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Inverse of a Function
Engineers have been able to determine the
relationship between the speed of a car and its
stopping distance. A typical function describing this
relationship is D 5 0.006v 2, where D is the stopping
distance, in metres, and v is the speed, in kilometres per hour. The graph of this function (below left)
shows that as the speed increases, the stopping distance increases faster. Another useful graph is the
inverse (below right), which shows the maximum speed allowed to stop within a given distance.
In this section, you will D v
Stopping Distance (m)
Speed (km/h)
of a function and how • The inverse of a function
20 40 f is denoted by f —1.
it relates to the idea of
reversing operations. • The function and
10 20
its inverse have the
property that if
0 20 40 60 v 0 10 20 30 D f (a) = b, then f —1(b) = a.
Speed (km/h) Stopping Distance (m)
Tools Investigate
• grid paper
• ruler How can you determine the inverse of a function?
1. Sketch the graph of the function
Points on the Points on the Inverse
f (x) 5 x 2 and its inverse. Function of the Function
a) Start by looking at points on (—3, 9)
the graph of the function. (—2, 4)
Thinking of an inverse in (—1, 1)
terms of a reverse operation, (0, 0)
copy and complete the table
(1, 1)
by switching the
(2, 4)
x- and y-coordinates of each
(3, 9)
Connections b) Plot the original function
points, draw a smooth curve through them, and label the curve
The notation f (x) is
6. On the same set__of axes, sketch the graphs of g (x) 5 x2, h(x) 5 2x __3,
and k(x) 5 x . Note that k(x) represents two functions: k(x) 5
and k(x) 5 x .
7. Reflect Which of the graphs from step 6 is the same as the graph of
the inverse of f (x)? Compare its equation to that of f (x). How do you
think the notion of “reversing” comes into play when dealing with
the equations of a function and its inverse?
Example 1
Determine the Inverse Numerically
The table shows ordered pairs belonging to a function f (x). f (x)
Determine f 1(x), graph f (x) and its inverse, and then state the (—5, 0)
domain and range of f (x) and its inverse.
(—4, 2)
(—3, 5)
(—2, 6)
(0, 7)
Switch the x- and y-coordinates,
and then plot the points. y
(0, 7) y=x
f (x) f —1(x) (—2, 6) 6
—5 0 0 —5
—4 2 2 —4
—3 5 5 —3
—2 6 6 —2
0 7 7 0
Notice that the domain of f (x) is the range of f 1(x), and the range of f (x)
is the domain of f 1(x).
Connections The inverse of a function f (x) can be found by reversing the operations
In mathematics, tools
that the function specifies. Consider the function f (x) 5 3x 2. This
exist for manipulating function multiplies each x-value by 3 and adds 2 to the result. Reversing
numbers and the operations then subtracts 2 from each x and divides the result by 3.
So, the inverse of f (x) is f 1(x) 5 __
expressions. Many of x
these tools come in
. The inverse is the “reverse” of
pairs. Two examples are the original function.
addition and subtraction
and multiplication and A systematic method for determining the inverse of a function
division. These are algebraically can be described by the following steps:
considered to be inverse
operations since one 1. Write the equation in “y 5” form, if it is not already in that form.
“undoes” or “reverses”
2. Interchange x and y in the equation.
the other.
3. Solve the new equation for y.
4. Replace y with f 1(x).
Example 2
Determine the Inverse of a Function Algebraically
For each function f (x),
i) determine f 1(x)
ii) graph f (x) and its inverse
iii) determine whether the inverse of f (x) is a function
a) f (x) 5 2x 3
a) i) f (x) 5 2x 3
Step 1: y 5 2x 3 Replace f (x) with y.
y=x —6
Using a graphing
calculator, set the line
style of y = x to Dot. The
window can be adjusted
using ZSquare from the
ZOOM menu.
iii) T
he inverse of f (x) is a function, since there is only one y-value
for each x-value. In other words, the graph of f 1(x) passes the
vertical line test.
—4 f —1(x) = ± x +3— 4
To graph g (x) =
______ x+3
— 4, you must enter two equations,
2 ______
_ _
— 4 and y = —
— 4.
iii) The inverse of f (x) is not a function, since there are two y-values
for each x-value. In other words, the graph of f 1(x) does not pass
the vertical line test.
Example 3
Apply Inverses
The relationship between the speed of a car and its stopping distance
can be modelled by the function D 5 0.006v 2, where D is the stopping
distance, in metres, and v is the speed, in kilometres per hour. The graph
of this function and its inverse are shown.
D v
Stopping Distance (m)
30 60
Speed (km/h)
20 40
10 20
0 20 40 60 v 0 10 20 30 D
Speed (km/h) Stopping Distance (m)
Key Concepts
C3 Explain why a quadratic function needs to be in vertex form in order to determine its inverse
a) {(1, 5), (4, 2), (5, 3), (7, 0)} the inverse of each
Connecting Reflecting
function. Is the
b) {(3, 5), (4, 0), (5, 5), (6, 10)} Communicating
inverse of f (x) a
c) function? Explain.
—4 —1
—2 1 y
0 3
2 5 2
4 7
—2 0 2 4 6 x
—2 —3 —4
0 —1
1 1
4 7 b)
5 9
2. Copy each graph. Then, sketch the inverse f(x)
of each function and state the domain and 2
range of the function and its inverse.
—6 —4 —2 0 2 4x
4 6
2 4 f(x)
—6 —4 —2 0 2 4 6 x 2
—6 —4 —2 0 2 4 6x
6 —4
4 —6
4. Determine the equation of the inverse of
—6 —4 —2 0 2 4 x each function.
a) f (x) 5 2x b) f (x) 5 6x 5
c) f (x) 5 x 10 d) f (x) 5 __
c) f (x) 5 (x 8)2 _1
d) f (x) 5 x2 10 9. In the 2008 Beijing Reasoning and Proving
Olympics, Usain Representing Selecting Tools
6. For each quadratic function, complete the “Lightning” Bolt
square and then determine the equation of set a new world
Problem Solving