Assessment of Nurses' Knowledge and Practice Regarding To Kangaroo Care at Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU)
Assessment of Nurses' Knowledge and Practice Regarding To Kangaroo Care at Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU)
Assessment of Nurses' Knowledge and Practice Regarding To Kangaroo Care at Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU)
A descriptive study was carried out, aiming to assess knowledge and practices of neonatal
nurses regarding kangaroo care. Setting at the neonatal intensive care units of children‟s hospital,
affiliated to Ain Shams University hospitals. The total sample were 50 nurses who worked in
neonatal intensive care units. Tools of the study involved; interview questionnaire sheet, to
assess characteristics of the nurses and their knowledge about kangaroo mother care, and an
observation checklist adopted from World Health Organization, (2013) to assess nurses‟
practices regarding maternal kangaroo care. The main results showed that more than half of the
nurses had satisfactory total knowledge levels regarding prematurity and kangaroo care, and
slightly less than half of them had satisfactory total practice levels of regarding kangaroo care.
There were statistically significant differences between nurse‟s knowledge of kangaroo and their
age, educational level, years of experience in NICU and previous training courses in kangaroo
care. The study concluded that nurses‟ knowledge and practice regarding premature baby and
kangaroo care were satisfactory by nearly half of the studied sample. The study recommended
that kangaroo care technique should be a part of the routine care for all premature and lowbirth
weight newborn infants admitted to NICU.
EJHC 291
Assessment of Nurses' Knowledge and Practice Regarding to Kangroo Care at Neonatal
Intensive Care Unit (NICU)
Kangaroo care has become much regarding maternal kangaroo care (MKC)
more than a way to keep infants warm in that consequently can help in better quality of
undeveloped nations, it's common in modern care and overcoming the possible barriers
NICUs and studies have proven that it has a hindering MKC for neonates at neonatal
number of benefits for mothers and for intensive care unit (NICU).
infants. Kangaroo care is a way of holding
infants skin to skin with a mother. In Aims of the study:
kangaroo care, an infant is undressed down to
the diaper and placed on a mother's bare The aim of the study is to assess
chest. A blanket is placed over the infant for knowledge and practice of neonatal nurses
warmth (Cong et al., 2011). regarding kangaroo care through the
Kangaroo care has been shown to
have several benefits for premature infants 1. Assessing nurses' level of knowledge
and their mothers. It helps infants breath and regarding kangaroo care for premature
sleep better, gain weight more a quickly and baby.
have more stable temperature. Mothers who
practice kangaroo care have better milk 2. Assessing nurses' level of practice
supplies and less depression and mothers regarding kangaroo care for premature
who practiced continuous kangaroo mother baby.
care (KMC) (24h/day) have reported that
they liked having this close contact with their
Research questions:
infant and that they felt safe with this care
(Conde-Agudelo et al., 2011).
1- What is the level of nurses'
knowledge and practices regarding to
It has been recommended that staff
kangaroo mother care?
initiate continuous kangaroo mother care
(KMC), as soon as possible after the infant is
2- Is there a relation between
born and after initial resuscitation and
characteristics of the nurses at neonatal
stabilization (Nyqvist et al., 2010).
intensive care unit and their knowledge and
practice regarding to kangaroo care?
NICU nurses‟ attitudes in skin to skin
contact (SSC) practice are ambivalent. The
Subject and Methods:
nurses consider the sensory, wellness, and
mutuality experiences to be primary and vital
Research Design:
and enact SSC as much as possible. But “as
much as possible” is a broad and varied
concept, and their attitudes are ambivalent in Descriptive design.
terms of not always facilitating what they
consider to be the optimal caring conditions. Setting:
The source of NICU nurse's ambivalent
attitudes in SSC practice is a complex This study was conducted in the unit
interplay of beliefs, norms, and evidence, of neonatal intensive care unit of Children's
which have a multidisciplinary basis (Cong Hospital, affiliated to Ain Shams University.
et al., 2011).
Significance of the Study:
The study sample consisted of a
convenient sample of nurses working in the
It's important to carry out this study previously-mentioned setting. The total
to shed light on nurses‟ knowledge and skills
Wafaa El Sayed Ouda, Zeinab Fathy, Nesreen Abd El Wahab
number of nurses was (50; 15 males + 35 The scoring system for the studied
females), regardless their age, gender, marital nurses‟ knowledge was designed as follows:
status, qualifications, level of education, A score was assigned for each question
years of experience or attendance of concerning specific items. According to the
educational courses relevant to KMC. nurses‟ answers, the scores were summed up
and converted into percentages.
Tools for data collection:
The total score was (47) marks. Each
A pre-designed nurse’s correct answer was given (one) mark and the
questionnaire: incomplete correct answer was given (zero).
A knowledge score ≥ 60% was considered
It was designed to assess nurses‟ satisfactory, while < 60% was considered
socio-demographic characteristics and their unsatisfactory.
knowledge regarding premature infants and
kangaroo care, it included the following Tool II: Observational checklist
parts: (Appendix III):
Assessment of Nurses' Knowledge and Practice Regarding to Kangroo Care at Neonatal
Intensive Care Unit (NICU)
the study tools and the time needed to fill clarified the aim and procedures of the study
each one. The nurses involved in the pilot to each study subject before starting the
study were included in the main study actual field work. The researcher assured
sample. maintaining the anonymity and
confidentiality of the subjects‟ data. The
Field work: studied nurses were informed that they were
allowed to choose to participate or not in the
The researcher started by introducing study and they had the right to withdraw
herself to the studied nurses and giving them from the study at any time.
a brief idea about the aim of the study. The
researcher was available two days/week Statistical design:
during morning and afternoon shifts. The
predesigned questionnaire sheet was filled by Data were revised, coded, tabulated
each nurse. The time consumed to answer the and analyzed using number and percentage
questionnaire sheet ranged from 20-30 distribution using SPSS (Statistical Package
minutes for each nurse. Each nurse was for Social Sciences) software. Proper
observed and evaluated by the researcher statistical tests were used to determine
using the observational checklist. The time whether there was a significant statistical
consumed to observe the studied nurses difference or not.
ranged from 20-30 minutes for each one.
Significance of results:
Ethical considerations:
- At P < 0.05, there was a statistically
The research approval was obtained significant difference.
from the ethical research committee at the
Faculty of Nursing, Ain Shams University - At P > 0.05, there was no
before conducting the study. The researcher statistically significant difference.
Table (1): Distribution of the studied nurses according to their socio-demographic
characteristics (n=50).
Items No. %
< 20 3 6.0
20<25 20 40.0
25<30 13 26.0
30<35 9 18.0
35≤40 5 10.0
Mean±SD 26.57±5.31
Male 15 30.0
Female 35 70.0
Educational level:
Master degree 9 18.0
Bachelor degree 11 22.0
Technical nursing diploma 18 36.0
Technical nursing diploma and specialty 12 24.0
Wafaa El Sayed Ouda, Zeinab Fathy, Nesreen Abd El Wahab
Table (1): shows that, age of 40 % of the studied nurses were ranged from 20< 25 years. In
relation to their gender it was found that 70% of them were females, regarding to their educational
level, it was found that 36% of them had technical nursing diploma while 22% of them had bachelor
Table (2): Distribution of the studied nurses according to their years of experience in NICU
and previous training in kangaroo care (n=50).
Items No. %
Years of experience in NICU:
<1 9 18.0
1<5 24 48.0
5<10 14 28.0
10<15 2 4.0
15≤20 1 2.0
Mean±SD 6.04±2.88
Previous training in kangaroo care:
Yes 6 12.0
No 44 88.0
Table (2): Concerning years of experience, this table shows that, about half of studied nurses
(48%) reported 1<5 years of experience in neonatal intensive care units, and only 12% of them had
previous training in kangaroo care.
Table (3): Distribution of the studied nurses regarding their total knowledge about premature
infants and kangaroo care (n=50).
Table (3): showed that 54% of the studied nurses had satisfactory levels of total knowledge
regarding premature infants and kangaroo care.
Table (4): Distribution of the studied nurses regarding their total practice of kangaroo care
Table (4): showed that 42% of the studied nurses had satisfactory levels of practice
regarding kangaroo care for premature infants.
Assessment of Nurses' Knowledge and Practice Regarding to Kangroo Care at Neonatal
Intensive Care Unit (NICU)
Table (5): Relation between the characteristics of the studied nurses and their total
knowledge regarding premature infants (n=50).
Table (5): showed the relation between total nurses‟ knowledge and their years of
experience. It is clear that there were statistically significant differences between nurses‟ total
knowledge regarding premature infants and kangaroo care and their years of experience in NICU
where = 13.353 with P-value = 0.009.
Table (6): Relation between studied nurses‟ characteristics and their total practice in
kangaroo care (n=50).
Table (6): showed the relation between nurses‟ characteristics and their total practice. It is
clear that there were statistically significant differences between nurses‟ total practice regarding
kangaroo care and their qualification, years of experience in NICU, and previous trainings in
kangaroo care where = (19.191, 29.399 and 6.904, with P-value = < 0.001, < 0.001, 0.009).
Wafaa El Sayed Ouda, Zeinab Fathy, Nesreen Abd El Wahab
Assessment of Nurses' Knowledge and Practice Regarding to Kangroo Care at Neonatal
Intensive Care Unit (NICU)
of care given to the neonate. The researcher In the present study, the results revealed
believes that attending training programs by that less than half of the studied nurses believed
nurses, especially in the NICU and especially that kangaroo care decreased pain sensation in
in kangaroo care, is crucial to provide proper infants. This result was inconsistent with the
quality of nursing care for newborns. study done by McCord (2011), "Exploring
nurses‟ perceptions on the use of KMC to
Regarding assessing nurse‟s knowledge reduce pain", which found that the nurses
about prematurity, it was found that about appeared to be empathetic to the fact that
two thirds of them had satisfactory infants in the NICU experienced pain and
knowledge about premature newborn infants. believed that KMC can reduce the pain-
This result was inconsistent with the study of related procedures.
Abdel-Hamid (2007), "Effect of the quality
of nursing care on the preterm neonate‟s in Regarding the nurses‟ knowledge about
incubator" which stated that more than half the benefits of kangaroo care for the mother, the
of the nurses had poor knowledge about findings of the current study showed that the
premature infants. minority believed that KMC increased
breastfeeding. This result was inconsistent
Beal (2000), recommended that the with a study conducted by Singh and Yadav
nurses who assume responsibility for (2012), who found that the majority of the
premature infants should receive an advanced studied sample believed that KMC led to
neonatal orientation program before starting more effective breastfeeding. According to
work in NICUs. Hung and Berg (2014), kangaroo care is a
beneficial method for breast-feeding and
In the present study, less than half of the temperature control of all newborn infants.
studied nurses had proper knowledge
regarding the definition and correct position In the present study, near a quarter of
of kangaroo care. This result was similar to the studied nurses believed that KMC
that of Arohi et al. (2013), "Knowledge and increased bonding between mother and
attitude regarding KMC practice among infant. This result was inconsistent with the
healthcare providers", which illustrated that study conducted by Singh and Yadav
about one third of the studied nurses had (2012), who stated that kangaroo care
proper knowledge regarding the definition increased togetherness, improved the threat
and position of KMC. of separation, provided a sense of
containment and closeness; in addition,
Regarding the nurses‟ knowledge about mothers were more quickly adapted to the
the benefits of kangaroo care for premature appearance of their infants, and it
infants, the findings of the current study strengthened the mother's confidence in
showed that the nurses believed that KMC gaining emotional control.
increased the premature infant‟s body weight.
This finding was similar to those in the study According to Flacking et al. (2014),
conducted by George (2013), who found that kangaroo care facilitated bonding, enhanced
more than half of the studied subjects agreed the warm and loving sensation that comes
that KMC helped to increase infant‟s body with bonding and made the mother feel the
weight. Also, in the study of Flacking et al. affectionate relationship sooner with her
(2011b), "The benefits of kangaroo care", it infant. In a similar study, Wallace and
was stated that infants on KMC had better Marchall (2001) found that skin to skin
weight gain and, therefore were discharged contact between the mother and newborn
early. infant promoted maternal-neonate
Wafaa El Sayed Ouda, Zeinab Fathy, Nesreen Abd El Wahab
It was found by Charpak et al. (2010), be raised and updated to encourage mother‟s
that mothers in a kangaroo care group scored practice of such technique.
more favorably on the sense of competence,
feelings of worry or stress, sensitivity, and This view was supported by the study of
infant's responsiveness. Moreover, the total Chan et al. (2016), "Investigating the factors
attachment scores determined through influencing the adoption of KMC in different
structured interviews by Gathwala et al. (2012) contexts" and another study by Ramaiah
were higher in the kangaroo care group than in (2016), that was conducted at Umm-Al Qura
controls. University, and found that nurses had
inadequate knowledge regarding KMC.
Regarding the nurses‟ knowledge According to the study of El Zaidy et al.
related to the obstacles of kangaroo care, the (2017), "Effect of family centered
results clarified that near half of them developmental care program on nurses
reported that the place in NICU was not working at NICUs" the nurses‟ knowledge
suitable for applying kangaroo care. This regarding MKC can improved significantly
result was similar to that in the study done by with educational programs and guidelines.
Olsson et al. (2012), about NICU nurses‟
ambivalent attitudes in skin-to-skin care On assessing nurse‟s practice regarding
practice, which illustrated that the staff kangaroo care, the current study clarified that
members working in NICUs considered the less than half of them had satisfactory levels
lack of space in the intensive care room an of practice regarding kangaroo care. This
important barrier in applying kangaroo care. result was in disagreement with the study
done by George (2013), who found that the
Also, these results were similar to those majority of the studied subjects had good
in the study conducted by McCord (2011), scores related to the practice of kangaroo care
who found that more than half of the nurses technique.
identified an array of context-related issues in
the NICUs that included increased workload, Furthermore, the results in the current
inadequate physical space, poor lighting and study found that there were statistically
lack of privacy. significant differences between the total
knowledge of the studied nurses and their age,
From the researchers‟ point of view, educational level, years of experience in NICU
sometimes the shortage in supplies and and previous training in kangaroo care with P-
facilities leads to inadequacy in nursing care value (< 0.05).
in this aspect.
In a similar study done by Arohi et al.
Regarding the nurses‟ knowledge about (2013), "Knowledge and attitude regarding
the nursing role in kangaroo care, the current KMC practice among healthcare providers in
study illustrated that the majority had good India", there was a statistically significant
levels of knowledge. This result was similar association between the knowledge related to
to that in the study done by Chia et al. KMC and HCPs training (P < 0.0001), while
(2006), about the attitudes and practices of the association between their total scores and
neonatal nurses in the use of kangaroo care, education or experience was statistically
where the majority of the nurses had good insignificant.
levels of knowledge and positive attitudes
towards the nursing role in kangaroo care. There was also a statistically
insignificant association between knowledge
The researcher believes that the nurse‟s scores and education. This shows that even if
knowledge regarding kangaroo care should the neonatal nurses were less educated, their
skills can be enhanced by imparting training.
Assessment of Nurses' Knowledge and Practice Regarding to Kangroo Care at Neonatal
Intensive Care Unit (NICU)
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