Manual Dobby
Manual Dobby
Manual Dobby
Version 4
DB-WEAVE is a program for the shaft weaving. It supports you designing your patterns and
(with the Plus version) weaving them on a computer controlled loom.
Created using modern programming techniques on the base of Windows 95 and Windows
2000, DB-WEAVE is a compact, powerful program. The user interface is intuitively usable
and guarantees for a short learning time.
Table of contents
Preface ..........................................................................3
Table of contents ...........................................................5
Welcome to DB-WEAVE ..........................................7
Loom control.............................................................7
System requirements..................................................7
Installing DB-WEAVE from Disk..............................7
Installing DB-WEAVE from the internet....................7
Removing DB-WEAVE.............................................7
Philosophy ....................................................................9
Modern user interface ................................................9
Always up to date ......................................................9
Mouse and keyboard..................................................9
Simple yet powerful...................................................9
Easy learning through safety ....................................10
Designing the printouts ............................................10
What is new with version 4? ........................................11
Ranges ....................................................................19
Double and multiple weaves ....................................26
Lancee weaves.........................................................34
Menu reference ...........................................................43
File menu ................................................................43
Edit menu................................................................46
View menu ..............................................................49
Threading menu.......................................................51
Treadling menu........................................................52
Tie-up menu ............................................................53
Pegplan menu ..........................................................54
Insert menu..............................................................55
Repeat menu............................................................56
Color menu..............................................................57
Range menu.............................................................58
Extras menu.............................................................59
? menu.....................................................................62
Entering substitution patterns.......................................63
Mouse reference ..........................................................64
Drawing ..................................................................64
Keyboard reference .....................................................65
Setting and clearing a binding point .........................65
Selecting colors .......................................................65
Faster movement of the cursor .................................65
Jumping from field to field.......................................65
Switch ranges ..........................................................65
General keyboard shortcuts......................................66
Shortcuts loom control .............................................67
Loom control...............................................................68
Braces .....................................................................68
Keyboard usage .......................................................68
Weave menu............................................................68
Position menu..........................................................69
View menu ..............................................................69
Options menu ..........................................................70
Welcome to DB-WEAVE
This user manual is designed to support you with learning DB-WEAVE. Although DB-
WEAVE is largely intuitively usable, you should read the information in this manual to be able
to use the full power of DB-WEAVE. You find here not only detailed explanations of every
functionality but also tutorials that explain the usage of DB-WEAVE with the aid of concrete
Examples. If you follow theses Tutorials at the computer, you will get to know the most
important possibilities of DB-WEAVE through an easy way.
Loom control
DB-WEAVE includes a loom control mode. This allows you to control ARM Patronic, ARM
Designer electronic, Varpapuu looms and (only experimental) LIPS/SLIPS-systems.
System requirements
To be able to use DB-WEAVE best, you should have at least the following computer system. If
your system is not as good as required, DB-WEAVE may work but slower.
Personal computer with Pentium processor with at least 133 MHz
Microsoft Windows 95, Windows 98 or Microsoft Windows NT 4, Windows 2000 or a
newer version
10 Megabyte free space on your hard disk for the program and the included sample files.
24 Megabyte RAM, better 32 Megabyte
VGA screen with at least 800x600 pixels resolution and at least 256, but better 65536
Mouse strongly recommended
Removing DB-WEAVE
In order to remove DB-WEAVE from your computer, you open the control panel and double-
click at Add/remove programs. In the window you select DB-WEAVE to remove the program.
As every program DB-WEAVE has an own usage philosophy. The better you understand this
philosophy the better you can user DB-WEAVE.
Therefore I would like to get you acquainted with this philosophy in this section. Your start
with DB-WEAVE will be smoother and easier. But please consider that to get to know a
program is always (as is learning for itself) awkward and exhaustive. Nonetheless I believe that
DB-WEAVE is well suited to make your work easier without requiring a too large learning
Always up to date
In DB-WEAVE the pattern on the one side and threading, treadling and tie-up on the other side
are always in sync. You can change something in the pattern and instantly after that something
in the treadling or the tie-up. The program synchronizes the other parts always instantly.
This concept can confront you with unexpected behaviour. For example you could enter a
specific threading. If you change something in the pattern after this, the probability is big that
your carefully designed threading gets partially disturbed. This has to happen because your
changed pattern is not possible with your original threading. That’s why the program has to
modify your threading.
The best thing to do is to work solely “from bottom to top” or “from top to bottom”. With this I
mean that you either create your design starting with the pattern or starting with threading,
treadling and tie-up.
Yet DB-WEAVE is powerful. There are many commands that are not directly implemented but
you can emulate them fast and easily with the standard functionality.
In the following part of this manual there are some tutorials. These tutorials lead you step by
step through some examples. This way you get to know the most important features of DB-
WEAVE. It is strongly recommended to work through all of these tutorials. This will give you
a good look at DB-WEAVE. But please do not forget that not every functionality of DB-
WEAVE is covered in these tutorials. Otherwise this manual would have got way too big. You
find the details of every command explained in the reference part.
In this chapter you will learn the basics of the usage of DB-WEAVE. It is assumed here that
you work with the mouse. But of course you can use DB-WEAVE (almost) completely with
only the keyboard.
As you see there are automatically and instantly a threading, a treadling and a tie-up generated.
This is a very important thing with DB-WEAVE: threading, treadling and tie-up on the one
side and pattern on the other side are always in sync. You never have to update the threading or
to worry about something like that.
In the right bottom of the window you see the current size of the pattern and the size of the
To the left of this you see the current position.
Open the repeat window with Repeat|Repeat and enlarge the pattern to 2 times 2 repeats:
There are three different view modes: draft, color and fabric. The view above is the draft view.
Change with View|View|Color to the color mode.
Now the pattern looks like this:
Enter the pattern with the mouse. Threading, treadling and tie-up are created and updated
Three view modes: draft, color and fabric.
Enlarge the pattern with Repeat
The binding is now surrounded by a white line. This is the selection. Since the satin is selected
it can be edited in various ways.
Choose Edit|Central symmetric
Choose Edit|Copy
This command copies the selection in an internal space (the clipboard) from where it can be
inserted at a different place into the pattern again.
You see that the selection automatically vanished and that the cursor jumped to the left of the
copied part.
Choose Edit|Insert
Choose Edit|Invert
Choose Edit|Mirror vertical
To remove the selection just click anywhere within the pattern.
The pattern now looks like this:
Adapt the grid settings to the current needs
Insert satin and twill efficiently with Insert|Satin and Insert|Twill.
Select a pattern to be able to edit it with the command from the edit menu.
In this chapter you learn about the usage of ranges. You see how to separate patterns optically.
Finally you do a block and a range substitution.
You see that the new pattern is displayed with a different color. Each range has its own color.
This enables you to separate parts of a pattern optically.
In the chapters Lancee weaves and Double and multiple weaves this technique will be
applied to simplify the patterns.
There are nine different ranges at your disposal. Switch between them with
Range|Current range| Range 1..9 or Shift+1..9.
Draw directly with one range using the 1..9 keys. Delete with the 0 key.
In the status bar the currently active range is displayed.
Each range has an own color in the pattern and the tie-up or pegplan.
Use the ranges to separate different parts of a pattern optically.
Make the pattern central symmetric with the command Edit|Central symmetric or Z:
In this example you have only used one range (besides the base pattern range). But of course
you could have used as much as nine ranges.
‘Draw’ the desired block pattern with different ranges.
The block substitution will assign each range an own pattern.
Make well looking borders with central symmetric and mirroring.
Switch to the first pattern with Pattern|Pattern 1 or Shift+1 and enter a twill:
Switch to the second pattern with Pattern|Pattern 2 or Shift+2 and enter the following
Draw the ranges with the tools from the tool palette or point by point.
Use different ranges for parts that should get different patterns.
Each used range will be assigned a pattern.
If you do not want to substitute the whole pattern or if you want to substitute more than the
whole pattern you have to select the part you want to substitute.
Now everything is ready to enter the patterns into the tie-up. We want the top layer to be a
warp sided twill an the bottom layer to be a weft sided twill.
The two different patterns are entered using different ranges. This enables you to clearly
differentiate the two layers.
Make sure that the first range is activated (select Range|Current Range|Range 1 or
Now enter the first pattern into the tie-up:
To complete the double weave you have to add the lift out of the top layer. Switch to the
lift out range with Range|Current Range|Lift out or Shift+0.
Enter the lift out point into the tie-up:
This completed the double weave. The pattern looks now like this:
If you color the threads according to which layer they belong with different colors and switch
to the fabric view then you can clearly distinguish the two layers:
Switch to the fabric view with View|View|Fabric or Ctrl+3.
Enlarge the pattern with Repeat|Repeat to 2x2 repeats.
Color the warp and weft threads alternating with different colors
The result looks like this:
Arrange threading and treadling in choirs.
Enter different layers with different ranges.
Enter lift out points with the special lift out range.
Color coding of the layers gives a good fabric look.
What is missing are the lift out points to separate the two layers.
Switch to the lift out range with Range|Current range|Lift out or Shift+0.
Tip: It is very convenient to enter the lift out points pick by pick. To do this you best switch the
cursor movement to left (Extras|Cursor|Movement or Ctrl+Alt+Cursor keys).
Enter the lift out points:
The double weave is now completed. You are possibly not very happy with the generated
threading and treadling. They look like this:
If you only work within the pattern you do not have to care what the threading looks like. The
generated threading is furthermore not so bad to actually weave the pattern.
But of course you can change the threading as you wish. If you want to use exactly one and
only threading then it is probably a better idea to create the pattern as was demonstrated in
tutorial 1 starting with the threading, treadling and creating the tie-up.
Create the design starting from the pattern.
Enter different layers with different ranges.
Enter the following double weave according to the system taught in tutorial 1:
Repeat the pattern horizontal and vertical six times with Repeat|Repeat or F8
Copy and paste the tie-up to get the following picture:
Select in the threading the colums 7 through 30 and cut them with Edit|Cut.
Set the cursor to column 7 row 7 and insert with Edit|Paste the cut part.
The threading looks now like this:
You created two switches of layers in the warp and the weft. The result is something like a
pillow i.e. it is hollow.
Through appropriate coloring you can visualize the structure in the fabric mode:
In the same way you can use unbinding points by switching to Range|Current
range|unbinding or Shift+Ctrl+0.
Lancee weaves
Enter the base pattern
In this chapter you learn the usage of colors with DB-WEAVE. Since this manual is printed in
black and white, the pictures are not as informative as they are on screen.
Open the color palette again and choose the darkish red. Close the palette.
Color the weft color bar to get this result:
In this chapter you learn how to use DB-WEAVE together with a computer controlled loom to
weave directly your patterns. If you do not have such a loom you can skip this chapter.
Please note that the functionality that is described here is only contained in the Plus version.
You cannot control looms with the standard version.
Switch into the weave mode with Extras|Weave or Ctrl+W. The screen should look now
approximately like that:
Select from the list your loom type. In this example I assume that you own a Varpapuu
controller at the parallel port. If you need more information about a loom type just click
the info button.
The Varpapuu controller is connected through a parallel port (printer cable). If your
computer has more than one parallel port you have to select the correct port in the field
Which one is it?
If you do not have connected a printer, it is presumably LPT1.
Otherwise it can be LPT1 or LPT2 depending on the port the printer uses.
If you are unsure you best ask a computer experienced person or you just try it.
Now the loom is fully configured and ready to weave. Click OK to save these settings.
In order to test whether the loom is correctly configured, you should weave the pattern. You do
not have to really weave, just open and close the shed to look whether the right shafts are lifted.
Switch on your loom.
Start the weaving with Weave|Start weaving or F5.
Open the shed.
If everything is correct, the first shaft should be lifted.
Close and reopen the shed to “weave” the whole pattern. On the screen the indicator of the
current pick moves step by step upwards.
If your loom does not react at all then the interface is presumably wrongly configured or your
loom is not switched on.
Please verify if the loom
is switched on
is correctly connected to your computer
is correctly configured in Options|Loom
As you may see the first brace is set to the whole repeat of the pattern. That means, that the
whole thing will be woven once.
You can set the nine braces with the mouse or the keyboard. With the mouse you just drag the
brace at either end or in the middle. If the brace is selected you can set the repetition with the
keys 0 to 9.
For a description of the usage of the keyboard please refer to the keyboard reference.
Now set the braces like this:
What does this mean? First the four picks of tabby are woven just once (brace one on the left).
Then twice the first eight picks (brace two). As third twice the second eight picks (brace three).
And finally once again the four picks of tabby (brace 4).
The current pick is now pick 1 (marked blue). In order that you really start the weaving with
brace 1 you have to move the current position there.
Set the current position to brace 1 with Position|Goto|Brace 1 or Shift+1.
Start the weaving with Weave|Start weaving or F5.
Starten Sie das Weben mit Weben|Start Weben oder F5.
Weave the pattern once. You see that the order is as you set it with the braces.
While weaving you can every time change the current pick. The next woven pick will be there.
If you made an mistake, you can switch the weave direction. If you use a varpapuu loom, you
have to do this with the corresponding switch on the loom control box. Otherwise you switch
the direction with Weave|Weave backwards or F4.
Set braces to determine which parts to weave.
Jump to brace with Position|Goto|Brace ... or Shift+1...9.
Change the current pick with the cursor keys.
Switch direction with Weave|Weave backwards or F4.
Menu reference
File menu
Creates a new pattern.
Shortcut: Ctrl+N
Opens a pattern.
Shortcut: Ctrl+O
Load parts
Loads only a part of a pattern. Example: You have created a pattern with a warp color
blending. You want to use this blending in your current pattern. To achieve this, you load the
warp colors and the color palette.
Saves the pattern to disk.
Shortcut: Ctrl+S
Save as
Saves the pattern to a different file.
Revert changes
Restores the state of the pattern as you last saved it. Any changes since then will be reverted
and thus lost.
If you want to undo only some of the last changes, you better use the command Edit|Undo.
Saves the pattern as a Bitmap-File in the BMP fileformat. You can embed such a file in
applications like Microsoft Word, or you can convert the file to the GIF or JPG fileformat and
publish it on the internet.
Saves a pattern in the WIF file format. This is a program independent file format that is
supported by many textile programs such as Weavepoint or PCW Fiberworks.
You can the following information enter in the properties window:
Author The name of the author of the pattern.
Organisation The name of the organisation for with the author works. You can leave this
field empty if you do not work for any organisation.
Remarks This field is intended for remarks concerning the pattern or something
The fields Author and Organisation can be printed in the header or footer line with the
pattern. More information about this and other printing related stuff in the section File|Page
Page setup
In the window Page setup you can set the page margins and define a page header and a page
footer line.
Left Left page margin in centimeter
Right Right page margin in centimeter
Top Top page margin in centimeter
Bottom Bottom page margin in centimeter
Header Header line. You can use place holders that get replaced by actual values in
Footer Footer line. You can use place holders.
Print preview
Shows how the pattern will be printed. The print preview is intended to give you a look at the
page composition. The details are not visible on the screen.
Prints the current pattern. You can determine the page range you wish to print and you can
change the print options. The pattern will always be printed as it is visible on the screen. That
means that if you wish to suppress the threading you just switch the threading with
View|Threading off and print the pattern.
Shortcut: Ctrl+P
Print part
Prints a part of the pattern. You can freely define which end range, pick range, shaft range and
treadle range you wish to print. To suppress a specific range just enter 0 and 0.
Shortcut: Ctrl+L
Printer setup
Configure the printer. For example you can switch to landscape format.
Exits the program.
Edit menu
Undoes the last change. You always can undo the last 100 steps.
Shortcut: Ctrl+Z
Redoes the last change that was undone.
Shortcut: Ctrl+Y
Cuts the selected part and moves it to the clipboard.
Shortcut: Ctrl+X
Copies the selected part to the clipboard.
Shortcuts: Ctrl+C or alternatively just K
Pastes a copied part from the clipboard at the current cursor location.
Shortcuts: Ctrl+V or alternatively just E
Paste transparently
Pastes a copied part from the clipboard at the current cursor location. The pattern is
superimposed upon the pattern that is already entered.
Shortcuts: Ctrl+B or alternatively just T
Inverts the selection.
Shortcut: I
Mirror horizontal
Mirrors the selection horizontaly (mirror at a vertical axis).
Shortcut: H
Mirror vertical
Mirrors the selection vertically (mirror at a horizontal axis).
Shortcut: V
Rotates the selection 90° clockwise. Please note that only square selections can be rotated.
Shortcut: R
Deletes the selection.
Shortcut: Delete
Roll|Roll Up
Rolls the selection up.
Shortcut: Ctrl+6
Roll|Roll Down
Rolls the selection down
Shortcut: Ctrl+7
Roll|Roll Left
Rolls the selection left
Shortcut: Ctrl+8
Roll|Roll Right
Rolls the selection right
Shortcut: Ctrl+9
Increases the slope of the selection.
Shortcut: Ctrl+H
Decreases the slope of the selection.
Shortcut: Ctrl+J
Move|Shaft up
Moves the current shaft up. The current shaft is the one the cursor is at.
Shortcut: Ctrl+F7
Move|Shaft down
Moves the current shaft down
Shortcut: Ctrl+F8
Move|Treadle left
Moves the current treadle left.
Shortcut: Ctrl+F5
Move|Treadle right
Moves the current treadle right.
Shortcut: Ctrl+F6
Insert a shaft at the current location.
Shortcut: Shift+S
Insert a treadle at the current location.
Tastenkombination: Shift+T
Inserts a warp end at the current location. If there is a selection while invoking this command
there will be as many warp ends inserted as the selection is wide.
Shortcut: Shift+K
Inserts a weft pick at the current location.
Shortcut: Shift+F
Deletes the current shaft.
Shortcut: Shift+Ctrl+S
Deletes the current treadle.
Shortcut: Shift+Ctrl+T
Deletes the current warp end.
Shortcut: Shift+Ctrl+K
Deletes the current weft pick.
Shortcut: Shift+Ctrl+F
Lancee|Warp lancee
Inserts warp lancee ends.
Lancee|Weft lancee
Inserts weft lancee picks.
Twill completion
With this command you can easily create a twill pattern. To do so you enter either the first pick
or the first end of the twill and select exactly one repeat of this pick or end. Then you choose
Edit|Twill completion to complete the twill. Note that there has to be enough free space to the
left or top of then first end or pick.
Shortcut: Ctrl+K
Switch to back
Switches to the back of the fabric. This command work only if you are in the single treadle
mode or use the pegplan mode.
Shortcut: F11
View menu
Reed threading
Toggles the reed threading.
Toggles the warp and the weft colors.
Shortcut: Ctrl+A
Toggles the threading.
Shortcut: Ctrl+E
Toggles the treadling.
Shortcut: Ctrl+T
Support lines
Toggles the support lines. On top and on the left of the screen there are two rulers visible
where you can set support lines by clicking at the appropriate location. Existing support lines
can be moved by mouse. To delete a support line, just click at it in the ruler.
The pattern is not visible. Instead an empty grid paper is shown. Similarly to the option Only
pattern visible this option is of interest to teachers designing exams or something like that.
The default black and white view of the pattern. No colors are shown.
Shortcut: Ctrl+1
Warp and weft colors are used whereas a color effect may result.
Shortcut: Ctrl+2
In the fabric view a schematic view of the real thread interlacement is shown. This view is not
realistic and is not intended to be. Instead it is thought of as an educational tool. You get a
quite good feeling for the floats of the pattern. Errors and irregularities can be very effectively
Shortcut: Ctrl+3
Zoom in
Zoom in the view of the pattern.
Shortcut: Ctrl+I
Restores the default size of the pattern.
Zoom out
Zoom out the view of the pattern.
Shortcut: Ctrl+U
Tool palette
Toggles the tool palette. The tools are best used with the pegplan mode. Only the draft mode is
available if you use the tools.
The following tools are available: lines, rectangle, square, ellipse, circle.
Displays an overview of the pattern. Very useful if you use very large repeats.
Shortcut: F4
Threading menu
Mirrors the whole threading in horizontal direction.
Deletes the whole threading.
Normal rising
Arranges the threading in a rising manner. Uses the least possible number of shafts.
Normal falling
Arranges the threading in a falling manner. Uses the least possible number of shafts.
Straight rising
Arranges the threading in a straight rising manner.
Straight falling
Arranges the threading in a straight falling manner.
2 choir
Arranges the threading in two choirs. The first choir consists of all odd ends and the second of
all even ends.
3 choir
Arranges the threading in three choirs.
Tries to leave the threading as you arranged it.
User defined
Tries to use the user defined threading. You first have to enter a user defined threading.
Treadling menu
Mirrors the whole treadling in vertical direction.
Deletes the whole treadling.
Normal rising
Arranges the treadling in a rising manner. Uses the least possible number of treadles.
Normal falling
Arranges the treadling in a falling manner. Uses the least possible number of treadles.
Arranges the treadling in a crossed manner. This is very comfortable if you weave on a hand
weave loom.
Tries to leave the treadling as you arranged it.
Tie-up menu
Inverts the whole tie-up.
Deletes the whole tie-up.
Rolls the tie-up up.
Shortcut: Shift+Ctrl+6
Rolls the tie-up down.
Shortcut: Shift+Ctrl+7
Rolls the tie-up left.
Shortcut: Shift+Ctrl+8
Rolls the tie-up right.
Shortcut: Shift+Ctrl+9
Increases the slope of the tie-up. Please note that there has to be a threading and a treadling in
order that this feature works.
Shortcut: Shift+Ctrl+H
Decreases the slope of the tie-up. Please note that there has to be a threading and a treadling in
order that this feature works.
Shortcut: Shift+Ctrl+J
Pegplan menu
Inverts the whole pegplan.
Deletes the whole pegplan.
Mirrors the whole pegplan in vertical direction.
Insert menu
Enables you to insert at the current position a satin. There are the following satins built in: 5, 6,
7, 8, 9 and 10 binding Satin.
Enables you to insert at the current position a twill. There are a variety of twills built in.
You can as much as 10 own patterns save here and then use as you use the predefined patterns.
Administration|Add selection
Adds the selection to the user defined patterns. This works only if the selectio nis at most 50 x
50 threads big.
Deletes one of the user defines patterns.
You can use the ten user defined patterns like an extension of the clipboard mechanism.
Therefore the following shortcuts are available in addition to the normal copy/paste shortcuts:
Shift+Ctrl+C Saves the selection as one of the ten patterns.
Shift+Ctrl+V Pastes one of the ten user defined patterns at the current position.
Shift+Ctrl+B Pastes one of the ten user defined patterns transparently at the current position.
Repeat menu
Repeat visible
Activate and deactivate the repeat. If the repeat is active (i.e. visible) it is displayed red. If you
then change anything inside the red repeat this change will get replicated to the whole pattern.
Shortcut: Ctrl+R
In the window Repeat you can repeat your pattern horizontally and vertically.
Horizontal Enter the desired number of horizontal repeats.
Vertical Enter the desired number of vertical repeats.
Repeat all With this checkbox you can repeat the pattern to the maximal available size.
Please note that the recalculations are comparatively slow if you have a large
pattern instead of a small one. So use this option with caution.
Repeat color Choose wether you wish to repeat the color or not.
Shortcut: F8
Reduces the pattern to one repeat.
Shortcut: F7
Color menu
Shows the palette of available colors. The selected color is surrounded by a white rectangle.
This ‘active’ color is also visible in the status bar.
Shortcut: Ctrl+F
Edit colors
If you want to use a specific color that is not available in the standard palette you can define
this color here. Select the color you want to change and edit it with Color|Edit RGB or
Color|Edit HSV in the RGB r the HSV color model.
Color blending
Choose a start and an end color and the number of steps to create a color blending. The field
Paletteindex defines the location where the creates colors will be stores in the color palette.
With the weighting you can emphasize one of the colors. The option Color model for
interpolation enables you to determine the interpolation mode. Just try these options once...
Replace color
If the cursor is on a warp or weft color you can replace any occurence of this color by a
different color.
Switch colors
Switches the warp and weft colors.
Range menu
Import bitmap
You can import a pattern from a Windows BMP file. Please use at most ten different colors
since DB-WEAVE assigns different colors different ranges.
Normally you would do a range substitution after importing a bitmap.
Current range|Range 1
Activates range one as the current range.
Shortcut: Shift+1
You can activate the other ranges analogously.
Current range|Binding
Activates the binding range as the current range. Intended for double and multiple weaves.
Shortcut: Ctrl+0
Current range|Unbinding
Activates the unbinding range as the current range. Intended for double and multiple weaves.
Shortcut: Shift+Ctrl+0
Substitution|Block substitution
Creates a block substitution. Every set point of the tie-up is replaced by a whole pattern and
every unset point by a different whole pattern.
Substitution|Range substitution
Every used range will be replaced by a pattern.
Extras menu
Pattern locked
If this option is activated nothing can be changed directly at the pattern. You can change only
threading, treadling and tie-up (or the pegplan).
If the repeat is activated (Repeat|Repeat visible) then you can use this option to restrain the
cursor to the repeat.
Shortcut: Ctrl+Q
After toggling a point the cursor is normally moved one position upwards. Here you can
determine in which direction the cursor should move (if it should move at all).
Up Cursor should move upwards
Down Cursor should move downwards
Left Cursor should move to the left
Right Cursor should move to the right
The shortcut Ctrl+Alt displays the current state of the cursor movement in the status bar. If
you hold these two keys you can change the setting with the cursor keys.
Quickly moves the cursor into one of the main fields.
Shortcut: Ctrl+G
Determine the thickness of warp and weft.
Warp factor Determines the relative thickness of the warp threads
Weft factor Determines the relative thickness of the weft threads
Toggles between tie-up and pegplan mode.
Shortcut: F9
Switches to the weave mode.
Shortcut: Ctrl+W
Displays in a window information about the current pattern. With Save you can save this
information in the RTF format that can be read for example by Microsoft Word. With Print
you print the information on the current printer.
Base settings|Swiss
Switches to the settings that are common in switzerland.
Base settings|Scandinavian
Switches to the settings that are common in scandinavian countries.
Base settings|American
Switches to the settings that are common in the USA.
Configures the program for the current pattern and any new pattern.
The window is divided in several tabs:
In the tab Sizes you can on the one hand define the maximal size of your pattern and on the
other hand define how man shafts and treadles should be visible.
Shafts Maximal number of shafts. (The number of shafts can be extended
dynamically by the program if it needs more shafts.)
Treadles Maximal number of treadles. (The number of treadles can be extended
dynamically by the program if it needs more treadles.)
Ends Maximal number of ends (warp threads).
Picks Maximal number of picks (weft threads).
Visible shafts Number of visible shafts.
Visible treadles Number of visible treadles.
The default settings are 30 shafts, 12 visible shafts, 30 treadles, 12 visible treadles, 300 ends
and 300 picks.
Please be careful if you change these sizes. The bigger these numbers the slower is the
Single treadle You can enter only one treadle per pick.
Multiple treadle You can enter more than one treadle per pick. Please be aware that the
program assigns nonetheless only one treadle per pick if it recalculates
the pattern.
Rising shed A filled square means a rising warp thread.
Sinking shed A filled square means a rising weft thread.
Determines the grid settings:
Horizontal Choose how far apart the vertical strong gridlines are. Standard is 4.
Vertical Choose how far apart the horizontal strong gridlines are. Standard is 4.
In the tab Symbols you can choose the look of the different fields. The following symbols are
at your disposal:
Small cross
Small circle
Threading below pattern Displays the threading below the pattern.
Work direction in threading and pattern from right to left Switches the work direction to
right to left.
Work direction in threading and tie-up from top to bottom Switches the work direction to
top to bottom.
Color effect view with grid Displays the color view with a grid.
Use alternate color palette Switches to an alternate predefined color palette. Please note that
in doing so you loose all your user defined colors.
Use alternate pegplan view Switches the view of the pegplan. If the threading is below the
pattern, this option has no effect.
Select the language (english or german).
? menu
Help topics
Displays the help topics.
Shortcut: F1
Order information
Displays information about how to order DB-WEAVE.
Technical Information
Displays information about the program version and the license state of DB-WEAVE as well
as information about your computer. This is usefull in case of problems.
Displays information about DB-WEAVE.
Mouse reference
To be able to change parts of the pattern with the commands provided by the edit menu, you
have first to select these parts. This can happen using the mouse or the keyboard. The chapter
keyboard reference explains how to create a selection using the keyboard.
To select a part of a pattern, you position the mouse over a corner point of this part and press
the left mouse button. Now hold the left mouse button pressed and move the mouse to the other
corner of the part you want to select. While you move the mouse a white rectangle moves with
the mouse. Move the mouse until this rectangle encloses exactly the part of the pattern you
wish to select. Now you finally can leave the left mouse button.
To remove a selection just click with the mouse anywhere within the pattern.
A click with the left mouse button either sets or clears a binding point. If you click within one
of the color bars you assign the associated thread the current color.
If you click the right mouse button a so called context menu is being displayed that shows
some of the most important commands available at the moment.
An important variant of the left mouse button click is clicking the left mouse button while
holding the Ctrl key pressed.
If you do this on one of the color bars you select the color at the mouse position as the current
color. This enables you to switch colors fast without having to open the color palette, provided
the needed color is already somewhere used.
If you do this anywhere else, the cursor will jump to this location without setting any binding
In the drawing mode you can draw lines and other things in the same way as you make
selections. If you hold the Ctrl key pressed while drawing a rectangle or ellipse they are
automatically restricted to square or circle. The lines are restricted in this case to horizontal,
vertical and diagonal.
Keyboard reference
To edit a part of a pattern you generally have to select it. This can be achieved by using the
mouse or by using the keyboard. The usage of the mouse is explained in the chapter mouse
To select a part of a pattern, you first position the cursor at one of the corners of it. Then you
press the Shift key and hold this key pressed while selecting the desired part with the cursor
keys. The currently selected part will be surrounded by a white line. You see the size of this
selection in the status bar. As soon as the selection has the desired size you leave the Shift key.
To remove a selection just move the cursor with one of the cursor keys.
Selecting colors
If the cursor is within one of the color bars you can select the color at the current location of
the cursor by pressing the space bar while holding the Ctrl key pressed.
Switch ranges
You change the current range with the shortcuts Shift+1 through Shift+9. If you select a part
of a pattern and then press Shift+Ctrl+1 any binding point will be set to range 1.
Shortcut Command
Shift+Ctrl+0 Unbinding range
Ctrl+0 Binding range
Shift+Ctrl+6 Tie-up roll up
Shift+Ctrl+7 Tie-up roll down
Shift+Ctrl+8 Tie-up roll left
Shift+Ctrl+9 Tie-up roll right
Shift+Ctrl+H Tie-up increase slope
Shift+Ctrl+J Tie-up decrease slope
Shift+0 Lift out range
Ctrl+X Cut
Shift+1 Range 1
Shift+2 Range 2
Shift+3 Range 3
Shift+4 Range 4
Shift+5 Range 5
Shift+6 Range 6
Shift+7 Range 7
Shift+8 Range 8
Shift+9 Range 9
Ctrl+L Print range
Ctrl+1 View draft
Ctrl+2 View color
Ctrl+3 View fabric
Ctrl+§ View invisible
Ctrl+Q Cursor in repeat
Ctrl+P Print
Ctrl+V Paste
E Paste
Shift+K Insert end
Shift+S Insert shaft
Shift+F Insert pick
Shift+T Insert treadle
Ctrl+E Toggle threading
Ctrl+A Toggle color
Ctrl+F Color palette
Ctrl+G Go to
F1 Help topics
I Invert
Ctrl+K Twill completion
Ctrl+C Copy
K Copy
Del Delete
Shift+Ctrl+K Delete end
Shift+Ctrl+S Delete shaft
Shift+Ctrl+F Delete pick
Shift+Ctrl+T Delete treadle
Ctrl+N New
Ctrl+O Open
Ctrl+R Repeat visible
F8 Repeat
F7 Reduce
Ctrl+6 Roll up
Ctrl+7 Roll down
Ctrl+8 Roll left
Ctrl+9 Roll right
R Rotate
Ctrl+Z Undo
Ctrl+F5 Move treadle left
Ctrl+F6 Move treadle right
Ctrl+F7 Move shaft up
Ctrl+F8 Move shaft down
F9 Pegplan
Ctrl+S Save
H Mirror horizontal
V Mirror vertical
Ctrl+H Increase slope
Ctrl+J Decrease slope
Ctrl+B Past transparently
Ctrl+T Toggle treadling
F4 Overview
Ctrl+I Zoom in
Ctrl+U Zoom out
Ctrl+W Weave
F10 Tool palette
Ctrl+Y Redo
Z Central symmetric
Shortcut Command
Ctrl+I Zoom in
Ctrl+U Zoom out
Ctrl+1 View draft
Ctrl+2 View color
Ctrl+3 View fabric
Shift+1 Jump to brace 1
Shift+2 Jump to brace 2
Shift+3 Jump to brace 3
Shift+4 Jump to brace 4
Shift+5 Jump to brace 5
Shift+6 Jump to brace 6
Shift+7 Jump to brace 7
Shift+8 Jump to brace 8
Shift+9 Jump to brace 9
F4 Backwards/forward
F5 Start/stop weaving
Loom control
DB-WEAVE Plus supports as of today the computer controlled looms ARM Designer
Electronic, ARM Patronic and the finnish Varpapuu-controller. The LIPS/SLIPS-controllers
are experimentally supported.
To weave a pattern you open or create the pattern in DB-WEAVE. Then you choose
Extras|Weave to get into the weaving mode. To the left you see the pattern, in the middle
there is the pegplan and to the right you see nine braces. These braces determine what part is
when woven.
The so called braces determine what is when in which arrangement woven.
If you have just one repeat and you want to weave this repeat more or less endlessly, you have
to set the first brace to this repeat and set its repetition to 1 and you are ready to start weaving.
DB-WEAVE does normally arrange manners in this way as a default, so you can just start
weaving without any preliminaries.
For more special occasions you can use the other braces too. If more than one brace is activated
(that means more than one brace has a repetition greater than zero) the braces are woven in a
left to right manner.
You can adjust a brace by dragging it with the mouse. To change the size of a brace just drag
one end of the brace.
Too activate a brace you have to set its repetition to a value bigger than 0. The repetition
determines how many times the brace will be woven before the next brace will be woven. To
change the repetition you click at the brace to select it and just enter one of the numbers 1 to 9.
The maximal repetition count is 9.
Note that the data of the currently selected brace are shown in the status bar.
Keyboard usage
You can use the loom control mode with the keyboard as easily (if not more easily) as with the
If a pick is selected (blue or red rectangle around it), you can move this selection with the
cursor up and down keys.
With Enter you switch between pick and braces.
If a brace is selected (red displayed) you can move the upper limit with the cursor up and down
With Ctrl and the cursor up and down keys you move the lower limit of the brace.
Finally: if you press Shift and use the cursor up and down keys you move the entire brace.
Cursor left and right keys switch between the different braces.
Weave menu
Start weaving
Starts the weaving.
Shortcut: F5
Stop weaving
If you are weaving you can stop it with this command.
Shortcut: F5
Weave backwards
Changes the direction of the weaving.
Shortcut: F4
Closes the loom control mode and returns back to the main program.
Shortcut: Esc
Position menu
Goto|Brace 1...9
Jumps to the start of the brace 1...9 if the brace is active.
Shortcut: Shift+1...9
View menu
The standard draft view.
Shortcut: Ctrl+1
Warp and weft colors are used to display the pattern.
Shortcut: Ctrl+2
The fabric view mode.
Shortcut: Ctrl+3
Zoom in
Zoom in the pattern.
Shortcut: Ctrl+I
Restores the default size of the pattern.
Zoom out
Zoom out the pattern.
Shortcut: Ctrl+U
Options menu
Choose the loom you use and enter the interface parameters.
If this option is active the weaving continues after the last brace without any interruption with
the first brace. Otherwise the weaving stops and a bell signal is produced.
Reversed shafts
Reverses the shaft arrangement. Please make sure that you also enter the number of shafts in
the menu Options|Number of shafts.
Number of shafts
Determine the number of shafts that your loom has.
Colour mode 15
Colour model 57
2 Colour palette 61
2 choir 51 Colour view 38
Colours 38
Weft colours as warp colours 57
3 computer system 7
3 choir 51 Copy 46
Cross 60
Crossed 52
A Current range 58
Cursor 17, 59
About DB-WEAVE 62 Goto 59
Add current pattern 55
In Repeat 59
Add selection 55
Movement 59
cursor movement 28
Add current pattern 55 Cut 46
Add selection 55
Delete 55
American 60 D
ARM Designer Electronic 68
ARM Patronic 68 DB-WEAVE
Author 43 News 11
removing 7
Version 3.7 11
B Default settings 60
Delete 47, 48, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55
back 48
Designer electronic 68
Base settings 59, 61
Double and multiple weaves 19
American 60
double weave 28, 30, 33
Scandinavian 59
Double weave 26
Swiss 59, 61
Draft 19, 49, 69
Basics 14
Drawing 64
Binding 58
Drawing circles 23
binding point 33
Blade threading 49
block substitution 19, 63 E
Block substitution 20, 58
BMP 58 Edit 46
Brace 39, 41, 68 Central symmetric 46
Browser 62 Copy 46
Brunold Software Online 62 Cut 46
Delete 47, 48
Insert 47
C Invert 46
Lancee 48
Central symmeteric 46 Mirror horizontal 46
Central symmetric 17, 21, 53 Mirror vertical 46
choir 26 Move 47
Circle 60
Paste 46
Clicking 64
Paste transparently 46
Close 69
Redo 46
Colour 49, 57, 69 Roll 47
Colour blending 57 Rotate 46
Edit colours 57 Slope 47
Palette 57 Switch to back 48
Replace colour 57 Twill completion 48
Set warp colour 57 Undo 46
Set weft colour 57
Edit colours 57
Warp colours as weft colours 57
Editing 17
Colour blending 57
Ellipse 23
Colour effect 38 Endless 70
Colour effect view with grid 61 Ends 60
fabric 27 Keyboard 9, 65
Fabric 49, 69 Keyboard shortcuts 66
Fabric mode 15 Kopieren 17
Falling 61
Faster movement of the cursor 65
File 43 L
Exit 44 Lancee 48
Export 43 lancee thread 34
Load parts 43 lancee weave 34
New 43 Lancee weaves 19
New from template 43 Last woven pick 69
Open 43 Licensing 62
Page setup 44 lift out 26, 28
Print 44 Lift out 58
Print preview 44 Load parts 43
Print range 44 Loom 70
Print setup 44 configure 39
Properties 43 Options 39
Revert changes 43 Loom control 68
Save 43
Save as 43
filename 44 M
Filled 60
Fixed 51, 52 margins 44
footer 44 Mirror 51, 52, 54
front 48 Mirror horizontal 17, 21, 46
Mirror vertical 18, 46
Mouse 9, 64
G Move 47
Movement 59
Goto 42, 59 Multiple treadle 60
Goto brace 42, 69 Multiple weave 26
Grid 60
Grid setting 17
H New 43
New from template 43
header 44 News 11
Help topics 62 Normal 50, 69
Horizontal 46 Normal falling 51, 52
HSV 57 Normal rising 51, 52
I Ends 60
Picks 60
Import bitmap 58 Shafts 60
In Repeat 59 Treadles 60
Information 59 Visible shafts 60
Insert 17, 47, 55 Visible treadles 60
Administration 55 Number of shafts 70
Satin 55
O Reference 43
Remarks 44
Online 62 Removing DB-WEAVE 7
Only pattern visible 49 Repeat 14, 27, 30, 34, 36, 38, 56
Open 43 Recalc repeat 56
Options 17, 60, 70 Reduce 56
Endless 70 Repeat 56
Loom 39, 70 Repeat visible 56
Number of shafts 70 Set size to selection 56
Reversed shafts 70 Repeat all 56
Sizes 60 Repeat colour 56
Order information 62 Repeat horizontal 56
Organisation 44 Repeat vertical 56
Overview 50 Repeat visible 56
Replace colour 57
requirements 7
P Reversed shafts 70
page margins 44 Revert changes 43
Page setup 44 RGB 57
pagenumber 44 Rising 60
palette 38 Rising shed 60
Palette 57, 61 Roll 47, 53
Paletteindex 57 Rotate 46
Paste 46
Paste transparently 46 S
path 44
Patronic 68 satin 28
Pattern locked 59 Satin 17, 20, 55
PCW Fiberworks 43 Save 43
Pegplan 39, 54, 59 Save as 43
Delete 54 Scandinavian 59
Invert 54 Selecting 17, 64, 65
Mirror 54 Selecting colours 65
Pegplanview 61 Selektion 17
Pentium 7 Set current position 69
Philosophy 9 Set size to selection 56
Picks 60 set warp colour 38
place holders 44 Set warp colour 57
Point 60 Set weft colour 57
Position 69 Setting and clearing a binding point 65
Print 44 Settings 60
Print preview 44 Shaft moving 47
Print range 44 Shafts 60
Print setup 44 Shortcut
Printout 10 Loom control 67
processor 7 Shortcuts 66
Properties 43 Shotcuts
General 66
Single treadle 60
R Sinking shed 60
Range 58 Sizes 60
Binding 58 Slope 47, 53
Small circle 61
Current range 58
Small cross 61
Import bitmap 58
Square and circle 23
Lift out 58
Start weaving 40, 68
Range substitution 58
Substitution 58 Stop weaving 68
Unbinding 58 Straight falling 51
range substitution 19, 63 Straight rising 51
Range substitution 23, 24, 58 Substitution 58
Support lines 49
Ranges 19
Swiss 59, 61
Recalc repeat 56
Switch ranges 65
Redo 46
Switch to back 48
Reduce 56
Brunold Software
Säntisrain 11
8820 Wädenswil
If you are interested in a computer controlled loom please contact directly the manufacturers.
CH-3507 Biglen
Tel +41 31 701 07 11
Fax +41 31 701 07 14
Varpa-Set Oy
PL 34 Kerantie 7
Tel +358 15 614 245
Fax +358 15 614 244
DB-WEAVE is copyright (c) 1993-2005 Brunold Software ("BSOFT"). All rights reserved.
This licence describes the conditions under whichyou may use version 4.00 of DB-WEAVE ("the program"). If you
are unable or unwilling to accept these conditions in full, then, notwithstanding the conditions in the remainder of this
licence, you may not use the program at all.
You are granted a non-exclusive licence to use the program on one computer at a time for thirty (30) days. After this
period you have to buy a license in order to use the program any further. The program may not be rented, leased or
Any use of the program which is illegal under international or local law is forbidden by this licence. Any such action is
the sole responsibility of the person committing the action.
The program is distributed "AS IS" and you assume full responsibility for determining the suitability of the program
and for results obtained.
BSOFT makes no warranty that all errors have been or can be eliminated from the program software and, with respect
thereto, BSOFT shall not be responsible for losses, damages, costs, or expenses of any kind resulting from using or
misusing the program including without limitation, any liability for business expenses, machine downtime, damages
experienced by you or any third person as a result of any deficiency, defect, bug, error or malfunction. BSOFT shall
not be liable for any indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages relating to or arising out of the subject
matter of this Agreement or actions taken thereunder.
All rights not expressly granted here are reserved by BSOFT. Installing or using the program signifies acceptance of
these terms and conditions of the licence.