IF SWALLOWED: Call a poison control center or doctor immediately for treatment advice. Have person sip a glass
of water if able to swallow. Do not induce vomiting unless told to do so by the poison control center or doctor. Do
not give anything by mouth to an unconscious person.
IF ON SKIN OR CLOTHING: Take off contaminated clothing. Rinse skin immediately with plenty of water for 15-
20 minutes. Call a poison control center or doctor for treatment advice.
IF IN EYES: Hold eye open and rinse slowly and gently with water for 15-20 minutes. Remove contact lenses, if
present, after the first 5 minutes, then continue rinsing eye. Call a poison control center or doctor for treatment
IF INHALED: Move person to fresh air, if person is not breathing, call 911 or an ambulance, then give artificial
respiration, preferably mouth-to-mouth if possible. Call a poison control center or doctor for further treatment
Have a product container or label with you when calling a poison control center or doctor, or going for treatment.
FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARD: Can burn in fire, releasing irritating and toxic gases due to thermal
decomposition or combustion.
FIRE FIGHTING INSTRUCTIONS: Evacuate area and fight fire upwind from a safe distance to avoid hazardous
vapors and decomposition products. Dike and collect water used to fight fire to prevent environmental damage due
to run off. Foam or dry chemical fire extinguishing systems are preferred to prevent environmental damage from
excessive water runoff. Minimize use of water to prevent environmental contamination
FIRE FIGHTING EQUIPMENT: Self-contained breathing apparatus with full face piece.
SMALL SPILL: Absorb small spills on sand, vermiculite or other inert absorbent. Place contaminated material in
appropriate container for disposal.
LARGE SPILL: Dike large spills using absorbent or impervious material such as clay or sand. Recover and contain
as much free liquid as possible for reuse. Allow absorbed material to solidify, and scrape up for disposal. After
removal, clean contaminated area thoroughly with water. Pick up wash liquid with additional absorbent and place in a
disposable container.
This material should be prevented from contaminating soil or from entering sewage and drainage systems and bodies
of water. Minimize use of water to prevent environmental contamination
HANDLING: Use only in a well-ventilated area. Minimize dust generation and accumulation.
STORAGE: Keep container closed when not in use. Keep away from food, feed and drinking water. Store in a well
ventilated dry place away from heat. Store above 32 F.
Wear proper safety equipment specified in Section 8 when mixing, loading or otherwise handling concentrate.
ENGINEERING CONTROLS: Proper ventilation is required when handling or using this product. Facilities storing or
utilizing this material should be equipped with an eyewash facility and a safety shower.
Discard clothing and other absorbent materials that have been heavily contaminated with this product. Do not reuse
them. Follow manufacturer's instructions for cleaning and maintaining PPE. If no such instructions for washables,
use detergent and hot water. Keep and wash PPE separately from other laundry.
*Listed density is an approximate value and does not necessarily represent that of a specific batch.
CHEMICAL STABILITY: Stable under normal conditions, however may decompose if heated.
CONDITIONS TO AVOID: Avoid temperatures above 100F (38C) for prolonged period of time. Strong exothermal
ImidaPro 4SC SAFETY DATA SHEET Page 4 of 6
HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS:. Hydrogen cyanide, Hydrogen chloride, Carbon monoxide, Nitrogen
Oral LD50 (rat) - >1,100 mg/Kg
Dermal LD50 (rat) - >2,000 mg/Kg
Inhalation LC50 (rat) - >2.0 mg/L
Eye Irritation (rabbit) - Mild irritant
Skin Irritation (rabbit) - Slight irritant
Sensitization (guinea pig) - Non-sensitizer
OSHA - Not listed
NTP - Not listed
IARC - Not listed
ENVIRONMENTAL SUMMARY: This product is highly toxic to birds and aquatic invertebrates. For terrestrial uses,
do not apply directly to water, or to areas where surface water is present or to intertidal areas below the mean
high water mark. Do not contaminate water when disposing of equipment washwaters. Cover or incorporate spilled
treated seeds.
This product is highly toxic to bees exposed to direct treatment or residues on blooming crops or weeds. Do not
apply this product or allow it to drift to blooming crops or weeds if bees are visiting the treatment area.
FATE: Imidacloprid has a soil ½ life of 29 - 225 days depending on soil type and conditions. It is soluble in water
and has the potential to leach in permeable soil types.
ImidaPro 4SC SAFETY DATA SHEET Page 5 of 6
Contact LD50 – Highly toxic!
WASTE: Pesticide wastes are toxic. Dispose of in accordance with applicable Federal, state and local laws and
CONTAINER: Non-refillable containers: Do not reuse or refill this container. Offer for recycling, if available.
Triple rinse or pressure rinse container (or equivalent) promptly after emptying. Refillable container: Refill this
container with pesticide only. Do not reuse this container for any other purpose. Cleaning the container before final
disposal is the responsibility of the person disposing of the container. Cleaning before refilling is the responsibility
of the refiller.
Refer to the container label to determine if it is refillable and for complete cleaning and disposal instructions.
DISCLAIMER: The information presented herein is based on available data from reliable sources and is correct to the best
of Albaugh's knowledge. Albaugh makes no warranty, express or implied, regarding the accuracy of the data or the results
obtained from the use of this product. Nothing herein may be construed as recommending any practice or any product in
violation of any law or regulations. The user is solely responsible for determining the suitability of any material or product for a
specific purpose and for adopting any appropriate safety precautions.
This Safety Data Sheet (SDS) serves different purposes than and DOES NOT REPLACE OR MODIFY THE EPA APPROVED
PRODUCT LABELING (attached to and accompanying the product container). This SDS provides important health, safety,
and environmental information for employers, employees, emergency responders and others handling large quantities of the
product in activities generally other than product use, while the labeling provides that information specifically for product use in
the ordinary course. Use, storage and disposal of pesticide products are regulated by the EPA under the authority of the
Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) through the product labeling, and all necessary and appropriate
precautionary, use, storage, and disposal information is set forth on that labeling.
It is a violation of federal law to use a pesticide product in any manner not prescribed on the EPA-approved label.