Mississippi - David J. Hally - King - The Social Archaeology of A Late Mississippian Town in Northwestern Georgia (2008)
Mississippi - David J. Hally - King - The Social Archaeology of A Late Mississippian Town in Northwestern Georgia (2008)
Mississippi - David J. Hally - King - The Social Archaeology of A Late Mississippian Town in Northwestern Georgia (2008)
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Copyright © 2008
The University of Alabama Press
Tuscaloosa, Alabama 35487-0380
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Materials, ANSI Z39.48-1984.
Hally, David J.
King : the social archaeology of a late Mississippian town in northwestern Georgia /
David J. Hally.
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 978-0-8173-1604-4 (cloth : alk. paper) — ISBN 978-0-8173-5460-2 (paper : alk.
paper) — ISBN 978-0-8173-8121-9 (electronic) 1. King Site (Ga.) 2. Indians of North
America—Georgia—Antiquities. 3. Social archaeology—Georgia. 4. Excavations (Arch
aeology)—Georgia. 5. Mississippian culture—Georgia. 6. Indians of North America—
Georgia—Social conditions—16th century. 7. Social status—Georgia—History—16th
century. 8. Households—Georgia—History—16th century. 9. Community life—Georgia—
History—16th century. 10. Spaniards—Georgia—History—16th century. I. Title.
E78.G3H353 2008
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For Carolyn
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List of Illustrations ix
Preface xix
Acknowledgments xxiii
1. Introduction 1
2. The Nature of Mississippian Society 8
3. The Natural, Cultural, and Historical Context of the King Site 22
4. Site Excavations 40
5. Domestic Architecture 50
6. Public Architecture 121
7. Burial Descriptions 184
8. Household and Community 271
9. Analysis of Burial Attribute Associations 331
10. Artifact Co-occurrences 372
11. Artifact Co-occurrences among Adult Males 412
12. Community and Polity in Northwestern Georgia 497
References Cited 545
Index 575
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viii / Contents
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x / Illustrations
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Illustrations / xi
7.1. Burial 80 (extended) intrusive into Burials 110 (flexed) and 111
(partially flexed with tightly flexed knees) 194
7.2. Flexed Burial 92 intrusive through Burial 93 195
7.3. Intrusive flexed Burials 135 and 136 196
7.4. Bundle Burial 131 with flexed Burials 143 and 144 206
7.5. Bundle Burial 260 with partially flexed Burial 117 207
7.6. Bundle Burial 166 208
7.7. Extended Burials 23 and 24 209
7.8. Burial 54 (flexed on back) 210
7.9. Burial 67 (flexed on side) 210
7.10. Burial 60 (partially flexed on back) 211
7.11. Burial 59 (tightly flexed on back) 212
7.12. Iron tools from burials 223
7.13. Copper arrow symbol badges from Burial 92 224
7.14. Large bifacial blades from burials 226
7.15. Asymmetrical blade from Burial 49 229
7.16. Points from burials representing different microstyles 232
7.17. Points from Burial 65 representing three microstyles 233
7.18. Stone celts from burials 234
7.19. Spatulate celt and possible spatulate celt from burials 236
7.20. Stone discoidals from burials 237
7.21. Flintknapping tools from burials 239
7.22. Gravy boat bowl from Burial 92 249
7.23. Clay and stone pipes from burials 250
7.24. Bone tools from burials 253
7.25. Rattlesnake gorgets from burials 263
7.26. Knobbed shell pins from burials 264
8.1. Rectangular open spaces adjacent to primary
domestic structures 274
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xii / Illustrations
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Illustrations / xiii
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xiv / Illustrations
7.2. Age at death and mortality rate for King site burials 199
7.3. Depth of burial pits located within primary domestic
structures with preserved floors 203
7.4. Elevation of pit bottoms for burials located within and
adjacent to primary domestic structures 204
7.5. Multiple burials 213
7.6. Age and sex of individuals interred in primary domestic
structures having five or more burials 218
7.7. Burials associated with rectangular structures 220
7.8. Iron artifacts from burials 223
7.9. Large bifacial blades from burials 227
7.10. Triangular points from burials 230
7.11. Celts and celt preforms from burials 235
7.12. Discoidals from burials 238
7.13. Contents of flintknapper kits from burials 240
7.14. Type III hammerstones from burials 243
7.15. Sandstone abraders from burials 244
7.16. Pottery vessels from burials 248
7.17. Partial vessels from burials 250
7.18. Pipes from burials 251
7.19. Bipointed bone tools and preforms from burials 254
7.20. Beaver incisors from burials 256
7.21. Antler cylinders from burials 258
7.22. Knobbed shell pins from burials 265
7.23. Marginella, Anadara, Noetia, and Olivella shell beads
from burials 267
7.24. Busycon shell beads from burials 268
8.1. Relationship between primary domestic structure size, number
of construction stages, and number of burials 277
8.2. Burials interred inside Household 1 buildings 291
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Illustrations / xv
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xvi / Illustrations
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Illustrations / xvii
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When I began analyzing the archaeological material from the King site more
than 10 years ago, I was concerned that I would not find enough new and in-
teresting things to say about the site to merit publication as a book. I needn’t
have worried. At every step in the analysis, as I dug deeper into the architec-
tural and mortuary evidence from the site, I found patterns and relationships
in the data that I had not anticipated and that suggested new lines of inquiry. I
began my research with the spatial clusters of postholes and features that rep-
resent domestic structures and found that I could identify individual construc-
tion stages and describe their architectural characteristics with some accuracy.
This led to, among other things, the recognition that domestic structures var-
ied greatly in size and that size related systematically to a number of other ar-
chitectural variables. Hypatia Kelly pursued some of these relationships and
found that structure size varied directly with number of construction stages
and number of subfloor burials and with structure location within the habi-
tation zone. These insights led to the identification of household architectural
complexes, which in turn permitted comparison between households along a
number of dimensions. Further investigation eventually led to the discovery
that much of the variability in domestic structures was related to the life his-
tory of the King site community and the polity to which it belonged. Analysis
of the site’s public architecture and human burials followed similar paths of
discovery and evolving research focus.
My goal in writing this book was to reconstruct as fully as possible the na-
ture of the King site community and to place that community in its larger re-
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xx / Preface
gional and historical context. The degree to which this goal has been accom-
plished is due in part to the nature of the site: its relatively simple stratigraphy,
its short occupation span, its well-preserved architectural features (at least in
the eastern portion of the site), and its extensive excavation. Equally impor-
tant, however, are the wide range of materials that my colleagues and I have
investigated—postholes and features representing domestic and public struc-
tures and facilities, burial form and location, human skeletal remains, grave
goods, and regional site distributions—the depth to which these investigations
were pursued, and my conscious effort to integrate the resulting insights into a
comprehensive view of the King site community.
Archaeologists know more about Mississippian culture and its regional and
temporal variants than any other prehistoric culture in the eastern United
States. In large part, this is due to the great amount of fieldwork that has been
devoted to Mississippian sites since the 1940s. More Mississippian sites have
been excavated and more extensively excavated than is the case for any other
prehistoric period. Yet, archaeologists have shown little interest in synthesizing
and integrating the wealth of information resulting from these investigations
in order to reconstruct Mississippian lifeways at the local and regional levels.
This lack of synthesis, integration, and reconstruction is most striking at
the level of the community. Excavations covering an acre or more have been
conducted at dozens of Mississippian villages and towns across the East. The
published and unpublished reports describing these investigations may say
something about domestic architecture, overall site layout, and the general na-
ture of mortuary practices. In no instance that I am aware of, however, are the
different kinds of information available from these field investigations thor-
oughly analyzed and integrated in a detailed reconstruction of community so-
cial, political, and economic organization.
This needs to change. Most extensively excavated Mississippian sites have
considerable research potential—and there are more of them every year. If this
book about the King site has any meaningful impact on Southeastern archae-
ology, I would hope that it serves as a demonstration of just how much can
be learned from large-scale excavations of Mississippian settlements. I would
hope that it also serves as a stimulus for others to pursue the long-term, in-
depth investigations that are necessary to fulfill the research potential of such
The architectural and burial data that I have used in the analysis of the
King site settlement plan, mortuary practices, and sociopolitical organization
are presented in eight appendixes. These appendixes have been reproduced as
Adobe Acrobat PDF files on the CD that is located in the pocket at the back
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Preface / xxi
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Major grants to support field and laboratory investigations at the King site in
1974, 1992, and 1993 were provided by the National Endowment for the Hu-
manities (grant number RO-20561-74-441) and the National Geographic So-
ciety (grant numbers 1245, 4818-92, and 5063-93). Financial support in the
form of small monetary grants and field equipment loans were also provided
by the Coosawattee Foundation, Inc., the University of Georgia, Shorter Col-
lege, and Berry College. Critical financial support was also provided during the
fall of 1973 by a number of Rome, Georgia, citizens, including Pat Garrow, Joel
and Sandra Jones, Richard and Vanda Leigh, and Howard Markel.
I am especially appreciative of the contributions of Mr. Harold W. King
and Mr. James (Jamie) T. Jordan, owners of the King site property in the early
1970s and 1990s, respectively. Without their interest, cooperation, and assis-
tance, professional excavations at the site would never have taken place. They
provided access to the site and storage space for equipment, and they accepted
the financial cost and inconvenience that resulted from having several acres of
their most productive cropland tied up in excavations for several years. I have
also enjoyed getting to know these men and their families.
A number of individuals worked at the King site as volunteers. Among those
who worked the longest and whose names Pat Garrow and I have been able to
recall are Kay Collins, Mike Grissin, Phil Hanus, Joel Jones, David Leigh, Steve
Leigh, Kathleen Mulchrone, Ben Romines, Marvin Smith, Leslie Swan, Paul
Webb, and Steve Webb. Gordon Lee Hight was an especially valuable volun-
teer. He was the field photographer in 1974 and he developed a technique for
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xxiv / Acknowledgments
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Acknowledgments / xxv
the burial figures and the reconstruction of a typical King site primary do-
mestic structure (Figure 5.3) based on the excavation map of Structure 4. The
reconstruction of the King site that appears on the book cover was drawn by
L. Kenneth Townsend for the National Park Service and was originally pub-
lished in De Soto, Coronado, Cabrillo: Explorers of the Northern Mystery, by
David Lavender (1992, Handbook 144, National Park Service, Washington,
D.C.). Lisa Norris converted the text, figures, and tables in Appendixes A–H
to PDF files and saved them to the CD located at the back of the book. Kathy
Cummins copyedited the manuscript. Her skill and effort are evident in the
high quality of the final draft.
A number of people provided valuable information from their own research
that allowed me to put King site architecture, settlement plan, and burials
into a larger comparative context. These include Errett Callahan, David Dye,
Bud Freeman, Nan Gonlin, Jim Hatch, Charles Hudson, William Iseminger,
Jim Knight, Keith Little, Bonnie McEwan, Jerald Milanich, Cheryl Munson,
Richard Polhemus, Chris Rodning, Gerald Schroedl, Craig Sheldon, Marvin
Smith, Mary Starr, Lynne Sullivan, Gail Wagner, Karen Walker, Paul Webb,
Brent Weisman, Mark Williams, and John Worth. I appreciate their generosity
and quick responses to my email queries.
Finally, I want to acknowledge my indebtedness to Pat Garrow. Pat “discov-
ered” the King site, recognized its historical importance and research poten-
tial, and directed field investigations through the spring of 1974. We worked
together on the site for about a year but eventually parted ways. I completed
the field research and undertook the analysis and writing that have led to the
production of this book. Without Pat’s foresight, hard work, dedication, and
personal sacrifice in the early days of the project, however, there would be
no book.
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2 / Chapter 1
Figure 1.1. Major architectural features and human burials recorded at the King site.
has been plotted over most of its length, providing an accurate picture of the
town’s spatial configuration. A variety of buildings and architectural features
exists within the excavation area, along with a large number of human burials.
Because we know the site’s configuration and because so much of it has been
mapped, it is possible to reconstruct most of the town plan and to situate spe-
cific kinds of features within it. Buildings and burials can be related to func-
tionally distinct areas such as the plaza and habitation zone. Within the latter,
many structures and burials can be assigned to specific households.
Another advantage is that King is essentially a single-component site. This
plus the relatively short duration of occupation (approximately 30–40 years)
means that architectural patterns are not obscured by a welter of postholes
and other features. As a result, most buildings with some preserved architec-
tural elements can be easily distinguished and multiple construction stages,
when present, can be sorted out.
Finally, the regional context in which the town existed is unusually well un-
derstood. The polity to which the town belonged has been identified and im-
portant aspects of its life history can be reconstructed in broad outline. Many
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Introduction / 3
aspects of the King settlement plan, architecture, and burial population make
sense when seen in this context.
On the negative side of the ledger, overbank erosion by the Coosa River
during flood stage has destroyed most archaeological features in the western
third of the site. One and possibly more public buildings may have been lost
along with at least a third of the domestic structures. The destruction of fea-
tures in this part of the site reduces the sample of domestic structures available
for analysis and severely reduces our ability to evaluate how representative the
structures and burials on the east side are of the town as a whole.
The residents of the King site would have recognized literally hundreds of
different statuses or social positions based on age, sex, kinship relations, per-
sonal attributes and accomplishments, and social group membership. I have
used mortuary data such as burial sex, age, location, and grave goods to iden-
tify some of these statuses. Although the number I have been able to distin-
guish is relatively small, some are likely to have been among the most im-
portant ones in the community. Analysis of the mortuary data demonstrates,
among other things, that individuals passed through several age-related sta-
tus changes prior to adulthood; that adult males were able to earn a number of
military and civic/ceremonial statuses that brought them prestige and a certain
amount of power within the community; that there was a hierarchical compo-
nent to King site social organization; and that, with the probable exception of
the town chief and his close relatives, most statuses were achieved. The sources
of these insights, the burials and their contents, are described in Chapter 7; the
analyses upon which they are based are presented in Chapters 9–11.
Households have received a considerable amount of attention from archae-
ologists for almost three decades. As the basic building blocks of society, they
provide a ready access to most kinds of social and economic behavior that hu-
mans engage in on a day-to-day basis. Archaeologists have been quick to ex-
ploit this research potential, and as a result the literature is filled with studies
that look at a variety of household characteristics, including size, composition,
life history, wealth and rank variation, craft specialization, the role of women
in household affairs, and symbolic associations of households.
Anthropologists are in general agreement that households should be de-
fined in functional terms rather than on the basis of their morphology or kin
composition and size (Wilk and Netting 1984). Households, according to Ash-
more and Wilk (1988:6), are groups of people who share in a “maximum defin-
able number of activities including one or more of the following: production,
consumption, pooling of resources, reproduction, co-residence, and shared
ownership.” For the archaeologist, household identification begins with the
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4 / Chapter 1
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Introduction / 5
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6 / Chapter 1
existence of burials in the plaza that probably represent the immediate family
of the town chief, this structure demonstrates that residents of the King site
had their own political institutions and controlled their own affairs to a sig-
nificant degree. The structure and the large post, furthermore, were probably
symbols of the community’s existence and identity. In the eighteenth century,
animal figures representing individual Creek towns were carved on the posts
of the square ground, the warm-season equivalent of the council house (Swan-
ton 1928a:243).
The King site community was part of a polity or chiefdom that consisted
of at least six large towns strung out along the Coosa River for a distance of
19 km. One of these sites had a platform mound and can be identified as the
administrative center for the polity. The nature of Mississippian chiefdoms in
the Southern Appalachian region is described in Chapter 2. The evidence for
the polity that included King is presented in Chapter 3. Much of what is known
and can be inferred about the King site as a community can be fully appreci-
ated only when viewed in the context of this polity and the larger regional po-
litical system. Frequent reference will be made to both in later chapters.
My goal when I began working on this book more than 10 years ago was
to analyze all of the material from the site in as thorough a manner as pos-
sible and to write a detailed paleoethnography of the community that existed
there in the mid-sixteenth century. This goal to a large extent has been ac-
complished. The overall settlement plan has been reconstructed. Architectural
features have been interpreted within the framework of that settlement plan.
Matrilocal households, the basic social units in the community, have been
identified with specific sets of architectural features and burials and have been
compared with respect to craft specializations, wealth, and the sociopolitical
ranks of their members. The life history of the community, from the arrival of
the first settlers to its final abandonment, has been reconstructed. Many of the
different social statuses recognized by the community have been identified, as
have the identities of some of the town’s important office holders. Last, but not
least, the role of the town in one of several chiefdoms known to have existed in
northwestern Georgia since a.d. 1000 has been reconstructed and used to fur-
ther our understanding of the nature of the King site community.
In spite of these accomplishments, several important sets of King site data
by necessity have been neglected in the present study. Artifacts used as grave
goods are thoroughly described and interpreted with respect to their func-
tion and symbolic meaning, but artifacts from domestic contexts have received
virtually no attention. Large quantities of animal bone and carbonized plant
material recovered from house floors have likewise been slighted, although
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Introduction / 7
the paleobotanical remains from the Little Egypt site (Hally 1981) are prob-
ably comparable in species variety and equability. Five preserved house floors
were systematically excavated using piece plotting and flotation recovery tech-
niques, but the various analyses that this material deserves have not been con-
ducted. To do so would have delayed completion of this study by two to three
years. Ramie Gougeon’s study of similar material from house floors at the
Little Egypt site (Gougeon 2002) is broadly applicable to King. Finally, mito-
chondrial DNA analysis of human skeletal material that might answer ques-
tions concerning household membership, postmarital residence patterns, and
the household identity of individuals interred in public spaces has not been
The organization of this book is fairly straightforward. Chapter 2 presents
a model of Mississippian sociopolitical organization that will serve as a source
for analogues appropriate to interpreting elements of King site society. Chap-
ter 3 describes the location and natural setting of the King site and places it in
cultural and historical contexts. In that chapter, the site’s age and cultural af-
filiations are considered, as well as its position in the regional political system.
Field and laboratory methods employed in the investigation of the King site
are described in Chapter 4. Chapters 5–7 deal with architectural features and
burials recorded in the field. Domestic architecture is described and analyzed
in Chapter 5, with public architecture receiving similar treatment in Chapter
6. The nature of the burial sample, variation in burial form, and the different
types of artifacts used as grave goods are described in Chapter 7. Much of this
information is brought together in Chapter 8 for the purpose of identifying
households and reconstructing the life history of the town.
Chapters 9–11 focus on the burials. The different dimensions of variability
evident in the burials are described and compared in Chapter 9, while Chap-
ter 10 focuses on adult female and subadult burials and Chapter 11 focuses
on adult male burials. Insights from the settlement and mortuary analyses are
brought together in Chapter 12 in an effort to compare households with re-
spect to craft specialization, wealth, and social standing and to fully recon-
struct the place of the King site town in late Mississippian political develop-
ments in the Southern Appalachian region.
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The Nature of
Mississippian Society
The archaeological evidence from the King site can be fully utilized only if
placed in the larger context of what we know about Mississippian society as
it existed in the Southern Appalachian region at the time of initial European
contact in the mid-sixteenth century. To that end, the present chapter will out-
line what I believe are the basic characteristics of Late Mississippian social
and political organization in the region. Central to my view of these socie-
ties is the belief that they were organized as chiefdoms, as defined by Earle
(1987), and that they differed in several fundamental ways from eighteenth-
and nineteenth-century ethnographic tribes such as the Creek and Cherokee.
They were politically centralized entities; their leaders had some coercive pow-
ers, including the ability to extract and use surplus production and labor from
their subjects; and society was hierarchically organized and divided into at
least two rank strata, commoners and elite. Some archaeologists (Cobb 2000;
Muller 1997) will disagree with this characterization, but I believe our differ-
ences of opinion are primarily a matter of degree.
The descriptive model of Mississippian society that I develop in the follow-
ing pages is based on evidence drawn from a variety of sources. The French
descriptions of Natchez and Taensa culture in the late seventeenth and early
eighteenth centuries, summarized in Swanton (1911), provide the most com-
plete picture of how Mississippian chiefdoms were organized politically and
socially. Seventeenth-century Spanish descriptions of Apalachee (Hann 1988,
1992) and Timucua culture in Florida (Hann 1992; Worth 1998) are not as de-
tailed, but they generally agree with French accounts of the Natchez and dem-
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The Nature of Mississippian Society / 9
onstrate that the latter were not unique in the Southeast. The mid-sixteenth-
century accounts of the De Soto, Luna, and Pardo expeditions (Hudson 1990,
1997; Hudson et al. 1989) demonstrate that chiefdom organization was char-
acteristic of Southern Appalachian region societies at the time and provide in-
sights into polity size and interaction not found in other ethnohistoric sources.
Finally, Mississippian archaeology has supplied invaluable evidence on the na-
ture of chiefdom administrative centers, the spatial size and life histories of
Mississippian polities, and sociopolitical status hierarchy.
Life at the community level in the Southern Appalachian region is most
thoroughly documented by eighteenth- and nineteenth-century ethnohistori-
cal accounts of the Creek and Cherokee. These describe, among other things,
household organization, kinship and descent systems, warrior hierarchies, civil
offices, domestic and public architecture, and belief systems.
The depth and breadth of our knowledge of colonial-period Creek and
Cherokee is considerably greater than our knowledge of their sixteenth-century
predecessors. European contact caused extensive culture change in these socie-
ties. Among the most striking cultural casualties were chiefdom political or-
ganization and hereditary social ranking (Hudson and Tesser 1994), but it is
also clear that household economy, settlement pattern, gender roles, and be-
lief systems were also affected to some degree (Braund 1993; Keyes 1994; Per-
due 1998; Waselkov 1993). As a result, much of what we know about the Creek
and Cherokee may not accurately reflect native culture in the mid-sixteenth
century (Urban and Jackson 2004). While I have drawn heavily on colonial-
period ethnohistorical accounts in developing a descriptive model of Missis-
sippian society in this chapter and in interpreting specific aspects of the King
site archaeological record in later chapters, I am well aware of the dangers in
doing so.
The ethnohistorical sources for the Natchez, Taensa, Apalachee, and Timu-
cua, as well as the De Soto narratives, all provide evidence that Mississippian
chiefdoms were politically centralized societies. Each chiefdom consisted of
multiple towns or multiple communities composed of dispersed farmsteads
and hamlets. Each was under the control of a single leadership hierarchy con-
sisting of a polity chief and subordinate village chiefs. Ethnohistoric sources
and archaeological evidence demonstrate that each chiefdom had an adminis-
trative center, characterized by one or more platform mounds surmounted by
temples and high-status residences, a plaza, and a resident population (Hally
1996; Hudson 1997; King 2003; Knight and Steponaitis 1998; Peebles and Kus
1977; Swanton 1911).
Political and religious institutions involved in administering the polity and
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10 / Chapter 2
supporting the authority of its chief were located at the administrative cen-
ter and were closely associated with the mound/plaza architectural complex
(Hally 1996). Among the Natchez, the chief resided in a structure on the sum-
mit of one mound. Other instances of this practice are described in various
narratives of the De Soto expedition (Hudson 1997). Among the Natchez, a
sacred fire, representative of the Sun deity and emblematic of the polity’s ex-
istence, burned in a temple structure located on a second mound. The Taensa
(Swanton 1911:159) had a similar fire in their temple, but there are no other
early European accounts of this practice. Eighteenth- and nineteenth-century
Creek and Cherokee towns maintained sacred fires that appear to have had ap-
proximately the same ideological significance (Swanton 1928b, 1946). Hearths
are a typical feature of Mississippian mound summit structures (Polhemus
Among the Natchez, the corporal remains of the chief ’s direct ancestors and
predecessors in office were stored in the temple structure that contained the
sacred fire. Except for Garcilaso de la Vega’s description of containers of hu-
man bones in a temple at the town of Talomeco in present-day South Caro-
lina (Shelby 1993), this practice is not recorded in the Spanish documents,
unless interment in mission church structures represents a postcontact vari-
ant (Worth 1998:113). Interments in prehistoric Mississippian mounds such as
Mound C at Etowah are almost certainly a manifestation of this practice (King
2002; Larson 1971).
The office of polity chief among the Natchez was titled “Great Sun” (Swan-
ton 1911). Mico and orata/holata appear to have been used interchangeably for
both polity chiefs and village chiefs among the seventeenth-century Apalachee,
Guale, and Timucua and the polities encountered by Pardo in the Carolinas.
Hudson (1990), however, argues that mico was restricted to polity chiefs and
orata to village chiefs, while Hann (1992) suggests that the two terms had
different geographical distributions, mico being used by the Guale and other
people in the eastern Carolinas and holata being used by the Apalachee. Polity
chiefs were usually male, but female chiefs have been reported for Cofitachequi
and other polities in the Carolinas and for the Guale and Timucua (Hann 1992;
Hudson 1990, 1997; Worth 1998; see also Trocolli 2002).
The French accounts state that the Great Sun had the authority to collect
tribute from subordinate communities, give periodic feasts, entertain foreign
emissaries, and punish wrongdoers, including having them killed. There is
some debate about how much power he actually had, especially over subordi-
nate towns (Lorenz 1997; Muller 1997). In regard to the latter, there appears to
have been a factional division within the Natchez polity that focused at least
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The Nature of Mississippian Society / 11
in part on the difference between communities that had close ties with the
French and those that were allied with the English. By the second decade of the
eighteenth century, this division apparently had developed to the point that
the latter communities were openly challenging the authority of the French-
allied Great Sun. Factionalism was probably a common element of Mississip-
pian sociopolitical systems and was probably one of the factors responsible for
the collapse of some polities (Anderson 1994). We can imagine that the En-
glish would have encouraged such divisions in Natchez society for their own
Regardless of the ambiguities and inconsistencies in the French accounts,
the fact remains that French observers describe the Great Sun as having di-
vine origins, as being a key element in the worship of the Sun supreme deity,
as being set apart from the rest of society by numerous sumptuary rules, and
as having the power to extract surplus production from the citizens of his
polity. The familiarity of the French chroniclers with aristocratic political in-
stitutions and behaviors in their native land doubtless colored the way they
perceived Natchez political institutions (Lorenz 1997). We must remember,
however, that some of these observers (e.g., Charlevoix) or their countrymen
also were seeing and accurately recording very different political institutions
among the Huron and other northeastern tribes.
Polity chiefs encountered by the De Soto expedition in the Southern Appa-
lachian region had some degree of control over large stores of foodstuffs and
were able to provide large numbers of porters to transport the expedition’s
supplies (Smith and Hally 1992). Little was recorded about the authority and
power of Apalachee and Timucua chiefs in the seventeenth century, and in all
likelihood it was undermined to some degree by the Spanish early in the mis-
sion period. Hann (1988) believes they presided over ceremonies, led military
expeditions, and served as spokesmen for their people.
The Natchez Great Sun inherited his office matrilineally from his prede-
cessor’s eldest sister, who had the title of “White Woman.” This matriline was
traced back to male and female emissaries from the Sun deity, who lived with
the Natchez in ancient times and gave them important elements of their cul-
ture. Apalachee and Timucua polity chiefs also inherited their offices matri-
lineally, but the Spanish sources are silent on whether these individuals were
considered to be divine (Hann 1988, 1992; Worth 1998). There is, however, in-
direct evidence that the belief was widespread in the Southeast. The body of
the Natchez male emissary turned to stone at the time he returned to the Sun.
This statue was kept in the Natchez temple, where it would have served as a
symbol of the Great Sun’s divine origins. Given the importance of his con-
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12 / Chapter 2
sort in establishing the Sun matriline, it seems likely that her body also turned
to stone and was kept in the temple. Kneeling or seated male and female stone
statutes, often in pairs, are known from mound contexts at a number of Mis-
sissippian sites across the Southeast (Brown 1985, 2001). They may represent
the corporal remains of emissaries that visited other Mississippian polities and
started their chiefly lineages.
The divinity of the Natchez chief was an important source of his authority
and power and was symbolized in mortuary practices such as retainer sacrifice
and the curation of ancestral remains and in a variety of sumptuary rules that
set the chief apart from the rest of society. Infant burials in mounds at Mound-
ville suggest the Natchez practice of sacrificing infants during the funerals of
the sister and brother of the Great Sun and perhaps of the Great Sun himself
(Peebles 1971). Farther afield, groups of burials in Mound 72 at Cahokia are
generally interpreted as sacrificial victims associated with the so-called beaded
burial (Fowler et al. 1999). The De Soto narratives report the use of liters to
transport the polity chief or his representatives in South Carolina and Georgia,
matching a practice described for the Natchez Great Sun.
Each subordinate community in the Natchez, Apalachee, and Timucua poli-
ties and those visited by Pardo in the eastern Carolinas had its own headman
or village chief. Their title in Florida and the Carolinas was holata or orata. Fe-
male village chiefs, reported to occur among the Timucua, were called niaho-
lata (Worth 1998). Among the Timucua and Apalachee, at least, the office of
village chief was inherited matrilineally, and among the Timucua this matri-
lineage was the highest-ranking descent group in the community. There is evi-
dence that at least some polity chiefs and village chiefs were related. Several
Apalachee chiefs listed in a 1657 document were related as uncle and nephew
(Hann 1988:98); the Timucua polity chief, Saturiwa, had several brothers serv-
ing as village chiefs (Knight 1990:11); and in at least one Timucua chiefdom,
the eldest sister of the polity chief was the head of a subordinate community
(Worth 1998:92). There is also some suggestion that polity chiefs appointed
subordinate village chiefs, at least on some occasions (Worth 1998:92). It is
reasonable to suppose that as new communities were founded within a polity,
the leaders of those communities would come from a junior line in the polity
chief ’s matrilineage.
French sources list a number of officials who were appointed by the Great
Sun. They included two “war chiefs,” “two masters of ceremonies for the
temple,” “two officers who preside over the other ceremonies which are ob-
served when foreigners come to treat of peace,” an officer who “has the inspec-
tion of the public works,” and “four others charged with the arrangement of
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The Nature of Mississippian Society / 13
the festivals with which they publicly entertain the nation and such strang-
ers as come to visit them” (Swanton 1911:102–103). Spanish sources refer to
three types of officials by title: yniha/inija/iniha, chacal, and yatika. Several
officials were referred to as inihas in some Timucua polities, but for the most
part the term appears to have designated a single individual (Hann 1992:204).
In the Pardo documents, they are said to be “like magistrates or jurymen as
it were, who are in charge of villages” and like a “sheriff who commands the
town” (Hudson 1990:65). Hann (1992:204) describes them as village adminis-
trators who were responsible for making sure that important tasks were taken
care of. Among the Apalachee, he says, they were repositories of tribal myths
and the genealogies of chiefs. In various accounts of the Timucua, they are
said to be second in command to the polity chief and to accompany him on
all important occasions. Fray Pareja describes the iniha as “a counselor who
leads the cacique by the hand” (Worth 1998:89–90). This type of official ap-
pears to have survived into the late eighteenth century among the Creeks as
the heniha. Hawkins (Swanton 1928a:293–294) describes these later officials as
having “the direction of the public works appertaining to the town, such as the
public buildings, building houses in town for new settlers, or working in the
fields” and as being responsible for the black drink ceremony.
Among the seventeenth-century Apalachee and Timucua, the chacal may
have been a distinct official, subordinate to the iniha, although the position
seems to have been held by the iniha in some cases (Hann 1988:106, 1992).
Responsibilities included assigning people to work in the community fields
and to fill the labor quota due the Spanish. The office of speaker or interpreter
(yatika/atequi) is documented for the Apalachee (Hann 1988) and the eastern
Carolinas (Hudson 1990:66).
As one would expect, most references to inihas, chacales, and yatikas are in
the context of polity-level organization. Subordinate communities in Timucua
polities, however, also appear to have had inihas (Worth, personal communi-
cation 2003).
Warfare occupied a prominent place in historic Southeastern aboriginal
culture, and there is every reason to believe that it was equally if not more im-
portant among the chiefdoms of the late prehistoric and early historic periods
(Bridges et al. 2000; Dye 2002). Relations between neighboring chiefdoms were
to a significant degree conditioned by warfare, chiefdoms had specially desig-
nated head war chiefs, and graded hierarchies of warriors were recognized.
During much of the time the Natchez and French were in contact, the head
war chief was the younger brother of the Great Sun. The Great Sun is also said
to have appointed two war chiefs (Swanton 1911:102, 103). Whether the posi-
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14 / Chapter 2
tion of head war chief was one of these or was inherited within the Great Sun’s
matriline is not known, but the latter seems likely. The one military duty that
was explicitly assigned to the head war chief in the French accounts was to
call a council of older and respected warriors to consider declarations of war
(Swanton 1911:127).
The De Soto chroniclers make no specific mention of war chiefs or war-
rior hierarchies. Bandera, the notary for the second Pardo expedition, refers to
some men in the eastern Carolina polities as mandadores. Hudson (1990:66)
identifies these as war chiefs, but Hann (1992) and Worth (1998) believe the
term was used among the seventeenth-century Apalachee and Timucua to re-
fer to the iniha. Hann and Worth cite no Spanish references to a separate office
of war chief among the Apalachee and Timucua; the office may have disap-
peared or lost importance as a result of Spanish suppression of warfare among
the missionized Indians. Among the Apalachee, warriors were led in battle by
their polity or town chief (Hann 1988:105). Eighteenth-century Creek towns
each had a war chief who directed council meetings at which the decision to
go to war was made and who led at least some of the war parties that origi-
nated in a town (Swanton 1928a:297–298).
Military prowess was one of the main avenues to higher social standing and
political power in historic-period aboriginal society. Young men strove to earn
a war name and be elevated to the rank of warrior (Moore 1988:62; Swanton
1928a:297, 434; Williams 1927:93). Among the Creek, young men who had
not achieved this rank were compelled to perform menial tasks around the
town square ground and for other recognized warriors. The requirements for
earning a war name varied from tribe to tribe but might entail participating
in a raid in which scalps were taken or actually taking a scalp (Campbell
1930:161; Hann 1988:71; Swanton 1928a:434). Different grades or titles were
recognized within the warrior rank and these required capturing or scalping
set numbers of enemy or the performance of other valorous acts (Campbell
1930:162; Ethridge 2003:103; Gearing 1962:26; Hann 1988:71; Swanton 1911,
1928a; Williams 1927). The Natchez recognized three grades of warriors—
apprentice warrior, ordinary warrior, and true warrior—and individuals re-
ceived new names from the “ancient war chief ” after each new war exploit
(Swanton 1911:124–125, 129). At least four warrior grades were recognized by
the Apalachee, and each was attained by killing and scalping a set number of
enemy (Hann 1988:182).
Military accomplishments could be displayed by designs tattooed on the
arm and chest (Swanton 1928a, 1946) or by war trophies such as scalps and
body parts (Dye 2007) and could also be memorialized by receipt of a new
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The Nature of Mississippian Society / 15
A certain Number of Scalps are required from the Hands of a young In-
dian before he can be honoured with the first military Title, which is
a Slave-Catcher; and a certain Number more for the next higher Title,
which is a Raven. The next higher Title to this is a Man-killer (as much
as a Colonel); their highest Military Rank is that of a Warrior (as much
as a General). They receive at every Promotion, certain Marks on their
Necks, Cheeks, and Breast, printed in the Skin with Scratchings of a Pin
and Gun Powder or Coal Dust; before they have any Title given them,
they are only called Gun-Men or Boys, which in time of hunting and
War attended their Chiefs as Servants, bring them Water, Wood Fire and
Venison [DeVorsey 1971:109].
War and its counterpart, peace, were basic distinctions in the Creek and
Cherokee dualistic conceptualization of the world. Each received expression in
social, political, and ideological realms of society, and they were symbolized by
the colors red and white, respectively (Gearing 1962; Hudson 1976:235). Ac-
cording to Hudson (1976:235), the color red had the meaning of war, danger,
and disunity, while white stood for peace, purity, and unity.
There are a few early historic references to councils that would seem to in-
dicate that polity chiefs were not the sole source of power and authority in
Mississippian chiefdoms. Swanton (1911:107) states that the Great Sun had a
council that advised him and limited his authority, but there are few references
to such in the French accounts. Relating the events leading up to the fourth
Natchez war, Du Pratz (Le Page du Pratz 1947:74) describes how the chief
of the White Apple village held a council with “the old men of his village” to
discuss how to deal with the demands of a corrupt French official. According
to Du Pratz, the matter eventually was taken to the Great Sun and his coun-
cil. Du Pratz also describes war councils that were called to consider declara-
tions of war. According to Du Pratz (Le Page du Pratz 1947:350), such councils
were composed of the “oldest and bravest warriors,” were attended by the great
chief, and were led by the great war chief. The decisions of such councils could
not be overridden by the great chief or the war chief.
Timucua polity chiefs apparently also shared power to some extent with
councils. The latter were composed of individuals known as principales, who
were related to the polity chief, their rank being determined by the genea-
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16 / Chapter 2
logical proximity of their lineage to that of the chief. The iniha was the high-
est ranking of the principales, but at least seven other titled offices were dis-
tinguished (Knight 1990:14; Worth 1998:90). Indios principales also existed
in the sixteenth-century polities of the Carolinas and were likewise related to
the chief (Hudson 1990:66). Except for the Du Pratz statement noted above,
there is little evidence in the early documents concerning whether subordi-
nate communities also had councils and indios principales. The eighteenth-
century Creek equivalent of the indios principales may have been the “Beloved
Men,” former war leaders and older respected members of the community
who served as advisors to the town headman (Hudson 1976:225; Swanton
Large public structures where councils presumably conducted their busi-
ness are known from several early historic accounts and archaeological sites.
The residence of the Great Sun was evidently large and used for some meet-
ings of officials, including the reception of large peace delegations. Penicaut
describes it as holding 4,000 people (Swanton 1911:100). Le Petit refers to a
“large hall, which is on the mound of the great chief by the side of his cabin”
(Swanton 1911:135). Among the closely related Taensa, the chief ’s house was
apparently used in a similar fashion. Tonti describes it as measuring 40 feet
across the front. Upon entering the cabin, he found the chief reclining on a
couch with “60 old men opposite him” (Swanton 1911:259).
Principal towns of the Timucua and Apalachee in the seventeenth century
had large council houses with seating assigned by rank. Formal government
meetings, as well as a variety of ceremonies, were held within these large public
buildings. They also provided visitors with temporary shelter and served as
men’s clubhouses. Large public structures, which almost certainly had similar
uses, are known from aboriginal contexts at King, at the Mouse Creek phase
Ledford Island site (Sullivan 1987), and at the Middle Qualla phase Coweeta
Creek site (Rodning 2002). Like King, Ledford Island probably was a secondary
town within a chiefdom. Presumably council houses were also present at the
administrative centers of Mississippian chiefdoms, but there is little archaeo-
logical evidence for them at present.
Descent systems and domestic organization are reasonably well documented
for the ethnographic tribes of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.
The Creek (Swanton 1928a), Seminole (Spoehr 1941), Cherokee (Gilbert 1943),
Chickasaw (Swanton 1928c), and Choctaw (Swanton 1931) had matrilineal
clans, and these typically were totemic, regulated marriage, and extended
throughout the entire society. Moieties were present in Creek, Choctaw, and
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The Nature of Mississippian Society / 17
Chickasaw society but are not reported for the Cherokee. Moieties appear to
always have had symbolic associations with war and peace. Other functions,
such as regulating marriage and organizing the ball game, apparently differed
from tribe to tribe. Matrilocal, multiple-family households (Hammel and Las-
lett 1974) are reported for the Creek, Cherokee, Choctaw, and Chickasaw.
Matrilineal descent, or at least the matrilineal inheritance of leadership
positions, is reported for the Timucua (Knight 1990:9; Worth 1998:87) and
Apalachee (Hann 1988:70) in the early seventeenth century and for the Nat-
chez (Swanton 1911) and Chickasaw (Moore 1988) in the early eighteenth cen-
tury. There is, furthermore, one early seventeenth-century reference to matri-
lineal totemic clans among the Timucua (Knight 1990:9). Beyond this, there is
no direct ethnohistorical evidence concerning the nature of aboriginal descent
systems at the time of earliest European contact.
The divine nature of the Natchez Great Sun and the matrilineal inheri-
tance of his office and that of polity and village chiefs among the Apalachee
and Timucua indicate that Mississippian society was hierarchically organized
along kinship lines and that heredity was a major determinant of high sta-
tus and political power. The polity chief and his matrilineage occupied the
top of the sociopolitical hierarchy, and other matrilineages and clans were
ranked according to their genealogical proximity to the chief ’s line. It is not
clear whether this ranking extended throughout society and involved all de-
scent groups in subordinate communities, but it probably did (Knight 1990). It
also is not clear whether descent groups were internally ranked. Knight (1990)
argues that they were not and musters considerable evidence in support of his
Overlying this system of ranked clans among at least the Natchez and Timu-
cua was a division of society into nobles and commoners (Knight 1990; Swan-
ton 1911:107). The social and economic characteristics of this distinction are
not very well understood, but it is likely that the nobility included the polity
chief and his matrilineage and a number of related descent lines. Male off-
spring of the polity chief declined in rank over several generations and eventu-
ally entered the commoner class.
Colonial-period Creek and Cherokee society lacked this kind of hierarchi-
cal social order. Instead, high status, along with the authority and power that
accompanied it, was determined by personal achievement, genealogical and age
seniority within local clan segments, and age (Hudson 1976:203; Sattler 1995).
The Creek appear to have placed more emphasis on ranking and hereditary ac-
cess to high status than did the Cherokee. Descent groups were ranked relative
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18 / Chapter 2
to each other, and most high statuses and offices were passed down within a
small number of clans or appointed by the town chief (Braund 1993:20; Sat-
tler 1995).1
The historic Creek and Cherokee assigned very different roles to adult males
and females (Bell 1990; Braund 1993; Ethridge 2003; Perdue 1998; Sattler
1995). Men hunted, went to war, constructed houses and public buildings, and
made most of the implements they used in daily and ritual activities. Women
did most of the farming, all of the food preparation, and made pottery, bas-
kets, and clothing, among other things. The Creek and Cherokee considered
women to be dangerous and polluting to males and male activities during
menstruation and childbirth, while men were considered to be dangerous im-
mediately before and following their participation in warfare. While such gen-
der roles are not unusual in aboriginal eastern North America, the Creek and
Cherokee appear to have carried gender distinctions and separation to an ex-
treme (Bell 1990; Braund 1993:15; Hudson 1976:317–319; Perdue 1998:18–
36). Men and women were like different kinds of human beings and were as-
signed to fundamentally different social categories that—along with the upper
world of order and stability and the under world of disorder and change—
were part of a larger cosmic structure characterized by opposition and balance
(Bell 1990; Hudson 1976:127–128; Perdue 1998:18). As with other elements of
this cosmic structure, failure to keep the male and female categories separate
and unmixed was believed to be dangerous and polluting.
Sattler (1995) argues that Cherokee women enjoyed higher status in so-
ciety than did Creek women. They had more sexual freedom, retained greater
personal and economic power in marriage, and participated more actively in
political affairs. Unlike Creek women, their status and influence increased as
they grew older and attained greater seniority within their clans. Women rec-
ognized as “War Women” as a result of their involvement in warfare and post-
menopausal women who gained the status of “Beloved Woman” were held in
high regard and were given special roles in Cherokee ritual and political life.
Among other things, they decided the fate of war captives and could incite
or terminate warfare (Perdue 1998:36–39; Sattler 1995:218–223). Contrary to
Sattler’s characterization, there is some evidence that the Creek recognized a
Beloved Woman status and that women sometimes accompanied war parties
and even fought in battles (Braund 1993:22–23).
Archaeological evidence from northern Georgia and surrounding states
provides a number of insights into the internal settlement organization of
Mississippian chiefdoms and their spatial and temporal dimensions. The dis-
tance separating the mound centers of neighboring, contemporary polities in
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The Nature of Mississippian Society / 21
cated in the Great Valley of Tennessee, Georgia, and Alabama; Ocute, which
included four chiefdoms located in the Middle Oconee River valley; and Cofita-
chequi, with an unknown number of subordinates in the Wateree Valley of
South Carolina (Hudson 1994). Little is known about the nature of these larger
polities. Subordinate chiefdoms paid tribute to the paramount, acknowledged
his superior position, and participated in joint military actions against com-
mon enemies. Beyond that they seem to have been left alone to run their own
1. Sattler (1995) discusses social status among the Muskogee and includes in that
category both Creek and Seminole.
2. Blitz (1999) has argued that some Mississippian chiefdoms in the Southern Ap-
palachian region went through a more complicated life cycle involving fission and fu-
sion processes and potentially four different stages of development. With the possible
exception of the Brewster phase occupation at Etowah, none of the types of mound
site distribution that his model is supposed to explain can be documented for north-
western Georgia.
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The Natural, Cultural, and
Historical Context of the King Site
The King site is located at Foster Bend on the Coosa River in Floyd County,
northwestern Georgia (Figure 3.1). Foster Bend is a large, east–west oriented
meander loop in the Coosa River (Figure 3.2). Its western half is an older ter-
race surface with elevations ranging between 580 feet (176.8 m) and 590 feet
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The Natural, Cultural, and Historical Context / 23
(179.8 m) amsl. Its eastern half, where the King site is located, is active flood-
plain with elevations ranging around 570 feet (173.7 m) amsl (Figures 3.3
and 3.4). Much of Foster Bend is characterized by a ridge-and-swale topog-
raphy that was produced at the time the river migrated eastward to its pres-
ent location against the hills that border it on the east. The King site is located
on a north–south oriented ridge with an elevation of approximately 572 feet
(174.3 m) amsl but extends into a swale to the west. Surface elevation at the
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24 / Chapter 3
western edge of the site is approximately 568 feet (173.1 m) amsl. Surface ele-
vation decreases only gradually to the south along the ridge and is essentially
level within the limits of the site.
Soils in the eastern third of Foster Bend alternate between a well-drained
Toccoa Fine Sandy Loam on ridges and Chewacla Silt Loam in the more poorly
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Figure 3.3. Contour map of Foster Bend showing the ridge-and-swale topography (contour intervals in feet).
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26 / Chapter 3
Figure 3.4. View looking east across the Foster Bend floodplain. The King site is located imme-
diately to the right of the tall trees. The distance to the hills bordering the Coosa River at the
eastern end of the bend is approximately 1 mile.
drained swales. To the west, the higher terrace soils alternate between Rome
Fine Sandy Loam and Roanoke Silt Loam and between Etowah Loam and Wax
Loam. According to the USDA soil survey for Floyd County (Tate 1978), the
Rome and Etowah soils are well drained, high to moderately high in natural
fertility, and produce the highest yield of corn (95–100 bushels per acre under
a “high level of management”) in the county (Tate 1978:Table 2). The Toc-
coa soils are well drained but are frequently wet, have moderate natural fer-
tility, and yield 90 bushels of corn per acre. The Chewacla, Roanoke, and Wax
soils are poorly drained and generally poorly suited for row crops, although
Chewacla Silt Loam is identified in the county soil survey report as having a
very high corn yield of 100 bushels per acre. The Toccoa, Rome, and Etowah
series soils cover more than two-thirds of the floodplain area within Foster
Bend and Morton Bend to the north.
Surface scatters of Late Archaic and Woodland period artifacts in the east-
ern portion of Foster Bend indicate that the river has been in its current loca-
tion for several thousand years. This antiquity is confirmed by the soil types.
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The Natural, Cultural, and Historical Context / 27
The Toccoa soils at the eastern end of the bend are entisols with an age of
at least 1,000 years. The Rome and Roanoke soils are ultisols with an age of
more than 5,000 years. The Etowah and Wax soils are also ultisols but belong
to the paleudult and fragiudult subclasses, respectively, and are considerably
older (David Leigh, Department of Geography, University of Georgia, per-
sonal communication 2005; Tate 1978:Table 14). The progressive drop in sur-
face elevation from west to east and the accompanying decrease in age of soils
suggest that the Foster Bend meander loop formed over a long period of time
during which the elevation of the river dropped 20 feet or more.
The King site lies within the Great Valley District of the Valley and Ridge
Province (Clark et al. 1976) (Figure 3.5). The Valley and Ridge Province con-
sists of a wide belt of unmetamorphosed sedimentary rocks of Paleozoic age
that extends from Alabama to New York State. These rocks tend to be strongly
folded and faulted and, through erosion, have been formed into a series of par-
allel ridges and valleys. The Great Valley, measuring 30–40 km across, occupies
the eastern and southern half of the province in northwestern Georgia. Com-
pared with the rest of the province, it is relatively flat with elevations ranging
between 200 and 250 m (650–820 feet) amsl; the few widely spaced ridges and
hills seldom exceed 30 m in height. The Great Valley is bordered on the east and
south by the Blue Ridge and Piedmont physiographic provinces. A geological
fault line, the Cartersville Fault, visible as a prominent escarpment, separates
the more rugged Piedmont and Blue Ridge provinces from the Great Valley.
The Great Valley is drained by the Coosa River and its tributaries, the Etowah
River and the Conasauga-Coosawattee-Oostanaula rivers (Hally and Langford
1988). The Coosa River is formed at Rome, Georgia, by the confluence of the
Etowah and Oostanaula rivers. The Etowah, Coosawattee, and Conasauga riv-
ers originate in the Piedmont and Blue Ridge provinces and flow westward
into the Great Valley. Although flanked by broad floodplains for much of their
length in the Great Valley, these rivers and the Coosa and Oostanaula rivers do
not have sufficiently wide valleys to permit their channels to meander freely. As
a result, oxbow lakes are not common. Natural levees are poorly developed.
Braun (1950) and Kuchler (1964) identify the forest of the Valley and Ridge
Province as oak-pine and oak-hickory-pine, respectively. Oak and hickory are
dominant species, but pine is also common, especially on drier and poorer
soils. Early nineteenth-century land surveys report that oak, pine, and hickory
occurred in ratios of 50:18:8 (Plummer 1975).
Climate in the Valley and Ridge Province is relatively uniform and mild
(Bramlett 1965; Tate 1978). Precipitation amounts to 50–65 inches per year,
with most falling in the period December–March. Rainfall in the summer is
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28 / Chapter 3
Figure 3.5. Physiographic features of the Valley and Ridge Province in northwestern Georgia.
only slightly less, but it occurs mainly as localized, sometimes intense, show-
ers. Average maximum and minimum temperatures for Gordon County in
the Great Valley District are, respectively, 87.5 degrees Fahrenheit in July and
32.3 degrees Fahrenheit in January. The average number of frost-free days for
the area is 215.
A fairly tight ceramic chronology has been developed for northwestern Georgia
over the years by archaeologists working in the region (Caldwell 1950, 1957;
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The Natural, Cultural, and Historical Context / 29
Fairbanks 1950; Hally and Langford 1988; King 2003; Sears 1950, 1958; Wau-
chope 1948, 1950). There are a few minor problems with the chronology that
need to be resolved, but most site components represented by reasonably large
pottery collections can be dated to one of six periods having durations of 75–
100 years each (Table 3.1). Such short time intervals are possible because of
the rapid pace of change in complicated stamped motifs and vessel rim shape
modes that characterize the region’s pottery. Seven ceramic phases have been
defined. These can be assigned to three cultures (sensu Willey and Phillips
1958)—Etowah, Savannah, and Lamar—that extend throughout the region
and across most of northern Georgia.
The known Mississippian sites in northwestern Georgia tend to be clus-
tered in four locations: the Lower Etowah River valley immediately west of the
Cartersville Fault; the Upper Coosa River valley between Rome and the Ala-
bama state line; the Lower Coosawattee River valley between the Cartersville
Fault and the mouth of the Conasauga River; and the Conasauga River val-
ley immediately below the Cartersville Fault (Figure 3.5). Ceramic phase se-
quences for each of these locations are shown in Table 3.1. They are based pri-
marily on ceramic collections from mound sites: Wilbanks (9CK5), Etowah
(9BR1), Plant Hammond (9FL3), Sixtoe (9MU100), Bell Field (9MU101),
Little Egypt (9MU102), Baxter (9GO8), and 40PK16 (Figure 3.6). The most
well-defined sequence is in the Lower Etowah Valley, where five Mississippian
phases have been defined and dated. The sequence of occupations is equally
well known in the Coosawattee and Coosa river localities, but only two phases
have been formally defined in print, both in the Coosawattee locality. The
Conasauga River valley is the least well-known locality but appears to have
been occupied during at least three periods. The 42-km-long Oostanaula Val-
ley appears not to have had any significant Mississippian occupation except
near its northern end at the junction of the Conasauga and Coosawattee riv-
ers and at its southern end where it joins the Etowah River. This is probably
due to its location between centers of development on the Coosawattee and
Coosa rivers. Most periods of occupation along the Conasauga, Coosawattee,
and Coosa rivers are identified in Table 3.1 by phase names borrowed from ad-
jacent localities or by period names. I suspect that most of these occupations
will be assigned to new phases once large ceramic collections suitable for in-
depth analysis become available.
The Upper Coosa River valley in Georgia was occupied at three different
times during the Mississippi period. Mohman (9FL155) and Coosa Country
Club (9FL161) have each yielded small collections of Etowah Complicated
Stamped pottery that can be dated to the Late Etowah period. After an occu-
pation hiatus of approximately a hundred years, the Plant Hammond (9FL3)
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Table 3.1. Local phase sequences in northwestern Georgia and adjacent areas
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Figure 3.6. Selected Mississippian sites in the Southern Appalachian region.
1. Davis Farm (1CA196) 19. Tomatley (40MR5)
2. 1CE308 20. Toqua (40MR6)
3. Gunter’s Landing (1MS39) 21. Chota-Tanasee (40MR2/62)
4. Henry Island (1MS55) 22. Loy (40JE10)
5. Cox (1JA176) 23. 40PK16
6. Rudder (1JA180) 24. Sixtoe (9MU100)
7. Long Island (1JA340/40MI69) 25. Bell Field (9MU101)
8. Wilson (40MI1) 26. Little Egypt (9MU102)
9. Bennett (40MI7) 27. Thompson (9GO4)
10. Williams Island (40HA60) 28. Baxter (9GO8)
11. Citico (40HA65) 29. Wilbanks (9CK5)
12. Dallas (40HA1) 30. Etowah (9BR1)
13. Hiwassee Island (40MG31) 31. Leake (9BR2)
14. Ledford Island (40BY13) 32. Nixon (9FL162)
15. Mouse Creeks (40MN3) 33. Plant Hammond (9FL3)
16. Rymer (40BY11) 34. 9DO39, 9DO45
17. Hiwassee Old Town (40PK3) 35. Vandiver (9DO1)
18. Mialoquo (40MR3) 36. Coweeta Creek (31MA34)
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32 / Chapter 3
mound was constructed and used during the Wilbanks phase. Two other sites
in the valley have yielded small collections of Wilbanks sherds. The third oc-
cupation, following a second hundred-year-long period of valley abandon-
ment, is identifiable with the Barnett phase and is represented at King and sev-
eral other large village sites.
The local sequences in northwestern Georgia are interesting because each
has one or more gaps, representing periods when a locality either was not oc-
cupied or had a very small resident population. The Etowah Valley, for ex-
ample, appears to have been vacant during the Early Savannah period and to
have had a very small population during the Early Lamar period. These gaps
in the Etowah Valley sequence have been confirmed by intensive site survey of
a 5-km-radius area centering on the Etowah site (Southerlin 1993). Except for
the immediate vicinity of Carters Dam on the Coosawattee River and the Al-
latoona Reservoir on the Etowah River, no other intensive site surveys have
been conducted in the region. Nevertheless, the archaeology of the Coosawat-
tee and Coosa river valleys is well enough known through professional and
amateur archaeological investigations that we can be fairly certain the occupa-
tion gaps identified in those areas are real. The significance of these occupation
hiatuses will be discussed in the following section.
Late Mississippian occupations are known from a number of areas sur-
rounding the Valley and Ridge section of Georgia, including the Upper Etowah
River to the east, the Middle Chattahoochee River to the south, the Middle
Coosa River to the southwest, the Guntersville Reservoir on the Tennessee
River in northeastern Alabama, the Chickamauga Reservoir on the Tennes-
see River to the north, and the Tellico Reservoir on the Lower Little Tennessee
River to the northeast (Figures 3.5 and 3.6). Cultural sequences in the Middle
Coosa River valley, the Upper Etowah River valley, and the Chickamauga Res-
ervoir, for the most part, can be cross-dated to the northwestern Georgia se-
quences with some accuracy. The sequences in the Guntersville and Tellico
reservoirs, on the other hand, cannot be because their ceramic assemblages are
so different. It is unfortunate that these latter sequences cannot be accurately
tied into the northwestern Georgia sequences because the growth and decline
of Mississippian chiefdoms in these areas would have had an impact on devel-
opments in the Upper Coosa River valley.
The King site’s position in the region’s culture history is fairly straight-
forward. To begin with, King is essentially a single-component site. Early uti-
lization of the area is suggested by the presence of Archaic and Woodland pe-
riod points in the plow zone. No features resulting from such use, however, have
been found in excavations, suggesting that utilization was not very intense.
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The Natural, Cultural, and Historical Context / 33
The major occupation, accounting for all recorded features and burials and
probably all postholes, dates to the middle decades of the sixteenth century.
The pottery assemblage is very similar to the Barnett phase type collection
from the Little Egypt site, located on the Coosawattee River 80 km to the
northwest (Hally 1979). There are slight differences in the relative frequen-
cies of shell and grit tempering and in plain and complicated-stamped surface
treatments, but for all practical purposes the assemblage is identifiable as Bar-
nett phase.
Four radiocarbon dates have been obtained from charred wood recovered
by Pat Garrow in 1973, but they are not internally consistent, and only one of
them (UGA 589) is consistent with age estimates based on pottery and his-
toric artifacts (Table 3.2). The Barnett phase can be assigned to the Middle La-
mar period on the basis of ceramic cross-dating. Available radiocarbon dates
for Mississippian sites in northern Georgia date this period to approximately
a.d. 1450–1550 (Hally and Langford 1988).
A much more precise and reliable date for the Barnett phase occupation
of King is provided by Spanish artifacts recovered from five burials. Marvin
Smith (1987:45–46) assigns these items to his European Artifact Assemblage A,
which he dates to a.d. 1525–1565. The De Soto and Luna expeditions are be-
lieved to have followed the Coosa River in their passages through northwestern
Georgia in 1540 and 1560, respectively. The Spanish artifacts in burials at King
were probably obtained directly from one or both of these expeditions. They
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34 / Chapter 3
allow us to date the occupation of the King site to the middle decades of the
sixteenth century.
As we will see in the following section, there are a number of large habita-
tion sites on the Coosa River upstream from King that are contemporary with
it. There is no evidence, however, for any occupation of the river valley dur-
ing the preceding Early Lamar period. Plant Hammond (9FL3), located 7.5 km
northeast of King on the Coosa River, is a Wilbanks phase mound site and as
such demonstrates that there was a substantial population on the Coosa River
a hundred years earlier during the Late Savannah period (Hally and Langford
1988). The Coosa River valley in Georgia was abandoned again in the late six-
teenth century, presumably at about the same time the King site occupation
ended (Marvin Smith 1987). Cherokee settled in the area beginning sometime
in the middle to late eighteenth century (Hally 1986b).
The eastern two-thirds of Foster Bend has been in row crops since at least
1870. This entire area has been surface surveyed by members of King site field
crews, but relatively few sites have been found. Only 12 sites are recorded in the
Georgia Archaeological Site File at the University of Georgia (Figure 3.2).
These include eight lithic scatters of unknown age, three Woodland period
sites, and one Middle Lamar period site. The latter is located approximately
450 m east of King and has yielded a few sherds that probably represent a Bar-
nett phase occupation.
The small number of recorded sites suggests that some sites found by sur-
veyors were not submitted to the state site file. We do not know how many
sites suffered this fate, but there is no reason to believe that the sample we
do have is unrepresentative of the kinds of sites present in Foster Bend. On
the basis of the known sites, two observations seem warranted: King is the
only large Barnett phase settlement in the bend, and small Mississippian farm-
steads do not appear to be a very common type of site. In other words, most,
if not all, of the Barnett phase population living within Foster Bend resided
at King.
The Weiss Reservoir, located immediately downriver from Foster Bend, was
surveyed by the Alabama Museum of Natural History in 1957 (DeJarnette et
al. 1973). Three hundred and five sites were recorded, but none date to the
Middle Lamar period (Marvin Smith 1987:76). The large floodplain located
in Morton Bend immediately north of Foster Bend has not been surveyed. It
is possible that other large Barnett phase sites or numerous farmsteads are lo-
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The Natural, Cultural, and Historical Context / 35
cated there. Site distribution data from elsewhere in northwestern Georgia, re-
viewed below, indicate that the latter is unlikely.
Survey data from a number of locations in the Valley and Ridge section of
Georgia, Alabama, and Tennessee demonstrate that most people in the mid-
sixteenth century and probably throughout the Late Mississippian period re-
sided in large towns similar to King (Hally et al. 1990; Polhemus 1987:1246).
Kimball (1985:Table 1) reports finding small Mississippian sites in the inten-
sively surveyed Lower Little Tennessee River valley, but the numbers are quite
small. Only 4 out of 31 sites with Hiwassee Island or Dallas phase components
reported by Kimball had areas less than a quarter hectare. Even if all of these
were farmsteads, their total resident population would have been insignifi-
cant compared with the number of people residing in large towns like Toqua
(40MR6) and Citico (40MR7) (Polhemus 1987). Smith’s (1988) compilation
of Mouse Creek phase sites in the Lower Hiwassee River valley lists seven sites.
Six, including Ocoee (Lewis and Kneberg Lewis 1995), are large sites of a hect-
are or more, and one is of unknown size. Smith’s intensive shoreline survey of
the Hiwassee River segment of the Chickamauga Reservoir found no definite
farmstead or hamlet-size Mouse Creek sites.
Both the Coosawattee and Coosa river valleys in northwestern Georgia
have been surveyed fairly intensively if not systematically by amateur and pro-
fessional archaeologists. The state site file at the University of Georgia lists 48
prehistoric sites occurring within 2 km of the Coosawattee River. Eleven of
the sites have late Mississippian or Barnett phase components. Seven of these
are large towns, three are of unknown size, and one probably covers less than
half a hectare. Seventy-one recorded prehistoric sites occur within 2 km of
the Coosa River. Twelve are late Mississippian or Barnett phase. Five and pos-
sibly six of these are large towns; five have no size data while one covers ap-
proximately .10 ha. In both areas, site survey has been sufficiently intensive
that more small late Mississippian sites should have been found and recorded
if they existed. We can conclude from these data that the great majority, if not
all, of the Middle Lamar period inhabitants of these two river valleys were liv-
ing in large, compact settlements.
King is one of five known sites with spatially extensive Barnett phase com-
ponents located along a 20-km stretch of the Coosa River between Rome and
Foster Bend (Figure 3.7). They include Coosa Country Club (9FL161), John-
stone (9FL49), 9FL175, Mohman (9FL155), and King. Like King, Johnstone
has yielded Spanish artifacts belonging to Marvin Smith’s (1987) Assemblage
A, which places its occupation in the middle decades of the sixteenth century.
The Nixon site (9FL162) may be a sixth contemporary site. It was located
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36 / Chapter 3
at the junction of the Etowah and Oostanaula rivers but was destroyed in the
nineteenth century. Charles C. Jones (1861:82–83) described the site as hav-
ing a circular mound, 12–15 feet in height and more than 50 feet in diameter.
He noted that the mound was largely destroyed by the time of his visit in the
mid-nineteenth century, its fill being used to level streets in Rome and to con-
struct a ferry landing. There is no trace of the mound or any associated habi-
tation deposits today.
The Nixon site apparently did have a Barnett phase component. Jones (1861)
reported that the mound contained burials with pots, shell ornaments, stone
discoidals, and pipes. He also described a heart-shaped silver buckle as being
found in the mound. These descriptions do not tell us very much about when
the site was occupied, although the buckle is obviously a European artifact.
Much more useful is a collection acquired by the Smithsonian Institution in
1900 from Roland Steiner, a collector from Augusta, Georgia (King 2003:38–
39). Steiner evidently purchased artifacts from the owners of the site some-
time between 1894 and 1897. Among a number of artifacts said to have come
from the mound are a knobbed shell pin, a small stone discoidal, a perforated
spatulate celt, and a Citico style gorget. All of these artifact types are repre-
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The Natural, Cultural, and Historical Context / 37
sented in King site burials, but the Citico gorget is a diagnostic marker for the
Barnett phase and the Middle Lamar period. The presence of Barnett phase
burials in the mound at Nixon does not guarantee that mound construction
and use date to that period, but it certainly increases the likelihood.
The settlement pattern characteristics of the six sites on the Upper Coosa
River known to have Barnett phase components conform to the chiefdom
model presented in Chapter 2. The sites are fairly evenly spaced along the river.
One of the six sites, Nixon, had an earthen mound that probably dates to the
Barnett phase. The distance separating the easternmost sites (Nixon and Coosa
Country Club) in the cluster from the westernmost site (King) is 20 km. There
is no evidence for contemporary occupation for a distance of 20 km to the
east along the Etowah River, for a distance of 45 km to the northeast along the
Oostanaula River, and for a distance of 25 km to the southwest along the Coosa
River. We may conclude from this evidence that the six sites represent a polity,
that Nixon was probably its administrative center, and that King was one of
several subordinate towns. This polity has been designated the Rome polity
(Hally et al. 1990). Similar clusters of contemporary mid-sixteenth-century
towns have been identified in six other locations in the Valley and Ridge sec-
tion of Alabama, Georgia, and Tennessee (Figure 3.8; Hally et al. 1990).
As noted in the previous section, the Coosa River valley was uninhabited
immediately prior to the occupation of King and the other four or five towns
constituting the Rome polity. We must conclude from this that most of the in-
habitants of these towns were not native to the Coosa River valley and that
they moved into the area at the time the polity formed. Presumably they came
from polities located elsewhere in the Coosa drainage or from the Tennessee
River or Chattahoochee River drainages.
The route of the De Soto expedition through northwestern Georgia has
been reconstructed by Hudson and his colleagues (DePratter et al. 1985; Hud-
son 1997; Hudson et al. 1985). Three mid-sixteenth-century site clusters in
northwestern Georgia can be equated with provinces and towns described in
expedition accounts (Figure 3.8). The expedition entered Georgia from Ten-
nessee and traveled southward along the Cartersville Fault to the Coosawattee
River, where the Little Egypt site is the probable capital of the Coosa chiefdom.
This polity consisted of at least seven large towns (Hally et al. 1990). From
there, the expedition continued southward along the fault line to the town of
Itaba, represented by the Etowah site located on the Etowah River. This town
was probably the administrative center for a chiefdom that consisted of at least
four large towns. Departing from Itaba, the expedition headed west along the
Etowah River to the town of Ulibahali, which was probably located at the junc-
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38 / Chapter 3
Figure 3.8. Mid-sixteenth-century polities in the Valley and Ridge Province of northeastern Ala-
bama, northwestern Georgia, and southeastern Tennessee
tion of the Etowah and Oostanaula rivers and may have been the Nixon site.
Ulibahali was probably the administrative center for the Rome polity. Trav-
eling down the Coosa River, the expedition subsequently stopped at two more
towns, one of which may have been the King site.
There is strong evidence in the expedition narratives that the chiefdom of
Coosa controlled the Itaba and Ulibahali chiefdoms as well as others in south-
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The Natural, Cultural, and Historical Context / 39
eastern Tennessee and northeastern Alabama. This larger polity is generally re-
ferred to as the Coosa paramount chiefdom (Hally et al. 1990; Hudson et al.
1. The King site was occupied around the middle of the sixteenth century.
2. It was one of five, and possibly six, large towns located on the Upper Coosa
River that made up a chiefdom—the Rome polity.
3. Nixon, the sixth site, had an earthen mound and was probably the admin-
istrative center for this chiefdom.
4. Nixon lies on the eastern end of the polity at the junction of the Etowah
and Oostanaula rivers. King is located 20 km downstream at the west-
ern end.
5. Most, if not all, people in the polity lived in large towns such as King.
6. There was no polity and no significant resident human population in the
Upper Coosa River valley for approximately a hundred years prior to the
Rome polity.
7. The inhabitants of the King site and the other towns making up the Rome
polity appear to have been immigrants to the area.
8. Chiefdom polities that are roughly contemporary with the Rome polity
existed on a tributary to the Coosa River to the southwest in Alabama, on
the Etowah and Coosawattee rivers to the east, and on the Tennessee River
to the north in Tennessee. All were located within 75 km of the Rome
9. The Rome polity was visited by the De Soto and Luna expeditions in 1540
and 1560, respectively. The presence of iron tools in burials at the King site
indicates that it too may have been visited by one or both expeditions.
10. The Rome polity was part of a larger Coosa paramount chiefdom centered
at the Little Egypt site on the Coosawattee River.
11. The Rome polity appears to have collapsed early in the second half of the
sixteenth century. King and the other towns were abandoned at this time.
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Site Excavations
This chapter describes the physical nature of the King site and its investiga-
tion. It begins with a description of site stratigraphy and preservation state.
This is followed by a brief history of site investigations and a description of
basic field and laboratory procedures.
Site Stratigraphy
Site stratigraphy, for the most part, consists of two distinct strata: plow zone
and subsoil. The latter is yellow to orange-brown in color and varies in texture
with increasing depth from a sandy loam to a silt loam. Subsoil originated sev-
eral thousand years ago as point-bar deposits laid down by the Coosa River
as it migrated eastward to form Foster Bend. Plow zone, measuring approxi-
mately .6–.8 feet thick, overlies the entire site area. In the east-central portion
of the site, a third stratum, identified in field notes as a “gray humus,” lies be-
tween the plow zone and subsoil. This stratum, measuring only a few tenths of
a foot thick, apparently represents subsoil that had been stained by the aborigi-
nal occupation deposits that formerly overlay it. The exact mechanism pro-
ducing this staining—whether groundwater leaching, microfauna burrowing,
or a combination of both—is not known, but a similar soil discoloration exists
at the Little Egypt site (9MU102), where plowing has also destroyed aboriginal
occupation deposits (Hally 1979). This transitional zone of midden-stained
subsoil presumably occurred across the entire site area at one time.
At the time excavation began in 1971, all cultural features—postholes, burial
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Site Excavations / 41
pits, house basins, and defensive ditch—were restricted to the subsoil stratum.
The aboriginal habitation surface and associated occupation deposits, from
which all features originated, were presumably destroyed by the initial plowing
of the site area sometime in the middle of the nineteenth century. The site sur-
face was scoured by floodwaters from the Coosa River at least three times dur-
ing major floods in 1881, 1886, and 1916. Human bone and artifacts identifi-
able as grave goods were exposed by these floods (Battey 1922:76), indicating
that the accompanying erosion removed more than a foot of soil from at least
some parts of the site. Erosion may have occurred at other times during less se-
vere floods. Each time surface soil was removed from the site area by erosion,
subsequent plowing would have cut deeper into subsoil.
The impact that this cycle of erosion and plowing had on occupation de-
posits and features can be gauged by looking at the elevation of the sub–plow
zone surface across the site area (Figure 4.1). Variation in the elevation of this
surface matches fairly closely the present-day contours of the site surface as de-
picted on the 2-foot contour map of Foster Bend (Figure 3.3). Measured from
the site elevation datum (100 feet), the sub–plow zone surface decreases from
98.5 feet in the east-central site area to 96.0 feet along the western edge of the
site. On the eastern side of the site, the sub–plow zone surface rises slightly
then declines as one moves south away from the river. Total elevation change
here is approximately 1 foot.
The decrease in sub–plow zone surface elevation from east to west is par-
alleled by a decrease in the variety and frequency of occupation features (Fig-
ure 4.1). Primary domestic structures (PDS), the most common type of do-
mestic structure at the site, were constructed in basins measuring 1–2 feet
deep. PDS with preserved floor deposits are restricted to areas with elevations
above 98.0 feet. Structures 11 and 14 (see Chapter 5), with partially preserved
floors, are located in the northeastern corner of the excavated site area, where
subsoil surface elevations are above 98.0 feet. Structures with completely in-
tact floors, such as Structures 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, and 23, are restricted to an area to
the south where subsoil surface elevations exceed 98.5 feet. This is also the area
where the “gray humus” occurs.
Moving west and south across the site, fired soil features, marking the base
of hearths in PDS, disappear when subsoil surface elevation decreases to 97.0
feet. Most postholes located outside these structures disappear as well. Below
97.0 feet, most palisade posts, wall posts belonging to PDS, and burials located
outside PDS disappear. Below 96.0 feet, all features except the defensive ditch
There are several pieces of evidence that provide insight into the topog-
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42 / Chapter 4
Figure 4.1. Map of King site excavations showing postholes, features, burials, and contours of
the sub–plow zone ground surface.
raphy of the aboriginal ground surface at the time of site occupancy. Floor ele-
vation for the seven domestic structures with preserved floors varies between
97.9 feet and 98.6 feet. These structures are distributed over a north-to-south
distance of almost 300 feet along the eastern side of the site and indicate a
fairly level aboriginal ground surface along this axis.
Burial pits located outside PDS in the habitation zone and containing in-
dividuals older than 7 years appear to have been excavated to a relatively uni-
form depth below the contemporary ground surface (see Chapter 7). This be-
ing the case, variation in the elevation of these burial pits (measured to pit
bottom) should parallel to some extent topographic variation in aboriginal
ground surface. Sixty-eight burials have depths ranging between 96.2 and
98.1 feet, but most range between 97.2 and 97.9 feet. There is little north-to-
south variation in pit depth in the habitation zone on the eastern side of the
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Site Excavations / 43
site and little east-to-west variation on the northern side of the site—at least
as far west as the E470 grid line. The few burials located outside PDS recorded
in the south-central portion of the habitation zone, however, have pit depths
ranging between 96.2 and 96.6 feet. Erosion has severely impacted this portion
of the site, and any burial pits with elevations above approximately 96.6 feet
presumably have been destroyed by erosion and plowing. The small number of
surviving pits indicates that most burials in the area probably had elevations
above 97.0 feet.
The defensive ditch is fairly uniform in width and cross-section shape
throughout its length. Given the time and energy involved in hand excava-
tion with aboriginal equipment, we can expect that the ditch would not have
been excavated deeper than necessary and that its depth below contemporary
ground surface would have been relatively uniform. Profiles were recorded at
14 locations along the length of the ditch. Overall, elevations recorded for the
ditch bottom vary between 92.4 and 94.1 feet, a difference of 1.7 feet. Most of
this range is due to difference in depth between the eastern and western sides
of the site. Three elevation readings along the eastern ditch range between 93.7
and 94.1 feet. Five readings along the western ditch range between 92.4 and
92.9 feet. Three readings along the southern ditch fall between these two ex-
tremes, ranging between 92.9 and 93.6 feet. To the extent that the ditch was ex-
cavated to a relatively uniform depth throughout its length, these elevations
indicate that the western side of the site was approximately 1 foot lower than
the eastern side, while along the eastern side, ground surface dropped approxi-
mately half a foot from north to south.
Measurements from structure floors, burial pits, and the defensive ditch in-
dicate that the ground surface upon which the King site was established was
relatively level with, at most, a 1-foot decrease in elevation from east to west.
Present-day topography, with surface elevation dropping more than 3 feet be-
tween the eastern and western sides of the site, is due in part to recent over-
bank erosion from the Coosa River. The intensity of overbank flooding and
erosion on the western side of the site may have been conditioned in part by
the prior existence of a shallow, natural swale in that location.
The earliest published reference to the King site occurs in Battey’s A History of
Rome and Floyd County, published in 1922. In one plate, Battey illustrates sev-
eral human skulls and a variety of artifacts, including whole pots, shell beads,
and shell gorgets. The caption to the plate reads in part, “Here is part of Wesley
O. Connor’s collection of relics at Cave Spring. These artifacts were mostly un-
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44 / Chapter 4
covered on the Moultrie farm, Foster’s Bend, Coosa River, in the freshets of
1881 and 1886” (Battey 1922:76). The skulls and most of the artifacts almost
certainly came from burials that were washed out in the two floods.
Margaret C. Ashley, a graduate student at Columbia University working
under the direction of Franz Boas, visited the site in February 1928 as part
of an archaeological survey of Georgia that she was conducting. A brief ac-
count of the site and her investigations was published in Moorehead’s Etowah
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Site Excavations / 45
tinued intermittently by Garrow until the summer of 1973 when a formal 10-
week field season was undertaken with financial support from Shorter College
and the University of Georgia.
The landowner was planning to deep plow the site in the near future. This
would have caused considerable damage to the features that were preserved
below the current plow zone. Driven by this pending disaster, Garrow and I de-
cided in July 1973 to work together on the site and seek funds for large-scale
excavations in 1974. By the end of August, Garrow had excavated and mapped
approximately 17,500 square feet of the site, exposing a 200-foot section of
the ditch and palisade, posthole patterns representing eight structures, and 41
burials. Resistivity survey and test trenching conducted in October revealed
the location of the ditch at the northwest corner of the site and on its southern
side, demonstrating that the site covered approximately 5 acres. On the basis
of this information, application was made to the National Geographic Society
for funds to cover fieldwork during the winter and spring of 1974 and to the
National Science Foundation and the National Endowment for the Humani-
ties for funds to cover fieldwork during the summer of 1974 and laboratory
analysis through May 1975. Grants were ultimately received from the National
Geographic Society and the National Endowment for the Humanities, but ef-
forts to raise additional funds from local citizens in the Rome area fell short.
Our goal in the field was to excavate and map the entire 5-acre area enclosed
by the defensive ditch and to excavate all surviving burials, pit features, and in-
tact house floors. Unforeseen circumstances prevented us from achieving all
of these objectives. For one thing, the landowner was unwilling to allow exca-
vation in the portion of the site lying west of grid line W510, an area that was
in woodlot and pasture. As a result, we excavated only 126,250 square feet or
approximately two-thirds of the site during the project. Second, near-record
rainfall during the January–April period significantly reduced the amount of
site stripping and mapping that we were able to accomplish by the beginning
of summer. Ultimately, this meant that we had to change our excavation pro-
cedures for two PDS, Structures 7 and 23, and continue excavation of Struc-
ture 7 on weekends during the fall. Our inability to raise private funds also
meant that some National Endowment for the Humanities money earmarked
for laboratory analysis had to be used to cover fieldwork expenses.
Ownership of the King site changed hands in 1976. The new landowner,
Jack Dickey, cleared the woodlot in the northwest corner of the site and early
in 1982 plowed the entire area lying west of grid line W510. Plowing disturbed
several burials located along the northern edge of the site, and in at least one
case brought human bone and artifacts to the surface. In the spring of that
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46 / Chapter 4
year, looters excavated six burials in this area, including one (Burial 234) that
contained a European sword (Little 1985).
Analysis of material recovered through 1974 raised several interesting ques-
tions about the nature of the King site settlement plan that could be answered
only by investigating the unexcavated western portion of the site:
1. How many entrances to the town were there and where were they located?
2. Was the physical layout of the town as symmetrical as it appeared to be
based on excavations through 1974?
3. Were there public buildings in the northwestern sector of the plaza to match
those known from the northeastern sector?
4. What was the total number of houses and households in the town?
5. Were there burials in the western part of the town with high-status grave
goods comparable to those known from the northeastern sector?
Additional excavation also had the potential to yield evidence useful in veri-
fying and interpreting observations made in the eastern part of the town, in-
cluding the nature and distribution of less easily distinguishable architectural
features such as sun shades and granaries, drying racks, and palisade bastions;
the existence of multistructure households; the growth and decline in com-
munity size through time; and the existence of high-status households.
Excavations in 1974 indicated that erosion and plowing had probably de-
stroyed most of the architectural features and burials in the western third of
the site. The looters’ discoveries, however, suggested that perhaps damage had
not been that severe. With this in mind, I submitted a proposal to the Na-
tional Geographic Society for funds to cover two seasons of excavation begin-
ning in 1992. The objective of this research was to strip and map the western
third of the site and excavate features in a manner comparable to earlier field-
work. With National Geographic Society funds, an additional 38,000 square
feet were excavated during field seasons in 1992 and 1993. These investiga-
tions were not as productive as anticipated. Erosion and plowing had destroyed
most features west of grid line E510 and all features except the ditch west of
grid line E420.
Field Methods
Fieldwork at King involved five basic tasks: removal of plow zone, mapping
of features exposed on the subsoil surface, excavation of burials and other
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Site Excavations / 47
features, testing and profiling the defensive ditch, and excavating preserved
house floors. The manner in which the first two of these tasks were carried
out varied somewhat from one field season to the next. Prior to January 1974,
the basic excavation unit was a 10-foot square and plow zone was removed by
hand. Beginning in January and continuing in the 1992 and 1993 field seasons,
mechanical equipment (such as self-loading dragpan, tractor-mounted box
scraper, and tractor-mounted dirt scoop) was used to strip large sections of
the site. The 1–3 inches of plow zone left in place to protect the subsoil surface
from the tires of this equipment was excavated manually with shovels. The ex-
posed subsoil surface was then shaved with square-blade shovels and trow-
els to reveal postholes and other features. It was frequently necessary to wet
and rescrape this surface in order to bring out the soil color and texture con-
trasts indicative of features. Shovel shaving and feature recognition became
much more difficult when subsoil dried out, and consequently maintaining
soil moisture became a major problem when large areas were stripped at one
time. Such areas were covered with black plastic and repeatedly hosed down
with water pumped from the river.
The site grid system was established by Garrow in 1971 with the zero coor-
dinates located several hundred feet north and west of the site. A vertical da-
tum marker was placed on the north side of the site and assigned the arbi-
trary elevation of 100 feet. All feature mapping was done at a scale of 1 inch
equals 2 feet. Prior to 1974, when the standard excavation unit was a 10-foot
square, features were mapped with a folding ruler and plumb bob. Approxi-
mately 21,800 square feet were excavated and mapped in this manner. Begin-
ning in January 1974, mapping units were increased to 40 × 50 feet and map-
ping was done with a plane table and alidade. This approach was more efficient
and also made feature recognition more accurate and reliable.
Posthole fill was recorded at the base of the plow zone and assigned to one
of 20 fill types. The overwhelming majority of postholes, however, could be
assigned to just six categories: humus, humus with charcoal, dark humus with
charcoal, charred post, sand, and clay. Time did not permit cross-sectioning of
postholes during the 1973 and 1974 field seasons. In 1992 and 1993, the depth
of all postholes was determined with a 1-inch tube-type soil sampler. In those
cases in which identification as a posthole was uncertain or depth could not be
determined with the soil sampler, postholes were cross-sectioned.
Most human burials were excavated according to a standard procedure
worked out following the 1973 Shorter College summer field school. Burial
pits were cross-sectioned and profiled, and soil samples were taken from the
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48 / Chapter 4
bottom and top of pit fill. Skeletal and artifactual material was fully exposed,
mapped, and photographed (Garrow and Hight 1975). All recoverable human
bone and artifacts were removed, cleaned, and stabilized.
Six PDS with intact floors were excavated. Three of these—Structures 8, 9,
and 14—were excavated according to a procedure worked out over several field
seasons at the Little Egypt site. Basin fill was removed as a single stratigraphic
unit. Preserved superstructure material—charred posts and fired daub—was
mapped and removed. Large artifacts lying on the structure floor were piece
plotted, assigned individual lot numbers, and removed. The floor area of each
structure was then divided into 1-foot squares, and a 25-percent, systematic
sample of squares was selected for special processing. In these squares, the
floor surface, overlying occupation debris, and a small amount of underlying
subsoil was removed as a single unit and processed by flotation. For the excava-
tion of the remaining floor surface, floor area was divided into nine quadrats
defined by the four interior roof support posts and consisting of a central floor
space and eight outer floor sectors lying between the roof support posts and
the outer structure walls.1 Floor deposits from each quadrat were removed as a
unit by troweling and were sifted through a 1/4-inch-mesh screen.
Structures 4, 7, and 23 were excavated in a similar manner except that flo-
tation samples were not taken and all floor deposits were dry screened through
1/4-inch mesh. Structure 4 was excavated by Garrow in 1973 (Garrow and
Smith 1973). Systematic flotation sampling was dropped for Structures 7 and
23 because of time limitations at the end of the 1974 field season.
Following removal of floor deposits in all six structures, the underlying sub-
soil surface was scraped and postholes, hearths, and burial pits were mapped.
Charred wall posts, present in Structures 8, 14, and 23, were removed intact and
treated with a paraffin preservative for eventual dendrochronological analysis
(Hally and Grissino-Mayer 1999).
The ditch was trenched and profiled in 14 locations spaced at fairly regular
intervals around the perimeter of the site. The configuration of the unexca-
vated portion of the ditch on the western side of the site was investigated using
posthole tests and shallow trenches. The absence of evidence for earth em-
bankments spanning the ditch along the eastern and southern sides of the site
indicates that the ditch was crossed on log bridges. Such features are unlikely
to have survived erosion and plowing, but their location may be marked by oc-
cupation refuse that was thrown into the ditch by people as they walked across.
Posthole tests were excavated at 10-foot intervals along the midline of the en-
tire ditch in search of increased quantities of refuse on the ditch floor. One
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Site Excavations / 49
trench was excavated at S400 in the western ditch to investigate a high density
of artifacts in posthole tests in that location.
Several looters’ pits were investigated in the northeast corner of the site.
With the exception of three large post pits, and excluding two pits that may
have been dug by Margaret Ashley, no aboriginal pit features were encountered
at the site.
Following the termination of field work, all grave goods and human skeletal
remains were catalogued and photographed. In addition to standard measure-
ments and classification based on form, several classes of material were also
subjected to special analyses, including form and function analysis of flint-
knapper kits recovered from burials (Cobb and Pope 1998); technology and
spatial analysis of flaked stone debitage from one PDS (Ruggiero 2000); micro-
style analysis of projectile points recovered from burials (Matthiesen 1994);
typological analysis of iron tools recovered from burials (Smith 1975); form
and function analysis of non–flaked stone tools recovered from house floors
and burials (Pennington 1977); form and function analysis of pottery vessels
recovered from house floors and burials (Hally 1986a); dendrochronological
analysis of charred house posts (Hally and Grissino-Mayer 1999); and osteo-
logical analysis of human skeletal remains (Blakely, ed. 1988; Hill 1994, 2001a,
2001b, 2002; Humpf 1995; Larsen et al. 1994; Milner et al. 2000; Tally 1975).
The size of the excavated site area (3.9 acres) and the number of mapped
postholes and features (>14,000) presented a problem for settlement plan
analysis. The only practical way to deal with such material was to digitize it
and enter it into a geographic information system program. Atlas GIS, version
2.1 was chosen for this task, and a student, Thomas Foster, was hired in 1993 to
digitize the mapped data.
1. Throughout the remainder of this book, the eight outer floor sectors will be re-
ferred to by the exterior structure wall they are adjacent to and their position along that
wall. Those located between two adjacent interior roof support posts are “central sec-
tors” and those located in a corner bounded by a single roof support post are “corner
sectors.” Thus artifacts on the floor of a PDS that is oriented with the cardinal direc-
tions can be described as being located in, for example, the northeastern corner sector,
the north-central floor sector, or the northwestern corner sector. In a PDS that is ori-
ented approximately 45 degrees off the cardinal directions, these artifacts would be de-
scribed as being located in the north corner sector, northeast central sector, or south
corner sector.
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Domestic Architecture
Almost 9,400 postholes were recorded in excavations at the King site. The great
majority of these occur in the habitation zone and can be assigned to two
types of buildings, primary domestic structures (PDS) and rectangular struc-
tures (RS). There are, in addition, several hundred postholes in the habita-
tion zone that represent other types of facilities, including what are probably
drying racks, hide-working frames, sun shades, and screens or short wall seg-
ments. These kinds of facilities lack diagnostic architectural characteristics
and, as a result, received little attention during the analysis of King site archi-
tecture. The present chapter looks at the architectural characteristics of pri-
mary domestic structures and rectangular structures.
Primary domestic structures served as the primary residences for site inhabi-
tants and the loci for a variety of domestic activities such as food preparation
and consumption, sleeping, and tool manufacture and maintenance. Twenty-
five PDS can be identified with certainty in the excavated site area (Figure 5.1).
Three additional structures—Structures 3, 13, and 20—were tentatively iden-
tified in the field and subsequently have received some degree of confirma-
tion through analysis of posthole patterns and other associated architectural
features. Structures similar to PDS have been reported from a number of late
prehistoric sites in the Southern Appalachian region, including Little Egypt
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Domestic Architecture / 51
(9MU102) (Gougeon 2002; Hally 1980); Potts Tract (9MU103) (Hally 1970);
Leake (9BR2) (Patton 1990); Dyar (9GE5) (Smith 1994); 9DO39 and 9DO45
(Poplin 1990); Toqua (40MR6) (Polhemus 1987); Loy (40JE10) (Polhemus
1998); Rymer (40BY11) Ledford Island (40BY13), and Mouse Creeks (40MN3)
(Sullivan 1987); Coweeta Creek (31MA34) (Rodning 2004); and Town Creek
(31MG2-3) (Boudreaux 2005) (Figure 3.6).
The Nature of Primary Domestic Structures
Primary domestic structures are architecturally elaborate buildings that have
the potential to tell us a great deal about domestic life and community organi-
zation at the King site. In the following pages, I will outline the steps involved
in their analysis and describe in detail their architectural characteristics. In
order for these discussions to be intelligible, however, it is necessary to first
summarize what we know about the physical nature of these buildings.
Primary domestic structures at King were square in plan with rounded cor-
ners (Figures 5.2 and 5.3). Exterior dimensions range between 17.5 feet and
33 feet and average 24 feet. Structures were erected in basins excavated into the
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Figure 5.2. Plan view of Structure 7.
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Domestic Architecture / 53
Figure 5.4. Structure 4 viewed from the west. The photograph shows the basin outline, preserved
partition walls, central hearth, and large artifacts left in situ on the structure floor.
ground to a depth of probably 1.5–2.0 feet (Figure 5.4). The level surface of the
basin served as the house floor.
Exterior walls were constructed of single-set posts placed in the ground to
a depth of 1.0–1.5 feet. Spacing between posts averages 3.1 feet. Posts were cut
from young trees that were debarked and used either whole or split. Small-
diameter wooden strips—probably cane, split poles, or small saplings—were
woven horizontally between the upright posts. This lathing may have been
covered with woven cane mats or mud plaster, but there is little evidence for
either in the King site data. Earth excavated from house basins was probably
banked against exterior walls to a height of 2–3 feet.
Structures were entered through narrow passageways approximately 2.5 feet
wide and extending 4–5 feet beyond exterior walls. These had walls that were
probably constructed of wooden planks placed on end in shallow trenches and
roofs that were probably made of bark. Entrance passages were placed at one
corner of the structure or in an exterior wall near the corner.
Roofs were pyramidal in shape and steeply angled. Rafters rested on the ex-
terior wall plates and on horizontal beams supported by four interior roof sup-
port posts placed in a square around the central hearth. Roofs were probably
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54 / Chapter 5
covered with sheets of bark or thatch. A smoke hole was located at the peak
of the roof, and clay was plastered on the underside of the roof in the area be-
tween the smoke hole and the four support posts.
The interior floor space was divided into two main areas by the four in-
terior roof support posts. The central floor space, occupying approximately
one-quarter of the total floor area, contained a clay hearth with a depressed
basin and molded rim. The outer floor zone was divided into a number of cu-
bicles or compartments by low wattle-and-daub walls. These extended at right
angles from the exterior walls to the edge of the central floor space. Beds were
placed against the exterior wall in some cubicles. Other cubicles served as stor-
age and work spaces.
Structures were sometimes torn down or destroyed by fire and rebuilt one
or more times in the same location. Later construction stages typically shifted
laterally 1 or 2 feet and had approximately the same size and compass orienta-
tion as their predecessor. In a few cases, however, location, size, or orientation
changed significantly from one construction stage to the next.
Analysis of Primary Domestic Structures
Two basic problems present themselves in the analysis of King site PDS: struc-
ture recognition and construction stage identification and characterization.
Most PDS at King have only one construction stage and are represented by a
cluster of postholes forming recognizable wall alignments, a central hearth,
and one or more burial pits. Under these conditions, structures can be easily
recognized. When one or more of these characteristics is absent or incom-
pletely represented, structure identification can be difficult and in some cases
rather uncertain. Fortunately only three structures presented such problems.
The identification and characterization of individual construction stages
in multistage PDS is another matter. In this endeavor, my goal has been to re-
construct what each construction stage looked like in as much detail as pos-
sible. This requires that the exterior walls of each stage be reconstructed with
some degree of accuracy so that structure orientation and size and number
and spacing of wall posts can be calculated. Wall reconstruction may be ham-
pered by poor posthole preservation and inadequate field records, but it is
made most difficult by the sheer number of postholes that result when a struc-
ture has been rebuilt one or more times in the same location.
The following procedure and techniques were used in the analysis of PDS
architectural remains. I began the analysis with the best-preserved, single-
stage structures where architectural features and posthole patterns were clear-
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Domestic Architecture / 55
est and easiest to interpret and proceeded to single-stage structures that were
less well preserved and ultimately to multistage structures. In this way, I was
able to isolate regularities in architectural design early in the analysis and then
use them to identify feature and posthole patterns in the more complex cases
involving poorly preserved and multistage buildings. Structures 4 and 7, with
preserved floors, preserved carbonized wall posts, and a single stage of con-
struction, were the first to be analyzed, while Structures 5 and 23, with four
construction stages each, were among the last.
Compass orientation of features is an important clue in identifying con-
struction stages. Exterior walls, the square floor space enclosed by interior roof
support posts, square-shaped hearths, and contemporary subfloor burials all
tend to have parallel orientations in a PDS. In order to make comparisons of
compass orientation easier, all measurements of orientation were converted to
the range 0–90 degrees east of north. A compass orientation of 137 degrees, for
example, becomes 47 degrees east of north.
Hearths played an important role in structure analysis. They signaled the
existence of a PDS, the spatial center point of the structure, and, where well
enough preserved, the number of PDS construction stages and their sequential
order. The compass orientation of square hearths also helped in the identifica-
tion of structure orientation.
Burials also supplied important clues for PDS reconstruction. The pits of
burials interred beneath the floors of PDS were on average 1 foot deeper (below
the base of plow zone) than burials interred outside structures (see Chapter 7).
This is because PDS were erected in basins. The difference in pit depth was
useful in identifying the existence of structures in locations where erosion and
plowing had destroyed most architectural features. Structure 31 was initially
identified using this criterion.
Burials interred beneath the floors of PDS almost always were oriented par-
allel to the adjacent exterior wall. This observation has proved useful in deter-
mining structure orientation and the existence of multiple construction stages.
The two construction stages of Structure 25 were initially distinguished on
this basis.
Finally, the combination of burial pit depth and orientation has made it
possible to identify situations in which the use of a location within the habi-
tation zone changed over time. For example, 10 burials are located within the
walls of Structure 14, but, on the basis of their relatively shallow depth and
compass orientation, it is clear that at least two and possibly seven predate the
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56 / Chapter 5
Wall-trench entrances indicate the presence of a PDS and can help iden-
tify the location of exterior walls in multistage buildings. They are one of the
strongest pieces of evidence for the existence of Structure 24, a structure that
is represented by only eight exterior wall posts, a hearth, and a burial. The spa-
tial configurations of exterior walls for some construction stages in Structures
8 and 23 were identified using the proximal ends of wall trenches.
Primary domestic structures were invariably nearly perfectly square in plan
and centered on the hearth. The distance between opposing exterior walls
and between these walls and the hearth usually varied by less than 1 foot. In
even the most poorly preserved structures or those with multiple construction
stages, it was possible to identify at least one exterior wall with certainty. The
compass orientation of that wall and its distance from the hearth could then be
used to predict where the other three walls were located.
When structures were destroyed by fire, posts tended to burn down to the
floor but not below it. Termites and wood rot destroyed the uncarbonized
lower section of the post. The result of these two processes was that carbon-
ized segments of posts measuring .1–.4 feet thick often remained at the level
of the house floor and, if not destroyed by later construction activities or ero-
sion and plowing, survived to the present. When primary domestic structures
were rebuilt, the old floor surface was thoroughly cleaned, and features such
as hearths that protruded above it were leveled. Carbonized posts were usually
destroyed during this process. Taken together, these several processes usually
resulted in only the carbonized posts of final construction stages being pre-
served. This situation proved useful in identifying the construction sequence
in multistage structures.
Structures 4 and 7 had fired daub partition walls still standing. These struc-
tures and contemporary Dallas phase structures excavated by Polhemus (1987,
1998) at the Toqua and Loy sites in eastern Tennessee provide evidence for
where partitions were typically placed in PDS. Discrete piles of fired daub
present in these locations have been assumed to represent the collapsed re-
mains of partition walls in several PDS at King.
A number of other stratigraphic and architectural details were useful in re-
constructing buildings in a few individual cases. These kinds of evidence are
discussed where relevant in the descriptions of individual PDS.
Description and Comparison of PDS Architectural Characteristics
Twenty-eight primary domestic structures represented by a total of 44 con-
struction stages have been identified within the habitation zone at King. Each
construction stage, along with the evidence used to identify and reconstruct
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Domestic Architecture / 57
it, is described in Appendix A (on the accompanying compact disc). Table 5.1
summarizes most of the architectural features of King site PDS. The following
types of information are included in this table.
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Table 5.1. Continued
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Table 5.1. Continued
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Table 5.1. Continued
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66 / Chapter 5
Hearth present—This identifies those PDS that have intact or partially intact
Number of hearth stages/repairs—The number of times a hearth was totally
rebuilt or repaired during each PDS construction stage.
Hearth shape—The shape of a hearth in the horizontal plan.
Hearth profile—This identifies whether a hearth basin is round or square (flat
bottom with straight sides) in profile.
Hearth size, exterior—The maximum horizontal dimensions across the hearth
Hearth basin size—The horizontal and vertical dimensions of a hearth basin.
Fired floor—This identifies whether a PDS with preserved floor surface has an
area of fired floor adjacent to or surrounding the hearth.
Area of fired floor—The square footage of fired floor surface in a PDS.
Entrance passage—This identifies those PDS that had a preserved wall-trench
entrance passage at the time of excavation.
Entrance location—Location of the wall-trench entrance passage relative to
the floor plan of the PDS.
Entrance trench length—The length of the preserved wall trenches.
Trench spacing, interior—The width of the entrance passage as measured be-
tween the interior edges of the two trenches.
Number of clay partition walls—The number of standing clay partitions that
have been preserved in a PDS.
Central daub deposit—Indicates presence of a fired-daub deposit in central
floor sector.
Number of burials—A large number of PDS have burials located beneath their
floors. Most of these subfloor burials were interred while the structure was
occupied and are referred to as “inside” burials. A small number of sub-
floor burials predate or postdate structure occupation. In describing indi-
vidual PDS in Appendix A, subfloor burials are identified as “inside,” pre-
dating structure occupation, postdating structure occupation, or having
an unknown chronological relationship with the structure. In the case of
multistage PDS, I have also attempted to identify each inside burial with
a specific construction stage. Table 5.1 lists the number of inside burials
that can be assigned to each construction stage with certainty. The evidence
used to make these identifications is described in detail in Chapter 7.
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Domestic Architecture / 69
Eleven King site PDS (Structures 3–9, 11, 14, 21, and 23) have at least one
construction stage with a partially or fully intact floor (Table 5.1). In five of
these (Structures 4, 7–9, and 23), floor surfaces are between .3 and 1.0 foot
below the base of plow zone, and the outline of the basin in which each was
constructed is visible (Appendix A). All 11 structures are located in the east-
central and northeastern sections of the site, where erosion has been least se-
vere. The area with least soil loss, where the base of the plow zone elevation ex-
ceeds 98.5 feet, contains all five PDS with preserved basins (see Figure 4.1).
Presumably, erosion and plowing have destroyed the basins and subterranean
floors of PDS located elsewhere in the site.
Evidence that additional PDS were built in shallow basins is provided by
the presence of hearths and the depths of burial pits. Structures 13, 20, and 29
have partially preserved hearths. Given the location of these PDS in areas of
greater erosion, these features could have survived only if they were on floors
that originally had been constructed in basins. Evidence presented in Chap-
ter 7 indicates that burial pits containing individuals older than 7 years and lo-
cated within the walls of PDS with preserved floors (inside burials) have bot-
tom elevations that are on average 1.0 foot lower than those located outside of
but adjacent to such structures. Assuming that all of these individuals were in-
terred in pits of approximately equal depth, the elevation differences indicate
that the associated PDS (Structures 5, 9, 14, and 23) were erected in basins and
that these basins were approximately 1.0 foot deep.
Eight additional PDS lacking evidence of floors or hearths had one or more
inside burials older than 7 years (Table 5.2). In all cases except Structures 22
and 31, the average depth of these pits is substantially greater than that of
burials located beyond the structures’ walls. These structures were apparently
also erected in basins.
Altogether, 20 PDS have stratigraphic evidence of one kind or another in-
dicating that they had subterranean floors and were constructed in shallow
basins. There is no evidence that any PDS were constructed on the aboriginal
ground surface.
Because of overbank erosion and plowing we cannot determine with cer-
tainty how deep basins were excavated at the time of PDS construction. How-
ever, evidence presented above does provide some indication. The burial pit
data demonstrate that basins were on average at least 1.0 foot deep. More tell-
ing, the deepest preserved house basins, occurring in Structures 7 and 8.1, are
1.0 foot deep. If aboriginal ground surface adjacent to these structures has
been destroyed by plowing and plow zone is .6 feet deep, these basins would
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70 / Chapter 5
originally have been at least 1.6 feet deep. They could have been deeper, but the
burial pit evidence indicates that is unlikely.
The bottom surface of house basins is relatively flat inside structure walls.
Beyond these walls, basin surfaces slope upward rather abruptly to the base
of the plow zone. Preserved basins extend as much as 2.5 feet beyond exterior
walls and doubtless extended farther before the aboriginal ground surface was
destroyed by erosion and plowing.
Primary domestic structures at King are very similar architecturally to
Type 4a structures at the Toqua site in eastern Tennessee. Seven of the Type 4a
structures recorded at Toqua have preserved basins (Polhemus 1987). Depth
ranges between .4 and .7 feet, although Structure 54, which was only par-
tially excavated, may have had a basin depth of 3.5 feet. Structures resembling
King site PDS and constructed in basins are also reported from Leake (Patton
1990), Little Egypt (Hally 1980), and Potts Tract (Hally 1970) in northwestern
Georgia; Dyar (Smith 1994), 9DO39, and 9DO45 (Poplin 1990) in Piedmont
Georgia; and Loy (Polhemus 1998) and the Mouse Creek phase sites (Sullivan
1987) in eastern Tennessee.
Over four dozen charred remnants of exterior wall posts were preserved in
Structures 4, 7, 8.2, 9, and 14. Most, if not all, of these posts were wedge shaped
in cross section and had been split from debarked tree trunks. Field drawings
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Domestic Architecture / 71
and measurements made on preserved posts in the lab indicate that wedge-
shaped posts measured .3–.45 feet in maximum dimension and were split from
trunks averaging around .8 feet in diameter. Split posts have an architectural
advantage over full-round posts of equal size. On average they would have
been split from tree trunks having at least twice the diameter of full-round
posts. Larger trees have a greater proportion of the denser outer growth rings
than their younger counterparts, with the result that posts split from them
would be stronger and more weather resistant (Julian Beckwith, School of For-
est Resources, University of Georgia, personal communication 1990).
Several dozen posts were impregnated with a paraffin-gasoline mixture in
the field so that they could be stabilized for later dendrochronological analysis.
Twenty posts submitted to Henri Grissino-Mayer for such analysis were iden-
tifiable as white pine (Hally and Grissino-Mayer 1999).
Outer walls of the well-preserved Structure 1 at Leake appear to have been
constructed with similarly prepared posts. All but approximately five were
preserved by charring. Seventy-five percent of these were split and measured
around .45 feet in maximum dimension (Patton 1990). All had been debarked,
and all were identifiable as white pine (Beckwith, personal communication
European accounts frequently describe domestic structures as having ex-
terior walls of wattle-and-daub construction (Calder 1967; Swanton 1946;
Waselkov and Braund 1995). Elvas’s comment on the habitations of the up-
per Coastal Plain and Piedmont of Georgia is particularly important because
it indicates that the construction technique was in use at the time of first Eu-
ropean contact: “those of Toalli [on the Flint River at the Fall Line] were cov-
ered with canes in the manner of tile. Those houses are very clean and some
have their walls plastered and appear to be made of mud. Throughout the cold
lands each of the Indians has his house for the winter plastered inside and out”
(Robertson 1993:75).
Structure 4 had fired-daub deposits located along its entire northern wall,
suggesting that wall was covered with clay plaster at the time the structure
burned. Structure 7 had similar deposits located along portions of its western
and northern walls. Seven other burned structures at King (Structures 5.1, 5.4,
8.2, 9, 14, 21, and 23.4) had depressed floors that were at least partially in-
tact, but none had fired-daub deposits located along their exterior walls. Ero-
sion and plowing may have destroyed such deposits in Structures 14 and 21,
but evidence of wall plaster should have been present in at least some of the re-
maining five structures if wattle-and-daub wall construction was a common
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72 / Chapter 5
Four excavated Barnett phase PDS at the Little Egypt, Potts Tract, and Leake
sites were also destroyed by fire. Of these, only Structure 1 at Potts Tract bears
evidence of possible daubed exterior walls. Here, a foot-wide strip of unfired
clay surrounds postholes identified with the structure’s western wall (Hally
1970:Figure 10). This material may represent the base of a wattle-and-daub
Structure 1 at Leake is interesting because it suggests another way in which
exterior walls may have been constructed. Sections of three charred whole
canes were found lying horizontally one above the other against the outer edge
of one of the structure’s charred wall posts (Patton 1990:20–21). There was
no daub in the vicinity and, thus, no evidence that the cane had once been en-
closed in clay. Midden soil lay against the exterior surface of the cane and filled
the outside portion of the house basin up to the base of the plow zone—a ver-
tical distance of .6 feet. The evidence suggests that exterior walls of this struc-
ture consisted of horizontally laid cane placed against the exterior surface of
wall posts or woven in and out between adjacent wall posts. Earth was banked
against this surface at least to the top of the basin but probably to a height of 2
or 3 feet above the adjacent aboriginal ground surface.
No evidence of exterior wall daubing was found in the eight or so burned
and well-preserved structures that were thoroughly excavated at Toqua and
Loy (Polhemus 1987, 1998) in Tennessee and at 9DO39 and 9DO45 (Poplin
1990) in the Georgia Piedmont. Given this and the evidence from King and the
other northwest Georgia sites, we cannot rule out the use of wattle-and-daub
construction in the region during the sixteenth century, but it does not seem to
have been a very common construction option.
There is no archaeological evidence for the height of exterior walls at King.
The ethnohistorical evidence is ambiguous. Swan (Swanton 1946) describes
structures at the Upper Creek town of Hickory Ground in 1770 as having
wattle-and-daub walls 6–8 feet high, but the structures in question appear to
be transitional to above-ground log cabins since they have oblong floor plans
and chimneys at one end. Adair (Williams 1930:451) describes winter struc-
tures in the mid-eighteenth century as having walls 5–6 feet high. It is not
clear, however, whether this is height above interior floor level or height above
outside ground surface. In the latter case, total wall height, counting basin
depth, would have approached 8 feet. This seems excessive, given that heat
conservation would have been a major consideration in the design of domestic
structures utilized in the winter (Hargrave 1991). Evidence will be presented
in a later section that indicates the roofs of PDS were very steeply pitched.
This being the case, exterior walls 5 feet tall would have been more than ade-
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74 / Chapter 5
On the basis of these considerations, I believe that most, and probably all,
PDS at King had earth banked to a height of 2–3 feet against their outer walls.
Given the wide geographical distribution of house basins, I suspect that this
architectural feature was common throughout northern Georgia and much of
the surrounding states in the late prehistoric period. Indeed, earth rings were a
common feature at many Mississippian sites in the Southeast prior to intensive
European cultivation in the nineteenth century (Moore 1915; Myer 1928; Nash
1968; Stirling 1935; Thruston 1897).
Entrance Trenches
Nine construction stages, representing seven PDS, have pairs of trenches ex-
tending outward from their exterior walls (Table 5.1). This kind of feature is
common across Georgia, eastern Tennessee, and the Carolinas during the latter
half of the Mississippi period and is usually interpreted as representing an en-
trance passage. Polhemus (1987:200) found evidence in one burned structure
at the Toqua site that boards were placed on end within the trenches. His pro-
posal that the closely spaced boards formed the walls of the entrance passage
seems to be a reasonable explanation for how these features were constructed.
Wall trenches extend into structure basins and abut the exterior wall of the
structure in all cases where these spatial relationships can be detected. Exclud-
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Domestic Architecture / 75
ing Structure 1, where erosion appears to have shortened the trenches, and
Structures 23.1 and 23.2, where overlapping trenches make accurate measure-
ment difficult, wall trenches average 4.6 feet in length. The average distance be-
tween pairs of trenches, measured from the midline of each trench, is 2.5 feet.
If the walls of entrance passages were made of boards placed along the mid-
line of each trench, the passages themselves would have measured just under
2.5 feet in width.
Most structures (23) and construction stages (35) did not have wall trenches
at the time of excavation. Some, especially those located in the western part of
the excavated site area, have no doubt lost them to erosion and plowing. In
other cases, however, wall-trench entrance passages may not have been con-
The depth of wall trenches is important information because it may help
us determine whether some structures were indeed constructed without en-
trance passages. Unfortunately trench depth was recorded in only one case.
The trenches associated with Structure 11 extended .3 feet below the floor level
of that structure. If the basin of this structure had been 1.5 feet deep at the
time of construction, the wall trenches would have been approximately 1.8 feet
deep. That this depth was not unusual is indicated by the fact that three addi-
tional PDS (Structures 1, 16, and 24) had preserved wall trenches in spite of
the fact that plowing had destroyed their floors.
Five structures and nine construction stages had preserved floors and/or
basins but no wall-trench entrances. If wall trenches approaching 1.5 feet in
depth had been part of these structures, evidence of them should have been
preserved, especially in the case of Structure 9, where .3 feet of basin fill was
still intact in 1974. These cases, then, provide evidence that some PDS were
built without wall-trench entrances. If wall trenches varied in depth by as
much as .5 feet from one structure to another, however, it is possible that those
PDS with preserved floors but no entrance passages simply had relatively shal-
low wall trenches.
Although wall-trench entrance passages are missing from the majority of
PDS, there are practical reasons that all structures should have had them. Hard
rains, which are characteristic of the region, would have had the potential to
flood subterranean house floors and carry soil from the surrounding earth
embankment into the entrance area. With an average length of 4.5 feet, en-
trance passages probably extended well beyond the earth embankment and
helped eliminate this problem.
Stratigraphic evidence from Toqua and the Mouse Creek sites supports the
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Domestic Architecture / 77
probably overridden by the desirability of having one’s house face toward the
houses of other household members or toward the outdoor space shared with
those individuals. PDS, then, may tend to face south and toward the plaza, but
some, by necessity, will face in other directions.
Structure Floors
Eleven structures had at least partially intact floor surfaces at the time of ex-
cavation (Table 5.1). Four of these (Structures 5, 6, 8, and 23) had multiple
construction stages. In all single-stage and first-stage structures, floor surfaces
were placed directly on sterile subsoil at the bottom of the house basin. There
is no evidence of any special floor preparation such as the addition of a thin
layer of sand.
It is not possible to distinguish separate floor surfaces in Structures 5, 6, and
23. These structures were rebuilt 1–3 times and suffered plow damage and, in
the case of Structure 5, extensive pothunting damage. The floors of Structures
8.1 and 8.2 were clearly distinguishable and allow us to reconstruct the steps
involved in preparation of the later floor surface. There is no evidence that
Structure 8.1 burned. Rather, the structure seems to have been dismantled and
its floor cleaned of occupation debris. The rim of the earlier hearth stage was
removed. The old floor was then covered by a layer of soil, ranging between .2
and .4 feet thick and largely devoid of cultural material. The surface of this de-
posit served as the floor of the new structure.
Structure 1 at Potts Tract (9MU103) and Structures 2 and 3 at Little Egypt
(9MU102) each have two construction stages and are for the most part simi-
lar to Structure 8 at King in the way rebuilding occurred (Hally 1970, 1980).
They differ only in two respects. Fill soil separating floors contained some ar-
tifacts, suggesting that it was obtained from midden elsewhere on the sites.
Second, the later floors of Structures 1 and 3 have scattered patches of sand
approximately .1 foot thick, suggesting that they originally had a thin sand
The evidence from King, Little Egypt, and Potts Tract indicates that the re-
building of PDS followed a rather regular pattern. There appears to have been
a concerted effort to clean the earlier floor of occupation and superstructure
debris and to cover it with a layer of soil. The fact that structures were built
on top of one another suggests there was an emphasis on continuity between
stages. The cleaning and covering of the earlier structures, however, suggests
there was also an emphasis on renewal and starting over. Earlier construction
stages seem to have burned infrequently, at least in comparison with terminal
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78 / Chapter 5
construction stages. Earlier structures may have been carefully dismantled and
salvageable building material reused in later stages. The possibility that re-
newal symbolism was important suggests alternatively that such building ma-
terials would have been discarded.
Hearths were preserved to varying degrees in 19 PDS (Table 5.1). All struc-
tures in the eastern portion of the site had hearths, but only one located in the
more eroded western half of the site (Structure 29) had a hearth. All preserved
hearths are located quite precisely in the center of their respective construc-
tion stage; the distance between the hearth and the four exterior walls seldom
varies by more than half a foot.
Multiple hearths can be distinguished in all PDS that have multiple con-
struction stages. In those cases where a structure has been rebuilt, a new hearth
was invariably constructed in the center of the new building. With the possible
exception of Structure 23.2, no PDS construction stage has more than one
“hearth stage.” A number of hearths have been remodeled or repaired, which
involves adding a layer of clay to the basin bottom or side walls or building a
complete new, smaller basin inside an earlier basin. Eleven hearth stages in six
structures have been remodeled at least one time. The hearth of Structure 14
was remodeled four times, the most for any hearth recorded at King. These
new clay surfaces may represent repairs, but they may alternatively have had a
more important function as symbols of household change or renewal.
In 24 construction stages, representing 13 PDS, hearths were sufficiently in-
tact to allow at least partial determination of shape and size (Table 5.1). Three
hearth types can be distinguished among them. Eight hearths have square ba-
sins and rims, flat bottoms, and molded rims extending .2–.3 feet above the
floor surface. Basins measure between 1.4 and 3.4 feet across and .6–1.0 foot
The second type of hearth, represented by five examples in two PDS, has a
circular basin and rim, a flat bottom, and a molded rim extending .2–.3 feet
above the surrounding floor surface. Basins measure between 1.4 and 2.5 feet
across and .4–.6 feet deep.
The third type of hearth, represented in three structures, has a circular ba-
sin and rim, a rounded bottom, and a molded rim extending .2–.3 feet above
the surrounding floor. Basins measure 2 feet across and .4–.8 feet deep.
Polhemus (1987:187–198) distinguishes nine hearth types in Type 4a struc-
tures at Toqua. Six of these are variants of the types recognized at King.
Hearths in Structures 2 and 3 at Potts Tract conform to hearth types 1 and 3 at
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Domestic Architecture / 81
produce the level of soil firing observed. Second, given the size and depth of
most hearth basins in King site structures, it would be difficult to keep a fire
going in the hearth while also baking bread. The more likely alternative is that
the fire was built on the floor adjacent to the hearth basin and that baking was
done on this heated surface.
Structures 2.1, 4, 5.4, 8.1, and 8.2 have fairly small fired floor features lo-
cated on one side of the hearth and merging with its rim. Structure 7 differs in
having fired floor surrounding the hearth on all sides. Both situations conform
to what one would expect to find if these features were indeed used as ovens.
The fired floor surface in Structure 14, on the other hand, surrounds the hearth
but covers almost the entire central floor sector and extends out to the inte-
rior roof support posts. Similar-sized fired floor features exist in Structure 1
at Leake (Patton 1990) and Structure 1 at Little Egypt (Hally 1980). Whether
these larger features were formed in a different manner is not known.
Polhemus (1987:214) describes a remarkable set of features from Struc-
ture 52 at Toqua that supports the functional explanation of fired floor fea-
tures given above. Three stones were arranged in a triangle on a small area of
fired soil located immediately adjacent to the hearth. Ash overlay the fired soil
and surrounded the stones. Polhemus identifies the three stones as pot sup-
ports. A logical interpretation of this evidence is that pots were being heated
over open fire at this location. This implies, in turn, that a variety of cooking
activities were conducted on the outer margins of prepared hearths.
Structures 9, 10, and 23 at King have preserved floors but lack areas of fired
floor adjacent to the hearth. Variability in the occurrence of this feature in PDS
probably reflects minor differences in the food habits of households. Bread, for
one, was not a very important food type in the aboriginal Southeast (Hally
1986a) and may not have been baked on a regular basis in all households.
Structure Size
Dimensions and floor areas have been calculated for all PDS except Structures
12 and 30 (Table 5.1). Those calculated for Structures 3, 13, and 20, however,
are not reliable and will not be used in the following discussion. PDS are, for
all practical purposes, square in floor plan. Distances measured between oppo-
site walls within a single structure differ on average by only .4 feet and by no
more than 1.2 feet.
Structure sizes range between 306 square feet (17.5 × 17.5 feet) and 1,079
square feet (32.6 × 33.1 feet) and average 612 square feet. Type 4a domestic
structures at Toqua average less than 500 square feet (Polhemus 1987:Table
5.5) and thus tend to be considerably smaller than those at King.
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82 / Chapter 5
Figure 5.5. Size distribution of primary domestic structures (in square feet).
Structure sizes are plotted in Figure 5.5. The lower end of the S-shaped
curve is separated from the middle section by a gap of 79 square feet in what is
otherwise a fairly smooth curve. The 21 PDS in the middle section of the curve
are relatively uniform in size, spanning a range of only 141 square feet (be-
tween 543 and 684 square feet). Beginning with Structure 26.2, PDS size in-
creases more rapidly, with the 10 PDS plotted in this section spanning a range
of more than 370 square feet. The largest PDS, Structure 1.1, is 124 square feet
larger than Structure 15.1, the next largest PDS.
The flatter part of the curve, containing more than half of the measured
PDS, may correspond to what town residents considered to be an ideal size for
PDS. We may assume that structures in this size range were sufficiently large
to accommodate most resident domestic groups and most household activities
but were not too expensive to build or maintain. Structures were presumably
built smaller or larger than this only when special circumstances (see Chap-
ter 8) dictated they be.
Polhemus (1987:236) identifies the central floor area of Type 4a structures
as “public” floor space and the outer floor area between the roof support posts
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Domestic Architecture / 83
and the outer wall as “private” floor space. Although he does not explicitly state
why he makes this distinction, it is clear that he sees the former as being the
place where activities such as eating and visiting occur that involve all resi-
dents and, on occasion, nonresidents and the latter being the place where ac-
tivities such as sleeping and craft production occur that involve individual
Central floor space estimates are less reliable than those for total floor space
because of the greater difficulty in identifying interior roof support posts, es-
pecially in PDS with multiple construction stages. Central floor space can be
calculated for only 25 out of a possible 44 PDS construction stages (Table 5.1).
The amount of such space ranges between 45 and 245 square feet and averages
104 square feet. The ratio of central floor space to total floor space ranges be-
tween 13 percent and 24.1 percent. The average of 16.5 percent is considerably
smaller than the 21.1-percent average for village area structures (Type 4a) at
Toqua (Polhemus 1987:Table 5.2).
Total floor space and central floor space are strongly correlated (r = .9086)
in King site PDS. Larger structures have larger central floor spaces, but the re-
lationship seems to break down in the largest structures. Structure 27, which
is the third-largest PDS, has a central floor area that is more than one standard
deviation below the mean for percentage of total floor space. Structures 1.1 and
15.1 are the two largest PDS in both total floor space and central floor space,
but they have considerably more central floor space than expected. The per-
centage of central floor space for both structures—23 percent and 24 percent,
respectively—is more than two standard deviations above the mean. These fig-
ures are comparable to the ratio of central floor space existing in the two public
buildings in the plaza, Structures 16 (20.2 percent) and 17 (20.1 percent).
The outer floor area of PDS, the space lying between roof support posts
and outer walls, is presumably where people slept, where household equip-
ment and some foodstuffs were stored, and where certain domestic activities
such as flintknapping took place. The width of the outer floor zone ranges be-
tween 5.3 feet and 9.6 feet, while square footage ranges between 261 square
feet and 834 square feet. There is a strong tendency for width (r = .89778) and
area (r = .84108) of the outer floor zone to increase as total floor area increases.
As might be expected, Structures 1.1 and 15.1 have the lowest percentage of
outer floor area.
Structure 4 has the smallest total floor space and narrowest exterior floor
zone of any PDS on the site. Presumably the 5.3-foot width and 261 square feet
of outer floor space was adequate to accommodate the domestic activities of
the structure’s residents, but we may assume that it was close to the minimum
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Domestic Architecture / 85
Figure 5.6. Estimated number of exterior wall posts in individual primary domestic structures.
variability in building size and posthole spacing for the structures represented
in each range, I think it is safe to say that some factor other than or in addition
to building size is determining wall post frequency in PDS.
I think it is likely that King site inhabitants preferred PDS to have either 28
or 32 exterior wall posts. Almost half the structures in the 27–33 post range
have either 28 or 32 posts. Posthole counts that deviate from these numbers
by one or two posts may very well be erroneous as a result of the unfavorable
conditions under which wall post identifications were made. Eight of the 13
PDS that deviate are multistage PDS or, in the case of Structure 22, appear to
have rebuilt walls on one or two sides of the building. Two others are located
in more heavily eroded areas of the site. Even Structures 4, 7, and 9, with single
construction stages and relatively uncomplicated posthole patterns, have more
postholes located along the exterior walls than the 27 estimated to be actual
wall posts.
I think a good case can be made for wall post number being determined in
part by ideological factors. Structures with 28 exterior wall posts have seven
posts in each of their four walls. Four and seven are sacred numbers in the
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86 / Chapter 5
Southeast: the former referring to the cardinal directions and the number
of times many ritual acts were repeated and seven referring to, among other
things, the number of directions (four cardinal directions, up, down, and cen-
ter) recognized by the Cherokee, the number of Cherokee clans, and the num-
ber of days Creek war parties waited before setting out on military expedi-
tions, as well as several Creek and Cherokee mythological events (Gatschet
1969 [1884]; Gearing 1962; Hudson 1976).
Structures with 32 posts would have eight in each of their four walls. I
have come across only one reference in the Southeastern literature suggest-
ing that eight may have been a sacred number—the number of years it took
the Choctaw to construct the mound at Nanih Waiya (Lincecum 1904:531)—
but eight is the number of roof support posts that are commonly found in late
prehistoric and historic public structures in the Southern Appalachian region.
Structure 17 at King has this number of posts, as do Structure 51 at Toqua
(Polhemus 1987), the mid-eighteenth-century townhouses at Chota-Tanasee
(Schroedl 1986) and Tomatley (Baden 1983), and eighteenth-century Upper
Creek rotundas (Hawkins 1848; Sheldon 1990; Waselkov and Braund 1995:
Figure 25).
This symbolism appears to have been extended to the two public build-
ings in the plaza. Structure 16 resembles PDS in layout and has 34 exterior
wall posts (see Chapter 6). This number is fairly reliable, because the structure
has only one construction stage. Nevertheless, it is possible that I have over-
counted exterior wall posts, because there is evidence that replacement posts
were added in some sections of wall. At 400 square feet, Structure 16 falls in the
range of the smallest PDS. Average posthole spacing (2.05 feet) is smaller than
that of any PDS. We might conclude that the builders of Structure 16 wanted
the exterior walls to have 32 posts and were willing to reduce inter-post spac-
ing to achieve that number.
Structure 17 has an estimated 45 wall posts, but the number might actu-
ally be 44 (see Chapter 6). As with Structure 16, replacement posts in several
wall sections make it difficult to accurately count exterior wall posts. Forty-
four is an interesting number. The Choctaw wandered 44 years before settling
at Nanih Waiya (Lincecum 1904:524), and 44 is the product of having four
straight wall segments with seven posts each and four rounded corners with
four posts each. Structure 1.1, the largest PDS, at 1,079 square feet, is unique
among domestic structures with an estimated 44 exterior wall posts, 11 more
than the next largest number. As noted above, Structures 1.1 and 17 are also
similar in having large central floor areas.
The large number of structures that appear to have 28 or 32 wall posts and
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Domestic Architecture / 87
the fact that these structures vary so much in floor space suggest that many
households consciously chose to construct their primary residence with one or
the other number of posts. Nevertheless, a few PDS (Structures 11, 18, and 19)
appear to have had neither 28, nor 32, nor 44 exterior wall posts. This suggests
that prescriptions governing number of posts were not inviolable.
Estimates of exterior wall postholes are available from two contemporary
structures in northwestern Georgia. Structure 1 at the Leake site had 32 or 33
posts and Structure 1 at Little Egypt had between 28 and 30 postholes. The
latter structure was located on a terrace of Mound A and was quite large (960
square feet), but to judge from its artifactual content it was a domestic struc-
ture. Most mapped structures at Toqua were rebuilt one or more times and
are thus difficult to analyze using only published maps. Structure 39, a well-
preserved single-stage structure in the village, had approximately 36 post-
holes. Several well-preserved structures on Mound A (Structures 3, 11, 12, 14,
and 30) had large numbers of postholes, ranging into the fifties and seven-
ties. Whether this reflects the public nature of these buildings or a cultural dif-
ference between the Coosa River and Little Tennessee River drainages is not
Central Daub Deposits
Large deposits of daub located in the central floor sector are a common fea-
ture of PDS. Twelve PDS construction stages with floors that are at least par-
tially intact were destroyed by fire. Eight of these have central daub deposits
(Table 5.1). Of the remaining four (Structures 5.1, 6.1, 8.1, and 8.2), later PDS
construction stages may have removed daub deposits in three cases (Struc-
tures 5.1, 6.1, and 8.1). In the eight structures with central daub deposits, daub
covered most of the floor space bounded by the four interior support posts but
seldom extended much beyond it. Similar deposits have been reported for late
Mississippian structures at several sites in the Southern Appalachian region
(Hally 1970, 1980; Keel 1972:44, Figure 2.7; Lewis and Kneberg 1946:48; Lewis
and Kneberg Lewis 1995:473, 527; Patton 1990; Polhemus 1987:1222, 1998;
Poplin 1990).
Two late eighteenth-century accounts describe the addition of clay plas-
ter to roofs of aboriginal houses. Referring to Chickasaw, Creek, or Cherokee
winter houses, Adair states: “They then weave them [rafters] thick with their
split saplings, and daub them all over about six or seven inches thick with
tough clay, well mixed with withered grass; when this cement is half dried, they
thatch the house with the longest sort of dry grass, that their land produces”
(Williams 1930:451). Describing Creek townhouses, Hawkins states: “The raf-
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88 / Chapter 5
ters are near together, and fastened with splits. These are covered with clay and
that with pine bark” (Hawkins 1848:71).
Both of these accounts can be interpreted as describing the addition of a
clay plaster layer between the rafters and the roof covering. A more probable
interpretation is that clay was applied around the rafters but primarily to their
underside and that of the roofing material above. This was done presumably to
protect these flammable materials from sparks rising from the central hearth.
Lewis and Kneberg (1946:48) were the first to recognize this practice in ar-
chaeological context, and more recent research tends to support their obser-
vations. The size and distribution of central daub deposits indicate that roofs
were plastered from the smoke hole out to the four interior roof support posts
and no farther. Analysis of the central daub deposit from Structure 1 at Leake
reveals that rafters were plastered on their underside and that roof support
beams lying on the four interior support posts were also enclosed in plaster.
Plastered roofs would have required a specially constructed opening to al-
low smoke from the central hearth to escape. Polhemus (personal communica-
tion 1990) reports finding fragments of daub in Toqua site structures that had
been molded by hand to form the circular opening of a smoke hole. Lewis Lar-
son (personal communication 1990) reports finding a smoke hole made from
the neck and shoulder of a broken Lamar Complicated Stamped jar in a Brew-
ster phase structure at Etowah. Fired daub adhering to the vessel surface indi-
cates that it had been plastered into place within the clay layer.
Interior Partition Walls
Evidence of interior partition walls exists in four forms: preserved basal rem-
nants of walls, discrete deposits of fired daub representing fallen walls, artifact
distributions on house floors, and postholes that held the supporting posts for
Structures 4 and 7 contained preserved wall remnants (Figures 5.2, 5.4, and
5.7). These consist of vertical slabs of fired clay extending from the exterior
wall toward the center of the structure and terminating at an interior roof sup-
port post or the edge of the central floor sector.
The partition walls in Structure 4 are not described in any detail in field
notes. Field photographs, however, show them to be between .2 and .4 feet
thick. The walls in Structure 7 were about .2 feet thick and were smooth on one
surface and rough on the other. The rough surface of one wall had horizontally
oriented impressions of cane and one or more impressions that may represent
vertically oriented posts. Daub fragments from partition walls at the Leake site
had similar impressions. It thus appears that partition walls were sometimes, if
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Figure 5.7. Plan view of Structure 4, showing partition wall remnants and the distribution of
piece-plotted lithic artifacts on the floor of Structure 4.
posed and mapped as a result of time constraints, but field notes indicate that
they overlay much of the southern part of the structure. In this location, they
would have derived from partitions located in the structure’s southeastern and
southwestern corners (Appendix A, Figure A.14).
Structure 9 had two daub deposits located in the south-central exterior
floor space (Appendix A, Figure A.18). They may be remnants of a partition
originating from the structure’s southern wall.
Daub deposits are located in the outer floor sectors on the northwestern,
northeastern, and southwestern sides of Structure 14 (Appendix A, Figure
A.26). Overbank erosion may have reduced the size of these deposits and de-
stroyed deposits along the southeast side altogether. The extant deposits, never-
theless, indicate that there were at least four partitions in the structure: one
near the center of the northwestern wall, one extending to the northern roof
support post, one extending to the eastern roof support post, one extending
to the western roof support post, and possibly one located near the center of
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Domestic Architecture / 91
the southwestern wall. There are no postholes for support posts in the last lo-
cation, suggesting that this small daub deposit is part of the partition in the
western corner.
Structure 5.1 was not destroyed by fire and as a result has no deposits of fired
daub. However, a 5.5-foot-long strip of unfired clay in the southeastern corner
of the structure may represent the base of an unfired partition wall or a col-
lapsed portion of one (Appendix A, Figure A.10). Its location and orientation
indicate that the partition extended to the southeastern roof support post.
The daub evidence supports several of the observations concerning pre-
served partitions that were made above. It also can tell us something about the
height of partition walls. Assuming that partitions fell to one side or the other
at the time structures burned, the width of the resulting daub deposits may
approximate wall height. Daub deposits along the southwestern wall of Struc-
ture 4 and the northwestern wall of Structure 14 are 3 feet and 4.5 feet wide,
respectively. Polhemus (1987, 1998) reports comparable heights for partitions
represented by fallen walls at Toqua and Loy. One fallen wall deposit in Struc-
ture 1 at Leake (Patton 1990:24) is 4.75 feet wide. These data indicate that par-
titions stood to a height of 5 feet or more.
Partitions undoubtedly played an important role in constraining the spa-
tial location of domestic activities within PDS. Such constraints should be
reflected to some degree in the spatial distribution of primary and de facto
refuse on preserved house floors (Figure 5.7). The preserved floors of Struc-
tures 4, 7, 8.2, and 23.4 yielded a sufficient number of artifacts to permit
meaningful observations concerning the spatial relationship between parti-
tion location and artifact distribution. This information is reviewed in a later
section dealing with artifacts recovered from house floors.
Partitions would have required some form of support to hold them upright
and in place. The available evidence indicates that the distal ends of partitions
were attached to structure walls and that the proximal ends of many were at-
tached to a roof support post. Partitions located near the center of exterior
walls, however, would have required a separate post to support their proxi-
mal end, as in the case of the partition in the east-central floor sector of Struc-
ture 7. It is also possible that partitions required additional support along their
length. Postholes located beneath or adjacent to standing partitions in Struc-
tures 4 and 7 may have held such posts. We may anticipate, then, that the loca-
tion of partitions will be marked by postholes and that the distribution of the
latter may form identifiable patterns.
Eight structures (Structures 4, 7, 9, 11, 14, 21, 22, and 23) have sufficient
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Domestic Architecture / 93
a split pole. Thirteen of the fragments have impressions of two elements, ori-
ented at right angles to one another and touching. One of these impressions
is invariably round and smooth and probably represents the horizontal beams
that lie on top of the four interior posts. These elements average .52 feet in di-
ameter and have been debarked. The second element is represented by both
round and flat impressions in approximately equal numbers and averaging
.3 feet across. These impressions probably represent rafters lying on top of the
beams. To judge by their diameter, they were typically made from split poles.
One large piece of daub bore the impression of a 1.5-foot-long segment of
support beam and impressions of at least five rafters. The latter were spaced
only .2 feet apart. It seems doubtful that rafters were placed over the entire
roof at this close interval. More likely they were spaced at intervals of approxi-
mately 1 foot.
If daub fragments with support beam and rafter impressions can be ori-
ented in their original plane, the angle or slope of the rafters can be calcu-
lated. Ten of the Leake site daub fragments have support beam and rafter im-
pressions as well as a hand-smoothed surface that may represent the underside
of the support beam/rafter assemblage and as such provide a way to orient
the daub fragments in three-dimensional space. Unfortunately, the surface
in question is sometimes uneven and therefore difficult to orient in a hori-
zontal plane. Estimates of the angle between the hand-smoothed surface and
the rafter impressions are as follows: 32, 39, 52, 53, 57, 63, 65, 67, 69, and 80 de-
grees. Although there is considerable variation, the majority of angles fall in
the range of 50–70 degrees.
One large daub fragment contains a fourth impression that appears to rep-
resent a vertical post, presumably one of the four interior support posts. Using
it to orient the fragment produces a rafter angle of 53 degrees from the hori-
zontal. This figure compares favorably with the roof angle of 54 degrees that
can be calculated from DeBatz’s 1732 drawing of an Acolapisa “chief ’s cabin”
in Louisiana (Bushnell 1927:Plate 1). While it is not known whether DeBatz
actually measured the roof angle on this structure, it is probable that he did try
to portray it accurately as he was an architect or engineer, according to Bush-
nell (1927:1). That DeBatz was concerned with accuracy and architectural de-
tail is evidenced by the measurements he provides for the two buildings illus-
trated in Plate 1 and by the fact that the buildings were drawn to scale.
Roofs made with cane matting or thatch must be steeply angled in order to
effectively shed rainwater. Roofs of late prehistoric domestic structures such as
at King and Leake may have been covered with bark sheets, but even with this
material, a steeply angled roof would help to ensure rainwater runoff. It seems
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94 / Chapter 5
likely, then, that roofs of PDS at King were angled at least 45 degrees from the
horizontal and probably were steeper than that.
No roofing material was recognized and recorded during excavations of
the PDS at King or Leake. Elvas and Beidma agree that structures in Florida
and southern Georgia had thatch roofs while those to the north were differ-
ent (Robertson 1993:75; Worth 1993a:228). Garcilaso describes these more
northern roofs as being made with “mats of cane” (Shelby 1993:298); Elvas
(Robertson 1993:75) seems to be saying the same thing when he describes
them as being made of “canes in the manner of tile.” Late eighteenth- and early
nineteenth-century descriptions of Creek structures by Wight (Calder 1967),
Swan (Swanton 1946:394), Bartram (Waselkov and Braund 1995), Hawkins
(1848:71), and an unidentified army officer (Swanton 1946:391–392) all iden-
tify roofs as being constructed of shingles or of pine or cypress bark.
Whether the difference between the sixteenth-century and eighteenth-
century accounts reflects an actual shift in roofing materials is not known.
Widespread use of shingles may have required the introduction of the iron
axe, but bark can be obtained in large sheets from trees such as elm, oak, chest-
nut, pine, and hemlock with simple stone and wooden tools (Nabokov and
Easton 1989). Bark was widely used as roofing material across the Midwest and
Northeast in the late nineteenth century (Nabokov and Easton 1989) and pre-
sumably was so used in precontact times.
Thatch is reported in association with superstructure elements from one
burned structure at Toqua (Polhemus 1987:283), multiple burned structures at
the Rymer and Mouse Creeks sites (Lewis and Kneberg Lewis 1995:503), and
Structure 1 at 9DO39 (Poplin 1990:137). Lewis and Kneberg Lewis (1995:503)
report finding thatch on the floors of structures at the Rymer and Mouse
Creeks sites. Because the thatch in these structures was buried by daub from
the roof and not associated with the heavier timbers of roofs and walls, Lewis
and Kneberg Lewis speculate that it was part of furnishings such as beds and
not roofing material. In contrast, Poplin reports that thatch in the 9DO39
structure overlay the rafters.
Thatched roofs require large quantities of thatch—1 to 4 acres of grass
(Kennedy and Sawyer 2005; Wagner 1987). Multiply this by 20 or more struc-
tures and it seems unlikely that many towns the size of King would have had
sufficient grasslands readily available to allow all PDS to have thatch roofs.
Given the ethnohistorical evidence and the feasibility of using bark, it seems
likely that many, if not most, PDS at King would have been roofed with cane
mats or sheets of bark.
Over the years, a number of archaeologists have argued that Mississippian
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96 / Chapter 5
mented practice of daubing the underside of roofs with clay and noting that
vegetation was encouraged to grow on the earth embankments and roofs. With
a layer of clay partially encasing the rafters and an overlying layer of organic
roofing material such as thatch, cane, or bark, it is possible that weedy types
of vegetation were able to grow on roofs, especially as they began to decay
with age.
As noted above, Elvas and Garcilaso state that structures in the Piedmont
and presumably elsewhere in the Appalachian uplands had roofs made with
cane or cane mats. It is possible that they are describing alternative ways to
construct roofs and that sites like King had some domestic structures with
earth covers and others with bark, thatch, or cane mat covers. It is also pos-
sible that each observer saw the same kind of construction but emphasized
different aspects of it in his description. Elvas’s and Garcilaso’s informants
may have neglected to mention earth embankments and depressed floors.
Beidma and Anunciacion may have been struck by the practice of banking
earth against exterior walls and the tendency for certain kinds of vegetation
to grow on older roofs, and they may have neglected to mention the actual
roofing material. My opinion is that the available archaeological evidence and
all the ethnohistorical descriptions, including those of Adair and Hawkins,
can be accommodated by the combination of depressed floors, earth embank-
ments, plaster on the underside of rafters, and roof covers of thatch, bark, and
cane mats.
On the basis of the preceding arguments and evidence presented in earlier
sections, I believe that the superstructures of PDS at King had the following
architectural characteristics. Exterior walls probably rose 5–6 feet above house
floors, which means they extended 3–5 feet above the surrounding ground
level. They were usually constructed with a layer of closely spaced cane at-
tached to the outside surface of wall posts or woven between them and, in
some cases, may have been daubed. Earth, derived from the excavated basin,
was banked against the outer side of exterior walls, probably to a height of 2–
3 feet. Roofs had a 45- to 55-degree pitch and were covered with thatch, sheets
of bark, or cane mats. A portion of the underside of the roof, that lying be-
tween the smoke hole and the interior roof support posts, was coated with sev-
eral inches of clay. The artist’s reconstruction in Figure 5.3 illustrates these
PDS Construction Cost Estimation
King site PDS range in size (floor area) between 306 square feet and 1,079
square feet. Possible reasons for this variability are discussed in Chapter 8.
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Domestic Architecture / 97
Construction costs, reviewed here, may have been a major factor affecting
people’s decisions regarding how large a house to build. Construction costs in-
clude the cost of procuring building materials and the cost of actually con-
structing the building. Building materials would have been available locally
and would have included wood for wall posts, purlins, interior roof support
posts and beams, and rafters; split cane for wall wattle; bark, cane, or thatch
for roofing; clay for daubing partition walls and roof interiors; and animal hide
and plant fiber for lashing materials. Access to these materials may have been
restricted by individual or group ownership, but given their natural abundance
in the area and the fact that ethnohistoric and ethnographic sources make no
reference to such ownership, this seems unlikely. The cost of acquiring build-
ing materials then was probably exclusively one of labor—the labor required
to find, harvest, transport, and process them. Construction costs, of course,
would also have been exclusively labor costs.
Labor costs for procurement and construction can be estimated accurately
only with the aid of detailed ethnographic observations and experimental
studies. There are a number of relevant experimental studies (Abrams 1994;
Blanton 2005; Callahan 1995; Hammerstedt 2005; Hansen 1959; Reed 2005)
but relatively few ethnographic descriptions (Abrams 1994; Knuffel 1973) and
no ethnohistorical descriptions of aboriginal Southeastern construction costs.
Abrams’s (1994) ethnoarchaeological study of peasant house construction in
Honduras is probably the most useful for our present needs. Abrams queried
native informants about the total time required to procure building materials
and construct their houses. On the basis of information from 10 wattle-and-
daub structures constructed in the Copan, Honduras, area in recent times,
Abrams (1994) and Gonlin (1993) developed a regression formula that pro-
jects construction costs from a structure’s floor area. To the extent that this
formula accurately projects the relative cost of constructing buildings of dif-
ferent sizes with locally available natural materials, it should be applicable to
King site PDS.
Table 5.3 presents data used in estimating construction costs for King site
PDS along with the estimates of those costs. Only single-stage structures and
the first construction stage of multistage structures are included in the table.
This is because these are the only structures that would have required excava-
tion of a basin. Later-stage structures make use of some of the basin space ex-
cavated for their predecessors. Column 6 contains estimates of the volume of
soil excavated for house basins. Basins are assumed to be 1.5 feet deep and to
extend 1 foot beyond structure walls. Estimates of the number of hours re-
quired to excavate each basin are presented in Column 7 and are derived from
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102 / Chapter 5
household activities. The east-central floor sector also appears to have a dis-
tinctive activity profile, given the low frequency of pottery, shell, and ani-
mal bone.
The partition preserved in the south-central floor sector appears to have re-
stricted the distribution of activities involving flaked stone debitage and tools,
shell, animal bone, and possibly pottery. The uneven distribution of flaked
stone debitage and tools and pottery sherds indicates that another partition
existed in the middle of the northern wall. The pottery distribution also in-
dicates the existence of a partition at the northern end of the eastern wall. In
Structure 7, artifact distributions are clearly confined by the standing parti-
tions in the southeast and southwest corners, but they do not support the iden-
tification of a second partition along the southern wall near the building’s en-
trance (Appendix A, Figure A.14).
Artifact distributions in Structure 4 indicate that several different activities
occurred in the south-central floor sector. These include flintknapping, pro-
duction or use of non-flaked stone tools, pottery vessel use leading to break-
age, and some phase of food preparation. Cooking and some other household
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Domestic Architecture / 103
Figure 5.9. Distribution of piece-plotted animal bone and shell on the floor of Structure 4.
activities must have occurred in the central floor sector around the hearth, but
any resulting debris appears to have been removed.
All six PDS have a concentration of flintknapping debris located in the
south-central, southeast-central, south corner, or southeast corner sectors. In
Structures 8.2, 9, 14, and 23.4, these concentrations were visually recognizable
at the time of excavation, measured as much as 5 feet across, and contained
thousands of flakes. The excavators of Structure 4 did not record a visible debi-
tage concentration, but the density of piece-plotted material in the south-
central floor sector indicates that one was there. Structure 7 had very little
flaked stone debris on its floor and had no visually distinct concentration, but
approximately 60 percent of the debitage recovered by screening is from the
south-central floor sector.
The entrance passages for Structures 4 and 7 are located in the southwest
corner adjacent to the sector containing the flint concentration. In Structure
8.2, the entrance passage is located in the south-central sector but, again, im-
mediately west of the sector containing the flint concentration. If this is a com-
mon configuration, then we can anticipate that the entrances for Structures 9
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104 / Chapter 5
and 23.4 are located in the southwest corner and the entrance for Structure 14
is located in the south corner sector. The spatial relationship of Structure 9 to
its contemporary neighbors also suggests that this structure’s entrance was at
the southwest corner.
All five of the well-preserved PDS excavated at Little Egypt (Gougeon
2002), Potts Tract (Hally 1970), and Leake (Patton 1990) had large, dense con-
centrations of flaked stone debitage. In all cases, the feature was located in a
mid-wall sector and, with one exception, along the southeast or southern wall.
In Structure 1 at Little Egypt, the concentration is on the north side of the
building, a difference that may be related to the building’s location on a ter-
race on the southeast side of Mound A. Given the ubiquity of flint concentra-
tions and the uniformity in their location among 11 structures at four different
sites, it seems safe to conclude that flintknapping was a common activity in-
side PDS and that widely shared preferences or prescriptions determined where
it took place.
Ruggiero (2000:64–68) has analyzed the flaked stone material recovered by
piece plotting and flotation from Structure 8.2. On the basis of a variety of cri-
teria, including average flake size and condition, lipped and low-angle strik-
ing platforms, and dorsal flake scar frequency, he concludes that most flint
debitage is the result of late-stage biface production using soft-hammer per-
cussion. The occurrence of crushed and cortical platforms on some flakes in-
dicates that early-stage reduction with hard-hammer percussion, possibly in-
volving bipolar cores, was also taking place inside the structure.
Beverly Connor (1985; Connor and Hally 1980) has analyzed the material
from flint concentrations in the three structures excavated at the Little Egypt
site. She found that the three concentrations contained the same kinds of debi-
tage in approximately the same frequencies and concluded that they were pro-
duced by the same lithic production activities. Using criteria slightly different
from those of Ruggiero, she proposes that the concentrations contained ma-
terial representing primarily the later stages of tool production and tool re-
sharpening and rejuvenation. Primary reduction activity (core preparation)
was also represented in the three concentrations, but not with great frequency.
We may conclude from these studies that flintknapping inside PDS involved
primarily the manufacture of tools from preforms that may have been pre-
pared elsewhere and the resharpening and rejuvenation of worn out or bro-
ken tools. Although most such activity took place in the immediate vicinity of
flint concentrations, Ruggiero’s (2000:113–114) analysis of flotation lots from
across the floor of Structure 8.2 indicates that some tool production and main-
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Domestic Architecture / 105
tenance also occurred elsewhere in the structure. Light scatters of lithic debi-
tage across the floors of Structures 4, 7, and 23.4 at King and Structures 1–3
at Little Egypt indicate a similar situation in these structures as well (Connor
Since flaked stone concentrations are such an invariant feature of King and
other Barnett phase PDS, it is possible that other types of activity areas, such
as food preparation, food storage, and sleeping, also had regularly assigned lo-
cations in these structures. Unfortunately, the evidence for spatial patterning
in other mapped artifact classes is not very strong. Non-flaked stone, pottery
sherds, and animal bone tend to be more widely and evenly distributed than
flaked stone debris in all of the structures. In Structures 8 and 9, the heaviest
bone concentration is located in the northern or western floor sectors, oppo-
site the flaked stone concentration. Bone, however, is present in the floor sec-
tor containing the flaked stone debitage concentration in all structures, and in
Structures 4 and 7 it is more heavily concentrated there than anywhere else.
Pottery is most heavily concentrated in the northern and eastern sectors of
Structures 8.2 and 9, but, again, in Structures 4 and 7 it is most heavily concen-
trated in the sector containing the greatest amount of flaked stone. Non-flaked
stone is invariably very common or most common in the floor sector contain-
ing the flaked stone concentration.
Gougeon (2002) has analyzed artifact distributions from Structures 1–3 at
Little Egypt. Of the three PDS, Structure 1 had the clearest evidence for dis-
crete artifact distributions. He identifies a male work area involving flintknap-
ping and perhaps other kinds of tool production in the central floor sector on
the northeast side of the structure; a food preparation area located on the op-
posite side of the structure; storage areas in three corner sectors; and sleeping
benches in the central floor sectors along the northwestern, southwestern, and
southeastern walls. Structure 2 yielded a rather similar picture with flintknap-
ping and the manufacture of other kinds of tools occurring in the southeast-
central floor sector; food preparation areas on the opposite side of the struc-
ture and in the southwest-central floor sector; storage in two corner sectors;
and sleeping benches along the three walls opposite the flintknapping area.
The spatial data from Structure 3 are not as reliable as those from the other
two structures. Nevertheless, there is some evidence for a flintknapping area
in the southeast corner; a food preparation area on the opposite side of the
structure in the west-central sector; and sleeping benches in the north-central,
west-central, and south-central floor sectors.
Structures 2 and 3 at Loy (Polhemus 1998:290–302) present a somewhat
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106 / Chapter 5
more complex spatial distribution of human activities. Corner sectors are con-
sidered to be used primarily for storage, while the central floor sectors along
walls opposite and to each side of the entrance area are for sleeping. Food
preparation occurs in the left-rear portion of the central floor space, while
flintknapping occurs in the rear portion of the central floor space and the
sleeping compartment behind it. Heavy tool manufacturing and food prepa-
ration activities occur in the right-front portion of the central floor space near
the entrance.
The distribution of piece-plotted artifacts in the six King site structures
does not resemble very closely the space-usage patterns reported by either
Gougeon or Polhemus. This is not to say that similar patterns do not exist
in King PDS. Rather, many of these patterns may just be too subtle to detect
solely on the basis of piece-plotted artifacts and without analysis of individual
artifact type distributions.
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Domestic Architecture / 109
The 21 RS construction stages that have been identified in the King site habi-
tation zone exhibit a fair degree of architectural uniformity. Structure length
ranges between 11.4 and 21.5 feet, but 17 of the RS have lengths ranging be-
tween 12.3 and 17.3 feet. Average length is 15.2 feet. Width ranges between 5.3
and 9.0 feet, but 16 of the RS have widths ranging between 7.1 and 9.0 feet.
The average width is 7.4 feet. Length/width ratios range between .37 and .67
and average .49. Floor space ranges between 65 and 179 square feet, but 14 of
the RS have floor spaces ranging between 90 and 140 square feet. The average
is 112 square feet. On average, rectangular structures have about one-fifth the
floor area of primary domestic structures.
Not counting corner posts, the side walls of RS tend to have 2–3 posts,
while end walls tend to have 2–4 posts. Deviations from these numbers prob-
ably reflect the loss of postholes as a result of erosion or intrusive burials in
most cases, although errors in field identification cannot be ruled out. Spac-
ing between wall posts tends to be fairly uniform within a structure, but there
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112 / Chapter 5
are cases where this is not so. RS 1.1, 1.2, 4, and 9.2, which appear to have
well-preserved posthole patterns, each has a gap of 6–8 feet in one side wall.
Whether this is an architectural feature characteristic of some RS or a problem
in the data is not known.
Average posthole spacing in side walls ranges between 3.1 and 7.2 feet and
averages 4.3 feet. Without Structure 15, the range is reduced to 3.1–5.7 feet.
Average posthole spacing in end walls shows approximately the same relative
range of variation: 1.3–2.7 feet. Average spacing for end walls is 1.88 feet.
Burials may have been interred beneath the floor of six or seven RS. Only in
the case of RS 1 and RS 2, however, is it likely that burials and RS are contem-
porary. Burials are located beneath the wall or immediately outside 11 RS rep-
resenting 17 construction stages.
Most rectangular structures have spatial relationships with one or more
PDS that suggest they are contemporary and part of the same household ar-
chitectural complex (Table 5.4). In such cases, RS and PDS are separated by be-
tween 10 and 25 feet and have relatively similar compass orientations, and the
rectangular structure appears to be located in front of the PDS. This kind of
spatial relationship cannot be demonstrated for RS 4 and RS 13. Sixteen PDS,
furthermore, have no RS located nearby. All of the latter except Structures 1,
4, 7, and 13 are located in the northwestern and southwestern portions of the
site where evidence of RS has been destroyed by erosion. The spatial relation-
ships that RS 4 and RS 13 and Structures 1, 4, 7, and 13 have with other struc-
tures are considered in greater detail in Chapter 8 in the context of multistruc-
ture households.
Comparison with Rectangular Structures at Other Sites
A number of Mississippian sites in Georgia, North Carolina, and Tennessee
have yielded archaeological evidence for rectangular structures that are similar
to King site RS. Many of these structures are clearly delineated and as a result
have been useful in defining the structure type.
Boudreaux (2005; Coe 1995) describes four rectangular structures at the
thirteenth-century Town Creek site in North Carolina. Three of these closely
resemble King site RS in shape, size, and construction. Their average dimen-
sions are 12.6 × 7.9 feet. End walls are constructed with several closely spaced
posts while side walls have fewer and more widely spaced posts. Each appears
to have been rebuilt one or more times.
Rodning (2004:182) identifies one structure at the seventeenth-century Co-
weeta Creek site in North Carolina as a ramada. Structure 16 has all the ar-
chitectural characteristics of a King site RS. It measures 15 × 8 feet, contains a
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Domestic Architecture / 117
They have barbacoas in which they keep their maize. This is a house
raised up on four posts, timbered like a loft and the floor of cane [Elvas
in Robertson 1993:75].
[B]ut their corn is in a building by itself raised at least eight feet from the
ground [Mease in Swanton 1946:401].
[T]heir Corn Houses are built in the same manner, but raised upon four
Posts, four and some five feet high from the Ground; its Floor is made of
round Poles, on which the Corn-worms cannot lodge, but fall through,
and thus the Indians preserve their Corn from being destroyed by the
Weevils a whole year [DeBrahm in DeVorsey 1971:110].
These Santee Indians . . . make themselves cribs after a very curious man-
ner, wherein they secure their corn from vermin . . . These pretty fabrics
are commonly supported with eight feet or posts about seven feet high
from the ground, well daubed within and without upon laths, with loam
or clay, which makes them tight and fit to keep out the smallest insect,
there being a small door at the gable end which is made of the same com-
position, and to be removed at pleasure, being no bigger than that a slen-
der man may creep in at, cementing the door up with the same earth
when they take corn out of the crib [Lawson in Swanton 1946:379].
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118 / Chapter 5
Although these accounts span 200 years and an area extending from Mis-
sissippi to the Carolinas, the buildings they describe share a number of im-
portant characteristics. They are separate buildings distinct from the winter
and summer house, and they are elevated above the ground. In two cases, they
are described as being rectangular in floor plan. Support posts number either
four or eight. Unlike summer and winter dwellings, corn cribs appear to have
changed little during the historic period and to vary little from tribe to tribe.
Having reviewed the available ethnohistorical sources describing domestic
structures in the Southern Appalachian region, we must now attempt to iden-
tify how the different structure types at King were used. The first point to note
is that there is no evidence at King for structures other than the PDS and RS.
I have systematically searched the habitation zone, looking for posthole con-
figurations that are distinct from those of the PDS and RS and that occur with
some frequency. I first searched for postholes larger than .9 feet, then post-
holes larger than .8 feet, and finally postholes larger than .7 feet. Other than
the corner posts of RS and the interior roof support posts of PDS, which are
consistently .7 in diameter or larger, I found no distinctive patterning for these
larger posts. The great majority of postholes in the habitation zone are .5–.6
feet in diameter. No patterns other than the exterior wall alignments of pri-
mary domestic structures are evident in this size range.
In light of the consistent ethnohistorical references to three distinct domes-
tic structures—winter house, summer house, and corn crib—the absence of
a third recognizable structure type at King presents an obvious problem. Pri-
mary domestic structures, with their sunken floors and earth embankments,
are clearly the winter houses referred to in the early records. But were the rect-
angular structures summer houses, corn cribs, or a combination of the two?
One possibility is that the posthole patterns identified as rectangular struc-
tures represent both summer houses and corn cribs. This interpretation gains
some support from the fact that King site RS are somewhat variable in size
and proportions. It suffers, however, from the fact that there are fewer RS than
PDS. In the least eroded eastern portion of the site where RS are preserved,
there are 19 primary domestic structures and only 15 RS. If the latter repre-
sent both summer houses and corn cribs, we should expect to find perhaps
twice as many of them. Of course, it is possible that multiple-family house-
holds, with members residing in two or more PDS, shared a single communal
granary and a single summer house. This explanation, however, does not ac-
count for the fact that two of six multistructure, multiple-family households
identified in Chapter 8 have only one RS that can be assigned to them with any
certainty. The relatively small number of RS, of course, may be due to the fact
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Domestic Architecture / 119
that they are more difficult to recognize in the archaeological record and are
more readily impacted by erosion and plowing.
The lack of evidence for a third type of structure and the relatively small
number of recorded RS force us to consider the possibility that rectangular
structures served as both summer house and corn crib. Polhemus (1987:241,
1243) has proposed that corn cribs at Toqua were raised high above the ground
and the space beneath them was used for domestic activities during the sum-
mer. Such an arrangement would be possible if the corn crib was elevated
5 feet or more above the ground as reported by Mease, DeBrahm, and Lawson.
Bartram (Waselkov and Braund 1995:180) may be referring to this kind of ar-
rangement when he describes Upper and Lower Creek corn cribs as occupying
the second floor of a two-story building.
Corn cribs, especially when filled with freshly harvested maize, must have
been fairly heavy buildings. The posts that supported them above the ground,
especially if they were few in number, would have had to be fairly substan-
tial. The average diameter of postholes forming the corners of rectangular
structures at King is .75 feet. This is comparable to the interior roof support
posts—also averaging .75 feet in diameter—in primary domestic structures
and significantly larger than the postholes forming the exterior walls of PDS.
Polhemus (personal communication 2001) notes that the structures he iden-
tifies as summer houses/corn cribs at Toqua were also constructed with large
While we do not know what summer houses looked like in the sixteenth
century, presumably they were not as substantial in construction as primary
domestic structures. They may have consisted of little more than a roof sup-
ported on four posts that offered protection from summer rain and heat. The
large size of RS corner posts seems more appropriate for supporting a corn crib
than a lightly constructed summer house.
The major problem with identifying RS as combination corn cribs/summer
houses is that it is difficult to reconcile with the sixteenth- and eighteenth-
century references to separate summer houses and corn cribs in the Southern
Appalachian region. A way out of this dilemma, however, exists. Archaeologi-
cal evidence (Hally 1994; Rudolph 1994) indicates that the aboriginal settle-
ment pattern throughout much of the Southern Appalachian region during
the Mississippian period was a dispersed one, characterized by scattered farm-
steads and hamlets. Habitation space in these settlements would have been es-
sentially unlimited, allowing households to build and use a variety of func-
tionally distinct domestic structures. The Spanish chroniclers would have seen
this kind of household arrangement first when they entered the Piedmont
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120 / Chapter 5
from the Gulf and Atlantic Coastal Plains. In contrast, the compact, often forti-
fied towns of the Valley and Ridge Province would have had limited habitation
space. At sites like King and Toqua, space limitations may have necessitated
that summer residences and corn cribs be combined in a single building. Given
the limited reference made to domestic structures in the Spanish chronicles,
failure to mention regional variation in building types is not unexpected. By
the late eighteenth century, all communities in the Southern Appalachian re-
gion were utilizing a more dispersed kind of settlement pattern, and separate
summer houses and corn cribs may have been ubiquitous.
Although I am not completely satisfied with the interpretation of King site
RS as combination summer houses/corn cribs, it does have stronger support
in the available evidence than do the alternatives. Throughout the remainder
of this study, RS will be considered to be multistory summer houses and corn
1. Hammerstedt (2005) has also conducted an earth excavation experiment. His la-
bor estimate of 2 m3/7-hour work day is lower than Erasmus’s, but he used college stu-
dent labor, dug with a hafted stone hoe blade, and worked in more compact soil than
did Erasmus. I have used Erasmus’s estimate because I think it better matches condi-
tions at King. King site house basins were excavated into relatively lightly compacted
sandy loam alluvium; aboriginal laborers were probably better conditioned for the spe-
cific type of work involved; and there is no archaeological evidence for the use of stone
hoes in northern Georgia.
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122 / Chapter 6
Figure 6.1. Site plan showing plaza structures and features and defensive perimeter.
have significance at the community level. One isolated burial (Burial 194), lo-
cated 30 feet southwest of Feature 45, rounds out the inventory of plaza-area
A second striking aspect of the King site settlement plan is the defensive pe-
rimeter, consisting of a palisade and a ditch. Considerable effort and resources
went into constructing the former, although it is not unusual for a community
the size of King to have such a facility. The ditch, on the other hand, is unusual
because of its size. Not many Mississippian towns and administrative cen-
ters have defensive ditches, and virtually no non-mound towns have ditches as
large as that at King.
Plazas are a common feature of large Mississippian sites. They are most com-
monly reported for sites with mounds, the plaza being defined as the level area
bounded on two or more sides by mounds or lying in front of a single mound
(Kidder 2004). Plaza identification is more difficult for sites lacking mounds.
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Public Architecture / 123
In such cases, the presence of a plaza and its configuration can only be deter-
mined by extensive excavation or the systematic collection of artifacts from
plowed surfaces or shovel tests. Only a handful of large non-mound Missis-
sippian settlements have been excavated sufficiently and reported in enough
detail to reveal the presence of plazas: Ledford Island (Sullivan 1986, 1987),
Coweeta Creek (Rodning 2002, 2004),1 Rucker’s Bottom (Anderson and Schul-
denrein 1985), Marshall (Hatch et al. 1997), Morris (Rolingson and Schwartz
1966), Incinerator (Heilman and Hoefer 1981), Southwind (Munson 1994),
Snodgrass (O’Brien and Perttula 2001), and Moon (Benn 1998).
Among these nine sites, plazas are usually characterized by an absence of
domestic structures and fewer postholes than in adjacent habitation areas.
When artifact distributions are reported (Marshall, Ledford Island, Incinera-
tor, and Moon), density drops off considerably in the plaza, as is also the case
for burials in sites that have them (Ledford Island, Coweeta Creek, Morris, and
Incinerator). Plazas are usually centrally located within the site boundaries, al-
though this is not the case at Moon or Snodgrass. At least three sites (Ledford
Island, Incinerator, and Southwind) have one or more large post pits located
in the plaza. A large public structure faces onto the plaza at Ledford Island and
Coweeta Creek and possibly at Morris as well. Ledford Island also appears to
have burial clusters flanking the plaza on two sides.
The plaza at King has most of these characteristics: it is centrally located
within the town, it has no domestic structures, it has relatively few burials, and
it contains a large post pit (Figure 6.1). There are no reliable data on variation
in artifact density because of the destruction and redistribution of occupa-
tion deposits by erosion. Two public buildings are located on the northern side
of the plaza, but unlike at Ledford Island and Coweeta Creek, they appear to
be located within the plaza rather than on its margin. Posthole density in the
plaza is relatively low compared with that in the habitation zone on the eastern
side of the site (Figure 6.2). It is about the same as that in the habitation zone
on the northern and southern sides of the site where erosion has destroyed
many architectural features and postholes.
The probable boundaries of the plaza are delineated in Figures 6.1 and 6.2
by a dotted line. This boundary has been drawn to exclude domestic structures
such as Structure 24 and outside burials and burial clusters such as Burials 1–
8 that belong to households. The eastern plaza boundary line is located ap-
proximately 120 feet from the defensive ditch on that side of the site. This dis-
tance was used to locate the boundary line on the southern and western sides
of the site where erosion and plowing have destroyed most domestic struc-
tures and burials. The fact that Structure 24 and a small number of burials
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124 / Chapter 6
on the eastern and northern sides of the plaza appear to intrude on the plaza
space suggests that the boundary between habitation zone and plaza may not
have been clearly and rigidly demarcated. King may have had a specially pre-
pared plaza surface, such as the clay and sand surface reported at Coweeta
Creek (Rodning 2004) and the pebble surface reported at Chattooga (Schroedl
1993), but all evidence for it probably would have been destroyed by erosion
and plowing.
The plaza, as outlined in Figures 6.1 and 6.2, is almost square, measuring
247 feet north–south and 244 feet east–west at its widest point. This symmetry
is violated by the fact that the Feature 45 post pit is not centered within the
plaza and Structures 16 and 17 are restricted to the plaza’s northeast quadrant.
If the habitation zone south of the plaza was approximately 120 feet wide as it
is to the east, it is immediately apparent that a substantial number of PDS, RS,
and burials have been lost to erosion at the southern end of the site. We should
not rule out the possibility, however, that all PDS in the southern habitation
zone have been recorded and that the plaza actually extended some 40–50 feet
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Public Architecture / 125
beyond the southern boundary shown in Figures 6.1 and 6.2. Such a configu-
ration would center the Feature 45 post within the plaza.
French accounts of the Natchez in the late seventeenth and early eighteenth
centuries and Bartram’s late eighteenth-century accounts of the Creek are the
best sources we have regarding the kinds of activities that took place in pla-
zas. The Natchez plaza was bounded at each end by mounds, one bearing the
chief ’s residence and the other a temple. Political and religious rituals intended
to promote the well-being of the Natchez polity were held in the plaza. These
included receiving and entertaining foreign dignitaries, reenactments of im-
portant mythological events in which the Great Sun participated, and the fu-
nerals of the Great Sun and certain members of his matriline. Ceremonies re-
lated to warfare, including preparation of warriors for departure on raids and
the torture of war captives, were also held in the Natchez plaza, as were social
dances and the chunkey game (Swanton 1911:111–140).
The late eighteenth-century Creek chunkey yard was a level area bounded
on two sides by earth embankments. The latter were constructed from soil
scraped up at the time the yard was leveled and served as seats for spectators. A
30- to 40-foot-tall “chunkey pole” was placed in the center of the yard and was
surmounted by an object that was used in target practice. According to Bar-
tram (Waselkov and Braund 1995:155) the chunkey yard was “designed for a
place of publick exhibition of shows and games.” The chunkey game was pre-
sumably played here, and a single-post variant of the ball game may have been
as well (Swanton 1946:682).
The chunkey yard apparently also had an association with warfare. Two
“slave posts,” 12 feet tall, were located in two corners of the yard. War captives
were bound to them for torture and the scalps of slain enemies were hung on
them (Waselkov and Braund 1995:154–155).
Because of its status as a subordinate town in a larger chiefdom, polity-level
ceremonies are unlikely to have been held in the King site plaza. Instead, ritual
activity probably focused on reinforcing community identity and integration
and promoting community well-being. There were probably harvest festivals
such as the Green Corn ceremony and ceremonies related to the departure and
return of war parties and the torture of war captives. Social dances and various
games including chunkey probably also took place in the King site plaza. The
Feature 45 and Feature 11 post pits may have held posts similar in function to
the “chunkey post” and “slave post” described by Bartram, although the pres-
ence of the smaller Feature 11 post would seem to be incompatible with the
use of the larger post in any sort of ball game. Some or all of the plaza may
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126 / Chapter 6
have been bordered by earth embankments, but all evidence of these would
have been destroyed by erosion and plowing.
Structure 17
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Public Architecture / 127
sibility that others were involved as roof support posts as well, perhaps as re-
placements for the original post as it weakened with age.
The area enclosed by roof support posts measures 21.3 × 21.6 feet and in-
cludes 458 square feet of space. This represents 20 percent of the total floor
space in the structure. The exterior floor sectors average 13.2 feet in width.
A total of 65 postholes are located along the exterior wall alignments of
Structure 17 depicted in Figure 6.4. Forty-five of these postholes are evenly
spaced an average of 3.76 feet apart and almost certainly represent the original
wall posts. The remaining 20 postholes probably represent posts that were
added later in the life of the structure as reinforcments or replacements. Some
may also be field recording errors. The range of variation in the spacing of
the 45 “original” posts (s = .302) is smaller than that for any other structure
at the site and may be considered indicative of the care that went into con-
structing the building.
In Chapter 5, we saw that the numbers four and seven and possibly eight
were sacred numbers among the Southeastern Indians in the eighteenth and
nineteenth centuries. We also saw that the great majority of PDS were con-
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128 / Chapter 6
structed with four walls that appeared to contain either seven or eight posts.
These numbers held even though PDS ranged in size between 306 and 955
square feet and average posthole spacing ranged between 2.5 and 3.8 feet. The
conclusion that can be drawn from these figures is that the inhabitants of the
King site were purposefully constructing their PDS with 28 or 32 wall posts
and were doing so because of the symbolic cosmological associations of the
numbers four, seven, and eight (see Chapter 8).
The straight sections of exterior wall on the northern, eastern, and western
sides of Structure 17 each contain eight evenly spaced postholes, while the
section on the southern side contains nine postholes. The rounded corners of
the structure each contain three postholes. Although the posthole alignment
forming the southern wall is clear-cut and posthole spacing is quite regular, it
is possible that the wall originally contained eight posts rather than nine. This
would bring the number of postholes in the structure’s outer walls to 44, a
number that matches the count in Structure 1.1, the largest PDS at King, and
that is the sum of the products of 4 × 4 and 4 × 7. We cannot know exactly how
the King site inhabitants conceptualized the straight and rounded wall sec-
tions of their buildings. They may have assigned posts to straight and corner
sections the same way I have above, or they may have considered each curved
wall section to include a post from one of the adjoining straight wall sections.
Viewed this way, Structure 17 would have had four straight walls with seven
posts each and four corners with four posts. Given the importance of sacred
numbers in domestic structures, it is not unreasonable to conclude that Struc-
tures 17 and 1.1 both had 44 exterior wall posts and that the number is a re-
flection of cosmological symbolism.
Nine postholes contained charred post remnants. One is located in the ex-
terior wall in the southeast corner and three are adjacent to the northwest and
southwest corner roof support postholes. Together, these charred posts indi-
cate that Structure 17 was ultimately destroyed by fire.
The central hearth is represented by a circular deposit of hard-fired clay
measuring approximately .1 foot thick and 3.3 feet in diameter and a larger
zone of red fired sandy loam measuring as much as .3 feet thick and almost
6 feet in diameter. The former apparently represents the base of the hearth
basin and suggests that the basin was round with a flat bottom. The larger fea-
ture represents the zone of soil beneath the hearth that has been discolored by
heat from hearth use. The upper portion of the hearth, including its rim, has
been destroyed by plowing and erosion. Assuming that there is some spatial
correspondence between the zone of red fired soil and the overlying hearth, we
may speculate that the rim was round in plan and almost 6 feet in diameter.
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Public Architecture / 129
There is no direct evidence for how many construction stages the hearth had.
The fact that the fired soil zone forms a nearly perfect circle, however, suggests
that there was not a second horizontally displaced hearth stage.
As indicated by the absence of additional spatially offset exterior walls and
hearths, Structure 17 was apparently constructed in only one stage. This is
somewhat surprising in view of the likelihood that the structure was probably
in existence for most of the time the King site existed as a formal town. While
we cannot identify the number of years the site was occupied, the fact that sev-
eral primary domestic structures were completely rebuilt one or two times sug-
gests that occupancy must have extended over more than two decades. Given
the impact of termites and other forms of decay on wooden structures in the
southeastern United States, Structure 17 must have required some mainte-
nance and repair toward the end of its life span. Indeed, there is evidence for
this in the form of supernumerary postholes in the exterior walls and adjacent
to roof support posts.
Postholes representing the original exterior walls of Structure 17 have been
identified by their uniform spacing and regular alignment. In 12 instances, one
or more posts have been placed immediately adjacent to or overlapping these
postholes (Figure 6.4). In several of these instances, soil color and texture dif-
ferences within post mold fill is suggestive of later posts intruding into ear-
lier postholes. In eight other instances, posts have been placed between the
original wall posts, usually at distances of only 1 or 2 feet. Both situations—
overlapping postholes and closely spaced postholes—can be found in a num-
ber of primary domestic structures at King, but it is only in the clear, unclut-
tered posthole pattern of Structure 17 that they are readily distinguishable.
They almost certainly represent the addition of new posts either as reinforce-
ments or as replacements for decayed wall posts.
The original roof support posts have been identified by their uniform spac-
ing from one another and from exterior walls and the central hearth. In several
instances, additional postholes overlap or are located adjacent to the original
roof support postholes. Presumably, some of these held posts erected to re-
inforce or replace decayed roof support posts. In the northwest and southwest
corners, three of these “extra” postholes contained charred posts at the time of
excavation. Presumably these posts were serving as roof supports at the time
of structure abandonment.
Several lines of regularly spaced postholes extending from the exterior walls
to roof support posts can be identified in the exterior floor sectors: two on
the northern side and one on the southern and eastern sides of the building
(Figure 6.4). Additional posthole clusters exist in comparable locations on all
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130 / Chapter 6
four sides of the building but are not as clearly linear or do not extend all the
way from exterior wall to roof support post. Nevertheless, it is possible that
there were at least 11 posthole alignments, three on each side of the structure
except the west. The existence of these alignments is supported by the distri-
bution of burials in the outer floor sectors, in particular the arrangement of
burials in two rows on the north side of the structure.
These posthole alignments may have supported partition walls that di-
vided the exterior floor space into as many as 12 cubicles or they may have
supported benches that spanned the exterior floor space. They may also have
done both. Individual alignments tend to have five posts that are relatively large
(average posthole diameter of .61 feet) and spaced close together (2.8 feet).
Exterior wall posts in Structure 17, by comparison, are .65 feet in diameter
and spaced 3.8 feet apart. We may conclude from the large size and close spac-
ing of posts that the interior posthole alignments in question were designed
to bear fairly heavy loads and that they functioned primarily as bench sup-
The large structures identified as townhouses at the eighteenth-century
Cherokee sites of Chota-Tanasee (Schroedl 1986), Tomatley (Baden 1983), and
Chattooga (Schroedl 1993) have interior alignments of large, closely spaced
postholes similar to those seen in Structure 17. Numerous ethnohistorical
sources—for example, Bartram (Waselkov and Braund 1995), Hawkins (1848),
and Timberlake (Williams 1927)—describe Creek rotundas and Cherokee
townhouses as having tiers of benches surrounding a central open area with a
hearth, while only Calderon (Swanton 1946:407) and Louis-Philippe (Schroedl
1978) refer to cubicles. The historic-period evidence, then, supports the infer-
ence that benches occupied most of the exterior floor space of Structure 17.
Structure 17 probably had a wall-trench entrance located in its northern
wall, although there is no direct evidence for such. Earth-embanked walls,
which may have been present, would have required an entrance passage, and
council houses at Ledford Island (Sullivan 1987) and Coweeta Creek (Rodning
2002) have them. Erosion and plowing may have destroyed Structure 17’s wall-
trench entrance. It should be noted, however, that Structure 16, located imme-
diately to the west, still has wall trenches.
Three lines of evidence indicate that the entrance to Structure 17 was lo-
cated on its north side. Structure 16, which like Structure 17 almost certainly
had public and/or ceremonial functions, has its entrance on the north. Second,
the northern wall of Structure 17 is in line with the northern corner of Struc-
ture 16 along an east–west axis, suggesting that the two buildings faced in
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Public Architecture / 131
the same direction. Third, there is a scatter of postholes that may represent a
lightly constructed pavilion located on the north side of the two structures.
Long, shedlike buildings are located in front of large structures on the sum-
mit of the Late Dallas phase mound at Toqua (Polhemus 1987) and the Middle
Lamar period Dyar mound in north-central Georgia (Smith 1994). Most of
the known seventeenth- and eighteenth-century Cherokee townhouses also
had entrances leading into long rectangular buildings. Structure 17 may have
as well.
Ten burials are located within the walls of Structure 17. All appear to have
been interred from the floor of the structure: their compass orientations, rang-
ing between 81 degrees and 90 degrees, parallel that of the structure; nine of
them are located in the outer floor zone between the lines of bench support
posts; and all have pits deeper than 1.5 feet.
A large, oblong pit (Feature 8), measuring 3.2 × 6 feet, lies less than 2 feet
southwest of the central hearth. The pit is oriented north–south and paral-
lels the structure’s compass orientation. Pit walls slope inward at approxi-
mately 45 degrees, giving the feature a triangular cross section and a depth of
approximately 1.4 feet. The pit was filled with charcoal-stained soil, charred
wood, daub, and fragments of pottery (27), flint flakes (7), rock (23), animal
bone (3), and freshwater mussel shell (2). The presence of daub and charred
wood suggests the pit was open at the time the structure burned. The remain-
ing contents are similar to what is recovered from plow zone and burial pit fill
across the site. The feature resembles a burial pit in horizontal shape and size,
although its outline is somewhat less regular than most burial pits. The pit
cross section, together with the absence of human bones, however, indicates
the feature is not a burial pit. The function of this feature is unknown. No
comparable feature is reported from the council houses at Fusihatchee, Chota-
Tanasee, Mialoquo, or Coweeta Creek.
Although no stratigraphic evidence of a basin has survived, it is probable
that Structure 17 was erected in a shallow basin. Plowing and erosion have low-
ered the ground surface in the vicinity of the structure at least .5 feet more than
is the case in the habitation zone to the east where preserved structure basins
range in depth between .1 and 1.0 feet. Average elevation of pit base for the 10
burials located inside Structure 17 is 96.0 feet. This is significantly deeper than
the average (97.5 feet) for the five burials containing individuals older than 7
years at death that are located immediately north of Structure 17 and the av-
erage (97.7 feet) of burials (Burials 23, 73, 87, 117, 118, 157, 166, 167, and 169)
located to the east and north in the habitation zone. Given the impact of ero-
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132 / Chapter 6
sion and plowing across the site, it seems highly unlikely that even the base
of the Structure 17 hearth would have been preserved had the structure been
erected on the contemporary ground surface.
Soil excavated from the basin was probably piled against the outer walls of
the Structure 17 as is shown stratigraphically at Toqua (Polhemus 1987) and
Dyar (Smith 1994). Structure 16 probably also had earth piled around its walls.
The earth embankments surrounding the two structures probably merged at
the point where they are separated by less than 4 feet, giving the impression of
a single building.
Comparison and Interpretation
Structure 17 was almost certainly a public building, that is, a building that was
used by a segment of the community larger than a single household for ac-
tivities that in some way were of interest to or benefited the community as
a whole. It is located in the plaza. It is unique among all structures at the site
in being twice as large and in having eight interior roof support posts and
benches throughout most, if not all, of its exterior floor sector. As we will see
in later chapters, it is also unique in having burials located in its southern exte-
rior floor sector and in having what may be exclusively adult male interments.
Finally, Structure 17 has a number of architectural similarities to prehistoric
and historic public buildings at other sites in the region.
Public buildings that may provide insights into the architectural charac-
teristics and functions of Structure 17 have been reported from a number of
sites. One structure is known from Ledford Island, an approximately contem-
porary non-mound habitation site on the Hiwassee River in eastern Tennes-
see. Several additional structures are known from non-mound habitation sites
(Fusihatchee, Chota-Tanasee, Tomatley, Mialoquo, Chattooga, Coweeta Creek,
and San Luis de Talimali) that date to the seventeenth and eighteenth centu-
ries. In the paragraphs that follow, each of these structures will be character-
ized and used to evaluate the role of Structure 17 in the King site community.
The Mouse Creek phase Ledford Island site in eastern Tennessee is the only
non-mound town in the region that is roughly contemporary with King and
has yielded evidence of a plaza and associated large structure. Unfortunately,
the structure in question (Feature 36) was rebuilt as many as four times, and
the resulting array of postholes is difficult to interpret (Lewis and Kneberg
Lewis 1995:529–530; Sullivan 1987). What we can say about the structure is
that it was constructed in a basin, was square with rounded corners, had a cen-
tral hearth and wall-trench entrance, and measured approximately 43–44 feet
square. Interior roof support posts are difficult to isolate, but a case can be
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134 / Chapter 6
cision making. During the colder months of the year and when there were im-
portant matters requiring secrecy, the town chief or mico met in the rotunda
with a council composed of lesser officials and the community elders or “Be-
loved Men” (Hawkins 1848; Swanton 1928a; Waselkov and Braund 1995). The
rotunda probably also had some religious functions. Bartram (Waselkov and
Braund 1995:149) states that the “Eternal Fire was kept in the Great Rotunda
which is guarded by the priests,” but he may have been describing Cherokee
practices rather than Creek.
The best archaeological evidence we have for the Creek rotunda is from
the Fusihatchee site located on the Tallapoosa River in south-central Alabama.
Sheldon (1990) identifies five structures as rotundas, four dating to the late
sixteenth- to early seventeenth-century Atasi phase and one dating to the mid-
eighteenth-century Tallapoosa phase. The earlier structures, designated Struc-
tures 12, 11, 10A, and 9, represent construction stages of a single structure that
was rebuilt three times. They were built in a basin, were square with rounded
corners, and had a central hearth. Entrance passages can be identified for at
least two construction stages. These extend several feet beyond the structure’s
exterior walls and are defined by parallel rows of individually set posts en-
closing an inclined ramp. Three construction stages have external dimensions
ranging between 49 feet and 51 feet, while the fourth (Structure 9) is consid-
erably smaller at 39 feet. All have eight interior roof support posts, and these
enclose a central floor space measuring 22–23 feet square. The ratio of central
floor space to total floor space is around 21 percent in two of the larger struc-
tures and 37 percent in the smaller Structure 9.
These structures resemble Structure 17 at King in overall size, floor plan,
basin construction, number of interior support posts, and absolute as well as
relative size of central floor space. They differ in having entrance ramps, a
greater number of exterior wall posts—70–80 vs. 45—and no identified inte-
rior partitions or bench support posts. These differences may be more appar-
ent than real. Erosion probably destroyed the entrance passage at King, and the
greater number of wall posts in the Fusihatchee structures may represent re-
pair and replacement posts added after the structures were built. In fact, given
the confusing array of postholes present within the confines of the overlap-
ping structures, it is possible that the Fusihatchee structures started out with
the same number of exterior wall posts as did Structure 17. Finally, interior
bench supports or partitions may have been present in the Fusihatchee struc-
tures but cannot be readily distinguished in the welter of recorded postholes.
The one feature that clearly sets Structure 17 and the Fusihatchee structures
apart is the absence of inside burials in the latter. This difference is paralleled
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Public Architecture / 135
in the winter houses at the two sites: King site PDS have burials while Atasi
phase winter houses at Fusihatchee do not (Sheldon 1997:14).
Structures 9–12 almost certainly predate any eyewitness accounts of Upper
Creek settlements and, more specifically, Fusihatchee. As a result, we cannot
say with certainty that these structures actually functioned like historic Creek
rotundas. The fact that some eighteenth-century rotundas were square in floor
plan and some had eight interior roof support posts, however, does support
the argument that Structures 9–12 had equivalent uses and meaning to the in-
habitants of seventeenth-century Fusihatchee.
The Tallapoosa phase council house at Fusihatchee, designated Structure 17,
is quite different from the earlier structures. It is round, measures 42 feet in di-
ameter, and has 10 interior roof support posts. There is no evidence of a cen-
tral hearth, an entrance passage, basin construction, or bench supports. Plow-
ing has presumably destroyed these features. If this is so, it suggests that the
structure was not erected in a basin.
Apalachee and Guale council houses are described in the sixteenth and sev-
enteenth centuries as being round, ranging up to 200 feet in diameter, and
having a large opening in the center of the roof measuring 15–20 feet across
(Shapiro and McEwan 1992:8–14). Historic accounts emphasize the formal
seating arrangements within council houses and describe ceremonies cele-
brating the return of successful war parties. Enemy scalps were apparently dis-
played within or near the council house.
Apalachee council houses are known from three archaeological sites (Sha-
piro and McEwan 1992). The council house at the late seventeenth-century
mission town of San Luis de Talimali was round and measured 120 feet in di-
ameter. Eight roof support posts were arranged in a circle measuring 18 feet
in diameter. There was a central hearth and posthole evidence for two sets of
benches: one placed against the outer wall and one forming a circle spaced be-
tween the roof support posts. Benches were approximately 8 feet wide. Late
prehistoric council houses excavated at the Borrow Pit site (8Le170) and the
Patale mission site were also round but measured just 39 feet in diameter. The
council house at 8Le170 was unique among the three structures in having
seven burials located within its walls.
Eighteenth-century Cherokee towns appear to have had two important
public structures: a townhouse and a pavilion (Schroedl 1986). The town-
house appears to have been used in much the same way Creek rotundas were.
Governmental meetings were held there and men commonly spent long eve-
nings talking, smoking, and dancing (Klinck and Talman 1970; Waselkov and
Braund 1995; Williams 1927, 1930). Seating was arranged by rank. In contrast
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136 / Chapter 6
with the Creek, women were permitted into the town house and, at least on
some occasions, participated in council meetings (Perdue 1998:55). The pavil-
ion was an open-sided shedlike structure located in front of the townhouse. It
was apparently used during the warmer months for some of the same kinds of
activities the townhouse was used for in winter.
The architectural characteristics of historic Cherokee town houses are known
primarily from archaeological excavations, although historical accounts do
provide limited information (DeBaillou 1967; Evans 1979; Klinck and Talman
1970; Schroedl 1986; Sturtevant 1978; Waselkov and Braund 1995; Williams
1928, 1930). Of the known archaeological structures, four are square with
rounded corners, while four are round or octagonal.
Square structures are known from Toqua (Polhemus 1987:242), Coweeta
Creek (Rodning 2002, 2004), and Chattooga (Schroedl 1993). The two Toqua
examples, Structures 73 and 75, are single-stage constructions. They have
rounded corners, a central hearth, and four interior support posts. Both mea-
sure approximately 50 feet square and have 30 percent of their floor space en-
closed by the interior roof support posts. Posthole alignments in the outer
floor area of both structures are interpreted by Polhemus as representing sup-
ports for benches that filled this space. Schroedl (personal communication
1999) dates these structures to the early eighteenth century.
The Coweeta Creek structure was rebuilt at least five times during the late
sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries (Rodning 2002, 2004). Each stage
appears to have had rounded corners, a central hearth, and wall-trench en-
trances. Stages 1–4 measure 48 feet square, while the later two stages mea-
sure 52 feet square. All construction stages are said to have had four roof sup-
port posts, but the map for stage 2 (Rodning 2004:Figure 4.5) appears to show
eight. The Coweeta Creek structure is unique among all known historic town-
houses in that fill deposited after each building was dismantled and burned
has resulted in a low mound approximately 4 feet high being formed. Burials
were interred within the structure.
The fully excavated structure at Chattooga (Townhouses 2–5) was rebuilt
three times (Schroedl 1993). The first two stages measure 46–49 feet square,
have round corners, and four roof support posts. The later two stages are
similar in shape but measure 52–56 feet square and have eight roof support
posts. The fourth construction stage had interior posthole alignments that
were probably bench supports.
Four Cherokee townhouses have been excavated and reported from the
Chota-Tanasee, Tomatley, and Mialoquo sites on the Little Tennessee River
(Baden 1983; Polhemus 1987; Russ and Chapman 1983). They are round or
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Public Architecture / 137
octagonal and measure 50–60 feet in diameter. Earlier stages in the multi-
construction-stage townhouses at Chota-Tanasee have four interior roof sup-
port posts while later stages and the two townhouses at Tomatley and Mialo-
quo have eight (Schroedl 1986). Central floor space accounts for 18 percent
of total floor area in the four-post structure at Chota-Tanasee and between 32
and 38 percent in the eight-post structures. Interior bench support posts can
be identified in the later eight-post townhouses at Chota-Tanasee and may be
present in the earlier four-post townhouses as well.
The historic-period structures reviewed above exhibit some variability in
shape, number of interior roof support posts, and amount of central floor
space. Some of this variability may reflect change through time. Eight–support
post structures, for example, appear to succeed four–support post structures in
both the Creek and Cherokee regions some time in the first half of the eigh-
teenth century (Schroedl 1986, personal communication 1999). Square struc-
tures predate round/octagonal ones at Fusihatchee and in the Little Tennes-
see River valley where both types of structures are represented. There is also
some evidence that central floor area increases through time both in absolute
terms and relative to total floor space. Some variability, on the other hand, is
probably regional in nature. The Apalachee and Guale public structures, for ex-
ample, are larger overall and appear not to have been completely roofed.
One characteristic shared by all of these structures is their large size. While
dimensions range between 39 and 120 feet (1,521 and 11,304 square feet) most
have dimensions on the order of 48–52 feet (2,300–2,700 square feet). As such,
they are almost twice as large as the largest reported mound summit struc-
tures at sites like Toqua (Polhemus 1987), Dyar (Smith 1994), and Little Egypt
(Hally 1980). The relatively small size of the latter is in keeping with their
reported role as elite residences and mortuary temples as opposed to public
gathering places. One would not expect that large numbers of people would
have access to these kinds of structures. Mound summit location, in fact, may
have been a way to restrict such access. Eighteenth-century Guale, Apalachee,
Creek, and Cherokee council houses, on the other hand, functioned primarily
as gathering places for large numbers of people. Their location on the ground
probably made them more accessible, at least in a symbolic sense, and their
large size allowed them to accommodate large numbers of people. With di-
mensions of 48 feet (2,280 square feet), Structure 17 at King falls well within
the size range of the historic council houses.
Another characteristic shared by most historic townhouses, as well as Fea-
ture 36 at Ledford Island, is construction in multiple stages. Fusihatchee,
Coweeta Creek, and Chattooga town houses were rebuilt at least three times,
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Public Architecture / 139
known. Structures may have been rebuilt when they became unfit for use, per-
haps as a result of decay, vermin infestation, or accidental fire. Alternatively,
structures may have been rebuilt on the occasion of a regular calendrical event
or the death of the village chief. Rodning (2004) reports that all five stages of
the Coweeta townhouse were partially dismantled and burned. This suggests
that the destruction and rebuilding of townhouses was a ritually important
event and not just a necessary response to an accident or decay. The fact that
Structure 17 was not rebuilt suggests that it had not been in existence for very
long. Since we do not know why rebuilding occurred, we cannot accurately
estimate how long these structures were used on average between rebuilding
stages. The rate at which wooden posts decayed in the ground, however, prob-
ably set the outer limits for this period. This means that, even with some repair
work, Structure 17 was probably not in existence for more than 20 years.
Structure 17 carries at least one additional important implication for King
site interpretation. The presence of several charred construction posts indi-
cates that the structure was destroyed by fire. If I am correct in my assumption
that formally established communities needed to have a council house (see
Chapter 8), the fact that Structure 17 was not rebuilt after this fire indicates
that the town was formally abandoned at this time. The burning of Structure
17 may have been accidental or intentional. The former seems unlikely since
rebuilding should have occurred unless the decision to abandoned the King
site was by coincidence made at the same time. Alternatively, the council house
was intentionally burned either as part of the ceremonial closing of the town
or as a result of military attack.
Structure 16
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140 / Chapter 6
of 2.05 feet. The three exceptions, located in the northwestern and southwest-
ern walls, probably represent replacements for decayed wall posts. This be-
ing the case, Structure 16 may have been originally constructed with 34 wall
Feature 126, a circular layer of dark soil mottled with charcoal, ash, and
fired-daub flecks, is located in the exact center of the structure floor. The layer
measures 1.5 feet in diameter and less than .1 foot thick. The most reason-
able interpretation of the deposit is that it represents the contents of a flat-
bottomed pit that has been almost totally destroyed by erosion and plowing.
Small circular deposits of ash, charcoal, and daub, measuring about .05 feet
in diameter, occur in sterile subsoil beneath the layer and were probably pro-
duced by cicadas and earthworms burrowing down through the pit’s contents.
Given the architectural similarity of Structure 16 to the PDS at King, we
should expect to find a hearth where Feature 126 is located. There is, however,
no fired clay surface or fired soil in the area. Erosion and plowing may have de-
stroyed the hearth, as aboriginal ground surface in the vicinity of Structure 16
has been lowered at least 1.5 feet, but that does not account for Feature 126. It
is possible that Feature 126 intruded through the hearth and that its fill con-
tains material from that feature. The question then becomes, why was the pit
excavated through the hearth? No other examples of such pits have been rec-
ognized at the site.
A wall-trench entrance passage is located on the north corner of the struc-
ture and is oriented 5 degrees east of north. The axis of the entrance passage
passes just to the east of Feature 126 but is essentially oriented so as to diago-
nally bisect the structure. Measured from the inner edge of the wall trenches,
the passage is 1.3 feet wide. The two trenches are 4.4 feet long.
There are many more interior postholes in the northeastern half of Struc-
ture 16 than in the southwestern half. This may be due to erosion since the de-
structive impact of erosion and plowing increases fairly rapidly across this part
of the site. The location of several postholes near the northwest, northeast, and
southeast corners of the structure suggests that some held support posts for
A small pit (Feature 9) located in the south-central floor sector of the struc-
ture contained an incomplete shell-tempered vessel. The pit is slightly oval in
outline, measuring .8 × .6 feet at the base of plow zone and extends .8 feet into
subsoil. Only the bottom half of the vessel is present, and this was intact at the
time of excavation. The vessel appears to have been a small jar or bowl with
a rounded bottom and maximum diameter of .45 feet. It rested in an upright
position on the bottom of the pit and was at least .5 feet below the base of plow
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Public Architecture / 141
zone. Because of its depth, the pot could not have been damaged by plowing.
Rather, it appears to have been incomplete at the time it was placed in the pit.
Given its location inside Structure 16, the feature is probably contemporary
with the building, although there is no stratigraphic evidence for this.
Feature 127, an irregularly shaped dark soil stain measuring 1.3 × 1.1 feet,
lies 3.5 feet south of Feature 126 in a line between that feature and Feature 9. It
was identified as a posthole in the field and, therefore, was not excavated. Seen
in the context of other PDS, the shape, size, and location of the feature suggest
that it is not a posthole. Unfortunately, there is no information on depth, cross-
section shape, or fill.
Comparison and Interpretation
In many respects—size, shape, presence of entrance passages, presence of inte-
rior roof support posts—Structure 16 resembles primary domestic structures
in the habitation zone. It is distinctive from them, however, in a number of
ways. At 400 square feet, it is smaller than all but four PDS. The proportion of
floor space devoted to central floor area, on the other hand, is greater than that
of all structures except Structure 17 and Structures 15.1 and 1.1. The latter are
the two largest PDS in the excavated site area and, as discussed in Chapter 8,
were two of the first structures to be erected at King.
Structure 16 also is distinctive in having more exterior wall posts than any
structure except Structures 17 and 1.1 and in having the closest spaced wall
posts of any structure. Variation in the spacing of exterior wall posts (s =
.34), furthermore, is the lowest on the site with the exceptions of Structures
17 (s = .302) and 18 (s = .323). The figure for the latter structure is not very
reliable because it is based on measurements for only 18 postholes. The rela-
tive lack of variability in wall-post spacing indicates that Structure 16, like its
neighbor to the east, was constructed with considerable care. Finally, Struc-
ture 16 is distinctive in not having a central hearth. Feature 126, located at the
center of the structure appears to have held the residue of fires but was not it-
self a hearth.
The number of postholes making up the exterior walls of Structure 16 is
unexpected. Given the likelihood that PDS were usually constructed with ei-
ther 28 or 32 posts and the likelihood that these numbers had symbolic sig-
nificance, I would have expected Structure 16 to have 32 posts. It is possible
that the original number of posts was 32 and that the walls contain five re-
placement posts rather than three. The spacing of all 34 postholes, however, is
so uniform that I cannot identify two additional replacement posts. Removal
of any of the 34 posts leaves gaps of 4 feet or so in the walls.
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142 / Chapter 6
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Public Architecture / 143
ture 36, a probable council house (Sullivan 1987, 1986). The structure has
two hearths and is slightly larger in its east–west dimension, suggesting that
it has been rebuilt one time (Sullivan 1987:Figure 5). The structure does not
stand out clearly as a public building because, like the council house, it ap-
pears to be located on the edge of the plaza rather than in the plaza. Indeed,
Lewis and Kneberg Lewis (1995:Table 29.1) identify it as a domestic structure.
Two pieces of evidence, however, suggest that Feature 47 was not just another
house. Almost all PDS at Ledford Island have interior burials. Structure 47,
which appears to have been utilized for a relatively long period of time, has
none. Second, the interior floor space of the structure is virtually devoid of
postholes, including roof support posts.
Also of interest are two large ash deposits located in front of the struc-
ture (Sullivan 1987:Figure 5). Lewis and Kneberg Lewis (1995:530) argue that
these latter features may represent the residue of fires that burned in the coun-
cil house. The fact that they are directly in front of Structure 47, however,
would seem to suggest that at least one of them is derived from the hearth in
that structure. Knight (1989:283) notes that ash from “annually renewed sa-
cred fires” is deposited in small mounds in Muskogee square grounds in Okla-
homa today. We might conclude from this that Feature 47 contained the com-
munity’s perpetual fire. This interpretation does have problems, not the least
of which are that there is some evidence that eighteenth-century Creeks kept
the sacred fire in their council house (Waselkov and Braund 1995:149) and
that ash deposits are located in front of other domestic structures at Ledford
Island (Sullivan 1987:Figure 5).
Feature 47 resembles Structure 16 at King in being relatively small,2 con-
taining no burials, and having exterior wall posts that appear to be quite
closely spaced (Sullivan 1987:Figure 5). Structure 16 also has relatively few in-
terior postholes, but this may be the result of erosion. Feature 47 differs from
Structure 16 in that it is not located on the same side of the larger communal
structure (Feature 36)—facing the two buildings, it is located to the left of Fea-
ture 36—and is not turned at a 45-degree angle.
If Feature 47 is a public building, it is important in demonstrating that
sixteenth-century non-mound habitation sites in the region may have com-
monly had two public buildings of markedly different sizes located in or on
the edge of their plazas. Similarities to Structure 16 at King also suggest that
the smaller of these public buildings typically had carefully constructed ex-
terior walls and few interior partitions but did not contain subfloor burials.
Other than this, Feature 47 does not tell us much about how such a building
may have been used.
There are no archaeological examples of buildings resembling Structure 16
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144 / Chapter 6
known from historic Creek and Cherokee towns. The closest contemporary
analogues for it are to be found on the summit of Mound A at Toqua (Polhe-
mus 1987). Each of the latest construction stages (Phases E–H) of this mound
has a pair of square structures located on the rear half of its summit. These
buildings exhibit many of the architectural characteristics of PDS at King:
square floor plan, individually set wall posts, earth-embanked walls, wall-
trench entrances, four interior roof support posts, and a central hearth. One
structure in each pair, furthermore, was considerably smaller than the other.
The latter (Structures 13, 27, and 30) resemble Structure 16 at King in their
small size—ranging between 400 and 532 square feet—and, in two cases, lack
of interior burials.
Polhemus (1987:1214) identifies the smaller structures as “high status dwell-
ings” on the basis of their size, lack of “interior elaboration” such as clay plat-
forms, and proportionately smaller central floor spaces. Habitation refuse was
evidently not common on the floors of these structures, however, because it is
not mentioned in the published descriptions. Structure 3, located on a terrace
of Mound A, had by contrast, large quantities of plant and animal remains,
pottery sherds, and stone, the latter including flintknapping debris, a common
feature of PDS at Toqua. I conclude from this that Structures 13, 27, and 30
probably were not domestic habitations. Deposits of bird bone and sheet mica
fragments on the floor of Structure 27, in fact, suggest that the structures had
ritual uses.
The floor of Structure 16 was destroyed by plowing. As a result, we do not
know whether it had clay benches or other interior elaborations or what kinds
of artifacts were present as floor refuse. Its similarities to the smaller mound
summit structures at Toqua, including spatial proximity to a larger public
building, suggest that it may have had much the same function as those struc-
tures. Unfortunately, we cannot say much about how the Toqua structures were
used other than that the relative absence of burials and significant amounts of
occupation refuse suggest they were not involved in mortuary ritual or used as
I propose that Structure 16 and, by extension, Feature 47 at Ledford Island
functioned as temples where objects sacred to the town were stored and where
some rituals of an esoteric or secret nature were performed. A likely candidate
for such usage is the sacred fire. Sacred fire was widely considered to be the
earthly manifestation of the sun among Southeastern Indians (Hudson 1976).
The Natchez kept it in their temple. The Creeks kept it in the square ground
in the summer and possibly in the council house during the winter. From at
least the eighteenth century on, Creek communities rekindled it annually dur-
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Public Architecture / 145
ing the Green Corn ceremony as part of their social and spiritual renewal. His-
torical references to alliances between towns of the “same fire” and to kindling
fire in newly established towns (Hudson 1976; Moore 1988:64) suggest that the
sacred fire served as a symbol for the existence of towns and their political in-
dependence. The pan-Southeastern importance of the sacred fire and its pres-
ence in Natchez culture, furthermore, indicate that these beliefs and usages
have considerable antiquity, probably extending well back into the Mississippi
Towns like King constituted distinct communities and formal adminis-
trative units within Mississippian chiefdoms. To be identified as such, towns
probably had to possess one or more items symbolizing that status. Sacred fire,
kept in a public building and used in public rituals such as the Green Corn
ceremony, was almost certainly one of those items. Plazas and public build-
ings like those at King and Ledford Island were probably necessary attributes
as well. Sacred fire may have been kept in the council house during the cold
months of the year as suggested by Bartram in the late eighteenth century
(Waselkov and Braund 1995:149), but in earlier times it may also have been
kept in a building with more limited access along with other sacred items—a
building such as Structure 16.
Structure 16 may alternately have served as the residence for the town chief.
If the leaders of chiefdoms resided in structures located on a mound summit
or terrace, parallel behavior in the lesser communities would have the town
chief residing near other public buildings and the plaza. In the absence of
evidence from a preserved and excavated floor surface, we can never be cer-
tain that Structure 16 was not an elite residence. The fact that the building
has such a small floor space, however, would seem to eliminate this usage. The
town chief ’s authority and power must have been based in part on his pre-
eminent position in the community’s social hierarchy. This position almost
certainly would have been reinforced by residence in a house that, relative to
other PDS, was larger, perhaps more elaborately constructed, and located in a
more prominent place. Structure 16 meets the latter criterion, and perhaps the
second criterion, but not the first.
Possible Pavilion
Several lines of evidence suggest that there may have been a lightly constructed
building or pavilion located immediately north of Structures 16 and 17. A
number of sites in the Southern Appalachian region dating to the sixteenth
to eighteenth centuries have pavilion-like structures located in front of large
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146 / Chapter 6
public buildings. A review of what is known about these structures can provide
evidence for what a pavilion at King might have looked like.
Two late fifteenth- and early sixteenth-century sites have evidence for pavil-
ions on the summits of mounds. Stage H of Mound A at Toqua has four struc-
tures on its summit (Polhemus 1987:Figure 3.40). As described earlier, a large
(Structure 11) and a small (Structure 13) square structure—the latter remi-
niscent of Structure 16 at King—are located at the rear of the summit. A long
rectangular structure (Structure 87) containing burials lies in front of Struc-
ture 11, and a small square structure (Structure 88) lies in front of Structure
13. An entrance passage leads from Structure 11 to the rear of Structure 87.
According to Polhemus (1987:352), Structure 87 measures 40 × 19.5 feet and
was rebuilt two times. The building is constructed of single-set posts but does
not have a depressed floor or earth-embanked walls. Its rear wall and at least
one end wall were constructed with closely spaced posts. The side facing the
front of the mound and the plaza was apparently constructed of widely spaced
posts, although the number of these and their spacing is not known. Three
pairs of roof support posts are spaced evenly along the length of the structure.
Much of the floor area had been fired, and as many as 10 “high status” buri-
als were interred beneath it. These included adult males and females and at
least one subadult 12 years old. Buildings similar in size, shape, and location to
Structure 87 apparently existed on the summits of mound stages E–G as well,
but they are not described in as much detail as Structure 87.
The last summit of the Dyar site mound (9GE5) has a somewhat similar
arrangement of structures: two earth-embanked square buildings located on
the rear half of the mound and a long rectangular building located on a lower
terrace in front of them (Smith 1994:Figure 14). The latter structure was not
completely exposed, but it measures at least 40 feet long and 26 feet wide.
The building was constructed of single-set posts, but evidently did not have
a sunken floor or earth-embanked walls. The back wall is constructed of nu-
merous closely spaced posts. Evidence is lacking for how the other three sides
were enclosed. No subfloor burials or obvious roof support posts were present,
but there were at least two hearths located along the midline of the structure.
The Feature 36 structure at Ledford Island has a concentration of postholes
in front of it that could be the remains of one or more buildings (Sullivan
1987:Figure 5). These appear to have had the same compass orientation as Fea-
ture 36. Hearths are present within the posthole concentration, but there are
no burials. These features may be part of an oblong, lightly constructed build-
ing, but its exact configuration and dimensions cannot be reconstructed with
the information collected at the time of excavation.
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Public Architecture / 147
Four historic Cherokee sites have yielded archaeological evidence for pavil-
ions. The early seventeenth-century Coweeta Creek site has a pavilion located
immediately southeast of the multistage square townhouse (Rodning 2002,
2004). The wall-trench entrances of the latter extend to the rear wall of the
pavilion. The pavilion was constructed in multiple stages, possibly as many as
five. As a result, structure size is difficult to measure accurately, but appears to
be approximately 40 × 20 feet. Ten burials were interred within the walls of the
structure. These tend to be oriented at right angles to the structure’s long axis
and include adult males and subadults (Rodning 2004:Table D.2).
At the eighteenth-century Cherokee site of Chota-Tanasee, a cluster of post-
holes located in front of Townhouse 2 marks a rectangular building measuring
approximately 84 feet long and 23 feet wide. Schroedl (1986:Figure 4.2, 233)
identifies this building as a summer townhouse or pavilion of the type de-
scribed by Steiner in 1801 as “a long, open shed roof with clapboards ade-
quately provided with benches and other seats” (DeBaillou 1967:28). A large
number of postholes resulting presumably from multiple construction stages
define the building but make it difficult to distinguish architectural details.
Gaps of 4–5 feet between some postholes that apparently form the exterior
walls indicate that the building did not have solid walls. The Townhouse 2 en-
trance passage extends to the rear wall of the pavilion. There are no obvious
roof support posts in the building. Hearths or fired floor surfaces are also ab-
sent, but these could have been destroyed by plowing, especially if the building
was erected on the original ground surface. Subfloor burials are absent with
one possible exception. Burial 10, the interment of a historically known leader
of the Cherokee, is located at the northern end of the building. Schroedl notes,
however, that the pavilion may not have been in existence at the time of his in-
terment (Schroedl 1986:233).
A pavilion has also been identified at the eighteenth-century Cherokee
site of Tomatley (Baden 1983:Figure 5.1). Located approximately 10 feet from
the circular townhouse, this structure (Structure 29) is represented by a sparse
cluster of postholes forming the outline of a rectangular building. Unlike the
pavilion at Chota-Tanasee, Structure 29 seems to have only one construction
stage, and as a result details of its architecture are potentially somewhat clearer.
Erosion and plowing, however, may have destroyed a number of postholes.
The structure measures approximately 44 feet long by 21 feet wide. Wall posts
are widely and fairly uniformly spaced along the back and front walls at in-
tervals of around 10 feet. No hearths or burial pits are present. Postholes dis-
tributed down the midline of the structure may represent roof support posts
and/or bench supports.
148 / Chapter 6
A pavilion has been partially exposed and mapped at the Chattooga site
in northeastern Georgia (Schroedl 1993). The structure is located immedi-
ately south of Townhouses 2–5 and is oblong. The building is distinctive in
being oriented with one end toward the square town house. Closely spaced
postholes suggest heavily constructed walls, and hearths are present within the
The Creek equivalent of the summer pavilion in the eighteenth and nine-
teenth centuries may be the square ground, which consisted of four rectangu-
lar structures built at right angles to one another around a courtyard. These
buildings appear to have been constructed in more or less the same way Chero-
kee pavilions were, with open walls on the side facing the courtyard and more
substantially constructed back and side walls. The dimensions of these build-
ings are reported by Hawkins (Swanton 1928a:181) to be 40 × 16 feet; by Taitt
(Swanton 1928a:185) to be 40 × 10 feet; and by Campbell (1930) to be 45 feet
in length.
The buildings described above exhibit a surprising degree of architectural
similarity given their wide distribution in time and geographic space and their
occurrence among groups with different cultural traditions and ethnic identi-
ties. They are all surface structures. They are rectangular in shape and have di-
mensions of approximately 40 × 20 feet. Rear walls tend to be constructed with
closely spaced posts, while front walls have widely spaced posts. All are located
in front of one or two public buildings that are more heavily constructed and
that in some cases had depressed floors and earth-embanked walls. The ear-
lier mound sites have two buildings located behind the pavilion, while his-
toric Cherokee and Creek sites have only one. Most pavilions were rebuilt at
least one time. Hearths or fired floor surfaces were present in some structures
and could have been destroyed by plowing in the others. Subfloor burials are
known from structures at three, and possibly four, sites.
At King, the location of the Structure 16 entrance passage and the east–
west alignment of Structures 16 and 17 on their northern sides indicate that
the two buildings faced north. Further evidence for this orientation is provided
by the cluster of 11 burials located immediately north of the two structures. If
these burials have the same relationship to Structure 17 as the burials associ-
ated with Structure 11 at Toqua and the townhouse at Coweeta Creek, Struc-
ture 17 should be facing north.
Figure 6.5 illustrates the distribution of postholes in the plaza north of
Structures 16 and 17. Burials have been deleted from the map in order to make
the posthole distribution easier to see. There is clearly a slight concentration
of postholes immediately north of the two structures. There is a sharp drop-
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Public Architecture / 149
off in posthole density to the east and a slightly less dramatic decrease to the
west. The boundary situation is more ambiguous to the north, where there are
few postholes immediately southwest of Structure 15 but a fair number south
of Structure 18.
Figure 6.6 illustrates posthole alignments for a structure that conforms
to the general characteristics of pavilions outlined above. The building mea-
sures approximately 58 feet east–west and 23 feet north–south and is oriented
84 degrees east of north. The latter conforms to the orientation of Structure 17
(86 degrees) and to the orientation of most burials in the cluster, seven of
which range between 79 and 90 degrees. Four postholes in the rear wall align-
ment are spaced 10.5, 13.5, and 13.0 feet apart. A gap at the western end of the
alignment is 21 feet across, which would allow for an additional post spaced
10.5 feet from its neighbors. Two postholes in the eastern wall are fairly evenly
spaced as well. Other than this, however, posthole distributions provide little
support for the reconstruction. There is no northeast corner post and only a
few irregularly spaced postholes in the northern and eastern walls. Erosion and
plowing have removed more than a foot of soil in the area, and this may have
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Public Architecture / 151
Several factors argue against the posthole and burial concentration north
of Structures 16 and 17 being a summer council house. To begin with, there
is little direct architectural evidence for such a structure. Second, the build-
ing is not located where I would expect it to be given the extensive plaza area
south of Structures 16 and 17. Only about 30 feet separate the pavilion and the
northern edge of the plaza. South of Structures 16 and 17, however, there is al-
most an acre of open space and a large post, marking the geographic center of
the town. Given the configuration of public facilities at the other sites reviewed
above, I would expect Structures 16 and 17 to face southward and for the pavil-
ion to be located immediately south of them. Of course, whether there is a pa-
vilion or not, the fact remains that the 11 burials located immediately north of
Structures 16 and 17 and the entrance passage for Structure 16 indicate both
structures faced northward, away from the main plaza.
A third factor to consider is the likelihood that additional public architec-
ture may have existed in the northwest quadrant of the plaza. Structures 16
and 17 are located well east of the site’s north–south midline. To the extent
that the town’s layout was governed by considerations of symmetry, we can ex-
pect that public buildings, including a possible summer council house, may
have existed in the plaza west of Structure 16. Other than Feature 64, a large
pit, located 50 feet west of Structure 16, however, there is no posthole evidence
of structures in that area. Erosion removed at least 2 feet of soil from this por-
tion of the site and probably destroyed any architectural evidence for struc-
tures, especially structures erected on the aboriginal ground surface.
One final point to be considered is the role of the rectangular buildings
on the summits of Mound A at Toqua and the Dyar mound. I have used the
architectural characteristics of these buildings, along with historic Cherokee
and Creek pavilions, to argue for the existence of a pavilion at King, but the
validity of using the mound structures as analogues ultimately depends on
whether these mound summit buildings functioned in the same way as his-
toric council houses and pavilions. If they did not, their value as architectural
analogues is diminished considerably.
Most later construction stages of Mound A at Toqua had two structures lo-
cated on the back half of the mound summit. The smaller of these, Polhemus
(1987:1221) identifies as an elite residence, but other evidence favors a more
ritually oriented use. The larger members of each pair—Structures 11, 14, and
20, for example—he identifies as “public buildings,” but he provides no indica-
tion of what kinds of activities took place inside them. With exterior dimen-
sions ranging between 27 feet and 33 feet, it is clear that they did not have the
same function as Structure 17 at King and the Creek rotunda and Cherokee
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152 / Chapter 6
townhouse, that is, as a men’s house and council house open to all or most
adult male members of the community. The buildings are not large enough to
accommodate such numbers, they were not packed with benches, and their lo-
cation on the mound summit seems designed to restrict public access. A more
reasonable reconstruction is that these buildings functioned as a place where
the elite of the community and the larger polity met in council to participate
in government decision making. This role, it seems to me, differs only in de-
gree from that of the historic council house and could be ancestral to it. In this
case, rectangular buildings like Structure 87, located on the front half of the
Mound A summit, can reasonably be identified as the place where community
and polity elite met during the summer.
This interpretation of mound-summit architecture does not include space
for the chief ’s residence. Structure 3 on Mound A at Toqua and Structure 1 on
Mound A at Little Egypt both have abundant evidence of use as habitations
and both are located on terraces at the edge of the mound (Gougeon 2002; Pol-
hemus 1987). A somewhat similar situation exists at the Natchez Grand Vil-
lage where the Great Sun is said to have lived on a second mound across the
plaza from the mound bearing the temple (Swanton 1911:111).
Given the evidence available, we cannot say with certainty that there was
or was not a pavilion located north of Structures 16 and 17. The burial cluster
supports the existence of such a building, but in the absence of comparative
data from other late Mississippian settlements we do not know that all plaza-
area burials occur within structures. Indeed, there appear to be outside burial
clusters on the margins of the plaza at Ledford Island (Sullivan 1987).
Feature 45
Feature 45 consists of two large pits that overlap slightly along one edge (Fig-
ures 6.1 and 6.7). The deeper pit is roughly circular in outline and extends
4.1 feet below the base of plow zone. Walls are vertical but taper inward slightly
near the base of the pit. At the base of plow zone, pit diameter measures ap-
proximately 3.5 feet. The bottom of the pit is flat, circular in outline, and mea-
sures 2.8 feet in diameter. The second pit is located immediately to the south
but is only 2.5 feet deep. It is more rectangular in outline but has vertical walls
and a flat base like the deeper pit. It measures approximately 3.6 feet across at
the base of plow zone.
The deepest stratum in both pits is a .2- to .4-foot-thick layer of soil identi-
fied in the field as light brown sandy loam. Most of the remaining fill in both
pits is a darker sandy loam containing charcoal flecks. A posthole-shaped de-
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Figure 6.7. Feature 45 plan views and profiles: a, plan view at base of plow zone; b, plan view of
deep pit at 1.7 feet below base of plow zone; c, plan view of deep pit at 3.9 feet below base of
plow zone; d, east–west profile through deep pit; e, east–west profile through shallow pit.
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154 / Chapter 6
posit of dark sandy loam with abundant charcoal flecks extends downward
from the base of plow zone near the center of the deep pit. It is 1.5 feet in di-
ameter and 2.4 feet deep.
Large slabs of limestone were present in the deep pit. Four lay on the bot-
tom of the pit in a roughly circular arrangement measuring a little over 2 feet
across. The three largest slabs measured almost 2 feet in their longest dimen-
sion and were .2–.3 feet thick. Four other slabs were located higher in the pit
fill 1–2 feet below the base of plow zone. Two of these measured almost 2 feet
across and were oriented almost vertically.
Erosion has removed at least 2 feet of soil from the site surface in the vi-
cinity of Feature 45. This means that the two pits were originally at least 6.1
feet and 4.5 feet deep, respectively. If the smaller posthole-shaped feature in
the large pit extended to original ground surface, it would have had a total
depth of at least 4.4 feet.
Feature fill was dry screened through 1/4-inch wire cloth. Recovered ar-
tifacts include 32 sherds, 2 flint flakes, 41 pieces of rock, and one small daub
fragment. Except perhaps for the relative paucity of material, there is nothing
unusual about this collection; burial pit fill typically yields a similar array of
items. No large fragments of wood were preserved in the pit at the time of ex-
Feature 45 is almost certainly the posthole for a very large post. Given the
dimensions of the deeper pit, we can infer that the post must have been 2 to
3 feet in diameter at its base and 20–40 feet tall. The flat-lying limestone slabs
in the bottom of the pit probably served as a footing for the post, while the
slabs located higher in the pit fill presumably served as chocks to steady the
post in its raised position.
Large post pits have been reported at a number of Mississippian sites across
the Southeast. In some cases the posthole consists of only a cylindrical pit; in
others, it has a trenchlike extension excavated off to one side, the bottom of
which slopes downward from ground surface to close to the bottom of the
posthole. This latter type of posthole is sometimes referred to as a “post pit”
and “bathtub pit” in the literature (Wittry 1969). Their lateral extensions are
referred to as “erection,” “insertion,” or “slide” trenches and are usually identi-
fied as assisting in the raising of the pole (Coe 1995; Schnell et al. 1981; Wit-
try 1969).
Simple cylindrical postholes occur at the Rucker’s Bottom site on the Savan-
nah River in South Carolina (Anderson and Schuldenrein 1985:490) (Table
6.2). A cluster of five postholes occurs near the center of the plaza of the
thirteenth-century Beaverdam phase village. They originate from two larger
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Public Architecture / 155
pits measuring approximately 5 feet across and 1 foot deep. These latter may
have functioned as slide trenches, but they lack most of the physical character-
istics described above. All features are filled with large slabs of rock.
Post pits with lateral trenches are known from at least 10 sites located across
the Southeast. They occur in three distinct kinds of architectural contexts: in
large circular arrangements, within large public buildings, and in plazas. Cir-
cular arrangements of post pits are at present known only from the Tract 15A
area west of Monks Mound at Cahokia (Pauketat 1994; Wittry 1969). Here,
posts measuring around 2 feet in diameter were erected in a series of at least
five large circles with diameters ranging up to 480 feet (Table 6.2).
Post pits were arranged in a line down the center of large rectangular struc-
tures at Cahokia and Moundville. At Cahokia, such structures occurred on the
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156 / Chapter 6
summit of the Murdock and Monks mounds and at ground level in Tract 15A
west of Monks Mound (Pauketat 1994; Smith 1969). At Moundville, three post
pits with lateral trenches were evenly spaced along the midline of a structure
erected on the summit of Mound E (Ryba 1997). In the Monks Mound and
Moundville cases, structures were rebuilt and posts replaced at least one time.
Post pits in all three mound summit structures are interpreted as roof support
posts (Ryba 1997).
Kelly (Kelly et al. 1965) reports finding a number of large post pits with lat-
eral trenches in association with a large rectangular wall-trench structure on
the summit of the platform mound at Sixtoe Field in northwestern Georgia.
It is not possible to determine from the reported information how many of
the five listed posts had lateral trenches, the dimensions of each feature, or
whether any were architecturally part of the structure. One post, Feature 18,
appears to have been replaced two times.
Post pits with lateral trenches occur in the plazas of five sites. At Mitchell
in the American Bottom east of St. Louis, a single large post pit located near
the center of the plaza contained a bald cypress post measuring 2.5 feet in di-
ameter and 10 feet in length (Porter 1969). Three to five large post pits with
lateral trenches are clustered in an approximately 10-foot-diameter area in the
center of the plaza at Town Creek in the North Carolina Piedmont (Boudreaux
2005:195). Large rocks were present in the fill of at least some of these pits.
Three overlapping post pits with lateral trenches were present in the plaza of
the late Mississippian Knoebel site in Illinois (Bareis 1976). One large post pit
with between one and five lateral trenches extending outward from it was pres-
ent in the plaza of a small Mississippian hamlet at the Bridges site in Illinois
(Hargrave et al. 1983). Finally, a single large post pit with two lateral trenches
is located in the center of the plaza of the Ft. Ancient Incinerator site in Ohio.
A single post pit with a lateral trench occurred in the pre-mound midden
beneath Mound B at the early Mississippian Cemochechobee site on the Lower
Chattahoochee River (Schnell et al. 1981:34–35). Whether this feature was lo-
cated in a plaza at the time it was erected is not known.
Most of the features reviewed above held posts of substantial size. Raising
a post 2–2.5 feet in diameter and 20–40 feet in length would have been a diffi-
cult undertaking. Lateral trenches probably assisted these efforts by serving as
guides and by reducing the above-ground height of the pole as it was raised.
Lateral trenches probably also played a role in post removal. Lifting a large
post out of a hole 5 feet or more deep would have been difficult, if not impos-
sible, with the equipment available at the time. A lateral trench would have
made the job much easier by permitting the post to be tipped onto its side,
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Public Architecture / 157
thereby lifting its base out of the hole. Direct evidence of this technique may
be present in the post pit at the Bridges site where the pit wall opposite the
lateral trenches has been undercut by approximately 1 foot (Hargrave et al.
1983:95, Figure 26). As this post was pulled down onto its side, the elevated
edge of the lateral trench appears to have caused the base of the post to rotate
upward and into the side of the pit, gouging away some of its wall.
The shallow portion of Feature 45 at King, lying south of the deep pit, does
not resemble the lateral trenches found at other sites listed in Table 6.2, but it
most likely was excavated for this purpose. This interpretation is supported by
the fact that it is located immediately adjacent to the deeper pit and extends
down to within 1.5 feet of the bottom of that pit. We will never know what the
upper wall of Feature 45 looked like because of the loss of some 2 feet of soil
in the area as a result of erosion. The upper wall of the shallow pit may have
sloped outward to the south, making this portion of the feature longer and
more like a trench with a sloping bottom.
Several characteristics of Feature 45 argue against the shallow pit being a
slide trench. As preserved at the time of excavation, it forms a trench only
3.5 feet long. There should have been evidence that its lower edge adjacent to
the deep pit was crushed under the weight of the leaning pole. We might also
expect to see evidence of undercutting in the lower portion of the northern
wall of the deep pit. None of these characteristics were noted at the time of
excavation. They may not have existed, but it is also possible that they were
missed by the excavators working within the cramped confines of the feature.
If the shallow pit was not intended to be used in post placement and re-
moval, why was it constructed? One possibility is that it functioned in rituals
associated with the post in the deeper pit. A dedicatory ritual involving the
placement of special material in the pit is one possibility.
What function did posts such as the one represented by Feature 45 serve?
A large post was placed in the center of chunkey yards in eighteenth-century
Creek settlements (Swanton 1928a). These “chunkey poles” stood 30–40 tall
and were surrounded at their base by a low mound of earth. Only two uses of
the chunkey pole are described by contemporary sources. In one, objects fas-
tened at the top of the pole were shot at with guns and bow and arrows “at
certain times appointed” (Waselkov and Braund 1995:154). In the single-pole
ball game, male and female teams attempted to hit the pole with a leather ball
(Swanton 1928a:467).
There is some danger in using the eighteenth-century chunkey pole as an
analogy for poles erected in the plazas of prehistoric Mississippian towns
and mound centers. According to Bartram (Waselkov and Braund 1995:154),
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158 / Chapter 6
chunkey yards in “ancient times” were located in the center of the town be-
tween the rotunda and square ground. This central location conforms to that
of the typical Mississippian plaza. However, Bartram also reports that the
yards varied in size depending on the size and importance of the town and
that some were 200 to 300 yards long (Waselkov and Braund 1995:154). Few
Mississippian sites have plazas that approach these dimensions. Certainly sites
such as King, Little Egypt, Toqua, Ledford Island, Town Creek, and Rucker’s
Bottom do not.
That the chunkey pole had significance beyond that of a target for games is
suggested by the low circular mound of earth Bartram describes as surround-
ing its base. In early twentieth-century Muskogee square grounds in Okla-
homa, these mounds consisted of earth swept from the area surrounding the
pole during purification rituals associated with the annual Green Corn cere-
mony (Knight 1989). This suggests that the pole and surrounding yard were
involved in activities of sufficient ideological significance as to require annual
purification and renewal. Given the evidence for their prominent locations and
periodic replacement at several prehistoric sites and the ethnographic prac-
tice of ritually purifying the yard around them, I propose that these posts
served as a symbol of community existence and identity. As such, they were
probably erected at the time a community was formally established; they were
probably ritually replaced periodically as part of a larger ceremonial event; and
they may have been removed at the time a community was abandoned. The
latter action is suggested by the current practice of Creek Indians in Oklahoma
of formally signifying the termination of a town as a community by putting
its sacred fire “to sleep” (Bell 1990:339; John Moore, personal communication
Periodic post replacement as part of a larger community ritual event is sug-
gested by evidence at Town Creek. The mound at this site seems to have had at
least four construction stages represented by the “earth lodge,” Town House 1,
Town House 2, and the disturbed mound fill overlying Town House 2. With be-
tween three and five large post pits in the plaza in front of the mound, it is pos-
sible that a new post was erected (and the old one removed) each time major
construction occurred on the mound. Pauketat (1994:138) has made a some-
what similar suggestion for the large, post-pit circles at Cahokia, proposing
that they were rebuilt along with other “monuments” as part of a calendrical
ritual cycle. The fact that post pits at Town Creek were not reused suggests that
the symbolic emphasis of the event was on setting up a new post, distinct from
its predecessor, a theme that can be seen in the practice of covering old mound
summits with a mantle of new fill (Hally 1996; Knight 1989).
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Public Architecture / 159
Feature 45 is located 240 feet from the eastern ditch, 245 feet from the
western ditch, 222 feet from the southern ditch and approximately 240 feet
from the bank of the Coosa River at the northern end of the site (Figure 6.1).
The fact that it is located so close to the exact center of the settlement indi-
cates that it would have been an integral element of any symbolic or cosmo-
logical plan used to lay out the town (see Chapter 8). This possibility reinforces
the suggestion that large posts centrally located in plazas served as symbols of
community identity.
In line with this proposal, we may speculate that the Feature 45 post at
King was removed in conjunction with the town’s abandonment. We may also
speculate that the smaller posthole intrusive into the fill of Feature 45 repre-
sents a replacement post. Two problems exist for this latter suggestion, how-
ever. There is no evidence for the other public buildings (Structures 16 and 17)
being rebuilt, which one might expect to have happened in conjunction with
the placement of a new post. The replacement post, furthermore, would have
been significantly smaller than the original. A small central post placed in the
same pit that held its predecessor might reflect a decline in the community’s
size and vitality preceding ultimate abandonment, but the lack of matching re-
building in structures such as Structures 16 and 17 is more difficult to explain
It is interesting to speculate why there was not a post remnant in Feature 45
at the time of excavation in 1974. A 2.5-foot-diameter post might have sur-
vived intact into the nineteenth century (see Porter 1969). Any attempt to re-
move it with a team of draft animals at the time of initial Euro-American land
clearing may have broken the post at ground level, leaving the basal portion in
the ground. Cutting the post down would have had the same result. The ab-
sence of preserved wood in Feature 45, then, may mean that the post was re-
moved by the aboriginal occupants of the site, presumably at the time the town
was abandoned.
Feature 11
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160 / Chapter 6
Figure 6.8. Feature 11: a, east–west profile through pit; b, plan view of pit at base of plow zone.
deep. The steeply tapering lateral extension of the feature to the east may rep-
resent a slide trench used to erect and/or extract the post.
Pockets of charcoal-rich sand and clay occur at the top of the feature, but
below 1 foot, fill is a light brown sandy loam. Dry screening fill through 1/4-
inch wire cloth yielded 16 sherds, 19 flint flakes, 50 pieces of rock, and 1 daub
fragment. Except possibly for the relatively large number of flakes, this collec-
tion is similar to what is typically recovered from the fill of burial pits.
At the time of excavation in 1974, Feature 11 was considered to hold a
large freestanding post that functioned in some kind of community activity.
Comparison was made in professional papers (Hally et al. 1975) to the “slave
posts” described by Bartram (Waselkov and Braund 1995:154) as occurring
in eighteenth-century Creek chunkey yards. Because Bartram’s slave posts oc-
curred in pairs and because of Feature 11’s location 15 feet east of the site’s
north–south oriented axis passing through Feature 45, we anticipated find-
ing a second matching post in the southwest quadrant of the plaza. No such
feature was found in the 1992–1993 excavations. The size and plaza location
of Feature 11, nevertheless, indicate that it originally held a tall, freestanding
post. How it was used is not clear.
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Feature 64
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162 / Chapter 6
the absence of public architecture in the southeastern plaza area, the location
that stands in the spatially most symmetrical relationship to Structures 16 and
17 is the northwest quarter of the plaza where Feature 64 is located.
Feature 64’s location does not exactly mirror that of the Structure 17 hearth.
The latter is located 75 feet east of the site’s north–south midline, while Fea-
ture 64 is only 17 feet west of the midline. Feature 64, of course, may have been
only one element in a larger complex of architectural features, in which case
where it falls along the site’s east–west axis may not be that important. Post-
holes were recorded in the vicinity of Feature 64, but they are not common and
they do not form any meaningful pattern. Unfortunately, most architectural
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Public Architecture / 163
features in this part of the plaza have been destroyed by erosion and plowing.
Given the evidence that is available, the most that can be said about Feature 64
is that it probably had a public/ceremonial function and may have been part
of a larger complex of facilities and buildings located in the northwestern part
of the plaza.
Defensive Perimeter
The King site is enclosed by a ditch and palisade defensive perimeter on three
of its four sides (Figure 6.1). Approximately two-thirds of the ditch line was
exposed in the shovel-shaved portion of the site. The configuration of the
western third of the ditch is reconstructed from shovel tests, five trenches ex-
cavated across the ditch, and two large shovel-shaved areas. The palisade can
be traced as a continuous line along the eastern side of the site for a distance of
470 feet. Segments of the palisade have survived erosion and plow destruction
on the southern side of the site, but it appears to have been completely obliter-
ated on the western side.
Palisade postholes averaged .805 feet in diameter and were spaced on average
1.54 feet apart (measured center to center). Five postholes chosen at random
for excavation from a 25-foot-long section of palisade located east of Structure
9 had depths ranging between 1.4 feet and 1.6 feet. Since this is the area of the
site least impacted by erosion, it is likely that these postholes have lost less than
1 foot of their total depth. On the basis of these measurements, we can be fairly
certain that palisade posts generally did not extend more than 2.0 feet below
the aboriginal ground surface.
The size and shape of the posts making up the palisade are unknown. Of
the approximately 315 mapped palisade postholes, only three were recorded as
containing fragments of charred wood. The extensive utilization of split posts
in PDS construction raises the possibility that split posts were also used in the
Palisades are reported for a number of Mississippian sites across the east-
ern United States (Milner 2000). In many cases—Etowah (Larson 1972), Angel
(Black 1967), Kincaid (Cole 1951), Warren Wilson (Dickens 1976), Rucker’s
Bottom (Anderson and Schuldenrein 1985), Moundville (Vogel and Allan 1985),
Ocoee, Hixon, Mouse Creeks, Ledford Island (Lewis and Kneberg Lewis 1995),
Sellars (Butler 1981), and Lake George (Williams and Brain 1983)—posts were
placed in a narrow trench. Sites with palisades constructed of individually set
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166 / Chapter 6
the town of Ulibahali. Since he states that palisades of similar design were seen
at other towns visited by the expedition after leaving Ulibahali, it is likely his
description is applicable to the King site palisade: “The enclosure, like that in
other towns seen there afterward, was of thick logs, set solidly close together
in the ground, and many long poles as thick as an arm placed crosswise. The
height of the enclosure was that of a good lance, and it was plastered within
and without and had loopholes” (Robertson 1993:94).
The comparison to a “lance” suggests that the palisade was 9–12 feet high
(Hudson 1997:68). Given the distance between posts, the King site palisade
would have provided little protection without a thick coating of clay plaster.
Elvas does not describe the palisade as having an earth embankment, but vege-
tation may have obscured this feature.
Analysis of charred wall and roof support posts from burned domestic
structures at King clearly demonstrates that posts do not burn very far, if at
all, below the surrounding ground surface. If that ground surface is the top
of a 2- to 4-foot-high earth embankment, it is very unlikely that burned post
remnants would be found in postholes exposed at the base of plow zone today.
Given this situation, the near total absence of charred palisade posts does not
mean that the palisade did not burn, only that any record of its burning has
been obliterated by erosion and plowing. In this light, it is difficult to interpret
the three palisade postholes noted above as containing charred wood. Perhaps
charred remnants of these posts collapsed into the hollow post mold created
by decay of the unburned post below ground.
The total length of the palisade was approximately 1,240 feet. With an av-
erage spacing between posts of 1.54 feet, the number of posts making up the
palisade would have been around 800. Using labor cost estimates for cutting,
trimming, transporting, and erecting posts provided by Coles (1973), each
post would have required 1.17 person-hours to install, and the entire palisade
would have cost 936 person-hours or 187 5-hour person-days. Using labor
costs estimated by Hammerstedt (2005:227–228), 321 person-days would have
been required to construct the palisade. If trunks were split into two or three
posts, this cost could be substantially reduced.
The posthole evidence from the eastern side of the site points to just one
palisade having been constructed at King. Linear posthole alignments, how-
ever, are present in a few locations both inside and outside the identifiable pali-
sade (Figure 6.1). Some of these may represent repairs to the original palisade,
but there is no strong evidence that any of them are remnants of earlier or later
Posthole alignments located adjacent to the ditch at S470 east of Structure
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Public Architecture / 167
20 and S210 east of Structure 5 could be sections of an earlier palisade that was
destroyed when the ditch was excavated (Figures 6.10 and 6.11). There are sev-
eral problems with this interpretation, however. To begin with, the two align-
ments differ from one another in average posthole size and spacing. Second,
they differ in similar fashion from the main palisade, the alignment east of
Structure 20 having more widely spaced postholes and the alignment east of
Structure 5 having smaller diameter and more widely spaced postholes. Fi-
nally, there are no burials or architectural features identifiable as PDS and RS
east of or overlapping the main palisade. If a second palisade once existed
where the ditch is today, we should find such evidence of domestic occupation
in this zone.
Posthole clusters that could represent the remains of bastions occur in four
locations along the exterior of the palisade line: S495 E710, S415 E785, S280
E765, and S350 E780. The first, located southeast of Structure 25, is a small
semicircular array of posts that measures 6.2 feet along the axis of the palisade
and extends 4 feet out from it (Figure 6.10). The second, located east of Struc-
ture 21, is a slightly larger subrectangular arrangement of posts that measures
9.2 × 6.8 feet (Figure 6.12). The third, located east of Structure 9, is a small
semicircular array of postholes that measures 6 feet along the axis of the pali-
sade and extends 3.7 feet out from it (Figure 6.11). The fourth, located east of
Structure 8, is a large but amorphous array of postholes that extends for ap-
proximately 32 feet along the palisade and reaches out to the edge of the ditch,
18 feet away (Figure 6.12). No clear pattern can be identified in these posts,
although there is a suggestion of a straight line of posts east of and parallel-
ing the palisade at a distance of 3.8 feet and a rectangular arrangement on the
south edge of the larger array. The latter measures 9 × 8 feet and could be a
Many, but by no means all, palisades known from Mississippian sites have
bastions. In most cases, these features consist of rectangular projections of the
palisade line. Dimensions range around 8–15 feet on a side (Table 6.4), and
spacing between bastions, where it can be determined, generally ranges be-
tween 50 and 80 feet.3 The sole exception to this pattern is found at Town
Creek, where only two bastions may exist along the entire site perimeter. These
straddle the palisade and enclose a gap in the palisade line. They are rectangu-
lar and measure approximately 12 × 14 feet. Unlike the more common bastion
form, which seems to have served as a platform from which warriors could de-
fend the palisade curtain, these bastions evidently served only to control access
to the town through the entrances located in their lower walls.
The three semicircular and subrectangular posthole arrangements at King
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Figure 6.10. Southeastern segment of palisade and ditch.
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Public Architecture / 169
do not resemble any of the bastions described above. Their width is only
slightly smaller, but they project outward from the palisade only one-half to
one-third as far. Their rounded outline and the fact that the palisade extends
across their inner side also sets them apart. Also distinctive of these features
is that posthole spacing is rather irregular and greater (1.7–2.4 feet) than it
is in the palisade curtain. Finally, the distance between these three features
(100 feet and 130 feet) and the curvature of the palisade line between two
of them would have prevented defenders from covering all of the intervening
curtain wall.
The posthole array at S350 E780 is large enough to accommodate a bastion
of the size and shape characteristic of Mississippian bastions (Figure 6.12).
Unfortunately, the absence of a really clear rectangular posthole pattern within
it and the variability in posthole size and spacing suggest that architectural
features other than, or in addition to, a bastion are represented. As discussed
below, however, evidence for an entrance only 20 feet to the south does increase
the likelihood that a bastion was constructed here.
Palisade gates have been recorded at only a small number of Mississippian
and Woodland sites in the Appalachian region: Town Creek (Coe 1995), Jen-
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170 / Chapter 6
rette and Wall (Ward and Davis 1993), Shannon (Benthall 1969), Sloan (Dun-
nell et al. 1971), Jonathan Creek (Webb 1952), Gunter’s Landing (Webb and
Wilder 1951), and Ocoee (Lewis and Kneberg Lewis 1995). Two main types
can be distinguished: the bastion gate, which has been reported only at Town
Creek, and the overlapping entrance. The latter is formed when two sections
of palisade overlap, forming a long, narrow passage that parallels the palisade
line. Depending upon the configuration of the overlapping palisade sections,
we can distinguish two subtypes, a simple overlapping entrance type and a
cul-de-sac type (Lafferty 1993). The former is found at the Early Mississip-
pian Woodstock Fort site in Georgia (Caldwell 1957), and the Late Woodland
Jenrette and Wall sites in North Carolina, Shannon site in Virginia, and Sloan
site in Kentucky. It consists of nothing more than an overlap of two parallel
sections of palisade. A person passing through the resulting passage does so
without changing direction at either end.
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172 / Chapter 6
The best candidate for an entrance occurs east of Structure 8 at S380 (Fig-
ure 6.12). Here there is a gap of 5.4 feet in the palisade. The palisade wall on the
south side of this gap turns inward and parallels the palisade section north of
the gap for a distance of 19 feet. The configuration of the two sections of wall
is suggestive of the cul-de-sac type entrance except that the passageway is in-
side the palisade line rather than outside. Eight feet south of the gap is a 10-
foot-long line of postholes extending out from the palisade at a right angle.
This alignment may represent a wall designed to shield the entrance or im-
pede entry from the south. The large array of postholes located 20 feet north
of the gap contains at least one set of postholes that may represent a rectangu-
lar bastion.
There is little reason to question the existence of the two overlapping pali-
sade segments at S380. Posthole size and spacing in each segment are similar
to those of the palisade in general, and the two alignments do not have to be
teased out of a morass of extraneous postholes. There are, however, several
problems with identifying these alignments as an entrance. To begin with, the
subsoil surface in the palisade gap was obscured by a dark surface stain. It is
possible that there were palisade posts here and that their existence was masked
by the stain. A more serious problem is posed by the distribution of postholes
at the northern end of the passageway formed by the overlapping palisade seg-
ments. The most widely spaced postholes here are only 1.5 feet apart, a dis-
tance that seems hardly adequate for the easy passage of townspeople, espe-
cially if they were carrying anything bulky. A final potential problem is that
the passageway lies inside the palisade line, not outside of it as at the Jonathan
Creek and Gunter’s Landing sites. What difference, if any, this would make in
the actual defensibility of the entrance is not clear. The fact remains, however,
that this particular configuration is unusual.
A second strong candidate for an entrance through the extant palisade is lo-
cated at S530 E620 (Figure 6.13). The palisade here is discontinuous as a re-
sult of the destruction of individual postholes through erosion and plowing.
The two palisade segments remaining at this location, however, are not in line
with one another. Their location and orientation, rather, suggests that they
may have formed a simple overlapping entrance. An entrance here would fall
on the site’s north–south axis that runs though the large Feature 45 post mark-
ing the center of the site. It is not unreasonable to expect that entrances to the
town would be tied into its overall symmetry.
Linear posthole alignments paralleling the palisade occur at S200, S250,
S280, and S420 along the inner side of the palisade. The alignment at S280
east of Structure 9 is almost 20 feet long and lies 2 feet from the palisade (Fig-
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Public Architecture / 173
ure 6.11). Posthole spacing in the alignment is similar to that in the palisade,
but average posthole diameter is significantly smaller (.645 feet vs. .805 feet).
The alignment is interpreted in Figure 6.11 as a straight line, but it could have
merged with the palisade at both ends. Given the similar spacing of postholes
and the spatial proximity of the two features, it is possible that the alignment
at S280 represents an attempt to repair the palisade.
The alignment at S200 is approximately 32 feet long and lies 4 feet from the
palisade (Figure 6.11). It partially overlaps the eastern wall of Structure 3 and
hence is probably not contemporary with it. Since Structure 3 was probably
erected relatively late in the town’s occupancy, the alignment most likely pre-
dates the structure. Posthole spacing in the alignment is similar to that in the
palisade, but posthole diameter is significantly smaller (.547 feet vs. .805 feet).
The wall may represent a palisade repair, but there is no evidence to support
such an interpretation.
The alignment at S250 is almost 25 feet long and lies 7 feet from the palisade
(Figure 6.11). It overlaps the eastern side of Structure 4 and therefore cannot
be contemporary with it. Since Structure 4 was probably erected relatively late
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174 / Chapter 6
in the town’s occupancy, the alignment most likely predates the structure. Av-
erage posthole size in the alignment is similar to that in the palisade, but post-
hole spacing is significantly greater. Given the distance separating them, it is
unlikely that the alignment is a repaired section of the palisade.
There are two parallel posthole alignments at N420 (Figure 6.12). Respec-
tively, they are 32 feet and 26 feet long and are located 22 feet and 19 feet from
the palisade. They are similar to one another in posthole spacing and size but
differ in posthole spacing from the palisade. Given these characteristics, it is
clear that the two alignments are not related to the palisade as repair sections
or entrance screens.
The alignments at S420 and S250 are similar to one another in posthole
size and spacing. They are also similar in being located some distance from
the palisade. It is possible then that the three features served somewhat similar
functions. Unfortunately, the nature of these functions is not identifiable with
the evidence at hand.
Defensive Ditch
The ditch was investigated in four different ways. Eight hundred twenty-four
feet of the ditch was exposed and mapped at the base of plow zone. This in-
cluded the entire southern third of the ditch, the eastern third except for a
100-foot section in the northeast corner of the site, and two 15-foot sections
on the western side of the site (Figure 6.1). Short, shallow trenches were exca-
vated at 10-foot intervals along the western ditch. These were designed to ex-
pose the edges of the ditch and thus its spatial configuration. Posthole tests,
measuring .6 feet in diameter, were excavated along a 400-foot section of the
western and southern ditches and along a 160-foot section of the eastern ditch
(Figure 6.1). These tests were spaced 10 feet apart and excavated to the bottom
of the ditch. They were intended to provide information on the abundance of
artifacts in ditch fill. Finally, 3-foot-wide test trenches were excavated across
the ditch at 10 different locations (Figure 6.1).
There is strong evidence that the ditch extended uninterrupted around the
nonriver sides of the site. Except for relatively short sections in the northeast-
ern and northwestern corners of the site, the entire length of the ditch was in-
vestigated either by surface exposure or shovel tests and posthole tests. No
evidence of an unexcavated section of ditch was encountered in these investi-
gations. It is possible, but unlikely, that such a gap, measuring less than 10 feet
across, existed in the western ditch where exposure was discontinuous.
The likelihood that the ditch was continuous throughout its length raises
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Public Architecture / 175
the question of how access to the town was gained. Presumably one or more
bridges, consisting of logs laid side by side, crossed the ditch. These are likely
to have been placed adjacent to palisade entrances such as the one at S380
E780. Evidence of such bridges in the form of log molds would have been
destroyed by plowing and erosion. However, refuse may have accumulated in
the ditch near the bridge if inhabitants discarded things as they entered and
left the town. Posthole tests in the eastern and western ditch sections and test
trenches at S399 E325 and S412 E330 were excavated to investigate this possi-
Test trenches were excavated primarily to investigate the cross-sectional
configuration of the ditch. For this reason and because of the short occupa-
tion span of King, no attempt was made to recover artifacts stratigraphically
in test trenches excavated in 1973–1974 and 1992. In 1993, artifacts were col-
lected separately from some strata in test trenches located at S399 E325 and
S412 E330.
The ditch cross section varies somewhat, as is shown in the two profiles in
Figure 6.14. In most trench profiles, the ditch has a flat, level bottom and sides
that are almost vertical near the bottom but more gently sloping (30–50 de-
grees) above. The width of the ditch recorded at the base of plow zone var-
ies between 8 feet and 21 feet, with the narrower section, however, occurring
along the southern edge of the site where erosion has cut deeper into the ditch.
The more probable range is 12–15 feet. The flat bottom surface ranges between
6.5 feet and 9.3 feet in width.
Recorded depth ranges between 2.3 feet and 4.2 feet, the smallest measure-
ments being found along the more heavily eroded southern edge of the site and
the largest occurring along the east edge of the site where erosion is minimal.
If aboriginal ground surface in the latter location was approximately 99.1 feet
(98.5 feet plus .6 feet of plow zone), total depth was probably around 5.0 feet.
The elevation of subsoil surface along the western edge of the site is 2.5–
3.0 feet (95.4 feet) lower than it is along the eastern edge. Recorded ditch depth
here, however, ranges between 3.2 and 3.8 feet. If 2.5–3.0 feet of soil has been
lost in this portion of the site to erosion and plowing, the ditch here would
have had a total depth of almost 7 feet. While the ditch could have been exca-
vated to varying depths along its length, it seems unlikely that people would
have been so careless with their energy expenditure as to dig an extra 2 feet of
soil in some locations. Most likely, the absolute depth of the ditch along the
western edge of the site reflects the fact that aboriginal ground surface was
lower here. As described in Chapter 3, the King site was located primarily on a
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176 / Chapter 6
Figure 6.14. Defensive ditch profiles: upper profile located at 400S 304E; lower profile located at
180S 760E.
low ridge in the floodplain, but its western edge extended into a swale border-
ing the ridge on its western side.
The lowest stratum encountered in all test trenches was a tan sandy loam.
This stratum typically filled the bottom of the ditch to a depth of .4–1.5 feet
and, with reduced thickness, extended up the ditch walls to the base of plow
zone. In the tests at S399 E325 and S412 E330, horizontal layers of water-sorted
sediments were visible at the base of ditch walls. Sediment analysis of these
test trenches and one located at S473 E357 confirm this identification. These
sediments were presumably eroded from the exposed ground surface on ei-
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Public Architecture / 177
ther side of the ditch during the period immediately following construction of
the defensive perimeter when vegetation cover would have been minimal. The
bottom of the ditch is too high (at least 15 feet) above the Coosa River to have
formed a moat except during periods of high water. For much of the year, the
bottom of the ditch was probably covered by shallow pools of standing water
and mud.
Soil from the tan sandy loam stratum in the test trenches located at S399
E325 and S412 E330 was processed through 1/2-inch wire cloth. Artifact yield
(pieces of pottery, stone, flint, and daub) was 138 and 268 items, respectively.
In spite of its lower artifact yield, the test at S399 E325 contained several large
fragments of pottery and daub.
In most test trenches, the second stratum was a brown or gray sandy loam,
sometimes containing charcoal and daub flecks. Thickness ranged between .6
and 1.5 feet. This stratum probably accumulated subsequent to site abandon-
ment as a result of overbank flooding by the river and erosion from the ground
surface adjacent to the ditch. Artifacts were present in this stratum but were
not recovered as separate collections in any tests.
The third stratum in most test trenches was a dark brown or dark gray
layer resembling midden soil and ranging in thickness between .4 and 1.4 feet.
Charcoal flecks and artifacts were abundant: the test at S399 E325 yielded 425
pieces of pottery, stone, flint, and daub, while the test at S412 E330 yielded a
total of 951 items. This high artifact and charcoal content indicates that the
dark strata are the result of heavy erosion of aboriginal occupation depos-
its. Presumably they formed during the late nineteenth-century floods that
scoured the site so deeply.
The stratigraphically latest strata preserved in most test trenches are silty
loams of a reddish or orange color that resemble subsoil at a depth of 3–4 feet.
Thickness ranges between 1.0 and 1.5 feet. Traces of large decayed or charred
logs, lying parallel to the ditch axis, occur within the strata in test trenches at
S130 E740, S180 E760, S530 E660, and S473 E357. An east–west oriented test
at S556 E480, excavated to investigate one such preserved feature, exposed a 7-
foot section of a .7-foot-diameter log. Local residents report that the ditch was
visible as a low area containing willows and other natural vegetation as late as
the 1920s, when it was filled in for agricultural purposes. Presumably these last
strata and the preserved wood are the product of this land-leveling project, the
former being derived from remnants of the earth embankment constructed at
the time the ditch was excavated and the wood representing trees growing in
the partially filled ditch.
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178 / Chapter 6
By the end of the 1992 season, it was apparent that the palisade had been
obliterated by erosion along the entire western side of the site. One question
that could still potentially be addressed concerning the western defensive pe-
rimeter is whether there had been an entrance on that side of the town. Assum-
ing that the quantity of cultural material in the ditch would be greater where
people crossed it to enter the town, a program of posthole testing was initiated
to investigate variation in ditch fill artifact content in 1992 and 1993. Posthole
tests were excavated at 10-foot intervals along the entire unmapped western
section of the ditch with soil deeper than 2 feet below ground surface being
screened for artifacts (Figure 6.1). Similar posthole testing was conducted in
the ditch on the eastern side of the site on weekends in 1996 and 1997.
Artifacts recovered in posthole tests include pottery sherds, flint flakes,
stone, and fired daub. Large quantities of any of these categories could be in-
dicative of increased discard behavior. Pottery fragments, however, seem on
logical grounds to be the most sensitive indicator. Daub is often represented
by very small fragments and often breaks into more fragments during excava-
tion with the posthole digger. Flint is very infrequent, occurring in fewer than
one-third of the tests. Some stone is cultural in the sense of being fragments of
tools or by-products of tool manufacture. A large proportion of the non-flint
stone, however, appears to be unmodified river pebbles, which have question-
able behavioral significance.
The frequency of potsherds in posthole tests ranged up to 16, but averaged
around 4. Frequencies above 10 occurred in six locations along the western
side of the site, but with only one exception in spatially isolated tests. Posthole
tests located at S400 and S410 yielded 11 and 12 sherds, respectively, and, along
with the test at S420 also yielded large quantities of stone and daub. Posthole
tests along the eastern side of the site yielded smaller quantities of pottery on
average and none yielded significantly larger quantities, not even in the vi-
cinity of the probable palisade entrance at S380.
Two test trenches were excavated at S399 E325 and S412 E330 in response to
the large quantity of material recovered in the posthole tests at S400 and S410.
As noted earlier, the lowest stratum in the two trenches yielded 138 and 268 ar-
tifacts, respectively. Unfortunately, in the absence of comparable artifact col-
lections from the other test trenches, it is not known whether these are un-
usually large quantities for the basal stratum. The S399 E325 trench, however,
did contain several large fragments of pottery and daub. These were scattered
across the width of the ditch in a zone located .6–1.0 feet above its bottom sur-
face. Their size suggests that they were thrown into the ditch rather than car-
ried there by water.
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Public Architecture / 179
A test trench was excavated across the ditch in 1974 opposite the location of
the palisade entrance at S380 E780. Unfortunately, the artifact collection from
this test has been misplaced and thus cannot be tabulated. Field notes, how-
ever, do not indicate the presence of an especially large amount of cultural ma-
terial or individual artifacts of especially large size.
Palisade configuration and artifact size and density in ditch tests indicate
that King had at least two entrances through its defensive perimeter: one lo-
cated at S380 E780 near the southeast corner of the site and one located at ap-
proximately S410 near the center of the site’s western perimeter. Presumably
at least one additional entryway was located along the northern, river side of
the site.
Assuming that it extended to the bank of the Coosa River at the northeast
and northwest corners of the site, the defensive ditch had a total length of ap-
proximately 1,330 feet. Volume of ditch fill was calculated using ditch dimen-
sions recorded in profiles from the eight test trenches located on the eastern
and western sides of the site. The recorded widths of each ditch at the base
of plow zone and at ditch bottom were averaged and multiplied by an average
depth of 5.1 feet and thickness of 1 foot to obtain trench volume in the eight
tests. The average of these calculations, 54.75 cubic feet, was then multiplied
by ditch length to obtain a total ditch volume of 72,817 cubic feet. Using Eras-
mus’s (1965) finding that an adult male can excavate approximately 2.6 m2
(91.8 square feet) of soil with a digging stick in a 5-hour work day, approxi-
mately 3,967 person-hours (793 person-days) would have been required to ex-
cavate the ditch.
Ditches have been reported at a number of Mississippian sites. The dimen-
sions of several, listed in Table 6.5, demonstrate that these features vary consid-
erably in size and area enclosed. At one extreme, the circular ditch at Rucker’s
Bottom ranges between 3 and 9 feet in width and 1.5 to 3 feet in depth and
encloses only 1.4 acres. At the other extreme, the ditch at Etowah is around
31 feet wide, 9–10 feet deep, and encloses 52 acres. Some of this variation re-
flects the loss of soil from site surfaces through plowing and erosion. Ledford
Island, Martin Farm, and Rucker’s Bottom probably lost at least a foot of soil
to judge by the depth of house floors below plow zone, while at Woodstock
Fort, the loss must be closer to 2 feet. Ditch dimensions at Shoulderbone are
derived from nineteenth-century eyewitness accounts written sometime after
the site had been brought under cultivation and the ditch had begun to fill.
To the extent that earth embankments surrounding Mississippian sites were
constructed to help support palisade posts, it is probable that all “defensive”
ditches were excavated in part for the purpose of supplying construction ma-
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180 / Chapter 6
terial. Ditches of the size found at King, Etowah, Lake George, Lubbub Creek,
Parkin, Neeley’s Ferry, and 1Ds32, however, almost certainly were excavated
for the purpose of impeding enemy assault as well. The small size of ditches at
Woodstock Fort, Rucker’s Bottom, Ledford Island, and Martin Farm makes it
unlikely that these features also had a direct defensive function. The small area
enclosed at Rucker’s Bottom and Shoulderbone lends support to this interpre-
tation. The 1.4 acres and 1.8 acres enclosed at the former site seems hardly ade-
quate to house a self-sustaining village population, while at Shoulderbone, a
large portion of the 4.5-acre space is taken up by Mound A. A defensive func-
tion can be ruled out with more certainty for the small ditch at Ledford Island.
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Public Architecture / 181
It is located inside the palisade and 40 feet from it. The ditch at Martin Farm is
also not spatially associated with a palisade.
The rectangular palisade and ditch at Rucker’s Bottom is similar in configu-
ration and size to two palisades at the roughly contemporary Irene site near
Savannah (Caldwell and McCann 1941). The latter appear to enclose a rect-
angular space between a platform mound and a large circular building, the
so-called rotunda. Given their architectural associations, it is likely that these
walls functioned to delineate and perhaps limit access to ceremonial space
rather than provide security from attack. The rectangular palisade and ditch at
Rucker’s Bottom may have had a similar purpose.
There is some evidence, then, to support the belief that only larger ditches—
perhaps only those more than 5 feet deep and 10 feet wide—were constructed
as defensive barriers. Given its size and its steeply sloping sides, the ditch sur-
rounding King is clearly a defensive feature. It is unusual, however, in that it
encloses a relatively small settlement and one without a platform mound. To-
tal labor cost for constructing the ditch and palisade is estimated to be 980
person-days using Cole’s labor cost estimates and 1,114 person-days using
those of Hammerstedt. With a resident population of under 250 people, and
with little evidence of a support population dispersed in nearby farmsteads,
construction of the defensive perimeter would have imposed a relatively large
burden on the available labor force.
In summary, the defensive perimeter at King consisted of a single palisade
line located inside of and parallel to a defensive ditch. The former consisted
of single-set posts set approximately 2.5 feet into the ground and probably
banked to a height of 2 feet or more with earth derived from the ditch. Small
semicircular bastions may have been located along the palisade at intervals of
100 feet or more, while one or two bastions may have flanked an entranceway.
At least one entrance of the cul-de-sac type was located on the east side of the
site near the southeast corner. A second entrance may have been located oppo-
site it on the western side of the site.
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182 / Chapter 6
tioned primarily at the community level. They were probably constructed and
maintained by communal work parties and were either used by a large portion
of the resident population at one time or another or provided important bene-
fits to the community as a whole.
The plaza is a large open space, located in the center of the site, that is de-
void of recognizable domestic architectural features. Religious and political
ceremonies as well as competitive games and more socially oriented gatherings
of community members probably occurred here. Structure 17 is a large struc-
ture measuring almost 50 feet square that is located in the northeastern sector
of the plaza. It probably functioned as a public meeting house where political
issues were debated and resolved and where some religious ceremonies were
performed. To judge from eighteenth- and nineteenth-century ethnohistori-
cal accounts, it probably also served as a clubhouse where men could relax
and interact socially. Structure 16 is a small building measuring 20 feet square
and located adjacent to Structure 17 in the northeast plaza sector. It is too
small to have served as an elite residence, but its location in the plaza sug-
gests that it must have played an important role in community affairs. Most
likely, this role was religious in nature. A concentration of postholes located
immediately north of Structures 16 and 17 may represent a lightly constructed
building measuring approximately 58 × 23 feet. Structures of similar size, lo-
cated in front of eighteenth-century Cherokee townhouses, may have served
as summer council houses. Feature 45 is a large post pit located in the geo-
graphical center of the site and near the center of the plaza. The post was prob-
ably erected at the time the town was founded and may have been removed
when the town was abandoned. As such, it probably served as a symbol of the
community’s existence and identity. Finally, the town had a rather formidable
defensive perimeter consisting of a palisade and large ditch.
Between them, these two different sets of buildings and spaces—domestic
and public—would have been the venues for most activities of the town’s in-
habitants. Fortunately, their physical characteristics and spatial relationships
can tell us a great deal about the King site as a community. But there is a limit
to what postholes, hearths, and empty spaces can reveal. To learn more about
the King site community, we must look at its former inhabitants as they are
revealed by burials. To this end, the following chapter will describe the basic
characteristics of the burial sample and the kinds of variability that character-
ize it. In the chapter that follows that, Chapter 8, we will begin our examina-
tion of community organization, an examination that will continue through
five chapters to the end of the book.
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Public Architecture / 183
1. Coweeta Creek is included in this list because its “mound” is not a typical Missis-
sippian platform mound. Five buildings were erected one above the other in the same
location, and each was covered by a thin deposit of fill soil. The resulting mound con-
sists of a series of stacked structures, not a series of platforms with buildings erected
on successive summit surfaces.
2. Sullivan gives a floor area of 575 square feet (24 × 24 feet) for the structure. How-
ever, it is not clear whether her measurement is for the combined overlapping floor
space of the two building stages or for just one of them.
3. Drawing on a much larger sample of sites, Milner (1999) reports that bastions
tend to be spaced about 100 feet apart.
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Burial Descriptions
Two hundred forty-nine burials were excavated and recorded at King during
five field seasons between 1972 and 1993. These are distributed throughout
the excavated site area, occurring in the plaza, Structure 17, and the habitation
zone (Figure 5.1). Several other extensively excavated Mississippian sites in the
Southern Appalachian region have also yielded burials in association with ar-
chitectural remains. Well-known examples include Etowah and Rucker’s Bot-
tom in Georgia; Toqua, Hiwassee Island, Ledford Island, Mouse Creeks, and
Rymer in Tennessee; Moundville and Lubbub Creek in Alabama; and Coweeta
Creek and Town Creek in North Carolina. King is unique among these in that
its architectural features and community plan and its burials have both been
thoroughly analyzed and the resulting bodies of information integrated into a
detailed reconstruction of the aboriginal community.
The purpose of this chapter is to describe the King site burial sample and
the variability that exists within it. Chapters 9–11 are devoted to the analysis
of this variability. The goal of the mortuary analysis is to reconstruct as fully
as possible the social and political organization of the King site community.
The analysis has made extensive use of the contextual evidence provided by the
site’s architectural features and settlement plan. Burial evidence, in turn, has
been used to flesh out the picture of the site as a community and its life history.
Analysis of Burials
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Burial Descriptions / 185
of burial records that had been made in the field (burial forms, field notes,
field drawings, field photographs) in an attempt to fill in gaps and resolve con-
tradictions existing in them. Grave goods had been assigned descriptive type
names in the field but, with few exceptions, had not been analyzed in any way.
My next task, therefore, was to measure, quantify, describe, and in some cases
reclassify the burial artifacts. I received assistance in this undertaking from
Elizabeth Misner (Misner 1995), who analyzed the bifacial blades, Charles
Cobb and Melody Pope (Cobb and Pope 1998), who analyzed the flintknap-
per kits, and Gina Matthiesen (Matthiesen 1994), who analyzed the projectile
points. I then constructed a descriptive database that included relevant infor-
mation on burial pit characteristics, burial location, body treatment, preserva-
tion state, sex, age, and grave goods (Appendix C).
During these preliminary steps, I was able to observe the preservation con-
dition of each burial, and I began to compile evidence for the different site for-
mation processes that had impacted the collection. I also developed criteria
that would allow me to exclude specific burials from specific kinds of analysis
on the basis of preservation conditions. For example, burials that had been
heavily impacted by plowing were more likely to have lost some of their grave
goods than those in which plowing disturbed only the upper portion of the
burial pit. Those burials were not used in analyses involving grave goods as-
sociations. Depth of pit bottom below the base of plow zone, which had been
analyzed in a preliminary study by Thomas Foster (1993), emerged as a signifi-
cant variable in identifying pit form and in interpreting the architectural con-
text of burials.
Burial investigation began in earnest with a bivariate analysis of associa-
tions between different types of burial pits, body treatments, and grave goods.
This provided me with a fairly good understanding of how those different
dimensions of mortuary variability related to each other. Grave goods asso-
ciations were analyzed further using R-mode cluster analysis. This confirmed
most of what I had already learned about the artifacts but also made me aware
of several interrelationships that I had not noticed earlier.
It was by now clear that there were strong relationships between sex and age
and several other mortuary dimensions. These relationships were worked out
more thoroughly using the database, geographic information systems (GIS)
maps of the site, and bivariate statistics. I then investigated how burial location
within the site related to pit form, body position, and artifact types. This also
involved an attempt to assign individual burials to households that had been
identified with architectural evidence.
Subadults and adult females were interred with relatively few types of grave
goods compared to adult males. My next step, therefore, was to investigate the
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186 / Chapter 7
interrelationships between pit form, body position, and grave goods separately
for subadults and adult females. Once this was completed, I did the same for
the adult males.
The final step was to bring together the results of the separate mortuary
analyses of subadults, adult females, and adult males and to integrate them
with information on site location and household affiliation. This final analysis
was intended to provide insights into the community’s leadership organization
and variability in household wealth and sociopolitical status.
Two hundred sixty-five burial numbers were assigned in the field and in the
laboratory following fieldwork. In the field, burial numbers were assigned to
soil stains and fragments of human bone exposed at the base of plow zone and
beneath house floors. In the majority of cases, these identifications proved to be
correct: stains turned out to be pits containing human skeletons and/or grave
goods and bone fragments proved on further exposure to be part of more com-
plete skeletons. Nine surface stains (Burials 141, 159, 171, 173, 180, 183, 202,
204, and 206) yielded no human bone or artifacts identifiable as grave goods
during excavation, but pit characteristics such as size, shape, depth, orienta-
tion, and location support their identification as burials.
In 16 cases (Burials 95, 114, 116, 207, 208, 221, 228, 230, 232, 236, 238, 239,
247, 248, 251, and 257), no clear evidence was found to support identification
of a soil stain as a burial. These features have been dropped from consideration
as burials. The remaining 249 “confirmed” burials and their demographic and
mortuary characteristics are listed in Appendix C.
As used here, the term burial refers to a single individual and the grave
goods that were placed with him or her at the time of interment. Upon exca-
vation, several burials (or more accurately, burial pits) were found to contain
more than one individual. With one exception, each additional individual was
given a separate burial number at the time of discovery. Two overlapping buri-
als excavated in 1992 were designated Burials 224a and 224b in the field. These
were changed in the lab to Burials 224 and 258, respectively. Supernumerary
skeletal elements were found in 38 burials during laboratory analysis. These
elements were not assigned separate burial numbers.
For a variety of reasons, it was not always possible to assign individual
skeletal elements or burial artifacts to a specific individual. Deceased indi-
viduals were typically interred in separate burial pits, but in a number of cases
two or more individuals were interred together in a single pit (multiple burial).
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Burial Descriptions / 187
There are also several cases in which the burial pit of one individual intruded
that of an another (intrusive burial). Every effort was made during excava-
tion of these kinds of burials to determine which bones and artifacts belonged
with which individual. This was not always possible, however, especially when
heavy rains flooded burials during excavation, as happened in three instances.
Usually such wayward skeletal elements could be correctly assigned in the lab,
but this was frequently not possible with burial artifacts.
The amount of information about mortuary practices that can be obtained
from burials at King varies considerably from one interment to another. In a
few cases, field notes are inadequate to supply information on, for example,
placement of grave goods or details of body treatment. Plow destruction in
many cases prevents identification of pit form. Plowing, looting, and intru-
sive burials in many cases have resulted in the loss of grave goods, their dis-
placement within the burial, or their mixing with other burials. In a few mul-
tiple burials, grave goods associations are ambiguous. Appendix D describes
the stratigraphic characteristics of 138 burials in which one or more of these
factors may have obscured some aspect of the mortuary program.
As a result of the varying impact of these kinds of factors, it has been nec-
essary to select different subsamples of burials for specific types of analysis.
The most important of these consists of 142 burials that I have termed “reli-
able burials” (Appendix C). These burials are unlikely to have lost or gained
any grave goods as a result of plow disturbance, looting, burial intrusion, or
being part of a multiple burial. They are important because they can be used
in the analysis of artifact co-occurrence. Another important subsample con-
sists of 90 burials that have been disturbed by plowing or intrusive burials
but can be reliably associated with the grave goods that remain in their burial
pit. These “disturbed burials” can be used in most analyses that do not involve
artifact co-occurrence. Finally, there are 17 multiple and intrusive burials in
which grave goods cannot be assigned to one burial or another with certainty
(Appendix F). These “mixed burials” can be used to investigate questions con-
cerning body position, pit form, and location, among others, but usually not
questions concerning grave goods. Burials 81 and 149 are exceptions, as some
grave goods in each of these two “partially mixed” burials can be confidently
assigned to these individuals. The composition of other subsamples will be
identified at the time the relevant analysis is described.
The reader should take careful note of exactly what subsample is being used
in each part of the mortuary analysis because the frequency with which mor-
tuary traits occur varies from one subsample to another. The number of buri-
als reported as having marine shell beads as grave goods, for example, will vary
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188 / Chapter 7
The King site skeletal collection has been analyzed in whole or in part seven
times. Lucy Tally supervised burial excavation in 1973 and 1974 and was re-
sponsible for cleaning and conserving the skeletal material. Following the ter-
mination of field investigations in August 1974, she sexed and aged the ap-
proximately 200 burials available at the time with guidance from Dr. Charles
Peters, a bioarchaeologist in the Department of Anthropology, University of
Georgia (Tally 1974). In 1978, Gary Funkhouser investigated the paleodemog-
raphy of the King site skeletal population for his master’s thesis in anthro-
pology at the University of Georgia (Funkhouser 1978). He reanalyzed the
sex and age of 127 of the most complete skeletons under the direction of
Drs. Charles Peters, Robert Tyzzer, and Robert Blakely.
Robert Blakely undertook a broad-ranging analysis of the collection with
funding from the National Science Foundation in 1983–1984. He and his stu-
dents at Georgia State University analyzed the entire skeletal collection, look-
ing at sex and age, dental wear and caries, enamel hypoplasia, cortical bone
thickness, cranial deformation, periostitis, and physical trauma (Blakely, ed.
In 1992, the University of Georgia contracted with Clark Larsen at Purdue
University to conduct a complete osteological inventory and analysis of the
Department of Anthropology’s human skeletal collection. The project was
undertaken in response to the recently enacted Native American Graves Pro-
tection and Repatriation Act and was designed around the recommendations
of the Skeletal Database Committee of the Paleopathology Association (Rose
et al. 1991). Because of the NAGPRA requirement that museums document all
Native American human remains within their collections, the approximately
200 skeletons in the King site collection were included in the project. Most
of the osteological analysis was conducted by Matt Williamson (Larsen et al.
Cassandra Hill was responsible for excavating and conserving burials en-
countered during the 1992 and 1993 field seasons. She sexed and aged the 26
burials that were recovered and identified their pathologies (Hill 1994). Over
a three-year period, beginning in 1998, she reviewed the entire skeletal collec-
tion from the site, looking for evidence of pathology and trauma. The results
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Burial Descriptions / 189
Dental age was evaluated using the eruption sequence of Ubelaker (1989)
for juveniles and modal tooth wear patterns from Lovejoy (1985) and
presence/absence of periodontal recession/premortem loss for adults.
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190 / Chapter 7
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Burial Descriptions / 191
grave goods. Six other burials have extra skeletal elements that also probably
represent grave furniture. All 13 of these burials will be described in a later sec-
tion that looks at human remains as grave goods.
In 12 cases, identification of the source of supernumerary skeletal elements
is less certain. Burials 2, 18, 69, and 185 are adults that include one or a few
bones of infants. These may represent infants that were intentionally interred
with adults. Verification of this interpretation, unfortunately, is not possible
because of poor field documentation and bone preservation. The remaining
eight burials have extra permanent teeth or osseous elements that could be
grave goods or the result of burial intrusion or mixture in the lab.
King site burials differ from one another in a number of ways. Most of the
variability can be assigned to five different categories or dimensions: preserva-
tion state of skeletal remains and grave goods; biological characteristics such
as age, sex, and health status; physical form of burial pits and the burials they
contain; burial location within the site; and grave goods. Burial variability will
be described in the remainder of this chapter within the framework of these
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192 / Chapter 7
Burial Preservation
The preservation state of burials has been affected by erosion and plowing, or-
ganic decay, intrusion by later burials, and recent looting.
Erosion and Plow Destruction
As described in Chapter 4, overbank erosion has removed surface soil depos-
its over the entire site. The east-central sector of the habitation zone was least
impacted. Severity of erosion increases to the west and south, with more than
2.5 feet of soil having been lost along the site’s western perimeter.
Plowing impacted burials differently depending upon the original depth
of the burial pit below the aboriginal ground surface. Burial pits excavated
from the depressed floors of primary domestic structures (PDS) have bottom
elevations that on average are 1.0 foot lower than those located outside these
structures. These burials are, as a result, less likely to be damaged by plowing.
Burials of subadults younger than 8 years, on the other hand, are more likely to
be damaged by plowing than older burials since they were interred in pits that
on average are .5–.8 feet shallower.
The only burials that have not been impacted by erosion and plowing were
interred inside PDS that have intact floor surfaces. There are 20 such burials.
The upper portions of these pits contain no features or wall modifications that
can be attributed to mortuary behavior. It is unlikely, then, that any informa-
tion has been lost from those burials that have lost only the upper foot or so of
their pit walls.
Some burial pits have ledges or steps cut into their walls and some have
board covers. The former tend to be located .5–.6 feet above pit base, while
the latter occur between .3 and .8 feet above pit base. Evidence of ledges and
board covers, then, is most likely to be lost in those burials in which plow-
ing has penetrated to within .6 feet of pit base. In order for analyses involv-
ing these types of pit modification to be reliable, only pits with an intact depth
of greater than .8 feet will be used. Ninety-two burials meet this criteria (Ap-
pendix C).
It is not clear how much of the walls of shaft-and-chamber burials have to
be intact to allow this type of pit modification to be identified. The slight wall
undercutting noted in Burial 106 begins close to the top of the preserved pit
wall. The better-defined “chamber” in Burial 101 begins around 1.0 foot above
pit base. It is possible, then, that one or two examples of this rare pit form are
represented in the sample of burial pits with depths greater than .8 feet deep
but cannot be recognized as such.
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Burial Descriptions / 193
Intrusive Burials
There are 17 cases involving 44 burials in which two or more individuals ap-
pear to occur in a single pit (Appendixes D and F). Most of these are the re-
sult of one burial intruding one or more earlier burials. In a few cases (Burials
91/259, 94/134, 132/197, 135/136, and 139/145), however, we cannot rule out
the possibility of multiple burials in which two individuals were interred in the
same pit at the same time. In some intrusive burials, the later interment actu-
ally passes through the earlier one(s), destroying or displacing skeletal remains
and grave goods (Figures 7.1 and 7.2). In other cases, there is little obvious de-
struction or displacement of bone or artifacts (Figure 7.3). Grave goods occur
in 14 cases of intrusive burials. In 10 of these, some or all items cannot be as-
signed to a specific burial with certainty (Appendix F).
Most burials were interred within PDS or in one or two kinds of locations
outside these structures (see Burial Location section, below). Burials of the
latter kind were often placed so close together that adjacent burial pits fre-
quently touched or overlapped slightly. Burials interred from the floors of pri-
mary domestic structures are usually more widely separated, but placement
was restricted to the outer floor sectors on the northern side of structures.
When there were a lot of burials, as in the case of Structure 23, spacing could
get tight. Given these practices, it is not surprising that later interments some-
times intruded earlier ones. That this did not happen very frequently suggests
that household members tried to keep track of the locations of interments and
avoid disturbing those already in place.
Most burial intrusions occurred in outside burial plots and were probably
due to failure to keep accurate records of burial locations. Intrusive burials lo-
cated within some PDS, on the other hand, may be the result of a transfer of
domestic space between households. Burials 82 and 93 are both located within
the walls of Structure 15 but predate its construction. The occupants of this
structure were apparently unaware of their existence when they interred Buri-
als 81 and 92 and cut completely through the earlier interments (Figure 7.2).
Likewise, the occupants of Structure 14 were probably unaware of the exis-
tence of Burials 149 and 160, which predate the structure, when they interred
Burial 150.
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194 / Chapter 7
Organic Decay
The preservation state of organic material varied considerably among burials.
Some human bone was in excellent condition, with most elements and element
surfaces being intact. At the other extreme tooth caps alone remained or there
was no bone at all. In the majority of cases, the shafts of long bones were recov-
erable, but smaller elements and those with thin walls were not. Bone, antler,
and shell artifacts also varied. Some burials, for example, contained Busycon
shell beads with smooth, intact surfaces, while in others, only small irregu-
larly shaped fragments with deeply eroded surfaces remained. As with human
skeletal material, it is likely that bone, antler, and shell artifacts have disap-
peared completely in some burials as a result of organic decay.
In order to gain some understanding of this kind of variability and its pos-
sible causes, human skeletal preservation was evaluated and subjectively ranked
on a scale of 1–4 (1, no bone or teeth caps only; 2, bone outline only; 3, long
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Burial Descriptions / 195
bones well preserved; 4, near perfect preservation) using field photographs and
field drawings (Appendix C). The cause of this variability is not known. Some
very deep burials have very poor skeletal preservation, and this may relate to
the tendency for the clay content of subsoil at King to increase with depth. A
more clayey soil presumably would hold moisture longer and this might lead to
more rapid decay of organic material. Comparison of the human bone preser-
vation ranking with depth of burial pit bottom below surface for 45 burials in-
terred inside PDS, however, shows only a very weak correlation (r = .363).
There is some evidence that preservation conditions vary across the site.
Comparison of the average preservation rank for all reliable burials in the
northern half of the habitation zone (north of Structure 2 or S230) with the
rank of those in the southern half reveals that the former are significantly better
preserved than the latter (t = 3.08, p = .001). Why there should be this north–
south difference is not evident. The site is located on the crest of a north–south
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196 / Chapter 7
oriented floodplain ridge in the Foster Bend meander loop. I would expect soil
texture, soil moisture, and soil chemistry to be relatively uniform along this
ridge and not vary from north to south.
There is also evidence that preservation conditions varied over shorter dis-
tances. The five subfloor burials located on the northern side of Structure 17
have an average preservation rank of 2.4, while the five burials located on the
eastern and southern sides have a significantly lower average preservation rank
of 1.6 (t = 2.31, p = .02). This difference is difficult to explain because the lat-
ter burials on average are shallower (2.0 feet vs. 2.4 feet) and are located less
than 30 feet from the north-side group. Pit size indicates that these burials are
all adults. Given these conditions, I can think of no reason preservation should
be so much poorer unless the bodies of the deceased were treated differently
prior to interment.
Twenty-one burials contained grave goods made of animal bone, antler, and
teeth. Forty-nine burials have shell artifacts of one kind or another. For the
142 reliable burials, the numbers are 14 and 31, respectively. While there is no
standard to compare these figures against, the frequency of bone and antler
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Burial Descriptions / 197
tools in King site burials does seem low in comparison with other artifact cate-
gories such as triangular points (31 burials) and pottery vessels (25).
Although bone, antler, and shell artifacts recovered from burials vary in
their state of preservation, there is no direct evidence that such artifacts have
been lost or that their loss is the result of decay. We can, however, evaluate
the effect of organic decay on these artifacts by comparing them to a stan-
dard measure of decay—the preservation ranking of human skeletal remains.
Comparison of the mean preservation ranking of reliable burials lacking bone
tools and those with bone tools reveals that the former have significantly lower
preservation ranks (2.49 vs. 3.0; t = 2.24, p = .013). Burials lacking shell arti-
facts also have significantly lower preservation ranks (2.44 vs. 2.77; t = 2.26,
p = .012). In other words, burials with poor skeletal preservation are less likely
to have grave goods made of bone or shell or, presumably, antler. In all proba-
bility, the soil conditions responsible for poor human skeletal preservation in
some burials have led also to the loss of these kinds of artifacts.
Unfortunately, we cannot use preservation rank to predict whether bone
and shell artifacts have disintegrated in a particular burial. Five of the 14 buri-
als with flintknapping kits also have beaver incisors, suggesting a functional
relationship between the two types of grave goods. If the absence of incisors
from the other nine burials is due to decay, we should expect those burials to
have significantly poorer skeletal preservation rankings. This is not the case
(t = .45, p = .33).
The relationship between skeletal preservation rank and presence/absence
of bone and shell artifacts serves as a warning that the absence of the latter
from some burials may be due to decay. This means that we can use the pres-
ence of bone and shell artifacts in a burial, but not their absence, to speculate
about mortuary practices.
Burial Looting
Pothunters visited the King site on at least two occasions and looted several
burials. The first visit occurred in July 1973 and resulted in the destruction of
at least five burials located in and around Structure 5. Fragments of human
bone were present in five potholes, and sections of burial pit outlines survived
in a few cases, but no artifacts that can be identified as grave goods were left
behind by the looters. Unfortunately, no record of which human remains went
with which looted burial pit was made at the time. The remains were assigned
burial numbers 261–265 in the laboratory.
Following the 1974 field season, the landowner cleared a small plot of trees
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198 / Chapter 7
that had covered the northwestern corner of the site and began cultivating
the area. In the spring of 1982, pothunters excavated over a dozen holes in
this area. Six potholes encountered burials, including one that contained a
sixteenth-century sword. Keith Little (1985), an archaeologist associated at the
time with Jacksonville State University in Anniston, Alabama, interviewed the
pothunters a year later and was able to obtain what he felt was an accurate in-
ventory of artifacts that they had recovered from each burial. These grave con-
tents are listed in Appendix C. Burials 233, 234, and 241, excavated during the
1992 field season, were looted burials. Skeletal material in the potholes was
broken and not in anatomical order and recent debris such as cigarette butts
was present in all three pits. Burial 234 is probably Little’s Looted Burial 1 and
has been so designated. None of the other five burials described by Little can
be identified with the looted burials excavated in 1992. These five looted buri-
als have been designated Burials 266–270.
Biological Variability
The number of males identified by Williamson (Larsen et al. 1994) using osteo-
logical evidence exceeds the number of females in the King site burial popu-
lation by a small amount: 37 males vs. 32 females. The excess of males over
females conforms to Weiss’s (1972) observation that osteological analyses typi-
cally are biased in favor of males. Humpf (1995:123) found a similar ratio
(44:42), but Blakely (1988:21) identified a substantially greater proportion of
females (83:105). None of these ratios differ significantly from the others or
from a 1:1 ratio.
Table 7.2 lists age of death and mortality rate for King burials by five-year
intervals. King resembles other Mississippian populations in having a large
number of deaths during the first five years and a second peak in mortality
in the twenties (Berryman 1984; Black 1979; Blakely 1971; Boyd 1986; Par-
ham 1987; Powell 1988). It is distinctive, however, in having a relatively large
number of people dying in their thirties and early forties. With a sample size of
137 individuals, this heightened mortality may be due in part to sampling er-
ror. It also may be a result of the way the community developed through time.
Most demographic models assume a stationary population with no immigra-
tion or outmigration (Weiss 1973:6–10). The King site population clearly does
not meet this condition. Immigration contributed significantly to population
growth during at least the first third of the town’s 40- to 50-year existence.
Abandonment, furthermore, appears to have taken place over a number of
years, with a small number of households remaining after most of the popula-
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Burial Descriptions / 199
tion had left. A final factor may be Spanish contact, which could have exposed
the community to Old World epidemic diseases. There is, however, no direct
evidence that the population experienced sudden, increased mortality as a re-
sult of epidemic disease (Blakely and Detweiler-Blakely 1989). The high mor-
tality rate in the forties probably also reflects the conservative approach that
Williamson took to aging older individuals (Larsen et al. 1994). Individuals
whom Blakely (1988) and other osteologists probably would have identified as
being in their fifties and sixties were considered by Williamson to have died in
their forties.
In his analysis of the King burial population, Blakely (1988:22) found an
even more pronounced rise in mortality during the fifth decade of life. Blakely
and Mathews (1990) identified 37 individuals in the King site burial collection
as bearing wounds from metal-edged weapons. Eleven of these individuals
survived long enough for their wounds to heal; the remainder presumably died
not too long after being wounded. According to Blakely and Mathews, indi-
viduals receiving wounds were predominantly young females in their twenties
and thirties and older men and women in their forties and fifties. The latter,
according to Blakely (1988), represent a significant proportion of the unusu-
ally large number of individuals dying at an advanced age.
Milner and others (Milner et al. 2000) have reanalyzed the burials that
Blakely and Mathews identified as bearing metal-edged weapon wounds. They
found no evidence of such wounds and reject Blakely and Mathews’s claims
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200 / Chapter 7
that a large number of King site residents were killed by the Spanish. I accept
the findings of Milner and his colleagues.
Infants under 1 year old represent only 1 percent of the burial population, a
very low number in comparison with other Mississippian populations (Black
1979; Boyd 1986; Parham 1987; Powell 1988). Differential bone preservation
probably accounts for most of the underrepresentation of infants, although
we cannot rule out the possibility that infants were often interred in locations
or in a manner that made them inaccessible to us. As noted in an earlier sec-
tion, subadults less than 8 years of age were interred in pits that were as much
as 1 foot shallower than those of older individuals. These shallower burials
would have been more likely to be destroyed by erosion and plowing. The
large number of burials in the 0–4.9 years age category, however, suggests that
the age distribution of burials has not been greatly affected by this factor. Of
course, it is possible that infants were interred in even shallower pits and hence
were more likely to be destroyed by plowing than burials of older children.
Table 7.2 shows a large difference in the number of male and female burials
in the 30–34.9 years and 35–39.9 years age categories. There does seem to have
been an unusually large number of males dying during this age interval, but
that does not explain the absence of females. Two burials in this age range can-
not be sexed osteologically and could be female, but their grave goods indicate
that they too were male (see Chapter 9). Given the wide variety of architec-
tural and settlement contexts in which burials were excavated at King, it is dif-
ficult to believe that there was any systematic bias in the recovery of adults of
either sex who died during their fourth decade of life. I am at a loss to explain
why so few females aged 30–39 years are in the burial sample.
A number of different pathological conditions have been identified in the
King site burials by Blakely, Humpf, and Williamson. Some of these—cranial
deformation, porotic hyperostosis, periostitis, and enamel hypoplasias—occur
with some frequency and may vary in incidence between different segments of
the population. These types of pathologies have been considered as variables
in the mortuary analysis.
Garrett (1988) reports that 52 out of 60 observable crania had some form
of cranial deformation, with parallelo-fronto-occipital deformation as defined
by Neumann (1942) being most common. Garrett does not identify the indi-
vidual burials with deformed crania. According to Williamson (personal com-
munication 2002), only 28 crania were well-enough preserved to allow reliable
identification of cranial deformation. He identifies only 11 crania as being de-
formed, with fronto-occipital deformation, as defined by Ubelaker (1989), be-
ing the most common (Appendix C).
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202 / Chapter 7
Burial Form
Burial Pit Depth
Burial depth, the depth to which burial pits extend below the base of plow
zone, varies between .1 foot and 3.4 feet (Appendix C). Some of this variability
may be attributable to factors such as the sex, age, and social status of interred
individuals and spatial location relative to architectural features. Most, how-
ever, appears to be due to variation in the impact of overbank erosion and
plowing on occupation and pre-occupation deposits. Comparisons of burial
pit depth below ground surface are therefore of limited analytical value un-
less pits are located close together or originate from preserved floors of struc-
tures. Absolute elevation of pit bottom is also of limited analytical value be-
cause the contours of the aboriginal ground surface cannot be reconstructed
with certainty.
Foster (1993) was the first to investigate the relationship between burial
pit depth and the sex, age, social status, and architectural associations of buri-
als. He found that burial pits located within PDS were on average deeper than
those located outside, that children were buried in shallower pits than adults,
and that male and female burials were similar in depth. Some of the data that
were available to Foster at the time of his analysis have since been modified
and refined. Except for differences in detail, however, all of Foster’s observa-
tions have been confirmed by the present analysis.
Given the impact of overbank erosion, the only way to determine how deep
burial pits might have been in aboriginal times is to look at those burials lo-
cated within PDS with intact floors. Seven structures with intact floors have a
total of 21 burials that were interred during structure occupancy (Table 7.3).
Pit depths for these “inside” burials range between 1.2 feet and 2.9 feet and av-
erage 2.0 feet. Evidence presented in Chapter 9 indicates that burial pits for in-
dividuals 8 years old or older were excavated deeper on average than those for
younger individuals. Applying this distinction to the data in Table 7.3, we find
that pit depths for the older and younger groups average 2.2 and 1.8 feet, re-
spectively. Unfortunately, there is no way to determine whether burial pits lo-
cated outside domestic structures were excavated to the same depth below ab-
original ground surface.
Burials provide our best evidence for estimating the depth of the basins in
which PDS were erected. The difference in absolute elevation of burial pits lo-
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Burial Descriptions / 203
cated inside these structures and burial pits located outside but adjacent to
them should be equal to the depth of the structure basin. This assumes, of
course, that burials were interred at approximately the same depth below local
ground surface (house floor or village ground surface) regardless of location.
Table 7.4 compares absolute elevations for the pits of burials 8 years old
and older located within and adjacent to the four PDS where such information
is available. Elevation differences range between .95 and 2.45 feet. The larger
figure reflects the fact that Burial 192 has one of the deepest (2.8 feet) burial
pits on the site. Given that the inside/outside depth difference for Structure 9 is
based on this one burial, we probably should not give it as much weight as the
other sets of measurements. We may conclude, then, that PDS basins were usu-
ally excavated to a depth of approximately 1 foot below surrounding ground
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204 / Chapter 7
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Burial Descriptions / 205
located .5–.6 feet above the pit base. In shaft-and-chamber burials, one side of
the pit is undercut a foot or so to form a side chamber, and the body is placed
partially within it.
Simple and stepped pits sometimes contained decayed remnants of wooden
boards. These are oriented parallel to pit length in most cases, but occasion-
ally lie perpendicular to it. Boards usually occur between .3 and .6 feet above
pit base, but in a few cases are as much as .8 feet above it. The lower elevations
probably reflect the location of boards subsequent to their collapse into the
hollow chamber beneath. Boards may have been placed over burials if the pit
was kept open for a period of time. The absence of water-sorted sediments in
the bottom of burial pits, however, suggests that pits were filled shortly after
they were dug.
A total of 16 pits are stepped, 16 have boards, and two have side chambers
(Appendix C). Plowing may have destroyed evidence of these features in many
shallow pits. Seventy-five burial pits have clearly defined walls and sufficient
depth (>.8 feet) to ensure that stepped forms and board covers can be detected
in most cases. Of these, 61 (81 percent) are simple in form, 12 (16 percent) are
stepped, and two (3 percent) are shaft-and-chamber. Twelve pits (16 percent)
have boards.
A similar variety of pit forms characterizes the Dallas phase burials at
Toqua. Sixty-six percent of the pits with identifiable form are simple, 28 per-
cent are stepped, and 7 percent are shaft-and-chamber (Scott and Polhemus
1987). At least 13 percent of the pits have board covers. Mouse Creek phase
burial pits are primarily simple in form with boards represented in 4 percent
of cases, but there is no evidence of stepped or shaft-and-chamber configura-
tions. Stone box graves, not represented at King, account for 4 percent of the
graves in Mouse Creek phase sites (Sullivan 1987). Eighty-seven percent of the
burials at the Coweeta Creek site in North Carolina have simple pits, while
13 percent are shaft-and-chamber (Rodning 2004:391). Stepped pits are not
reported for the site.
Among pits with depths greater than .8 feet, six had both steps and pre-
served boards, but seven had only boards and seven had only steps. Decay may
have destroyed boards in the latter cases, but the fact that some simple pits
had boards indicates that steps and boards do not necessarily always occur to-
gether. Nevertheless, boards were apparently laid on steps in at least four of the
six burial pits containing both features.
Burial 101 has the only definite shaft-and-chamber pit. The chamber was
produced by undercutting the wall along one side of the pit to a depth of ap-
proximately 1 foot. One side of the skeleton and some artifacts are located
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206 / Chapter 7
Figure 7.4. Bundle Burial 131 with flexed Burials 143 and 144.
within this pit extension. Burial 106 may also have had a shaft-and-chamber
pit, but the wall overhang noted during excavation began near the top of the
pit and was not very wide.
Body Position
There are three basic types of body position: extended, flexed, and bundle. The
latter, with three examples, is the least common. Burials 131 and 260 consist of
disarticulated bones that appear to have been confined to a small space, pre-
sumably within a bag or wrapping (Figures 7.4 and 7.5). Both occur at the foot
end of a pit containing other flesh interments—two flexed individuals (Buri-
als 143 and 144) in the former and a single partially flexed individual (Burial
117) in the latter. The third bundle, Burial 166, appears to have been articu-
lated when it was bound in a very tightly flexed position (Figure 7.6). It was in-
terred in its own pit.
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Burial Descriptions / 207
Figure 7.5. Bundle Burial 260 with partially flexed Burial 117.
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208 / Chapter 7
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Burial Descriptions / 209
Eleven partially flexed burials have both upper and lower legs flexed at an ob-
tuse angle, with the result that feet are located well below the hip (Figures 7.5
and 7.10). Individuals may lie on their back or side, but the former is most com-
mon. Arm positions are similar to those of the flexed burials, although one in-
dividual has one hand on the pelvis and the other near the head. Four subadults
lying on their backs (Burials 51, 60, 170, and 237) have so little leg flexure that
it is debatable whether their body position is partially flexed or extended (Fig-
ure 7.10). Arm position in each case cannot be determined as a result of poor
bone preservation. These burials have been classified as partially flexed.
Ten burials have upper legs flexed at an obtuse angle and lower legs sharply
flexed so that the feet lie close to the pelvis (Figure 7.1). All appear to be lying
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Figure 7.8. Burial 54 (flexed on back).
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Burial Descriptions / 211
on their back. One individual (Burial 151) interred in this fashion had a de-
formed hip that may have made it difficult to position the legs in any other way
(Hill 2001a).
Three individuals were interred in a more tightly flexed position. Burial 59
lies on its back with knees drawn up close to the chest and the lower legs ly-
ing parallel to the body axis (Figure 7.11). Burials 113 and 124 lie on their side.
Their upper legs form an acute angle with the body axis, but the amount of
flexure is not much greater than that seen in other flexed burials. Rather than a
distinct type of body position, they may represent nothing more than one ex-
treme in the range of variation in the flexed-on-side position.
Three flexed burials were interred in a face-down position. All are adult fe-
males. Burial 246 is the only one that is truly in this position, as both the pel-
vis and upper body are prone. The others, Burials 25 and 169, are not entirely
prone, the pelvis being positioned on its side with legs extending out to one
side while the upper body is turned face down. In both cases, it is possible the
body was interred on its side but that subsequent settling brought the upper
shoulder forward and down. These two burials will be considered to be in the
flexed-on-side position in future analyses.
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212 / Chapter 7
Multiple Burials
The great majority of burials (92 percent) were single interments. In 10 in-
stances, however, two or three bodies were placed together in a single pit at
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Burial Descriptions / 213
the same time (Table 7.5). These multiple burials appear to fall into two major
types: those containing two individuals of approximately equal age who are
interred side by side and in similar positions, and those in which one indi-
vidual is interred in a different body position near the feet of the other. Four
burials contained two individuals that were flexed and facing the same direc-
tion. Bodies were close together with one individual’s arm or leg lying on the
other individual (see, for example, Figure 7.4). All were adults, but only fe-
males could be identified. Burials 45 (44 years, male) and 46 (8 years) were
both flexed but faced each other. This is also one of three cases in which in-
dividuals interred together are of markedly different age. Burials 186 and 187
may also have been flexed and facing each other, but preservation was too poor
to allow certain identification.
Three multiple burials had one individual placed at the feet of the other.
Burial 35, a 1- to 6-year-old infant, was located at the feet of Burial 30, an
adult extended on its back. Burial 260, an adult bundle burial, was placed at
the feet of Burial 117, a young adult (Figure 7.5). Burial 131, consisting of a
bundle of limb bones, was placed at the feet of two adults (Burials 143 and
144) (Figure 7.4). Burials 4 and 5 may represent a fourth instance, but field
notes do not clearly indicate the spatial relationship between the two bodies.
In a later section of this chapter, Burials 260 and 131 are treated as grave
goods that were interred with another individual. Burial 117 appears to have
been a prominent warrior, and it is reasonable to infer that the bundle of hu-
man bones placed at his feet (Burial 260) was a war trophy, the remains of
someone he had killed in battle. There is no evidence that Burials 143 and 144
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214 / Chapter 7
were warriors, but we cannot rule out the possibility that Burial 131 was also
a war trophy.
Burials 132/197, 135/136, and 139/145 (Figure 7.3 and Appendix D) may be
multiple burials, but the fact that one body was placed above the other in each
case suggests they are the result of later burials intruding earlier ones. All bod-
ies are flexed and the members of each pair are oriented in opposite directions.
Burials 132/197 and 135/136 were placed directly above one another, while
Burials 139 and 145 overlap only in the torso and leg area.
Burial Location
Burials were placed in a variety of locations across the site. Two hundred
twenty-seven individuals were interred within the habitation zone either be-
neath the floors of primary domestic structures (PDS) or rectangular struc-
tures (RS) or in the spaces between them. Within the public sector, burials
were interred in Structure 17, in the plaza north of Structure 17, and in the
plaza south of the central post. Description of burial location in this chapter
will focus on two aspects of this dimension of burial variability: the tripartite
division of the site into habitation zone, plaza, and Structure 17 and, within
the habitation zone, the distinction between location beneath the floors of
PDS and RS and location outside of these structures. A third aspect of the
location dimension—the association of burials with specific structures and
multistructure households—will be described in Chapter 8.
Habitation Zone Burials—Primary Domestic Structures
Ninety-three burials are located within the walls of PDS. Fifty-nine of these
were interred beneath the floor of a PDS while it was being occupied (Appen-
dix C). Such burials are referred to as “inside” burials. Sixteen burials located
within the walls of PDS were interred either before or after structure occu-
pancy. Along with the 121 burials located in spaces between PDS and RS, these
are referred to as “outside” burials. Eighteen of the 93 burials cannot be iden-
tified with certainty as either inside or outside burials. Thirteen burials are lo-
cated within the walls of rectangular structures. They also are considered to be
“inside” burials.
Several kinds of evidence can be used to determine whether a burial was
interred from the floor of a PDS during its occupation. Pit depth can be ex-
pected to exceed that of nearby outside burials by approximately 1 foot. Other
kinds of evidence, described in greater detail below, include location within
the structure and compass orientation.
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216 / Chapter 7
was widespread and common in the Southeast, we may hypothesize that the
benches upon which King site household members slept and lounged were lo-
cated in the northern half of houses and primarily in the central sector of the
northern, eastern, and western walls.
As described in Chapter 5, occupation refuse tends to be more heavily con-
centrated in the southern half of PDS with intact floors. We may infer from
this that the domestic activities responsible for this debris generally took place
in the southern half of structures. It seems likely, furthermore, that sleeping
and activities related to general household maintenance would occur in differ-
ent locations within a single structure. The general scarcity of occupation de-
bris in the northern sectors of excavated house floors supports the idea that
sleeping platforms were located in the northern half of houses.
Five PDS with a total of seven construction stages (Structures 1.1, 7, 8.1,
8.2, 23.1, 23.2, and 24) have both entrance trenches and interior burials. In
most of these, burials are located along the wall opposite the entrance pas-
sage. In two cases, Structures 1.1 and 24, burials are located along a wall adja-
cent to (left of ) the entrance passage. No entrances occur in a floor sector with
Since most preserved entrance trenches are on the south side of PDS, we
might conclude that there was a preference for placing burials and entrances
in opposite halves of houses. This seems unlikely for the reason that entrance
location appears to have been determined by at least three different factors:
preference for a south-facing orientation, preference for orientation toward the
plaza, and preference for orientation toward extended family household work
spaces (see Chapter 8). Only the first may be related to burial location and
was probably overridden by the other factors in many instances. Most PDS lo-
cated on the south side of the site, for example, probably had entrances on their
north sides.
We have seen that burials interred inside PDS seldom intrude one another.
Even in Structure 23, which had 12 burials located in the northern third of its
floor area, there is little overlap between adjacent burial pits. This suggests that
structure residents were able to remember with a great deal of accuracy where
burials were located.
Burial pits tend to have the same compass orientation as the primary struc-
tures in which they are located. The average difference for all inside burials
(50) and structures (15) that can be readily associated and that can be oriented
with reasonable accuracy is 6.5 degrees. Much of this difference can be attrib-
uted to Burials 178, 212, and 220, which have orientations diverging by 24, 27,
and 33 degrees, respectively. Two of these are from Structure 23, which had the
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Burial Descriptions / 217
largest number of inclusive burials, and the difference may reflect attempts to
fit burials into small available spaces. More than half the burial pits diverged
from structure orientation by 4 degrees or less.
Burial pits are almost always aligned with the nearest exterior wall. Even
Burials 178, 212, and 220, which diverge from their structure’s orientation by
as much as 33 degrees, lie roughly parallel to the nearest exterior wall. Only
Burial 20, which appears to be oriented at right angles to the east wall of Struc-
ture 1, can be said to be misaligned.
Because of the close correspondence between burial orientation and struc-
ture orientation, the former has proven to be a useful tool in the analysis of ar-
chitectural data. In one case, Structure 25, burial orientation provided the first
piece of evidence that the structure had two building stages. In a number of
cases, it was one piece of evidence used to identify burials that predate or post-
date building occupancy.
The number of individuals interred in primary domestic structures varies
from 0 to 12. In Chapter 8, we will see that the primary determinants of the
number of burials in a structure are the length of time the structure was occu-
pied and its social and symbolic position within multistructure households. In
general, structures with more building stages have greater numbers of burials.
Individuals interred within primary domestic structures are best interpreted
as having been members of the household or core kin group residing in the
structure (Carr 1995; Goldstein 1981). Without mitochondrial DNA evidence,
we will probably never be able to prove that this was the case at King. Never-
theless, several lines of evidence do give strong support to the proposition.
To begin with, Creeks and other Southeastern tribes buried household mem-
bers in this manner in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries and continue
the practice even today (Hitchcock 1930:112; Moore 1988:48; Moore 1994;
Romans 1999:129; Swanton 1928a:392, 395, 1946:724; Williams 1930:195).
Second, the distribution of at least one inherited, nonmetric dental trait (Cara-
belli’s cusp) indicates that several individuals buried in Structure 15 were re-
lated (Tally 1975). Third, the individuals interred in each structure tend to re-
semble a cross section of the larger community’s population, individuals of
all ages and both sexes being represented. Four PDS contain five or more in-
dividual interments. Adults and subadults are represented in each structure’s
burial sample, as are both males and females in most cases (Table 7.6). In the
domestic structure sample as a whole, furthermore, interments are equally di-
vided between male (4) and female (4) and are well distributed among the
various age groups.
Identification of subfloor burials as representing deceased household mem-
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218 / Chapter 7
bers raises the question of which household adult males were interred with.
Given that postmarital residence in King society was probably preferentially
matrilocal (Gearing 1962; Swanton 1928a), the adult males living in most
households probably had married in from their natal household. But were
these males buried in their natal household or where they resided at time of
death? Eighteenth- and nineteenth-century ethnohistorical references indicate
that burial was in the wife’s house (Moore 1988:48; Romans 1999:129; Wasel-
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Burial Descriptions / 219
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220 / Chapter 7
1. Have burial pits with compass orientations similar to that of the associated
2. Exhibit some regularity in their placement relative to the PDS—for ex-
ample, placement in front of rather than behind the structure.
3. Include individuals of all ages and both sexes.
4. Vary in number in conformity with the length of time the household was
in existence.
Review of the 137 known outside burials suggests that they share several
additional characteristics, including the following:
5. A tendency to form tight spatial clusters with individual pits generally lo-
cated less than 2 feet apart. Burials 53, 54, 56, and 57 and Burials 58–63, 66,
and 67 are two good examples of such clusters (Appendix B, Figure B.16).
Burials 1–8 form a much looser cluster—the distance separating Burials 7
and 8 from the other six, in fact, raises the possibility that they are not part
of the cluster.
6. A tendency for pits in such clusters to be oriented parallel to and at right
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Burial Descriptions / 221
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222 / Chapter 7
know about the eighteenth- and nineteenth-century Creek rotunda and square
ground and Cherokee townhouses, it is possible that people were assigned seat-
ing space according to their clan affiliation, sociopolitical status, or where they
came from in the town. If this is correct, we might expect individuals to be
buried in the section of the floor that corresponded with their seating location.
Because of its importance as a public building, we also might expect that in-
terment within Structure 17 was limited to individuals with special qualifica-
tions. These questions are considered further in Chapter 12.
Plaza Burials
Eleven burials (Burials 30–40) were interred in a fairly loose cluster immedi-
ately north of Structures 16 and 17 (Figure 6.6). They may have been enclosed
within the walls of a lightly constructed pavilion. All but one of the burials are
quite shallow, and seven had been heavily damaged by plowing. Burial 194, lo-
cated 30 feet south of the large post pit (Feature 45), is the only other burial
known to have been interred in the plaza. As with the Structure 17 burials, we
can assume that interment in the plaza was limited to individuals with special
Burial Artifacts
Iron Tools
Eight iron artifacts were recovered from five burials excavated during the 1973
and 1974 field seasons. A sixth burial, looted by pothunters in 1982, contained
a complete sword (Little 1985). The artifacts excavated in 1973–1974 consist
of three celts or chisels; one wedge or celt with tapering cross section; a rod
with round cross section and flattened, chisel-like end; and two possible knife
blades (Smith 1975) (Figure 7.12, Table 7.8). Similar artifacts have been recov-
ered at other sites in northwestern Georgia and are believed to originate with
the De Soto and/or Luna expeditions (Marvin Smith 1987). The sword has a
straight two-edged blade and a swept hilt. It is dated to the mid-sixteenth cen-
tury by Dr. Helmut Nickle, Curator of Arms and Armor at the Metropolitan
Museum of Art in New York (Little 1985).
Copper Arrow Symbol Badges
Two copper arrow symbol badges (CASB) with embossed decoration were
recovered from Burial 92 (Figure 7.13). They measure 92.7 and 94.7 mm in
length and 37.2 and 36.9 mm in maximum width. Shape resembles a projectile
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Figure 7.12. Iron tools from burials (scale in centimeters): A, two celts from Burial 92; B, celt
from Burial 15; C, celt from Burial 117; D, rod from Burial 92.
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224 / Chapter 7
Figure 7.13. Copper arrow symbol badges from Burial 92 (scale in centimeters).
point with flat base, small side notches, straight-sided blade, and rounded tip.
Both have a single small hole drilled or punched through their basal portion.
The two specimens have very similar embossed designs consisting of concen-
tric semicircles and groups of two or three parallel straight lines.
Similar objects have been recovered from burials at 13 additional sites in
Georgia and adjacent portions of Alabama, Florida, and Tennessee (Brain and
Phillips 1996:372–373; Marvin Smith 1987:101). Differences in overall shape
and temporal context lead archaeologists to distinguish two types: an older
Cemochechobee type dating probably to the fourteenth–early fifteenth cen-
tury and a Thirty Acre Field type dating to the sixteenth century (Brain and
Phillips 1996:373). The CASB from Burial 92 are of the latter type.
Most of the nine sites with Thirty Acre Field type CASB have been looted
or poorly excavated with the result that the number of specimens per burial
is not known. Cemochechobee CASB are known from burials at seven differ-
ent sites. They occur in groups ranging in number from 2 to 13 and averag-
ing nine. Twelve Cemochechobee type specimens, recovered from a burial at
the eponymous site (Schnell et al. 1981:218–225), are reconstructed as being
part of a feather headdress. Evidence of a similar sort supports the reconstruc-
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226 / Chapter 7
Figure 7.14. Large bifacial blades from burials (scale in centimeters): A, Burial 101; B, Burial 92;
C, Burial 34; D, Burial 223; E, Burial 223; F, Burial 15.
cial blades recovered from Burials 15, 34, 85, 92, 101, and 105. I inspected the
two blades from Burial 223 with a hand lens and a microscope. All except the
specimen from Burial 85 and the large blade from Burial 223 bear some evi-
dence of use wear and/or intentional resharpening. Retouching, producing a
bifacially beveled edge, covers one end of the specimens from Burials 15 and
34, the midsection of the small blade from Burial 223, and all but the bro-
ken end of the Burial 105 specimen. Grinding and polishing is present along
90 percent of the edge of the Burial 34 specimen, including the beveled por-
tion, and on the pointed end of the Burial 92 specimen. Fine retouching that
could be use wear is present along most of the edge of the Burial 101 blade
and portions of the beveled edge of the Burial 105 specimen. Additional evi-
dence of post-manufacture modification exists in the form of breaks in the
outline of the blades from Burials 15, 34, 92, and 105. The edges of the three
blades from Burials 101 and 223, in contrast, curve smoothly from one end to
the other.
It is clear from the above that most bifacial blades were reworked subse-
quent to their manufacture. Reworking may have been undertaken to “sal-
vage” blades that broke or to resharpen blade edges that became dull through
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Burial Descriptions / 227
use. The unretouched ends of the Burials 15 and 34 blades are almost identical
in outline, width, and thickness, but the former specimen is one-third shorter
than the latter. Assuming that the two blades were originally of comparable
length, the Burial 15 specimen would be a good candidate for a blade that
broke and was refurbished or was resharpened numerous times. The relatively
short length of the Burial 92 and 105 blades also suggests heavy reworking.
Large bifacial blades are well known from Dallas, Mouse Creek, and La-
mar sites. They are generally considered to have had ceremonial and/or sym-
bolic rather than utilitarian uses (Hatch 1974; Lewis and Kneberg Lewis 1995;
Polhemus 1987; Sullivan 1986). Given the apparent fragility and the probable
value of the blades, it does seem unlikely that they would have been used in
everyday household or subsistence activities. It is surprising, therefore, to find
that the King site blades probably were used in ways that resulted in breakage,
edge wear, and resharpening.
Bifacial blades are depicted as being held in the hand of bird-human fig-
ures in Hightower (Muller 1989) or Big Toco (Brain and Phillips 1996) and
Craig B (Phillips and Brown 1978) style shell gorgets. These depictions sug-
gest that blades were held in the hand without benefit of a hafted handle, an
interpretation that is supported by the fact that the individual in Burial 34 held
his blade in his right hand. Because of their physical characteristics and depic-
tions on shell gorgets in warlike scenes, blades are often interpreted as weapons
or weapon symbols (Brown 1976a). If they were indeed used as weapons in
combat, they would be likely to break or chip along the edge with some fre-
quency. Unless they were rubbed against other items while being brandished,
however, we would not expect their edges to show evidence of grinding and
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228 / Chapter 7
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Burial Descriptions / 229
Asymmetrical Blade
Burial 49 contained a large tabular fragment of a chert nodule measuring 117
× 65 × 7 mm. The artifact lay in the chest area of the deceased, on top of a
mask gorget. One edge is bifacially flaked to form a convex cutting edge almost
100 mm long (Figure 7.15). The opposite edge is nodule cortex that varies in
thickness between 10 and 30 mm. The chert is mottled gray and white and
is not of local origin. Scratches near the middle of each face indicate that the
piece had been used in some fashion in its present form and is not a preform.
Because of its size, exotic material, and unique shape, the piece will be treated
as being a type of large bifacial blade.
Triangular Points
Three hundred six triangular points were recovered from 29 burials during
the 1972 through 1993 field seasons (Table 7.10). One of these points, from
Burial 61, was probably an accidental inclusion in pit fill rather than an inten-
tional grave good. Points also were recovered from Burials 234 and 269, looted
in 1982.
The points conform most closely to the type that has been variously called
Dallas Excurvate (Lewis and Kneberg 1946:113) and Dallas Point (Polhemus
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Burial Descriptions / 231
1987:729). They are triangular with straight to slightly convex edges and
straight to slightly concave or convex bases. Length ranges between 20 and
60 mm and averages 38 mm. Width ranges between 12 × 20 mm and averages
14 mm (Matthiesen 1994). Flaking is usually quite well executed and often of
the “collateral” type (Matthiesen 1994). Most points are made of black, gray,
or blue-gray chert, but white, pink, and red cherts were also used. Ft. Payne,
Knox, Newala, and Conasauga cherts are locally available and when heat-
treated produce most of these colors (Goad 1979).
Although all points are triangular, a fair amount of morphological varia-
tion is evident among them. Matthiesen (1994) analyzed this variability to de-
termine whether some might be attributable to microstylistic variation be-
tween individual flintknappers. She measured 252 points from 19 burials that
had two or more points and were available for analysis. She measured point
length, width, and thickness in two different locations, calculated basal cur-
vature, and measured flake scar angle. A comparison of these measurements
and a subjective evaluation of overall point shape allowed her to confidently
identify 13 microstyles. Seven of these microstyles, subjected to additional,
more-objective analysis involving cell point charts, bivariate scatter plots, and
cluster analysis, are illustrated in Figures 7.16 and 7.17.
Number of points per burial ranges from 1 to 50 with two-thirds of buri-
als having five or more. Placement of points in burials is quite variable, but a
number of patterns can be recognized. To begin with, points are almost al-
ways arranged in tight clusters and with parallel alignment, suggesting that
they were laid in the grave as bundles of complete arrows. In Burial 44, the ar-
row shafts may have been held in the hand of the deceased. There are four ex-
ceptions to this pattern. In Burials 34, 92, 101, and 117, one or two arrows were
evidently laid across the bundle at a 90-degree angle or in the opposite direc-
tion. Burial 34 is the most elaborate in this regard, with most arrows placed
near the feet in two similarly oriented bundles, one being located .5 feet down
the shafts of the other, and two arrows laid at right angles to them. The latter
are oriented in opposite directions to each other.
In Burials 34, 87, and 92, some points are located less than 1 foot from the
pit wall with their base toward the wall. The proximity of the pit wall sug-
gests that these points were either not hafted at the time of interment or that
they had only the foreshaft attached. If the latter was the case, then the possi-
bility exists that all or most points had only foreshafts attached at the time of
With two exceptions, only a single bundle of points was placed in a burial.
In Burial 34, there are two bundles at the feet of the deceased and a third
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232 / Chapter 7
Figure 7.16. Points from burials representing different microstyles (scale in centimeters): A, style
34C; B, style 65A; C, style 92A; D, style 100A; E, style 101A; F, style 105D; G, style 118A.
bundle at the shoulder. In Burial 92, there is one bundle of points located near
the right forearm, two bundles of points placed in the vicinity of the feet, and
individual points in two other locations near the feet.
Points, and presumably their shafts or foreshafts, were almost always ori-
ented parallel to the upper body. Those placed in the shoulder area have shafts
pointing toward the feet; those placed near the lower body have their shafts
pointing toward the head.
Points were placed in three different locations in flexed burials: above the
shoulder (Burials 15, 34, 44, 56, 93, 118, and 223); in the vicinity of the feet
(Burials 34, 65, 92, 100, 101, 117, and 153); and at the knees (Burials 57, 139,
and 176). Among extended burials, points were placed either between the legs
or next to one leg (Burials 30, 102, and 105) or at the shoulder (Burial 81).
Dallas points are seldom found in domestic contexts at King (Ruggiero
2000). Several kinds of evidence, discussed in Chapter 11, indicate that most
if not all of the points placed with burials at King were not used in domes-
tic or subsistence activities but rather had sociopolitical and ideological func-
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Burial Descriptions / 233
End Scrapers
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234 / Chapter 7
Figure 7.18. Stone celts from burials (scale in centimeters): A, Burial 192; B, Burial 130; C, Burial
215; D, Burial 130; and E, Burial 124.
is evident along all of the flake margins, resulting in a keeled dorsal surface.
The bottom of the scrapers, corresponding to the ventral side of the flake, ex-
hibits pronounced concave curvature.”
Cobb and Pope also identified preforms for four unifacial end scrapers.
Three of these occurred in the Burial 101 flintknapper kit, and one occurred in
the flintknapper kit of Burial 117.
Six celts and one celt preform were recovered from five burials (Figure 7.18,
Table 7.11). One celt from Burial 81 and the celt from Burial 192 are very
similar. Both are made from chert concretions, have slightly rounded cross sec-
tions, and have a round bit. Both have cutting edges that are in mint condition.
The second specimen from Burial 81 is more rectangular in cross section and
has a straight bit that bears some evidence of wear. The specimen from Burial
215 is relatively thick in cross section and has a very steeply beveled bit. The
latter is slightly rounded and asymmetrical.
The Burial 124 celt is quite narrow. It may have been manufactured this
way but more likely it broke lengthwise and was reground along the broken
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Burial Descriptions / 235
edge. Battering on the poll end suggests it was used as a chisel or wedge. Sev-
eral lines, oriented perpendicular to the tool’s axis, have been incised at inter-
vals on one side. A nearly identical specimen, including the incised lines, is il-
lustrated by Lewis and Kneberg (1946:Plate 70B) from Hiwassee Island phase
contexts at the Hiwassee Island site.
One of the Burial 130 celts was made from a piece of rock that was too thin
to allow a completely shaped tool to be made. The resulting tool, while ex-
tensively polished, has an irregular surface and shape. The second Burial 130
specimen appears to be a preform. It has been pecked into the approximate
shape of a celt, but grinding has been done only on the bit and poll ends and
along one side and part of one face.
Cobb and Pope (1998) identify two tabular pieces of greenstone in the
Burial 34 flintknapping kit as celts. One was definitely manufactured and used
originally as a celt. The other one is so heavily worn and damaged that identi-
fying it as originally a celt is questionable. The condition of the two items at
the time of interment indicates that they were being used as hammerstones
and not celts. The distal ends of both specimens are rounded and heavily bat-
tered, and the poll end of one has been broken and heavily battered. In their
current state, they fit Cobb and Pope’s criteria for Type III hammerstones, and
that is how they will be handled here.
Spatulate Celts
One spatulate celt was recovered from Burial 117, and a second specimen is re-
ported to have been looted from Burial 234. The Burial 117 specimen is made
from a banded fine-grain sandstone (Figure 7.19a). In overall shape, it con-
forms to Brain and Phillips’s (1996:377–379) intermediate type, the poll be-
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236 / Chapter 7
Figure 7.19. Spatulate celt and possible spatulate celt from burials (scale in centimeters): A,
Burial 117; B, Burial 220.
ing slightly rounded and relatively long. Dimensions are 145 × 106 × 14.7 mm.
The bit was ground to a fine edge and shows no signs of wear. The celt lay on
the right shoulder of the deceased, and the handle must have lain parallel to
the upper arm. Similar artifacts have been found in Middle Lamar period con-
texts at Leake and Etowah, in Dallas phase contexts at Toqua, and in Mouse
Creek phase contexts (Brain and Phillips 1996:379; Sullivan 1986:333).
Possible Spatulate Celt
This tool was recovered from Burial 220, a 7-year-old child. It is made from a
chert concretion and measures 113 × 100 × 22 mm (Figure 7.19b). The bit is
slightly asymmetrical and has poorly defined shoulders. Its cutting edge, how-
ever, has been carefully ground to a fine edge. The poll is short, is rounded in
cross section, and has converging sides. Surface grinding has not proceeded far
enough to remove all flake scars.
The specimen is similar to the spatulate celt from Burial 117 in overall
shape and size, but it is thicker and less carefully worked and the poll is too
narrow. It may be an unfinished spatulate celt, but one wonders why the bit
was sharpened before overall shaping was complete. Its association with a sub-
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Burial Descriptions / 237
Figure 7.20. Stone discoidals from burials (scale in centimeters): A, Burial 40; B, Burial 117; C,
Burial 101.
adult, whose only other burial good was the midsection of a celt, also does not
fit the mortuary profile for spatulate celts.
Six discoidals were present in four burials (Figure 7.20, Table 7.12). All are
plano-convex in form and, at least in the unweathered gabbro specimens,
finely crafted. The discoidals from Burials 15, 40, and 101 are fairly similar in
size, and the members of each pair are nearly identical. The Burial 117 discoi-
dal is only about half as large as the others but has the same shape and quality
of workmanship.
Polhemus (1987:Figure 9.23b) illustrates a plano-convex discoidal from an
eighteenth-century Cherokee context at Toqua. At 125 mm in diameter, it is
slightly larger than those from King. To judge from these two occurrences,
plano-convex discoidals are later than the biconcave type that is commonly
found in Mississippian contexts (Fowler 1969; Lewis and Kneberg Lewis 1995:
Figure 6.11i–j; Polhemus 1987:792).
The discoidals in Burials 15 and 101 were placed next to flintknapping
kits, while the Burial 117 discoidal was approximately 1.5 feet from such a kit.
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238 / Chapter 7
Burial 40 has no flintknapping kit but is heavily plow disturbed and has un-
doubtedly lost some of its grave goods.
Flintknapping Kits
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Burial Descriptions / 239
Figure 7.21. Flintknapping tools from burials (scale in centimeters): A, abrader from Burial
15; B, Type II hammerstone from Burial 15; C, Type III hammerstone from Burial 81; D, slot
abrader from Burial 103; E, Type I hammerstone from Burial 15.
Ten of the FKK recovered in 1973 and 1974 have been analyzed by Cobb
and Pope (1998). Their classification of tools and chert material was followed
closely in the construction of Table 7.13; however, there are some differences.
Through no fault of theirs, the material that Cobb and Pope list in their Table 1
as being from Burial 65 is actually from Burial 101. No material from Burial 65
was analyzed by them. Two items listed by Cobb and Pope in their Table 1—a
fire-cracked rock from Burial 92 and an abrader from Burial 102—have been
found on closer examination of field records to be spatially separated from the
kits and hence unlikely to be part of them.
Cobb and Pope identify 9 of the 10 bifaces and all five unifaces in FKK as
preforms. An eleventh biface, from Burial 102, was not made available to Cobb
and Pope for analysis because it was initially identified as being part of a large
bifacial blade. The fragment (43 × 36 × 7 mm) has parallel sides and a square
base. In overall quality of workmanship, it resembles the bifacial blade artifact
type, but its square base, relatively narrow width, and absence of fine edge re-
touching is not characteristic of the type. Whatever the artifact was originally,
its small size and inclusion in the flintknapper kit suggest that it was destined
to be reworked into a new tool.
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240 / Chapter 7
Cobb and Pope list two celts in Burial 34. Further analysis of these artifacts
indicates that they were being used as Type III hammerstones, not celts, at the
time of interment. The two abraders listed by Cobb and Pope for Burial 84 are
actually two parts of a single broken tool. Cobb and Pope list three abraders
for Burial 117, but there are only two such tools present in the collection. Upon
further analysis, it is clear that two of the Type III hammerstones identified in
Burial 81 by Cobb and Pope are actually a different type of tool. I have iden-
tified them as “tabular polishing stones.” A third Type III hammerstone from
Burial 81 bears no evidence of workmanship or wear and has been reclassified
as a “tabular rock.”
Cobb and Pope (1998) distinguished three types of abrading tools in the
FKK from King: abrader, trough abrader, and slot abrader. Review of the 12
abraders available from these kits indicates that abraders and trough abraders
were probably being used in the same manner and that the concave working
surfaces Cobb and Pope identify as troughs are merely the result of longer or
more intense usage. This being the case, there is little reason to recognize two
separate tool categories.
Cobb and Pope did not include Burials 30 and 65 in their analysis of FKK
because the tools associated with these burials were not available for them
to study. Burials 30 and 65 each contain two of the three artifact types pres-
ent in most FKK. The missing items are chert debitage in the case of Burial 30
and a sandstone abrader in the case of Burial 65. While these two sets of ar-
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Burial Descriptions / 241
tifacts lack the variety and number of items in the FKK accompanying Buri-
als 15, 81, and 117, they are not very different from the kits in Burials 102 and
84. Burial 102 also lacks an abrader but has abundant chert debitage. Burial
84 has all three common artifact types—Type III hammerstone, abrader, and
chert debitage—but does not really have much more material than Burials 30
and 65. If the artifacts accompanying Burials 102 and 84 are considered to be
FKK, those from Burials 30 and 65 should be as well. The interesting question,
of course, is why some kits have much smaller inventories of tools and flaked
chert than others.
Several FKK tool clusters contained one or more tools representing activi-
ties other than flintknapping. These include celts, end scrapers, tabular polish-
ing stones, tabular stones, tabular limestone, beaver incisors, turkey tarsometa-
tarsus awls, split bone tools, bone handle, cougar radius tool, and antler tine.
These tools were used in a variety of different craft activities involving scrap-
ing, cutting, grinding, polishing, and piercing. In at least some cases, these
activities were probably not directly related to flintknapping.
Type I Hammerstones
Cobb and Pope (1998) identified four examples of what they call Type I
hammerstones in four of the flintknapper kits (Table 7.13, Figure 7.21e). A
fifth specimen occurs with Burial 240. Little (1985:4) reports two hammer-
stones from the looted Burial 269 that are probably Type I hammerstones. The
specimen from Burial 15 is made from an igneous stream rock; the others from
siliceous concretions. Overall shape ranges from nearly spherical to ovoid. Di-
mensions are 55–71 mm in length, 38–56 mm in width, and 24–52 mm in
thickness. All specimens exhibit battering along their greatest circumference.
In the spherical specimens, it occurs around most of the margin, while in the
ovoid specimens it occurs in well-defined zones near each end. The specimen
from Burial 117 is distinctive in also having a small concentration of heavy
peck marks on one face, suggesting use as an anvil. Type I hammerstones are
probably represented at Toqua in the Pitted Cobble/Hammerstone (Category
146) tool type (Roberts 1987:809).
Type II Hammerstones
Cobb and Pope (1998) identified examples of this type of hammerstone in
FKK accompanying seven burials (Table 7.13, Figure 7.21b). Little (1985:4)
reports a spherical hammerstone from the looted Burial 269 that may be a
Type II hammerstone. Type II hammerstones are made on small siliceous con-
cretions with natural shapes ranging from discoidal to spherical to pear shaped.
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242 / Chapter 7
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Burial Descriptions / 243
shaped fragment of stone was selected and one or more surfaces were used.
Tools with multiple worked surfaces tend to have a more regular cuboid form,
but there is no evidence that they were purposefully shaped. Worked surfaces
are typically rather smooth, although they frequently bear heavy linear stria-
tions, especially around their margins. Surfaces range from flat to slightly con-
cave to deeply concave, reflecting differences in the amount of usage. The two
large tools from Burials 30 and 101 are distinctive in having very large concave
working surfaces that extend over most of one face.
Cobb and Pope (1998) suggest that sandstone abraders were multipurpose
tools and may have been used by flintknappers to prepare striking platforms
on the edges of bifaces. The fact that abraders do not always occur in burials
in association with flintknapper kits suggests that these tools sometimes may
have had other uses. Some, for example, may have been used to sharpen bone
tools. The abrader in Burial 76 lay next to two deer ulnas that were probably
awls. Bone preservation in Burial 102 is so poor that any bone tools that may
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244 / Chapter 7
have accompanied the abrader in that burial probably disappeared through de-
cay. No comparable tool type has been distinguished at Toqua or elsewhere in
the Upper Tennessee River valley.
Slot Abrader
Burial 103 contained an ovoid sandstone abrader that measures 113 × 60 ×
54 mm (Figure 7.21d). It has three different kinds of worked surfaces, one of
which has a deep V-shaped groove that is almost as long as the tool itself. All
working surfaces bear heavy striations that are oriented parallel to the long
axis of the tool.
Cobb and Pope (1998:11) point out that tools with similarly shaped grooves
from elsewhere in the Southeast have been identified by archaeologists as ar-
row shaft straighteners, pottery abraders, and shell bead grinders. The fact that
this specimen was found in direct association with Type II and III hammer-
stones and several large pieces of chert suggests that it was part of an FKK and
probably had at least one use associated with flaked tool production. No com-
parable tool type has been distinguished at Toqua or elsewhere in the Upper
Tennessee River valley.
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Burial Descriptions / 245
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246 / Chapter 7
The name “cupstone” is given to two concretions that have deep concavities
on one face. Concavities have smooth, rounded, and slightly irregular surfaces
that were probably formed by grinding. Scraping of these surfaces produces a
fine yellow powder that could have been used as a pigment. The specimens
measure 115 × 91 × 33 mm and 91 × 65 × 33 mm. They were recovered from
the compact cluster of burials containing Burials 130, 137, 154, 168, and 198.
They lay closest to Burial 130, the last to be interred, but whether they are
part of this individual’s grave furnishings cannot be demonstrated with cer-
Faceted Pigment Stone
Burial 92 contained a small (48 × 25 × 20 mm) piece of amphibolite that had
been ground into a cuboid shape. Grinding facets of various sizes covered all
surfaces. It was recorded in the field as being part of the Burial 92 FKK but was
separated from the tightly clustered contents of the kit by .2 feet. Similar fac-
eted stones are common in Dallas phase sites in eastern Tennessee. Polhemus
(1987:910–811) believes they were ground to obtained powdered pigments.
Lewis and Kneberg Lewis (1995:144) suggest that they were used to polish
pottery and other materials.
Tabular Stone
The Burial 81 FKK contained a tabular-shaped concretion that measures 89 ×
84 × 14 mm and resembles a Type III hammerstone in shape and size. It may
have been an extra, unused tool of that type.
Tabular Limestone
The FKK in Burials 102 and 117 each contained a small tabular piece of lime-
stone, measuring 78 × 48 × 9 mm and 61 × 18 × 7 mm, respectively. Both are
heavily weathered and may have lost any surface indications of use.
Hematite was present in eight burials. In Burials 81, 92, 103, 118, and 223, it
occurred as an irregularly shaped, friable mass mixed to varying degrees with
pit fill soil. Presumably this represents ground hematite held in a perishable
container. In the remaining cases, Burials 15, 117, and 240, hematite occurred
as a tabular or rounded rock. Grinding facets were present on two of these.
Hematite is reported as a burial artifact from a number of Dallas phase sites
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Burial Descriptions / 247
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Burial Descriptions / 249
of domestic structures and sometimes bear use wear indicating that they were
being used as tools in domestic activities (Hally 1986a). The three reconstruct-
ible partial vessels from Burials 80, 130, and 193 probably were being used as
tools at the time they were placed in burials. Indeed, the distribution of soot
on the exterior of the Burial 80 fragment indicates that it was being used as a
griddle over a fire.
As is the case with the whole vessels, partial vessels were placed in the up-
per body region. Burial 80 is unique in that the vessel fragment was placed in
an inverted position directly over the head of the interment.
Twelve burials contained whole or partial pipes made of pottery or stone (Fig-
ure 7.23, Table 7.18). All burials except one were accompanied by a single pipe.
Burial 103 was covered with wooden boards and a second pipe was placed on
top of them.
Nine pipes are made of pottery. All are of the elbow type and have charred
residue on the interior surface of their bowls. Five are characterized by tall
conical bowls placed at a right angle to short stems. The proximal end of the
stem is expanded slightly. The proximal end of the Burial 118 pipe stem has
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250 / Chapter 7
Figure 7.23. Clay and stone pipes from burials (scale in centimeters): A, clay pipe with short
bowl from Burial 212; B, limestone elbow pipe with disc-shaped bowl rim from Burial 65; C,
limestone disc pipe from Burial 81; D, clay animal effigy pipe from Burial 195; E, two clay elbow
pipes with tall bowls from Burial 103.
been ground off at the point where it expands. Pipe surfaces were probably
burnished, but weathering has obscured this in several cases. Decoration is
usually absent, although three pipes (Burials 40, 103, and 118) have a line in-
cised around the bowl exterior approximately 1 cm below the lip. The Burial
40 pipe also has a series of four incised semicircles arranged one above the
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Burial Descriptions / 251
other down the side of the bowl opposite the stem. This general type of pipe is
found in Dallas and Mouse Creek phase contexts in eastern Tennessee (Lewis
and Kneberg Lewis 1995:Figure 30k) and throughout northern Georgia (Hally
1970:Figure 20c; Heye et al. 1918:Plate 44; Smith 1994:Plate 13).
The pipes in Burials 73 and 212 differ in having short bowls that are ori-
ented at an angle of 100 degrees and 110 degrees, respectively, to a longer stem
with expanded proximal end. The pipe from Burial 195 is unusual in that the
stem is formed to represent the head and neck of an animal, which holds the
bowl in its open mouth. Similar pipes have been found at Dyar (Smith 1994:
Figure 13) and Toqua (Roberts 1987:Figure 9.29i).
Three of the pottery pipes are fragmentary. Those from Burials 40 and 195
were broken by the plow. The Burial 92 pipe appears to have been placed in the
ground with approximately two-thirds of its bowl missing. The pipe’s location
adjacent to the flintknapping kit and Busycon cup, however, indicates that it
was an intentional grave offering and not an inclusion in pit fill.
The three stone pipes available for analysis are quite variable in form. One,
from Burial 65, is an elbow pipe made of limestone. The bowl is short and has
a flared, disc-shaped rim. A similar pipe is illustrated by Lewis and Kneberg
(1946:Plate 72c) from the Dallas component at Hiwassee Island. The second
pipe, from Burial 81, is made of limestone but is heavily eroded. It has a small
bowl with a disc-shaped rim that is located near the midpoint of a cylindrical
stem that tapers to a point at its distal end. Portions of its intact surface bear
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252 / Chapter 7
red pigment. This pipe has its closest resemblance to catlinite disc pipes, which
are most common in the Upper Mississippi Valley but also widespread in the
Southeast (Brown 1989). Disc pipes made of catlinite are known from the
Moundville and Seven Mile Island sites in Alabama, Great Tellico in eastern
Tennessee, Nacoochee in north-central Georgia, and Mohman on the Coosa
River a few miles upstream from King (Brown 1989:Figure 3). Burials at the
Seven Mile Island site have also yielded three disc pipes made of limestone.
The stem of the specimen from King probably was originally similar in form
to the wedge-shaped stem that is typical of this type of pipe.
The third stone pipe consists of a stemless pipe bowl carved out of sand-
stone. The bowl is almost cylindrical and has a rounded base and rounded lip.
Deeply incised straight lines 1–2 cm in length are distributed across the exte-
rior surface in what appears to be an irregular pattern. Pipes of similar form
are illustrated by Lewis and Kneberg (1946:Plate 72c) from the Dallas compo-
nent at Hiwassee Island and by Setzler and Jennings (1941:Plate 21) from the
Peachtree site in southwestern North Carolina.
Most pipes were placed either in the head/shoulder area or in the pelvis
area. The extended Burial 102 had a pipe between its knees.
Four burials contained bipointed bone tools made from segments of white-
tailed deer metatarsals (Figure 7.24a, b, Table 7.19). These are quite uniform in
length (164–186 mm) and maximum width (9–11 mm). Both ends have been
ground down to points, but one tends to be slightly blunter than the other. The
tool is somewhat asymmetrical, being slightly wider at the blunt-pointed end
and slightly bowed or curved from one end to the other.
Similar artifacts have been reported from Dallas phase sites in eastern
Tennessee (Lewis and Kneberg 1946:Plate 77a; Polhemus 1987:Figure 11.17,
1998:96–101) and Pine Island Sound in southwestern Florida (Walker 2000).
Polhemus (1998:96–101) has documented the technique by which they are
manufactured from deer metatarsals. The two preforms from Burial 81 are
identical to specimens he describes from the Loy site (Polhemus 1998:96–101).
Three burials contained awls made from turkey tarsometatarsus bones. The
proximal end of the bone element was present on the two tools from Burial 65
but had been broken off the specimens from Burials 10 and 92. The good state
of bone preservation and the presence of old fracture surfaces on these latter
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Burial Descriptions / 253
Figure 7.24. Bone tools from burials (scale in centimeters): A, bipointed bone tool preform from
Burial 81; B, two bipointed bone tools from Burial 81; C, four antler cylinders from Burial 157;
D, bone handle from Burial 65.
indicate that breakage occurred prior to interment. Similar tools are present in
Barnett phase burials at Little Egypt and Dallas phase burials in eastern Ten-
nessee (Lewis and Kneberg Lewis 1995:153; Polhemus 1987:1034). Burial 65
also contained the midsection of a turkey tarsometatarsus and the proximal
end of a turkey tibiotarsus. These may represent raw material for the manu-
facture of awls.
Deer Ulna Awls
Two burials contained deer ulnas that may have been awls or blanks for awls.
Burial 76 had two specimens, one of which was not recoverable in the field.
One ulna was present in the Burial 81 pit, but its association with that burial
is not certain. The distal ends of the two specimens in the collection are
missing, and the remaining portions show no signs of human workman-
ship. As a result, we cannot establish with certainty that the elements were be-
ing used as awls. In Burial 76, the two ulnas and a sandstone abrader lay to-
gether near the head of the deceased. This arrangement suggests that the ulnas
were intentionally added to the burial and thus that they had recognized uses,
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254 / Chapter 7
presumably as tools. Deer ulna awls are known from Dallas phase contexts at
Toqua (Polhemus 1987:1019) and Hiwassee Island (Lewis and Kneberg 1946:
Plate 79).
Bone Handle
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Burial Descriptions / 255
Burial 65 yielded the midsection of a cougar radius that had been ground
on one end to a steep chisel-like edge. Overall length of the tool is 145 mm.
Similar tools, manufactured on cougar radii and ulnas, have been reported
from Dallas phase contexts at the Hiwassee Island (Lewis and Kneberg 1946:
Plate 79c) and Toqua (Polhemus 1987:1034) sites.
Beaver Incisors
Eight burials contained beaver incisors (Table 7.20). Most specimens are in-
complete, consisting primarily of the hard outer enamel surface. The specimen
from Burial 92, the only one with a preserved occlusal surface, bears signs of
intentional or use-related modification. The occlusal surface is concave and
beveled steeply from front to back. Beaver incisors with similar modification
are found with Dallas and Mouse Creek phase burials (Lewis and Kneberg
Lewis 1995:155; Polhemus 1987:1019). These chisel-like tools probably were
used to cut or shave relatively soft materials such as wood.
Seven and possibly all eight of the burials with beaver incisors also have
flintknapper kits. In Burial 15, the incisors lay on top of a large lanceolate
blade near the shoulder of the deceased, while the flintknapping kit was lo-
cated at the hip. In the other burials, incisors were placed close to the flint-
knapper kit. In Burials 34 and 117, they are located immediately adjacent to a
tight cluster of flintknapping tools but extend away from it at 90-degree and
45-degree angles, respectively, suggesting that they may not have been in-
cluded in the same container. Field records are not sufficiently detailed for
Burials 81, 92, and 103 to determine whether incisor and FKK were in a single
Os Bacula
Burials 92, 118, 157, 223, and possibly 81 each contained a single baculum. All
are from opossum except the specimen in Burial 157, which is from a larger
unidentified mammal. Bacula are reported as grave goods with Dallas and
Mouse Creek phase burials in eastern Tennessee (Lewis and Kneberg Lewis
1995:155; Polhemus 1987:1034). These frequently are polished and have a hole
drilled through the proximal end. One King site specimen from Burial 118 has
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256 / Chapter 7
a polished surface and a drilled hole in its proximal end. The specimen that
may be associated with Burial 81 also appears to be polished but is missing
its proximal end. The Burial 92 specimen is intact and does not have a drilled
Burials 30, 81, and 117 yielded cylindrical pieces of bone that may have been
awls or pins. Unfortunately, preservation is so poor in each case that identifi-
cation as a tool is not always certain and species identification can be no more
specific than unidentified mammal. Furthermore, more than one type of tool
may be represented. The two specimens from Burial 30 measure 108 × 6 ×
4 mm and 55 × 5 × 3 mm. The smaller specimen appears to have been ground
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Burial Descriptions / 257
to a rounded point at one end. The specimens from Burials 81 and 117 mea-
sure 59 × 7 mm and 143 × 10 × 9 mm, respectively. The Burial 117 specimen
was rounded on one end.
Split Bone Tools
Burial 81 yielded two tools made on splinters from large mammal bone shafts.
One is from a group of bone tools located immediately adjacent to the skull.
It is a wide splinter of bone from the distal end of a deer femur. The specimen
measures 79 mm long but has probably been reduced considerably in length
as a result of use and resharpening. The object is 16 mm wide and its work-
ing end has been ground into a broad rounded shape. The second tool cannot
be associated with Burial 81 with certainty. It is made on a splinter measuring
116 × 4 mm. One end has been ground to a dull point; the other is broken.
Tools made from splinters of large mammal long-bone shafts are common in
Dallas phase contexts, but most are narrow and have pointed working ends like
the second Burial 81 specimen (Lewis and Kneberg 1946:Plate 79; Polhemus
1987:Figure 11.16). A tool resembling the specimen with a broad rounded end
is illustrated by Lewis and Kneberg Lewis (1995:Figure 7.3g).
Burial 30 yielded a fragment of a split bone tool with a ground point on one
end. It resembles the thicker and blunter end of a bipointed bone tool but frag-
ment size is too small to allow positive identification.
Bird-Bone Tool
A fragment of a bird long bone with a ground pointed end was recorded dur-
ing the excavation of Burial 30. Preservation was so poor, however, that the
specimen disintegrated during removal.
Antler Cylinders
Seven burials were accompanied by antler cylinders (Figure 7.24c, Table 7.21).
These are segments of the dense outer wall of antler tines that have been cut
and ground to form smooth-surfaced cylinders. Length varies between 31
and 68 mm. Cross section ranges from round to slightly ovoid with diame-
ters ranging between 7 and 14 mm. In the better-preserved specimens (Buri-
als 81 and 157), both ends are slightly rounded and smooth. Similar arti-
facts have been recovered from Dallas phase burials at Toqua (Polhemus 1987:
Figure 11.19) and from Mouse Creek phase burials (Lewis and Kneberg Lewis
Exact placement within burials is known in only five instances. In three
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258 / Chapter 7
flexed burials (Burials 57, 92, and 157), they occur in the pelvic area. In two of
the extended burials (Burials 30 and 81), they occur in the head area adjacent
to a flintknapper kit.
Antler Tines
Antler tines were present in Burials 65 and 81. In the former, the specimen in-
cludes the tip of the tine and measures 130 mm in length. The specimen from
Burial 81 consists of several large fragments from the base of the antler. Sur-
face weathering in both cases has obscured any evidence of workmanship or
wear that may have been present.
Bear Bones
A single bear phalange was found next to two opossum mandibles in the pel-
vic area of Burial 63 during excavation. A fragment of a large, heavy bone was
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Burial Descriptions / 259
located near the head of Burial 103. It was identified in the field as bear bone,
but this cannot be verified since poor preservation prevented recovery of the
element. A bear (Ursus americanus) mandible with teeth was found while ex-
cavating the fill of Burial 138. It was located just beyond the edge of the pit
and 1.8 feet above pit base. Given this location, we cannot be certain that the
specimen is a funerary object.
Wolf Dentition
Fragments of at least five wolf (Canis cf. niger) teeth were recovered from Burial
193. Bone preservation for the 3-year-old child was very poor, with only teeth
remaining. The identifiable wolf teeth—two upper canines, one lower canine,
one lower carnossial, and one incisor—were located in the lower abdominal or
pelvic area of the deceased. Given the poor preservation conditions, it is pos-
sible that the teeth were seated in sections of mandible and maxillary. Their
arrangement in a small arc measuring approximately .4 feet in diameter, how-
ever, suggests that the teeth were strung together as a necklace or bracelet; the
latter being more likely given placement within the burial pit.
Bird-Bone Fans
Burial 237, an infant less than 1 year old, had a section of vulture (Cather-
tes sp.) ulna located at each wrist. These measured 43 and 44 mm in length
and bore quill knobs for three large primary flight feathers and cut marks on
both ends. Two swan (Olor or Cygnus) carpometacarpus elements were lo-
cated adjacent to the left hand of Burial 81. Although currently fragmentary
and incomplete as a result of weathering, these elements were probably com-
plete at the time of interment. Polhemus (1987:1035) reports several Dal-
las phase burials from Toqua that contained carpometacarpus and digital ele-
ments from trumpeter swan and Canada geese. At least one had cut marks
on the end. Both Polhemus and Hill (1994) identify these artifacts as feather
Animal Mandibles
Three burials yielded teeth and jaw elements from small mammals. Fragmen-
tary left mandible and maxillary elements from opossum were located near
the right hand of Burial 63. Burial 81 was accompanied by right mandible
fragments from two different opossum, as well as a fox radius. These may have
been located near the left hand of Burial 81, but field notes are not clear enough
to be certain whether they belong to that individual or to Burial 82. A raccoon
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260 / Chapter 7
mandible was located near Burial 149 but could have been interred with the
intrusive Burial 150. Polhemus (1987:1034–1035) reports finding fragmentary
weasel and minx skulls and mandibles with four burials at Toqua. He suggests
that they may have been part of “personal bundles.”
Human Remains
Fourteen burials have supernumerary human skeletal elements that could rep-
resent burial furniture. Seven individuals (Burials 78, 93, 98, 124, 125, 133,
and 154) ranging in age between 3–4 years and adolescence were accompa-
nied by between one and four deciduous teeth. These probably belonged to
the deceased—having been replaced by permanent dentition—and it is reason-
able to identify them as grave goods. One adult (Burial 123) and one 10-year-
old (Burial 133) each have an extra adult tooth. These could be grave goods as
well, although the rational behind such a practice is not clear.
Burial 92 had 10 permanent molars located in the neck area. They were
probably part of a necklace, but there are no drill holes or other indications
of how they might have been strung. Unfortunately, the teeth have been mis-
placed, so it is not possible to determine whether they represent one individual
or several. All were well worn, indicating an adult of advanced age. Working
from a photograph of the teeth, Karen Burns identified four mandibular mo-
lars, four upper premolars, one possible mandibular molar, and one possible
lower premolar or canine. She believes that all 10 teeth could belong to a single
individual (Burns, personal communication 2003).
Five burials have extra human skeletal elements. The most spectacular ex-
ample is a disarticulated and bundled skeleton (Burial 260) that was placed
at the feet of Burial 117, a 19-year-old male. Unfortunately the entire set of
bones in the bundle has been misplaced. Field photos show the individual to
have been an adult. Elements that can be identified in photographs include
skull, all leg elements, one humerus, one innominate, and several vertebrae.
A human atlas was located immediately adjacent to a flintknapper kit at the
left shoulder of Burial 117. It could be from the individual in the bundle
Burial 131 consists of a bundle of long bones that were placed at the feet
of Burials 143 and 144, two adults of undetermined sex who were interred
side by side in the pit. Five large shaft elements are distinguishable in the field
photo and drawing, but only left and right femur shafts were sufficiently well
preserved to be identifiable in the lab. One of the other elements in the field
photo is sufficiently large that it must have been a tibia. The other two ele-
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Burial Descriptions / 261
ments could be the second tibia and a fibula, but we cannot rule out the possi-
bility that they were from the upper limbs.
Burial 105, a 43-year-old male, had the left and right frontal lobes of a hu-
man skull placed beneath the midsection of his right humerus. Preservation
conditions did not allow the individual to be aged. A bifacial blade lay next to
the arm of Burial 105 and on top of the frontal elements. Burial 129, a 37-year-
old male, had a single adult humerus lying on top of his right arm.
Turtle Shells
Two turtle shells of unidentified species were recorded in Burial 30, one lying
on the right humerus and the other lying adjacent to the left humerus. Both
shells appear to have been whole at the time of interment, but because of poor
bone preservation, neither was recoverable. Fragments of unidentified turtle
shell were also recovered from a plow scar that had obliterated the left shoulder
and upper arm of Burial 223.
Lewis and Kneberg (1946:126–127) and Polhemus (1987:1036) report find-
ing complete box turtle shells (carapace and plastron) in association with small
pebbles or drum teeth in Dallas phase burials at a number of sites in eastern
Tennessee. Identified as rattles, they are often placed near the upper arms of
deceased individuals. No pebbles were reported in field records as being pres-
ent in Burial 30, but the location of the shells makes it likely that they were the
remains of rattles.
Mask Gorgets
Five burials (Burials 20, 32, 49, 64, 188) were accompanied by Busycon shell
gorgets with the features of humanlike faces engraved on their convex surface.
The specimen with Burial 49 is of the Chickamauga variety (Brain and Phil-
lips 1996:77); the other four were too poorly preserved to allow identification
of their style. Gorgets in Burials 32, 39, 64, and 188 were located in the chest
or shoulder area of the deceased. Placement of the Burial 20 specimen was un-
identifiable because of poor skeletal preservation.
Mask gorgets are found in Barnett and Dallas phase burials with some regu-
larity and with less frequency at sites across the Southeast dating to the six-
teenth century and later (Smith and Smith 1989). They appear to occur ex-
clusively with adult male and subadult burials, the latter probably being male
as well (Smith and Smith 1989). Burial placement is invariably in the head or
chest area (Smith and Smith 1989), suggesting that they were suspended on a
necklace worn around the neck.
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262 / Chapter 7
Rattlesnake Gorgets
Burials 12, 31, 35, 36, 60, 66, 99, and possibly 5 were accompanied by Busy-
con shell gorgets engraved with a rattlesnake motif on their concave surface
(Figure 7.25). All eight specimens resemble Citico style gorgets as defined by
Muller (1966). However, those from Burials 5, 31, and 99 exhibit features sug-
gesting breakdown of the style. The specimen that may be associated with
Burial 5 is rather crudely executed, and the neck, which has only one pitted
border, curves around in front of the mouth. The examples from Burials 31
and 99 lack mouth elements, and the latter is somewhat simply and crudely
executed. The Burials 5 and 99 specimens are small sized, having maximum
dimensions of 86 and 69 mm, respectively. The remaining four measurable
specimens have maximum dimensions ranging between 119 and 141 mm. Six
gorgets were located in the chest area; burial location could not be determined
for the others.
A small fragment of an engraved gorget that is almost certainly a rattle-
snake gorget was recovered from the pit containing Burials 91 and 259. Bone
and shell preservation in the pit is not good. The engraved decoration on the
gorget fragment, however, is fairly well preserved, suggesting that the specimen
was incomplete at the time of interment. The artifact cannot be assigned to ei-
ther burial with any certainty.
Rattlesnake gorgets were probably worn on the chest suspended on a string
around the neck. This is indicated by the placement of gorgets in the chest area
of burials and by the presence of wear around the “suspension” holes at the top
of some gorgets (Kneberg 1959:23).
Busycon Cups
Burials 65 and 92 were accompanied by whole Busycon conch shells that had
been modified by removal of the central core or columella portion. Both cups
were located at the right shoulder of the deceased. Similar artifacts have been
recovered from Dallas phase burials in eastern Tennessee (Lewis and Kneberg
Lewis 1995:169; Polhemus 1987:994). These artifacts are generally interpreted
as cups or dippers and may have had their primary, if not exclusive, use in the
black drink ceremony (Fairbanks 1979).
Busycon Shell
A fragment of the outer whorl of a Busycon shell measuring approximately
40 × 50 mm was present in Burial 101. Both surfaces are weathered, and edges
are irregular and crumbling. The piece may be all that remains from a conch
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Figure 7.25. Rattlesnake gorgets from burials (scale in centimeters): A, Burial 31; B, Burial 5.
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264 / Chapter 7
Figure 7.26. Knobbed shell pins from burials (scale in centimeters): A, two large knobbed shell
pins from Burial 120; B, small knobbed shell pin from Burial 118.
cup or mask gorget, but this seems unlikely since skeletal preservation is fairly
good. No artifact type identification is possible.
A fragment of probable Busycon columella was recovered from the pit con-
taining Burials 91 and 259. It may have been a knobbed ear pin. The artifact
cannot be assigned to either burial with certainty.
Knobbed Shell Pins
Seven burials were accompanied by pins with knobbed or expanded heads
that are made from the columella of Busycon shells (Figure 7.26, Table 7.22).
Two size classes appear to be present. The larger type is represented by three
specimens that have overall lengths of around 140 mm, shaft diameters of 9–
11 mm, and maximum head diameters of 23–27 mm. The smaller type is rep-
resented by only one complete specimen, measuring 35 × 8 × 13 mm. Six speci-
mens are represented by head fragments only. These have maximum diameters
ranging between 9 mm and 18 mm, suggesting that they are examples of the
smaller pin type.
Both pin types have been found with Dallas phase burials and are identi-
fied as ear pins (Lewis and Kneberg Lewis 1995:168–169; Polhemus 1987:1010,
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Burial Descriptions / 265
1018) or hair pins (Lewis and Kneberg Lewis 1995:169) on the basis of their
usual placement adjacent to skulls. This functional identification appears to be
correct for the King site specimens, as three of the burials had pairs of them
in the skull area. Two pins, including the whole small-sized specimen from
Burial 118, however, were located in the chest area, suggesting a different cos-
tume use.
Bracket Type Pins
Burials 118 and 223 each contained a single Busycon shell pin with a wide,
flat head and a curved shaft that is rectangular in cross section. These arti-
facts are derived from the shoulder of the conch—the head of the pin com-
ing from the top or spire portion of the shell and the shaft coming from the
whorl or body portion (Phillips and Brown 1978:Figure 8). The Burial 118
specimen measures 31 mm across the head and 61 mm along the shaft. Place-
ment of the two specimens was not recorded in the field. Presumably both
underlay the skull and were not noticed until that element was removed from
the pit. Whether they are ear pins or hair adornment is not known. Brain and
Phillips (1996) illustrate comparable objects from burials at Etowah (village
area), Brakebill (40KN55), Tellico (40MR12), Hightower (1TA150), and Pole-
cat Ford (1CE308).
Pulley-Shaped Ear Spool
One pulley-shaped marine shell ear spool was recovered from the head area of
Burial 30. The artifact is recorded on the field drawing but is not visible in field
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266 / Chapter 7
photographs, suggesting that it was located at least partially under the skull.
This is significant because plowing has impacted the burial slightly, removing
part of the cranium, and may have removed a second ear spool as well. Edges
of both inner and outer discs are eroded to the point that their original diame-
ters cannot be measured. The specimen is 9 mm thick. What remains of the
outer disc measures 33 mm in diameter. Similar artifacts have been recovered
from Dallas phase burials (Lewis and Kneberg Lewis 1995:168–169).
Marine Shell Beads
Beads made from five types of marine shell—Marginella, Anadara, Noetia,
Olivella, and Busycon—were recovered from 31 burials (Tables 7.23 and 7.24).
Relative to Busycon, beads made of the other shell types occur with few burials
and usually in small numbers as well. Busycon shell beads were also common
in Dallas phase burials at the Toqua site, while Marginella and Olivella shell
beads were uncommon (Polhemus 1987:Tables 11.7, 1.8).
Olivella and Anadara beads appear to have been most commonly worn
around the neck, although Burial 158 clearly had one Olivella bead in the wrist
area. Burial 85 was heavily disturbed by plowing, and it is therefore possible
that Anadara beads found scattered along the length of one leg may have been
moved there by the plow and that additional beads were completely removed
from the burial.
Twenty-six burials were accompanied by disc- and barrel-shaped beads of
various sizes that were cut from larger marine shells, presumably Busycon
(Table 7.24). These beads vary considerably in size and frequency among buri-
als. The quantity of shell represented by beads in a burial may provide some in-
sight into the social status and economic wealth of the deceased. Shell quantity
can be calculated by estimating bead size and bead frequency. I have subjec-
tively assigned disc-shaped beads to three size classes and barrel-shaped beads
to two classes (Table 7.24). I would have preferred to use bead dimensions or
weight to establish the size classes and to classify individual specimens, but the
weathered condition of many beads precluded the latter. A rough approxima-
tion of the relative amount of shell required to fabricate each of the five shape
and size classes of beads was obtained by comparing the average weight of in-
tact specimens of each class. Small disc beads weigh on average about .26 g;
medium disc beads weigh about .84 g; large disc beads weigh about 2.95 g;
medium barrel beads weigh about 3.81 g; and large barrel beads weigh about
14.9 g. I have converted these average weights into a standardized unit of value
by dividing the weight of small disc beads into the weights of the other bead
classes. Thus small disc beads equal one unit of value (one bead unit), medium
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Burial Descriptions / 267
disc beads equal three units, large disc beads equal 11 units, medium barrel
beads equal 14 units, and large barrel beads equal 57 units. The quantity of
bead units represented in each burial, calculated by multiplying bead units by
number of beads, is listed in Table 7.24.
We have no way of knowing whether King site inhabitants assigned value
to Busycon beads on the basis of their size, but the approach is not totally un-
realistic. The larger the diameter of a disc bead, the fewer specimens can be cut
from a single Busycon shell. Disc-shaped beads probably were cut from most
portions of the body whorl, while barrel-shaped beads probably were obtained
only from the columella. Not only did barrel-shaped beads require more shell
to manufacture, but fewer of them could be cut from a single shell.
Most burials with Busycon beads had only a dozen or so small or medium
disc beads. A few burials, however, had a hundred or more such beads or a large
number of large barrel-shaped beads, representing a significant quantity of
raw shell.
Beads made from shell species listed in Table 7.23 cannot be readily inte-
grated into the Busycon bead unit system. Each bead type occurs as a whole
shell or valve, and each probably differed in availability and cost of import.
Except for Marginella beads, none occurs in large quantities, suggesting either
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270 / Chapter 7
greater import cost or lower value in the eyes of community members. They
rarely occur with Busycon beads, but when they do, bead unit counts range
from 12 to 309.
Where placement relative to body could be determined, Busycon beads were
invariably located in the neck or chest area and presumably were worn as neck-
laces. One possible exception to this pattern is the single disc bead recovered
from Burial 66, which appeared to be held in the right hand. This hand is lo-
cated immediately in front of the face, however, so even in this case the bead
may have been part of a necklace.
Burial 92 may represent another exception. Approximately 220 disc beads
were located in the neck and shoulder area of the burial in association with
two embossed copper cutouts and 10 human molars. The fact that all items
were located either beneath the skeleton or adjacent to it indicates that what-
ever kind of clothing article or articles they represent, they were not being
worn around the neck at the time of interment. This group of artifacts was
discussed further in the section above on copper arrow symbol badges.
Shell Spoons
Single freshwater mussel valves were present in pottery vessels accompanying
Burials 11, 33, 39, 184, and 237. Associated pottery vessels include one La-
mar Coarse Plain jar, three Dallas Plain jars, and one Dallas Plain bowl. In all
cases, shells were sufficiently weathered that it is not possible to identify spe-
cies or whether the shells had been intentionally modified. Lewis and Kneberg
(1946:130) and Polhemus (1987:1019) report similar pottery vessel/mussel
shell associations in Dallas phase burials from the Hiwassee Island and Toqua
sites. Some of these shells had been intentionally modified: hinge teeth were
ground off and anterior ventral margins were cut and ground to form a handle.
Presumably mussel shells, with and without handles, were used as ladles or
spoons to remove materials from pots.
Whole Mussel Shell
A complete valve of a large freshwater mussel (Lampsilis sp.) was present in
Burial 226 in physical contact with two tabular polishing stones and one cir-
cular polishing stone. All four items were located at the feet of the 40-year-old
male interment. The completeness of the shell and its physical association with
three stone tools suggest that it was an intentional inclusion and functioned as
a tool of some sort.
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Household and Community
Domestic structures, public architecture, and the King site burial sample are
described in earlier chapters and several appendixes. In the present chapter, we
will bring these different sets of data together and look at them from the per-
spective of the site as a whole. Among other things, we will investigate how do-
mestic structures relate spatially to one another; how domestic structures vary
in form through time and synchronically across the site; how specific burials
relate to specific domestic structures and groups of structures; and how the
site’s size and layout changed through time.
The results of these investigations will be interpreted within the conceptual
framework of household and community. This means that we will use pat-
terns evident in the architectural and burial data to (1) identify households
and the specific structures and burials that belong to them; (2) understand
how and why household size changes through time and varies across the com-
munity; and (3) reconstruct the life history of the community, that is, how the
community was founded, grew in size through time, subsequently declined in
size, and was ultimately abandoned.
Several characteristics of households and the community as a whole can be
investigated only after we have some understanding of the complex relation-
ships between burial age, sex, location, pit form, body treatment, and grave
goods. Analysis of these variables will be described in Chapters 9–11. With
these data in hand, it will then be possible to consider in Chapter 12 how indi-
viduals and households differed from one another in wealth, status, and rank.
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Household and Community / 273
ever, suggests that some, perhaps many, households consisted of multiple con-
jugal families that were related through matrilineal descent. Multiple or joint
family households were characteristic of large numbers of aboriginal socie-
ties throughout the world at the time of European colonial expansion, and a
significant percentage of them were structured by rules of matrilineal descent
and matrilocal postmarital residence (Murdock 1949). Matrilineal descent and
matrilocal multiple family households were characteristic of most Southeast-
ern aboriginal societies in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries
(Urban and Jackson 2004). While there is only limited ethnohistorical evi-
dence for such institutions earlier in the contact period (Moore 1988:66), there
is no reason to suspect that they did not have considerable antiquity and were
not characteristic of late prehistoric chiefdoms in the Southern Appalachian
According to Swanton (1928a:170–171), the typical Creek household in the
early twentieth century was a matrilocal multiple-family household in which
newly married couples took up residence in structures they built near the wife’s
parents’ home. If such households occurred at King, they should manifest a
number of distinctive architectural and spatial characteristics. They should
have two or more PDS, the number approximating the number of conjugal
families present. These PDS should be arranged around a common outdoor
work area. There should be one or more RS, the number depending on factors
such as household size and the size of individual RS. The PDS of the found-
ing conjugal family should be occupied longer than—or should at least be con-
structed prior to—the residences of junior families. This structure, further-
more, might be larger than the others and likely to occupy more favorable,
auspicious, or desirable locations within the habitation zone. Finally, multiple-
family households should produce a larger number of deceased household
members. The extent to which a particular household will manifest these char-
acteristics, of course, is contingent upon a number of factors, chief among
them being where the household is in its developmental cycle (Goody 1958)
and the availability of space within the habitation zone.
Several types of evidence are available in the archaeological record at King
that can be used to distinguish multiple-family households from those con-
sisting of only a single conjugal family. These include number and location of
PDS relative to large open spaces, number and location of RS relative to PDS
and large open spaces, compass orientation of PDS and RS, location of PDS
entrance passages, number of PDS construction stages, size of PDS, number
of inside burials, and location of PDS within the habitation zone relative to the
plaza, the palisade, and other PDS.1
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274 / Chapter 8
Figure 8.1. Rectangular open spaces (shaded areas) adjacent to primary domestic structures.
Figure 8.1 shows the location and configuration of open spaces in the habi-
tation zone that may have served as outdoor work areas or courtyards. These
spaces range between 40 and 75 feet in length and 30 and 40 feet in width and
usually contain burials and one or more RS. They were identified using several
criteria. They should be relatively large; they should be located adjacent to one
or more PDS; they should have a compass orientation that is roughly similar to
adjacent PDS; and there should be some indication, usually in the form of en-
trance passages, that one or more PDS actually faced toward the space. Archi-
tectural features are too poorly preserved in the northern and southern sectors
of the habitation zone to attempt open-space identification in those areas.
Seven PDS (Structures 1, 4, 7, 8, 11, 23, and 24) have preserved entrance
trenches (Figure 8.2). Several patterns evident in the location of these en-
trances have been described in Chapters 5 and 7. These include a tendency to
point toward the household’s outdoor work space; a tendency to avoid PDS
floor sectors that contain inside burials; a tendency to point toward the plaza
rather than the palisade; and a tendency to be oriented toward the south. Of
these, the last two are likely to vary depending on the location of the PDS
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Household and Community / 275
Figure 8.2. Entrance passages and possible locations of entrance passages (marked with stars)
for primary domestic structures.
within the household building complex and the habitation zone. Most well-
preserved PDS are located in the eastern and northeastern sectors of the habi-
tation zone and lie either north or east of large outdoor work spaces. If their
entrances open onto those open spaces, they will perforce point toward the
plaza and to the south, west, or southwest. Structure 24 is the sole known ex-
ception to this pattern. Being located on the southwest side of the Household 2
building complex, its entrance points away from the plaza and to the north-
east. In the southern sector of the habitation zone, PDS cannot face both south
and toward the plaza. Unfortunately, there are no PDS with preserved entrance
trenches on the southern side of the site. As a result we cannot know for cer-
tain which factor, if either, was more important in determining how entrances
were oriented. The proximity of most preserved PDS in this sector to the pali-
sade, however, indicates that outdoor work areas were generally located on the
north side of residences and, therefore, that entrances generally were oriented
northward toward the plaza.
Star-shaped symbols have been placed next to PDS in Figure 8.2 to indicate
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276 / Chapter 8
possible locations for entrance passages. The proposed entrance location for
Structure 9 reflects the fact that the structure is adjacent to the palisade on the
east and a large open area to the west. Structure 5 has a somewhat analogous lo-
cation, although it is much farther from the palisade. An open area exists to the
east of the structure, but it is not very large, and it is against the palisade. The
existence of a large open area to the west suggests that Structure 5 faced in this
direction. The entrance passage could have been located at the southeastern
or northeastern corner, but the former is more likely. Like Structure 4, Struc-
ture 3 could have faced toward the open space located some distance to the
west. There is, however, a large open area north of the structure and a smaller
one to the south, both of which it was well situated to use. Structure 2 prob-
ably had an entrance passage located at its southwestern corner. There is a large
open area south of the structure, and its northern floor sectors are filled with
burials. Structure 14 probably had an entrance at its southern corner pointing
southeast or in the adjacent southwestern wall pointing southwest. Structure
15 could have faced south toward the plaza or toward a large open area to the
east. There appears to have been another large open area to the north, but given
the prominent location of Structure 15 on the plaza edge, it probably did not
face in that direction. Finally, there are three possible locations for Structure 6
entrances. With large open areas located to the north, south, and west, it could
have faced in any of these directions. Unfortunately, there is no additional di-
rect evidence favoring one direction over the others. If there was a strong pref-
erence for south-oriented entrances, then the southern corner of the structure
may be the best choice.
Approximately one-third of all excavated PDS have been rebuilt one or
more times (Table 8.1). Rebuilding may have been required for a number
of different reasons: decay of wooden structural elements; frequency of ver-
min; accidental destruction by fire; or intentional destruction prompted by the
death of an important household member. Whatever the reason, all PDS at
King were probably equally likely to require rebuilding if they were utilized
for a sufficiently long period. To the extent that this is so, PDS with multiple
construction stages were probably occupied on average for a longer time than
single-stage PDS, and those that were rebuilt the most times were probably oc-
cupied the longest.
Number of construction stages is strongly correlated with number of in-
side burials (r = .810, p < .001).2 PDS with the most construction stages have
the most household members interred beneath their floors. If all households
at King experienced approximately the same mortality rate among their mem-
bers and if all households were interring the same proportion of their dead in
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Household and Community / 277
PDS, then the number of inside burials is a measure of structure longevity and
supports the construction-stage evidence for how long individual PDS were
occupied. While probably true, the relationship is more complex and will be
returned to in a later section of this chapter.
Multistage PDS tend to be larger than single-stage PDS. The latter average
569 square feet, while two-stage structures average 610 square feet and three-
to four-stage structures average 677 square feet. The size difference between
single- and multiple-stage PDS is significant at the .062 level (t = 1.57). The
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278 / Chapter 8
size difference between structures with one construction stage and those hav-
ing three to four is significant at the .051 level (t = 1.68).3
The size difference between single-stage and multiple-stage PDS is actually
more robust if we look beyond the figures for average size. Six of the 14 single-
stage structures are smaller than 500 square feet. No multistage PDS has con-
struction stages that are consistently this small. Structure 6 has one stage mea-
suring 416 square feet, but the other stage is 598 square feet. The first stage of
Structure 2 is 464 square feet, but the others measure 632 square feet and 674
square feet. The structure begins small, but its second stage is 36 percent larger.
The last stage of Structure 23 measures 428 square feet, but the others average
707 square feet. The last stage of Structure 23, as discussed in a later section,
probably postdates the formal abandonment of the King site and would have
been constructed under different social conditions and spatial constraints.
Thus, while there are a couple of very large single-stage PDS (Table 8.1), equal
in size to the largest multistage structures, most are quite small. Multistage
PDS, on the other hand, are in the 500- to 700-square-foot range or larger.
The habitation zone along the better-preserved eastern side of the King site
is approximately 120 feet wide and bounded on the east by the palisade and
on the west by the plaza (Figure 6.1). Single-stage and multistage PDS are dis-
tributed differently within this relatively narrow space. All three- to four-stage
structures are located either some distance from the palisade or are separated
from it by another PDS. Four of them, furthermore, are part of the first tier of
PDS bordering the plaza. Three of the smallest (<500 square feet) single-stage
structures (Structures 4, 7, and 28), on the other hand, are located adjacent to
the palisade. Structures 3 and 20 fall into this category as well, assuming their
size estimates are correct. Structures 18 and 24 are also small single-stage PDS,
but they are located on the other side of the habitation zone, at the edge of the
plaza. Structure 19 is the only small PDS that is not located on one edge of the
habitation zone or the other.
Not only do small single-stage PDS tend to have marginal locations within
the habitation zone, but they also give the appearance in some cases (Struc-
tures 3, 4, and 20) of having been squeezed into small spaces. Structure 24 is
not so restricted, but it does encroach on the plaza. We might speculate that it
and the other small PDS are located where they are because no other nearby
spaces were available.
Bringing these various kinds of evidence together, it is possible to identify
six different architectural complexes that may represent distinct households
(Figure 8.3). These households and the evidence upon which their identifica-
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Household and Community / 279
tion is based are described in the following section. Their order of presentation
parallels the strength of the evidence upon which they are based.
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Household and Community / 281
24 were constructed for daughters who were married later. The small size and
out-of-the-way location of the two may reflect the fact that space in this part
of the habitation zone was by then in short supply.
Structure 23 Household (Household 23)
Household 23 consists of two PDS and a single RS (Figures 8.3 and 8.5). Struc-
ture 23 is a large, multistage PDS with entrance passages directed toward a
large open space to the south and west. Structure 7, a small single-stage PDS,
faces onto the same open space. Its compass orientation of 81 degrees is fairly
close to that of the first three stages of Structure 23 (86–88 degrees) but is also
close to that of the adjacent palisade section. RS 10 is located near the center
of the open space. Its compass orientation of 0 degrees is fairly close to that of
Structure 23.1–23.3. RS 10 has two construction stages, suggesting that it was
in use for a relatively long time. There are a large number of postholes in the
open area to the east of RS 10. Some of these may belong to additional RS.
With four construction stages, Structure 23 is probably the residence of the
conjugal family that founded the household. Its first three construction stages
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282 / Chapter 8
are relatively large. Structure 7, with its single construction stage and relatively
small size, probably was constructed sometime after Structure 23 and presum-
ably housed the family of a married daughter. Structure 23.4 is quite different
from the three construction stages that proceeded it. Its orientation is 64 de-
grees and it is 45 percent smaller than Structure 23.3. Evidence presented in a
later section indicates that this last stage was constructed after the King site
had been formally abandoned as a town.
Structure 8 Household (Household 8)
As identified here, Household 8 consists of only one PDS and two RS (Fig-
ures 8.3 and 8.6). Structure 8 was built in two stages, and its compass orien-
tation changes from 12 degrees to 32 degrees. A large open area is located im-
mediately south and southwest of the structure. Preserved entrance trenches
demonstrate that the structure faced onto this open area. RS 9 is located almost
directly in front of Structure 8 and has two construction stages. The orienta-
tions of these (13 degrees and 25 degrees) parallel the orientations of the two
Structure 8 stages, suggesting that each was in use during only one stage of the
PDS. RS 2, located south but still in front of Structure 8, has two construction
stages with compass orientations of 34 degrees and 38 degrees. This RS may be
contemporary only with Structure 8.2.
As reconstructed, Household 8 was a single-structure household that may
have consisted of only one conjugal family. There is a possibility, however, that
either or both Structure 21 and 22 were part of a larger household. Both are lo-
cated approximately 40 feet southwest of Structure 8 and lie on the southwest
side of the open space associated with that structure (Figure 8.1). The compass
orientation of Structure 22 (46 degrees) is not too different from that of Struc-
ture 8, but at 60 degrees Structure 21’s orientation is quite different. We cannot
make a stronger case for either structure’s being part of Household 8 because
we do not know what kinds of architecture existed to the west of them. There
is a large open space in that direction that could be an outdoor work area for
households focusing on Structure 21 and/or Structure 22. Erosion may have
destroyed buildings in that space or others beyond it to the west that might
have helped us understand the household affiliations of these structures.
Structure 6 Household (Household 6)
Household 6 consists of two PDS, a common work area lying between them,
two or three RS, and a small number of burials (Figures 8.3 and 8.7). Struc-
ture 6 was constructed in two stages, its size increasing 44 percent from 416
square feet to 598 square feet and its compass orientation changing from 72
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284 / Chapter 8
There are three problems with this household reconstruction. As the resi-
dence of the probable founders of the household, we might expect Structure 6
to have some inside burials, but there are none. RS 3 and RS 12 present a fur-
ther problem in that together they almost totally block any entrance location
in the northern wall of Structure 3. We might question, furthermore, why such
a small household should have three granaries.
There are several reasonable alternatives to identifying Structures 3 and 6 as
making up a separate household. Structure 3 could belong to Household 1. Its
different compass orientation is not a problem because of the effect proximity
to the palisade seems to have on PDS orientation. We might question why the
structure was not located 10–15 feet farther north and west, where it would
be closer to the outdoor work area for Household 1. If Structure 6 was a sepa-
rate household facing south, however, such a location would place Structure 3
squarely in the middle of its outdoor work area.
Structure 6 may have faced north, where there is a large open area with
Structure 14 on the opposite side (Figure 8.1). Structure 6 may well have faced
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Household and Community / 285
this way, but Structure 14 was not part of the household equation, as it post-
dates the formal abandonment of the town (see last section of this chapter).
Finally, it is possible that Structure 6 faced onto the large open space to
the west and was part of Household 15. In this case, Structure 6 would have
housed a junior family in the household, and the lack of inside burials would
be less of a problem. The lack of congruence in compass orientations would
not be a problem because of the palisade effect. As we shall see in the section
on Household 15, there is no evidence that fatally undermines this interpreta-
tion. Such an association, however, leaves unaccounted for Structure 3, RS 3,
RS 4, and RS 12 and the large open area south of Structure 6. If Structure 6
is not part of a household that includes these features, then the household af-
filiation of Structure 3 becomes a problem. With the large open space and the
three RS to account for, it seems very unlikely that Structure 3 would be part of
the Structure 1 household to the west. Of course, Structure 3 could be part of
a relatively short-lived, single-family household—but then why would it have
three RS? Another possible household affiliation for Structure 3 will be dis-
cussed in the next section.
Structure 1 Household (Household 1)
Household 1 consists of Structures 1 and 5, a large open space, RS 6, and pos-
sibly RS 14 (Figures 8.3 and 8.8). The eight burials (Burials 1–8) located south-
west of Structure 1 are almost certainly outside burials associated with that
structure. Their location suggests that the outdoor work area for Household 1
extended fairly far to the west, as shown in Figure 8.1. A wall-trench entrance
located at the southwest corner of Structure 1.1 indicates that this building
stage faced south. Given that there was a preference for PDS to face south and
toward the plaza, we can assume that the entrance passages for Structures 1.2
and 1.3 were located along the southern wall as well. The several stages of
Structure 5 probably faced onto this same open space and had their entrances
located at the northwest or southwest corners. It is less likely that the struc-
ture faced eastward toward the palisade and the small intervening space or
southward toward Structure 2 located just 14–20 feet away. The building’s four
stages could have faced north onto the open area between Structures 3 and
6, but there are several burials located in the north-central floor sectors of
Structure 5 and the outside space immediately north of the structure is fairly
crowded with burials, RS, and Structure 3.
Structure 5 shifted more than 11 feet to the west following its first con-
struction stage. From this point on, Structures 5 and 1 have comparable com-
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286 / Chapter 8
pass orientations, ranging between 85 degrees and 6 degrees east of north. The
compass orientation of RS 6 (67 degrees) matches that of Structure 5.1 (77 de-
grees) most closely, suggesting that it was used early in the household’s exis-
tence. RS 14 may supersede it, but we may question whether an RS would be so
far removed from its associated PDS. There are a fairly large number of post-
holes in the open space around RS 6. An additional rectangular structure or
two are almost certainly located here, even though no alignments stand out
clearly enough to merit identification as a structure.
Structure 1.1 is unusual among PDS. As described in Chapter 5, it is the
largest PDS and ranks second in relative amount of central floor space, with
23 percent. This figure exceeds that for Structure 17 (20 percent), although the
latter has more actual central floor area (458 square feet vs. 246 square feet).
Structure 1.1 also has the largest number of exterior wall posts of any PDS,
with 44, a figure that matches the probable number in Structure 17. These ar-
chitectural characteristics and similarities to Structure 17 suggest that Struc-
ture 1.1 was more than an ordinary PDS. It may have served as a council house
prior to the construction of Structure 17, but there are no good posthole align-
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Household and Community / 287
ments within the structure that could have served as bench supports. Alterna-
tively, Structure 1.1 may have served as the residence of the town’s first chief.
This latter interpretation follows from Polhemus’s (1987) observation that do-
mestic structures on the summit of Mound A at Toqua had much larger cen-
tral floor spaces than non-mound residences.
Following the first construction stage, Structure 1 resembles other PDS in
size (581 square feet) and number of exterior wall posts (32), suggesting that
its role in the community has changed in some fashion. At approximately the
same time, Structure 5 shifts 11 feet to the west and changes its orientation
from 77 degrees to 2–6 degrees east of north. This brings it into closer confor-
mity with the compass orientation of Structures 1.2 and 1.3. These changes
may be in response to site-wide changes in settlement plan accompanying the
formal layout of the town (discussed in a later section), but they may also re-
flect an attempt to make Structure 5 conform more closely to the spatial char-
acteristics of Structure 1. Such changes, if that is what they are attempting to
do, might signal the formation of a new multiple family household.
There is one major problem with having Structures 1 and 5 belong to the
same household. Both are multistage structures, which suggests that their first
construction stages may have been contemporary. This situation could have
arisen if the household was a multiple-family household at the time it first
settled at King. A second, related problem is that there is no architectural evi-
dence in the form of small, single-stage PDS that the household grew at all
during its existence. Of course, it is possible that no additional female off-
spring lived to a marriageable age or married matrilocally.
Structures 1 and 5 will be treated as members of a single multiple-structure
household in the remainder of this book. It is possible, however, that the two
structures represent different households. Structure 1 may be a single conjugal
family household oriented toward the open space to the south. Structure 5, in
turn, may face onto the small open space located to the east (Figure 8.2). In this
scenario, Structure 5 may have faced westward during its first construction
stage. When the second stage was built, the structure was reoriented to face
east and it was shifted 11 feet to the west to make room for Structure 3, the lat-
ter being a later addition to a growing Structure 5 household. This interpreta-
tion is compatible with the relatively large number of inside burials associated
with Structure 5 and it would account for RS 11, which otherwise is located in
a unique position between Structure 5 and the palisade.
Placing Structure 5 in its own household with Structure 3 does have sev-
eral problems. To begin with, it seems unlikely that Structure 5 would face
away from the plaza. Second, the outside space east of the structure is rather
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288 / Chapter 8
small. Third, there is no large outside burial cluster for the household. Fourth,
given the distance between Structure 1 and RS 14, 49 feet, the assignment of
RS 14 to Household 1 becomes even more tenuous. Finally, the identification
of RS 11 is not at all certain because of the incomplete nature of its posthole
Structure 15 Household (Household 15)
Household 15 consists of two PDS (Structures 11 and 15), three RS (RS 7, 13,
and 15), and a large open space (Figures 8.1 and 8.9). The latter is bounded
by Structure 15 on the west and Structure 11 on the north. Structure 11 has a
wall-trench entrance in its south wall and therefore faces onto the open area.
Structure 15, unfortunately, does not have a wall trench entrance. It is unlikely
to have faced west because the proximity of Structures 18 and 19 precludes a
large open area in that direction. There is a large open space north of Structure
15, but it is unlikely that the structure would face away from the plaza, espe-
cially since its occupants appear to have been important members of the com-
munity (see Chapters 11 and 12). The structure may have faced the plaza like
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Household and Community / 289
Structure 5, but unlike the case of the latter building, there are few postholes
or burials in that direction and only one small RS. Structure 15 also appears to
be closer to the actual edge of the plaza than Structure 5, leaving less space for
an outdoor work area. Structure 15 most likely faced east: there is a large open
space there, Structure 11 faces that space from the north, and two large rectan-
gular structures (RS 7 and 15) are located in the center of it.
Four of the buildings that make up Household 15 have similar compass ori-
entations: Structure 15 varies between 87 degrees and 5 degrees, Structure 11 is
85 degrees, RS 7 is 81 degrees, and RS 15 is 82 degrees east of north. RS 13, lo-
cated approximately 5 feet southeast of Structure 15.1, is slightly different in
orientation (76 degrees). Given its location relative to other buildings in the
area, however, RS 13 is best assigned to Household 15.
Structure 15 was constructed in three stages and throughout its lifespan is
one of the largest PDS recorded at King. It was probably the residence of the
conjugal family that founded the household. With one construction stage and
no inside burials, Structure 11 was clearly occupied for a shorter period. Pre-
sumably, it was constructed for a married daughter. RS 7 and 15 overlap at one
end and therefore were constructed and used sequentially. The westernmost,
RS 7, was probably built after RS 15 because it is located only 4 feet from Struc-
ture 15.1. Structure 15.2 was shifted 8 feet to the west, making plenty of room
for RS 7.
There are three problems with this reconstruction of Household 15. First
of all, there are four burials located within the walls of Structure 11 that ap-
pear to postdate the building. Burials 50 and 52 cut through the central hearth
and Burials 49 and 51 have unusual locations south of the hearth and imme-
diately northeast of it, suggesting that they were not interred while the build-
ing was occupied. These four burials indicate that Structure 11 was abandoned
while other nearby buildings were still occupied. It is not clear which house-
hold these burials belong to. They may be outside burials associated with a
PDS located northeast of Structure 11, beyond the site excavation. More likely,
they belong to Structure 14, which postdates the formal abandonment of the
town. Evidence for the temporal position of Structure 14 within the King site
occupation and for Burials 49–52 being contemporary with the structure is
presented in later sections of this chapter. The important point here is that if
Structure 14 is the source of Burials 49–52, Structure 11 could still be contem-
porary with one or more of the later stages of Structure 15.
The second problem is that Structure 6 is located at the eastern end of the
outdoor work area used by residents of Structures 11 and 15. It could, there-
fore, be part of Household 15. It differs in compass orientation (72 degrees and
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290 / Chapter 8
67 degrees) from Structures 11 and 15, but this is not a problem given that its
orientation may have been affected by the nearby palisade. Although Structure
6 probably belongs to a separate household, we need to keep the possibility of
its association with Household 15 in mind in future discussions.
The third problem is the existence of Structure 13. Located between Struc-
tures 11 and 15 on the north side of the outdoor work area, the structure could
be part of Household 15. Its compass orientation of 65 degrees, however, does
not match that of the other PDS, and it appears to predate a large outside
burial cluster that probably belongs to Household 15. The chronological posi-
tion and household affiliation of Structure 13 are discussed in a later section.
Six household building complexes, consisting of one or more PDS and RS and
an outdoor work area, have been identified in the preceding pages. Household
burial assemblages, representing the deceased members of individual house-
holds, can be reconstructed by combining all inside and outside burials identi-
fiable with a single household. To the extent that household burial assemblages
can be reliably reconstructed, we have the unique opportunity to investigate
household demography and variation in characteristics such as wealth, hier-
archical status, craft production, and political power. Unfortunately, house-
hold burial assemblages can be completely and reliably reconstructed in only a
few cases at King because of differential preservation of burials and buildings,
incomplete exposure of household building complexes, and difficulties in as-
signing some buildings and burials to specific households. Complete and par-
tial household burial assemblages are identified below.
Household 1
Sixteen burials were interred within the three to four structures that make up
Household 1 (Figure 8.8, Table 8.2). Burials 261–265, located within or imme-
diately adjacent to Structure 5, were looted by pothunters (Appendix A, Fig-
ure A.10). Four of these burials were located within the walls of various con-
struction stages, while one appeared to overlap the north walls of Structures
5.2–5.4 and may be an outside burial.
At least 12 outside burials can be assigned to Household 1 on the basis of lo-
cation and compass orientation (Table 8.3). This is essentially the same num-
ber as were interred within the two PDS. Burials 1–6 form a tight cluster lo-
cated 16–18 feet southeast of Structure 1. Burials 7 and 8 may be part of the
cluster, but they are separated from the others by 6–10 feet. The location of
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Household and Community / 291
these eight burials places them in what could be considered the plaza zone, only
20 feet from Structure 17, and in an area devoid of postholes. Yet their position
relative to the entrance of Structure 1, their general lack of grave goods, and
their demographic characteristics suggest that they represent a family burial
plot rather than a select group of individuals.
The individuals interred in Burials 1–8 may have resided in Structure 1 or
both Structures 1 and 5. The number of burials is comparable to the number
inside either structure. Compass orientations, however, do not conform very
well with those of either PDS. This reflects at least in part the fact that pit ori-
entation was difficult to measure as a result of poor preservation and inade-
quate field records.
Burials 23 and 24 are reasonably similar to Structures 5.3 and 5.4 in their
compass orientation, but their proximity to them makes it unlikely that they
were contemporary. More likely, they date to Structure 5.1. They would have
been situated directly in front of an entrance passage if one were located at the
northwest corner of Structure 5.1. Burials in the same location relative to other
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292 / Chapter 8
PDS (Structures 7, 8, 11, and 24) are not oriented parallel to those structures
either. Burials 72 and 73 have compass orientations reasonably similar to that
of Structure 5.1 and, therefore, may be contemporary with it.
Burials 21, 22, 25, 28, and 29 are located between Structure 5 and the pali-
sade. In this location, they are close to the rear wall of three PDS, Structures 3,
4, and 5. Burials 21, 22, and 25 have compass orientations that are reasonably
similar to those of Structures 3 (65 degrees) and 4 (67 degrees) and 5.1 (77 de-
grees) but quite different from those of Structures 5.2–5.4 (2–6 degrees). Burial
28, on the other hand, matches the orientation of Structures 5.2–5.4. Given
these characteristics, it is not possible to make a reliable household assignment
for any of the five burials.
One of the looted burials (Burials 261–265) appears to have overlapped the
northern walls of Structures 5.2–5.4, although we cannot rule out the possi-
bility that it was entirely within the perimeter of Structure 5.3 or 5.4 and thus
was an inside burial. In the former case, affiliation with Household 1 or any
household is difficult to establish.
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Household and Community / 293
Household 2
Eleven burials were interred within four of the five structures that make up
Household 2 (Figure 8.4, Table 8.4). Compass orientations of buildings and
burials match well.
Nine outside burials can be identified on the basis of location and orien-
tation as belonging to the household (Table 8.5). Burials 117 and 118 are lo-
cated 23 feet southwest of Structure 2, a distance that is similar to that be-
tween several multistage PDS and large burial clusters. Compass orientations
of the two burials are fairly close to that of Structure 2 as well. The high-status
artifacts accompanying Burial 117 suggest that this individual was one of the
most prominent members of the household and as such probably was a resi-
dent of Structure 2, where the founders of the household presumably resided.
Burials 166 and 167 lie directly in front of the entrance passage of Struc-
ture 24 at a distance of 9 feet—a location seen in at least three other instances.
They may represent residents of that structure. Burial 171 slightly overlaps
the wall of RS 1 but could be contemporaneous with one of its construction
stages. Burials 157–159 are located on the southern edge of the Household 2
outdoor work area. In this location, they can only belong to Household 2 even
though the compass orientation of one, Burial 157, does not conform to PDS
orientations. Burial 112 is located between Structure 9 and the palisade. Buri-
als 21, 22, 25, 28, and 29 had this same kind of location relative to Structure 5
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294 / Chapter 8
in Household 1 and were not assigned to a household. In the case of Burial 112,
however, there is no other household that it can belong to.
Household 6
As reconstructed Household 6 consists of two PDS (Structures 3 and 6) and
two to three rectangular structures (RS 3, 4, and 12). There are no interior
burials associated with the household and only three outside burials can be
assigned to it on the basis of location (Figure 8.7, Table 8.6). With the time
depth indicated by the two construction stages for Structure 6, we would ex-
pect Household 6 to have more burials. Burials 17, 18, and 26 are located in the
open space separating Structures 3 and 6. Only Burial 26 has an orientation
that is close to that of the structures. Burial 17 partially overlaps the western
wall of RS 3.
Burials 21, 22, 25, and 28 are located immediately “behind” Structure 3 and
could belong to Household 6. Only Burials 21, 22, and 25 have compass orien-
tations that are close to those of Structures 3 (65 degrees) and 6 (72 and 67 de-
grees). Given their location, the four burials could also belong to Households
1 or 2.
Household 8
Three burials were interred within two of the three buildings making up House-
hold 8 (Figure 8.6, Table 8.7). Seven outside burials can be associated with the
household on the basis of compass orientation and/or location (Table 8.8). In-
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Household and Community / 295
trusive Burials 135/136 are located adjacent to RS 2 and resemble it (34 de-
grees) and Structure 8.2 (32 degrees) in compass orientation. Burials 130, 137,
154, 168, and 198 were interred in a tight cluster of parallel and right-angle-
oriented pits that is located in front of and slightly to the left of Structure 8. In
distance and general location, they resemble the large burial clusters that ac-
company Structures 1, 14, and 23 and are probably an example of that type
of outside burial cluster. Compass orientation is known for only one of them,
Burial 130.
Burial 129 is located within the walls of RS 9.2 and is likely to be contem-
porary with that building (i.e., an inside burial). It is also located directly in
front of the entrance passages for Structure 8 at a distance of 14 feet. It there-
fore could be regarded also as an example of that type of outside burial. In ad-
dition, the burial slightly overlaps the large Burial 130 cluster and is identified
in field notes as being intrusive into it.
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296 / Chapter 8
Structure 8.2 and RS 9.2 have fairly similar compass orientations and are
likely to be contemporary. Structure 8.1 and RS 9.1 also have similar com-
pass orientations and are also likely to be contemporary. The Burial 130 burial
cluster overlaps RS 9.1 slightly but lies primarily south of it. The compass ori-
entation of Burial 130 is not very close to that of RS 9.1 but is not so different
that the two features could not be contemporary. Burial 129, which is suppos-
edly contemporary with the later RS 9.2, intrudes the Burial 130 burial cluster,
providing further evidence that the latter is contemporary at least in part with
RS 9.1.
The compass orientation of Burial 127 is fairly close to the orientation of
Structures 7 and 23.1–23.3 in Household 23 and the burial lies in front of those
structures. This suggests that the burial belongs to Household 23. However, it
is located only 10 feet west of the entrance passages of Structure 8, suggesting
that it may belong to that household.
Household 14
Household 14 was not discussed in the previous section because of the possi-
bility that we do not have all of the buildings and burials it comprises. Some
elements may be located outside the excavated site area to the north and west.
At a minimum the household is represented by Structure 14 and RS 8 (Fig-
ure 8.9). RS 8 lies 18 feet southwest of Structure 14 and has approximately the
same compass orientation. Eleven burials lie within or largely within the walls
of Structure 14 (Tables 8.9 and 8.10). Burials 148, 150, and 188 are definitely
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Household and Community / 297
inside burials; Burials 185 and 190 definitely predate the structure; and Buri-
als 147, 149, 160, 186, 187, and 189 cannot be identified with certainty as either
inside interments or predating the building (see Appendix A). RS 8 encloses a
tight cluster of four burials with compass orientations matching its own and
that of Structure 14.
Ten outside burials are located in the vicinity of Structure 14 (Table 8.10).
Burials 43–46 form a loose cluster of burials 18–19 feet southeast of Struc-
ture 14. They can be assigned to the Structure 14 household because their ori-
entation is reasonably similar and because there is no other structure in the
area that they can be assigned to as readily.
Burials 53, 54, 56, and 57 form a tight cluster located 26 feet southwest of
Structure 14. Their compass orientations are unusual for burials in this part
of the site but match that of Structure 14 quite well. They have all the ear-
marks of the large outside burial clusters associated with Households 1, 8, and
23 and probably should be seen as such. The only difference is that they appear
to be enclosed within the walls of RS 8, which makes them technically inside
burials. As with many RS at King, the posthole pattern for RS 8 is incomplete,
making it unclear whether or not a structure is in fact represented.
Structures 11 and 14 cannot be contemporary because they lie so close to
one another. Structure 11 has burials (Burials 50 and 52) intruding through its
central hearth, while Structure 14 stratigraphically overlies two burials (Buri-
als 185 and 190). While not definitive, these PDS/burial relationships suggest
that Structure 11 is earlier than Structure 14. Evidence will be presented in a
later section demonstrating that Structure 14 not only postdates Structure 11
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298 / Chapter 8
but also dates to the period following formal abandonment of the town. The
proximity of the two structures suggests that Structure 11 had been completely
dismantled and had its basin filled in by the time Structure 14 was occupied.
Burials 49–52 lie southwest of Structure 14 and within the walls of Struc-
ture 11. They postdate Structure 11, and because of their proximity to Struc-
ture 14 could be associated with it. If the Structure 14 entrance was pointed to-
ward the southwest, Burial 51 and perhaps Burials 50 and 52 would lie directly
in front of it as in the case of Structures 7, 8, 11, and 24.
Burials 185 and 190 underlie Structure 14 but have different compass orien-
tations and are very shallow. Burial 190 is intruded by Structure 14 wall posts.
Both burials predate the structure and probably belong to a household located
outside the excavated site area to the north or west. This could be the same
household that produced Burials 49, 50, and 52, since compass orientation of
the two sets of burials is the same. This phantom household could also be re-
sponsible for the Burial 58–63, 66, and 67 cluster located just west of RS 8.
As noted above, six burials located within the walls of Structure 14 have
ambiguous stratigraphic relationships to that building. Some may be inside
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Household and Community / 299
burials. Those that are not, predate Structure 14 and must belong to another
Household 15
Household 15 consists of Structures 11 and 15 and RS 7, 13, and 15. There are
no inside burials associated with Structure 11 or the three RS. Thirteen burials
were interred within the walls of Structure 15, but only four can be identified
as inside burials with certainty (Figure 8.9, Table 8.11) (see Appendix A).
Several outside burials and groups of outside burials can be associated with
Household 15 (Table 8.12). Burials 86 and 87 are located 15 feet south of Struc-
ture 15 in what could be considered plaza space. They are, however, no farther
from Structure 15 than the Burial 1–8 cluster is from Structure 1. If they are
part of a household burial plot, their affiliation is probably with Household 15
on the basis of proximity and compass orientation.
Burials 58–63, 66, and 67 form a tight cluster that is located 16 feet north-
east of Structure 15. Although this group could belong to a household located
north of the excavated site area, several pieces of evidence suggest that it be-
longs to Household 15. Except that it lies to the left of Structure 15 (look-
ing east from the structure across the courtyard) as opposed to the right, the
group is situated in a manner similar to the outside burial clusters associated
with Structures 1, 14, 23, and possibly 8. The number of burials in the cluster
(eight) is about what we would expect with a PDS having three construction
stages. Finally, compass orientation of the burials matches that of Structure
15. Unfortunately, without architectural evidence for the area north of the ex-
cavated site, we will never know for certain whether these burials belong to
Household 15. One of the burials in this cluster, Burial 66, intrudes the central
hearth of Structure 13, demonstrating that the cluster postdates the structure.
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300 / Chapter 8
Burials 47, 48, 55, and 89 are located in the courtyard east of Structure 15
and south of Structure 11. Burial 48 lies directly in front of the entrance pas-
sage for Structure 11 at a distance of 5 feet and can be considered an example
of that type of PDS/burial association. The compass orientation of Burials 55
and 89 indicate an association with Household 15, but Burial 47 is much more
similar in orientation to Structure 13 (65 degrees) and may belong to that
Five burials (Burials 82, 88, 90, 93, and 110) located within the walls of
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Household and Community / 301
Structure 15 are not contemporary with the occupation of the structure and
represent outside burials. Four additional burials located within the walls of
Structure 15 (Burials 83, 84, 91, and 259) cannot be identified with certainty
as either inside or outside burials. One of these, Burial 84, may postdate Struc-
ture 15.1 and thus could be an outside burial contemporary with either Struc-
ture 15.2 or 15.3. Four of these nine burials (Burials 82, 83, 90, and 93) are lo-
cated in relatively close proximity to one another and are oriented more or less
parallel or perpendicular to one another. They may represent an outside burial
cluster that predates Structure 15. Structure 13 may be the structure they were
associated with, although its compass orientation (65 degrees) is rather dif-
ferent. There are no other PDS in the vicinity that are likely to have been the
source of these burials and the distance to the edge of the excavation is great
enough (25 feet) that it is unlikely the associated household is located there.
Burials 88, 91, 110, and 259 are spatially separated somewhat from this cluster,
but their origin may be the same.
Burials 79 and 96–98 are located just to the west of Structure 15. They were
probably “behind” the structure and thus probably not part of Household 15.
Finally, there is the possibility that Burials 30–40, located in the plaza north
of Structures 16 and 17, are part of Household 15. As is discussed in Chap-
ter 12, these burials may represent members of the town chief ’s household.
Structure 15, being one of the largest known PDS at the site, located on the
north edge of the plaza, and containing one of the most elaborately furnished
burials known from the site, is probably the residence of the town chief.
Household 23
Household 23 consists of two PDS and one RS. Thirteen burials were interred
from the floors of Structures 7 and 23, while one burial was probably interred
from the floor of RS 10 (Figure 8.5, Table 8.13).
Nineteen outside burials can be assigned to the Structure 23 household on
the basis of location and compass orientation (Table 8.14). Fourteen of these
(Burials 119–121, 139–142, 145, 146, 161–165) form a large, tight cluster lo-
cated to the side of and slightly in front of Structure 23. Most have compass
orientations similar to those of the first three stages of Structure 23, but at
least one (Burial 121) is similar to the final construction stage. The number of
these burials is close to the number of subfloor burials associated with Struc-
tures 7 and 23.
Burial 128 is located directly in front of the Structure 7 entrance passage at a
distance of 7 feet. Burials 122, 123, and 125 are located close together and near
RS 10. Postholes are numerous in the area and probably represent additional
stages of RS 10 or a second RS that may have enclosed the burials. The compass
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302 / Chapter 8
orientations of two of the burials are fairly close to those of Structures 23.1–
23.3. Burial 126 may be associated with Structure 23.4 on the basis of its com-
pass orientation. Burial 127 could belong to either Household 8 or 23.
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Household and Community / 303
possible to see some patterning in their spatial layout. To begin with, the large,
multistage PDS where the founders of the household presumably lived and
the outdoor work area or courtyard always have the same spatial relationship.
Viewed from the plaza, the founder’s PDS is located to the left of the out-
door work area (Figure 8.3).4 This same relationship is present in Household 8,
which probably consisted of a single PDS and a single conjugal family. In four
of the five multiple-structure households, a second PDS is located on the right
side of the courtyard (looking toward the founder’s PDS from the courtyard).
This places those structures on the far side of the courtyard, away from the
plaza but facing toward it. Household 6 differs in that Structure 3 is located
across the courtyard from the multistage Structure 6. This unusual arrange-
ment is probably the result of space limitations in the habitation zone.
Excavations conducted in 1992 and 1993 were specifically targeted at find-
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304 / Chapter 8
ing additional examples of these spatial patterns on the western side of the site.
Unfortunately, the sought-after architectural and burial evidence had been de-
stroyed by erosion and plowing.
Each identified household has one or more RS located in its courtyard. The
number of such structures relative to the number of PDS varies considerably
from one household to the next (Table 8.16). We might expect that house-
holds with more members—as indicated by number of PDS—would tend to
have more RS because of a need to store more maize and other foodstuffs. The
available data do not conform to this expectation. The ratio of PDS to RS in
Households 1, 2, and 23 suggests that these households had more RS than we
have identified. The ratio of PDS to RS in Household 8, on the other hand,
suggests that household may have had more PDS than we have identified. Per-
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Household and Community / 305
haps Structures 21 or 22 actually were part of the household. The only conclu-
sion we can reasonably draw from these limited data is that multiple-structure
households probably had at least two RS.
As is the case with inside burials, the sex and age distribution of outside
burials associated with individual households supports the interpretation that
they represent deceased household members. Among the outside burials as-
sociated with Household 1, for example, there are at least 10 adults, of which
four are biological males and two are biological females, and there is one sub-
adult. Similar adult male/female ratios occur among outside burials associated
with Households 2, 15, and 23, and there are greater numbers of subadults.
The number of burials assigned to individual households ranges from 3
to 33. Most of this variability can be attributed to differences in the length
of time a household existed. We saw in an earlier section (Table 8.1) that the
number of burials interred inside a PDS varies directly with the number of
times the structure was rebuilt. This same relationship holds for the total num-
ber of burials identifiable as belonging to a household and the number of con-
struction stages of its most frequently rebuilt PDS (Table 8.17). As we might
expect, furthermore, households tend to accumulate burials at a fairly uniform
rate. With the exception of the problematic Household 6, the average number
of burials per construction stage only varies between five and eight.
We might expect that the number of household burials is also determined
to a significant degree by household size. Such does not seem to be the case,
however, as the number of PDS assignable to a household shows little relation-
ship to number of burials (Table 8.17).
Although there is a strong correlation (r = .810) between the number of
times a PDS is constructed and the number of individuals interred beneath
its floor (Table 8.1), the relationship is not strictly a linear one. Rather, the
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306 / Chapter 8
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Household and Community / 307
side burials in one large cluster. In several cases, households have a large out-
side burial cluster that is located near the founder’s PDS. In Households 1, 8,
and 23, the cluster is located to the right of that PDS (viewed from inside), al-
though varying in placement relative to the “front” of the building. Household
15 differs in having its burial cluster located on the left side of the founder’s
PDS. Household 2 does not have a large outside burial cluster, but Burials 117
and 118 are located in the appropriate spot. Structure 14 appears to have the
same spatial relationship with a cluster of burials, although we do not know for
sure which direction the structure faced or whether Household 14 contained
additional PDS. Also problematic is the possibility that the burial cluster may
be located inside an RS.
There is a tendency among the reconstructed households for the number
of burials in the large outside clusters to be approximately the same as the
number of inside burials in the founder’s residence (Table 8.20). Households 2,
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308 / Chapter 8
6, and 8 diverge from this pattern, but not by much. Structure 14 had at least
three inside burials, but up to six additional subfloor burials could be contem-
porary with the structure. Similarly, Structure 15 had at least four inside buri-
als, with up to four additional inside burials possible.
How are we to interpret these several patterns? Inside and outside inter-
ment may be related to the alternation between winter and summer seasons,
with the former being the preferred location for burial in the winter and the
latter that for the summer. If the two seasons are equal in length, then we can
expect a roughly equal number of deaths during each season and a roughly
equal number of individuals being interred in each location. The spatial prox-
imity of the large outside burial clusters to the household founder’s residence
suggests that this location was considered the proper outside place to inter the
inhabitants of that structure. If there was a preference for burying household
members in the founder’s residence in the winter months, we might expect
a similar preference to exist for those individuals dying in the summer as well.
Household Identity
The question of why PDS were frequently rebuilt was addressed in Chapter 5.
The argument was made that while decay and accidental fire probably neces-
sitated the rebuilding of some buildings, a more likely cause was the death of
a significant member of the family occupying the structure. A related ques-
tion that has not been dealt with to this point is why PDS were rebuilt in the
same location. Nine PDS were rebuilt a total of 16 times. In 12 cases, they
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Household and Community / 309
The spatial configuration of the King site has a regularity and symmetry that
suggests the town was laid out according to a consciously formulated plan.
The area enclosed by the defensive perimeter is almost a perfect square with
rounded corners (Figure 6.1). The eastern ditch, which is straight for almost
300 feet, has a compass orientation of approximately 13 degrees west of north
(77 degrees east of north). The southern ditch line is slightly more curved
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310 / Chapter 8
but forms a 90-degree angle with the eastern ditch line. The symmetry of the
square breaks down somewhat along the western ditch, which is not as straight
and is oriented almost 20 degrees west of north (70 degrees east of north).
Measuring across Feature 45, the large post pit in the plaza, the area enclosed
by the ditch measures approximately 480 feet east–west and the same distance
The site also manifests some interesting regularities in its compass orienta-
tion. Assuming that the eastern palisade and ditch represent the site’s true ori-
entation, we can say that the town was laid out along a north–south axis that is
oriented 13 degrees west of north. A line with this orientation drawn through
Feature 45 divides the site into two more or less equal parts. Structures 16 and
17 are located east of this line in the northeastern quadrant of the plaza. Addi-
tional public buildings or facilities probably once existed in the northwestern
quadrant. Feature 64, a large pit that is located 93 feet west of Structure 17,
suggests that there was indeed some kind of public facility in this part of the
plaza. The pit is not located far enough west of the site’s centerline to be a sym-
metrical match for Structures 16 and 17, but a line connecting this feature and
the central hearth of Structure 17 is oriented 82 degrees east of north, only
5 degrees off the site’s east–west axis of 77 degrees east of north.
Structures and burials suggest a slightly different orientation for the site—
one that is closer to the cardinal directions. Structure 17 is oriented 4 degrees
west of north (86 degrees east of north). Twenty of 44 PDS construction stages
have orientations falling within 5 degrees of the cardinal directions (Table
8.21).5 All of these structures, except Structures 25.2 and 31, lie on the east or
north side of the site and close to the plaza. Whether PDS bordering the plaza
on its south and west sides were similarly oriented cannot be determined be-
cause of the likelihood that they have been largely destroyed by erosion.
Most of the PDS with orientations more than 5 degrees from the cardinal
directions either predate (Structures 5.1 and 13) or postdate (Structures 14,
23.4, and 25.1) the main site occupation,6 occur next to the palisade (Struc-
tures 3, 4, 6.1, 6.2, 7, 9, 27, 28, and 29), or are located in the southeast corner of
the site where the defensive perimeter and habitation zone curve around to the
west (Structures 8, 21, and 22). Structures predating and postdating the main
occupation can be expected to have variable compass orientations because
there would have been no town plan to conform to. Structures in the southeast
corner of the site and adjacent to the palisade on the east and south sides of the
site tend to parallel the compass orientation of the palisade in those areas and
may have been affected by its alignment.
Burial pit orientation also suggests a preference for the cardinal directions.
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312 / Chapter 8
Figure 8.10. Burial pit compass orientations plotted in 5-degree increments. North is at the top.
and Ashmore 1999; Kus 1982; Lawrence and Low 1990; Wheatley 1971). Build-
ings, settlements, and whole territories are directionally oriented, spatially sub-
divided, and centrally located in conformity with the perceived structure of
the cosmos. The intent of such replication is generally to bring the house-
hold, community, and/or society into harmony with the forces of nature and
thereby to ensure their well-being and success.
We saw in Chapter 5 that roof support posts and wall posts in domestic and
public buildings frequently incorporate the numbers four, seven, and eight.
This is a clear indication that cosmic symbolism was being expressed in public
and domestic architecture, since at least two of these numbers refer to the car-
dinal directions in Creek and Cherokee cosmography. Given the compass ori-
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Household and Community / 313
entation and the spatial regularity and symmetry of the King site, we should
consider the possibility that the town itself was deliberately laid out in accor-
dance with some kind of cosmic model.
Hudson (1976:122) summarizes the known elements of such a model that
appears to have been rather widely held among historic Southeastern Indians:
“The Southeastern Indians conceived of This World as a great, flat island rest-
ing rather precariously on the surface of the waters, suspended from the vault
of the sky by four cords attached at each of the cardinal directions. Most of
them evidently thought that the island was circular in shape, but that it was
crosscut by the four cardinal directions, and it is reasonable to assume that
each Southeastern society conceived of itself as occupying the center of the
Some Southeastern Indians believed that the world was square. Several of
Swanton’s (1928b:477) Creek informants expressed this view, and Hudson ac-
knowledges this in a footnote. Knight (1989), furthermore, is able to dem-
onstrate with ethnohistoric and linguistic evidence that square Mississippian
platform mounds were symbols of the earth island.
The King site conforms to this model in its square shape and the align-
ment of many of its buildings with the cardinal directions. The Coosa River,
in turn, may represent the water upon which the earth island floated. This lat-
ter equation, in fact, provides an explanation for why the axis of the site differs
from the cardinal directions and the orientation of many of its buildings and
burials. The Coosa River channel bordering the site on the north is oriented
approximately 77 degrees east of north and matches the site orientation (Fig-
ure 3.3). If the site had been situated a few hundred feet farther to the west, its
orientation could have conformed to the orientation of both the river and the
cardinal directions. That it was not may be because the floodplain in that loca-
tion is more undulating and would not have provided a large, flat, and elevated
surface suitable for habitation. Instead, a location was chosen where the town’s
axis would be close enough to the cardinal directions that other important ele-
ments of the town plan could be more accurately aligned with the cardinal di-
rections without violating the overall site plan in an obvious way.7
The cosmic model outlined by Hudson does not include a center point
or axis mundi. Nevertheless, there is some reason to believe that large posts
such as Feature 45 were symbols of centrality in aboriginal Southeastern be-
lief systems. Traditional societies throughout the world typically locate their
mythical point of origin or permanent place of residence in the center of the
world (Knapp and Ashmore 1999:13–14; Wheatley 1971). There are no ethno-
historic or ethnographic accounts that demonstrate Southeastern tribes held
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314 / Chapter 8
a similar belief, but it is not unreasonable to expect that they did. Large posts
and earthen mounds play a significant role in the origins of several Southeast-
ern tribes. In the Choctaw migration legend recorded by Gideon Lincecum
(1904), a “sacred pole” directed the people to their ultimate homeland at
Nanih Waiya in northeastern Mississippi. A number of tribes appear to equate
earth mounds with the place where their ancestors either emerged from the
earth or decided to permanently settle (Knight 1989:281). Large posts are fre-
quently associated physically and conceptually with such mounds. At Nanih
Waiya, the sacred pole buried itself in the mound that the Choctaw built to
house their ancestors’ bones. We saw in Chapter 6 that large plaza-area posts
may have been erected and taken down in conjunction with the addition of
new construction stages to mounds and with the founding and abandonment
of towns. Bartram (Waselkov and Braund 1995:154) reports that the chunkey
pole located in the center of eighteenth-century Creek chunkey yards was set
in a small earth mound, and in modern times, earth swept up annually from
square grounds in Oklahoma is sometimes piled around the base of the ball
pole (Knight 1989:284). These associations point to the possibility that large
posts served as symbols of community identity and tribal origins and by ex-
tension as symbols of the center of the earth island. To the extent that this in-
terpretation is correct, we can be reasonably certain that the King site was laid
out according to the cosmic model held by its inhabitants and other contem-
porary people in the Southern Appalachian region.
All settlements that are occupied continuously over a period of time may be
said to have a life history. At some point, the first inhabitants arrive and the
settlement comes into existence. This may be followed by a ceremony to mark
the formal establishment of the settlement and its inhabitants as a community.
The settlement may continue to grow in population and in spatial size as a re-
sult of biological reproduction and continued immigration. Ultimately, how-
ever, the population declines and the settlement is abandoned. These latter
processes may take place over a few days or weeks or unfold slowly over several
years. They may also be accompanied by a ceremony marking the formal clos-
ing of the community. The King site town must have gone through changes
such as these during its lifetime. In this section, I will attempt to identify these
changes and, in so doing, reconstruct the town’s life history.
The King site was not occupied for a very long period of time—no more
than 50 years and probably considerably less. We can infer this from architec-
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Household and Community / 315
tural evidence. Wood does not survive very long below ground in the South-
east. Controlled experiments have shown that untreated fence posts have an
average service life of between 2.2 years (loblolly pine) and 6.6 years (white
oak) (Vick et al. 1967). Pine was probably the most common species used for
construction posts at King. Fifteen carbonized post remnants recovered from
five PDS are all pine. A sample of 19 posts from Structure 1 at the contem-
porary Leake site were also pine (Patton 1990:26).8 It seems unlikely that the
well-built residential structures at King and other late Mississippian period
sites in the region would have been occupied for only two or three years. More
likely, structure roofs and earth-embanked walls would have offered some pro-
tection from the elements and increased the average service life of pine posts
to 6–10 years (Patton 1990:26).
Taking 10 years as the maximum service life of wall and roof support posts,
Structures 5 and 23—each with four construction stages—could have been
used for up to 40 years. Other structures with fewer construction stages, of
course, would have had shorter use lives. This suggests either that the duration
of some Structure 5 and 23 construction stages was considerably shorter than
average or that the two structures were in use for a period of time before or
after the main occupation of the town. In the latter case, the formally laid-out
town may have been in existence for only 30 years or so.
There is other evidence that indicates the town’s life span was consider-
ably less than 40 years. The palisade appears to have been constructed only one
time. There are a few palisade-like posthole alignments adjacent to it at various
places along the eastern side of the site (see Chapter 6), and there are several
places along the palisade where concentrations of postholes may represent re-
pairs. For the most part, however, the palisade is represented by a single line of
postholes. Individual posts may have been pulled up and replaced as needed,
but there is little evidence for such activity in the field maps.
As public buildings, Structures 16 and 17 must have been critical for the
continued functioning of the King site as a community. Yet both were also
constructed only one time. There is some evidence that a number of wall posts
and several roof support posts were replaced in Structure 17, but these repairs
may have been difficult to accomplish in the standing building. Neither build-
ing, in short, is likely to have been used for more than 20 years. They provide,
then, additional evidence that the main occupation of the town lasted fewer
years than PDS with four construction stages and perhaps less than some PDS
with three construction stages.
There is abundant evidence that the King site settlement experienced con-
siderable change during its relatively brief life span. To begin with, variation
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316 / Chapter 8
in number of construction stages indicates that some PDS were in use longer
than others, that some were constructed before others, or that some were aban-
doned later than others. Structures 28 and 31 cannot be contemporary because
their walls overlap. Contemporaneity is also unlikely for Structures 3 and 5.1,
11 and 14, 12 and 19, 18 and 19, 20 and 21, and 26 and 27 because they are lo-
cated so close to one another (Figure 8.11). Finally, six PDS can be demon-
strated to predate or postdate burials that lie within their walls: Burials 49–52
postdate Structure 11; Burials 185 and 190 predate Structure 14; Burials 82, 90,
and 93 predate Structure 15; Burial 182 predates Structure 27; Burials 223–225
and 258 predate or postdate Structure 30; and Burials 199–201 predate or post-
date Structure 31 (Figure 8.12 and Appendix A).
As discussed in Chapter 3, there is no evidence for human occupation of
Foster Bend or the Coosa River valley in Georgia during the Early Lamar pe-
riod. This means that the King site was first settled by people who moved into
the area from elsewhere in northwestern Georgia or northeastern Alabama.
King may have been initially settled by a small number of people, but at some
point early in its life history, the town appears to have been deliberately laid
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Household and Community / 317
Figure 8.12. Primary domestic structures (shaded) that overlap burials that predate or postdate
structure occupancy.
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318 / Chapter 8
and eastern sections of the habitation zone tend to be oriented with the car-
dinal directions, even though the defensive perimeter for that part of the site is
oriented 77 degrees east of north. In the southeastern and southern sectors of
the habitation zone, however, where the defensive perimeter curves around to
form the southern side of the site, PDS have orientations that parallel the adja-
cent section of palisade. It is possible that these structures were laid out in this
fashion before the ditch and palisade were constructed, but it is more likely the
ditch and palisade were constructed first and PDS were subsequently located
in conformity with the quantity and configuration of the enclosed habita-
tion space and the compass orientation of the nearby defensive perimeter. The
same process seems to have occurred along the eastern side of the site, where
small, single-stage PDS located adjacent to the palisade have compass orienta-
tions that parallel it.
Structures 16 and 17 and the central post may have been constructed at the
same time as the defensive perimeter and plaza, but we do not have direct ar-
chaeological evidence for this. There is ethnographic evidence from the eigh-
teenth century, however, that suggests construction of public buildings similar
to Structure 17 would have been an important element in the establishment of
new towns such as King.
In the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, the basic sociopolitical unit in
Creek society was the talwa. Swanton (1928a:242) describes this as “a body of
people who had their own square ground and actually formed a little state.”
Talwas often fissioned, with one group leaving to form a new settlement. These
settlements might remain attached to the parent talwa, but sometimes they be-
came socially and politically independent. Swanton (1968:327) describes this
process as follows:
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Household and Community / 319
been lost even to tradition. The decisive point in the recognition of a new
tulwu appears to have been when it established an independent ground
for the performance of the annual ceremonies.
The implication is that the square ground, rotunda, and chunkey yard were
physical symbols of the social and political autonomy of Creek talwas (Eth-
ridge 2003:96; Haas 1940:489; Knight 1994:387). Every talwa also had a sacred
fire burning in its rotunda. This fire was maintained throughout the year and
was extinguished and relighted at the time of the Green Corn ceremony as a
symbol of community renewal. Since it was related magically to the physical
and spiritual well-being of the community, the sacred fire was almost certainly
another symbol of a talwa’s existence (Hudson 1976). Observations by Thomas
Nairne in 1708 among the Chickasaw suggest that the founders of new towns
carried sacred fire from the town they had left and used it to establish the sa-
cred fire in the new town.
Sir that at once you may have a notion of the Indian Government and the
progression of one Village out of another, I’le illustrate by an Example:
1 2
Suppose 1:2 to be a river, A: a populous flourishing Town on the river
side, straightned for planting ground. Upon some disgust, or other reason
2 Leading men lead out Colonies of 30 or 40 families Each and sattle 2
New Villages B: C: Bechancing to florish and increase much, out of it by
the same means arise D and E. Now the Villages D and E will respect A
and all call it their grand father, B their father C their Elder Brother, and
these names continue by Tradition to be given them. According to these
relations, they’le give the Chiefs of these Villages respect and precidency
in their Town houses, but as for authority they look on their own Village
to be independent of all or either of them and free to manage their af-
fairs as best pleases themselves. When one Village express the Deference
which they owe to another upon the account of seniority, their usual ex-
pression is, our fathers brought their first fires from thence. . . . It’s true
after the Town is setled the headship goes in a family out of respect to
him who first kindled the fire, as their phraises is [Moore 1988:62–64].
This practice continues into the present. In Oklahoma, new Creek commu-
nities are formally established by the kindling of a fire using coals carried from
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320 / Chapter 8
the community of origin (Bell 1990:339; Opler 1952:171, 173; John Moore,
personal communication 1997). Similarly, when a community ceases to exist
as a distinct entity, the fire is formally extinguished or “put to sleep.” This lat-
ter act suggests that there were mechanisms for formally abandoning an estab-
lished community.
Swanton’s and Nairne’s observations concern politically independent com-
munities in the eighteenth century, but I believe that they are applicable to
towns like King that were part of larger polities. Residents of the King site
would have had to conduct their own set of ceremonies to ensure success in
agriculture and other endeavors and they would have needed local-level po-
litical institutions to coordinate community undertakings and ensure peace
and harmony among community members. All of this would have required
the town to have its own public buildings and sacred fire.
In light of these observations, I suggest that at some point the King site
was formally established as a distinct community. Actions that may have taken
place at that time include construction of public buildings such as Structure
17, ritual lighting of the town’s sacred fire, establishment of political institu-
tions for town governance, and establishment of an annual round of commu-
nity ceremonies. To the extent that the spatial configuration of the town—with
its central plaza and post and symmetrical shape—was related to cosmological
beliefs about the nature of the world, we can expect that the town was for-
mally laid out at this time as well. The palisade and ditch may not have been
directly related to the symbolism involved in establishing a new town, but they
would have served to physically define the town’s size, shape, and compass ori-
entation. Their construction, therefore, probably went hand in hand with the
formal founding of the new community.
We can be fairly certain that the King site experienced such changes. What
is not obvious is when. Spatial and architectural data presented above indicate
that it did not happen too long after the site was first settled. But did it happen
at the time of first settlement or sometime later? I think we can pin the timing
of this event down by looking at how multistage PDS changed in size, location,
and compass orientation from one construction stage to another.
Four PDS had two construction stages, three had three stages, and two
had four stages (Table 8.22). Altogether there are 16 documented rebuildings
of PDS. All PDS changed in size from one stage to another, but there is no
pattern in the direction of these changes within or between PDS. Both two-
stage PDS for which stage sequence is reconstructible increase in size from
first to second stage. Among three-stage PDS, two increase in size during the
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Household and Community / 321
first rebuilding and subsequently decline and one decreases in size and subse-
quently increases. Among four-stage PDS, one increases, decreases, and finally
increases and the other decreases, increases, and finally decreases. To the ex-
tent that these size changes reflect changes in occupant number (family size)
or wealth/rank/prestige, it looks like no household is continuously gaining or
losing in these characteristics throughout its lifespan.
Most changes in PDS size from one stage to another were small (Table 8.22).
Eleven of 16 stages changed by less than 20 percent, and the majority changed
by 11 percent or less. Structures 1.2, 2.2, 6.2, and 23.4, however, were consider-
ably larger or smaller than their predecessor.
Most PDS move laterally very little at the time of rebuilding (Table 8.22).
Nine stages move so little that their hearths overlap the hearths of their prede-
cessor. Three others move 3 or 4 feet—barely enough to prevent overlapping of
the hearths. The largest moves are made by Structures 2.2, 5.2, 15.2, and 25.2,
which move between 6 and 11.5 feet.
Most PDS barely change their compass orientations from one stage to the
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322 / Chapter 8
next (Table 8.22). Twelve stages deviate from their predecessor by less than
10 degrees. The other four—Structures 5.2, 8.2, 23.4, and 25.2—rotate between
15 degrees and 27 degrees.
Most large changes in size, location, or compass orientation occur in PDS
with three to four construction stages. All of them, except Structure 23, expe-
rience at least one major change at the time they are rebuilt for the first time.
Structure 1 becomes much smaller (46 percent). Structure 2 moves 6 feet and
increases in size by 36 percent. Structure 5 moves 7.5 feet and changes orienta-
tion by 15 degrees, and Structure 15 moves 11.5 feet. Structure 23, in contrast,
undergoes its most dramatic changes when it is rebuilt for the last time: size
decreases 45 percent and orientation changes 24 degrees.
With their large number of construction stages, Structures 1, 2, 5, 15, and 23
were probably the longest occupied PDS at King. To the extent that this is so,
it is likely that one or two of their stages were constructed before or after the
main site occupation, that is, before the town was formally founded or after it
was formally abandoned. If the five structures were initially constructed at the
same time, their second stages would likely have been constructed at roughly
the same time as well. The fact that four of them undergo marked changes in
size, location, and/or orientation in their second stage suggests there was some
common factor affecting them. This factor could very well be the formal es-
tablishment of the King site community. The delineation of the plaza and the
construction of the palisade and ditch would have put limits on the amount
of space available for domestic structures and activity areas. In response, some
structures may have been rebuilt smaller and some may have been shifted lat-
erally to make room for new households or domestic structures. Implementa-
tion of a town settlement plan would have imposed a common compass orien-
tation on the town as well. This, in turn, would have required some domestic
structures to also change their orientation.
If the changes manifested by Structures 1.2, 2.2, 5.2, and 15.2 do reflect con-
straints imposed upon the use of habitation space at the time the King site was
formally established as a community, then the first stages of these structures
must predate that event. They may also represent the PDS of the first house-
holds to settle at King. Figure 8.13 depicts how this initial settlement may have
looked. Structures 23.1, 25.2, and 13 are also shown because of the possibility
that they were part of this first settlement.
Structure 23 does not change very much at the time of its first rebuilding,
but with four construction stages, it is possible that the structure was in exis-
tence from the beginning. As we will see below, Structure 23.4 was constructed
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Household and Community / 323
Figure 8.13. Primary domestic structures that are likely to represent the first households to settle
at the King site (shaded) and others that might.
after the site was formally abandoned. This reduces somewhat the likelihood
that the structure was also the residence of one of the early settlers.
Structure 25 moves approximately 9.5 feet and is reoriented 27 degrees at
the time it is rebuilt, changes comparable to those seen in Structures 1, 2, 5,
and 15. Since it has only two construction stages, however, and the sequen-
tial order of these stages is unknown, we cannot be certain when it was first
built. It is possible that Structure 25 was built by an early settler and, follow-
ing a second construction stage, was abandoned not too many years after the
community was founded. Its spatial separation from Structures 1, 2, 5, and 15,
however, suggests a lack of close ties with those settlers and therefore a later
date of occupation.
Structure 13 apparently is earlier than Structure 15.1 and, by implication,
the other pre-town structures. Its compass orientation (65 degrees east of
north) differs considerably from those of Structure 15 (87 degrees, 90 degrees,
and 5 degrees), indicating that the two structures are not contemporary. More
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324 / Chapter 8
important, its hearth is intruded by Burial 66, one of eight burials forming an
outside cluster that is probably associated with Structure 15 (see Figure 8.9).
Identifying Structure 13 as earlier than Structure 15 also provides an ex-
planation for five burials (Burials 82, 83, 90, 93, and 110) located within the
walls of Structure 15 that predate that structure. These burials could be out-
side burials associated with Structure 13. They are located 20 feet southwest of
the structure, and one of them, Burial 93, is not too different in compass ori-
entation (78 degrees compared with 65 degrees). This same burial is intruded
by Burial 92, an inside burial associated with Structure 15.1. The fact that it
cuts Burial 93 in half suggests that the occupants of Structure 15.1 were un-
aware of the existence of the earlier interment. This, in turn, suggests that the
people responsible for Burial 93 were not part of Household 15 and, in fact,
had ceased using the area as a cemetery before Structure 15 was erected. Struc-
ture 13 fits this description.
Figure 8.14 shows what the town may have looked like following its formal
establishment. The ditch and palisade have been constructed, Structures 16
and 17 have been constructed, the plaza has been delineated, and the central
post has been erected. Structures 1, 5, and 15 have been moved, reoriented, or
made smaller, presumably in response to the new town plan, and Structure 2
has been enlarged. There is no direct evidence that any of the other PDS shown
on the map were added at this time, but most are likely to have been. The re-
construction implies that there was a sudden, major influx of new residents
following the town’s founding. This need not have been the case, however. The
town probably grew in size fairly quickly, and this could only be accomplished
by the addition of a large number of migrants, but the process could have be-
gun shortly before the town was formally established and continued for sev-
eral years afterwards.
Over the next decade or two, population increased slowly, presumably largely
through internal growth. Some or all of the shaded PDS in Figure 8.15 are the
result of this growth. Their location on the margins of the habitation zone,
their small size, and their single stage of construction all indicate that they
date later in the town’s history when residential space was becoming increas-
ingly scarce. In most cases, they represent additions to established households.
Ultimately, King was abandoned as a town. This may have been a gradual
process extending over several years, but at some point it may have been punc-
tuated with a formal closing ceremony. This might have included one or more
of the following actions: extinguishing the sacred fire in the council house,
pulling up the central post, and tearing down or burning the council house
and other public buildings. At King, we have two kinds of evidence indicating
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Household and Community / 325
Figure 8.14. Probable configuration of the town following its formal establishment. Primary do-
mestic structures that were constructed at this time are shaded. PDS representing first house-
holds to settle at the site are unshaded.
that the community was eventually formally terminated. There was no trace of
wood in Feature 45, the large post pit in the center of the site. A 2.5- to 3-foot-
diameter post may have totally disintegrated over the 400 years since site aban-
donment, but it may also have been pulled out of the ground. The lateral trench
on the south side of the post pit would have facilitated this action.
Second, there are several PDS that have architectural characteristics indi-
cating that they continued to be occupied after the town was formally aban-
doned (Figure 8.16). Structure 23.4 is 45 percent smaller than its predecessor
and has been reoriented to 64 degrees east of north, a change of 24 degrees.
The former may be related to a reduction in household membership, but the
more interesting change is in compass orientation. It suggests that the formal
town plan was no longer being observed.
Structure 14 appears to also have been one of the last PDS to be occupied.
It’s compass orientation of 31 degrees deviates from the site’s overall orienta-
tion. It stratigraphically overlies one burial (Burial 185) and probably postdates
at least one other (Burial 190). The household affiliation of these earlier burials
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326 / Chapter 8
Figure 8.15. Primary domestic structures (shaded) added to the town as a result of internal
is not known, but most likely they belong to a household located west of Struc-
ture 14 in the unexcavated portion of the site. Since we have not excavated any
structures belonging to that household, we cannot know whether it dates to
the main period of site occupation, but it certainly could have. The proximity
of Structure 14 to Structure 11 and the location of its outside burial cluster
west of Structure 11 mean that those two PDS cannot be contemporary. Buri-
als 50 and 52, and probably 49 and 51 as well, are intrusive through the floor of
Structure 11. They probably are part of the Structure 14 household, although
again we cannot be completely certain of this identification. While there is no
single indisputable piece of evidence that Structure 14 postdates the main site
occupation, the available evidence in total presents a strong case.
Structure 25.2 may also postdate the formal town. There is no stratigraphic
or spatial evidence for which stage was constructed first. The stage I have des-
ignated 25.1 probably dates to the main site occupation because its orientation
of 65 degrees conforms fairly closely to the adjacent section of palisade. Struc-
ture 25.2 (2 degrees east of north), on the other hand, differs markedly from
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Household and Community / 327
Figure 8.16. Primary domestic structures (shaded) that might postdate formal town aban-
other PDS in the southeastern and southern sectors of the habitation zone,
suggesting that it either predates or postdates the formal town plan—the lat-
ter being more likely. If it postdates the main site occupation, its location was
determined by the existence of its predecessor, Structure 25.1. If it was con-
structed at the time the site was first settled, we might expect it to be located
farther north, where it would be closer to other first-settler households.
Structure 27 is located only 4 feet from Structure 26 and is therefore prob-
ably not contemporary with it. The structure also postdates at least one burial
in the area, Burial 128. We do not know when the burial was made, but it is
more likely to date to the main site occupation than earlier. If so, Structure 27
is likely to postdate Structure 26 and the main site occupation.
Structure 28 overlaps Structure 31, indicating the two buildings are not
contemporary. While it may be later than the other and thus possibly late in
the site occupation, there is no hard evidence favoring that chronological rela-
tionship over one in which Structure 31 is later.
In the foregoing pages, I have taken a known fact—human settlement of the
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328 / Chapter 8
King site began at some point in time and ended a number of years later—and
an ethnographically based model for how settlements were symbolically turned
into distinct and independent communities and used them to reconstruct the
life history of an early historic Mississippian town. Architectural, spatial, and
limited stratigraphic evidence have been interpreted as showing that within
a relatively short period the site (1) was initially settled by a small number
of people occupying several houses and probably belonging to three or four
different households, (2) was subsequently given legitimacy as an indepen-
dent community by the transfer of sacred fire and the construction of essen-
tial public facilities such as a council house and defensive perimeter, (3) grew
in population over a period of one or two decades, (4) was ceremonially de-
commissioned as a community, and (5) was ultimately abandoned by the few
households that had continued to reside there.
I have tried twice to marshal independent chronological evidence to esti-
mate the duration of site occupancy and to support the reconstructed life his-
tory sequence, but I have been unsuccessful in both cases. Mark Schurr (Schurr
and Hally 1999) attempted to develop a fine-scale relative chronology of King
site burials using fluoride dating. The results were generally supportive of
burial sequences discussed above, but the technique was not sufficiently sensi-
tive to reliably identify relative dates of interment for individual burials. The
site’s occupation span is simply too short.
In another study, Grissino-Mayer and I (Hally and Grissino-Mayer 1999)
attempted to develop a chronology for PDS based on the dendrochronological
analysis of charred wall posts. Ring series were obtained for 15 posts excavated
from Structures 8, 14, 21, 22, and 23 in 1974. Grissino-Mayer was able to con-
struct a robust master tree-ring sequence spanning 157 years and confidently
place individual posts within it. Unfortunately, all posts were missing their
last growth rings, and as a result cutting dates could not be assigned. Among
the dated samples, two from Structure 23.4 come out later than samples from
Structures 21 and 22, as expected. The problem is that Structure 8 was equally
late in the sequence, while Structure 14 was earliest. The study demonstrates
that archaeological sites in the Southeast can be dated using currently available
dendrochronological techniques but that care must be used in the field to re-
cover and preserve charred specimens intact.
Although it has not been possible to independently confirm the sequence
of stages in the life history of the King site, there is little reason to doubt that
it is not correct at least in general outline. The most important aspect of this
life history, however, is that the town was settled by people who moved into
the area from elsewhere, and this is well supported by the available site survey
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Household and Community / 329
and ceramic evidence. The settlers must have had a leader. According to Nairne
(Moore 1988:62–64; see quotation earlier in this section), among the Chicka-
saw in the early eighteenth century these leaders were important individuals in
their native community, they carried sacred fire from the parent town to the
new town, and they became the first chief of the new town.
In the statement quoted earlier in this section, Nairne describes a situation
in which politically independent communities were fissioning, and one pos-
sible outcome was the formation of a new polity. The King site town was not
a politically independent community but rather one of several subordinate
communities in a larger polity. The decision to establish a new town was prob-
ably encouraged and perhaps even demanded by the polity leadership. The
settlement of King, in short, may have been the result of a conscious decision
by the leadership motivated perhaps by a desire to expand the polity’s terri-
tory or to relieve population pressure in already existing towns. As such, it is
likely that the colony was led by a person of high social and political standing
in the parent community who was selected by the polity chief. It is even pos-
sible that this person was a close relative of the polity chief or a member of his
descent line.
Regardless of how the leaders of colonies were chosen and whether the
colonists moved voluntarily or under duress, the likelihood remains that there
would have been a recognized leader responsible for establishing the town and
that this individual became the leader of the resulting community.
1. Kelly investigated several of these variables in her Master’s thesis (1988) and
was the first to recognize relationships between structure size, number of construction
stages, number of associated burials, and growth of households at the King site.
2. Kelly and I (Hally and Kelly 1998:59) previously published a slightly different cor-
relation coefficient (.90). The difference reflects several minor changes that have been
made in the data since that work was completed. Specifically, Structures 3 and 20 were
included in the 1998 analysis but have been excluded here because of uncertainty con-
cerning their sizes. The sizes of Structures 2.3 and 2.4 have been recalculated and re-
duced a small amount. The number of inside burials associated with Structures 14 and
15 has been reduced because reanalysis has demonstrated that up to 10 subfloor buri-
als (six in Structure 14 and four in Structure 15) cannot be reliably identified as either
inside or outside burials.
3. Kelly and I (Hally and Kelly 1998) found a significant correlation between struc-
ture size and number of construction stages (r = .47, p = .02). Changes in the King data
described in Note 2 have reduced these figures somewhat (r = .29, p = .051).
4. This assumes that Structure 1, and not Structure 5, is where the founder of the
household resided.
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330 / Chapter 8
5. At least three of these PDS—Structures 1.1, 2.1, and 15.1—may predate the main
period of site occupation, and a fourth—Structure 25.2—may postdate the main pe-
riod of occupation. See the last section of this chapter for a discussion of the life his-
tory of the site.
6. The final section of this chapter reconstructs the chronology of the King site oc-
cupation and assigns specific PDS to different periods in that occupation.
7. Payne (1994:143–147) reports that 61 percent of the 96 Mississippian mound
sites in the Southeast and Midwest with measurable compass orientations were aligned
with an adjacent body of water, usually a river. Fifty-two percent, she found, had their
long axis aligned with the cardinal directions. She concludes that Mississippian mound
centers were “primarily oriented to a feature of topography, almost invariably a water
body and then usually a river . . . The apparent cardinal point orientation of mound
centers appears to be a spurious correlation.” She attributes this spurious correlation to
the fact that many rivers in the Southeast and Midwest flow in a north, south, east, or
west direction.
Payne raises the possibility that Mississippian site planners preferred to locate their
mound centers along river channels and to orient the mound/plaza architectural com-
plex with the cardinal directions and, when they could, selected locations that satisfied
both conditions. She dismisses this interpretation, however, because sites not located
near water show no tendency to be oriented with the cardinal directions. Another pos-
sibility, of course, is that Mississippian site planners viewed cardinal-direction orien-
tation as appropriate or most appropriate only in those situations where water bodies
could be worked into the microcosmic scheme.
8. Polhemus (1987:1205) reports that a variety of species, including pine, oak,
hickory, walnut, and black locust, were used as wall and roof support posts in Dallas
phase structures at Toqua.
9. This same kind of observation cannot, of course, be made for the western pe-
rimeter of the town as a result of the loss of occupation features there. Nevertheless, it
is unlikely that habitation occurred beyond the palisade and ditch here because of the
existence of a natural swale in the area.
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Analysis of Burial
Attribute Associations
The King site burial sample is ideally suited for in-depth mortuary analysis. It
is large, consisting of approximately 250 burials. All but a handful of burials
were professionally excavated and have extensive field documentation in the
form of photographs, field drawings, and burial forms. With the exception of
a few looted and “lost” items, all grave goods have been subjected to labora-
tory analysis, which, depending upon the type of artifact, involved classifica-
tion, measuring, weighing, photographing, and microscopic inspection for use
wear and damage. All burials have good context, meaning they can be placed
in the habitation zone, the plaza, or the Structure 17 council house. Approxi-
mately half the burials in the habitation zone, furthermore, can be assigned
with some certainty to a specific household. Burials differ along a number
of dimensions—spatial location, pit form, body position, and grave goods—
which increases the likelihood of recognizing patterns in mortuary treatment.
Over a hundred burials have grave goods, and these can be assigned to more
than 50 artifact types. Finally, duration of site occupation is short enough that
we can be fairly certain that variability in burial characteristics and the mortu-
ary practices that underlie them are not due to temporal change.
A number of factors reduce the research potential of the burial sample. The
preservation state of human skeletal material and of artifacts made of bone,
antler, and shell varies considerably from one burial to another. Overbank ero-
sion and plowing have impacted some burials to the point that pit form can-
not be reliably identified and, in more extreme cases, to the extent that human
bone and artifacts have been fragmented or removed. Differences in the degree
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332 / Chapter 9
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Analysis of Burial Attribute Associations / 333
the polity. It is clear from the burial data that some individuals in the King
community were more prestigious and politically powerful than others. I have
tried to identify these individuals and to determine why they were important.
Unlike in many earlier mortuary studies, however, I have not been overly con-
cerned with demonstrating that King site society had ascribed statuses or that
it had reached a certain degree of social complexity.
Mortuary analysis, at least in America, has generally focused on reconstruc-
tion of social organization, but mortuary practices can also reflect religious and
philosophical beliefs (Carr 1995). Religious beliefs may be expressed directly in
mortuary practices, as, for example, the practice of orienting the body to face
the land of the dead. Burial practices also may express beliefs concerning social
relations and the nature of society, as, for example, beliefs about the transition
from childhood to adulthood or the dual division of society into moieties. In
the King site analysis, it has been possible to determine with some certainty in
many cases whether a particular mortuary practice is related to the social sta-
tus and rank of an individual, to religious beliefs, or to beliefs concerning the
nature and organization of society. This has been possible because of the wide
variety of variables that have been utilized in the analysis.
Today, most archaeologists, be they processual or postprocessual in incli-
nation, would agree that a society’s mortuary practices are the result of de-
cisions made and actions taken by individuals over time. There is disagree-
ment, however, over how much these decisions and actions are influenced by
the norms and traditions of a society and how much they are influenced by the
self-interest and competitive social strategies of its members (Hodder 1982;
Parker Pearson 1982, 1999). This issue cannot be resolved with sweeping gen-
eralizations about human nature and the nature of culture. The relative im-
portance of social norms and individual self-interest probably varies from one
society to another and, within a particular society, from one type of status
or set of beliefs to another. Cultural traditions and norms may place differ-
ent levels of constraint on different mortuary practices—constraints that may
range from inflexible prescriptions that must be followed, to cultural prefer-
ences that can be violated but usually are not, to an absence of constraint al-
together. Mourners are more likely to pursue their own self-interest when so-
ciety gives them some leeway to do so. Parker Pearson (1982) found that the
amount of money spent on funerals and funerary markers in Cambridge, En-
gland, in the mid-twentieth century had little to do with the personal wealth
of the deceased. Evidently Cambridge citizens were not very concerned with
how wealth was used in funerals. One wonders, however, whether the com-
munity would have been equally tolerant of other kinds of manipulation and
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334 / Chapter 9
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Analysis of Burial Attribute Associations / 335
as arrow points were probably used as grave goods because of their meaning
rather than their function. After all, what use does the deceased have for real
arrows? More likely, they were placed in a burial to say something about the de-
ceased’s experiences and achievements in warfare or to represent the weapons
he will need in the afterlife.
The meaning of artifacts may change when they become grave goods. Tools
such as hammerstones and scrapers that are being used by an individual may
communicate the fact that he is currently or frequently engaged in a particular
craft activity. As grave goods, these artifacts may communicate the fact that
there was something special about the way the deceased used them—that, for
example, he was very skilled in their use or was a craft specialist.
We can increase the reliability with which social organization and religious
beliefs can be inferred from mortuary practices if there are historically relevant
ethnographic analogues to draw upon (Brown 1971; Gambel et al. 2001). In
my analysis of King site mortuary practices I have made use of ethnographic
analogy in two different ways. In one, a variety of ethnohistoric sources from
the sixteenth to early nineteenth centuries were used to reconstruct a model of
late Mississippian sociopolitical organization in the Southern Appalachian re-
gion (see Chapter 2). On the basis of this model, I can make the case that the
inhabitants of the King site traced descent matrilineally and tended to reside
in matrilocal multiple-family households. The model also allows me to specify
some of the types of political and administrative offices and prestigious social
positions that may have existed in the community.
I have also used ethnohistoric and ethnographic evidence to gain a better
understanding of the function and meaning of specific grave good types. In-
ferences of this kind have been invaluable for identifying statuses, status hier-
archies, and social groups. Several other kinds of evidence have been used to
support these inferences, including the nature of the artifacts themselves, their
frequency in burials and in the burial sample, their associations with other
types of grave goods and other dimensions of mortuary practice such as grave
location, their contexts and associations at other Mississippian archaeological
sites, and their portrayal in SECC art.
Age was an important dimension of King site social organization, and age
at death was an important determinant of variability in mortuary practices.
In order to identify and correctly interpret such variability, it is crucial that
skeletal age be categorized in as precise a manner as possible. Mortuary studies
typically calibrate age at death in intervals of 10 years or more because of the
imprecision of most aging techniques, especially when applied to poorly pre-
served skeletal material (e.g., Blakely 1988; Buikstra 1981; O’Shea 1996; Saxe
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336 / Chapter 9
1970) and older adults (Boldsen et al. 2002). This seems to me to be a rather
arbitrary and potentially misleading way to handle age estimates. It may result
in individuals who differ in age by as much as 10 years (e.g., 20 years old and
29 years old) being assigned to the same age category (20–29 years) and indi-
viduals differing in age by as little as one year (e.g., 19 years and 20 years) be-
ing assigned to different age categories (10–19 years and 20–29 years).
I think the use of single-year age estimates in mortuary analysis can be jus-
tified if we recognize that estimates for adults under the age of 50 probably
have a ±5-year margin of error and that estimates for subadults probably have
a margin of error ranging from 1 to 3 years depending on how old they are.
With these error ranges, a burial with an estimated age of 30 years could ac-
tually be as young as 25 or as old as 35 and a burial with an estimated age of
8 years could actually be as young as 5 or as old as 11. If the three burials in
the example above were estimated to be 19, 20, and 29 years old, the degree to
which their error ranges overlap (14–24 years, 15–25 years, and 24–34 years)
would provide a reasonably accurate picture of their relative ages.
I suggest that there are two conditions under which analyses using single-
year age estimates are valid: when age differences between burials being com-
pared are fairly large and when comparison is between groups of burials and
average group age is the basis of comparison. Almost all of the analytically
productive comparisons I have made in this book are between groups of buri-
als. Observations concerning single burials, when they are made, usually in-
volve other burials that are considerably older or younger. As will be clear in
the following chapters, the payoff from using single-year age estimates has
been enormous. It has allowed me to identify four age-related changes in mor-
tuary practices that are supported by multiple lines of evidence. The value of
these results, I think, outweighs the possibility of being misled by spurious
age-related associations that might arise from using single-year age estimates.
Readers will have to judge for themselves.
In this chapter, I will begin to look at how the different dimensions of mor-
tuary variability described in Chapter 7 relate to one another. I will do this by
means of simple bivariate comparisons of variability in sex, age, health sta-
tus, site location, pit form, body position, and grave goods. Each of these di-
mensions will be considered separately to determine how variability in it re-
lates to or affects variability in the other dimensions. Because there is so much
variability in the types of artifacts placed in burials and in the combinations
in which they occur, grave goods will also be considered in a separate mul-
tivariate analysis. This latter analysis will be the subject of Chapters 10 and
11. The final step in the analysis (Chapter 12) will bring together patterns
observed in each of the dimensions of mortuary variability and add the di-
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Analysis of Burial Attribute Associations / 337
Historic Creek and Cherokee saw men and women as being fundamentally dif-
ferent. They had very different roles in society, and they were assigned to con-
ceptually opposite categories within the cosmic order of the world—categories
that needed to be kept separate and unmixed (Bell 1990; Hudson 1976:260;
Perdue 1998:18). To the extent that such views were held by members of the
King site community, we might expect that there would have been sharp con-
trasts in the kinds of material items associated with each gender role and the
material symbols used to represent each gender. These contrasts should be evi-
dent in the mortuary treatment accorded adult males and females. Indeed,
there is ample evidence in the King site burial sample for differences between
adult males and females in grave goods, pit form, body position, and grave
location. The strongest and most pervasive associations are between sex and
grave goods and so it is appropriate to begin our review of mortuary pattern-
ing with this relationship.
Archaeologists working in the Tennessee Valley of eastern Tennessee have long
recognized that certain artifact types have strong sex associations in Dallas
and Mouse Creek phase burials (Hatch 1974; Kneberg 1959; Smith and Smith
1989; Sullivan 1986). Artifact associations in the King site burial sample con-
form to most of these patterns.1
I used reliable as well as disturbed burials in my analysis of the age and sex
associations of grave goods in King site burials. I excluded from analysis mul-
tiple, intrusive, and looted burials in which artifacts cannot be assigned to a
specific individual with certainty. One hundred forty-two burials in the result-
ing sample are adults, that is, 15 years of age or older. Thirty-two of these are
biological females and 37 are biological males.2 Twenty-four types of artifacts
occur as grave goods in two or more adult burials (Table 9.1). In most cases,
the number of burials that can be identified as biological male or female is
relatively small compared with the total number of burials in which each arti-
fact type occurs. Nevertheless, a reasonably strong argument can be made that
most artifact types were interred almost exclusively with adult males and that
a small number were interred with adults of both sexes. None appear to occur
exclusively with adult females.
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Analysis of Burial Attribute Associations / 339
Six artifact types—triangular point, flintknapper kit (FKK), pipe and pipe
fragment, large bifacial blade, hematite, and antler cylinder—are represented
in a relatively large number of burials (Table 9.1, column 2). Approximately
half the burials interred with each artifact type are biological males, but two
biological females—Burials 30 and 223—also were interred with some of these
artifact types (Table 9.1, columns 3–5).
Burials 30 and 223 are quite different from other adult female burials in the
King site sample. The great majority of adult female burials lack grave goods.
When grave goods are present, they usually are limited in number to one or
two items and in variety to pottery bowls and marine shell ornaments. Buri-
als 30 and 223, in contrast, were interred with a large number and variety of
grave goods. Burial 30 has 12 points, a flintknapper kit, four bone tools, an
antler cylinder, a pulley-shaped ear spool, two turtle shells, and over 200 ma-
rine shell beads. Burial 223 (Figure 9.1) has 23 points, two large bifacial blades,
hematite, one baculum, one bracket type shell pin, one possible bone tool, and
one turtle shell.
Burials 30 and 223 resemble adult male burials in having large amounts
of grave furniture and in having several items that frequently occur in adult
male burials. Given these similarities, we may well ask whether the two indi-
viduals are not really biological males. In order to answer this question de-
finitively, I submitted femoral bone samples from the two burials to Dr. Mary
Ritke at the University of Indianapolis for DNA analysis (Ritke 2006). She em-
ployed the procedure used by Haak et al. (2005) to purify DNA from the two
bone samples and the amelogenin method to identify sex (Sullivan et al. 1993).
The latter looks at the length of the amelogenin allele, which is longer on the
Y chromosome (112 nucleotides) than it is on the X chromosome (106 nucleo-
tides). Comparison of amplified amelogenin from Burial 223 with a control
sample yielded evidence that the individual was a biological female. This result
was reproduced using a second independently purified DNA sample from the
burial. Unfortunately, it was not possible to amplify amelogenin using DNA
extracted from Burial 30.
Given the emphasis that Creek and Cherokee placed on distinguishing and
separating male and female gender categories, how do we account for the ex-
istence of Burials 30 and 223, which appear to violate those categories? His-
toric sources do describe men and women who crossed this boundary. Some
Cherokee men preferred farming to hunting and warfare, and there are refer-
ences to Choctaw and Cherokee male transvestites (Perdue 1998:37). Such in-
dividuals appear to have been looked down upon and ridiculed.
Warfare was perhaps the defining criteria for maleness among eighteenth-
century Creek and Cherokee. Nevertheless, women could become involved in
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340 / Chapter 9
warfare in various ways. They had the power to decide the fate of war cap-
tives and could influence decisions to raid enemy (Braund 1993; Perdue 1998;
Sattler 1995). They could accompany war parties, but, at least in some cases,
their primary responsibility may have been to carry water and prepare food
(DeVorsey 1971:109; Williams 1930:275). Some Cherokee women, however,
actually became warriors. Perdue (1998:38–39) cites a number of accounts
of women who fought, slew enemies, or were themselves slain in battle. Such
women were given the title of “War Woman” and were accorded a number of
privileges usually reserved for men. They could join warriors in the war dance,
publically relate their war exploits in the Eagle Dance, and on certain ceremo-
nial occasions consume food and drinks normally reserved for men.
DeBrahm (DeVorsey 1971:109) provides the most detailed description of
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Analysis of Burial Attribute Associations / 341
Cherokee War Women: “[A] Gang or Troop take only one Woman to War with
them. She is to take care of the Camp, Fire, Provisions etc. This Woman, after
some Campaigns is raised to the Dignity of War Woman, to which all Pris-
oners must be delivered alive (without any Punishment) as her Slave, if she re-
quires it, which is a Privilege no Man can enjoy, not even their Emperor, Kings,
or Warriors; there are but few Towns in which is a War Woman.” This statement
suggests that there were relatively few War Women in existence among the
Cherokee at any one time and that women intentionally sought the status and
achieved it through a protracted apprenticeship process. Mooney (1900:395),
however, describes a woman who “on seeing her husband fall, snatched up his
tomahawk, shouting, ‘Kill! Kill!’ and rushed upon the enemy with such fury
that the retreating Cherokee rallied and renewed the battle with so great cour-
age as to gain a complete victory.” It is not clear that this single act led to the
woman becoming a War Woman, but, in another incident related by Mooney,
a woman was elevated to that status for killing her husband’s slayer in a battle.
These stories suggest War Woman status could also result from a single, im-
petuous act that contributed to the defeat of enemy in battle.
Timberlake (Williams 1927:94) states that Cherokee women were eligible
for only one title, but it is unclear whether he is referring to War Women or
“Beloved Women.” The latter were old women who were accorded considerable
respect and appear to have had a number of ritual responsibilities, including
fasting and black drink preparation during the Green Corn ceremony. Accord-
ing to Timberlake, War Women received the Beloved Woman title when they
could “no longer go to war.” Perdue (1998:39) argues that War Women became
“Old Beloved Women” when they reached menopause, but it is not clear that
this was the only criterion for achieving that status.
There is no historical evidence for a comparable female warrior status
among the Creek (but see Feiler 1962:142). Some Creek women gained recog-
nition as Beloved Woman, but this was evidently based on family rank and not
military experience. Beloved Women, however, did play a role in Creek politics.
They addressed the town council and may have been involved in Creek diplo-
macy with Europeans (Braund 1993).
The anomalous character of Burial 223 can be readily accommodated by
the Cherokee status or gender category of War Woman. Four of the seven arti-
fact types interred with her—points, bifacial blades, hematite, and baculum—
are usually found in adult male burials. Three of these have close associa-
tions with warfare (see Chapter 11). Points and large bifacial blades were used
as weapons in war and were probably symbols of warrior grades that males
achieved through acts of valor. Hematite was a source of the red pigment that
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342 / Chapter 9
warriors applied to enemy scalps and to their own bodies. Burial 223 may have
earned the right to use and display these items by performing the same mili-
tary feats that were required of males. Alternatively, these rights may have been
awarded as a result of a limited number of military acts that led to her recog-
nition as a War Woman or female warrior.3 The fact that she died at a fairly
young age—around 25 years—and had a severely deformed left hip suggests
the latter. The average age of males interred with large bifacial blades is around
40 years, which suggests that the associated warrior grade required consider-
able time and/or effort to achieve. The hip deformity may not have prevented
walking or even running, but it is difficult to believe that an individual with
such a disability could have performed the military feats required of males to
earn an advanced warrior grade.
The meaning of Burial 30 is much more difficult to pin down. Three of the
artifact types interred with this individual usually occur with adult males, but
only the projectile points are clearly war related. The flintknapper kit and ant-
ler cylinder suggest that the individual was a flintknapping specialist or at least
highly skilled in the craft (see Chapter 11). We cannot rule out the possibility
that women might become proficient flintknappers and gain community rec-
ognition for their skill, but there is no historic evidence to suggest that this sta-
tus was open to women.
A case can be made for Burial 30 being a biological male. As was the case
with Burial 223, skeletal preservation was not very good. Plowing had pene-
trated deep enough into the burial to cause damage to the cranium, upper
body, and pubic region of the pelvis, the latter being one of the most reliable
areas of the skeleton for sex identification. Williamson (Larsen et al. 1994)
identified Burial 30 as possibly female on the basis of the presence of a wide
sciatic notch and a preauricular sulcus. Blakely (ed. 1988) and Humpf (1995)
independently identified the burial as male, but they did not specify which cri-
teria they used to make this determination. The important point, though, is
that the osteological evidence for Burial 30 being female is not as strong as we
might wish.
In addition to having several male-related grave goods, Burial 30 also dif-
fers from other adult female burials in being interred in an extended posi-
tion and in having a large number and variety of grave goods. The extended
body position, discussed in a later section, is strongly associated with males.
With the exception of Burial 223, no other biological female burial has more
than two types of grave goods or, for that matter, more than two actual items.
The uniqueness of Burial 30 suggests that if she was female, she must have
had—like Burial 223—a very special and uncommon status. Unfortunately, the
ethnohistoric accounts are silent on what this status may have been.
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Analysis of Burial Attribute Associations / 343
Two features of Burial 30 could be seen as additional evidence that the indi-
vidual involved was a biological female. The remains of a human infant, Burial
35, are located near the feet of Burial 30 and lie within the walls of the grave
pit. We might interpret this spatial relationship as representing the multiple
burial of a mother and her child. However, there are no other instances in the
King site burial sample of an adult and infant being interred together. Given
the plow damage suffered by Burial 30, furthermore, we cannot rule out the
possibility that it was intruded by Burial 35.
Finally, Burials 30 and 223 are the only burials in the King site sample
known to have been interred with turtle shells. In both cases, shells of uniden-
tified species were located in the upper body or arm area. They may represent
rattles, but in the absence of spatially associated pebbles or drum teeth, this
identification cannot be verified. Rattles made of box turtle shell are a com-
mon grave good in Dallas phase burials and are usually located in the upper
arm area (Lewis and Kneberg 1946:127; Polhemus 1987:1035–1036, Appen-
dix D). They occur with both female and male burials but are more common
with the former. Historic-period references to turtle shell rattles invariably de-
scribe them as being worn by women and attached to their legs (Lewis and
Kneberg 1946; Swanton 1946:627). The turtle shells in Burials 30 and 223
could be evidence that the two individuals were women or shared the distinc-
tion of being women who combined female and male gender characteristics,
but we cannot be certain they are rattles or that such rattles were not also used
by men.
Burial 30 could be a biological male or a biological female belonging to a
distinct male-oriented gender category. Unfortunately, the available evidence
is not strong enough to support an identification one way or the other. As a re-
sult, the burial will be treated as being of unidentified sex in the remainder of
this book. Because the burial was probably a fairly prominent individual, how-
ever, we cannot ignore him or her entirely as we investigate the nature of the
King site community. Instead, we will consider the implications of Burial 30’s
being a biological male or female or representative of a distinct gender cate-
gory where appropriate in later analyses and interpretations.
A relatively large number of burials with points, flintknapper kits, bifacial
blades, pipes, hematite, and antler cylinders are biological males (Table 9.1).
The only definite exception to the male-only distribution of these artifacts
is Burial 223, whose distinctive status of female warrior may be said to have
“maleness” as one of its defining characteristics. In light of these observations,
it seems reasonable to identify each of the six types of grave goods as signify-
ing the male gender or some aspect of it. To the extent that this is correct, the
occurrence of any of these artifact types in a burial of osteologically indeter-
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344 / Chapter 9
minate sex can be used as evidence for that individual’s being male. There are
15 burials in the King site burial collection that Williamson was unable to sex
and that were interred with one or more of the six types (Table 9.2). I will treat
these individuals as males in all future analyses and will refer to them as “arti-
factual males” in order to distinguish them from biological males and to high-
light the criteria by which they were identified as male. This action has consid-
erable analytical value because it substantially increases the size of the adult
male burial sample. It is, of course, possible that any of the 11 burials listed
in Table 9.2 as having points and/or bifacial blades were female warriors like
Burial 223. Given that the status was rare in the eighteenth century, however,
this seems unlikely.
Most of the 15 artifactual male burials were accompanied by additional ar-
tifacts of the types listed in the lower two-thirds of Table 9.1. The number of
artifactual male burials interred with each artifact type is listed in column 7
of the table. In the last column, the frequency with which each artifact type
occurs in biological and artifactual male burials is compared with the total
number of adult burials that contain the type. This ratio is meaningless in
the case of points, flintknapper kits, bifacial blades, pipes, hematite, and ant-
ler cylinders because these artifact types were used to identify artifactual male
burials in the first place. For most of the remaining artifact types listed in
Table 9.1, the great majority of burials are biological or artifactual males. On
the basis of these figures, we can expand the list of male-associated artifact
types to include beaver incisors, iron tools, human remains, bacula, and stone
discoidals. These types are each represented in at least four burials. Bipointed
bone tools, tabular polishing stones, circular polishing stones, Busycon shell
cups, turkey tarsometatarsus awls, mask gorgets, bracket shell pins, gravy boat
bowls, cylindrical bone tools, and pottery jars may also be male grave goods,
but the lower frequency with which they occur increases the likelihood that
observed distributions are the result of chance.
Burials 19 and 124 can be added to the lists of artifactual males. The former
was interred with a single artifact, a piece of iron that may have been a knife
blade. Burial 124, a heavily disturbed burial that may have lost artifacts, con-
tained a gravy boat bowl, a Type III hammerstone that may be a remnant of an
FKK, and a stone celt. Finally, three looted burials, Burials 234, 267, and 269,
were interred with two or more male grave goods and can be identified as ar-
tifactual males as well.
Supporting evidence for many of these proposed associations can be found
in the mortuary patterns observed in other Southern Appalachian Mississip-
pian cultures. Pipes, bifacial blades, points, and discoidals are reported to have
strong male associations in Dallas and Mouse Creek phases (Hatch 1974:120–
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346 / Chapter 9
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Analysis of Burial Attribute Associations / 347
als would be male. Burial 101, the only definite shaft-and-chamber burial, is a
biological male. The other burial that may be of this type, Burial 106, cannot
be identified as to sex by means of osteological or artifactual evidence. Its loca-
tion in Structure 17, however, suggests that it is male as well.
There are very few data concerning differences in pit depth between adult
male and adult female burials. Only a small number of primary domestic
structure (PDS) subfloor burials can be sexed. Two female (Burials 149 and
211) and three male (Burials 150, 191, and 212) burials from structures with
preserved floors have average pit depths of 2.0 feet and 2.3 feet, respectively.
In Structure 15, which did not have an intact floor at the time of excavation,
pit depth for two male burials (Burials 81 and 92) averaged 1.8 feet and one
female burial (Burial 111) also had a pit depth of 1.8 feet. It appears from
this limited evidence that pit depth does not differ significantly between adult
male and female burials.
Body Position
With a few interesting exceptions, body position does not vary significantly
between the sexes. Males and females are equally likely to be flexed on their
back or side (Table 9.4). On the other hand, only males occur in the partially
flexed position, and females are more likely to be partially flexed with knees
tightly flexed. I am hesitant to make too much of these differences because
of the small number of burials involved and because I am not convinced that
King site inhabitants would have recognized partially flexed burials as a sepa-
rate category distinct from flexed burials. There is also a tendency for flexed
and semiflexed male burials to be laid on their right side more often than fe-
males (χ2 = 4.19, p < .05). Another tendency is for male flexed (including all
subtypes) burials to have longer pits (male = 5.0 feet, female = 4.6 feet, t =
1.81, p = .04).
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348 / Chapter 9
Cranial Deformation
The number of individuals who have been identified as having cranial de-
formation is quite small (Appendix C), but the sample does include adults of
both sexes. Of the seven individuals with fronto-occipital deformation, four
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Analysis of Burial Attribute Associations / 349
are male and one is female. Of the three individuals with frontal deforma-
tion, one is male and two are female. Working with a much larger sample of
burials from the Dallas component at Toqua, Parham (1987:483) found that
fronto-occipital deformation occurred with equal frequency among males and
Health Status Indicators
The incidence of enamel hypoplasias is approximately the same among males
and females. It was recorded in 25 male (59 percent) and 17 female (65 per-
cent) burials and was absent in 17 male and 8 female burials. Periostitis was
recorded in 5 male (13 percent) and 7 female (29 percent) burials and was
absent in 34 male and 17 female burials. The differences are not statistically
Burial Location
Adult males and females are equally likely to be interred within PDS as inside
burials (10 males, 6 females), within rectangular structures (RS) (3 males, 4 fe-
males), and in the habitation zone outside structures (28 males, 20 females).
Sex also seems to be unrelated to location within PDS (north, east, or west
side of structure), body orientation within PDS (flexed burials facing toward
or away from hearth), compass orientation of head, or combinations of these
variables. It is possible, of course, that some strong associations have been ob-
scured by the small size of samples.
Both sexes may have been interred in the plaza north of Structures 16 and
17, but we cannot be certain. Burials 34 and 40 are artifactual males. One adult
and two infants of indeterminate sex were accompanied by rattlesnake gorgets
and hence could be female. Burial 30 could be adult male or female.
Structure 17 presents a different picture. Of the 10 burials interred within
that structure, three are biological males and an additional two are artifactual
males. The remaining five burials had very poor bone preservation and were
unaccompanied by grave goods. One of the latter (Burial 109) was probably an
extended burial, indicating that it was male as well.
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350 / Chapter 9
Age Moros society in Central Europe. In this approach, the different age cate-
gories into which the burial population can be divided are viewed in succes-
sion as representing the “aging and life history of a single living cohort of in-
dividuals” (O’Shea 1996:276). I have used this general approach to interpret
age-related mortuary variability in the King site burial population, but rather
than working with age categories such as infant, young adult, and so on, I have
used the single-year composite age estimates provided by Williamson (Larsen
et al. 1994).
Differences in male and female mortuary treatment indicate that the two
sexes differed significantly in the types of social statuses available to them.
This means that we must investigate age-related variability separately for each
sex. Since the sex of subadults cannot be determined from osteological evi-
dence, however, we are faced with the problem of integrating the younger age
categories with those of the adult males and females. Body orientation was a
strong predictor of sex among the Maros, and as a result, O’Shea (1996) was
able to assign subadults to one sex or the other with a fair degree of reliability.
Unfortunately, there are no mortuary practices characteristic of the King site
population that will allow us to reliably identify the sex of subadults. With the
possible exception of rattlesnake and mask gorgets, all artifact types that oc-
cur with subadults appear to occur with adults of both sexes. Among adult
burials, the extended body position appears to be restricted to males, but as
noted in an earlier section, there is some evidence to suggest that both male
and female subadults were interred occasionally in this position. The best we
can do is assume that subadult males and females were given the same mor-
tuary treatment. Unfortunately this means we may miss some interesting con-
trasts between subadult males and females and between subadults and adults.
Both reliable and disturbed burials have been included in the analysis of
age/artifact associations, but multiple, intrusive, and looted burials, in which
artifacts cannot be assigned to a specific burial, are excluded. Forty-three adult
male burials can be assigned a specific age, but only 26 females can be. In ad-
dition, no artifact type occurs with any frequency among female burials. The
situation is better among males, where 14 artifact types occur with three or
more burials. As a result of these small numbers, however, we cannot be cer-
tain that the absence of a particular artifact type in a particular age/sex cate-
gory is not due to chance. The situation is little better with respect to pit form
and body position.
Pit Form
Analysis of the age distribution of pit form is hampered by the small number
of burials with pits deeper than .8 feet for which we have age estimates: 14
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Analysis of Burial Attribute Associations / 351
subadult burials, 25 adult male burials, and 14 adult female burials. Simple and
stepped pit forms are represented in approximately equal proportions in both
subadult (10:1) and adult male (14:5) and adult female (10:2) burials. Both
pit forms occur with adult males and females ranging in age between 19 and
45 years, indicating that they were employed throughout the adult lifespan of
both sexes. Presumably both forms were also used for subadults of all ages.
Pits with and without board covers are represented in approximately equal
proportions among subadults (2:16) and adult males (5:21), but no adult fe-
male burials had board covers. The four adult male burials with board covers
range in age between approximately 32 and 45 years, suggesting that only
older individuals were interred in this manner. Since board covers do occur
with subadults, however, it is probably safer to conclude that there were no age
restrictions on the use of this feature.
Age at death seems to have been a major factor in determining pit depth.
Table 9.5 compares pit depth for burials in those structures having at least one
adult and one subadult burial that were interred during structure occupancy
and have recorded pit depths. Structures that have lost their floors due to ero-
sion and plowing are included in the list because we can assume that the sub–
plow zone surface has been lowered uniformly across each structure’s enclosed
Within the same structure, average depth of burials that were 8 years or
older at death is between .1 and 1.0 foot greater than the average for burials
younger than 8 years at death. For structures with at least two burials in each
of these age groups, differences range between .6 and .8 feet. For the sample as
a whole, the difference in average depth is .73 feet (t = 2.49, p = .01).
Structures 2, 15, 23, and 25 were constructed in multiple stages. Since the
floors of later construction stages sometimes occur at slightly higher eleva-
tions than those of earlier stages, it is possible that some of the pit depth dif-
ferences between the two age groups are due to more subadult burials being
interred in later construction stages. Comparisons of age, pit depth, and con-
struction stage data, however, do not support this contention.
Unfortunately, there are not enough burials from PDS to allow us to deter-
mine whether all individuals under 8 years were interred at the same depth. In-
fants, for example, may have had even shallower pits than older children. This
would certainly account for the underrepresentation of infants in the King site
burial sample.
There also are no burials between the ages of 7 and 15 years in the sample.
As a result, it is not possible to say exactly when pit depth increases—it could
happen gradually, perhaps in response to increasing body size in older indi-
viduals, or it may occur suddenly at around 8 years of age. As we shall see in
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352 / Chapter 9
Chapter 10, the available evidence indicates that the change in pit depth oc-
curred around 8 years of age.
Body Position
The relationship between body position and age at death can be investigated
using all burials for which body position can be identified, regardless of pit
depth. The number of such burials that can be assigned an age, however, is still
fairly small: 38 adult males, 21 adult females, and 27 subadults.
All body positions represented with any frequency in the adult male burial
sample—extended, partially flexed, and flexed—are widely distributed across
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Analysis of Burial Attribute Associations / 353
the 15- to 45-year age range. The same observation can be made for the
two body positions—flexed and partially flexed with knees tightly flexed—
that occur with any frequency in the adult female burial sample. Four body
positions—tightly flexed, extended, partially flexed, and flexed—are repre-
sented in the subadult burial sample, and at least the latter two appear to be
used from infancy on. The partially flexed with knees tightly flexed position is
common enough among adults that we might expect to see it among subadults
as well if it was used for them.
The 10 inside burials in Structure 17 have been aged as follows: 45, 43, 34, 32,
>18, >18, 18, >15, >12, and indeterminate. Burial 106, identified as >12 years,
is represented only by one molar and two premolars. Wear on the molar indi-
cates the individual is an adult (Williamson, personal communication 2002).
Burial 106 pit length (4.7 feet) is also well beyond the range for subadult buri-
als (range 2.1–4.5 feet, average 3.3 feet). Burial 109 yielded no bone, but its pit
is 7.2 feet long, well above the average for subadults, even those in an extended
position. Given this evidence, we are probably safe in concluding that only
adults were interred in the structure.
The 11 burials in the plaza north of Structures 16 and 17 have the following
ages: 3, 3, 4, 4, 1–6, >14, <24, 22, 42, 45, and adult. This age distribution is com-
parable to the demographic profile for the site as a whole (Table 7.2). Age does
not appear to have been a factor in selection for interment in the plaza.
In the habitation zone, there are 73 subadult burials and 128 adult buri-
als. Each age group is equally distributed across the northern, eastern, and
southern sectors of the habitation zone. Subadults were equally likely to be in-
terred inside a PDS as outside (32:35). Adults were more commonly interred
outside PDS (29:95). The difference is significant (χ2 = 11.89, p = .003), but
may be biased somewhat by the fact that younger subadults were interred in
shallower pits than older individuals and therefore these burials were more
likely to be destroyed by plowing if located outside PDS. That there was a pref-
erence for interring subadults beneath the floors of PDS is supported by the
fact that young children (1–4 years) were the only individuals buried in PDS in
Mouse Creek phase sites (Sullivan 1987:23).
Artifact distributions within the King site burial sample allow us to iden-
tify four age-related changes in the kinds of grave goods that accompany buri-
als. One occurs between 2 and 4 years of age, one occurs at around 8 years
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354 / Chapter 9
of age, one occurs in the mid-teens, and one affects adult males as they grow
Subadults were interred with 16 different types of grave goods (see Chap-
ter 10). Most are items of personal adornment: shell beads, shell gorgets,
knobbed shell pins, wolf teeth, and cut bird-bone fans. Several artifact types—
dumbbell-shaped polishing stone, cobble anvil, spatulate celt–like artifact, tur-
key tarsometatarsus awl, and pottery vessel—probably were used as tools prior
to their placement in graves.
Items of personal adornment and pots seldom occur in the same subadult
burial; only four out of 24 reliable burials with either type of grave good have
both. The age ranges of reliable and disturbed burials with each type of grave
good overlap, but subadults with costume items are older on average than those
with pots (3.5 years vs. 2.5 years). Evidently pottery vessels were considered to
be appropriate grave goods for infants and young children and marine shell
and bone ornaments were considered more appropriate for older children. This
shift probably represents a formally recognized the rite of passage in the lives
of young subadults and will be discussed in greater detail in Chapter 10.
Forty-nine subadult burials can be assigned a specific age. Twenty-four
of these burials have grave goods. Figure 9.2 illustrates the age distribution
of all subadult burials and those with artifacts. The former is skewed toward
the lower end of the age range, with greatest mortality occurring during the
fourth and fifth years. High mortality at this age is a common phenomenon
among Mississippian farmers and may reflect the impact that weaning had on
nutritional status and disease resistance (Blakely 1988). The low frequency of
infant deaths is unexpected and, as discussed in Chapter 7, is probably due to
differential bone preservation conditions. The low frequency of deaths at the
other end of the subadult spectrum is not unexpected, as the second decade of
life is usually characterized by low mortality.
The distribution of burials with grave goods is even more restricted to the
lower end of the subadult age range. Most are younger than 4 years and none
are older than 7 years. Given the small sample size, the absence of grave goods
among older subadult burials may be due to chance. Nevertheless, with more
than 50 percent of reliable subadult burials having grave goods, we should
expect at least one or two of these older individuals to have grave goods.
Four of them are reliable burials, and the other two were not sufficiently dis-
turbed by plowing to result in artifact loss. We may infer from this that older
subadults—those over the approximate age of 7 years—were not interred with
grave goods.4
Adults were interred with 63 different artifact types. All but 12 of these
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Analysis of Burial Attribute Associations / 355
Figure 9.2. Age distribution of all subadult burials (right) and subadult burials with grave goods
occur exclusively with adult burials, the exceptions being pottery jar, pottery
bowl, vessel fragment, turkey tarsometatarsus awl, cut bird-bone fan, human
dentition, rattlesnake gorget, mask gorget, knobbed shell pin, Busycon bead,
Anadara bead, and Olivella bead.
Several artifact types that are common in adult male burials of all ages ap-
pear for the first time with individuals that are in their late teens. These in-
clude pipes, projectile points, bacula, antler cylinders, flintknapper kits, hema-
tite, and beaver incisors (Figure 9.3). The paucity of burials of individuals in
their early teens means that we cannot be certain these artifact types were not
interred with individuals younger than 15 years. Nevertheless, their absence
from all subadult burials indicates that a rather dramatic change in grave fur-
niture does occur sometime during the adolescent years. This change probably
marks a third rite of passage, one commonly associated with male puberty.
Unlike the situation for males, there is no real evidence that the transition
to adulthood was marked for females by changes in the use of grave goods.
The youngest biological females with grave goods are in their early twenties
(see Chapter 10). Six burials of unidentified sex are in their late teens, but only
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Figure 9.3. Age distribution of common grave good types among adult male burials.
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Analysis of Burial Attribute Associations / 357
Burial 120, approximately 17 years old and interred with knobbed shell pins
and marine shell beads, may be female. If there is a change in grave goods at
puberty, it cannot be detected because of the low incidence of artifacts among
female burials in general and the small number of burials in the 10- to 15-year
The ethnohistorical sources are largely silent concerning the existence of
puberty rites among Southeastern Indians. Swanton (1928a:360) states that
there is no evidence for any distinctive ritual attending the onset of a woman’s
first menstruation. Siouan tribes in the Carolina Piedmont had a male initia-
tion ritual, the huskanaw, but Swanton (1946:712) reports no male puberty
rituals for the Creek or Cherokee. Hawkins (Foster 2003:78s), however, de-
scribes a “Ceremony of initiating Youth into Manhood” for Creek males that
occurs between the fifteenth and seventeenth years, and Bell (1990:336) re-
ports that Creek boys were given war names at puberty and thereby trans-
formed from a female state into adult men.
Forty-one different types of grave goods were interred with adult males
that can be assigned an age. Most are represented in only one or two burials,
but nine types occur with four or more burials. In descending order of fre-
quency, they are points, flintknapper kits, large bifacial blades, marine shell
beads, antler cylinders, pipes, hematite, beaver incisors, and human remains.
Figure 9.3 shows the age distribution of these artifact types and of adult male
burials. The latter have a 5-year margin of error, but they nevertheless dem-
onstrate a fairly uniform distribution of deceased individuals across the adult
age range. Most of the more common types of grave goods have a fairly even
distribution as well, although there is a tendency for some to occur more fre-
quently in older burials. Apparently these artifact types were available to and
possessed by adult males of all ages. In contrast, a few artifact types—large bi-
facial blades, flintknapper kits, and to a lesser extent projectile points—are
more likely to be interred with older individuals in their middle to late thir-
ties and forties, with the average age of burials with blades (41.3 years vs. 28.6
years), FKK (36.5 years vs. 29.4 years), and points (32.4 years vs. 27.6 years) be-
ing considerably greater than that of adult male burials without these artifacts.
We may infer that these three artifact types represent social statuses that were
earned through personal effort and achievement and that the process usually
took many years. The question of adult male achieved status will be discussed
in greater detail in Chapter 11.
As noted earlier, only 5 out of 26 adult female burials were interred with
grave goods, and these were limited in variety to pottery bowls, rattlesnake
gorgets, knobbed shell pins, and marine shell beads. All of these types also
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358 / Chapter 9
occurred with subadults. Small sample size means that we cannot identify
any patterns in the age distribution of these grave goods. The occurrence of
knobbed shell pins in two burials aged approximately 22 and 47 years, how-
ever, indicates that this type of artifact at least was used by women throughout
their adult lives. The single gorget and single shell bead occurred with an indi-
vidual approximately 22 years old, while the single pottery bowl occurred with
an individual approximately 42 years old.
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Analysis of Burial Attribute Associations / 359
Simple and stepped burial pits generally have similar associations and spa-
tial distributions. They are equally common among adult males and females
and have similar depths and each is widely distributed across the habitation
zone and equally common inside and outside domestic structures. The only ex-
ception is that stepped pits are more common in Structure 17 than expected.
However, with a sample size of 12, three of which occur in Structure 17, we
cannot rule out sampling error as a factor.
In contrast, board burials appear to be associated exclusively with males,
are significantly deeper than non-board burials (2.2 feet vs. 1.2 feet, t = 2.7,
p = .003), and are unusually common (8 out of 12 examples) in Structure 17.
Unfortunately, sample sizes are too small to determine whether board covers
are more likely to occur with burials having high-status and exotic grave goods
or whether burials with such grave goods tend to have deeper pits. The greater
energy expended in digging deeper pits and the association with Structure 17,
however, do suggest that board covers may have been an indicator of higher
social standing in the community.
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360 / Chapter 9
All pit forms, except the uncommon shaft-and-chamber type, occur with
both flexed and extended burials in relatively equal numbers. The same ap-
pears to be true for the various types of flexed body positions, although num-
bers are very small. There appears, in short, to be no strong association be-
tween any type of body position and pit form.
The interrelationships between burial location and burial sex and age, pit form,
and burial position have been discussed above. Here we look primarily at how
location relates to pit form and grave good content.
Pit Form
Structure 17 is quite distinctive in having a high proportion of the more elabo-
rate burial pit forms. The ratio of stepped to simple pits is higher in the struc-
ture (3:5) than in the habitation zone (8:55). The difference in the ratio of
board to non-board burials in Structure 17 (8:2) and the habitation zone
(4:59) is even greater. In addition, both of the shaft-and-chamber burials in
the burial sample are located in Structure 17. Among the structure’s 10 burials,
each has a stepped pit (3), a board cover (8), a shaft-and-chamber pit (2), or a
combination of stepped pit and board cover (3).
Pit depth is slightly greater in Structure 17 burials than in subfloor burials
in PDS (2.17 vs. 2.09 feet), but the difference is not significant.
Unfortunately, erosion and plowing have impacted the plaza burials located
north of Structures 16 and 17 to the point that pit form is obscured in all but
two burials, Burials 32 and 39. Both have stepped pits.
The distribution of different types of grave goods across the site is affected
by variability in burial preservation resulting from plow disturbance and or-
ganic decay. Burials that have been impacted by plowing and erosion may have
lost some or all of their grave goods. Plow disturbance increases from north
to south and from east to west, and as a result, most grave goods tend to be
more common in the eastern and northeastern part of the site. As described in
Chapter 7, burials with skeletons showing little organic decay are more likely
to have bone and shell artifacts than those showing greater organic decay.
Structure 15, for example, has two subfloor burials containing bone tools and
shell beads and an average preservation rank of 3.75 for its four inside burials.
Structure 23, which has 12 subfloor burials and none with bone tools or shell
beads, has an average preservation rank of 1.5.
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Analysis of Burial Attribute Associations / 361
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362 / Chapter 9
seven burials with 20 or more points are in Structure 17, including Burial 105,
which has the greatest number (50).
Several artifact types that are common in the King site burial sample—iron
implements, pottery vessels, shell gorgets, knobbed shell pins, and marine shell
beads—are not represented in Structure 17. In the latter three cases, this may
be due to poor preservation conditions, as the average skeletal preservation
rank (2.00) for Structure 17 burials is quite low. Bone and shell grave goods do,
however, occur in three Structure 17 burials.
Preservation conditions may also have affected the distribution of burials
with grave goods within Structure 17. As described in Chapter 7, the average
bone preservation rank of the five burials with grave goods on the north side
of the structure is significantly higher than that for the five burials on the east
and south sides lacking grave goods. It is possible that any bone or shell grave
goods interred with the latter burials may have disappeared through decay.
The information available on the 11 burials located in the plaza north of
Structures 16 and 17, unfortunately, is rather poor in many respects. Skeletal
preservation (average rank = 2.4) was above average compared with the rest of
the site, but five of the burials (Burials 30, 31, 34, 35, and 40) were plow dam-
aged and may have lost skeletal elements as well as grave goods. Burial 40, in
fact, has lost most of its lower body and probably a number of artifacts. Field
records for Burials 37 and 38, furthermore, are so poor that it is not possible to
conclude more than that they were burials and that one may have intruded the
other. For these reasons, sex could be identified biologically in only one adult
burial, and body position was identifiable in only five cases.
The plaza group includes adults and subadults and probably adults of both
sexes. Nine of the 11 burials (82 percent) have grave goods compared with 54
of 127 (43 percent) reliable habitation zone burials. Twenty different artifact
types were interred with plaza burials. In addition to the more common arti-
fact types listed in Table 9.6, there were single occurrences of tabular polish-
ing stone, bird-bone tool, split bone tool, cylindrical bone tool, turtle shell,
and shell ear disc, and two occurrences of shell spoons. None of the more com-
mon artifact types listed in Table 9.6 occur exclusively in plaza burials. Sev-
eral, however, are relatively more common in the plaza than they are in the
habitation zone. The ratio between number of plaza burials and habitation
zone burials is approximately 1:21. Among the more common artifact types,
the ratio of plaza burials to habitation zone burials is 1:2 for shell gorgets, 1:3
for flintknapper kits, 1:6 for pottery vessels, 1:7 for pipes, and 1:8 for points.
None of these frequencies are high enough to permit statistical significance to
be determined, but in aggregate they suggest that at least some of the differ-
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Analysis of Burial Attribute Associations / 363
ences are real. Burial 30 contains the only instance of Marginella shell beads in
the burial sample.
Knobbed shell pins (seven burials), celts (five burials), and bacula (five buri-
als) are relatively common in habitation zone burials but are not represented in
the plaza group. Given their low frequencies in the burial sample, their absence
in plaza burials is probably due to sampling error.
Burial 194, located 37 feet south of the central post, is the only other burial
in the plaza. It is an adult of unidentified sex, placed in a flexed position on its
left side with head to the east. No grave goods accompanied the interment.
Two hundred twenty-eight burials are located in the habitation zone. Includ-
ing mixed and intrusive burials with poor artifact association, 91 of these have
artifacts. In the sample of reliable burials, which is not biased by plow distur-
bance or artifact mixing, 54 out of 127 burials (43 percent) have grave goods.
With some exceptions, habitation zone burials appear to have been treated
little differently from those interred in public places. Only three types of grave
goods are unrepresented in habitation zone burials: bird-bone tool, pulley-
shaped ear ornament, and Marginella shell beads. All of these occurred in a
single burial, Burial 30, located in the north plaza. In addition, as noted above,
pots, gorgets, and marine shell beads are not represented in Structure 17 buri-
als, and there is a tendency for certain artifact types to occur more frequently
in Structure 17 or plaza burials. Finally, there is the fact that a much higher
percentage of burials in the plaza have grave goods than burials in the habita-
tion zone.
With two exceptions, all types of grave goods appear to be interred with
the same relative frequency inside PDS and RS and outside. Pottery vessels
of all types occur almost exclusively with inside burials, while marine shell
beads occur almost exclusively in outside burials (Table 9.7). All three of the
pot burials identified as outside burials have somewhat ambiguous architec-
tural associations. Burial 74 is located in a heavily eroded area where posthole
evidence for the existence of RS is minimal; Burial 93 is located within Struc-
ture 15.1 but appears to predate the structure; and Burial 135 partially overlaps
RS 2. Both bead burials identified as inside burials are also ambiguous excep-
tions. Burial 92 was accompanied by a larger number and greater variety of ex-
otic and high-value grave goods than any other known burial at the site. The
shell beads in Burial 92 may have been part of a headdress, whereas the beads
in most other burials were probably strung as necklaces. Burial 235 is one of
only two burials out of 31 interments with beads and out of 25 with pots that
have both artifact types, the other being Burial 92.
Pottery vessels and marine shell beads clearly have a distinctive relationship
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364 / Chapter 9
as grave goods. They almost never occur together in the same burial, and they
have very different architectural associations. The tendency for them to occur
with subadults of different ages has been described earlier in this chapter. We
will come back to this relationship and what it may mean in terms of social or-
ganization and ideology in Chapter 10.
A cursory review of grave good distributions in the habitation zone sug-
gests that several artifact types such as iron, bifacial blades, flintknapper kits,
marine shell beads, and points are concentrated in the northern portion of the
site. Under more thorough examination, however, these patterns fail to hold
up. If the habitation zone is divided into northern, eastern, and southern sec-
tors by drawing a line between Structures 1 and 15 and between Structures 21
and 22, there are approximately 109 burials in the northern sector, 102 burials
in the eastern sector, and 36 burials in the southern sector. The small number
of burials in the latter sector, of course, is the result of greater erosion and plow
destruction. A tally of burials with grave goods demonstrates that several arti-
fact types, including those listed above, are indeed relatively more common in
the northern sector than in the other two sectors. In no case, however, are the
differences statistically significant.
Households vary considerably in the variety and quantity of grave goods
that occur in burials. Table 9.8 lists the number of burials with grave goods
for six households. In the case of Households 1, 2, 8, and 23, we can be fairly
certain that—with the exception of members who may have been interred in
Structure 17 or the plaza—most burials representing household members have
been identified. This is not the case for Households 14 and 15. These are lo-
cated at the northern edge of the site and may have additional unexcavated
structures and burials. In short, Table 9.8 may not list the full complement of
burials with grave goods belonging to these two households.
In general, the number of burials in a household varies with the number of
times the residence of the household’s founders was constructed (Table 9.8).
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Table 9.8. Continued
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Analysis of Burial Attribute Associations / 369
The preceding analysis has yielded evidence for a number of important rela-
tionships between mortuary variables. These can be summarized as follows:
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370 / Chapter 9
20. Burials with board covers tended to have deeper pits than those lacking
such covers.
21. Structure 17 burials were more likely to have flintknapper kits, blades,
pipes, and points than were burials in the habitation zone. They also
tended to have large numbers of points.
22. Structure 17 burials were not interred with pots or iron and probably not
with shell gorgets, marine shell beads, or knobbed shell pins.
23. North plaza burials were more likely to have grave goods than habitation
zone burials.
24. Several grave good types—shell gorgets, flintknapper kits, pottery vessels,
pipes, and points—were proportionately more common in plaza burials
than in habitation zone burials.
25. Pottery vessels and marine shell beads seldom occurred in the same burials.
26. Pottery vessels occurred almost exclusively as grave goods with inside
burials, while marine shell beads occurred almost exclusively in outside
27. Two of the three known bundle burials were outside burials associated
with Household 2.
28. Household 15 burials have a greater variety of grave goods and a higher
frequency of occurrence of grave good types than any other household.
29. Household 15 burials have more high-value grave goods—copper arrow
symbol badges, iron, blades, flintknapper kits, gravy boat bowls, Busycon
cups, pipes, and human remains—than any other household.
30. Household 15 burials have more points and more marine shell bead units
than any other household.
31. Households 8, 14, and 23 burials have few grave goods, few types of grave
goods, and few high-value artifact types.
1. In this and the following two chapters, I will make frequent reference to burial
patterns reported for Dallas and Mouse Creek phases to support or challenge relation-
ships observed in the Barnett phase King site burial sample. I think these comparisons
are appropriate and useful. Although there are some documented differences between
the three phases—for example, in the Mouse Creek phase, only infants are interred in-
side PDS and the extended burial position is numerically dominant, whereas shaft-
and-chamber burial pits are relatively common at the Dallas phase Toqua site—the
similarities in mortuary patterns and most other facets of material culture are over-
2. Individuals identified as male or female on the basis of osteological or DNA evi-
dence are referred to as “biological” males and “biological” females.
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Analysis of Burial Attribute Associations / 371
3. I prefer to use the term female warrior for this status, because we cannot be cer-
tain that it had precisely the same characteristics and meaning that the War Woman
status had for Cherokee in the late eighteenth century.
4. A similar situation may exist at the Coweeta Creek site, where Rodning (2004:
Figure 92) reports that 7 out of 21 child burials (<8 years) and 8 out of 17 young adult
burials (15–24 years) had grave goods, but only one out of six adolescent burials (8–14
years) had grave goods.
5. The identification of high-status and exotic artifact types—bifacial blades and
stone discoidals, for example—is discussed in Chapter 11.
6. Because Burial 81 intrudes Burials 82 and 83, it was not possible to assign five ar-
tifact types to it with certainty.
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Artifact Co-occurrences
Up to this point in the analysis of King site burials, we have looked only at
relationships between pairs of variables drawn from the dimensions of sex,
age, demography, health status, burial pit form, body position, grave location,
and grave goods. These comparisons have revealed a number of patterns in the
mortuary program, including contrasts between Structure 17, the north plaza,
and the habitation zone; the pervasiveness of differences between the sexes;
and changes in mortuary treatment related to age. Recognition of these pat-
terns helps to simplify the variability evident in the burial collection and pro-
vides a guide for further analysis.
In this chapter and the next, I expand the analysis to include more com-
plex, multivariate relationships between types of grave goods and between
grave goods and other mortuary practices. I will begin this task with a cluster
analysis of the grave goods accompanying all 141 reliable burials in the burial
sample. Characteristics such as pit form, body position, and site location are
not included in this analysis because of the difficulty involved in handling
them in a presence/absence format. Also, inclusion of these variables would se-
verely reduce the number of burials that can be used in the cluster analysis. Fol-
lowing this initial cluster analysis, I will consider artifact type co-occurrences
separately among each of three age/sex groups: subadults, adult females, and
adult males (the latter in Chapter 11). Mortuary practices such as pit form,
body position, and grave location will be reintroduced into the analysis of
each age/sex group where appropriate.
Very few types of grave goods were interred with adult females, and those
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Artifact Co-occurrences / 373
that were occur in only one or two different burials. Subadult burials have
a greater variety of grave goods and a greater proportion of subadults were
interred with artifacts. Nevertheless, most subadult burials with grave goods
have only one or two types. Because of these characteristics, the analysis of
adult female and subadult grave goods is not complex, and it is relatively easy
to identify and make sense of patterns in artifact co-occurrences.
The picture is quite different for adult males. There is a great variety of
grave goods; most burials have grave goods; and many have several different
types. This makes for a much more complex analysis. Adult male grave goods
thus will be subjected to both multivariate and bivariate analyses. Patterns of
artifact co-occurrence that are identified will then be related to other mortu-
ary practices and ultimately to artifact function and meaning as they can be
inferred from ethnographic and archaeological evidence.
My goal in this and the following chapter is to identify types of grave goods
that frequently occur together or that seldom or never occur together and to
explain such patterns. To do this, I have had to make several assumptions con-
cerning the nature of burial ceremonialism and develop a number of descrip-
tive terms and conventions. We need to consider these before proceeding.
The frequency with which two artifact types or other kinds of mortuary
practices co-occur in a burial sample can vary between 0 and 100 percent but
will usually fall somewhere between these two extremes. Artifact types that
frequently co-occur in burials can be said to be associated. Depending upon
the frequency of their co-occurrence, we can say that two artifact types or
other practices have a weak or strong association. The latter designation will
be used for artifact types that have a co-occurrence rate greater than 50 per-
cent. We can also distinguish between positive and negative associations, de-
pending upon whether two artifact types frequently occur together or seldom
if ever occur together. If the proportion of two artifact types that co-occur is
approximately the same for each (9 out of 10 examples of A occur with B, and
9 out of 11 examples of B occur with A) we can say that they have a mutual
or two-sided association. If these proportions or strengths of association are
quite different for each artifact type (9 out of 10 examples of A occur with B,
but only 9 out of 20 examples of B occur with A), we can speak of an unequal
or one-sided association.
Strong associations between artifact types or other mortuary practices im-
ply that some sort of causal relationship exists between the factors causing
each to be present in a burial. If we assume that a deceased individual receives
primarily those grave goods that are appropriate to the social identities he or
she has acquired during his or her lifetime—an assumption that is supported
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374 / Chapter 10
by the analysis—then these causal relationships must exist between the social
identities themselves. What might these causal relationships look like? A 100-
percent mutual association between two artifact types would occur if two or
more social identities are always acquired at the same time (for example, iden-
tities as an adult female and a marriageable female following first menstrua-
tion) or a social identity is marked in two or more ways (for example, the tran-
sition to male adulthood marked by circumcision and acquisition of a new
name). Two artifact types will never occur together in the same burials if the
social identities they represent are mutually exclusive (for example, member-
ship in one matrilineal clan automatically excludes membership in any other
In the more common cases, where associations are relatively strong but not
100 percent, the causal relationship between social identities will be more
indirect. Among historic Plains Indians, for example, older males who had
achieved prominence as warriors were more likely to gain important civil of-
fices than were those males who had lackluster warrior records. The latter sta-
tuses were awarded to those individuals who had already demonstrated their
abilities (and the assistance of guardian spirits) in warfare.
Unequal associations between grave good types and among other kinds of
mortuary practices are common in most societies. There are several kinds of
factors that may cause them to occur:
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Artifact Co-occurrences / 375
When we review these different scenarios, it becomes clear that there are
probably relatively few cases in which two social statuses occur completely in-
dependently of each other. It follows that there are probably few cases in which
any two mortuary practices are not causally related in some fashion and to
some degree.
Cluster Analysis
Artifacts represented in the reliable burial sample were analyzed using Ward’s
hierarchical agglomerative clustering procedure with a Euclidean distance mea-
sure. Two different kinds of analysis were run, one with presence/absence data
and one with artifact counts. The former produced clusters that for the most
part are readily interpretable. The only problem, and it is minor, is that the large
number of burials lacking artifacts tend to affect how burials with only one or
two uncommon artifact types are clustered. These latter tend to be grouped
with burials lacking artifacts at a relatively low level of fusion. In order to de-
termine what impact this distortion had on the overall results of the cluster
analysis, a separate analysis was performed using only burials with artifacts.
The results of this differed very little from the analysis of the full sample.
The cluster analysis using artifact counts yielded results that were quite
different and for the most part unsatisfactory. Two artifact types, points and
Busycon beads, occur with frequencies ranging as high as 50 and 224 items, re-
spectively. Quantity of points and Busycon beads tended to dominate the fu-
sion process, breaking apart artifact clusters that were formed at low and inter-
mediate levels in the presence/absence analyses and assigning their parts to
clusters formed on the basis of point and bead frequency. Most affected were
burials with a variety of high-status artifacts. Burials 92, 117, and 118, for ex-
ample, were linked to burials with large numbers of Busycon beads and little
else, while Burials 15 and 102 were linked to burials having low numbers of
points and little else.
While variability in number of Busycon beads and points probably does re-
late to differences in the social persona of interred individuals, it does not seem
reasonable that such differences were socially significant enough to override
close associations between artifacts such as blades, flintknapper kits (FKK),
hematite, clay pipes, and points. In light of these divergences, only the results
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376 / Chapter 10
of the cluster analysis based on presence/absence data will be described and in-
Once it became clear that a presence/absence approach was better, I experi-
mented with different ways of handling certain artifact types. Cluster analyses
were run with all marine shell beads making up a single class and with bead
types defined by mollusc species. Stone and clay pipes were assigned to differ-
ent types or lumped together in a single pipe category. Pottery bowls and jars
were handled as different types or lumped into a single pot class. The asym-
metrical blade from Burial 49 was handled as a distinct artifact type or merged
into the blade category. The best results, in terms of ease of interpretation,
were obtained with classes that distinguished different mollusc species, differ-
ent pipe materials, and different vessel forms and with inclusion of the asym-
metrical blade in the bifacial blade category.
The resulting cluster analysis is illustrated in Figure 10.1. A 16-cluster so-
lution has been selected as containing the optimum number of clusters based
in part on the large increase in error-sum-of-squares that characterizes fusions
above this level and in part on the internal logic of the resulting clusters. The
contents of these clusters are listed in Table 10.1.
Cluster 1 includes only Burial 92. Seventeen different artifact types are pres-
ent in the burial. Six of these—point, antler cylinder, blade, FKK, baculum,
and human remains—are shared with Cluster 2 and nine—FKK, blade, point,
hematite, baculum, beaver incisor, Busycon bead, iron, human remains—are
shared with Cluster 3.
Cluster 2 contains nine burials and six artifact types. Points are the defining
criterion, occurring in all burials. Antler cylinders occur in three burials, but
the other five types occur in only one burial.
Cluster 3 contains seven burials and 17 artifact types (Table 10.2). Flint-
knapping kits and points are the defining artifact types. All burials have either
one or the other and six have both. The cluster forms at a relatively low level of
fusion from two clusters, one of which has four burials with FKK, points, and
blades, and the other of which has three burials with hematite.
Cluster 4 contains 12 burials and 10 artifact types (Table 10.3). Busycon
beads and Olivella shell beads are the defining artifact types. The cluster is
formed from two clusters having predominantly Olivella beads in one case
and Busycon beads in the other. The majority of artifact types are marine shell
ornaments—either beads or gorgets. Burial 63, with Busycon beads and four
animal bone artifacts not present in the other burials, is the most divergent in
the cluster.
Cluster 5 contains four burials and two artifact types, both marine shell or-
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Figure 10.1. Ward’s hierarchical agglomerative clustering analysis of 141 reliable burials.
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380 / Chapter 10
naments. Knobbed shell pins occur in all burials and, except for one Busycon
bead, are the only artifact type present.
Cluster 6 contains three burials and three artifact types. Mask gorgets oc-
cur in all burials. Only two other artifact types are present, both in the same
Cluster 7 contains two burials and four artifact types. Circular polishing
stones are the defining artifact type.
Cluster 8 contains two burials (Burials 193 and 80) and two artifact types.
Pot fragments are the defining artifact type.
Cluster 9 contains a single burial (Burial 84) with two artifact types: FKK
and stone pipe. If clay and stone pipes are collapsed into a single “pipe” cate-
gory, Burials 103 and 118 are removed from Cluster 3 and merged with this
Cluster 10 contains a single burial (Burial 10) with only one artifact type,
turkey tarsometatarsus awl.
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382 / Chapter 10
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Artifact Co-occurrences / 383
The remaining 10 clusters with grave goods have no artifact types in com-
mon except Busycon beads, which occur in Clusters 4 and 5. The merger of
these 10 clusters in the cluster analysis apparently is based on variability in
number of artifact types rather than variability in artifact types. Clusters
10, 12, and 13, each with a single artifact type, are the first to merge with
Cluster 11, which has 80 burials and no grave goods. Clusters 14, 9, and 8, with
two artifact types each, are next to merge with Cluster 10/11/12/13, followed
by Clusters 6 and 7, which have three and four artifact types, respectively.
They are followed by Cluster 5, which has only two artifact types but contains
more burials, and finally Cluster 4 with 10 artifact types.
Cluster 1/2/3 merges with the other 13 clusters at only the highest level of
fusion. Artifact classes held in common include iron, flintknapper kit, clay
pipe, columella pin, bipointed bone tool, mask gorget, turkey tarsometatar-
sus awl, bear bone, and Busycon beads. With the exception of Busycon beads
and knobbed shell pins, however, these artifact types are relatively common
in one cluster group but are represented by only one specimen in the other
cluster group. FKK, for example, are common in Cluster 1/2/3 but occur in
only one burial in Cluster 4–16. In other words, Clusters 1, 2, and 3, character-
ized by an abundance of burials with points, FKK, blades, beaver incisors, he-
matite, antler cylinders, and bacula are quite distinct from those dominated
by shell beads, gorgets, jars, bowls, shell spoons, celts, and circular polishing
Approximately two dozen burials with artifacts were not included in the
cluster analysis because they have been disturbed and may have lost grave
goods as a result. Almost all of them can be readily accommodated by the
cluster analysis on the basis of the artifacts they contained at the time of ex-
cavation. Eleven burials contain many of the more common artifact types in
Clusters 1, 2, and 3 (Table 10.4). All 11 appear to resemble Cluster 3 most
closely. Burial 223, the female warrior, is very similar to Clusters 1 and 3. She
differs from them primarily in not having iron, craft items such as FKK and
beaver incisors, or items of a more ceremonial nature such as stone discoidals
and pipes. Burial 30, of unidentified sex, most closely fits Clusters 1 and 3 as
well but differs from both in having a variety of bone tools and three unique
or uncommon artifact types: pottery ear spools, turtle shells, and Marginella
Three disturbed burials (Burials 160, 163, and 224) have Busycon beads and
little else and thus conform to Cluster 4. Four burials (Burials 5, 31, 35, and 36)
have rattlesnake gorgets and little else and can be included in either Cluster 4
or 15. Burial 64 has a mask gorget and Busycon beads and can be included in
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384 / Chapter 10
Cluster 6. Burials 149 and 175 can also be included in Cluster 6 because they
have pottery bowls and little else.
Only four disturbed burials fail to conform to any one cluster or combined
elements of multiple clusters. Burial 124 was very heavily disturbed and prob-
ably lost several artifacts. It has a gravy boat bowl, a Type III hammerstone,
which may be part of an FKK, and a celt. Except for the celt, its known con-
tents fit into Cluster 1. Burial 93, with points, a jar, and a vessel fragment, is
difficult to assign because of the latter artifact type. Burial 76, with two deer
ulna awls and an abrader, is the only burial in the King site collection with deer
ulna awls. Burial 85 is unique in combining elements of Clusters 3 (bifacial
blade) and 4 (Anadara bead). It has also been very heavily plow disturbed and
is very likely to have lost artifacts.
Several of the larger clusters have strong sex and/or age associations. Six of
the nine burials in Cluster 2 are adult biological males. All of the artifact types
represented in this cluster have strong male associations. Three of the seven
burials in Cluster 3 are also adult biological males. The cluster-defining arti-
fact types, FKK, point, and blade, as well as several less common artifact types,
have strong male associations.
Cluster 4 is the only cluster that is known to include subadults and both
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Artifact Co-occurrences / 385
adult males and adult females. Marine shell beads of one species or another are
the defining artifact types for the cluster. As costume items, we might expect
shell beads to be used by a wide cross section of the community.
Cluster 11 contains 48 adults and 25 subadults, a proportion similar to the
burial sample from the site as a whole. The ratio of biological females to males
(15:9), however, is considerably higher than for the burial sample as a whole
(31:37) and is due at least in part to the fact that male burials are much more
likely to have grave goods than female burials.
Six of the seven burials in Cluster 15 are subadults, and one is an adult bio-
logical female. It is possible that all burials were females. Six of the eight burials
in Cluster 16 are subadults, and two are adults of unidentified sex. Given that
one of three reliable and disturbed adult burials with jars is an artifactual male
and none are female, it is possible that all burials in Cluster 16 are males. This
would make an interesting contrast with Cluster 15. Unfortunately, a strong
case cannot be made for the sex association of either cluster.
The small number of burials in all clusters except Cluster 11 means that
patterns in the spatial location of cluster burials are difficult to identify and
cannot be tested statistically. Nevertheless, the following generalizations are
worth noting:
Sample sizes are too small to allow recognition of any associations between
clusters and pit form or body position. Simple and stepped pits, board covers,
and the more common burial positions (flexed, partially flexed, and extended)
are all represented in most burial clusters that contain three or more burials.
Summary of Cluster Analysis Results
Cluster analysis has provided a number of insights into the nature of grave
good associations among King site burials. Some are new, but most were first
observed in the bivariate analyses described in Chapter 9.
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386 / Chapter 10
1. Most burials have either no grave goods or only one or two artifact types.
2. Clusters 1 and 3 are distinctive in having large numbers of artifact types.
3. The grave goods in Clusters 1, 2, and 3 seldom occur with artifact types
characteristic of other clusters.
4. Marine shell beads, knobbed shell pins, shell gorgets, jars, and bowls usu-
ally occur alone or with only one or two other artifact types.
5. Jars and bowls seldom occur together in the same burial.
6. Pottery vessels seldom occur with marine shell beads and gorgets in the
same burial.
7. Adult biological male burials occur in eight different clusters: Clusters 1,
2, 3, 4, 7, 9, 12, and 13. Except for Cluster 4, all burials in these clusters are
biological or artifactual males.
8. Adult biological female burials occur in four different clusters. Clusters 4
and 5 are dominated by marine shell costume items, while pottery bowls
are the defining criteria for Cluster 15. The largest number of female buri-
als is in Cluster 11, which is defined by a lack of nonperishable grave
9. Cluster 4 is the only one to contain adult males, adult females, and sub-
10. Marine shell beads, shell gorgets, and pottery jars and bowls are more
likely to be interred with subadults than with adults.
11. Structure 17 burials are limited to two clusters (Clusters 2 and 3) with ar-
tifacts and one (Cluster 11) without artifacts. The former contain only
adult biological and artifactual male burials.
12. Only four burials in the north plaza were undisturbed. They are assigned
to four clusters (Clusters 3, 6, 15, and 16), three of which contain mask
gorgets, rattlesnake gorgets, bowls, jars, and shell spoons and are domi-
nated by subadults.
It is evident from the bivariate analyses in Chapter 9 and the preceding cluster
analysis that sex is a major factor in the mortuary treatment of King site buri-
als. Adult males and females share very few types of grave goods and also differ
to some extent in grave location, pit form, and body positioning. Adults and
subadults also differ with respect to burial furniture. Adult males are interred
with a very distinct set of artifacts, and adult females differ from subadults in
the paucity of grave goods they have. Given the number and variety of these
differences, it makes sense to turn our attention to a consideration of the mor-
tuary variability within each sex/age category—adult male, adult female, sub-
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Artifact Co-occurrences / 387
adult. By removing sex and to some extent age as variables, we simplify the task
of identifying other dimensions of mortuary variability. Once we have iden-
tified those variables that are important within each sex/age category, the task
of identifying variables that crosscut age and/or sex should be easier.
Adult Females
The adult female category is a good place to start because mortuary variability
is quite limited in this group. Nineteen reliable burials have been identified as
adult females on osteological evidence. Grave goods can be identified with cer-
tainty in only three of these (Table 10.5). A fourth reliable burial (Burial 138)
may have been interred with a bear mandible, but the evidence is equivocal.
The burial pit is 2.16 feet deep, but the mandible is located only .46 feet below
the base of plow zone in what looks like a separate pit that partially overlaps
one wall of the burial pit.
Seven additional adult female burials have been disturbed or are mixed.
Only three have grave goods (Table 10.5). Burials 83 and 149 are mixed burials,
but each was definitely accompanied by one artifact: a knobbed shell pin in the
former and a pottery bowl in the latter. Burial 223 was only lightly impacted by
plowing and is unlikely to have lost any grave goods.
Fifty-eight adult burials cannot be identified as male or female on osteo-
logical evidence. We can assume that approximately half of these individuals
were female. Can they tell us anything about the kinds of grave goods that
were interred with adult females? Before we can answer this, we need to iden-
tify those burials that are more likely to be male. These include Burials 11, 168,
and 192, which were interred in an extended position; Burial 188, which had a
mask gorget; and Burial 215, which had a celt.
This leaves nine burials with grave goods that could be female. Burials 140,
143, and 144 are mixed burials and have unreliable artifact associations. The
others have the following types of grave goods:
Of these artifact types, only the jar, sandstone abrader, shell spoon, and ulna
awl represent potential additions to the sparse inventory of grave goods listed in
Table 10.5. Three of them—jar, sandstone abrader, and shell spoon—however,
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Artifact Co-occurrences / 389
have been found also in adult male burials, raising the possibility that Burials
39 and 76 are males. Regardless of how many of the 58 unsexed adult burials
are actually female, these burials reinforce the impression that nonperishable
grave goods are, for the most part, very uncommon and of limited variety in
adult female burials.
Seventy-three percent of reliable adult male burials and 52 percent of sub-
adult burials have grave goods. In contrast, only 21 percent of adult females
were interred with nonperishable grave goods. Adult female burials also dif-
fer from adult males and subadults in having a smaller variety of grave goods:
four or five types (excluding Burial 223) compared with 36 and 16, respec-
tively. The number of adult female burials interred with each of the four arti-
fact types, furthermore, is almost always lower than it is for adult male or sub-
adult burials (Table 10.6).
The evidence is consistent in indicating that grave goods were not an im-
portant part of adult female mortuary practices. It is possible, of course, that
adult females were interred with an abundance and variety of perishable grave
goods, including fur, fabric, and feather costume items and wooden, vegetable
fiber, and skin containers and tools. Unfortunately, we will never know how
common such items were.
Burial 223 contrasts sharply with the other female burials in quantity and
variety of grave goods and in the fact that she has no types in common with
them (Table 10.5). The burial contains six different types of artifacts, four
of which are usually interred with adult males. The other two artifact types,
turtle shell and bracket type pin, are so rare in the King site burial collection
that we cannot say much about them other than they are not known to occur
with female burials.
Most of the distinctive artifactual characteristics of Burial 223 can be ac-
counted for by identifying her as having a status roughly equivalent to that
of the eighteenth-century Cherokee “War Woman.” The argument support-
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390 / Chapter 10
ing this identification was made in Chapter 9 and does not need to be repeated
here. To the extent that this interpretation is correct and the status was fairly
widespread among late prehistoric/early historic Southern Appalachian socie-
ties, we might expect to find other examples of it in the published literature.
Among the hundreds of burials reported from Dallas and Mouse Creek phase
sites in Tennessee, no females are known to have been interred with large bi-
facial blades (Lewis and Kneberg Lewis 1995; Polhemus 1987; Sullivan 1986).
Four adult females with multiple points are known, however, from Dallas
phase components at the type site (40HA1) and at the Sale Creek site (40HA10)
(Lewis and Kneberg Lewis 1995:Tables 23.5 and 26.2). Thomas (1996) reports
an adult female burial from the Porter site (31WK6) in the western piedmont
of North Carolina that was interred with 32 points, two spatulate celts, an
FKK, red ocher, shell beads, a shell gorget, and turtle shell. Each of these five
burials may have had the status of female warrior, but we should have DNA
confirmation of sex before concluding that to be the case.
In light of the paucity of nonperishable grave goods, it may be informa-
tive to consider what kinds of artifacts were not usually interred with adult fe-
males. Except for pottery vessels and the possibility of deer ulna awls and sand-
stone abraders, tools and implements were not placed in adult female burials.
We may infer from this that there was little or no interest in marking wom-
en’s gender roles or craft skills with the tools and implements they used. Pot-
tery vessels may have marked individuals known for their potting skills, but
this seems unlikely. The vessels in Burials 74 and 149 are not especially fancy
or well made. The common placement of pots in subadult burials, further-
more, suggests that craft skill is not what was being indicated by this type of
grave good.
Except for Burial 223, adult females were interred with no grave goods other
than marine shell ornaments that can be reasonably identified as markers of
high status. Material wealth was one component of high status in the King site
community, and marine shell beads were one of the major forms of material
wealth (see Chapter 11). Among reliable adult female burials, there is only one
Busycon bead, and it is worth three bead units. This compares with four reli-
able adult male burials with an average of 67 beads and 190 bead units and six
reliable subadult burials with an average of 27 beads and 153 bead units. As
measured by marine shell beads, adult females were interred with very little
Sullivan (2001, 2006) reports that the number of female burials with grave
goods at the Dallas phase Toqua and Dallas sites increases with age through the
fourth decade and that elderly women on average were interred with a greater
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Artifact Co-occurrences / 391
number of artifacts than males of comparable age. This demonstrates, she ar-
gues, that women were able to achieve high social standing in their commu-
nity as they got older, a process that is documented ethnographically in his-
toric Cherokee society and recognized in the status of “Beloved Woman.” The
adult female burials from King do not seem to conform to this pattern. Few
women were interred with grave goods, and those who were had a very small
number and variety. Reliable female burials 40 years and older in the King
sample, furthermore, average only .22 artifacts, while male burials of similar
age average in excess of 20. The near absence of female burials in the 30- to
40-year age bracket may be contributing to the low incidence of grave goods
among adult female burials at King, but the fact that only two of nine female
burials 40 years and older have grave goods suggests this is not the case. Unlike
in the Dallas phase, there is no evidence that females in the King site commu-
nity were achieving higher social status as they aged.
As noted in an earlier section, adult females appear to have been interred
in the same kinds of pits as adult males, with the exception that board cov-
ers may be restricted to males. Adult female body positions are also similar
to those seen in adult males except that the extended position is probably re-
stricted to males. There is also a tendency for adult female flexed burials to be
laid on their left side more than males. Burial 166 is a bundle burial, but the
other examples of this position (Burials 113 and 260) are unsexed and could
be males. Burial 246 is unusual in that she is the only example of a prone burial
at the site and she had been rather severely abused prior to or at the time of
death. Hill (1994) reports that the left humerus “showed a crushing injury”
and the left ulna and radius had midshaft breaks resembling “parry fractures.”
In addition, the pit holding Burial 246 contained an unusually large amount
of bone, shell, stone, and pottery fragments, suggesting that refuse had been
thrown on top of the corpse. This is the only burial at the site known to have
received such treatment.
Adult female burials were found in every recognized household on the site
and in numbers that correspond with the temporal duration of the house-
hold. They also occur beneath the floors of primary domestic structures (PDS)
(19 percent) and rectangular structures (RS) (12 percent) and outside (69 per-
cent) these structures with the same relative frequency as adult males. There
are no known adult female burials in Structure 17, but Burials 30 and 36, lo-
cated in the north plaza, could be female.
In summary, adult female burials are seldom interred with nonperishable
grave goods, and those that are have, in aggregate, a very limited number and
variety of artifacts. Adult females may have had numerous grave goods made
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392 / Chapter 10
of perishable materials, and some may have been more richly endowed than
others, but there is no evidence for this. It is possible that the infrequency of
nonperishable grave goods is due in part to the small number of female buri-
als in the 30- to 39-year age range. I see no reason, however, why this should
be a factor, given the paucity of grave goods interred with females who died in
their forties. With the exception of Burial 223, the female warrior, social sta-
tus differences among adult females are not given much recognition with grave
goods. There is no evidence that adult females, unlike adult males, accumu-
lated more grave goods and possibly more status positions as they got older.
Subadult Burials
Seventy-eight burials are subadults. Fifty-one of these are reliable burials,
while the remaining 27 have been disturbed by plowing, intrusive burials, or
looting. Twenty-seven reliable burials and six disturbed burials have grave
goods (Table 10.7). As noted in the previous section, subadult burials are about
as likely to have grave goods as adult male burials and much more likely to
have them than adult female burials.
Sixteen different artifact types occur with reliable subadult burials. Dis-
turbed burials yielded many of the same types but no additional ones. The va-
riety of grave goods occurring with reliable burials is much less among sub-
adults than among adult males (36 types) but considerably greater than among
adult females (four or five types).
Subadult grave goods fall into two broad categories based on frequency of
occurrence: those occurring in several burials and those found in only one
burial. The former include pottery bowls and jars, partial vessels, shell spoons,
marine shell beads, and shell gorgets. Single-burial artifacts include a possible
spatulate celt, a large river cobble used as an anvil possibly in flintknapping,
a dumbbell-shaped polishing stone, a turkey tarsometatarsus awl, two bird-
bone fans, a knobbed shell pin, and a half dozen or so wolf teeth that appear
to have been strung as a bracelet. Most of these latter artifact types are un-
common in the King site burial sample as a whole. The possible spatulate celt,
cobble anvil, dumbbell-shaped polishing stone, and wolf dentition are, in fact,
unique specimens. The awl is broken at the proximal end and was not recog-
nized at the time of burial excavation as a result of wet soil conditions and
poor skeletal preservation. Given these circumstances, we cannot rule out the
possibility that it was an accidental inclusion in pit fill rather than an inten-
tional grave good.
Grave goods occurring with subadults also can be divided into two groups
according to function. The possible spatulate celt, dumbbell-shaped polishing
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Continued on the next page
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Table 10.7. Continued
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Artifact Co-occurrences / 395
stone, cobble anvil, turkey tarsometatarsus awl, shell spoons, and pottery bowls
and jars were all manufactured or in the process of being manufactured for use
as tools or weapons. Even the vessel fragments may have served as scoops, pot
lids, or cooking utensils (Hally 1983). The shell gorgets, shell beads, knobbed
shell pins, bird-bone fans, and wolf teeth, on the other hand, are all items of
personal adornment.
With the exception of the infant (age .75 years) with the cut bird-bone fan
in Burial 237, the individuals interred with items of personal adornment ranged
in age between approximately 2 and 6 years and were presumably old enough
to have actually worn them—at least on certain occasions. The burials contain-
ing the polishing stone and anvil (Burials 20 and 205) cannot be assigned a
specific age. The spatulate celt–like artifact and the bone awl occur with indi-
viduals who may have been old enough (approximately 7 years) to have actu-
ally used them. The eight pot burials with identifiable age, on the other hand,
range between approximately .75 and 4 years. These individuals, presumably,
were not old enough to actually use the vessels as tools. This suggests that pots
were placed in subadult burials because of their symbolic value and not be-
cause they were the personal possessions of the deceased or used by them.
Pottery jars and bowls were interred with both subadults and adults but
more commonly with the former. Fourteen reliable and disturbed subadult
burials contain either bowls or jars, while only five adult burials contain them.
Burial 92 is not included in the latter number because it has a gravy boat bowl,
which was used for ritual purposes only.
Among subadults, pottery jars and bowls appear to have been used as grave
goods only for younger children. Eight reliable and disturbed subadult burials
between 1 and 4 years of age (average age = 2.5 years) have pottery vessels, but
none of the 25 older subadults that can be assigned an age have them.
Bowls and jars occur with about equal frequency among subadults but
tend not to occur together in the same burial. Six reliable and one disturbed
burial were accompanied by pottery bowls, while seven different burials had
jars. Adults show this same pattern. Burial 33, a subadult accompanied by two
bowls and a jar, was the only individual of any age to be interred with both ves-
sel forms. It also was one of only two burials in the collection to be interred
with more than one vessel, the other being Burial 20, a subadult with two jars.
Thirteen of 14 reliable and disturbed subadult burials with pots are inside
burials. The exception, Burial 33, is located in the plaza. Adult burials do not
show this same association. Among the five reliable and disturbed adult burials
with bowls or jars, one is inside, two are located outside PDS and RS, and one
is located in the plaza.
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396 / Chapter 10
Reliable and disturbed subadult burials with pots are associated with House-
holds 1, 2, 8, 23, 25, 26, and 30. These households are found throughout the
eastern sector of the habitation zone as well as in the northern and southern
sectors. Household 23 has the most subadult pot burials with four, followed by
Household 1 with three. The high incidence of pottery vessels in Household 23
burials is noteworthy in light of the fact that marine shell artifacts are absent
from all but one of the household’s 11 reliable subadult burials.
Mussel shell spoons occur in pots associated with three reliable subadult
burials. Decay may have destroyed shell spoons in other burials. The fact that
they are known to occur only inside pottery vessels suggests that their function
was intimately tied to that of pot use.
Pot fragments occurred in three burials. Burial 33 is located in the plaza;
Burials 80 and 193 are inside interments, like pot burials. The three burials
all fall within the age range of pot burials, but their average age (3.33 years) is
Eight reliable and four disturbed subadult burials contained marine shell
beads, including Busycon, Anadara, and Olivella varieties. The presence or ab-
sence of marine shell beads is probably affected to some degree by preservation
conditions in burial pits. The mean bone preservation rank of the eight reliable
burials with beads is 2.62, significantly higher than the 1.68 mean for the 43 re-
liable subadult burials lacking beads. Only one of the former had a bone pres-
ervation rank below 2.0, suggesting that some burials lacking beads may have
lost them through decay.
Six reliable and four disturbed subadult burials had Busycon beads. Bead
frequencies range between 5 and 224, with most burials having more than a
dozen beads. In all 10 burials, beads were found in the head/neck area, indicat-
ing that they were strung as necklaces.
Two reliable burials contained Anadara beads and four contained Olivella
beads. These bead types each occurred in two burials with Busycon beads but
not with each other. No burial had more than two Olivella or Anadara beads.
The location of these bead types was seldom specified on burial forms, pre-
sumably because they were not distinguished from Busycon beads in the field.
The single Olivella bead in Burial 158, however, was located near the distal end
of the right ulna and was probably not part of a necklace.
Busycon beads occur with approximately the same number of reliable and
disturbed adult burials (11) as subadult burials. A small number of adult buri-
als also have Anadara and Olivella beads, but Marginella and Noetia beads are
found only with adults. The latter are so rare (one burial each), however, that
we cannot be certain that their presence only among adults is not due to sam-
pling error.
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Artifact Co-occurrences / 397
Among subadult burials that can be aged, marine shell beads appear to have
been used as grave goods only for older children. Eight reliable and disturbed
burials between 3 and 6 years of age (average age = 3.9 years) have beads.
Subadult burials with shell beads have a strong tendency to be located out-
side domestic structures. Among reliable and disturbed burials with beads,
nine are located outside, one (Burial 235) is inside, one (Burial 31) is in the
plaza, and one cannot be identified as inside or outside with certainty. Burial
235, the exception, is also the only subadult to be interred with both shell beads
and a pot. The distribution of reliable and disturbed adult burials with shell
beads is also lopsided, with 12 outside burials and one inside burial (Burial 92).
Burials with beads are somewhat difficult to associate with specific house-
holds because of their tendency to be located outside PDS. Households 2, 6,
and 30 each have one reliable subadult burial with beads, and Household 15
has two. No disturbed burials with reliable bead associations can be identified
with a specific household. Households 6, 15, and 30 are located in the northern
and northeastern sectors of the habitation zone, while Household 2 is in the
eastern sector.
Eight reliable and disturbed subadult burials contained Busycon shell gor-
gets. Because these artifacts are made from fairly large pieces of shell, they may
be less likely than the smaller beads to totally disintegrate as a result of weath-
ering. Comparison of the preservation rank of the five reliable subadult buri-
als with gorgets and the 46 burials without gorgets seems to bear this out. The
mean rank for the former (2.60) is higher than that for the latter (1.74), but the
difference is not significant. Nevertheless, we cannot rule out the possibility
that gorgets have disappeared from one or more burials as a result of weath-
Shell gorgets were more frequently interred with subadults than adults, but
the difference is not significant. Among subadults, gorgets appear to be re-
stricted in occurrence to younger individuals. Five reliable and disturbed buri-
als younger than 5 years (average age = 3.2 years) have gorgets, while none of
the 25 older subadults do.
Among reliable and disturbed subadult burials with gorgets located in the
habitation area, two are inside burials and three have unidentifiable architec-
tural associations. Burials with gorgets can be reliably assigned to only House-
holds 1 and 2, both located in the eastern sector of the habitation zone. Three
of the five subadult burials in the plaza have gorgets, a number that is greater
than we might expect.
For obvious reasons, we cannot say much about the seven artifact types
that occur in only a single burial (Table 10.7). The burials occur in five differ-
ent households, distributed throughout the northern and eastern sectors of
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398 / Chapter 10
the habitation zone. The possible spatulate celt, knobbed shell pin, and bone
awl are the sole grave good in their respective burials. The others occur with at
least a pottery vessel.
Identifiable examples of the stepped pit form (three) and board covers
(two) are so few in number that no patterns in their distributions relative to
presence/absence of grave goods or type of grave goods can be detected. Body
position can be determined in 31 of the 78 subadult burials. All four extended
burials had grave goods. Three had shell gorgets, suggesting that there might
be a relationship between this body position and household wealth or high
status. More interesting is the fact that two of the extended burials had rattle-
snake gorgets. The extended body position is strongly associated with adult
males in the King site burial sample, but rattlesnake gorgets may be female-
associated grave goods. Possible solutions to this seeming inconsistency were
discussed in Chapter 9.
A number of Ward’s cluster analyses were run on the reliable subadult
burial sample. Analyses differed with respect to whether or not burials lacking
grave goods were included and whether the various pottery vessel shapes, shell
bead species, and gorget forms were handled as separate artifact types or com-
bined into the generic types of pot, shell bead, and gorget. Inclusion of the 27
burials lacking artifacts tended to group burials as much on the basis of simi-
larities in number of artifact types as on the basis of shared artifact types, and
the results do not make intuitive sense. The best results, in terms of conformity
to what we already know about artifact associations among subadult burials,
were obtained by excluding burials lacking artifacts and by distinguishing jars,
bowls, Busycon beads, Olivella beads, Anadara beads, rattlesnake gorgets, and
mask gorgets as separate types of grave goods. The results are illustrated in
Figure 10.2 and outlined in Table 10.8. A four-cluster solution makes the most
Cluster 1 contains only burials with shell beads. The cluster subdivides
along the lines of shell species. Only two non-bead artifacts—a rattlesnake
gorget and a pottery bowl—are included in the cluster. With the exception of
the bowl, all artifact types are made of marine shell.
Cluster 2 contains almost exclusively burials with jars. Mask gorgets are the
only other artifact type that occurs in more than one burial.
Cluster 3 contains five burials that, with one exception, have only a single
unique type of grave good. Burial 193 has two artifact types and shares one of
them with Burial 80. The cluster is sort of a catch-all category for burials that
do not fit in any other group.
Cluster 4 contains almost exclusively burials with bowls. Shell spoons and
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Artifact Co-occurrences / 399
rattlesnake gorgets are the only other artifact types that occur in more than
one burial.
The cluster analysis confirms what we saw in the cluster analysis performed
on all reliable burials (Figure 10.1, Table 10.1) and in the description of sub-
adult grave goods presented above. Beads tend not to occur with pottery ves-
sels; jars and bowls tend not to occur together; and gorgets can occur with both
beads and pots. The analysis identifies the shell bead cluster as the most dis-
tinctive, but this is probably only because the jar and bowl clusters are linked
by their common possession of shell spoons, which are frequently found in-
side pottery vessels used as grave goods. Of interest are the cluster assignments
of Burials 235 and 33. The former, the only burial combining both beads and
pots, is placed in Cluster 1 with bead burials. Burial 33, the only burial com-
bining the jar and bowl vessel forms, is placed in Cluster 4 with bowl burials.
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400 / Chapter 10
It is not clear from a visual inspection of Cluster 2 and 4 artifact content why
Burial 33 was assigned to the latter and not the former.
If bowls and rattlesnake gorgets are female-associated grave goods, then it
is possible that Cluster 4 burials are all female. Likewise, if jars and mask gor-
gets are male-associated grave goods, Cluster 2 burials may all be male. Since
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Artifact Co-occurrences / 401
a bowl and a rattlesnake gorget each occur in a Cluster 1 burial, we also might
expect that all burials in this cluster are female. This generalization, however,
seems less likely, as marine shell beads, which are restricted to this cluster, are
known to occur with adult males.
In conformity with the age relationships discussed above, Cluster 1 burials
are slightly older on average than those in Clusters 2 and 4. Sample sizes, how-
ever, are too small in this case to rule out sampling error as a factor.
There is no evidence that any type of burial pit elaboration or body position
is strongly associated with any of the clusters. Simple and stepped pit forms
are both represented in Cluster 1 and 2 burials. Board covers are represented in
at least one burial in Clusters 1 and 3. Flexed and extended body positions are
represented in all four clusters.
Evidence was presented in Chapter 9 indicating that burials older than ap-
proximately 7 years tend to be interred in pits that are at least .5 feet deeper
than the pits of younger burials and that grave goods were not interred with
subadults older than approximately 7 years. The latter observation lends sup-
port to the supposition that burial pit depth increased at around 8 years rather
than later or gradually with increasing age. The possibility that these two
changes in mortuary practices occurred at the same time suggests, further-
more, that they are causally related. I suggest that they both mark a single age-
related change in the status of subadults that was recognized by the King site
community. There is no mention of any status change or rite of passage in the
Southeastern ethnohistorical documents, however, that can be equated with
these changes.
In the absence of evidence to the contrary, we may conclude that this status
change was marked for both males and females. Furthermore, because most of
the artifact types commonly interred with subadults were also interred with
adults, we cannot conclude that they were considered appropriate grave goods
only for young subadults. We can say only that they may not have been consid-
ered appropriate for the years between approximately 7 and 15.
We also saw in Chapter 9 that subadults with pots were on average younger
than individuals with shell and bone costume items, and this was interpreted
to mean that the King site inhabitants may have recognized another rite of
passage change in their children at around 4 years of age. Drawing on the in-
formation presented above it is now possible to explore this and other age/sex/
artifact relationships further.
A relatively large number of reliable and disturbed subadult burials (25)
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402 / Chapter 10
have pots and/or marine shell beads. The sample is large enough that four pat-
terns can be recognized in the way these artifact types are distributed among
1. Individuals interred with jars and bowls tend to be younger (average 2.5
years) than those interred with marine shell beads (average 3.9 years).
2. With one exception, jars and bowls do not occur in the same burials as
3. Burials with bowls and jars located in the habitation zone occur only be-
neath the floors of PDS, while, with one exception, burials with shell beads
occur only outside domestic structures.
4. With one exception, jars and bowls do not occur in the same burials.
The first three patterns together suggest that funerary practices for some
children changed at around 3–4 years. Pottery vessels and inside interment evi-
dently were considered to be appropriate mortuary treatments for individuals
under that age, while marine shell beads and interment outside domestic struc-
tures were considered appropriate for older individuals.
Burial 235, with a bowl, shell beads, and a subfloor location, does not con-
form to two of these patterns. It is possible that this child, with a skeletal age
of approximately 3 years, was in the process of making the age-related sta-
tus change when he or she died and as a result was interred with both artifact
types in recognition of the transitional state.
Southeastern ethnohistoric sources make no mention of any rite of passage
for males and females at around age 4 years, but there are indications that a sta-
tus change did occur at about that time. Swan (Swanton 1928a:363) reports
that among the Creek, “[t]he invariable custom is, for the women to keep and
rear all the children, having the entire control over them until they are able to
provide for themselves.” This seeming unremarkable observation takes on sig-
nificance in the context of Timberlake’s statement that among the Cherokee,
“[a]t the age of 4 or 5, boys come under the supervision of their fathers or elder
brothers and learn to handle bows and arrows, while girls help their mothers
and elder sisters” (Swanton 1946:714).
Bell’s (1990) ethnographic research with Oklahoma Creek indicates that
present-day Creek recognize the same kind of status change in young males.
Her insights into Creek beliefs concerning childhood and gender provide a
logical basis for the changes we see in King site mortuary practices at around
age 3–4 years. According to Bell (1990:335), the primary role of women is that
of “foodmaker” or cook, while that of men is “townsmen” or “warriors.” This
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Artifact Co-occurrences / 403
distinction is central to Creek social beliefs and is given special meaning in the
case of infants. Creek babies of either sex are considered to be female: “The
Unmarked category of Creek life is female. Men are ‘made’ through ritual pro-
cesses that separate them physically and existentially from their mothers. A
Creek baby is considered to be female and part of its mother, suckling the
sof ki-like milk from her body, as did the sons of Corn-Mother. In the Creek
idiom, babies. . . . have no bones. Creek babies of either gender are female and
ideologically lack the ‘phallus.’ That is, they are female until transformed into
men” (Bell 1990:336). Male children are transformed into men at puberty
when they receive a war name from their father’s clan, but an earlier step in the
transformation occurs when babies begin to speak.
We will probably never know for certain what meaning the changes in grave
goods and burial location described above had for the inhabitants of the King
site. A reasonable supposition, though, is that they symbolized a transition
not unlike that described by Bell for the Oklahoma Creek: a transition from a
stage of childhood marked by maternal supervision and identity with the fe-
male gender, the mother, and the maternal household to a stage in which other
adults took increasing responsibility for socialization and in which children—
at least male children—began to identify with the larger social world of men
and community.
Several features of King site mortuary practices are logically consistent with
this interpretation. As tools used in food preparation, bowls and jars would
have been an appropriate symbol of the infant’s “female” nature. Interment
within the primary residential structure also would have been an appropri-
ate symbol of the infant’s close association with its mother and the mater-
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404 / Chapter 10
nal household. As costume and wealth items, marine shell beads, on the other
hand, are more likely to have derived their meaning in the social context of the
community. Interment with beads and in locations outside the PDS may have
symbolized the child’s new ties with the larger community. Speech acquisition
in humans generally begins during the second year of life. Present-day Creek—
and their prehistoric forebears—may apply a more rigorous definition to co-
herent speech, however, which could postpone its acquisition to age 3 or 4.
One of the problems with interpreting these several mortuary practices
as reflecting two stages in the life history of King site children is that many
subadult burials do not have age-appropriate mortuary characteristics. While
there are seven reliable subadult burials under approximately 5 years of age in-
terred inside PDS with pottery vessels, there are four in this same age range
interred inside PDS that lack pots. And while there are four reliable subadult
burials in the 3- to 7-year age range with marine shell beads interred outside
domestic structures, there are also five reliable burials in this age range that are
interred outside and lack shell beads. How are we to explain these burials? If all
infants were closely identified with their mothers and the female gender and if
this identity was believed to change at around 3–4 years of age, why were these
beliefs not given symbolic expression for all individuals? A number of different
answers can be given to this question, but none is entirely satisfactory.
To begin with, it is reasonable to suppose that only biological male children
went through this gender transformation and had their gender status symboli-
cally expressed with pottery and shell bead grave goods and burial location.
This explanation is supported by the relatively equal numbers of inside buri-
als with (seven) and without (four) pots and outside burials with (four) and
without (five) shell beads. There are, however, some problems with this solu-
tion. To begin with, rattlesnake gorgets are found with one inside pot burial
and one outside bead burial. As noted elsewhere, rattlesnake gorgets may be
associated with female burials. In addition, several inside burials have pottery
bowls, which may be a type of grave good associated with females. Wouldn’t
jars, which may be associated with males, be a more logical choice if all inside
burials with pots were biological males? Finally, the fact that marine shell beads
occur with adult females suggests that the artifact type was not restricted to
male burials.
We cannot rule out the possibility that it was female subadults who were in-
terred inside PDS with pots and outside with beads. This alternative, however,
seems unlikely for several reasons. To begin with, it was males who were pre-
sumably changing their gender status, not females. Second, one inside burial
with a pot and one outside burial with beads also have mask gorgets, which are
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Artifact Co-occurrences / 405
likely to be male grave goods. Finally, seven inside burials have jars, which may
be male grave goods.
Another possible explanation is that pots and beads had meanings and
communicated types of status in addition to gender. This seems unlikely in
the case of pottery jars and bowls because there is nothing unusual about the
subadult burials containing them. They are widely distributed throughout the
habitation zone in at least seven households. The pots themselves are ordinary
domestic vessels. It is difficult, therefore, to argue that they were markers of
household wealth or high status, and, because the deceased were too young to
make or use pottery vessels, it is unlikely that they represented potting or culi-
nary skills. Marine shell beads are a different story. They almost certainly had
ideological and symbolic associations that went beyond their use as items of
costume. Busycon beads may have had symbolic associations with the Busycon
conch itself, and shell beads were important costume elements in Southeastern
Ceremonial Complex (SECC) depictions of mythological characters. The re-
ligious beliefs underlying these associations may have influenced decisions re-
garding the use of shell beads as grave goods.
Wealth may also have been a factor in decisions to place shell beads in buri-
als. Marine shell beads were, in some manner, costly to procure because they
were made of shell imported from the South Atlantic or Gulf coast. A per-
son’s ability to obtain shell beads was probably determined by his or her per-
sonal material wealth and trading contacts or those of his or her household.
To the extent that possession of beads depended upon one’s access to mate-
rial wealth, we might expect that one of the more important functions beads
had was to advertise wealth. This could be accomplished by wearing the beads,
having one’s children wear them, and by using them as grave furniture. We
see only the latter use directly in the archaeological record. Distributional evi-
dence reviewed in Chapter 12 demonstrates that households differed greatly in
the amount of shell wealth interred with the dead. It is likely, then, that house-
hold wealth and the desire to display it were factors involved in the decision to
use shell beads as grave goods in subadult burials. It was not the only one, how-
ever, as there are subadult burials lacking shell beads even in the wealthiest
The mutually exclusive distribution of pots and beads among subadult buri-
als ultimately comes down to two alternative explanations. In one, changes in
type of grave goods and burial location at 3–4 years are mandatory for all indi-
viduals of one sex—presumably males. In the other, grave good type and burial
location may express several different shared beliefs and values, and mourn-
ers have some flexibility in deciding whether to express them or not. In other
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406 / Chapter 10
words, the belief that male children change gender at around 3–4 years can
be given physical symbolic expression but does not have to be. Shell beads
can be placed in a burial to express this belief or to demonstrate personal or
household wealth, but not all mourners will have the ability or feel the need
to do so.
I think the latter type of explanation is the correct one, and I base this on
the different spatial distribution of subadult burials with pots and beads (Fig-
ure 10.3). Pot burials are widely distributed throughout the habitation zone.
Burials with beads, in contrast, are largely restricted to the northern third of
the site, including the north plaza. The latter distribution could be due in part
to differential preservation conditions, since human skeletal preservation was
significantly greater in the northern half of the site. Cultural factors, however,
appear to be at least as important, since the great majority of subadult buri-
als with beads in the northern part of the site are located in the immediate
vicinity of Structure 15. The important point, though, is this: if interment
of pots and beads is determined solely by the age of an individual—older or
younger than 3–4 years—the two artifact classes should have similar distribu-
tions across the habitation zone. The fact that they do not indicates that at least
one other factor is involved in decisions to use them as grave goods or not.
The distribution of bowls and jars and marine shell beads among adults
conforms in most ways to that among subadults and therefore may be said to
strengthen the patterns seen in the latter. Eighteen reliable and disturbed adult
burials have either shell beads or pottery jars or bowls, but none have both.
Thirteen of 14 adults with shell beads are outside burials. These relationships
indicate that pots and beads have mutually exclusive symbolic associations
and that beads are related symbolically to outside burial. Only in the case of
pottery jars and bowls, which occur in two outside adult burials, do adult mor-
tuary practices appear to really differ from the subadult pattern.
Jars and bowls also have an interesting distribution among subadults. Of
the 14 reliable and disturbed subadult burials with one or the other vessel
form, only Burial 33 has both. This situation could simply reflect the fact that
multiple pots were not considered to be necessary or appropriate grave goods
for subadults, or it could be due to other more interesting factors. It is pos-
sible, for example, that bowls are a female grave good and jars are a male grave
good. Among adult burials at King, bowls are known to occur only with adult
females (two burials) and jars are known to occur only with adult males (one
burial). One subadult burial (Burial 12) with a bowl has a rattlesnake gorget;
another (Burial 20) with a jar has a mask gorget. As we have seen, there is some
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Artifact Co-occurrences / 407
Figure 10.3. Spatial distribution of subadult burials with beads, pots, and gorgets.
evidence to suggest that the former gorget type is associated with females and
that the latter is associated with males.
It is also possible that the mutually exclusive distribution of jars and bowls
relates to descent group affiliation. If King site society was divided into moie-
ties, each vessel form could be symbolic of a different moiety. This explana-
tion can be rejected because at least one household has both vessel forms rep-
resented in subadult burials. In Structure 23, inside Burial 213 has a bowl and
inside Burials 209, 216, and 219 have jars. If vessel form was associated with
moiety divisions at King, individual households should have subadult burials
with only one or the other vessel form, not both.
Shell gorgets are one of the more common types of grave goods in subadult
burials, but there is some evidence that they were restricted in occurrence to
individuals younger than approximately 5 years. Shell gorgets accompany shell
beads in one reliable and two disturbed subadult burials and accompany pots
in two reliable subadult burials. The numbers are not large, but, unlike shell
beads and pots, they do not indicate a tendency for mutually exclusive burial
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408 / Chapter 10
distributions. The two styles of gorgets, rattlesnake and mask, each occur in
one burial with a pot and one burial with beads.
Why were gorgets used as grave goods, and why were they placed with some
subadults and not others? There is a tendency among archaeologists to think
of gorgets as costume items, equivalent in use and meaning to beads and ear
pins. As we will see, they may not have this equivalence.
We generally think of shell gorgets as being suspended on necklaces of ma-
rine shell beads around the neck of the wearer. This image, rendered artisti-
cally by Madeline Kneberg in reconstructions of Dallas phase inhabitants of
the Hiwassee Island site (Lewis and Kneberg 1946:Plates 102, 103, and 105), is
due in large part to the co-occurrence of gorgets and beads in the chest area of
burials at a number of Mississippian sites.
At King, gorgets and marine shell beads are invariably found in the chest
area. The two artifact types, however, do not always occur in the same burial,
indicating that they do not necessarily constitute a single costume item. One
reliable subadult burial has both a gorget and shell beads, but four burials with
gorgets lack beads, and we can be fairly certain in at least two of these cases
(Burials 12 and 99) that beads were not destroyed by weathering. Adults pre-
sent the same picture, with only one of three reliable gorget burials having
shell beads. Illustrations from the sixteenth through early nineteenth century
(Swanton 1946:Plates 20.1, 32, 33, 44, 45.1, 68) show individuals wearing both
bead necklaces and metal or shell gorgets but the latter are suspended on sepa-
rate strings or ribbons that lack beads.
It is important that shell beads and gorgets be seen as separate items of cos-
tume, because they almost certainly had different meanings and symbolism
and were, therefore, probably worn and placed in burials for different reasons.
Marine shell beads probably have several different ideological and symbolic
associations and probably also served as markers for personal or household
wealth. Gorgets, on the other hand, are more likely to have had their major sig-
nificance as expressions of religious beliefs and/or social and political identity.
There is good reason for thinking this is so. Gorgets are engraved with a variety
of naturalistic designs, including human figures, spiders, turkey cocks, and
rattlesnakes and geometric designs such as cross-in-circle, sunburst, and filfot
cross. The former may depict mythological characters and events (Knight et
al. 2001), while the latter are likely to have cosmological referents. Gorget de-
signs change through time, but at any point there appears to be one type of hu-
man figure, one animal species, and at least one geometric design in use (Hally
2007). This pattern suggests that gorget designs reflect a larger structure that
in itself is likely to be cosmological or mythical in nature.
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Artifact Co-occurrences / 409
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410 / Chapter 10
Subadult burials with gorgets are concentrated in the northern third of the
site, with three in the plaza and most of the rest concentrated in the vicinity of
Structure 15 (Figure 10.3). This is approximately the same distribution as that
of marine shell beads. The same pattern holds for adult burials with beads and
gorgets. It is likely, then, that gorgets were an indicator of material wealth and
that individuals would have been motivated to demonstrate their personal or
household wealth by, among other things, using gorgets as grave goods.
As with marine shell beads, it is likely that the decision to place a shell
gorget in a burial was determined by ideology and wealth considerations and
that personal preference played a role as well. Given the elaborate iconographic
content of gorgets, however, ideology probably played a larger role than wealth
More than 50 percent of subadult burials were interred with grave goods. Most
were accompanied by pottery vessels, vessel fragments, shell beads, or shell gor-
gets. The frequency of these artifact types, accounting for 24 of the 50 reliable
burials, suggests that both male and female subadults were interred with grave
goods. Beads and gorgets occur with equal frequency in adult and subadult
burials, but pots are two to three times more common in subadult burials.
Approximately one-third of subadult burials had either pots or marine
shell beads. Among these, jars and bowls were interred with younger children
than were shell beads. The shift from pottery to shell beads as grave goods ap-
pears to have occurred around 3–4 years of age and was accompanied by a shift
in burial location from beneath the floors of domestic structures to outside
them. The shift in mortuary practices may reflect a rite of passage recog-
nized by the King site community in which childhood ties to the women and
the maternal household were superseded by increased ties to the larger male-
dominated world of the community.
There is also a possibility that bowls and jars were being used as grave goods
to mark gender, but the evidence for this relationship is not very strong. Shell
gorgets crosscut the age and location associations of pots and shell beads. They
occur with both types of grave goods, and their age distribution overlaps that
of burials with pots and shell beads.
Grave goods, at least of the nonperishable kind, appear not to have been in-
terred with individuals older than approximately 7 years. Burial pit depth in-
creases by a half foot or more at approximately this age as well. This corre-
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Artifact Co-occurrences / 411
spondence suggests that the two changes mark a second rite of passage in the
lives of King site subadults.
Pot burials are widely distributed among the community’s households.
Shell beads and gorgets, on the other hand, are restricted to households in the
northern third of the site and, more specifically, to the vicinity of Household
15. The absence of shell grave goods from burials in the southern portion of
the site may be due to poor preservation conditions, but cultural factors such
as differences in individual or household wealth appear to have been impor-
tant determinants as well.
The age, location, and artifact associations of pots, marine shell beads, and
shell gorgets indicate that all three artifact types had ideological associations
that affected how they were treated as grave goods. Decisions concerning the
placement of all of these artifact types in subadult burials were probably in-
fluenced by ideological and wealth considerations and to some extent by per-
sonal preference.
Finally, the occurrence of only one artifact type in most subadult burials
contrasts with the situation in adult male burials. As we will see in the next
chapter, there is quite a range in the number of artifact types among adult
male burials, with many individuals—especially older males—having half a
dozen or more. Subadults apparently have a smaller variety of status positions
available to them, and they do not seem to accumulate these positions as they
get older.
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Artifact Co-occurrences among
Adult Males
Including the looted burials reported by Little (1985), there are 57 identifiable
adult male burials in the King site collection. Thirty-seven of these are bio-
logical males and 20 are artifactual males. Thirty-three of the 57 burials are re-
liable, 12 are disturbed, 8 are mixed, and 4 are looted (Appendix C). Four ad-
ditional unsexed adult burials may be males, given that they were interred in
an extended position (Burials 11, 168, and 192) or had a mask gorget (Burial
188) as grave goods. Most of the following analysis will focus on the reliable
burials, but disturbed and looted burials and those that are possibly male also
will be considered where appropriate. Most of the grave goods recovered from
the partially mixed Burial 81 can be confidently assigned to that burial (Ap-
pendix F) and will be included in some analyses as well. One disturbed burial
(Burial 65) was only lightly impacted by plowing and is unlikely to have lost
any grave goods. This burial is not included in the cluster analysis of reliable
adult male burials but will be included in other analyses of reliable burials. In
those cases, it will be referred to as a “lightly disturbed burial” to distinguish it
from the 11 “disturbed burials.”
Twenty-four reliable burials and the lightly disturbed Burial 65 have grave
goods. Thirty-six different artifact types occur with these burials.1
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Artifact Co-occurrences among Adult Males / 413
The eight more heavily disturbed burials contain many of these types. Five
of them each contain one artifact type—celt, pottery jar, vessel fragment,
Anadara shell bead, and Noetia shell bead—not represented in reliable and
lightly disturbed burials.
Cluster Analysis
Reliable burials were subjected to cluster analysis using Ward’s method. The
nine reliable burials lacking artifacts were not included in the analysis because
of the effect such burials have on how burials with only one or two unique ar-
tifact types are grouped. A six-cluster solution makes the most sense based
on increases in error-sum-of-squares and ease of interpretation (Figure 11.1,
Table 11.1).
Cluster 1 contains eight burials, six of which have points. Five of the lat-
ter have points only, while the sixth has points, human remains, and a bifacial
blade. Burial 19, with an iron tool, is probably added to the cluster because it
has only one artifact type. As we saw in the cluster analysis in Chapter 10, the
cluster program does consider number of artifact types as well as types of ar-
tifacts in forming clusters. The program, in fact, has split Burial 176 off from
the other four burials with points and merged it with Burial 19 (Figure 11.1).
Cluster 2 contains three burials with points and antler cylinders and in two
cases one or two additional artifact types. Clusters 1 and 2 are merged at a
higher level to form a larger cluster that is characterized by a predominance of
points and a very low number of artifact types per burial.
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414 / Chapter 11
Figure 11.1. Ward’s hierarchical agglomerative clustering analysis of 33 reliable adult male
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416 / Chapter 11
These are Busycon cup, copper arrow symbol badge, pipe fragment, faceted
stone, and turkey tarsometatarsus awl.
Cluster 5 contains only Burial 117. The burial has the second-largest va-
riety (12) of grave goods in the adult male sample but only the spatulate celt
is unique to it.
Cluster 6 contains four burials that each have between four and six artifact
types. All four burials have FKK, points, and bifacial blades. Beaver incisors
and discoidals each occur in two burials.
Clusters 4, 5, and 6 are merged into a single cluster at a moderate level of
fusion. The six burials in this cluster share a basic set of artifacts consisting
of FKK (six burials), points (six burials), blades (five burials), beaver incisors
(four burials), and discoidals (three burials). Clusters 4 and 5 diverge from this
most by having large numbers of additional artifact types. They share seven
artifact types and have six and five artifact types, respectively, in common
with Cluster 6. The cluster analysis does not merge them sooner because of the
even larger number of artifact types that are not shared between them (14) or
between them and Cluster 6 (17).
At a more general level, the cluster analysis distinguishes three different
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Artifact Co-occurrences among Adult Males / 417
groups of burials: those with points and little else (Cluster 1/2); those with
pipes and a number of unique artifact types (Cluster 3); and those that share
FKK, points, and blades and have large numbers of artifact types (Cluster
4/5/6). The latter grouping contains a number of artifacts made from exotic
materials (iron, copper, and marine shell) and artifacts with probable ideo-
logical significance (bifacial blades, spatulate celt, hematite, Busycon cup, gravy
boat bowl, and discoidals). Cluster 1/2 and Cluster 3 each contain one or two
of these artifact types but in nowhere near the numbers they occur in Clus-
ter 4/5/6.
Nine reliable burials lack artifacts. Had they been included in the analysis,
they would have been assigned to a cluster of their own—one that contrasts
markedly with the other three larger clusters.
The separation between Cluster 3 and Clusters 1/2 and 4/5/6 suggests that
points and pipes have quite different burial distributions. Indeed, points occur
in 16 reliable burials and pipes occur in six, but only one burial (Burial 118)
has both. We have to be careful not to make too much of this contrasting dis-
tribution, however, as it appears to be, at least in part, the result of sampling er-
ror. The four disturbed (Burials 40, 65, and 195) and mixed (Burial 81) buri-
als that have pipes also have points. The fact remains, however, that the artifact
types occurring with pipes are on the whole quite different from those occur-
ring with points.
The lightly disturbed Burial 65 resembles Clusters 4, 5, and 6 in having
points, blades, and FKK but differs in having a variety of bone tools.
Perhaps the most striking thing about the cluster analysis of adult male
burials is how few artifact types consistently occur together in the same buri-
als. Points, FKK, and to a lesser extent blades and beaver incisors usually occur
together. The great majority of artifact types, however, seem to vary in their
distributions independently of one another. We will look more closely at this
phenomenon in the following section.
Bivariate Analysis
In this section, artifact types that occur with adult male burials will be re-
viewed with respect to their age distribution, spatial distribution within the
site, associated burial pit form and body position, and co-occurrence with
other artifact types. The co-occurrences of pairs of artifacts are difficult to de-
scribe and interpret because there is relatively little obvious pattern to them.
All artifact types, except the bracket type pin, occur with one or more other
types in at least one adult male burial. The frequency with which specific types
co-occur, however, varies considerably. Some types never occur in the same
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418 / Chapter 11
burial, some occasionally or frequently occur together, and a few almost al-
ways occur together. In no case, however, do two artifact types always occur
together in the same burial, not even those comprising flintknapper kits.
Artifact co-occurrences are summarized in Table 11.3 and Figure 11.2. For
the most part, consideration will be limited to artifact types that occur in
three or more burials, although selected types occurring in fewer burials will
also be discussed. Table 11.3 lists the frequency with which all artifact types
present in two or more reliable and lightly disturbed adult male burials oc-
cur together. The table is arranged so as to show how frequently two artifact
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Artifact Co-occurrences among Adult Males / 419
types occur with one another in comparison to the total frequency of each
type among analyzed burials. The number at the top of each column gives the
frequency of burials with the artifact type listed in that column. The number
in each cell gives the number of burials with artifacts of the type listed in the
cell’s row that also have the artifact type in the cell’s column. The number 8 in
the second cell of the first row, for example, tells us that eight of the 10 burials
with FKK in the burial sample also have points. Likewise, the number 8 in the
second cell of the point column tells us that eight of the 17 burials with points
also have FKK.
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Figure 11.2. Artifact co-occurrences among reliable and lightly disturbed adult male burials.
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Artifact Co-occurrences among Adult Males / 421
Occurring in 26 burials, triangular points are the most common artifact type
accompanying adult males. Seventeen of these burials are reliable or lightly
disturbed, and one is the partially mixed Burial 81 (Appendix C). The number
of points interred with individuals ranges from 1 to 50 (Table 7.10), with the
average among reliable and lightly disturbed burials being 11.
As described in Chapter 7, Matthiesen (1994) identified 13 microstyles
among the points she analyzed from 19 burials having five or more points.
Seven of these styles were more rigorously defined and were used in the inves-
tigation of point production and exchange. Analyzing the distribution of the
seven microstyles among the 19 burials, Matthiesen found that all burials had
more than one style represented: that in seven burials—Burials 15, 34, 65, 92,
100, 101, and 118—one style was significantly more common than the other
styles present and that some styles were represented in as many as six differ-
ent burials (Table 11.4). She interpreted this evidence to mean that each micro-
style was the product of a different flintknapper, that the numerically domi-
nant style in each burial had been made by the individual it was interred with,
and that points were being exchanged between individuals. She proposed that
points could have been transferred from one individual to another in at least
two ways: individuals may have placed points in the grave of a deceased in-
dividual or individuals exchanged points with one another during their life-
times. In two pairs of burials—Burials 65 and 101 and Burials 92 and 105—the
dominant point style of each individual is present in the grave of the other as a
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422 / Chapter 11
minority style. Since it is not possible for two individuals to attend each other’s
funeral, we may infer that the individuals represented in these two pairs of
burials exchanged points during their lifetimes. With this precedent, we may
assume that this was the primary mechanism whereby points made by a single
flintknapper were distributed among multiple burials and why many burials
were interred with points made in different microstyles.
Points occur with burials across the entire adult male age spectrum, but
there is a tendency for them to occur with older individuals. Reliable, lightly
disturbed, and partially mixed (Burial 81) burials with points average 32.4
years, while burials lacking points average 27.6 years. Comparison of age and
number of points for the same subsample of burials indicates a slight tendency
for older males to be interred with more points.
The number of different point styles represented in a single burial ranges be-
tween one and seven. If the number of styles in a burial represents the number
of individuals whom the deceased received points from or exchanged points
with during his lifetime, and if individuals tended to form more point ex-
change relationships as they aged, we might expect more point styles—as well
as more points—generally to occur in older burials. Table 11.5 lists the number
of point styles for the 12 burials with five or more points analyzed by Matthie-
sen.2 The data indicate a tendency for longer-lived individuals to have more
point exchange relationships, but exceptions such as Burials 34 and 44 suggest
that other factors were also affecting the number of such relationships.
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Artifact Co-occurrences among Adult Males / 423
Adult male burials with points are distributed widely across the site, with
four in Structure 17, two in the plaza, and 20 in the habitation zone. The num-
ber of burials with points relative to those lacking points is greater in Struc-
ture 17 and the plaza than in the habitation zone, but the difference is not
statistically significant. Seven habitation zone burials with points are inside in-
terments while 13 are located outside domestic structures (PDS). This ratio
is not significantly different from that for adult males in general. Burials with
points are present in all sectors of the habitation zone and in a large number
of households: Households 1, 2, 14, 15, 23, 25, and 30. Burials with the larg-
est number of points also appear to be relatively evenly distributed throughout
the habitation zone.
The location of burials of individuals who exchanged points should tell us
something about the kinds of individuals involved in such social relationships.
Figure 11.3 plots the spatial distributions of the seven more rigorously defined
point microstyles across the site. The most interesting thing about these dis-
tributions is that the great majority (16) of the point transfers involve indi-
viduals who were interred in either Structure 17 or in the plaza north of Struc-
ture 17. Only six exchanges occurred between parties who were located in the
habitation zone.
Although this chapter is about adult males, we cannot fully understand
points as grave goods without considering Burial 223, the female warrior. She
was interred with 23 points. The most common microstyle is 223A3 (Matthie-
sen 1994:Table 6.1, Appendix C), which is represented by only six specimens
in the analyzed point sample. Aside from the question of female involvement
in flintknapping, the most interesting feature of Burial 223 is the number of
microstyles represented—seven. Only Burial 105, with 50 burial points, has
this many microstyles. The implication is that Burial 223 received points from
at least six other individuals. Four of these transfers, with Burials 15, 65, 92,
and 101, are illustrated in Figure 11.3. With an approximate age of 25 years, the
Burial 223 individual is quite young to have had so many exchange relation-
ships. It may be that her distinction as a female warrior made her an attractive
and sought-after exchange partner.
The fact that Burial 223 received points from a number of different indi-
viduals in the King site community raises the question of whether she was re-
ciprocating with points of her own manufacture. There is some evidence that
women were engaged in flintknapping in the late prehistoric Southeast (Gou-
geon 2002). I think it is highly likely that they were producing and maintain-
ing many of the flaked stone tools they used in domestic activities. Whether
they were also engaged in the production of projectile points of the type com-
monly found in adult male burials, however, is another question entirely. Later
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Figure 11.3. Spatial distribution of burials sharing point microstyles: a, styles 34C and 100A; b, style 65A; c, style 101A;
d, styles 15A, 92A, and 118A.
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Artifact Co-occurrences among Adult Males / 425
in this chapter, I will argue that burial points were used exclusively in war-
fare and served as a symbol of adult warrior status. Since warfare was pre-
dominantly a male activity, it seems likely that men alone were responsible for
the production of burial points. The most common point microstyle in Burial
223 is 223A, but it accounts for only six of the 23 points in the burial. This is
a low proportion compared to the seven dominant styles listed in Table 11.4.
The six points could have been gifts from someone else. On the other hand,
two specimens of 223A style points are present in Burial 101, and one point
of the dominant microstyle in Burial 101 (101A) is present in Burial 223. This
suggests that the two burials were involved in a reciprocal exchange of points.
We cannot rule out the possibility, however, that they may each have received
the points from a third individual not represented in Matthiesen’s 19 ana-
lyzed burials. In the final analysis, there is not sufficient evidence to determine
whether Burial 223 was making her own points.
Point burials occur with simple, stepped, and shaft-and-chamber pits and
in pits with and without board covers (Appendix C). All three of the more
common body positions—extended, flexed on back, and flexed on side—are
represented. None of these mortuary practices appear to occur in proportions
that are significantly different from those among adult male burials lacking
Points co-occur with 29 of the 36 artifact types found with reliable and
lightly disturbed adult male burials (Figure 11.2). The artifact types they do
not co-occur with—circular polishing stone, eyed bone tool, animal jaw, bear
bone, Olivella shell bead, and mussel shell—are all uncommon ones that are
represented in only one or two burials. Eleven types that are represented in
three or more burials have strong associations with points, but points are not
strongly associated with any types—that is, there are no artifact types that oc-
cur in more than half the burials with points (Table 11.3). Pipes are the only
common grave good that is not strongly associated with points.
All reliable and lightly disturbed burials with blades, antler cylinders,
baculum, discoidals, or end scrapers also have points (Table 11.3). Artifact co-
occurrences among heavily disturbed, partially mixed, and looted burials sup-
port these associations—the only burials with blades (Burial 234), antler cyl-
inders (Burial 81), and discoidals (Burial 40) also have points. The numbers of
burials known to have blades (seven) is large enough that we can be reason-
ably confident that blades always occur in burials that have points. We cannot
be as certain that the less common antler cylinder, baculum, discoidal, and end
scraper types also occur always with points.
Flintknapping kits, hematite, beaver incisors, Busycon beads, iron, and hu-
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426 / Chapter 11
man remains are strongly associated with points. These associations are also
supported by artifact co-occurrences among heavily disturbed, partially mixed,
and looted burials. Burials 81 and 269 have FKK and points; Burial 81 has he-
matite and points; Burials 81 and 269 have beaver incisors and points; Burials
87, 195, and 229 have Busycon beads and points; and Burials 40 and 234 have
iron and points. Each of these artifact types usually occurs in burials that have
points but may also occur in burials lacking points.
Flintknapping Kits
Flintknapping kits (FKK) are the second most common type of grave good
occurring with adult males. They are represented in nine reliable burials, one
lightly disturbed burial, at least one looted burial, the partially mixed Burial
81, and possibly two heavily disturbed burials (Appendix C). FKK tend to oc-
cur with older individuals. With the exception of Burial 117, all FKK burials
are 30 years or older (Figure 9.3), and their average age of 36.5 years is consid-
erably greater than the 29.4 years for adult males lacking FKK.
Four of the 12 adult male burials with verifiable FKK are located in either
Structure 17 or the north plaza. The remaining eight FKK burials are distrib-
uted throughout the habitation zone, occurring in Households 1, 2, 15, 23, and
30 in the northern, northeastern, and eastern sectors. Inside and outside lo-
cations occur in approximately the same proportions as they do in the adult
male population. The same is true for simple, stepped, and shaft-and-chamber
pit forms. Board covers are, relatively speaking, more common in burials with
FKK (three out of six burials) than in burials lacking FKK (three out of 15
burials), but the difference may be due to chance. The three common body
positions—extended, flexed on back, and flexed on side—also are represented
in FKK burials in approximately the same proportions they have in the adult
male population.
Flintknapping kits occur with 26 of the 36 artifact types found with re-
liable and lightly disturbed adult male burials (Figure 11.2). As was the case
with points, the only artifact types they do not co-occur with are those repre-
sented in only one or two burials. Blades are the only artifact type that has a
strong mutual association with FKK. Flintknapping kits are also strongly asso-
ciated with points. All burials with beaver incisors, discoidals, and end scrap-
ers also have FKK, but given the small number of burials involved we cannot
be certain that this relationship holds for the entire burial population. Pipes,
antler cylinders, hematite, and iron are strongly associated with FKK. Each of
these four artifact types usually occurs in burials with FKK but may also occur
in burials lacking FKK. Artifact occurrences among heavily disturbed, par-
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Artifact Co-occurrences among Adult Males / 427
tially mixed, and looted burials support several of these associations: burials
with pipes (Burial 81), antler cylinders (Burial 81), hematite (Burial 240), and
beaver incisors (Burials 81 and 269) also have FKK.
Bifacial Blades
Counting the asymmetrical blade in Burial 49, bifacial blades are represented
in seven reliable and lightly disturbed burials, one disturbed burial, and two
looted burials (Appendix C). Blades have a strong tendency to be interred with
older individuals (Figure 9.2). The average age for seven burials with blades
(41.3 years) is considerably greater than the 28.6 years for adult males lack-
ing blades.
Two blade burials are located in Structure 17 and one is in the plaza. The re-
maining seven are located in the northern third of the habitation zone. This
restricted distribution may be due in part to differential plow disturbance of
burials, but this seems unlikely. Including burials assignable to Household 1
in the eastern sector, there are 17 reliable and 10 disturbed adult male burials
in the northern third of the habitation zone. In the portion of the habitation
zone south of Household 1, these numbers are 10 and 7, respectively. While
there are approximately one-third more burials in the northern third of the
habitation zone, the difference in incidence of blade burials (7 vs. 0) seems too
great to attribute solely to preservation and chance factors.
Blade burials are about as likely to be interred beneath the floors of domes-
tic structures or in outside plots as are adult male burials in general. All varie-
ties of pit form except stepped pits and all of the more common body posi-
tions are represented among blade burials. Sample size, however, is too small to
allow meaningful comparison with adult male burials lacking blades.
Blades occur with 28 different types of artifacts in reliable and lightly dis-
turbed burials (Figure 11.2) but have strong associations with only five arti-
fact types. They have a strong mutual association with FKK and, as discussed
above, probably always occur with points. All burials with end scrapers also
have blades, but we cannot be as certain that this relationship holds for the en-
tire burial population because of small sample size. Beaver incisors and discoi-
dals have strong associations with blades. The latter association is supported
by the looted Burial 267, which has points and a discoidal.
Eleven burials have pipes that were probably intact at the time of interment.
These include six reliable burials, one lightly disturbed burial, and the partially
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428 / Chapter 11
mixed Burial 81 (Appendix C). Burials with pipes are on average about the
same age as burials without pipes (30.9 vs. 33.3 years).
Pipe burials are located in Structure 17 (two burials), the plaza (one burial),
and the habitation zone (eight burials), where they are distributed across all
sectors. The relative frequencies of inside and outside location, board covers,
and different body position all appear in line with those for adult male burials
in general. Stepped pits outnumber simple pits three to two, but sample size is
too small to rule out chance as a factor.
Pipes have very distinctive artifact associations. They are one of the most
common burial artifact types, yet they co-occur with relatively few artifact
types (19) in reliable and lightly disturbed burials (Figure 11.2). Along with
human remains, they have the lowest number of strong associations (one)
among all types occurring in three or more burials, and they are accompanied
by the fewest artifact types on average (Table 11.6). On the other hand, they
have been found with several types—circular polishing stone, tabular lime-
stone, turkey tarsometatarsus awl, bone handle, cougar radius tool, bear bone,
bracket shell pin, and Busycon cup—that occur in only one or two adult male
burials. This distinctiveness is highlighted in the cluster analysis, where pipe
burials are placed in a separate cluster.
Pipes have their strongest association with FKK. Counting the partially
mixed Burial 81, five of eight pipe burials have FKK.
Antler Cylinders
Antler cylinders are represented in six adult male burials, including four reli-
able, one lightly disturbed, and the partially mixed Burial 81. The age distribu-
tion of these burials is similar to that of adult male burials lacking such arti-
facts (33 vs. 32.2 years).
Burials with antler cylinders occur in Structure 17 (one), the plaza (one),
and the habitation zone, where they are associated with three widely distrib-
uted households: Households 2, 14, and 15. Antler cylinder burials differ from
other adult male burials in having more stepped than simple pits (2:1) and a
large number of extended burials relative to flexed (3:4). Sample sizes, how-
ever, are so small that the differences may be due to chance.
Antler cylinders occur with 23 different artifact types in reliable and lightly
disturbed burials (Figure 11.2). All six burials with antler cylinders also have
points. Given these numbers, it is possible that antler cylinders always occur
with points in King site burials. The only other strong association antler cylin-
ders have is with FKK (Table 11.3).
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Artifact Co-occurrences among Adult Males / 429
Hematite occurs in six adult male burials, including five reliable burials and
the partially mixed Burial 81. The average age of burials with hematite is only
slightly greater than that for male burials lacking hematite (33.5 vs. 30.8 years).
One hematite burial occurs in Structure 17, while the remainder appear to
be distributed fairly evenly throughout the habitation zone in association with
Households 1, 2, and 15. Hematite burials are located both inside and out-
side domestic structures, have simple and stepped pit forms, occur with and
without board covers, and have extended, flexed, and partially flexed body po-
sitions. All of these characteristics occur with frequencies similar to those for
the adult male population as a whole.
Hematite co-occurs with 26 different artifact types in the five reliable dis-
turbed burials (Figure 11.2). It has a strong mutual association with beaver in-
cisors and Busycon beads and one-sided associations with points, FKK, bacula,
iron, and discoidals (Table 11.3). Points, FKK, and beaver incisors are also
found with hematite in Burial 81, and the heavily disturbed Burial 240 has he-
matite and a possible FKK.
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430 / Chapter 11
Beaver Incisors
Beaver incisors were recovered from six adult male burials. Five of these are
reliable and one is the partially mixed Burial 81. Burials with beaver incisors
are older on average than those lacking the artifact type (36.0 vs. 30.5 years).
Given the strong association that beaver incisors have with FKK, we would ex-
pect the artifact type to occur primarily with older individuals.
Four beaver incisor burials occur in the habitation zone, while one occurs
in both Structure 17 and the plaza. Beaver incisor burials appear to be fairly
evenly distributed throughout the habitation zone, with associations to House-
holds 1, 2, 15, and possibly 30. They are located both inside and outside do-
mestic structures, occur with and without board covers, and have extended,
flexed, and partially flexed body positions, but they are found only in simple
pits. With the possible exception of a negative association with stepped pits,
beaver incisor burials do not appear to differ in mortuary treatment from the
general male population.
Beaver incisors occur in reliable burials with 25 different artifact types and
have strong associations with six artifact types (Figure 11.2, Table 11.3). All
five reliable burials with beaver incisors also have FKK, a relationship that is
strengthened by the co-occurrence of the two types in partially mixed Burial
81 and looted Burial 269. With a total of seven co-occurrences, we can be rea-
sonably confident that all beaver incisor burials in the King site burial popula-
tion also had FKK. Beaver incisors have a strong mutual association with iron
and with hematite; the latter relationship is strengthened by the co-occurrence
of the two types in the partially mixed Burial 81. Beaver incisors are strongly
associated with points and blades, while discoidals are strongly associated with
beaver incisors. Beaver incisors and points also occur together in Burials 81
and 269.
Seven adult male burials have Busycon beads. Four are reliable burials and three
are heavily disturbed. The age distribution of burials with Busycon beads is
similar to that of adult males lacking them (30.0 vs. 31.1 years) (Figure 9.2).
All bead burials are in the habitation zone, where they are distributed widely
and are associated with Households 2, 15, and possibly 28 and 30. Six of the
burials were interred outside. Burials with beads were interred in simple and
stepped pits, with and without board covers, and in flexed and partially flexed
body positions. Except for the unusually large proportion of outside burials—
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Artifact Co-occurrences among Adult Males / 431
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432 / Chapter 11
the lower and possibly upper extremities, was interred with two adults of in-
determinate sex (Burials 143 and 144). Although different body parts are rep-
resented in each of the four male burials, it is useful to consider them together
as a group.
Three of the burials are older adults while the fourth is fairly young (Fig-
ure 9.2). The average age of the four burials is greater than that of burials lack-
ing human remains (36 vs. 30.3 years). One burial is located in Structure 17
and the remainder are distributed throughout the habitation zone in House-
holds 2, 8, and 15. Of the latter, one is an inside burial, while the others are
outside. All three of the deeper pits are simple in form, but they all have board
covers. Flexed, lightly flexed, and extended body positions are represented. Ex-
cept for board covers, the four burials do not differ from the general adult
population in these mortuary characteristics.
Human remains occur with 23 different types of artifacts in reliable and
lightly disturbed burials (Figure 11.2). The number of artifact types per burial
ranges from none (Burial 129) to 18 (Burial 92) and averages 8.2. Human re-
mains are strongly associated only with points (Table 11.3).
Os Bacula
Os bacula were recovered from three reliable burials. A fourth baculum was re-
covered during the excavation of Burial 81, but it may have been interred with
Burial 82, which was intruded by Burial 81. The age distribution of burials
with bacula is similar to that of adult males lacking them (31.6 vs. 31.0 years)
(Figure 9.2).
As noted in Chapter 7, the preservation rank of burials lacking bone tools
is significantly lower than that for burials with such tools. Bacula of small ani-
mals such as opossum are relatively thin-walled elements and are likely to de-
cay more readily than bone tools that are generally made from the heavier
bones of large mammals (Elizabeth Reitz, personal communication 2000). It is
possible that more burials were interred with bacula than is evident in the col-
All burials containing bacula (including Burial 81 or 82) were interred in the
habitation zone. Associations with Households 2 and 15 suggest that they were
widely distributed throughout the habitation zone or at least not restricted to
the northern and northeastern sectors. Bacula burials are located both inside
and outside domestic structures, have simple and stepped pit forms, occur with
and without board covers, and have flexed and partially flexed body positions.
Bacula occur in burials with only 21 other artifact types but average 9.3 ar-
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Artifact Co-occurrences among Adult Males / 433
tifact types per burial. They have strong associations with four artifact types:
points, antler cylinders, hematite, and Busycon beads (Figure 11.2, Table 11.3).
All burials with bacula also have points. Given the small sample size, how-
ever, we cannot be certain that this association holds for the entire burial popu-
Stone Discoidals
Stone discoidals were recovered from three adult male reliable burials and one
heavily disturbed burial. The two that can be aged are approximately 19 and
45 years old, suggesting that discoidals were available to adult males of all
ages. Reliable burials occur in Structure 17 and in the habitation zone asso-
ciated with Households 1 and 2. The disturbed burial is in the plaza. Simple
and chambered pits, but not board covers, are represented in the small burial
sample. Body positions include flexed and partially flexed.
Discoidals occur with only 14 different types of artifacts in reliable burials
(Figure 11.2). This low number may be due to the fact that only three burials
have discoidals. The average discoidal burial has eight different artifact types.
The artifact has one-sided associations with six different artifact types: points,
FKK, blades, hematite, beaver incisors, and iron. All burials with discoidals
also have points and FKK (Table 11.3). Discoidals also occur with points and
iron in the heavily disturbed Burial 40.
End Scrapers
End scrapers occur in three reliable burials. Small sample size makes it diffi-
cult to identify patterns in the distribution of these tools relative to body po-
sition, pit configuration, or pit location. The average age of the three burials
is considerably greater than that of burials lacking end scrapers (40.0 vs. 30.1
years). One burial is located in Structure 17; the other two are located in the
habitation zone. End scrapers occur in burials with 20 different artifact types
(Figure 11.2). All three burials with end scrapers also contain points, FKK, and
Uncommon Artifact Types
Approximately half the artifact types occurring in adult male burials are
known from only one or two burials. With such low frequencies, it is difficult
to identify meaningful patterns in the mortuary associations of these artifact
types. We can get around this problem to some extent by looking at the burial
contexts of these types at other sites.
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434 / Chapter 11
Copper arrow symbol badges (CASB) were found with only one burial (Burial
92) at King. The artifact type is known from at least 13 other sites: Aber-
crombie, Charlotte Thompson, Kogers Island, Long Island, Lubbub Creek, Pine
Log Creek, Terrapin Creek, Thirty Acre Field, Toasi, and Moundville in Ala-
bama; Etowah and Cemochechobee in Georgia; and Lake Jackson in Florida
(Brain and Phillips 1996:Table 26). With an age of approximately 45 years,
Burial 92 is one of the oldest burials in the King site sample. It is also the
most richly endowed burial, possessing among other things 31 points, a bifa-
cial blade, and three iron implements (Figure 11.2).
Burials with CASB at the other 13 sites resemble Burial 92 in at least two
respects. Most burials appear to have been high-ranking individuals. At least
nine were interred in mounds. Where field documentation is good, burials are
usually richly endowed with grave goods, including exotic items such as cop-
per celts, stone palettes, bifacial blades, spatulate celts, Busycon cups, and ad-
ditional embossed copper artifacts. The second point of comparison with
Burial 92 is that burials with CASB are very uncommon at the sites where they
have been found. At Etowah only three burials out of approximately 350 in
Mound C had CASB. The numbers at Cemochechobee are one out of 34; at
Kogers Island one out of 102; at Lubbub Creek one out of 60; and at Mound-
ville one out of several hundred.
We may infer from these comparisons that the social identity represented by
the CASB was restricted to a very small proportion of the population, perhaps
only one or two in a community at any time, and that individuals having this
identity were generally quite highly ranked. Unfortunately, Burial 20 at Lub-
bub Creek is the only CASB burial that has been aged (Blitz 1993:Table 17). At
35 years it is on the older end of the adult age range, but we really need addi-
tional burials with age estimates before we can be certain that the artifact type
is indeed associated only with older individuals.
Spatulate Celts
Burials 117 and 234 are the only two burials in the King site collection that
have spatulate celts, and the latter is known only from the word of the col-
lectors who looted it (Little 1985). At approximately 19 and 30 years, respec-
tively, both individuals were comparatively young. Both were well endowed
with grave goods and they are probably the second- and third-richest burials
at the site. Burial 117 had, among other things, nine points, a flintknapper kit,
two iron implements, and one small discoidal (Figure 11.2). Items reported as
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Artifact Co-occurrences among Adult Males / 435
coming from Burial 234 are 23 points, three bifacial blades, one spatulate celt,
one iron sword, and one stone pipe.
Spatulate celts are known from a number of sites across the Southeast
(Brain and Phillips 1996; Lewis and Kneberg Lewis 1995; Marvin Smith 1987;
Webb 1938). Brain and Phillips (1996:Table 28) list almost 50 sites known to
have produced spatulate celts and distinguish early, intermediate, and late va-
rieties. Unfortunately, only a small number of these finds have good contextual
information and in none have the skeletons been aged.
Six burials, four of which had early spatulate celts, were in mounds. Nine
burials, all with the intermediate celt form, were from village area cemeteries.
Three of these occurred in burials that had either no other artifacts or only
a few points, while those in two burials from Kogers Island and Polecat Ford
were accompanied by bifacial blades, Busycon shell pins, and Busycon cups.
The Kogers Island burial also had a stone palette and copper arrow symbol
badges and the Polecat Ford burial also had 23 points. Early-form spatulate
celts in Lake Jackson Mound Burial 2 were accompanied by a Busycon cup and
a stone palette and in Spiro Burial 62 by a monolithic axe and numerous Busy-
con cups, among other things.
Spatulate celts are not common artifacts. Only one out of 459 burials ex-
cavated at the Mouse Creek phase sites had a spatulate celt. In Mound C at
Etowah, the numbers are one out of 350 burials; at Toqua two out of 511 buri-
als; and at Kogers Island one out of 102 burials.
We may infer from these comparisons that the social identity represented by
spatulate celts was restricted to a very small number of individuals, perhaps
only one or two in any community. Individuals having this identity generally
were highly ranked in society, but they do not appear to be as high ranking as
those interred with copper arrow symbol badges. This impression is based on
the number of burials from Etowah, Lake Jackson, Lubbub Creek, and Mound-
ville with early Cemochechobee type CASB that have exotic Southeastern
Ceremonial Complex (SECC) grave goods.
Gravy Boat Bowls
Gravy boat bowls were found in only two burials at King. Burial 92 is one of
the oldest (approximately 45 years) and one of the most richly endowed buri-
als in the King site burial sample. Burial 124 was severely impacted by plowing
and almost certainly lost artifacts. In addition to a gravy boat bowl, there was
a celt and a Type III hammerstone that may have been the remnant of a flint-
knapper kit. Age cannot be determined.
Gravy boat bowls are known from at least 14 other sites in the Southeast:
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436 / Chapter 11
Etowah, Long Island, Polecat Ford (Brain and Phillips 1996:148); Toqua (Pol-
hemus 1987:1306); Kogers Island (Webb and DeJarnette 1942:217); 1La°13
(Webb 1939:64); Bell Field (Kelly 1970:72); Little Egypt (Moorehead 1932:
Figure 71d); Dallas (Lewis and Kneberg Lewis 1995:361); and Baugh’s Land-
ing, Gilchrist Island, Tick Island, Sycamore Landing, and Mason Island (Moore
1915). As with Burial 92, burials containing gravy boat bowls at the 14 sites
tend to be high ranking and uncommon. At least eight burials were in mounds.
Three burials (one from Mound C, Etowah) lacked additional grave goods,
three burials had only an additional pottery vessel or two, and five buri-
als lacked information on grave goods. Burials at Toqua, Kogers Island, and
Bell Field, however, were accompanied by numerous artifacts, some of which
are exotic in nature, including points, spatulate celt, bifacial blade, stone ef-
figy pipe, stone palette, copper-covered wooden ear disc, effigy bottles, galena
cubes, and large Busycon beads.
At Etowah, only one out of approximately 350 burials had a gravy boat
bowl. At Toqua the numbers are one out of 511; at Kogers Island one out of
102; at 1La°13 one out of 27; at Bell Field one out of 18; at Dallas one out of
279; at Baugh’s Island one out of 15; at Gilchrist Island and at Tick Island one
out of 5; and at Mason Island one out of 52.
We may infer from these comparisons that the social identity represented
by the gravy boat bowl was restricted to a small proportion of the population,
perhaps only one or two in any community, and that individuals having this
identity were generally highly ranked. Unfortunately, there are few data on
how old these individuals were. Of interest is the report by Moore (1915:269)
that the Mason Island burial was a young child.
Busycon Cups
Busycon shell cups were found in only two burials at King, Burials 65 and 92.
As with Burial 92, Burial 65 is an older individual (approximately 39 years)
and richly endowed with grave goods (Figure 11.2). The artifact type is also
known from a number of sites in the region. I have compiled data from five
sites: Toqua (Polhemus 1987:994), Dallas (Lewis and Kneberg Lewis 1995:
Table 23.6), Hixon (Lewis and Kneberg Lewis 1995:Table 24.3), Bell Field
(Kelly 1970:69), and Kogers Island (Webb and DeJarnette 1942:219).
For the most part, burials with Busycon cups are few in number: at Toqua
three or four out of 511 burials have Busycon cups; at Dallas two out of 279
burials; at Kogers Island two out of 102 burials; and at Bell Field one out of 18
burials. These burials are all adults and the two for which sex data are avail-
able are male. Hixon is distinctive in that 11 out of 112 burials have cups. The
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Artifact Co-occurrences among Adult Males / 437
site is also unusual in that five burials are subadults ranging in age from 1 year
to early adolescence and three of the adults are identified as female. One of the
latter (Burial 71) has a bifacial blade and may actually be male.
Many of the burials from these five sites were in mounds, although the exact
number cannot be determined because of inadequate reporting. Artifact as-
sociations among the burials vary considerably. Ten burials have a pottery ves-
sel or large numbers of shell beads or a combination of pots, beads, and shell
gorgets. At the other extreme, five burials have copper-covered wooden ear
discs and/or copper arrow symbol badges along with various combinations
of bifacial blades, celts, spatulate celts, effigy bottles, effigy stone pipes, large
numbers of shell beads, and galena. Three burials lack copper artifacts but
have a variety of other grave goods, including effigy vessels, discoidals, bifacial
blades, celts, and shell beads. Four of the burials with larger numbers of arti-
facts have two Busycon cups each.
Burials interred with Busycon cups are often highly ranked and, except at
the Hixon site, appear to be restricted to a small proportion of the local popu-
lation, perhaps only one or two in any community. The Hixon component
dates to the Hiwassee Island phase, a.d. 1200–1300; shell cups may have had
different meanings and uses at that time.
Stone celts were found in one biological male burial (81), one probable artifac-
tual male burial (124), one extended burial (192), and one burial of undeter-
mined sex (215). All four burials are located in the habitation zone and can be
assigned to Households 2, 15, and 23. Burials 192 and 215 are reliable burials
but have no grave goods other than a single celt. Burial 81 is partially mixed
and Burial 124 is heavily disturbed and probably has lost artifacts to plowing
and erosion. A celt and a celt preform were also recovered from mixed Burial
130, one of five individuals located in overlapping and intrusive burial pits.
Counting the specimen from the mixed Burial 130, celts occur in 2 percent
of King site burials. They are somewhat more common in burial samples from
Dallas and Mouse Creek phase sites such as Dallas, Hixon, Sale Creek, Rymer,
Mouse Creeks, and Ledford Island, where relative frequencies range between 2
and 5 percent (Lewis and Kneberg Lewis 1995). The number of grave goods in
Burials 81, 124, 192, and 215 at King ranges from one to more than 14. There
is a gravy boat bowl in the heavily disturbed Burial 124, but no exotic or high-
status artifacts such as bifacial blades and Busycon cups are represented in the
other three burials. Burials with celts in Dallas and Mouse Creek samples ex-
hibit a similar range in grave good frequency, but exotic and high-status grave
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438 / Chapter 11
goods are also present in a number of burials. We may infer from these com-
parisons that celts were a relatively common type of grave good and that the
individuals interred with them represented a fairly broad cross section of the
adult male population in a community.
Pulley-Shaped Ear Spool
This artifact type was found only in Burial 30, located in the northern plaza.
The sex of Burial 30, it will be recalled, cannot be identified with certainty.
The individual has been identified as a female on osteological grounds but was
interred with a number of male-associated grave goods.
Disc-shaped ear spools are very commonly depicted in images of human
males engraved on shell cups and gorgets and embossed on copper sheets from
thirteenth- and fourteenth-century sites across the Southeast (Brain and Phil-
lips 1996; Phillips and Brown 1978:74–75). Archaeological specimens from
that period are copper-covered wood and stone cymbal-type ear spools and
occur with high-ranking burials at sites such as Spiro (Brown 1976b), Etowah,
Moundville, Beaverdam, Rudder, Tallassee, and Kogers Island (Brain and Phil-
lips 1996:375). Only two burials have been sexed: Burial 2 from Beaverdam is
male (Blakely et al. 1985), while Burial 6 from Kogers Island is female (New-
man and Snow 1942:Table 30).
The pulley-shaped ear spool made of shell, the type represented in Burial 30
at King, is not reported from many sites. In fact, the only reference to the type
that I can find is to two burials from the Dallas phase component at Hiwassee
Island. These burials are identified as adult females by Lewis and Kneberg
(1946:147). There is no description of where they occurred at the site or what
other artifacts occurred with them.
We can be fairly certain that the cymbal-type ear spools of the thirteenth
and fourteenth centuries were restricted to high-ranking individuals. This
practice may have carried into the sixteenth century with the pulley-shaped
ear spool, but there is no archaeological evidence, other than the exotic marine
shell from which the ear spools were made, to support this supposition.
Summary and Observations
Small sample sizes make it difficult to identify the kinds of associations that
exist between most adult male mortuary practices. This is especially true for
the co-occurrence of different pit forms and body positions with artifact types.
Only in the case of FKK and board covers is there a strong association.
A number of artifact types—points, FKK, blades, discoidals, pipes, and ant-
ler cylinders—tend to occur more frequently in the plaza and Structure 17
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Artifact Co-occurrences among Adult Males / 439
than in the habitation zone, but in no instance is the observed distribution un-
likely to be due to chance. Individuals interred in Structure 17 and the plaza,
on the other hand, appear to be more involved in point exchanges than those
buried in the habitation zone. Within the habitation zone, most artifact types
appear to be evenly distributed across all sectors. Burials with bifacial blades,
however, are restricted to households located in the northern and northeastern
Many artifact types that occur in three or more burials appear to be evenly
distributed across the adult age range. FKK, bifacial blades, and, to a lesser ex-
tent, points, hematite, and human remains, however, are more likely to occur
with older males. Among burials with points, those with the greatest number
of points and the greatest number of point microstyles also tend to be older.
There are several pairs of artifact types that do not occur together in reli-
able and lightly disturbed burials (Table 11.3). Considering only those repre-
sented in three or more burials, there are five pairs of artifact types that have
mutually exclusive distributions: pipes and iron, pipes and discoidals, pipes
and end scrapers, discoidals and antler cylinders, and discoidals and bacula.
Unfortunately, sample sizes are so small that we cannot be certain these are not
due to chance. Indeed, pipes do occur with iron and discoidals in the heavily
disturbed Burial 40 and with iron in looted Burial 234.
With the exception of Busycon cups and turkey tarsometatarsus awls, which
occur in only two burials, no two artifact types always occur together in adult
male burials. Among reliable and lightly disturbed burials, there are several
more common artifact types that always occur with another type. These in-
clude blades, antler cylinders, bacula, discoidals, and end scrapers that always
occur with points; beaver incisors, discoidals, and end scrapers that always oc-
cur with FKK; and end scrapers that always occur with blades. Sample sizes
are large enough in the case of points, FKK, blades, antler cylinders, and bea-
ver incisors, especially when heavily disturbed, partially disturbed, and looted
burials are considered, that we can be reasonably confident these invariant,
one-sided associations are not due to chance. Blades and antler cylinders ap-
parently always occur in burials that have points, and beaver incisors appar-
ently always occur in burials that have FKK.
Blades and FKK, hematite and beaver incisors, hematite and Busycon beads,
iron and beaver incisors, and iron and hematite each have strong mutual as-
sociations. Many artifact types also have strong one-sided associations with
other types. Those that are represented by the largest number of reliable and
lightly disturbed burials are FKK, hematite, beaver incisors, and Busycon beads
co-occurring with points; pipes, antler cylinders, hematite, and Busycon beads
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440 / Chapter 11
co-occurring with FKK; and beaver incisors co-occurring with blades. Sample
sizes are large enough in these cases, especially when heavily disturbed, par-
tially mixed, and looted burials are considered, that we can be reasonably con-
fident that these strong associations are not due to chance.
Artifact types that always or frequently co-occur are of special interest be-
cause their strong associations imply some sort of direct or indirect cause for
why they are placed together in the same burial. Ultimately, of course, we are
interested in why all artifact types are or are not interred together. These ques-
tions can be productively addressed only after we have considered the utili-
tarian function and meaning of individual artifact types within the King site
community, a task we will turn to next.
In this section, an attempt will be made to understand how the different ar-
tifact types discussed above were used and what symbolic meaning they may
have had prior to being placed in burials. Some types of grave goods proba-
bly had utilitarian functions such as wood carving or flintknapping prior to
interment; others probably were used in activities that had a larger symbolic
component such as scalping an enemy or carrying sacred fire; and others, such
as body paint and engraved shell gorgets, may have been used or worn pri-
marily because of their symbolic value—their ability to communicate infor-
Evidence for artifact use and meaning has been collected from a variety
of sources, including early European descriptions of aboriginal culture, SECC
art, and archaeological context. This evidence will be examined within several
behavioral and ideological domains, including warfare, ceremony, tools and
implements, medicine, costume, and European trade goods.
The prominent role that warfare played in historic aboriginal Southeastern In-
dian culture was described in Chapter 2. Warfare in the historic period prob-
ably differed in many ways from its precontact predecessor, but general themes
such as the recognition of warrior grades and honors almost certainly go back
well into the prehistoric period. It is certainly an important element in SECC
art (Brown 1976a; Knight et al. 2001). Severed heads, scalps, and other body
parts are frequently portrayed on engraved shell cups and may represent war
trophies (Dye 2002, 2007). Weapons such as maces, monolithic axes, long bifa-
cial blades—commonly referred to as swords or knives in the SECC literature—
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Artifact Co-occurrences among Adult Males / 441
and bows and arrows are also commonly depicted on marine shell and copper
sheets. Archaeologists have different opinions concerning whether SECC im-
ages such as these were drawn from everyday life or from the mythological past
and whether they portray actual people or supernatural and mythical person-
ages (Brown 1976a; Knight et al. 2001). Regardless of which interpretation is
correct, the fact remains that these images do depict weapons and martial arts.
We may infer from this that the objects they depict may have served in some
social and political contexts as markers for status positions that were strongly
military in orientation.
Several artifact types interred with adult males at King—arrow points, bi-
facial blades, spatulate celts, copper arrow symbol badges, gravy boat bowls,
human remains, and hematite—probably draw their significance and mean-
ing from warfare. Some, such as arrow points, were probably actual weapons,
while others, such as copper badges, were more likely to have functioned solely
as symbols of prowess and success in warfare.
The points that accompany many King burials, often in large numbers, may
have been used in hunting and other domestic tasks, but the evidence tends
to support an exclusive military role. To begin with, points found in burials
are quite different from the kinds of bifaces found in domestic contexts. They
are generally very well made, symmetrical in shape, and thin in cross section
(Figure 7.16). They are produced with shallow, parallel thinning flakes and
fine marginal retouching and seldom show evidence of use wear or resharp-
ening. The 255 burial points measured by Matthiesen (1994:Appendix A) av-
erage 37.6 mm in length, 14.3 mm in width, and 3.86 mm in thickness. Bi-
faces recovered from house floors at the Potts Tract (Structures 1 and 2) and
King (Structure 8) sites come in two shapes: triangular and teardrop (Hally
1970; Ruggiero 2000). The triangular bifaces are often asymmetrical in shape
and relatively short (averaging around 27 mm) and thick (averaging about
4.5 mm) (Figure 11.4). Teardrop-shaped bifaces are quite thick (averaging
6.2 mm) and narrow (averaging 12.2–13.4 mm) relative to length (averaging
30–35.5 mm) (Hally 1970:Figure 18c). Burial points are similar to the triangu-
lar bifaces in width but are significantly longer (t = 4.80, p = .001) and thinner
(t = 1.72, p = .045). Burial points are also significantly thinner than teardrop-
shaped bifaces (t = 3.57, p = .001). Both types of points from domestic con-
texts appear to have heavily reworked edges, indicating that they were repeat-
edly dulled and resharpened.
Given the difference in thickness, we can be certain that burial points and
teardrop-shaped bifaces are different types of tools, the latter probably being
used in a variety of domestic activities involving cutting and perhaps scrap-
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442 / Chapter 11
ing. We cannot be quite as confident that burial points and triangular bifaces
are different types of tools. The latter could be simply reworked versions of
the mint-condition burial point.4 The tendency for burial points to be thinner,
however, suggests that they were manufactured for different uses. If this is the
case, it is probable that the triangular bifaces were generalized hunting points
and butchering tools, while the burial points were specialized weapon points.
Analysis of flaking patterns, edge wear, and resharpening by a lithic specialist
could probably resolve this question.
All burials interred with five or more points contain at least one made of
red, pink, white, or light gray chert (Table 7.10). In eight cases, there is at least
one that is red or pink and one that is white or light gray. Given the over-
whelming predominance of black and dark gray chert points in King site buri-
als, the presence of these specimens is quite striking. As noted in Chapter 2,
red and white figured prominently in the dualistic conceptualization of the
world in the aboriginal Southeast. While the symbolic logic of white arrow
points might escape us, red chert points are entirely consistent with the mean-
ing of red in Southeastern belief systems. Whatever their exact meaning, these
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Artifact Co-occurrences among Adult Males / 443
colored points are at least metaphorically more appropriate for weapons than
for hunting points.
Early European accounts refer to the use of the bow and arrow in hunting
and warfare (Swanton 1946:572–575). Arrows were variously tipped with ant-
ler, gar scales, turkey spurs, bird bills, iron, cane, and stone. Descriptions of
the use of bows in warfare are few in number and date mostly to the early his-
toric period before guns replaced them. Elvas (Robertson 1993:59) describes
the varying effectiveness of stone- and cane-tipped arrows against Spanish
Bows, arrows, and arrow points are depicted on a number of engraved Busy-
con cups from Spiro (Phillips and Brown 1978:Plates 57, 58, 60, 62, 66). Their
association with maces, severed heads, human skulls, and elaborately costumed
human figures (Phillips and Brown 1978) is suggestive of warfare and/or hu-
man sacrifice and ceremonial contexts. Whether these engravings portray real-
life scenes or mythological beings and events, they imply that the bow and ar-
row had ideological/symbolic importance in warfare beyond their practical use
as weapons.
The fine craftsmanship and fragile nature of bifacial blades indicate that
they were not used in everyday subsistence or household activities. Seven of
the eight blades that have been subjected to lithic analysis bear evidence of
use wear, breakage, and/or resharpening, and three have been considerably re-
duced in size by one or more of these processes (Figure 7.14). We may infer
from this that bifacial blades did get broken and that they were used in a way
that dulled their edges. That this was a time-transgressive process is indicated
by the fact that two of the most heavily reworked blades occur with two of the
oldest individuals (Burials 92 and 105), while what appears to be the least re-
worked blade occurs with one of the youngest individuals (Burial 223, the fe-
male warrior).
If bifacial blades were highly valued items in King site society, why were
some individuals buried with small, broken, or worn-out pieces? Burial 92 has
more high-value grave goods than any other burial at the King site, yet the
accompanying blade is small in size, broken at one end, and extensively re-
touched at the other. One reasonable explanation is that bifacial blades, like
Trobriand Island Kula shell necklaces and bracelets and Kwakiutl coppers, in-
creased in value the longer they were in use and circulation. There is no evi-
dence to suggest that blades were exchanged between individuals, but like tri-
angular points they may have been, and their value may have increased with
each exchange. Alternatively, blades may have increased in value as the status
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444 / Chapter 11
of their owner increased through time or as they were used in more and more
socially valued activities such as warfare or ceremonial displays. Breakage or
resharpening, in this context, could have served as visible evidence of a blade’s
honorable life history and the valor of its owner.
Bifacial blades are depicted on shell cups and gorgets in four different
thematic contexts. The most common, represented on gorgets from Etowah,
Hixon, and Toqua, shows a single birdman figure holding a blade in one hand
and a severed head or “rayed circle” in the other (Brain and Phillips 1996:44–
49). Another theme, represented on gorgets from Etowah, Hixon, and Fain’s Is-
land, portrays two birdman figures facing each other and holding a blade in
one hand (Lewis and Kneberg Lewis 1995:Figure 8.2a). The third theme, rep-
resented on a single shell cup from Spiro, depicts two human figures trailing
snake bodies or capes from their shoulders and holding a bifacial blade in one
hand (Phillips and Brown 1984:Plate 192). The fourth theme, represented on
a gorget from Spiro, depicts two human figures facing each other and holding
a bow in one hand and what is probably a bifacial blade in the other (Phillips
and Brown 1984:Plate 336).
In none of these specimens are blades shown being used to do something.
The association of blades and severed heads on gorgets from Etowah and east-
ern Tennessee, however, raises the possibility that the blades were used to re-
move body parts from slain individuals. The rayed circles, depicted in place
of heads on some gorgets, may represent freshly cut scalps. They look like
scalps with roached hair, and their substitution for severed heads suggests that
they also represent war trophies (but see Knight and Franke 2007). Timber-
lake (Williams 1927:77) describes Cherokee warriors as being equipped with
“scalping knives” as well as guns, bows and arrows, and pipe tomahawks. Adair
describes in detail how scalps were removed with “long sharp-pointed scalp-
ing knives” (Swanton 1928a:415). These were probably iron knives in the mid-
eighteenth century, but the important point is that special cutting imple-
ments were used to remove scalps and perhaps other body parts from slain
enemies. Other ethnohistoric sources describe the use of cane and wooden
knives for scalping and dismembering (Hudson 1976:249; Lorant 1965:65;
Swanton 1928a:182), but there is no reason to believe that this was the only
material used for this purpose prior to European contact. Numerous human
skulls have been recovered from prehistoric Mississippian sites that show cut
marks indicative of scalping (Bridges et al. 2000; Hill 2001b). It is difficult to
believe that these marks could have been made with a cane knife.
Engraved shell art provides some support for the identification of bifacial
blades as implements used to scalp and mutilate fallen enemies. It also places
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Artifact Co-occurrences among Adult Males / 445
these implements in association with what must have been historically and/or
mythologically important events. For this reason, we can argue that bifacial
blades probably also had importance as weapon/warfare/warrior symbols.
With the exception of the shell cup and gorget from Spiro, bifacial blades
are always depicted as being held by birdman figures. Arrows and bows, on the
other hand, are depicted with human figures lacking bird characteristics or
with isolated heads. The contrast suggests that different types of events, ac-
tivities, and personages, whether real or mythological, are being depicted. We
can conclude, therefore, that points and bifacial blades probably symbolized
different aspects of warfare—perhaps different military grades and honors.
The copper arrow symbol badge is usually interpreted as a representation
of an arrow point (Brain and Phillips 1996; Schnell et al. 1981). The facts that
the badges are embossed, often with an eye motif (Schnell et al. 1981), and
that they are often found in burials with SECC items such as embossed bird-
man plates, bifacial blades, and celts of various kinds suggest they are symbolic
of weapons rather than hunting points. Given their association with high-
ranking individuals and their scarcity in burial collections, I think it is likely
that they are markers for a high-level warrior grade or war honor.
Hafted celts or axes are a very common type of grave good, especially in
burials that on other evidence can be identified as high ranking. They appear
in burials as early as the eleventh century at Ocmulgee and continue into the
sixteenth century. Four basic types can be recognized on the basis of shape and
material: stone oblong form with thick cross section and rounded or straight
bit (Lewis and Kneberg Lewis 1995:Figure 6.4j); stone oblong form with rela-
tively thin cross section and square or expanded bit and occasionally copper
cover and drilled hole in the haft area (Lewis and Kneberg Lewis 1995:Figure
6.4a and c; Rudolph and Hally 1985:Plate 25c); copper celt of oblong shape
and square or expanded bit (Brain and Phillips 1996:162); and stone spatu-
late form, sometimes with drilled hole (Lewis and Kneberg Lewis 1995:Figure
6.5a–c). The latter three types of celt are unlikely to have been used in everyday
domestic tasks because of their fragile nature (thin cross section, shallow ta-
pered cutting edge, or soft metallic composition). They also generally show no
signs of wear or edge damage. Given the importance of clubs, often fitted with
metal blades, as weapons in the historic period (Van Horne 1993), it is likely
that these types of celt were weapons or representations of weapons. The gen-
eral absence of edge damage, of course, favors the more symbolic role.
In contrast to the frequency with which celts occur in Mississippian buri-
als, there are relatively few depictions of them in engraved shell and embossed
copper SECC art. I know of only four examples: two gorgets from the Midwest
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446 / Chapter 11
showing human figures holding hafted celts, one fragmentary Busycon cup
from Spiro that shows paired human figures holding what looks like a hafted
celt or monolithic axe, and one cup fragment from Spiro depicting a bird-head
hafted axe (Phillips and Brown 1984:Plates 187 and 204). With the possible ex-
ception of the bird-head specimen, none depict a spatulate celt form.
It is possible that the three nonutilitarian celt forms are merely stylistic
variations on a single theme, but this seems unlikely on two counts. Each form
has a long history, extending from at least the mid-fourteenth century through
the mid-sixteenth century. The shape of the spatulate celt changes during this
period (Brain and Phillips 1996:377) and may even develop from the elongate
form dating to the mid-eleventh century at Macon Plateau in Georgia (Fair-
banks 1956:Plate 1). The three celt forms may also differ in inherent value—
the copper celts being made of an exotic material and the spatulate celt re-
quiring perhaps greater skill to manufacture than the oblong form. I think
it is more likely that the three celt forms stand for different types of weapons
that may have had different mythological significance and represent different
warrior grades or war honors. Indeed, spatulate celts occur with some regu-
larity in cemetery burials, admittedly in the sixteenth century primarily, but
copper forms are known only from mound burials, including the probable
mid-sixteenth-century specimens from Nacoochee in northern Georgia and
Lick Creek in the Upper Tennessee River valley (Brain and Phillips 1996:193–
195, 203).
War clubs are described in a number of early European accounts, but ap-
parently they lost importance as weapons with the advent of firearms (Swan-
ton 1946:466–470). Some were made entirely of wood and shaped like spatulas
or swords; others had wooden shafts with iron or stone spikes projecting from
one end and some had stone or copper axeheads hafted in wooden handles.
The latter, of course, is the type depicted in SECC art and represented in the
archaeological record by copper and stone celts of various shapes.
I have argued elsewhere (Hally 1986a) that gravy boat bowls were used
to hold and transport fire in the form of live coals. Mechanical performance
characteristics that support this identification include heat-dissipating nodes
on the exterior surface, large flanges that support handles, and presence of soot
on interior rim surfaces. Early European accounts describe pottery vessels be-
ing used to carry newly kindled sacred fire to the square ground during the
Green Corn ceremony (Williams 1930:111), to burn incense in temples (Swan-
ton 1942:158), to hold fire during a curing ceremony (Lorant 1965:75), to carry
fire to be used in battle (Worth 1993a:236), and to carry sacred fire on mili-
tary expeditions as a worship device (Corkran 1969:44, 46). There is some evi-
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Artifact Co-occurrences among Adult Males / 447
dence that sacred fire was also carried to newly established towns from the par-
ent town or town of origin by the leader who founded the new town (A. Moore
1988; J. Moore 1994). The means by which such fire was transported is not de-
scribed, but pottery vessels could very well have been used. It seems logical, in
fact, that the same type of vessel used to transport and hold sacred fire in cere-
monial contexts would also be used to carry it to a newly founded town.
The first two uses are parts of ceremonies and ritual acts performed for the
benefit of the community. The vessels involved are more likely to have been
treated as communal property than private property and are thus unlikely to
have been interred with deceased individuals. If such vessels were placed in
burials, however, we might expect the deceased to be high-ranking ritual spe-
cialists or priests.
The last two uses are of interest because they may have resulted in personal
ownership of the fire-carrying vessel. In the military case, the Cherokee war
party leader or “war king” is specifically identified as the one who kindles the
war fire and attends it while on the warpath (Corkran 1969:44, 46). We might
expect that such individuals owned the pots in which they carried fire and that
the pots would be buried with them when they died. The transfer of sacred fire
from parent town to daughter town may also have resulted in personal owner-
ship of the fire-carrying vessel. The establishment of a new town was obvi-
ously an event of great importance to the resulting community, but the role of
the founder—as leader of the people who first settled in the town—would have
been so central to the event that personal ownership of the fire-carrying vessel
seems likely. Of course, it is possible that the vessel used to carry fire to a new
town may have been subsequently used in community rituals involving sacred
fire in that town.
From these observations, we can identify three different kinds of individu-
als who might have been interred with gravy boat bowls: priests, war leaders,
and political leaders. These social positions may not have been mutually exclu-
sive, but, at least in the case of the war leader, they should be distinguishable
in mortuary contexts. In all cases, these individuals should be older than the
average adult male because of the time needed to attain these positions of re-
Scalping and removal of other body parts was a common practice in pre-
historic and historic-period Southeastern warfare (Dye 2002, 2007). The extra
skeletal elements interred with several burials could represent such war tro-
phies. The strongest case for this interpretation can be made for Burials 92,
105, and 129, which have remains from only one part of the body: teeth,
frontal bone, and humerus. The 10 human molars recovered from Burial 92
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448 / Chapter 11
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Artifact Co-occurrences among Adult Males / 449
are likely to have had sociopolitical and/or religious significance for the King
site community. As such they are likely to mark civil or ceremonial offices
that individuals could attain either through their own effort or by inheritance.
Three of the types—Busycon cups, pipes, and gravy boat bowls—were used
sometimes in war-related ceremonies, but unlike the artifact types discussed
above, their primary ideological association seems not to have been with war-
fare and warriors.
References to Busycon cups in the historical literature describe them as serv-
ing vessels for the black drink, a caffeine-rich beverage made by steeping the
parched leaves and twigs of yaupon holly in boiling water (Fairbanks 1979).
Among the Creek, it was drunk daily in the square ground or rotunda in a so-
cial setting and was offered to visitors upon their arrival in a town. It was also
consumed in ceremonial settings such as the Green Corn ceremony and peace
negotiations. Regardless of the context in which black drink was used, its con-
sumption appears to have been highly formalized and intended to ritually pu-
rify those who drank it. Among the Creek, preparation of black drink was
supervised by specially designated individuals, the heniha, who were town of-
ficials responsible for public works and second in rank to the town chief. These
individuals may also have had custody of the shell cups used to serve black
drink. The beverage was served by one or two specially designated individuals
variously described as old or young men and possibly bearing the title “Black
Drink Singer” (Fairbanks 1979).
We may infer from this information that Busycon cups were used primarily,
if not exclusively, to serve black drink and that this activity was in the hands of
at least two types of officials, one of which was high in the community’s civil
hierarchy. Adair (Williams 1930:135) states that priests were custodians of the
shell cups, implying that the cups were the property of the town rather than
individuals. According to a Creek informant of Hitchcock in the nineteenth
century, the shell cups used to serve black drink by the Coweta had been used
for a long time and were carefully preserved (Swanton 1928b:503).
In contrast to this picture of community ownership, Busycon cups occur
in burials throughout the Southeast (Milanich 1979), implying a certain de-
gree of individual ownership. Given the sacred nature of black drink prepara-
tion and consumption and the small number of individuals who are interred
with shell cups at most archaeological sites, it is likely that such ownership was
greatly restricted by social tradition. To the extent that eighteenth-century be-
liefs and practices surrounding the black drink and the shell cup are appli-
cable to the late prehistoric period, we may infer that individuals interred with
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450 / Chapter 11
Busycon cups had an official role in the preparation and consumption of the
The chunkey game, involving a polished stone disc or chunkey stone, was
played by men throughout the Southeast in the early historic period (Swan-
ton 1946:682–684). To judge by the geographical distribution of stone discoi-
dals from archaeological contexts, the game was widespread in the prehistoric
period as well. The game appears to have been an important element in Mis-
sissippian belief systems, as it is depicted on SECC shell gorgets (Phillips and
Brown 1978:110–111) and occupies an important place in at least one myth,
the Apalachee Ball Game myth, that charters important social positions and
ceremonies (Keyes 1994).
In the eighteenth century, James Adair reported that chunkey stones were
community property and were never interred with the dead (Swanton 1946:
547). Archaeological evidence seems to support Adair’s observation, as almost
all archaeological specimens are found in nonburial contexts, either in mounds
or near public ceremonial structures (Colburn 1936:86; Lewis and Kneberg
1946:122; Polhemus 1987:794; Schroedl 1986:372; M. Smith 1994:144).
Stone discoidals, however, do occasionally occur in burials. Examples in-
clude Mound 72 at Cahokia (Fowler et al. 1999), Mound C at Etowah (Brain
and Phillips 1996:154), and King. The first two date well before European con-
tact, but King is not that far removed in time from what Adair was observing
among historic Southeastern Indians. It is possible that the discrepancy be-
tween what informants said in the eighteenth century and what the archaeo-
logical record shows reflects the existence of multiple kinds of games involv-
ing stone discs. Stone discoidals occur in two size classes with diameters of
approximately 40 cm and 90 cm and in two distinct shapes, biconcave and
plano-convex. The discoidals depicted on SECC shell gorgets are of the large,
biconcave type. The discoidals in King site burials are of the large and small
plano-convex varieties. Each of the four resulting types of discoidal may have
been used in a different game or in the same kind of game played in different
social and ritual contexts. It is possible that only one of them was the chunkey
stone referred to by Adair.
However this question is resolved, it is clear that chunkey was more than
just a game played for sport. It derived some of its meaning and ideological sig-
nificance from events or personages of the past, and society at large probably
maintained some degree of control over when and under what circumstances
it was played.
In the historic period, pipes were smoked in four different contexts: war
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Artifact Co-occurrences among Adult Males / 451
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452 / Chapter 11
they recruited. We might expect that this use of pipes was restricted to mili-
tary leaders. We might also expect that the use of pipes in treaty and peace ne-
gotiations would be restricted to community and polity leaders.
Tools and Implements
Over one-third of the artifact types recovered from adult male burials at King
can be identified as tools and implements or parts thereof. They include the
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454 / Chapter 11
flaker. A very long piece of antler would have required a long handle that might
have been ungainly to use. Finally, there is the fact that two of six burials with
antler cylinders do not have FKK and seven of 11 FKK burials do not have ant-
ler cylinders. As will be discussed in the next section of this chapter, preserva-
tion conditions may account for some FKK burials that are missing antler cyl-
inders but probably do not account for all of them.
The ethnohistoric literature has little to say about the meaning and use of
beaver incisors beyond John Smith’s description of their being used to notch
arrows (Swanton 1946:572). They do occur fairly regularly in burial contexts,
however, often with evidence of sharpening and wear on the occlusal sur-
face (Lewis and Kneberg Lewis 1995:155; Polhemus 1987:1019). As was com-
mon throughout eastern North America, they were probably used for working
wood—probably as chisels but perhaps also as whittling knives. Their strong
association with FKK in King site burials suggests usage in the production of
arrows, but they were probably used to manufacture other types of wooden
objects as well.
The four chert unifacial end scrapers and four preforms recovered from
Burials 49, 92, 101, and 117 were apparently enclosed in containers that also
held flintknapper kits. They are not flintknapping tools but their exclusive as-
sociation with FKK suggests their use was related to flaked stone tool produc-
tion. The fact that seven burials with FKK did not have unifacial end scrapers
or preforms, however, indicates that the tool was not essential to flaked stone
tool production. Microscopic examination of the working edge of the four
scrapers by Cobb and Pope (1998:9) provided evidence that they were “used in
a transverse motion, with most wear on the dorsal face at a perpendicular or
oblique angle to the worked material” (Cobb and Pope 1998:10). Comparison
to use wear on experimental tools indicates that three of the four tools were
used in scraping, shaving, or slicing dry wood or hardwood (Cobb and Pope
1998:10). They may have been used in arrow or bow production or even the
manufacture and maintenance of wooden billets or antler flakers.
The presence of smooth facets on the edges of circular polishing stones in-
dicates that these tools were used to polish or grind some kind of fine-grained
material. The specimen from Burial 226 was one of four artifacts that formed
a tight cluster at the feet of the individual. The other artifacts are two tabu-
lar polishing stones and a large mussel shell. The four artifacts may form a
tool kit, but their manner of use is not known. The mussel shell and circu-
lar polishing stone could be related to pottery manufacture, but the tabu-
lar polishing stones with their surface striations do not fit this interpretation
very well.
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Artifact Co-occurrences among Adult Males / 455
Tabular polishing stones and tabular stones are also difficult to assign a spe-
cific use. Except for the two tabular polishing stones included in Burial 226
(see above), all of the specimens of these artifact types were physically part
of flintknapper kits in two different burials. Their presence in FKK may mean
that they were used in flintknapping or in manufacturing activities related to
flaked stone tool production.
Several kinds of worked animal bone—bird-bone tool, split bone tool, cy-
lindrical bone tool, and antler tine—are so fragmentary and are represented in
such low numbers that we cannot be certain what they originally looked like or
how they were used. The cougar radius tool, eyed bone tool, and turkey tarso-
metatarsus awls all conform to artifact types that have been recognized and
described in print elsewhere, but again we cannot be certain how they were
used. With the exception of the cougar radius tool, there is no reason to believe
that any of these worked bone items had other than everyday, mundane uses.
The fact that cougar bone was used instead of white-tailed deer bone to make
chisel-like tools at King and Toqua suggests that these artifacts had a mean-
ing and perhaps usage that was unrelated to everyday domestic and subsis-
tence activities.
Walker (2000) argues that bipointed bone implements with one end blunter
than the other were part of barbless compound trolling hooks used in south-
west Florida coastal waters to hook striking fish. This interpretation does not
fit the King site specimens very well. To begin with, the latter are considerably
larger than those described by Walker (average length of 176 mm vs. 89 mm).
Second, there are no striking fish in Valley and Ridge Province rivers that were
large enough to be taken with a hook measuring in excess of 175 mm. Alter-
natively, such hooks could have been used to catch bottom-feeding sturgeon,
which were indigenous to the Upper Coosa drainage (Bud Freeman, personal
communication 2006).
Polhemus (1998:101) identifies bipointed bone artifacts as arrow points.
This identification is based on overall shape, uniformity in size and shape,
the occurrence of impact fractures on the end of some specimens, and the
fact that multiple specimens are often placed in burials in clusters similar to
those characteristic of stone triangular points (Polhemus, personal communi-
cation 1999). Several pieces of evidence suggest that they had uses other than
as projectile points or that they were points intended for special kinds of game.
Their comparatively great weight (9–11 gm vs. 2–5 gm for stone burial points)
suggests that they would have required a different type of bow to be effective.
Their slightly asymmetrical shape raises the possibility that they would not
have flown true for very great distances. The absence of barbs would have al-
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Artifact Co-occurrences among Adult Males / 457
arm region, where they could have been suspended from the neck. In Burial
118, however, the baculum is located in the hip area. Given their strong as-
sociation with adult males at King and Toqua (Polhemus 1987:Appendix C),
bacula were presumably associated with characteristically male concerns and
activities, possibly even serving as symbols of maleness. The bacula interred
with Burial 223, the female warrior, could be seen as supporting this interpre-
tation or as suggesting additional, perhaps quite different, meanings.
The single “eyed bone cylinder” found with Burial 63 may also have been
used as a charm. This item is approximately the same size as the opossum
bacula and has a drilled hole at one end, presumably for suspension. High sur-
face polish and the lack of evidence of use wear suggest that the cylinder was a
piece of jewelry or a charm and not a tool.
Opossum mandible and maxilla elements and a bear phalange located
near the right hand of Burial 63 may have been parts of a medicine bundle.
The eyed bone cylinder, discussed above, was not part of this group, although
its exact location in the burial pit is not known. A possible bear element in
Burial 103 may also have been part of a medicine bundle. Organic preserva-
tion conditions in this burial were so poor that other small animal bones could
have disappeared through decay. Two opossum mandibles, a possible opos-
sum baculum, a fox radius, and two swan carpometacarpus elements were re-
covered during the excavation of Burial 81. The latter definitely belong with
Burial 81, but we cannot be certain that the other elements do, nor do we know
their location within the burial. If they are all Burial 81 grave goods, they may
have been components of a medicine bundle.
Historic accounts describe shell beads strung as necklaces, bracelets, earrings,
and leg ornaments among a number of Southeastern tribes. Men and women
both wore them (Swanton 1946:516–523). Adair (Williams 1930:484) briefly
describes the manufacture of Busycon beads and their use among the Creek,
Chickasaw, and Cherokee as a form of currency. The latter may be a historic-
period introduction from tribes in the Middle Atlantic region (Swanton 1946:
516–523), but Prentice (1987) argues that the use of shell beads as a “primitive
money” goes back well into the Mississippian period.
Marine shell beads appear to have had a number of religious meanings and
symbolic associations. The use of the Busycon conch in preparing and serv-
ing the black drink, for example, may have imparted one kind of meaning
to beads made from that species of shell. A second type of meaning is sug-
gested by the depiction of beads in SECC engraved shell and embossed copper
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458 / Chapter 11
art (Brain and Phillips 1996; Phillips and Brown 1978). Necklaces of barrel-
shaped beads, often with a suspended Busycon columella, are a common fea-
ture of this art. Less commonly, strings of what were probably beads are de-
picted at the wrist and ankle (Phillips and Brown 1978). Cross-hatched motifs,
presumably representing shell beads, are also shown at the neck, elbow, wrist,
knee, and ankle. Bartram and Timberlake describe the use of collars made of
shell beads by Creek and Cherokee (Williams 1927:518).
The age distribution of marine shell beads among subadult burials, de-
scribed in Chapter 10, suggests a third symbolic meaning. Subadult burials
with beads are almost always interred outside domestic structures and almost
never have pottery jars or bowls. Subadults with pots are younger on average
and are almost always interred beneath house floors. Adult male burials appear
to conform to at least two of these three patterns, but the small sample size re-
duces the certainty with which this can be demonstrated. Counting disturbed
as well as reliable burials, 10 of 11 adult males have either beads or pots, but
not both. Eight of the nine burials with beads, furthermore, are interred out-
side. Burial 92 is the only burial that does not conform to these patterns. It has
both marine shell beads and a pottery vessel and it is interred inside a PDS. It
may not, however, be a true exception. Its pot is a gravy boat bowl, which is not
a domestic vessel, and its shell beads may be part of a headdress rather than
the usual necklace.
In Chapter 10, I proposed that the shift from pots to beads as grave goods
and from inside to outside interment in subadult burials may relate to issues of
gender and social identification: female vs. male, maternal kin vs. paternal kin,
and household vs. community/society. Similar distinctions may be involved in
the adult male mortuary patterns involving shell bead grave goods and outside
burial location. The subadult comparison, however, breaks down when pots
are added to the equation. Burial 93 has a jar and is interred outside.
Since marine shell beads are depicted in SECC art on personages who may
have had mythological importance, we might expect them to be interred pri-
marily with high-ranking individuals. In reality, however, marine shell beads
are very common grave goods in the interior Southeast during the fifteenth
and sixteenth centuries. At King, they are the second most common type of
grave good after points, and they are interred with both men and women as
well as children. I infer from this that marine shell beads, and Busycon beads
in particular, were also seen as costume items and that they probably were
available to all members of the community, although in varying quantities
(Thomas 1996).
Finally, because they were made from material that had to be imported from
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Artifact Co-occurrences among Adult Males / 459
the Gulf or South Atlantic coast, marine shell beads would have had a cer-
tain inherent value and probably served as indicators of personal or household
wealth. Goldstein (1980), Prentice (1987), Thomas (1996), and Trubitt (2000)
reach similar conclusions based also on the common occurrence of Busycon
beads with low-status burials and with children.
Circular engraved shell gorgets are described and depicted as being worn
suspended below the neck among many Southeastern tribes during the early
historic period (Swanton 1946:518–519). The mask gorgets accompanying
adult males at King conform to this picture. In Burial 49, the gorget was lo-
cated in the chest area, and in Burial 188 the gorget was located between the
head and left shoulder.
Unfortunately, the historic accounts do not tell us what meaning gorgets
may have had. Early gorget forms dating to the thirteenth to fifteenth centu-
ries were engraved with human figures, spiders, turkey cocks, and other de-
signs and may depict mythological characters and events (Knight et al. 2001).
They are found most commonly with burials accompanied by high-status
grave goods and interred in mounds and are generally interpreted as mark-
ing elite status (Brown and Kerber 1990; Prentice 1987; Trubitt 2000). Later
gorget styles, depicting humanlike faces and rattlesnakes, however, are com-
monly found with children and burials interred in domestic settings. Three of
the five mask gorgets and five of the eight rattlesnake gorgets at King were in-
terred with subadults. I infer from this that, in the sixteenth century at least,
gorgets were more likely to be indicators of material wealth than high sta-
tus. Some idea of just how valuable these objects may have been is provided by
Lawson (Lefler 1967:203), who reports that some gorgets traded for three or
four dressed buck skins in the Carolina Piedmont in 1700.
To the extent that the designs depicted on gorgets have mythological refer-
ences, we can expect that gorgets were also worn and interred with the dead
because of their role in transmitting information. Their symbolism may have
been primarily religious in orientation or primarily social and political. The
fact that they are interred with children at King, however, suggests that the
message is not political in nature.
Knobbed shell pins, both small and large sizes, and bracket shell pins are
best seen as costume items and more specifically as ear ornaments. Early French
descriptions of shell earrings among Lower Mississippi Valley tribes seem to be
describing knobbed shell pins and possibly bracket shell pins but restrict their
use to women (Swanton 1946:512–514). There are no historic references to this
type of ear ornament in the Southern Appalachian region that I am aware of.
King site examples of knobbed shell pins, including both large and small sizes,
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460 / Chapter 11
occur with adult males and females and possibly with one subadult (Burial
125). They occur with adults of both sexes in Mouse Creek phase burials in
Tennessee as well (Sullivan 1986:Table 7-26).
There is some question whether the different types of shell pins were ear-
rings, hair pins, or clothes fasteners and whether they all had the same or dif-
ferent functions. Lewis and Kneberg Lewis (1995:169) report that some Dallas
and Mouse Creek phase burials have only one knobbed shell pin while others
have as many as three. They suggest that the artifacts are actually hair pins.
Single burials from the Dallas phase Citico and Tellico sites in Tennessee had
both knobbed and bracket type shell pins (Brain and Phillips 1996:225, 243).
In the latter case, there was a knobbed shell pin on each side of the skull and
the bracket shell pin was on top of the skull (Rice 1977).
The King site evidence indicates that knobbed shell pins were ear orna-
ments. Three burials each have pairs of pins located in the head area: the large
variety in Burial 120 and the small variety in Burials 156 and 195. The exis-
tence of single small pins in the chest area of Burials 118 and 125 does not rule
out their use as ear pins. They may have been placed there at the time of in-
Burial 30 cannot be identified as either male or female with certainty. Two
types of costume items—pulley-shaped ear spools of shell and whole turtle
shells—that are not known from other adult male burials at King were interred
with the burial. The former, as its name implies, is almost certainly an ear or-
nament. Whole turtle shells, occurring in burial context, are usually identified
as rattles, an interpretation that is often supported by the presence of small
pebbles or drum teeth. No pebbles or drum teeth were found near the two
turtle shells accompanying Burial 30. The physical proximity of the two shells
to the upper right and left arms of the burial, however, suggests that they were
attached to this part of the deceased’s body or clothing. The most reasonable
interpretation of the Burial 30 shells is that they were rattles.
European Artifacts
Iron artifacts were probably obtained as gifts directly from members of either
or both the De Soto and Luna expeditions (Marvin Smith 1987). Cobb and
Ruggiero (2003) argue that these expeditions may not have visited the King
site and that iron artifacts were obtained through aboriginal exchange from
more important towns in the Ulibahali chiefdom that the Spanish did visit.
I think this is unlikely given the large number (nine) of iron artifacts that
have been found in King site burials. This many Spanish artifacts exchanged
with King site inhabitants implies that a much larger number was distrib-
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Artifact Co-occurrences among Adult Males / 461
uted at the towns that were actually visited by the expeditions. As discussed
below, the Pardo expedition, which was consciously trying to gain influence
among inhabitants of the Carolina Piedmont, seems to have distributed only
about one or two iron items per town. A third mechanism—taking iron objects
from the Spanish in battle or following battle—will be discussed in more de-
tail below.
For the inhabitants of the King site, Spanish iron items may have had sev-
eral different uses and meanings. The celt-form implements may have been
used as woodworking tools. They and the large spike may have been hafted
and used as war clubs. All iron implements probably also had meaning as to-
kens of recognition from the powerful alien “paramount chiefs” (Smith and
Hally 1992) who had recently passed through their territory. But it was the
Spanish who were distributing these items, and it is to their motives and per-
spective that we must turn if we are to understand why some burials have
metal tools and others do not.
The Spanish would have attempted to maximize the political impact of
their gifts by giving them to those inhabitants they could identify as politi-
cally and socially important members of the community. We know little about
how these allocation decisions were made, but the strategy of the later Pardo
expeditions is documented. Departing from Santa Elena on the South Caro-
lina coast in 1566, Pardo’s mission was to explore the interior, pacify its In-
dian inhabitants, and arrange for them to supply food for Spanish garrisons
at the forts he established (Hudson 1990). The latter objectives were to be ac-
complished in part by distributing trade goods to the native inhabitants. Metal
tools to be distributed included chisels, wedges, knives, and hatchets, examples
of which are represented in King site burials. According to an account of the
second Pardo expedition in 1567, most of the recipients of trade items were
micos (polity chiefs), oratas (village chiefs), mandadors (war chiefs), and in-
dios principales (principal men) (DePratter and Smith 1980; Hudson 1990:
There are a few references in the De Soto narratives to items of clothing
and glass beads being given to chiefs or their representatives and one reference
to the chief of Casqui receiving an iron knife (Swanton 1985:55). Rangel re-
lates that at Itaba the Spanish “bartered for some Indian women, whom they
gave them in exchange for mirrors and knives” (Worth 1993b:285). I read this
passage as saying that the payment went to someone other than the bartered
women. Whether the recipients were officials and principal men or less promi-
nent individuals is not stated, but the latter is possible.
In light of this historical evidence, I think it is probable that most of the
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462 / Chapter 11
iron implements in King site burials were gifts from members of the De Soto
and/or Luna expeditions to politically and socially important people. It is un-
likely that a mico would have resided at King, but the town would have counted
among its inhabitants an orata, principal men, and presumably at least one in-
dividual who could qualify as a military leader.
If the Spanish attempted to match the value of their gifts with the promi-
nence of the recipients, we might judge Burial 234 with its sword to be the most
important person in the community, possibly its headman. I think this would
be a mistake since the sword is unlikely to have been a gift. This was a func-
tional weapon and would certainly have been too valuable to the Spanish to be
given away. Most likely, it was taken from an expedition member or retrieved
from a battlefield. To judge by the quantity and value of his grave furnishings,
Burial 234 was an important citizen of the town, but we cannot put too much
weight on the sword in our attempts to identify what his position was.
Burial 19 may have obtained his iron knife in the same manner as Burial
234. The burial is anomalous among those with iron in lacking other grave
goods. Presumably, he had not acquired any of the prestigious social identities
that are characteristic of other burials with iron artifacts. Unless he was born
to high rank, the Spanish would have had little reason to give him such a gift.
It would be helpful to know how old Burial 19 was when he died.
If Burials 234 and 19 obtained their iron grave goods in battle why could the
other individuals interred with iron not have obtained some or all of theirs in
a similar manner? Unfortunately, the evidence supporting either mechanism
is not conclusive. Burials 15, 92, 117, and possibly 40 were all high-ranking
members of the community and hence likely to be the kind of individuals the
Spanish were trying to influence with gifts. The artifacts involved, further-
more, are of the type known to have been given as gifts. On the other hand, we
might wonder why Burial 92 had three iron artifacts and Burial 117 had two
when all indications are that the Spanish were rather parsimonious in their be-
stowal of such gifts. Quite possibly, each of these individuals may have ob-
tained their iron objects by both mechanisms. In the final analysis, I cannot
prove how Burials 15, 40, 92, and 117 obtained their iron artifacts. The gift
mechanism is the most reasonable given what evidence there is and will be as-
sumed to be the correct one.
The variety of functions and meanings that we can attribute to many of the ar-
tifact types interred with adult males and the fact that many of these types do
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Artifact Co-occurrences among Adult Males / 463
not always occur together in the same burials lead to the conclusion that adult
male social identity was multidimensional. Warfare was an important dimen-
sion of male status but so was involvement in community civil and ceremo-
nial activities, craft production, and wealth display. Moreover, some of these
dimensions of male social identity may have been causally related, while oth-
ers almost certainly were not or were only remotely interconnected. In the fol-
lowing pages, I will attempt to unravel these complex relationships by bring-
ing together evidence from grave goods, grave good associations in burials,
grave and body treatment, and intrasite burial location. My objective is to pro-
vide greater understanding of the meaning of individual grave goods and to
provide a detailed picture of adult male social identity as reflected in mortu-
ary practices.
A number of interpretations will be offered for why specific artifact types
occur in some burials but not others. Those interpretations that are most likely
to be valid are based on arguments for why access to particular artifact types
would have been restricted to certain individuals. If, for example, bifacial
blades were scalping knives and were markers for a particular warrior grade,
then only individuals who met the requirements for that grade could be in-
terred with them. As a socially valued identity, furthermore, the individual
holding that warrior grade would be motivated to demonstrate his accom-
plishment in a variety of ways and contexts, including funerary ritual. Based
on what I can glean from the ethnohistorical and archaeological evidence from
the Southeast, this type of argument can be made with some credibility for
points, blades, spatulate celts, gravy boat bowls, copper arrow symbol badges,
human remains, Busycon cups, and stone discoidals.
The same kind of argument can be made for FKK, unifacial end scrapers,
antler cylinders, beaver incisors, and pipes, but with slightly less force, because
we do not understand as well how they were used or how access to the social
identities they represent might have been restricted. Marine shell beads, ear
pins, and gorgets present similar problems. We do not know whether they rep-
resent primarily items of costume, items of wealth, or, at least in the case of
gorgets, ritual items.
There is, of course, always the possibility that some artifact types occur in
burials because they represent a personal preference of the deceased or the so-
cial and political agendas of his mourners. I suspect, however, that the more we
learn about what artifacts mean and how access to them as markers of social
identity was restricted in Mississippian society, the less likely it is that we will
have to consider personal preference and self-interest as factors in decisions re-
garding grave furnishings.
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464 / Chapter 11
Evidence has been presented earlier in this chapter that points, bifacial blades,
spatulate celts, copper arrow symbol badges, human remains, gravy boat bowls,
and hematite functioned as war symbols and in some cases as implements
used in warfare. I will argue in the following pages that some of these items
served as markers for warrior grades or war honors. To the extent that this is a
correct interpretation, we can expect that the frequency with which they occur
in burials and the frequency with which they occur together in the same burial
should vary directly with the age of the deceased. Older individuals will have
had time to acquire more war honors and higher warrior grades than younger
individuals and, on average, should be interred with a greater variety of the ar-
tifacts that marked these statuses.
The type of projectile point placed in burials appears to have been used in
warfare and not as a hunting and butchering implement. It follows that the
presence of arrows in a burial communicated something about the deceased’s
involvement in warfare. Since points are such a common grave good (17 out
of 34 reliable and lightly disturbed burials) and they occur with individuals as
young as 15 years of age, we might conclude that they mark a very basic level of
involvement—perhaps nothing more than participation in one or more mili-
tary operations. Seventeen of the 34 burials, however, do not have points. Does
this mean that half of the adult males in the King community did not partici-
pate at all in warfare? It is possible, but I think it is more likely that points mark
a level of achievement above that of simple participation. The historic-period
literature is full of references to a first military grade, marked by the receipt
of a special warrior name, that could be earned among the Creeks by taking a
scalp (Swanton 1946:426) and among the Apalachee by participating in a raid
that resulted in the taking of an enemy scalp (Hann 1988:182). The greater
average age of males with points compared with that of males without them
(32.4 years vs. 27.6 years) fits this interpretation, as we would expect that some
men would have to participate in several military expeditions before they were
able to meet the requirements for promotion to the socially recognized status
of warrior.
Individuals as young as 15 years were interred with points, indicating that
the type of warrior identity points represented could be achieved early in
adulthood. Since some of the 17 individuals lacking points are in their for-
ties, we cannot attribute the lack of points in a burial entirely to youthful in-
experience. More likely, such individuals did not participate enough in mili-
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Artifact Co-occurrences among Adult Males / 465
tary activities to allow them to achieve the minimal warrior grade. Some of
them may have lacked interest in military activity.
It is, of course, possible that all men who participated in warfare, even if
only minimally, were eligible to be interred with points when they died and
that some chose not to mark this status. We cannot ignore the possibility that
personal preference was the ultimate reason individuals were or were not in-
terred with points. But we must weigh this interpretation, which cannot be
readily verified in the archaeological record, against the likelihood that there
was a higher, more restricted level of eligibility—the first warrior grade—the
existence of which accounts very well for the frequency and age distribution
of burials with points.
We saw in an earlier section that some adult males exchanged points with
one another. Although we may never know the specific rationale for this be-
havior, I think it is most likely that men exchanged points in order to establish
and/or maintain social bonds or partnerships of some kind with one another.
But not all men were involved in such exchanges, and, as we have seen, some
men—and women—were involved in more exchanges than others. It is pos-
sible that men simply accumulated exchange relationships as they grew older,
but the evidence for this is weak.
I will argue below that bifacial blades were markers for a second, higher
warrior grade. Comparison of burials with and without blades reveals that the
former have significantly more points and point styles than the latter (number
of points, t = 2.66, p = .01; number of point styles, t = 2.63, p = .01). We might
infer from this that successful warriors—those who had achieved higher war-
rior grades—tended to more actively seek point exchange relationships. Alter-
natively, and I think more likely, successful warriors—male as well as female—
may have been more sought after as exchange partners by other warriors.
Burial 223, with seven point styles, may have been especially sought after be-
cause of her honored status as a female warrior.
There is considerable lithic, SECC, and ethnohistoric evidence that bi-
facial blades were used in battle to remove scalps or other body parts from
fallen enemy. The evidence from SECC art also indicates that blades had sym-
bolic associations with warfare that likely had mythological underpinnings.
As weapon symbols, they were probably also used as badges or display items.
The fact that blades do not occur in most adult male burials suggests that
there was some restriction on who could possess and use them. I propose that
blades were also markers for a warrior grade and that only individuals who
had achieved the grade could possess them. This grade ranked higher than
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466 / Chapter 11
that represented by points and could be earned only after the latter had been
achieved. Two types of evidence support this interpretation. First, blades are
found only in burials with points, while points occur in many burials lack-
ing blades. Second, burials with blades are older on average (41.3 years vs. 32.5
years) than burials with points only. The evidence also indicates that only a
limited number of warriors were able to achieve this higher grade and that it
normally took them a number of years to do so.
Viewing bifacial blades as symbols of an elevated warrior grade also re-
solves the question of whether cane or stone cutting implements were used to
dismember and scalp fallen enemy in late prehistoric and early historic times.
Both were, but by different kinds of warriors. Cane knives were used by lower-
grade warriors, and bifacial blades were used by warriors who had achieved the
higher grade symbolized by possession of a blade.
Copper arrow symbol badges were almost certainly weapon symbols. Given
their association with high-ranking individuals and their scarcity in burial col-
lections from other sites, I think it is likely that they were markers for a high-
level warrior grade—possibly the highest of those recognized in the King site
community and polity. Burial 92 contains points, a bifacial blade, and CASB.
Since he is the only King site burial with CASB and is approximately 45 years
old, we may surmise that he achieved the grades represented by the more com-
mon points and blades before earning the grade represented by CASB. In other
words, points, blades, and CASB represent steps in a single graded hierarchy.
Spatulate celts seldom, if ever, have broken and battered edges. They are
most likely, therefore, to have been symbolic representations of war clubs
rather than actual weapons. Regardless of whether they were weapons or only
weapon symbols, they probably were markers for a warrior grade or specific
war honor. Their infrequency in burials at King and other sites in the South-
east indicates that they represent a grade or honor that was more advanced
than that represented by points. Burial 117 is the only reliable burial with a
spatulate celt at King but is only approximately 19 years old. The looted burial
identified as Burial 234 and containing a second spatulate celt is approximately
30 years old. Both burials have points and are among the richest three or four
burials known from the site.
Burial 117 has only a spatulate celt, while Burial 234 has both a spatulate
celt and bifacial blades. At other sites, the two artifacts sometimes occur to-
gether and sometimes in separate burials. I infer from this that the social iden-
tities represented by the spatulate celts and blades are not parts of a single hier-
archy of warrior grades. They may belong to separate grading systems, or one
may represent a specific war honor that can be won independently of where
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Artifact Co-occurrences among Adult Males / 467
one stands in the other graded system. Since bifacial blades are more com-
mon than spatulate celts in burials at King and elsewhere, they are more likely
to represent a midlevel grade in a hierarchical system, while spatulate celts are
more likely to represent a separate war honor, albeit one that may have been
more difficult to achieve.
I have argued in the preceding pages that points, bifacial blades, CASB, and
spatulate celts were markers for different warrior grades and war honors and
that they were used as grave goods for those individuals who had earned the
appropriate grade or honor. There are, however, several reasonable alternative
explanations for why these items were used as grave goods. To begin with,
given the craftsmanship and exotic materials involved in their manufacture, it
is possible that blades, spatulate celts, and CASB were used to display an indi-
vidual’s wealth, trade contacts, or general importance in the community. The
problem with this interpretation is that each of the three types of grave goods
had symbolic associations with warfare and possibly with mythological per-
sonages and events of a military nature. Their use as grave goods, therefore,
would seem to be most appropriate as statements about the deceased’s involve-
ment in warfare.
Following this lead, we might conjecture that the desire or right to possess
blades, spatulate celts, and CASB was acquired through visionary experiences
and that the deceased used them as amulets for protection and to enhance
success in warfare. This explanation, it seems to me, is inadequate because it
fails to account for the hierarchical and age-dependent manner in which these
items co-occur in the burial sample.
It is also possible that individuals who were heavily involved in warfare and
committed to warrior ideals used war symbols such as bifacial blades to adver-
tise their self-identification as warriors much like people today wear clothing
emblazoned with the logo of their college alma mater. Again, this explanation
fails to account for the manner in which items co-occur in burials.
None of these explanations fit the ethnohistoric evidence as well as the war-
rior grade and war honors model does. Graded systems of warrior statuses are
reported for aboriginal societies throughout the Southeast in the eighteenth
century and earlier. We can be certain, therefore, that they were a feature of
King site society. Graded systems of warrior statuses would have required
physical markers to distinguish the different grades. We know that some his-
toric tribes used body tattooing and war trophies such as scalps for this pur-
pose; there is no reason to believe that there were not other kinds of mark-
ers. Points, bifacial blades, CASB, and spatulate celts fit the requirements of a
system of warrior grades and honors. They can be easily displayed as items of
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468 / Chapter 11
clothing or portable objects. As weapons and weapon symbols, they are sym-
bolically appropriate as markers for warrior grades. Most important, the man-
ner in which they co-occur in burials of different ages is exactly what we would
expect to see if they marked successive steps in a graded system of statuses.
Warrior grades are a social identity that all parties involved—decedents,
mourners, and other community members—probably agreed should be rep-
resented in the mortuary treatment of eligible individuals. There may have
been a tendency to exaggerate the deceased’s accomplishments in battle, but
the community at large probably did not tolerate such misrepresentation. In-
deed, Adair states that formerly the Chickasaw had required that tattoos de-
picting falsely claimed war honors be erased (Swanton 1928a:417). If I am cor-
rect in identifying points, blades, CASB, and spatulate celts as grave goods, we
can be fairly confident that their presence or absence in a burial is an accurate
reflection of whether the deceased had attained at least a minimal level in the
hierarchy of warrior grades.
It is possible that some individuals who had the right to be interred with
blades, spatulate celts, or CASB were not accorded such mortuary treatment
or that some individuals who were interred with these items did not merit
such recognition. For the reasons outlined above, I doubt such cases were very
common and I do not know how one would detect and verify them if they did
Since it was probably prestigious to exchange points with other adult males
and to have a number of such exchange partners, we can expect that these
relationships also would be consistently portrayed in mortuary practices. Ex-
aggeration might have been difficult due to the need to actually possess points
of the correct style to use them as grave goods.
Gravy boat bowls are most likely to have been used and possibly owned by
individuals who were leaders of war parties, ritual specialists in community
ceremonies involving sacred fire, and political leaders who founded new towns.
Of the two King site burials with gravy boat bowls, Burials 92 and 124, only
the former can be fully characterized as to age and grave furnishings. He was
clearly a prominent warrior, having achieved several military grades, including
perhaps the highest. We may speculate then that the inclusion of a gravy boat
bowl in his grave means that he was a war party leader or held the office of war
chief in the community.
An argument also can be made that Burial 92 was interred with a gravy boat
bowl because he was an important religious functionary. His success as a war-
rior would not necessarily have precluded his holding such a position as well.
Sacred fire and the ceremonies surrounding it, however, were clearly commu-
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Artifact Co-occurrences among Adult Males / 469
nity affairs in the eighteenth century, and we may question whether an indi-
vidual would be in possession of a pottery vessel used to carry sacred fire in
such contexts.
Burial 92 may also have had a gravy boat bowl because he was involved in
the founding of the King site as a formal town. He is by most criteria the rich-
est burial known from the site and is also one of the earliest. As founder, he
may have carried sacred fire from a parent town to the King site, and this may
have given him the right to be interred with the vessel that was used to trans-
port that fire. This, of course, does not explain why Burial 124 also was in-
terred with a gravy boat bowl. One could argue that the two burials represent
competing claims for the honor of being town founder, but there is no inde-
pendent supporting evidence.
The heavily disturbed Burial 124 contained only a gravy boat bowl, a
Type III hammerstone, and a celt. Additional grave goods may have been de-
stroyed by the plow. As a result, we do not know whether he had achieved any
warrior grades. If he had, then an argument could be made that both he and
Burial 92 were interred with a gravy boat bowl because they were war lead-
ers or, at different times, town war chiefs. In any case, Burial 92 was probably
interred with a gravy boat bowl either because he held a position of military
leadership or because he was the founder of the town. Either social identity
was important enough that there would be strong motivation to display the
appropriate symbols at the time of death and to challenge false or exaggerated
claims to them.
Three and possibly four of the sets of human remains accompanying adult
male burials (Burials 92, 105, 117, and 129) can be identified as war trophies
taken from slain enemy. One gets the impression from the historical literature
(Dye 2002, 2007; Swanton 1928a, 1946) that scalps and other body parts were
commonly taken from fallen enemy, but only three or four out of 34 adult male
burials were presumably interred with such war trophies. Why were more indi-
viduals not accompanied by them? Three of the burials with body parts, Buri-
als 92, 105, and 117, also were interred with weapons and weapon symbols. All
three had points and bifacial blades or spatulate celts, and Burial 92 also had
copper arrow symbol badges and a gravy boat bowl. As such, these individuals
had each attained elevated warrior grades or special warrior honors. The rela-
tive scarcity of such trophies in the King site burial collection could be due in
part to preservation conditions, but it more likely reflects the fact that war tro-
phies represented special honors that were not available to all warriors.
Perhaps the strongest evidence against identifying human remains as war
trophies or, for that matter, identifying points as markers for the first warrior
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470 / Chapter 11
grade is that Burial 129 was not interred with any weapons or weapon symbols.
Presumably this individual had not attained even the lowest warrior grade and
should not have been in the position to collect or display a war trophy. Burials
143 and 144 may represent another case of an individual lacking warrior status
being interred with a war trophy. In this case, however, we do not even know
whether either burial was male.
The red pigment hematite was probably associated with war and was pre-
sumably used as body paint by men when they went to war. We may wonder
then why it was not interred more commonly with adult males and especially
with those having points as grave goods. The fact that it was not a common
type of grave good (occurring with only six out of 34 reliable and lightly dis-
turbed burials) could be interpreted to mean that it was available as a sta-
tus marker to only a small number of men who had attained a specific war-
rior grade or honor. Several types of evidence, however, indicate that hematite
was available to most adult males and not just those who had attained promi-
nence as warriors. First of all, Burial 103 has hematite but no points or blades.
Second, hematite has strong associations with more artifact types than any
other type of adult male grave good, suggesting that it was not tied to some
limiting set of prerequisite social identities such as warrior grades. Third, the
average age of burials with hematite (31.0 years) is the same as that of buri-
als lacking the pigment (31.3 years), suggesting that individuals did not have
to reach a certain level of proficiency or prominence to gain access to the ma-
While hematite probably does have its strongest symbolic association with
war, it seems to have been available to most adult males for use in life and
death without prerequisites. General availability and widespread usage may
have reduced the value hematite had as a social marker to the point that the
decision to include it in a burial was left primarily to the personal wishes of the
deceased or the discretion of his mourners.
In the historic period, gravy boat bowls, Busycon cups, stone discoidals, and
pipes were all used in activities that took place in public settings and usually
had civic or religious significance for the community as a whole. The signifi-
cance and use of each, however, were different from and largely unrelated to
the others. Unlike the warrior grades and associated weapon symbols, gravy
boat bowls, shell cups, discoidals, and pipes do not necessarily represent ac-
complishments or social identities that can be arranged in ascending order
of prestige and social value. We may infer from this that the social identity or
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Artifact Co-occurrences among Adult Males / 471
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472 / Chapter 11
The individuals interred with stone discoidals at King probably used these
artifacts to play chunkey or a related game. Given the popularity of chunkey
in the historic period, we can expect that most adult males in the community
would have played the game. This being the case, we might expect more buri-
als to have discoidals. Alternatively, given the tendency for discoidals to occur
in nonburial contexts at other Mississippian sites and given Adair’s statement
concerning community ownership of chunkey stones, we might question why
any King site burials would have them.
Adair’s reference to chunkey stones as community property implies that the
community was involved in some fashion with regulating when, where, and
under what circumstances the game was played. Such interest on the part of
society at large would be compatible with the evidence in SECC shell art for a
mythological origin or charter for the game. We may conclude from this evi-
dence that communities such as King had one or more civil or religious offi-
cials who were responsible for regulating the game and maintaining the para-
phernalia used in its performance. These officials were probably prominent,
high-ranking citizens and presumably were allowed to “own” chunkey stones
as a sign of their position. All four discoidal burials at King—including the
heavily disturbed Burial 40—contained a wealth of grave goods and/or iron
implements, indicating that they were important members of the King com-
Only one discoidal burial, the heavily disturbed Burial 40, has a pipe, and
none have shell cups, indicating that the social identities represented by these
artifact types were acquired independently of that associated with the chunkey
game. All three reliable burials with discoidals have points and either a bifacial
blade or a spatulate celt. As with shell cups, this association is more likely due
to war prowess being a criterion for high social standing in the community
than to any direct ideological connection between warfare and the chunkey
Pipes were smoked in conjunction with social, political, military, and reli-
gious activities in the historic period and appear to have been a common pos-
session of adult males. Each of these uses may have required a different type
of pipe. With at least four distinct pipe forms represented in King site buri-
als, it is tempting to think that there was a relationship between function and
form. Unfortunately, this relationship cannot be adequately investigated with
the small number of pipe burials available.
Relative to the number of people who must have owned pipes and used
them in social settings, very few pipes were placed in graves. It is possible that
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Artifact Co-occurrences among Adult Males / 473
pipes were not considered to be an especially desirable type of grave good and
that their use as such was due primarily to personal choice. Pipes, however,
have very unusual artifact associations: they co-occur with relatively few arti-
fact types, they have a strong association with only one artifact type, they are
accompanied in burials by very few artifacts, and they tend to occur with un-
common artifact types. Together, these characteristics suggest a burial distri-
bution that is far from random and thus unlikely to result from a more or less
random process such as personal preference.
A more likely explanation for the small number of burials with pipes is
that they were considered appropriate grave goods only under special circum-
stances. Pipe smoking in preparation for war, as part of peace negotiations,
and in religious ceremonies would have been seen as contributing to commu-
nity well-being and would have been considered important by society at large.
It is possible that pipes were interred only with individuals involved in one or
more of these kinds of activities.
Leaders of military expeditions would have met these conditions, but the
available evidence indicates that they were not the ones buried with pipes. Pre-
sumably only individuals who had attained high warrior grades would have
been allowed to lead war parties, but only three of seven reliable and lightly
disturbed pipe burials have points and only one of these has a bifacial blade.
With the exception of Burial 65, pipe burials do not seem to have reached even
a midlevel warrior grade.
Treaties, alliances, and other types of nonmilitary arrangements between
communities or polities would have been negotiated by high-ranking indi-
viduals—most likely town headmen or polity chiefs. Most pipe burials are
unlikely to have been prominent, high-ranking members of the community.
Most have very few grave goods. Marine shell beads and pins occur in only
three reliable and lightly disturbed burials, and only Burial 65 has other kinds
of exotic grave goods. Three pipe burials are located in Structure 17 and the
plaza, but the rest were interred in the habitation zone, often in the eastern and
southeastern sectors. Individuals interred with pipes, in short, are unlikely to
have been ambassadors.
The strongest case can be made for individuals interred with pipes being
conjurers and other types of religious practitioners. We would not expect such
individuals to necessarily be prominent, high-ranking members of the com-
munity. We might expect them, however, to possess objects with supernatural
power such as charms, amulets, and medicine bundles. Three pipe burials have
artifacts that can be identified as such. Burial 103 has a probable bear bone;
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474 / Chapter 11
Burial 118 has an opossum baculum; and the partially mixed Burial 81 may
have had an opossum baculum, an opossum mandible, a fox radius, and por-
tions of two swan wings.
Given the variety of pipe forms represented in King site burials, we should
not rule out the possibility that pipes as grave goods were markers for a
number of different kinds of social identities. Burial 65, with points and a bi-
facial blade, may have been a war party leader and the distinctive limestone
pipe with flaring rim that accompanied him in the grave may have marked
that social identity. One thing seems certain, however; pipes were not part of
the warrior grade complex represented by points and other weapon symbols.
Nor were they closely related to the identities represented by shell cups and
chunkey stones.
The offices associated with black drink ritual, the chunkey game, and pipe
smoking in some ritual contexts probably brought honor and prestige to the
individuals who occupied them. We can anticipate that there would have been
competition for these offices. Given the ideological significance of the black
drink and the chunkey game, however, I would think that false claims to these
offices would generally not be tolerated by the community.
Tools and Implements
The utilitarian function of most types of tools interred with adult males can-
not be identified with great specificity or certainty. This makes it difficult to
determine why they were included as grave goods in burials. Many tool types,
furthermore, are represented in only one or two burials, which makes it diffi-
cult to identify patterns in their distribution and associations.
In general, we are probably safe in assuming that a particular tool was in-
cluded in a burial because the deceased had actually made and/or used it dur-
ing his lifetime. If all individuals who made or used a type of tool were interred
with it, the task of interpreting tool distributions and associations in buri-
als would be fairly straightforward. Some tools, such as FKK, beaver incisors,
celts, and end scrapers, however, were probably used by a large proportion of
the adult male population at King, but they occur in a relatively small number
of burials. This raises the question of why some tool users were interred with
a particular type of tool and others were not. Three explanations are possible:
personal preference, craft specialization, and skill recognition.
It is possible that many types of tools had little meaning or value beyond
that of their utilitarian function and that the decision to use them as grave
goods was an entirely personal one reflecting, for example, the deceased’s pride
in what he produced or his self-identification with a particular craft. It is not
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Artifact Co-occurrences among Adult Males / 475
clear what kind of evidence personal preference might leave in the archaeo-
logical record, other than perhaps a random-appearing distribution of the ar-
tifact type within the burial sample. Nevertheless, personal preference must be
considered as a possible factor in any attempt to explain why particular types
of tools were used as grave goods.
The nature of craft specialization and the degree to which it occurred in
Mississippian societies has been a hotly debated topic for some time (Cobb
2000; Muller 1997; Pauketat 1997; Prentice 1983, 1985; Welch 1991; Yerkes
1983, 1989). The arguments for and against craft specialization and the evi-
dence and theory used to support them need not concern us here. What is im-
portant for our purposes is that most scholars concede that some Mississippian
craftsmen may have produced more of some items—especially display or pres-
tige goods—than did others and that a portion of their “surplus” production
was transferred to other individuals in the community (Muller 1997). The im-
portant question for us here, I think, is not whether such part-time specializa-
tion existed at the King site but how it can be recognized in the archaeological
Mississippian flintknappers and woodworkers certainly differed from one
another in the care and skill with which they executed their crafts. Some indi-
viduals may have been good enough at what they did to be recognized by so-
ciety for their excellence. Such recognition may have taken a variety of forms,
and inclusion of the craftsman’s tools in his burial could have been one appro-
priate form of expression.
We will begin our consideration of craft-related grave goods with FKK.
We know how these tool kits were used, and they are relatively common in
the burial sample. Many everyday tasks performed by adult males and females
at the King site required flaked stone cutting and scraping tools and projectile
points. It is likely, therefore, that most males were flintknappers and possessed
flintknapping tools. Why then do only 10 of 34 reliable and lightly disturbed
adult male burials have FKK? One possibility is that decisions to include FKK
in burials were based largely on personal preference. If all males in the King
site community were flintknappers, the status of flintknapping would not
have been especially distinctive or prestigious, and there would have been little
prestige-inspired motivation for using FKK as grave furnishings. Under these
conditions, the decision to include an FKK in a burial would have been based
on a variety of personal factors that probably were more or less randomly dis-
tributed among the adult male population. The distribution of FKK among
adult male burials, therefore, should itself be random.
Flintknapping kits are not randomly distributed among adult male buri-
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476 / Chapter 11
als. They are more likely to be interred with older males. They tend to co-occur
with tool types such as end scrapers and beaver incisors that were not used
in flintknapping (Table 11.7), and they have a strong tendency to be interred
with prominent members of the community—individuals who held high war-
rior ranks as well as civil/ceremonial offices and who had achieved a variety of
such honors.
One might argue that such men were very ambitious and as a result may
have been more strongly motivated to include flintknapping in their reper-
toire of skills and accomplishments. This implies, however, that FKK were a
marker for an unusual or valued social identity, and this would not necessarily
have been the case if all adult males were flintknappers. On the other hand, if
there was community recognition for exceptional skill as a flintknapper, there
would have been reason to claim such ability. This possibility is best consid-
ered in the context of craft specialization.
It is possible that flaked stone tool production in the King site community
was handled to some extent by craft specialists—individuals who produced a
particular craft item in greater quantity than they had need for and distrib-
uted it to others who did not have it in sufficient quantity or quality. Under
these conditions, the status of flintknapper would have had some social value.
If burials with FKK were flintknapping specialists and burials lacking FKK
were individuals who did little or no flintknapping, the ratio of craftsmen to
consumers would have been approximately 1:3, based on the number of reli-
able and lightly disturbed burials with FKK (10 of 34). This seems high, but
we really have no basis, archaeological or ethnographic, for questioning it.
Seeman (1984) suggests that arrow points were one of the few types of
flaked stone tools that required a great deal of skill to make and hence would
be the tool type most likely to be manufactured by specialists. His review of
historical accounts of bow, arrow shaft, and arrow point making in North
America found few references to point manufacture among Eastern tribes, but
among Western and Plains tribes, his sources suggest that flaked stone points
were made predominantly by specialists. These individuals were male and usu-
ally older men, the latter characteristic, however, reflecting perhaps the fact
that old men were the only ones who still had flintknapping knowledge and
experience in the late nineteenth century. Cobb and Pope (1998) identify the
King site burials with FKK as part-time specialists. They present no evidence in
support of this identification, however, beyond Seeman’s ethnographic data.
Flintknapping specialists should be more proficient in their work than in-
dividuals who make only enough tools to meet their own needs (Costin 1991).
Their level of proficiency presumably could be attained only after years of
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478 / Chapter 11
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Artifact Co-occurrences among Adult Males / 479
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480 / Chapter 11
Antler cylinders were probably used as pressure flakers in stone tool pro-
duction, although as noted earlier the supporting evidence is far from con-
clusive. If this is their function, why do two reliable burials with antler cyl-
inders not have FKK and why do seven reliable and lightly disturbed burials
with FKK lack antler cylinders? Poor bone preservation conditions may ac-
count for the absence of antler cylinders in some FKK burials, but the evidence
for this is not strong. The average preservation rank of reliable and lightly dis-
turbed burials with antler cylinders is higher than that for burials lacking ant-
ler cylinders (3.6 vs. 3.14), but the difference is not very great. Preservation, of
course, would not be a factor in the case of burials with antler cylinders that
lack FKK.
If preservation is not an important factor in the presence/absence of antler
cylinders in burials, we must conclude that other factors are involved in the de-
cision to use them as grave goods. The six burials with antler cylinders listed in
Table 11.7 can be divided into two groups on the basis of several criteria. Buri-
als 65, 81, 92, and 102 have FKK, while Burials 57 and 157 do not. The former
each have three or fewer antler cylinders; the latter have 10 and 9, respectively.
The three burials with FKK range in age between approximately 34 and 45
years, while Burials 57 and 157 are approximately 25 and 15 years old, re-
spectively. The former tend to have a large number of grave goods, including
blades, pipes, Busycon cups, quantities of points, and quantities of marine
shell beads. Burials 57 and 157 each have a single point and little else.
These contrasts make sense if we identify the antler cylinders in burials
with FKK as pressure flakers that were actually in use at the time of interment
and the antler cylinders in Burials 57 and 157 as new, unused pressure flakers.
Unfortunately, there is not sufficient use-wear evidence to demonstrate that
there was such a difference. Six of the nine antler cylinders from Burial 157
show no use wear on one or both ends. Only one antler cylinder from a burial
with FKK—the partially mixed Burial 81—has intact end surfaces, however,
and it also shows no use wear. Whether the other specimens from FKK burials
or the 10 from Burial 57 have use wear is unknown.
If antler cylinders occurring with FKK tended to have use wear and the
others tended not to, we could argue that antler cylinders have two different
meanings as grave goods. In the presence of FKK, which mark individuals who
are recognized as skilled flintknappers or as craft specialists, they may have
been simply part of a functioning tool kit. In burials lacking FKK, they may
have been markers of a distinct social identity. What this identity might be is
not clear, but it may have been related to an early stage in an individual’s devel-
opment of flintknapping skills or to specialization in the production of antler
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Artifact Co-occurrences among Adult Males / 481
cylinders. The latter seems less likely because antler cylinders were probably
not very difficult to make or to make well.
All reliable and lightly disturbed antler cylinder burials have points, sug-
gesting that the tool type is related to warfare and/or the warrior ranking
system. As flaking tools, there would seem to be no direct functional or ideo-
logical connection between antler cylinders and warfare. I think it is more
likely that the co-occurrence of the two artifact types is the result of the fact
that so many individuals had achieved the initial warrior grade. Indeed, all ar-
tifact types occurring in three or more adult male burials, with the exception
of pipes, have very strong associations with points (Table 11.3).
The foregoing arguments are based on very small samples of burials and on
incomplete evidence. It is also possible that individuals were interred with ant-
ler cylinders as a result of personal preference. This is not supported, however,
by the seemingly nonrandom distribution of the artifact type among burials
described above.
Three kinds of woodworking tools—beaver incisors, unifacial end scrapers,
and celts—occur in King burials (Table 11.7). Except for Burial 81, which has
beaver incisors and two celts, and Burial 117, which has beaver incisors and a
unifacial end scraper preform, the three tool types do not occur together in the
same burials, suggesting that they were used in unrelated woodworking activi-
ties. Since each of these tool types potentially could have been used in a va-
riety of woodworking activities, however, we can expect that most adult males
used them.
All five reliable burials with beaver incisors have FKK, as does the partially
mixed Burial 81. This suggests that there was some kind of relationship be-
tween woodworking and flintknapping activities. Five of the 10 burials with
FKK, however, do not have beaver incisors (Table 11.3). Some of these burials
may have lost beaver incisors through decay, but the relatively similar preser-
vation ranks of reliable and lightly disturbed burials with and without incisors
(2.8 vs. 3.0) do not support this explanation.
Beaver incisors could have been used in the manufacturing of any number
of small to medium-sized wooden objects. According to historic sources, bow
staves and arrow shafts and foreshafts were produced by specialists in Plains
Indian societies (Seeman 1984). Similar craft specialization may have existed
in the Mississippian Southeast. Beaver incisors would have been an integral
part of the woodworking tool kits used by such specialists. If beaver incisors
were regularly interred with specialists, we would expect to find them in only a
small number of graves—perhaps even fewer graves than FKK if the craft was
practiced by fewer individuals.
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482 / Chapter 11
Alternatively, beaver incisors may have been markers for individuals who
were recognized by the community as skilled woodworkers or may have been
selected as grave goods by individuals who valued their own woodworking ef-
forts. The latter alternative, however, is not very likely because the distribution
of beaver incisors does not appear to be random. The artifact type occurs only
with burials that are richly endowed with grave goods.
Beaver incisors have strong associations with points, bifacial blades, and he-
matite, but in each case, they are found in one or more burials lacking these
other artifacts. This suggests that the social identity represented by beaver
incisors was not directly related to success in warfare. The association with
points, at least, can be attributed to the fact that points occur in so many buri-
als. These associations could also be a by-product of the tendencies for beaver
incisors to occur in FKK and for individuals interred with FKK to achieve high
warrior grades.
All unifacial end scrapers and preforms appear to have been included in
containers holding FKK, suggesting that they were used in the production of
wooden or bone items that had a close functional relationship with the pro-
duction or use of flaked stone tools. The important question is why they were
included in the FKK of Burials 49, 92, 101, and 117 and not the other seven
flintknapper burials (Table 11.7).
Unifacial end scrapers are not common artifacts in Late Lamar sites. Only
four burials at King had them, and none were present in analyzed floor depos-
its excavated from domestic structures at Potts Tract (Hally 1970), Little Egypt
(Gougeon 2002), and King (Ruggiero 2000). The fact that end scrapers do not
show up in domestic contexts is evidence that they were not general-purpose
woodworking tools and were not commonly used tools; yet Burial 92 had two
specimens and Burial 101 had one specimen and three preforms. Neither skill
nor personal preference fits these circumstances as well as does restricted usage
by craft specialists.
Unifacial end scrapers and preforms are also strongly associated with points
and bifacial blades. End scrapers may have been used to manufacture weapons
such as clubs, axe handles, arrow shafts/foreshafts, and bow staves, but I think
the functional and ideological connection to warfare is only indirect at best.
Burials 49, 92, 101, and 117 all reached high warrior grades and as a result
these individuals may have been interested in making weapons or weapon
symbols, but other individuals also attained these warrior grades and were not
interred with end scrapers.
None of the five burials yielding stone celts were reliable or lightly disturbed
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Artifact Co-occurrences among Adult Males / 483
adult male burials. Nevertheless, because celts do occur with two and possibly
three adult males (Burials 81, 124, and 192) and because most of them were
probably woodworking tools, it is appropriate to discuss the artifact type here.
Differences in the shape and size of the six specimens indicate that they may
have been used in several different kinds of woodworking tasks. The speci-
men from Burial 124 may have been a chisel or wedge, while the remaining
specimens from Burials 81, 130, 192, and 215 were probably chopping tools
designed to be hafted in a wooden handle. Variations in cross section, bit
shape, use wear, and material suggest further differences in the way the lat-
ter were used.
Artifact associations do not tell us very much about why celts were interred
with burials. The only grave goods in Burials 192 and 215 were the single celts;
Burial 81 had many artifacts, including points and an FKK; and Burial 124
probably had many artifacts prior to being damaged by the plow. In only one
instance, Burial 81, were celts found with other woodworking tools.
Celts occur with some regularity in domestic contexts. Eight whole speci-
mens were recovered from 10 house floors at King, Little Egypt (Hally 1980),
and Potts Tract (Hally 1970), and celt fragments were frequent finds in general
midden excavations at these sites. Presumably most men owned at least one
celt that they used in tasks such as field clearing, house building, and other ac-
tivities requiring heavy-duty wood cutting and splitting. Such common usage
is not reflected, however, in the relatively small number of celts placed in King
site burials. As grave goods, celts may represent part-time craft specialization,
recognized woodworking skills, or personal preference, but there is no real evi-
dence to support one of these possibilities over the others.
Four uncommon non-flaked stone tool types of unknown function—
circular polishing stone, tabular polishing stone, tabular stone, and tabular
limestone—occur in four reliable burials and the partially disturbed Burial
81 (Table 11.7). Those tools in Burials 81, 102, 117, and 212 were all found in
physical association with FKK. Burial 226 does not have an FKK; the circular
polishing stone and tabular polishing stone were placed together with a large
mussel shell and these may represent a distinct type of tool kit.
Seven uncommon types of bone and antler tools or tool parts—turkey tar-
sometatarsus awl, bone handle, cougar radius tool, cylindrical bone tool, split
bone tool, bird-bone tool, and antler tine—occur in four of the burials listed
in Table 11.7. Burial 65 is distinctive in having several of these tool types. All
were found together along with the proximal end of a turkey tibiotarsus, an
FKK, and an antler cylinder in a tight cluster adjacent to the hip of the burial.
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484 / Chapter 11
The compact nature of the cluster suggests artifacts were originally held in a
container. Several different craft activities are probably represented by these
A tight cluster of tools that includes an FKK, two antler cylinders, one split
bone tool, and fragments of an antler tine was located near the head of Burial
81. The cluster also may have included a deer ulna awl, a cylindrical bone tool,
and a second split bone tool, but the locations of these artifacts were not re-
corded in the field and as a result they cannot be assigned to Burial 81 or the
tool cluster with certainty. The spatial compactness of the cluster suggests that
artifacts were originally in a container. Several different craft activities are
probably represented, especially if the three questionable tools were also part
of the cluster.
Altogether, 16 different tool types, tool parts, and tool kits were recovered
from 14 reliable and lightly disturbed burials and the partially mixed Burial 81
(Table 11.7).5 These include FKK and antler cylinders related to stone tool pro-
duction, three woodworking tools, four non-flaked stone tools of unknown
function, and seven bone and antler tools of unknown function. Counting
FKK and antler cylinders as components of a single type of tool kit, we find
that four burials contained only one type of tool or tool kit and 11 burials con-
tained between two and seven different tool/tool kit types.
Some of these tool types—for example, FKK and celts—were used in crafts
that probably were practiced by most adult males in the community. Others,
such as circular polishing stones and turkey tarsometatarsus awls, also may
have been widely used, but we lack evidence one way or the other. What we do
know is that most tool types were not commonly used as grave goods.
Relatively few adult males—14 out of 34 reliable and lightly disturbed
burials—were interred with tools/tool kits. This suggests that individuals in-
terred with tools were a rather select group. There were not very many of them,
and they almost always were interred with multiple tool types that, for the
most part, represent distinct craft activities.
We may conclude from this that tools are not randomly distributed among
adult male burials. This being the case, it is unlikely that the decision to use
tools as grave goods was made solely on the basis of idiosyncratic, personal
preference. More likely, tools were selected for inclusion in burials because the
individuals who used them were craft specialists or were recognized by the
community as skilled craftsmen.
In 9 of the 11 reliable, lightly disturbed, and partially mixed burials with
multiple tool/tool kit types, all or nearly all items occur in a single spatial
cluster (Table 11.9). Their proximity to one another suggests that they were in-
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Artifact Co-occurrences among Adult Males / 485
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486 / Chapter 11
forms. He may have used the implements, but he certainly was manufacturing
them as well. Given the number of specimens involved, Burial 81 may have
specialized in the manufacture or use of the bipointed implements. There does
not seem to have been a great deal of skill or labor involved in making the im-
plement, however, so we may question what factors would have led an indi-
vidual to produce a surplus of them and led others to forego manufactur-
ing them.
Unfortunately, we do not know for sure how bipointed bone tools were
used, and as a result we cannot estimate how widely used they would have been
or how many men would have possessed them. Bow fishing is their most likely
use, but it is difficult to believe that of the 34 reliable and lightly disturbed
burials, only two individuals would have caught fish in this way. Possibly, these
men were especially skilled in this type of fishing.
Bacula, small mammal bones, bear bones, and polished, eyed bone cylinders
were probably charms or amulets used in conjuring and in curing rituals or
to protect the owner from harm or increase his chances of success in hunting,
love, war, and other undertakings. As such they would have been unlikely to be
affected in their acquisition by any of the social identities discussed above or
to be strongly associated with any other particular artifact types except pipes.
To some extent this is borne out by the burial data from King. Burials with
these items range from Burial 92, the richest burial in the collection, to Burial
63, which had only two shell beads and a bipointed bone tool in addition to
several bones of small mammals and an eyed bone cylinder (Figure 11.2). Age
at death ranges between approximately 15 and 45 years and is roughly the
same as the average age at death for the entire adult male sample. Burial 63
and Burial 103, each with a bear bone, are distinctive among adult male burials
in having no war-related or exotic artifacts. Burials with bacula, on the other
hand, are strongly associated with points and hematite, both of which can be
considered war-related grave goods.
Charms and amulets intended to protect or aid their owner in some fashion
were probably common possessions among King site inhabitants. We might
anticipate that such items would usually be interred with their owner and thus
would occur in a large number of burials. The fact that grave goods that may
have been medicine objects were recovered from only seven adult male buri-
als (Burials 63, 81, 92, 103, 118, 157, and 229), however, suggests that they were
not personal charms and amulets. More likely they were medicine items used
by conjurers and curers. These specialists probably did not occur in large num-
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Artifact Co-occurrences among Adult Males / 487
bers in communities like King. If they were interred with the tools of their
trade, the number of burials with such objects would be small.
Marine shell beads were items of costume, but they almost certainly also had
significant ideological and symbolic meanings. Marine shell beads were prob-
ably also a sign of material wealth because the raw material from which they
were made had to be imported at some cost. Prentice (1987:198–199) argues
that marine shell beads functioned in Mississippian society primarily as wealth
items and to a lesser extent as status items and “religious icons.” According to
Prentice, the use of marine shell beads as wealth indicators is evident in their
distribution throughout all levels of Mississippian society and in the varying
quantities with which they occur in burials—the latter indicating differences
in level of wealth.
The distribution of marine shell beads among King site burials satisfies
both of Prentice’s criteria. They are found in 14 adult and 16 subadult buri-
als as well as with both adult males (9) and adult females (1). Burials with ma-
rine shell beads can be assigned to at least eight different identifiable house-
holds scattered widely across the site. The quantity of beads in single burials
varies from as few as 1 to more than 200 beads and between 2 and 3,078 shell
bead units. Among households, quantity ranges from one burial with as little
as three bead units in Household 14 to at least six burials with a total of at least
1,268 bead units in Household 15.
There is no consistent relationship between marine shell beads and other
high-ranking adult male statuses and adult male rank in general. Beads occur
in burials with grave goods such as blades, FKK, and discoidals, but not fre-
quently. Some burials, such as Burial 92 (660 bead units) and Burial 30 (224
Marginella shell beads), with large quantities of beads have large numbers of
grave goods and exotic grave goods and were probably prominent members
of the King community. Other burials (Burials 15, 34, 49, 65, and 101), with
roughly comparable arrays of grave goods, have no beads. This suggests that
marine shell beads represented a kind of status—material wealth—that was
different from and obtained independently from the other adult male statuses
we have identified. We may infer from this that marine shell beads were placed
in burials primarily to indicate the wealth of the deceased or his/her household
or kin group. It follows that differences in quantity of beads reflect to some ex-
tent actual differences in wealth.
With only two adult male burials possessing shell gorgets, it is difficult to
identify any pattern in the artifact type’s distribution that helps us understand
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488 / Chapter 11
why it was used as grave furniture. Probably the most telling thing about the
distribution of mask gorgets is that they occur with so few adults compared
to subadults. We are probably safe in concluding from this that they were con-
sidered to be more appropriate grave goods—and perhaps costume items—for
subadults than adults.
The two burials with mask gorgets are quite different from one another.
Burial 49 appears to have attained a midlevel warrior grade and to have been a
master flintknapper or flintknapping specialist. In contrast, Burial 188 has no
distinguishing personal characteristics or indicators of wealth beyond those
represented by the gorget. Similar variability, it will be recalled, exists among
burials with marine shell beads. It suggests that high rank, however it was de-
fined, was not a necessary criterion for use of mask gorgets as grave goods.
On the other hand, Burials 49 and 88 are both located in the northern por-
tion of the site in the vicinity of Structure 15 where burials with marine shell
beads and subadult burials with gorgets are concentrated. This suggests some
connections with household wealth—wealthy households and their members
would be more likely to possess objects made from marine shell and they might
have been more interested in demonstrating their material wealth by using
gorgets as grave goods.
But why do so few adult male burials have mask gorgets? Clearly there are
other factors involved. The ideological and symbolic nature of the gorget may
be one of them. Supposedly this characteristic would be the same for males
and females and for subadults and adults, but it may have been considered less
appropriate or necessary for adults. The idea of a protective amulet for chil-
dren comes to mind. We should not rule out, however, the possibility that the
decision to include a mask gorget in a burial was primarily based on personal
preference. Wealth display and religious benefits may have been factors to con-
sider, but they were probably not requirements.
The small number of burials with knobbed shell pins makes it difficult
to identify patterns in the type’s mortuary associations. We do know that
knobbed shell pins occur with adult males and females as well as subadults
and that five of the seven burials with these artifacts occur in two households
(Households 2 and 23) located in the eastern sector of the habitation zone.
Four of seven burials with knobbed shell pins also have marine shell beads, but
none have gorgets.
The existence of knobbed shell pins in burials indicates that ear ornaments
were considered an appropriate type of grave good in the King site community.
The infrequency with which they occur in the burial sample (2.8 percent) and
in Mouse Creek phase burial samples (2.1 percent), however, contrasts with
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Artifact Co-occurrences among Adult Males / 489
early European accounts indicating that ear ornaments were a common form
of bodily decoration in the Southeast at the time of contact. According to these
sources, a variety of objects made from a variety of materials were inserted in
or hung from ear lobes, including objects of wood, bone, and stone; bird feath-
ers; bird claws; fish bladders, strings of shell beads; columella shell pins; and
copper and silver wire and rings (Swanton 1946). Except for stone and metal
ornaments, all of these materials are subject to decay. Given that some were
more susceptible to decay than shell, it is likely that many if not most adult
male burials at King originally had ear ornaments but that only those made of
shell survived or were recognized for what they were at the time of excavation.
A second type of ear ornament, the shell pulley-shaped ear spool, is known
only from Burial 30 (sex unknown). Some of the marine shell beads recovered
from burials may have been ear ornaments as well, especially in those cases in
which their numbers are low.
The question to answer, then, is not why some burials had ear ornaments
and others did not, but why some had the knobbed shell form while others may
have had ornaments made of different materials. Gender was evidently not
a factor, but ideology may have been. Given that pins were made of Busycon
shell and the likelihood that other ear ornaments may have been made of sym-
bolically charged materials such as bird claws and feathers, it is possible that
different types of ear ornaments were used to mark social divisions such as
descent groups within the community. The only evidence that knobbed shell
pins may have played such a role is their concentration in two households lo-
cated in the eastern sector of the habitation zone and their negative association
with shell gorgets. Shell pins and gorgets never occur in the same burial, and
gorget burials are heavily concentrated in the northern sector of the habitation
zone. The implication is that gorgets were also markers of social groups. Un-
fortunately, there are several reasons we should not push this argument too far.
Sample sizes are small (six adult burials with shell pins and four with gorgets).
The spatial distributions of pins and gorgets are not entirely exclusive since
one burial with knobbed shell pins occurs in the northern sector of the habi-
tation zone and one gorget burial occurs in Household 2. Shell gorgets and ear
pins are different kinds of costume items and, thus perhaps, less likely to sym-
bolize distinct social groups. Finally, because gorgets are not ear ornaments,
they are not directly relevant to the question of why burials do or do not have
knobbed shell pins.
If some shell beads were ear ornaments, their spatial distribution relative to
knobbed shell pins could be significant. Ten of the 11 burials with six or fewer
beads occur in the northern, northeastern, and southeastern habitation zone
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490 / Chapter 11
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Artifact Co-occurrences among Adult Males / 491
prominent members of the King site community whose cooperation and sup-
port was deemed useful. This characterization is supported by the quantity
and variety of aboriginal grave goods accompanying all of the burials except
the heavily plow-disturbed Burial 40.
In the preceding section, we looked at the reasons different artifact types were
used as grave goods in adult male burials. I argued that most types represent
specific statuses that were recognized and valued by the King site community.
I also argued that most types were placed in burials in recognition of the fact
that the deceased had acquired these statuses during his lifetime and that they
functioned as symbols of those statuses. Although not always stated explicitly,
this argument also assumes that the artifact types in question served the same
function while the deceased was alive.
To the extent that this line of reasoning is valid, we can use the grave goods
accompanying adult male burials to identify the statuses that individuals held
during their lifetimes. Figure 11.5 illustrates the statuses that can be inferred
in this way. The array of statuses represented in each burial may be thought of
as constituting a resume of the deceased’s accomplishments. In this section,
we will look at these resumes and attempt to understand something about the
combinations of statuses that they contain.
Only reliable and lightly disturbed burials with grave goods are listed on
the left side of Figure 11.5. These are the only burials we can use in analyzing
the composition of resumes because they are the only ones that have not lost
grave goods—except through decay. The partially disturbed Burial 81 is in-
cluded in this group because all of his social identities can be inferred from
grave goods that we know accompanied the burial; those artifact types of
questionable association tell us nothing new about the individual. The four
burials listed on the right side of the figure are heavily disturbed and looted
burials. They will be considered later when we turn to the question of which
adult males were important members of the King community.
Several of the status categories in Figure 11.5 require explanation. The
“prominent citizen” category refers to individuals who received iron tools
from the Spanish as gifts. The spatulate celts in Burials 117 and 234 are tal-
lied as a “special honor” for warriors. Gravy boat bowls may have been mark-
ers for the military office or grade of war chief, but I have chosen to emphasize
their association with ritual as conveyors of sacred fire. “Medicine use” refers
to items that probably functioned as charms, amulets, or other types of objects
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Figure 11.5. Adult male status resumes. Burials 40, 124, 195, and 234 were disturbed by plowing or looting.
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Artifact Co-occurrences among Adult Males / 493
with supernatural power that may have been used in curing and conjuring
or, less likely, to ensure individual success and safety in various endeavors.
“Stone tool use” refers to non-flaked stone tools such as circular polishing
stones that were not part of FKK. “Shell wealth” is estimated using quantity
of marine shell pins, beads, and gorgets. Finally, hematite is not included as
a status indicator because its meaning and use as a grave good are not well
It is clear from Figure 11.5 that adult male burials with grave goods differ
considerably in the number and combinations of statuses they held. Number
of statuses ranges from 1 to 12 with most having four or fewer. No two buri-
als with three or more statuses have identical resumes and very few share more
than half of their statuses. We can infer from this that most statuses were ac-
quired independently of each other and, by implication, that success and rec-
ognition in one field of endeavor did not necessarily lead to success and recog-
nition in another field. Nevertheless, as we will see below, acquisition of some
statuses appears to have been directly dependent upon acquisition of others.
In spite of the confusing array of statuses that exists in the burial collection,
there are a number of interesting patterns or tendencies in the way statuses
are combined. Unfortunately, none can be tested for statistical significance be-
cause of small sample size.
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494 / Chapter 11
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Artifact Co-occurrences among Adult Males / 495
The individual interred as Burial 117 has fewer statuses than Burial 92
but in many respects has a similar resume. He had achieved the equivalent
of at least a midlevel warrior grade and like Burial 92 was interred with a war
trophy—in this case, an entire bundled skeleton. He had only one ceremonial
office but was recognized for his skill in at least four different crafts and had
great shell wealth.
The individuals interred as Burials 15 and 65 have most of the same kinds
of statuses as Burials 92 and 117, just fewer of them. They both had reached
a midlevel warrior grade and had one ceremonial office and two craft special-
ties, but they lack shell wealth. Burial 65 was also a ritual specialist who used
On the basis of quantity and kinds of grave goods, the individuals repre-
sented by Burials 15, 65, 92, and 117 were probably the most prominent mem-
bers of the King site community for which we have evidence. It is noteworthy
that the Spanish apparently also recognized them as being prominent citi-
zens by giving three of them iron implements as gifts. The number of objects
each has even parallels the strength of their resumes, with Burial 92 having
three items; Burial 117, two; and Burial 15, one. Burial 40 may also have been
given iron by the Spanish in recognition of his importance in the community.
The heavily disturbed burial yielded grave goods indicating that the deceased
had acquired at least the initial warrior grade, was a ceremonial official in the
chunkey game, and used a pipe in ritual activities. Several other types of grave
goods may have been lost to erosion and plowing. Unlike the other four buri-
als, he has the distinction of being interred in the plaza.
Burials 195 and 234 may also have been very prominent members of the
King community. Points and a pipe were recovered from the heavily plow-
damaged Burial 195, but it is the quantity of marine shell bead units (3,078)
that stands out and suggests that Burial 195 may have had other high-ranking
statuses as well. On the basis of what looters recovered from Burial 234, it ap-
pears that this individual was an important warrior, having attained both the
midlevel grade and the war honor represented by spatulate celts. He also was
a ritual specialist using pipes. There is no evidence that he was a craft special-
ist, but the types of artifacts associated with woodworking, bone tool use, and
stone tool use are not very spectacular and may have been overlooked by the
looters. This burial contained a complete sword, but I have chosen to interpret
the artifact as not being a Spanish gift.
The individual interred as Burial 81 has the third-largest number of sta-
tuses, ahead of Burials 15 and 65, but his resume is rather different from theirs
and those of Burials 92 and 117. He had only the entry-level warrior grade
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496 / Chapter 11
and held none of the ceremonial offices associated with sacred fire, the black
drink, and the chunkey game. He was, however, a ritual specialist using pipes
and medicine objects—at least a bird-bone fan but possibly also a baculum
and bones of fox and opossum—and he specialized in flintknapping, wood-
working, bone tool use, and stone tool use. He may have also specialized in the
manufacture of bone points for bow fishing. In spite of this variety of accom-
plishments, he had no shell wealth or Spanish iron.
I do not want to overemphasize the differences between Burial 81 and
those people who had attained midlevel and higher grades in the warrior hier-
archy, that is, Burials 92, 117, 15, 65, 49, 34, 101, and 105. There are, however, a
number of other individuals—Burials 63, 73, 84, 102, 103, 118, 157, and 212—
who did not progress very far in the warrior hierarchy but were ritual special-
ists with pipes and/or medicine objects and might have had one or more craft
specializations. These individuals, along with Burial 81, may represent a dif-
ferent career path that was available to people in King site society. Burial 30, if
he is a male, seems to fit this career path as well, although he does not seem to
have been involved in any ritual activity.
1. In the analysis of adult male grave goods associations, flintknapper kits have
been treated as a single artifact type. The five different tool types that make up most
kits have not been included in the analysis.
2. Burials 145, 146, and 195, analyzed by Matthiesen, are not considered here be-
cause of unreliable artifact associations and the possibility that points were lost to
3. This microstyle is identified in Matthiesen’s Table 6.1 as combining microstyles
101C, 223A, and 223B.
4. Polhemus (1998:84, Figure 5.4) has found a similar difference in length and edge
reworking between triangular bifaces recovered from house floors at the Dallas phase
Loy site (40JE10) and burial points from the contemporary Fain’s Island site (40JE1)
in eastern Tennessee.
5. The number of types is 17 if the deer ulna awl that may be associated with Burial
81 is included.
6. In order to avoid the use of awkward phrases such as “skilled craftsman or craft
specialist” and “skilled flintknapper or flintknapping specialist,” I will frequently refer
to such individuals in the remainder of this chapter simply as “specialist” in their re-
spective crafts.
7. Fogelson (1977:191–192) argues that Cherokee men went through a similar pro-
gression, with young men being warriors and old men being civil leaders.
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Community and Polity in
Northwestern Georgia
In this final chapter, I draw together the different analytical strands that have
been developed and, to some extent, interwoven in earlier chapters. Among
these are the household identifications, public architectural facilities, and sta-
tus and wealth differences that exist among community members. I will use
these sets of data to identify individuals who may have played significant roles
in the community; to look at how households differed with respect to craft
specialization, wealth, and social and political importance; and to place the
King site community in the larger regional contexts of chiefdom polities in the
Upper Coosa and Upper Tennessee river drainages.
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498 / Chapter 12
bolic meanings. It is telling that in the one case of an adult female burial with
abundant grave goods, Burial 223, the artifacts involved relate to the deceased’s
status as a warrior, a male characteristic. We may conclude from these data that
the King site community had little interest in marking women’s achieved sta-
tuses with nonperishable grave goods.
Subadults exhibit a fair amount of variability in grave goods that probably
marks several different statuses. A few older subadults were interred with stone
and bone artifacts that may have been used as tools and that may have been
markers for one or more achieved statuses related to technical proficiency. For
the most part, though, subadults were interred with marine shell and bone
costume items and pottery vessels. The age distribution of these and of grave
goods in general indicates that mortuary practices for subadults were aimed
primarily at marking important age-related rites of passage.
With adult males, we see a dramatic increase in the variety of artifacts used
as grave goods and the quantity of artifact types that occur with individual
burials. The great majority of artifact types that occur in adult male burials are
not found in subadult burials. Some more common types—points, flintknap-
per kits (FKK), pipes, antler cylinders, hematite, bacula, and beaver incisors—
do occur with individuals as young as 15–20 years. This, together with the ab-
sence of grave goods in subadult burials between the ages of 9 and 14, suggests
that King site society recognized a major life change in males at about the time
of puberty.
In Chapter 11, I identified many adult male grave goods as markers for a va-
riety of social statuses that the King site community recognized and valued.
These include different warrior grades, civic and ceremonial offices, and craft
specializations. Most of these statuses appear to have been achieved, but some
may have been inherited.
The most commonly used approach to distinguishing between achieved
and ascribed statuses involves the age distribution of grave goods. If a type of
grave good is found only with adults, one can argue that the status was not ac-
quired automatically at birth through inheritance. Of course, it is possible that
some inherited positions were not assumed until an individual reached matu-
rity or until the incumbent vacated the position. Where such conditions exist,
the strongest evidence for achieved status would be grave goods that occur ex-
clusively or predominantly with older adults. This criterion allows us to iden-
tify statuses that had prerequisites that were difficult to meet or required time
to satisfy. Social identities that can be achieved early in adulthood will not
have this kind of burial age distribution, however, and consequently will be
more difficult to distinguish from those that are ascribed.
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Community and Polity in Northwestern Georgia / 499
Among the artifact types that occur exclusively with adult male burials,
four—points, bifacial blades, FKK, and unifacial end scrapers—have a ten-
dency to be interred with older individuals in their middle to late thirties and
forties. Presumably the social identities represented by these artifact types—
low and medium warrior grades and skilled or specialist flintknapper and
woodworker—were open to all adult males and were earned through personal
effort and achievement, a process that usually took many years.
Three additional artifact types—copper arrow symbol badges, gravy boat
bowls, and Busycon cups—occur only with older individuals, but sample sizes
are so small we cannot be certain that they were not also acquired by young
men. I argued in Chapter 11 that copper arrow symbol badges represent a
high-level warrior grade that could be earned only after passing through lower
grades. There is no strong reason to question this interpretation, but we should
not dismiss the possibility that the artifact type does represent an ascribed
The interpretation of gravy boat bowls and shell cups is not as clear-cut. If
the former were used by war leaders to carry sacred fire into battle, they too
would represent an achieved status gained by working up the ladder of warrior
grades. The position of town war chief, on the other hand, may have been in-
herited. The Natchez provide a precedent for this in that their head war chief
position appears to have been passed down within the Great Sun’s descent line.
That the position of town war chief would be filled in a similar manner seems
unlikely, given that the town chief was probably not considered to be divine.
Nevertheless, we should not dismiss the possibility that it was inherited.
The civil offices involved in transporting sacred fire in community ceremo-
nies and preparing the black drink were probably gained by older individuals
who had already established their reputations in military and/or civil affairs,
but we cannot be totally certain that they were not inherited. Likewise, the
founders of new towns, who may have used gravy boat bowls to carry sacred
fire from the parent town, could have been individuals who gained political in-
fluence and a following through success in military and/or civil affairs. Alter-
natively, their authority to establish new towns may have come about by virtue
of their membership in ruling lineages. Ascription in this form—perhaps sup-
ported by personal success in warfare or other civil endeavors—seems reason-
able, especially given the likelihood that such leaders probably became chiefs
of the towns they founded.
Spatulate celts were identified in Chapter 11 as a symbol of a warrior honor
and, as such, can be considered to represent an achieved social position. The
individuals interred with this artifact type, Burials 117 and 234, however, are
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500 / Chapter 12
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Community and Polity in Northwestern Georgia / 501
have been in short supply. The gravy boat bowl, Busycon cup, and stone discoi-
dal were all used in socially significant events such as black drink preparation
and consumption, rituals involving sacred fire, and the chunkey game. Several
artifact types were also interred with prominent community members.
In Chapter 11, the copper arrow symbol badge, spatulate celt, bifacial blade,
stone discoidal, Busycon cup, and gravy boat bowl were identified as markers
for important adult male statuses in the community. If I am correct in these in-
terpretations, the prestige and social significance of these statuses would have
far outweighed any value these items had as a result of their high production
costs and scarcity. I think it is more likely that they functioned as markers for
specific statuses than as wealth items.
In Chapter 11, I argued that marine shell beads functioned as costume
items and as indicators of wealth. The two uses, obviously, are not incom-
patible. Beads were probably worn as costume items in part to display personal
or household wealth.
It is significant that marine shell beads frequently occur in subadult buri-
als. The beads had to have been provided by parents or other older kin. The
restriction of beads to children over 3 years of age interred outside primary
domestic structures appears to have been a community-recognized statement
about the social development of subadults. The fact that only some children
with these characteristics had beads and that the quantity of bead units varies
considerably among them, however, makes sense only in the context of wealth
display. Children were also being used to display the wealth of parents, house-
holds, or descent groups.
Beads are present in approximately equal numbers of reliable and lightly
disturbed adult male (15 percent) and subadult (16 percent) burials. They oc-
cur in somewhat greater quantities with adult males than subadults, the av-
erage number of Busycon bead units per burial being 191 and 153, respectively.
In contrast, among adult females, one burial (5 percent) had one marine shell
bead worth three bead units. We have no way of knowing how many subadults
with beads were female or male, although two subadult bead burials also had
rattlesnake gorgets compared with one with a mask gorget. We may conclude
that adult males and subadults of both sexes were equally likely to display shell
wealth but that adult females seldom did.
Thirty-one burials yielded marine shell beads (Table 12.1). The number of
Busycon bead units ranges between 3 and 3,078, with the largest numbers oc-
curring in two adult male burials (Burials 92 and 195) and three subadult buri-
als (Burials 64, 88, and 110). Burial 30, an adult of undetermined sex with 224
Marginella shell beads, should also be counted as having great shell wealth.
The distribution of shell bead wealth among households will be discussed
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Continued on the next page
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Table 12.1. Continued
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Community and Polity in Northwestern Georgia / 505
in a later section. We can note here, however, that Household 15 has far and
away the greatest concentration of shell bead wealth. In general, habitation
zone burials have the greatest quantities of shell bead wealth, but large quan-
tities also occur in at least two plaza burials. Three other plaza burials (Burials
37, 38, and 40) were disturbed by plowing and may have lost beads as a result.
Structure 17 burials are distinctive in having no beads.
Shell pins and gorgets have greater energetic value than beads and were
much less common. As discussed in Chapter 11 and in a later section, knobbed
shell pins may have been markers for social subdivisions within the commu-
nity, and gorgets are likely to have had ideological or symbolic functions given
their rich iconographic content. Gorgets also occur with subadults more fre-
quently than adults and may have been bestowed on children as protective de-
vices or to mark membership in a social group. Given their relatively great en-
ergetic value and relatively low level of occurrence, the possibility exists that
shell pins and gorgets also functioned as indicators of personal or household
Ascribed Status
The only ascribed statuses that we can be reasonably certain existed in the
King site community would have been those associated with the matriline of
the town chief. Members of this descent line probably shared a distinct status
by virtue of their kinship relationship to the town chief. More restricted sta-
tuses, inherited within the descent line, would have included the town chief,
probably the genealogically senior females responsible for perpetuating the
matriline, and possibly offices such as town administrator (iniha) and town
war chief (mandador). With matrilocal postmarital residence, most female
and unmarried male members of the matriline probably belonged to only one
or two households. Married male members probably joined the households of
their wives when they married. Whether the town chief did so as well is a ques-
tion that we will deal with later.
Matriline membership may have been marked at the time of death by dis-
tinctive grave goods, body positions, grave types, grave locations, or some
combination of these. If grave goods were used as markers for membership,
they probably would have had some of the following characteristics:
1. They would have primarily symbolic functions and not utilitarian func-
tions such as flintknapping.
2. They might have decoration with explicit iconographic content, as in the
case of engraved shell gorgets.
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506 / Chapter 12
In addition, we can expect that burials belonging to the town chief ’s matri-
line would have had some of the following characteristics:
1. There should be relatively few of them because the town chief ’s descent line
was only one of many that existed in the community and because only ap-
proximately half the burial population at the site has been recovered and
2. Depending upon whether all or only some members of the matriline were
being recognized as such, we might expect to find adult males, adult fe-
males, and/or subadults being interred with special grave goods.
3. They should be associated with a relatively small number of households.
Adult female and subadult members of the matriline should be restricted to
only one or two different household cemetery plots, while adult male mem-
bers should be found in a larger but still limited number of plots.
4. The only individuals belonging to the town chief ’s matriline whom we
should expect to find in the burial plots of matriline-affiliated households
are adult females and subadults; adult male members would move away
when they married. If membership in that matriline was being marked by a
particular type of grave good, then all adult female and/or subadult burials
interred in the household’s burial plot should have that artifact type.
Several types of grave goods meet many of these criteria, but in no case can
a strong argument be made that any served as a marker for the town chief ’s
matriline. Rattlesnake and mask gorgets occur in 13 different burials. Whether
or not each type of gorget was restricted to burials of one sex, the six different
plots (Households 1, 2, 15, 18, unnamed, and plaza) with subadult and adult
female gorget burials is a much greater number than I would expect, given that
postmarital residence was probably usually matrilocal. Furthermore, in three
of the household plots and the plaza, there are several subadult and adult fe-
male burials lacking gorgets.
Similar evidence indicates that knobbed shell pins also were not used to
mark membership in the town chief ’s matriline. Subadult and adult female
burials with this artifact type can be assigned to at least three different house-
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510 / Chapter 12
The subadults range in age between 1 and 6 years and the adults between ap-
proximately 20 and 45 years. If at least one of the adult burials is female, the
group matches the demographic profile of the community as a whole rather
well, suggesting that sex and age were not criteria for interment in the plaza.
On the contrary, the sex and age distribution of the 11 burials could be ob-
tained simply by selecting members of a single household or descent group as
they died.
If the north plaza was a symbolically important and prestigious place to be
buried, we might ask why children and women were interred there. Children
could not have earned the right, and women, to judge by their general lack of
grave goods, especially in comparison with adult males, did not hold many im-
portant civil or ceremonial positions in the community. This is not a problem
if the people interred in the north plaza are members of a descent group or
household that had the right to be interred there.
The fact that they were interred in the plaza or within a pavilion attached to
Structures 16 and 17 suggests that the individuals represented by Burials 30–40
were prominent or high-ranking members of the community. This view is sup-
ported by the nature of the grave goods accompanying the burials. As a group,
Burials 30–40 are more richly endowed with grave goods than any household
burial group, with the possible exception of Household 15. This is despite the
fact that several burials have been plowed disturbed—one severely—and one
burial was heavily disturbed by the intrusion of another.
All four subadults have grave goods (Table 12.2). Three have shell gorgets,
one has a large quantity of marine shell beads, and one has a unique combi-
nation of three pottery vessels and a vessel fragment. Not counting Burial 30,
two of the three possible adult female burials also have grave goods, including
a shell gorget, a ratio that is considerably higher than that for female burials
in general. The two adult artifactual males (Burials 34 and 40) were accompa-
nied by artifacts representing a number of important statuses, including inter-
mediate warrior grade, chunkey game official, pipe user, skilled flintknapper,
and skilled woodworker. Burial 30, if it was a male, had many of these same
statuses. It is also the only burial from the site interred with Marginella beads.
Plowing would have destroyed any grave goods placed in the hip and leg area
of Burial 40. Unfortunately, we will never know the full extent of his resume,
but it could have rivaled those of Burials 92 and 117, a view that is supported
by the presence of an iron artifact in the burial.
The simplest explanation for who the north plaza burials were—and the one
that most closely fits what we can reasonably infer about King site social and
political organization—is that they were related by kinship to the town chief.
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Community and Polity in Northwestern Georgia / 511
There are three ways they may have been related: as members of his matriline,
as members of his natal household, and as members of the household he be-
longed to after marriage. In the former, the town chief as well as individuals
of both sexes and all ages related to him matrilineally would have been eligible
for interment in the plaza. Assuming that at least one of the four adults of un-
identified sex was female, the demographic profile of the plaza burial group
conforms to what we would expect if matrilineal descent was the sole defining
The natal household alternative presents at least two problems. To begin
with, the town chief himself might not have been included. More likely, he
would have been interred with his own household or his wife’s natal house-
hold. Second, there is the question of who adult male Burials 34 and 40 were.
The adult male members of a matrilocal household would presumably be in-
dividuals who were unrelated to the town chief ’s matriline and had married
into the household. I think it is unlikely that such individuals would be ac-
corded the privilege of interment in the plaza.
There are also problems with identifying the north plaza burials as mem-
bers of the household the chief established or joined when he married. The
town chief would be included in the household’s burial plot, but the members
of his matriline who were responsible for perpetuating his descent line would
not be. It is also questionable whether individuals unrelated by matrilineal de-
scent to the town chief or ineligible to succeed him—his wife and children—
would be accorded the privilege of plaza burial.
Unfortunately, there is no conclusive, direct evidence supporting one of
these alternatives over the others. The logically most satisfying interpretation
is that the plaza burials were members of the town chief ’s matriline. This in-
terpretation allows the town chief and other close adult male and female rela-
tives to be interred in the plaza and it excludes all others. It is the interpreta-
tion favored here.
There are, however, two problems with this interpretation. A number of
adult males with impressive resumes were interred in various households in the
habitation zone. Preeminent among them are Burials 92 and 117—individuals
who held a number of important statuses, including civil and ceremonial of-
fices that would have placed them at or near the top of the community’s socio-
political hierarchy as we know it. These men could have been part of the town
chief ’s matriline, but they were not interred in the plaza. I will return to the
question of how these individuals fit into the King site community and ex-
plain why they were buried where they were.
The second problem is the relatively small number of individuals interred
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Community and Polity in Northwestern Georgia / 513
polity chiefs, and it implies that the chief resided in his own household and
not that of his wife. It is possible that the chiefs of subordinate towns used
special residences to reinforce their authority as well. I think this would be
more likely if the status of town chief was elevated well above that of ordinary
citizens. It is doubtful that town chiefs were considered to be divine, but there
is ethnohistoric evidence for their being related by kinship to polity chiefs
or being specially appointed by them (Hann 1988:98; Knight 1990:11; Worth
1998:92). Even in the eighteenth century, the founders of new towns enjoyed
special standing within their communities, with the position of town chief
being passed down in the family line (Moore 1988:64).
In light of the ethnohistorical evidence, I think we can safely conclude that
the town chief ’s status in the King site community was quite distinct and ele-
vated and that members of his matrilineal descent line enjoyed a special status
as well. The north plaza burial group is consistent with this view. To the extent
that this view is correct, we can expect that the town chief resided in a special
structure that was erected solely for his and his successors’ use and that of their
To this point, I have argued that the individuals interred in the north plaza
were members of the town chief ’s matriline. In addition to the elevated status
enjoyed by these individuals as members of the descent group, we can expect
that a small number of special statuses would have been inherited within the
matriline. At the very least there would be the status of town chief, but there
may have been other lesser offices such as town administrator (heniha), public
labor coordinator (chacal), speaker (yatika), and town war chief (mandador).
Because of their uniqueness, we might expect these offices to be marked by
unique grave goods, although if successive holders of an office were interred at
King, the associated grave good could occur in more than one burial. We might
also expect that any artifact type used as a marker for one of these special sta-
tuses would have high energetic value and/or require special skills to fabricate
and would have some iconographic content.
Of the dozens of artifact types that occur in adult male burials, only four—
copper arrow symbol badge, spatulate celt, Busycon cup, and gravy boat bowl—
meet these criteria and are thus more likely to represent high-ranking, ascribed
sociopolitical statuses (Table 12.3). The pulley-shaped ear spool and Margi-
nella beads also meet these criteria, but the burial they occur in—Burial 30—
may not be a male.
Among adults, Burial 92 is the only burial that has a unique type of grave
good that can be considered a possible marker for a high-ranking ascribed sta-
tus. The artifact type in question, copper arrow symbol badge, was identified
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Community and Polity in Northwestern Georgia / 515
and his social and political prominence, it is equally likely that he used the ves-
sel to carry sacred fire from his town of origin, the parent town of the new King
site town. Burial 92, in other words, may have been the individual who led the
first settlers to Foster Bend and who was ultimately responsible for founding
the town. As such, he would have become town chief had he lived longer, and
he presumably would have been interred in the north plaza when he ultimately
died. His early demise, however, meant that someone else—presumably a ma-
ternal nephew—became the chief of the new town.
Unfortunately, there is no conclusive evidence to support this interpretation
of Burial 92’s identity. It stands solely on logical relationships between sev-
eral pieces of archaeological evidence and a number of assumptions. The ar-
gument is weakened somewhat by three inconsistencies. First of all, if Burial
92 was so important in the identity and existence of the King site town, why
was the body not exhumed and reburied in the plaza? Ethnohistorical evidence
from the Natchez and the De Soto expedition indicates that secondary burial
was an important part of mortuary practices for polity leaders and their close
matrilineal relatives.
A second problem is that the gravy boat bowl in Burial 92 implies that sa-
cred fire had already been brought to the King site and by extension that one of
the most important rituals involved in founding a new town—lighting the sa-
cred fire—had already taken place when the owner of the vessel died. I visual-
ize the ceremony surrounding the founding of a town such as King as involv-
ing four simultaneous actions: construction of the council house; laying out of
the plaza; erection of the central pole; and lighting the sacred fire in the coun-
cil house. Burial 92 seems to have been interred prior to at least the first three
of these events.
It is possible that sacred fire was not brought to the King site until it was for-
mally established as a town, several years after initial settlement. The implica-
tion of this scenario is that Burial 92 would not have had the opportunity to
carry sacred fire to the site prior to his death.
The third inconsistency is that if sacred fire was carried to the site by Burial
92 at the time of first settlement, there is the problem of where it was kept
until the town was formally established and Structure 17 constructed. As dis-
cussed in Chapter 8, the size of Structure 1.1 and its architectural similarities
to Structure 17 suggest that it may have served as a council house prior to the
formal establishment of the town. The sacred fire could have been housed tem-
porarily there.
Household 15 has several characteristics that make it a good candidate for
the household of the town chief. Among them is the presence of Burial 92,
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516 / Chapter 12
which implies that the household is actually his own or that of his wife. We
will look more closely at Household 15 in a later section.
The individual identified as Burial 117 also has an impressive resume, made
more so by his young age. By approximately 19 years of age, he had acquired
the initial warrior grade, a special war honor, and a war trophy and had be-
come a chunkey game official and a skilled flintknapper and woodworker. His
importance in the community, furthermore, was recognized by the Spanish,
who presumably gave him two iron tools. None of these statuses, however, are
unique to Burial 117.
It is possible that Burial 117’s precociousness was aided or sanctioned by
membership in the town chief ’s descent line. It is also possible that one or two
grave goods represent more specialized statuses that were inherited within that
line. The spatulate celt has been identified as a marker for an achieved war
honor, but there is no reason it could not have been a marker for the office of
town war chief. Likewise, the office associated with stone discoidals may have
been so important that access to it was controlled by inheritance, although the
relatively large number of burials with discoidals (four) argues against this.
Unfortunately, there is no strong evidence one way or the other regarding the
manner in which spatulate celts and stone discoidals were acquired. The loca-
tion of Burial 117 in the habitation zone indicates that, at the time of death,
he was a member of Household 2, which was presumably his wife’s. If he was
a member of the town chief ’s matriline, his interment in the habitation zone
implies that he was not one of its key members. I prefer to see him as a success-
ful warrior and not necessarily related to the town chief.
Burials 30, 34, and 40 were all interred in the north plaza and presumably
were matrilineal relatives of the town chief and eligible for offices that were
inherited within that line. All have impressive resumes. Burial 34 had achieved
the midlevel warrior grade and was a skilled flintknapper and woodworker.
There is nothing distinctive about his grave furnishings, however, that would
indicate he was a member of the town chief ’s matriline and had inherited a
special office in the community.
Plowing has heavily damaged Burial 40, impacting the entire skeleton and
destroying all bone below the pelvis. Nevertheless, he does have grave goods
indicating that he had earned the initial warrior grade, was a chunkey game of-
ficial, and was involved in the ritual use of pipes. More important, the Span-
ish apparently recognized him as being a prominent member of the commu-
nity. No doubt, additional grave goods have been lost, some of which might
have broadened his resume to include other important and perhaps unique
statuses. He was also fairly young at the time of death, being in his late teens
or early twenties.
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Community and Polity in Northwestern Georgia / 517
Burial 30, of undetermined sex, had earned the initial warrior grade and
was a skilled flintknapper and craftsman involved in bone and stone tool
use. He or she was unique, however, in having Marginella shell beads and at
least one pulley-shaped ear spool. The former could be merely an indicator
of wealth, especially given the large quantity of beads involved. Since this is
the only occurrence of Marginella shells in the entire burial sample, however,
we cannot rule out the possibility that it was a marker for some special status.
Pulley-shaped ear spools are commonly depicted in Southeastern Ceremonial
Complex (SECC) art, suggesting that they were markers for mythologically
important or high-ranking individuals. Individually or together the two arti-
fact types could be markers for a special status or office within the town chief ’s
If my interpretation of Burial 92’s historical significance is correct, a town
chief would have assumed office around the time the King site town was
founded. The King site probably existed as a town for at least 20 years after its
founding. Given the usual lifespan of King site males, it is quite possible that
this individual would have died before the town was officially abandoned. Of
the three adult plaza burials discussed above, Burial 40 is the most likely to
have been that person, given the iron tool in his grave.
Burials 124, 195, and 234 also need to be considered as possibly having held
ascribed statuses. Each may have had resumes like those of Burials 92 and 117
and held important offices in the community. Burial 124 is of interest because
of the presence of a gravy boat bowl. The burial was heavily plow damaged,
with little more than legs and part of the upper torso surviving. Additional
grave goods include a narrow, chisel-like celt and a Type III hammerstone,
which may have been part of an FKK. On the basis of this evidence, we can in-
fer that the individual interred as Burial 124 was involved in sacred fire ritual
and may have been a skilled flintknapper and woodworker. Judging by Burial
92, which also had a gravy boat bowl, Burial 124 may have had a much broader
The presence of a gravy boat bowl in Burial 124 forces us to reconsider the
meaning of this artifact type and how it relates to the role of Burial 92 in the
history of the King site community. The impressive resume of the individual
interred in Burial 92 and the fact that he was probably one of the first settlers
at the King site lead to the conclusion that he was the town’s founder and that
his gravy boat bowl was used to carry sacred fire to the new town. Presumably,
new towns were formally established by a single individual (Moore 1988). This
certainly makes sense from the standpoint of the establishment of a single, un-
contested descent line as the source of a community’s top leadership positions.
As an outside burial associated with the long-lived Household 23, Burial 124
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518 / Chapter 12
could have been interred at any time during the King site’s occupation span—
including the period after the town was founded. He, therefore, may not have
been directly involved in the founding of the town.
How then do we interpret the gravy boat bowl artifact type that is found in
both Burials 92 and 124? Was the vessel form used in only one type of cere-
mony involving sacred fire or in several different types of ceremonies? It is
possible that the vessel in Burial 92 was not involved in the founding of a
new town at King or that it was used to transport sacred fire to the King site
while the Burial 124 vessel was used to carry sacred fire on war parties or in
community-wide ceremonies. I prefer the latter interpretation.
A third possibility is that the gravy boat bowl is a marker for the office of
town chief, perhaps because of its role in kindling the sacred fire in a new
town. This implies that Burial 124 represents a town chief, but I think that is
unlikely because the burial is not part of the north plaza burial group.
Burial 234 was apparently very richly endowed with grave goods. Unfortu-
nately, the burial was looted and its contents are known only through the verbal
accounts of the pothunters (Little 1985). The burial was also damaged by plow-
ing, as portions of an iron sword were visible above ground at the time of dis-
covery. According to Little (1985) the looters recovered a complete basket-hilt
sword, three large bifacial blades, a spatulate celt, a stone pipe, and 23 points.
Other types of artifacts may have been removed by plowing or missed by the
pothunters. If the looted burial described by Little is the same as Burial 234
(excavated in 1992), then this individual was probably a subfloor burial associ-
ated with Structure 30 and was approximately 30 years old at death.
As discussed in Chapter 11, it is likely that the sword was obtained illicitly
by the individual interred as Burial 234 and not as a result of Spanish largess,
although he may have been sufficiently important to merit a gift of iron. Burial
234 can be accommodated easily within the interpretive framework presented
in Chapter 11. His aboriginal grave goods indicate that he had achieved a mid-
level warrior grade and had earned a special war honor and that he was prob-
ably a conjurer or curer. He is unusual in having both bifacial blades and a
spatulate celt. The latter is sufficiently rare among King site and other Missis-
sippian burial samples that it could represent an inherited office such as town
war chief. The location of Burial 234 in the habitation zone indicates that he
was interred in his wife’s household burial plot and thus was not a key member
of the town chief ’s matriline. As with Burial 117, I prefer to see him as a suc-
cessful warrior but not necessarily related to the town chief.
The final burial to be considered, Burial 195, has also been severely dam-
aged by erosion and plowing, there being no skeletal remains below the waist.
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Community and Polity in Northwestern Georgia / 519
Structure 17 Burials
The Structure 17 burials present a rather unusual picture compared with those
found in other settlement contexts at King (Table 12.4). To begin with, they
were interred beneath the floor of a building located in the plaza that served as
a community meeting place, analogous to eighteenth-century Creek rotundas
and Cherokee townhouses. Eight of the 10 burials can be identified as adults
on the basis of skeletal evidence. The other two, Burials 106 and 109, are prob-
ably also adults, based on pit length.
Six of the burials can be sexed with varying degrees of certainty. Burials
100, 101, and 105 are biological males, and Burials 102 and 103 are artifactual
males. Burial 109 lies in a pit 7.2 feet long and is probably an extended burial
and, therefore, probably male. Since more than half the burials are male or are
likely to be male, we might conclude that the others are as well. Five of the six
identifiable males, however, are the only burials with artifacts and they are the
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Community and Polity in Northwestern Georgia / 521
only ones located on the northern side of the structure. These coincidences do
not in themselves constitute evidence that some burials were female, but they
do raise the possibility that Structure 17 burials formed two contrasting sets—
male/artifacts/north and female/no artifacts/non-north. The location of the
extended Burial 109 in the southern floor sector, however, does not conform
to this pattern.
Ethnohistoric accounts indicate that Cherokee women were permitted to
enter the council house but that Creek women were not. A similar restriction
may have applied to female burials as well in Creek and ancestral Creek society.
The existence of an adult female burial in the late seventeenth-century town-
house at Coweeta Creek (Lambert 2002), however, raises the possibility that
at least some of the four unsexed burials in Structure 17 were female. In order
to thoroughly evaluate the significance of the burials in Structure 17, we must
consider separately the possibilities that all were male and that some were fe-
male. We will first consider the case in which all were male.
If all individuals were male, it is unlikely that they were all drawn from the
same household or descent group. The site was not occupied long enough for
that many deaths to occur among adult males belonging to a single household
or descent group. More likely, the Structure 17 interments were drawn from
several different households or descent groups.
It is reasonable to assume that the individuals interred in Structure 17 en-
joyed a special status in the community. To begin with, they had the privi-
lege of being interred in what was arguably the community’s most impor-
tant public building. In addition, the pits they were interred in are on average
more elaborate and costly to construct than those characteristic of burials lo-
cated elsewhere in the site. Three are stepped, two are shaft-and-chamber pits,
and eight have board covers. The only burials lacking boards are the two with
shaft-and-chamber pits.
Several types of grave goods indicative of higher-ranking statuses are rep-
resented in the Structure 17 burials, including bifacial blades, discoidals, large
numbers of points and point styles, FKK, unifacial end scrapers, and beaver
incisors. There is, however, nothing distinctive about these grave goods, nor
are they especially common in the burial group. Only half the Structure 17
burials have grave goods compared to two-thirds of all reliable and lightly dis-
turbed adult male burials interred elsewhere on the site; 20 percent have bi-
facial blades compared to 11 percent; 40 percent have points compared to 43
percent; and 30 percent have FKK compared to 21 percent. None of the Struc-
ture 17 burials, furthermore, have iron artifacts or marine shell ornaments.
This could be due to sample size and, in the case of shell beads, organic decay,
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522 / Chapter 12
but the absence of iron certainly does not support the proposition that Struc-
ture 17 burials represent an elite segment of the community.
There is a fair amount of artifact variability among the five burials with
grave goods. Four have points and three have FKK, but blades and pipes are the
only other artifact types to occur in multiple burials. There is no one artifact
type or group of artifact types held in common by all five burials that would
indicate they represent a single status, rank, or social group.
The distribution of burials in Structure 17 is not homogenous either. Most
burials, including all with grave goods, are located on the north side of the
structure. In contrast, no burials are present on the west side. These differences
may be due to random factors such as mortality and organic preservation con-
ditions, but it seems more likely that they reflect differences in the use of space
in Structure 17 and the people interred therein.
Summarizing eighteenth- and nineteenth-century accounts and informa-
tion provided by his own Creek informants, Swanton (1928a:180) suggests
that seating arrangements in rotundas may have been similar to those in the
square ground: “It is to be added that, although the seats ran all the way around
this building on the inside, it was divided into separate ‘beds,’ maintaining the
same general position as those in the ‘big house’ out of doors. It was, as nearly
as could be managed, an indoors version of the latter.”
Structure 17 further resembles the square ground in that the outer floor
space is divided into 11–12 sections by the posthole alignments identified as
bench supports. If these posts extended above the level of the benches, they
may have also served as frameworks for partitions. The result would be as
many as 12 bench segments, the same as the number of “cabins” or apartments
described for eighteenth-century square grounds. The only real difference be-
tween the two arrangements is that each of the four buildings or “beds” in the
square ground was subdivided into three cabins, whereas each wall of Struc-
ture 17 had two centrally located compartments and shared its two corner
compartments with the adjacent walls.
Seating in historic square grounds followed a fairly regular pattern, with the
mico and other high-ranking officials occupying one bed, usually on the west;
prominent warriors occupying another bed, usually on the north; the heniha
occupying a third bed, usually on the south side; and youths “busking for the
first time” (Swanton 1928a:191) occupying the remaining bed, along with visi-
tors and equipment for preparation and consumption of the black drink and
other “medicines.” The mico and other important officials occupied the central
cabin of their bed, but it is not clear that there was a similar arrangement for
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Community and Polity in Northwestern Georgia / 523
prominent warriors and the heniha in the other beds. Seating in the remaining
cabins was assigned by clan affiliation (Swanton 1928a:181–200).
It is possible that the seating arrangement in Structure 17 corresponded to
some degree to what Swanton describes for historic Creek square grounds. If
so, we might expect differences in burial location and grave goods to reflect
square ground seating arrangements in a general fashion. The absence of buri-
als on the west side of Structure 17, for example, might be due to the use of
this area for preparation of medicines and storage of related equipment and
for seating of youths and visitors who may not have qualified for burial within
the council house. All but one of the five burials on the north side of Structure
17 have points and two have blades, suggesting that these individuals were in-
terred here because of their status as warriors.
While I suspect that the square ground seating arrangement model is rele-
vant to understanding variability in the Structure 17 burials, it is not without
its problems. To begin with, the area assigned to medicine preparation and
youths and visitors is on the east side of the square ground in most historic-
period accounts, although Swan (Swanton 1928a:181–182) placed it on the
west side. More important, the lack of grave goods with burials on the east
and south sides of the structure is difficult to fit with accounts of who should
have been seated in those areas: town chief, subchiefs, and officials such as the
heniha. Such individuals should have been interred with at least some arti-
facts commensurate with their status, although as was argued in the preceding
section, some of these offices (i.e., mico) were more likely to be interred in the
north plaza. Alternatively, it is possible that the burials lacking grave goods—
Burials 104 and 106–109—were lower-ranking individuals who were interred
in the bench sectors assigned to their clans. This explanation, however, begs the
question of why individuals were selected for interment in Structure 17. Burial
location may correspond in some fashion to seating arrangement, but this does
not tell us why individuals were selected for interment in the building.
Other than that they are all adult males, there is nothing distinctive about
the 10 burials in Structure 17. They are not significantly older (34.4 vs. 30.2
years) than adult males interred elsewhere at the site. They were apparently
drawn from a number of different households. They do not have any distinc-
tive grave goods or an unusually large quantity or variety of high-status grave
goods. All statuses represented by grave goods—lower and middle warrior
grades, chunkey game official, skilled flintknapper, skilled woodworker, cere-
monial usage of pipes—are also represented in burials interred in the habita-
tion zone. In short, the Structure 17 burials appear to constitute a representa-
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524 / Chapter 12
tive cross section of the King site adult male population. Why then were these
particular individuals selected to be interred in the town’s council house?
The only criterion that satisfies most of the characteristics of the burials
is manner of death, specifically death in combat. Ten deaths out of an esti-
mated adult male burial population of approximately 160 is not an unrea-
sonably high combat mortality rate.1 Combat mortality would tend to limit
selection to adult males. It also would account for the selection of males of
varying ranks and statuses and from different households and kin groups.
Such a democratic selection process is also compatible with the lack of iron
grave goods. It fits with the square ground seating model as well. Prestigious
warriors would tend to have a higher battlefield mortality rate than those in-
dividuals who were less actively involved in warfare. If these individuals were
more likely to be assigned seating in the northern floor sector, there should be
a greater concentration of burials with warrior-related grave goods in the same
sector. Burials in the eastern and southern floor sectors may represent indi-
viduals of the lowest warrior grade or lacking warrior grades who were affili-
ated with clans assigned seating in those areas.
The only thing that fails to support combat mortality as the criterion for in-
terment in Structure 17 is the lack of skeletal evidence for wounds. This is not
a problem for the human remains recovered from Structure 17 because bone
preservation is so poor. Only Burials 100 and 101 are sufficiently well preserved
to allow most kinds of wounds to be detected. It is problematic, however, that
Burial 23, a 32-year-old male killed with a celt blow to the head, is not interred
in Structure 17. We do not know that the blow was struck in combat, but more
likely than not it was. If Burial 23 was a battlefield casualty, why wasn’t he in-
terred in Structure 17?
It is, of course, quite possible that the characteristics that led individuals to
be interred in Structure 17 are not visible archaeologically. Elaborate costume
items or religious paraphernalia made from organic materials may have disap-
peared as a result of decay. Preservation conditions in most of the burials were
bad, with eight burials having preservation ranks of 2.00 or less. Marine shell
ornaments, however, should have been part of any elaborate costume, and they
should not have disappeared completely from all Structure 17 burials.
Burials 104 and 106–108 cannot be sexed. Any or all of them could have
been adult females. The presence of females in Structure 17 would change the
way the 10 burials are interpreted in several important ways. To begin with,
if six of the burials are male and four are female, it becomes more feasible
for them to belong to a single household or descent group. As with the plaza
burials, the 10 individuals could represent an elite descent group rather than
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Community and Polity in Northwestern Georgia / 525
Household Variability
It is clear from mortuary data presented in this and earlier chapters that indi-
viduals differed in the social statuses they held, their prominence in the com-
munity, and their wealth as measured by marine shell grave goods. House-
holds, as corporate groups, can be expected to differ along these general lines
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526 / Chapter 12
as well. The rank and wealth of household members would have contributed
to the relative prominence of the household, as would historical factors, such
as being among the community’s founding households, and social factors,
such as being the household of the town chief. In this section, I will use the
available architectural and burial evidence to identify variability in household
wealth, craft production, and sociopolitical standing.
Six households—Households 1, 2, 6, 8, 15, and 23—were identified in Chap-
ter 8 (Figure 8.3). There were originally many more households in the commu-
nity, but these are the only ones for which we can be reasonably certain that all
or most associated structures have been identified. Most burials in the eastern
and northeastern sectors of the habitation zone can be assigned to a specific
household, but, unfortunately, we cannot be certain that all burials belonging
to each of the six households have been correctly identified. Burials 21, 22, 25,
28, and 29, for example, cannot be assigned to Household 1, 2, or 6 with cer-
Household 8 has only a single PDS and was probably made up of a single
conjugal family. The other five households have between two and four PDS
and were made up of multiple conjugal families at some point in their exis-
tence. There were probably a number of factors responsible for these differ-
ences in household composition, including initial size and composition and
stage in developmental cycle. Figure 8.3 is misleading, as it presents a pic-
ture of the six households as static and unchanging. In reality, some PDS were
probably added to households through time, while others may have ceased be-
ing occupied. Structures 4, 9, and 24 in Household 2 and Structure 7 in House-
hold 23 are examples of the former, while Structure 11 in Household 15 may
be an example of the latter. Presumably the same variability in size and com-
position characterized households across the entire site.
The eastern and northeastern sectors of the habitation zone differ in many
respects from the northern and southern sectors. They have, among other
things, more PDS, more multistage PDS, more burials, and more grave goods
and shell wealth per burial. Some, if not all, of these differences may reflect so-
cial and economic differences between households and the life history of the
town. Before we can make such interpretations, however, we must consider
the role of differential site destruction. It is clear that many burials located in
the more heavily eroded northwestern and southern sectors of the excavated
habitation zone have been destroyed. The relative paucity of PDS in the south-
ern sector is probably the result of some structures being destroyed. The fact
that most extant PDS and burials in this sector lie relatively close to the pali-
sade suggests that destruction was greatest along the edge of the plaza.
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Community and Polity in Northwestern Georgia / 527
Figure 12.1. Spatial distribution of primary domestic structures with two (dashed), three
(hatched), and four (black) construction stages.
Almost half the 26 known PDS were constructed in multiple stages. Struc-
tures with two construction stages are distributed throughout the excavated
site area (Figure 12.1). PDS with three or four construction stages, however,
are located only in the eastern and northeastern sectors of the habitation zone.
Whether this pattern reflects the actual settlement plan or is the result of dif-
ferential preservation is not altogether clear. In the better-preserved portion of
the habitation zone, multistage PDS tend to be located adjacent to the plaza.
On the basis of this pattern, we can argue that at least some PDS located along
the edge of the plaza on the southern side of the site would have had three or
more construction stages and that the observed distribution of multistage PDS
is therefore a product of differential preservation. Any multistage PDS located
along the edge of the plaza, on the other hand, are likely to have had a number
of interior burials, and these would have extended 1–3 feet below the floor
of the house basin. Given the existence of posthole alignments belonging to
Structures 25–29 and 31 just a few dozen feet to the south, it is highly unlikely
that erosion would have been so great as to destroy all such burials. The fact
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528 / Chapter 12
that there are only three burials (Burials 172–174) in this part of the habitation
zone suggests that few if any multistage PDS existed there.
In Chapter 8, I attempted to reconstruct the life history of the King site
town. I argued that, with the possible exception of Structure 13, Structures
1.1, 2.1, 5.1, 15.1, and possibly 23.1 were the residences of the town’s earli-
est inhabitants. I also argued that sometime after these people settled at King,
the town was formally established, an event that entailed construction of the
council house, lighting of the town’s sacred fire, laying out of the plaza and
habitation zone, and construction of the defensive perimeter. One implication
of this reconstruction is that the households represented by Structures 1.1, 2.1,
5.1, and 15.1 were the oldest in the community and would have been associ-
ated in peoples’ minds with its founding. The male head of one of these house-
holds is likely to have been the individual responsible for leading these first
settlers to Foster Bend and for actually founding the town. It is reasonable to
suppose, therefore, that these three or four households would have been among
the most prestigious and highest ranking in the community.
Large-size PDS are widely distributed across the site. The two largest, Struc-
tures 1.1 and 15.1, are located in the northeastern sector, while the third and
fourth largest, Structures 27 and 29, are located in the southwestern sector
(Figure 5.1). Structures 23.2, 23.3, and 25.1, located in the eastern and south-
eastern sectors, are also relatively large. To the extent that structure size is re-
lated to the wealth and/or prominence of occupants, these data suggest that
prominent households were distributed widely throughout the town.
As discussed in Chapter 8, the size of multistage PDS may fluctuate mark-
edly from one stage to another. Structure 1.2 is 46 percent smaller than its pre-
decessor; Structure 2.2 is 36 percent larger than its predecessor; and Struc-
ture 23.4 is 45 percent smaller than its predecessor. Structure 15 is unusual in
this regard, as it maintains its large size through all three construction stages.
It starts out as the second-largest PDS at 955 square feet and decreases to 850
square feet and 778 square feet—the fifth- and sixth-largest PDS—in subse-
quent stages. No other construction stage in a multistage PDS, except Struc-
ture 1.1, comes within 100 square feet of these sizes.
Rectangular structures are much more difficult to identify than PDS be-
cause of their lighter construction. Several posthole patterns identified as
rectangular structures—RS 8, RS 11, and RS 15—are, in fact, of questionable
validity. For this reason and because of the likelihood that I have failed to iden-
tify some RS, any attempt to compare these structures by household should be
undertaken with caution. With this in mind, it is noteworthy that the two larg-
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Community and Polity in Northwestern Georgia / 529
est identified RS are associated with Household 15. RS 7 is a fairly good ex-
ample of a rectangular structure and, at 179 square feet, is the largest recorded
structure of its kind. RS 15 measures 178 square feet but is not very reliable.
The next-largest example is RS 8, which is associated with Structure 14 and
measures 168 square feet but is not very reliable. Most other RS measure be-
tween 80 and 140 square feet.
We saw in Chapter 9 that Households 2 and 15 differ from the other four in
having a greater variety of grave goods represented in their burials and a larger
number of grave goods as measured by the frequency with which types occur
in all burials (Table 9.8). To a great extent these differences are due to the pres-
ence of artifact-rich Burials 92 and 117—but not entirely. Even without these
burials the two households still lead the others in these categories.
All households except Household 6 had at least one adult male burial who
was a skilled craftsman or craft specialist (Table 12.5). The number of such
individuals ranges from one to three. The number of different craft skills/
specializations represented in each household is more variable, ranging be-
tween one and seven. Households 2 and 15 lead the way with five and seven
craft skills/specializations, respectively. In general though, craft skills are fairly
evenly distributed among households. All of the larger, multistructure house-
holds have at least two, a flintknapper and a woodworking specialist.
Bipointed bone tools, which have been tentatively identified as bow-fishing
points, are known from only four burials. Three of these are associated with
Household 15 and one is associated with Household 1. Sample size is too small
to make much of this distribution. Nevertheless, Household 15, once again,
stands out.
Households vary considerably in number of burials with marine shell beads
and quantity of beads, but Household 15 has by far the most in both cate-
gories (Table 12.1).2 Among those households for which the burial inventory
is likely to be complete, Household 8 has no bead burials; Household 1 has one
burial with two Olivella beads; Household 6 has two burials with 45 Busycon
bead units; Household 23 has two burials with 106 Busycon bead units and
one Anadara bead; Household 2 has three burials with 111 Busycon bead units
and one Olivella bead; and Household 15 has six burials with 1,268 Busycon
bead units and three Anadara beads.3 Six additional burials (Burials 83, 88, 90,
91/259, and 110), with a total of 1,227 Busycon bead units and three Olivella
beads, are located within the walls of Structure 15, but cannot be assigned to
Household 15 with certainty. Some could belong to the household. Even if we
control for number of building stages represented in PDS, Household 15 still
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Community and Polity in Northwestern Georgia / 531
predominates, with at least 423 Busycon bead units per stage, as opposed to
Household 6 with 23 bead units per stage, Household 23 with 27 bead units,
and Household 2 with 37 bead units.
On the basis of these burial figures, Household 15 can be said to have the
greatest shell bead wealth of any known household in the King site commu-
nity. The bead burials assignable to it include three subadults, two adult males,
and the only adult female at the site known to have marine shell beads.
Shell gorgets are not as common as marine shell beads, nor are they as
widely distributed across the habitation zone (Table 12.1). Yet, they appear to
be more evenly distributed among households than beads. Households 1 and
15 each have two burials with gorgets, and two burials associated with Struc-
ture 14 also have gorgets. Household 2 and the burials associated with Struc-
ture 18 have one gorget burial apiece.
If Household 15 had a much larger number of gorget burials, matching its
large quantity of marine shell beads, we could argue that gorgets were also
functioning primarily as wealth items. It does not, and the identification of
gorgets as wealth items, therefore, is less secure. Nevertheless, four burials in
the plaza have gorgets, and three households with gorget burials were founding
households and presumably among the most socially prominent in the com-
munity. We cannot equate social prominence with wealth, but it is probably
not an accident that gorgets have the household and plaza associations that
they do. Possession of a gorget probably carried with it a certain amount of
prestige, and it may be that wealthy and socially prominent households tended
to have greater access to gorgets than other households.
Knobbed and bracket shell pins have different associations than marine
shell beads and gorgets. They are concentrated in Households 2 and 23, where
beads are not especially common and where only one gorget has been iden-
tified. With the possible exception of Burial 83, they do not occur in House-
hold 15 burials nor are they present in the plaza. All of this reinforces the idea
that knobbed shell pins were markers for a distinct social group in the King
site community. To what extent they also functioned as a sign of wealth is not
At least seven adult male statuses identified in Chapter 11 were probably re-
garded as prestigious or high ranking in the King site community. These are
the midlevel and higher warrior grades and honors and officials involved in
the transport of fire, in black drink preparation, and in the chunkey game.
Ritual specialists using pipes and medicine objects may also have enjoyed pres-
tige and high rank. Household 15 has the greatest number of such statuses,
with 10 held by different individuals, followed by Household 2, with six held
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532 / Chapter 12
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Community and Polity in Northwestern Georgia / 533
Burial 92 is the best candidate we have for town chief. He was a high-ranking
warrior; he had several official duties; he had several craft skills; he had con-
siderable shell wealth; and he was recognized by the Spanish as an important
person. The copper arrow symbol badges that hung from his ears have been in-
terpreted as markers of an elevated warrior grade, but they could have been in-
stead a symbol of the town chief position. The gravy boat bowl with which he
was interred may also have been a symbol of the town chief position.
This interpretation would be strengthened had Burial 92 been interred in
the north plaza. Since he was interred beneath the floor of Structure 15.1, he
must have died very early in the occupation of the King site. In fact, it can be
argued that he died before the town was formally established, and in the ab-
sence of a plaza cemetery was interred in his residence.
If Burial 92 predeceased the formal establishment of the town, his tenure as
official town chief would have been brief and perhaps nonexistent. His early
demise, however, coupled with his social prominence raises the possibility that
he was the individual who led the first settlers to the King site and was as a re-
sult the founder of the town. This interpretation is supported by the presence
of the gravy boat bowl that could have been used to transport sacred fire to the
new town.
In this role as town founder, the individual interred as Burial 92 doubtless
would have been accompanied by close matrilineal relatives who would have
been responsible for perpetuating the line of town chiefs. Presumably these
people constituted a separate household from that of Burial 92 and presum-
ably they resided in one of the other multistage PDS. Structure 2 is the most
eligible candidate. Household 2 burials have the second-richest array of adult
male statuses. Compared with Households 15 and 23, the household has rela-
tively few associated burials, especially given the number of PDS making up
the household. This is what we would expect if some household members were
interred in the north plaza.
Household 1 presents a problem. Structure 1.1 has a number of architec-
tural characteristics that set it apart from other PDS and conform to those of
Structure 17. It is the largest PDS, it is unique in having 44 exterior wall posts,
and it has the largest ratio of central floor space to total floor space. We might
conclude from this that the structure functioned as a council house for the first
settlers before the town was formally established. Several things argue against
such an interpretation, however. To begin with, there is little evidence for inte-
rior posthole alignments that can be interpreted as bench supports. Second, a
two-stage domestic structure (Structures 1.2 and 1.3) was erected directly over
it. I find it difficult to believe that a public building, in particular one that may
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534 / Chapter 12
have held sacred fire in its hearth, would be converted into a domestic struc-
ture. Third, the hearths for the later two construction stages directly overlie
the earlier hearth, implying a continuity in function as a domestic structure
and a continuity in residence by the same inhabitants.
Alternatively, Structure 1.1 may have been the residence of the town founder.
This individual would have needed a large residence in order to accommo-
date meetings and to entertain visitors. This interpretation has at least three
problems. To begin with, the PDS that replaces Structure 1.1 at the time the
town is formally established is small, being less than average size. It also means
that the roles of Household 15 and Burial 92 need to be rethought. This is
not altogether bad, at least for Household 15. The evidence that the outside
burial cluster located northeast of Structure 15 is associated with Household
15 is not strong. There is sufficient space north of Structure 15 along the un-
excavated edge of the site for another PDS to which the burials in this cluster
and the burials underlying and predating Structure 14 could be assigned. This
would leave Household 15 with a deficit of outside burials, which in turn could
be filled by those in the north plaza. In other words, Household 15 could be
the natal household of the town chief. This interpretation, however, raises the
question of who Burial 92 was and what role he played in the town’s politi-
cal life.
Household 23 differs from the other three households that have a three- or
four-stage PDS in that its associated burials have relatively few adult male sta-
tuses. The picture would be different if Burial 124 had escaped plow destruc-
tion and had a large number of statuses. It is also possible that Household 23
was not one of the early households at the site. It has four construction stages,
implying a long life history, but the fourth stage clearly postdates the town’s
main period of occupation. With three construction stages, one would still ex-
pect Structure 23 to date back to the period of initial settlement. There is no
major change, however, in structure size, location, or orientation at the time
stage 2 is built. While not definitive evidence, this does suggest that the build-
ing was not in existence prior to the time the town was formally laid out. If
this is correct, then Household 23 and its members may not have enjoyed the
prominence that Households 1, 2, and 15 did. This may explain the relative im-
poverishment of its burials.
To this point in this chapter, I have focused on the internal social, political,
and economic organization of the King site community. One of the distinctive
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Community and Polity in Northwestern Georgia / 535
features of the King site is that a great deal is also known about the archaeo-
logical, historical, and regional context in which it existed. It is to this aspect
of the site and the community that developed there that we now turn our at-
The Coosa River valley in Georgia was occupied at least twice during the
Mississippian period prior to the sixteenth-century Barnett phase. Late Etowah
phase pottery from the Coosa Country Club (9FL161) and Plant Hammond
(9FL3) sites indicates the first occupation dates to the Late Etowah phase, ap-
proximately a.d. 1075–1150 (Figures 3.6 and 3.7) (Chamblee et al. 1998; Hally
and Langford 1988). Presumably there was a chiefdom polity in the area at the
time, with an administrative center located either at Plant Hammond or at
Nixon (9FL162). Fewer than a dozen Late Etowah phase sherds were recovered
in extensive excavations at Plant Hammond in 1967, suggesting that the site
was only lightly occupied and that mound building had not begun. Surface ar-
tifact collections from the Coosa Country Club site contain a high proportion
of Late Etowah sherds and were recovered from two widely separated loca-
tions, suggesting that the Etowah component was a major occupation. Little is
known about the Nixon site, but with a significant occupation across the river
at 9FL161 it is reasonable to assume that mound building had begun and that
Nixon was the administrative center for the Late Etowah polity.
The Coosa Valley was next occupied during the Late Savannah period,
a.d. 1250–1350. The mound at Plant Hammond was constructed at this time
and Wilbanks phase pottery is known from at least two other sites in the area
(Chamblee et al. 1998; Hally and Langford 1988). Sometime in the middle
to late fourteenth century the valley was again abandoned. This conclusion is
based on the lack of ceramic evidence for an Early Lamar occupation at any
of the 421-plus sites recorded in the Georgia Archaeological Site File for Floyd
The final prehistoric occupation of the Coosa River valley began some-
time in the late fifteenth century or early sixteenth century. Five large town-
size habitation sites with Middle Lamar period Barnett phase occupations are
known to exist in the 20-km stretch of the Coosa River downstream from
the junction of the Etowah and Oostanaula rivers (Figure 3.7). The five towns
are King (9FL5), Mohman (9FL155), 9FL175, Johnstone (9FL49), and Coosa
Country Club (9FL161). A sixth site, Nixon (9FL162), was probably also occu-
pied and probably had mound construction. At least six other sites, located on
the Etowah, Oostanaula, and Coosa rivers near Rome, have yielded small col-
lections of Lamar pottery and probably date to the Barnett phase. Except for
King, little is known about any of the Barnett phase sites in the Coosa River
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536 / Chapter 12
valley beyond their components and site size estimates based on surface arti-
fact distributions.
As described in Chapter 3, the available archaeological evidence indicates
that the King site was part of a chiefdom polity that included Mohman,
9FL175, Johnstone, Coosa Country Club, and probably Nixon. Except for the
latter two, which are located on opposite banks of the Coosa River at the junc-
tion of the Etowah and Oostanaula rivers, these sites are distributed at fairly
regular intervals downstream (Figure 3.7). The straight-line distance between
King and Mohman is 7.2 km; between Mohman and 9FL175 is 5.3 km; be-
tween 9FL175 and Johnstone is 6.8 km; and between Johnstone and Coosa
Country Club is 6.9 km. This regular spacing suggests that all of the major
towns making up the Rome polity have been identified.
We do not know how large the Nixon site was, but the area between the
Etowah and Oostanaula rivers at their junction is sufficiently great that the
site could have covered a number of hectares. King is known to cover 2.05 ha.
Surface artifact distributions indicate that Mohman covered 2.3 ha; 9FL175,
2.2 ha; Johnstone, more than 0.5 ha; and Coosa Country Club, more than 1.0 ha.
Forest vegetation cover at Johnstone and twentieth-century construction ac-
tivity at Coosa Country Club prevented an accurate determination of site size,
but given the size of the other three towns, it is probable both were well in ex-
cess of 1 ha. The average size of all measurable mid-sixteenth-century towns
in the Upper Coosa and Upper Tennessee river drainages is 2.8 ha (Hally et al.
The regular spacing between the five non-mound sites and the similar size
of three of them suggest that all played the same role in the local settlement
system; that is, they were large habitation sites. We have no evidence for what
the settlement plans of the four unexcavated sites looked like, but there is no
reason to believe they differed significantly from King, with its plaza, public
buildings, and surrounding habitation zone. Presumably, like King, each site
was a separate, distinguishable community.
King and the four upriver settlements were apparently subordinate towns in
a polity ruled by a chief residing at the Nixon site. As in most questions involv-
ing archaeological data, this relationship cannot be proven beyond a doubt, but
the available settlement pattern evidence does make a strong case for it. There
are no large contemporary settlements within at least 20 km downriver in Ala-
bama or along the Etowah and Oostanaula rivers above Rome. If the mound at
Nixon was constructed and used during the sixteenth century, we have a site
hierarchy (Peebles and Kus 1977) involving at least five habitation sites and
one administrative center. Several sixteenth-century site clusters located else-
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Community and Polity in Northwestern Georgia / 537
where in the Upper Coosa and Upper Tennessee river drainages are similar to
the one at Rome in terms of area encompassed, number of component towns,
and settlement hierarchy (Hally et al. 1990). If Hudson (1997) is correct in
identifying the Coosa River sites with the province of Ulibahali, then we also
have documentary evidence for the polity. I think it is reasonable to conclude
that the Coosa River sites constituted a politically centralized chiefdom.
Marvin Smith, Jim Langford, and I have attempted to accurately estimate
population size for a number of mid-sixteenth-century towns and chiefdoms
in the Upper Coosa and Upper Tennessee river drainages (Hally et al. 1990).
We divided the area excavated at King and the four Mouse Creek phase sites in
Tennessee—North Mouse Creeks, South Mouse Creeks, Rymer, and Ledford
Island—reported by Sullivan (1986) by the number of PDS recorded at each.
The resulting figure, 470 m2, gave us an average amount of site area per PDS.4
We estimated the number of PDS that existed at 21 sites larger than 1 ha by di-
viding 470 m2 into site size estimates that were obtained by measuring the spa-
tial distribution of surface artifacts. Per house population estimates were ob-
tained by using the average size (61 m2) of PDS at King and the Mouse Creek
phase sites in the formulas that Naroll (1962) and Cook (1972) developed for
estimating settlement population size from dwelling space. Using Naroll’s for-
mula the average-size PDS housed 5.9 people; using Cook’s formula, the figure
was 11.0.
The average size of recorded PDS at King is 57.4 m2 (618 square feet), slightly
smaller than the figure used in the earlier study. The average number of oc-
cupants using Naroll’s formula is 4.7 and using Cook’s formula, 10.7. Using
an average PDS size of 57.4 m2 and the figure 470 m2 to estimate number of
PDS, the King site would have had 50 PDS and a population of 235 accord-
ing to Naroll’s formula or 535 according to Cook’s formula. The comparable
figures for Mohman are 56 PDS and 263 or 599 inhabitants and for 9FL175
they are 54 PDS and 254 or 578 inhabitants. If we assume that Johnstone and
Coosa Country Club were each 2 ha in size and that Nixon, the administra-
tive center for the polity, was 3 ha,5 the total population for the Rome polity
would have been approximately 1,560 using Naroll’s formula and 3,552 using
Cook’s. Given the internal division of space in King site PDS and the number
of cubicles that may have had benches for sleeping, an average number of 4.7
occupants seems reasonable, while an average of 10.7 occupants seems exces-
sive. On the other hand, the Cook formula population estimate of 3,552 for the
polity as a whole seems reasonable, while the other seems too small. The im-
portant point is that aboriginal populations of town and polity are probably
bounded by these figures.
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540 / Chapter 12
source for immigrants. The late prehistoric ceramic assemblages in these areas
(Heimlich 1952; Little and Curren 1981) are not too different from those of
the Barnett phase, but the chronologies of the two areas cannot be accurately
tied into the northwest Georgia ceramic sequence. An Early Lamar period
chiefdom centered on the Vandiver site (9DO1) on the Middle Chattahoochee
River to the southeast ceased to exist early in the Middle Lamar period (Hally
1996) and is another possible source of immigrants. Ceramic differences be-
tween the Middle Chattahoochee and the Middle Coosa River areas, however,
suggest that this was not the major source of settlers.
A second inference, based more on reason than facts, is that the Rome polity
as we know it archaeologically did not spring into existence fully formed. There
may have been an initial large influx of settlers, but maximum population size
was probably reached only after several decades of continued immigration and
natural population growth.
It is reasonable to suppose that initial settlement involved only one site.
Kopytoff ’s (1987) internal frontier model and historic Creek and Chicka-
saw practices and beliefs relating to the founding of new communities sug-
gest that this settlement may have assumed great symbolic importance as the
place where the first immigrants resided and the polity began. Unless the first
settlement was poorly situated with respect to natural environmental factors
and defensive considerations, it is likely that it would become the administra-
tive center for the growing polity. According to this line of reasoning, Nixon
may have been the first settlement and subsequently became the administra-
tive center.
We can assume that new settlements would be added to the polity as re-
quired by population growth. These would have been placed along the Coosa
River at intervals great enough to ensure that each town had adequate territory
to meet its needs for food and other natural materials. The regular spacing be-
tween towns along the Coosa suggests that each town required approximately
a 6.5-km-long strip of bottomland and adjacent uplands. The average distance
separating all known mid-sixteenth-century towns in the Upper Coosa and
Upper Tennessee river drainages is 5.5 km.
It is likely that new towns were located adjacent to existing towns, so
that through time there was an expansion of settlements from east to west
down the Coosa River. In other words, the first town to be established fol-
lowing Nixon would be Coosa Country Club or possibly Johnstone, followed
by 9FL175, Mohman, and King in that order. This makes sense from a defen-
sive standpoint, as towns separated by 6 km would be better able to assist each
other than those separated by 12 or 18 km. This kind of territorial expansion
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542 / Chapter 12
provide brief descriptions of the expedition’s movement down the Coosa River.
Rangel states, “From this town of Ulibahali the Spaniards and their Governor
left one Thursday, the second of September, and they spent the night in a
pretty town hard by the river; and there they awaited Lobillo for one day, who,
without permission, had gone to look for his black man, and on coming back
the Governor reprimanded him severely. On Sunday they left there and spent
the night in the open, and then next day, Monday, they went to Tuasi, where
they gave them tamemes and thirty-two Indian women” (Worth 1993b:285).
Elvas’s description reads, “On the day the governor set out thence, he went to
sleep at a town subject to the lord of Ulibahali, and next day reached another
called Toasi” (Robertson 1993:94).
The relationship of the town of Tuasi to the chiefdom of Ulibahali is un-
clear. According to Rangel, Tuasi was three travel days from Ulibahali; Elvas
puts it at two. Elvas implies that Tuasi was subject to the lord of Ulibahali, but
Rangel describes sleeping in the open the night before reaching Tuasi, and this
implies the expedition was traveling through unoccupied country. Whatever
the case, there is no strong evidence in the narratives that the town visited by
the expedition the first night out from Ulibahali was the King site.
Archaeological evidence indicates that King was only a small settlement
and had not been formally established and laid out as a town in 1540. Burial
92, with three iron tools, was interred in the first construction stage of Struc-
ture 15. If I am correct in dating its replacement by Structure 15.2, the town
had not been formally laid out when Burial 92 was interred. It is hard to believe
that De Soto would have stopped at a small hamlet of three or four houses,
much less present one of its residents with several iron tools. More likely the
Burial 92 individual was residing at another established town, perhaps John-
stone, in 1540.
The possibility that the King site had not been laid out as a town when the
De Soto expedition passed through the area raises an interesting question con-
cerning the site’s defensive perimeter. As noted in Chapter 6, large defensive
ditches are a relatively rare phenomenon in the Mississippian Southeast. Few
towns have one and most that do are the capitals of chiefdoms. Why, then,
did a small town such as King have such a large defensive ditch? Perhaps the
ditch at this site was constructed in response to the natives’ experience with
De Soto’s army. What better way to defend a town from men on horseback
than a deep ditch with a strong palisade located immediately adjacent!
To judge by the number of iron tools accompanying King site burials, the
town must have been in existence by the time the Suaz party traveled up
the Coosa River in 1560. Suaz, with a force of about 140 men, was headed
to the chiefdom of Coosa, where sufficient food to feed the Luna expedition
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Community and Polity in Northwestern Georgia / 543
would be found. The party spent July 6 at a town named Apica, but no descrip-
tion has been provided of it. Apica, as Hudson (1997:225) notes, may have
been King.
The Rome polity was not the only chiefdom in the Upper Coosa and Upper
Tennessee river drainages in the sixteenth century (Figures 3.8 and 12.3). Ar-
chaeological evidence and the De Soto and Luna documents indicate that there
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544 / Chapter 12
were chiefdoms to the east on the Etowah, Coosawattee, and Conasauga rivers
where they entered the Great Valley; to the southwest on the Coosa River and
along the Cartersville Fault in eastern Alabama; to the north on the Tennessee
River at Chattanooga and on the Hiwassee River; and probably to the north-
west on the Tennessee River in the Guntersville Basin (Hally 1999; Hally et al.
1990; Hudson et al. 1985). Much farther to the south, there was a chiefdom on
the Middle Chattahoochee River on the border of Georgia and Alabama.
Many of the polities listed above were under the control of the chief of
Coosa and paid tribute to him. The existence of this paramount chiefdom
doubtless brought a certain level of political stability and peace to the north-
west Georgia region. During the existence of the paramountcy, the Rome
polity probably lived at peace with its neighbors to the southwest, east, and
north. The paramountcy was breaking up by the time of the Luna expedition
(Hudson 1997:422) and most individual chiefdoms in the region probably had
collapsed by the end of the century (Marvin Smith 1987). The King site was
probably formally abandoned as a town by the beginning of the third quarter
of the sixteenth century, its inhabitants and those of the other Coosa River
towns in Georgia consolidating into a few larger towns located downriver in
Alabama (Smith 1987). A few families, represented by Structures 14 and 23.4,
apparently continued residing at King for a few years more, but life along the
Coosa would never be the same.
1. Assuming that the 249 excavated burials represent half of the burials originally
interred at King, that two-thirds of these were adult, and that half of these were male,
there would have been approximately 164 adult males in the King site burial popu-
2. Burial 195, with 3,078 bead units, cannot be assigned to a household with cer-
tainty. In addition, erosion and plowing have probably destroyed other burials in the
vicinity of Burial 195, some of which could have had marine shell beads. Whatever
household Burial 195 belonged to, it clearly exceeded Household 15 at least in number
of bead units.
3. These 1,268 Busycon bead units are reduced to 842 if the outside burial cluster lo-
cated northeast of Structure 15 is not part of Household 15.
4. Since only two of the five sites, King and Ledford Island, contained plaza space
and public buildings in the area excavated, the 470 m2 figure is probably slightly on the
low side.
5. Three hectares is not an unreasonable size estimate for a sixteenth-century mound
center in this part of the Southeast, since the Little Egypt site (9MU102) measures
4.9 ha, Toqua (40MR6) measures 1.7, and the two Citico sites (40HA65 and 40MR7)
measure 1.3 ha and 2.2 ha, respectively.
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Abercrombie site, 434 475–81; grave goods, 334, 337, 342, 355,
Abrams, Elliot, 97, 100 357, 386–87, 400–01, 406, 411–17, 494–96,
achieved status, 497–500 498–99; gravy boat bowls, 435–36, 446–47,
Adair, James: Busycon beads, 457; Cherokee 448, 458, 468–69, 471, 491, 518; hematite,
baking, 80; chunkey stones, 450, 472; de- 429, 448, 470; human remains, 260, 431–
scription of winter houses, 68, 72, 73, 87– 32, 469–70; iron implements, 431, 462;
88, 92, 96; scalps and, 444; shell cups, 449; knobbed shell pins, 488–90; mask gorgets,
stone pipe, 451; war honors, 468 261; medicine, 456–57, 486–87, 491–93;
adult females: analysis by age and sex, 387–92, mussel shell, 270; pipes, 427–28, 448, 450–
404; grave goods, 337, 339, 346, 355, 357, 51, 472–74; points, 421–26, 441, 445, 455,
386–87, 400–01, 406, 410, 497, 506–07 466–67; pulley-shaped ear spool, 438, 460;
adult males: analysis by age and sex, 388–89, reliable grave goods, 412–13, 491; spatu-
392, 404, 410; antler cylinders, 428, 453– late celts, 434–35, 466; status resumes,
54, 480–81; artifact distribution, 462–91; 491–96, stone discoidals, 344, 433, 448,
bacula, 432–33, 456–57, 486; beaver inci- 450, 472; tabular polishing stones, 455,
sors, 430, 454, 481–82; bifacial blades, 427, 483; tools and implements, 452–56, 474–
443–45, 465–66; bivariate analysis, 417– 86, 493; warfare, 440–48. See also Burial
40; Burial 65 and, 412, 417, 421–22, 471, 92; Structure 17
483, 494, 495; Busycon cups, 436–37, 448– age identification: composite age estimate,
50, 471; Busycon shell beads, 430–31, 457– 189–90; single-year estimates, 336, 350
59, 487; celts, 437–38, 482–83; ceremonies Alabama Museum of Natural History, 34
and, 448–52, 470–74; circular polishing Allatoona Reservoir, 22, 32
stones, 454, 483, 493; cluster analysis of, Anunciacion, Fray, 73, 95, 96, 115
413–17; copper arrow symbol badges, 434, Apalachee: council houses, 135, 137; cul-
441, 445, 466–68; costumes and, 457–60, ture, 8–10; matrilineage, 17; polity, 12–
487–90; end scrapers, 433, 454, 481, 482; 14; towns, 16
European artifacts and, 460–62, 490–91; artifacts: associations to, 178, 187, 190, 373;
flintknapping kits, 339, 426–27, 452, 454, co-occurrences of, 187, 194, 205–06, 372–
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576 / Index
75, 417–40; floods and, 41, 43–44; function logical variability, 198, 199, 200, 342,
of, 228, 334–35, 392, 395, 440–62; gender enamel hypoplasia, 201; mortality, 354
and, 337–46; location and, 360–68; mean- body position, 185–86, 187, 206–12, 336, 337;
ing of, 6, 178, 227, 334–35, 408, 409; spa- age at death and, 352–53; as bundle, 206,
tial distribution of, 101–06. See also adult 212, 213–14; extended, 190, 206–07, 209,
females; adult males; burials; subadults 212, 232, 258, 342, 348; flexed, 190, 206–
ascribed status, 505–519; adult male, 513; 08, 209, 211, 212, 213, 214, 232, 258, 347;
Burial 117, 516; grave goods as, 516–17; gender and, 347–48, 391; mortuary prac-
military honor as, 500; War Women, 341 tice and, 359–60; partially flexed, 201, 206,
Ashley, Margaret, 44, 49 208, 209, 212, 347; tightly flexed, 201, 206,
Atasi phase, 134, 135 208, 211, 212
bone artifacts, 252–57, 483; animal man-
baculum, 255–56, 339, 344, 413, 456, 486 dibles, 101, 102, 105, 131,194, 196, 259–
barbacoas, 117 60, 457; antler cylinders, 257, 339, 342,
Barnett phase: components of, 35–37; flaked 413, 453–54; antler tines, 241, 258, 413,
stone, 105; Foster Bend, 34; mask gorgets, 453, 455, 483; baculum, 255–56, 339, 344,
261; occupation dates, 34, 535; pottery, 33, 413, 456, 486; bear bones, 258, 413, 457,
247; primary domestic structures, 72; sites, 486; beaver incisors, 197, 241, 255, 344,
35; tools, 228, 253 354, 413, 481–82; as bipointed bone tool,
Bartram, William: chunkey yard, 125, 158, 252, 257, 344, 383, 413, 455, 456, 485, 486;
160, 314; corn crib, 119; Creek structures, as bird-bone, 257, 455, 483; bird-bone
94, 115; domestric structure layout, 272; fans, 259, 354, 355, 395, 457, 496; bone
rotundas, 133, 134; sacred fire, 145; shell handle, 241, 254–55, 412, 428, 452, 483;
beads, 458, tiers of benches, 130 cougar radius tool, 241, 255, 412, 428, 455,
bastions. See palisade 483; cylindrical bone tool, 256–57, 344,
Battey’s History of Rome and Floyd County, 362, 413, 452, 455, 483, 484; deer ulna awls
43–44 as, 243–44, 253–54, 387, 390, 484; eyed
Baugh’s landing site, 436 bone cylinder, 256, 257, 412, 455, 457, 486;
Baxter site, 29, 414 split bone as, 241, 257, 262, 452, 455, 483,
Beaverdam site, 154, 438 484; turkey tarsometatarsus awls, 241,
Beidma, Luys Hernandez de, 68, 73, 115; roofs 252–53, 344, 354, 355, 380, 383, 392, 395,
94, 95, 96 412, 416, 428, 439, 452, 455, 483; wolf den-
Bell Field site, 29, 247, 436 tition, 259, 392. See also adult males; arti-
Beloved Men, 16, 134 facts; burial age at death; cluster analysis;
Beloved Woman, 18, 341, 391 grave goods
bifacial blades, 239, 261, 339, 442–45; as large, Borrow Pit site, 135
225–28; scalping knives as, 444, 465; war- Boudreaux, 112
rior grades and, 342, 465–66; warrior sym- Brain, Jeffery, 235, 265, 435
bols as, 227. See also cluster analysis Braun, David, 332
Binford, Lewis, 332 Brown, James, 332
bivariate analysis, 185, 336, 373; summary of Bullard Landing site, 73, 95
results, 369–70 burial age at death, 335–36, 349–58, 494
black drink, 262, 334, 341, 471, 474; ceremo- burial health status. See skeletal pathologies
nial offices, 493, 494, 496, 499, 531 prepa- burial location, 44, 185, 186, 187, 219, 271,
ration and consumption of, 449–50, 501, 308, 332; age and, 353; gender and, 349,
522 510; inside as, 202–04, 214–19, 221, 527;
Blakely, Robert, 188; Appendix E, 189; bio- mortuary practice, 360–68; outside as,
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Index / 577
193, 202–03, 214, 219–21; subfloor and, decay/skeletal preservation, 191, 194–97,
192, 193, 196, 215, 217–18. See also Struc- 260, 335; partially mixed, 187, 412; preser-
tures; plaza vation conditions, 185, 189, 192–93, 194,
Burial 92, 494–96, 513–15; age of, 434, 466, 196, 256, 257, 262, 264, 411; preservation
494; antler cylinders, 480–81; artifacts, rank, 194–96, 197, 222; reliable, 187–88,
222–25, 375–76, 414–416, 423, 435; bifacial 192, 195, 196, 337, 358, 372–86, 387, 390–
blades, 226, 228, 443, 466; bipointed bone 92, 412; subadult, 131, 185–86, 188, 190,
tool, 485–86; Busycon, 262, 270, 375, 436, 192, 200, 203–04, 209, 213, 219, 236–37,
458, 471; copper arrow symbol badges, 260, 261; supernumerary skeletal element
466, 513–14; end scrappers, 233, 454, 482; and, 186, 190–91, 260. See also body posi-
faceted pigment stone, 246; gravy boat tion; erosion and plow destruction; grave
bowl, 395, 435–36, 458, 468–69, 471; as in- goods; households; looting; osteological
side burial, 397, 458; iron artifacts, 462, analysis; plaza; skeletal pathologies; Struc-
490–91, 542; medicine items, 486; mo- ture 17
lars, 260; os bacula, 255, 486; pottery pipe, burial sex, 188–89, 271, 332–49, 386–401;
251; status of, 511, 513–14, 533; Structure artifactual evidence and, 190, 337, 342,
15, 324, 515–16; as town founder, 469, 517, 344, 346, 348, 349, 361, 385, 386, 389–90,
533; triangular points, 231–32, 421–22; 404, 412; biological evidence and, 198–
turkey tarsometatarsus awls, 252–53; war 202, 332, 337, 339, 342–46, 384, 385, 386,
trophies, 447–48 404, 412. See also burial pit form; DNA
burial pit form, 185–86, 187, 192, 271, 336, analysis; grave goods
337; age at death and, 350–52; board cov- Burial 223: age of, 423; bifacial blades, 226,
ers, 192, 205, 249, 346, 359, 391; gender 228, 339, 465; bracket type pins, 265,
and, 346–47; location, 360; mortuary prac- 339, 389; as female burial, 339, 344, 532;
tice, 359; pit depth, 42–43, 185, 192, 195, femora sample, 189, 201; grave goods, 34–
200, 202–04, 214, 215, 221; pit length, 190, 42, 339, 343, 389, 392, 423, 498; hematite,
205; shaft-and-chamber, 192, 204–06, 347; 246, 339; os bacula, 255, 339, 457; plowing
simple and stepped, 192, 204–06, 346, 359 and, 387; points, 423, 425; turtle shell, 339,
burial pits, 40–41, 42–43, 69; ground surface, 389; as War Woman, 341–42, 423
43, 185, 192; orientation of, 310–311 Burns, Karen, 260
burials: adult female, 185–86, 190, 198–99, Bushnell, David, 93
200, 219, 342, 386–92; adult male, 186, Busycon: cups, 251, 262, 334, 448–50, 457, 471;
190, 198–99, 200, 213, 219, 260, 261, 270, disc beads, 225, 266–67, 270; female ar-
342; artifact types and, 222–70, 373, 375– tifact as, 346; marine shell beads, 266–
86, 411, 412–13, 440, 463; burial sample, 60, 457–59, 487, 501; shell, 262–64; shell
3, 184, 186–88, 200, 217, 334, 337, 343; in beads, 194, 266–70, 334, 396, 458, 487
comparison with others, 184, 217, 336; 501, 505; shell gorgets, 261, 262, 487–88;
compass orientation of, 204, 214, 215– shell pin, 265. See also adult females; adult
17, 219–21, 290–302, 310–11; excava- males; artifacts; burial age death; cluster
tion and mapping, 45–46, 184, 186, 188, analysis; subadults
190; household members, 216, 217–21,
272, 273, 291, 302–08; intrusive, 109, 187, Cahokia site, 12, 100, 155, 158; Mound 72, 450
190, 191, 193 , 260, 337, 363, 392, 437; in- Callahan, Errett, 100
fant, 191, 200, 219, 259, 260, 343, 402– calumet, 451
03; lightly disturbed, 412, 413, 417, 501; Carolinas, 10, 12
multiple, 186–87, 190, 193, 212–214, 219; Carr, Christopher, 332
occupation dates, 33, 217, 316; organic Carroll Village site, 106, 113
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578 / Index
Carters Dam, 22, 32 12–13, 20, 452, 513, 531–32, 538; as para-
Cartersville Fault, 27, 29, 37, 544 mount, 20–21, 38–39, 138, 544; political
Cave Spring, 43, 44 centralization, 19, 20, 138, 329, 535–37;
celts: as burial artifacts, 222, 234–37, 240, 344; relationship to, 6, 17, 499, 505, 538; sepa-
high rank and, 445–46; as woodworking rated by buffer zone, 19, 541, 542; single,
tools, 482–83 142, 544; as societies, 8, 17; spatial size,
Cemochechobee, 224–25, 434 9, 18–19, 537; village chief and, 10, 12,
central post, 159, 313–14, 318 138. See also chacal; heniha; holata; mico;
ceramics, 28–32, 329, 539. See also pottery Natchez; niaholata; orata; yatika/atequi;
vessels yniha/inija/iniha
ceremonial offices, 448–52, 493–96, 499, Choctaw, 16–17, 67, 86,117, 314
531; black drink, 449–50, 494, 501, 522; Chota-Tanasee: council houses, 131; pavilions,
chunkey game, 125, 450, 472, 494, 495; 147, 150; townhouses, 86, 130, 136–37, 138
craft specialists, 478, 494; grave goods and, chunkey game, 125, 450, 472, 494, 495
448–52, 470–74; pipes, 450–52, 495; sacred chunkey pole, 158, 314; height of, 125, 157.
fire and, 446–47, 514–15 See also Feature 45
chacal, 13, 513 chunkey yard, 125, 133, 157–58, 314
Charlotte Thompson site, 434 Citico, 35, 460
charms/amulets, 456–57, 473, 486–87. See cluster analysis: artifact types, 375–86; defini-
also animal mandibles; baculum; medi- tion of, 375; reliable burials, 413–17; sum-
cine bundle mary of results, 385–86
Chattahoochee River, 37, 540, 544 Cobb, Charles: celts, 240; end scrappers, 233–
Chattooga site, 136, 148, 150; townhouses, 34, 454; flintkapping kits, 185, 239–242,
130, 137, 138 243, 476; iron, 460; Type 1 Hammerstones,
Cherokee, 8, 9, 15, 80; adult females, 18, 339– 241
41; adult males, 18, 135, 339; as Beloved Cofitachequi, 21
Woman, 18; council houses, 137, 138; Coles, John, 166, 181
matrilineal clans, 16; sacred numbers, 86; community: definition of, 4–5, 182; demo-
settlement date, 34; society, 17–18, 457; graphic profile, 510; founder, 447; life his-
townhouses, 150–52; as War Women, 18 tory, 5–6, 139, 181–82, 184, 198–99, 271,
Cherokee towns: domestic structures, 68, 116; 314–29, 535–37, 543–44
granaries, 117; pavilions, 135–36, 147, 148, compass orientation, 54, 55, 56, 89; of house-
151; Structure 16, 144; summer houses, hold, 290–314; of households, 279–90; pri-
115–16; townhouses, 130, 131, 135–37, mary domestic structures, 321–29; town
138; winter houses, 87, 116 plan, 309–14. See also burials
Chickamauga Reservoir, 32, 35 conjurer, 451–52, 473, 486, 494
Chickasaw: community, 20, 540; domestic Connor, Beverly, 104
structures, 68, 87, 117; matrilineage, 16, Conasauga River, 27, 29, 538, 544
17; sacred fire and, 319, 329; society, 17, Cook, Sherburne, 537
457; tattoos, 468 Coosa chiefdom, 73; Little Egypt site, 37–38;
chiefdom: administrative center, 1, 6, 9–10, 20, as paramount, 20, 38–39, 138, 544
332–33, 536; core area, 19, 535–37; council Coosa Country Club site, 29, 35, 535, 536,
and, 16, 134, 538; council house definition, 540, 541
16, 137; divinity of chiefs, 12, 138; levels Coosa River, 1, 3, 5, 6, 22, 27, 29, 544; area
of political control, 13, 505, 513; life cycle, surveys, 35, 536–37, 538; artifacts, 43–44;
19–20, 328, 533, 538, 540, 544; Nixon site, Barnett phase, 37; culture, 87; defensive
37, 138, 535, 538, 540; officials and, 10, ditch, 177, 179; De Soto and, 38; erosion,
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Index / 579
43; expeditions, 33–34; fishing, 455; ori- Creek towns, 10, 13, 318–20; council houses,
entation to, 313, 316, 536; polity, 138, 497, 86, 137, 138, 150; domestic structures, 68,
542, 543; settlers, 540–41 115, 116; plaza, 125; public structures, 133;
Coosawattee Foundation, Inc., 22 roofs, 94; rotunda benches, 138; rotundas,
Coosawattee River, 22, 27, 29, 32, 538, 544; 87–88, 130, 133–34, 135, 151–52; square
area surveys, 35; De Soto and, 37–38; Little ground, 148, 151; Structure 16, 144; winter
Egypt site, 33 houses, 87
Copaneco, 100
copper arrow symbol badges (CASB), 222–25, Dallas phase, 35, 236, 460; adult females, 497–
412, 434, 466–68 98; antler cylinders, 257; bifacial blades,
corn cribs/granaries: as rectangular struc- 227; bird-bone fans, 259; burials, 205, 212,
tures, 106, 115, 117–20, 272, 284 245, 246–47, 337; Busycon cups, 262; Busy-
cosmological plan. See town con shell beads, 266; hearth forms, 79;
council: Beloved Men, 16, 134; Natchez, 10– knobbed shell pins, 264, 346; mask gor-
12, 499; principales/indios principales, 16, gets, 261; pipes, 251; Plain jar, 101, 270;
461, 462 pulley-shaped ear spool, 265; shell spoons,
council house: architectural characteristics of, 270; structures, 56, 330; tools, 252–53, 254,
16, 135, 143; associated pavilion, 150–51; 255; turtle shells, 261, 343
burial pits and, 131; construction stages DeBatz, A., 93
and benches; 130, 132, 133, 135, 136, 138; debitage, 101, 102; as chert, 238, 240–41; as
multiple construction stages, 138–39; flaked stone, 103, 104; as flint, 161, 453
principales/indios principales, 15–16; sa- De Brahm, William, 115–16, 119, 340–41
cred fire and, 143, 145, 328; shape and size defensive ditch, 43, 47, 174–81, 182, 328, 541;
of, 135. See also rotunda; Structure 17; comparing sites and, 179–81, 317–18, 542;
townhouse construction costs, 181; cultural features,
courtyard, 221; household and, 300, 303, 304; 40–41; physical characteristics of, 5, 45,
households and, 272, 274, 282, 283, 284, 122, 123, 181, 309–10, 317. See also pali-
285, 289, 290 sade
Coweeta Creek site, 16; burials, 148, 205, 209, dental analysis: deciduous teeth, 190, 260;
507; council houses, 130, 131; pavilions, dental age and, 189–90; enamel hypopla-
147, 150; plazas, 123; rectangular struc- sia and, 188, 189, 200, 201
tures, 112–13; structures, 50–51, 136; dendrochronology, 48, 49, 71, 328
townhouses, 139 De Schweinitz, Frederick, 116
craft specialists, 335, 493–96; adult males and, De Soto,Hernando, 9, 11, 12, 14; artifacts
484; females and, 390; as flintknappers, and, 33–34, 222, 490–91; expeditions of,
342, 452, 474–81, 493; as woodworkers, 37–38, 460–62, 515, 538, 541, 542; Indian
475, 482 houses, 68
craft specialization: flintknapping, 474–81; Dickey, Jack, 45
woodworking, 481–83, 493 discoidals, 237–38, 433; as associated to other
cranial deformation, 188, 189, 200, 248–49, artifacts, 426, 427, 429, 431, 433, 434, 437,
358 438, 439; burials and, 36, 383, 416, 463,
Creek: adult females, 18, 133, 339; adult 494; chunkey game and, 448, 450, 472; as
males, 16, 18, 133, 339; Beloved Women, male-associated artifact, 344, 413, 425,
341; burials, 217; matrilineal clans, 16; 426, 433, 487; social identity and, 463, 470,
multiple family household, 273; sacred 471, 500, 501, 516, 521
fire, 144–45; sacred numbers, 85–86; so- DNA analysis, 7, 189, 217, 339
ciety, 16–18, 318, 457, 540 domestic activities: as flintknapping, 83, 102,
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580 / Index
104, 105, 106, 241; floor deposits and, 101, Cherokee, 391; chunkey yard, 158; com-
216; pottery vessels and, 247, 249; primary munities and, 328, 332; mortuary prac-
domestic structures and, 272; as wood- tices and, 335; place of residence, 313;
working, 461, 481–83 Structure 17 and, 318; tribes and, 8
domestic structures, 3, 181–82; absent from Etowah culture, 29, 44
plaza, 123; burials and, 219–21; cosmic Etowah River, 22, 29, 32, 535, 536, 544;
symbolism, 312–14; as evidence of pri- De Soto and, 37–38; Leake site, 92;
mary domestic structures and rectangular Nixon site, 35–36, 138
structures, 118; as winter house, summer Etowah site, 20, 32, 44, 434; burials, 10, 236,
house, and corn crib, 114 265, 444; ceramic collection, 29, 535;
Du Pratz, Le Page, 15, 16, 456 Mound C, 10, 225, 450
Dyar site, 50–51, 131; mound summit struc- Etowah Valley, 32
tures, 137; pavilions, 146, 151; pipes, 251; European accounts: of artifacts, 36; cultiva-
primary domestic structures, 70; Struc- tion and, 74; English, 11; French, 8–9, 11,
ture 17, 132 13–14, 15, 125, 459; of hunting and war-
fare, 443, 446; mortuary variability and,
ear ornaments, 222–25, 460; knobbed shell 439–50; Southeastern houses and, 95,
pins as, 264, 265, 288–89; shell pins as, 115, 116, 119–20, 512. See also Spanish
460; (see also bracket type pins; pulley- artifacts
shaped ear spool). See also copper arrow Evans, J. P., 95, 116
symbol badge; shell artifacts excavation: time line, 40–41, 43–46
Earle, Timothy, 8
Early Lamar period, 34, 316, 535, 538, 540 Fain’s Island site, 444
Early Mississippian structures, 100 family. See household
earthlodge, 95–96, 158 farmsteads, 5, 9, 34, 35, 113, 119, 181
Elvas, a gentlemen from: arrows and, 443; feather artifacts, 224–25, 259, 389
palisade description, 165–66; roofs and, Feature 11, 125, 159–61
94, 96; summer houses, 115; Ulibahali, Feature 45, 124–25, 152–59, 182, 222, 310, 325;
541–42; winter houses, 115 postpits at other sites and, 154–57; sym-
enamel hypoplasia, 188, 189, 200, 201, 349, bolism of, 158–59, 313–14; lateral trenches
358 and, 156–57,
end scrapers, 233–34, 238, 241; Burial 92 and, Feature 64, 161–63, 310
454; as woodworking tools, 481, 482 flintknapping debris, 102, 103, 104
epidemic diseases, 199 flintknapping kits (FKK), 238–43; bifacial
Erasmus, Charles, 100 blades, 228; Burial 92, 246, 251, 255, 454;
erosion and plow destruction, 41–43, 45–46, as burial sample, 49, 185, 197, 233–35,
73; of basins, 69–70; burial pits, 192–200; 238–43, 246, 255, 260, 339, 484; crafts and,
defensive ditch, 175, 177, 179; entrance 452 475–83, 493; tool/tool kit types and,
passage and, 134; Feature 45, 154, 157; 484; Type I hammerstones and, 238, 241;
Feature 64, 161, 163; of households, 302, Type II hammerstones and, 238, 241, 244;
304; palisade and, 163, 164, 166; pavilion Type III hammerstones and, 238, 240–41,
area and, 149; of plaza area, 123, 124, 126; 242, 244, 246, 344, 469 (see antler cylin-
pottery pipes and, 251; primary domes- ders; sandstone abrader; slot abrader). See
tic structures and, 310; pulley-shaped ear also bone artifacts; cluster analysis; stone
spool, 266; Structure 8, 282; Structure 16, artifacts
140, 151; Structure 17, 128, 130, 131 floor space, 57, 109; as private, 83; as public,
ethnographic analogy: adult male grave goods 82–83
and, 373; building materials and, 97; Florida: ties to, 8, 12
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Index / 581
flotation sampling, 48, 101, 104 habitation zone, 42–43, 56–57, 67, 192, 195,
Floyd County, 22, 26, 43, 535 302; burials, 214–22, 331, 353; dimen-
Foster Bend: crops and, 34; geology and soils, sions, 278; primary domestic structures,
24–27, 40–41, 196; human occupation and, 273, 309, 310, 318; rectangular open space
316, 515, 528, 538; location and typogra- and, 272–75
phy of, 22–24, 35; period artifacts and, 26– Hally, David: analysis and, 335, 337, 478;
27, 43–44; sites and, 34, 316 dendrochronological analysis and, 328;
Foster, Thomas, 49, 185, 202 goal of, 6, 54, 185, 186, 332, 373, 463;
Funkhouser, Gary, 188 population estimate and, 537; view of,
Fusihatchee site, 131, 134, 135, 137 8, 96, 139, 309, 517
Hammerstedt, Scott, 166, 181
Gamble, Lynne, 332 Hawkins, Benjamin: benches, 130; Creek
Garcilaso De La Vega, 10, 94, 96 rotundas, 87–88, 133; Creek structures,
Garrett, John, 200 94, 96
Garrow, Patrick, 33, 44–45, 47, 48, 225 Hatch, James, 113, 332
gender, 337–46; men’s roles and, 404, 406, 458; health status, 189, 191, 336, 372
women’s roles and, 390, 403, 404, 458. See hearths, 4, 10, 41, 55, 56, 66, 78, 79
also adult females; adult males, Beloved heniha, 13, 471; definition of, 449, 513
Woman; subadults; War Woman Hickory Ground, 72
geographic information systems (GIS), 49, hierarchical social organization: associations
114, 185 to, 17, 374–76, 466–67, 493–96
Georgia Archaeological Site File, 34, 535 Hightower site, 227, 265
Georgia Piedmont, 19, 72 Hill, Cassandra, 188–89, 201–02, 391
Georgia State University, 188 Hitchock, Ethan Allen, 133, 449
Gilchrist Island site, 436 Hiwassee Island phase, 35, 235, 437
Gonlin, Nan, 97, 100 Hiwassee Island site: architecture, 184; buri-
Goldstein, Lynne, 332 als, 235, 251, 254, 255; shell artifacts, 270,
Gordon County, 28 408, 438
Gougeon, Ramie, 7, 105, 106 Hiwassee River, 35, 132, 544
grave goods: age associations of, 353–58, 372– Hixon site, 337, 444
75, 391–92, 465, 498–500; analysis of, 49, holata, 10, 12
185–86, 187, 190–91, 192, 196, 197–98, house basins, 40–41. See also Primary Domes-
331, 440; cluster analysis of, 231, 372–86, tic Structures
398–401, 413–17; floods and, 41; intrusive household: burial assemblages, 290–302; con-
burials and, 187, 193, 260, 337, 363; loca- struction stages, 322–29. See also Struc-
tion of, 360–68; and relationship to house- tures
holds and community, 271, 364, 368, 463, households: associated burials and, 2, 185,
505–06; symbolic associations of, 334, 186, 271, 290, 302–09, 526–32; conjugal
404–05, 407, 408–09, 440, 443, 445, 457, family, 272, 273, 280, 287, 289, 303, 309,
459, 467; as wealth, 500–05. See also adult 526; definition of, 3, 309; founder of, 272,
females; adult males; artifacts; burial age 280, 284; identity of, 3–4, 271, 278–79, 289,
at death; burial sex; subadults 308–09, 526, 528; matrilocal, 6, 17, 218,
Great Valley District, 1, 21, 27, 28 273, 287, 335, 505; multiple family, 17,
Green Corn Ceremony, 125, 145, 158, 319; 273, 279–81, 287, 306, 335, 526; multiple
black drink and, 341, 449 stage and, 526–31; multistructure, 46, 76,
Grissino-Mayer, Henri, 71, 328 79, 112, 305, 309; variability and, 525–34.
Guale, 10, 135, 137 See also compass orientation; courtyard
Guntersville, 32, 544 Hudson, Charles: Apica and, 543; cosmic
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582 / Index
model and 313, 537; De Soto and, 541; Leake site, 50–51, 71, 87, 88, 91, 92–93, 94,
uktena, 409 236; debitage, 104; fired floors, 81; hearths,
human remains: adult males and, 469–70, 344, 79; posts, 315; primary domestic struc-
357, 413, 431, 439, 441, 463; Burial 92, tures, 70, 72
376; erosion and plow destruction of, 45, Ledbetter, Gerald, 113
192–93; as grave goods, 41, 186–88, 260– Ledford Island site, 16, 50–51, 142, 145; buri-
61, 368, 370, 382, 428, 431–32, 448; intru- als, 123, 130, 132, 143, 538; pavilions, 146,
sive burials and, 193; looting of, 197–98; 152; sacred fire, 144; townhouses, 137–38
organic decay and, 194–197; osteological Lewis, Thomas: architecture, 88, 89, 94, 143;
analysis of, 188–91, 198; preservation state burials and, 235, 246, 247, 251–52, 256,
of, 191–92; Structure 17, 524 257, 261, 270, 460
Humpf, Dorothy, 189, 198, 200, 201, 342 Lincecum, Gideon, 314
huskanaw, 357 Lindsey site, 113
Little Egypt site, 48, 50, 77, 79, 80, 87, 105,
Incinearator site, 123, 156 137, 152; burials, 105, 228, 247, 253, 482,
indios principales, 461, 462 483; ceramic collection, 28–29, 33, 247;
infants, 191, 200, 219, 259, 260, 340, 349, 350, comparisons with other and, 7, 40, 48, 158,
354, 402–03, 404 436, 482, 483; primary domestic struc-
iniha, 13, 14, 16, 505 tures, 50–51, 70, 72, 104
internal frontier model, 20, 540 Little, Keith, 198, 241; looted burials, 412,
iron tools, 222–23, 495, 542; as gifts, 495, 516; 518
as male-associated artifacts, 344, 46–62, Little Tennessee River, 32, 35, 87, 136, 137
490, 517; sword as, 46, 198, 222, 462, 495, Long Island site, 434
518 looting, 187, 197–98, 229, 235, 290, 292, 331,
Itaba chiefdom, 37–38, 461, 541 344, 412; looters and, 46, 197, 238, 495,
Johnstone site, 540; Barnett phase, 35, 535, 536 Louis-Philippe, Duke of Orleans, 130
Jones, Charles, 36 Lovejoy, C.O., 189
Loy site, 50–51, 56, 72, 79, 252; hearths, 79;
Kelly, Hypatia, 156, 309 human activity and, 106; primary do-
Kneberg, Madeline, artifacts and, 346, 408; mestic structures, 70; rectangular struc-
structures and, 88, 89, 94 tures, 114
Knight, Vernon, 143, 313 Lubbub Creek site, 434
Kogers Island site, 434, 435 Luna, Tristan de, 9, 73; artifacts and, 33–34,
Kopytoff, Igor, 540 222, 490–91; expeditions of, 460–62, 543,
Lake George site, 163, 164, 180
Lamar: culture, 29, 88, 101, 535; as Late Lamar mandador: as war chief, 461, 505, 513
period, 113, 482; sites, 227. See also Middle mapping of features, 45–48, 49, 163, 171
Lamar period Marshall site, 123
Langford, James, 537 Martinez, Jaime, 68, 115
large bifacial blades. See bifacial blades Martin Farm site, 179, 180, 181
Larsen, Clark, 188, 201 mask gorgets, 261–62, 264, 350, 380, 383, 386,
Larson, Lewis, 88, 225 387, 398, 404, 506; as male-associated ar-
Late Dallas phase, 131 tifact, 348, 400, 412, 413, 459, 487–88;
Late Mississippian, 8, 32, 35, 87 as shell wealth, 410, 459, 500, 501; sym-
Late Savannah period, 34, 535 bolism and, 408–10, 444
Lawson, John, 119, 448, 451, 459 Mason Island site, 436
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Index / 583
Mathews, David, 199 facts, 236, 247, 255, 257, 337, 344; burials,
matrilineal descent, 11–12, 17, 273, 309, 335, 205, 212, 219, 255, 353, 390, 437, 460, 488;
505; town chief and, 511–13, 533 population size, 537; Structure 17
matrilocal postmarital residence, 273, 505, Mouse Creek site, 50–51, 89, 94, 114, 212, 488;
512 bifacial blades and, 227, 344, 390; celts,
Matthiesen, Gina, 185, 231, 441; microstyles 437; knobbed shell pins, 346, 460, 489;
of points and, 421–22, 425, 478 pipes, 251, 344; primary domestic struc-
Mease, Mr., 119 tures, 51, 70, 75–76, 353; spatulate celts,
medicine bundle, 456, 457, 485 435
Mialoquo site, 131, 136–37 Muller, Jon, 262
mico, 10, 134, 461, 462 multivariate analysis, 336, 372, 373
Middle Lamar period, 33, 34, 113, 538, 540; Murdock Mound, 156
artifacts and, 236; components of, 36–37; Muskogee site, 143, 158
earth covered structures, 95; inhabitants,
35, 535; rectangular structures, 113; shed- Nairne, Thomas, 20, 319–20, 329
like buildings, 131 Nanih Waiya, 86, 314
Milner, George, 199–200 Naroll, Raoul, 537
Misner, Elizabeth, 185, 225–26 Natchez, 8–9, 67, 80, 145, 456; council house,
Mississippian: archaeology, 9, 18; chiefdoms, 144; factionalism, 11; Great Sun and,
6, 8, 9, 15, 16, 19, 145, 512; houses, 68, 95; 10–12, 13–14, 15, 17, 125, 152, 499, 512;
jars, 247; occupations, 32, 35; settlement matrilineage and, 17, 515; mound/plaza,
period, 119–20, 328; society, 7, 8, 9, 17, 33, 9–10, 125; officials, 10–12, 17, 499; polity,
335, 457 11, 12, 125; sacred fire, 10, 144, 145; war-
Mississippian sites, 179, 184, 198; as mound, rior grades, 14; White Woman, 11–12
22, 35; palisades and, 164–65, 167, 169; Native American Grave Protection and
rectangular structures and, 112–115 Repatriation Act, 188
Mohman site, 29, 35, 535, 536, 540 necklaces: as Busycon, 270, 396, 458, 519; as
moiety: affiliation, 333, 409; organization, mask gorgets, 261; as various shells, 363,
17, 407 408, 443, 457; as teeth, 225, 259, 260, 448
Monks mound, 156 Neeley’s Ferry site, 180
Moon site, 123 Neumann, Georg, 200
Moore, John, 219 niaholata, 12
Morris site, 123 Nickle, Helmut, 222
Morton Bend, 26, 34 Nixon site: description of, 35–37; as first
mortuary analysis: affect of site formation settlement, 540; polity and, 138, 535, 536
process on, 101, 185, 186, 187, 331–32, 335, north plaza burials, 358, 370, 507–11, 513,
402; goal, 184, 332, 373, 463; theoretical 538. See also town chief
foundations and, 332–37. See also bivari- northwestern Georgia, 1, 5, 6, 22, 27; ceramics,
ate analysis; multivariate analysis 28; De Soto and, 37–38; expeditions, 33–
mortuary variability: dimensions of, 185, 191, 34; occupation of, 2, 29, 32
336–37, 349–50, 375–76, 386–87. See also
burials Ocmulgee River, 73, 95, 445
Moultrie farm, 43–44 Ocoee site, 35, 163, 170, 171
mound summit architecture, 10, 151–52 Ocute, 21
Moundville site: architecture, 155–56, Oostanaula River, 27, 29, 535; Nixon site and,
163; burials, 12, 184, 252, 434, 435, 438; 35–36, 38, 138
polity, 20 orata, 10, 12; as village chief, 461, 462
Mouse Creek phase, 16, 35, 114, 132; arti- O’Shea, John, 332, 349–50
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584 / Index
osteological analysis, 49; of burials, 188–91, lar, 161, 197, 229–33, 238, 339, 421, 441–
200, 342–44, 350, 387 43, 455
Polecat Ford site, 265, 435, 436
Paleozoic age, 27 Polhemus, Richard: artifacts and, 237, 246,
palisade, 121, 122, 182, 278, 284, 287, 310, 252, 455, 260, 261, 270, 453; high status
541; bastions as, 167, 169, 181; compari- dwellings at Toqua, 144, 146, 151; interior
sons with other palisades, 163–64, 166, of structures and, 56, 78–79, 81, 82, 88, 89,
167, 168–71, 279–80, 542; construction of, 91, 106; structures at Toqua and or Loy, 74,
315, 317–18; construction costs of, 166, 87, 114, 119, 136, 151, 287
181; earth embankment and, 74, 164–65, polity. See chiefdom
166, 179; entrances to, 169–72, 178, 179, Pope, Melody: celts and, 240; endscrappers
181; physical characteristics, 5, 163–67, and, 233–34, 454; flintknapping kits and,
181, 315, 317. See also defensive ditch 185, 239–43, 476; sandstone abraders and,
Pardo, Juan, 9, 10, 12, 13; expedition, 461; In- 243
dian houses and, 68 population: burial, 3, 198, 199, 200, 350, 426,
Pareja, Fray, 13 427, 430, 433, 506, 524; Mississippian, 198;
Parkin site, 180 mortality rate, 198, 199, 276, 524; site, 199,
parry fracture, 201, 391 350; town, 5, 181, 198, 324, 537, 541
Patale mission site, 135 postholes: charred, 44, 48, 128, 129; diameter
pathologies, 188, 200, 201, 358 of, 118, 119, 130; excavation of, 40–41, 44,
Pauketat, Timothy, 158 47, 48, 84–87; Feature 64 and, 161, 162; fill
pavilion,136, 146–48; Creek equivalent, 148; for, 47; number recorded, 50, 84; occupa-
interpretation of , 150–52; postholes and, tion dates and, 33; palisade and, 163, 315;
148–50; and Structures 16 and 17, 145–154 patterns in, 91, 129, 219, 297; in plaza, 123,
Pearson, Parker, 84, 333 148–50; rectangular structures and, 107–
Peebles, Christopher, 332 08; Structure 17, 126–131; supernumer-
periostitis, 188, 189, 200, 201, 349, 358 ary, 129
Peters, Charles, 188 pottery sherds, 101, 102, 105, 142; posthole
Pine Log Creek site, 434 tests and, 178; structures and, 131
pipes, 36, 249–52, 493; activities and, 451, pottery vessels, 197, 247, 270, 346; associated
472–73; burials and, 339, 451–52 vessels and, 270, 346, 395, 396, 446–47;
Plant Hammond site, 29–30, 34, 535 chronology of, 28–29; as gravy boat bowl,
platform mound, 1, 19, 538; administrative 247, 344, 395, 446–47, 468–69, 518; as jars,
center and, 6, 9; structures and, 20, 73, 101, 140–41, 247, 346; as partial vessels,
156, 181, 512; as symbol, 313 102, 247–49; as whole vessels, 101, 249
plaza, 1, 9, 76, 121–26, 145, 182, 278, 285, 310, Potts Tract site: architecture, 50–51, 70, 72,
331; burials located in, 6, 123, 143, 184, 77; bifaces, 441; celts, 483; debitage, 104;
214, 222, 291, 299, 317, 510–11; Creek, hearths, 78–79
125, 314; Natchez, 9–10, 125; non-mound prehistoric sites: chiefdoms and, 273; list of,
town and, 132, 182; postholes, 148–50, 35; outline of, 39; symbolism and, 85–86
291. See also central post; chunkey yard priest. See ceremonial office
plow destruction. See erosion and plow de- primary domestic structures (PDS), 41–42, 48,
struction 50–51, 144, 272, 286–87, 309; artifact dis-
points: burials and, 423–25, 466–67; ex- tribution within, 100–06; basins, 41, 51–
changes of, 421–25, 465, 468; mictostyles 53, 69–70, 74, 96, 97–100, 131, 202–03;
and, 231, 421–425; as projectile, 185, 222– burial pits, 54, 55, 69–70, 192, 193, 195,
24, 334, 242, 423, 445, 464; as triangu- 202, 219–21; carbonized posts, 55, 56, 70–
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Index / 585
72, 315; central daub deposit, 87–88; cen- rectangular structures (RS): compass orien-
tral floor space, 54, 55, 82–83, 87, 89–90, tation of, 107–08, 112, 113, 114; construc-
106, 215, 286; central hearth, 53, 54, 55, tion stages, 108, 113, 282; as corn cribs,
78–79, 142, 215; construction costs, 96– 106, 115, 117–20, 272; exterior burials and,
100; construction stages, 54, 55, 77, 116, 112; interior burials and, 112, 113, 214,
216, 282, 305–06, 310, 315–16, 320–22; 219; at other sites, 106, 112–20; as summer
cubicles/compartments, 54, 89; defini- houses, 114, 115–16, 117, 118; wall posts,
tion of, 4, 51, 115; depressed floors, 68– 107, 109–10, 112, 113; as winter houses,
69, 71, 96, 192; destruction by fire, 54, 114, 115–16, 117, 118. See also households;
56, 67–68, 142, 276; dimensions of, 51– individual structures
54, 81–84, 96, 277–78, 287; division of regional politics, 534–44
floor area, 48, 54, 83, 89; earth embank- religious specialist, 451, 468, 472, 473. See also
ments and, 68–69, 73–74, 95–96, 115, 116, ceremonial offices
315; entrance/entrance passage, 53, 74, 76, rite of passage, 354, 355, 401, 402, 410, 411
89, 216, 221, 275–76, 281, 285; entrance Ritke, Mary, 189, 339
trenches, 53, 56, 74–77, 216, 274–75, 282, R-mode cluster analysis, 185
285; excavation of, 40–49; exterior wall Rodning, Christopher, 112–13
postholes, 84–87; exterior wall posts, 84– Romans, Benard, 117
85; exterior walls, 53, 54, 55, 56, 70–73, 96; Rome (Georgia), 35–36, 37–38
fired daub and, 48, 56, 68, 71, 92–93; fired Rome polity, 36, 37, 38, 39, 535–44
floor, 79–81; floor sectors, 89, 101–06, 215; Rothschild, Nan, 332
hearths, 41, 55, 69, 78–79; interior parti- rotunda: as Creek, 133–34, 150, 151; Struc-
tion walls, 56, 88–92; interior roof sup- ture 17 and, 222. See also council house
ports, 53; as multistage structures, 55, 56, and townhouse
67, 78–79, 83, 97, 318, 526–28; preserved Ruckers Bottton site: burials, 184; palisade,
floors, 41, 43, 48, 77–78, 192; rebuilding of, 163, 179, 180, 181; plaza, 123, 158; post-
56, 67, 77, 129, 276, 283, 308–09, 320; roof holes, 154
construction, 53–54, 72, 73, 87–88, 92– Rudder site, 438
96, 100, 315; as single stage, 54–55, 67, 77, Ruggiero, Dino, 104, 460
97, 138; structure floors and, 77–78; sym- Rymer site: architecture, 51, 94, 114; burials,
bolism and, 78, 85–86, 128, 309; wall con- 184, 437; population size estimate, 537
struction, 71, 96, 315; wattle-and-daub
walls, 54, 71–72, 89, 96, 115; as winter sacred fire, 143, 144, 145, 319–20, 328–29;
houses, 68, 73, 116. See also compass ori- founding of town and, 447, 471, 515
entation; households; Structures sacred numbers, 78, 85–86, 128, 141
prominent citizen, 491, 495, 532 Sale Creek site, 390, 437
public square. See square ground San Luis de Talimali, 135, 138
public structures. See chunkey yard; council Savannah (Georgia), 29, 181; as Early period,
house; plaza; square ground; Sructure 17 32, 34; as Late period, 34, 535; River, 154
Saxe, Arthur, 332
radiocarbon dates, 33 scalps: council houses and, 135; as depicted
Ranjel, Rodrigo, 541–42 on artifacts; hematite and, 342, 448; im-
rattlesnake gorgets, 262, 346, 350, 355, 383, portance of, 14, 15, 447, 464, 465, 467, 469;
386, 408, 506; as female-associated arti- slave posts and, 125;
fact, 346, 348, 349, 357, 387, 398, 401, 404, Schneider, Martin, 116, 500
406; symbolism and, 409; as wealth, 459, Schroedl, Gerald, 136, 147
501 Schurr, Mark, 328
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586 / Index
Seminole, 16, 456 periostosis, 188, 200, 201, 349, 358; porotic
settlement plan, 1–2, 35, 287, 314–15, 322; hyperostosis, 200; related to load stress,
analysis of, 49, 121–22, 184, 536; Mississip- 202; wounds and, 199–200, 201
pian period and, 119–20; questions about, slave post, 125, 160
46, 519 Smith, John, 454
Sheldon, Craig, 134 Smith, Marvin, 33, 537
shell artifacts: Anadara beads, 266; bracket Snodgrass site, 123
type pins and, 265, 339, 459, 490; Busycon, social position. See status
262–64, 266–70, 430–31, 436–37, 448–50, Southeastern Ceremonial Complex (SECC),
489; identification of, 261–270; knobbed 334, 335, 405, 440–41, 445; bifacial blades,
shell pins, 264, 346, 459–60, 488–90; Mar- 465; discoidals, 450; shell art and, 457, 458,
ginella beads, 187–88, 266, 267–70, 487, 472; war clubs, 446; war trophies, 448
510; marine shell beads, 266–70, 457–58, Southwind site, 123
487, 489; mask gorgets, 261–62, 264, 386, Spanish: contact with, 8–9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 20,
459, 488; mussel shell and, 101, 270, 454; 68, 199, 200; domestic structures and, 119–
Noetia beads, 266; Olivella beads, 266; or- 20. See also De Soto; Luna; Pardo
naments, 36, 390; pulley-shaped ear spool, Spanish artifacts: European Artifact Assem-
265, 438, 460, 489; rattlesnake gorgets, blage A and, 33, 35; as grave goods, 33–34,
262, 346, 363, 386, 387, 400, 408, 443, 459; 35; iron and, 460–62; iron sword, 222
shell spoons, 270; Structure 17 and, 17, spatulate celts, 235–237, 346, 390, 434–435,
131. See also adult females; adult males; 437, 516; change in form and, 446; warfare
artifacts; burial age at death; Busycon; and, 441, 445, 463, 464, 466, 467, 468, 469,
cluster analysis; subadults 491, 495, 499; as wealth, 500
shell wealth, 266, 390, 405, 409–10, 494–95; Spiro site: axe and, 435; Busycon cups and,
estimation of, 493 443, 444, 445, 446; high ranking burial,
Shorter College, 22, 44–45, 47 438
single-component site, 2, 32 square ground: council house and, 150; as
site numbers: Creek public structure, 133–34, 144; de-
1La°13, 436 scription of, 148; Structure 17 and, 22,
9D039, 70, 89, 94 522–23; talwas and, 318–19
9D045, 70, 89 status: adult male and, 463, 471, 493–96, 513;
9GE103, 113 as female, 391; identification of, 332–35,
9GE901, 113 468; resume, 491–96, 510, 511, 514, 516,
9GE1760, 113 517, 532; as social, 373–75; as subadult,
40PK16, 29 401, 402, 405. See also achieved status; as-
sixteenth century, 5, 6, 8, 9, 254; construction, cribed status
72, 94, 536; demographic and health sta- Steiner, Roland, 36–37, 116, 147
tus, 189; food habits, 80; domestic struc- stone artifacts: asymmetrical blade, 229, 376,
tures, 115, 119; major occupation and, 33– 455; bifacial blades, 225–29, 427, 442–45,
34; mask gorgets, 261; public buildings 465–66; celts, 234–35, 382, 482–83; circu-
and, 143; towns, 35, 37 lar polishing stones, 245, 454; cobble an-
Sixtoe site, 29, 156 vil, 245; cupstones, 246; discoidals, 36,
Skeletal Database Committee of the Paleopa- 237–38, 344, 450; dumbbell-shaped pol-
thology Association, 188 ishing stone, 245; end scrapers, 233–34,
skeletal pathologies: cranial deformation, 188, 454, 481, 482; faceted pigment stone, 246;
189, 200, 248–49, 358; enamel hypoplasia, flintknapping kits, 238–43; hematite, 246,
188, 189, 200, 201, 349, 358; hip deformity, 339, 448, 470; possible spatulate celt, 236–
201, 211, 342; parry fracture, 201, 391; 37, 382, 392, 398; sandstone abraders, 238,
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Index / 587
240, 242–44, 253, 387, 390; slot abraders, burials and, 346–47, 349, 353, 358, 359,
240, 244; spatulate celts, 235–36, 434–35; 391, 423, 519–25; Cherokee townhouses
tabular limestone, 241, 246; tabular pol- and, 519; cluster analysis, 385; construc-
ishing stone, 240, 241, 245, 270, 454; tabu- tion stages of, 129, 315; as council house,
lar stone, 240, 241, 242; triangular points, 5, 121, 135, 138, 139, 150–51, 221, 331,
229–33, 421–26, 441, 445, 455. See also 515, 524, 525, 538; Creek rotundas and,
adult females; adult males; artifacts, burial 134, 519; destruction by fire, 128, 131, 139;
age at death; cluster analysis; subadults earlier structures and, 132, 135; Feature
Structure 1 household, 280, 283, 284, 285–88, 45 and, 159, 318; Feature 64 and, 161–62,
290–93, 307; burials and, 305, 317, 512; 310; implications for political power and,
construction stages of, 322–24, 533–34; 138, 512; multi-stage construction of, 139;
rectangular structures and, 304 non-mound town and, 132–33; postholes
Structure 2 household, 275, 276, 278, 279– and, 127, 129–30, 131, 139, 522; public
81, 293–94; burials and, 305, 307–08, 512, buildings and, 132, 134–35; Structure
529; construction stages of, 322–24, 351, 16 and, 86, 124, 130–31; subfloor buri-
526; founder of, 306; grave goods and, als in, 130, 131, 132, 134–35, 138, 184, 196,
529; rectangular structures and, 304; sta- 214, 519; symbolism in, 86, 128, 221, 507;
tus and, 531–32 Toqua burials and, 148
Structure 5 household, 276, 283, 285–86, 287, Structure 23 household and Structure 7, 278,
289, 291, 292; construction stages of, 315, 281–82, 301–02; burials, 305, 307, 512,
322–24 534; construction stages of, 315, 322, 351,
Structure 6 household, 278, 282–84, 289–90, 526; dendrochronological analysis, 328;
294; burials and, 308, 529, 531; Structure 3 founder of, 306; rectangular structures
and, 285, 303, 316, 526 and, 304
Structure 8 household, 282, 294–96, 304, 307, Suaz, 542–43
308; dendrochronological analysis of, 328 subadults: analysis by age and sex, 390–411,
Structure 14 household, 276, 289, 296–99, 316, 458, 459, 488, 510; cluster analysis and,
325, 326, 544; burials and, 307, 308; den- 398–401; grave goods and, 236–37, 260,
drochronological analysis, 328 261, 392, 395–98, 401–11, 498, 501, 506–
Structure 15 household and Structure 11, 07, 510
276, 285, 288–90, 299–301; beads and, Sugar Creek site, 106, 113
529; burials and, 305, 308, 317, 347, 411; Sullivan, Lynne, 114, 390
construction stages of, 322–24, 351, 514, summer houses, 114, 115–16, 117; corn cribs
528; craft specialists and, 529; rectangu- and, 118, 119, 120
lar structures and, 528–29; status and, 531, Sun diety, 10–11. See Natchez, Great Sun and
532; town chief, 515–16, 534; wealth and, Swan, Caleb, 72, 94, 115, 133, 402, 523
505, 531 Swanton, John, 8, 320, 357, 456; Creek and,
Structure 16, 139–45, 182; architectural char- 273, 313, 318, 522, 523
acteristics of, 121, 139–41, 143, 145; in Sweetgum site, 106, 113
Creek and Cherokee towns, 143–44; Fea- Sycamore Landing site, 436
ture 45 and, 159, 318; Feature 64 and, 161–
62; interpretation of, 142, 145, 151, 315; Taensa, 8, 9, 16
Ledford Island and, 142–43, 145; Structure Tainter, Joseph, 332
17 and, 124, 130–31, 141, 142; symbolism Taitt, David, 133
in, 141, 507; Toqua and, 146, 148 Tallassee site, 438
Structure 17, 126–139; architectural charac- Tally, Lucy, 188, 189
teristics of, 5, 86, 121, 150, 182, 221–22, Talomeco, 10
286; benches in, 5, 130, 138, 221–22, 522; talwa, 318–19
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588 / Index
Tanasee. See Chota-Tanasee ture 17 and, 222, 519, 521. See also council
Tellico Reservoir, 32 house and rotunda
Tellico site, 265, 460 town war chief, 13, 469, 499, 505, 513, 516, 518
Terrapin Creek site, 434 triangular points. See points
Thirty Acre Field site, 224, 434 Tuasi, 542
Thomas, Larissa, 346, 459 Tukabatchee, 133
Tick Island site, 436 turtle shells: as rattles, 261, 243, 460
Tennessee River, 1, 5, 32, 247, 497, 544; drain- Tyzzer, Robert, 188
age, 37, 536–37, 543; valley, 35, 137, 242,
244, 337, 446 Ubelaker, D. H., 189, 200
Timberlake, Lieutenant Henry, 80, 115, 341, Ulibahali: chiefdom, 37–38, 460, 537, 541;
402, 444, 451, 458 palisades and, 166; town and, 37–38
Timucua, 8, 9, 10, 16, 67; matrilineage and, University of Georgia, 22, 34, 35, 45, 188
12, 17; polity, 12, 14, 15–16 Upper Coosa River. See Coosa River
Toalli, 71 Upper Tennessee River valley. See Tennes-
Toasi site, 434, 542 see River
Tomatley, 86, 130, 136–37, 147, 150
Toqua site, 35; burials, 148, 205, 212, 236, 259, Valley and Ridge Province, 19, 32; description
260, 346, 507; Mound A, 144, 146, 151–52, of, 27–28; fish and, 455; occupation of, 35,
287; primary domestic structures and, 51, 37, 120
56, 74, 75–76; rectangular structures and, village chief, 9, 10, 12, 17, 138–39, 319
114; shells and, 266, 270; square structures
and, 136, 137; Structure 17 and, 86, 132; Walker, Karen, 455
tools and, 241–42, 244, 255, 257; structure wall posts: number per structure, 84–85;
construction and, 72, 87, 88, 91, 131, 138; number per wall, 54, 85–87; number sym-
Type 4a Structures and, 70, 76, 78–79, 81, bolism of, 85–86; spacing of, 53, 54, 84–86
82–83, 89, 287 winter houses, 73, 118; Cherokee, 87, 114,
town: compass orientation of, 320, 322–29, 115–16, 117; as hot houses, 116
536; cosmological symbolism of, 128, 312– war clubs, 446, 461, 464, 466, 482
14, 317, 320; council, 138, 538, as formal, warfare, 339, 440–48; color symbolism of,
129, 145, 315, 320, 322–29, 469, 515, 533, 15, 442, 448; head war chief and, 13, 468,
542; formal abandonment of, 278, 285, 499; Southeastern aboriginal culture and,
289, 298; founding of, 1, 35, 44–46, 320, 13, 14, 339, 467; war chief (mandadores)
328–29, 447, 469, 515, 517; life history of, and, 13–14, 461–62, 468, 469; war coun-
2–3, 314–29, 533, 535–37, 540; life span of, cil and, 15. See also scalps; war clubs; war-
2, 129, 314–15, 327–29; plan of, 1–2, 121, rior grades
287, 309–14, 540; population, 5, 181, 198, war honors, 464, 466, 467, 491, 493, 499
314, 324, 537, 540, 541. See also central war-peace distinction: red-white color sym-
post; Feature 64; Structure 17 bolism of, 15
town chief: matriline of, 11–12, 329, 332, 505– warrior grades, 14, 440, 493–96; beaver inci-
07, 511–12, 538; residence of, 145, 287, sors and, 482; war chief and, 491; weapons
301, 512–13 and, 445, 464–66, 467–68
Town Creek site: architecture, 50–51, 106, war trophies, 14–15, 213, 335, 440, 444, 467;
112, 156, 158, 169, 170; burials, 184 Burial 92 and, 447–48, 469, 495
town founder, 447, 469, 499, 514–15, 517, War Woman, 18, 389–90; age of, 423; Chero-
533 kee and, 340–41
townhouse, 130, 131, 135–39, 151–52; Struc- Wauchope, Robert, 22, 44
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Index / 589
wealth, 500–05; females and, 497–98; funerals Williamson, Matthew, 188, 189, 198, 199, 200,
and, 333; gorgets and, 459; knobbed shell 342
pins and, 490; material, 334, 463, 467, 490. Woodland: as period, 26; as site, 34, 169
See also shell wealth Woodstock Fort site, 164, 170, 179, 180
Weiss, Kenneth, 198 woodworkers, 475, 482
Weiss Reservoir, 34 woodworking tools, 461, 481–83
Wight, Sargeant, 94, 115 wounds, 199–200
Wilbanks phase, 29, 32, 34, 519, 535
Williams, Colonel Joseph, 116 yatika/atequi, 13, 513
Williams, Mark, 73, 95, 116 yniha/inija/iniha, 13
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