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The Royal Family of Israel Booklet

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The Royal Family of Israel

The ancient dynasty of the holy monarchy of Israel


The Royal Family of Israel

The Executive Branch of Administration is the chief administrative court of the Royal Regime of the Nation of Israel.

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The Royal Family of Israel

Directory of Articles
Formal Address from Our Leadership...................................................................................................................................... 8
Founding of Our Nation........................................................................................................................................................... 12
Ten Commandments for the Covenant Community ............................................................................................................. 15
Deuteronomy 5:1-22 ............................................................................................................................................................ 15
National Core Values ................................................................................................................................................................ 18
Ancestral Tribes of the Family ................................................................................................................................................ 20
Purpose of a Monarchy............................................................................................................................................................. 23
About the Nation of Israel ....................................................................................................................................................... 25
Heaven on Earth ...................................................................................................................................................................... 29
Structure of Royal Regime of the Nation of Israel .................................................................................................................. 33
Structure of Hierarchy of the Royal Regime ..........................................................................................................................36
Executive Offices of the Royal Regime .................................................................................................................................... 37
Political Views .......................................................................................................................................................................... 39
About the Israelite Autocracy Government ..................................................................................................................... 40
About the Israelite Sociocracy Government .....................................................................................................................43
Types of Residency Status ....................................................................................................................................................... 50
National Diversity ..................................................................................................................................................................... 53

The Royal Family of Israel

A Shared Accountability of Community Members ............................................................................................................... 56
Jerusalem ............................................................................................................................................................................... 56
Levitical Priesthood ............................................................................................................................................................... 57
Royal Lineage ......................................................................................................................................................................... 57
The Gospel of Jesus Christ ................................................................................................................................................... 58
The Promise Land ................................................................................................................................................................. 59
Hospitality ............................................................................................................................................................................. 60
Servitude ................................................................................................................................................................................ 61
Independent Government Structure .......................................................................................................................................63
Economic Equality ................................................................................................................................................................... 69
Holy Calendar of the Covenant Family ................................................................................................................................... 73
Covenant Holy Festivals .......................................................................................................................................................... 76
Socioeconomic Hierarchy Classifications .............................................................................................................................. 92
GOVERNMENT OFFICIAL.............................................................................................................................................................. 92
SERVANT..................................................................................................................................................................................... 93
SLAVE ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 94
Social Hierarchy of the Royal Regime .................................................................................................................................... 95
About the Socioeconomic Classification................................................................................................................................ 96
Community Amenities ............................................................................................................................................................ 101

The Royal Family of Israel

Assessment-Fee Community Amenities ......................................................................................................................... 103
Tax-Invested Community Amenities .............................................................................................................................. 103
Enactment of National Law ................................................................................................................................................... 106
Civil Rights Act ....................................................................................................................................................................... 108
Rights of Civil Responsibility ................................................................................................................................................... 111
Non-Discrimination Clause .................................................................................................................................................... 118
Restricted Civil Rights ............................................................................................................................................................ 120
Equal Opportunity Policy ...................................................................................................................................................... 122
Health and Sanitation Hazardous Act (HASHA) ................................................................................................................. 124
Sanitation Quality Control............................................................................................................................................... 125
The Hazardous Level of Sanitation ................................................................................................................................. 127
Rights to a Fair Trial by the Court of Law ............................................................................................................................. 130
Privacy Protection Act .............................................................................................................................................................133
National Jurisdiction Territory ...............................................................................................................................................137
Filing a Formal Complaint ..................................................................................................................................................... 140
Creditor Protection Act .......................................................................................................................................................... 142
Equalized Education Policy.................................................................................................................................................... 149
The Act of Economic Equality ............................................................................................................................................... 155
Decree of Peniel ...................................................................................................................................................................... 157

The Royal Family of Israel

Obstruction of Civil Unrest..................................................................................................................................................... 161
Act of Treason ......................................................................................................................................................................... 165
Holy Dietary Health Act ......................................................................................................................................................... 170
Native Hebrew Culture of Israel ............................................................................................................................................ 175
National Pennant of Israel ..................................................................................................................................................... 177
The History of the National Flag of Israel....................................................................................................................... 178
Encouragement of Patriotism and National Honor ....................................................................................................... 178
Prohibited from Commercial Manufacturing of National Flags ................................................................................... 179
The Loyalty of Priest Jehoiadas ............................................................................................................................................. 182
Basic Government Terminology ............................................................................................................................................ 186
Contact Information ............................................................................................................................................................... 196
About Princess Alkeeta of Israel ...................................................................................................................................... 196

The Royal Family of Israel

The Royal Family of Israel

The ancient dynasty of the holy monarchy of Israel

The Royal Family of Israel

The Royal Family of Israel

Formal Address from Our Leadership

The Nation of Israel is a culture influenced by the institution of family honor that is rooted within the rich heritage found
within the Holy Bible. The home has always been found to be the primary structure of learning. The mother and father are the family
leaders that continue to influence our knowledge, values, integrity, and principal beliefs. The founding father and mother of all humanity
is Adam and Eve. From these two people, the Heavenly Father, chose Abraham and Sarah to become the founding father and mother of the
Jewish-Israelite nation of Hebrews. Abraham, the first patriarch of Israel, and Sarah, the first matriarch, are the family leaders of the House
of Jacob. Through the holy seed of husband and wife, the family legacy of the Nation of Israel was cultivated to be forever rooted through
the Holy Word of God, the Heavenly Father of our Lord God and King, Jesus Christ. The continuation of preserving the family honor of the
name of Israel and the House of Jacob is bestowed upon all family members of the Body of King Jesus Christ. The family name of Israel is
worship honoring and preserving for the granting of being in the presences of God and Jesus Christ for all eternity to worship in holiness
and truth.

It is my dutiful commission and delightful privilege to share not only the message of my own inherited family roots through the
ancestors of King Jesus Christ and Abraham but also to share in the beliefs of my Jewish-Israelite family members. The granting of authority
to lead the family of Israel is presented to me through the Lord Jesus Christ who is the Sovereign Ruler of Israel and the King of the Jews.
As the daughter of Jesus Christ and Yahweh, I hold the royal position of crowned head and title of Princess Alkeeta of the Nation of Israel.
I am the Jewish-Hebrew monarch, Princess Alkeeta, of the family of Israel. The charge of royal authority and the command to perform the
matriarch duties of organizing the family of Israel began with these instructions from the Lord, I AM sending you into the darkness to get

The Royal Family of Israel

what is rightfully mines but do not be afraid for I AM with you. From this command I have begun to take my rightful place to sit upon the
throne of Israel as sovereign ruler, judge, priest, and officer. I hold the position as holy prophet from the seed of the Prophets Moses and
Elijah and holy apostle from the seed of the Apostles Paul and Peter. With the recognition of the holy heritage of the family members of
the Nation of Israel, I seek to continue the family honor of the House of Jacob and the representing authority to the throne of King Jesus
Christ. I am a Judean, who is a descendant of the Israelite family tribe of Judah.

With accountable commitment to the legacy of all the family members of the descendants of Israelpast, future, and presentI
dedicate myself to the perseverance of maintaining the holiness we are taught by God, our Heavenly Father, Yahweh. In recognition of my
responsibility to build the House of Jacob for the family of Israel to gather in our family reunion of holy communion, I am honored to be
the leading woman of my household and family. Jerusalem will always be the Mother Land for the Jewish people as the chosen site for the
throne of King Jesus Christ to be established in reverence of his judgment and invitation for worship. The Holy Land is the place my heart
daily longs for in light of the Holy Word of my God. Among all the nations of the world, the Nation of Israel is the only kingdom that
brightens my face with delight in the glory, majesty, and splendor of my Family Redeemer, the King of the Israelites, King Jesus Christ. The
Lord has chosen me to rebuild the House of Jacob and to invite the nations of the world to join in the holiness of our Lord and Savior, King
Jesus Christ. This is the Gospel of Jesus Christ. That all who believe in the Son of God are joined into the holy promises of the seed of
Abraham and Sarah to inherited the promises of eternal worship in the courts of the Lord God of all Heaven and Earth.
Princess Alkeeta of the Nation of Israel
Jewish-Hebrew of the Israelite Family

The Royal Family of Israel

This is what King Cyrus of Persia says:

The Lord, the God of Heaven, has given me all the kingdoms of the Earth. He has appointed me to build him a
Temple at Jerusalem, which is in Judah. Any of you who are his people may go to Jerusalem in Judah to rebuild
this Temple of the Lord, the God of Israel, who lives in Jerusalem. And may your God be with you! Wherever this
Jewish remnant is found, let their neighbors contribute toward their expenses by giving them silver and gold,
supplies for the journey, and livestock, as well as a voluntary offering for the Temple of God in Jerusalem.
Then God stirred the hearts of the priest and Levites and the leaders of the tribes of Judah and Benjamin to go to
Jerusalem to rebuild the Temple of the Lord. And all their neighbor assisted by giving them article of silver and
gold, supplies for the journey, and livestock. They gave them many valuable gifts in addition to all the voluntary
Ezra 1:2-6


The Royal Family of Israel


The Royal Family of Israel

Founding of Our Nation

YahwehI AM the Lord God of your ancestors Abraham, Isaac, and Jacobis the recognition of ancestors that establishes
the family of Jacob and the Nation of Israel as holy people. Within the Holy Bible since the Book of Genesis, we are introduced to the
worship of idolatry in the form of foreign religious practices. Abraham and Sarah both lived among idolatry prior to their called of
repentance from the Lord. Abraham and Sarah ancestry is traced back from Noahs son Shem. It was upon this command, The Lord has
said to Abram, Leave your native country, your relatives, and your fathers family, and go to the land that I will show you. I will make you
into a great nation. I will bless you and make you famous, and you will be a blessing to others. I will bless those who bless you and curse
those who treat you with contempt. All the families on Earth will be blessed through you. (Genesis 12:1-3) Abram whose name was later
changed by God to Abraham believed the Lords words and journeyed to live as a separate peoplethe Lords holy nation of priest. Abram
was taught by God the commands of the Lord of how to properly raise his children in the holiness of Gods light. Genesis 17: 9 states, Then
God said to Abraham, Your responsibility is to obey the terms of the covenant. You and all your descendants have this continual
responsibility. This was the establishment of the government of God through the descendants of Abraham and Sarah. This government
is to continue forever through their descendants and confirmed through Jesus Christ who is a descendant of Israel and the Son of God.

When Abraham left his native land of idolatry and foreign customs, he worshipped the Lord as God and served as a holy
priest. Abraham built rock altars where he offered animal sacrifices in recognition of the Lord who has appeared to him. A command that
God had given to Noah prior to the Great Flood. Abraham and Sarah taught their son, Isaac, how to worship the Lord and Isaac taught his
son Jacob. Later, the Lord revealed himself to all the descendants of Jacobgrandchildren, great grandchildren, all the way to the third and
fourth generation of great grandchildrenhow to worship the Lord as an established nation under his complete government of a holy

The Royal Family of Israel

priesthood. This all happened when the Lord has sent Moses and Aaron to free the Israelites from the foreign Egyptian government. At
this time Yahweh gave the children of Israel the Holy Covenant and established an eternal system of holy worship. However, at this time
the Israelites had not realized that the Lord was also their King. Every nation is ruled by a supreme ruler who acts as judge in the enforcement
of their established laws. The Israelites understood the basics of the priesthood as establishment of Gods holiness but they didnt recognize
God as their Heavenly Father or Sovereign King.

All praise to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed you with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realms because
we are united with Christ. Even before he made the world, God loved us and chose us in Christ to be holy and without fault in his eyes.
God decided in advance to adopt us into his own family by bringing us to himself through Jesus Christ. This is what he wanted to do, and
it gave him great pleasure. So we praise God for the glorious grace he has poured out on us who belong to his dear Son. He is so rich in
kindness and grace that he purchased our freedom with the blood of his Son and forgave our sins. He has showered his kindness on us,
along with all wisdom and understanding.
Ephesians 1:3-8

Later, after the Israelites were governed by priests, judges, and prophets who enforced the commands of God upon the
people, the Israelites sought God to appoint a monarchy. The nation of Israel was transformed from operation as a tribal family to a united
family community to a sovereign kingdom. The Lord granted their request and appointed a royal family. The first king of Israel was Saul
from the tribe of Benjamin. After the Lord dethroned Saul, King David, a young courageous shepherd from Bethlehem within the tribe of

The Royal Family of Israel

Zebulun, was chosen and anointed king of Israel. Today, the Nation of Israel continues as a sovereign government establishment and
kingdom through our Lord God, King Jesus Christ of the Family of Israelthe Kingdom of the Jews.
Within the Holy Bible is a collection of legal documentations for proving the ability to claim the family inheritance promised to the
descendants of the Israelite family. This is how a person is able to receive salvation and redemption by seeking to place themselves under
the jurisdiction of the Word of God as a governing and valid document. The Holy Bible contains both the Old Testament and New
Testament which were written by the holy descendants of the family and nation of Israel appointed by God through the Holy Spirit within
them. The Holy Bible teaches the believers how to appropriately conduct themselves as children of God within the family of Israel. In the
Book of Genesis, we learn that God is a Holy Priest and King of El-Elyon of Heaven. Melchizedek identified himself as king of Salem and
priest of God Most High. Thereby demonstrating the government of heaven ruled by God, the Heavenly Father, who revealed himself to

Today, all people from every nation of the world are invited to join the Nation of Israel as citizens of the Kingdom of Heaven and
members of the House of Jacob. The founding establishment of the Nation of Israel and the government of Jesus Christ is upon the holy
priesthood. The priests are those permitted by God to teach and enforce the government laws of Christ, who is King of all the world.
However, like most households the House of Jacob is comprised of family, friends, and household guests. Individuals who are not direct
descendants of the priesthood or of the Nation of Israel are permitted to join the Jewish family in rejoicing and worshipping the Lord as
their King and Father. Salvation is received as a heavenly inheritance to the family of Israel though who are legally adopted into the family
of Jesus Christ and those who are natural children of the God, Yahweh. For this reason, the preserving of the Jewish-Israelite family is
essential in establishing the glory of God through family honor of our ancestral heritage and family name.

The Royal Family of Israel

Ten Commandments for the Covenant Community

The founding laws of the Holy Covenant are established in the Ten Commandments that was given to the family of Israel through
the holy prophet, Moses, from the Lord who is Israels Heavenly Father and Eternal God. The Ten Commandments teach all Israelites the
basics of how to be set apart as holy unto the Lord by faith and obedience to God. These laws teach us how to be made right with God and
how to be made right with our fellow brothers and sisters in the family of Jesus Christ.

Jesus replied, Who is my mother? Who are my brothers? Then he looked at those around him and said, Look, these are my mother and
brothers. Anyone who does Gods will is my brother and sister and mother.
Mark 3:33-35

Deuteronomy 5:1-22
Moses called all the people of Israel together and said, Listen carefully, Israel. Hear the decrees and regulations I am giving you today, so
you may learn them and obey them!
The Lord our God made a covenant with us at Mount Sinai. The Lord did not make this covenant with our ancestors, but with all of us who
are alive today. At the mountain the Lord spoke to you face to face from the heart of the fire. I stood as an intermediary between you and
the Lord, for you were afraid of the fire and did not want to approach the mountain. He spoke to me, and I passed his words on to you. This
is what he said:


The Royal Family of Israel

1. I am the Lord your God, who rescued you from the land of Egypt, the place of your slavery. You must not have any other god but
2. You must not make for yourself an idol of any kind, or an image of anything in the heavens or on the earth or in the sea. You must
not bow down to them or worship them, for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God who will not tolerate your affection for any other
gods. I lay the sins of the parents upon their children; the entire family is affectedeven children in the third and fourth generations
of those who reject me. But I lavish unfailing love for a thousand generations on those who love me and obey my commands.
3. You must not misuse the name of the Lord your God. The Lord will not let you go unpunished if you misuse his name.
4. Observe the Sabbath day by keeping it holy, as the Lord your God has commanded you. You have six days each week for your
ordinary work, but the seventh day is a Sabbath day of rest dedicated to the Lord your God. On that day no one in your household
may do any work. This includes you, your sons and daughters, your male and female servants, your oxen and donkeys and other
livestock, and any foreigners living among you. All your male and female servants must rest as you do. Remember that you were
once slaves in Egypt, but the Lord your God brought you out with his strong hand and powerful arm. That is why the Lord your God
has commanded you to rest on the Sabbath day.
5. Honor your father and mother, as the Lord your God commanded you. Then you will live a long, full life in the land the Lord your
God is giving you.
6. You must not murder.
7. You must not commit adultery.
8. You must not steal.

The Royal Family of Israel

9. You must not testify falsely against your neighbor.
10. You must not covet your neighbors wife. You must not covet your neighbors house or land, male or female servant, ox or donkey,
or anything else that belongs to your neighbor.
The Lord spoke these words to all of you assembled there at the foot of the mountain. He spoke with a loud voice from the heart of the
fire, surrounded by clouds and deep darkness. This was all he said at that time, and he wrote his words on two stone tablets and gave them
to me.

Dont let anyone call you Rabbi for you have only one teacher, and all of you are equal as brothers and sisters. And dont address
anyone here on Earth as Father, for only God in heaven is your spiritual father. And dont let anyone call you Teacher, for you have
only one teacher, the Messiah. The greatest among you must be a servant. But those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those
who humble themselves will be exalted.
Matthew 23:8-12


The Royal Family of Israel

National Core Values

The citizens of the Nation of Israel are committed to providing services to all of our fellow citizens as outlined within
these National Core Values in equitably in a responsive manner.


The quality of being whole, undivided, and upright in moral actions, principal, and honesty.


The state of being holy according to the statues of the Laws of God as God is holy.


The state and quality of being truthful.


The quality of being in unison with peace and without discord.


The state of reacting with a prompt answer and resolution both quickly and positively.

The Royal Family of Israel


The degree of working towards the highest level of esteem, value and quality.


The act of leading, coaching, educating, motivating, mentoring, disciplining, and guiding a group of people, community and nation.


The process of enlightening with wisdom, knowledge, discretion, discipline, understanding and development.


The yielding of abundance to multiply and increase in quantity and value.

The quality of integrity, honesty, trustworthiness, and moral character held by an individual and enforced by a nation.

The allotment of inherited property, laws, culture, and beliefs through ancestral lineage.


The state of welcoming, serving, temporarily housing, accepting responsibility of community members as family within your own home.

The Royal Family of Israel

Ancestral Tribes of the Family

The Nation of Israel is a tribal family that began with the founding mother and father of our descendants, Sarah and
Abraham. It is with Abraham that that the race Hebrew is first recognized in the Holy Bible. Abraham and Sarah had a son that they named
Isaac. Isaac later married an Aramaic woman named Rebekah from his own bloodline. Rebekah and Isaac had two sons who were twins,
Esau and Jacob. Esau was the firstborn of his parents. However, the Lord chose Jacob prior to his birth to inherit the blessings of the Hebrew
nation. Esau later fathered his own nation called Edom. However, it is Jacob who fathered the twelve sons of Israel that built the Nation of
Israel. Jacobs name was changed to Israel upon the agreement from God that he would be blessed with the promised inheritance of
Abraham and Isaac. Thus, God revealed his name later as Yahwehthe God of your ancestors, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and
the God of Jacobto the descendants of the Twelve Tribes of Israel. The Laws of God were revealed to the descendants of Abraham, Isaac,
and Jacob as an eternal covenant that gives everlasting salvation to the redeemed family of the King of Israel, King Jesus Christ. All who
believe in the Lord Jesus Christ have been set apart by faith and maintain their salvation through obedience to the Holy Covenant.

May the God before whom my grandfather Abraham and my father, Isaac, walkedthe God who has been my shepherd all my life, to
this very day, the Angel who has redeemed me from all harmmay he bless these boys. May they preserve my name and the names of
Abraham and Isaac. And may their descendants multiply greatly throughout the Earth.
Genesis 48:15-16


The Royal Family of Israel

The Twelve Tribes of Israel consist of the twelve sons that Jacob fathered. Jacob had two
wives, who were sisters, and two concubines. These four women shared in bringing forth the
promises of the Hebrew nation. Jacobs wives were called Rachel and Leah. His concubines were
named Zilpah and Bilhah. Jacob did have a daughter by Leah whose name was Dinah. However,
it is the sons of Jacob who inherited territory as the keepers of the Promised Land. Joseph had
two sons named Manasseh and Ephraim that Jacob adopted as his own children during his old
age. Therefore, these two grandsons of Jacob inherit their fathers territory in the Promise Land.
The Lord promised the middle eastern land from the brooks of Egypt to the Euphrates River to
the descendants of the Hebrew-Israelite family nation.

Sons of Jacob


I was glad when they said to me, Let us go to the house of the Lord. And now here we are, standing inside your gates, O
Jerusalem. Jerusalem is a well-built city; its seamless walls cannot be breached. All the tribes of Israelthe Lords people
make their pilgrimage here. They come to give thanks to the name of the Lord, as the law requires of Israel. Here stands the
throne where judgement is given, the thrones of the dynasty of David. Pray for peace in Jerusalem. May all who love this city
prosper. O Jerusalem, may there be peace within your walls and prosperity in your palaces. For the sake of my family and
friends, I will say, May you have peace. For the sake of the House of the Lord our God, I will seek what is best for you, O
Psalm 122


The Royal Family of Israel


The Royal Family of Israel

Purpose of a Monarchy

The purpose of a monarch government is to establish a system a chief leadership and order within the family community of the
House of Jacob. Jacob is the third patriarch of the Israelite family nation. Through his twelve sons the Israelites family is divided into
individual tribes and each known by its presiding clan. The Lord gave the Israelites national territory that each clan inherited according to
their tribal ancestry. All tribes were governed by the same laws; however, each tribe had its own characteristics and system of development.
To ensure that the family of Israel remained united as a family nation, the Lord appointed a family heir from the native tribes of Israel.
While the government establishment of the priesthood authorized the tribe of Levite perform as Levitical priest and Temple Assistant to
hold legal authority to rule the people, the royal heir could come from any tribe of Israel. Essentially, the Lord gave the Israelite family a
second government administration to ensure the Israelites remained united as a family nation.

Since the time of Abraham and Sarah, the Israelites had always permitted foreigners to reside among them. Although, these
foreigners were not legally permitted to inherit territory as foreigners and non-descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, they were adopted
into the family of Israel. Once these foreigners adopted the Israelites customs, they were treated as family of the Jewish people. However,
it is the natural descendants of Israel who were expected to teach the adopted members of their household the traditions of the Jews. This
is what Jesus Christ has required of the natural descendants and the adopted members of the family of Israel who resided within the House
of Jacob. Each tribal territory is governed by a tribal leader whose ancestry is native to that tribal family. Similar to a governor ruling over
a specific county of a state. This law permitted native foreigners to also serve in the ranks of various government services. However, it is


The Royal Family of Israel

the native-born Israelites who preserved the identity of the Jewish heritage and shared the Holy Covenant with the world in honoring the
reputation of King Jesus Christ and the House of Jacob.

The royal heirs and the Levitical priest ensure the family of Israel maintains the integrity of holiness in the organization of
government administration and enforcement. The Lord choose the tribe of Levi to perform the administration of worship services and
teach the Israelites the command of God. However, the royal family, which could come from any tribe of Israel, ensured the unity of the
Israelite family in their responsibility of chief leadership authority. A demonstration that God shows no favoritism in those who can enter
his holy courts if they reverenced his sovereign holiness. Both priest and crowned head are native-born citizens of Israel who were able to
prove their Jewish ancestry to Israel and held full compensation of the Holy Covenant. The Lord had given the Israelites the Holy Covenant
upon their departure from Egypt when the Nation of Israel was established as an independent government. Both the priest and the royal
heirs are members of the royal family of the Nation of Israel with directives to govern, guard, and instruct the House of Jacob. These
government officials ensure that the Jewish family heritage is not lost among the Israelites family members. The laws of Israel remain intact
and unaltered because it is founded upon the Holy Covenant which is the Holy Bible containing both the Old Testament and the New
Testament of the Holy Bible. The establishment of a monarchy signified the sovereignty of Gods power to operate the family of Israel as a
legitimate government and not a religious culture passed from generation to the next generation. The monarch represents the fully power
of the God because Israel learned how to be obedient and how to remain in genuine fellowship with God. Establishing the Nation of Israel
as kingdom ensured that the Holy Covenant is a realm to be recognized by other foreign nations as a government power.


The Royal Family of Israel

About the Nation of Israel

The Nation of Israel is the oldest kingdom dating back to the beginning of time as written in the Book of Genesis. The ancestry of
the Hebrew family began with Adam and Eve who were created in the Garden of Eden by God. Many generations would pass until the
family of Israel would be considered a governing nation. However, the family culture of Israel continued to be influenced by God who
taught Cain and Able the importance of giving of tithes and offerings to the Lord and to love one another without jealousy or selfish interests.
Later, the Lord revealed himself to Noah prior to his judgment against the ancient kingdoms of the world. The Lord God rescued Noah and
his wife including his three sons and their wives. The three sons of Noah were Shem, Ham, and Japheth. All the people of the current world
came from the sons of Noah after the recession of the Great Flood. Each son having children and those children grew up to build their own
family clans. As time proceeded, family clans developed into nations of their own and obtained national territory for their families to reside.
Each nation developed its own culture, traditions, governing laws, language, and religious customs that continued its heritage.

Many generations after the Great Flood, the Lord called a Chaldean man originally name Abram and his wife whose name was
originally Sarai. Abram and Sarai believe the message given to them by the Lord, Leave your native country, your relatives, and your fathers
family, and go to the land that I will show you. I will make you into a great nation (Genesis 12:1-2). From this command, Abram and Sarai
began the journey to what is now called the Promise Land to the Jewish-Hebrews. Within this territory the Israelites could reside as a united
nation under the government of love, justice, fairness, and holiness as established by God Almighty who appeared to Abram many times.
Upon one occasion the Lord changed Abrams name to Abraham and Sarais name to Sarah to confirm the Holy Vows of the Covenant.
After many years of testing, God blessed Abram and Sarai with a son of their own bloodline to inherit the promises that God had established
as a Holy Covenant. Their son Isaac would later have twin sons name Esau and Jacob by his wife Rebekah. The Lord chose Jacob, the second

The Royal Family of Israel

born, to inherit the promises of Abraham and Isaac. Jacob had twelve sons and a daughter. Each of Jacobs sons inherited a territory as
identified by their name as fourth generations patriarchs of Israel. It was the Lord who gave the Nation of Israel its name when he changed
Jacobs name to Israel establishing the he indeed would bless his descendants to become a large and prosperous nation.

In that day, says the Lord, I will be the God of all the families of Israel, and they will be my people.
This is what the Lord says:
Those who survive the coming destruction will find blessings even in the barren land, for I will give rest to the people of Israel.
Jeremiah 31:1-2

As time processed the history of Israel went through its victories through miraculous triumphs and through horrible downfalls for
disobedience. All of the historical accounts of the Jewish people can be found within the Holy Bible containing both the Old Testament
and the New Testament. Despite the downfall of the Nation of Israel for many years since the first coming of the Messiah, King Jesus Christ,
Israel is still the Lords family nation and reveals his Heavenly Kingdom. Through Jesus Christ all nations are invited to become a part of
the holy family. Repentance is learning how to live righteously in sight of Gods judgement. Anyone who wants to live a life of faith and
holiness must desire to be judged by the Word of God which directs us onto the path of salvation. The Nation of Israel provides an
atmosphere where believers can live with others to whom they can feel accountable to in their progression of personal development and
spiritual maturity. The Nation of Israel invites guest and friends into our family home to live among us as our own blood family members.

The Royal Family of Israel

Through Jesus Christ all who believe in the Son of God, who was persecuted for his faith by the Jews and Gentiles and died upon the cross
for the sins of all the world, are permitted to enter through the gates of holiness. Those seeking a new life of recovery from godless living,
hatred, evil deeds, corruption, injustice, and foolish decisions are invited to share in the eternally holy inheritance of home ownership of
the children of Israel. Much like other nations that preserve their heritage through its governing laws, culture, language, religious customs,
the Nation of Israel inherited our heritage directly from the Lord through many holy prophets and holy apostles who were all members of
the family of Israel.

Today, the legacy of Israel is taught throughout the world through the Holy Bible. Despite its conflicting accounts that developed
into a variety of religions. The Holy Bible is actually a Book of Instructions that validates the agreements between God and the people of
Israelboth Jew and Gentiles. It is the through the instructions of the Holy Bible that Israel is able to institute the development of the
Kingdom of Heaven. The message of Jesus Christ is about representing the Lord as King of Israel to foreign countries to invite them into
the Lords presence for holy worship through the Nation of Israel. The message is also about living as holy members of the family household
of Jacob. The Nation of Israel worships the Lord every day at the Temple of God where the priest, Levites, and Temple Assistants organize
the worship services. Additionally, all of our holy festivals including the weekly Sabbath are recognized in accordance to the instructions
of the Holy Bible. Nowhere on Earth are people able to fellowship with others and worship God exactly as he instructs us to worship him.
This is the privilege of residing within the House of Jacob among the Holy Temple of the only living God. This is the message that Jesus
Christ lived, died, and was resurrected for to ensure its message spread to everyone throughout the world before the Day of Judgement to
receive salvation to worship God eternally or eternal death and torment for disbelief and disobedience.


The Royal Family of Israel


The Royal Family of Israel

Heaven on Earth
The Kingdom of Heaven is often thought of a fictional domain that is illustrated to bring false hope or a mental escape from the evils
of the current world. A thought that seems almost dreamy because of the requirement to believe in a world of peace, love, and joy through
unity of mankind. Often times the deep desire to bring peace upon the world involves the suppression of faith in Jesus Christ and the
disbelief of God. We learned in the Book of Genesis that God created the Heavens and the Earth. He also created humans, animals, and
everything that we can see to live upon the Earth. He also created everything that we cannot see such as angels that live in Heaven with

The Garden of Eden is the representation of Heaven on Earth because here Adam and Eve were sinless and holy. Neither of them
had a reason to work, toil with the soil for farming, or required clothing. God provided everything they required including fellowship of
human companion. Adam and Eve, were both children of Godsiblings with the same parent which is God, the Heavenly Father. In
addition, Adam and Eve were friends and husband and wifeEve was created from the rib of Adam, while Adam was created from the dirt
of the Garden of Eden. God gave Adam and Eve one commandment while they resided in the Garden of Eden, You may freely eat the fruit
of every tree in the gardenexcept the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. If you eat its fruit, you are sure to die. (Genesis 2:16-17)
Unfortunately, Adam and Eve were both deceived into sin and were sent away from the Garden of Eden to live in the world. However, God
did not abandon them in his loving mercy and continued to be with Adams and Eves offspring which can be traced to Jesus Christ, the Son
of God.


The Royal Family of Israel

Since the Book of Genesis, with the calling of Noah and Abraham, we learn that God desires for peace, love and joy to flourish
throughout the Earth. The judgement sent as the Great Flood during Noahs generation was Gods conviction for all the evil that prospered.
Scripture say, The Lord observed the extent of human wickedness on the Earth, and he saw that everything they thought or imagined was
consistently and totally evil. So the Lord was sorry he had ever made them and put them on the Earth. It broke his heart. (Genesis 6:5-6)
It is not the will of God for his people to live with hostility, deception, or violence. Later, when the Lord freed the Israelites from Egypt in
the Great Exodus, many of the Lords commands instructed the people of how to appropriately conduct their lives with genuine love and
peace that promoted harmony. After all, the people of Israel are a family that belonged especially to the Lord and all of Israel are members
of the same household, the House of Jacob.

In the lifetime of Jesus Christ, he went around casting out evil spirits or demons that vexed both the Jews and Gentiles from many
nearby countries. The Lord revealed to those who sought peace that there is an adversary called Satan that perform acts of deception and
stirs up evil. However, with the preaching of his message and with the miraculous miracles of casting out demons, the Lord was revealing
his peace upon the Earth. As he preached and demonstrated his power over both flesh and spirits, he proclaimed with boldness, Repent of
your sins and turn to God, for the Kingdom of Heaven is near. (Matthew 4:17) A message that the Israelites had not known prior to the
Lord Jesus Christ. Israel was very aware of Gods power to help their defeat enemies in battles and even Elijah had raised a little boy from
the dead with the power of God. Many other prophets were able to perform special miracles at the Gods discretion such as the prophet
Moses who divided the Red Sea. The prophet Elisha was able to use the cloak of the prophet Elijah to divide a rushing river for him to pass
through on dry soil. However, Israel did not have knowledge of demons or demonic spirits that could live in both people or animals until


The Royal Family of Israel

the ministry of Jesus Christ. A demonstrate that God desires for us to be holy and that he desires for us to seek him to become his holy
people separate from evil of any kind.

For I am not ashamed of this Good News about Christ. It is the power of God at work, saving everyone who believesthe Jew first and
also the Gentile. This Good News tells us how God makes us right in his sight. This is accomplished from start to finish by faith. As the
Scriptures say, It is through faith that a righteous person has life.
Romans 1:16-17

The Nation of Israel is the Body of Jesus Christ consisting of both Jews and Gentiles who reside within the community of Israel.
Within the Nation of Israel, all community members learned how to prepare for the Lords salvation through faith in Jesus Christ and
obedience in the Laws of God. The Nation of Israel was given the Holy Covenant that confirmed Israel as a sovereign nation governed by
God during the lifetime of Moses, the prophet of God, and Aaron, the High Priest. It is through the establishment of the Holy Covenant
that the Israelites have a government administration to be recognized as a nation and not just a family household that lived as a community.
The Nation of Israel provides each member with insight as to how to worship God as our Lord, how to honor God as our Father, and how
to enjoy a family connect with God through Jesus Christ who is the Son of God. No longer would Heaven and Earth be separated. Nor would
the believers have to live outside of Gods lush fruit of glory outside of the Garden of Eden. The Lord lived in each believer through the Holy
Spirit and resided among the community of believers to distinguish them as his holy nation and blessed family.


The Royal Family of Israel

The National Government Branches of

Office for the Nation of Israel
Nationalism. Patriotism. Heroism. More than a family inheritance.
A family reputation of honor, sacrifice, and courage.
The family of Israel. The household of Jacob.


The Royal Family of Israel

Structure of Royal Regime of the Nation of Israel

The Nation of Israel is constructed with two central headquarters government administrations as a diarchy empire. Originally, the
Nation of Israel was constructed as an autocracy where laws were taught to the people of Israel through the high priest. The high priest
that of a government position similar to that of a prime minister. The high priest also orchestrated the worship services with other priests
and members of the tribe of Levi, called Temple Assistants. Leaders were appointed from each tribe to represent the people of Israel within
their tribe, as well. These tribal leaders were called family leaders and

Executive Branch of Administration

Imperial Administration

Temple Administration

operated in position similar to that of a governor. In the time prior to

the establishment of a royal family, the high priest held supreme
authority to administer government action in the installment of laws

Executive offices of Administration

Imperial Branches

Temple Branches

and judgments in accordance to the Holy Covenant. However, this

system was ineffective in developing the Nation of Israel to operate as
a government jurisdiction. Additionally, there were few methods of
unity among the people to conjugate together outside of worship at

Administrative commissions
Office of Commission

Levitical Offices

the Temple of the God of Israel.

Each Israelite family operated

individually with the exception of commercial enterprises. Thus, the

Lord selected a monarch to govern his people as a national empire
called a kingdoma united kingdom of all twelve tribes of Israel. The


The Royal Family of Israel

monarch holds supreme government authority over the high priest which is second in command after the crowned heads both the prince
and princess of Israel.

The king, with the queen sitting beside him

Nehemiah 2:6

King Saul was the first king of Israel. He was a man that led the Israelites to conquer their enemies in battles as the Lord commanded
him in defending his people from foreign oppression. The second king anointed to rule Israel is David. During the reign of King David,
Israel began to form a unified kingdom with various government administrations to organize the people of Israel. This is where two
government administrations were implemented to establish a kingdom rather than a simple community of family members living together.

Today, the Executive Offices of the Royal Regime include the first branch called the Executive Branch of Administration. This branch
consists of the Imperial Administration which is operated by the royal family and the Temple Administration that is operated by the royal
priest. Next, is the Executive Offices of Administration which is divided into individual offices. Within the Imperial Administration are six
main headquarter offices within the Executive Offices of Administration. The Temple Administration has two main headquarter officers.
Lastly, the various specific Executive Offices are divided into numerous commissions or divisions. These various branches, divisions, and
departments make up the structure of the royal regime of the Nation of Israel.

The Royal Family of Israel

The Nation of Israel has been ruled by many members of the royal family from the family of Israel. Until the Lord came to redeem
Israel from sinfulness and foreign government all of the crown heads that operated as chief of state were given the title king or queen. The
Nation of Israel had not realized that God was their true King and that Israel represented the Kingdom of Heaven. The Lord permitted the
ancient rulers of Israel to inherit the titles of king or queen for their positon of royal office. However, with the comprehension of the Gospel
of Jesus Christ, the Nation of Israel recognizes Jesus Christ as King of Israel. Therefore, all chief crowned heads hold the title of position as
prince or princess. The Nation of Israel is not a kingdom without the recognition of the Kingdom of Heaven which is ruled by King Jesus
Christ. For this reason, only members who are officially crowned to rule the Nation of Israel through The Executive Offices of the Royal
Regime are called prince or princess. The head of state is held by two crowned heads, the prince and the princess, that have both been
chosen and anointed by God to rule the Nation of Israel. The prince of Israel holds the highest position of government authority throughout
the realm of Israel. The princess is second in command as sovereign ruler of the Israelite kingdom. Additionally, the High Priest also shares
his authority with his wife who is a member of the Levitical priesthood.

The Imperial Administration of the Executive Branch of Administration is responsible for the coordination of all administrative
government action. There are six headquarters offices called the Executive Office of Administration. The Imperial Administration is
responsible for enforcing the Laws of God as an established government organized though the teaching of the Word of God. The Temple
Administration of the Executive Branch of Administration is responsible for the coordination of worship services, purification rituals, bible
study, Levitical districts, and other services that teach the people of Israel the Word of God. Together, these branches serve the kingdom
of Israel as a united nation of common culture, heritage, and regulated justice for all.


The Royal Family of Israel

Structure of Hierarchy of the Royal Regime

Royal Lineage

Holy Prophet of

Office of Justice
and Legislation

Office of
Advisory Council

Chief of Officers

Office of Royal

High Priest

Office of

Office of


Office of the
National Security

Office of Temple

Office of

The Royal Family of Israel

Executive Offices of the Royal Regime

The Executive Offices of the Royal Regime has two chief administrative
headquarters: The Imperial Administration and The Temple Administration. These
two government administrative branches manage the function of all agencies and
services provided by the Nation of Israel.

Executive Branches of Administration

Imperial Administration
Temple Administration
Executive Offices of Imperial Administration

Under The Imperial Administration are six administrative headquarters

called the Executive Offices of Imperial Administration. Each government office is
responsible for the administrative duties of specific government operations and
agencies. These government operations are divided into specific administrative
branch overseen by the Executive Officer responsible for that administrative office.

Office of Justice and Legislation

Office of National Advisory Council
Office of Royal Administration
Office of National Administration
Office of National Treasury
Office of the National Security
Executive Offices of Temple Administration

Each organization or agencies within a specific administrative branch is over seen

by Executive Assistants. All Executive Offices and its various branch departments

Office of Temple Treasury

Office of Levitical Administration

are responsible for the collective cohesion of all government operations for the
management of its patrons and citizens throughout the Nation of Israel.

The second chief administrative headquarters is for the Temple Administration called the Executive Offices of Temple
Administration. There are two administrative headquarters within this administration. All members who work within the Executive Offices

The Royal Family of Israel

of Temple Administration are members of the Levitical tribe of Israel, either priest or Temple Assistant. Members outside of the tribe of
Levi are not authorized to work within the Temple Administration, unless they the direct members of they are royal family of Israel.
Community members including tribal citizens and foreign-immigrants can worship outside the Temple for praise and bible study but are
not permitted within the Temple of God. The members of the royal family adhere to the highest standards of holiness, integrity, and
cleanliness from those of any other community member. The royal family are responsible for performing the ceremonial cleansings that
permit the remainder of Israel to worship God without judgement for impurity.

Community members within the Nation of Israel are responsible for payment of taxes to support the Imperial Administration.
Likewise, tithes are access for the Temple Administration from community members on income, sales, produce of agriculture, and
manufacturing of items.

The Executive Offices of the Royal Regime has two separate vaults to separate the tithes and taxes provided by

the people of Israel. All funds that are circulated throughout the Nation of Israel are provided and manufactured by the royal family.
Government revenue generated for services throughout the Imperial Administration is recirculated to aid the support of civil services and
other military operations. All funds generated to the Temple Administration are circulated to support the management of the Temple of
God through tribe of Levi. Tithes provide support to feed and care for the sacrificial animals used in worship, maintain the construction of
the Temple of God, Levitical districts, and provides all support for the tribe of Levi to perform their duties.


The Royal Family of Israel

Political Views
The Nation of Israel is a community of family members that have chosen to live under the government of the Holy Covenant and the
monarchy of King Jesus Christ. The Holy Covenant is the agreement established between God and the Israelite family to reside within his
household, the House of Jacob. The Holy Bible containing both the New Testament and the Old Testament is the complete covenant of
Jesus Christ as King of Israel both the Jews and Gentiles. Therefore, the political views of the Jewish monarchy are in establishment of the
Holy Bible which guide the direction of our community under of government of holy justice. The Nation of Israel stands to preserve purity,
fairness, honesty, family loyalty, and integrity which are carved into the Holy Covenant that was given to the holy prophets of God
throughout the various generations. The government structure of the monarchy of the Nation of Israel is constructed through an autocracy
and sociocracy administration. Together, these two political standards build the political views of the Jewish-Israelite monarchy. There are
many benefits to the institution of these two paralleled political ethics for the family of Israel. The primary purpose of the Jewish-Israelite
monarchy is to maintain a system of harmonized unity throughout the family of Israel. Our government is designed to build unity through
the family leaders of our family community beginning with the royal family members of the Nation of Israel.

Then the rest of the peoplethe priest, Levites, gatekeepers, singers, Temple Servants, and all who had separated themselves from the
pagan people of the land in order to obey the Law of God, together with their wives, sons, daughters, and all who were old enough to
understandjoined their leaders and bound themselves with an oath. They swore a curse on themselves if they failed to obey the Law of
God as issued by his servant Moses. They solemnly promised to carefully follow all the commands, regulations, and decrees of the Lord our
Nehemiah 10:28-29


The Royal Family of Israel

About the Israelite Autocracy Government
All government administrations establish their authority through standards of guidelines, instructions, and disciplinary actions. The
Holy Bible contains the standards of instruction for government, business, and citizenship establishment among other guidelines. These
standards established by God are called commandments, regulations, and decrees. All of these laws are established by the God of the family
of IsraelYahweh.

Government officials such as the crowned head and high priest have the authority to institute ordinances,

proclamations, statutes, clauses, policies, acts, and royal decrees as law to assist in the enforcement of the Holy Covenant and other
government operations. All laws instituted by the chief legislative administrators are performed under the authority and guidance of the
Holy Spirit of King Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Such laws ensure the safety of the community by reflecting the values and standards of the
Holy Covenant outlined in the Holy Bible. This type of government administration is considered an autocracy. An autocracy is government
establishment through one ruler; our ruler is God, Yahweh, and King Jesus Christ, the Son of God.

As with any family composition, there is a family leader. The mother and the father are the primary leaders of all household
compositions. Next, the firstborn child is expected to administer leadership qualities in their family household. The autocracy system
follows this same system of leadership that lessens the event for the possibility of a dysfunctional household. All members comprehend
their requirement to assist those within their family. Since the request of the Israelites to ask for a kingdom rather than a simple family
community, the Lord designated a royal family line from one of the Israelite native descendants. The royal family with the priest and Temple
Assistants are permitted to administer disciplinary laws in organizing the family of Israel as a kingdom or royal empire. The crown head
from the royal bloodline are held in highest regard for their ability and expectation to lead the family of Israel according to the Holy
Covenant. The crowned heads, prince and princess, represent the mother and father of the tribal community. The crowned heads are the

The Royal Family of Israel

chief matriarch and patriarch of the family of Jacob. The Tribe of Levi is designated to assist as the firstborn child from the original sons of
Jacob. All other tribal community members are expected to respect this system of hierarchy in the building of the Kingdom of Heaven.
With the system of autocracy, all family leaders of the royal family are expected to produce a royal heir that can ensure the Nation of Israel
remains under the Jewish-Israelite government administration. This law is instituted by God, since the Gentile-Israelites are adopted
members of the Jewish family and are taught the Jewish customs though governing laws. All members of the royal family are taught the
Holy Covenant directly by the Lord God of Israel, King Jesus Christ. For this reason, the autocracy system is how the family of Israel is

To lessen the competition of political leaders, the Nation of Israel is not a bureaucratic system. Since the Nation of Israel is not a
commonwealth government, citizens neither have the ability to elect the candidacy of government officials or sponsor political leaders. The
Nation of Israel is a monarchy that is independently governed as a family nation. The royal family collects, monitors, manufactures, and
distributes the national currency called the shekel. Members of the general public are prohibited by Law of God from distributing their own
currency or that of a foreign nation within the national jurisdiction territory of the Nation of Israel. Under a commonwealth government
citizens would be permitted to sponsor and elect their own political leader upon which they agree with their system of belief. This type of
government structures has the ability to alter the government laws and interferes with the binding covenant that Israel agreed upon as
children of the Most High God. The government structure of the Israelite nation is stabilized through an autocracy system that does not
permit the system of bureaucracy through a republic or commonwealth system. The foundational laws of Israel remain the same throughout
each generation of Israelites. The royal priesthood assists the autocracy government administration structure of the Nation of Israel.
Citizens of Israel hold no authority to elect government officials into office, position, or title in any rank of government administration. The
royal family installs civil leaders into services as outlined by the Laws of God. Officers appointed into administrative office are positioned

The Royal Family of Israel

through the choosing of sacred lots in the presences of God and the holy priest who witness and interpret the decision of King Jesus Christ.
This method of installing civil leaders into service of command preserves the harmony of the Israelite family. Thus eliminating a divided
nation. Citizens or foreigners who rebel against local law enforcement are choosing to rebel against the Lord who is King of Israel and
institutes his government. All government high officers and assistant officers share the same belief in faith of the Holy Covenant and of
King Jesus Christ.

Only the royal family, the crowned head and members of the tribe of Levi, can ensure their position and title is passed to their blood
successors. For the inauguration of government officials that serve as Officers of the Imperial Court and other government leadership
positions, the royal monarch consults the high priest who is instructed by the Lord through the sacred lots of which citizen may serve in
the Imperial Administration or other lower branches. All leaders who serve in any branch of government share the same beliefs and hold
the same comprehension of the Holy Bible. Thus, the government of Israel remains stable through a system of justice and fairness. By
eliminating the system of bureaucracy, the government officials who lead the Nation of Israel maintain consistent guidance within the holy
family of the House of Jacob. Members of the general public who are chosen to serve as an Officer of the Imperial Court do not hold the
ability to inherit their position of title. Therefore, the predecessor can be chosen from any family of Israel after the end of term. Thus,
eliminating a system of injustice and permits all citizens to obtain the ability to serve within the royal courts. The presentation of equal
opportunity to those who remain faithful to the Nation of Israel through diligence, integrity, and nationalism. This ensures that all
community members have an opportunity to serve their country and family with a wide diversity of attributes with fairness and equality for
all citizens. It is considered a civil responsibility of all citizens of the Nation of Israel to serve their country as delegated by the Lord who is


The Royal Family of Israel

the Commander of Heavens Armies. The ability and willingness to serve in courts of the Lord in any office is considered a family honor
among all members of the family of Jacob.

Praise the Lord, the God of Israel, because he has visited and redeemed his people. He has sent us a might Savior from the royal line of his
servant David, just as he promised through his holy prophets long ago. Now we will be saved from our enemies and from all who hate us.
He has been merciful to our ancestors by remembering his sacred covenantthe covenant he swore with an oath to our ancestor Abraham.
We have been rescued from our enemies so we can serve God without fear, in holiness and righteousness for as long as we live.
Luke 1:68-75

About the Israelite Sociocracy Government

The Nation of Israel is organized as a singular community structure with individual neighborhoods and commerce industries that
function with unity.

The organization of a community setting throughout our national jurisdiction territory promotes the family

atmosphere that Israel is founded upon. All tribes of Israel share the same heritage, culture, and traditions. However, each tribal land has
its own characteristics of native scenery and resources. The variation of environmental factors makes Israel a uniquely governed country
that provides for the consistent needs of all members including the need for adventure and exploration. In continuation of protecting the
sincere purity of our country, the Nation of Israel, is operated through a political system of sociocracy. This government structure ensures

The Royal Family of Israel

that all of its family members including government officials, citizens, and foreign immigrants needs are continuously met. The system of
equality among the social balances of our community ensures that the essence of family honor is preserved. The recognition of basic civil
rights, basic needs, and civil responsibility is how our sociocracy system is achieved with balance. This system protects the needs of the
government and the general public as both having civil rights and civil responsibilities that intertwine as a family balanced society.

I will sing of your love and justice, Lord. I will praise you with songs. I will be careful to live a blameless lifewhen will you come to
help me? I will lead a life of integrity in my own home. I will refuse to look at anything vile and vulgar. I hate all who deal crookedly; I will
have nothing to do with them. I will reject perverse ideas and stay away from every evil. I will not tolerate people who slander their
neighbors. I will not endure conceit and pride. I will search for faithful people to be my companions. Only those who are above reproach
will be allowed to serve me. I will not allow deceivers to serve in my house, and liars will not stay in my presence. My daily task will be to
ferret out the wicked and free the city of the Lord from their grip.
Psalm 101

With the diversity of our family community, each Israelite inherits the Jewish culture and system of belief as outlined in the Holy
Bible called the Holy Covenant. Today, the family of Israel is filled with diversity of people, languages, and cultural ancestries. Unlike times
past when the Israelites family members were comprised of similar physical family characteristics, the Nation of Israel now has diversity of
all family members. The standard native language of Israel is the Hebrew dialect; however, many tongues or languages are spoken in our

The Royal Family of Israel

family community. There are many language developments and interpretation services provided through the Nation of Israel. For this
reason, the belief of sociocracy is recognized in maintaining harmony between all family members and citizens. This system of government
is established in recognition of each person and their basic needs as members the Israelite family. Including the basic need to perform civil
responsibilities with proper communication and inherited civil rights as a citizen and community member.

All of the commandments of God protects the interest of the family members of the Nation of Israel. This system of government
establishment is considered a sociocracy. A sociocracy is a government establishment that seeks to ensure the basic needs of all its members
are met. Additionally, citizens of all socioeconomic classes have the same civil rights and citizenship responsibilities. There is no favoritism
between the wealthy and lower-class citizens. The basic needs of all community members both citizen and noncitizen include: housing,
food, water, health care, education, justice, and socialization. The government has the civil responsibility of ensuring their basic needs are
continuously met as outlined by the Laws of God. An example of ensuring these needs are met is by providing appropriate avenues where
citizens can work, obtain property, and utilize governing invested infrastructure. Government invested infrastructures includes recreation
centers, municipal parks, waste management facilities, education institutions, access to roads, health care facilities, and much more. A
properly functioning community requires these basic structures to sufficiently operate at high, stable, and a dependable capacity. This
system supports the basic needs of its abiding community members and government administration.

The civil rights and civil responsibility of all citizens, including government officials, is the observing of governing laws instructed
within the Holy Covenant and the government administration of the Nation of Israel. All citizens of the Nation of Israel are expected to pay
the same amount in taxes and tithes according to their net worth of income and produce. Administrative fees are accessed upon community

The Royal Family of Israel

members as a set standard price established by the government that are charged per usage. Administrative fees are not established upon a
pay scale of income but on the calculated sum required for administrative production and operation. The Israelites operate as one
community seeking the gain of all its family members rather than selfish ambitions. In the enjoyment of civil service and municipal property,
all citizens enjoy the same quality and availability of service. For instance, all citizens have the same rights of civil privileges to receive the
equivalent quality education despite their location of national territory. Furthermore, citizens are expected to follow the same governing
laws. Citizens who commit crimes are not able to purchase their freedom if they are guilty of a committing a crime. Moreover, justice is
not withheld from community members who are unable to pay court cost or court fees. All citizens have the same opportunity for prosperity,
justice, and advancement throughout the national jurisdiction of Israel. For this reason, all adult citizens are expected to work in order to
provide their service into the development of the family honor of Israel. Moreover, this provides citizens with the opportunity to provide
for their own basic needs, preserve family integrity, and contribute to the support of administrative government. The sociocracy system
prevents the rule of an oppressive government through irresponsible and unbearable laws.

Additionally, citizens are expected to observe all laws taught in the construction of holiness that sets Israel apart from all other
nations. The establishment of holiness is the highest standard of quality living that establishes the sanitation of our community. Proper
sanitation is also a basic need of our community members. By serving one another as described in the Holy Bible the Israelites are able to
adhere to the tradition of sacred living. All community members have chosen to live in the Nation of Israel because of their deep desire for
holiness. Within the government of sociocracy, all community members are expected to demonstrate the laws of God to maintain constant
holiness. Additionally, community members are reminded that ungodliness can cause others to sin and even the innocent may be punished
for the sin of another person. The Nation of Israel has the strictest sanitation codes of any other nation. Our sanitation procedures include
proper hygiene, waste management, and health care services to secure the safety of our nation through holiness. Unlike foreign nations,

The Royal Family of Israel

the Nation of Israel does not rely on a large biomedical or pharmaceutical industry to keep its citizens healthy. In community members
practicing proper sanitation methods, we are able to live securely and enjoy our fullness of livelihood.

And you, my little son, will be called the prophet of the Most High, because you will prepare the way for the Lord. You will tell his people
how to find salvation through forgiveness of their sins. Because of Gods tender mercy, the morning light from heaven is about to break
upon us, to give light to those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, and to guide us to the path of peace.
Luke 1: 76-79

In seeking the needs of all community members, all Israelites are to honor their fellow brothers and sisters and their need to remain
holy as God is holy. Corruption of government can begin with the basic citizens outside of government offices. Thus, all community
members are held responsible for their actions. Community members are expected to take into consideration their fellow family members
and their personal needs. A citizen who steals from another person is not being considerate of the needs of the owner. Likewise, a person
who can share their excess of wealth or abundance of produce is encouraged to do so with consideration of their needs and their neighbors.
The act of genuine care for one another is the expression of consideration through tender love. This is what sets the family of Israel apart
as holy. No other nation or community of the world is designed to genuinely live submissively to one another in the demonstration of love.
This is the Good News of Jesus Christ for Israel to love God, themselves, and others as they love themselves. There is not community
member who is greater than the other of our social system. In the enforcement of preserving equality through genuine love, all community


The Royal Family of Israel

members are reminded of their need to be considerate of another through humble submission. Humility and consideration are the two
attributes that mediate peace throughout our family borders and within our home.


The Royal Family of Israel


The Royal Family of Israel

Types of Residency Status

Individuals and their family members who choose to reside within the government administrative territory of the Nation of Israel
may apply for permission of residency. Community members are classified by one of two residency statuses: permanent residency as an
Israelite citizen or temporary residency as a foreign-immigrant. All citizens are required by law to complete the application process of
request for residency through The Division of Immigration Services. Person who enter the country of Israel and its national administrative
jurisdictions are granted a temporary residency status as a foreign-immigrant for of seven-year period. Temporary residents are required to
renew their certification through their seven-year term with their immigration officer.

Community members must reside within the

community of Israel for a minimum of seven consecutive years prior to acceptance for citizenship status. A person over the age 19 is legally
considered an adult at 20-years old. Minor children age 19 and year are permitted to enter the country of Israel through the granting of
residency of approved parent. A person whose naturalization process is terminated prior to approval of citizenship will be required to begin
the immigration process again, if re-entry is desired at a later date. The Division of Immigration Services can answer further questions
pertaining to the immigration of adults and juveniles within the Nation of Israel.

The human body has many parts, but the many parts make up one who body. So it is with the body of Christ. Some of us are Jews, some
are Gentiles, some are slaves, and some are free. But we have all been baptized into one body by one Spirit, and we were all given one
Spirit to drink.
1 Corinthians 12:12-13


The Royal Family of Israel

Noncitizens are considered to have a dual residency status. Dual residents have a foreign citizen status of their native origin and a
temporary residency approval within the Nation of Israel. These community members have the legal ability to return to their native country
of citizenship origin without continuation of the naturalization process of Israelite citizenship. These community members are recognized
to have the ability to utilize their native citizenship privileges as set forth by native government jurisdiction. All temporary residents residing
within the government administrative territory of the Nation of Israel are held accountable to the laws of our government. Noncitizens
who are approved for Israelite naturalization may choose their ethnicity of Jew or Gentile. A citizen who is capable of proving their bloodline
to the Israelite family is identified as having a Jewish ethnicity. A citizen who is unable to prove their native descendent of the Israelite
family will be classified as a Gentile. Members of the Gentile classification will have their tribal identification chosen by the Lord to establish
which tribal territory they are to inherit. Being an Israelite indicates the right of citizenship within the Promise Land granted to the
descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. All noncitizens are legally classified by their native identify prior to citizenship qualification to
obtain property within the Israelite territory. Citizenship is the recognition of the legal process of adopting a noncitizen into the Jewish
family to learn the Jewish customs of holiness.

So now you Gentiles are no longer strangers and foreigners. You are citizens along with all of Gods holy people. You are members of
Gods family. Together, we are his house, built on the foundation of the apostles and the prophets. And the cornerstone is Christ
Jesus himself. We are carefully joined together in him, becoming a holy temple for the Lord. Through him you Gentiles are also being
made part of his dwelling where God lives by his Spirit.
Ephesians 2:19-22


The Royal Family of Israel

Within the Nation of Israel, we recognize one race of peopleHebrews. The belief of communalism is held in regard to our Holy
Covenant established between the descendants of Israel and Yahweh. All citizens of the Nation of Israel share the Hebrew belief of one
God, one faith, one Body of Jesus Christ, one Heavenly Father, one holy family, and one instructed ability to worship and honor our Creator
Yahweh. Everyone within the family of Israel worships God as his commandments instruct us to worship him putting away our own ideas
and idolatry. Hebrew is the indication of worshipping the Yahweh the God who created the Heavens and the Earth and King Jesus Christ.
Those who share the classification as a Hebrew identify that they share the same genetic composition of all of Gods holy people since the
time of Abraham. Abraham and Sarah were the first holy people identified as Hebrews. Adam and Eve are the first children of God created
to be holy in the image of God. These are the common ancestors that all of the Israelite share including the ancestry of Jesus Christ.

Until the Nation of Israel reaches full maturity of faith and development of godly wisdom, the community of Israel will be comprised
of citizens and noncitizens. As the family of Israel learns the Holy Covenant that established Israel as a family nation and the Body of Jesus
Christ, all members will be citizens. A person is considered a refugee-immigrant for a minimum of 30-days while residency is either approved
or denied and identification is verified. During the approval period for beginning the process of naturalization, temporary residents are
considered foreign-immigrants. The chart below explains the various classification of residency status within the Nation of Israel.




Race: Hebrew

Native-born Israelite (Jew)


Citizenship Status: Israelite

Foreign-born Israelite (Gentile)


Ethnicity: Jew or Gentile


The Royal Family of Israel

National Diversity
Historically, the Nation of Israel has always been filled with diversity of its people. While the promises of God were given to the
family of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, the Israelites have lived among non-relatives as community members. Abraham and Sarah had two
foreign servants who lived among them where their foreign nationality can be traced to specific countries. For instance, Sarah had a servant
woman named Hagar who was from Egypt. Abraham has a male servant named Eliezer who was from Damascus, Aram. Likewise, when
Israel fled from the Egyptian country during the Great Exodus there were many Egyptians who left their country to become Israelites.
Overtime, other non-Israelite descendants would be grafted into the Israelite family. Such is the case for Rahab from Jericho who is the
great grandmother of King David. There are numerous accounts of non-Israelites leaving their native country, homeland, and even family
to become a part of the Israelite family nation. Even during the ministry of Jesus Christ, many Egyptians, Africans, Romans, and other
foreigners traveled to Jerusalem for the festivals and were even present during his crucifixion.

I will bless the foreigners who commit themselves to the Lord, who serve him and love his name, who worship him and do not desecrate the
Sabbath day of rest, and who hold fast to my covenant. I will bring them to my holy mountain of Jerusalem and will fill them with joy in my
house of prayer. I will accept their burnt offerings and sacrifices, because my Temple will be called a house of prayer for all nations. For the
Sovereign Lord, who brings back the outcasts of Israel, says: I will bring others, too, besides my people Israel.
Isaiah 56:6-8


The Royal Family of Israel

Today, the Nation of Israel is filled with just as much diversity of people who operate and function as an established family
component. The Lord has promised to Abraham that he would become the father of many nations and that kings would be among his
descendants. As the Gospel of Jesus Christ commands, all nation of people and languages and skin complexions or tones are invited to be
called children of the living GodI AM! The family of Israel is a mixture of native-born family members and foreign-born family members
all grafted into the family lineage of King Jesus Christ. The composite of Israel is founded upon the heart of each believer to worship God
as the only God and the Heavenly Father of all the people of Israel. The national language of Israel is Hebrew. However, much like Abraham
who originally spoke Aramaic because he was born into the Aramaic nation. We are given an example to live by in our desire to openly
communicate with our brothers and sisters. Within the Nation of Israel, Hebrew is taught as the standard language and all community
residents are encouraged to learn Hebrew. All languages are permitted to be used within the community of Israel; however, in building of
a united communal living harmony of language is essential. For this reason of national diversity among the family members of Israel, all
tribes of Israel will be filled with members from every nation, language, and skin complexion. However, all members are equal in their
respect of being an honored members of the House of Jacob and citizens of the Nation of Israel.

We all belong to one another and we all

belong to the Body of Jesus Christ to bring him honor, glory, majesty, and holy praises before all the world so they may believe in the
goodness of God.

You are worthy to take the scroll and break its seal and open it. For you were slaughtered, and your blood has ransomed people for God
from every tribe, and language, and people, and nation. And you have caused them to become a Kingdom of priests for our God. And
they will reign on the earth.
Revelations 5: 9-10


The Royal Family of Israel


The Royal Family of Israel

A Shared Accountability of Community Members

Jerusalem, Israel is the capital city of the Nation of Israel. This is the specific legislative district chosen by the King of Israel, Jesus
Christ. The city of Jerusalem holds the supreme administrative legislative body of government officials for the Nation of Israel. This district
will be used in strict usage for building legislative and administrative building for government purposes. Furthermore, this is where the
whole community of Israel is designated to gather in holy reverence and worship at the Temple of God. No other city of Israel, or any
foreign country is permitted to build the Temple of God. Since this is a government district city, this city is considered holy and a Levitical
town, property of the Tribe of Levi. The general public may not reside in this territory, unless they are chosen by sacred lots and granted
permission from the Lord God of Israel, King Jesus Christ.

The Lord says, Come away! Flee from Babylon in the land of the north, for I have scattered you to the four winds. Come away, people of
Zion, you who are exiled in Babylon!
After a period of glory, the Lord of Heavens Armies sent me against the nations who plundered you. For he said, Anyone who harms you
harms my most precious possession. I will raise my fist to crush them, and their slaves will plunder them. Then you will know that the
Lord of Heavens Armies has sent me.
The Lord says, Shout and rejoice, O beautiful Jerusalem, for I am coming to live among you. Many nations will join themselves to the
Lord on that day, and they too, will be my people. I will live among you, and you will know that the Lord of Heavens Armies has sent me.
The land of Judah will be the Lords special possession in the Holy Land, and he will once again choose Jerusalem to be his own city. Be
silent before the Lord, all humanity, for he is springing into action from his holy dwelling.

Zechariah 2:6-13

The Royal Family of Israel

Levitical Priesthood
The Tribe of Levi is the chosen legislative administrators for the whole community of Israel. The Lord has chosen these members to
assist the community of Israel in organizing, planning, developing, managing, and implementing all covenant commandments. Of the tribe
of Levi, God has granted the priesthood to the chosen descendants of the priestly family. All other members of the tribe of Levi are
responsible for assisting the Levitical priests in their government duties. Members of the priesthood are required to prove their native
lineage to the priesthood using the Holy Bible containing both the Old Testaments and the New Testaments. In addition, these members
are responsible for obtaining a comprehensive understanding in their ability to govern the people of Israel.

Without the royal priesthood there can be no government of Israel nor a covenant to rectify the people of Israel when they sin or
guide them to live righteously. Of all the members of the tribe of Israel, only the royal priests and officiating monarch are permitted to
enter the most holy place at the Temple sanctuary. The tribe of Levi is the only tribe permitted to collect the royal treasuries and guard
government property, including the tithes and taxes required in the covenant between Yahweh and Israel. The Levitical priest have been
entrusted with safeguarding the whole House of God by preserving the sacred teachings of the Holy Covenant.

Royal Lineage
The royal family is responsible for ensuring the functionality of all government operations. As the chief legislative administrator, the
royal family ensures that the people of Israel fulfill all covenant obligations in their loyalty to the Lord. Historically, the Nation of Israel
revoked their covenant with God by forgetting that Israel is the firstborn son of God. Each tribe of Jacob represents the family of Israel;
therefore, all of Israel share in the unification of family development.

The Royal Family of Israel

The royal family assist in equipping the people of Israel in operating as one community throughout the national territory. While
each tribal territory has its own characteristics, the same Laws of the Covenant govern each individual tribal territory. The royal monarch
is responsible for ensuring that the Nation of Israel operates as a united country under the jurisdiction of King Jesus Christ. Unity is the
most important aspect of the covenant community as members of the Body of Christ, the Lord will provide salvation to his holy and pure
Bride. Each citizen of the Nation of Israel is a constant reminded of the promised salvation and eternal redemption of the Passover Lamb
of God, King Jesus Christ. In the Book of Judges, the family of Israel was often sent into exile as a nation for the moral decay of sin that
spread like cancer to all parts of the tribal community body. The royal family ensures that all neighborhoods of the tribal community
continually flourishes as each part does its designated duties in progressing the House of Jacob and the Kingdom of Heaven.

God has called us to live holy lives, not impure lives. Therefore, anyone who refuses to live by these rules is not disobeying human
teaching but is rejecting God, who gives his Holy Spirit to you.
1 Thessalonians 4: 7-8

The Gospel of Jesus Christ

The Gospel of Jesus Christ is the message of repentance to receive salvation for continual loyalty to the King of Israel, the Messiah
Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ, who is both the Son of God and the visible image of God, is the Lord God of Israel, Yahweh. All of Israel is

The Royal Family of Israel

responsible for getting to know who the Lord is in their ability to obtain citizenship into the Nation of Israel, in addition to the Lords eternal
salvation and holy redemption.

The message of Jesus Christ is for both those who believe and for those who do not believe. Since, God will judge all people according
to their public and private deeds and thoughts, even those outside our community are responsible for obedience to God. Judgement begins
first at the house of the Lord with the priest who were given the Law of God and commanded to teach these Laws to the people of Israel as
an everlasting covenant of peace. Following the priest, the Lord will hand down judgement on the rest of Israel for their failure to comply
with these covenant commandments. Next, judgement will be charged in the favor of Gods righteousness against those who never believed
the Word of God nor desired to obey his commandments. Salvation is available to both the Jews and the Gentiles who believe; therefore,
the world no longer has an excuse for remaining in disobedience nor refusing to believe in Jesus Christ. Of all the nations and religions of
the world, the Nation of Israel and the native family of Jacob is the only kingdom that can fully preach the Good News of Jesus Christ. All
other nations will fall into eternal doom and discarded as worthless because they do know the covenant God. However, in the establishment
of one nation the Lord was seeking to redeem the whole world for eternal despair if they will believe in love, hope, and faith. The Lords
holy people ensure that the Word of God is protected from defilement and deception.

The Promise Land

The Promise Land is the covenant territory allotted to the promised descendant of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. All of the twelve sons
of the descendants of Jacob inherited tribal territory for their offspring to reside. However, the land will remain in ownership of the Lord
who has given the family of Israel regulations to care for his property. The Nation of Israel belongs to the Lord which includes people,

The Royal Family of Israel

animals, and land which God has instructed us how to properly govern his belongings. The national territory of Israel expands from the
River of Egypt through the Arabian Desert to the Euphrates River. The Israelites have inherited the land of other pagan nations. If the
Israelites continue to observe all of the commandments of God, they will also inherit the earth as their eternal inheritance through salvation.

Israel is unlike any other nation in its respect that Israels laws imitate the Government of Heaven where King Jesus Christ is eternally
enthroned. The Lord Jesus Christ who is God and the Creator of all life, is also the Eternal King of Israel. Jesus Christ is the Beginning and
the End. He is the King of all kings and Lord of all Lords. For this reason, the Israelites must ensure they observe all of the commandments
of God. The royal lineage is the indication of God establishing his government. The royal lineage is responsible for establishing organization
to the Nation of Israel by ruling as the supreme judge, high priest, prophet, military commander, and native-born descendent of the Israelite

The ancient patriarch Abraham paved the example of the Israelite home-style treatment of strangers, foreigners, household servants,
relatives, and community members. Hospitality is a major part of the Jewish-Hebrew culture to ensure guest and visitors feel comfortable,
secure, and welcomed. Whether a hosts is washing the feet of their guest or applying the customary anointment of pure olive oil upon the
forehead of a guest as a symbol of peaceful welcoming, hospitality is a signification part of our Jewish-Hebrew heritage. The cultural greeting
of one another with a hug and a kiss upon the cheek is also a common greeting of the welcoming embrace of love for one another. Since
the community of Israel is considered a simplex of family members, there is no stranger within our national borders. This ensures that all
members work toward illuminating the honor of Israels family name and heritage.

The Royal Family of Israel

The ability to demonstrate genuine concern for one another can go a great length in raising the national security of the JewishHebrew family. A guest should not feel surprised if a neighbor joyfully welcomes them into their home for a feast or simple meal. Hospitality
progresses the cultural awareness of each community member to care for each other within a respectable commitment. Our community
values assist in the establishment of safety and security among all members to promote the welcoming of our neighborhood family members.
In promotion of hospitality, we are also able to inspire a culture of humility, gratefulness, love, and security. Hospitality cultivates a genuine
awareness to the social human needs that permit the love of one another to fully develop as a holy people. Our display of love for one
another is the outward display of our love for God, the Heavenly Father of the Israelite family.

But Gods truth stands firm like a foundation stone with this inscription: The Lord knows those who are his and All who belong to
the Lord must turn away from evil.
In a wealthy home some utensils are made of gold and silver, and some are made of wood and clay. The expensive utensils are used for
special occasions, and the cheap ones are for everyday use. If you keep yourself pure, you will be a special utensil for honorable use.
Your life will be clean, and you will be ready for the Master to use you for every good work.
2 Timothy 2:19-21

In the promotion of civil welfare and national security, all members of the community of Israel are reminded of their codependency
upon one another. The dedication of service is what propels our community forward toward the continual progression of receiving our

The Royal Family of Israel

salvation from the Lord and thus inheriting the whole earth as he promised. The act of service is our own willingness to remember we all
serve one Lord who is God, King Jesus Christ, and we are subject to his acceptance or disapproval by our value of service. There is no better
than the other community member. All members assist in the progress of securing the roots of the Nation of Israel and the biblical JewishHebrew culture for eternal service to God.

For instance, sentry officers serve the community in their service to protect the community of Israel by enforcing government laws.
Each community member also demonstrates their willingness to serve by observing government laws without fail. This assists in the
exceptional service that enhances our community for all our members. In addition, remember that all members of our community have
value to the preservation of honor toward our community. Each community member, whether a child or an adult, janitor or postal carrier,
all provide community services that enhance the integrity of our community. As each community member provides their service to enrich
the community where we all live, there is peace, prosperity, and unfailing love to God, ourselves, and each other. The act of servitude extends
from the individual who is willing to demonstrate humility, respect, service, and dedication upon one another in the establishment of our
faith in Jesus Christ.


The Royal Family of Israel

Independent Government Structure

The Nation of Israel is a family unit of members who recognize their family responsibility to King Jesus Christ, the Son of God. All
family members of the House of Jacob are expected to dedicate their full attention to building the Nation of Israel. The Nation of Israel is
founded upon the Good News of Jesus Christ and the desire of all community members to be judged by the Word of God to receive salvation
and mercy for their past sins in repentance. The ability to fellowship and commune within the Nation of Israel is sharing of the holy
communion through Jesus Christ, who is the Bread of Life. Therefore, all family members of the House of Jacob are citizens of the Nation
of Israel who are seeking the progression of the Kingdom of Heaven upon the Earth.

Anyone with ears to hear must listen to the Spirit and understand what he is saying to the churches. To everyone who is victorious I will
give some of the manna that has been hidden away in heaven. And I will give to each one a white stone, and on the stone will be engraved
a new name that no one understands except the one who receives it.
Revelations 2:17

The Nation of Israel is a legitimately established government built by King Jesus Christ of the family of Israel. As outlined within the
Holy Covenant, the Nation of Israel is to maintain its independence as a government establishment. To ensure the communalism of our
Hebrew heritage, the Nation of Israel doesnt have international alliances with foreign governments. The Nation of Israel does not build


The Royal Family of Israel

military or commercial alliances as commanded by the Lord. All administrative services are performed by citizens of the Nation of Israel.
Additionally, our economic progression is supported by our independence commercial industries of our educated working-class citizens.

As an official establishment as a legitimize government administration we have an independent currency system. Our nation
produces its own national currency that is circulated throughout our national territory jurisdiction as a legal tender for the validation of
transactions. The national currency system of the Nation of Israel is called the shekel. All weights of coins to establish the appropriate
values are established according to biblical doctrine as outlined within the ancient Laws of God. The amount of currency distributed
throughout our community or national territory jurisdiction is validated with gold, silver, and bronze held in our National Treasury vaults.
The Nation of Israel does circulate its own paper currency that is validated by the secured storage of gold within the two national treasuries.
Our government has two treasuries that hold the wealth of the Imperial Administration and the Temple Administration. These two fiscal
accounts protect and secure the financial security of the monarchy administration. All tender manufactured, stored, and distributed by
the administration of Israel is legally validated to authorization of financial transactions. Government officials regularly monitor the fiscal
circulation of currency within all national jurisdiction territory to ensure accurate quantities are in supply of consumers and merchants.

Additionally, to eliminate the international trade with foreign nations, the Israelite government strictly prohibits the circulation of
foreign currency within our territory. There are no agreements established between foreign governments and our native government to
validate the accuracy of the value of currency. Foreign currency cannot be used to validate the transaction of purchases or payments within
the national territory jurisdiction of the Nation of Israel. Transaction completed with foreign currency will thus be null and void.
Additionally, citizens and noncitizens are prohibited from trading Israelite currency with foreign nations. The Nation of Israel does not

The Royal Family of Israel

validate the financial transaction of purchases or payment completed with Israelite currency for the purchase of foreign merchandise or
service. It is considered a criminal offense by the Laws of God to exchange Israelite currency for foreign currency. This act of treason holds
a capital punishment within the Nation of Israel. All currency is provided by the royal family who manufactures and invests the shekel
throughout our national territory jurisdiction. The national currency belongs to the royal family of the Nation of Israel that provides the
economic stimulus through native currency. All community workers assist in the development of our economic progression through the
circulation of native currency called the shekel.

The Nation of Israel does not lend financial resources to foreign governments or foreign citizens outside of the national territory
jurisdiction of the Nation of Israel. Foreign-immigrants who seek to reside within the national territory jurisdiction of the Nation of Israel
are permitted to apply for temporary residency status. Noncitizens who are permitted to become residents of the Israelite community are
able to receive financial assistance. Foreign-immigrants who are suffering from oppression such as poverty, civil wars, political corruption,
famine, drought, diseases, and other oppressive environment may join our community. However, a foreign-immigrant who desires to leave
the Nation of Israel may take any possession of property obtained through employment but may not transport Israelite currency outside of
our national jurisdiction territory. This system of communalism protects the precious financial resources of the Nation of Israel of those
who seek to fully submit the government administration of King Jesus Christ. This agreement to permit non-Hebrew immigrants into the
Nation of Israel is granted through the process of naturalization as shared in the Holy Covenant of the Holy Bible. The Nation of Israel is a
family nation designed to preserve the family heritage of the Jewish-Hebrew people and to operate as a Hebrew tribal community.


The Royal Family of Israel

To promote the welfare of our family members, the Nation of Israel conserves our native resources by disbursing currency and assets
to community members. This includes the resources earned by wages and provided through generous donations. Additionally, assets such
as the obtaining of personal property are earned by our working-class citizens. Assets such as animals, land, homes, and other items of
personal possession are considered the property of the buyer or inheritor. Permanent residents or citizens are permitted to obtain lawful
ownership of land property to purchase. A person who owns land may build their own home or business as their own personal property of
lawful ownership. Likewise, permanent residents are also able to obtain agricultural land to grow and produce their own food and herd
their own animals. The circulation of our commerce is developed to support the progression of our Israelite nation.

Lastly, with the belief of fellowship through shared trust in the Lord, the Nation of Israel builds its commerce industry and
agricultural development through biblical standards. Citizens and noncitizens of the Nation of Israel are provided the opportunity to
reinvest their developed skills, intellect, and talents through equal employment opportunity careers. Our country does not hire outside
countries or foreign workers to stimulate our economic development. All products sold within our community are manufactured or grown
by own native employment force. This protects our community members and our independent economic system. Community members,
whether citizen or noncitizen, are able to obtain gainful employment in a varieties of career fields that generate the national economy of
Israel. Unlike other foreign countries, agriculture is a major career field of our national heritage as an honored industry toward our Hebrew
heritage. We herd, mate, and care for our own agricultural animals such as sheep, goat, cattle, horses, and camels. Farmers and agricultural
workers are highly-esteemed members of our society. In addition to animals, we also grow our own fresh vegetables, fruits, grains, and
other vegetation items. By not importing our food sources, we are better able to build our culture with the assurance of the Holy Covenant.
Outlined within the Holy Covenant, Israelites and foreign-immigrants provide tithes of vegetation produce to the Lord. In doing so the

The Royal Family of Israel

community of Israel recognizes the blessings of God that provides the prosperity and fertility that ensures Israel as an independent nation
of holy living.

The Gospel of Jesus Christ requires all people from all nations of the world to submit to the Lord, King Jesus Christ, who is the Son
of God. In recognizing the disobedience of foreign nations to repent of their sins, the Nation of Israel cannot support the establishment of
foreign governments. This include the support of the foreign economic progression. The financial sanction toward the economic
development of foreign governments is in recognition of the sovereign authority of Jesus Christ as King of all the world. All community
members who desire financial support through employment, food, health care, and protection agree to share the communalism belief of
protection the Hebrew heritage as the accepted system of the holy society. The support of foreign economic progression is recognized in
the tribute of taxes to non-Israelite administration and the engagement of other economic transactions. The national goal of the Nation of
Israel is to obtain full economic independence in the establishment of an independent commerce industry, agricultural development, and
a non-exchangeable currency system. This law is established within the Holy Covenant between God and Israel as being a blessed nation
above all other nations of the world.

Mordecai the Jew became prime minister, with authority next to that of King Xerxes himself. He was very great among the Jews, who
held him in high esteem, because he continued to work for the good of his people and speak up for the welfare of all their descendants.
Esther 10:3


The Royal Family of Israel

Lastly, with the belief of fellowship through shared trust in the Lord, the Nation of Israel builds its commerce industry and
agricultural development through communalism. Citizens and noncitizens of the Nation of Israel are provided the opportunity to reinvest
their developed skills, intellect, and talents through equal employment opportunity careers. Our country does not hire outside countries
or foreign workers to stimulate our economic development. All products sold within our community are manufactured or grown by own
native employment force. This protects our community members and our independent economic system. Community members, whether
citizen or noncitizen, are able to obtain gainful employment in a varieties of career fields that circulate the national economy of Israel.
Unlike other foreign countries, agriculture is a major career field of our national heritage. We herd, mate, and care for our own agricultural
animals such as sheep, goat, cattle, horses, and camels. Farmers and agricultural workers are honored members of our society. In addition
to animals, we also grow our own fresh vegetables, fruits, grains, and other vegetation items. By not importing our food source, we are
better able to build our culture with the assurance of the Holy Covenant. Outline within the Holy Covenant, Israelites and foreignimmigrants provide tithes of vegetation produce to the Lord. In doing so the community of Israel recognizes the blessings of God that
provides the prosperity and fertility that ensures Israel as an independent nation of holy living.

The Gospel of Jesus Christ invites all people from all nation of the world to submit to the Lord, King Jesus Christ, who is the Son of
God. In recognizing the disobedience of foreign nations to repent of their sins, the Nation of Israel cannot support the establishment of
foreign governments. This include the support of the foreign economic progression. This financial sanction toward the economic
development of foreign government is in recognition of the sovereign authority of Jesus Christ as King of all the world. All community
members who desire financial support through employment, food, health care, and protection agree to share the communalism belief of
protecting the Hebrew heritage as the accepted system of our holy society. This belief is biblical in the allegiance to one nation, loyalty to
one family honor, and the inauguration of one Lord God, King Jesus Christ of the Nation of Israel.

The Royal Family of Israel

Economic Equality
The Nation of Israel promotes an economic equality that ensures the enjoyable quality of life that makes Israel the greatest nation of
the world. Economic equality is the belief that all community members have the right to live at a standard of living equal to other members.
Throughout our community, we provide all citizens with the same tools and resources to encourage economic equality. Economic equality
is the advanced belief of an sociocracy monarchy. There is no discrimination toward the ability to prosper significantly within the Nation
of Israel. Economic equality is displayed within various forms of our family community as a functional and loving household. Economic
equality supports our financial independence for each citizen and as a family nation, at whole.

I, the Lord, have called you to demonstrate my righteousness. I will take you by the hand and guard you, and I will give you to my people,
Israel, as a symbol of my covenant with them. And you will be a light to guide the nations. You will open the eyes of the blind. You will free
the captives from prison, releasing those who sit in dark dungeons.
I am the Lord; that is my name! I will not give my glory to anyone else, nor share my praise with carved idols. Everything I prophesied has
come true, and now I will prophesy again. I will tell you the future before it happens.
Isaiah 42:6-9


The Royal Family of Israel

The Nation of Israel has a set standard of government fees that are distributed to the general public as tithes and taxes. 20% of a
persons income, purchases, or assets is levied for payment to the Imperial Administration and Temple Administration. The first 10% of a
persons resources are charged a tithe that is used in the serve of the Temple Administration. The second 10% of a persons resources are
charged toward the Imperial Administration. These two fees are circulated into the economic system for municipal and government
services. All municipal services such as public pools, parks, gardens, recreational facilities, libraries, athletic fields, medical facilities, public
education institutions and much more are equally funded within each tribal territory. All of these services are paid for by the monarchy
treasury and operation of services are maintained by tax-invested government revenue. This ensures that all community members are able
to enjoy the abundant of our enjoyable amenities at a reduced or minimal cost.

Citizens and noncitizens are permitted to gain a high-quality education through our tax-invested public education system. All
citizens are able to obtain a total of 18-years juvenile education and 4 additional years in adult education through tax investors. Noncitizen
juveniles are also permitted to enroll in our public education institution at no direct cost of their parents. However, noncitizen adults are
required to pay tuition on their college education received from our academic facilities.

Juvenile students may enroll into the public

education system at 6-months of age; however, parents are mandated to enroll all students by the age 2-years old. Our juvenile academic
service progress as follows: nursery school, elementary school, high school, and trade school. Students are progressed forwards as they build
and develop specific skills deemed necessary. Students learn how the world around them works and how to apply their discovery of the
world in useful skills and occupational professions. This system ensures that all students receive an equal opportunity through an
individualized and symmetrical academic development. Community members can advance within our community upon their own
determination, capabilities, and esteem. The monarchy of Israel supplies and funds citizens with necessary tools to accommodate a

The Royal Family of Israel

progressive workforce of skilled workers at the age of 20-years old and older. However, regardless of the occupational choices of our
community members, all are known for their contribution within our national workforce team.

Within our community, citizens are permitted to operate and own their own industrial enterprises. Commercial industries supply
direct stocks of merchandise that is required for Israelites to maintain their economic independence. Supplies such as furniture, pottery,
clothing, hygienic products, transit vehicles, and other items that our community needs to function properly. These services develop our
commercial and industrial workforce through academically skilled and professionally trained workers. As commercial industries progress
in capacity they require employees to aid in the supply and demand of merchandise and services. Several relationships are formed within
our economic system. First, the relationship between royal administration and commercial industries. Entrepreneurs or business owners
work directly with government officials to ensure business procedures are lawfully operated. Next, employees and government officials
build a relationship to ensure employees perform their appropriate task and recording of wages earned. Lastly, each individual enterprise
owner builds direct relationships with both community members: consumers and their employees. These relationships directly affect our
economic independence and the fulfillment of financial stability.

To ensure that all community members are able to maintain their daily cost of living and provide for their basic needs, employers
are lawfully required to fairly compensate hired workers. The Imperial Administration establishes the minimum wage for starting employees
based on a calculated sum of general costs. In support of financial independence, employees are able to pay their daily cost of living without
government welfare or continuous aid of loans. This law protects the civil rights of employees and ensures their basic need are continuously
met. The basic needs of community members are housing, transportation, hygienic supplies, utilities, food, and health care services. All

The Royal Family of Israel

employees are fairly compensated at minimum wage to build their financial independence and continue forth with additional promotions
with career experience and academic accreditations.

The requirement for employers to fairly compensate their employees lessens the

liability of employers to supply occupational benefits. Occupational benefits are various forms of financial services that employers supply
to compensate employees who are not fairly paid. To promote the balance of sociocracy within our community, the Nation of Israel is
responsible for protecting the interest of government administration, community members, and commercial industries including employers
and employees. Fair compensation of employers and fair pricing demanded from consumers are a simple forms of economic justice. These
founding laws supply a cohesive economic progression that builds a genuine and trustworthy relationship between consumers, merchants,
and government administration.

Economic equality is the balanced of treatment or shared ability to obtain financial independence. Equal opportunities are founded
on the belief that all persons have the civil right to receive the same standard of treatment. Since all are equal within the Nation of Israel,
all family members are provided the same financial resources and occupational tools to obtain financial independence. It is the civil
responsibility of each community member to utilize their provided resources without seeking to hinder their fellow members. The economic
progression of the Royal Regime of Israel is supported by an educated skilled workforce team. All members have the ability to live within
their fiscal ability and maintain financial independence without excessive loans, monetary support, or continuous government welfare


The Royal Family of Israel

Holy Calendar of the Covenant Family

The Nation of Israel follows a lunar calendar system that is established in the Holy Bible beginning in the Book of Genesis when God
created the Heavens and Earth in six days, and on the seventh day he rested from his works. In the Book of Genesis at the end of each day
it states, And evening passed and morning came, marking the first day. The Lord stated to Moses and Aaron that all days begin at sundown.
Within the Nation of Israel, our days beginning sundown to sundown. Unlike, the Georgian days that begin at 12:00 AM or sunrise to
sunrise. For this reason, our priest and other government officials closely observe the cycle and phases of the moon and sun to determine
the beginning of a new day and new month. As observed by our moon cycle, our months beginning on the day of the new moon. As the
season changes our days may be longer or shorter depending upon the timing of the sunrise and sunset. In regards to timing, Israelite use
the sun or solar system to determine the timing of day. In the Book of Joshua (10:12-15), the Lord extended the day by holding the sun in the
sky longer than usual. During King Hezekiahs reign he used a sundial as a timepiece (2 Kings 20:8-11). Each element of creation has a
specific purpose in orienting the Nation of Israel to be in alignment with God and with nature.

So the creation of the heavens and the earth and everything in them was completed. On the seventh day God had finished his works of
creation, so he rested from all his work. And God blessed the seventh day and declared it holy, because it was the day when he rested
from all his work of creation. This is the account of the creation of the heavens and the earth.
Genesis 2:1-4


The Royal Family of Israel

The Georgian calendar is established by the cycle of the solar phases or sun. However, the Hebrew calendar is established by the
cycle of the lunar phases or moon. For this reason, each month will not begin or end on the same paralleled day. However, the Georgian
and Hebrew calendars will always fall within the same season of the year. Likewise, a Hebrew month may overlap two Georgian months by
overlapping of partial timeframe. In general, the tablet provides a general explanation of how to observe the Hebrew calendar in accordance
with the seasons of the year and the appropriate festivals that may fall within that particular month.

Then God said, Let lights appear in the sky to separate the day from the night. Let them be signs to mark the seasons, days, and years. Let
these lights in the sky shine down on the Earth. And that is what happened.
God made two great lightsthe larger one to govern the day, and the smaller one to govern the night. He also made the stars. God set
these lights in the sky to light the Earth, to govern day and night, and to separate the light from the darkness. And God saw that it was
good. And evening passed and morning came, marking the fourth day.
Genesis 1:14-19

Each season is determined by the solar and lunar pulls upon the Earth that tilts the globe on an axis. The Hebrew calendar is divided
into four season determined by the equinoxes and solstice phases. The Holy Bible recognizes 12 biblical months and four seasons of spring,
summer, autumn, and winter. There are exactly 30 days within each lunar year which totals 360 days per annual year. Each holy festival is


The Royal Family of Israel

indicated in its biblical instructions of when to properly celebrate its occasion. The ancient Hebrews were a very intellectually advanced
society of people who were very in tuned with nature, science, literature, and many other educational studies and occupational trades.
The following table on this page provides a basic explanation of the Covenant Calendar, in accordance to the biblically recognized festivals and months.

Georgian Month


Hebrew Month




Tevet (Tebeth)
Sh'vat (Shebat)













Av (Ab)








Cheshvan (Bul)



Kislev (Chislev)


Appointed Festival

Spring begins
March 20th

Festival of Purim
Jewish New Year, Passover, and the Festival of
Unleavened Bread
Passover and the Festival of Unleavened Bread

begins June

Autum begins
Festival of Trumpets, Day of Atonement, Festival of
Winter begins


The Royal Family of Israel

Covenant Holy Festivals

Within the Nation of Israel, all community members worship the Lord and Holy Master, King Jesus Christ, who revealed himself to
Moses as Yahwehthe God of your ancestors, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. It is outlawed within the family of Israel to worship
idols or celebrate in pagan worship. The Nation of Israel is a Holy Covenant community that represent the temple of God as holy priest and
holy worshippers. In recognition of the Holy Covenant between God and the family of Israel, all community members of Israel are lawfully
required to worship the God of Israel as instructed in the Holy Bible, both the Old Testament and New Testament.

Within the Holy Covenant, the Lord God has provided specific times of worshipping and specific instructions to worship the Lord.
Everyday there are worship services performed at the Temple of God located in the capital of Jerusalem, Israel. A morning and evening
service is performed daily by the tribe of Levi, the holy priests and holy Temple Assistants. Songs of joyful instruments are joined with glad
praises from the holy choir of the Lord. The worshippers who gather are invited to sing and dance in their thrilled of the majestic glory of
the sovereign and holy Lord, King Jesus Christ of the Nation of Israel. Community members are not required to join in the daily worship
services but may fellowship at the Temple of God, if they desire to do so. The weekly Sabbath, the monthly festivals, and the annually
festivals require all of Israel to gather in holy matrimony in their honoring of their sacred commitment to King Jesus Christ as his holy bride.
The Nation of Israel is the virgin Bride of King Jesus Christ that is set apart as holy, sacred, and pure through faith in the Son of God, who is
the Family Redeemer of the House of Jacob. Both citizens and noncitizens that reside within the Nation of Israel are lawfully required to
observe all holy festivals that are outlined within the Holy Covenant.


The Royal Family of Israel

The Lord said to Moses, Give the following instructions to the people of Israel. These are the Lords appointed festivals, which you are to
proclaim as official days of holy assembly. You have six days each week for your ordinary work, but the seventh day is a Sabbath day of
complete rest, an official day for holy assembly. It is the Lords Sabbath, and it must be observed wherever you live. In addition to the
Sabbath, these are the Lords appointed festivals, the official days for holy assembly that are to be celebrated at their proper times each
Leviticus 23:1-4

Daily Festival

Duration of Days: Eternally

Appointed Time: Daily
Biblical Reference: Numbers 28:1-8; Deuteronomy 5; Luke 2:36-40;

Within the community of Israel, every day is a day of festive worship and celebration. The priest and Temple Assistants serve at the
Temple of God twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. Worshippers are invited to join in the daily recognition of worship at the
Temple. Worship services are orchestrated with holy instruments of harps, trumpets, lyre, flutes, cymbals, and rams horn. Holy instruments
are also used by the priest and Temple Assistants who also perform the Psalms of God written by the holy prophets of Israel. In addition to

The Royal Family of Israel

worship, the priest and Temple Assistants instruct the people of Israel in bible study. The Lords most holy servants explain the Holy Bible
or Book of Instructions to the holy servants of God. Worshippers join in holy feasting and fasting at the Temple of God in their worship
communion of holy fellowship. Worshippers can also daily bring their tithes or special offerings to the Temple of God to support the Temple
Administration as required by Law of God.

Weekly Festival

Duration of Days: 1
Appointed time: On the seventh day of the week
Biblical Reference: Genesis 2:1-4; Exodus 31:12-18; Exodus 35:1-3; Leviticus 23:1-4; Numbers 15:32-36; Numbers 28:9-10; Matthew 12;

The weekly Sabbath called the Shabbat is held on the seventh day of the week. This is an official day for holy worship. All community
members and tribal citizens cease from their normal affairs of work, harvest, and recreation to pilgrimage to Jerusalem, Israel. The priest
and community leaders will close the gates of Jerusalem upon sundown at the beginning of the seventh day (Friday night). The gates of
Jerusalem will not be open until the ending of the worship service (Saturday night). Each holy festival is followed by these same instructions
of securing the gates of Jerusalem during our festivities. During this time the worshippers pitch their tents or bedding within the courtyard
of the Lords throne. The whole city lite with the brilliance of the Lords glory as worshippers praise Yahwehthe God of Abraham, Isaac,
and Jacob and the God of Jesus Christ. For a full 24-hours the whole nation gathers in worship and free from the cares of the world to honor

The Royal Family of Israel

the Lord God of Israel. The whole city vibrating from the gladness of praise to the only true living Lord God, King Jesus Christ, who is the
Son of God! The weekly Shabbat is Israels family reunion where friends, who are united as family, join from all twelve tribes of Israel to the
capital, Jerusalem, Israel. Jerusalem is the Mother Land and the heartbeat of Israels body that is secured in the Promise Land.

Monthly Festivals

Duration of Days: 1
Appointed Time: On the new moon phase
Biblical Reference: Numbers 10:1-10; Numbers 28: 11-15;

The New Moon Festival is called to celebrate God in recognition of a new month. Within the Jewish community, we observe a lunar
calendar. At the beginning of each month when the moon is not visible, we call a new month. In order for the Jewish nation to observe the
Holy Covenant it is essential to also observe the lunar phases and cycle. Every day the priest and other government leaders observe the
phases of the lunar cycle. When the new moon is to begin, the whole nation is called to celebrate at the New Month Festival. Rams horns
and trumpets are blown by the priest and national leaders to call a national assembly of all community members. A reminder for all to be
alert to the call to worship the Lord. The festival lasts a whole day. If the festival overlaps another holy day we would recognize both
festivals upon the same day. For instance, a New Moon Festival called Rosh Chodesh in Hebrew may begin on a Shabbat day or on another
annual festival. If this is the case, two holy festivals will be worshipped according to the Holy Covenant.


The Royal Family of Israel


Duration of Days: 1
Appointed Time: On the full moon phase
Biblical Reference: Psalm 81:3

Similar to the New Moon Festival, the Full Moon Festival is celebrated approximately 14-15 days after the new moon. When the moon
reaches 100% full, the Jewish-Israelite nation calls for a celebration. The New Moon Festival and the Full Moon Festival is never to celebrate
the moon, stars, or any figurative celestial beings. The festivals are observed to keep in observance of the Jewish lunar calendar and months.
Since the full moon is in the middle of the moon cycle, it signals the middle of the month. These festivals assist in keeping in order of each
lunar month. Unlike the solar months, whose calendar that is written out prior to the dates actually occurring, the lunar calendar is observed
daily. Once a new month is called a monthly calendar can be produced with approximant days; however, calendars with multiple months
in advance is not produced within the Nation of Israel.


The Royal Family of Israel

Annual Festivals

Duration of Days: 1
Appointed Time: 1st day of new year; Abib 1
Biblical Reference: Exodus 23:14-19; Ezekiel 45:18-20;

The Jewish New Year, Rosh Hashanah, is held on Abib 1. The festival is celebrated within the springtime to usher in the Hebrew new
year. A signal for the Israelites to also begin the festive celebration of Passover and the Festival of Unleavened Bread. This festival is
recognized with purification ceremonies and reading of the Holy Scriptures. Exuberant and gleeful songs are sung to honor the Lord for his
blessings of a new year. Following the new year festival, the whole nation begins spring cleaning to ensure everyone is ready for Pesach
within the next two weeks. The whole community of Israel begins prepared for the new year in purity and holiness at the Temple of God.


Duration of Days: 8
Appointed Time: Abib 14 (Passover); Abib 15-21 (The Festival of Unleavened Bread)
Biblical Reference: Exodus 3-15; Exodus 23:14-19; Leviticus 23:5-8; Numbers 28:16-25; Ezekiel 45: 21-24; Deuteronomy 16:1-8; Mark 14; Luke
22:7-30; John 11-13;


The Royal Family of Israel

Passover is celebrated on the 14th day of Abib. However, on the 10th day the community inspects their sacrificial lamb or goat for the
celebration. This special animal is delicately cared for prior to its chosen but all last inspections are performed upon the 10th day. The
Passover is the national anniversary of Israel first exodus from EgyptThe Great Exodus. Following the Passover feast, Israelites begin the
following day with The Festival of Unleavened Bread. During the eight day festivals the Nation of Israel recites the Book of Exodus to the
whole community of Israel. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is also read in commemoration of the Passover Lamb of God. This ensures that the
miracles and ancestral history of Israel is not lost. When Israel began to live as an independent nation separated from foreign government
authority to worship the Lord their God and King. As the Israelite read the Holy Covenant they are reminded of their difficulties under
foreign government as they lived in exile and oppressed. Most importantly, the Israelites are reminded of their privilege to suffer and still
trust in God to save and redeem them from their enemies.

They ae the people of Israel, chosen to be Gods adopted children. God revealed his glory to them. He made covenants with them and
gave them his law. He gave them the privilege of worshipping him and receiving his wonderful promises. Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob are
their ancestors, and Christ himself was an Israelite as far as his human nature is concerned. And he is God, the one who rules over
everything and is worthy of eternal praise! Amen.
Romans 9:45


The Royal Family of Israel


Duration of Days: 8
Appointed Time: Ziv 14 (Passover); Ziv 15-21 (The Festival of Unleavened Bread)
Biblical Reference: Numbers 9

Pesach Sheni or the second Passover and Festival of Unleavened Bread is held within the second month of the year. This command
was given to the Israelites during their second year of The Great Exodus of Israel. Some of the Israelite men were not able to properly purify
themselves to celebrate the first Pesach. Therefore, in Gods mercy for those who desire to honor him despite their impurities, he permitted
them to celebrate the Passover and the Festival of Unleavened Bread within the second month of the year. All the commands for the first
festival is still applied. The Israelites were given a second chance to purify themselves to honor the Lord God with holiness and a contrite
heart. Another reason for the Israelites to rejoice in the merciful grace of God who is compassionate towards those who seek his honor and


Duration of Days: 1
Appointed Time: After the Sabbath following the first seasonal harvest
Biblical Reference: Exodus 23:14-19; Leviticus 23:9-14; Deuteronomy 26; John 6:22-71;


The Royal Family of Israel

The Nation of Israel is an agricultural nation. Israel herds its own animals of sheep, cattle, oxen, goat, and poultry. Additionally, the
Israelites also grow their own vegetation of fruits, vegetables, nuts, and other produce. The Lord has commanded the Israelites to bring the
first harvest of grain to the Temple of God. Each Israelite farmer gives a generous bundle of grain to God from their first cutting. A reminder
that it is God who gives us seed to grow food that feeds us and our animals. The Israelites also bring other gifts to the Lord God of Israel as
commanded by Holy Scriptures. These celebration offerings are separate from the tithes, taxes, and other voluntary gifts the Israelites are
commanded to give to the Lord as a holy covenant community. The whole community of Israel is prohibited from eating any harvested
grain until this celebration to the Lord God, Yahweh. From this celebration, the priest would count off 50 days to recognize The Festival of


Duration of Days: 1
Appointed Time: 50 days after the Celebration of First Harvest
Biblical Reference: Exodus 23:14-19; Leviticus 23:15-22; Numbers 28:26-31; Deuteronomy 16:9-12; Acts 2

The Festival of Harvest takes places toward the end of the harvest season. A reminder for the people of Israel to continuously give
to the Lord his due praises for all of His wonderful blessings. Toward the end of the season, the fields are filled with fresh and ripe
vegetation of a wide assortment that can be harvested daily. Later, this festival would have another meaning for the Church of Jesus
Christ after his resurrection when he sent the Gentiles the same Holy Spirit that the Jewish people had. Never before in biblical history


The Royal Family of Israel

had God revealed giving the Holy Spirit to any other people outside of the covenant family of Israel. Now, the Gentiles and the Jewish
people were both part of the same harvest planted by the seed of Gods holy word.


Duration of Days: 1
Appointed Time: Tishri 1
Biblical Reference: Leviticus 23:23-25; Numbers 29:1-6;

The Festival of Trumpets is held on the first day of the seventh month during the New Moon Festival. This festival is filled with more
vibrancy that other New Moon Festivals, since it is to remind the Israelites to prepare for the High Holy Month. During this month the
Israelites hold several festivals and ancestral celebrations to commemorate their Hebrew heritage. After this festival the Israelite community
begins to purify themselves and their community with even more intensely to prepare for the Day of Atonement.


Duration of Days: 1
Appointed Time: Tishri 10
Biblical Reference: Leviticus 16; Leviticus 23:26-32; Numbers 29: 7-11;

The Royal Family of Israel

The Day of Atonement, Yom Kippur, is considered the holiest day of the Jewish-Hebrew year and of all festivals. During this Sabbath the
whole community of Israel is prohibited from eating any food to fast. The High Priest or Prince of Israel offer special gifts to the Lord as
sacrifices to purify the people of Israel. Within the Temple of God are two sections called the Holy Place and the Most Holy Place. The
priest and certain Temple Assistants are permitted to enter the Holy Place daily for their duties of service. However, on the Day of
Atonement, the High Priest or Prince of Israel is permitted to enter the Most Holy Place where the Covenant of God is held within the Ark
of the Covenant. This is also where the Lords Spirit is enthroned in the Temple of God. The Apostle Paul explains the purpose of this
Sabbath celebration within the Book of Hebrews. While the priest is in the Most Holy Place of the Temple of the God of Israel, the whole
community of Israel is fasting in repentance. A reminder that God will one day remove our hunger pains and need to eat. Similar to how
Moses fasted for 40 days within the Lords presence as he received the Holy Covenant from God twice for the Nation of Israel. The Lord
reminded his followers that anyone who wanted to follow him must put aside their own selfish ways and daily repent. The Nation of Israel
is disciplined nation of humility and gratitude toward the greatness of Gods forgiveness and many blessings.


Duration of Days: 8
Appointed Time: Tishri 15-22
Biblical Reference: Leviticus 23: 33-44; Numbers 29:12-40; Deuteronomy 16:13-17 Deuteronomy 31:9-13; Ezekiel 45: 25

The Festival of Shelters, Succoth, is a commemoration of the Israelite many exoduses and the nomadic travel toward regaining their
inherited territory. Since the time of Noah, the Israelites have been known for living in tents because of their nomadic lifestyle and

The Royal Family of Israel

agricultural practices. During The Great Exodus of the Nation of Israel from Egypt the Israelites lived in tents as they pilgrimage to the
Land of Milk and Honey. During Succoth, the Nation of Israel lives in tents made of palm fronds and other leafy plants as they reside in
tents for eight days. The Israelites gather together tribe by tribe and ancestor by ancestor to remember the heritage they received from
their Lord God and King, Jesus Christ. This is one of many traditions that attributes to Israel humble national characteristics. As Israel
resided in wooden or stone homes within their native homeland, they could easily forget the plight of trouble that the first patriarchs and
matriarchs had gone through in establishing Israel as a nation.


Duration of Days: 2
Appointed Time: Adar 14-15
Biblical Reference: Esther 9

The Nation of Israel was sent into exile to live in the land of the Medes and Persians. The King of Persia and Medes, Xerces, dethroned
the queen and chose a young Jewish woman to become queen of Persia and of the Medes. King Xerces had not known that the young
woman was of Jewish descent upon marrying Esther. There was a government official named Haman who wanted to annihilate the Jewish
nation because Mordecai, a faithful Jewish servant of the king, refused to honor Haman despite the kings order. However, Queen Esther
spoke up and revealed her Jewish nationality and enacted a law with the kings approval to help her fellow Jewish family. Many of the
Persians and Medes also began to follow the Jewish customs because of their deep love for the Jewish people. For this reason, The Festival


The Royal Family of Israel

of Purim is celebrated for two days beginning on Adar 14th and 15th. Jewish believers read the Book of Esther during the solemn occasion as
they feast and give gifts in recognition of their eternal Jewish family heritage.


Duration of Days: 4
Appointed Time: Summer
Biblical Reference: Judges 11-12:1-7

Jephthah was appointed as judge over Israel by the Lord God. As judge he was responsible for guiding the armies of the Lord to
combat against their enemies to free Israel as a separate nation. The Holy Spirit came upon Jephthah one evening prior to going into battle
and he promised to sacrifice the first object that came out of his home, if God would help him win the battle against his enemies. The Lord
help Jephthah fulfill his vow and after his victorious battle, his virgin daughter came out of their home to greet him. Overcome with grief,
Jephthah and his daughter sulked because of the severity of the promise. Nonetheless, after his daughter wept for many days with other
Israelite women, she gave herself as a holy sacrifice to the Lord. This vow is similar to the command that Abraham was given to sacrifice
Isaac to the Lord on the altar. However, the Lord intervened and Isaac was rescued and a ram was offered in his place. The Commemoration
of Jephthahs Vow is a reminded that God takes vow very seriously and they should not be broken. Although, the Law of God does permit
us to recognize our guilt in committing ourselves to such vows in recognition of our sin and remorse. Nonetheless, these holy days of
commemoration reminds Israel to keep their promises to the Lord, especially words spoken under the directive of the Holy Spirit.


The Royal Family of Israel

Irregular Festivals

Duration of Days: A full lunar year of 12 new moon cycles (approximately 360 days)
Appointed Time: Every 7th year
Biblical Reference: Leviticus 25; Exodus 21:1-11

Every seventh year is called a Sabbath Year. At this time the whole nation ceases from harvesting and planting of vegetation. The
whole land is permitted to rest from farming and harvesting. Israelites are permitted to eat vegetation that naturally grows from the land
but are prohibited from toiling with the soil and other farming practices. This give the agricultural workers and animals a year to relax with
the land. Farming is continuous hard work that requires early hours and often late eveningsfrom sunrise to sunset. During the Sabbath
Year, Israel restpeople and animals alike to relax, worship, and enjoy life. Most working operations cease since Israelites do not work
on the Sabbath. Many government operations continue during this year; however, officials, officers, and personnel work for a one-month
term to permit an even share performed of duties. This is a time to simply rejoice in worship of GodIsraels Holy Redeemer. Normal
festivals and celebrations are recognized during the Sabbath Year but working ceases so Israel can worship, study, and praise the Lord every
day at the Temple of God. In addition to a time to worship, all Hebrews are declared free of owing any debts. If a Hebrew fell into poverty
and required to sell their property to pay off their debt they would also be permitted to acquire property and their freedom again. This is
considered the Year of Release when all debts are declared forgiven and no other obligations are required on outstanding balances.


The Royal Family of Israel


Duration of Days: A full lunar year of 12 new moon cycles (approximately 360 days)
Appointed Time: Every 50th year
Biblical Reference: Leviticus 25:8-55; Leviticus 27; Deuteronomy 31:9-13

After seven sets of seven Sabbath Years, Israelites recognize a Jubilee Year on the 50th year. Similar to the Sabbath Year, except during
this year all debts are again forgiven and slaves are release. On the Day of Atonement everyone within Israel is permitted to receive their
family property that they may have sold in their debt. Anyone who was sold into slavery is freed from poverty and is set free. Generous gifts
are given to the poor to help them become financially stable again in the Year of Release! Their debt is cleared. Other Israelites are permitted
to regain their property though purchase. During this year everyone enjoys rest from their work and forgiven for any debts they may owe.

Come, let us sing to the Lord! Let us shout joyfully to the Rock of our salvation. Let us come to him with thanksgiving. Let us sing
psalms of praise to him. For the Lord is a great God, a great King above all gods. He holds in his hands the depths of the earth and the
mightiest mountains.
The sea belongs to him, for he made it. His hands formed the dry land, too. Come, let us worship and bow down. Let us kneel before the
Lord our maker, for he is our God. We are the people he watches over, the flock under his care.
Psalm 95:1-7


The Royal Family of Israel


The Royal Family of Israel

Socioeconomic Hierarchy Classifications

The Nation of Israel has a trisect social economical hierarchy classification system. The socioeconomic hierarchy is classified in
positon of government leadership, economic influence, citizenship title, and civil responsibility to the Nation of Israel. However, the
hierarchy does not necessary provide a complete insight to the financial status, gender, or academic development of our citizens and
noncitizens. All social economic classification institute the administrative responsible of each class of its members within the Body of Jesus

All who fear the Lord will hate evil. Therefore, I hate pride
and arrogance, corruption and perverse speech. Common
sense and success belong to me. Insight and strength are
mine. Because of me, kings reign, and rulers make just
decrees. Rulers lead with my help, and nobles make
righteous judgments Proverbs 8:13-16



Remind the believers to submit to the government and its officers. They should be obedient, always ready to do what is good. They
must not slander anyone and must avoid quarreling. Instead, they should be gentle and show true humility to everyone.
Titus 3:1-2


The Royal Family of Israel


Citizens Class
A wise servant will rule over the masters disgraceful son and
will share the inheritance of the masters children. Proverbs 17:2


Noncitizen Class


The Royal Family of Israel


The rich rule over the poor, and the borrower is slave to the lender. Proverbs 22:7

Well then, since Gods grace has set us free from the law, does that mean we can go on sinning? Of course not! Dont you realize that
you become the slave of whatever you choose to obey? You can be a slave to sin, which leads to death, or you can choose to obey God,
which leads to righteous living. Thank God! Once you were slaves of sin, but now you wholeheartedly obey this teaching we have given
you. Now you are free from slavery to sin, and you have become slaves to righteous living.
Because of the weakness of your human nature, I am using the illustration of slavery to help you understand all this. Previously, you let
yourselves be slaves to impurity, and lawlessness, which led ever deeper into sin. Now you must give yourselves to be slaves to righteous
living so that you will become holy.
Romans 6:15-19


The Royal Family of Israel

Social Hierarchy of the Royal Regime

High Priest
Prophet of God
Chief of Officers
Levitical Priest
Levitical Assistants (Royal Nobles/ Temple
Officers of the Imperial Court
Tribal Leaders

The Royal Family of Israel

About the Socioeconomic Classification

The socioeconomic classification is organized with reference to the chain of command or hierarchy status. There are three social
economic classifications established in a trisect: Government Official, Servant Class, and the Slave Class. Each class is established by the
economic influence within the specific office of title. The socioeconomic classes are recognized by citizenship status, responsibility of
citizenship, and economic status. The royal family of Israel hold the highest influence within the imperial empire of the Nation of Israel.
The Nation of Israel is built upon the family ancestry of the Jewish-Israelite citizens of the Twelve Tribes of Israel. For this reason, the tribe
of Levi hold the highest influence in their ability to exercise administrative rights in the directive of government administration and civilian
representation. Citizens of each socioeconomic classification recognizes their rights of citizenship including the responsibility to their
country and family members.

But you must remain faithful to the things you have been taught. You know they are true, for you know you can trust those who taught
you. You have been taught the Holy Scriptures from childhood, and they have given you the wisdom to receive the salvation that comes by
trusting in Christ Jesus. All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and make us realize what is wrong in our
lives. It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right. God uses it to prepare and equip his people to do every good
2 Timothy 3:14-17


The Royal Family of Israel

The government socioeconomic class recognizes the native-born Jewish-Israelites as natural citizens of the family of Israel and
descendants of King Jesus Christ. Members of the royal family include the royal heirs and the Levitical priests as native-born members of
the descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. These members are commissioned with the responsibility from the Lord Jesus Christ and
the Heavenly Father, Yahweh, to teach, govern, build, and organize the House of Jacob which collectively is the community of Israel. The
Nation of Israel cannot operate appropriately without a Prophet of God called a seer. The responsibility of the seer is to provide divine
insight from the Lord through the Holy Spirit in helping the Israelites obey the Lords commands. The crowed head and the High Priest are
the only members of the kingdom with the chief legislative authority of enacting official laws within the Nation of Israel. The Chief of
Officer is the highest administrative high officer of the royal empire with the ability to govern over all officers under the High Priest and
crowned head. Next, the Levitical Assistants are noble members of the royal family. Both the Levitical Priest and the Levitical Assistants
provide provisionary services in the Executive Branches of Administration. Following within the hierarchy, the Officers of Imperial Court
provide supportive administration services as executive officers responsible for the Executive Offices of Imperial Administration. These
officers are appointed by the Royal Regime of the Nation of Israel from the general population of Israelite citizens and inaugurated into
royal office. To conclude, the Tribal Leaders are appointed into the royal office to represent an individual tribe of the Israelite family. Tribal
leaders are officially classified as governors. The Nation of Israel will have twelve officially appointed tribal governors who communicate
directly with the Executive Offices of the Imperial Administration. Citizens who have been assigned a designated tribal territory to reside
within as their inheritance may be chosen to govern and represent a family clan of Israel through inaugurated service.

The second socioeconomic category consists of the general public. The servant classification consists of national citizens and
temporary foreign-immigrants. Citizens of this classification have the ability to serve in lower ranking government services such as judges,
towns officials, sentry officers, and assistant administrative commissioners for government agencies. Community members may own their

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own enterprises or seek employment through local commercial industries. There is no specific differentiation of income, education level,
or citizenship privileges within the servant class. All community members within the servant class hold the ability to provide for all their
own basic and extended needs for comfortable living as a working-class community member. Community members within this class also
have the privileged of obtaining public education diploma, accreditation of certifications, or academic degrees. Both citizens and
noncitizens have the ability of obtaining a basic education of a high school diploma and trade school certification.

The last social economic category consists of those who are incapable of providing for their basic needs of food, shelter, and clothing
through severe debt or imprisonment for a criminal offense. Within the Nation of Israel, we provide both citizens and noncitizens with
the ability to obtain gainful employment. Citizens of Israel are permitted to own their own profitable or nonprofit corporation that is
registered with our government administration. Our government administration and public owners share in the responsibility to assisting
all community members from falling into outstanding debt. However, any community member who is found enable to make payments on
their loans or court ordered restitution fees is required to work without compensation to their creditor. These law is instituted by the Laws
of God to protect both the government and its family members from becoming victim to irresponsible loan transactions. All loans within
the Nation of Israel are issued for a maximum of a seven-year term. On the seventh year, the debtor is cleared of their debt and if they were
enslaved to make compensation for payment they will be set free. Community members are reminded to live within their financial means
to ensure they do not incur an outstanding balance of debt they are unable to payback. Additionally, the Nation of Israel has the right to
imprison any member of our community who has broken our governing laws. A citizen or noncitizen who is found guilty to be punished
by imprisonment will be apprehended by the Court of Law of the Nation of Israel. Community members residing within the national
jurisdiction territory of the government administration of the Nation of Israel subjects themselves to the governing laws. Community
members within the slave class have basic civil rights that include having their basic needs provided on a regular basis. Basic needs include

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food, water, shelter, and clothing. Prisoners will work for the Kings Courtyard of the Guard without compensation as restitution for
imprisonment and cost of living. The Kings Courtyard of the Guard is the national and highest level prison system within the Nation of
Israel for long-term criminal offenders. All prisoners will provide services within the prison system and throughout the community of Israel
as ordered by the judicial judge. Their compensation will be instituted in their daily provisions of food, shelter, water, health care, and
clothing along with basic hygiene services. The Nation of Israel does not take delight in the imprisonment or enslavement of any community
members; however, the Nation of Israel has the authority to exercise and enforce the Laws of God found within the Holy Bible.

Together these three social economic classes make up the Nation of Israel. Each community member collectively builds the Nation
of Israel into a wonderful place to call home. The Promise Land is a family inheritance of the people of Israel who claim the ancestral
promises of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Through our Lord God, King Jesus Christ, the Nation of Israel is able to function accordingly as a
united family nation of holiness, harmony, honor, and as a haven. Each community member of the Nation of Israel has accepted to be
judged by the Laws of God as citizens and noncitizens of the Nation of Israel, regardless to their socioeconomic standing. All members are
equal in the judgement rendered by God who is the Sovereign Ruler and Holy Judge of Israel.


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The Royal Family of Israel

Community Amenities
Within the borders of the Promise Land are natural amenities that all community members have access to enjoy their homeland.
The Promise Land is surrounded by the Mediterranean Sea, Red Sea, and the Persian Sea, in addition to other smaller bodies of water and
several rivers. In addition to our natural water sources, the Nation of Israel has various ranges our mountainous valleys that stretch through
grasslands and deserts. These national sites are preserved by our government administration and care for its natural treasures. Lastly, the
we have national heritage sites as established in the historical accounts of the Holy Bible. All of these natural amenities are enjoyed by our
community members who are blessed to call the Promise Land their native homeland.

The Lord is King! Let the Earth rejoice! Let the farthest coastlands be glad. Dark clouds surround him. Righteousness and justice are the
foundation of his throne. Fire spreads ahead of him and burns up all his foes. His lightning flashes out across the world. The Earth sees
and trembles. The mountains melt like wax before the Lord, before the Lord of all the Earth. The heavens proclaim his righteousness;
every nation sees his glory. Those who worship idols are disgracedall who brag about their worthless godsfor every god must bow to
him. Jerusalem has heard and rejoiced, and all the towns of Judah are glad because of your justice, O Lord! For you, O Lord, are supreme
over all the Earth; you are exalted far above all gods. You who love the Lord, hate evil! He protects the lives of his godly people and
rescues them from the power of the wicked. Light shines on the godly, and joy on those whose hearts are right. May all who are godly
rejoice in the Lord and praise his holy name!
Psalm 97


The Royal Family of Israel

In addition to the many natural amenities that permit Israelites to explore and wonder, we the Royal Regime of the Nation of Israel
also invests into municipal amenities and community services. The monarch of the royal family invests resources from the Imperial
Administration treasury to plan, build, and develop community property and government establishments. As certain services are used
funds are generated for usage, admission, or attraction fees. These fees assist in the maintenance and replacement of community property
and government operations. However, other municipal services are funded directly through the reinvestment of government revenue
generated through collected taxes. These services are enjoyed by all community members regardless of their ability to compensate for
usage. Community amenities are categorized as assessment-fee services and tax-invested services. Assessment-fee services are provided by
the administration of Israel and charge consumers a direct fee or surcharge for usage at a standard rate. Tax-invested services are provided
by the administration of Israel through the reinvestment of tax-generated revenue. Typically, there are no direct cost for patrons who utilize
these services. All tribal territories receive the equivalent amount of tax-funds based on their populations of residents and tribal jurisdiction.
There are no underfunded neighborhood sectors of our community. Ensuring that all neighborhoods and tribal territories are properly
funded eliminates slum neighborhoods. All residents within the Nation of Israel enjoy an upper-class lifestyle as equal family members of
our community. The Royal Regime of the Nation of Israel provides many services to its patrons that benefit all of its members in a supportive
environment. These services are designed to make living in our community affordable through the sharing of operational cost of civic and
administrative amenities.

Below list several examples of community amenities that the people of Israel are invited to join and enjoy as national patrons. This list does
not outline all of our national amenities but provides a general outlook into our communal lifestyle.


The Royal Family of Israel

Assessment-Fee Community Amenities

Recreational Waterparks & Aquatic Centers

Emergency Dispatched Responders
Public Parking
Family Recreational Centers
Health Care Facilities & Services
Communal Transportation Services (Train, bike rentals, carriage rentals, boat rental, and etc.)
National Parks & Wildlife Refuges
Civil Security Officers
Recreational Community Sports Teams
Waste Management Facilities
Courthouse for the Court of Law
Prison yard of the Courtyard of the Guard
Performing Arts Center
Business Convention Center

Tax-Invested Community Amenities

Emergency Dispatch Operator

Juvenile Public Education (ages 6-months-19-years old)
Adult Public Education (maximum 4-years college education)
Recreational Sports Fields
Playgrounds and Fitness Parks
Recreational Community Activities
Public Library & Educational Centers
Public Transportation Services (Large capacity carriages & small capacity carriages)
Public Transportation Amenities (Roads, Bridges, Highways, light poles, signs, etc.)
Municipal Beaches & Waterways Services

The Royal Family of Israel

National Museums of Various Studies

Domestic Violence Services & Facilities
Homeless Shelters & Places of Refuge
Therapeutic Rehabilitation Services
Municipal Rest Areas & Bathrooms
Municipal Breastfeeding Nursey Rooms


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The Royal Family of Israel

Enactment of National Law

The Nation of Israel institutes its laws, regulations, procedures, and commandments as outlined within the Holy Bible containing
the Old Testament and the New Testament. The Holy Bible is the Holy Covenant between the Israelite family nation and the God of Israel,
Yahweh. The Nation of Israel recognizes the Holy Bible as being lawfully authoritive in the implementing and establishment of all
administrative laws. This includes the manufacturing of national currency and the collection, distribution, and management of government
revenue through taxes and tithes. Additionally, the royal family has the authority to institute laws, policies, protocols, ordinances, and
statues that assist in the regulation of the Nation of Israel including the government administration and its citizens and noncitizens. All
laws are to instruct the obedience and discipline of the Israelite people through the Laws of God.

Dear friends, you always followed my instructions when I was with you. And now that I am away, it is even more important. Work hard to
show the results of your salvation, obeying God with deep reverence and fear. For God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power
to do what pleases him.
Philippians 1:12-13

The crowned head and the High Priest are the chief legislative administrators of the Nation of Israel. All laws are produced in written
form by the Office of Justice and Legislation by the priest who are legislative administrators. The chief legislative administrators approve,
amend, or veto such laws that are not aligned with the Holy Covenant of the Lord. All laws that are approved, amended, or vetoed are sent

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before the Lord, King Jesus Christ, who is Israels Most High Judge. The crowned head and the High Priest both hold position as chief royal
judges of the Nation of Israel in their position of title. It is the civil duty of the chief legislative administrators to enforce the Laws of God
in holiness, justice, truth, and truth with reverent fear of the majestic Lord, King Jesus Christ.


The Royal Family of Israel

Civil Rights Act

The Nation of Israel recognizes the basic rights of all persons within the national jurisdiction territory of our government
administration. The Civil Rights Act outlines the basic agreement of civil standards and rights of all our community members, both citizen
and noncitizen of the Nation of Israel. The Civil Rights Act is consistent with the Holy Covenant established between God and all the people
of Israel. The Office of Justice and Legislation has enacted the Civil Right Act of the Nation of Israel. The Civil Rights Act describes the
rights that belong to all people regardless of their economic status, position of title, skin complexion, gender, marital status, age,
developmental impairment, citizenship status, or national origin. The Civil Rights Act describes how the government administration is to
handle the regulation, monitoring, and development of civilian affairs throughout the Nation of Israel.

The Civil Rights Acts states that all community members of the Nation of Israel shall have their basic needs met at all times. Basic
needs are defined as housing, food, water, health care, education, and clothing as their basic right of a civilian within the Nation of Israel.
Members of the Nation of Israel shall have the right to provide for their own basic needs without prejudice or discrimination as outlined
through bylaws. If a community member is unable to provide for their own basic needs the government administration of the Nation of
Israel is required by Law of God to assist in the care of its citizen and noncitizen.

The ability to become lawfully wed as man and woman and as husband and wife are protected within the Civil Rights Act of the
Nation of Israel. All persons have the right to choose their marital spouse in the acceptance of holy matrimony. A couple who is lawful wed
and have consummated their marriage vows have the legal right to procreation and production of offspring from an ordained marriage. It

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is the civil rights of all marital couples to produce an unregulated number of offspring. The government of the Nation of Israel cannot
withhold the rights of a marital couple from bearing young including acts of sterilization methods or procedures.

As a standard of civil rights, all community member shall have the right to reside without harm, fear, or endangerment to their
psychological, physical, emotional, or intellectual being. The Civil Rights Act states that all members, both citizens and noncitizens, have
the right to safety, protection, and security as the standard of their livelihood. The Civil Right Acts provides the protection of all persons
within our national jurisdiction territory to report and escape abuse. As standard of civil rights for all persons, a place of refuge will be
provided to ensure the safety of man, woman, and child without discrimination or prejudice as set forth. The Nation of Israel shall provide
immediate assistance and investigation into the accusation of abuse, threats, or neglect. All persons shall have knowledge of how to contact
the such local civic security agencies through the Office of Levitical Administration to report abuse and flee for their safety. All government
officers, personnel, and agencies shall also provide liaison support to any person who reports abuse, threats, or neglect. Immediate support
and protection will be provided to such person as set forth by the Civil Rights Act. Within the Promise Land, all Levitical districts are
designated as Cities of Refuge for those seeking an escape from harm or danger. All providences of the Nation of Israel categorizes as
national jurisdiction territory shall operate as a Levitical districts and a City of Refuge for citizens and noncitizens.

The Civil Rights Act establishes the standard of civilian rights to foreign-immigrants and refugees who desire to reside within the
Nation of Israel. The Immigrant Rights Clause within the Civil Rights Acts describes the immigration policy of temporary residents of the
Nation of Israel. The Immigrant Rights Clause of the Civil Rights Acts states that a person approved for entry into the national jurisdiction
territory of the Nation of Israel shall have their expressed civil rights as stated. A person seeking temporary residency within the Nation of

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Israel to obtain the rights of permanent residency as expressed in the Civil Rights Act are permitted to apply with The Department of
Immigration Services though the Office of National Security. A refugee or foreign-immigrant is not automatically granted residency within
the national jurisdiction territory to obtain residency rights protected through the Civil Rights Act. An immigrant who seeks residency into
the Nation of Israel on the bases of fleeing from a life-threatening environment is not granted civil rights within the Nation of Israel until
they have been cleared for temporary residency status. Under the Immigrant Rights Clause temporary residents are recognized to be
protected through the Civil Rights Act as set forth.

The Immigrant Rights Clause of the Civil Rights Acts states that an approved immigrant who is fleeing from violence or oppression
of any kind will receive protection from further abuse of their assailant. Such person who is escaping from civil unrest, war, famine, disease,
domestic abuse, oppression, and other acts of violence and is approved for residency within the national jurisdiction territory of the Nation
of Israel shall receive protection as outlined by the Laws of God. All national jurisdiction territory outside of the Promise Land of Israel
shall operate as a Levitical district and a City of Refuge for citizens and noncitizens of the Nation of Israel.


The Royal Family of Israel

Rights of Civil Responsibility

The Nation of Israel recognized the Rights of Civil Responsibility as established by the Office of Justice and Legislation. The Rights
of Civil Responsibility describes the relationship between the government administration and its citizens and noncitizens within its national
jurisdiction territory. The Nation of Israel shall operate the government administration as set forth with the establishment of a monarchy
reign. The Royal Regime of the Nation of Israel is the sovereign ruler that presides the operations of the tribal family called the House of

The Rights of Civil Responsibility states that all residents within the national jurisdiction territory, both citizen and noncitizen, shall
have a standard levy imposed on all financial and nonfinancial transactions. Residents within the national jurisdiction territory are
responsible for the collection of tithes and taxes as set forth by Law of God. Residents of the Nation of Israel are responsible for taxes paid
to and collected by the Imperial Administration at the set standard of 10%. Additionally, residents of the Nation of Israel are responsible
for the payment and collection of tithes to the Temple Administration at a set standard of 10%. This standard charge of levy is imposed on
all items produced through agriculture and manufacturing of items called a produce tax. Merchandise and services rendered as a financial
transaction shall apply to the laws of levied fees called a sales tax. The consumer or purchaser shall be responsible for the application of
levied fees in the finalization of sale taxes. The administration of the Nation of Israel shall have the Rights of Civil Responsibility to collect,
manage, and reinvest the generated income through taxes and tithes to support government operations and municipal services called
community amenities.


The Royal Family of Israel

Additionally, the Rights of Civil Responsibility recognizes the charge of its government officials to enforce all laws as official standards
of procedures. The Royal Regime shall have the lawful authority to prosecute a criminal and civil offense of the Laws of God and the
governing laws within an ordained Court of Law of the Nation of Israel. The Royal Regime shall have the expressed ability to dispatch civil
security officers in the enforcement of law and the capture of offenders to be detained until appointed trial date. Persons within the national
jurisdiction territory of the Nation of Israel shall have the right to official trial within 30 days of arrest and detainment.

The Rights of Civil Responsibility states that all residents, whether citizen or noncitizen, shall pay the standard census tax to redeem
their life. Both males and females are responsible for the standard census tax as a half of shekel which is equal to twenty gerahs (0.2 ounces
or 6 grams of silver). It is the right of the government to record the number of male residents over the age of 19-years old. This census tax
shall be the standard redemption price for all residents regardless of their economic status, gender, developmental disability, citizenship
status, skin complexion, education level, or government title. The standard redemption price cannot be altered to lower or raise the census
levy for those who are rich or poor. This law is outlined in Exodus 30:11-16 as a standard Law of God of the Holy Covenant.

The Rights of Civil Responsibility describes the acceptable social behaviors of all residence within the national jurisdiction territory
as set forth. The Law of God establishes the acceptable social behavior in the ratifying of the Holy Covenant between God and Israel. The
administration of the Nation of Israel shall regulate the cultural heritage of the Hebrew family as outlined in the Holy Bible and directed
through the Holy Spirit.


The Royal Family of Israel

The Rights of Civil Responsibility shall instruct its temporary and permanent residents in the order of its national dress code as stated
in the Laws of God. The administration of the Royal Regime shall have the lawful right to enforce and prosecute any criminal or civil offenses
to this law within the national jurisdiction territory of the Nation of Israel. The Law of God states that men shall wear the standard turban
upon their head; a woman shall wear a shawl or scarf upon her head. Male residents shall be required to wear a tunic shirt and pants with
a belt around his waist. Female residents shall be required to wear a dress that conceals her breast, armpits, buttocks, and ankle. The
standard footwear is the leather sandal made from the skin of sheep, coats, or cattle. Males and females shall both wear the standard biblical
robes for worship ceremonies along with the loincloth that ends at the knee. The cloak is the standard coat of the Hebrew nation with or
without a hood to cover the head. The hems of all coats, cloak, robes, dresses, and tunics shall have four blue tassels attached to the four
corners of its hem. This standard dress code is archived in the Book of Exodus 28:1-5; Proverbs 31:22; Numbers 15:37:41. The government of
Israel shall permit the substitution of clothing or apparel items in efforts of promotion of safety such as work boots, close toe shoes during
winter, or tennis shoes for running. However, all clothing shall institute the standard of honor, modesty, and unity within the Nation of

As a resident of the Nation of Israel, all citizens have the Rights of Civil Responsibility to serve their country in The United Armed
Forces of the Nation of Israel. All males who have reached the age of 20-years old shall be lawfully required to register with the Office of
National Security. Male residents who register with the Office of National Security shall be immediately enlisted in The United Armed
Forces of the Nation of Israel as a combat solider or combat official. Male residents may serve full-time or part-time within The United
Armed Forces of Israel and its military branches. All male residents are lawfully required to service a minimum of 1-month per lunar year
in the military branches. Male members of the Levitical tribe shall be responsible for performing military duties in the security of the

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Temple Administration. Male members of not within the Levitical tribe shall be responsible for performing military duties in the security
of the Imperial Administration.

Praise the Lord! Sing to the Lord a new song. Sing his praises in the assembly of the faithful. O Israel, rejoice in your Maker. O people of
Jerusalem, exult in your King. Praise his name with dancing, accompanied by tambourine and harp. For the Lord delights in his people;
he crowns the humble with victory. Let the faithful rejoice that he honors them. Let the sing for joy as they lie on their beds. Let the
praises of the God be in their mouths, and a sharp sword in their handsto execute vengeance on the nations and punishment on the
people, to bind their kings with shackles and their leaders with iron chains, to execute the judgement written against them. This is the
glorious privilege of his faithful ones. Praise the Lord!
Psalm 149

The Rights of Civil Responsibilities states that all female residents who have reached the age 20-years old shall be responsible for
serving their country. Female residents within the national jurisdiction territory of the Nation of Israel shall be responsible for registering
with the Office of National Security in performance of non-combative administrative duties. All female residents shall be lawfully permitted
to serve in The United Armed Forces of the Nation of Israel in non-combative administrative duties. Women may serve full-time or parttime within administrative duties of the military. Non-combative administrative duties include but are not limited to manufacturing of
military attire, health care personnel, sanitation workers, intelligence specialist, mechanical engineers, secretarial clerks, and cooking staff.
Females may not serve within the combative military offices that require service in direct warfare.


The Royal Family of Israel

The Rights of Civil Responsibility enforces the recognition of the Holy Covenant as lawful by all residents within the national
jurisdiction territory of the Nation of Israel. With this said, all residents are lawfully required to learn the outlining instructions of the Law
of God as described in the Holy Bible. All residents agree upon entry into the national jurisdiction territory of the Nation of Israel to worship
the Lord as described in the Holy Bible containing both the Old Testament and New Testament. This includes the celebration of covenant
festivals as set forth within this legal document, The Royal Family of Israel. The worship of pagan idols or other forms of idolatry is outlawed
within the national jurisdiction territory of Israel and hold a maximum criminal offense of capital punishment. A person found guilty of
committing idolatry which includes the refusal of celebrating in the holy festivals can be criminally prosecuted by the Court of Law of the
Nation of Israel. Such criminal offense can be found to hold a punishment of execution upon the first offense as set forth by the Law of

Dont spread slanderous gossip among your people. Do not stand idly by when your neighbors life is threatened. I am the Lord. Do not
nurse hatred in your heart for any of your relatives. Confront people directly so you will not be held guilty for their sin. Do not seek
revenge or bear a grudge against a fellow Israelite, but love your neighbor as yourself. I am the Lord.
Leviticus 19:16-18

The Nation of Israel is a family community and a tribal administration. Thus, the Rights of Civil Responsibility recognizes the social
responsibility that each citizen has in honoring their fellow family members. All citizens of the Nation of Israel are lawfully considered

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family members of the Israelite household called the House of Jacob. This social responsibility includes but is not limited to the
demonstration of family honor displayed in humble love. All residents within the Nation of Israel are responsible for the continuous display
of genuine love toward all community members. Temporary residents are considered family guest of the Israelite nation are graciously
welcomed into the House of Jacob. All residents agree to continuously abide in the basic laws of the 10 Commandments of the Holy Covenant
that demonstrate humble love that harmonizes our family community. All community residents are expected to settle civil disputes in a
manner that is fair and upheld by integrity. Residents have the lawful right to pursue civil disagreements through the mediation of the
Court of Law in matters that they are unable to resolve.

The Right of Civil Responsibility states that all residents have the right to demonstrate their national and tribal affiliation of the
Nation of Israel. Residents of the Nation of Israel may purchase officially recognized national and tribal flags through The Administration
of Nationalism of the Nation of Israel. Residents of the Nation of Israel may not manufacture a replica of national flag or tribal banners.
Residents who produce an unofficial national flag or banner resembling those manufactured by The Administration of Nationalism will be
criminally prosecuted. All residents within the Nation of Israel have the right to publicly display their national pride regardless of citizenship
status. This includes the public display of the national or any of the tribal flags on their personal property as set forth by law and national
city ordinances.

Within the Nation of Israel, residents agree to the Rights of Civil Responsibility which acknowledges a residents responsibility to
support their own financial obligations. All residents within the Nation of Israel have a standard cost of living per pupil of resident. The
financial obligation that contributes to the standard cost of living includes housing, health care, utilities, transportation, food, clothing, and

The Royal Family of Israel

education. Adult residents within the national jurisdiction territory agree to support their standard cost of living through financial
contributions through employment and support of taxes. Residents are lawfully obligated to have the continuous basic needs meet as
established by the standard cost of living. Juveniles residents are lawfully mandated to have continuous support of their basic needs meet
by a parent, legal guardian, and/or government administration of the Nation of Israel. It is the responsibility of government officials to
ensure that the basic needs of its residents are achieve through fairness of justice, financial support including employment, and reinvestment
of tax revenue.

Dear brothers and sisters, if another believer is overcome by some sin, you who are godly should gently and humbly help that person
back onto the right path. And be careful not to fall into the same temptation yourself. Share each others burdens, and in this way obey
the law of Christ. If you think you are too important to help someone, you are only fooling yourself. You are not that important.
Pay careful attention to your own work, for them you will get the satisfaction of a job well done, and wont need to compare yourself to
anyone else. For we are each responsible for our own conduct.
Galatians 6:1-5


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Non-Discrimination Clause

The Nation of Israel is founded upon the Holy Bible which explains the Holy Covenant between the people of Israel and the Lord
God of Israel, King Jesus Christ. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is the message of repentance in order of receiving the gift of salvation by living
in holy communion with God and other believers. The Lord has invited everyone into the family of Israel to resided within the House of
Jacob if they are willing to submit in humble reverence to the Lord God who created the Heavens and the Earth. All members of the
community of Israel recognize that all members were created in the image of God.

The Non-Discrimination Clause of the Civil Rights Act of the Nation of Israel are in accordance with the Laws of God which outline
civil rights laws, regulations, and standards. The Imperial Administration establishes the regulations, policies, and procedures to establish
the civil rights of each citizen and noncitizen. Within the Nation of Israel all citizens and noncitizens, including government agencies and
government personnel, are prohibited from the discrimination of a person regarding race, skin complexion, national origin, gender,
disability, language dialect, age, marital status, family composition, obtaining of public assistance, and economic category. The Imperial
Administration defines discrimination as the unfair treatment of a person to withhold justice or rights because of a personal bias belief.

Persons with developmental disabilities have the right to request reasonable accommodation or alternative resources to ensure the
adequate measure of civil right equality is provided. Developmental disabilities are defined as a chronic or severe physical, cognitive,
emotional, or intellectual impairment that results in a less than normal operation unless than normal society. Reasonable accommodation

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includes wheel chair ramp, enlarge bathroom stalls, and front roll seating. Alternative resources include eye glasses, Braille literature, large
print literature, and recording devices. The Nation of Israel does have the right to restrict the rights of a developmentally disabled citizen
or noncitizen if permission of rights would grant physical danger to person or group of people. When reasonable accommodation or
alternative resources are not suitable to promote the equal performance of persons, the Office of Justice and Legislation has the right to
prevent said rights in promotion of safety and liability clauses.

For I have given them the glory you gave me, so they may be one as we are one. I am in them and you are in me. May they experience
such perfect unity that the world will know that you sent me and that you love them as much as you love me. Father, I want these whom
you have given me to be with me where I am. Then they can see all the glory you gave me because you loved me even before the world
John 17:22-24


The Royal Family of Israel

Restricted Civil Rights

The Nation of Israel does recognize its ability to restrict the civil rights of its citizens and noncitizens on the bases of sexual
orientation and gender identity. The Office of Justice and Legislation defines a sexual orientation as the hormonal, mental, and emotional
attraction of a person to desire sexual relationship with or without procreation. The Office of Justice and Legislation defines gender
orientation as the recognized reproductive orientation of male or female based on natural born sex organs. The Nation of Israel recognizes
the lawful and natural sexual orientation of heterosexual members as defined between man and woman.

In recognition of specific gender identity classification, the Office of Justice and Legislation does restrict the rights of citizens and
noncitizens within the national jurisdiction territory of the Nation of Israel from wearing clothes deemed unnatural for their gender identity.
Men within the Nation of Israel are expected to wear clothing that identifies their male gender as outlined by the Laws of God. Women
within the Nation of Israel are expected to wear clothing that identifies their female gender as outlined by the Laws of God. Any community
member, whether citizen or noncitizen, who does not abide by this law will be criminally prosecuted by the Laws of God.

The Holy

Covenant of between God and the Nation of Israel states, A woman must not put on mens clothing, and a man must not wear womens
clothing. Anyone who does this is detestable in the sight of the Lord your God. (Deuteronomy 22:5)

A person within the national jurisdiction territory of the Nation of Israel may exert certain rights in regards to therapeutic medical
and psychological counseling as treatment for sexual orientation disorders and/or gender identity disorders. The Nation of Israel does not
promote the act of sexual behaviors classified as homosexual or bisexual. Sexual orientation classified as homosexual is defined as the

The Royal Family of Israel

unnatural sexual attraction of persons of the same gender.

Sexual orientation classified as bisexual is defined as the unnatural sexual

attraction of a person of the same gender and opposite gender.

A person who seeks residency within the national jurisdiction territory of the Nation of Israel that has undergone sexual gender
reassignment may not become a member of the community of Israel. Sexual gender reassignment includes but not limited to artificial
hormonal therapy and cosmetic surgery to alter the physical composition of natural gender type. A few examples of cosmetic surgery for
gender reassignment includes removals of Adams apple (Thyroid cartilage), breast implants, testicular implants, removal of testicles,
ovaries, uterus, penis or vagina to change into the opposite of natural gender. A person identified as a transgender is defined as a person
having proceeded in the partial or full reassignment of natural born gender. The Holy Covenant of between God and the Nation of Israel
states, If a mans testicles are crushed or his penis is cut off, he may be admitted to the assembly of the Lord. (Deuteronomy 23:1-1) This
law applies to both women and men, including minors who have undergone gender reassignment hormonal therapy or cosmetic surgery.


The Royal Family of Israel

Equal Opportunity Policy

The Nation of Israel recognizes the Equal Opportunity Policy for its citizens and noncitizens within the national jurisdiction territory.
The Office of Justice and Legislation defines equal opportunity as the civil rights privileged by its members without discrimination toward
skin complexion, language dialect, or prior national origin.

Citizens within the Nation of Israel are protected by the Equal Opportunity Policy in their ability to obtain permanent property,
employment, and municipal services with equivalent rights of other citizens. Citizens of the Nation of Israel shall be granted the privilege
of use for public government amenities and civil services as official members of the family of Israel without discrimination of prior national
origin, native language, skin complexion, income status, or educational level.

Noncitizens within the Nation of Israel are protected by the Equal Opportunity Policy in their ability to obtain temporary residency
within the national jurisdiction of the Nation of Israel without discrimination. Noncitizens who are granted temporary residency within
the Nation of Israel as noncitizens are protected by the Equal Opportunity Policy. Temporary residents shall be granted the privilege of use
for public government amenities and general civil services. Noncitizens may not be discriminated upon for their present national origin,
native language, skin complexion, income status, or educational level. Noncitizens do not have the ability to obtain permanent property of
land assets within the national jurisdiction territory of the Nation of Israel.


The Royal Family of Israel

The Nation of Israel does recognize the outlined gender roles of the citizens and noncitizens within our national jurisdiction territory.
The Office of Justice and Legislation defines gender roles as the recognized and express role or title of a specific gender. Example of gender
roles titles are father and mother, princess and prince, woman and man, boy and girl. Thus, the Nation of Israel has the lawful right to
restrict the roles or position of titles held by its citizens and noncitizens as outlined by the Laws of God. Roles or position of titles that
exchange the sexual gender of a person to perform a specific task may be restricted. For example, women are prohibited by law to officiate
in offices of combat such as military commanders or sentry officers where physical constrain of a person will required to apprehend another
man or woman. However, a woman may serve offices of noncombat such as military administrators or military chefs. This law is instituted
in recognition of the balanced leadership of each gender of man and woman.

Native-born Israelites and foreigners are equal before the Lord and are subject to the same decrees. This is a permanent law for you, to
be observed from generation to generation. These same instructions and regulations will apply both to you and to the foreigners living
among you.
Numbers 15:15-16


The Royal Family of Israel

Health and Sanitation Hazardous Act (HASHA)

The Health and Sanitation Hazardous Act (HASHA) defines and enforces the general health codes and sanitation practices of the
Nation of Israel. Health and sanitation measures are defined in the Protocol Standards of Sanitation produces by The Department of Disease
and Health Education through The Commission of Public Health and Sanitation of the Nation of Israel. The Health and Sanitation
Hazardous Act promotes the health and sanitation practices that maintain a safe environment for all people, animals, air, water, and land.
The measures used to enforce the quality of sanitation practices used by all community members of the Nation of Israel is required by Law
of God. Health care facilities, educational institution, and waste management facilities are only a few government and private agencies that
require the regulation of sanitation practices.

HASHA is enforceable through The Commission of Public Health and Sanitation toward the regulating and monitoring of all
sanitation standards. Violations of sanitation practices or hazardous conditions can result in civil and/or criminal prosecution to the full
extent of the Law of God. The Nation of Israel has the highest standard of sanitation, health, and hygiene practices established by any
nation of people. The Nation of Israel is a holy nation set apart as holy by the presence of King Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit of God.
Thus, the Health and Sanitation Hazardous Act establishes the laws that regulate the effective cleanliness of all sanitation practices. General
community members are not exempt from abiding with the HASHA laws established in the Protocol Standards of Sanitation.


protects the quality of all living habitats including indoor residences, waterways quality, soil quality, air quality, all other environments that
effect the health and safety of person and animals.


The Royal Family of Israel

When you enter the land the Lord your God is giving you, be very careful not to imitate the detestable customs of the nations living
thereAnyone who does these things is detestable to the Lord. It is because the other nations have done these detestable things that the
Lord your God will drive them out ahead of you. But you must be blameless before the Lord your God. The nations you are about to
displace consult sorcerers and fortune-tellers, but the Lord your God forbids you to do such things.
Deuteronomy 18:9,12-14

Sanitation Quality Control

The quality of sanitation practices is evaluated on a rating scale called the Sanitation Quality Control chart. This chart assist
government official in determining the acceptability of environmental safety toward health controls of sanitation practices. The presences
of debris such as trash, clutter, chemical tainted water sources, fungus, parasites, rodents and other damaging health factors are evaluated
to determine the quality of sanitation. By determining the sanitation quality of an environment whether outdoors or indoors, commercial
or residential, our government officials are better able to regulate the quality of life of our people and animals.


The Royal Family of Israel


Level 1: This level is the lowest of sanitation quality ratings indicating the optimum conditions for the transition and breeding of
pathogens. Level 1 Sanitation Quality indicates the risk of hazardous conditions that are fatal and contagious to animals and people
through poor environmental conditions and hygienic practices. Large quantities of waste and debris and/or the infestation of vermin,
parasites, fungi, and other invisible pathogens are present without or without the aid of visual tools.

Level 2: This level indicates a severe potential for microbes and pathogens to multiply which may cause fatal and contagious conditions
for animals and people. Level 2 Sanitation Quality indicate the risk of exposure to harmful agents such as vermin, parasites, fungi, and
other microscopic pathogens. Visible waste material and substances are present such as body fluids of animal or human. The condition
of Level 2 Sanitation Quality introduces the attraction for vermin, parasites, and growth of fungi, mold, algae, and harmful pathogens.
Parasites, vermin, algae, and mold may be presence in smaller colonies or population.

Level 3: Level 3 Sanitation Quality is the sub-moderate condition of sanitization that is free from most visible signs of debris, and waste.
Within this level all macro-parasites, fungi, algae, and rodents are not present. The environment may have mild hazardous environments
due to clutter and poor sanitation practices. Within this sanitation level the invisible presence of microorganisms and micro-parasites
may be present and visible with special tools.


The Royal Family of Israel

Level 4: Within this Sanitation Quality Level refers to optimal living conditions for animals, marine life, and humans. All visible signs of
waste, clutter, and debris are removed to reduce the occurrence of bacterial, viral, and fungi growth and the attraction of vermin and
parasites. Low levels traces of chemical solutions may be present within this level. The colonization of harmful pathogens is significantly
reduced due to higher sanitation practices. The visible presence of mold, mildew, and other fungi are not present. The existence of
microbes is present with visual tools such as magnifying glass or microscope.

Level 5: The highest of Sanitation Quality Levels referring to the removal of all waste, chemical traces, debris, and clutter. The ability
for fungi, microbes, pathogens, algae, viruses, and other microorganisms to cultivate are eliminated. This level indicates the sterilization
of material used through high temperatures of indirect or direct heat sources.

The Hazardous Level of Sanitation

The determination of the biological hazardous sanitation rating is called The Hazardous Level of Sanitation Quality. This chart
determines the level of pathogenic warfare that can affect the immediate and long-term quality of life of people, animals, and the natural
habitat environment. The chronic fluctuation of the normal ecosystem can have a devastating effect upon normal lifeforms if allowed to
remain unmonitored and unaltered. Every ecosystem has the ability to fluctuate overtime; however, scientist and other government
personnel are responsible for indicating the cause of fluctuation. If intervention methods are not imposed immediately it is possible that
the level of safety for our environment will deteriorate to uninhabitable and unsustainable levels. This section indicates to specialist and
lawmakers the effects of various environmental impacts and the severity of harm caused.

The Royal Family of Israel


Biohazardous Level 0: This level indicates the lowest probability of transferring microbes and pathogens due to zero presence of
microorganisms on surface or within substance. Air, water, and soil is not affected above normal ranges within this level of hazardous
sanitation rating. Normal life forms are able to function properly without cause of concern to health or other hazardous
environmental factors.

Biohazardous Level 1: This level indicates the presence of microbes that do not cause serious health hazards but work toward health
benefits. The presences of harmful pathogens are greatly reduced. The colonization and exposure of pathogens is possible without
continual sanitation procedures. The reduction of hazardous agents is eliminated to decrease the probability of health risk. The
quality of air, water, and soil is moderately affected from the presence of hazardous environmental factors.

Biohazardous Level 2: A moderate risk of hazardous environmental factors are present increasing the probability of harmful health
conditions. There are mild visible factors present that indicate poor sanitation procedures or increase the attraction of parasites,
rodents, and the colonization of pathogens. The quality of air, water, and soil may or may not be noticeable visible to the bare senses.
Within this stage of hazard noticeable signs are present in the health and development of normal ecosystems and normal life such
as plants, animals, marine life, and vegetation. The reproduction of normal lifeforms is mildly affection without genetic mutations.
The lowest level deemed acceptable for the sustaining of normal human life but elevated health risk factors are acknowledged.


The Royal Family of Israel

Biohazardous Level 3: The risk of hazardous influence due to poor sanitation practices are severely increased within this range.
The quality of air, water, and soil are noticeably altered due to continuous exposure to harmful treatment. The ecosystem is directly
affected due to continuous mistreatment of pollution and poor sanitation conditions. The risk of disease and illness is imminent due
to the increased exposure to pathogenic agents. Normal lifeforms such as animals, vegetation, and humans may reside within these
conditions; however, population growth is stunted due to premature death and diseases. Genetic mutation in normal lifeforms are
present indicating a severe infestation of pathogens within the environment. This condition shall be considered uninhabitable for
the enforced safety of normal human life.

Biohazardous Level 4: This level indicates the inability for normal lifeforms to reside. The visible and invisible presence of parasites
and pathogens have greatly impacted the living environment for normal function and sustainability. This environment causes a
fluctuation in the species that are able to remain in the territory. The quality of water, soil, and air are of the poorest quality which
is required for normal lifeforms to sustain. This environment would require years of recourse in order to become sufficient for natural
habitats of marine life, animals, vegetation, and humans. The environment would not permit the normal inhabitation of plants,
animals, humans, marine life, and fowl. Laws enforcements will not permit the inhabitation of animals, marine life, fowl, or humans
within this environment.


The Royal Family of Israel

Rights to a Fair Trial by the Court of Law

The Office of Justice and Legislation of the Nation of Israel recognizes the civil rights of all its members, both citizens and noncitizens,
within the national jurisdiction territory for a fair trial by the Court of Law. All persons may receive a fair criminal and civil judication or
court hearing without discrimination of citizenship status, age, gender, marital status, military service, skin complexion, education level,
economic classification, career title, belief, prior or current nationality, sexual preference, developmental impairment, health status, or
personal beliefs. All persons within the Nation of Israel shall be granted the civil rights of a lawful court hearing as established by the Court
of Law. All persons within the national jurisdiction territory shall be judged in accordance of the Laws of God as instructed by the Office of
Justice and Legislation. An official judicial judge of the Nation of Israel who is certified and inaugurated into Office of Court of Law may
precede all judicative cases. Both citizens and noncitizens shall be treated equally in their rights of a fair trial by the Court of Law without
bias or prejudice.

All persons of the Nation of Israel, citizen and noncitizen, shall have the right of judicial representation from a certified interpreter
of the Laws of God. The court may appoint a certified legal interpreter or an attorney, if the defendant or plaintiff is unable to do so. A
litigator who chooses to not be represented by a certified legal interpreter of the shall be ensured of justice by a fair trial with valid evidence.
All criminal or civil judicative cases are held in trial in judgement of the Laws of God. Litigators may be required to stand trial at the Throne
of God in criminal or civil cases that are deemed unclear for judgement. All persons guilty of committing a criminal or civil offense will be
held accountable of their actions. A person shall not be permitted to purchase their redemption of freedom through bribes or flattery of
judge. Judgement established in the Court of Law shall match the criminal or civil offense without bias of sentencing for punishment.


The Royal Family of Israel

Citizens and noncitizens have the right to request an interpreter or alternative language dialogue within their native language. All
community members have the right to be explained the Laws of God within their normal and most comprehensive language dialogue. In
the event that a citizen or noncitizen is charged with a criminal offense, they will be appointed a Court Liaison though the Office of Justice
and Legislation. Citizens and noncitizens have the right to hire their own language interpreter for criminal and non-criminal purposes. In
the event of hiring a language interpreter to communicate during court hearings, the language interpreter is required to have certification
of judicial standards to aid in legal proceedings. The court director is responsible for the determination of certification to become an
approved private judicial language interpreter. A language interpreter shall be certified to perform the uses of verbal language, written
language, and sign language as forms of normal communication. Where a Court Liaison or private judicial interpreter is unable to perform
language diagnostics, a secondary interpreter may be appointed for criminal and non-criminal purposes.

All criminal and civil judgements shall remain on government archived records for the remaining life of said litigators. All filing of
charges against a defendant from an officer of the Law or a complainant shall remain on the permanent record of all litigators. A person
found guilty of conviction shall be apprehended by the Court of Law, if sentenced to imprisonment. The Court of Law shall hold the right
to charge an adult with a sentencing of corporal punishment, civil restitution, community service, residential detention, behavioral therapy,
and capital punishment. Such person shall become property of the Nation of Israel with reduced civil rights to a slave classification. Civil
rights include daily provisions of food, shelter, and protection. A person held contempt of law may not obtain personal property or be
possession of personal property within the Nation of Israel while imprisoned by the Court of Law. A person who has completed their
sentencing as directed will obtain full civil rights privileges including the ability to own property.


The Royal Family of Israel

The Court of Law of the Nation of Israel shall hold the lawful ability to criminally prosecute a juvenile between the age of 13-years
old to 19-years old in the Juvenile Justice System. A juvenile charged with a criminal offense may not be charged as an adult, unless applicable
by the Laws of God. To be charged as an adult is defined as a capital offense crime such as murder or rape. All capital offense trials shall
be judged by the Lord who will determine the sentencing of such court cases.

The Court of Law shall hold the right to charge a juvenile and an adult convicted offended with a sentencing of corporal punishment,
civil restitution, community service, residential detention, and behavioral therapy. All final verdicts of court hearing shall be rendered as
lawful in accordance with the Law of God for the people of Israel.

Do not twist justice in legal matters by favoring the poor or being partial to the rich and powerful. Always judge people fairly
Leviticus 19:15


The Royal Family of Israel

Privacy Protection Act

As outlined by the Office of Justice and Legislation of the Nation of Israel, all person within the national jurisdiction territory shall
have protection of privacy. The Privacy Protection Act defines privacy as the quality of seclusion of information or material from public
view and knowledge. The Privacy Protection Act states that all person within the national jurisdiction territory of the Nation of Israel shall
be granted certain civil rights for protection of privacy. The Privacy Protection Act protects the civil rights of citizens and noncitizens
without discrimination of citizenship status, age, gender, marital status, skin complexion, military service, developmental impairments,
health status, education level, economic classification, career title, belief, prior or current nationality, sexual preference, or personal beliefs.

The Privacy Protection Act defines personal information in two main categories as outlined: basic personal information and extended
personal information. The Privacy Protection Act explains privacy policies established for protect consumers and citizens in the collection,
storage, and distribution of personal information in the establishment of security measures. The Privacy Protection Act protects the hidden
and published information of said person when personal information is collected.

Basic personal information can include in complete or partial collection of applicants legal name, alias, gender, birthdate,
immigration identification number, age, contact information such as phone number, email address, and mailing address, marital status,
and salutation (Mr., Mrs., Ms., Miss).


The Royal Family of Israel

Extended personal information family composition, number of family dependents, immigration approval of entry date, immigration
expiration date, current medical health issues, past health problems, employment history, current employment status, residential history,
criminal history, prior nationality origin, naturalization approval date, and educational history.

Both citizens and noncitizens shall be notified when personal information is collected without expressed signature of said person.
Information of patrons collected without signature may not be kept on file longer than 120 days, unless otherwise applicable by law.
Information may not be collected from a juvenile under the 20-years old unless written approval from a legal parent, guardian, or by Court
of Law. A person or legal guardian who approves of the collection of personal information with an expressed signature shall have the right
to revoke the approval of such information from further usage.

Information collected from a citizen or noncitizen may shall not be deemed valid 6-months from written authorization, unless
applicable by law. Legal contracts that confirm the archived collection of information longer than 6-months for basic or extended personal
information must be notarized to permit the legalization of such binding contract for a 12-month period.

Government agencies shall maintain accurate archive records of both citizens and noncitizens to validate the presence of said
individual without expiration of documentation. Government agencies may lawfully maintain private records of its citizens and noncitizens
in accordance of the Laws of God. Archived records kept by government agencies include vital records listed as birth certification, marriage
records, genealogy records, death certification, prior national origin, and immigration number. Other archived records include education

The Royal Family of Israel

information, criminal and civil history, employment history, residential history, assets records, property records, military service, and health

The Office of Justice and Legislation defines the performance of privacy infringement as outlined within the Privacy Infringement
Clause of the Privacy Protection Act. Privacy infringement is the illegal obtaining or distribution of personal information of said person
within the national jurisdiction territory without verbal or written consent. The Office of Justice and Legislation recognizes privacy
infringement as a criminal offense that can be prosecuted by the court of Law within the Nation of Israel. Consumers have the right to
know how their personal information will be stored, length of archived information, if information will be shared with third party, and how
sharing their personal information can affect their rights and privileges. Citizens and noncitizens have the right to authorize the publication
or concealing of their personal information when such rights do not affect the safety, health, or security of the public or government
administration. Public databases that collect and publicize personal information of said person may do so only with legal written
documentation. Public databases include social media outlets and phonebooks. Basic ancestral databases may publish general public
information through government administration without the written authorization of said persons.

The Office of Nation Security has the authorized right to investigate the personal information of such person deemed to be a threat
to the security to the Nation of Israel. Such person deemed to be a national security threat must be identified upon allegations of suspected
threat. The Office of Justice and Legislation has the right to trial all accused citizens and noncitizens within the national jurisdiction
territory of the Nation of Israel for such criminal offense. The criminal offense of a national security threat shall hold a maximum sentence
of capital punishment for the lawfully convicted defendant. The Office of Justice and Legislation defines a national security threat as the

The Royal Family of Israel

compromise of a countries security through threats toward the management of economic development, population health of people and
animals, environmental health of land, water, and air, government administration, biblical Jewish-Hebrew heritage of the Holy Covenant,
and special intelligence. A person found guilty of compromising the integrity of the national security of the Nation of Israel shall be held
accountable by Laws of God.


The Royal Family of Israel

National Jurisdiction Territory

The national jurisdiction territory includes any land obtain by the royal family of the Nation of Israel for government administration
purposes. The royal family is defined as the native-born descendants of the Nation of Israel being able to prove their Jewish-Hebrew heritage
to be recognized as a government official. The Executive Offices of the Royal Regime has the lawful authority to permit or refuse the entry
of any person from residing within the Nation of Israel including Levitical districts and other national jurisdiction territories.

After the sun went down and darkness fell, Abram saw a smoking firepot and a flaming torch pass between the halves of the carcasses.
So the Lord made a covenant with Abram that day and said, I have given this land to your descendants, all the way from the river of
Egypt to the great Euphrates Riverthe land now occupied by the Kenites, Kenizzites, Kadmonites, Hittites, Perizzites, Rephaites,
Amorites, Canaanites, Girgashites, and the Jebusites.
Genesis 15: 18-21

All land obtained by the royal family includes but is not limited to the Promise Lands a established by God the Abraham. Such land
begins at the river of Egypt and extending to the Euphrates River. This land includes the various major waterways: Mediterranean Sea, Nile
River, Dead Sea, Jordan River, Orantes River, Sea of Galilee, Red Sea, and the whole Euphrates River that extends to the Persian Gulf to the

The Royal Family of Israel

Middle Eastern territory. In addition to the outline land as established by the Holy Covenant between Yahweh and Israel, any land
purchased by the royal family within the territory of foreign nations shall be deemed property belonging to the Nation of Israel. Such
property shall operate as a Levitical district town established as holy for the people of Israel to abide in the government of the Lord who is
Israels Sovereign King and Holy Ruler. Land purchased by the Executive Offices of the Royal Regime becomes official territory of the Nation
of Israel, thus operated as a Levitical district.

I promise you what I promised Moses: Wherever you set foot, you will be on land I have given youfrom the Negev wilderness in the
south to the Lebanon mountains in the north, from the Euphrates River in the east to the Mediterranean Sea in the west, including all the
land of the Hittites. No one will be able to stand against you as long as you live. For I will be with you as I was with Moses. I will not fail
you or abandon you.
Joshua 1:3-5

The Executive Offices of the Royal Regime are prohibited from the lawful act of permitting citizens or noncitizens from obtaining
permanent property by Levitical districts. Citizens and noncitizens are permitted to reside in temporary shelters or temporary residential
house units provided by the Nation of Israel as government housing. Citizens and noncitizens may be responsible lodging fees and other
administrative levies to the Executive Offices of the Royal Regime. Within the Promise Land, citizens may purchase private property within
tribal territory that is not allotted to the tribe of Levi or the royal family. Noncitizen are lawfully prohibited from obtaining private property


The Royal Family of Israel

as their own personal asset within the Nation of Israel. Citizens of the Nation of Israel who choose to reside outside of the national
jurisdiction territory as defined as the Levitical district forfeit their certain citizenship privileges as a resident under foreign government.

But Jesus replied, We must go on to other towns as well, and I will preach to them, too. That is why I came.
Mark 1:38


The Royal Family of Israel

Filing a Formal Complaint

All persons residing within the Nation of Israel and its national jurisdiction territory have the civil right to petition the Court of Law
through the Act of Superior Appeals. Citizens and noncitizens may file a formal complaint with the Executive Offices of the Royal Regime
or the Office of Justice and Legislation. Citizens and noncitizens who believe their civil rights have been violated in the Court of Law
through the Office of Justice and Legislation, may petition the Royal Court of Supreme and have such case heard by the crowned head,
either the anointed prince or princess, who will consult God in the presence of the high priest. Additionally, a member of the Nation of
Israel may petition the Royal Court of Supreme in proposal of a retrial of any criminal and/or civil judication. All cases held in a retrial will
be final upon the verdict given in the royal court.

If a malicious witness come forward and accuses someone of a crime, then both the accuser and the accused must appear before the Lord
by coming to the priests and judges in office at that time. The judges must investigate the care thoroughly. If the accuser has brought false
charges against his fellow Israelite, you must impose on the accuser the sentence he intended for the other person. In this way, you will
purge such evil from among you. Then the rest of the people will hear about it and be afraid to do such an evil thing.
Deuteronomy 19:16-20


The Royal Family of Israel

The Act of Superior Appeals protects the civil rights of citizens and noncitizens without discrimination of citizenship status, age,
gender, marital status, skin complexion, military service, developmental impairments, health status, education level, economic
classification, career title, belief, prior or current nationality, sexual preference, or personal beliefs.

Appoint judges and officials for yourselves from each of your tribes in all the towns the Lord your God is giving you. They must judge the
people fairly. You must never twist justice or show partiality. Never accept a bribe, for bribes blind the eyes if the wise and corrupt the
decisions of the godly. Let true justice prevail, so you may live and occupy the land that the Lord your God is giving you.
Deuteronomy 16:18-20

The Act of Superior Appeals protects all citizens and noncitizens of the Nation of Israel who desire to voice their concerns through
legal suit. A member of the Nation of Israel may express their legal grievances with their towns officers, tribal leader, Officers of the Royal
Court, members of the royal family, and any member of the tribe of Levi. A community member who requests legal suit that is addressed
directly to the Royal Court of Supreme may not be retaliated against by government officials or members of the general public. The Act of
Superior Appeals may be filed in writing, verbal, or signed language by hand gestures by any member of the community of Israel. All citizens
and noncitizens of the Nation of Israel shall have as standard civil right to directly communicate with their chief administrative officers. As
standard of civil right, a person may file criminal and civil suit to have a case heard by the chief members of the royal family. Chief members
of the royal family are as described: crowned King, crowned Queen, crowned prince, crowned princess, and high priest.


The Royal Family of Israel

Creditor Protection Act

The Office of Justice and Legislation has enacted the Creditor Protection Act to regulate the credit-consumer relationship as outlined
by the Laws of God. The Laws of God states that a resident of the Nation of Israel shall be granted a temporary investment of financial
support. Financial support is described as the issuing of the loaning of money and/or property to its residents. The financial market of
providing a temporary provision of support to consumers is established in the Creditor Protection Act.

The Creditor Protection Act protects the lawful rights and obligations of the creditor and debtor as issued by the Laws of God. Credit
is defined as an allotment of money or property borrowed with the intent to repay to issuer. This act defines a creditor as a person, business,
or government who has issued a line of credit or property to another person or business. Within this act, a debtor is a person or business
who has incurred a financial obligation at the expense of another person, business, or government who has guaranteed provisional financial
support. The debtor is defined as the consumer or a person or business who uses property, merchandise, or services with the obligation of
installment debt. Installment debt is defined as a liable source of obligation to make regular payment for property, merchandise, or services
over a specified duration of timeframe. The creditor is defined as the lender or a person, business, or government that issues financial
support or property to a person or business with the intent of repayment for services. The Creditor Protection Act does define the issuing
and approval of a line of credit as a lawful financial transaction and binding contract of service, goods, and merchandise. As defined by law,
a line of credit is the approve amount of financial obligation established within a contract for installed payments of service, property, or


The Royal Family of Israel

The Creditor Protection Acts hereby states that a consumer must be of legal adult age to enter into a binding loan obligation. The
legal adult age of issuing a line of credit of a consumer is 20-years of age and older. A juvenile shall not be lawfully entered into a contract
of requesting a line of credit, such transactions shall be null and void. It is a criminal and civil offense that is prosecutable by law for any
person who attempts to receive or is approved for a line of credit under the identity of a juvenile. Such lawful offenses are states in the
Identity Theft Protection Act of the Nation of Israel.

A consumer who seeks financial support through the issuing of a line of credit is lawfully required to me specific criterias. A
consumer must be a lawful adult, age 20-years old or older. A consumer shall prove their legitimate ability of repayment of their debt
through a stable source of income such as employment, business revenue, or an annuity. A consumer must have resided within the national
jurisdiction territory for a minimum of 16 consecutive months to prove residency. The Creditor Protection Act states that a consumer must
demonstrate a good standing history of repayment of financial obligations prior to the approval of a line of credit.

As issued by the Creditor Protection Act, a consumer who seeks financial support through the application of credit shall be required
to comprehend all legal terms of agreement. A person who seeks a line of credit through the loaning of money or property shall be lawfully
required to attend a credit counseling. Credit Counseling services shall introduce the consumer to the legal terms of all laws regarding the
approval and issuing of credit. Credit counseling shall include financial management training to ensure consumers are capable of making
regular and on-time payments as established in the installment contract. Credit counseling is required of consumers issued a line of credit
including an extension loan.


The Royal Family of Israel

The Creditor Protection Act states that a consumer is lawfully required to attend a credit counseling with a certified Credit Counselor.
Credit Counselor shall operate as a third party separate of the financial institution to represent the debtor. Fees for services of the credit
counseling shall be issued separate of line of credit from financial institution. Credit Counselor are hereby installed to operate as a legal
representor in explaining legal terms of financial support from creditor.

The Creditor Protection Act permits a creditor to require a security of collateral, interest payment, down payment, or a guarantor to
protect the creditor in the event of a defaulted loan. Collateral is defined as the promise to trade the possession of a tangible item in the
event of inability to repay loan. Interest payment is the percentage rate charged to a consumer for acceptance of a loan. Down payment is
a large lump sum of funds paid to a creditor or lender to secure a loan agreement of installed payments. A guarantor is a person or business
who accepts the financial obligations of a debtor if unable to repay loan agreement.

By Law of God, a creditor or lender may not charge interest rates on the approval of loans or borrowed property, services, or
merchandise to an Israelite citizen. A creditor or lender may charge interest rates on the approval of loans or borrowed property, services,
or merchandise to a non-Israelite resident. A creditor can require the security of residential consumer in the requirement of collateral,
down payment, or a guarantor.

The Rights of Financial Consumers clause of the Creditor Protection Act states that a creditor cannot require the legal possession of
an item established as collateral unless the debtor defaults on loan agreement. A debtor may keep in their legal possession any item

The Royal Family of Israel

guaranteed to a creditor until the defaulting of the loan agreement. A creditor who files for a lien of possessions with the Court of Law may
then take into their legal possession the item guaranteed to them and the debt will be cleared of further financial obligation.

The creditor is lawfully required to access the appraised value of an item agreed upon as a security of collateral. The fee of appraisal
may be charged against the debtor. The debtor is not lawfully required to relinquish rights of possession for property established as
collateral; however, debtor agrees to keep item within their possession and within access value of appraisal. In the event that the item
placed as security is loss, damaged, or stolen the debtor is lawfully required to immediately notify creditor. If an item of collateral is loss or
stolen a police report is required to be filed with the local law enforcement. Since the item placed as collateral is security for a loan
obligation, the debtor has limited rights of possession of their property. A debtor is prohibited from the selling or passing along as legal
inheritance of a property or merchandise secured as collateral. The creditor may file civil suit with the Court of Law to resolve issues of
unobtainable collateral property that is reported lost, damaged, or stolen.

The Rights of Financial Consumers states that a consumer who secures a loan or lending transaction shall be granted a grace period
of 30-days to terminate such financial obligation. A person or business who guarantees the financial obligation to secure a loan for a
consumer shall be granted a 30-day grace period to terminate such legal agreement. A consumer who secures the financial transaction of a
loan agreement or rental of property with a down payment shall be granted a grace period of 30-days to terminate such obligation. In the
event that a consumer terminates the transaction of a secured by a down payment of purchase, the creditor shall return all funds to debtor
who will be cleared of further financial obligations. The creditor shall prorate the returned funds determined by the number of service days
from the agreed upon transaction to compensate their usage cost and detainment of service.

The Royal Family of Israel

The Creditor Protection Act states that a consumer who is issued a loan without the ability to performing the guaranteed terms of
payment and collection of collateral shall remain obligated of financial burden.

A creditor shall have the lawful ability to file civil suit

against a consumer who is incapable of meeting financial obligations. A consumer who has accumulated an outstanding balance through
nonpayment of financial obligations shall be deemed defaulted after three (3) missed payment. The creditor has the legal burden of filing
a civil suit to enforce a lien on a collateral item. Court fees will be charged against the debtor upon the guilty verdict of default judgment
by the presiding judge. In the event that a person is unable to present the item of collateral with presence or sufficient value shall be ordered
by the Court of Law to continue financial obligation. A person who is unable to present an item of collateral and has defaulted on a loan
will be lawfully required to work for their creditor without financial compensation for services rendered.

As stated by the Laws of God, a consumer shall not be financially obligated for a loan after seven (7) consecutive years. The terms of
a financial loan shall become null and void after seven years from the agreed upon date. A financial agreement that is established prior to
the Year of Jubilee shall be cancelled within this timeframe, as established by the Laws of God. All financial loans shall become null and
void within the Year of Jubilee which occurs every 50 years. The terms of a loan payment plan or installment agreement shall be no longer
than seven years. A creditor is not lawfully required to establish a long-term loan with a consumer. A long-term financial contract consists
of 13-month to 7-years legal agreement. A short-term financial contract consists of 1-day to 12-months timeframe. Creditors are responsible
for determining installment payments that ensure full repayment of issued credit within a consumers annual income range.

The Rights of Financial Consumers describes a renter as a consumer who temporarily acquires possession of property from a creditor
through legal agreement. The Rights of Financial Consumers states that a person who is within possession of rental property or merchandise

The Royal Family of Israel

shall have the right of protection from faulty, damaged, or life-threatening legal transactions of borrowed property. Consumers have the
right to the comprehension of all legal agreement of financial transaction of rental property and merchandise. Consumers are responsible
for the inspection of damages or operational ability of rental property prior to possession of agreed upon transaction. Consumers shall
have a minimum of 24-hours after the official agreement of the financial transaction to report any malfunctions or unreported damages.
The creditor is lawfully obligated to report to the consumer any damages, operational malfunctions, or other liable faults. Creditors shall be
lawfully obligated to report such damages to the authorized government agencies as specified by the Court of Law of the Office of Justice
and Legislation. A creditor who fails to report liable faults that affect the value or the rental property to government agencies or consumers
shall be criminally and civilly prosecuted. Additionally, such financial transaction shall become null and void and the consumer will not be
held accountable for damages or other defects due to operational malfunctions.

The Creditors Protection Act states that a creditor who lends or rents property or merchandise to a consumer may require the security of a
deposit or down payment toward the financial transaction. A deposit is defined as a lump sum of funds equivalent to the quantity of charges
for loss of funds for defaulted loan. The request deposit cannot be more than the total of three (3) defaulted installment payments. The
debtor has the right to collect the deposited security at the completion of the satisfactory financial transaction. A debtor who is judged to
have defaulted in their legal financial obligation by a Court of Law shall not have the ability to obtain their deposited security.

The Creditor Protection Act states that a creditor shall have the right to inspect their property while in the possession of the borrower. The
creditor shall notify borrower of such request in writing. Creditor shall also have the right to inspect their property or merchandise at the


The Royal Family of Israel

ending of financial agreement to access damages through unnatural wear and tear. A creditor who believes to have incurred unnatural
damages of property may file a civil suit with the Court of Law to determine their ability to obtain restitution.

The Creditor Protection Act states that a creditor may require the security of a down payment to secure the financial transaction of a legal
agreement. A down payment can be no more than the sum of three installment payments or 10% of the financial loan request. The down
payment shall secure the transaction of the legal agreement between the creditor and debtor. The down payment is to be applied to the
balance of funds owed to the creditor as a large installment payment. The Rights of Financial Consumers states that a consumer shall have
the ability to cancel a financial obligation within thirty (30) days. The creditor must return funds within a prorated in proportion to the
dates of the transaction to the borrower. A consumer who believes they have been taken advantage of may file civil suit against the creditor
through the Court of Law.

If someone borrows an animal from a neighbor and it is injured or dies when the owner is absent, the person who borrowed it must pay
full compensation. But if the owner was present, no compensation is required. And no compensation is required if the animal was
rented, for this loss is covered by the rental fee.
Exodus 22: 14-15


The Royal Family of Israel

Equalized Education Policy

The Equalized Education Policy recognizes the civil rights of all citizens of the Nation of Israel without discrimination or prejudice
to receive an equal opportunity through public education. It is the civil right of all residents of the Nation of Israel to have the ability to
receive a high-quality academic training regardless of age, skin complexion, gender, economic status, ethnicity, marital status,
developmental impairment, citizenship status, prior nationality, and employment status.

Within the Nation of Israel, all juvenile ages 19 years old and under are mandated by royal decree to attend a tax-invested public
education institution. Students have the option of early enrollment into an academic training facility at the age of 6-months old. Parents
and/or guardian can be criminally prosecuted for the restriction of civil rights to juvenile residents.

Within the Equalized Education Policy states, the civil rights of temporary residents called the Equalized Exchange clause of the
Equalize Education Policy. The Equalized Exchange clause recognizes the civil rights of all residents within the Nation of Israel to receive
a quality education. Juveniles temporary residents are lawfully required to receive and attend a tax-invested public education institution.
All juvenile residents age 24-month (2-years) old are mandated to attend a public education institution.


The Royal Family of Israel

The juvenile public education system supply four levels of academic training: nursery school, elementary school, high school, and
trade school. Students are responsible for academic development and the learning of accredited curriculum to obtain a high school diploma
and a certification within a specific area of trade.

Academic Curriculum Platform Subjects include:

Arts & Music





Language Arts

Character Development

Language Development

Bible Study & Worship

Social Communication

Health Education


All general academic studies will build upon these foundational components and their various concentration of branches. Juvenile students
will graduate with a general comprehension of all core branches of curriculum studies.


The Royal Family of Israel

The Equalized Education policy regulates the classroom student body in proportion to teacher ratio.

Age of Student

Ratio (Student: Teacher)

Ratio (Student: Teacher with Teacher Assistant)












6-months thru 12-months

13-months thru 24-month
25-months thru 36-months
3-years thru 4-years old
4-years thru 5-years old


6-years old thru 9-years old


10-years old thru 15-years old


16-years old thru 19-years old


20-years old and older


The Royal Family of Israel

The enforcement of civil rights of all residents to obtain an equal opportunity through public academic institutions is protected by
the Equalized Education policy. The assurance of the student body to receive a fair opportunity within the workforce with skilled
employability is protected by the Equalized Education policy. As civil right of all residents within the Nation of Israel who attend a public
education institution, all facilities are equality funded with tax reinvestment funding. Juvenile and adult academic institutions are equally
funded by in regard to capacity of the student body and staffing of faculty. The precedence of student capacity and enrollment hold higher
regards in the funding of public institutions to ensure adequate resources including academic supplies and staff are appropriately stocked.

The Equalize Education policy stabilizes the education equality of all residential students of the Nation of Israel. Therefore, juvenile
students ages 24-months through 19-years of age are lawfully required to attend a public education institution. Juvenile ages 6-months
through 23-months of age may attend a private education facility such as a daycare center that is regulated by the Nation of Israel. Parents
and/or guardian are responsible for all cost associated with private education facilities including afterschool programs. Private funding may
be available to assist parents and/or guardians with afterschool programs.

The Equalized Education policy established the relationship between student success and student failure with the direct connection
of parents, teachers, and students. As outlined, parents of juvenile students are lawfully required to actively participate in the planning,
counseling, and development of students. Parents of juveniles are responsible in the participation of student academic progression. All
students whether juvenile or adult are also responsible in the active participation required in maintaining their civil rights of a quality public
education. Juvenile students are lawfully required to obtain a high school diploma and certification of occupational trade. Juvenile students


The Royal Family of Israel

are hereby prohibited from dropping out of academic institution. This law is enforceable by civil law. The Court of Law has the lawful right
to investigate and enforce the active attendance of said juvenile students, as applicable by law.

Within the Equalized Education policy are instructed guidelines to ensure the active progression of academic development of juvenile
and adult students. All academic institution shall institute an individualize academic plan for students to track intellectual, physical, verbal,
and cognitive progression. All public education institution shall be adequately funded with supplies of required academic tools. Academic
tools include curriculum books, electronic devices, art supplies, instruments, tutoring labs, school libraries, gymnasium, etc. As outlined,
parents of juvenile students and adult students are required to share in the demand of school supplies as set forth in their dedication of
student success.

Anyone who wants to do the will of God will know whether my teaching is from God or is merely my own.
John 7:17

The Nation of Israel provided a maximum of 4-years of public education for adult learning and development to obtain a degree in an
academic study. Adult students have the option of earning a 2-year associate degree and a 2-year bachelor degree. Additionally, students
may choose to obtain two 2-year associate degrees in various studies. The Equalized Education policy states that a student enrolled into a
college institution must meet standard Grade Point Averages, attendance ratings, and active participation to continue academic training.

The Royal Family of Israel

The Equalized Education policy recognizes the civil rights of all adult residents regardless of citizenship status to obtaining an
academic training through private funding. Adult students who desires to attend a community college may do so at their own expense for
curriculum and non-curriculum courses. Private pay students may not be charged a higher rate than normal tuition cost of public funded
students. The Commission of Public Education will determine the standard tuition of students upon the cost of publicly funded students.
Academic institutions may not charge outstanding tuition rates for the enrollment of private pay students whether citizens or noncitizens
of the Nation of Israel. The Equalized Education recognizes the civil rights of adult students who may choose to attend a private adult
academic institution. Adult students who attend private academic institutions are lawfully required for all debt of tuition including room
and board, books, extracurricular activity fees, and other charges enforced by private colleges. Adult students may receive a tax-invested
academic education at public institution called community colleges.

Never forget the day when you stood before the Lord your God at Mount Sinai where he told me, Summon the people before me, and I
will personally instruct them. Then they will learn to fear me as long as they live, and they will teach their children to fear me also.
Deuteronomy 4:10


The Royal Family of Israel

The Act of Economic Equality

The Nation of Israel shall promote the economic equality of all its community members as established by the Law of God. The Act
of Economic Equality protects the civil rights of residents of the Nation of Israel from discrimination based upon gender, skin complexion,
developmental impairments, physical composition, marital status, language, and age. All persons employed within the national jurisdiction
territory of the Nation of Israel shall receive the equal standard of minimum wage. Minimum wage shall be determined by the Office of
Justice and Legislation to incorporate fair wage practices that promote the self-sufficiency of basic cost of living.

The Act of Economic Equality does permit a higher compensation of employees on the bases of education credentials and/or
experience within a concentrated field. The Act of Economic Equality also permits a employee without prior experience to perform a
qualifying title. Such is the case with the choosing of certain government officials who may be chosen by sacred lots in the presence of God
by the priest over some seemingly more qualified personnel. The Act of Economic Equality promotes the ability for all members of the
Israelite workforce to advance within their career and be provided an opportunity to display their skill, knowledge, and devotion.

The Act of Economic Equality states that all tribal territories shall be granted the equivalent funding to invest into municipal and
administrative services within such territory. Thus, underprivileged neighborhood and underfunded government agencies are prohibited
within the Nation of Israel. It is considered an act of civil injustice to permit the decapitation of community neighborhood through poor
funding, resources, and security. Therefore, it is outlawed within the Nation of Israel to have slum neighborhoods. Slum neighborhoods
are defined as any area considered condemned by the royal priest for noncompliance of sanitary laws, security laws, and civil justice laws.

The Royal Family of Israel

All residential neighborhoods, whether public, private, or government owned, shall be required to meet continuous standard of the Laws of
God. Residential neighborhoods or housing complex that fail to meet the standards required by the Law of God shall be condemned and
thus required repair, rebuilt, redeveloped, and destroyed. Government officials are lawfully required to properly monitor the sanitation,
security, and matters of justice among all neighborhood to ensure the civil rights of all residents.

As mandated by the Act of Economic Equality each tribal territory including the national jurisdiction territory shall provide each
citizen with the same quality of administrative services. The civil rights of noncitizens within the Nation of Israel are also protected by this
law. The ability for residents to prosper within the Nation of Israel is in the establishment of administrative services.

The Nation of Israel is protected in its responsibility of providing all municipal services within each tribal territory. Such example of
this is the Temple of God that is only built within the Levitical district of Jerusalem within Benjamin and Judah. The Nation of Israel has
the ability to use discretion in the provision of recreational amenities distributed within each tribal territory. Tribal territories are funded
in proportion of residential populations and the size of the jurisdiction. Thus, every tribal clan may not be supplied with the same
recreational amenities to promote the integration of community members. An example of such recreational amenities shall consist of but
not limited to a Performing Arts Center, beach access, sports fields, etc. However, all residential neighborhoods shall have common
municipal services such as recreational parks, playgrounds, gardens, and fitness parks.


The Royal Family of Israel

Decree of Peniel
As a standard of royal decree, the Royal Regime of the Nation of Israel has issued the Decree of Peniel. The Decree of Peniel enforces
the heritage law of the Israelites to refrain from the consumption of the thigh of any animal among the general population of Israel. As
issued within the Law of God in the Book of Genesis, Chapter 32, Israelite are prohibited to consume the meat around the hip of an animal
as a result of Jacob wrestling with God as his camp in Peniel.

Now that Jacob had returned from Paddan-Aram, God appeared to him again at Bethel. God blessed him, saying, Your name is Jacob,
but you will not be called Jacob any longer. From now on your name will be Israel. So God renamed him Israel.
The God said, I am El-Shaddai God Almighty. Be fruitful and multiply. You will become a great nation, even many nations. Kings
will be among your descendants! And I will give you the land I once gave to Abraham and Isaac. Yes, I will give it to you and your
descendants after you. The God went up from the place where he has spoken to Jacob.
Genesis 35:9-13

Peniel means the face of God. It was at Peniel that Jacob was given the family name Israel that is passed along to the family of
Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. The Decree of Peniel requires all Israelites to provide as a sacrificial offering the thigh of any animal butchered
for consumption to the royal family. Israelites are lawfully prohibited from the consumption of animal tendons, organs, fat, blood, bones,
and other non-muscular meat. As stated, the Decree of Peniel is to remind all members of the Israelite community, both citizens and

The Royal Family of Israel

noncitizens, to share the historical events of how the House of Jacob become the Nation of Israel. Both rear thighs of a sheep, cattle, goat,
or poultry animal that is approved for consumption and butchered by the common members of the Israelite community must be offered to
the royal family.

Israelites are to share with their children, friends, and the foreigners who live among us how the Lord spared Jacob and all those
within his camp. Jacob has fled from his fraternal twin brother Esau whom was upset because Jacob received the inheritance of the firstborn.
The inheritance of the firstborn was supposed to be received by Esau; however, Esau sold his rights to Jacob for a single meal after returning
from a hunting trip. Later, Jacob and Rebekah his mother schemed to ensure that Isaac blessed Jacob instead of Esau. Jacob dressed up like
Esau to impersonate his brother and was able to deceive his father since he was old and blind. Isaac blessed Jacob, as God stated would
happen prior to the births of Esau and Jacob. God fulfilled this blessing of Jacob at the Camp of Peniel. After Isaac blessed Jacob, Esau soon
heard that he wouldnt be able to receive an inheritance from his brother but would instead serve his brother as a servant and be a man of

After Jacob received the inheritance blessing from his father, Isaac, his mother sent him to reside with his Aramaic relative who lived
in Paddan-Aram. Upon his arrival, Jacob happened to run into his cousin Rachel who was a shepherd of his Uncle Labans flocks. Jacob
was warmly welcomed into his uncles home whom he also began to work for in caring for his flocks of herds. Later, Laban request what
would Jacob desire be for financial compensation of working for his uncle. Jacob requested the hand of his cousin Rachel in marriage. Jacob
worked for 15 years in total for his uncle. Jacob married both of his cousins, Rachel and Leah. Leah was the firstborn daughter of Laban.


The Royal Family of Israel

Jacob worked for seven years for each of his wives, and for all his acquired livestock and domesticated animals. Jacob was also given two
servant wives named Zilpah and Bilhah. From these four women came all the descendants of the household of Jacob.

Then Jacob prayed, O God of my grandfather Abraham, and God of my father, IsaacO Lord, you told me, Return to your own land and
to your relatives. And you promised me, I will treat you kindly. I am not worthy of all the unfailing love and faithfulness you have shown to
me, your servant. When I left home and crossed the Jordan River, I owned nothing except a walking stick. Now my household fills two large
camps! O Lord, please rescue me from the hand of my brother, Esau. I am afraid that he is coming to attack me, along with my wives and
children. But you promised me, I will surely treat you kindly, and I will multiply your descendants until they become as numerous as the
sands along the seashoretoo many to count.
Genesis 32:9-12

When the Lord has sent Jacob away from his uncles home there was tension as Laban didnt want Jacob to leave or to gain
compensation. However, the Lord spoke up for Jacob and warned Laban not to harm Jacob. Laban obeyed the Lords command and Jacob
and Laban made a treaty. Along Jacob journey into the Promise Land, Jacob reached his brothers territory called Edom. Esau also fathered
a nation called Edom within the Arabia desert area. As Jacob began to near his brothers territory he sent household messengers to alert
him of his coming. These messenger soon returned with the announcement that Esau was coming to meet Jacob with his whole army of
men. In a panic, Jacob prayed to God and began to divide his camp in the event an attack of war. Jacobs camp was unprepared for a battle
of war and Jacob rightfully prayed to the Lord than night. Jacob also prepared to pacify his brother by giving him gifts of many domesticated


The Royal Family of Israel

animals such as bulls, camels, rams, donkeys, sheep, and goats. That same evening Jacob sent his wives and children across the Jabbok River
along with his servants. Jacob remained in the camp alone.

As Jacob remained in the camp a man approached him and they began to wrestle. As Jacob wrestled with this stranger he was
winning the match. However, the other wrestler touched Jacobs hip and injured him. The wrestler, who was God, had ripped Jacobs hip
bone out of its socket. Despite this, Jacob refused to let the man go until he received a blessing. The man asked of Jacobs name and he
answered God with, Jacob. However, God stated Your name will no longer be Jacob. From now on you will be called Israel, because you
have fought with God and with men and have won. (Genesis 32:27-28) It was at that location as a memorial that Jacob named the camp
Peniel because he had seen the face of God and lived. Later, God reappeared to Jacob and confirmed his blessings at Bethel. It was at
Jacobs camp that God commanded Jacob to multiply and that God would establish Jacobs descendants as royal rulers within the Promise
Land. Jacob built an altar to God and set up a stone pillar as a memorial of where the Lord has appeared to him to bless him.

For this reason, the Decree of Peniel states that all animals butchered by the general members of the Israelite nation must be given
to the royal family. This will ensure that the memory of how the House of Jacob became the Nation of Israel. In the event that an animal
is butchered but an Israelite or foreigner who resides among us is unable to give this sacrifice to the royal family, they may burn this part of
the animal by fire. The general purpose of this royal decree and Law of God is to ensure that all members of the family of Israel continue
the heritage of Israel as an eternal memorial.


The Royal Family of Israel

Obstruction of Civil Unrest

The Nation of Israel does strictly prohibit the right of its citizens and noncitizens to revolt against its government administration. A
revolt against government is defined as the singular or collective persons who demonstrate public hostility, violence, and aggression to a
government administration including all ranks of government officers, government personnel, military officials, and civil security officers.
The government administration includes persons employed by and property owned by the Executive Offices of the Royal Regime. Property
includes but is not limited to constructed building, tents, roads, animals both wild and domestic, lighting poles, natural resources, and other

Then the whole community began weeping aloud, and they cried all night. Their voices rose in a great chorus of protest against Moses and
Aaron. If only we had died in Egypt, or even here in the wilderness! they complained. Why is the Lord taking us to this country only to
have us die in battle? Our wives and our littles ones will be carried to Egypt! Then they plotted among themselves, Lets choose a new
leader and go back to Egypt!
Numbers 14:1-4

The government administration will not tolerate the open hostility of a citizen or noncitizen toward any government administrative
worker or government property. Obstruction of Civil Unrest defines civil unrest as the severely agitated behavior of a person or persons

The Royal Family of Israel

without personal restraint and with acts of intimidation. The act of open rebellion toward the government establishment of the Lord in any
way will not be tolerated by the Nation of Israel who chooses all government officials and high officers of the royal courts to serve the family
of Israel.

Everyone must submit to governing authorities. For all authority comes from God, and those in position of authority have been placed
there by God. So anyone who rebels against authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and they will be punished. For the
authorities do not strike fear in people who are doing right, but in those who are doing wrong. Would you like to live without of fear of the
authorities? Do what is right, and they will honor you. The authorities are Gods servants, sent for your good. But if you are doing wrong,
of course you should be afraid, for they have the power to punish you. They are Gods servants, sent for the very purpose of punishing
those who do what is wrong. So you must submit to them, not only to avoid punishment, but also to keep a clear conscience.
Romans 13:1-5

The Executive Offices of the Royal Regime enforces said laws as the Obstruction of Civil Unrest. Law enforcements have the lawful
authority to give citation to any persons involved in an act of civil unrest, including arrest and apprehend said person until court date. The
obstructing of civil unrest is within the authorized rights of the Nation of Israel in promoting national security through order, harmony,
and respect. Citizens and noncitizens who organize any act of civil unrest whether toward the government administration or community
member will be held accountable by the Law of God. All offenses defined within the Obstruction of Civil Unrest will be held accountable
to the Law of God with maximum sentencing of a capital punishment upon conviction. Acts of hostility toward government officials or
personnel are defined as resisting arrest, physical altercation or assault of a government officers or personnel, verbal assault or conveying of

The Royal Family of Israel

threats, and acts of intimidation. All such person charged with an offense of the Proclamation of Riot Obstruction will be held accountable
to the full extent of the Law of God. A person found guilty of inciting a riot or act of civil unrest toward the government administration and
destroys government property shall be responsible of full financial compensation of court ordered restitution fees to the government of the
Nation of Israel. An act of civil unrest or rioting that is responsible for the destruction of private property of a citizen or noncitizen will
result in charges of full financial compensation of court ordered restitution fees to such litigator. Court ordered restitution fees are in
addition to other guilty charges of judicial sentencing found in the Court of Law.


The Royal Family of Israel


The Royal Family of Israel

Act of Treason
The Act of Treason is enforced and established by the Law of God as stated by the Office of Justice and Legislation. The Act of
Treason defines treason as the undermining of government authority in the establishment of disloyalty and explicit disobedience. The
Nation of Israel represents the Kingdom of Heaven ruled, governed, and established by God, Yahweh, and Jesus Christ, the King of Israel.
All laws of the Nation of Israel are clearly defined within the Holy Covenant established by the Holy Bible and revealed through the Holy
Spirit. All Scripture is revealed to the world through the Holy Spirit of God and Jesus Christ. All of the holy prophets and holy apostle spoke
through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit as God and Christ guided them. Therefore, anyone who rebels against the Nation of Israel in the
erection of another government administration is rebelling against the Kingdom of Heaven which is ruled by the King of Israel, Jesus Christ.
All of the Holy Bible was written by the holy descendants of the native-born Israelite family members of Jesus Christ.

Yes, the king replied, and those who use well what they are given, even more will be given. But from those who do nothing, even what little
they have will be taken away. And as for these enemies of mine who didnt want me to be their kingbring them in and execute them right
here in front of me.
Luke 19:26-27


The Royal Family of Israel

The Act of Treason defines treasonable behavior as blasphemy of God and of King Jesus Christ who establishes their sovereign
government through the family of Israel. Anyone found guilty of treason has dishonored both the Nation of Israel and the family of Jacob.
Such crime is held as a capital offense as established by the Law of God.

The Act of Treason defines treasonable behavior as the establishment or loyalty toward foreign government. The Act of Treason
states that a person or persons who fraudulently produces counterfeit currency within the national jurisdiction territory of the Nation of
Israel has committed treason. Fraudulent currency can be the imitation of the national shekel produced by the general public. All currency
of the Nation of Israel is produced by government officials and personnel. The royal family manufactures and supplies paper and metal
currency to the Israelite community to validate the transaction of financial agreements. Additionally, fraudulent currency can be the
distribution of foreign currency within the national jurisdiction territory of the Nation of Israel. Foreign currency is prohibited from entering
the Nation of Israel by the general community members. The loyalty of two national administrations shall be treasonous. The Nation of
Israel does not make engage in foreign negotiation such as peace treaties or other international agreements. The possession of foreign
currency within the national jurisdiction territory of the Nation of Israel is classified as treachery. The possession of foreign currency is
considered an act of treasonable behavior with the intent to make lawful agreements with non-Israelite nations. Government officials
including the royal priest will judge each case in accordance to the Law of God as provided in the Holy Covenant. Government officials of
the Nation of Israel shall hold the lawful ability to acquire the possession of land from foreign nations through the validation of a financial
transaction. Such transactions will thus become the legal possession of the Israelite family and included as holy territory of the Promise
Land. Land acquired outside of the explicit description of the allotted territory described as the Promise Land will be considered a Levitical
district and City of Refuge belonging to the royal family. Community members within the Levitical districts are prohibited from payment
of financial support or contributions to foreign nations in the payment of taxes or other government fees. Community members who reside

The Royal Family of Israel

within the Levitical districts are lawfully required to pay royal tribute to the Nation of Israel in the form of taxes, tithes, and government
fees with the approved national currency called the shekel. It shall be considered an Act of Treason for a citizen or noncitizen to refuse the
support of the Israelite government through the payment of taxes, tithes, and government fees. Such acts will be considered tax evasion for
the failure or refusal to pay the required amount of residential fees accessed in the tithes, taxes, and government fees.

Anyone who isnt with me opposes me, and anyone who isnt working with me is actually working against me.
So, I tell you, every sin and blasphemy can be forgivenexcept blasphemy against the Holy Spirit, which will never be forgiven. Anyone who
speaks against the Son of Man can be forgiven, but anyone speaks against the Holy Spirit will never be forgiven, either in this world or in the
world to come.
Matthew 12:30-32

The Act of Treason also states that a person found guilty of establishing their legal authority as a government official without official
inauguration of the royal family including King Jesus Christ shall be guilty of treason. The Act of Treason states that a person, business, and
government defined as traitor through the act of deception, disloyalty, and spying shall be deemed treasonous.

The Act of Treason describes a spy as a secret agent whose purpose is to collect operative or administrative information from a
government administration to disclose to another foreign government administration. Such acts of treason include but are not limited to

The Royal Family of Israel

foreign photographers, foreign military agents, foreign government officials, and foreign commercial merchants. A foreign-immigrant who
is granted permission to reside within the national jurisdiction territory of the Nation of Israel is approve entry for the process of
naturalization. The Nation of Israel does not hire foreign workers to enter the country on the basis of providing financial aid to through
temporary employment.

I and the children the Lord has given me serve as signs and warnings to Israel from the Lord of Heavens Armies who dwells in his Temple
on Mount Zion.
Someone may say to you, Let ask the mediums and those who consult the spirits of the dead. With their whisperings and mutterings, they
will tell us what to do. But shouldnt people ask God for guidance? Should the living seek guidance from the dead?
Lord to Gods instructions and teachings! People who contradict his words are completely in the dark. They will go from one place to
another weary and hungry. And because they are hungry, they will rage and curse their king and their God. They will look up to heaven and
down at the earth, but wherever they look, there will be trouble and anguish and dark despair. They will be thrown out into the darkness.
Isaiah 8: 19-22

The Nation of Israel is established through the Holy Covenant of the Law of God provided in the Holy Bible. All community members,
citizens and temporary residents, are lawfully required to participate in the reverent obedience of the Holy Covenant including the holy
worship services and purification ceremonies. Within the Nation of Israel community members worship and believe in one God, one
Heavenly Father, one King, one Messiah, one Son of God, one Holy Spirit, one Holy Covenant, one Law of God, and one Family Redeemer

The Royal Family of Israel

The Holy One of Israel called Yahweh. The explicit act of betrayal against the Israelite family nation is the participation of sorcery, idolatry,
and refusal to acknowledge the Word of God as lawfully authoritive. The brazen act of attempting to persuade seduce an Israelite citizen
or foreign-immigrant who resides within the Israelite community is a criminal offense.

The Act of Treason defines sorcery as the act of magic, portions, witchcraft, and worship of celestial beings such as the stars, moon,
and sun. The Act of Treason defines idolatry as the act of sculpting the image of an object for worship as having special powers. The act of
pagan worship shall be enforced as an Act of Treason for sorcery and idolatry. The consulting of medium or conjuring of demonic spirits is
also an act of sorcery and idolatry. Additionally, the consumption of blood and fat in any form is defined as sorcery and idolatry. The royal
family of the Nation of Israel including the tribe of Levi are to ensure the Israelites and native foreigners comprehend the Holy Covenant.
The Nation of Israel is to trust in the power of God and in the heavenly power of the Holy Spirit who guides, protects, teaches, and disciplines
the people of Israel.

Whenever the living beings give glory and honor and thanks to the one sitting on the throne (the one who lives forever and ever), the
twenty-four elders fall down and worship the one sitting on the throne (the one who lives forever and ever). And they lay their crowns before
the throne and say,
You are worthy, O Lord our God, to receive glory and honor and power. For you created all things, and they exist because you created what
pleased you.
Revelations 4:9-11


The Royal Family of Israel

Holy Dietary Health Act

The Nation of Israel enforces the Jewish dietary and health laws that describe the holiness of our God as outlined in the Holy
Covenant. The Administration of Dietary Health through The Commission of Public Health and Sanitation enforces the Holy Dietary Health
Act. The Holy Dietary Health Act promotes the standard culture of the Israelite people as set forth for maintaining and developing a health
body through proper nourishment and physical exercise. These standards established are lawfully enforceable throughout the national
jurisdiction territory of the Nation of Israel to promote the Holy Covenant of Yahweh and Israel.

Under the Holy Covenant of God and Israel, the Holy Dietary Health Act enforces the prohibition of the consumption of blood, fat,
organ tissues such as skin, tongue, liver, etc., hair, nails, and other parts of a person or animal that is muscle fiber. It is a criminal offense
for any person to consume the blood, tissue, or muscle of a person which is called cannibalism. The Holy Dietary Health Act also enforces
the dietary laws regarding ceremonially clean animals and ceremonially unclean animals as established in the Holy Bible.

The Holy Dietary Health Act states that the daily recommended food intake of a person age 13 and older should equate to 1-homer,
equivalent to a 2-liters, per day. Any persons under the age 13 should consume no more than homer of a daily intake of food per day. A
portion of food generally consists of one handful as a serving of food.


The Royal Family of Israel

The Holy Dietary Health Act states that children under 12-months of age can be feed as needed depending on their personal desire
of food and breastmilk. Mothers are encouraged to breastfeed their infants for a minimum of 12-months but may continue for a longer
duration, if desired. Mothers unable to produce breastmilk for their young may substitute the breastmilk of another human being that is
certified as a wet nurse. A lactating woman certified as a wet nurse will require medical testing and specialized training as established by
The Commission of Public Health and Sanitation.

The Holy Dietary Health Act states that a person age 13 and older should have a minimum daily intake of water equivalent to 1-homer
(2-liters). A person under the age 13 is recommended to have a daily water intake of homer (1-liter). Daily intake can be obtained from
food sources such as vegetables and fruits but main source of daily water intake should be purified water.

The Holy Dietary Health Act promoted the regular daily consumption of food to consist mainly of the Primary Four of Vegetation of
the six food groups. A person age 1-year old or older should have three main meals consisting of a mixture of the Primary Four of Vegetation.
Several small snacks should be consumed throughout the day to stabilize the metabolism and ease hunger tension. Each meal should
consist of a handful of the Primary Four of Vegetation and occasional servings from the dairy and additive food groups. An example is one
serving of spinach, one serving of tomatoes, one serving of brown rice, and one serving of chickpeas. This is considered a nutritious meal.
Vegetables and fruit are considered low calorie foods, therefore, more of these foods may be added to garnish a meal and add a complexion
of taste.


The Royal Family of Israel

In addition to promoting the dietary laws of the Israelite nation, the Holy Dietary Health Act encourages the physical activity of each
person. Physical activity is the vigorous movement of a person that exerts the energy and development of muscle mass. Physical activity
includes the stretching, toning, and development of muscle with the exertion of energy. The Health Through Fitness Clause within the
Holy Dietary Act promotes the health of all community members through daily physical fitness. As outlined, the Health Through Fitness
Clause states that a person within a full-time educational institution is required to have 1-hour of daily physical fitness. A person within a
part-time educational institution shall be permitted to have 30-minutes of daily physical fitness. This law if effective for students within all
age ranges enrolled within a public or private educational institution.

A person employed full-time within the commerce industry and agricultural services shall have a physical activity break for a
minimum of 30-minutes. Respite breaks for meals and personal time are in addition to the physical fitness breaks. A person employed parttime within the commerce industry and agricultural services shall have an allotted 15-minutes of physical fitness time. Physical fitness time
can be allotted in whole or in fragments over an expanded timeframe, unless otherwise stated.

You have been set apart as holy to the Lord your God, and he has chosen you from all the nations of the earth to be his special treasure.
Deuteronomy 14:2


The Royal Family of Israel

The Administration of Dietary Health has published an article called Healthy Living. Healthy Habits that outlines the primary
structure of the Holy Dietary Health Act. This document is a supplemental article for public viewing to teach the Holy Dietary Health Act
to the general public.

Below is a dietary food group chart that provides examples of each food groups:



Rice varieties




Wild Rice
Wheat berry




Brown Rice


Ice cream


Vegetable Oils
Maple Syrup
Corn Syrup

The Royal Family of Israel


The Royal Family of Israel

Native Hebrew Culture of Israel

The Nation of Israel is designed to reflect a balanced combination of upper class living with humble modesty as a common standard.
Throughout each individual neighborhood that unites our family community into an operable nation, members will find genuine simplicity.
The family of Israel is known for its high standards of cleanliness that illuminates the glory of our majestic kingdom. Bright neon-green
grass with a natural bouquet of flowers of all arrays fill our land to enhance its natural beauty. Sparkling clear waters with native aquatic
life fill our Mediterranean Sea, Euphrates River, and Red Sea. The Promise Land is filled with many attractive landscapes from meadow to
desert to beach fronts to mountainous peaks and every landscape in between. Truly a gem among nations. However, the most treasured
vicinity of our stunning Holy Land is Jerusalem where the Temple of the God of Israel stands. On the mount of Zion stands the Throne of
King Jesus Christ where those who seek to worship the Lord and be judged by His holy word may stand.

All throughout the Israelite territory can be heard the constant praises of blissful songs to honor the glory and majesty and honor of
our Lord God, King Jesus Christ and Yahwehthe God of our ancestors; the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. The center of the Hebrew
culture is the worship of the Lord. Since the Nation of Israel is a family community who have accepted the terms of the Holy Covenant, all
community members worship the same Lord, God, and King of Heaven and EarthJesus Christ who is Yahweh! Worship services are held
daily. The holy priest and Levites orchestrate the worship services of singing and musical instruments. There are morning and evening
services that all of Israel is invited to commune in holy fellowship. As outlined within the Holy Bible, the Israelite family members join in
weekly, monthly, and annual holy festivals of heavenly celebration. On holy days the whole nation rest to pilgrimage to the Temple of God
for worship. The Temple guards secure the gates of the Most Holy City, Jerusalem, to prevent any intruders from disturbing the 24-hours
worship service. Beautiful tents are pitched at the Throne of God as the Israelites from all nations of the world gather to worship one Holy

The Royal Family of Israel

God and one Holy King. Differences are put to the side in humble honor of the Lord Jesus Christ who unites all who believe in him as the
Lamb of God. All gather with single-minded purpose to praise and worship the Lord for his give of merciful judgement and the gift of
eternal salvation.

Our independent economic system is what establishes the Nation of Israel as a holy kingdom set apart to do the will of our Sovereign
God. A highly honored career field within our community is agriculture. Within the Nation of Israel, there are career paths for all types of
skills and desires. Occupational fields such as teaching, public speaking, business management, health care, environmental development,
cosmetology, pottery, civil security and much more. However, the occupational field that continues the prosperity of our nations is
agriculture. Domesticated animals such as oxen, camels, bulls, horses, and donkeys are used as traveling sources for commuting. Moreover,
other domesticated animals such as cows, sheep, goat, chicken, and other poultry birds are used for eating and sacrificial worship services
performed at the Temple of God. Some sacrificial animals are provided solely for the honor of God. Additionally, other animals are sacrificed
and shared as a covenant meal among the fellow worshippers who collect at the Temple of the God of Israel. In addition to the care and
usage of domesticated animals, our community also cultivates the soil to produce large diversity of vegetation. A thankful gratitude is given
to the additional help of our busy buzzing bees who produce honey from the pollination of our flowers. Our agricultural workers and
resources is how the Nation of Israel received the name the Land of Milk and Honey. With the blessings of the Lord, our cattle and other
domesticated animals are always nursing a young. The fruitfulness of our land, animals, and people are honored blessing sent from the
Lord who is Israels only God and Eternal Father.


The Royal Family of Israel

National Pennant of Israel

Today, the Lord has united his Kingdom of Heaven by his own desire to honor his sovereign realm as King Jesus Christ of the Nation
of Israel. No longer are the people of Israel divided into two separate kingdoms of Israel and Judah. While the diversity of our family
appearance now includes the multitudes of various nations, the Messiah has united all people into himself and ended the wars that cause
division between all people. The Nation of Israel stands for family honor to the eternal Jewish-Hebrew heritage. By a show of reward, every
Israelite can proudly fly their national and tribal flag as a demonstration to their patriotism and family honor. Our national and tribal flags
are patriotic symbols of our national championship to be considered a united nation. The Nation of Israel represents courage, family,
prosperity, loyalty, freedom, and holiness. The people of Israel must not permit to perish the holiness of our biblical culture. Any with our
pledge of eternal loyalty may the family of Israel continue to flourish and take its places among the foreign countries of the world as one

The National Tribal Flag of the Nation of Israel


The Royal Family of Israel

The History of the National Flag of Israel
The national of flag of the Nation of Israel is a depiction of the family unity of the twelve sons of Jacob. Reminding us of the purity
of Israels holiness is a single white stripe in the center of our national banner. Then beautifully decorated in the center of the white stripe
are 12 stars rotating around one single star. The solitude of this star represents the unity of the tribes of Israel as harmonized family. The
Lord states in the Book of Psalms that He counts the stars and calls them all by name. A reminder that the Lord personally seeks to find,
guide, and collect all of his people to himself. Added to the national banner are two sky-blue stripes at the top and bottom portions of the
national emblem. Sky-blue is the national color of Israels required garment tassels. These light blue stripes are reminders for Israel to
always look up to the Lord God of Israel who does hear the prayers, pleads, and cries of his children. Lastly, our national banner is decorated
with two dark blue stripes as a representation of night. The Lord God redeemed the children of Israel during the dark of the night while
they resided in Egypt during Passover. King Jesus Christ of Israel, the Lamb of God, has promised to come as surely as a thief in the night
once more to redeem the nation of Israel from the Earth. Every part of our national pennant is an assuring reminder of the victory of our
faith, hope, and love.

Encouragement of Patriotism and National Honor

The citizens of Israel may also choose to display their patriotism by standing the national or their tribal flag on their household
property. Each tribal territory is identified by its own tribal flag, especially designed in representation of specific tribal characteristic. All
community members, even temporary residents, are permitted to display their national pride with the patriotism of the ancestral flags of
Israel. The display of the tribal flags creates a nationalist aspiration toward the defense of the cultural integrity and heritage of the Nation

The Royal Family of Israel

of Israel. All community members are expected to continually promote the national security and welfare without discrimination to the
Nation of Israel and King Jesus Christ.

Prohibited from Commercial Manufacturing of National Flags

The national tribal flags of Israel are considered government property and may be confiscated at any time by a government official
of Israel. Citizens may only purchase tribal flags through The National Security Commission of Israel. Community members are prohibited
from profiting from the distribution or manufacturing of government property. All national tribal banners will be manufactured in a
controlled environment under government supervision and distributed to the general public for purchase.

A community member who

duplicates any tribal flag of Israel will be held in contempt of the Laws of God. Such criminal offenses will be prosecuted by the Court of
Law of the Nation of Israel. The convicted assailant will be imprisoned for a maximum of 60 days, once convicted.

Then the Lord gave these instructions to Moses and Aaron, When the Israelites set up camp, each tribe will be assigned its own area.
The tribal divisions will camp beneath their family banners on all four sides of the Tabernacle, but at some distance from it.
Numbers 2:1-2


The Royal Family of Israel

Community members are permitted to wear patriotic colors as decorations of their clothing, household dcor, and other personal
belongings. However, all members of the general public are strictly prohibited from duplicating the national or tribal flags for their personal
gain and usage. All national tribal banners that are flown throughout the government of Israel must be purchased from The Administration
of Nationalism of the Nation of Israel. This will ensure all banners are accurately displayed and designed to government specifications and
held in high esteem.


The Royal Family of Israel


The Royal Family of Israel

The Loyalty of Priest Jehoiadas

Priest Jehoiada was a high priest who organized the people of Israel many generations after the reign of King David. During his term
as priest, an Israelite woman named Athaliah crowned herself queen of Israel. She was from the royal family of Israel as the mother of King
Azariah, a member of the tribe of Judah. She was not anointed queen of Israel by the Lord and rebelled against the Nation of Israel is her
inauguration of royal office. After the death of her son who was assassinated as the Lord has planned because he refused to obey the Laws
of God in reigning over Israel. Queen Athaliah skilled all members of the royal family who were in order of inheriting the throne of Israel.
All of these members were from her sons own family. However, Ahaziahs sister Jehosheba, the daughter of King Jehoram, took Ahaziahs
infant son, Joash. Joash was a young boy who was hidden in the Temple of God for six years prior to his reign over Israel. The young ruler
was cared for by Jehoiada the royal priest who taught him the Holy Covenant of how to govern the Nation of Israel.

When Joash was old enough to become king of Israel, High Priest Jehoiada summoned the tribe of Levi to guard the Temple of God
and the newly crowned king. First, Queen Athaliah was killed for the evil she had done in assassinating the royal family and appointing
herself as ruler. King Joash properly ruled the Nation of Israel as Jehoiada as his chief royal adviser. All the pagan altars and other places of
abomination had been torn down and destroyed. King Joash also ordered that all of Israel repair the Temple of God that had been neglected
during the reigns of King Ahaziah and Queen Athaliah. All of Israel began to bring their tithes and offerings to be properly dedicated to the
Lord and Israel began to worship the Lord as Yahweh again. The Nation of Israel enjoyed the holy fellowship of loving harmony as they
were able to gather together for worship as the Temple of God. High Priest Jehoiada instituted a national reform of the worship services for
all of Israel and the people of Israel obeyed his command and that of the king. King Joash ruled the people of Israel as the Holy Covenant
commanded of him in teaching Israel how to be holy unto the Lord their Godthe God of Israel. High Priest Jehoiada service to Israel is a

The Royal Family of Israel

true demonstration of selfless honor to preserve the integrity of God and the family of Israel. Later, High Priest Jehoiada died a natural
death at old age. After his ending of life, King Joash followed the poor advice of some of his other high officials which lead Israel into ruins
again. Thus, the Temple of God has once again become abandoned and the Israelites were not able to worship the Lord as their God. A
prime example of the importance of proper leadership qualities that are expected from all high officers of the Israelite nation. The dedication
of High Priest Jehoiada will not be forgotten among the Israelites because he performed his task of honor and contributed to Israel
worshipping God as holy. Additionally, Princess Jehosheba is also a member of the family of Israel that is held in high-esteem because she
rebelled against Queen Athaliah and risked her own life to save the young king to reign over Israel. The courageous dedication of these two
members of the royal family and Hebrews of the Nation of Israel will not be forgotten among Israelite citizens.

2 Chronicles 23:1-11
In the seventh year of Athaliahs reign, Jehoiada the priest decided to act. He summoned his courage and made a pact with five army
commanders: Azariah son of Jeroham, Ishmael son of Jehohanan, Azariah son of Obed, Maaseiah son of Adaiah, and Elishaphat son of Zicri.
These men traveled secretly throughout Judah and summoned the Levites and clan leaders in all the towns to come to Jerusalem. They all
gathered at the Temple of God, where they made a solemn pact with Joash, the young king.

Jehoiada said to them, Here is the kings son! The time has come for him to reign! The Lord has promised that a descendant of David will
be our king. This is what you must do. When you priests and Levites come on duty on the Sabbath, a third of you will serve as gatekeepers.

The Royal Family of Israel

Another third will go over to the royal palace, and the final third will be at the Foundation Gate. Everyone else should stay in the courtyards
of the Lords Temple. Remember, only the priests and Levites on duty may enter the Temple of the Lord, for they are set apart as holy. The
rest of the people must obey the Lords instructions and stay outside. You Levites, form a bodyguard around the king and keep your weapons
in hand. Kill anyone who tries to enter the Temple. Stay with the king wherever he goes.
So the Levites and all the people of Judah did everything as Jehoiada the priest ordered. The commanders took charge of the men reporting
for duty that Sabbath, as well as those who were going off duty. Jehoiada the priest did not let anyone go home after their shift ended. Then
Jehoiada supplied the commanders with the spears and the large and small shields that had once belonged to King David and were stored
in the Temple of God. 10 He stationed all the people around the king, with their weapons ready. They formed a line from the south side of
the Temple around to the north side and all around the altar.

Then Jehoiada and his sons brought out Joash, the kings son, placed the crown on his head, and presented him with a copy of Gods laws.
They anointed him and proclaimed him king, and everyone shouted, Long live the king!


The Royal Family of Israel

2 Chronicles 23:16-21

Then Jehoiada made a covenant between himself and the king and the people that they would be the Lords people. And all the people went
over to the temple of Baal and tore it down. They demolished the altars and smashed the idols, and they killed Mattan the priest of Baal in
front of the altars.

Jehoiada now put the priests and Levites in charge of the Temple of the Lord, following all the directions given by David. He also commanded
them to present burnt offerings to the Lord, as prescribed by the Law of Moses, and to sing and rejoice as David had instructed. He also
stationed gatekeepers at the gates of the Lords Temple to keep out those who for any reason were ceremonially unclean.

Then the commanders, nobles, rulers, and all the people of the land escorted the king from the Temple of the Lord. They went through the
upper gate and into the palace, and they seated the king on the royal throne. So all the people of the land rejoiced, and the city was peaceful
because Athaliah had been killed.


The Royal Family of Israel

Basic Government Terminology

1. Amend: 1. To alter, correct, or make ineffective from original statement. 2. The capacity of correction by change or addition.
2. Autocracy: 1. The system of authority that favors the sovereign ability of a single ruler. 2. A form of government where one person
exercises governing authority.
3. Bureaucracy: 1. A system of government administration that staffs government bureaus through nonelected officials. 2. A government
system constructed to reduce unnecessary procedures of distributing government responsibilities.
4. Chief: 1. An individual with a high position of leadership with an established group of people. 2. An executive administrator with the
highest position of instituting and enforcing laws.
5. Citizen: A native-born or naturalized (former immigrant) person under the jurisdiction of a government territory who pays tribute of
taxes and entitled to specific privileges.
6. Citizenship: The recognized allegiance to countrys government and jurisdiction to perform obtain specific rights and who is responsible
to perform certain duties.
7. Clan Member: The individual family member of a family.
8. Clan: 1. The individual collection of a tribe that is categorized by a group of people related through blood or marriage. 2. A social group
related through the kinship of blood or marriage recognized as a family unit. 3. The immediate family members within a household unit
sharing the same ancestors, bloodline, or legitimization of family status through adoption.


The Royal Family of Israel

9. Clause: A separate section of a legal document to further instruct a law or terms. 2. An article of a legal statement.
10. Command: The authoritive instructions or directions to perform a specific task required by a person of authority. 2. The dictation of
an authorized person to enforce or require action and submission.

11. Commandment: 1. An authoritive doctrine that requires the action of instruction or directions taught. 2. A rule of personal conduct
for a specific body of people. 3. Precept or principle.
12. Communalism: 1. The practice of community living with common ownership. 2. The dedicated allegiance to display loyalty and
commitment to the interest of your own minority, race, or ethnic identity rather than society as a whole. 3. The act of family honor and
pledge of support within a shared fellowship of common beliefs.
13. Community Member: 1. Any member of a community including government members and common citizens. 2. The collection of
members within a specific community including citizens and non-citizens. 3. The collection of residential neighborhoods, agricultural
produce, and commerce developments that create a unify a center of living for its members.
14. Community: A group of people governed by the same laws and share the same policies, culture, beliefs, economic desires, and other
characteristics in common.
15. Covenant: 1. An agreement between two parties that confirm the legal pledge, vow, or promise to perform or guarantee action. 2. A
legal agreement between God and his family to instruct the actions of either party in validation of a procedure. 3. A binding written or
verbal agreement between two people of the same government who agree upon a guarantee of action, vow, pledge, or performance.
16. Crowned Head: 1. The national monarchy ruler ordained and anointed to wear the royal crown through legal right of heredity. 2. A
sovereign ruler who inherits the administrative responsibility to lead a tribal community through government structure. 3. A king,
queen, prince, or princess that is recognizes as having the ancestral bloodline of a royal lineage.

The Royal Family of Israel

17. Declaration: 1. A formal statement written or spoken to communicate a message. 2. An unsworn statement that can be admitted into
evidence in the court of law.
18. Decree: 1. A legally binding command, decision, or law established by written law that is recorded by court of law such as a judge or
sovereign ruler. 2. The official dictation of a crowned head to issue a law into action.
19. Diarchy: 1. A form of government that with two joint rulers. 2. A monarchy ruled by two sovereign rulers such a king and queen or
prince and princess.

20. Levitical District: 1. A region marked off as government property that hold administrative buildings for government control and
operation. 2. A government zone characterized by the highest government standards that belongs to the tribe of Levi who administer
all chief government operations.
21. Edict: 1. A formal and authoritive announcement or proclamation. 2. A legal document written as law, command, or directive recorded
in court by a judge or sovereign ruler.
22. Enact: 1. To order or command by virtue of legal authority. 2. A decree of law to be enforced into action.
23. Ethnicity: The quality of affiliation recognized by a person resulting in cultural influence.
24. Executive Administrator: 1. A government official responsible for enacting administrative laws through enforcement. 2. A holy priest
who serves outside of the worship services for official government operations.
25. Executive Assistant: 1. A government official who assists in the enacting of administrative laws enforcement. 2. A member of the tribe
of Levi who is not a priest but authorized to assist in the administration of government operation.


The Royal Family of Israel

26. Family Leader: An individual of a family unit that is recognized as the guiding instructor to influence, represent, and mediate a group
of people.
27. Family Redeemer: A person with the legal responsibility of purchasing a relative or family property to restored wealth, protection, or
28. Family: 1. The primary social unit of people residing within the same home that is related through blood, marriage, or adoption. 2. A
unit of people descended from a common ancestor. 3. An associated social group of people who share common beliefs, activities, and
29. Government Office: An establishment organized for the administrative purposes of government employees both officials and
30. Government Official: 1. An high officer of the government administration appointed into office to manage government operations. 2.
A full-time representative with the highest government position of a specific office appointed by the specifically by God and inaugurated
into office. (Ex. Priest, monarch, Temple Assistant, Judge, Military Commander, Military Administrator, etc.) 3. A native-born citizen of
the Nation of Israel and a descendant of the House of Jacob and of King Jesus Christ.
31. Government Personnel: 1. A person hired to provide services within a government office who is not an official government member
of the Levitical tribe. 2. An employed representative appointed to provide administrative services of a specific government office or
32. Heir: 1. A person entitled to inherit a title, possession, or estate. 2. A recipient legally authorized to take possession of an inheritance
written in a will upon the death of the owner. 3. A successors or person who inherits the office, rank, title, or position of authority to
replace original person usually a blood relative.


The Royal Family of Israel

33. Heritage: 1. The attribute, culture, traditions, title, position, or possessions that are passed down through family ancestors. 2. A title,
possession, or estate that legally passes to an heir upon the death of the family owner.
34. High Priest: A government official who performs both legislative and executive administration offices, in addition to the performance
of worship rituals and purification ceremonies.
35. Holy: 1. To be set apart from impurity, sinfulness, and ungodly behaviors. 2. Imitation of the character of God as demonstrated in the
virtues of Jesus Christ.
36. Immigrant: 1. A person who migrates to a specific country without legal birthrights to a settle as a foreigner. 2. A foreign-born person
who seeks to live within another country where they are not natively born and have no legal right to citizenship privileges.
37. Imperial: 1. The associated administration of a sovereign ruler through inherited title of royal bloodline. 2. An empire or monarchy
governed by a royal heir such as emperor or empress.
38. Inaugurate: 1. The formal introduction ceremony to dedicate an elected person into a position of authority. 2. The granting or
endorsement of authority to a person with public witnesses of transfer of authority to perform a specific government office.
39. Inheritance: 1. The heredity succession of position, title, possession, or office received through a predecessor. 2. The legal possession
of property or title received through the death of an owner. 3. The attributes, traditions, cultural influences, immaterial possessions
passed down from a common ancestor.
40. Jurisdiction: The lawful and recognized authority to interpret, enforce, and regulate the law within a certain region or territory.
41. Law: 1. The collection of authoritive rules established by a government. 2. A legal document set forth to govern a particular activity and
a specific body of people.


The Royal Family of Israel

42. Legislative Administrator: 1. A government official with the ability to create, amend, nullify, or repeal authoritative documents in the
management, development, and organization of all official government operation. 2. A member of the holy priesthood with the authority
to perform legislative duties.
43. Legislative Assistant: A government official with the authorized ability to propose the writing of authoritative documents that may
be enacted as official documents of the law. 2. A member of the tribe of Levi who is not of the priesthood with the authorized ability to
assist in the written proposal of authoritative documents.
44. Levite: 1. A member of the tribe of Levi whether male or female. 2. Any member of the tribe of Levi who does not serve as holy priest
but rather as Temple Assistance.
45. Matriarch: The founding female leader of a family organization regarded as having the highest leadership title.

46. Monarch: 1. Any member of the royal family of Israel. 2. A term of addressing the members of the royal family especially the
commanding king, queen, prince, and princess. 3. A national ruler and crowned head who inherits a governing body of people.
47. Monarchy: 1. An autocracy government that is ruled by a monarch who inherits authority. 2. A government nationality that is
established by the inheritance of authority to an heir.
48. Nation: A territory that organizes its social structure through a particular set of beliefs and laws to direct its governing body and patron.
49. Naturalization: The granting of citizenship status to a foreigner who has not legal authority or claim to a national territory or
government. 2. The quality of conforming a foreign community member into a specific culture of government to become an official and
permeant community member. 3. The process by which a foreigner claims allegiance to national government and authority to obtain
citizenship status and privileges.

The Royal Family of Israel

50. Neighborhood: 1. A section of a community with its own individual population of members and services. 2. A vicinity of housing
complexes, agriculture, and commerce to serve the needs of its immediate nearby population.
51. Noble: A imperial title given to a high officer of a royal court with legal privileges of the royal family as adopted members to the
52. Notary: A person certified by the Court of Law to witness the certification of a legal documentation validated by a signature.
53. Noncitizen: 1. A community member permitted to reside within national territory but with restricted privileges. 2. Any foreign person
considered to have a dual-citizenship status and conflicting allegiance to various countries or national government.
54. Office: 1. An established place of professional conjugation to perform specific responsibilities of title. 2. An administrative or clerical
unit of government operation. 3. The responsibilities, activities, or actions assigned to a person with reference to title or position.
55. Officer: 1. A person of the armed forces or civil forces with the authority to command or apprehend a lower ranking citizen. 2. A person
inaugurated into government administration that holds the trust of the people. 3. A government officeholder with the ability to
apprehend an offender of the law by armed force and directive.
56. Ordinance: 1. The act of ordaining a law into action by government officials. 2. An authoritive rule of government instruction or
57. Patriarch: The founding male leader of a family organization regarded as having the highest leadership title.


The Royal Family of Israel

58. Petition: A formal complaint that is written or spoken to a government authority to request action, investigation, or mediation for

59. Policy: 1. A formal plan of action adopted by an organization or government to outline a set of standards and terms. 2. A legislative
agreement or contract established as lawful with details of how the government intends to bring order to a situation.
60. Political: The affiliation of social views concerning the structure of government held by a government official or person in regulating a
governing body of people.
61. Press Release: A written announcement presented to the media agents and press reporters to supplement or replace a verbal
presentation to the general public.
62. Priest: 1. A descendent from the tribe of Levi who is a descendant of Aaron the first High Priest. 2. A native-born Israelite descendant
with the ability to prove their ancestral inheritance and nationality to the Nation of Israel. 3. The chief executive legislative
administrators of the Nation of Israel responsible for all government operations to instituting the Holy Covenant of God and Israel.

63. Restitution: 1. A sum of money owed to a person in compensation of loss or damage of property and personal injury. 2. The act of
restoring or returning the value of an object to its original state of worth.

64. Riot: 1. A public act of aggression and violence by a collective people usually in retaliation of local government. 2. Civil unrest. 3. A
mob or disorderly crowd of people with intents of aggressive actions.
65. Proclamation: The formal announcement of a national address to give public notice.


The Royal Family of Israel

66. Race: A social group believed to share the same genetic structure through common ancestors.
67. Refugee: 1. A person who is displaced from their native country due to exile or fleeing of water, famine, disease, oppression, civil unrest,
or war.
68. Regulation: 1. The authoritive rule or condition that governs the primary behavior of a specific body of people. 2. A law that monitors
the principle of character of a person.
69. Rule: 1. The established principle or established terms of condition that tends to governs behavior. 2. The regulative stands established
to organize the customary action of a specific people.
70. Royal Regime: The organized court administration to enforce the authority of a government structure established by a crowned head.

71. Sanction: 1. A formal approval to authorized an action through endorsement. 2. A utility of social control to enforce a societies
standards as lawful.
72. Seer/Seeress: 1. An individual with unusual insight to communicate accurate messages inspired through the Holy Spirit. 2. A person
with the ability to foresee the future and may have divine power to perform miracles through the Holy Spirit of God.
73. Sentry Officer: 1. A person appointed to civil security with the ability to defend by armed force. 2. A supervising patrol guard expected
to maintain security through the issuing citation for criminal offense and apprehension of criminal offender.
74. Sentry: 1. A person appointed to surveillance an area in contemplation of a hostile event. 2. A security guard who keeps watch of a
75. Sociocracy: A form of government that establishes laws that ensures the basic needs of all its citizens.

The Royal Family of Israel

76. Socioracial: A form of establishment that involves the social connection between various races in terms of behaviors and cultural
77. Statute: 1. An act of law passed by a legislative body. 2. A system of codes organized as a body of laws.
78. Temple Assistant: Any of the various government officials or personnel who are responsible for various tasks within the Temple of
God under the authority of the holy priest.
79. Temporary Resident: 1. An individual who resides within a particular place of residency for a temporary duration of time. 2. A person
approved to reside within a government jurisdiction without citizenship status for a temporary amount of time.

80. Territory: A region established for administrative purposes and lawfully claimed as property belonging to a government.

81. Treaty: A written agreement between two sovereign rulers, states, or nations to affirm accord of harmony.
82. Tribal Leader: An individual who inherits the chief leadership responsibility of a tribal family and territory including the individual
83. Veto: The refusal to endorse into effectiveness as legitimize. 2. To oppose or refuse into motion as a recognized law.
84. Will Contract: 1. The legal agreement between two people or parties for the exchange of a current performance by a future action by
the other. 2. An affirmative legal documentation that explains the requirements of future actions to mediate civil pursuits between two

The Royal Family of Israel

Contact Information
Princess Alkeeta of Israel
Jewish-Hebrew Monarch of the Nation of Israel
Office of Royal Legislative Administration


(919) 670-6457







About Princess Alkeeta of Israel

Princess Alkeeta is commissioned by the Lord to serve as the royal monarch of the Israelite Nation. She serves various positions as holy
priest, holy apostle, holy prophet, judge, military administrator, legislative administrator, and other chief administrative position for the
Nation of Israel. Her commission began in January 2012 with a message from the Lord, I am sending you into the darkness to get what is
rightfully mines but do not be afraid for I am with you. Later, January 2014 Princess Alkeeta received a vision from the Lord appointing
her to rebuild Jerusalem and restore Israel to its rightful ancestral territory. As a member of the Levitical priesthood and with the Holy
Spirit of God, Princess Alkeeta has been granted the authority to perform the tasks of teaching the Israelites how to demonstrate their
faith and trust in their Lord God, King Jesus Christ and Yahweh. She seeks to follow the examples of her holy Jewish-Israelite ancestors
such as Adam, Eve, Noah, Abraham, Job, King David, Daniel, Rahab, Queen Esther, Apostle Paul, Apostle John, and King Jesus Christ.

The Royal Family of Israel

The Royal Family of Israel

The ancient dynasty of the holy monarchy of Israel

Published: 9/8/2016
Updated: Saturday, September 17, 2016



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