Original Article
and children. (4) Low reliability of the current assessment of
pediatric preoperative anxiety. (5) Necessary involvement
Susana Santos Ruiz 1
of surgical administrators.
a child- and family-centered program decreases the from October 2018 to January 2019.
Jerez-Molina C, Lahuerta-Valls L, Fernandez-Villegas V, Santos-Ruiz S. 3
unit and were in charge of care for child and, therefore, for a event sampling and involved the selection of the events
the assessment of anxiety before the surgical intervention; to be observed(23). Thus, the first contact with the child
and that there was representation of nurses from both and their parents and the assessment and management
shifts (morning and afternoon). The final sample included of anxiety by the nurse were observed. The observations
nine participants. The first author invited personally and were carried out during ten non-consecutive days in both
individually all the nurses of the unit to participate. One shifts and in different times of the day.
of the selected nurses who met the eligibility criteria did
Data analysis
not agree to be interviewed and/or observed in their daily
practice for personal reasons. The proposed thematic analysis(24), was carried
out in line with the recommendations and consisted of
Data collection
six phases: a) familiarization: the interviews and field
Semi-structured interviews and participant notes collected during the participant observation were
observation were conducted. The interviews, which lasted transcribed. Next, the data were read and reread and the
about thirty minutes, were conducted in a distraction- information was redefined taking into account semantic
free office in the surgical unit by the main author, who cohesion, b) codes creation: the most relevant data
worked as a research nurse for a year. The researcher characteristics were coded and each code was conceptually
had knowledge in conducting interviews because of defined, c) search for themes: the codes were grouped
previous studies and her academic career. To start the and four themes emerged, d) revision of themes: the two
interview, nurses were asked to visualize the moment evaluators reviewed the themes to reach an agreement
they first contacted the child and their parents in the and prepare a thematic map, e) definition of themes: the
waiting room. Once the moment was visualized, a boy agreed definitions of each theme were carried out and
or a girl in particular, the first question was introduced: finally, f) elaboration of the report: selection of examples
What do you see in the child that makes you think that of excerpts from the interview and the observations.
they have preoperative anxiety? From this first question, Final analysis of the selected excerpts was carried out
the following ones were asked according to the main according to their relation with the research question
objective. Thus, questions related to anxiety and how and the literature.
each nurse assessed anxiety, used non-pharmacological The observations recorded in the field diary, the
strategies to reduce it, and proposed future strategies for interview transcripts and the notes obtained throughout
its management and assessment were asked (Figure 1). the study were analyzed by peers.
What techniques do you use to reduce preoperative anxiety? On the hospital approved the study (código 15-2018).
what occasions have you had to reduce parental anxiety? (Difficulties All participants were informed about their voluntary
and barriers to reduce anxiety in clinical practice)
participation and signed a consent form.
What do you think should be done to improve the child’s anxiety
management and how do you think it could be done? (Improvements
The recommended reliability criteria were considered
to reduce children’s anxiety) to achieve methodological rigor(25). The participants
Figure 1 - Guide for semi-structured interviews received the transcripts and, later, the results. There were
no changes in this regard. The verbatim reports of the
During the interviews, permission was requested interviews were used to illustrate the results to ensure
for audio recording and field notes were taken, which reliability. The observation of daily practice and the field
were used at the end of the interviews to summarize the notes were analyzed for data triangulation. To ensure a
conversation, clarify some answers and provide additional greater objectivity in data analysis, it was carried out
information. As an additional technique and to increase by peers, with the intervention of the author who did
the quality of the data, participant observation was also not know the participants and the surgical environment,
performed. It was considered necessary to observe together with the main author, an expert perioperative
the nurses during their assessment of anxiety, as it is nurse. A complete description of the context where the
a complex phenomenon to be assessed only through data were collected was carried out to enable their transfer
personal interviews (22)
. A structured observation was to other contexts.
proposed, as it is only possible when the researcher Total anonymity of responses and personal data was
has sufficient information and knowledge about the achieved in accordance with the current legislation on the
phenomenon under study, and it was carried out through protection of personal data.
4 Rev. Latino-Am. Enfermagem 2023;31:e3738.
5 50 21 already get worried, of course, because if they are already like this
ask them, you can notice if they are receptive, if they enjoy when
to be careful with those too… when it’s their first time or not, if
they know where they are going, and obviously, there are many
Jerez-Molina C, Lahuerta-Valls L, Fernandez-Villegas V, Santos-Ruiz S. 5
their child as nervous as on other occasions. The nurse they will fall asleep, that we will cure them and when they wake
then doubts about her own criteria, which delays the up they will be cured. And they will soon go back to their mom
nursing assessment of anxiety. Excerpt from a observation and dad when they are awake again, they will go to a room with
note: The nurse asked the parents if they noticed that their child a nurse and then they will go back to mom and dad. As soon as
was nervous. The parents responded that the kid is like that <the I see them, I go look for a mask (…) and I explain to them that
child is like that>. (O of a four-year-old boy) they can come in with their mom or dad (….). I never say operate,
The children’s lack of information about the surgical I say heal. It depends on the child, when I realize that they will
process and the short time to prepare the child are get already scared if I tell them that they will fall asleep, I tell
detected on several occasions as the cause of high them in another way… (P:4)
anxiety during anesthesia induction: All that joy and euphoria During the observation sessions, it was noticed that
turns into a terrifying fear (...) so as soon as they come in (for some parents also lack information about the surgical
anesthesia induction), they panic. (P:5) process. The nurse must, in such cases, provide parents
The children didn’t receive sufficient information about what with information. In such cases, the nurse must take a
they were going to do with them, that is, they were unprepared moment to be alone with the parent who will accompany
operating room: what will happen, where the child will be sitting,
This category is about those strategies that nurses
how they should act in the operating room and what behaviors
put into action through communication and observation
she will observe in the child when they are unconscious. (O of a
of the child and their parents to reduce anxiety in both.
6-year-old boy)
When the nurse detects that the child has anxiety, she
Sometimes the strategies used by the nurses to
immediately acts to minimize it: providing information
reduce anxiety do not have the expected result, so it is
about the procedure appropriate to the child’s age and
necessary to inform the anesthesiologist. This outcome
cognitive level, offering distracting activities (stories,
is sometimes frustrating for the nurse, since the efforts
drawings to color, games, etc.) or relying on other
she made and the actions she used to reduce the
professionals (clowns and volunteers). Considering that
child’s anxiety were ineffective and the last choice to
when entering the operating room, the child will find out
get a cooperative child during anesthetic induction is to
that they have to breathe inside the mask, the nurse, in
give preoperative sedation. This alternative solution to
addition to providing information, insists that they practice
manage preoperative anxiety, when non-pharmacological
with her how to do it in order to become familiar with
alternatives have failed, causes concern among nurses,
it. It was observed that sometimes the face mask was since the anesthesiologist does not arrive in time so that
impregnated with strawberry essence to avoid the child the sedation has the desired effect on the child before
to reject it: The nurse has asked for a face mask from the entering the operating room, and it is not desirable to
operating room (the one that the girl will wear later). She explains receive sedation to avoid side effects of the drug: Yes,
how to put it on her face after the girl’s refusal to put the mask you’ve done everything, but something tells you that when they
on herself. The nurse teaches the process to her using the doll go into the operating room, they will be even more nervous…. So,
that the girl had in her hands. When the mask was close to the I wait for the anesthesiologist and I tell him that the child needs
doll, the girl realized that the mask had a known odor and not premedication, that they are very nervous, with anxiety. (P:5).
the odor that she supposed. The eight-year-old girl relaxed and There are some anesthesiologists who do not want the children
began to practice how to breathe inside the mask while the nurse to receive preoperative sedation because they say there is no
was telling her that when she is with her mom in the operating enough time, or whatever the reason. New anesthesiologists are
room, the doctor would place a tube, and that she would have to more receptive. (P:1)
breathe into it to fall asleep while her mom would be with her. The observation confirmed that the first child in the
(O of a six-year-old girl) surgical program is the most difficult to assess, estimate
In addition, nurses use words appropriate for the and develop an effective management of anxiety, as the
child’s cognitive age, avoiding others that can cause more surgical intervention begins when the anesthesiologist
stress, anxiety or fear. Nurses involve parents in this arrives, so if the child is very nervous and the strategies
process, instructing and explaining about the anesthetic are non-pharmacological, they do not have the wanted
induction process to them. (….) information, that they will effect. In addition, the problem is heightened by the
have to breathe inside a mask like the one on airplanes, that fact that the first children in the session are usually the
6 Rev. Latino-Am. Enfermagem 2023;31:e3738.
youngest ones and least receptive to non-pharmacological actions. Other studies have also reported that the operating
interventions: A nurse says that the work pace in the afternoon room staff are the ones in charge to assess and interpret
shift is faster, the children are scheduled with a short space of the child’s behavior through clinical judgment(26-28). However,
time between them and sometimes, we do not have enough time such assessment is prone to an important subjective error,
to explain the process or teach them how to put the mask. (P:3) as it depends on the skill of the observer to interpret the
behaviors and the time available to observe(16).
Theme 4: Improving the assessment of pediatric
Our study suggests that nurses interpret the child’s
preoperative anxiety or future proposals for the
behaviors to assess anxiety and that, if there are doubts
management of pediatric preoperative anxiety
about their interpretation, parents are asked. However, the
This category includes those proposals that nurses assessment of preoperative anxiety in children by trained
have observed in their daily practice, which could improve personnel has been shown to be more accurate than that
the assessment and management of pediatric preoperative reported by parents(28), although it is not sufficient to
anxiety. The nurses proposed that parents should also help detect all children with preoperative anxiety(16).
with their child’s surgery preparation, and this would also In care services with high levels of pressure, such
help them to lessen their own anxiety, and consequently, as those in the surgical field, there is a limited time to
lessen that of their children: Before the child comes in the prepare patients. However, the time necessary to provide
right? It´s important that the parents explain to them what the
initiation, and discharge requirements should already be
process will be like, what they will have to do. (P:8). In addition,
considered within this short preoperative time(29). Parents
they suggest that parents should be instructed during the need information and health literacy has been shown to
process not only providing them with information, but also reduce anxiety so that they can feel as an active part in
the surgical process of their children(30).
so that with this information they can help their children
All the actions that the nurse takes to reduce
face the day of surgical intervention: Sometimes children have
preoperative anxiety, such as providing age-appropriate
anxiety because their parents have anxiety. There are children who
information and avoiding words that may cause more
come without knowing why they come and that also influences them.
stress, anxiety or fear, aim at achieving a more cooperative
In addition, sometimes the parents have not told them the truth
child during anesthesia induction. The implementation
because they are the ones who are nervous. (P:2)
of non-pharmacological strategies, such as information
When the child is very young, or when it is not
about the procedure, playing with the face mask and
possible to understand them due to their age or pathology,
other distractions, is effective in reducing the child’s
nurses claim the need for a protocol that unifies the
preoperative anxiety, however, sometimes these strategies
decisions and that preoperative sedation medication is
are insufficient to help the child cope with the situation(31).
prescribed in advance in consultations: A boy with behavioral
In these cases, it is necessary to notify the anesthesiologist
problems was admitted during the observation period, his mother
to administer sedation to the child. However, as in other
stated that the boy had already undergone surgery on other
studies(32), this work shows that decisions regarding the
occasions and that he became very nervous and that on some
administration of preoperative sedation are based on
occasion he had been given medication to calm him down (O a
personal criteria that lead to non-unified practices.
4-year-old boy). The interviewed nurses suggested that the
The results show that there is no protocol or
preoperative sedation guidance should be standardized
preparation program for parents and children who will
from the anesthesiologist’s consultation: Evaluate anxiety,
undergo outpatient surgery in the hospital studied. These
we already do that, it’s fine, but as for the medication, we should
preparation programs, suggested by the nurses studied,
have something standardized from anesthesia, or something
have already been pointed out in the literature as one of the
like that, or a paper that gives us authorization to pre-medicate
aspects that would reduce the levels of anxiety in parents
(…) to perform everything more or less in the same way… (P:5)
and children on the day of the surgical intervention(33) and
Jerez-Molina C, Lahuerta-Valls L, Fernandez-Villegas V, Santos-Ruiz S. 7
facilitator and it is beneficial for the health professional, distraction, clarification on the surgical process and age-
as the child can actively participate if they are informed .
appropriate communication.
Likewise, when the parents are informed about what is Lack of time is the main barrier for strategies such
going to happen and about what is expected of them as active listening, therapeutic play and age-appropriate
as parents, they feel involved in the care of their child information to reduce children’s anxiety before surgical
and not as bystanders, as for example, during anesthetic intervention. It would be up to the facilitator to guide and
induction . Preoperative preparation of children and their
train parents before their children’s surgical intervention
parents could reduce the levels of anxiety, improve coping, so that they can be an active part of the process, as
and promote postoperative recovery(38). The nurses in this well as provide children with age-appropriate information
study have stated that children and parents should be through the implementation of preoperative preparation
prepared before going to the operating room(39). programs and parent training throughout the surgical
Although we currently have non-pharmacological process so that they can be an active part in this process.
strategies to reduce pediatric preoperative anxiety, we Although there is still a need to assess preoperative
still have limitations(14). As the surgical time to prepare anxiety through the use of validated instruments that aim
children and parents is very short on the day of the to unify the care and strategies based on the objective
surgical intervention, other strategies not related to assessment of preoperative anxiety, nurses consider that
therapeutic play could be proposed, since these have perioperative care should focus on the child and their
already proven to be effective(40). Thus, these strategies family, and therefore, the assessment of anxiety should
would be supplemented with other ones, such as be performed considering the child-parents and child-
information on the process by team trained in emotional nurse relationships.
care(41) and reinforced by means of written information(42). Based on the results found, future studies are
One of the limitations of this study is that the recommended to assess whether the preoperative
assessment was performed only in a pediatric outpatient information provided by a team trained in pediatric
surgery unit of a specific hospital. However, the emotional care reduces the child’s anxiety on the
triangulation of techniques such as systematic observation day of the surgical intervention, as well as to study
and interviews with both novice and expert nurses means whether the variation and difficulty in the assessment
that, although the results cannot be generalized, they of preoperative anxiety in daily practice is homogenized
can be considered in similar contexts to improve the by using preoperative anxiety assessment protocols that
assessment of pediatric surgical anxiety in daily practice. were unified by all health professionals involved in the
This study contributes to the knowledge on the perioperative process.
importance of perioperative nurses in the management
of pediatric preoperative anxiety. Nursing care for child Acknowledgments
makes all the strategies used aim at a single objective: to
minimize the child’s preoperative anxiety, as high levels of We thank all the nurses of the Outpatient Surgery
pre-operative anxiety in a child can have post-operative Unit for their time during the interviews. Likewise, we
consequences that go beyond their stay in the hospital. also thank the people who selflessly helped to improve
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Laura Lahuerta Valls, Victoria Fernandez Villegas, Susana
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its relevant intellectual content: Carmen Jerez Molina,
36. Quaye AA, Coyne I, Söderbäck M, Hallström IK.
Susana Santos Ruiz.
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Accepted: Jul 15th 2022
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Lorena Chaparro-Diaz