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M Ossbauer Spectroscopy On The Magnetic Hyperfine Interaction of Nonstoichiometric Europium Iron Garnet

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Journal of the Korean Physical Society, Vol. 41, No. 2, August 2002, pp.


Mössbauer Spectroscopy on the Magnetic Hyperfine Interaction of

Nonstoichiometric Europium Iron Garnet

J. G. Kim,∗ S. H. Song, and K. H. Han

Department of Physics, Hanyang University, Seoul 133-791

J. S. Lee
Department of Metallurgy and Material Science, Hanyang University, Ansan 425-791

(Received 15 February 2002)

The microscopic physical properties of the nonstoichiometric garnet Eu1−x Fe1+x O3 (x=0.2) have
been studied by using X-ray diffraction at room temperature and Mössbauer spectroscopy within
the temperature range from liquid nitrogen temperature to 560 K. The X-ray diffraction patterns of
the sample show coexistence of dominant garnet and a small portion of an unknown crystal phase.
However, the Mössbauer spectrum for the sample near the Néel temperature, which was 549±5 K,
shows that, within experimental errors, there were no other crystal phases. The average area ratio of
a- to d-sites for the sample was 0.76, which implies the possibility of some vacancies exsisting at the
a- and/or the d-sites. The temperature dependence of the magnetic hyperfine fields was analyzed by
using the spin-wave theory and the molecular-field model. From the analysis, the average strength
of the interaction and the molecular-field coefficients were determined to be 37.484 K and (−60.0,
95.5, −29.8)(mole/cm3 ), respectively. From the relations among molecular-field coefficients, the ion
distribution at the a- and the d-sites was {Eu3 }[Fe1.95 ](Fe2.82 )O12 .

PACS numbers: 75.50.Gg

Keywords: Ferrimagnetics, Mössbauer, Molecular field theory, Nonstoichiometric garnet, Spinwave theory

I. INTRODUCTION ments affecting the physical properties of a system. Also,

the method is utilized to determine the magnetization in
terms of the magnetic field produced at the nuclei itself
Iron garnets have attracted much attention because without an externally applied field. The purpose of this
of their interesting magnetic properties [1–8]. The gen- study is to carry out X-ray and Mössbauer spectroscopic
eral chemical structural formula for europium iron gar- measurements on nonstoichiometric europium iron gar-
net (EuIG) is Eu3 Fe5 O12 or Eu1−x Fe1+x O3 (x=0.25). net Eu1−x Fe1+x O3 (x=0.2) to observe the changes in the
The X-ray diffraction data show that EuIG belongs Mössbauer parameters by using some appropriate mod-
to the space group O10 − Ia3d with an overall cu- els and to examine the site preference of cations in the
bic symmetry. The unit cell contains 8 formula units sample.
{Eu3}[Fe2](Fe3)O12, where { }, [ ], and ( ) represent
a dodecahedral c-site, an octahedral a-site, and a tetra-
hedral d-site, respectively. Because the site preference
of the cations in the lattice is essentially determined by II. EXPERIMENT
their ionic radius, Eu3+ , Fe3+ and Fe3+ ions occupy the
c-, a-, and d-sites, respectively [1,2]. The superexchange The sample was synthesized by using the usual ce-
antiferromagnetic interaction between the trivalent iron ramic method [5,6] with Fe2 O3 and Eu2 O3 starting ma-
ions at the a- and the d-sites causes the garnet to be fer- terials with purities better than 99.999 %. The X-ray
rimagnetic [3,4]. Accordingly, the cation distribution at diffraction(XRD) pattern of the sample at room temper-
the a- and the d-sites of garnet is expected to be the most ature was obtained by using a Rigaku diffractometer with
important factor affecting the character of the magnetic CuK α radiation. The Mössbauer spectra were recorded
properties of the sample. using an Austin constant acceleration Mössbauer spec-
It is well known that the Mössbauer method is useful trometer with a 10 mCi 57 Co source in a Rh matrix and
for obtaining information about the microscopic environ- were measured at various absorber temperatures from
liquid nitrogen temperature to 560 K. To produce a uni-
∗ E-mail: kjgsldx@hanyang.ac.kr form thickness of 57 Fe of approximately 0.12 mg/cm2
Mössbauer Spectroscopy on the Magnetic Hyperfine Interaction· · · – J. G. Kim et al. -233-

Fig. 1. X-ray diffraction patterns of the sample.

over the area of the Mössbauer absorber, we mixed the

sample with boron-nitride powder and clamped it be-
tween two thin boron-nitride plates.


As shown in Fig. 1, the X-ray diffraction patterns

of the sample show a coexistence of the dominant gar- Fig. 2. Mössbauer spectra of the sample at various tem-
net and a small amount of an unknown crystal phase. peratures.
The lattice constant of the garnet phase was 12.484 Å.
This value of the lattice constant of the garnet phase
can be compared with the value of 12.498Å [2]. Some of temperature for the sample was 549±5 K. The values of
Mössbauer spectra for the sample below the Néel tem- the quadrupole interaction e2 qQ/2 for the sample were
perature are shown in Fig. 2. The spectra of the sample 0.387 and 0.891 mm/s for the a- and the d-sites, respec-
below Néel temperature were fitted to a mixed electric tively. They can be compared with the values of 0.408
quadrupole plus magnetic hyperfine pattern. The widths (a-site) and 0.872 mm/s (d-site) for EuIG [8]. Figure
that were assummed to be the same in respective sub- 3(b) shows the spectrum of the sample at room tempera-
spectra, and the overall absorption areas of the spectra ture. The a-site line of the spectrum was fitted with two
were independently varied as free parameters. However, sextets, ai and ai0 , under the assumption that there are
within the subspectra, the following constraints for the two possible angles between the principal axis of the elec-
areas of spectrum were imposed: tric field gradient and the magnetic field in the sample.
Ai,a = bd Ai,d , The area ratio of the two a-site lines which is expected
to be 3 [9,10], was 3.459.
Ai = A7−i , (1) Kubo [11] and Oguchi [12] calculated the temperature
where bd is the best-fit parameter, a and d are the spec- dependence of the antiferromagnetic sublattice magne-
tra for the a- and the d-sites and i goes from 1 to 3. The tization by using the spin-wave theory with negligible
absorption area of the subspectra for each site is pro- anisotropy. Their result can be expressed as
portional to the concentration of Fe ions using the value
of the recoilless fractional ratio (fa /fd =0.94) [7] of a- "  2  4  6#
to d-subspectra for YIG at room temperature. Accord- kT kT kT
H(T ) = H(0) 1 − A1 −A2 −A3 ,
ingly, an ideal area ratio of a- to d-sites must be 0.627. J J J
The average area ratio of the sample in the experimental (2)
temperature range was 0.76, which implies the possibility
of some vacancies exisiting at the a- and/or the d-sites. where H(0) is the magnetic hyperfine field at 0 K. A1 ,
Figure 3(a) shows the Mössbauer spectrum for the sam- A2 , and A3 are constants, and their respective values are,
ple near the Néel temperature TN and indicates that no according to Oguchi’s model [12], 1.528×103 , 2.572×105 ,
extra crystal phase appears in the X-ray diffraction pat- and 2.007×108 for an orthoferrite, respectively. The
terns. The isomer shifts at room temperature are found T 2 term in Eq. (2) represents the excitation of long-
to be 0.421 mm/s (a-site) and 0.197 mm/s (d-site) rela- wavelength spin waves deduced from Kubo’s “simple
tive to Fe for the sample, which indicate Fe3+ . The Néel spin-wave theory” [11], and the last two terms are given
-234- Journal of the Korean Physical Society, Vol. 41, No. 2, August 2002

Fig. 5. Reduced temperature dependence of the reduced

magnetic hyperfine fields obtained by using the molecular-
field theory (curves 1 and 2) and the equation (TC -T )β
Fig. 3. Mössbauer spectrum near (a) the Néel temperature
(curves 3 and 4) for (a)the sample and for (b)DyIG[20].
and at (b) room temperature, where the a-site line of the
spectrum was fitted with two sextet, ai and ai0 , under the
assumption that there are two possible angles between the
principal axis of the electric field gradient and the magnetic In the Néel theory of ferrimagnetism, the temperature
field in the sample. dependence of the magnetic moment per mole of each
sublattice [18] may be expressed in terms of Brillouin
functions as
by Oguchi’s correction terms due to spin-wave interac-
Ma (T ) = Ma (0)Bsa (xa ),
tions. J represents the strength of the interaction be-
tween neighboring magnetic ions in the sample and pro- Md (T ) = Md (0)Bsd (xd ), (3)
vides a measure of the range of the magnetic interaction
in which the subscript a and d refer to the a and the
d sublattices these sublattices containing Fe3+ as a the
The experimental data of the fields at the a- and the d-
magnetic ion, where
sites for the sample were analyzed with the sum of terms
to order T 2 and to order T 4 in Eq. (2) by using a least- xa = (Sa gµB /kT )(Nad Md (T ) + Naa Ma (T )),
square fitting program and best-fit constants A1 and A2 xd = (Sd gµB /kT )(Ndd Md (T ) + Nda Ma (T )). (4)
satisfying |Jd−a |/k = 36.44 K for DyIG [15]. From the
analysis, the average strength of interaction, |Jd−a |/k, In these equations Nad , Nda = Nad , and Ndd are the
for the sample was 37.484 K, which is larger than the molecular-field coefficients, Sa and Sd are the spin quan-
value for other iron garnets [6, 15]. The result for the tum numbers (5/2 for Fe3+ ), g, the spectroscopic split-
temperature dependence of the fields is shown in Fig. 4. ting factor, is equal to 2, µB is the Bohr magneton, and
As shown, a good fit was obtained to the experimental k is the Boltzmann constant. The magnetic moments
values over a the wide range of temperatures T < 450 K per mole at 0 K can be expressed as
(∼ T 4 ), for the sample [16,17].
Ma (0) = 2gSa µB , N
Md (0) = 3gSd µB N, (5)
in which N is the Avogardro’s number while the factors
2 for (a) and 3 for (d) are the multiplicities of the Fe3+
ions per formula unit at the respective sites. From Eqs.
(3) and (4), the molecular fields are defined (in Gauss)
Hd = Ndd Md (T ) + Nda Ma (T ),
Ha = Nad Md (T ) + Naa Ma (T ). (6)
For a set of (p = Ndd /Nad , q = Naa /Nad ) values, Eqs.
(3) and (6) can be simultaneously solved to obtain Ma
and Md as functions of T /TN for the sample. Figure 5(a)
(curves 1 and 2) shows the result of the analysis for the
sample. The best-fit (p, q) was (−0.312, −0.628), and the
Fig. 4. Temperature dependence of the magnetic hyperfine molecular-field coefficients (Naa , Nad , Ndd )(mole/cm−3 )
fields from the sum of the terms to order T 4 . A good fit for the sample were (−60.0, 95.5, −29.8), which can be
was obtained to the experimental values over a wide range of compared with the set (−65.0, 97.0, −30.4) of Dionne
temperatures. [19]. The result obtained by Crecelius et al. for DyIG
Mössbauer Spectroscopy on the Magnetic Hyperfine Interaction· · · – J. G. Kim et al. -235-

[20], using the molecular-field coefficients of Dionne [19] ACKNOWLEDGMENTS

is shown in Fig. 5(b) (curve 1 and 2). Good agreement
between the experimental data and the theoretical val- This study is supported by the National Research Lab-
ues was obtained, as shown by curves 1 and 2 in Figs. oratory Project (M10104000049-01-02010).
5(a) and (b). Dionne [19] obtained the following relations
among molecular-field coefficients by fitting the Néel the-
ory of ferrimagnetism to magnetic moment - temperature
data for several {Y3 }[Rx Fe2−x ](Qy Fe3−y )O12 composi-
tions, where R and Q represent diamagnetic a- and d-site
substitution, i.e., Sc3+ , In3+ , Ga3+ , and Al3+ : REFERENCES

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