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SPE 26515 Overbalance Perforating and Stimulation Method For Wells

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Society of Petroleum Engineers

SPE 26515

Overbalance Perforating and Stimulation Method for Wells

P.J. Handren, T.B. Jupp, and J.M. Dees, Oryx Energy Co.
SPE Members
Copyright 1993, Society of Petroleum Engineers, Inc.

This paper was prepared for presentation at the 68th Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition of the Society of Petroleum Engineers held in Houston, Texas, 3-6 October 1993.

This paper was selected for presentation by an SPE Program Committee following review of information contained In an abstract submitted by the author(s). Contents of the paper,
as presented, have not been reviewed by the Society of Petroleum Engineers and are subject to correction by the author(s). The material, as presented, does not necessarily reflect
any position of the Society of Petroleum Engineers, ItS officers, or members. Papers presented at SPE meetings are subject to publication review by Editorial Committees of the Society
of Petroleum Engineers. Permission to copy IS restncted to an abstract of not more than 300 words. Illustrations may not be copied. The abstract should contain conspicuous acknowledgment
of Where and by whom the paper is presented. Write Librarian, SPE, P.O. Box 833836, Richardson, TX 75083-3836, U.S.A. Telex, 163245 SPEUT.

ABSTRACT means of perforating; This system gained widespread use

and is still employed today.
Underbalanced perforating is generally accepted as the
petroleum industry standard for perforating. This paper Experimental work on shaped charges for the petroleum
presents the concept, the mechanics, the procedures, industry began in 1946 in a laboratory a few miles south
potential applications, and the results of perforating by a of Fort Worth. Through the cooperative efforts of Ramsey
"new" convention of perforating that incorporates the use Armstrong, Robert McLemore, Eugene Tolson, and Henry
of overpressured wellbores. This procedure can also be Mohaupt a shaped charge was developed that could be
used in wells with existing perforations if an overpressured lowered into a well via a hollow steel carrier and detonated
surge is used. Oryx has successfully used overbalanced to create perforations in multiple media. The first
perforating and overbalanced surging procedures in more commercial job was performed for Gulf Oil Company in
than 50 wells. This paper will highlight some of the case 1949.
histories that have used these techniques.
Most of the early jet perforating jobs were done with an
INTRODUCTION overbalanced pressure condition prevailing. Little or no
consideration was given to the makeup of the completion
Mechanical perforators for casing were available in the late fluid as this was considered secondary to pressure control.
1920's. These "perforators" consisted of either a single Then, in 1953, Humble Oil & Refining Company
blade or wheel type knife that would be opened at the pioneered what was then called the permanent-type well
desired depth to slot the casing, or a multipointed star completion. 1 Soon afterward through-tubing perforating
shaped wheel that would punch holes in the casing as it guns were developed and the concept of underbalanced
was pulled upward. The lack of tool reliability became a perforating took it's place in the industry. Roy Vann
natural deterrent to their widespread use. introduced tubing conveyed perforating to the industry in
1970 and took underbalanced perforating to new limits.
Bullet perforating equipment was developed in the early Since this evolution several studies have been conducted to
1930's. This provided an opportunity to case off a define the degrees and benefits of underbalanced
producing interval and then communicate back to it by perforating. 2-5

References and illustrations at end of paper Today few onshore operators consider overbalanced


pressure in a wellbore when perforating unless it is Propellant gas fracturing tools had some application
absolutely required due to environmental concerns or shortfalls. The loading time sequence was of short
equipment limitations. In these rare instances the duration, 0.001 to 0.01 seconds (Figure 1). A longer
hydrostatic pressure of the fluid column will only slightly loading period was needed for more effective fracturing.
exceed the reservoir pressure to minimize fluid invasion of Only a small volume of gas could be generated by the
mud or expensive brine water. Until now, the industry propellant tools due to a limited carrier capacity. It would
has fallen into a complacent acceptance that underbalanced take a larger volume of gas to accomplish the longer
perforating is the best way to complete a well. Oryx loading times. Probably the biggest problem with
Energy Company began a research project6 on propellant tools was the inability to accurately predict the
overbalanced perforating in June of 1990 that challenges pressures that would be generated. These factors
the industry conventional standard of underbalanced suggested that an alternate means should be pursued to
perforating. improve perforation efficiency.

THE PROBLEM An observation was made while reviewing API RP-43 data
sheets. For several charges the Section 2 data (Berea
A review of Oryx Energy's wells revealed that very target) reported a longer tunnel length for perforations shot
inconsistent results were being achieved with with 500 psi overbalance. The depth to debris in all these
underbalanced perforating. Pressure buildup analysis in cases was shallower than what was experienced in the
several wells indicated a range of skin factors from -1.0 to underbalanced perforating tests. Consequently, the
over +50. These factors were interpreted into perforation overbalanced data was typically interpreted as a worst
efficiencies ranging from a high of 120 % to a low of 5 %. case. Instead of considering only these results, the
The average efficiency was less than 25 %, or less than one research team questioned if a larger overpressure could be
effective perforation out of every four that were fired. applied that would push the debris farther back into the
An Oryx research team began a project in 1990 that was
to address this less than predictable performance of The concept of overbalanced perforating has been
underbalanced perforating. The primary goal of the team investigated by others. Bundy and EImerS looked at well
was to improve the initial completion efficiency of Oryx performance after overbalanced perforating gas wells in
wells. The improved efficiency would translate into higher mud. Their conclusion was that the wells performed
profits because of earlier product sales. Results from over similarly to underbalance perforated wells. Northrop and
50 wells support the claim that the new overbalanced Frohne9 reported the best results for a nonfractured Mesa
perforating and stimulation method could cause the Verde completion after perforating in a dry nitrogen
industry to do a full turnabout on perforating. The environment with overpressure applied to the tubing and
solution to the unpredictable performance of underbalanced casing. These were the only references found through a
perforating is to perforate in an extreme overbalance literature search that cited overbalanced perforating as a
condition and couple it with a stimulation. favorable procedure.


Propellant gas fracturing tools 7 were investigated as a A perforating jet exerts a stress of four to five million psi
means to improve perforation efficiency. Gas generator at the tip .10 This force greatly exceeds all of the principal
tools provided a way to rapidly pressure load the rock stresses and strength and consequently a perforation
perforations with a pressure equal to or greater than the hole and tunnel are formed. A reasonable estimate of the
formation fracturing pressure. This loading could clean tunnel length can be made by considering factors such as
the perforation tunnels of debris and fracture the formation charge specifications, in-situ rock properties, and wellbore
interval directly across from the propellant tool. The conditions. The action of the jet penetrating the rock
results of using this tool were encouraging. creates a highly concentrated stress in the walls of the
perforation tunnel. The most probable relief mechanism


for this stress is for the tunnel wall to fracture. This was all of the safety aspects to avoid potential danger. A check
observed by Pucknell and Behrmanll . If a pressure was list of questions was developed to encompass all aspects of
applied immediately after these fractures formed then the an overbalanced perforating job and is included in the
fractures could be extended. This could provide a more Appendix. This list of questions is considered to be
effective flow path to the perforations and ultimately to the comprehensive, but there are other possible considerations.
The process involves perforating a formation with any of
In theory, it is believed that this fractured perforation the currently available perforating guns. The preferred
could be unstable. The common practice of underbalanced gun type is a hollow steel carrier. This gun body will
perforating will cause the fractures to close quickly. The retain most of the charge debris. Tubing conveyed guns
results could be partial or even total collapse of the will allow for the application of the highest bottomhole
perforation tunnel. pressure. A typical tubing conveyed setup is shown in
Figure 2. Before perforating, pressure is applied to the
If an overbalanced pressure of a sufficient amount was wellbore that will result in a downhole pressure at least as
applied to the fractures after they were formed, two large as the fracturing pressure of the formation. A
potential benefits could be gained. First, the prolonged typical applied pressure gradient is between 1.1 - 1.3
application of high pressure could allow for some psi/ft. Ideally, the pressure gradient will exceed all of the
stabilization of the tunnel walls. Second, the action of the principal in-situ stresses. The rule of thumb for minimum
fluid used to apply the pressure could extend the induced applied pressure is the formation fracturing gradient plus
fractures, and some erosion of the fracture faces could 0.4 psi/ft.
occur if the velocity is high enough. This would result in
increased fracture conductivity. These potential benefits The pressure is applied using either all liquid, all gas, or
would be advantageous in a wide range of reservoirs. a combination of the two. The preferred method will
incorporate a liquid column directly across the perforation
Fluid velocity alone may be insufficient to properly etch interval and up to a predetermined fluid level from the
the induced fracture faces. The addition of a reactive surface. A gas column will be employed above this liquid
fluid, such as acid in a carbonate reservoir, or a scouring to provide the additional pressure required to achieve the
material, such as fracturing proppant, could significantly desired gradient. At the time of perforating, the expansion
improve the etching patterns on the fracture faces. The of the gas will translate directly into horsepower applied to
addition of a scouring material may be beneficial in the formation. Injection rates that are not practically
eroding and enlarging the perforation entry hole diameter attainable from the surface can be achieved downhole. In
through the casing and cement sheath of the wellbore. instances where it is desirable to reduce surface pressures,
nitrogen has been used to achieve a predetermined surface
Reservoir permeability variation in a single interval has pressure followed by the pumping of a weighted brine
always been a difficult problem to address with water to complete the initial pressurization. This has
underbalanced perforating. Any variance in permeability reduced surface pressures by several thousand psi on some
will strongly influence the degree of surge that a well treatments.
perforation tunnel experiences. A high contrast of
permeability may even prevent some perforations from The high rate of fluid displacement will exceed the
being surged at all. In contrast, overbalanced perforating perforated holes' capacity to accept fluid. This event will
will not be influenced by permeability variations. The last from one to fifteen seconds until the pressure reaches
success of overbalanced perforating is driven by the high a least principal fracturing pressure. The breakdown is
instantaneous surge rate into the perforations. The factor greatly enhanced by performing additional pumping
of permeability in underbalanced perforating is totally operations with additional gas and/or liquid volumes. In
negated with extreme overbalanced perforating. some instances a small stimulation may be done together
with the breakdown. These additional pump-in operations
JOB PROCEDURE have yielded very positive results pertaining to evaluation
of productivity and the possibility of further stimulation
Any job procedure that deals with pressure must consider work.


The final fluid pumped into the reservoir can be tailored to Overbalanced perforating and surging has excellent
enhance the relative phase permeability to the reservoir application in reservoirs that are consistently having to be
produced fluid (i.e., oil or gas). In low pressure gas treated upon initial completion for skin damage due to
wells, only small liquid volumes (1-5 bbl) are required for drilling. In one area Oryx had wells that were commonly
the breakdown. This small volume of liquid can be easily perforated underbalanced with little to no flow, even after
dispersed by injecting gas, such as nitrogen, or liquid acid breakdowns. The average time spent stimulating and
carbon dioxide. Surfactant blends that will leave the recovering load volumes from the skin fracturing treatment
formation favorably water-wet can be used in oil wells. was eight days. Incorporating the perforating and
stimulation into a single operation reduced the volumes
These methods have been applied in wells with existing required for stimulation and reduced the average time to
perforations by surging the perforations via the tubing. sales to less than one day.
These wells responded with a less steep decline rate
following the treatment. The treatments appear to be the In wildcat areas overbalanced perforating gives the best
most beneficial if they are applied as soon as possible after opportunity to get early evaluation of a reservoir. This
perforating and before any flow occurs from the reservoir. early evaluation gives information that can be critical to
The overbalanced pressure is applied with some type of stimulation decisions. The risk of formation damage is
frangible disk or expendable plug in the tubing or below greatly reduced by minimizing the reservoir exposure to
the packer (Figure 3). completion fluids to a few barrels. To date, Oryx has
documented at least three exploration wells that were not
POTENTIAL APPLICATIONS stimulated. These stimulations would have been costly
and/or unnecessary.
This method of breakdown is an excellent substitution for
the combination of perforating followed by a hydraulic This procedure, either overbalanced perforating or surging,
ballout/breakdown before fracture stimulation. All of the could be very useful in deviated wells for initial
wells broken down using overpressure, either perforating breakdowns prior to fracturing. More effective
or surge, have treated at pressures 500 to 1300 psi lower communication of fractures through the perforations in the
than offset wells perforated underbalanced. A possible formation could help to alleviate high breakdown pressures
explanation is that the fractures that are created initially that have been reported. I 4-l5 This method of breakdown
align with the perforation axis and then gradually turn could greatly enhance the results of shooting oriented
toward the preferred fracture orientation (Figure 4A). perforations, and could help justify the additional
This would reduce the effect of misoriented perforations perforating expense.
(Figure 4B) that was described by Behrman and Elbel. 12
Behrman and Elbel have suggested that phased perforating
Overpressure can be applied for the placement of resin for of less than 20 degrees would be optimum for improving
sand consolidation. 13 This means of placement is ideal for the occurrence of perforation tunnels aligning with the
unconsolidated reservoirs. It will prevent any formation preferred fracture orientation. 13 This process should allow
sand from entering the wellbore because it will never be for the use of currently available gun phasings in vertical
back surged. In practice this could provide flow wells to achieve a smoother fracture flow path to the
conductivities that would far exceed gravel pack flow wellbore.
A perforation prepack could be performed together with
the perforating procedure, or even as a surge treatment The first example well treatment was on a well in Coke
after a balanced perforating job. Wells could be County, Texas. The completion was to be a 17' interval
perforated, prepacked, and through-tubing gravel packed in the Strawn Sand at 5760-5777'. The interval was
all with the packer and the tubing in place. This could perforated with a 4" tubing conveyed perforating (TCP)
preclude the use of expensive brines for pressure control gun using a drop bar from a lubricator. Oil was in the
and gravel pack fluids, and should result in reduced cost. annular space below the packer across the perforation

SPE 26515 P. J. HANDREN, T. B. rupp, AND J. M. DEES 5

interval and up into the tubing approximately 300'. perforated in the Prairie du Chein in Arenac County,
Nitrogen was used to pressure the tubing to a surface Michigan at 11,061-88' and at 11,158-196' with a 3 3/8"
pressure of 7000 psi. The resultant bottomhole pressure hollow steel carrier casing gun. After perforating, acetic
was 8000 psi, or a gradient of 1.39 psi/ft. The tubing acid was spotted across the perforated interval and a
pressure fell to 4400 psi within seconds of the gun packer with a pump out plug was run into the well on
detonation. Nitrogen injection began as quickly as tubing. The perforations were overbalance surged with a
possible afterwards. An additional 140,000 scf of nitrogen bottomhole applied pressure of 12,440 psi at 11,128' (a
was injected into the formation. The well was flowing at 1.12 psi/ft gradient). The pressure was achieved with a
a rate of 400 MCFD down the sales line within 12 hours column of 15% HCI acid (1850') under a column of
after perforating. Before this completion, an average of nitrogen with 8650 psi surface pressure. When the plug
eight days was necessary before turning a well to sales. A sheared, the pressure immediately dropped to 6600 psi.
build-up on the well showed a skin factor of -0.6. An additional 700 gallons of acid (1000 gallons total)
commingled with 100 MCF of nitrogen was pumped into
The second example well treatment was also on a Strawn the formation. The total volume of fluid used to break
Sand well in Coke County, Texas. The completion down the formation was only 34 barrels. The capacity of
interval was 5' of net sand between 5760-5765'. A 4" the tubing and the casing below the packer to the bottom
TCP gun was used to perforate the interval. Conditions perforation was 59 barrels. After a nitrogen displacement
prior to perforating were similar to those in the first the well was turned around and put on production. In
example. Within seconds after perforating, the surface three hours, the well flowed back the total load volume
tubing pressure fell from 7000 psi to 4240 psi. Again and 40 additional barrels of fluid (90% + oil). The well
nitrogen was pumped at a rate of 10,000 scf/min. In tested at 331 BOPD and 690 MCFD with 1000 psi FTP.
addition, a small skin frac treatment consisting of 1000
pounds of 20-40 mesh sand in 1000 gallons oflease crude RESULTS
was pumped at 1 BPM and commingled with 10,000
scf/min of nitrogen. The sand was successfully displaced To date, Oryx has performed overbalanced perforating and
with nitrogen. After a brief period of flowback, the well surge stimulation well treatments on over 50 wells. Of
was on line with gas sales in less than three hours after these well treatments, 55% were performed with TCP,
perforating. The well potential tested at 1300 MCFD. 30% were surged only, and 15% were wireline conveyed
This was the highest initial potential of any of Oryx's perforating guns. Negative skin values were found in
wells in recent times in this field. The subsequent 88 % of the 16 wells with bottomhole pressure build up
pressure build-up showed a skin of -2.3. analysis (Table 1). The median values for the completion
skin factor and the applied pressure gradient were -2.0 and
The third example well used only a liquid column to 1.25 psi/ft, respectively. The research team considers
achieve the overbalanced pressure. The well, located in these results overwhelmingly indicative of successful
Howard County, Texas, was overbalance perforated in the application of the extreme overpressure stimulation
Glorietta from 2950-3002' at four shots per foot with a 4" method. The extreme overbalanced perforating and
TCP gun. The bottomhole pressure of 4100 psi, 1.38 stimulation method may be the best way to complete most
psi/ft, was applied by pressuring a full column of 15 % wells.
HCI acid to 1700 psi surface casing pressure. The
pressure fell from 1700 psi to 0 psi instantly after CONCLUSIONS
perforating. The acid pumps were brought on as quickly
as possible. The pressure "spiked" at 2200 psi and 1. The use of extreme overbalanced pressure for
steadily declined to 200 psi as a total of 3000 gallons of perforating has not been well documented.
acid was displaced. The final production rates were stable
at 30 BOPD and 980 BWPD on rod pump. 2. There is both time and economic incentive for
combining the perforating procedure with other
The fourth treatment is exemplary of an overbalanced operations. Quicker on-line production will reap
surge treatment on existing perforations. The well was both benefits.


3. Extreme overbalanced surging has been used in Underbalance," paper SPE 22810 presented at the
wells with existing perforations by using an 1991 Annual Technical Conference of the SPE in
expendable plug or a frangible disk. Dallas, October 3-6.

4. Extreme overbalanced perforating and surging has 6. Dees, J. M., Handren, P. J., and Jupp, T. 1.:
potential application in a wide range of reservoirs, U.S. Patent No. 5,131,472, "Overbalanced
including high permeability reservoirs that require Perforating and Stimulation Method for Wells."
sand control.
7. Cuderman, J.F.: "Multiple Fracturing Experiments
5. Negative skin has been found in fourteen out of - Propellants and Borehole Considerations," paper
sixteen wells that have employed overbalance SPE/DOE 10845 presented at the 1982
pressures for the completion. Unconventional Gas Recovery Symposium of the
. SPE in Pittsburgh, May 16-18.
8. Bundy, T. E. and Elmer, M. J.: "Perforating a
The authors wish to thank Oryx Energy Company for the High-Pressure Gas Well in Mud: Is It Really That
opportunity to publish this paper. We thank the engineers Bad," paper SPE 16894 presented at the 1987
who were open-minded enough to try something so Annual Technical Conference of the SPE in
contrary to conventional techniques. A special thanks to Dallas, September 27-30.
Vann Systems for working with us and making tool
adaptations for this special application. 9. Northrop, D. A. and Frohne, K-H.: "The
Multiwell Experiment - A Field Laboratory in
REFERENCES Tight Gas Sandstone Reservoirs," JPT (June 1990)
1. Huber, T. A. and Tausch, G. H.: "Permanent-
Type Well Completions," Transactions of the 10. Arvidsson, B., Aseltine, C., Brooks, 1., and
AIME 198 (1953), pp 11-16. Varosh, R.: "A Millisecond of Shaped-Charge
Physics," The Technical Review, Volume 34 No.
2. Bell, W. T., Brieger, E. F., and Harrigan, J. W., 2 (July 1986) 32-39.
Jr.: "Laboratory Flow Characteristics of Gun
Perforations," paper SPE 3444 presented at the 11. Pucknell, J. K. and Behrman, L. A.: "An
1971 Annual Technical Conference of the SPE in Investigation of the Damaged Zone Created by
New Orleans, October 3-6. Perforating," paper SPE 22811 presented at the
1991 Annual Technical Conference of the SPE in
3. King, G. E., Anderson, A., and Bingham, M.: "A Dallas, October 6-9.
Field Study of Underbalanced Pressure Necessary
to Obtain Clean Perforations Using Tubing- 12. Behrman, L. A. and Elbel, J. L.: "Effects of
Conveyed Perforating," paper SPE 14321 Perforations on Fracture Initiation," paper SPE
presented at the 1985 Annual Technical 20661 presented at the 1990 Annual Technical
Conference of the SPE in Las Vegas, September Conference of the SPE in New Orleans, September
22-25. 23-26.

4. Colle, E. A.: "Increased Production with 13. Dees, J. M.: "A New Method of Overbalanced
Underbalanced Perforating," Petroleum Engineer Perforating and Surging of Resin for Sand
International (July 1988) 39-42. Consolidation," paper SPE 26565 presented at the
1993 Annual Technical Conference of the SPE in
5. Hsai, T-Y and Behrman, L. A.: "Perforating Skin Houston, October 3-6.
as a Function of Rock Permeability and

SPE 26515 P. J. HANDREN, T. B. rupp, AND J. M. DEES 7

14. El Rabba, W.: "Experimental Study of Hydraulic If yes, the tubing bodies should be rack tested to the
Fracture Geometry Initiated From Horizontal maximum differential expected for job with water.
Wells," paper SPE 19720 presented at the 1989
Annual Technical Conference of the SPE in San - Are the tubulars below packer differential rated within
Antonio, October 8-11. requirements for the planned applied pressure?

15. Yew, C. H. and Schmidt, J. H.: "On Fracture If no, the planned applied pressure should be adjusted, or
Design of Deviated Wells," paper SPE 19722 the packer should be set with pressure applied to casing
presented at the 1989 Annual Technical prior to setting.
Conference of the SPE in San Antonio, October
8-11. - Is the tubing clear of scale?
- What are the minimum I.D.'s in all equipment? Will
this be restrictive to any operation?
- If an on-off tool is used, what is the pressure differential
APPENDIX rating of tool?

The following list of questions considers many of the Packers

safety aspects that should be considered for overbalanced
perforating and stimulation procedures. - What are characteristics of the production (e.g. sweet,
sour, etc.)?
Casing - Are the elastomers and alloys proper for the production
- Is there cement behind all pipe that will be exposed to - What will be the differential pressure across the packer?
- Does planned applied pressure exceed the burst rating of Gun System
the casing below the packer?
- Is the casing over 10 years old? - What is differential pressure rating of gun body?
- What is rating of casing head? (Assume pressure inside the gun is atmospheric.)
- Has casing been exposed to hydrogen sulfide or carbon - Are all related equipment parts (vents, firing heads,
dioxide for extended producing time? extensions etc.) rated to a sufficient differential pressure
Use pressure relief valves (pop-offs) if planned applied - Would there be an advantage to a redundant firing head?
pressure exceeds rating. Cross sectional area of relief - Will guns have to be pulled fully armed if they fail to
valves should be greater than flow area of casing valve. fire?

Tubing Christmas Tree

- Will the burst rating satisfy the planned applied pressure - Does the working pressure of tree satisfy the needs for
needs with or without annulus pressure? the planned applied pressure?
- Have the tubing bodies and connections been tested while - Is the tree flanged onto the casing head?
tripping in hole?
- Test connections with the same fluid used to apply If no, the connection should be adapted to a flange
pressure for perforating (e.g. nitrogen, water or oil). connection, unless the applied pressure does not exceed the
- Were space out sub connections used? shear rating of the threaded connection.
- If screwed into the bottom of tree, was the connection
pressure tested? - Slip type hangers with valves screwed to the hanger are
- Has tubing (especially workstrings) been exposed to not acceptable!
hydrogen sulfide or carbon dioxide service?


Isolation Tools/Lubricators

- What is the working pressure rating? Is this sufficient - Is the liquid in tubing or annulus flammable?
for the maximum anticipated pressure? - If carbon dioxide is used, are the appropriate bleed-off
- What is the maximum rate for pumping proppant through lines in place?
isolation tools? - Is the liquid in the well corrosive (e.g. acid)?
- Can remote actuated valves be used instead of manual - Is the gas in the tubing or casing flammable? What is
valves? the critical mix range?
- For wireline applications, can a sufficient grease seal - If pumping a frac after perforating, is the frac fluid
pressure be applied for the maximum pressures expected? flammable? Be aware of volatile fumes.
-Is the wellbore fluid compatible with the grease used for
the lubricator? These questions are some of the more significant
-Does the lubricator have a packoff? considerations. Several of these questions and comments
have been added as a result of operations related incidents.
As a prudent operator, questions should be added every
time a new consideration is required. As this process
evolves there will be more safety considerations that have
to be made.

Table 1 - Build-up results for overbalanced well treatments



1. TEXAS STRAWN SS N2 PERF 5769 17 1980 1.39 7.2 -0.6

2. TEXAS STRAWN SS N2&SAND PERF 5763 45 1450 1.39 34 -2.2

3. TEXAS STRAWN SS N2&SAND PERF 5763 5 1650 1.39 0.6 -2.3

4. TEXAS STRAWNSS N2&SAND PERF 5768 28 1891 1.39 0.09 -2.3

5. TEXAS STRAWNSS N2&SAND PERF 5697 32 2058 1.40 0.08 -2

6. NEW MEXICO ATOKALS N2&HCl PERF 14305 68 11014 0.87 1.25 -2.3

7. OKLAHOMA 1ST SPIRO SS N2&HCl PERF 10823 70 8000 1.25 0.42 -1.4

8. NEW MEXICO MORROW SS N2&SAND PERF 9490 13 2816 1.21 140 85

9. NEW MEXICO ATOKASS N2&ISP PERF 13021 10 4771 1.10 2.4 -3.3

10. TEXAS STRAWN SS N2 & SAND PERF 5899 135 2200 1.27 14.7 -3.6

11. NEW MEXICO MORROWSS N2& ISP PERF 10784 44 4336 1.11 350 -5

12. NEW MEXICO SVNRVRS SS HCl SURGE 3022 20 640 1.69 400 10

13. MICHIGAN PDCSS N2&HCl PERF 10231 38 4650 1.33 1.47 -0.4

14. OKLAHOMA RED FORK SS N2&WTR SURGE 12630 40 5827 1.18 0.24 -1.5

15. TEXAS STRAWN SS N2&SAND SURGE 5921 128 1770 1.06 10.31 -1.1

16. OKLAHOMA SKINNERSS N2&WTR SURGE 11321 30 4653 1.24 1.54 -1.5


' (microseconds)

Overbalanced Perforating

. \ actur\ng

Time ----I~~

Figure 1 - Relative loading rates of perforating, propellant gas fracturing, overbalanced

perforating and hydraulic fracturing.

Gas and/or liqUid pumpers

0: ~:~:
; ;".;

(,. . ,a~
Liquid pumpers

·i:. . ·:.i:i.r-:. :.l.

$; Additional pressure

ill ~
applied with liqUid

Gas pressure in wellbore

t Gas pressure in wellbore

Damaged Zone
Figure 2 - A typical tubing conveyed overbalanced Figure 3 - Wellbore configuration for an
perforating well configuration. overpressured surge stimulation.





Figure 4 - Fracture origination from overbalanced perforations (A) and from

underbalanced perforations (8).


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