Electrical Properties of Polar Membranes: Lars D. Mosgaard, Karis A.Zecchi, Thomas Heimburg
Electrical Properties of Polar Membranes: Lars D. Mosgaard, Karis A.Zecchi, Thomas Heimburg
Electrical Properties of Polar Membranes: Lars D. Mosgaard, Karis A.Zecchi, Thomas Heimburg
ABSTRACT Biological membranes are capacitors that can be charged by applying a field across the membrane. The charges
on the capacitor exert a force on the membrane that leads to electrostriction, i.e. a thinning of the membrane. Since the force is
quadratic in voltage, negative and positive voltage have an identical influence on the physics of symmetric membranes. However,
this is not the case for a membrane with an asymmetry leading to a permanent electric polarization. Positive and negative
voltages of identical magnitude lead to different properties. Such an asymmetry can originate from a lipid composition that is
different on the two monolayers of the membrane, or from membrane curvature. The latter effect is called ’flexoelectricity’. As
a consequence of permanent polarization, the membrane capacitor is discharged at a voltage different from zero. This leads to
arXiv:1411.6883v1 [physics.bio-ph] 25 Nov 2014
Figure 2: Illustration of the electrostriction effect upon
charging the membrane capacitor. The potential differ-
ence, Ψ, results in a force on the membrane that leads
to a compression of the membrane to a state with larger
area, A, and lower thickness, d.
dynamics of a polarized lipid membrane in an electric field,
which then results in a generalization of electrostriction effects Using eq. (5), we can determine the the electrical free energy:
on lipid membranes. 1 Z E 2
el 0 E
G = − (vD)dE = −εv + E0 E
0 2
Theory ε
= − v (E + E0 )2 − E02 ,
When the molecules of dielectric materials are placed in an ex- 2
ternal electric field, they orient themselves to the free energy. where we have assumed the volume of the lipid membrane to be
In capacitors, net macroscopic dipoles are induced in the di- constant. Assuming that the dielectric properties of the medium
electric medium and tend to counteract the applied field. As a are homogeneous across a membrane with thickness d, we can
response to an applied electric field, mechanical changes can be define Ed = Ψ where Ψ represents the applied electric poten-
observed, e.g., in piezoelectric crystals. To deal with these ef- tial difference. This leads to
fects, authors like Frank treated the electrostatic effects within
a thermodynamical framework (9). He considered the electri- εA
Gel = − (Ψ + Ψ0 )2 − Ψ20 ,
cal work performed on a fluid during any infinitesimal and re- 2d
versible change, dWel = Ed(vD). This type of consideration
leads to expressing the electric displacement, D, in a volume, where Ψ0 is the offset potential related to E0 (E0 d = Ψ0 ).
v, as an extensive variable with the electric field, E, as its con- The pre-factor contains the capacitance of a planar capacitor
jugated intensive variable. Vector notation has been dropped (Cm = εA/d). Thus, the electric free energy is given by
assuming planar geometry. 1
Gel = − Cm (Ψ + Ψ0 )2 − Ψ20 .
When we consider a membrane capacitor, its hydrophobic (8)
core separates the two capacitor plates and acts both as a com- 2
pressible and dielectric material. Choosing hydrostatic pressure At Ψ = 0 the electrical contribution to the free energy is zero.
(p), lateral pressure (π), temperature (T ) and applied electric
field (E) as intensive variables, we can write the differential of
the Gibbs free energy as Electrostriction
The charges on a capacitor attract each other. These attractive
dG = −SdT + vdp + Adπ − (vD)dE + ... (2)
forces can change the dimensions of the membrane and thereby
where the conjugated extensive variables are S (entropy), v change the capacitance. If Ψ0 = 0, the electric el
contribution to
1 2
(volume), A (area) and vD (electric displacement). The elec- the free energy according to eq. (8) is G = − 2 Cm Ψ . For
trical contribution to the free energy due to an applied electric A ≈ const. and Ψ = const., the force F acting on the layers is
field comes from the final term, which we will refer to as the
∂Gel 1 C m Ψ2
1 ∂Cm
electrical free energy, Gel . F= =− Ψ2 = . (9)
∂d 2 ∂d 2 d
The electric displacement is related to the total polarization,
Ptot by This is the force acting on a planar capacitor given in the litera-
D = ε0 E + Ptot . (3) ture (e.g., (2)). If there exists a constant offset potential Ψ0 , we
find instead (eq. (8))
where ε0 is the vacuum permittivity. Most materials have zero
polarization at zero electric field, and polarization is only in- 1 Cm
(Ψ + Ψ0 )2 − Ψ20 .
F= (10)
duced by an external field. For a linear dielectric material the 2 d
induced polarization is Pind = ε0 χel E, where χel is the elec-
tric susceptibility. We are interested in extending our consid- Thus, one expects that the force on a membrane is a quadratic
erations to a dielectric material which can display spontaneous function of voltage which displays an offset voltage when the
polarization, P0 , in the absence of an applied field such that membrane is polarized. This force can reduce the membrane
thickness and thereby increase the capacitance of a membrane.
2 2
Ptot = ε0 χel E + P0 . (4) Note, however, that for (Ψ + Ψ0 ) − Ψ0 < 0, the force F is
negative. As a consequence, capacitance will be decreased.
The spontaneous polarization, P0 , can originate from asymmet- Let us assume a membrane with constant area and small
ric lipid bilayers, e.g., from curvature (flexoelectricity) or from thickness change, ∆d << d. Then the change in capacitance,
different composition of the two monolayers. The electric dis- ∆Cm , caused by a change of thickness, ∆d, is given by
placement takes the form
∆Cm = −ε 2 ∆d (11)
D = ε(E + E0 ), (5) d
where ε is the dielectric constant, ε = ε0 (1 + χel ) and E0 ≡ Thus, the change in capacitance is proportional to the change
P0 /ε is the electric field related to the spontaneous polariza- in thickness. If the thickness is a linear function of the force
tion, P0 , at E = 0. (F ∝ ∆d), one finds that the capacitance is proportional to the
force F. Therefore, it is a quadratic function of voltage with an
offset of Ψ0 ,
the capacitance.
∆Cm ∝ (Ψ + Ψ0 )2 − Ψ20 .
The magnitude of the change in capacitance depends on the Influence of the potential on the capacitance close
elastic constants of the membrane. to a melting transition
Relation (12) was studied by various authors. Using black
lipid membranes, Alvarez and Latorre (10) found a quadratic As discussed above, the influence of voltage on the capacitance
dependence of the capacitance on voltage (Fig. 5). In a sym- is small in the gel and in the fluid phase because membranes are
metric membrane made of the zwitterionic (uncharged) lipid not very compressible in their pure phases. However, close to
phosphatidylethanolamine (PE), the offset potential Ψ0 in a 1 the phase transition between gel and fluid, membranes become
M KCl buffer was found to be zero. In an asymmetric mem- very compressible. In this transition, the thickness of the mem-
brane with one monolayer made of PE and the other made of brane, d, decreases by about 16% and the area, A, increases
the charged lipid phosphatidylserine (PS), a polarization is in- by about 24% (3) for the lipid dipalmitoyl phosphatidylcholine
duced. In a 1 M KCl buffer, the offset potential is Ψ0 = 47 (DPPC). Therefore, the capacitance of the fluid membrane is
mV, while it is Ψ0 = 116 mV in a 0.1 M KCl buffer. It is ob- about 1.5 time higher than the capacitance of the gel phase (2).
vious from Fig. 5 that within experimental error the shape of According to eq. (8), the Gibbs free energy difference caused
the capacitance profile is unaffected by the nature of the mem- by an external electric field can be written as
brane. Only the offset potential is influenced by composition
and ionic strength. This suggests that the offset potential has ∆Cm
∆Gel = Gel el
(Ψ + Ψ0 )2 − Ψ20 , (13)
f luid −Ggel = −
an ionic strength dependence. In this publication, we do not 2
explore the theoretical background of this experimental fact.
where ∆Cm is the difference between the capacitance of gel
In a range of ±300mV around the minimum capacitance,
and fluid phase. Here, we assumed that both the offset potential
the change in capacitance, ∆Cm , is of the order of < 1.5 pF,
Ψ0 and the dielectric constant ε do not change with the state.
while the absolute capacitance, Cm,0 , at Ψ = 0 is approxi-
We have confirmed the latter in experiments on the dielectric
mately 300 pF (10). Thus, the change in capacitance caused
constant in the melting transition of oleic acid using a parallel
by voltage is very small compared to the absolute magnitude of
plate capacitor (data not shown). We found that the changes
of the dielectric constant caused by the melting of oleic acid
(Tm ≈ 17◦ C) are very small.
It has been shown experimentally that in the vicinity of the
lipid melting transition changes of various extensive variables
are proportionally related (3, 11, 12). For instance, changes in
enthalpy are proportional to changes in area, in volume and we
assume that a similar relation holds for changes in thickness.
Further, close to transitions the elastic constants are closely
related to the heat capacity. For instance, the temperature-
dependent change of the isothermal compressibility is propor-
tional to heat capacity changes. Thus, membranes are more
compressible close to transitions, and it is to be expected that
the effect of potential changes on membrane capacitance is en-
hanced. This will be calculated in the following.
We assume that the lipid melting transition is described by
a two-state transition governed by a van’t Hoff law, so that the
equilibrium constant between the gel and the fluid state of the
membrane can be written as (2, 13)
K(T, Ψ) = exp −n (14)
Capacitive susceptibility, piezoelectricity
and flexoelectricity
As mentioned above, the polarization of a membrane can chan-
ge by compressing, stretching or bending the membrane. The
corresponding electrostatic phenomena are called electrostric-
Figure 8: A polar membrane with different lipid com- tion, piezoelectricity and flexoelectricity. In the past, some sim-
position on the top and bottom monolayer undergoing a ple relations were derived by A. G. Petrov (15). For instance,
melting transition from gel to fluid. The gel state pos- piezoelectricity was described as the area-dependence of po-
sesses an area Ag and a capacitance Cg , while the fluid larization. Correspondingly, flexoelectricity was described as
state displays Af and Cf . The net offset potentials caused the curvature-dependence of the polarization assuming that po-
by membrane polarization are Ψg0 and Ψf0 , respectively. larization is zero in the planar state of the membrane. How-
The differences in area and capacitance between the two ever, upon changing the membrane area, its capacitance also
states are given by ∆A and ∆C. changes. Thus, in the presence of a field not only the polariza-
tion but also the charge on the capacitor can change. In the case
of membrane curvature, the polarization may be different from
Cf zero in the planar state. Further, if there exists an applied po-
∆Gel (Ψ + Ψ0,f )2 − Ψ20,f
= −
2 tential, the capacitance of the membrane plays a role. In the fol-
Cg lowing, we derive general equations for electrostriction, piezo-
(Ψ + Ψ0,g )2 − Ψ20,g
− electricity and flexoelectricity. We will find that some relations
∆C previously derived by Petrov are special cases of our more gen-
= − ((Ψ + Ψ0,g )2 − Ψ20,g ) eral description.
−Cf Ψ(Ψ0,f − Ψ0,g ) (19)
The charge on a capacitor
This can be inserted in eq. (17) to obtain the change in melting The dependence of the charge on a capacitor on potential, Ψ,
temperature due to an applied field. surface area, A, and curvature, c is given by
The dielectric susceptibility ∂q ∂q ∂q
dq = dΨ + dA + dc . (22)
∂Ψ A,c ∂A Ψ,c ∂c Ψ,A
In (2) we defined a capacitive susceptibility, Ĉ = (∂q/∂V ) =
C + V (∂C/∂V ). This susceptibility has a maximum at the Here, we assume that Ψ, A and c are variables that can be con-
melting temperature, which is a consequence of the fact that trolled in the experiment. The charge on a capacitor is given
the capacitance of gel and fluid lipid phases differ. By analogy, by
we now introduce a dielectric susceptibility, ε̂ = (∂D/∂E), A
which is given by: q = A · D = A(εE + P0 ) = ε (Ψ + Ψ0 ) = Cm (Ψ + Ψ0 ) .
∂D ∂(εE + P0 ) ∂ε ∂P0 Thus, the change of the charge on a capacitor as a function of
ε̂ ≡ = =ε+E +
∂E ∂E ∂E ∂E potential, lateral pressure, and curvature is given by:
Thermodynamic susceptibilities are linked to fluctuation rela- " #
tions. For instance, in (2)
weshowed that the capacitive suscep- ∂Cm ∂Ψ0
2 (Ψ + Ψ0 ) + Cm + Cm dΨ
tibility is given by Ĉ = ( q 2 −hqi )/kT , i.e., it is proportional ∂Ψ A,c ∂Ψ A,c
to the fluctuations in charge. This fluctuation relation is valid " #
as long as the distribution of states is described by Boltzmann dq = + (Ψ + Ψ ) ∂Cm + Cm
statistics and the area and thickness are kept constant. Analo- ∂A Ψ,c ∂A Ψ,c
gously, for constant volume, v, the dielectric susceptibility, ε̂, " #
is given by ∂C m ∂Ψ 0
2 2 + (Ψ + Ψ0 ) + Cm dc
D − hDi ∂c Ψ,A ∂c Ψ,A
ε̂ = v . (21)
or in abbreviated form as
Since this is a positive definite form, ε̂ is always larger than
zero. The mean displacement, hDi, always increases with an [(Ψ + Ψ0 )αA,c + Cm + Cm βA,c ] dΨ
increase in the electric field, E. If either ε or the permanent dq ≡ + [(Ψ + Ψ0 )αΨ,c + Cm βΨ,c ] dA . (25)
polarization P0 are different in the gel and the fluid state of a
+ [(Ψ + Ψ0 )αΨ,A + Cm βΨ,A ] dc
membrane, one can induce a transition. In this transition, the
dielectric susceptibility displays an extremum. The first term describes the change of charge on a capacitor
allowing for the possibility that both capacitance and polariza-
tion can depend on voltage. The second term describes piezo-
electricity, i.e., the change of charge by changing area, taking
into account the area dependence of both capacitance and polar- Therefore,
ization. The last term describes flexoelectricity, which relates
Cm βΨ,c αΨ,c
2 2
to the change of charge caused by changes in curvature. Here, ∆A(Ψ) = A0 Ψ + A (Ψ + Ψ0 ) − Ψ0 .
both dependence of capacitance and polarization on curvature KTA KT
are considered. (33)
One could write similar equations, if the lateral pressure, π, Here, the first linear term is due to the area dependence of the
were controlled instead of the area, A. membrane polarization, while the second quadratic term origi-
nates from the area dependence of the capacitance.
Capacitive susceptibility
The capacitive susceptibility is given by Ĉm = ∂q/∂Ψ. It was
Let us assume that in eq. (25) Ψ and π are constant. Then we
discussed in detail in (2). In contrast to the capacitance, it can
have a maximum in a melting transition. If lateral pressure and
dq = [(Ψ + Ψ0 )αΨ,A + Cm βΨ,A ] dc . (34)
curvature are constant, we find from eq. (26) that
This is the (direct) ’flexoelectric effect’. It describes the charg-
∂q ing of a capacitor by curvature. If we further assume that the
Ĉm = = (Ψ + Ψ0 )αA,c + Cm + Cm βA,c (26)
∂Ψ A,c capacitance does not depend on curvature and that the coeffi-
cient βΨ,A is constant, we obtain
If the spontaneous polarization is zero at all voltages, this re-
duces to q(c) = Cm (Ψ + Ψ0 (0)) + Cm βΨ,A c , (35)
Ĉm = Cm + Ψ (27) where Cm (Ψ + Ψ0 (0)) is the membrane charge at c = 0. If the
∂Ψ A,c applied potential, Ψ, is zero and the polarization in the absence
which is the relation given by Heimburg (2012). of curvature is also assumed being zero, we obtain
q(c) = Cm βΨ,A c or Ψ0 (c) = βΨ,A c . (36)
Piezoelectricity Thus, the offset potential Ψ0 is proportional to the curvature.
Let us assume that in eq. (25) Ψ and c are constant. We then This relation is a special case of the flexoelectric effect de-
obtain scribed in eq. (34). It was previously discussed by Petrov (15).
dq = [(Ψ + Ψ0 )αΨ,c + Cm βΨ,c ] dA . (28) He introduced a flexoelectric coefficient, f , which is given by
f ≡ ε · βΨ,A . Petrov found experimentally that f = 10−18 [C],
This effect is the ’piezoelectric effect’. It corresponds to the or β −8
Ψ,A = 2.82 · 10 [m] for ε = 4ε0 , respectively.
charging of a capacitor by changing the surface area of the
membrane. At Ψ = 0, we obtain for a small change in area, Inverse flexoelectric effect: In the absence of a spontaneous
∆A, curvature, the elastic free energy density of bending is given
∆q ≈ (Ψ0 αΨ,c + Cm βΨ,c ) ∆A . (29) by g = 1 K c2 , where K is the bending modulus. In the
2 B B
If Ψ0 (∆A = 0) is zero, the capacitor is uncharged for Ψ = 0. presence of an applied potential and assuming that Cm does
Then the charge on the capacitor after a change in area of ∆A not depend on curvature, the free energy density is given by
is given by 1 1 Cm
2 2 2
q(∆A) = Cm βΨ,c ∆A or Ψ0 (∆A) = βΨ,c ∆A . g = KB c − (Ψ + Ψ 0 ) − Ψ 0 (37)
2 2 A
(30) In order to obtain the free energy, G, this has to be integrated
A similar relation was given by Petrov and Usherwood (19). over the surface area of the lipid membrane. At constant poten-
tial Ψ, the curvature c equilibrates such that
Inverse piezoelectric effect: The elastic free energy density
1 A
of membrane compression is given by g = 2 KT (∆A/A0 ) , ∂g 2 Cm ∂Ψ0 Cm
= K B c − Ψ = KB c − βΨ,A Ψ = 0
where KTA is the lateral compression modulus and A0 is the ∂c A ∂c Ψ,A A
equilibrium area prior to compression. In the presence of an (38)
applied potential, the free energy is given by Therefore,
1 A ∆A
1 Cm Cm βΨ,A ε βΨ,A
g = KT − (Ψ + Ψ0 )2 − Ψ20
(31) c(Ψ) = Ψ= Ψ (39)
2 A0 2 A0 A KB d KB
This effect is called the ’inverse flexoelectric effect’. It de-
In order to obtain the free energy, G, this has to be integrated
scribes how curvature is induced by an applied potential. It
over the surface area of the lipid membrane. At constant com-
A depends on the bending modulus. In melting transitions, the
pression modulus, KT , and constant potential Ψ, the area change
curvature-induction by voltage is enhanced because KB ap-
∆A equilibrates such that
proaches a minimum (3). This implies that in the presence of
∂g A ∆A Cm ∂Ψ0 an applied field, the curvature of a membrane changes upon
= KT 2 − Ψ (32) changing the temperature - in particular close to transitions.
∂A A0 A0 ∂A Ψ,c
Both, the investigation of flexoelectric and inverse flexo-
1 ∂Cm 2 2
electric effects have been pioneered by Petrov (15). In Petrov’s
− (Ψ + Ψ0 ) − Ψ0 = 0
2A0 ∂A Ψ,c nomenclature, eq. (39) assumes the form c(Ψ) = (f /d·KB )Ψ.
Discussion state. Heimburg (2) calculated a decrease of the melting tem-
perature, Tm , which is a quadratic function of voltage. Since
In this publication, we have provided a general thermodynamic the membrane was considered being symmetric, the largest Tm
treatment of polarization effects on the properties of lipid mem- is found at Ψ = 0. Here, we showed that a membrane which
branes. When applied to a membrane in an electrolyte, these displays a spontaneous polarization in the absence of an ap-
electric effects can all be related to the charging (or discharg- plied electric field possesses an offset potential, Ψ0 , in the free
ing) of capacitors by either potential, curvature or area (or lat- energy (eq. (13)). The respective equation contains the term
eral pressure) changes. The latter two effects can lead to an ((Ψ + Ψ0 )2 − Ψ20 ) = Ψ2 + 2ΨΨ0 , which is approximately
offset potential or a spontaneous polarization. This is impor- linear for Ψ Ψ0 (eq. (8). In fact, Antonov and collab-
tant because biological membranes are known to be polar and orators found a linear dependence of the melting temperature
changes in voltage are generally considered to be central to on voltage (23). This indicates that the membranes studied by
the understanding of the functioning of cells. We show that Antonov and collaborators (23) were polar.
a permanent or spontaneous polarization of a membrane in- Antonov’s experiment determined the voltage-dependence
fluences the properties of a membrane capacitor such that it of the melting temperature by measuring the permeability chan-
is discharged at a voltage different from zero. We relate this ges in the transition. It is well known that membranes display
voltage to an ”offset potential”. The existence of this potential maximum conductance in lipid phase transitions (24, 25). Fur-
has the consequence that membrane properties even of chemi- thermore, it has been found that membranes can form pores
cally symmetric membranes are controlled differently for posi- that appear as quantized conduction event upon the application
tive and negative voltages. We derived equations for the piezo- of potential difference across the membrane (25–29). The like-
electric and inverse piezoelectric effect. The first considers the lihood to form a pore is thought to be proportional to the square
change in the offset potential when changing the membrane of the applied electric potential (30, 31). This is based on the
area. The second considers the change in membrane area by assumption that an increase in voltage thins the membrane and
an applied field, which depends on the elastic modulus of the eventually leads to an electric breakdown linked to pore for-
membrane. Finally, we derived general relations for the flex- mation. Laub et al. (32) found that the current-voltage (I-V)
oelectric and the inverse flexoelectric effect. The flexoelectric relation for a chemically symmetric phosphatidylcholine mem-
effect is the change in the offset potential by changing curva- brane patch formed on the tip of a glass pipette was a non-linear
ture. The inverse flexoelectric effect is the change in curvature function of voltage which was not symmetric around Ψ = 0,
induced by an applied potential. We showed that in some sim- but rather outward rectified. Blicher et al. (14) proposed that a
ple limiting cases, our derivations lead to relations identical to voltage offset can explain the outward-rectification. They pro-
those of Petrov (15). Petrov pioneered the field of membrane posed that the free energy difference between an open and a
flexoelectricity (e.g., (8, 15–21)). closed pore, ∆Gp , can be expressed by
An electric field applied across a lipid membrane generates
a force normal to the membrane surface due to the charging ∆Gp = ∆Gp,0 + α(V − V0 )2 , (40)
of the membrane capacitor. The resulting reduction in mem-
brane thickness is called electrostriction (2). For fixed mem- where ∆Gp,0 and α are coefficients and V0 is a voltage offset.
brane dimensions, the electrostrictive force is a quadratic func- This equation has the same analytic form as used here for the
tion of voltage. Due to membrane thinning induced by the electrostatic free energy (G = −(Cm /2)((Ψ + Ψ0 )2 − Ψ20 )).
forces, one finds an increase in membrane capacitance. This Assuming that the equilibrium constant between an open and a
has been demonstrated for symmetric black lipid membranes closed form of a membrane pore is given by Kp =
made from phosphatidylethanolamines (Fig. 5, (10). However, exp(−∆Gp /kT ) and the likelihood of finding an open pore
for an asymmetric membrane made of charged lipids on one is given by Popen = Kp /(1 + Kp ), Blicher and collaborators
side and zwitterionic lipids on the other side (thus displaying concluded that the I-V relation could be expressed as
polarity) the minimum capacitance is found at a voltage differ-
ent from zero (Fig. 5, (10)). This indicates that a permanent I = γp Popen V (41)
electric polarization of the membrane influences the capacitive
properties of a membrane. This has also been found in biolog- This relation perfectly fitted the experimental current-voltage
ical preparations. Human embryonic kidney cells display an data. Thus, inward and outward rectified I-V profiles can be
offset potential of −51 mV (22). This indicates that the ca- found in pure lipid membranes in the complete absence of pro-
pacitance in electrophysiological models such as the Hodgkin- teins. They find their origin in the polarization of the mem-
Huxley model (1) is incorrectly used because offset potentials brane.
are not considered. However, it is very likely that the offset
potentials are closely related to the resting potentials of mem- Here, we investigated two possible mechanisms that can
branes. It should also be noted that the capacitance is typically give rise to spontaneous polarization in the absence of an ap-
dependent on the voltage. This effect has also not been consid- plied field, which both break the symmetry of the membrane.
ered in classical electrophysiology models. We treat that here The first (flexoelectricity) acts by allowing the membrane to be
in terms of a ’capacitive susceptibility’ (eq. (26), cf. (2)). curved (thus introducing a curvature, c) and a difference of the
Electrostrictive forces also influence melting transitions of lateral tension within the two monolayers. The second mecha-
lipid membranes. Since the fluid state of the membrane dis- nism acts by assuming a chemically or physically asymmetric
plays a smaller thickness than the gel phase, an electrostric- lipid composition on the two leaflets. An example for a phys-
tive force will shift the state of the membrane towards the fluid ically asymmetric membrane is a situation where one mono-
layer is in a fluid state while the other monolayer is in a gel
state. Chemical asymmetry assumes a different lipid compo- piezoelectric effect a change in the applied membrane poten-
sition on the two sides of the membrane. The magnitude of tial can induce area changes (eq. (33) and thus induce a density
the resulting offset, Ψ0 , is strongly influenced by experimen- pulse. The inverse piezoelectric effect is very dependent on the
tal conditions such as the lipid composition, salt concentration, lateral compressibility of a membrane. Thus, is is largely en-
pH, or the presence of divalent ions. Permanent polarization of hanced in the melting transition where the compressibility is
the lipids can not only lead to an electrical offset but also to an high. Further, these effects will largely depend on membrane
enhanced dielectric constant. For biological membranes, po- polarization.
larization asymmetries can originate from any constituting el- Finally, it should be mentioned that some of the polariza-
ement of the membrane including integral membrane proteins. tion effects on artificial membranes are not very pronounced
We can also speculate that other membrane adhesive molecules because changes in polarization due to changes in area are not
with large dipoles can be used to create an asymmetric mem- very large. For instance, a voltage change of 200 mV changes
brane, e.g., soluble proteins or lipid-associated molecules such the transition temperature by only 0.12 K. However, the abso-
as long-chain sugars. Depending on the nature of the asymme- lute magnitude of the effect largely depends on offset polariza-
try, the system can display piezoelectric properties. tions. These could be influenced by lipid-membrane-associated
The offset potential can have interesting consequences for molecules (such as proteins) with large dipole moments.
capacitive currents. The charge on a capacitor is given by q =
Cm (Ψ + Ψ0 ). Therefore, for constant Ψ0 the capacitive current
is given by Conclusion
dq dΨ dCm Here, we provided a unified thermodynamic framework for ca-
Ic (t) = = Cm + (Ψ + Ψ0 ) (42)
dt dt dt pacitive changes, piezoelectricity and flexoelectricity. It treats
all of these effects in terms of the electric field, E, and the
For a positive change in potential, the first term in eq. (42) is electric displacement, D. We show that a spontaneous mem-
positive and leads to a positive current. If the change in volt- brane polarization leads to offset potentials that form the ori-
age happens instantaneously, the corresponding current peak is gin for a number of interesting membrane phenomena, includ-
very short. The second term describes the temporal change in ing voltage-dependent changes in capacitance, voltage-induced
capacitance induced by the voltage change. It depends on the curvature, rectified current-voltage relations for membrane con-
relaxation time of the membrane capacitance, which close to ductance, and capacitive currents against the applied field.
transitions can range from milliseconds to seconds. Thus, it
can be distinguished from the first term. Let us consider the Author Contributions: LDM, KAZ and TH developed the
situation shown in Fig. 6 (Ψ0 = 70 mV, T=314.5 K) with theory, made the calculations, designed and wrote the article
a membrane capacitance of ≈ 1 µF/cm2 . Here, a jump from together.
Ψ = −70 mV to Ψ = −10 mV yields a positive change in
capacitance of ∆Cm = 2.6 nF/cm2 . If the offset potential were Acknowledgments: We thank to Prof. Andrew D. Jackson
Ψ0 = −70 mV instead, the same jump would change the ca- from the Niels Bohr International Academy for useful discus-
pacitance by ∆Cm = −7.8 nF/cm2 . Therefore, the second sions and for a critical reading of the manuscript. This work
term in eq. (42) is positive in the first situation but negative in was supported by the Villum foundation (VKR 022130).
the second situation. For this reason, depending on the offset
potential and holding potential, the capacitive current associ-
ated to the second term in eq. (42) can go along the applied References
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