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LESSON PLAN: Jade Cunningham 17999508 Page 1


Year: 8 Syllabus section:
Stage 4 Geography- Landscapes and landforms
Lesson: 8/10

Unit Name: Stage 4 Indigenous Unit- Australian Botanic Gardens

Aboriginal site: The Australian Botanic Gardens, Mt Annan

Lesson Topic: Engaging with Australian native flora and learning goals reflection Duration: 60 minutes

Prior knowledge/skills Resources (Attach classroom ready resources/worksheets students will be using,
required including relevant pages from textbooks)
• Attendance at site visit • Native plants
• Site visit photographs
• Site photographs
• Heavy books
• Understanding of • Paper towel
Dharawal culture and • Parchment paper
values • Clear snap-lock bags
• Knowledge of flora as a • Handout (resource one)
source of food and • Exit slips (resource two)
Quality Teaching Elements (lesson focus) - Highlight relevant items
1. Intellectual Quality 2. Quality Learning Environment 3. Significance
1.1 Deep knowledge 2.1 Explicit quality criteria 3.1 Background knowledge
1.2 Deep understanding 2.2 Engagement 3.2 Cultural knowledge
1.3 Problematic knowledge 2.3 High expectations 3.3 Knowledge integration
1.4 Higher-order thinking 2.4 Social support 3.4 Inclusivity
1.5 Metalanguage 2.5 Students’ self-regulation 3.5 Connectedness
1.6 Substantive communication 2.6 Student direction 3.6 Narrative
How are Quality Teaching (QT) elements achieved in the lesson?

QT element/s in the lesson Indicators of presence in lesson

Deep understanding Students connect their knowledge of Dharawal culture and values that has
been focus of all previous lessons within unit of work. Students demonstrate
the relationship and significance of flora to the cultural and spiritual value of
the sites landscape.
Social support Students interact and support each other throughout the lesson’s activities.
Students, community members and teacher share a strong relationship for
the support of students learning. Class freely moves around the space in a
positive and flexible learning environment.
Background knowledge Lesson is part of the unit of work learning journey expanding on students’
knowledge of site and its features. Students are given the opportunity to
reflect upon their own cultural and spiritual values.
LESSON PLAN: Jade Cunningham 17999508 Page 2


Syllabus outcomes: (number/s and descriptor)
GE4-2: Describes processes and influences that form and transform places and environments
GE4-5: Discusses management of places and environments for their sustainability
Students learn to: Students learn about:
Investigate the aesthetic, cultural, spiritual and economic Description of the cultural and spiritual value of
value of landscapes and landforms for people, including landscapes or landforms in different places
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples (ACHGK049)
Timing Lesson content Student activity 8 ways link
Teacher activities:
Lesson Pre-lesson • Teacher invites community members to join the year 8 class
Preparation for their site reflection and flora pressing two weeks before
the lesson through community connections
• Teacher provides details of what they hope students will gain
out of their interaction with the guests and what the lesson
will involve
• On the day teacher meets guests at administration for a
welcome tour of the school
• Students are greeted at the door and take a seat in the
Min 1 - 5 Greeting and yarning circle
• Acknowledgment of country is given by a student volunteer

• Community members give short introduction about

Min 10 - 20 Guest themselves, their culture and experience with the site
• Using Fruit Loop Garden site visit photographs displayed on
and yarning
the board, in the yarning circle students and community
members discuss the different flora in the garden and its use
in everyday life
• Focus is placed on the importance of the site for education
and sustainability
• Resource one (flora pressing instructions handout) is given to
Min 20 - 25 Flora pressing students and community members detailing the explicit
instructions instructions for the activity
• Instructions are read as a class
• Students select a minimum of four native flora to complete
Min 25 - 40 Flora pressing pressing process
• Students find a space around the room to follow steps and
complete pressing process
• Community members and teacher supports students
throughout the flora pressing process. Community members
provide further inside to students on how they would use
their selected native flora as a source of food or medicine
• Pressings are left in heavy books until next week
• In work books students write/draw a description of each
LESSON PLAN: Jade Cunningham 17999508 Page 3
chosen flora purpose and value to Dharawal people. Students
write any information they have learnt about their flora and
are able to ask questions to community members
• Students leave space to add pressings to each description of
Alternative task for students unable to participate:
Min 25 - 40 Alternate task • Students complete native flower colouring sheets to be
displayed around the room
• Colouring sheets have been selected to be native flowers in
the Fruit Loop Garden and that are important to Dharawal
• Students research and ask community members about the
dreaming story of their selected flowers
• Students are to pack away flora pressing equipment, and
Min 40 - 42 Activity pack-up tables and chairs returned to group formation
• Teacher gives back lesson two exit slip (resource two) for
Min 42 - 55 Site reflection students to reflect on their learning goals made prior to their
site visit
• Using the flora pressing descriptions, site photographs and
learning goals as prompts students complete a formative
assessment activity
• Students draw upon their knowledge from the unit of works
learning journey to create a reflective journal entry. Students
are able to create the entry in any form of their choosing
including written or images
• Students summarise how the site is valued as an Indigenous
site and how this is reflected in its management and focus on
• Community members are asked to join a table group and
support students to reflect and draw upon their knowledge
Min 55 - 60 • Students thank community members for being part of lesson
Lesson close and sharing their knowledge
and goodbyes
• As students are dismissed teacher collects reflective journal
entries for marking and feedback
LESSON PLAN: Jade Cunningham 17999508 Page 4


How have outcomes been achieved?
Learning outcome Method of measuring and recording
GE4-2: Describes processes and Formative assessment: students reflective summary of their learning goals
influences that form and transform and understanding of the values of the gardens site are collected and
places and environments marked. Students are given feedback on their ability to reflect and make
judgement on their learning, as well as their understanding of how values
operate to form landscapes. Reflective summaries are recorded as student
work samples.
GE4-5: Discusses management of Formative assessment: informal assessment of students understanding of
places and environments for their site management for sustainability through discussions held by community
sustainability members and as a class

Formative assessment: students reflective summary of the sustainability of

the site is marked and given feedback. Students understanding of the
management of the site will be gauged for following lessons level of detail.
Links to next lesson
• Following the unit of works learning journey, students will be story telling through music. Students will reflect
on their site visit and their knowledge of Dharawal culture and values to connect with the garden’s
• In the next geography lesson time will be allocated for students to add their flora pressings into workbook
• In the following geography lesson students will investigate the economic value of the site for various groups
involved in its management and sustainability through a google classroom research activity

AISTL graduate standards and evidence that this lesson achieves this standard.
AITSL Standard Evidence within this lesson
1.4 Strategies for teaching Aboriginal Students engagement in the flora pressing activity uses the 8 ways non-
and Torres Strait Islander students verbal learning for culture and pedagogy. Students interact with and
connect knowledge through kinaesthetic learning. Physical interaction with
the sites native flora supports students to make connections to words and
2.4 Understand and respect Aboriginal Allowing community members to be part of the flora pressing, kinaesthetic
and Torres Strait Islander people to learning activity allows both Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students
promote reconciliation between and community to interact with their culture, and support the learning of
Indigenous and non-Indigenous non-Indigenous students and teachers. Community engagement is key to
Australians understanding Dharawal management and sustainability practices. The
classroom is a connected and inclusive environment for students to engage
with their own individual culture and values.
4.1 Support student participation Student participation is supported throughout the lesson’s activities by the
encouragement of peer, teacher and community support. Lesson activities
have been carefully selected to reflect student’s prior knowledge to allow
engagement of all learners. Clear instructions and expectations are given to
students and are supported in the positive learning environment.
Alternative task is provided for students to be able to engage in flora
learning activity.
WHS considerations
• Teacher supervision is given at all times as students move around the classroom
• Students with any allergy to flowers/pollen are given alternative native flower colouring activity
• Explicit instructions are provided to students to safely complete flora pressing activity
• All community members report to administration for briefing before entering the classroom
LESSON PLAN: Jade Cunningham 17999508 Page 5


Australian Botanic Gardens. (2018). Indigenous heritage. The Botanic Gardens Trust. Retrieved from

Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership (AITSL). (2014). Australian professional standards for
teachers. AITSL. Retrieved from http://www.aitsl.edu.au/australian-professional-standards-for-

Board of Studies NSW. (2008). Working with Aboriginal communities: a guide to community consultation and
protocols. Board of Studies. Retrieved from https://ab-ed.nesa.nsw.edu.au/files/working-with-aboriginal-

Board of Studies Teaching and Educational Standards NSW. (2015). Geography K-10 syllabus. BOSTES. Retrieved from

NSW Department of Education. (2006). Quality teaching in NSW public schools: a classroom practice guide. NSW

NSW Department of Education. (2013). Work health and safety policy. NSW Government. Retrieved from

Wiley, D. (2018). Pressed flowers. Better Homes and Gardens. Retrieved from

Yunkaporta, T. (2009). Aboriginal pedagogies at the cultural interface. (PhD thesis). Retrieved from

Casual teacher Notes:

• All resources for this lesson are in the classroom ready for use
• All worksheets are printed and attached to this lesson plan to give students
• Due to my absence community members have been notified and will be attending a different lesson
• Please read through the flora pressing instructions before class

Community Consultation or Protocols to be considered:

• Community members are invited to join this lesson as students learn best about Aboriginal history and
culture through the experiences and knowledge of Aboriginal people (Board of Studies NSW, 2008).
Community engagement within the classroom is a valuable experience for students to connect with their
community and its Aboriginal culture.
• Before the lesson the teacher spends time with the community members to share what they hope the
students get out of the lesson and to make the guests feel welcome in the school community (Board of
Studies NSW, 2008). Having a strong relationship with the community is important for creating and
sustaining a positive school culture.
• Inviting Aboriginal community members to be part of the reflection yarning circle is important due to the
sensitive nature of teaching Aboriginal culture, spirituality and site values (Board of Studies NSW, 2008). As a
non-Indigenous teacher, I am not able to teach students about the true value of the gardens site or the
significance of flora and fauna for Dharawal people. Building a strong relationship with the community is
important to my own teaching philosophy, providing students the opportunity to interact and learn from
people first hand.
LESSON PLAN: Jade Cunningham 17999508 Page 6
Resources to support this lesson:

RESOURCE ONE- Flora Pressing Instructions Handout


Today we will be creating flora pressings of Australian natives used by Dharawal people as a
source of food, tools and medicine. These natives should look familiar as we saw what we
will be using today on our site visit.


Step 1: Select a minimum of 4 flora for pressing. Pick ones that reflect your own aesthetic
and cultural values or that the Dharawal value resonates with you
Step 2: Gather a resource pack that has the items you need: paper towel, parchment
paper, a heavy book and snap lock bags
Step 3: Use the paper towel to make sure the flora is free of moisture
Step 4: Place the flora between 2 pieces of parchment paper
Step 5: Place the parchment paper with the flora between towards the back pages of the
heavy book
Step 6: Repeat steps 3-5 for each of your flora
Step 7: Leave flora to dry for a week before checking on them
Step 8: In books write a description of all the information you know about each flora,
leaving space to flora pressing later
Step 9: Once completely dried place flora pressing in snap lock bag and add into book

IMPORTANT: It is very important to remember to always think before picking

any kind of flora in a natural environment. Today we used potted natives for
this reason
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RESOURCE TWO- Exit Slips (in the lesson this would have already been filled out by students prior to their site visit
and handed back for reflection of learning goals)


What do I already know about the site before visiting?


What do I already know about Dharawal history and culture, and how might this influence their value of
the site?

Draw 1 flora and 1 fauna I hope to see at the site

What is one thing I hope to learn about Dharawal value of the site?

What do I hope to take away from the site visit?


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