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Principles of Monitoring Postoperative Patients: Oleh: Meity Sarah 2012610108

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Meity Sarah


 Abstract
Liddle C (2013) Postoperative care 1: principles of monitoring postoperative patients.
Nursing Times; 109 : 22, 24-26.
Postoperative care is provided by perioperative nurses. They are often experienced in a
specialised area of surgery that requires specific care for the intervention performed. This
article, the first in a two-part series, identifies the principles of postoperative nursing care.
These remain reasonably consistent over the years but nurses must ensure they keep up to
date with guidelines, policies and evidence-based practice.
A report by the National Confidential Enquiry into Patient Outcome and Death identified
a need for a UK-wide system that would enable health professionals to identify high-risk
surgical patients easily and quickly and for their care to be managed appropriately
(NCEPOD, 2011). This was accompanied by a number of other recommendations:
1. Elective high-risk patients should be seen at a pre-assessment clinic;
2. Mortality risk should be assessed and explained to the patient; this should be
documented on the consent form and in the notes;
3. Trusts should provide sufficient critical care beds or care pathways to provide support
during the postoperative period;
4. Surgical teams should calculate the volume of high-risk patients and help to plan the
provision of facilities, reporting to the trust board annually.

 Immediate postoperative care

Postoperative patients must be monitored and assessed closely for any deterioration in
condition and the relevant postoperative care plan or pathway must be implemented.
The NCEPOD (2011) report found that patients whose condition was deteriorating were
not always identified and referred for a higher level of care. Patients should be made as
comfortable as possible before postoperative checks are performed.
Postoperative patients are at risk of clinical deterioration, and it is vital that this is
minimised. Knowledge and understanding of the key areas of risk and local policies will help
reduce potential problems (National Patient Safety Agency, 2007; National Institute for
Health and Clinical Excellence, 2007).
Track and trigger or early warning systems are widely used in the UK to identify
deteriorating patients. These have been adapted by trusts for adults and children and are based
on the patient’s pulse and respiratory rate, systolic blood pressure, temperature and level of
consciousness. Additional monitoring may include pain assessment, capillary refill time,
percentage of oxygen administered, oxygen saturation, central venous pressure, infusion rates
and hourly urine output.
The National Early Warning Score (NEWS) was developed by a working party to provide
a national standard for assessing, monitoring and tracking acutely and critically ill patients
(not for use with children under 16 years or in Automatic monitoring: many trusts insist vital
signs are done manually as well pregnancy); the intention was that trusts would use it to
replace their locally adapted early warning systems (Royal College of Physicians, 2012). Like
other early warning systems, NEWS has six physiological parameters :
1. Respiratory rate;
2. Oxygen saturation;
3. Temperature;
4. Systolic blood pressure;
5. Pulse rate; Level of consciousness (this will be impaired in patients who have had
recent sedation or are receiving opioid analgesia, which should be taken into
consideration in assessment).
The system also includes a weighting score of two, which is added if the patient is
receiving supplemental oxygen via a mask or nasal cannulas.
When assessing the postoperative patient using NEWS, it is vital that the patient is
observed for signs of haemorrhage, shock, sepsis and the effects of analgesia and anaesthetic.
Patients receiving intravenous opiates are at risk of their vital signs and consciousness levels
being compromised if the rate of the infusion is too high. It is therefore imperative that the
patient’s pain control is managed well, initially by the anaesthetist and then the ward staff and
pain team or anaesthetist, to ensure that the patient has adequate analgesia but is alert enough
to be able to communicate and cooperate with clinical staff in the postoperative period.
Many trusts have yet to implement NEWS, although it is beginning to be taught in pre-
registration nursing programmes. Student nurses frequently perform postoperative
observations under the supervision of a nurse; it is reassuring that they receive some insight
and education as recommended by NCEPOD (2011).
 Vital signs
Vital signs should be performed in accordance with local policies or guidelines and
compared with the baseline observations taken before surgery, during surgery and in the
recovery area.
Nurses should also be aware of the parameters for these observations and what is normal
for the patient under observation. When assessing patients’ recovery from anaesthesia and
surgery, these observations should not be considered in isolation; the nurse should look at and
feel the patient. This also applies to children and should include observation of other signs
and symptoms, for example abdominal tenderness or poor urine output, which could indicate
deterioration (Royal College of Nursing, 2011). The RCN (2011) provides guidance on vital
signs performed postoperatively on children. Many trusts now insist that vital signs are
performed manually to provide more accurate recording and assessment.
All vital signs and assessments should be recorded clearly in accordance with guidelines
for record keeping (Nursing and Midwifery Council, 2009). Handheld personal digital
assistants (PDAs) are used at some trusts to store track and trigger data and calculate early
warning scores, which can be accessed by the clinical and outreach teams.
When a patient’s condition is identified as deteriorating, this information can be passed
verbally to appropriate health professionals using the Situation, Background, Assessment and
Recommendation (SBAR) tool advocated by the NHS Institute for Innovation and
Improvement (2008) (Box 1).
 Airway and respirations
Respiratory rate and function is often the first vital sign to be affected if there is a change
in cardiac or neurological state. It is therefore imperative that this observation is performed
accurately; however, studies show it is often omitted or poorly assessed (NPSA, 2007;
NCEPOD, 2005).
Nurses should observe and record the following:
1. Airway;
2. Respiratory rate (regular and effortless), rhythm and depth (chest movements
3. Respiratory depression: indicated by hypoventilation or bradypnoea, and whether
opiate-induced or due to anaesthetic gases.
 Oxygen therapy
Oxygen is administered to enable the anaesthetic gases to be transported out of the body,
and is prescribed when patients have an epidural, patient-controlled analgesia or morphine
infusion. Nurses should ensure and record the following:
1. Oxygen therapy is prescribed;
2. Oxygen is administered at correct rate;
3. Continuous oxygen therapy is humidified to prevent mucous membranes from drying
4. The skin above the ears is protected from elastic on the mask.
 Pulse oximetry
Oxygen saturation should be above 95% on air, unless the patient has lung disease, and
maintained above 95% if oxygen therapy is prescribed to prevent hypoxia or hypoxaemia. An
abnormal recording may be due to shivering, peripheral vasoconstriction or dried blood on
the finger.
Nurses should ensure that:
1. The finger probe is clean;
2. The position of the probe is changed regularly to prevent fingers becoming sore.
 Heart rate, blood pressure and capillary refill time
The following should be checked and recorded:
1. Rate, rhythm and volume of pulse;
2. Blood pressure;
3. Capillary refill time to assess circulatory status, along with the colour and temperature
of limbs, also identifying reduced peripheral perfusion.
Particular attention should be paid to the systolic blood pressure as a lowered systolic
reading and tachycardia may indicate haemorrhage and/or shock, although initially the blood
pressure may not drop and will remain within normal limits as the body compensates.
Tachycardia may also indicate that the patient is in pain, has a fluid overload or is anxious.
Hypertension can be due to the anaesthetic or inadequate pain control.
 Body temperature
Children, older adults and patients who have been in theatre for a long period are at risk
of hypothermia. Shivering can be due to anaesthesia or a high temperature indicative of an
infection, while a drop in temperature might indicate a bacterial infection or sepsis.
Patients’ temperature should be monitored closely and action taken to return it to within
normal parameters.
1. Use a Bair Hugger (forced-air blanket) and blankets to warm the patient if their
temperature is too low;
2. Choose an appropriate method to cool the patient if their temperature is too high
(antipyretics/fanning/tepid sponging).
 Level of consciousness
Postoperative patients should respond to verbal stimulation, be able to answer questions
and be aware of their surroundings before being transferred to the ward and throughout the
postoperative period.
A change in the level of consciousness can be a sign that the patient is in shock. The
AVPU scale (Box 2) is appropriate for assessing consciousness in adults, children and young
people unless they have had neurosurgery (RCN, 2011).
 Fluid balance
The NCEPOD (2011) found, in 30% of patient data reviewed, there was insufficient
recording of postoperative fluid balance. Nurses should observe/undertake and record on the
fluid balance chart the following:
1. IV fluids (colloids and crystalloids used to replace fluid loss postoperatively) and
2. Oral intake;
3. Urine output: catheter urine measurements should not be less than 0.5ml/kg/ hour.
Oliguria can be a sign of hypovolaemia and should be reported to medical staff
immediately. Check that the catheter is not kinked or that the patient is not lying on
the tubing if urine output is reduced;
4. Colour of stoma (where appropriate) and whether there is any bleeding;
5. Nausea and vomiting: if necessary, administration of antiemetics should be checked
and vomit bowls and tissues should be within easy reach of the patient;
6. Oral care;
7. Nasogastric tube drainage (aspirate if patient feels nauseous unless otherwise
8. Colour and amount of wound drainage: large amounts of fresh blood could be an
indication of haemorrhage; if there is no wound drainage, it is advisable to check that
the drain has not fallen out.
 Intravenous infusions
The RCN (2010) and Health Protection Scotland (2012) recommend that peripheral
venous catheters (PVC) are checked daily as a minimum, and consideration given to
removing any PVC that has been in situ longer than 72 hours (Health Protection Scotland,
2012) or 72-96 hours (Department of Health, 2011).
A phlebitis scale can be used to help assess the PVC site; the Visual Infusion Phlebitis
Scale (Jackson, 1998) is frequently used and recommended by the RCN (2010). These
national guidelines should be used as resources in caring for PVCs. The following should be
checked and recorded:
1. The PVC site when changing IV fluids, before administering IV medication;
2. Signs of phlebitis (redness, heat and swelling).
 Conclusion
The postoperative healthcare team is under constant pressure to discharge patients
quickly. This can lead to vital signs being missed and result in a delay in recovery.
Patients can be discharged quickly only when they do not experience any postoperative
complications, many of which can be avoided or identified with correct and thorough
monitoring of signs and symptoms.
All health professionals must continually update their theoretical knowledge and clinical
skills; those working in postoperative care can do this by relying less on electronic equipment
and developing their ability to combine the use of assessment tools with good observational
skills; feeling, listening for abnormal sounds and closely observing their patients.
Part 2 of this series, to be published in next week’s issue, discusses postoperative pain
control and patients’ care up to discharge from hospital. NT
Cathy Liddle is senior lecturer, school of professional practice, department of skills and
simulation, Birmingham City University. of monitoring postoperative patients. 2013

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