglycemia in Term and Late-Preterm Neonates, Revised 2014
A central goal of The Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine is the development of clinical protocols for managing
common medical problems that may impact breastfeeding success. These protocols serve only as guidelines for the
care of breastfeeding mothers and infants and do not delineate an exclusive course of treatment or serve as standards
of medical care. Variations in treatment may be appropriate according to the needs of an individual patient.
San Diego Neonatology, Inc., San Diego, California.
Sharp HealthCare Lactation Services, Sharp Mary Birch Hospital for Women and Newborns, San Diego, California.
Division of Neonatology and The Connecticut Human Milk Research Center, Connecticut Children’s Medical Center, Hartford,
University of Connecticut School of Medicine, Farmington, Connecticut.
Table 1. Population Low Thresholds: vidual patient. Rather, it is characterized by a value(s) that is
Plasma Glucose Level40 unique to each individual and varies with both their state of
physiologic maturity and the influence of pathology
Hour(s) after £ 5th percentile plasma
birth glucose level A meta-analysis of studies published from 1986 to 1994
1–2 (nadir) 28 mg/dL (1.6 mmol/L) looked at low plasma glucose thresholds in term healthy
3–47 40 mg/dL (2.2/mmol/L) newborns who were mostly mixed fed (breastfed and for-
48–72 48 mg/dL (2.7 mmol/L) mula-fed) or formula-fed. It presented statistical ranges of
low thresholds for plasma glucose level based on hours after
birth in healthy term infants (Table 1).40 The authors spe-
correlation among plasma glucose concentration, clinical cifically noted that given the known lower plasma glu-
signs, and long-term sequelae.10,24,25 An expert panel con- cose levels in healthy term breastfed infants as compared
vened in 2008 by the U.S. National Institutes of Health with formula-fed infants, the low thresholds for exclusively
concluded that there has been no substantial evidence-based breastfed infants might even be lower. Table 1 gives rec-
progress in defining what constitutes clinically important ommendations for this timed threshold approach.
neonatal hypoglycemia, particularly regarding how it relates This information is translated into guidelines for clinical in-
to brain injury.26 Multiple reviews have concluded that there tervention by the operational treatment guidance of Cornblath
is no specific plasma or blood glucose concentration or du- et al.10 As they stated, an operational threshold is that concen-
ration of low blood glucose level that can be linked to either tration of plasma or whole blood glucose at which clinicians
clinical signs or permanent neurologic injury.17,25,27 In ad- should consider intervention, based on the evidence currently
dition, blood glucose test results vary enormously with the available in the literature (Table 2). It needs to be underscored
source of the blood sample, the assay method, and whether that the therapeutic objective (45 mg/dL [2.5 mmol/L]) is dif-
whole blood, plasma, or serum glucose concentration is de- ferent from the operational threshold for intervention (36 mg/dL
termined. Plasma or serum glucose concentrations are 10–15% [2.0 mmol/L]), which is different from the population low
higher than in whole blood.28,29 thresholds in normal babies with no clinical signs or risk
Breastfed, formula-fed, and mixed-fed infants follow the factors who do not need to be treated (Table 1). The higher
samepatternofglucosevalues,withaninitialfallinglucoselevel therapeutic goal was chosen to include a significant margin of
over the first 2 hours of life, followed by a gradual rise in glucose safety in the absence of data evaluating the correlation be-
level over the next 96 hours, whether fed or not.2,5,6 Artificially tween glucose levels in this range and long-term outcome in
fedinfantstendtohaveslightlyhigherlevelsofglucoseandlower full-term infants.10
levels of ketone bodies than breastfed infants.3,5,18,30–32 Given this information, it is clear that routine monitoring
The incidence of ‘‘hypoglycemia’’ varies with the defi- of blood glucose in healthy term infants is not only unnec-
nition.33,34 Many authors have suggested numeric defini- essary, but is instead potentially harmful to the establish-
tions of hypoglycemia, usually between 30 and 50 mg/dL ment of a healthy mother–infant relationship and successful
(1.7–2.8 mmol/L) and varying by postnatal age.2,5,18,24,26,33,35–38 breastfeeding patterns.1,20,22,23,41,42 This recommendation
There is no scientific justification for the value of < 47 mg/dL has been supported by the World Health Organization,18 the
(2.6 mmol/L) that has been adopted by some clinicians.10,25–27,39 American Academy of Pediatrics,1,41 the U.S. National In-
Cornblath et al.10 summarized the problem as follows: stitutes of Health,26 and the National Childbirth Trust of the
United Kingdom.43 These organizations all conclude that (1)
Significant hypoglycemia is not and cannot be defined as a early and exclusive breastfeeding is safe to meet the nutri-
single number that can be applied universally to every indi- tional needs of healthy term infants and that (2) healthy term
infants do not develop clinically significant hypoglycemia Table 3. At-Risk Infants for Whom Routine
simply as a result of a time-limited duration of underfeeding. Monitoring of Blood Glucose Is Indicated
Testing methods Small for gestational age: < 10th percentile for weight
commonly cited in the United States; < 2nd percentile
Bedside glucose reagent test strips are inexpensive and cited in the United Kingdom as above this considered
practical but are not reliable, with significant variance from small normala
true blood glucose levels, especially at low glucose concen- Babies with clinically evident wasting of fat and
trations.22,38,44–46 Bedside glucose tests may be used for muscle bulk
screening, but laboratory levels sent STAT (immediate de- LGA: > 90th percentile for weight and macrosomic
termination, without delay) (e.g., glucose oxidase, hexoki- appearanceb
Discordant twin: weight 10% < larger twin
nase, or dehydrogenase method) must confirm results before All infants of diabetic mothers, especially if poorly
a diagnosis of hypoglycemia can be made, especially in controlled
infants with no clinical signs.1,18,22 Other bedside rapid Low birth weight (< 2,500 g)
measurement methods such as reflectance colorimetry and Prematurity (< 35 weeks, or late preterm infants with
electrode methods may be more accurate.47–50 Continuous clinical signs or extremely poor feeding)
subcutaneous glucose monitoring, as is used in diabetic pa- Perinatal stress: severe acidosis or hypoxia-ischemia
tients, has been used experimentally in neonates with good Cold stress
correlation with laboratory glucose values but is not currently Polycythemia (venous Hct > 70%)/hyperviscosity
recommended for screening.51,52 Erythroblastosis fetalis
Beckwith–Wiedemann’s syndrome
Microphallus or midline defect
Risk factors for hypoglycemia
Suspected infection
Neonates at increased risk for developing neonatal hypo- Respiratory distress
glycemia should be routinely monitored for blood glucose Known or suspected inborn errors of metabolism or
levels irrespective of the mode of feeding. At-risk neonates endocrine disorders
fall into two main categories: Maternal drug treatment (e.g., terbutaline,
beta-blockers, oral hypoglycemics)
1. Excess utilization of glucose, which includes the hy- Infants displaying signs associated with hypoglycemia
perinsulinemic states (see Table 4)
2. Inadequate production or substrate delivery32,53,54 a
As per Dr. Jane Hawdon (personal communication).
Infant risk factors for hypoglycemia are listed in Unnecessary to screen all large for gestational age (LGA) babies.
Glucose monitoring is recommended for infants from maternal
Table 3.3,10,18,19,21,30,32,34,53–56 populations who were unscreened for diabetes during the pregnancy
where LGA may represent undiagnosed and untreated maternal
Clinical manifestations of hypoglycemia diabetes.
Hct, hematorit.
The clinical manifestations of hypoglycemia are nonspe-
cific, occurring with various other neonatal problems. Even in
the presence of an arbitrary low glucose level, the physician A. Initial management
must assess the general status of the infant by observation and Early and exclusive breastfeeding meets the nutritional
physical examination to rule out other disease entities and and metabolic needs of healthy, term newborn infants.
processes that may need additional laboratory evaluation and Healthy term infants do not develop clinically significant
treatment. Some common clinical signs are listed in Table 4. hypoglycemia simply as a result of time-limited underfeed-
A recent study found that of the 23 maternal/infant risk ing.18,19,21 (III)
factors and infant signs/symptoms studied, only jitteriness
and tachypnea were statistically significant at predicting low 1. Healthy, appropriate weight for gestational age, term
blood glucose—not even maternal diabetes!57 A diagnosis of infants should initiate breastfeeding within 30–60
hypoglycemia also requires that signs abate after normogly- minutes of life and continue breastfeeding on cue, with
cemia is restored (the exception being if brain injury has
already been sustained). Table 4. Clinical Manifestations of Possible
General Management Recommendations (Table 5)
Irritability, tremors, jitteriness
Any approach to management needs to account for the Exaggerated Moro reflex
overall metabolic and physiologic status of the infant and High-pitched cry
should not unnecessarily disrupt the mother–infant relation- Seizures or myoclonic jerks
ship and breastfeeding.1,21 Because severe, prolonged hy- Lethargy, listlessness, limpness, hypotonia
poglycemia with clinical signs may result in neurologic Coma
injury,11,14,15,58 immediate intervention is needed for infants Cyanosis
with clinical signs. Several authors have suggested algo- Apnea or irregular breathing
rithms for screening and treatment.1,17,26,27,59 (Quality of Tachypnea
evidence [levels of evidence I, II-1, II-2, II-3, and III] is based Hypothermia; temperature instability
Vasomotor instability
on the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force Appendix A Task
Poor suck or refusal to feed
Force Ratings60 and is noted in parentheses.)
Table 5. General Management Recommendations feeding (i.e., not so soon after birth that the physiologic
for All Term Infants fall in blood glucose level causes confusion and over-
treatment). (III)
A. Early and exclusive breastfeeding meets the nutritional 2. Monitoring should continue until acceptable, prefeed
and metabolic needs of healthy, term newborn infants. levels are consistently obtained, meaning until the in-
1. Routine supplementation is unnecessary.
2. Initiate breastfeeding within 30–60 minutes of life and fant has had at least two consecutive satisfactory mea-
continue on demand. surements.63 A reasonable (although arbitrary) goal is to
3. Facilitate skin-to-skin contact of mother and infant. maintain plasma glucose concentrations between 40 and
4. Feedings should be frequent, 10–12 times per 24 hours 50 mg/dL (between 2.2and 2.8 mmol/L)1 or > 45 mg/dL
in the first few days after birth. (2.5 mmol/L).10 (III)
B. Glucose screening is performed only on at-risk infants or 3. Bedside glucose screening tests must be confirmed by
infants with clinical signs. formal laboratory testing, although treatment should
1. Routine monitoring of blood glucose in all term begin immediately in infants with clinical signs.
newborns is unnecessary and may be harmful.
2. At-risk infants should be screened for hypoglycemia Table 5 summarizes these recommendations.
with a frequency and duration related to the specific
risk factors of the individual infant. Management of Documented Hypoglycemia (Table 6)
3. Monitoring continues until normal, prefeed levels are
A. Infant with no clinical signs (absence of clinical
consistently obtained.
4. Bedside glucose screening tests must be confirmed by signs can only be determined by careful clinical review)
formal laboratory testing. 1. Continue breastfeeding (approximately every 1–2
hours) or feed 1–3 mL/kg (up to 5 mL/kg)18 of ex-
pressed breastmilk or substitute nutrition (pasteurized
the recognition that that crying is a very late sign of donor human milk, elemental formulas, partially hy-
hunger.41,61,62 (III) drolyzed formulas, or routine formulas). Glucose wa-
2. Initiation and establishment of breastfeeding, and re- ter is not suitable because of insufficient energy and
duction of hypoglycemia risk, are facilitated by skin- lack of protein. Recent reports of mothers with dia-
to-skin contact between the mother and her infant betes expressing and freezing colostrum prenatally
immediately after birth for at least the first hour of life (beginning at 34–36 weeks of gestation) to have it
and continuing as much as possible. Such practices available after birth to avoid artificial feedings should
will maintain normal infant body temperature and re- their infant become hypoglycemic are mixed in terms
duce energy expenditure (thus enabling maintenance of association with earlier births, and currently this
of normal blood glucose) while stimulating suckling procedure is not widely recommended.64–68 (III)
and milk production.31,41 (II-2, III)
3. Feedings should be frequent, at least 10–12 times per Table 6. Management of Documented Hypoglycemia
24 hours in the first few days after birth.41 (III)
However, it is not unusual for term infants to feed A. Infant with no clinical signs
immediately after birth and then sleep quite a long 1. Continue breastfeeding (approximately every 1–2
time (up to 8–12 hours) before they become more hours) or feed 1–5 mL/kg of expressed breastmilk or
active and begin to suckle with increasing frequently. substitute nutrition.
They mount protective metabolic responses through- 2. Recheck blood glucose concentration before subse-
out this time so it is not necessary to try to force-feed quent feedings until the value is acceptable and stable.
them. However, an unusually, excessively drowsy 3. Avoid forced feedings (see above).
4. If the glucose level remains low despite feedings,
baby must undergo clinical evaluation.
begin intravenous glucose therapy.
4. Routine supplementation of healthy term infants with 5. Breastfeeding may continue during intravenous glu-
water, glucose water, or formula is unnecessary and cose therapy.
may interfere with the establishment of normal 6. Carefully document response to treatment.
breastfeeding and normal metabolic compensatory B. Infant with clinical signs or plasma glucose levels < 20–
mechanisms.3,30,41,43 (II-2, III) 25 mg/dL (< 1.1–1.4 mmol/L)
1. Initiate intravenous 10% glucose solution with a mini-
B. Blood glucose screening
2. Do not rely on oral or intragastric feeding to correct
Glucose screening should be performed only on at-risk extreme or clinically significant hypoglycemia.
infants and those with clinical signs compatible with hypo- 3. The glucose concentration in infants who have had
glycemia. Early breastfeeding is not precluded just because clinical signs should be maintained at > 45 mg/dL
the infant meets the criteria for glucose monitoring. (> 2.5 mmol/L).
4. Adjust intravenous rate by blood glucose concentra-
1. At-risk infants should be screened for hypoglycemia tion.
with a frequency and duration related to the specific risk 5. Encourage frequent breastfeeding.
factors of the individual infant.1,19 (III) Monitoring 6. Monitor glucose concentrations before feedings while
should begin no later than 2 hours of age for infants in weaning off the intravenous treatment until values
stabilize off intravenous fluids.
risk categories.1 Hawdon63 recommended blood glu- 7. Carefully document response to treatment.
cose monitoring should commence before the second
2. Recheck blood glucose concentration before subsequent ardize the establishment of breastfeeding. Mothers should be
feedings until the value is acceptable and stable (usu- explicitly reassured that there is nothing wrong with their
ally > 40 mg/dL [2.2 mmol/L]). If staff is unavailable to milk and that supplementation is usually temporary. Having
check blood glucose and an infant has no clinical signs, the mother hand-express or pump milk that is then fed to her
breastfeeding should never be unnecessarily delayed infant can overcome feelings of maternal inadequacy as well
while waiting for the blood glucose level to be checked. as help establish a full milk supply. It is important for the
3. If the infant is simply worn out and not otherwise ill, mother to provide stimulation to the breasts by manual or
nasogastric feeds of human milk can be initiated, mechanical expression with appropriate frequency (at least
watching carefully for signs of intolerance or evidence eight times in 24 hours) until her baby is latching and suck-
of significant underlying illness. If the neonate is too ill ling well to protect her milk supply. Keeping the infant at
to suck or enteral feedings are not tolerated, avoid breast or returning the infant to the breast as soon as possible
forced oral feedings (e.g., nasogastric tube) and instead is important. Skin-to-skin care is easily accomplished with an
begin intravenous (IV) therapy (see below). Such an IV line in place and may lessen the trauma of intervention,
infant is not normal and requires a careful examination while also providing physiologic thermoregulation, thus
and evaluation in addition to more intensive therapy. contributing to metabolic homeostasis.
Term babies should not be given nasogastric feedings.
They are much more likely to fight and aspirate. Recommendations for Future Research
4. If the glucose level remains low despite feedings, be- 1. Well-planned, well-controlled studies are needed that
gin IV glucose therapy and adjust the IV rate by blood look at plasma glucose concentrations, clinical signs,
glucose concentration. Avoid bolus doses of glucose and long-term sequelae to determine what levels of
unless blood glucose is unrecordable or there are se- blood glucose are the minimum safe levels.
vere clinical signs (e.g., seizures or coma). If a bolus 2. The development and implementation of more reliable
dose is given, use 5 mg/kg of glucose in 10% dextrose bedside testing methods would increase the efficiency
preparation. of diagnosis and treatment of significant glucose ab-
5. Breastfeeding should continue during IV glucose normalities.
therapy when the infant is interested and will suckle. 3. Studies to determine a clearer understanding of the
Gradually wean from the IV glucose as the serum role of other glucose-sparing fuels and the methods to
glucose level normalizes and feedings increase. measure them in a clinically meaningful way and time
6. Carefully document physical examination, screening frame are required to aid in understanding which ba-
values, laboratory confirmation, treatment, and chan- bies are truly at risk of neurologic sequelae and thus
ges in clinical condition (i.e., response to treatment). must be treated.
7. The infant should not be discharged until reasonable 4. For those infants who do become hypoglycemic, re-
levels of blood glucose are maintained through a fast search into how much enteral glucose, and in what
of 3–4 hours. Monitoring must be recommenced if form, is necessary to raise blood glucose to acceptable
there are adverse changes in feeding. levels is important for clinical management.
5. Randomized controlled studies of prenatal colostrum
B. Infants with clinical signs or with plasma glucose expression and storage for mothers with infants at risk
levels < 20–25 mg/dL ( < 1.1–1.4 mmol/L) of hypoglycemia are important to determine if this is a
practical and safe treatment modality.
1. Initiate IV 10% glucose solution with a bolus of 3 mL/kg
and continuous IV treatment at 5–8 mg/kg/minute.
2. Do not rely on oral or intragastric feeding to correct
extreme or symptomatic hypoglycemia. Such an infant Healthy term infants are programmed to make the tran-
most likely has an underlying condition and, in addi- sition from their intrauterine constant flow of nutrients to
tion to IV glucose therapy, requires an immediate and their extrauterine intermittent nutrient intake without the
careful examination and evaluation. need for metabolic monitoring or interference with the
3. The glucose concentration in infants with clinical signs natural breastfeeding process. Homeostatic mechanisms
should be maintained at > 45 mg/dL (> 2.5 mmol/L). ensure adequate energy substrate is provided to the brain
4. Adjust the IV rate by blood glucose concentration. and other organs, even when feedings are delayed. The
5. Encourage frequent breastfeeding after initiation of IV normal pattern of early, frequent, and exclusive breast-
therapy. feeding meets the needs of healthy term infants.
6. Monitor glucose concentrations before feedings while Routine screening and supplementation are not necessary
gradually weaning from the IV solution, until values and may harm the normal establishment of breastfeeding.
are stabilized off IV fluids. Current evidence does not support a specific blood concen-
7. Carefully document physical examination, screening tration of glucose that correlates with signs or that can predict
values, laboratory confirmation, treatment, and chan- permanent neurologic damage in any given infant. At-risk
ges in clinical condition (i.e., response to treatment). infants should be screened, followed up as needed, and treated
with supplementation or IV glucose if there are clinical signs
or suggested thresholds are reached. Bedside screening is
Supporting the Mother
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birth? MCN 2010;35:264–270. For correspondence: abm@bfmed.org