A Study On E-Governance in Osmania University
A Study On E-Governance in Osmania University
A Study On E-Governance in Osmania University
The World Bank in its report on E-Governance has defined E-Governance as: “Use by
citizens, businesses, and other arms of government.” Government of India is also taking
many initiatives towards the E-Governance, the Cabinet, Planning Commission, Department
other Central Ministries/Departments at the Centre and various State Governments are
working towards fixing specific achievable objectives and deadlines for various processes
within the Government. One – stop government is the goal of most of the e-governance
initiatives. It refers to a single window access to all public services and information and
should provide services through various delivery channels such as self-service kiosks, call
centers, mobile access, web portals, etc to overcome problems of digital divide.
transactional exchanges with in government, between govt. & govt. agencies of National,
State, Municipal & Local levels, citizen & businesses, and to empower citizens through
access & use of information. It is the use of ICT by different actors of the society with the
aim to improve their access to information and to build their capacities. E-governance is
of that environment and governance within that environment, using electronic tools
(Zussman, 2002). Governance is a concept that involves the interactions among structures,
processes and traditions that determine how power is exercised, how decisions are taken
efficiency in the areas of economic monitoring, planning and the deployment of (ICT).
Since then, it has been utilized in every aspect of the work environment, i.e., for reaching
out to rural areas, for promoting transparency and accountability, to enable swift delivery
of information and services and much more. E-governance is not about software and
In view of the proposed roll out of the ambitious National e-Governance Plan (NeGP),
Government of India was keen to understand the nature and quantum of impact created by e-
Government projects that had already been implemented by state and national agencies. The
agency for the NeGP was directed to carry out an impact assessment study of mature state and
national projects that have been implemented in India. As a part of the first phase three state-
level e-Government projects – vehicle registration, property registration and land records were
selected for assessment in twelve states across India. Three national-level projects
implemented by the Income Tax department, the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA), and
the issue of passport by Regional Passport Offices were also assessed during the first phase.
The assessment was to focus on the nature and quantum of impact on users (citizens and
the project was not taken up in the first phase. It was hoped that the study would help in rating
the overall success of these projects so that a few projects with varying level of success could
Technology, empanelled eleven agencies for carrying out the field work. Each agency was
assigned the task of assessing the impact of the three state-level e-Government projects in one
state and prepare an individual report for each project. Three of these agencies were selected to
do the field work and prepare a report on one national-level project each. Indian Institute of
Management, Ahmedabad (IIMA) served as a technical advisor for the proposed study. A team
from IIMA worked closely with the team from DIT in the implementation of the assessment
study. The IIMA team provided feedback to the market research (MR) agencies at key points
in the study. The DIT team was responsible for seeing that the MR agencies incorporated the
feedback. This report prepared by IIMA consists of two parts summarizing the key findings
from the 3 National level project reports prepared by market research agencies in Chapter 1
and the 36 state level project reports in Chapter 1I. The individual reports prepared by the
market research agencies are also available in the public domain on the DIT web site.
Research Methodology
Research Objectives:
The research has been conducted keeping the following objectives in mind:
“To identify the various initiatives taken by Osmania University in the field of E-
Governance and find out how it interacts with the society. Also, to find out how
This study will help students (as citizens), as well as the staff to have a better
understanding of e- governance system of Osmania University, and also, to bridge the gaps
The findings are based on the subjective opinion of the respondents and the truth
Sometimes due to lack of awareness, the faculty members were not able to answer.
E-Governance model
The three main target groups that can be distinguished in e-governance concepts are
and B2C (Business to Consumer) are used, like in e-commerce concepts, to shortly
Changing with the time, the Osmania University, Chandigarh has conceptualized many e-
governance small projects/ incentives. This study tries to examine the perception of the
students, faculty and staff regarding E-governess effectiveness in the Osmania University.
Data from total 200 respondents was collected and analyzed for this purpose. Faculty
members identified ‘Proper Training’ as the most effective measure to improve the current
state of e-governance of the university. The study also identifies that complete
and Software infrastructure. It will also include better and faster connectivity options.
are interacting. The most common interactions in e-governance, G2C, G2B and G2G, are
Stages of E-Governance:
According to Gartner, e-governance will mature according to the following four phases:
Information → Presence
Transaction → Complete
transactions Transformation →
Phase – 1: Information
In the first phase, e-governance means being present on the web, providing the public
(G2C & G2B) with relevant information. Internally (G2G) the government can also
In the second phase, the interaction between government and the public (G2C & G2B) is
stimulated with various applications. People can ask questions via e-mail, use search
engines, and download forms and documents. Internally (G2G) government organizations
Phase – 3: Transaction
With phase three, the complexity of the technology is increasing, but customer (G2C &
G2B) value is also higher. Complete transactions can be done without going to an office.
Examples of online services are filing income tax, filing property tax, extending/renewal
of licenses, visa and passports and online voting. In this phase, internal (G2G) processes
have to be redesigned to provide good service. Government needs new laws and legislation
Phase – 4: Transformation
The fourth phase is the when all information systems are integrated and the public can
get G2C & G2B services at one (virtual) counter. One single point of contact for all
services is the
ultimate goal. In this phase, cost savings, efficiency and customer satisfaction reach
E-Governance Trends:
Government’s Performance:
Pressure is mounting on the government to reduce the operating cost. At the same time
citizens expect an improved service from the government with more flexibility and
efficiency, and without any premium rate for the additional services.
The common man’s skill level in using the digital technology is increasing. Digital citizens
The old industrial models should give way to new virtual communities to provide a more
value- added service to the e-citizens in a networked environment. This calls for a
government site will bring more transparency and access to data. Also, it will ensure the
Successful management of changes in adapting to the digital economy not only gives a
The hurdles faced while implementing e-governance in India are as follows: Lack of
Citizenry Readiness
controlling the power of different centers and departments which are part of the
University. This kind of exercise is based on the drawing of an adequate system which
executes different levels of institutional and relational power. These are integrated in a
The full operation of these new digital e-governance platforms implies the
Many Universities are now embracing the use of Information and Communication
Technologies (ICTs) in search for more efficient and competitive processes both in
A brief resume of researches conducted and related to the present study has been presented
This paper aims to provide a benchmarking proposal related to the area of e-governance of
and the institutional culture of each University into a formal scheme of benchmarking
tools. This paper aims to reveal the importance of benchmarking for universities through
its contribution both to carry out more effective evaluations and to detect organizational
problems that should be subsequently improved and surpassed. Through the analysis of the
most relevant studies, a set of indicators was built in order to evaluate the benchmark
related to e-governance.
dimensions (Leitner, 2003): (i) Adaptation and coordination of the public policies (ii)
Participatory democracy (of the most representative players in what concerns to the
In this study, two important issues –electronic governance (e-governance) and electronic
this study, three international and one national case are examined, and they are compared
with the ZKU. As a result of the study, the common problems of e - governance and e-
education, their problems in Turkey and at the ZKU are determined, and the proposals for
the solution of these problems are developed. As a final remark, the contributions of
universities for the constitution of Knowledge Cities and the reflections of this study to the
City of Bartın are emphasized.
focus centre. Three international and one national cases are examined, and they are
compared with the ZKU. As a result of the study, the common problems of e-governance
and e-education, their problems in Turkey and at the ZKU are determined, and the
soundness, and government policies will affect competitiveness in the field of the
ICT and e-Government can only thrive when the necessary technical infrastructure
backbone networks, broadband access and the required systems and networks
(UNDP 2003).
Communication Technology (IJEDICT), 2007, Vol. 3, Issue 2, pp. 125-137. This article
discusses the position of India in e-governance environment and issues and challenges
is to find at which state India lies in terms of e-governance growth model. The study will
try to analyze the issues and challenges for the country. The article identifies 4 stages of E-
Governance (Layne 2001) as cataloguing (information), transaction, vertical integration
These four stages are arranged in terms of complexity and different levels of
integration. According to the research, India is now on the verge of attaining the third
stage for most of the departments like financial institutions, railways, income tax
department etc. As a result, there are many challenging issues lying ahead. Security is
the main concern for the citizen, and redefining rules and procedures, information
transparency, legal issues, infrastructure, skill and awareness, access to right information,
inter-departmental collaboration, tendency to resist the change in work culture, are the
main concerns for the government to address. Other then all these factors, the government
25 22
o 20
u 15
n 10
t 3
0 0
Poor Bad Average Good Very
The results show that no member of the faculty is satisfied with the current state of E-
Governance of the university. Not even a single person has given a rating of 5 (very good)
to the university’s E-Governance. But the average rating comes out to be 3. This means
that current state of E-Governance of the University is not that good and needs to be
improved a lot to bring it to the rating of 5.
Roadblock in implementing E-Governance
Out of all the problems, only one has rating below 3. This means all the other problems
have an unavoidable presence in the University. The dominant one is the LACK OF
to which university is not able to implement E-Governance effectively. Similar rating is
given to third problem, which is LACK OF TRAINING to faculty. This means people
don’t know how to implement E- Governance in the university. Unless and until they don’t
know how to implement E-Governance in university, there is no scope for progress in the
Measures to improve E-Governance of the University:
Following are few measures to improve E-Governance of the university and their
corresponding ratings as suggested by faculty members:
Sufficient budgets 4
Automation 3.8
Regular checks 4
All the suggested variables have got rating above 3. This means all the measures need to
be implemented according to the faculty members to improve the E-Governance system
of university. The most important being PROPER TRAINING.
Rating of Osmania University’s website:
The rating shows that neither the students, nor the faculty is satisfied with the current state
of university’s E-Governance and a lot of improvements need to be done.
28% 28%
Good Bad Bad
Problems with the website: Following are few of the problems which according to
students are present in the website of PU:
Detailed info is not present 3.547
All the suggested measures have got rating above 3. This means all are quite
important and need to be implemented to improve the state of University’s E-
The most important being TIMELY AND REGULAR UPDATION.
From the above findings, we can conclude that state of university’s E-Governance is just
average, as rated by most of the faculty members and students. Many problems exist in
the website as well as E-Governance of the university like irregular updation, non working
links, etc. Even many of the faculty members have no or very less information about their
own department’s site. Neither the students, nor the faculty is satisfied with the current
state of university’s E-Governance. Lack of initiative in the faculty members and irregular
updation of the website are the most dominant problems existing in the university along
with the other ones as shown above. Hence a lot of improvements need to be done by the
faculty as well as the management to improve the current scene. .
A good and sound E-Governance system is very important for our university. The
problems highlighted above need to be carefully looked upon and solved as soon as
possible. Although the university provides many facilities on its website, but according to
the results, many gaps have been identified.