NZX1500 – 2000SY / Y2
NZX1500 – 2000SDL / Y2DL
Table of contents:
1. Introduction ......................................................................................................................1
2. Required add-ins ..............................................................................................................2
2.1. How to load an add-in ESPRIT...............................................................................2
2.2. AutoSubStock (optional) .........................................................................................3
2.3. Turning Work Coordinates......................................................................................5
3. How to turn on Custom Pages / POST Output Configuration ......................................9
4. Machine Setup ................................................................................................................10
4.1. Introduction ............................................................................................................10
4.2. Set the program name, program number ..............................................................11
4.3. Define the turning stock ........................................................................................11
4.4. Machine parameters ...............................................................................................12
4.4.1. Introduction ....................................................................................................12
4.4.2. Output of Program End (M02), Program End and Rewind (M30) or Sub-
Program End (M99) .......................................................................................................13
4.4.3. Work unloader on spindle 2 side: hand or receiver .....................................13
4.4.4. Tool station for part transfer and work unloader .........................................14
4.4.5. C-axis brake clamp/unclamp ........................................................................14
4.4.6. Set how to skip turning spindle control (for NZX-ST & NZX-S
configurations only) .......................................................................................................14
4.4.7. C-axis roll over ..............................................................................................15
4.4.8. Set position of optional stop code (M01) in the NC code...........................15
4.4.1. 99, 133 or 200 Tool wear offset number (Option on machine) ..................16
4.4.2. Output of the end of bar macro call (/2 M98 Pxxxx) ..................................16
4.4.3. Set position of sequence numbers (N) .........................................................16
5. Tools (T function) ..........................................................................................................17
5.1. T function specifications .......................................................................................17
5.1.1. Introduction ....................................................................................................17
5.1.2. Specify the tool number: Method 1 ..............................................................19
5.1.3. Specify the tool number: Method 2 ..............................................................20
5.1.4. Additional information: Tool call when machining on spindle 2 side (for
NZX-ST & NZX-S configurations only)......................................................................22
5.1.5. Restrictions ....................................................................................................23
5.1.6. Tool life management....................................................................................24
5.1.7. Second home position ...................................................................................25
5.2. Set tool movements................................................................................................27
5.2.1. Set tool movements from tool change position ...........................................27
5.2.2. Set tool movements to tool change position ................................................28
5.2.3. Moves to tool change position optimization ................................................29
5.3. SolidTurn Grooving: Control Edge Shift .............................................................33
5.4. Restrictions of 99, 133 or 200 Tool wear offset number (Option on machine) .37
6. Spindle direction, speed (S function) and feedrate (F function) .................................41
6.1. Turning spindle direction and milling tool spindle direction ..............................41
6.2. Spindle speed output for CSS unit ........................................................................42
6.3. Feedrate for 4-axis milling operations ..................................................................44
6.4. Output of rapid positioning moves (G00) with linear interpolation moves (G01
F) .................................................................................................................................45
7. How to output coolant codes .........................................................................................46
7.1. Introduction ............................................................................................................46
7.2. Set the first coolant code .......................................................................................47
7.3. Set the second coolant code (optional) .................................................................49
7.4. Set a special coolant code (optional) ....................................................................50
8. Simultaneous machining (for NZX-ST & NZX-S configurations only) ....................51
8.1. Simultaneous turning operations: Turning on the same spindle with 2 different
turrets .................................................................................................................................51
8.1.1. Balanced roughing cycle ...............................................................................51
8.1.2. Other turning cycles ......................................................................................52
8.1.3. Other turning cycles in Balanced Cut Mode ................................................54
8.2. Simultaneous milling operations: Milling on the same spindle with 2 different
turrets .................................................................................................................................57
9. Operation synchronization .............................................................................................60
10. Park cycle ...................................................................................................................60
10.1. Introduction ............................................................................................................60
10.2. How to park a tool .................................................................................................60
10.3. Park a turret to its maximal travel position (G53) ...............................................63
10.4. Park a turret prior to a transfer ..............................................................................65
10.5. Other functionalities ..............................................................................................66
11. How to program finished part catching and part transfer ........................................67
11.1. Introduction ............................................................................................................67
11.2. Finished part catching ............................................................................................67
11.2.1. Catching finished part on spindle 1 side after cut-off .................................67
11.2.2. Catching finished part on spindle 1 side after cut-off with stock
repositioning (programmed first) ..................................................................................70
11.2.3. Catching finished part on spindle 1 side after cut-off with stock
repositioning (programmed last) ...................................................................................75
11.2.4. Manually catching finished part on spindle 1 side (for NZXDL
configuration only) .........................................................................................................79
11.2.5. Catching finished part on spindle 2 side ......................................................80
11.3. Part transfer ............................................................................................................87
11.3.1. Part transfer from spindle 1 to spindle 2 with cut-off .................................87
11.3.2. Part transfer from spindle 1 to spindle 2 with cut-off (when machine
equipped with a barfeeder) ............................................................................................95
11.3.3. Part transfer from spindle 1 to spindle 2 with cut-off and stock
repositioning (programmed last) ................................................................................ 101
11.3.4. Part transfer from spindle 1 to spindle 2 without cut-off ......................... 107
11.3.5. Part transfer from spindle 2 to spindle 1 without cut-off ......................... 112
11.3.6. Stock repositioning ..................................................................................... 117
11.3.7. Machining of long parts with spindle 1 and 2 synchronized ................... 123
11.3.8. Workpiece Pushing Check (G38) .............................................................. 130
11.3.9. Park turret for transfer ................................................................................ 131
12. Multiple repetitive cycles ....................................................................................... 132
12.1. Introduction ......................................................................................................... 132
12.2. Roughing cycle ................................................................................................... 133
12.2.1. Introduction ................................................................................................. 133
12.2.2. O.D./I.D. roughing ..................................................................................... 138
12.2.3. Face roughing ............................................................................................. 139
12.3. Grooving cycle .................................................................................................... 141
12.3.1. Introduction ................................................................................................. 141
12.3.2. Face grooving ............................................................................................. 143
12.3.3. O.D./I.D. grooving ..................................................................................... 144
12.4. Threading cycle ................................................................................................... 146
12.4.1. Introduction ................................................................................................. 146
12.4.2. Threading with canned cycle set to single path ........................................ 147
12.4.3. Threading with canned cycle set to off ..................................................... 149
12.4.4. Threading with canned cycle set to multiple path .................................... 151
13. Hole machining canned cycles and other functionalities for drilling cycles....... 154
13.1. Introduction ......................................................................................................... 154
13.2. Face and side high-speed deep hole drilling / Face and side deep hole drilling /
Deep hole drilling with G74 ........................................................................................... 158
13.2.1. Face and side high-speed deep hole drilling (G83.5/G87.5) ................... 158
13.2.2. Face and side deep hole drilling (G83.6/G87.6) ....................................... 159
13.2.3. Deep hole drilling with G74 ...................................................................... 160
13.3. Face and side spot drilling (G83/G87) .............................................................. 162
13.4. Face and side tapping / Tapping at center of spindle........................................ 163
13.4.1. Face and side tapping (G84/G88) .............................................................. 163
13.4.2. Tapping at center of spindle (G32)............................................................ 164
13.5. Face and side synchronized tapping / Face and side (high-speed) deep hole
synchronized tapping / Spindle synchronized tapping .................................................. 165
13.5.1. Restriction of synchronized tapping .......................................................... 165
13.5.2. Face and side synchronized tapping (M329 G84/M329 G88)................. 165
13.5.3. Face and side (high-speed) deep hole synchronized tapping (M329
G84/M329 G88) .......................................................................................................... 167
13.5.4. Spindle synchronized tapping (M329 G84) (Option on machine) .......... 170
13.6. Face and side boring / Boring in turning mode ................................................. 172
13.6.1. Face and side boring (G85/G89) ............................................................... 172
13.6.2. Boring in turning mode .............................................................................. 173
13.7. Spindle / Rotary Tool Spindle Simultaneous Operation Mode........................ 174
14. 3D coordinate conversion (G68.1) (Option on machine) ..................................... 176
14.1. Introduction ......................................................................................................... 176
14.2. How to output 3D coordinate conversion.......................................................... 177
15. 4-axis wrap milling cycles with interpolation ....................................................... 180
15.1. Introduction ......................................................................................................... 180
15.2. Cylindrical interpolation..................................................................................... 180
15.3. Polar coordinate interpolation (Notching)......................................................... 182
16. Custom Settings index ............................................................................................ 184
16.1. On operation pages ............................................................................................. 184
16.2. On tool pages....................................................................................................... 185
16.3. In Machine Setup ................................................................................................ 185
1. Introduction
These notes are about the following post processors:
Note: NZX-ST has no Y-axis; NZX-STY2 has a Y-axis on upper left and lower turrets
and on NZX-STY3 all turrets have a Y-axis.
The output will match your machine configuration based on the loaded NZX Machine
Setup in ESPRIT. For example, if you work on a NZX-ST, no Y-axis movements will be
output in the code.
In the following manual, you can ignore any reference to the Y-axis if your machine is
not equipped with this axis.
In most cases, this programming manual will be referencing the most complex NZX
configuration (NZX-ST). But the given instructions are also applicable to other NZX
configurations mentioned above.
Please refer to NZX programming manual for detailed information on the related G and
2. Required add-ins
2.1. How to load an add-in ESPRIT
To load an add-in in ESPRIT, from the Tools menu, select Add-In...:
To load an add-in, highlight it in the Available Add-Ins list and check in Load Behavior
the box Loaded/Unloaded.
Also check the box Load on Startup: the add-in will then be automatically loaded when
you will start ESPRIT.
For the Mori Seiki NZX series, you will need to load the following add-ins:
AutoSubStock (optional)
MoriSeiki AddIn
Turning Work Coordinates
Once you are done programming a part, simply play the entire simulation and once
complete click on Auto Sub Stock. This will save the sub stock in the spindle 2 and stop
the simulation.
If you restart the simulation, you will be able to see the cut on the spindle 1 and spindle 2
sides all at the same time.
On the Machining tab, if you check Enable Stock Automation, you will not need to turn
off the AutoSubStock add-in since the Stock Automation will compute the state and
shape of your stock present in both the spindle 1 and spindle 2:
2.3. Turning Work Coordinates
The Turning Work Coordinate add-in will sort your operations in the appropriate work
coordinates and also offset the NC code for the spindle 2 operations. It is necessary to run
this add-in in order to generate correct NC code.
You will then see the Turning Work Coordinates dialog:
MainSpindle and SubSpindle information are directly coming from the Machine Setup.
WC Numbers: The first field will be used in the NC code. 54 will output G54 at
the beginning of an operation on the spindle 1 side, 55 will output G55 at the
beginning of an operation on the spindle 2 side.
Z Offset: It is used to correctly offset the work coordinate on the spindle 2 side.
The value is read from the Part Stock Length field of the Machine Setup (on the
General tab). The spindle 2 work coordinate will be offset by minus this amount
from the spindle 1 work coordinate. That is why the value you enter in the Machine
Setup is critical. A wrong value will cause a wrong offset and as a conclusion a part
not cut correctly.
Spindle Orientation: This information is coming from the Machine Setup and
is just informative.
On the Options field, Keep Z axis parallel with Tool axis and Reverse Z axis of WC if
spindle Z axis is reversed will have no effect for this machine.
So, you basically do not need to change anything on this dialog. Once you click on ok, all
your operations will be sorted for you in G54 (spindle 1 side) and G55 (spindle 2 side).
Note that if you want to output different work coordinate numbers, you can change the
WC number to 56, 57, 58 or 59. This machine can work with work coordinates G54,
G55, G56, G57, G58 or G59.
If you did already run the add-in, you can still edit the existing work coordinates and
change the name and number to whatever you need:
On the Features tab, double click on an existing work coordinate. So you will be able to
edit it. You can change on the Work Coordinate dialog the Work Coordinate Name
(informative) and, for the NC code, the Standard Work Coordinate Number.
Please note that you can also create a new work coordinate with the desired number and
then move any operation to it.
Finally, you can set an Autorun Mode. So, you will not need to think about running the
add-in every time you need to output the NC code.
None: No autorun mode selected, you have to manually run the add-in to sort
Before posting: Every time you will output the NC code, the add-in will be run.
Before simulation: Every time you will start the simulation, the add-in will be
Before posting & simulation: Every time you will output the NC code or you
will start the simulation, the add-in will be run.
To turn this tab on, in ESPRIT, from the Tools menu, select Options...
On the Machining tab, check the checkbox Custom Page, click on Default... (and Save
current as user defaults) and finally on OK.
Now, you will have access to the custom page on which you will be able to set some
flags. They will be detailed in the manual, when needed.
Note that with the MoriSeiki AddIn, you will be able to use the POST Output
Machine parameters can directly be set on the POST Output Configuration (see
part 4.4. Machine parameters)
On operation and tool pages, the function of the required custom settings will be
4. Machine Setup
4.1. Introduction
Some important settings regarding the NC output are set in the Machine Setup.
To open the Machine Setup, click on Common Machining and then on Setup:
Use Start Position Z to position the stock along the Z axis. It will be used, for example,
to define the front face facing amount.
Use Stock Type to define the shape of your stock: Bar, Tube (Inside Diameter will then
be available) or Casting (Casting Feature will then be available for selection).
Use Bar Diameter to specify the diameter of your stock.
Use Total Bar Length to define the total length of your stock.
Finally use Part Stock Length to define the length of your finish part. This will be used
by the Turning Work Coordinates add-in.
Note: The stock configuration will be detailed when needed in this manual.
4.4.2. Output of Program End (M02), Program End and
Rewind (M30) or Sub-Program End (M99)
On the POST Output Configuration, set Program End Code to M02 to output M02, set
it to M30 to output M30 or set it to M99 to output M99 at the end of the NC code of each
This will affect the NC output when you program your finished part catching. It will
differ based on the type of work unloader present on your machine.
For additional information on how to program finished part catching, see part 11.2.
Finished part catching.
It can be changed on the POST Output Configuration using the textboxes Station on
Turret 1 for Transfer, Station on Turret 2 for Transfer and Station on Turret 3 for
Transfer (for NZX-ST configuration only). You can enter a value between 1 and 16.
Note that if you work on spindle 2 side, 30 will be added to the entered number for NZX-
ST & NZX-S configurations only.
For example on NZX-ST, if Station on Turret 1 for Transfer is set to 4, Station on Turret
2 for Transfer is set to 7 and Station on Turret 3 for Transfer is set to 12, the tool call for
transfer will be T0400 for head 1, T0700 for head 2 and T4200 for head 3.
Note: If the station number specified is out of range (value entered greater than 16 or less
than 0), you will get the following error message in your NC code: ERROR: WRONG
For additional information on finished part catching and part transfer, see part 11. How to
program finished part catching and part transfer.
If you do not want to output these M-codes in the NC code, set on the POST Output
Configuration C-Axis Brake M Code to Do Not Output M Code.
By default, the turning spindle control on the slave turret will be commented out.
Set on the POST Output Configuration Block Skip Method to Block Skip to skip
turning spindle control with block skip (/).
Set on the POST Output Configuration Block Skip Method to Block Skip 2 to skip
turning spindle control with block skip 2 (/2).
When C-axis roll over is on, C-axis will be indexed between -360° and 360°.
Note: During 4-axis milling (wrap and rotary face milling) operations with C-axis roll
over on, if C-axis value exceeds a revolution (value output greater than 360° or less than -
360°), you will get the following error message in your NC code: ERROR: C-AXIS
Set on the POST Output Configuration Position of M01 Code to At Operations and
Syncs to output optional stop codes after each operation and each programmed wait code.
If optional stop is turned on on the machine, this mode can only be used when running
NC code on one head at a time (NC code proofing mode).
Set on the POST Output Configuration Position of M01 Code to At Tool Cancels and
Syncs to output optional stop codes at tool cancellation and after each programmed wait
code. If optional stop is turned on on the machine, this mode can only be used when
running NC code on one head at a time (NC code proofing mode).
4.4.1. 99, 133 or 200 Tool wear offset number (Option on
By default, 66 tool wear offset number will be used as a limit when defining your tools in
ESPRIT: the maximum tool wear offset number you will be able to output in the NC code
will be 66.
If your machine has the 99, 133 or 200 tool wear offset number option (200 for NZXDL
configuration only), set on the POST Output Configuration Tool Wear Offset Limit to
99, 133 or 200. 99, 133 or 200 Tool wear offset number will be used as a limit when
defining your tools in ESPRIT: the maximum tool wear offset number you will be able to
output in the NC code will be 99, 133 or 200. Tool calls will be done with five digits
instead of four when using the 133 or 200 option: tool wear offset numbers have three
digits instead of only two.
4.4.2. Output of the end of bar macro call (/2 M98 Pxxxx)
If your machine is equipped with a barfeeder, you can output in the NC code the end of
bar macro call with /2 M98 Pxxxx (xxxx is the program number). This way, when the bar
(stock) reaches the end, the automatic barfeeder will load a new one.
On the POST Output Configuration, enter in the End of Bar Macro Call (/2 M98 P)
textbox the program number you desire to call to check for the end of bar. It will then be
output as entered in the NC code.
This setting will only affect regular cutting operations: sequence numbers for transfer
operations will always be output.
Sequence numbers for SolidTurn Roughing operations with canned cycle on will also
always be output. This is to avoid sequence number mismatch since sequence numbers
will be used at the beginning and at the end of profile description.
5. Tools (T function)
5.1. T function specifications
5.1.1. Introduction
The first two digits of a T number specify the tool number and the tool geometry offset
The last two digits of a T number specify the tool wear offset number.
NZX1500 – 2000SDL / Y2DL:
Note: It is recommended to use the same number for the tool number and tool wear offset
number when specifying a T command in a program to avoid operator's errors.
In ESPRIT, you have two different ways to enter the tool call number that will be output
in the NC code. They will be explained below.
Turning tools:
Milling tools:
5.1.3. Specify the tool number: Method 2
If the Tool Number is entered as a one-digit number (1, for example) or a two-digit
number (14 for example) in ESPRIT, the post processor will combine this number to the
number entered in the Length Register dialogue box.
If, for example on turret 1, the Tool Number entered is 1 and the Length Register number
entered is 3, the tool call output will be T0103.
Turning tools:
Milling tools:
5.1.4. Additional information: Tool call when machining on
spindle 2 side (for NZX-ST & NZX-S configurations only)
When machining on spindle 1 with turret 1 or turret 2, the tool number will be output
directly as entered in the Tool Number dialogue box if method 1 is used or as a
combination of the entered Tool Number and Length Register number if method 2 is
When machining on spindle 2 with turret 1 (for NZX-S configuration only) or turret 2,
the post processor will add 3030 to the tool number entered in the Tool Number dialogue
box if method 1 is used or it will add 30 to the Tool Number and 30 to Length Register
number if method 2 is used.
When machining on spindle 2 with turret 3 (for NZX-ST configuration only), the post
processor will add 3000 to the tool number entered in the Tool Number dialogue box if
method 1 is used or it will add 30 to the Tool Number if method 2 is used.
Example 1 for method 1 (on head 2):
If 101 is entered in the Tool Number dialogue box, T3131 will be output in the NC
Example 2 for method 1 (on head 3):
If 1444 is entered in the Tool Number dialogue box, T4444 will be output in the
NC code.
Example 1 for method 2 (on head 2):
If Tool Number it set to 1 and Length Register number is set to 3, T3133 will be
output in the NC code.
Example 2 for method 2 (on head 3):
If Tool Number it set to 16 and Length Register number is set to 60, T4660 will be
output in the NC code.
5.1.5. Restrictions
Tool number and tool geometry offset T[][]— range of values:
The two first digits of a tool call entered in ESPRIT have to be contained between 1 and
16. When working on spindle 2, you do not need to add 30 to the number since the post
processor will do it depending on your machine.
Note: If the Tool Number is out of range, you will get the following error message in
Head 1: The entered Length Register number has to be contained between 1
and 66.
Head 2: The entered Length Register number has to be contained between 1
and 66.
Note: If the entered Length Register number is out of range, you will get the following
error message in your NC code: ERROR: WRONG LENGTH REGISTER NUMBER
Milling tool page:
This will trigger the output of G336 (group command) and M300 (tool life count): The
tool call will be made with G336 and at tool cancel M300 will be output.
If you omit (or enter a wrong value) to enter the value in the Tool Life Management field,
the tools will be called with G00; G336 and M300 will not be output in the NC code.
Milling tool page:
This will trigger the output of G30 (instead of G28) whenever a turret needs to be sent
If you omit (or enter a wrong value) to enter the value in the G30 or G28 field, turrets
will be sent to the machine zero point with G28; G30 will not be output in the NC code.
Moves From Tool Change can be set to:
XY Next Z: The tool moves along X and Y only to the entry location, then
moves into position along the Z-axis.
XYZ: Linear interpolation is used to move the tool from the tool change
position to the start of the cut in a straight line.
XZ Next Y: The tool moves along X and Z only, then moves along the Y-axis.
YZ Next X: The tool moves along Y and Z only, then moves along the X-axis.
Based on your selection, the movements output in the NC code will change
When loading a Machine Setup of the Mori Seiki NZX series, the default
selection for Moves From Tool Change is YZ Next X.
Moves To Tool Change can be set to:
X First: The tool moves away from the part along the X-axis first, then moves
along Y and Z to the tool change position of the next tool.
XYZ: Linear interpolation is used to move the tool in a straight line from the
part to the tool change position of the next tool.
Y First: The tool moves along the Y-axis first, then along X and Z.
Z First: The tool moves along the Z-axis first, then along X and Y.
Based on your selection, the movements output in the NC code will change
The selection of Moves To Tool Change movement will override the selection
made for Moves From Tool Change. For example, if both Moves To & From Tool
Change are set to XYZ and Moves To Tool Change is changed to X First, Moves
From Tool Change will automatically be changed to YZ Next X. This is to
maintain consistency in the tool movements before and after an operation.
When loading a Machine Setup of the Mori Seiki NZX series, the default
selection for Moves To Tool Change is X First.
Using the Tool Change Movement X, Y, Z settings on the turning and milling tool pages,
you can optimize your tool movements to its tool cancel position. These settings will
allow you to fully utilize the production capabilities of your machine.
Note that the tool cancel position of the current tool is also the tool change position of the
next tool that will be used.
Turning tools:
Milling tools:
Movement X, Y, Z can be set to:
None: The tool will not move along the selected axis. If you set for example
Movement X to None, the tool will not move along the X-axis when going to the
tool cancel position.
Home: The tool will be sent to the machine zero point with G28 along the
selected axis. Note that second home position G30 can be output instead of G28,
please see part 5.1.7. Second home position for additional information. This is the
default when creating a new tool.
Machine: The tool will move along the selected axis in the machine work
coordinate (G53) to the specified position in Position X, Y, Z fields.
Note: The X; Y & Z positions entered in ESPRIT (for Machine mode) are absolute in
YZX. So the post processor will compute and output the correct values from this absolute
position based on the turret and the spindle in use.
Once the tool movement has been optimized, the movements sequence will be given by
the Moves To Tool Change setting in the ESPRIT Machine Setup (see part 5.2.2. Set tool
movements to tool change position). See the examples below:
Example 1:
If Moves To Tool Change is set to X First and Movement X, Y, Z is set to Machine
(Position -100), Home, Home, the NC code output at tool cancel will be:
G53 X-200.0
G28 V0 W0
Example 2:
If Moves To Tool Change is set to XYZ and Movement X, Y, Z is set to Home,
Home, Home, the NC code output at tool cancel will be:
G28 U0 V0 W0
Example 3:
If Moves To Tool Change is set to Z First and Movement X, Y, Z is set to None,
Machine (Position 10), Home, the NC code output at tool cancel will be:
G28 W0
G53 Y10.0
Note that if your Moves To Tool Change and Movements X, Y, Z combination would
result in impossible movement (movement that would trigger an alarm on the machine
for example), you will get an error message at the beginning of your NC code.
The output error message will list all the incorrectly set tools to help you find what tools
need to be modified.
Here is an example of an impossible movement that will trigger the output of an error
message: If Moves To Tool Change is set to XYZ and Movement X, Y, Z is set to Home,
Machine, None, you will get this error message in the NC code: ERROR: TOOL
The very first tool of a program will always be called from home (G28).
Tool cancel position of current tool will match tool change position of the next
Movements X, Y, Z set to None, None, None can only be used for dummy tools
created for park cycle.
If your machine configuration does not have a Y-axis, Movement Y will not
have any effect on the error checking routine when defining your optimized tool
change position.
By default, tools will be sent home at tool change and at tool cancel with X-axis
moved first.
To enable Control Edge Shift in ESPRIT, on the Finish tab of the SolidTurn Grooving
operation, set Control Edge Shift to Yes:
This is only effective for the finish pass of the groove.
The Finish Mode has to be set to Per Side.
The second tool wear offset data can be specified on the General tab of the Grooving
Insert tool page in the Edge Shift Register field:
Tool wear offset range of values for NZX-ST configuration:
Head 1: The entered Edge Shift Register number has to be contained between 1
and 66.
Head 1 with tool life management on: The entered Edge Shift Register number
has to be contained between 1 and 66.
Head 2 machining on spindle 1 side: The entered Edge Shift Register number
has to be contained between 1 and 30.
Head 2 machining on spindle 2 side: The entered Edge Shift Register number
has to be contained between 1 and 30, 30 will be added to this number.
Head 2 with tool life management on: The entered Edge Shift Register number
has to be contained between 1 and 66.
Head 3: The entered Edge Shift Register number has to be contained between 1
and 66.
Head 3 with tool life management on: The entered Edge Shift Register number
has to be contained between 1 and 66.
Tool wear offset range of values for NZX-S configuration:
Head 1 machining on spindle 1 side: The entered Edge Shift Register number
has to be contained between 1 and 30.
Head 1 machining on spindle 2 side: The entered Edge Shift Register number
has to be contained between 1 and 30, 30 will be added to this number.
Head 1 with tool life management on: The entered Edge Shift Register number
has to be contained between 1 and 66.
Head 2 machining on spindle 1 side: The entered Edge Shift Register number
has to be contained between 1 and 30.
Head 2 machining on spindle 2 side: The entered Edge Shift Register number
has to be contained between 1 and 30, 30 will be added to this number.
Head 2 with tool life management on: The entered Edge Shift Register number
has to be contained between 1 and 66.
Note: If the entered Edge Shift Register number is out of range, you will get the
following error message in your NC code: ERROR: WRONG EDGE SHIFT
Regular operations - Tool wear offset range of values for NZX-ST configuration:
With the 99 option:
Head 1: The entered Length Register number has to be contained between 1
and 99.
Head 2 machining on spindle 1 side: The entered Length Register number has
to be contained between 1 and 49.
Head 2 machining on spindle 2 side: The entered Length Register number has
to be contained between 1 and 49, 50 will be added to this number.
Head 3: The entered Length Register number has to be contained between 1
and 99.
With the 133 option:
Head 1: The entered Length Register number has to be contained between 1
and 133.
Head 2 machining on spindle 1 side: The entered Length Register number has
to be contained between 1 and 67.
Head 2 machining on spindle 2 side: The entered Length Register number has
to be contained between 1 and 67, 66 will be added to this number.
Head 3: The entered Length Register number has to be contained between 1
and 133.
Regular operations - Tool wear offset range of values for NZX-S configuration:
With the 99 option:
Head 1 machining on spindle 1 side: The entered Length Register number has
to be contained between 1 and 49.
Head 1 machining on spindle 2 side: The entered Length Register number has
to be contained between 1 and 49, 50 will be added to this number.
Head 2 machining on spindle 1 side: The entered Length Register number has
to be contained between 1 and 49.
Head 2 machining on spindle 2 side: The entered Length Register number has
to be contained between 1 and 49, 50 will be added to this number.
Regular operations - Tool wear offset range of values for NZXDL configuration:
With the 99 option:
Head 1: The entered Length Register number has to be contained between 1
and 99.
Head 2: The entered Length Register number has to be contained between 1
and 99.
Head 1: The entered Length Register number has to be contained between 1
and 200.
Head 2: The entered Length Register number has to be contained between 1
and 200.
Note: If the entered Length Register number is out of range, you will get the following
error message in your NC code: ERROR: WRONG LENGTH REGISTER NUMBER
With the 133 and 200 options, you now have five digits instead of four output at tool call.
So if you are using method 1 to enter your tool and tool wear offset numbers when
creating your tools in ESPRIT, make sure to enter a five-digit number. For example,
where before you would enter 101 to output in the NC code T0101, you now have to
enter 1001 to output T01001.
SolidTurn Grooving with Control Edge Shift - Tool wear offset range of values for NZX-
ST configuration:
With the 99 option:
Head 1: The entered Edge Shift Register number has to be contained between 1
and 99.
Head 1 with tool life management on: The entered Edge Shift Register number
has to be contained between 1 and 99.
Head 2 machining on spindle 1 side: The entered Edge Shift Register number
has to be contained between 1 and 49.
Head 2 machining on spindle 2 side: The entered Edge Shift Register number
has to be contained between 1 and 49, 50 will be added to this number.
Head 2 with tool life management on: The entered Edge Shift Register number
has to be contained between 1 and 99.
Head 3: The entered Edge Shift Register number has to be contained between 1
and 99.
Head 3 with tool life management on: The entered Edge Shift Register number
has to be contained between 1 and 99.
Head 3: The entered Edge Shift Register number has to be contained between 1
and 133.
Head 3 with tool life management on: The entered Edge Shift Register number
has to be contained between 1 and 133.
SolidTurn Grooving with Control Edge Shift - Tool wear offset range of values for NZX-
S configuration:
With the 99 option:
Head 1 machining on spindle 1 side: The entered Edge Shift Register number
has to be contained between 1 and 49.
Head 1 machining on spindle 2 side: The entered Edge Shift Register number
has to be contained between 1 and 49, 50 will be added to this number.
Head 1 with tool life management on: The entered Edge Shift Register number
has to be contained between 1 and 99.
Head 2 machining on spindle 1 side: The entered Edge Shift Register number
has to be contained between 1 and 49.
Head 2 machining on spindle 2 side: The entered Edge Shift Register number
has to be contained between 1 and 49, 50 will be added to this number.
Head 2 with tool life management on: The entered Edge Shift Register number
has to be contained between 1 and 99.
SolidTurn Grooving with Control Edge Shift - Tool wear offset range of values for
NZXDL configuration:
With the 99 option:
Head 1: The entered Edge Shift Register number has to be contained between 1
and 99.
Head 1 with tool life management on: The entered Edge Shift Register number
has to be contained between 1 and 99.
Head 2: The entered Edge Shift Register number has to be contained between 1
and 99.
Head 2 with tool life management on: The entered Edge Shift Register number
has to be contained between 1 and 99.
Note: If the entered Edge Shift Register number is out of range, you will get the
following error message in your NC code: ERROR: WRONG EDGE SHIFT
For the turning Drilling and milling operations, the turning spindle direction or milling
tool spindle direction is specified by the Spindle Direction pull-down on the first tab of
the tool page.
On a turning operation page, if you choose to output the turning spindle speed in the unit
CSS (Constant Surface Speed), a warm up speed will first be output with the G97 code
before the first positioning move. The speed value is computed at the first diameter from
where the CSS command will be turned on. Next, after positioning the tool, the CSS is
turned on by the output of G96 S. The cut is done and finally, at the last diameter, the
CSS is cancelled by the output of G97 S with S computed at the current last diameter.
6.3. Feedrate for 4-axis milling operations
For Wrap Pocketing and Wrap Contouring operations with Cylindrical Interpolation set
to No, Rotary Face Pocketing and Rotary Face Contouring operations with Polar
Interpolation set to No or 5-axis operations with 5 th axis locked with Z-axis (5-axis
operation becomes a 4-axis operation), a rotary feedrate will be computed by the post
processor, based on the linear and rotary (C-axis) moves of the cut.
This computation is necessary since two types of feedrate are involved for 4-axis wrap
cuts: linear feedrates (linear moves along XYZ) in mm/min (or inch/min) and rotary
feedrates (angular moves around the C-axis) in deg/min.
In ESPRIT, when programming such operations, simply enter the desired XY and Z PM
(per minute) feedrate values. The post will then, based on these values, compute the
correct 4-axis feedrate.
6.4. Output of rapid positioning moves (G00) with linear
interpolation moves (G01 F)
CAUTION !!! Works with milling operations
By default, rapid positioning moves will be output with G00 in the NC code.
If you want to output your rapid positioning moves with linear interpolation (G01 F),
enter the desired rapid feedrate value in the Rapid Feedrate (G01 F) (Custom Setting 1)
field of the Custom tab of the milling operation page.
7. How to output coolant codes
7.1. Introduction
The Mori Seiki NZX Series can handle multiple different types of coolant:
Code Function
M08 Coolant ON
M09 Coolant OFF
M278 Through-spindle coolant ON (spindle 2)
M279 Through-spindle coolant OFF (spindle 2)
M382 Shower coolant ON
M383 Shower coolant OFF
M478 Through-spindle coolant ON (spindle 1)
M479 Through-spindle coolant OFF (spindle 1)
M621 Super high pressure coolant ON
M622 Super high pressure coolant OFF
M651 Chuck top coolant ON (spindle 1)
M652 Chuck top coolant OFF (spindle 1)
For NZXDL configuration:
Code Function
M08 Coolant ON
M09 Coolant OFF
M382 Shower coolant ON
M383 Shower coolant OFF
M478 Through-spindle coolant ON
M479 Through-spindle coolant OFF
M621 Super high pressure coolant ON
M622 Super high pressure coolant OFF
M651 Chuck top coolant ON
M652 Chuck top coolant OFF
The post processor will handle the output of two different coolant codes per tool.
Milling tool page:
Set Coolant to:
On to output M08 (M09)
Flood 2 Through Spindle to output M278 (M279) for NZX-ST & NZX-S
configurations only
Flood to output M382 (M383)
Flood Through Spindle to output M478 (M479)
On Through Spindle to output M621 (M622)
Mist to output M651 (M652)
Milling tool page:
page. Note that both values will need to be entered for the M-codes to be output in the
NC code.
The codes will then be output in NC code: special coolant code ON will be output before
turning spindle or live tool speed output; special coolant code OFF will be output after
turning spindle or live tool stop code (M05).
For the Trailing Tool balanced mode, a wait code (soft sync) will be output in between
each pass. For the Simultaneous balanced mode, the Balanced Cut Mode (G68) will be
turned on on both involved heads and will be canceled at the end of the cut by the
Balanced Cut Mode Cancel code (G69).
The spindle speed will only be output in channel 1 for head 1 / head 2 balanced turning
operation (or in channel 3 for head 2 / head 3 balanced turning operation for NZX-ST
configuration), not in channel 2.
For not having this problem, the head with the longest operation must have the
control of the spindle speed.
The head controlling the spindle and the head “slave” are set on the operation page of
turning operations, using the Spindle Priority setting:
Set Spindle Priority to:
Off or On to output the spindle speed
Other Operation: the other head is controlling the spindle and the spindle
speeds are output (by default) as comments (or with a block skip (/) or block skip 2
(/2), see part 4.4.6. Set how to skip turning spindle control).
Note: Make sure, if needed, to activate the block delete function on the control.
8.1.3. Other turning cycles in Balanced Cut Mode
CAUTION !!! Do not use with SolidTurn Drilling.
To program simultaneous turning operations in Balanced Cut Mode (G68), you will need
to synchronize head 1 & head 2 (or head 2 & head 3 for NZX-ST configuration) prior to
the turning operations with the SimMach Sync Code. It will trigger the simultaneous
turning in Balanced Cut Mode: G68 will be output to turn on Balanced Cut Mode at the
beginning of the operations and G69 will be output to turn it off at the end of the
To program the SimMach Sync Code, you can in ESPRIT on the Operations tab of the
Project Manager create a Sync above your two operations and then double click on it and
change the Sync Code to SimMach. After clicking on OK, your Sync will become a
SimMach Sync Code.
Or, you can also directly select SimMach from the pull-down on top of the Operations tab
of the Project Manager. Once selected, simply program your sync: it will be a SimMach
Sync Code.
Note: The SimMach Sync Code will not output an actual wait code. Its only functionality
is to trigger simultaneous turning in Balanced Cut Mode.
This mode will be turned off at the next programmed wait code. So if you program
multiple synchronized turning operations in a row, make sure to follow this routine to
avoid possible machine crash:
SimMach Sync Code followed by Turning operation followed by Regular wait code...
Note that since two heads are cutting at the same time on the same spindle, the head with
the longest operation must have the control of the spindle speed. For additional
information on how to set the spindle priority, see part 8.1.2. Other turning cycles.
For NZX-ST configuration, the SimMach Sync Code has to be between head 1
& 2 (P12) or head 2 & 3 (P23). If you program the SimMach Sync Code all across
head1, 2 & 3 (P123), you will get the following error message in your NC code:
EXPECTED (in head 2) and ERROR: P23 SYNC EXPECTED (in head 3).
If you have an operation type mismatch (milling on one head while turning on
the other) below the SimMach Sync Code, you will get the following error message
1 AND HEAD 2 (in head 1 for NZX-ST and in head 1 & 2 for NZX-S
1 AND HEAD 2 OR HEAD 2 AND HEAD 3 (in head 2 for NZX-ST
HEAD 2 AND HEAD 3 (in head 3 for NZX-ST configuration only).
Simultaneous milling works for C-axis indexing milling operations and not 4-axis wrap
or rotary milling operations.
Turret 2 and turret 3 can simultaneously mill on spindle 2 side. In this case, the C-axis is
controlled by head 3.
To program simultaneous milling in ESPRIT, you will need to synchronize head 1 &
head 2 (or head 2 & head 3 for NZX-ST configuration) prior to the 3-axis milling
operations with the SimMach Sync Code. It will trigger the simultaneous milling mode.
To program the SimMach Sync Code, you can in ESPRIT on the Operations tab of the
Project Manager create a Sync above your two operations and then double click on it and
change the Sync Code to SimMach. After clicking on OK, your Sync will become a
SimMach Sync Code.
Or, you can also directly select SimMach from the pull-down on top of the Operations tab
of the Project Manager. Once selected, simply program your sync: it will be a SimMach
Sync Code.
Note: The SimMach Sync Code will not output an actual wait code. Its only functionality
is to trigger simultaneous milling mode.
This mode will be turned off at the next programmed wait code. So if you program
multiple synchronized milling operations in a row, make sure to follow this routine to
avoid possible machine crash:
SimMach Sync Code followed by Milling operation followed by Regular wait code...
For NZX-ST configuration, the SimMach Sync Code has to be between head 1
& 2 (P12) or head 2 & 3 (P23). If you program the SimMach Sync Code all across
head1, 2 & 3 (P123), you will get the following error message in your NC code:
EXPECTED (in head 2) and ERROR: P23 SYNC EXPECTED (in head 3).
If you have an operation type mismatch (milling on one head while turning on
the other) below the SimMach Sync Code, you will get the following error message
1 AND HEAD 2 (in head 1 for NZX-ST and in head 1 & 2 for NZX-S
1 AND HEAD 2 OR HEAD 2 AND HEAD 3 (in head 2 for NZX-ST
HEAD 2 AND HEAD 3 (in head 3 for NZX-ST configuration only).
9. Operation synchronization
Operation synchronization M-codes start at M101 and can incrementally reach M197. In
the NC code, when M197 is reached or exceeded, the next output wait code will be
output in the (101; 197) range: M197 will never be exceeded.
Set Park Position X, Y or Z to:
None: The tool will not move along the selected axis. If you set for example
Park Position X to None, the tool will not move along the X-axis when going to the
park position.
Home: The tool will be sent to the machine zero point with G28 along the
selected axis. Note that second home position G30 can be output instead of G28,
please see part 5.1.7. Second home position for additional information. This is the
default when creating a new tool.
Machine: The tool will move along the selected axis in the machine work
coordinate (G53) to the specified position in Position X, Y, Z fields.
Note: The X; Y & Z positions entered in ESPRIT (for Machine and Position modes) are
absolute in YZX. So the post processor will compute and output the correct values from
this absolute position based on the turret and the spindle in use.
Once your tool movements correctly defined, you will be able to set the Return Mode. It
controls how the axes move to the park position. This setting is available only when at
least 2 axes are allowed to move during the park.
Y Then Z: Y moves first, then Z, then X.
Z Then X: Z moves first, then X, then Y.
Z Then Y: Z moves first, then Y, then X.
The options available for Return Mode depend on the axes selected for movement and
their positions type (None, Home, Machine or Position). See the examples below:
Example 1:
If Park Position X is set to Home, Park Position Y set to None and Park Position Z
set to Home: the choices for Return Mode become None, X First or Z First.
Example 2:
If Park Position X is set to Home, Park Position Y set to Home and Park Position Z
set to Machine: the choices for Return Mode become Z First, X Then Y, X Then Z,
Y Then X, Y Then Z, Z Then X or Z Then Y.
Since movements in machine work coordinate system (G53) cannot be output in
the NC code on the same line as movements home (G28), ESPRIT is filtering the
forbidden combinations. These combinations will always have Z movement output
on its own line in the NC code.
Example 3:
If Park Position X, Y & Z are all set to Home: all Return Modes become available.
Note that if your machine does not have a Y-axis, any Y-axis movement programmed
with the Park cycle will be ignored.
If you set Position with G53 to -53, the active turret will be parked to its left maximal
travel position.
Set Position with G53 to 53 to park it to its right maximal travel position.
Turrets maximum travel position values (in the machine coordinate system G53) for
NZX-ST configuration:
Upper left turret T1:
Left position: -295 mm
Right position: 95 mm
Lower turret T2:
Left position: -400 mm
Right position: 400 mm
Upper right turret T3:
Left position: -95 mm
Right position: 295 mm
Turrets maximum travel position values (in the machine coordinate system G53) for
NZX-S configuration:
Upper turret T1:
Left position: -400 mm
Right position: 400 mm
Lower turret T2:
Left position: -400 mm
Right position: 400 mm
Turrets maximum travel position values (in the machine coordinate system G53) for
NZXDL configuration:
Upper left turret T1:
Left position: -280 mm
Right position: 0 mm
Upper right turret T2:
Left position: 0 mm
Right position: 280 mm
Note that if the tool you are parking is the same as the previous tool in use, the turret will
be sent home in Y (Y-axis specifications only) then X before the G53 output as a safety.
10.4. Park a turret prior to a transfer
By default, for all turrets, tool station 1 (or 31 when needed for NZX-ST & NZX-S
configurations only) will be called prior to a transfer. As seen in part 4.4.4. Tool station
for part transfer and work unloader, this tool station can be changed using the Station
for Transfer textboxes on the POST Output Configuration.
Once correctly setup, you can park turrets using the Park cycle (with G53) prior to a
You will first need to create a dummy tool on the turret you need to park, in the right
station. Set the Tool Number to 1 (or whatever you set up in the Machine Setup) and the
Length Comp Register to 0, or simply set the Tool Number to 100 (or whatever you set
up in the Machine Setup time 100) and the Length Comp Register to the same number.
Then, simply program a Park operation using this previously defined tool prior to the
transfer sequence. Note that since the tool call will be made without tool wear offset
number, you will need to set Position with G53 to 53 (or -53, see part 10.3. Park a turret
to its maximal travel position (G53)) on the Park operation Custom tab. The turret will
be parked using G53.
Note: If you omit to enter 53 in the Position with G53 field of the Park operation, you
will get the following error message in your NC code: ERROR: NO TOOL WEAR
On the Park tab of the operation, if you set Stop Code to Optional Stop or Stop, a Spindle
Rotation Stop Code (M05) will be output.
11. How to program finished part catching and
part transfer
11.1. Introduction
In this following part, you will be given detailed instructions on how to manually
program various catching of finished part and various part transfers in ESPRIT. A
correct program in ESPRIT is necessary to have a correct NC code.
Please note that the following part catching and part transfer scenarios can be
programmed automatically using the Workpiece Transfer add-in.
Note: On the General tab of the Machine Setup, set the Start Position Z:
Start Position Z = Length of stock for facing the front side of the part
The regular steps to follow are:
1. Machining the part on the spindle 1 side
2. Perform a cut-off operation
2. Cut-off:
Use operation Cutoff using Upper (Left for NZX-ST & NZXDL configurations)
Turret tool on MainSpindle (Spindle Name).
Cut-off tool is always loaded in the upper left turret for Mori Seiki NZX-ST &
NZXDL configurations. The post processors handle cut-off operation
programmed in upper left turret only for these configurations.
It is always loaded in the upper turret for Mori Seiki NZX-S configuration. The
post processors handle cut-off operation programmed in upper turret only for this
To trigger the part catching output, set Use Part Catcher to Yes on the Strategy
Sample operation list for NZX-ST configuration:
Sample operation list for NZXDL configuration:
Note: On the General tab of the Machine Setup, set the Start Position Z:
Start Position Z = - (Length of the finished part (Part Stock Length) + Cut-off tool width
+ Length of stock for facing the back side of the part (if needed))
The steps to follow are the same as previous point. The only difference is that you need to
program a barfeed (by stopper) operation first:
1. Perform a barfeed operation
2. Machining the part on the spindle 1 side
3. Perform a cut-off operation
4. Looping for next parts
On Bar Feed tab, set the Feed Length and Reposition Distance:
Feed Length (=Barfeed distance) = Length of the finished part (Part Stock
Length) + Cut-off tool width + Length of stock for facing the front side and, if
needed, the back side of the part
Reposition Distance = 0
With Position X, Y, Z, set the barfeed reference point. Its Z coordinate value
should be equal to the length of stock for facing the front side of the part (if
The stopper tool will either be positioned in the G53 work coordinate or the
current machine work coordinate.
To use G53 work coordinate: On the Custom tab, enter in the Stopper G53 X
(Custom Setting 4) field the X position (in G53 work coordinate) of the stopper
tool and in the Stopper G53 Z (Custom Setting 5) field the Z position (in G53
work coordinate) of the stopper tool.
To use current machine work coordinate defined in ESPRIT (see part 2.3.
Turning Work Coordinates): If no value is specified on the Custom tab in the
Stopper G53 X and Stopper G53 Z fields (fields left equal to 0), the stopper tool
will be positioned at the programmed position (Position X, Y, Z specified on Bar
Feed tab) in the current active machine work coordinate.
Note that using End of Bar Macro Call (/2 M98 P) on the POST Output
Configuration, you can output the end of bar macro call (/2 M98 Pxxxx); see part
4.4.2. Output of the end of bar macro call (/2 M98 Pxxxx).
3. Cut-off:
Use operation Cutoff using Upper (Left for NZX-ST & NZXDL configurations)
Turret tool on MainSpindle (Spindle Name).
Cut-off tool is always loaded in the upper left turret for Mori Seiki NZX-ST &
NZXDL configurations. The post processors handle cut-off operation
programmed in upper left turret only for these configurations.
It is always loaded in the upper turret for Mori Seiki NZX-S configuration. The
post processors handle cut-off operation programmed in upper turret only for this
To trigger the part catching output, set Use Part Catcher to Yes on the Strategy
Sample operation list for NZX-S configuration:
11.2.3. Catching finished part on spindle 1 side after cut-off
with stock repositioning (programmed last)
If your machine is equipped with a barfeeder, you can after catching the finished part on
spindle 1 side reposition the stock. This way, you can loop for the next part.
Note: On the General tab of the Machine Setup, set the Start Position Z:
Start Position Z = Length of stock for facing the front side of the part
The steps to follow are the same as previous point. The only difference is that you need to
program a barfeed (by stopper) operation last:
1. Machining the part on the spindle 1 side
2. Perform a cut-off operation
3. Perform a barfeed operation
4. Looping for next parts
2. Cut-off:
Use operation Cutoff using Upper (Left for NZX-ST & NZXDL configurations)
Turret tool on MainSpindle (Spindle Name).
Cut-off tool is always loaded in the upper left turret for Mori Seiki NZX-ST &
NZXDL configurations. The post processors handle cut-off operation
programmed in upper left turret only for these configurations.
It is always loaded in the upper turret for Mori Seiki NZX-S configuration. The
post processors handle cut-off operation programmed in upper turret only for this
To trigger the part catching output, set Use Part Catcher to Yes on the Strategy
On Bar Feed tab, set the Feed Length and Reposition Distance:
Feed Length (=Barfeed distance) = Length of the finished part (Part Stock
Length) + Cut-off tool width + Length of stock for facing the front side and, if
needed, the back side of the part
Reposition Distance = 0
With Position X, Y, Z, set the barfeed reference point. Its Z coordinate value
should be equal to the length of stock for facing the front side of the next part (if
The stopper tool will either be positioned in the G53 work coordinate or the
current machine work coordinate.
To use G53 work coordinate: On the Custom tab, enter in the Stopper G53 X
(Custom Setting 4) field the X position (in G53 work coordinate) of the stopper
tool and in the Stopper G53 Z (Custom Setting 5) field the Z position (in G53
work coordinate) of the stopper tool.
To use current machine work coordinate defined in ESPRIT (see part 2.3.
Turning Work Coordinates): If no value is specified on the Custom tab in the
Stopper G53 X and Stopper G53 Z fields (fields left equal to 0), the stopper tool
will be positioned at the programmed position (Position X, Y, Z specified on Bar
Feed tab) in the current active machine work coordinate.
Note that using End of Bar Macro Call (/2 M98 P) on the POST Output
Configuration, you can output the end of bar macro call (/2 M98 Pxxxx); see part
4.4.2. Output of the end of bar macro call (/2 M98 Pxxxx).
11.2.4. Manually catching finished part on spindle 1 side
(for NZXDL configuration only)
This type of part release is performed when the part is completely machined on spindle 1
side. To be able to catch the finished part, head 1 needs to be stopped with M00.
To output the stop code M00 in head 1, set Part Chute to No on the Release tab.
11.2.5. Catching finished part on spindle 2 side
This type of part release is performed when the part is completely machined on spindle 2
The setting “Part Stock Length” from the Machine Setup is used as default value
for Turning Work Coordinates Sub Spindle Z Offset.
CAUTION !!! Part Stock Length = Finished Part Length. You must run the
Turning Work Coordinates add-in prior to posting NC Code in order to have
correct NC output.
Note: For manual part catching, if you do not program a P123 sync above your
part release, you will get the following error message in your NC code: ERROR:
Note: For manual part catching, if you do not program a sync above your part
release, you will get the following error message in your NC code (in head 2):
The release operation has to be programmed with lower (upper right for NZXDL
configuration) turret because it controls the B-axis (spindle 2).
Based on the setting set for Work Unloader Type on the POST Output
Configuration (see part 4.4.3. Work unloader on spindle 2 side: hand or
receiver), the NC output will differ to match your machine specifications: hand or
receiver equipped.
Catching the finished part in the spindle 2 on a machine equipped with a hand or a
To trigger the part catching output, set Part Chute to Yes on the Release tab.
In the Catch Position (Custom Setting 8) field of the SolidTurn Release operation
page, enter the part catching position. The spindle 2 will rapid to this position.
Note that you can enter a positive or negative value, the output position will
always be negative since it is output in the machine work coordinate (G53).
On a machine equipped with a receiver, with Ejector Type (Custom Setting 9),
you can specify how you want to eject the finished part: set Ejector Type to 47 if
you have the workpiece ejector OUT (M47) option on machine, to 360 if you
have the workpiece ejector OUT (M360), IN (M361) option on machine. If you
omit to enter a value in the Ejector Type field or enter a wrong value, no part
ejection code will be output in the NC code.
Manually catching the finished part in the spindle 2 (machine is stopped with
M00 for NZX-ST & NZX-S configurations and head 2 is stopped with M00 for
NZXDL configuration):
To be able to manually catch the finished part in the spindle 2 for NZX-ST &
NZX-S configurations, the machine needs to be stopped. To do so, the M-code
M00 (program stop) needs to be output in all heads after the same sync code
across all heads (this is the reason why a sync code across all heads needs to be
programmed prior to the part release operation).
To be able to manually catch the finished part in the spindle 2 for NZXDL
configuration, head 2 needs to be stopped. To do so, the M-code M00 (program
stop) needs to be output in head 2.
To output the stop code M00, set Part Chute to No on the Release tab.
Sample operation list of finished part catching with arm or receiver for NZX-ST
Sample operation list of finished part catching with arm or receiver for NZX-S
Sample operation list of manual part catching for NZX-S configuration:
Sample operation list of finished part catching (with arm, receiver or manual) for
NZXDL configuration:
11.3. Part transfer
Note: On the General tab of the Machine Setup, set the Start Position Z:
Start Position Z = Length of stock for facing the front side of the part
The setting “Part Stock Length” from the Machine Setup is used as default value
for Turning Work Coordinates Sub Spindle Z Offset.
CAUTION !!! Part Stock Length = Finished Part Length. You must run the
Turning Work Coordinates add-in prior to posting NC Code in order to have
correct NC output.
3. Program a wait code across all heads.
The pickup operation has to be programmed with lower (upper right for NZXDL
configuration) turret because it controls the B-axis (spindle 2).
Set Sync Spindles to Speed and Direction Only (or to Off) for speed
synchronization code output (M35) or to Oriented for phase synchronization code
output (M34). The spindle speed entered on the SolidTurn Pickup page will be
output on head 1 after synchronization of the spindles.
Enter the Feedrate PM of the spindle 2 B-axis and its clearance (from the pickup
point); it will be output in head 2 program (since head 2 controls the B-axis).
5. Pulling the bar with the spindle 2 (if needed):
Use operation Bar Feed by Spindle (Bar Feed Type) on MainSpindle (Spindle
Name) by SubSpindle (Barfeed Spindle Name).
Set Turret Name to Lower (Upper Right for NZXDL configuration) Turret.
On Bar Feed tab, set the Feed Length and Reposition Distance:
Feed Length (= Barpull distance = Reposition Distance) = Length of the finished
part (Part Stock Length) + Cut-off tool width + Length of stock for facing the
front side and the back side of the part
With Position X, Y, Z, set the same point as for the pickup operation (If the
point is different, chucks will unclamp and clamp before pulling the bar).
Programming a pickup before the barpull makes the spindle 2 stay at the same
location after the barpull. Without pickup operation, spindle 2 goes home after the
On the General tab, enter the Feedrate PM of the spindle 2 B-axis, it will be
output in head 2 program (since head 2 controls the B-axis).
6. Program a wait code between upper left turret and lower turret (P12 sync code)
for NZX-ST configuration.
Program a wait code across the two heads for NZX-S & NZXDL configurations.
7. Cut-off:
Use operation Cutoff using Upper (Left for NZX-ST & NZXDL configurations)
Turret tool on MainSpindle (Spindle Name).
Cut-off tool is always loaded in the upper left turret for Mori Seiki NZX-ST &
NZXDL configurations. The post processors handle cut-off operation
programmed in upper left turret only for these configurations.
It is always loaded in the upper turret for Mori Seiki NZX-S configuration. The
post processors handle cut-off operation programmed in upper turret only for this
To output a dwell (G04 U) above workpiece cut-off detection (M80), enter in the
Dwell Time field on the Rough tab of the Cutoff operation the dwell time in s.
The spindle 2 automatically goes home after cut-off completion.
CAUTION!!! Make sure to move the cut-off toolchange above the last
programmed sync.
Sample operation list with transfer (with barpull) and cut-off for NZX-ST configuration:
Sample operation list with transfer (without barpull) and cut-off for NZX-ST
Sample operation list with transfer (with barpull) and cut-off for NZX-S configuration:
Sample operation list with transfer (without barpull) and cut-off for NZX-S
Sample operation list with transfer (with barpull) and cut-off for NZXDL configuration:
Sample operation list with transfer (without barpull) and cut-off for NZXDL
11.3.2. Part transfer from spindle 1 to spindle 2 with cut-off
(when machine equipped with a barfeeder)
If your machine is equipped with a barfeeder, instead of pulling the part from spindle 1,
you can use the barfeeder to position the bar before pickup and cut-off.
To improve production times, this type of transfer should come at the end of the
operation list (documented below). But note that it can also be programmed after
complete machining on spindle 1 side before start of machining on spindle 2 side.
Note: On the General tab of the Machine Setup, set the Start Position Z:
Start Position Z = Length of stock for facing the front side of the part
The setting “Part Stock Length” from the Machine Setup is used as default value
for Turning Work Coordinates Sub Spindle Z Offset.
CAUTION !!! Part Stock Length = Finished Part Length. You must run the
Turning Work Coordinates add-in prior to posting NC Code in order to have
correct NC output.
spindle 2 (see part 11.2.5. Catching finished part on spindle 2 side for
programming details).
On Bar Feed tab, set the Feed Length and Reposition Distance:
Feed Length (=Barfeed distance = Reposition Distance) = Length of the finished
part (Part Stock Length) + Cut-off tool width + Length of stock for facing the
front side and the back side of the part
With Position X, Y, Z, set the barfeed reference point. Its Z coordinate value
should be equal to the entered feed length.
The stopper tool will either be positioned in the G53 work coordinate or the
current machine work coordinate.
To use G53 work coordinate: On the Custom tab, enter in the Stopper G53 X
(Custom Setting 4) field the X position (in G53 work coordinate) of the stopper
tool and in the Stopper G53 Z (Custom Setting 5) field the Z position (in G53
work coordinate) of the stopper tool.
To use current machine work coordinate defined in ESPRIT (see part 2.3.
Turning Work Coordinates): If no value is specified on the Custom tab in the
Stopper G53 X and Stopper G53 Z fields (fields left equal to 0), the stopper tool
will be positioned at the programmed position (Position X, Y, Z specified on Bar
Feed tab) in the current active machine work coordinate.
Note that using End of Bar Macro Call (/2 M98 P) on the POST Output
Configuration, you can output the end of bar macro call (/2 M98 Pxxxx); see part
4.4.2. Output of the end of bar macro call (/2 M98 Pxxxx).
5. Program a wait code between upper left turret and lower turret (P12 sync code)
for NZX-ST configuration.
Program a wait code across the two heads for NZX-S & NZXDL configurations.
The pickup operation has to be programmed with lower (upper right for NZXDL
configuration) turret because it controls the B-axis (spindle 2).
Set Sync Spindles to Speed and Direction Only (or to Off) for speed
synchronization code output (M35) or to Oriented for phase synchronization code
output (M34). The spindle speed entered on the SolidTurn Pickup page will be
output on head 1 after synchronization of the spindles.
Enter the Feedrate PM of the spindle 2 B-axis and its clearance (from the pickup
point); it will be output in head 2 program (since head 2 controls the B-axis).
7. Program a wait code between upper left turret and lower turret (P12 sync code)
for NZX-ST configuration.
Program a wait code across the two heads for NZX-S & NZXDL configurations.
8. Cut-off:
Use operation Cutoff using Upper (Left for NZX-ST & NZXDL configurations)
Turret tool on MainSpindle (Spindle Name).
Cut-off tool is always loaded in the upper left turret for Mori Seiki NZX-ST &
NZXDL configurations. The post processors handle cut-off operation
programmed in upper left turret only for these configurations.
It is always loaded in the upper turret for Mori Seiki NZX-S configuration. The
post processors handle cut-off operation programmed in upper turret only for this
To output a dwell (G04 U) above workpiece cut-off detection (M80), enter in the
Dwell Time field on the Rough tab of the Cutoff operation the dwell time in s.
CAUTION!!! Make sure to move the cut-off toolchange above the last
programmed sync.
Sample operation list for NZX-S configuration:
11.3.3. Part transfer from spindle 1 to spindle 2 with cut-off
and stock repositioning (programmed last)
If your machine is equipped with a barfeeder, you can after transferring the finished part
from spindle 1 to spindle 2 reposition the stock. This way, you can loop for the next part.
To improve production times, this type of transfer should come at the end of the
operation list (documented below). But note that it can also be programmed after
complete machining on spindle 1 side before start of machining on spindle 2 side.
Note: On the General tab of the Machine Setup, set the Start Position Z:
Start Position Z = Length of stock for facing the front side of the part
4. Perform a cut-off and then the spindle 2 goes back home
5. Perform a barfeed operation
6. Looping for next parts
The setting “Part Stock Length” from the Machine Setup is used as default value
for Turning Work Coordinates Sub Spindle Z Offset.
CAUTION !!! Part Stock Length = Finished Part Length. You must run the
Turning Work Coordinates add-in prior to posting NC Code in order to have
correct NC output.
The pickup operation has to be programmed with lower (upper right for NZXDL
configuration) turret because it controls the B-axis (spindle 2).
Set Sync Spindles to Speed and Direction Only (or to Off) for speed
synchronization code output (M35) or to Oriented for phase synchronization code
output (M34). The spindle speed entered on the SolidTurn Pickup page will be
output on head 1 after synchronization of the spindles.
Enter the Feedrate PM of the spindle 2 B-axis and its clearance (from the pickup
point); it will be output in head 2 program (since head 2 controls the B-axis).
5. Program a wait code between upper left turret and lower turret (P12 sync code)
for NZX-ST configuration.
Program a wait code across the two heads for NZX-S & NZXDL configurations.
6. Cut-off:
Use operation Cutoff using Upper (Left for NZX-ST & NZXDL configurations)
Turret tool on MainSpindle (Spindle Name).
Cut-off tool is always loaded in the upper left turret for Mori Seiki NZX-ST &
NZXDL configurations. The post processors handle cut-off operation
programmed in upper left turret only for these configurations.
It is always loaded in the upper turret for Mori Seiki NZX-S configuration. The
post processors handle cut-off operation programmed in upper turret only for this
To output a dwell (G04 U) above workpiece cut-off detection (M80), enter in the
Dwell Time field on the Rough tab of the Cutoff operation the dwell time in s.
CAUTION!!! Make sure to move the cut-off toolchange above the last
programmed sync.
On Bar Feed tab, set the Feed Length and Reposition Distance:
Feed Length (=Barfeed distance = Reposition Distance) = Length of the finished
part (Part Stock Length) + Cut-off tool width + Length of stock for facing the
front side and the back side of the part
With Position X, Y, Z, set the barfeed reference point. Its Z coordinate value
should be equal to the length of stock for facing the front side (of the next part).
The stopper tool will either be positioned in the G53 work coordinate or the
current machine work coordinate.
To use G53 work coordinate: On the Custom tab, enter in the Stopper G53 X
(Custom Setting 4) field the X position (in G53 work coordinate) of the stopper
tool and in the Stopper G53 Z (Custom Setting 5) field the Z position (in G53
work coordinate) of the stopper tool.
To use current machine work coordinate defined in ESPRIT (see part 2.3.
Turning Work Coordinates): If no value is specified on the Custom tab in the
Stopper G53 X and Stopper G53 Z fields (fields left equal to 0), the stopper tool
will be positioned at the programmed position (Position X, Y, Z specified on Bar
Feed tab) in the current active machine work coordinate.
Note that using End of Bar Macro Call (/2 M98 P) on the POST Output
Configuration, you can output the end of bar macro call (/2 M98 Pxxxx); see part
4.4.2. Output of the end of bar macro call (/2 M98 Pxxxx).
Sample operation list with transfer, cut-off and barfeed (last) for NZX-ST configuration:
Sample operation list with transfer, cut-off and barfeed (last) for NZX-S configuration:
Sample operation list with transfer, cut-off and barfeed (last) for NZXDL configuration:
11.3.4. Part transfer from spindle 1 to spindle 2 without cut-
The stock is manually loaded in the spindle 1; the part is not pulled. The finished part in
the spindle 2 has to be released. The entire part is transferred to the spindle 2 when the
work on spindle 1 is finished.
To improve production times, this type of transfer should come at the end of the
operation list (documented below). But note that it can also be programmed after
complete machining on spindle 1 side before start of machining on spindle 2 side.
Note: On the General tab of the Machine Setup, set the Start Position Z and Total Bar
Start Position Z = Length of stock for facing the front side of the part
Total Bar Length = Length of the finished part (Part Stock Length) + Length of stock for
facing the front side and the back side of the part
The regular steps to follow are:
1. Machining the parts on the spindle 1 and spindle 2 sides
2. Catching the finished part in the spindle 2
3. Picking the part in the spindle 1 with the spindle 2
4. Releasing the part from the spindle 1 and then the spindle 2 goes back home
5. Stop for loading a new stock in the spindle 1
The setting “Part Stock Length” from the Machine Setup is used as default value
for Turning Work Coordinates Sub Spindle Z Offset.
CAUTION !!! Part Stock Length = Finished Part Length. You must run the
Turning Work Coordinates add-in prior to posting NC Code in order to have
correct NC output.
The pickup operation has to be programmed with lower (upper right for NZXDL
configuration) turret because the lower turret controls the B-axis (spindle 2).
Enter the Feedrate PM of the spindle 2 B-axis and its clearance (from the pickup
point); it will be output in head 2 program (since head 2 controls the B-axis).
During this type of transfer, the turning spindles are stopped. Using Spindle
Orientation (Custom Setting 6) on the Custom tab of the Pickup operation, you
can specify how you want to orient your spindles. Set Spindle Orientation to 19 if
you want to use spindle orientation (M19 / M219) or set Spindle Orientation to 45
if you want to use the milling C-axis mode (M45 / M245). If you use milling C-
axis mode, using C Index for M45 (Custom Setting 7), you can specify the C
angle value you want to index to. The angle specified will be output in both
heads. Make sure to enter a correct value for C. For example, if C-axis roll-over is
on (see part 4.4.7. C-Axis roll over), C has to be contained between -359.999°
and 359.999°.
Note that the milling C-axis mode is the default. So if you omit to enter a value in
the Spindle Orientation field or enter a wrong value, the spindles will be indexed
using this mode.
5. Program a wait code between upper left turret and lower turret (P12 sync code)
for NZX-ST configuration.
Program a wait code across the two heads for NZX-S & NZXDL configurations.
Sample operation list for NZX-S configuration:
11.3.5. Part transfer from spindle 2 to spindle 1 without cut-
The stock is manually loaded in the spindle 2; the part is not pulled. The finished part has
to be manually unloaded from the spindle 1. The entire part is transferred to the spindle 1
when the work on spindle 2 is finished.
To improve production times, this type of transfer should come at the end of the
operation list (documented below). But note that it can also be programmed after
complete machining on spindle 2 side before start of machining on spindle 1 side.
Note: On the General tab of the Machine Setup, set the Start Position Z:
Start Position Z = Length of stock for facing the front side of the part
Total Bar Length = Length of the finished part (Part Stock Length) + Length of stock for
facing the front side and the back side of the part
The regular steps to follow are:
1. Machining the parts on the spindle 1 and spindle 2 sides
2. Manually unloading the finished part in the spindle 1
3. Picking the part in the spindle 2 with the spindle 1
4. Releasing the part from the spindle 2 and then the spindle 2 goes back home
5. Stop to load a new stock in the spindle 2
The setting “Part Stock Length” from the Machine Setup is used as default value
for Turning Work Coordinates Sub Spindle Z Offset.
CAUTION !!! Part Stock Length = Finished Part Length. You must run the
Turning Work Coordinates add-in prior to posting NC Code in order to have
correct NC output.
Enter the Feedrate PM of the spindle 2 B-axis and its clearance (from the pickup
point); it will be output in head 2 program (since head 2 controls the B-axis).
During this type of transfer, the turning spindles are stopped. Using Spindle
Orientation (Custom Setting 6) on the Custom tab of the Pickup operation, you
can specify how you want to orient your spindles. Set Spindle Orientation to 19 if
you want to use spindle orientation (M19 / M219) or set Spindle Orientation to 45
if you want to use the milling C-axis mode (M45 / M245). If you use milling C-
axis mode, using C Index for M45 (Custom Setting 7), you can specify the C
angle value you want to index to. The angle specified will be output in both
heads. Make sure to enter a correct value for C. For example, if C-axis roll-over is
on (see part 4.4.7. C-Axis roll over), C has to be contained between -359.999°
and 359.999°.
Note that the milling C-axis mode is the default. So if you omit to enter a value in
the Spindle Orientation field or enter a wrong value, the spindles will be indexed
using this mode.
5. Program a wait code between upper left turret and lower turret (P12 sync code)
for NZX-ST configuration.
Program a wait code across the two heads for NZX-S & NZXDL configurations.
Sample operation list for NZX-S configuration:
11.3.6. Stock repositioning
If your machine is not equipped with a barfeeder, using this type of transfer, you will be
able to reposition the stock in spindle 1 using the spindle 2. This type of transfer can be
programmed anywhere in the program.
Note: Spindle 2 needs to be empty before repositioning since spindle 2 will pick up the
part in spindle 1.
The pickup operation has to be programmed with lower (upper right for NZXDL
configuration) turret because it controls the B-axis (spindle 2).
Enter the Feedrate PM of the spindle 2 B-axis and its clearance (from the pickup
point); it will be output in head 2 program (since head 2 controls the B-axis).
During this type of transfer, the turning spindles are stopped. Using Spindle
Orientation (Custom Setting 6) on the Custom tab of the Pickup operation, you
can specify how you want to orient your spindles. Set Spindle Orientation to 19 if
you want to use spindle orientation (M19 / M219) or set Spindle Orientation to 45
if you want to use the milling C-axis mode (M45 / M245). If you use milling C-
axis mode, using C Index for M45 (Custom Setting 7), you can specify the C
angle value you want to index to. The angle specified will be output in both
heads. Make sure to enter a correct value for C. For example, if C-axis roll-over is
on (see part 4.4.7. C-Axis roll over), C has to be contained between -359.999°
and 359.999°.
Note that the milling C-axis mode is the default. So if you omit to enter a value in
the Spindle Orientation field or enter a wrong value, the spindles will be indexed
using this mode.
On Bar Feed tab, set the Feed Length and Reposition Distance:
Feed Length = Barpull distance = Length of stock that spindle 2 will pull out of
spindle 1 for repositioning
Reposition Distance = Set it to 0 if you do not want to shift your Z values after
repositioning or set it to Feed Length if you want to shift your Z values by the
repositioning distance value
With Position X, Y, Z, set the same point as for the pickup operation (If the
point is different, chucks will unclamp and clamp before pulling the bar).
Programming a pickup before the barpull makes the spindle 2 stay at the same
location after the barpull. Without pickup operation, spindle 2 goes home after the
On the General tab, enter the Feedrate PM of the spindle 2 B-axis, it will be
output in head 2 program (since head 2 controls the B-axis).
Sample operation list for NZX-S configuration:
Sample operation list for NZXDL configuration:
11.3.7. Machining of long parts with spindle 1 and 2
To support the stock with both spindles, you first need to pick it up (and, if needed, pull
it) with the spindle 2. You can after program your operations (only in head 1 for NZXDL
configuration) and in the code will be output the necessary spindles synchronization and
unsynchronization codes. Finally, once machining is completed, you can program one of
the transfer scenarios described in the previous parts at the end of the operation list.
Note: On the General tab of the Machine Setup, set the Start Position Z:
Start Position Z = Length of stock for facing the front side of the part or position of the
stock in spindle 1 before pick up for synchronized machining
The setting “Part Stock Length” from the Machine Setup is used as default value
for Turning Work Coordinates Sub Spindle Z Offset.
CAUTION !!! Part Stock Length = Finished Part Length. You must run the
Turning Work Coordinates add-in prior to posting NC Code in order to have
correct NC output.
The pickup operation has to be programmed with lower (upper right for NZXDL
configuration) turret because it controls the B-axis (spindle 2).
Based on the following operation in head 1 (or 2 for NZX-ST & NZX-S
configurations), the correct synchronization code will be output in the code:
- M34 (or M35): Turning operation is next on head 1; the spindle speed entered
on the SolidTurn Pickup page will be output on head 1 after synchronization of
the spindles; the spindle direction code will be output on head 1 based on the
direction of the following turning operation.
- M234 (or M235) for NZX-ST & NZX-S configurations only: Turning operation
is next on head 2; the spindle speed entered on the SolidTurn Pickup page will be
output on head 2 after synchronization of the spindles; the spindle direction code
will be output on head 2 based on the direction of the following turning operation.
- M480: Milling operation is next on head 1 (or 2 for NZX-ST & NZX-S
configurations); the spindles are stopped.
Enter the Feedrate PM of the spindle 2 B-axis and its clearance (from the pickup
point); it will be output in head 2 program (since head 2 controls the B-axis).
Note: The synchronization mode selected (as shown on picture above) on the
pickup operation page will be used for all the following turning operations while
the spindles are both holding the part.
On Bar Feed tab, set the Feed Length and Reposition Distance:
Feed Length (= Barpull distance = Reposition Distance)
With Position X, Y, Z, set the same point as for the pickup operation (If the
point is different, chucks will unclamp and clamp before pulling the bar).
Programming a pickup before the barpull makes the spindle 2 stay at the same
location after the barpull. Without pickup operation, spindle 2 goes home after the
On the General tab, enter the Feedrate PM of the spindle 2 B-axis, it will be
output in head 2 program (since head 2 controls the B-axis).
6. Program a wait code between upper left turret and lower turret (P12 sync code)
for NZX-ST configuration.
Program a wait code across the two heads for NZX-S & NZXDL configurations.
7. Machining the part on the spindle 1 side (only with head 1 for NZXDL
configuration) while the spindles are synchronized and are both supporting the
The correct synchronization (and unsynchronization) codes will be output in the
NC code based on the programmed operations.
Also note that, for NZX-ST & NZX-S configurations, in M480 mode, C-axis
values of milling operations programmed on head 2 cannot be output in head 2
and so will be output in head 1.
9. Perform one of the previously described transfer scenarios to transfer the part to
spindle 2 side.
Sample operation list for NZX-S configuration:
Sample operation list for NZXDL configuration:
11.3.8. Workpiece Pushing Check (G38)
G38 B_ K_ F_ Q_ R_ ;
The G38 command can be specified when transferring a workpiece from chuck 1 to
chuck 2 (or from chuck 2 to chuck 1).
In the workpiece transfer operation, when the position error of the B-axis servomotor of
headstock 2 reaches the parameter set value, the workpiece is judged to have been
brought into contact with the reference face of chuck 2 or chuck 1. Then, chuck 2 or
chuck 1 clamps the workpiece and the program advances to the next block.
The output of the workpiece pushing check G38 is triggered on the Custom tab of the
SolidTurn Pickup operation.
Set Push Check (G38) (Custom Setting 1) to 38 to trigger the output of the G38
You can specify in the G38 K Value (Custom Setting 2) field the value of K (B-axis
retraction stroke, unsigned value). If no value is entered, the B-axis is automatically
retracted by the servo error amount in the uni-direction positioning mode.
You can specify in the G38 Feedrate (Custom Setting 3) field the value of F (B-axis
feedrate (mm/min) from R). If no value is entered, 30 mm/min will be used by the
You can specify in the G38 Q Value (Custom Setting 4) field the value of Q (Tolerance
for workpiece transfer position). If no value is entered, 1 mm will be used by the
You can specify in the G38 R Value (Custom Setting 5) field the value of R (B-axis
feedrate changing position). If no value is entered, 1 mm will be used by the machine.
The spindle 2 will rapid to the programmed clearance location (entered on the Pickup tab
of Pickup operation page) and then feed to the pickup location plus 10% of the
programmed clearance. G38 will be performed on the remaining distance (10% of the
clearance) to the pickup location.
12. Multiple repetitive cycles
12.1. Introduction
The multiple repetitive cycles simplify the programs for rough and finish cutting
processes on O.D./I.D. and face.
Roughing processes that require several blocks of commands can be specified by a single
block of commands preceded by a G code calling a multiple repetitive cycle, and blocks
that define the finished shape. The tool paths for rough cutting cycles are automatically
For example, by defining only the workpiece finish shape, the tool paths for executing
rough cutting operation are automatically generated.
12.2. Roughing cycle
12.2.1. Introduction
In ESPRIT, on the Strategy tab of the SolidTurn Roughing operation page, set Canned
Cycle to Yes to trigger the multiple repetitive cycle output.
Based on the selected work strategy (Type of Work), the output G-code will be different.
G71 will be output if your profile is on the O.D. or the I.D. of the part. G72 will be output
if you cut on the face of the part.
Note: Pockets on a turning profile will be cut by the roughing canned cycle, if
Undercutting Mode on the Strategy tab is set to:
Yes: All pockets on the O.D. or I.D. and the face will be cut.
Below: Only pockets on the O.D. or I.D. will be cut.
Front: Only pockets on the face will be cut.
The first block of the blocks used to define the finish shape must contain both X and Z
axes: Even if either of them does not move in the first block, U0 or W0 will be specified
in the NC code.
A finish pass will only be output with G70 if you set Finish Pass to Yes.
Information about some of the parameters to enter for the following cycles:
The relief amount R will be output as entered in ESPRIT.
The feedrate F (and the cut speed S) can be specified on the General tab of the
12.2.2. O.D./I.D. roughing
G71 U(1) R_ ;
G71 P_ Q_ U(2) W_ F_ ;
U(1) and W will be output as entered in ESPRIT. U(2)/2 will be multiplied by 2 to have
the correct value in the NC code U(2). R will be computed based on the entered
Maximum Depth of Cut and Retract % of Depth value: R = Maximum Depth of Cut *
Retract % of Depth / 100.
For example, if you set Maximum Depth of Cut to 5 and Retract % of Depth to 75, R
output in the NC code will be R3.75 (5*75/100).
W(1) and W(2) will be output as entered in ESPRIT. U/2 will be multiplied by 2 to have
the correct value in the NC code U. R will be computed based on the entered Maximum
Depth of Cut and Retract % of Depth value: R = Maximum Depth of Cut * Retract % of
Depth / 100.
12.3. Grooving cycle
12.3.1. Introduction
In ESPRIT, on the Strategy tab of the SolidTurn Grooving operation page, set Canned
Cycle to Yes to trigger the multiple repetitive cycle output.
Based on the selected work strategy (Type of Work), the output G-code will be different.
G74 will be output if you cut on the face of the part. G75 will be output if your profile is
on the O.D. or the I.D. of the part.
Information about some of the parameters to enter for the following cycles:
The return amount R(1) will be output as entered in ESPRIT.
P is an unsigned value, in radius. Q is an unsigned value. Specify P and Q in
mm, it will then be output in units of 0.001 mm without decimal point. For
example, if you enter 2 for P in ESPRIT, the output will be in the NC code P2000.
The feedrate F (and the cut speed S) can be specified on the General tab of the
Note that for face grooving, the value P designates the Step Over and the value
Q designates the Peck Increment. For O.D./I.D. grooving, these values are
REVERSED, i.e. P is the Peck Increment and Q is the Step Over.
Notes: Grooving canned cycles can only be used on grooves with straight wall geometry.
Grooves with a side taper angle must be programmed with a regular groove operation.
Grooving canned cycles can only be used when groove type is set to single plunge or
multiple plunge. If you set groove type to zigzag or zigzag diagonal, you will get the
following error message in your NC code: ERROR: SET GROOVE TYPE TO
12.3.3. O.D./I.D. grooving
G75 R(1) ;
G75 X_ Z_ P_ Q_ F_ ;
12.4. Threading cycle
12.4.1. Introduction
In ESPRIT, on the Strategy tab of the SolidTurn Threading operation page, set Canned
Cycle to Single Path to trigger the G76 multiple repetitive cycle output. If you set this
parameter to Off, the threading cycle will be output with G32 or G34 if Lead Variation is
different from 0. When Canned Cycle is set to Multiple Path, the threading cycle will be
output with G92.
Information about some of the parameters to enter for the following cycles:
The lead of the thread F will be output as entered in ESPRIT.
Specify the angle of shift of the thread cutting start angle Q in , it will then be
output in the units of 0.001without a decimal point. For example, if you enter 2
for Q in ESPRIT, the output will be in the NC code Q2000.
The cut speed S can be specified on the General tab of the operation.
On the Strategy tab, if you set the Lead-Out Type to Chamfer and the Chamfer Length
greater than 0, you will have M23 (chamfer ON) output prior to the G76 or G92
commands. With a different lead-out set, the M-code output will be M24 (chamfer OFF).
R(1) will be output as entered in ESPRIT. Q(1), P(2) and Q(2) are unsigned values, in
radius. Specify them in mm, they will then be output in units of 0.001 mm without
decimal point. For example, if you enter 2 for Q(1) in ESPRIT, the output will be in the
NC code Q2000.
Threading with canned cycle set to off, lead variation different from 0 (Option on
G34 X_ Z_ F_ K_ Q_ ;
K will be output as entered in ESPRIT.
Note: If you set the Lead-In Type to Feed or Chamfer or the Lead-Out Type to Feed, you
will get the following error message in your NC code: ERROR: WRONG LEAD-IN OR
Straight thread cutting:
G92 X_ Z_ F_ Q_ ;
Tapered thread cutting:
G92 X_ Z_ R_ F_ ;
13. Hole machining canned cycles and other
functionalities for drilling cycles
13.1. Introduction
Hole machining programs are so complicated, specified in several blocks. A hole
machining canned cycle, however, allows the hole machining to be programmed in one
block with the appropriate G codes below:
In ESPRIT, you can choose between the different drilling canned cycles using the Cycle
Type pull-down on the Drill tab for the SolidTurn Drilling cycle:
On the Wrap Drill tab for the SolidMillTurn Wrap Drilling cycle:
Also make sure to set Canned Cycle to Yes:
Note that the correct G-code for the drill canned cycle will be output based on the cycle
type (SolidTurn Drilling or SolidMillTurn Drilling/Wrap Drilling) and the orientation of
the tool in use: you will not need to choose between side or face hole machining canned
cycle, the post processor will do it for you.
Information about some of the parameters to enter for the following cycles:
The depth of cut per one infeed motion Q is an unsigned value, in radius for side
drilling. Specify Q in mm, it will then be output in units of 0.001 mm without
decimal point. For example, if you enter 2 for Q in ESPRIT, the output will be in
the NC code Q2000.
Enter the dwell P in s, it will then be output in units of 0.001s without decimal
point. For example, if you enter 1.5 for P in ESPRIT, the output will be in the NC
code P1500.
The feedrate F (and the cut speed S) can be specified on the General tab of the
13.2. Face and side high-speed deep hole drilling / Face
and side deep hole drilling / Deep hole drilling with G74
13.2.1. Face and side high-speed deep hole drilling
CAUTION !!! Use SolidMillTurn Drilling or SolidMillTurn Wrap Drilling
G83.5 X_ (Y_) C_ Z_ R_ Q_ P_ F_ ;
G87.5 Z_ (Y_) C_ X_ R_ Q_ P_ F_ ;
13.2.2. Face and side deep hole drilling (G83.6/G87.6)
CAUTION !!! Use SolidTurn Drilling, SolidMillTurn Drilling or SolidMillTurn
Wrap Drilling
G83.6 X_ (Y_) C_ Z_ R_ Q_ P_ F_ ;
G87.6 Z_ (Y_) C_ X_ R_ Q_ P_ F_ ;
13.2.3. Deep hole drilling with G74
CAUTION !!! Use SolidTurn Drilling
G74 R(1)
G74 Z_ Q_ F_ ;
On the SolidTurn Drilling cycle, set the Cycle Type to Drill or Peck 2 to output your
drilling cycle with G74.
If you select Drill, the depth of cut per one infeed motion Q will be set to the total depth
of cut plus 5 mm (or plus 0.2 in) so the hole will be drilled in one infeed motion.
If you select Peck 2, you will be able to specify the value of Q that will be output in the
NC code:
R(1) corresponds to return amount. It will be output as entered in ESPRIT when Peck 2 is
selected. R0.0 will be output when Drill is selected.
13.3. Face and side spot drilling (G83/G87)
CAUTION !!! Use SolidMillTurn Drilling or SolidMillTurn Wrap Drilling
G83 X_ (Y_) C_ Z_ R_ P_ F_ ;
G87 Z_ (Y_) C_ X_ R_ P_ F_ ;
13.4. Face and side tapping / Tapping at center of spindle
G84 X_ (Y_) C_ Z_ R_ P_ F_ ;
G88 Z_ (Y_) C_ X_ R_ P_ F_ ;
13.4.2. Tapping at center of spindle (G32)
CAUTION !!! Use SolidTurn Drilling
G32 Z_ F_ ;
If you set the Cycle Type to Tap on the SolidTurn Drilling cycle, the tapping canned
cycle will be output with G32.
Note: The direction of the tap is controlled by the tool spindle direction (clockwise or
counterclockwise) set on the tool page.
M329 S_ ;
G84 X_ (Y_) C_ Z_ R_ P_ F_ ;
M329 S_ ;
G88 Z_ (Y_) C_ X_ R_ P_ F_ ;
13.5.3. Face and side (high-speed) deep hole synchronized
tapping (M329 G84/M329 G88)
CAUTION !!! Use SolidMillTurn Drilling or SolidMillTurn Wrap Drilling
M329 S_ ;
G84 X_ (Y_) C_ Z_ R_ P_ Q_ F_ ;
M329 S_ ;
G88 Z_ (Y_) C_ X_ R_ P_ Q_ F_ ;
You can enter the depth of cut per pass Q in the Depth of Pass Q (Custom Setting 3) field
of the SolidMill Drilling (or Wrap Drilling) operation.
13.5.4. Spindle synchronized tapping (M329 G84) (Option
on machine)
CAUTION !!! Use SolidTurn Drilling
M329 S_ ;
G84 X_ Z_ R_ P_ F_ ;
The M329 G84 command is used to execute a tapping operation at the center of the
spindle (rotational center of workpiece).
This tapping cycle allows the Z-axis feed to be always synchronized with spindle
If you set the Cycle Type to Tap 2 on the SolidTurn Drilling cycle, the synchronized
tapping canned cycle will be output with M329 G84.
13.6. Face and side boring / Boring in turning mode
G85 X_ (Y_) C_ Z_ R_ P_ F_ ;
G89 Z_ (Y_) C_ X_ R_ P_ F_ ;
13.6.2. Boring in turning mode
CAUTION !!! Use SolidTurn Drilling
If you want to perform a boring cycle with the SolidTurn Drilling operation, set the Cycle
Type to Bore and Canned Cycle to No. No canned cycle is supported for the turn boring
cycle. The code will be output with linear G01 moves.
Note: If you omit to set Canned Cycle to No, you will get the following error message in
M90 S_ ;
M290 S_ ;
The M90 and M290 (for NZX-ST & NZX-S configurations) commands are used to rotate
the spindle and the rotary tool simultaneously to machine a hole at the center of the
spindle (workpiece) at a proper cutting speed if necessary cutting speed cannot be
obtained by rotating only the spindle or the rotary tool.
On the Custom tab of the SolidTurn Drilling operation, set Simultaneous Operation
(Custom Setting 6) to 90 to trigger the output of the M90 (or M290 if machining on the
spindle 2 side for NZX-ST & NZX-S configurations) command.
On the General tab, set in Speed RPM the desired total speed, which mean speed of the
turning spindle plus speed of the rotary tool.
You can then specify with Speed Percentage (Custom Setting 7) the percentage of the
total speed you want to apply to the rotary tool.
If you set the Speed RPM to 6000 and Speed Percentage to 30, the spindle speed will be
6000 - 30% * 6000 = 4200 rpm and the rotary tool speed will be 6000 * 30% = 1800 rpm.
Set on the General tab, the Feed Unit to Per Minute: You can determine the
feedrate of the tool assuming the spindle speed of 6000 min −1, which is the sum of
the turning spindle speed (4200 min -1) and the rotary tool speed (1800 min −1 ).
On the General tab, make sure to change the Maximum RPM value according
to the specified Speed RPM value. If Speed RPM is set to 6000 rpm but Maximum
RPM to 5000 rpm, the output will be computed using 5000 rpm, as a safety.
The direction of rotation has to be specified on the Tool page by the pull-down
Spindle Direction.
14. 3D coordinate conversion (G68.1) (Option on
14.1. Introduction
G68.1 X0 Y0 Z0 I0 J1 K0 R_ ;
T_ ;
By using the G68.1 command, it is possible to execute coordinate conversion for the
program shape, created in the 3D coordinate system, around an optional axis.
The 3D coordinate conversion function is effective when machining with an angle holder.
By using the program created assuming that machining is executed on the ZX plane, the
programmed machining can be executed on the plane after rotation by converting the
coordinate system by specifying the center of rotation, the direction of the center axis of
rotation, and the angle of rotation.
Note that the center of rotation will always be (X0; Y0; Z0) and the direction of the
center axis of rotation (I0; J1; K0): the coordinate system will be tilted around the Y-axis.
The angle of rotation R_ will automatically be computed for you based on the angle of
the tilted holder.
Make sure to activate the work coordinate in which you want to output your tilted
operation (G54_Tilted for spindle 1 side or G55_Tilted for spindle 2 side).
Your work coordinate is now correctly set for 3D coordinate conversion. If you create a
Tilted tool in ESPRIT, the NC code output when using this tool will be with 3D
coordinate conversion.
If, for example, you program a SolidMillTurn Drilling operation using a tilted tool in the
defined G54_Tilted work coordinate, the 3D coordinate conversion will be output in the
NC code.
Note: If you programmed an operation with a tilted tool but forgot to set Rotate With Part
to Point Only for your work coordinate, you will get the following error message in your
CAUTION !!! When working with G68.1 function, make sure to set Autorun Mode to
NONE in Turning Work Coordinates add-in.
15. 4-axis wrap milling cycles with interpolation
15.1. Introduction
The NC code can be very long for wrap milling operations using the C-axis. But it can be
shorten by turning on the interpolation.
On the Wrap tab of the operation pages, set Cylindrical Interpolation to Yes to output 4-
axis wrap milling operations with cylindrical interpolation.
It will be turned on in the NC code by G07.1 C_ and turned off by G07.1 C0.
C corresponds to the radius of the workpiece (groove bottom). It can be specified (as a
diameter value) on the Wrap tab in the Working Diameter field of the operation pages:
Using cylindrical interpolation can shorten the program length because ESPRIT outputs
the circular motions in the cylindrical plane.
Without cylindrical interpolation, circular motions in the cylindrical plane are
approximated by small linear moves (quality varies with the tolerance of the operation
On the Strategy tab of the operation pages, set Polar Interpolation to Yes to output rotary
face milling operations with polar interpolation.
It will be turned on in the NC code by G112 and turned off by G113.
16. Custom Settings index
16.1. On operation pages
66 Output stop coolant code (M09) Head 1, 2 & 3: Used for Park cycle
Custom Setting 2 B-axis retraction stroke Head 2: Used for Part pickup cycle / Goes
117 with Custom Setting 1
Depth of cut per pass Q Head 1, 2 & 3: Used for SolidMillTurn Drilling
167 cycle (TAP2)
Custom Setting 3
B-axis feedrate Head 2: Used for Part pickup cycle / Goes
117 with Custom Setting 1
92 X position of bar stopper tool (G53) Head 1: Used for Barfeed (By stopper) cycle
Custom Setting 4 Tolerance for workpiece transfer position Head 2: Used for Part pickup cycle / Goes
117 with Custom Setting 1
92 Z position of bar stopper tool (G53) Head 1: Used for Barfeed (By stopper) cycle
Custom Setting 5 B-axis feedrate changing position Head 2: Used for Part pickup cycle / Goes
117 with Custom Setting 1
Spindle/Rotary Tool Spindle Simultaneous Head 1, 2 & 3: Used for SolidTurn Drilling
174 Operation Mode cycle
Custom Setting 6
107 C-Axis mode for spindle orientation Head 1 & 2: Used for Part pickup cycle
Percentage of the total speed you want to Head 1, 2 & 3: Used for SolidTurn Drilling
174 apply to the rotary tool cycle / Goes with Custom Setting 6
Custom Setting 7
107 C-Axis angle value Head 1 & 2: Used for Part pickup cycle
Custom Setting 8 80 Spindle 2 catching position Head 2: Used for Part release cycle
Custom Setting 9 80 Type of workpiece ejector Head 2: Used for Part release cycle
Custom Setting 10 Not used
Tool station for part transfer and work
Custom Setting 4 14 unloader (Turret 1)
Tool station for part transfer and work
Custom Setting 5 14 unloader (Turret 2)
Tool station for part transfer and work
Custom Setting 6 14 unloader (Turret 3) For NZX-ST configuration only