PRODUCT Contractor:
Spec: ; Criticality Rating: PO#:
J. Lifting Lug
i. Visual Inspection of Lug Each Component Sr. Engineer H W
Dimensional tolerance of 10% is
ii. Dimensional Inspection of Lug Each Component acceptable
9 Ultimate tensile strength and modulus of BS4994 Once QA/QC Incharge BS2782-Method P W
individual laminates of all the constituent 1003
reinforcing types of glass fibre seperately
prepared and not the cut out from the tank.
10 Lap Shear Strength BS 4994/ Specimen as per Each Tank QA / QC In-Charge BS 4994 P W
(Laminate sequence as per shell design) BS 4994 App.B Clause B9.2 App.B Clause B.9
11 Nozzle Orientation & Manhole Positions As per Approved Drawing every tank Prodn. Manager Approved P W
12 i. Laminate thickness and Bond Length As per Approved Drawing Every Tank Prodn. Manager AO Method Statement P R
QA / QC In-Charge QMS/WI/GRP/QC/02
ii. External Protection Layer As per Approved Drawing Every Tank Prodn. Manager P R
QA / QC In-Charge
13 Hydro Test No leakage during test from Every tank Prodn. Manager P W
( Duly filled with Water for 24 hrs) any part of the vessel &
14 i. Visual inpection ( external + internal ) ASTM 2563 QA / QC In-Charge P W
ii. Final Dimensional Inspection Approved drawing QA / QC In-Charge P W
Method Statement
15 Addition of UV Stabilizer As per Vendor Spec Every tank Prodn. Manager P W
(Hostavin N 24)
16 Transportation, Handling, Storage and Each Tank BS 4994 P R
Installation Manual
Product Release - Product shall be released after completion of all testing and accepting the products as per the acceptance criteria.
+ All test reports, - The delivery note (D.O.) shall accompany test certificate issued by Laboratory and signed by the signatories from production,
results,etc. sales and quality control. With a crated box of spare items like gaskets, nuts and bolts
18 Spare Items, Gasket, MH Cover, Bolts and Material Certificate as per manufacturer. H R
Nuts Visual Inpection of the items as per the approved drawing and a separate report will be submitted along with the delivery note
19 INSPECTION RELEASE NOTE Approved drawing, PO, PR IRN Approved drawing, PO, PR R H