Hydrotreating of Light Gas Oil Using A Nimo Catalyst Supported On Activated Carbon Produced From Uid Petroleum Coke
Hydrotreating of Light Gas Oil Using A Nimo Catalyst Supported On Activated Carbon Produced From Uid Petroleum Coke
Hydrotreating of Light Gas Oil Using A Nimo Catalyst Supported On Activated Carbon Produced From Uid Petroleum Coke
Fluid coke is less reactive than other petroleum cokes, Ltd., and sieved to give particles in the range of 150–350
due to its stable micrographitic structure and the lack of µm. Steam activation followed by functionalization with
pores [13]. Some recent studies have utilized fluid coke for HNO3 was used to produce activated carbon. The
the production of activated carbon [14], for the adsorption experimental set-up and detailed process are described in
of ammonium ions and for H2S oxidation [15], for the our earlier study [15]. For steam activation, 20.0 g of fluid
adsorption of water vapor and acetone [16], and for the petroleum coke was placed into the reactor and the
upgradation of heavy vacuum gas oil [17] using KOH nitrogen flow was adjusted to 100 mL/min. The activation
activation. temperature was increased to 900 °C at a heating rate of
Chemical and physical activation are two important 4 °C/min, and the steam activation was carried out for 9 h.
methods for the production of activated carbon. In The sample was then cooled to ambient temperature under
chemical activation, a dehydrating agent such as H2SO4, a N2 flow.
ZnCl2, KOH, or H3PO4 promotes the formation of a rigid The steam activated carbon (SAC, 5.0 g) was then
matrix. These processes have the advantages of not being placed into a 500-mL three-neck round-bottom flask and
prone to the loss of volatile materials and they help to 250 mL of 8 M HNO3 solution was added to this flask.
produce materials with large surface areas and pore This mixture was refluxed at 90 °C, with magnetic stirring
volumes. In addition, chemical activation can be done for 2.5 h. A reflux condenser was used to recover the
with short activation times and at low temperatures. For evaporated HNO3 (oxidizing reagent) during the process.
these reasons, many studies have focused on chemical The sample was washed with water to remove excess acid
activation. However, due to environmental concerns the (pH 70.5) and the product was dried overnight at 120 °C.
USEPA recommends minimal usage of chemical agents
and zinc chloride has been banned due to environmental 2.2 Catalyst preparation
concerns [18].
In contrast, physical activation uses mild oxidizing To prepare the NiMo catalyst, the activated carbon support
agents such as CO2 or steam which are environmentally material was prepared using a physico-chemical method.
friendly and can produce a high quality activated carbon at The carbon support was first dried at 110 °C for 5 h to
optimum operational conditions [19]. For these reasons, remove moisture and then the support was impregnated
physical activation is more attractive and cost-effective with 13 wt-% Mo using an ammonium heptamolybdate
than chemical activation for the production of activated solution. Next the sample was dried at 120 °C for 6 h,
carbon. Small et al. 2012 [20] and Rambabu et al. 2013 calcined at 550 °C for 5 h, and 2.5 wt-% Ni was then
[15] produced activated carbon from petroleum coke using incorporated using nickel nitrate dissolved in an aqueous
steam activation and then used the activated carbon for the solution. The metal impregnated sample was then dried at
treatment of oil sands tailings water and for the catalytic 120 °C for 5 h and calcined at 550 °C for 5 h. A NiMo/γ-
oxidation of H2S, respectively. However, there have been Al2O3 catalyst was also prepared as a reference catalyst,
no reports on the synthesis of hydrotreating supported using the same method. The γ-Al2O3 support material was
catalysts using steam activated carbon produced from fluid purchased from Sigma Aldrich. The catalyst NiMo/
petroleum coke. NAFSAC was pelletized using 10% bentonite to maintain
This work investigates the performance of nitric acid its mechanical strength and the catalyst NiMo/γ-Al2O3 was
functionalized steam activated carbon (NAFSAC) pro- pelletized without any binding agent. The size of the
duced from fluid petroleum coke as a support material for a pellets were 12 mesh, US.
NiMo hydrotreating catalyst. The support material and
catalysts were characterized using various characterization 2.3 Characterization
techniques in order to understand the mechanisms
involved in the activation process. The activity of the 2.3.1 Pore structure analysis
catalyst for the hydrotreating of coker light gas oil (KLGO)
was investigated. The main goal of this work was to utilize The pore size distributions, Brunauer-Emmett-Teller
waste fluid coke to synthesize a new support material for a (BET) surface areas, and pore volumes of the catalyst
hydrotreating catalyst in an environmentally friendly and and support materials were measured by a Micromeritics
cost-effective manner. In addition NiMo/γ-Al2O3 was ASAP 2000 instrument using low temperature N2 adsorp-
prepared using commercial γ-Al2O3 as a reference catalyst. tion-desorption isotherms. The sample was first degassed
in vacuum at 200 °C. The surface area was computed using
the multi-point BET method. The value of 0.1620 nm2 was
2 Experimental taken for the cross-section of the physically adsorbed N2
molecule. The total pore volume was calculated from the
2.1 Preparation of activated carbon amount of nitrogen adsorbed at P/P0 = 0.95, assuming that
adsorption on the external surface was negligible com-
Fluid petroleum coke was obtained from Syncrude Canada pared to the adsorption in the pores. The pore diameters
N. Rambabu et al. Hydrotreating of light gas oil using a NiMo catalyst 163
and pore volumes were determined using the Barrett- 2.3.7 CO chemisorption
Joyner-Halenda (BJH) method.
The carbon monoxide uptake by the catalyst was measured
2.3.2 SEM analysis using a Micromeritics ASAP 2020 instrument. The sample
was pre-treated for moisture removal in the presence of
The morphological features of the samples were studied by helium gas at 110 °C for 10 min. Prior to CO chemisorp-
scanning electron microscopy using a JEOL 2011 Scan- tion measurements; the sample was reduced in situ in the
ning Electron Microscope. The sample was ground to 100 presence of a H2 flow at 350 °C until the static pressure was
mesh and the powdered sample was dispersed in heptane in steady at less than 6.6 10–4 Pa. The chemisorption was
an ultrasonic bath for several minutes. A few drops were performed by passing CO pulses over the samples to
then deposited on 200 mesh copper grids covered with a measure the total gas uptake at 35 °C.
porous carbon film. The electron micrographs were
recorded as electron negative films. 2.3.8 X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis
2.3.3 FTIR analysis The X-ray diffraction patterns of the samples were
measured using a Bruker D8 Advance Powder Diffract-
Surface functional groups on the support material were ometer with a Ge monochromator producing monochro-
examined by FTIR spectroscopy using the KBr pellet matic Cu Kα radiation. In all cases, the generator was
technique at room temperature. The spectra were recorded operated at 40 kV and 30 mA. To avoid the problem of
from 400 to 4000 cm–1 with a resolution of 4 cm–1 by an illuminating areas at low 2θ angles, all samples were
infrared spectrometer (PerkinElmer Spectrum 100 Series measured using the same sample holder. Broad angle
FTIR, USA). powder X-ray diffraction patterns of all catalysts were
recorded on a Rigaku diffractometer using Cu Kα radiation
2.3.4 Mass spectroscopy analysis in the range 10°–80° with a scan rate of 2 °/min.
The ash content of the raw fluid petroleum coke was 2.3.9 Boehm analysis
determined using an inductively coupled plasma-mass
spectrometer (ICP-MS, Model Sciex Elan 5000, manufac- The concentrations of acid functional groups were
tured by Perkin Elmer, USA). measured using the Boehm titration method [21]. Different
samples of activated carbon (0.2 g) were placed in 25 mL
2.3.5 Temperature programmed reduction (TPR) analysis of 0.05 mol/L sodium hydroxide, 0.05 mol/L sodium
bicarbonate, 0.05 mol/L sodium carbonate, and 0.05
H2-temperature programmed reduction (H2-TPR) of the mol/L hydrochloric acid. The vials were shaken for 24 h
catalysts was carried out using a temperature programmed and filtered. After filtration; 5 mL of each filtrate was
desorption (TPD)/TPR Quantachrome autosorb-iQ instru- titrated with HCl or NaOH, depending on the soaking
ment for analyzing the nature of the reducible metal solution used. The number of acidic functional groups of
species in the samples. A 0.1 g-sample in a quartz tube was various types was calculated under the assumptions that
purged with helium at 400°C for 1 h to remove surface NaOH neutralizes carboxylic, phenolic, and lactonic
impurities. After the sample was cooled to room groups; Na2CO3 neutralizes carboxylic and lactonic
temperature in flowing He, TPR was carried out using a groups; and NaHCO3 neutralizes only carboxylic groups.
3% H2/N2 (v/v) mixture at a flow rate of 30 mL/min. The The number of surface basic sites was calculated from the
heating rate was 10 °C/min from room temperature to amount of hydrochloric acid that reacted with the carbon.
1000°C. The TPR profiles were recorded with a thermal
conductivity detector. 2.3.10 Catalytic activity
2.3.6 Temperature programmed desorption (TPD) analysis Hydrodesulfurization (HDS) and hydrodenitrogenation
(HDN) reactions were performed in a trickle bed reactor
NH3-temperature programmed desorption (NH3-TPD) of using coker light gas oil derived from Athabasca bitumen
the catalysts was carried out using a TPD/TPR Quanta- as the feedstock. KLGO is a complex combination of
chrome autosorb-iQ instrument for analyzing the acidic hydrocarbons produced from a thermal cracking process
properties of the catalyst. A 0.1-g sample was purged with (fluid coker). It consists of hydrocarbons having carbon
helium at 200 °C prior to ammonia adsorption. NH3 was numbers predominantly in the range of C11–C28 with
adsorbed at 50 °C followed by purging with He for 2 h to boiling points in the range of 200–450 °C. It has a specific
remove physically-adsorbed ammonia. TPD analysis was gravity of 0.95 at 20 °C and it contains 0.24 wt-% and 2.30
then done up to 950 °C at a ramp rate of 10 °C/min. wt-% of nitrogen and sulfur, respectively.
164 Front. Chem. Sci. Eng. 2014, 8(2): 161–170
The high pressure reaction set up consists of a liquid and destruction of the pore walls under the severe conditions
gas feed section, a reaction section, a high pressure gas- [24]. A comprehensive study on the effect of process
liquid separator, and a heater with a temperature controller. parameters on the porous and textural properties of
The flow of liquid and gas through the reactor is activated carbon is described in our previous work [15].
concurrent. The length and internal diameter of the reactor Based on this research, the optimum steam conditions of an
are 240 mm and 14 mm, respectively. This reactor activation temperature of 900 °C, a steam flow-rate of 15.0
simulates the process that takes place in industrial hydro- g/h, and an activation time period of 9 h were used in this
reactors. work to produce activated carbon from fluid petroleum
The catalyst was diluted with silicon carbide to coke.
minimize any problems related to axial dispersion, Table 1 shows the porous characteristics of the raw fluid
channeling effects, wetting characteristics and temperature coke (RFC) and the steam activated carbon. Figure 1
fluctuation. In addition, silicon carbide helps to increase shows the N2 adsorption-desorption isotherm and pore size
the length of the catalyst bed. When the length of the distribution for SAC. The isotherm is type IV, which
catalyst bed is increased, the axial dispersion is substan- indicates that the material is mesoporous in nature. The
tially reduced since a large length (L) to particle diameter BJH pore size distribution curve shows a narrow
(dp) ratio meet the Mears criterion (L/dp > 50). In the distribution and most of the pores are in the range of 35–
present study, L/dp = 65 (L = 11 cm and dp = 0 0.168 cm) 45 Å. As seen in the pore size distribution curve (Fig. 1),
which meets the Mears criterion. The details of the catalyst some of the pores are less than 20 Å, which implies that the
loading are as described elsewhere [1]. material is not completely mesoporous, but has some
Sulfidation of the catalyst was done by injecting 5 mL/ micropores as well. Compared to RFC, the surface area
min of a sulfiding solution (2.9 vol-% butanethiol) into a increased from 11.0 to 482 m2/g, the total pore volume
straight-run atmospheric gas oil at 8.8 MPa and 193 °C for increased to 0.231 cm3/g, and the pore diameter increased
24 h. A H2/sulfiding solution ratio of 600 mL/mL was to 37.3 Å using steam activation. Therefore, SAC can be
maintained during the sulfidation. The temperature of the used as a support material for preparing a hydrotreating
reactor was then increased to 343 °C and maintained for catalyst. Prabhu et al. [25] used mesoporous carbon with
another 24 h. After sulfidation, the catalyst was pre-coked similar pore sizes for hydrotreating light gas oil (LGO).
with KLGO for 5 days at 370°C and 8.8 MPa with a liquid Surface functional groups on support materials play an
hourly space velocity (LHSV) of 2.0 h–1. Following pre- important role in anchoring the active metals onto the
coking, the HDN and HDS activities of the catalysts were supports. FTIR was employed to check for functional
studied at 370 °C using KLGO for 3 days under the same groups on the SAC. The FTIR spectrum of SAC in Fig. 2
operating conditions. The products were collected at 12 h has only one broad absorption band in the fingerprint
intervals and stripped with nitrogen for removing dissolved region of 1000–1220 cm–1. This band is due C–O
ammonia and hydrogen sulfide. The total nitrogen content stretching vibrations. It is clear from Fig. 2 that no
of the hydrotreated product was measured using a functional groups are present on the SAC.
combustion/chemiluminescence technique (ASTM Another important characteristic for hydrotreating
D4629) and the sulfur content was measured using a catalysts is the presence of acidic sites. Acidity in a
combustion/fluorescence technique (ASTM D5463). The catalyst favors HDN and HDS reactions by changing the
concentrations of sulfur and nitrogen were determined electronic properties of the catalytically active sites. The
using an Antek 9000 NS analyzer. pore size plays an important role in facilitating the
diffusion of the feed stock molecules to the active centers
of the catalyst. To check for acidity, Boehm titrations were
3 Results and discussion performed (Table 2) and the SAC was found to have a
weak acidic strength of 0.752 mmol/g.
3.1 Production of steam activated carbon
3.2 Effect of HNO3 treatment on the porous structure and
Steam activation is a more cost-effective and eco-friendly surface functionality of the steam activated carbon
process for the production of activated carbon than
chemical activation. In steam activation, the development Surface functional groups and pore structure are important
of a porous structure depends on process parameters such characteristics that determine the effectiveness of activated
as the activation temperature and time, and the steam flow- carbons as support materials for catalysts. Functionalized
rate. An increase in activation time leads to an increase in activated carbon supports exhibit higher activity than
surface area, but long activation periods result in the walls virgin carbon supports for hydrotreating because, the
of the pores becoming thin and collapsing [22,23]. An functionalized activated carbon supports have more sur-
increase in activation temperature also results in an face hydroxyl groups which can act as anchors for
increase in surface area, but at temperatures above 900°C interactions with metallic precursors [26]. According to
the surface area starts to decrease, probably due to the Pradhan and Sandle [27], nitric acid treatment is very
N. Rambabu et al. Hydrotreating of light gas oil using a NiMo catalyst 165
Table 1 BET surface areas, total pore volumes, and average pore diameters of RFC, SAC, NAFSAC and NiMo/NAFSAC catalyst.
Sample BET surface area /(m2$g–1) Total pore volume /(cm3$g–1) Average pore diameter /Å
RFC 11.7 – –
SAC 482.0 0.231 37.1
NAFSAC 280.0 0.297 41.0
NiMo/NAFSAC 90 0.3 39.0
Fig. 1 N2 adsorption-desorption isotherms and BJH pore size distributions for (A) SAC, (B) NAFSAC, and (C) NiMo/NAFSAC catalyst
effective for the formation of functional groups on the Figure 2 shows the FTIR spectra for the SAC and
surface of activated carbons. Ademiluyi and David-west NAFSAC activated carbons. The NAFSAC spectrum
[28] confirmed that the HNO3 treatment is more effective shows that the nitric acid treatment created new functional
than other oxidation treatments for the removal of metal groups. The band at 3250–3500 cm–1 is assigned to OH
ions from bamboo, coconut or palm kernel shell activated vibrations and confirms the introduction of OH functional
carbons. groups to NAFSAC. The sharp band at 2900 cm–1 is due to
Here, the SAC was treated with 8 M HNO3 to create asymmetric v(C–H) vibrations in methyl groups [29] and a
functional groups and to impart acidic properties to the high intensity is indicative of the presence of a significant
material. BET analysis was carried out to determine the amount of hydrocarbons. The shoulder peaks at 2150 and
textural properties of the NAFSAC. Figure 1(B) shows that 1750 cm–1 are ascribed to (C ≡ C) alkyne vibrations and (C
the material exhibits a Type IV isotherm with a narrow pore = O) carbonyl vibrations in lactones or carboxylic
size distribution. The decrease in the height of the anhydrides, respectively. The sharp peak at 1625 cm–1 is
hysteresis loop is due to the low surface area. As seen in associated with C = O vibrations in aromatic rings such as
Table 1, compared to SAC, the surface area of the in quinines [30]. The small peaks at 1450, 1375 and 1050–
NAFSAC was reduced from 482 to 280 m2/g which is due 1175 cm–1 are attributed to C = C vibrations in aromatic
to the collapse of some of the pores in the acidic rings, C–N vibrations, and C–O–C vibrations in ethers or
environment. This smaller surface area led to an increase lactones respectively [29].
in total pore volume (from 0.231 to 0.297 cm3/g) and an SEM was employed to view the surface morphology of
increase in pore diameter (from 37.1 to 41.0 Å) for SAC the activated carbons. Figure 3 shows the SEM images of
and NAFSAC respectively. The Boehm titration of the fluid petroleum coke, steam activated carbon, and nitric
HNO3-treated steam activated carbon also indicated that acid functionalized steam activated carbon. Figure 3(a)
the acidic strength had increased to 2.41 mmol/g (Table 2). shows that RFC has a flat surface with no pores or cracks,
166 Front. Chem. Sci. Eng. 2014, 8(2): 161–170
Table 2 Boehm titration results for RFC, SAC and NAFSAC 3.3 Characterization of catalysts
Sample Acidic functional groups concentration /(mmol$g–1)
RFC 1.625 3.3.1 X-ray diffraction
SAC 0.752
NAFSAC 2.410 Figure 4 shows the XRD wide angle powder patterns of the
NiMo hydrotreating catalyst supported on NAFSAC and
the XRD profile of the NAFSAC support. The broad peaks
at 2θ = 25° and 43° correspond to the 002 planes of
activated carbon and is due to the inter-planar distance of
the graphitic microcrystallines [3,6]. The sharp diffraction
peaks at 2θ = 26°, 36.9°, and 44.3° in the XRD spectrum of
NiMo/NAFSAC correspond to β-NiMoO4 [31]. The peaks
at 2θ = 37.2° and 53.5° correspond to octahedral MoO3
and the peak at 43.9° indicates the presence of a metallic Ni
phase [32]. The sharp diffraction peaks indicate that the
molybdenum and nickel species are poorly dispersed on
the activated carbon support. The approximate crystallite
size of active species was calculated using Scherrer’s
equation (Eq. (1)).
Fig. 2 FTIR spectra of (A) NAFSAC and (B) SAC davg – size ¼ , (1)
which was confirmed by its low BET surface area (11.7 m2/ where davg-size is the average crystal size, l the X-ray
g). SAC (Fig. 3(b)) has deeper cracks and more openings wavelength, β the FWHM (full width at half max) of the
on the surface. During the steam activation, large fissures reflection peak, and θ is the Bragg angle [33]. The
were formed and the surface became perforated, resulting crystallite size of the β-NiMoO4 species in the NiMo/
in a surface area increase from 11.7 to 484 m2/g. As shown NAFSAC catalyst is 29.4 nm, whereas the crystalline size
in Fig. 3 (c), the HNO3 treatment resulted in the collapse of of MoO3 species is 18 nm. The crystallites are much bigger
the pores due to the acidic environment. This reduced the than the pore size of the NiMo/NAFSAC catalyst and so
surface area to 280 m2/g. Nevertheless, as confirmed by the these crystallites will block some of the pore openings,
BET analyses, the material still exhibited a Type IV which reduce the available surface area.
isotherm with a narrow pore size distribution.
It can be concluded from the BET (Table 1), FTIR (Fig. 3.3.2 BET analysis
2), Boehm titration (Table 2), and SEM (Fig. 3) results that
NAFSAC has a large surface area of 280 m2/g with an The pore structure parameters of the catalysts were
average pore diameter of 41 Å and exhibits average acidity. determined using the N2 adsorption-desorption isotherms
So it is suitable to be used as support material for a NiMo and the results are presented in Table 1. Figure 1 shows the
hydrotreating catalyst. N2 adsorption-desorption isotherm for the NiMo/NAFSAC
Fig. 3 Scanning electron micrographs of (A) RFC, (B) SAC and (C) NAFSAC. Scale for all SEM images: 10 µm
N. Rambabu et al. Hydrotreating of light gas oil using a NiMo catalyst 167
The ICP-MS analysis of the NiMo/NAFSAC catalyst Figure 6 shows the NH3 TPD profiles for the NiMo/
indicated the catalyst contained 2.2 wt-% Ni and 12.5 wt-% NAFSAC and NiMo/γ-Al2O3 catalysts. The NiMo/NAF-
Mo compared to the targeted values of 2.5 wt-% Ni and 13 SAC catalyst exhibits a broad peak at 250–350 °C which
wt-% Mo. The activated carbon also contained traces of can be assigned mainly to carboxylic functional groups
Mg, Zn, Na, V, Al, Ca, Ti, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Sr, Zr, and Ba. [36]. The presence of carboxylic functional groups in
NAFSAC was also confirmed by the FTIR results (Fig. 2).
3.3.4 CO chemisorption The low temperature TPD peak at 150–350 °C signifies the
weak acidity of the NiMo/NAFSAC catalyst. In contrast,
A CO chemisorption technique was employed to calculate the NiMo/γ-Al2O3 catalyst has a high temperature TPD
the percent metal dispersion in the NiMo/NAFSAC peak at around 600–800 °C, which indicates that the
hydrotreating catalyst and the results are presented in NiMo/γ-Al2O3 catalyst is more acidic than the NiMo/
Table 3. A NiMo/γ-Al2O3 hydrotreating catalyst was used NAFSAC catalyst.
Table 3 CO uptake of the supported NiMo hydrotreating catalysts
Catalyst Metal dispersion /% Metallic surface area Metallic surface area /(m2$g–1), Crystallite size/nm CO adsorbed
/(m2$g–1), of sample of metal /(μmol$g–1)
NiMo/NAFSAC 4.4 3.4 21.6 28 78
NiMo/γ-Al2O3 9.5 7.83 57.9 13 182
168 Front. Chem. Sci. Eng. 2014, 8(2): 161–170
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