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Perforating for Stimulation: An Engineered Solution

Article  in  SPE Drilling & Completion · March 2002

DOI: 10.2118/76812-PA

7 159

4 authors, including:

Robert Lestz


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Perforating for Stimulation:
An Engineered Solution
R.S. Lestz, SPE, and J.N. Clarke, Chevron USA Production Co., and D. Plattner,* SPE, and
A.C. Byrd, SPE, Halliburton Energy Services

Summary Texas counties. The Lobo is a low-permeability, geopressured

Point-source perforating has reduced fracture-stimulation expenses sandstone that was subjected to massive slump faulting at the end
in the south Texas Lobo trend. Although the producing intervals of its deposition. This created abundant faulting within the Lobo
frequently exceed 100 ft, the operator typically perforates the bot- trend to the degree that individual blocks were created, usually 80
tom 5 ft of the interval. Data collected during perforating are used acres or less. This is a significant factor because each well is its
to design optimized fracture-stimulation treatments. The optimized own reservoir. Table 1 lists the typical reservoir parameters.
treatments average 55% less proppant than the jobs designed pre-
viously with conventional practices that had perforations across Initial Development
the entire pay interval. The new well’s initial production and sus- Consolidated Oil and Gas discovered the Lobo trend in 1973 with
tained performance has been higher than conventionally stimulated the N.H. Clark No. 1.1 Because of the complex structural nature of
wells of similar potential. In addition, the point-source-perforated the Lobo and poor fracturing techniques, its full potential was not
wells have produced significantly less proppant than similar wells immediately realized.
with perforations across the entire pay interval. Point-source per- A major geological breakthrough occurred with the introduc-
forating has reduced the cost of perforating, proppant, fluids, tion of 3D seismic in the early 1990s. Two-dimensional seismic
equipment rentals, and cleanup. was used previously but resulted in a 72% success rate. With the
This case-history paper presents the following. introduction of 3D seismic, the success rate improved to 92%.
• Historical account of previous completion practices (limited Also, improvements in fracturing equipment, breakers, completion
entry, multiple-stage fracturing, and full-zone perforating). procedures, and 3D fracturing models have been significant factors
• Discussion of the “perforating for stimulation” fracturing in making the Lobo trend economic.
technique currently used.
• Comparison of production results. Past Practices
• Formation-evaluation methods (logs and bottomhole gauges). In the past, completion strategy was based on perforating every
• Perforating methods (phasing, charges, and perforating- productive foot of pay derived from log analysis. Attempts to
interval selection). stimulate entire intervals were accomplished with large pad vol-
• Results from a recompletion confirming that depletion umes, low Ottawa sand concentrations, and limited use of effective
has occurred. breakers. After the treatment, the wells were shut in overnight to
Introduction allow the bottomhole temperature to break the thick, crosslinked gels.
In later years, it was realized that all perforated layers were not
Perforating is a key component to the completion of most wells. being stimulated. The use of limited-entry perforating became
Typically, the decision made about where to perforate is based on popular in an attempt to stimulate the entire perforated section.
the location and the extent of the pay. The process of perforating This method limited the number of perforations to create excess
is usually limited to choosing the appropriate gun with the best perforation-friction pressure. In theory, this would increase the
performance and scheduling the job. In the overpressured, low- bottomhole treating pressure to greater than the pressure necessary
permeability environment of south Texas, a new perforating phi- to break down higher-stress zones, thus distributing the stimulation
losophy has been adopted, in which “perforating for stimulation” treatment to all perforated horizons simultaneously.
is the practice instead of “perforating for production.” This new The shortfalls of both these methods were recognized when
concept places the emphasis on the best perforation method for cumulative production did not match predrill volumetric estima-
stimulation and obtains key fracturing parameters during the per- tions. The next method involved limiting the treatment interval to
forating stage of the completion. Experience shows that commonly one of the three primary Lobo sands and performing individual
accepted perforating techniques can cause well-designed stimula- treatments on each sand package. This method showed improve-
tion treatments to fail. ments but still lacked the optimum results.
Cost Savings
The operator has drilled approximately 150 Lobo wells over the Observations and a New Concept
last 5 years in the south Texas counties of Webb and Zapata. The The factors leading to the new concept of “perforating for stimu-
experience gained over this period has reduced completion costs lation” were conceived from production-log results, the lack of
by U.S. $125,000 per well. These savings are derived from an success in adding perforations, tracer surveys, and information
overall change in the stimulation philosophy and the ensuing pro- provided in the advance-stimulation technology work done by
cedural changes this new philosophy created. Aud, Wright, Holditch, and others.2
In an effort to better understand the completion effectiveness,
Lobo Geology production logs were run on a selected group of wells. The most
The Lobo formation is a member of the lower Wilcox group and revealing information was that the majority of the production usu-
has produced approximately 8 trillion ft3 of gas from two south ally came from a small interval, which was the best pay. Fig. 1
shows a production log from a hydraulically fractured well with
the entire 100-ft interval perforated. More than 90% of the 1,800
* Now with Ricochet Energy Inc.
Mcf/D was entering from only a 5-ft interval.
This information demonstrated that the major factor contribut-
Copyright © 2002 Society of Petroleum Engineers
ing to production was connecting the wellbore to the fracture. This
This paper (SPE 76812) was revised for publication from paper SPE 56471, first presented theory was reinforced when additional perforations were added to
at the 1999 SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, Houston, 3–6 October.
Original manuscript received for review 19 January 2000. Revised manuscript received 1
previously fractured wells. This “perforating for production” re-
February 2001. Paper peer approved 7 January 2002. sulted in no incremental production. Unless new perforations in-

March 2002 SPE Drilling & Completion 37


Depth 6,700 to 12,000 ft

Temperature 190 to 295ºF
Porosity 17 to 30 %
Permeability 0.05 to 5.0 md
Height 10 to 120 ft
Fracture gradient 0.67 to 0.97 psi/ft
Pore Pressure 0.56 to 0.80 psi/ft

tersect the fracture, minimal benefits will be realized. As evi-

denced by spinner surveys, linear flow is the dominant flow regime
in low-permeability reservoirs. From these experiences, fractures
in this area are believed to be tilted from the vertical and only
intersect the wellbore for a small distance. This situation enhances
the probability of multiple fractures in longer perforated intervals.
Multiple fractures will reduce fracture length and conductivity,
resulting in less-than-optimal production results.
Tracer surveys provided insight to fracture geometry and prop-
pant settling. Fig. 2 shows a well in which three isotopes were used
to tag the pad, early sand, and late sand. This well had the entire
interval perforated and treated at 70 bbl/min. The survey indicates
that four individual fractures could have been accepting fluid dur-
ing the stimulation. However, proppant settling can be observed by
the location of late proppant relative to early proppant. Comparing
the tracer log to the openhole log indicates that the majority of the
early proppant settled out in or above a shaley/silty zone, inferring
narrower profiles in shales and silts.
The information on the complexity of fractures brought forth
by many authors2–17 added more insight. Wright2,11 pointed out
(see Fig. 3) how perforating strategies can affect fracture geometry.
Understanding the difference between perforation and near- Fig. 1—Production log showing limited inflow.
wellbore friction helped explain early screenouts and excessive
treating pressures. More importantly, perforating was shown to The combination of these issues led us to ask, “Why not per-
have a critical impact on the amount of near-wellbore friction. forate based on stimulation needs rather than perforate what looks
Work presented by El Rabaa showed that in deviated wells with like pay?” It was understood that virtually all wells in the Lobo
perforated intervals that were four times the wellbore diameter, trend required stimulation. If the perforating concept could be
unwanted multiple fractures began to form.8 Application of this shifted to what is best for the stimulation job, then a multitude of
technique resulted in stimulation and production success in the improvements could be incorporated. The perforation interval can be:
Bob West field in south Texas, where only 2 ft were perforated.18 • Limited to small intervals to minimize multiple fractures.
Before the perforation scheme was changed, wells were typically • Positioned to take advantage of proppant settling.
treated at elevated pressures, and, in extreme cases, the proppant • Located above shaley/silty sections to take advantage of bridging.
could not be placed. • Positioned in the lower-permeability, higher-stressed rocks to
ensure that they are better stimulated.
• Limited to reduce proppant flowback.
• Positioned at the bottom of the pay zone, leaving alternatives
to recomplete or restimulate additional pay up the hole.

An ideal opportunity to test the new “perforating for stimulation”
philosophy arose when Well B was drilled. Well B was the eighth
well drilled on its lease. All seven previous wells had perforations
in the majority of the pay, which always included the best-quality
reservoir. Well A was the best of the first seven wells and repre-
sented the best comparison to Well B. Table 2 shows the comparison
of log properties for both wells. A meaningful comparison of the
permeabilities was not possible because of the limited perforation
interval in Well B compared to Well A and because of the strati-
graphic nature of the reservoir, which limited vertical communication.
The openhole logs in Fig. 4 show the perforated intervals for
each well in the depth track with dark, solid lines. As seen in Fig.


Parameter Well A Well B
Net ft of pay 89 ft 96 ft
Average porosity 21% 21%
Average Sw 42% 33%
Reservoir pressure 6,273 psi 5,884 psi
Fig. 2—Tracer log showing proppant settling and bridging in the (0.70 psi/ft) (0.64 psi/ft)
shaley/silty zones with late proppant on top of early proppant.

38 March 2002 SPE Drilling & Completion

Fig. 3—Different perforating strategies can lead to different fracture geometry.

Fig. 4—Log comparison for Wells A and B.

March 2002 SPE Drilling & Completion 39

Parameter Well A Well B
Ft perforated 101 ft 5 ft 50-ft big-hole charge
Perforating guns 3 SPF 8 SPF
Perforation phasing 120º 60º
Fluid volume 2,840 bbl 2,221 bbl
Sand volume 501,000 lbm 351,000 lbm
Proppant type 16-30 resin 16-30 resin
Max concentration 10 ppg 15 ppg
5-ft deep-penetrating charge
Gel loading 30 and 35 borate 35 and 40 borate
Tubing size 41/2 in. 27/8 in. Shock absorber
Injection rate 50 bbl/min 23 bbl/min

Quartz gauge
4, both wells had similar sand qualities and demonstrated the dif-
ference in “perforating for production” and “perforating for stimu-
lation.” Well B was perforated in the lower sand section just above
a siltstone to take advantage of possible proppant bridging and
gravity settling and to ensure good conductivity at the perforations. Strain gauge
When the fracture closes, the fluid will migrate to the more per-
meable sands above the perforations, and gravity will help keep the
shale sections propped for communication to the upper sand se-
quences. If the 5-ft perforated interval had been at the top of the
sand sequence instead of the bottom, any settling from gravity
would have reduced the fracture conductivity near the wellbore.
Immediate flowback can also be used to optimize proppant distri- Fig. 5—Perforating gun with bottomhole gauge.
bution by accelerating closure.
The completion design for Well B started with reviewing the
production history and stimulation treatments of the previous mine the fracture geometry and the ability to effectively stimulate
seven wells on the lease. Treatments ranged between 100,000 to the entire sand package. Different perforated intervals were used to
500,000 lb of proppant. Proppant types also varied from resin- better understand the proppant distribution before selecting where
coated to lightweight ceramics. A production simulator was used to perforate. A comparison of the actual stimulation for both wells
to determine the optimum fracture length and conductivity for is shown in Table 3.
Well B. This identified that length was critical, along with con- The perforating scheme for Well B was to shoot a 5-ft section
necting all the vertical layers. Well B would be “perforated for of poor-quality pay above a silty section at the bottom of the pay.
stimulation.” Several 3D fracture simulations were run to deter- The perforating charges consisted of deep-penetrating and big-

Fig. 6—Bottomhole gauge data during perforating run on Well B.

40 March 2002 SPE Drilling & Completion

Fig. 7—Prefracture production comparisons for Wells A and B.

hole, each loaded with 4 shots/ft with 60° phasing. A pressure loading, and breaker schedule [from the bottomhole temperature
gauge was attached below the perforating guns to record reservoir (BHT)], and horsepower requirements.
pressure and temperature.
A schematic of the perforating-gun assembly is shown in Fig. 5.
The first gun shot was the 5-ft, deep-penetrating charges to ensure
effective communication with the reservoir. Before repositioning Comparison of the prefracture production rates shown in Fig. 7
the guns, a 1-hour build was obtained to quantify reservoir pres- clearly demonstrates the difference in “perforating for production”
sure and permeability. The second gun shot the same 5-ft interval vs. “perforating for stimulation.” Well A was “perforated for pro-
with big-hole charges. The big-hole charges would provide perfo- duction,” and initial production exceeded 5 MMcf/D at 3,000 psi
rations large enough to accept 16-30 proppant at higher sand con- before the fracture treatment. Well B’s prefracture production
centrations during the fracture stimulation. A breakdown and mi- reached 660 Mcf/D at 1,250 psi, which was almost one order of
crofracture was performed at bbl/min to determine the fracture- magnitude less than Well A.
extension pressure and to gather falloff data to determine the Well B outperformed Well A, as shown by post-stimulation
closure stress for the perforated interval. The data obtained from production in Fig. 8. Post-stimulation production clearly indicated
the bottomhole gauges are shown in Fig. 6. that the entire interval was stimulated with sufficient fracture
The information gathered from this microfracture was then height. These results convinced team members that “perforating
used in the 3D fracture simulator to optimize treatment design, gel for stimulation” did not have a detrimental effect on well perfor-

Fig. 8—Post-fracture production comparison for Wells A and B.

March 2002 SPE Drilling & Completion 41

Fig. 9—Tracer log after Well B’s stimulation treatment.

mance. However, the prefracture reservoir characterization was B was completed, a future workover was anticipated to confirm
limited to the perforated interval. that the fracture would effectively drain the entire pay interval,
The cumulative production curves in Fig. 8 show the long-term as predicted.
performance of both wells and concludes that Well B continues to
outperform Well A. Following the stimulation, a tracer survey Confirmation of Depletion
showed that only one-third of the interval was treated; production
An opportunity to confirm that the “perforating for stimulation”
indicates that this is not likely. This infers that fractures are usually
completion method was effectively draining the reservoir occurred
tilted away from the wellbore, which, in long perforated intervals,
when Well B encountered a casing leak. When production could
can have a negative effect on post-fracture production (Fig. 9).
not be restored in the original 5-ft interval because of mud damage,
Fig. 10 shows the rate vs. cumulative production and indicates that
a plugback to the best-quality interval commenced. Before plug-
boundaries were encountered in both wells after approximately 1
ging back the well, a bottomhole survey determined the reservoir
billion ft3 of production. This infers that both wells are producing
pressure to be 1,968 psi. The original perforations were then iso-
from similar drainage areas.** Fig. 10 confirms that Well B was
lated, and perforations were added in the upper Lobo. The new
more effectively stimulated when compared to Well A. When Well
perforations were located where the tracer survey indicated that the
initial stimulation had not treated, as shown in Fig. 11. The analy-
sis of the pressure data acquired while adding these perforations
** Personal communication with Raymond Wong, Chevron, Houston (1999). indicated that the reservoir pressure was 2,300 psi. Fig. 12 illus-

42 March 2002 SPE Drilling & Completion

2,500 Mcf/D at a flowing tubing pressure of 450 psi. Fig. 13 shows
the entire production history of Well B.

1. “Perforating for stimulation” should be the rule for formations
that require stimulation.
2. Perforating a small interval enhances the ability to stimulate wells.
3. Perforating a small interval did not adversely effect production
in the stimulated well.
4. Perforating in the low-permeability section did not impact post-
stimulation production.
5. The placement of perforations toward the bottom of the pay
interval offers multiple benefits.
6. Fracture height growth does occur, as predicted by 3D fracture-
simulation models.
7. Tracer logs can be misleading in determining height growth
when fractures are tilted in reference to the wellbore.
Fig. 10—Rate vs. cumulative production comparison for Wells A 8. “Perforating for stimulation” provides an opportunity to suc-
and B. cessfully reestablish production when perforations are damaged.

trates the difference in pressure response from initial and subse- The authors wish to thank Chevron USA Production Co. and Hal-
quent perforations. In addition to the lower reservoir pressure, the liburton Energy Services Inc. for permission to publish this paper.
fracturing properties also confirmed that the original interval “per- Appreciation is extended to Tom Neely and Mike Beckman for
forated for stimulation” had effectively drained the entire reser- their cooperation in testing the “perforating for stimulation”
voir. Table 4 compares the key reservoir and fracture properties method. We also acknowledge the graphics contributions from
between the original and the new set of perforations. As expected, Leen Weijers and Chris Wright.
a change in the fracture gradient and closure stress was observed
when the reservoir pressure was decreased. References
A fracture was designed for the new set of perforations when 1. Bain, R.C.: “Chevron Celebrates 25 Years in the Laredo Lobo Trend,”
the unstimulated production did not achieve the rates before the internal memo, Chevron (October 1998).
casing leak. Because of the lower reservoir pressure, a greater 2. “Advanced Stimulation Technology Deployment Program,” final re-
stress contrast existed, and a smaller job was pumped. This job port GRI-97/0029, Gas Research Inst. (1997).
consisted of 100,000 lb of 16-30 proppant and 850 bbl of a low-gel 3. Daneshy, A.A.: “The Study of Inclined Hydraulic Fractures,” SPEJ
loading fluid. After cleaning up, production steadily increased to (April 1973) 61.

GR Porosity


2nd 2nd Setperfs

set of of
1st Set of Perfs

1st set of perfs

Fig. 11—Tracer log with both sets of perforations.

March 2002 SPE Drilling & Completion 43




Pressure, psi







1.75 2 2.25 2.5 2.75 3 3.25 3.5 3.75 4 4.25 4.5
Time, hours
First perforating Second perforating

Fig. 12—Bottomhole gauge data during perforating showing

pressure deletion in upper zone.
Fig. 13—Well B production data before and after stimulation of
the depleted upper zone.
4. Daneshy, A.A.: “Experimental Investigation of Hydraulic Fracturing
Through Perforations,” JPT (October 1973) 1201. sented at the 1996 SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition,
5. Weijers, L. et al.: “Geometry of Hydraulic Fractures Induced From Denver, 6–9 October.
Horizontal Wellbores,” SPEPF (May 1994) 87. 18. Boonen, P. et al.: “Improved Selection of Candidates for Stimulation
6. Abass, H.H. Hedayati, S., and Meadows, D.L.: “Nonplanar Fracture Treatment in the Wilcox Play in the South Texas/Mexico Border Area,”
Propagation From a Horizontal Wellbore: Experimental Study,” paper paper SPE 39895 presented at the 1998 SPE International Petroleum
SPE 24823 presented at the 1992 SPE Annual Technical Conference Conference and Exhibition of Mexico, Villahermosa, Mexico, 3–5
and Exhibition, Washington DC, 4–7 October. March.
7. Vinegar, H.J. et al.: “Active and Passive Seismic Imaging of a Hy-
draulic Fracture in Diatomite,” JPT (January 1992) 28.
8. El Rabaa, W.: “Experimental Study of Hydraulic Fracture Geometry
Initiated From Horizontal Wells,” paper SPE 19720 presented at the SI Metric Conversion Factors
1989 SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, San Antonio, bbl × 1.589 873 E−01 ⳱ m3
Texas, 8–11 October. ft × 3.048* E−01 ⳱ m
9. Daneshy, A.A.: “Experimental Investigation of Hydraulic Fracturing ft3 × 2.831 685 E−02 ⳱ m3
Through Perforations,” JPT (October 1973) 1201.
°F (°F−32.0)/1.8 ⳱ °C
10. Weijers, L. and de Pater, C.J.: “Hydraulic Fracture Reorientation in
gal × 3.785 412 E−03 ⳱ m3
Model Tests,” paper SPE 23790 presented at the 1992 SPE Symposium
on Formation Damage Control, Lafayette, Louisiana, 26–27 February. in. × 2.54* E+00 ⳱ cm
11. “Near-Wellbore Fracture Tortuosity,” technical description GRI-95/ in.2 × 6.451 6* E+00 ⳱ cm2
0257, Gas Research Inst. (1995). lbm × 4.535 924 E−01 ⳱ kg
12. Cleary, M.P. et al.: “Field Implementation of Proppant Slugs To Avoid psi × 6.894 757 E+00 ⳱ kPa
Premature Screenout of Hydraulic Fractures With Adequate Proppant
*Conversion factor is exact.
Concentration,” paper SPE 25892 presented at the 1993 SPE Rocky
Mountain Regional/Low Permeability Reservoirs Symposium, Denver,
12–14 April.
Robert S. Lestz is a senior petroleum engineer at Chevron in
13. Wright, C.A. et al.: “Reorientation of Propped Refracture Treatments Houston. e-mail: rsle@chevron.com. Since 1994, he has been
in the Lost Hills Field,” paper SPE 27896 presented at the 1994 SPE responsible for new well completions and base production in
Western Regional Meeting, Long Beach, California, 23–25 March. south Texas. He has extensive experience in hydraulic fractur-
14. Wright, C.A. et al.: “Reorientation of Propped Refracture Treatments,” ing and production optimization in north Texas and the Mid-
paper SPE 28078 presented at the 1994 SPE/ISRM Rock Mechanics in Continent region. Lestz holds a BS degree in petroleum engi-
Petroleum Engineering Conference, Delft, The Netherlands, 29–31 Au- neering from the U. of Texas at Austin. John N. Clarke is a senior
gust. petroleum engineer at Chevron, working in Angola. e-mail:
ape32@chevron.com. Before his current assignment, he was
15. Abass, H.H. et al.: “A Case History of Completing and Fracture Stimu-
responsible for designing completions and workovers in south
lating a Horizontal Well,” paper SPE 29443 presented at the 1995 SPE Texas. He has worked in the Permian Basin and the Mid-
Production Operations Symposium, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, 2–4 Continent region as a drilling representative, production fore-
April. man, and engineer. Clarke holds a BS degree in petroleum
16. Behrmann, L.A. and Nolte, K.G.: “Perforating Requirements for Frac- engineering from the U. of Missouri at Rolla. Audis C. Byrd is
ture Stimulations,” paper SPE 39453 presented at the 1998 SPE Inter- currently the USA & Canada Country Technology Manager for
national Symposium on Formation Damage Control, Lafayette, Loui- Halliburton in Houston. e-mail: audis.byrd@halliburton.com. He
siana, 18–19 February. has more than 20 years of experience with Halliburton and has
worked in research, field operations, and sales, where he has
17. Underwood, P.J. and Kerley, L.: “Evaluation of Selective vs. Point-
held various engineering and management positions. He is
Source Perforating for Hydraulic Fracturing,” paper SPE 36480 pre- currently responsible for technology transfer, training, and ca-
reer development for the field engineering staff, USA Solution
Team, and sales technology teams. Byrd holds a BS degree in
TABLE 4—FRACTURE PROPERTY COMPARISON mechanical engineering from Louisiana Tech U. Dallas Plattner
is a production engineer for Ricochet energy Inc. in Laredo,
Parameter 1st Perforations 2nd Perforations Texas. e-mail: dallasd@netscorp.net. He was previously em-
Reservoir pressure 5,884 psi 2,300 psi ployed by Lewis Energy Group in Encinal, Texas, and by Halli-
burton for 7 years in Laredo, Texas, where he held various en-
Breakdown pressure 0.965 psi/ft 0.65 psi/ft
gineering, operating, and sales positions. Plattner holds a BS
Fracture gradient 0.82 psi/ft 0.42 psi/ft
degree in petroleum engineering from Texas A&M U. at Col-
Closure stress 6,634 psi 3,220 psi
lege Station.

44 March 2002 SPE Drilling & Completion

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