Helicon POP Publication
Helicon POP Publication
Helicon POP Publication
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(Received 8 June 2012; accepted 14 August 2012; published online 29 August 2012)
The propagation of electron magneto-hydrodynamic (EMHD) waves is studied experimentally in a
3-dimensional region of low magnetic field surrounded by stronger magnetic field at its
boundaries. We report observations where bounded left hand polarized Helicon like EMHD waves
are excited, localized in the region of low magnetic field due to the boundary effects generated by
growing strengths of the ambient magnetic field rather than a conducting or dielectric material
boundary. An analytical model is developed to include the effects of radially nonuniform magnetic
field in the wave propagation. The bounded solutions are compared with the experimentally
obtained radial wave magnetic field profiles explaining the observed localized propagation of
waves. VC 2012 American Institute of Physics. [http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4748573]
FIG. 5. Dispersion relation for the excited EMHD waves. The experimental FIG. 6. The polarization of the excited waves when the ambient field is uni-
k values (shown as circles) for excited frequencies x and function (1) (plot- form (top) and in the bubble configuration (bottom). A reversal of polariza-
ted as solid line) are shown for ambient magnetic field values, 20 G (a), 10 G tion from RH (top) to LH (bottom) is observed with the wave field By
(b), 4 G (c), and the field compensated configuration (d). leading Bx in the former case and lagging in the later case.
082118-5 Anitha et al. Phys. Plasmas 19, 082118 (2012)
comparison, a typical profile obtained for whistler wave handed mode with a change of magnetic field configuration
when excited in B0 ¼ 4 G is also shown. The perturbation has from uniform radial profile to a bubble geometry. A propa-
a minimum at r ¼ 0, for the bubble configuration, in contrast gating L polarized wave below xce is unexpected as it is not
with a corresponding maximum obtained in case of the whis- supported theoretically in case of an unbounded plasma, for
tler. Further, this mode is observed to be well localized (with the parameters under consideration. The only kind of waves
in 15 cm) close to the axis region, dropping to vanishingly that can exhibit left polarization in this parametric regime
small values at much smaller r than the radial extent of the are helicon waves that are modes of a bounded system. The
whistler waves. other two factors that point towards the helicon like behavior
of the wave are vanishing wave field at the axis and its lim-
IV. DISCUSSION ited radial extension as compared to the whistler wave field.
In order to investigate the agreement of our observations
Observations discussed above show a gradual change in with helicon wave behavior, the xðkjj Þ dependence expected
D/ from a purely right handed mode to a predominant left for m ¼ 1 helicon waves has been generated, using the heli-
con dispersion relation,4
FIG. 10. Analytic wave magnetic field obtained from solutions of Eq. (3)
assuming uniform ambient field of 200 mG (a) and 250 mG (b), for same
FIG. 9. Comparison of the experimental dispersion data (þ) for the wave value of x and kjj .
excited in the magnetic bubble configuration, with solutions to Eq. (2) for
values of boundary a assumed as the antenna radius (a), observed wave
extent 15 cm (b) and the material boundary of the device (c).
or ¼ ½ðj rÞB0 þ ðB0 rÞj=en0 ; (5)
frequency x and an ambiguity exists in selecting a single @t
value of a for generating the full dispersion data comprising
a range of x values. Alternatively, the unbounded numerical
solutions of the standard radial equation for helicon waves4 r B ¼ l0 j; (6)
@ 2 Bz 1 @Bz 2 m2 r j ¼ 0; (7)
þ þ T Bz ¼ 0; (3)
@r2 r @r r2
with an approximate value of the B0 , assumed uniform in
(3), are obtained and found to be finite up to the limits well j? ¼ en0 E B0 =B20 : (8)
beyond the experimental radial extension of the wave, unless
a physical boundary a is imposed at these small r values. Note that accounting for the term ðj rÞB0 for a monotoni-
Such unbounded solutions are shown for two values of cally varying B0 ðrÞ and using r B ¼ l0 j results in the
B0 ¼ 200 and 250 mG in Fig. 10 which correspond to values condition,
of B0 at the center and at the typical radial extension of the
wave field in our experiment, respectively. We additionally B ¼ a1
c r B; (9)
note that the radial scale length of the solutions is consider-
ably sensitive to the choice of B0 . where ac ¼ aR þ iaI is a complex quantity having finite
Hence, the standard Helicon model assuming a radially implications on the existence of the wave in the regions of
uniform ambient field B0 , chosen for the above analysis, is larger rB. The form of Eq. (5) additionally suggests that the
not readily applicable to the present set up where a radial wave field must decay radially over a spatial scale equivalent
variation of the ambient field exists. In order to include the to that of the radial growth in the ambient field B0 .
confining effect of radially varying B0 in the model, we Considering now that for the present experiment the
attempt to obtain a modified version of Eq. (3) in the follow- radial dependence of B0 is suitably represented by the
ing analysis. approximation,
ðj rÞB0 @B0 =@r jr values where the applied magnetic field grows stronger in
: (11)
ðB0 rÞj B0 kjj jjj the experiment. This is in contrast with the solutions of Eq.
(3) (Fig. 10) which, for same set of parameters, are still non-
Further, in the limit of small m, the Eq. (7) implies zero for the values of r that well exceed the system dimen-
kjj jjj kr jr , hence sions. In order to verify this experimentally, a full radial scan
of wave magnetic field Bz ðrÞ was carried out for various fre-
ðj rÞB0 @B0 =@r quencies x. The correction produced by the introduction of
: (12)
ðB0 rÞj B 0 kr radial variation of the applied magnetic field is evident as the
experimentally observed wave field profiles (plotted with
Clearly, for kr sufficiently larger than ð@B0 =@rÞ=B0 or when “þ” in Fig. 11) which are localized in a region of smaller ra-
the wave magnetic field is well localized with in the region dius show a good agreement with the solutions of Eq. (13).
of small gradient, as in the present case, retaining just the The deviation of numerical solutions from the experimental
term ðB0 rÞj in Eq. (5) and using the analytical form of B0 observations at larger r, where the magnetic field vanishes in
given by (10) introduces reasonable effect of finite radial the experiment at a certain radial location, can be attributed
variation of the applied magnetic field, producing a modified to the absence of the term ðj rÞB0 which is excluded in
version of the original Eq. (3), obtaining the Eq. (13). The contribution ðj rÞB0 in the
wave magnetic field must reduce as 1=r with the radius r for
@ 2 Bz 1 @Bz 2 m2 the present set up considering that the current density j /
þ þ T ðrÞ 2 Bz ¼ 0; (13)
@r 2 r @r r B1
0 and the analytical form of applied magnetic B0 ðrÞ given
by Eq. (10).
where T(r) is function of r given by As discussed in Sec. I, the existence of an m ¼ 1 left
handed circularly polarized mode involves inductive
T 2 ðrÞ ¼ a2 ðrÞ kjj2 (14) effects associated with dominant parallel current at the
boundary, a mechanism different from that behind the
and usual m ¼ þ1, right handed circularly polarized helicon
x l0 en0 wave. The above analysis indicates a reasonable possibility
aðrÞ ¼ : (15) that the stronger ambient magnetic field at the larger radii
kjj B0 ðrÞ
is capable of suppressing the perpendicular current density
j? ¼ en0 E B=B2 and providing a current closure at a
The asymptotic solutions of the modified model for the wave
critical field value via stronger parallel currents generated
field are obtained using the measured values of Bz and
in accordance with r j ¼ 0.
@Bz =@r at the axis, and treating kjj as parameter to solve
Eq. (13) as an eigen value problem, imposing the boundary
condition that wave field must vanish at larger radii.
The numerical solutions for the values of kjj measured in To summarize, we presented results of experiments with
the experiments are presented in Fig. 11 (solid line), which propagation of EMHD waves in an axially extended low
show the tendency to vanish within the relevant range of r magnetic field region surrounded by stronger field at the
082118-8 Anitha et al. Phys. Plasmas 19, 082118 (2012)
boundaries providing a limiting radial boundary for the where the constituent left and right circularly polarized
waves. A gradual shift in the polarization of the excited waves must satisfy the boundary condition at the common
waves is observed with a change in the field configuration radial boundary are hard to construct. This makes plane
from uniform B0 to bubble like, which indicates a transition polarized modes to be generally inaccessible in the cases of
where a right handed wave gives way to a left handed one. conventional conducting or dielectric physical boundaries.14
The excited waves show characteristics of bounded waves In this aspect, we like to point out that the possible role of a
where measured magnetic field perturbations are found to be magnetic boundary, as detected in the present set up, in
radially localized. Dispersion relation of the observed waves allowing the two constituent modes to coexist with different
give reasonable agreement with the conventional helicon dis- radial boundaries is an interesting effect which needs to be
persion only when the value of the boundary a is assumed explored in further detail.
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