Peds 2011-0813
Peds 2011-0813
Peds 2011-0813
e1130 MONTIROSSO et al
TABLE 1 Short Definitions and Score Ranges of NNNS Summary Scales score for the ICC and IPM indices was
1 Habituation Response decrement to repeated auditory and visual stimuli computed for each NICU. The ICC index
during sleep (range 1–9) ranged from 0 to 8, with higher scores
2 Attention Ability to localize and track animate and inanimate auditory and
visual stimuli (range 1–9) indicating higher levels of ICC. The IPM
3 Arousal Level of arousal maintained during the examination, including index ranged from 0 to 10, with higher
state and motor (range 1–9) scores indicating higher levels of IPM.
4 Regulation Capacity to modulate arousal and organize motor activity,
physiology, and state in response to stimulation (range 1–9)
To distinguish the quality of care level,
5 Handling Extent to which handling strategies were used during attention each NICU was assessed as being a low-
sequence to maintain alert state (range 0–1) care group or high-care group based on
6 Quality of movement Attributes of motor control, including smoothness, maturity, and median splits for the ICC and IPM. This
lack of startles and tremors (range 1–9)
7 Excitability High levels of motor, state, and physiologic reactivity (range 0–15) approach had the advantage of avoiding
8 Lethargy Low levels of motor, state, and physiologic reactivity (range 0–15) bias from extreme scores. For the ICC
9 Asymmetric reflexes Number of asymmetric responses to elicited reflexes (median = 7.00, mean = 6.65, SD = 2.12):
(range 0–16)
10 Nonoptimal reflexes Number of poor scores to elicited reflexes (range 0–15) 12 NICUs had low-quality care (97 in-
11 Hypertonicity Hypertonic responses in arms, legs, trunk, or general tone fants) and 13 NICUs had high-quality care
(range 0–10) (81 infants). For the IPM (median = 6.00;
12 Hypotonicity Hypotonic response in arms, legs, trunk, or general tone
(range 0–10)
mean = 5.74, SD = 2.38): 14 NICUs had
13 Stress/abstinence Number of stress and abstinence signs observed during the low-quality care (91 infants) and 11
examination (range 0–1) NICUs had high-quality care (87 infants).
Scores on the summary scales indicate “higher/more” or “lower/less” of the behavior, not a “better” or “worse” performance.
Statistical Analysis
Measurement of involvement, such as the possibility for Preliminarily statistical analyses eval-
Developmental Care parents to spend the night in the unit; uated the following: (1) general char-
The NEO-ACQUA QCC assesses a variety use of parental kangaroo care as a rou- acteristics of the units (eg, number of
of procedures and practices of de- tine procedure; the average duration per beds, total admissions per year), (2)
velopmental care used in NICUs.14,19 The day of kangaroo care; and 1 item as- perinatal data, and (3) sociodemographic
QCC covers the following areas: de- sessed the presence of nursing inter- variables. Categorical variables were
velopmental care practices, policies to- ventions to support infant development examined by using x 2 tests. Continuous
ward parents, control of environment, by decreasing infant energy expenditure variables were evaluated with sepa-
and infant pain management. Further- and promoting stability, such as infant rate analyses of variance (ANOVAs) by
more, general information about the containment, postural maneuvers, and using a 2 (ICC index: low and high level of
unit is obtained, such as number of beds reduction of disturbing tactile stimula- care) 3 2 (IPM index: low and high level
and admissions per year. For each NICU, tions. (2) The infant pain management of care). To determine if the care quality
a neonatologist with at least 5 years (IPM) index accounted for 9% of the level was related to preterm infants’
of clinical experience who was not in- variance. The IPM index included 5 items. neurobehavioral performance, sepa-
volved in the direct care of the infants Two items measured the number of rate analyses of covariance (ANCOVAs)
filled out the QCC. A factor analyses ap- pharmacologic and nonpharmacologic were applied to 13 NNNS scales with a 2
plied to QCC responses revealed 3 main procedures used for reducing pain dur- ICC 3 2 IPM factorial design, with the
factors*; however, given the goal of this ing invasive medical procedures (eg, VON-RA to estimate any confounding ef-
study, 2 indices of developmental care intravenous lines, drainage tubes, and fect of the neonatal clinical conditions.
were used. (1) The infant centered care endotracheal tubes), 1 item measured For covariate analysis, the regression
(ICC) index accounted for 20% of the the use of pharmacologic analgesia or coefficients (B) were given to better
variance. The ICC index included 4 items. sedation during continuous mechanical describe the effect. Significant effects
The first 3 items assessed the parent’s ventilation, 1 item measured the kind were evaluated in pairwise compari-
of blood collection procedure (ie, heel son post hoc tests with the P value for
*The third principal factor, labeled “nursing stick), and the last item measured the significance adjusted with Bonferroni
staffing,” which accounted for 12% of the variance, use of a clinical evaluation scale of correction. Effect size was evaluated
included items such as number of physicians per newborn pain and/or a protocol written by using the partial h squared (h2p).
bed, number of graduate students, fellows, or
consultants per bed, nurse chiefs per bed, nurses for the management of newborn pain. All analyses were performed at a sig-
per bed, and nursery nurse, assistants per bed. Based on factor weightings, a composite nificance level P # .05.
e1132 MONTIROSSO et al
TABLE 4 Descriptive Statistics of the NNNS Scales Across the NICUs Stratified for Quality Care Level and ANOVAs Results
NNNS Scales ICC Index IPM Index Main Effects Covariatea
Low (NICU = 12) High (NICU = 13) Low (NICU = 14) High (NICU = 11) ICC IPM VON-RA index
representing combinations of high and with low and high IPM (see Fig 1). The that the pain control is crucial to
low ICC index and high and low IMP in- size effects were small to moderate. ameliorating some aspects of the
dex: low ICC-low IPM (NICU = 7; 54 neurologic immaturity. Interestingly,
infants); low ICC-high IPM (NICU = 5; 43 DISCUSSION the NICU features and infants charac-
infants) or high ICC-low IPM (NICU = 7; 37 teristics were homogeneously distrib-
The main objective of this study was to
infants); and high ICC-high IPM (NICU = 6; uted across units, with the exception
investigate whether the level of quality
44 infants). Univariate ANOVAs were of the VON-RA clinical status score. In
of developmental care found in a large
applied to 13 NNNS scales with the 4 particular, infants from high ICC NICUs
number of NICUs was associated with
groups of NICUs as between-subjects had higher VON-RA scores, indicating
neurobehavioral performance of very
variables.† Significant effects were more challenging clinical conditions.
preterm infants. The overall quality of
found for 3 scales of the NNNS: attention, It should be noted that, regardless of
developmental care was measured by 2
F(3, 164) = 5.61, P = .000, h2p = 0.09; the level of quality of care, the neo-
indices of a broad range of care prac-
nonoptimal reflexes, F(3, 174) = 3.11, P = natal clinical conditions affected the
tices “routinely” used in NICUs. The
.03, h2p = 0.05; and stress/abstinence, infants’ performance (primarily, neu-
findings indicate that, after controlling
F(3, 169) = 7.63, P = .000, h2p = 0.12. The rologic items). Nevertheless, the lack
for neonatal clinical conditions, the ICC
Bonferroni post hoc test showed that of significant interactions between the
and IPM have specific relations to neu-
preterm infants from high ICC-high IPM VON-RA scores and the ICC index make
robehavioral performance. Regardless
NICUs exhibited a significantly higher it unlikely that the differences in neuro-
of the level of pain management, a low
attention score than infants from all behavioral profile between infants from
level of ICC was associated with de-
other types of units. Preterm infants high ICC NICUs and those from units with
creased capacity of regulation and in-
from low ICC-low IPM NICUs exhibited low ICC can be explained by the neona-
creased signs of stress, less attention,
more nonoptimal reflexes than those tal clinical conditions. Furthermore,
higher excitability, and abnormal muscle
from high ICC-low IPM and high ICC-high given that there were no differences
tone, indicating that some infant-centered
IPM NICUs. Preterm infants from low- in the time of exposure to the devel-
developmental care interventions were
quality-of-care NICUs for ICC, both with opmental care (ie, the length of hospi-
critical to moderating infant distress
low and high IPM, had higher scores on talization and the chronological age at
and scaffolding their infants’ regulatory
stress/abstinence than infants from time of assessment), it may be that the
and motor capacities. By contrast, re-
high-quality-of-care NICUs for ICC, both high score of VON-RA for infants from
gardless of the level of ICC, a low level
of IPM was associated with less at- high ICC NICUs is a spurious finding.
†Given the lack of interaction between the
covariate and the main factors (ICC and IPM), the tention and arousal, more lethargy, and In NICUs with a higher ICC score, infants
VON-RA scores did not enter into this analysis. more suboptimal reflexes, suggesting had betterattention and self-regulation,
e1134 MONTIROSSO et al
were less excitable, had less hypotonia, findings are consistent with previous re- Although the primary goal of this study
and were less stressed, suggesting that search. They suggest that invasive pro- was not to develop or evaluate the QCC,
these infants had greater physiologic cedures affect preterm infants’ arousal the findings support its usefulness. The
and behavioral stability. A higher score levels and likely induce physiologic and factor analysis revealed the robustness
of the ICC index identifies several prac- behavioral changes, energy expenditure, of the instrument. The range of scores
tices used by a NICU, including parents and instability.26 Moreover, invasive pro- on the ICC and IPM suggest that QCC is
being allowed to spend the night in the cedures expose preterm infants to nu- sensitive to differences in the extent of
unit whenever they chose, even when an merous nociceptive events, and several developmental quality of care even in
infant’s condition is critical; parents be- lines of evidence suggest that repeated a group of NICUs that ascribe to using
ing allowed to practice kangaroo care as and prolonged pain exposure has detri- similar levels of care. Although additional
a routine procedure as well as being mental consequences.27–29 Although we research is needed, the relation of the 2
encouraged to hold their infants, both of did not directly assess infant pain re- indexes to neurobehavioral performance
which they do more of the time than in activity to invasive procedures (eg, ob- provides evidence to support the sensi-
NICUs with a low ICC index; and, in ad- serving facial expressions), our findings tivity and specificity of the QCC and its
dition, the high ICC index NICUs have suggest that, during the neonatal period, usefulness in discriminating differences
implemented more nursing interven- less protection from repetitive painful in quality of developmental care level
tions to decrease infant energy expen- experiences alters neurobehavioral func- among NICUs. The QCC appears to be
diture and promote stability. Previous tioning. These findings have important useful for evaluating how different levels
research has documented that infants of implications for the control of pain during of developmental care relate to infant
parents involved in the care of their in- the infants’ NICU experience, because the outcomes (eg,motordevelopment, stress
fant and preterm infants who received effects of early exposure to negative reactivity). The QCC would also be useful
kangaroo care showed improvements environments may be at least partially not only for tracking changes, but also for
in neurobehavioral functioning.20–22 Fur- ameliorated by minimizing of the number maintaining and improving the quality of
thermore, positioning and containing of painful procedures performed and by care within a NICU over time.
(eg, use of blanket rolls) have positive using treatments that can alleviate pro- The study has limitations. The 25 NICUs
effects by reducing physiologic distress cedural pain in neonates.30 Thus, in agree- sampled self-selected themselves into
and increasing motor organization and ment with others, these findings suggest the NEO-ACQUA study and cannot be
self-regulatory ability.23,24 The ICC is a it is important to prevent and minimize considered representative of develop-
global index, and it is not possible to the number and intensity of painful events mental care quality in the ∼120 Italian
identify which specific practices are for preterm infants,31 and they support NICUs. This limitation applies to its ap-
related to the neurobehavioral perfor- the use of evidence-based guidelines for plication to NICUs in other countries.
mance of infants. Nonetheless, taken preventing or treating neonatal pain and The indexes emerged from factor anal-
together, the findings from the ICC cor- its adverse consequences.32 yses of the information gathered on
roborate previous findings suggesting The findings highlight that ICC and IPM developmental care, but not all aspects
that a greater use of developmental care can act together in relation to preterm of development care were examined, and
practices lead to better neurobehavioral infants’ neurobehavioral functioning. other aspects of care may have influ-
stability and neuromaturation.8,25 Better attentional performance was re- enced the infants’ performance. It also
The findings also indicate that IPM is lated to NICUs that scored higher on both would be useful to evaluate the relations
related to the neurobehavioral perfor- indices. Fewer nonoptimal reflexes were of the QCC to a broader array of clinical
mance of preterm infants. The IPM index seen in NICUs that scored high on ICC variables. Furthermore, because the in-
denotes the number of pharmacologic than in NICUs with low scores in both in- dexes aggregated several aspects of care
and nonpharmacologic treatments used dexes. Preterm infants from low -quality- practices, it is not possible establish
to alleviate pain associated with proce- of-care NICUs for ICC, both with low and which particular aspects affected the
dures, the presence and use of a protocol high IPM, had more signs of stress than infants’ functioning. However, with more
for measuring infant pain, and guidelines preterm infants from NICUs with high ICC experience in the use of the QCC, it would
for preventing or treating neonatal pain. scores, both with low and high IPM. It be possible to disaggregate the var-
In the NICUs with a lower IPM score, seems likely that different aspects of iables. The use of a self-administered
infants had reduced levels of attention quality of care may contribute to specific questionnaire is an additional limitation,
and arousal, were more lethargic, and adverse neurobehavioral performance and it is not possible to rule out evalua-
had more nonoptimal reflexes. These both separately and cumulatively. tion biases by those who filled out the
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