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Potential Surface Waves at The Vacuum-Radiative Collisional Plasma Interface

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Potential surface waves at the vacuum-radiative collisional plasma interface

Arroj A. Khan, Ch. Rozina, and M. Jamil

Citation: Phys. Plasmas 23, 112111 (2016); doi: 10.1063/1.4967464

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Published by the American Institute of Physics
PHYSICS OF PLASMAS 23, 112111 (2016)

Potential surface waves at the vacuum-radiative collisional plasma interface

Arroj A. Khan,1 Ch. Rozina,2 and M. Jamil1,a)
Department of Physics, COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Lahore 54000, Pakistan
Department of Physics, Lahore College for Women University, Lahore 54000, Pakistan
(Received 21 August 2016; accepted 24 October 2016; published online 14 November 2016)
The stability of potential surface waves at the interface of collisional radiative electron-ion plasma
and a vacuum is investigated. It is shown that the dynamics of electrons are affected by electromag-
netic thermal radiation pressure significantly. The fluid model along with full set of Maxwell’s
equations is used to develop dispersion relation of electrostatic surface waves on hot homogeneous
radiative collisional plasma. It is found that electrostatic surface waves become unstable in the pres-
ence of electromagnetic thermal radiation and self collision of plasma particles; however, thermal
radiations stabilize the surface waves in the absence of collisions. The analytical results are verified
numerically for both the laboratory and ionosphere plasma environment. The study of surface waves
may seek its applications at the nano as well as the astroscales. Published by AIP Publishing.

I. INTRODUCTION radiations may interact with the electrons of the medium,

compresses the electron fluid, and raises the electron density
The study of surface waves has achieved extensive inter-
at the plasma surface considerably. The surface waves satisfy
est due to their large scale applications in different fields
the specular reflection conditions. Accordingly, the plasma
such as laser physics,1 atomic spectroscopy,2 plasma diag-
electrons are specularly reflected at the surface, thereby van-
nostics,3 laser fusion, and corona.4,5 The surface waves rep-
ishing the density outside while mass and energy are globally
resent the waves that travel along the interface or
conserved. The surface plasmons propagate like plane waves
perpendicular to the density gradient and are exponentially
with alternating periodic negative and positive surface charge
decaying. Such waves have their field amplitude maximum
regions. The condition of specular reflection has an advantage
at the plasma-dielectric interface and decay away from the
of the investigation of the dispersion as well as the propaga-
interface boundary. Typical examples of the surface waves
tion of surface waves in different semi-bounded plasmas. In
in space plasmas are cornet tails downstream from the
this case, it is expected that the skin friction and transfer of
nucleus bounded and separated from the surrounding
heat across the interface is zero. Mathematically, the specular
regions, the plasma torus emanating from Io in the Jovian
reflection condition may be defined from the kinetic theory,
magnetosphere, and the occurrence of high structured flux
tubes in the presence of an external magnetic field. Recently, s ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
the surface waves determined their way of investigations c2 kz2 x 1 dkx
 1 þ
from classical to quantum plasmas6–9 primarily in connec- x2 pc 1 k2
" #
tion with their possible role in the astrophysical objects,10 c2 kz2 c2 kx2
the white dwarf stars magnetars,11 the plasma processing   ¼ 0;
x2 l ðx; kÞ c2 k2  x2 t ðx; kÞ
technologies,12–16 the intense laser-solid density plasma
experiments, the interface of plasmon,7,17 the temperature
where l and t are the longitudinal and transverse compo-
and density variations in a plasma half space,18 and the insta-
nents of the plasma dielectric function, x is the perturbation
bility due to collisional effects.19 Despite the wide investiga-
frequency, c is the speed of the light, and k2 ¼ kz2 þ kx2 , for
tions, surface waves have not been yet studied in great detail
kz and kx are parallel and perpendicular components of wave
with the effects of omnipresent radiation pressure in semi
vector k. This condition for the surface electromagnetic
bounded collisional plasmas. The significance of the radiation
wave may alternatively be achieved by some physical
pressure20–22 can be noted from its applications such as pro-
boundary condition for plasma distribution, magnetic field,
ducing the substantial variation in the plasma density, driving
or/and electric field at the interface. The discontinuity of the
the instabilities, self-focussing, inducing spontaneous mag-
electric field perpendicular to the interface ensures the specu-
netic fields at particular radius of incident flux, boosting the
lar reflection condition.23–29
rockets up in the space, the dynamics of radiation interaction
For the first time, Planck considered radiations as a
with solids, deformation of plasma surfaces, electron heating
collection of particles (photons) in a vacuum known as
via the oscillating radiation field, photoemission when dust
black body radiation with the dispersion relation x ¼ ck.
particle is exposed to the Jovian magnetospheric plasma as
However, it was shown in Refs. 30 and 31 that the behavior
well as solar UV radiations. Physically, the field of the
of photons in a plasma is radically different from a vacuum.
The oscillation of electrons in an isotropic homogeneous
E-mail: jamil.gcu@gmail.com plasma causes radiation frequency as x ¼ x2pe þ k2 c2 ,

1070-664X/2016/23(11)/112111/7/$30.00 23, 112111-1 Published by AIP Publishing.

112111-2 Khan, Rozina, and Jamil Phys. Plasmas 23, 112111 (2016)

 12 ions are in equilibrium appearing for the neutralizing back-

4pn0 e2
where xpe ¼ me is the Langmuir frequency of electron ground and self-collision of electrons subject to thermal radi-
plasma, n0 and me are the density and the rest mass of elec- ation along with electric and magnetic fields. By focusing on
trons, respectively. Planck’s theory does not work when the electrostatic limit, the dispersion relation for electrostatic
R0e ¼ kB Tpee  1, where kB is the Boltzmann constant and Te is surface waves (SW) at the interface of collisional radiative
the temperature of electrons. It is quite obvious that the plasma and vacuum is derived in Sec. III. Sec. IV contains
parameter R0e is distinct in different astrophysical objects. graphical analysis, discussion, and summary.
From thermodynamic point of view, the thermal radiation is
treated as perfect gas with a specific heat energy c ¼ 43,
k 4 p2 The propagation of electrostatic surface waves at the
energy density ure ¼ 45ð
T 4 ¼ 7:57  1015 Te4 erg=cm3
hcÞ3 e
interface between electron ion radiative plasma and vacuum
and the radiation pressure as pre ¼ u3re . is investigated; here, x > 0 is assumed to be filled with
The effect of radiation energy and pressure is negligibly plasma and the y-axis is taken normal to the surface. The
small in general, having intermediate temperatures in a vac- dynamics of electrons are described by continuity and
uum20 but for high temperature plasma systems, the effect of momentum equations as
the radiations on energy balance and the dynamics of the
plasma species may be important. It is because the energy @n
þ n0 r  V ¼ 0; (1)
lost by the hot plasma and the radiant heat transferred in the @t
plasma can be of the order of or greater than the plasma ther- @V E 1
mal conduction. Furthermore, the mean free path of photons ¼ e  rðPre þ Pge Þ  fcol V: (2)
@t m q
is usually longer than the size of charge particles. The effect
of radiation pressure is important for plasmas with very high Eq. (2) contains thermal radiation pressure Pre ¼ 3qe ar
T 4 and
temperatures and must be added to the internal energy and the usual electrons gas pressure Pge. Here, V is the fluid
pressure of the plasma, and hence should be included in the velocity, E is the electric field, and fcol is the particle colli-
hydrodynamic equations. The current study contains the sional frequency. The collision frequency depicts that how a
investigation of electromagnetic radiation effects upon the particle trajectory undergoes a major angular change due to
propagation of surface waves and surface wave produced Coulomb interactions and q ¼ me n0 is the electronic total
plasmas.7 The electromagnetic surface waves are also some- mass density. The electromagnetic fields are governed by
times named as radio surface waves and have long been the Maxwell-Poisson equations
subject of intensive works.32
Since in strongly coupled plasmas the kinetic energy of 4p 1 @E
rB¼ Jþ ; (3)
plasma particles is small compared to the interaction poten- c c @t
tial energy, whereas in weakly coupled plasmas this ratio is 1 @B
large and in this case electrostatic interaction between indi- rE¼ ; (4)
c @t
vidual particles is very small, so weakly coupled plasmas are
diffuse and hot. Such hot diffused plasmas are observed in r  E ¼ 4pen; (5)
ionospheric physics, astrophysics, nuclear fusion, space, etc. r  B ¼ 0: (6)
The binary collision processes are well defined for weakly
3 3
4p20 Ta2 It is obvious that the entropy is conserved for an ideal gas,
coupled plasmas and the coupling parameter K ¼ e3 12 with constant specific heat. The conservation of entropy of
where K  1 corresponds to weakly coupled plasmas, and each species leads to Poisson’s adiabatic relation among the
on the contrary, the strongly coupled plasmas. For example, density ðnÞ; temperature (T), and pressure (P) of different
species undergoing adiabatic expansion or compression. For
K for solar wind is 5  1010 and for interstellar is 4  106 .
nonrelativistic temperature, this adiabatic relation is
Therefore for the plasma with large K, we can talk about
binary collisions fcol, which measures the rate of scattering n
¼ Constant; (7)
of different species, while for a single species, fcol defines 3
the total collision rate for that species including the impact
with all other species. It is well known that collisions here n and Te are the number density and temperature of an
between plasma particles modify plasma instabilities and electron plasma. Using the above equation, we can express
dispersion relation and hence may also give rise to dissipa- Pre through the species number density as
tive instability if dissipation is large in the system.
In this work, we have followed the model presented in ar 4 n 3
pre ¼ T0e : (8)
Ref. 18, where authors have studied density variations and 3 n0
temperature effects on propagation of electrostatic surface
wave (SW) in a half-space plasma. The fluid model and Here, surface waves are propagating at the sharp bound-
Maxwell equations are employed to present dispersion rela- ary between plasma and vacuum parallel to the wave vector.
tion for surface plasma existing on a radiative collisional Further, all the physical quantities like the plasma density
electron-ion half-space plasma in Sec. II. It is assumed that and electromagnetic field perturbations have the form
112111-3 Khan, Rozina, and Jamil Phys. Plasmas 23, 112111 (2016)

vðxÞ exp iðky y  xtÞ, where vðxÞ is a constant, ky is the Bp ¼ Cp exp ðbp xÞ;
component of the wave vector along y-axis, and x is the per-
BVac ¼ CVac expðbVac xÞ; (18)
turbation frequency. After linearizing and taking the diver-
gence of Eq. (2) further using Eqs. (1) and (8), we obtain where
1 @ 2 dn 4pe2 dn 8 ar 4 5 n0 kB T0e r2 dn  1=2
 ¼  T þ x2
n0 @t2 m 9 q 0e 3 q n0 bVac ¼ ky2  2 : (19)
fcol @dn
 : (9)
n0 @t The indices p and Vac are used for plasma medium and vac-
uum, respectively, while Cp and CVac are constants. We pro-
For our system d is for perturbed quantity and
ceed similarly for the electric field equations in plasma
" # medium and vacuum from the Maxwell equations
2 @2 @2   @ 2 dn
r dn ¼ þ 2 n0ðxÞ expðiky y  ixtÞ ¼  dnky2 :
@x 2 @y @x2 @ 2 dE 2 4pn0 e @dV 1 @ 2 dE
 þ k y dE ¼  2 : (20)
(10) @x2 c2 @t c @t2
After linearizing and temporal Fourier transformation of
Substituting Eq. (10) into Eq. (9), the wave equation for the
Eq. (2), we get
density perturbation of electron becomes as
2   3
8 ar 4 5 n0 kB T0e
@ 2 dn 6 T þ 7
 g2p dn ¼ 0; (11) i 4e 9 q 0e 3 q 5
@x2 dV ¼  dE þ rdn :
0 11=2 ðx þ ifcol Þ m n0
x2p  x2  ixfcol (21)
gp ¼ Bky2 þ C ; (12)
@ 8 ar 4 5 n0 kB T0e A
T0e þ Substitution of Eq. (21) into Eq. (20) develops the elec-
9q 3 q
tric field equation of semi-bounded collisional radiative
where dn is the perturbed number density of electrons; it can plasma as
be noted that while deriving Eq. (11), very slow variations
@2 2 4peA expðgp xÞ gp x^ þ iky y^
@x2  ky are neglected. Eq. (11) has usual second order dif- dE ¼ Mp exp bp x 
ferential equation’s solution x2p  x2  ixfcol
8 ar 4 5 n0 kB T0e
dn ¼ C exp ðgp xÞ; (13)  T þ ; (22)
9 q 0e 3 q
where C is a constant. Taking Curl of Eq. (2), using Maxwell
where rdn¼ @n @x þinky ¼Aexpð gp xÞ gp þiky . Similarly
Eqs. (3)–(6) and applying the sinusoidal characteristic of
for vacuum coupling of Eqs. (3) and (4) gives the second
B ¼ B0 ðxÞ exp½iky y  ixt ; leads to
order differential equation and its solution
@2 x2 Bc r2 EVac  b2Vac EVac ¼ 0; (23)
 ky2 þ 2 ¼ r  dV: (14)
@x c 4pn0 e
EVac ¼ MVac expðbVac xÞ; (24)
The coupling of Eqs. (2) and (14) gives
where MVac is a constant. At the interface, i.e., at x ¼ 0; we
@2 x2 Bðx þ ifcol Þ xB sustain only the part of solution that decay away from the
 ky2 þ 2 ¼ 2 ; (15) interface in both regions. The parallel and perpendicular
@x c x2p c
components of the electric field and electric displacement
where x2p ¼ 4pnm0e e . After some straightforward mathematics, vector are continuous for both plasma and vacuum regions,
the wave equation for the magnetic field of the collisional- i.e., Epy ¼ EVacy and vpx ¼ vVacx ; where vpx and vVacx are
radiative plasma is the electric displacement vectors. Applying the boundary
condition upon Eqs. (22) and (24) yields the component
@2B separation
 b2p B ¼ 0; (16)
MVacx expð bVac xÞ ¼ Mpx exp bp x
where 4pegp A expð gp xÞ
0   11=2 þ f2 ; (25)
x x2p  x2  ixfcol
@ x2p 2
x A
x þ ifcol
bp ¼ ky2 þ : (17) MVacy expð bVac xÞ ¼ Mpy exp bp x
4peAiky expð gp xÞ
The solution of the second order differential equation in the  f2 ; (26)
plasma region and vacuum are x2p  x2  ixfcol
112111-4 Khan, Rozina, and Jamil Phys. Plasmas 23, 112111 (2016)

here f2 ¼ 8 ar 4
T0e þ 53 n0 kqB T0e whereas on interface (x ¼ 0) plasmas and vacuum is first time derived. Applying the elec-
trostatic limit c ! 1, and supercritical
plasma condi-
above equations reduce to 8 ar 2 4
tion 9 q ky T0e þ 53 n0 kqB T0e  x2p  x2  ixfcol , dispersion
4pegp A equation reduces to
MVacx ¼ Mpx þ n2 ; (27)
x2p  x2  ixfcol 2
x2p ky
4peAiky x þ ixfcol ¼ 4 1 þ qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
MVacy ¼ Mpy  n2 : (28) 2 x2  x2  ixf
p col
x2p  x2  ixfcol
Again from the Maxwell equations 8 ar 4 5 n0 kB T0e
 T þ : (35)
9 q 0e 3 q
iky ¼ a2Vac Ex : (29) It may be noted here that while deriving the above dis-
persion equation, we have taken into account that bp ¼ ky
By substitution of Ex and Ey from Eq. (22) into Eq. (29) and bVac ¼ ky for electrostatic field case, whereas gp , bp,
and using Eq. (28) for the plasma region, we obtain and bVac are defined in Eqs. (12), (17), and (19), respec-
" # tively. Eq. (35) is the general equation that provides the dis-
4peAiky 2 persion relation. If the radiation pressure is ignored and
ap iky exp bp x MVacy þ 2 n
xp  x2  ixfcol thermal pressure replaced by the Fermi pressure, the results
4peAky2 gp expð gp xÞ of Khorashadizadeh et al.19 may be retrieved. The results of
 n2 Shahmansouri33 are retrieved if the radiation pressure and
x2p  x2  ixfcol
the collisional effects are omitted after replacing thermal
4pegp Ab2Vac expð gp xÞ plasmas by the degenerate plasmas, while the results of
¼ b2P Mpx exp bp x  n2 : (30) Lazar et al.34 may be obtained on ignoring collision fre-
x2p  x2  ixfcol
quency in quantum plasmas. It may be noted that Kaw and
Similarly for the vacuum case McBride18 have studied the effect of density variation on the
! surface waves in half-space plasmas using full set of
ib 4pegp A Maxwell equations and have shown that the inclusion of den-
MVacy ¼ Vac Mpx þ 2 2
n : (31)
ky xp  x2  ixfcol sity variations leads to the propagation of backward surface
waves in plasmas, i.e., surface waves with opposite group
Henceforth, Eq. (31) at the interface, i.e., x ¼ 0, becomes and phase velocities.
In order to obtain dispersion relation of surface waves
1 4peA on a radiative half space plasma, Eq. (35) is solved under the
Mpx ¼   
bVac bp þ x 2  x2  ixf
p col condition of weakly coupled plasma, i.e., fxcol  1; hence, the
h i dispersion relation reduces to
 ky2 bp þ bp bVac gp  ky2 gp þ gp b2Vac n2 : (32) 2 pffiffiffi 3
i 2fcol sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
6 1þ ky 7
Applying the continuity condition for electromagnetic fcol xp 6 x 8 ar 4 5 n0 kB T0e 7
x ¼ i 6 pffiffiffi 41 þ pffiffiffi p T0e þ 5:
field components along with the boundary condition Vx 2 2 2xp 9q 3 q
(x-component of V) ¼ 0 at interface plane located at x ¼ 0
4peAg (36)
for plasma particles, Eq. (2) leads to Epx ¼ x2 p n2 , required 3
p ar T0e
to find x-component of Eq. (22), which in turn gives after Introducing the normalization coefficients as R ¼ ; n0 kB
some simple mathematics ky n0 kB T0e x fcol
K ¼ xp q ; W ¼ xp , and H ¼ xp ; the normalized distribu-
" # tion function reduces to
2 1 1
Mpx ¼ 4peAgp n  2 : (33) " pffiffiffi rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi#
x2p xp  x2  ixfcol H 1 1 þ i 2H 5 8
W ¼ i 6 pffiffiffi 1 þ pffiffiffi K þ R : (37)
2 2 2 3 9

We then obtain for real Re(W) and imaginary Im(W)

" rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi#
The dispersion relation of collisional radiative surface 1 1 5 8
waves can be obtained from Eqs. (32) and (33) ReðW Þ ¼ pffiffiffi 1 þ pffiffiffi K þ R ; (38)
2 2 3 9
" rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi#
x2p ½ky2 bp þ bp bVac gp  ky2 gp þ gp b2Vac 1 1 5 8
ImðW Þ ¼ H  þ pffiffiffi K þ R : (39)
¼ gp ðbVac bp þ b2Vac Þðx2 þ ixfcol Þ: (34) 2 2 3 9

To the best of our knowledge, this dispersion relation The above equation shows that electromagnetic (thermal)
for surface waves at the interface of semi-bounded radiative radiations along with the total collisional rate of electron
112111-5 Khan, Rozina, and Jamil Phys. Plasmas 23, 112111 (2016)

FIG. 1. Imaginary frequency with change in temperature in space (1(A)) and laboratory plasma (1(B)).

causes radiative plasma surface unstable and leads to an Physically, rise in temperature of the larger electron number
instability if we have Im(W) > 0 for some particular values density contributes less to enhance the oscillation of electron
of wave vector k, or surface may become unstable if plasma frequency which in turn supports the comparatively
Im(W) < 0 for some other values of wave vector k. lesser instability growth rate of an electrostatic plasma wave
in the laboratory plasma, because the increasing temperature
IV. NUMERICAL RESULTS AND CONCLUSION in the bounded systems may enhance the collisional effects
For numerical analysis, Eqs. (38) and (39) are plotted to while space plasmas are extremely large dimensional natural
examine the effects of the radiation and collision frequency on system that supports higher temperature effects over the
the surface waves at the interface of collisional-radiative half growth rate of surface waves. Furthermore, Fig. 2 shows the
space plasma. The dispersion relation of electrostatic radiative growing surface wave behavior with the normalized collision
surface waves is plotted with typical parameters of space frequency H. These figures show that the growth rates of the
plasma35 n0 ¼ 105 cm3, ar ¼ 7:57  1015 K4 erg=cm3 ; T surface wave are increased by increasing the collision
¼ 103 K, whereas the parameters n0 ¼ 5:9  108 cm3, T ¼ 6 frequency. For the space plasmas (Fig. 2(A)) and laboratory
104 K, are for laboratory plasma36 in c.g.s system of (Fig. 2(B)), the normalized frequency probably affects the
measurements. growth rates in almost similar fashion. However, the labora-
In Fig. 1, we have numerically displayed the variations tory plasma facilitates the higher growth rate of interface sur-
of normalized dispersion frequencies with normalized wave face wave at higher collision frequency, while space plasmas
number at different temperature variations expressed through facilitate comparatively less growth of the plasmon signal.
the radiation parameter R, where R is the ratio of radiation to Fig. 3 emphasizes the behaviour of phase speed of surface
the thermal pressure. Further, it is evident from Fig. 1 that wave with varying temperature through the radiation parame-
with the increase in R, the growth rate of collisional radiative ter R for space plasma (Fig. 3(A)) and laboratory plasma(Fig.
surface waves increases. The left side, Fig. 1(A), describes 3(B)). For both the plasma systems, it is observed that the
the growth rate of the space vacuum interface, whereas the phase speed increases with increasing the thermal tempera-
right side, Fig. 1(B), shows the unstable behaviour of the sur- ture; however, the increasing rate of space plasmas is higher
face in laboratory plasmas. The surface waves in both the than that of the laboratory plasmas. It is clear from Figs. 1
plasmas show growing trends; however, in space plasmas the and 3 that the slope of the line increases with the radiation
growth rates are much higher than the laboratory plasmas. parameter R, both for laboratory and space plasmas. In other

FIG. 2. The normalized imaginary frequency instability against the normalized wave number with different collisions in space (2(A)) and laboratory (2(B)) plasmas.
112111-6 Khan, Rozina, and Jamil Phys. Plasmas 23, 112111 (2016)

FIG. 3. The normalized real frequency against the normalized wave vector with temperature variations in space (3(A)) and laboratory (3(B)) plasmas.

words, the propagation velocity increases by increasing the To conclude, we have studied the propagation of surface
radiation pressure. It is also clear from these figures that the waves in semi bounded half space radiative collisional
radiation pressure has a significant role for high wave number plasma. Following the fluid model, which includes the full
or for shorter wavelength and is less effective for the long set of Maxwell equations and applying particular boundary
wavelength case. Conclusively, it can be said that surface conditions, we have developed the dispersion relation of
waves show a similar trend in both laboratory and space plas- electrostatic surface waves in collisional radiative electron-
mas, i.e., both phase velocity and the growth rate increase as ion plasma and vacuum. The specific case of space plasma is
the parameter R increases. Fig. 4 shows the surface plot of considered to show that the electrostatic surface waves are
growth rate as a function of temperature. The temperature significantly affected by electromagnetic radiation pressure
range in space plasmas is 103 K–3  103 K (Fig. 4(A)). The and total collisional effects. The dispersion relation is plotted
least value of temperature contributes to the smallest range of numerically to show that the electromagnetic thermal radia-
growth rate. The range of growth rate increases on increasing tion along with the collisional frequency leads to an instabil-
the temperature. However, comparatively small increasing ity for some particular value of the normalized wave vector
trends are observed up to the medium range of the wave vec- k and normalized growth rate increases with the increase of
tor spectrum. The surface plot for laboratory plasmas is radiation parameter R collisional frequency fcol ¼ Hxp : On
shown in Fig. 4(B). The growth rate attains the highest value the other hand, the collisionless plasma radiation always sta-
at the maximum temperature effect. For medium spectrum bilizes the surface waves and helps in its propagations. Our
range of normalized wavevector (0–0.5), the growth rate result are of practical interest in order to understand the
observes small change on increasing temperature; however, dispersion properties of electron plasma oscillation at the
for the higher wavevector spectrum, the growth rate as well interface of radiative collisional plasma and vacuum for both
as the change in growth increases. At the least value of ther- laboratory and ionosphere plasmas. From the comparative
mal temperature, the growth rate attains smallest range while analysis of surface wave propagation in lab and ionosphere
at highest temperature the growth rate attains highest range of plasmas, it may be suggested that the bounded systems sup-
growth rate frequency. Figures 4(A) and 4(B) describe the port less instability growth of signals with increasing the
same competition of space and laboratory parameters. temperature through the surface wave mechanism.

FIG. 4. Surface plot as a function of temperature. (4(A)) Space parameters and (4(B)) laboratory plasma.
112111-7 Khan, Rozina, and Jamil Phys. Plasmas 23, 112111 (2016)

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