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Chapter 3: Geometric Principles

A radiograph is a shadow picture of an object that has been placed in the path of an x-ray or
gamma-ray beam, between the tube anode and the film or between the source of gamma
radiation and the film. It naturally follows, therefore, that the appearance of an image thus
recorded is materially influenced by the relative positions of the object and the film and by the
direction of the beam. For these reasons, familiarity with the elementary principles of shadow
formation is important to those making and interpreting radiographs.

General Principles

Since x-rays and gamma rays obey the common laws of light, their shadow formation may be
explained in a simple manner in terms of light. It should be borne in mind that the analogy
between light and these radiations is not perfect since all objects are, to a greater or lesser
degree, transparent to x-rays and gamma rays and since scattering presents greater problems in
radiography than in optics. However, the same geometric laws of shadow formation hold for both
light and penetrating radiation.

Suppose, as in Figure 11A below, that there is light from a point L falling on a white card C, and
that an opaque object O is interposed between the light source and the card. A shadow of the
object will be formed on the surface of the card.

This shadow cast by the object will naturally show some enlargement because the object is not in
contact with the card; the degree of enlargement will vary according to the relative distances of
the object from the card and from the light source. The law governing the size of the shadow may
be stated:

The diameter of the object is to the diameter of the shadow as the distance of the light from the
object is to the distance of the light from the card.

Mathematically, the degree of enlargement may be calculated by use of the following equations:

where SO is the size of the object; Si is the size of the shadow (or the radiographic image); D the
distance from source of radiation to object; and D the distance from the source of radiation to the
recording surface (or radiographic film).

The degree of sharpness of any shadow depends on the size of the source of light and on the
position of the object between the light and the card--whether nearer to or farther from one or the
other. When the source of light is not a point but a small area, the shadows cast are not perfectly
sharp (in Figure 11, B to D) because each point in the source of light casts its own shadow of the
object, and each of these overlapping shadows is slightly displaced from the others, producing an
ill-defined image.

The form of the shadow may also differ according to the angle that the object makes with the
incident light rays. Deviations from the true shape of the object as exhibited in its shadow image
are referred to as distortion.

Figure 11, A to F shows the effect of changing the size of the source and of changing the relative
positions of source, object, and card. From an examination of these drawings, it will be seen that
the following conditions must be fulfilled to produce the sharpest, truest shadow of the object:
1. The source of light should be small, that is, as nearly a point as can be obtained.
Compare Figure 11, A and C.
2. The source of light should be as far from the object as practical. Compare Figure 11, B
and C.
3. The recording surface should be as close to the object as possible. Compare Figure 11,
B and D.
4. The light rays should be directed perpendicularly to the recording surface. See Figure 11,
A and E.
5. The plane of the object and the plane of the recording surface should be parallel.
Compare Figure 11, A and F.

Figure 11: Illustrating the general geometric principles of shadow formation as explained
in these sections.

Radiography in Modern Industry 21

Radiographic Shadows

The basic principles of shadow formation must be given primary consideration in order to assure
satisfactory sharpness in the radiographic image and essential freedom from distortion. A certain
degree of distortion naturally will exist in every radiograph because some parts will always be
farther from the film than others, the greatest magnification being evident in the images of those
parts at the greatest distance from the recording surface (See Figure 11).

Note, also, that there is no distortion of shape in Figure 11E above--a circular object having been
rendered as a circular shadow. However, under circumstances similar to those shown, it is
possible that spatial relations can be distorted. In Figure 12 the two circular objects can be
rendered either as two circles (See Figure 12A) or as a figure-eight-shaped shadow (See Figure
12B). It should be observed that both lobes of the figure eight have circular outlines.

Figure 12: Two circular objects can be rendered as two separate circles (A) or as two
overlapping circles (B), depending on the direction of the radiation.

Distortion cannot be eliminated entirely, but by the use of an appropriate source-film distance, it
can be lessened to a point where it will not be objectionable in the radiographic image.

Application To Radiography

The application of the geometric principles of shadow formation to radiography leads to five
general rules. Although these rules are stated in terms of radiography with x-rays, they also apply
to gamma-ray radiography.

1. The focal spot should be as small as other considerations will allow, for there is a definite
relation between the size of the focal spot of the x-ray tube and the definition in the
radiograph. A large-focus tube, although capable of withstanding large loads, does not
permit the delineation of as much detail as a small-focus tube. Long source-film distances
will aid in showing detail when a large-focus tube is employed, but it is advantageous to
use the smallest focal spot permissible for the exposures required.

Radiography in Modern Industry 22

B and H in the Figure 13 show the effect of focal spot size on image quality. As the focal
spot size is increased from 1.5 mm (B) to 4.0 mm (H), the definition of the radiograph
starts to degrade. This is especially evident at the edges of the chambers, which are no
longer sharp.

2. The distance between the anode and the material examined should always be as great
as is practical. Comparatively long-source distances should be used in the radiography of
thick materials to minimize the fact that structures farthest from the film are less sharply
recorded than those nearer to it. At long distances, radiographic definition is improved
and the image is more nearly the actual size of the object.

3. A to D in the Figure 13 show the effects of source-film distance on image quality. As the
source-film distance is decreased from 68 inches (A) to 12 inches (D) the image
becomes more distorted until at 12 inches it is no longer a true representation of the
casting. This is particularly evident at the edges of the casing where the distortion is

4. The film should be as close as possible to the object being radiographed. In practice, the
film--in its cassette or exposure holder--is placed in contact with the object.

In B and E of Figure 13, the effects of object-film distance are evident. As the object-film
distance is increased from zero (B) to 4 inches (E), the image becomes larger and the
definition begins to degrade. Again, this is especially evident at the edges of the
chambers that are no longer sharp.

5. The central ray should be as nearly perpendicular to the film as possible to preserve
spatial relations.

As far as the shape of the specimen will allow, the plane of maximum interest should be
parallel to the plane of the film.

Finally, in F and G of the Figure 13, the effects of object-film-source orientation are
shown. When compared to B, image F is extremely distorted because although the film is
perpendicular to the central ray, the casting is at a 45° angle to the film and spatial
relationships are lost. As the film is rotated to be parallel with the casting (G), the spatial
relationships are maintained and the distortion is lessened.

Radiography in Modern Industry 23

Figure 13: These graphics illustrate the effects on image quality when the geometric
exposure factors are changed.

Calculation Of Geometric Unsharpness

The width of the "fuzzy" boundary of the shadows in B, C, and D in the above figure is known as
the geometric unsharpness (Ug). Since the geometric unsharpness can strongly affect the
appearance of the radiographic image, it is frequently necessary to determine its magnitude.

From the laws of similar triangles, it can be seen (In Figure 14) that:

where Ug is the geometric unsharpness, F is the size of the radiation source, Do is the source-
object distance, and t is the object-film distance. Since the maximum unsharpness involved in any
radiographic procedure is usually the significant quantity, the object-film distance (t) is usually
taken as the distance from the source side of the specimen to the film.

Radiography in Modern Industry 24

Figure 14: Geometric construction for determining geometric unsharpness (Ug).

Do and t must be measured in the same units; inches are customary, but any other unit of length--
say, centimetres--would also be satisfactory. So long as Do and t are in the same units, the
formula above will always give the geometric unsharpness Ug in whatever units were used to
measure the dimensions of the source. The projected size of the focal spots of x-ray tubes are
usually stated in millimetres, and Ug will also be in millimetres. If the source size is stated in
inches, Ug will be in inches.

For rapid reference, graphs of the type shown in the figure below can be prepared by the use of
the equation above. These graphs relate source-film distance, object-film distance and geometric
unsharpness. Note that the lines of Figure 15 are all straight. Therefore, for each source-object
distance, it is only necessary to calculate the value of U for a single specimen thickness, and then
draw a straight line through the point so determined and the origin. It should be emphasized,
however, that a separate graph of the type shown in Figure 15 must be prepared for each size of

Figure 15: Graph relating geometric unsharpness (Ug) to specimen thickness and source-
object distance, for a 5-millimetre source size.

Radiography in Modern Industry 25

Pinhole Projection Of Focal Spot

Since the dimensions of the radiation source have considerable effect on the sharpness of the
shadows, it is frequently desirable to determine the shape and size of the x-ray tube focal spot.
This may be accomplished by the method of pinhole radiography, which is identical in principle
with that of the pinhole camera. A thin lead plate containing a small hole is placed exactly midway
between the focal spot and the film, and lead shielding is so arranged that no x-rays except those
passing through the pinhole reach the film (See Figure 16). The developed film will show an
image that, for most practical radiographic purposes, may be taken as equal in size and shape to
the focal spot (See Figure 17). If precise measurements are required, the measured dimensions
of the focal-spot image should be decreased by twice the diameter of the pinhole.

Figure 16: Schematic diagram showing production of a pinhole picture of an x-ray tube
focal spot.

The method is applicable to x-ray tubes operating up to about 250 kV. Above this kilovoltage,
however, the thickness of the lead needed makes the method impractical. (The entire focal spot
cannot be "seen" from the film side of a small hole in a thick plate.) Thus the technique cannot be
used for high-energy x-rays or the commonly used gamma-ray sources, and much more
complicated methods, suitable only for the laboratory, must be employed.

A focus-film distance of 24 inches is usually convenient. Of course, the time of exposure will be
much greater than that required to expose the film without the pinhole plate because so little
radiation can get through such a small aperture. In general, a needle or a No. 60 drill will make a
hole small enough for practical purposes.

A density in the image area of 1.0 to 2.0 is satisfactory. If the focal-spot area is overexposed, the
estimate of focal-spot size will be exaggerated, as can be seen by comparing the two images in
Figure 17.

Radiography in Modern Industry 26

Figure 17: Pinhole pictures of the focal spot of an x-ray tube. A shorter exposure (left)
shows only focal spot. A longer exposure (right) shows, as well as the focal spot, some
details of the tungsten button and copper anode stem. The x-ray images of these parts
result from their bombardment with stray electrons.

Radiography in Modern Industry 27

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