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International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development-– Volume 2 Issue 1, Jan-Feb 2019

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The Role Of Profitability As An Intervening Variable On Analysis
Impact Of Debt Policy, Company Growth On Firm Value Of Property
And Real Estate Listed In Indonesia Stock Exchange

Burhanuddin1, Marlina Widiyanti2, Taufik3

Magister Management Program in Sriwijaya University, Indonesia
Abstract :
This study aims to analyze the impact of debt to equity ratio, asset growth on price book value
with return on assets as a mediator in 34 property and real estate companies in the 2014-2017 period on
the Indonesia Stock Exchange. This research method uses path analysis. The results showed that the
debt to equity ratio and asset growth did not have a significant effect on the profitability of the company.
While the debt to equity ratio and return on assets have a positive and significant effect on firm value
meanwhile the growth of the company does not have a significant effect on firm value.
Furthermore, return on assets does not mediate the relationship between debt to equity ratio and
price book value while return on assets mediates the relationship between asset growth and price book
value. The results of this study are expected to be used by companies to determine a more optimal
capital structure. This research is only limited to property and real estate companies, for which further
research is expected to expand the observation period and the variables studied.
Keywords : Debt to equity ratio, asset growth,price book value, return on asset, path analysis

The purpose of establishing a company is not only to achieve maximum profits but also to
improve the welfare of the company's shareholders. The firm value is very important because the high
value of the firm will be followed by the high prosperity of shareholders (Brigham Gapensi, 1996).
According to Fama in Noerirawan and Muid (2012) the value of the firm can be seen from the price of
its shares. The value of the company is projected by the price of the stock which means that with the
increase in stock prices, the value of the firm increases. Even though the company has other objectives,
maximizing stock prices is the most important goal (Brigham and Houston, 2011). firm value can be
determined by several factors, namely asset growth, profitability, and investment decisions
(Kusumaningrum and Rahardjo, 2013). To measure the value of the company can use the PER ratio,
Tobin’s Q and PBV. PBV (Price Book to Value) is a ratio that measures the value of a company by
dividing price per share by book value per share.
To achieve maximum profit the company must run the company effectively and efficiently. In
order to avoid unnecessary waste of resources and expenses, the financial management is necessary. To
measure the level of effectiveness of financial management we can use profitability ratios. Profitability
ratio is a ratio to assess a company's ability to seek profits (Kasmir, 2014). Brigham and Houston (2011)
also state that profitability is a net result of a series of policies and decisions in a company. By looking
at the data in profitability ratios we can find improvements in financial performance or setbacks. One of
the profitability ratios that are often used to measure company performance is return on assets (ROA)
which is calculated by comparing the rate of return on total assets.

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The value of the company's debt has huge impact on the value of the firm. Firm value is
determined by capital structure (Brigham and Houston, 2011). Martono and Harjito (2010) Capital
structure is a comparison or balance of long-term funding of the company indicated by the comparison
of long-term debt to own capital. Traditional approaches argue that there is an optimal capital structure.
This means that the Capital Structure has an influence on Firm Value, where the Capital Structure can
change so that optimal firm value can be obtained. Capital structure policy involves an exchange
between risk and return. Higher risks tend to reduce stock prices, but expectations of higher returns will
raise them. Therefore, the optimal capital structure must achieve a balance between risk and return so as
to maximize the company's stock price.
Company growth is a change in annual assets from total assets (Brigham and Houston, 2011).
This can be proven through a growing company that can be seen from the increase in assets to increase
the size of the company. Growth is expressed as the growth of total assets where the growth of past
assets will reflect future profitability and future growth (Taswan, 2003). So the conclusion that the
company's growth is a change (decrease or increase) in total assets owned by the company. The
company's growth includes the growth of assets, profits and sales. The higher the company's growth, the
better it will be for the company, continuing to grow is one of the company's goals.
The Property and Real Estate Sector is one of the economic backers of a country. The property
sector is one sector that is able to absorb large numbers of workers and has a multiplier effect in other
sectors. As an illustration, build a building requires a lot of labor, cement, stone, sand, paint and others.
This shows that growth in the industrial sector will affect growth in other sectors. In addition, the
property and real estate sector contributes to regional income through taxes, namely land and building
tax (PBB), Land Tax, and Value Added Tax (PPn).
Before making an investment decision, investors gather as much information as possible about
the company as a reference for making investment decisions. Information about the health of a company
can be seen from the company's financial statements. According to Tandelilin (2010) the investment
decisions are based on return, risk, and time factor. Based on the description above, the researchers
intend to examine the influence of debt policy and company growth on the value of property companies
and real estate with profitability as an intervening variable.
Signalling Theory
Ross (1977) in Hanafi (2014) developed a model in which the capital structure (use of debt) is a signal
conveyed by managers to the market. If the manager has confidence that the company's prospects are
good, and therefore wants the stock price to increase, he wants to communicate this to investors. One of
the simplest ways is to say directly that the company has good prospects. Of course investors will not
believe that. Therefore, managers want to provide a signal that is more credible. Managers can use more
debt, as a more credible signal.
Trade off Theory
According to the trade off theory proposed by Myers (2001) that the company will owe up to a certain
level of debt, where the tax savings (tax shields) from additional debt equals the cost of financial
difficulties (financial distress) ". The cost of financial difficulties (financial distress) is bankruptcy costs
(bankrupty costs) or reorganization, and agency costs (agency costs) are increased due to a decrease in
the credibility of a company. Trade off theory in determining the optimal capital structure includes
several factors including tax, agency cost and financial distress, but still maintains the assumption of
market efficiency and symmetric information as a balance and benefit of using debt. The optimal debt
level is achieved when tax shields reach the maximum amount of the cost of financial distress.
Firm Value
Company value is the perception of investors towards the company which is reflected in the company's
stock price. The purpose of financial management is to maximize the value of the company. If the

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International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development-– Volume 2 Issue 1, Jan-Feb 2019
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company runs smoothly, the value of the company's shares will increase, while the value of the
company's debt (bonds) is not affected at all (Mas'ud in Sabrin et al, 2016). The value of the company is
very important because the high value of the company will be followed by the high prosperity of
shareholders. The higher the stock price the higher the value of the company. High company value is the
desire of the owners of the company, because with high value shows the prosperity of shareholders is
also high. The wealth of shareholders and companies is presented by the market price of shares which is
a reflection of investment decisions, funding (financing), and asset management (BringhamGapensi,
This study uses price to book value as an indicator to measure company value by considering the
ratio of price to book value is widely used in investment decisions.
Profitability is the ability of a company to earn profits in relation to sales, total assets and own capital
(Sartono, 2010). Definition of profitability according to Munawir (2004) is the company's ability to
generate profits in a certain period of time. According to Hanafi and Halim (2009), profitability ratios
can be measured using these ratios return on assets, return on equity, earnings per share, and profit
There are several indicators of profitability. In this study, profitability is proxied by using return
on assets that compares net income to total company assets. The reason for choosing return on assets as
a proxy is because it shows the efficiency measures of the most relevant operations in the property and
real estate sector.
Debt Policy
Debt policy is an external funding company policy. Debt policy describes the long-term debt held by the
company to finance the company's operations. Determination of debt policy is related to capital structure
because debt is one of the compositions in the capital structure. Companies are considered at risk if they
have a large portion of debt on the capital structure, but if the company uses a small or no debt, the
company is considered unable to utilize additional external capital that can improve the company's
operations (Mamduh, 2004).
Debt policy is often measured using the Debt Equity Ratio (DER), which is a comparison
between total long-term debt and equity. The lower the DER, the lower the level of debt the company
uses and the ability to repay debt is higher. Likewise vice versa the higher the DER the higher the debt
used and the higher the risk the company has. This policy creates conflict and agency costs, because
with debt, the company will make periodic payments of interest and loan loans. Debt policy will have a
disciplinary effect for managers to optimize the use of available funds. Debt policy functions as
monitoring or controlling the manager's actions taken in the management of the company.
Firm Growth
The company's growth rate (Growth) is a change (decrease or increase) in total assets owned by the
company. Firm Growth is expressed as the growth of total assets where the growth of past assets will
describe future profitability and future growth (Taswan, 2003).
The company's growth is the company's ability to increase the size of the company. Growth is
how far the company places itself in the overall economic system or economic system for the same
industry (Machfoedz, 2007).
Development of Hypotheses
Relationship of Debt to Equity Ratio (DER) to Return on Assets (ROA)
Debt to Equity Ratio (DER) is a ratio that compares the total long-term debt with own capital. Brigham
and Joel (2006) companies that use debt to finance part of a company's assets will have higher
profitability than companies that only use investor capital when the company's business conditions are
good. In addition, financing from debt will lead to interest costs that can reduce tax costs because the
cost of debt will be deducted in pre-tax profit. With reduced tax costs can increase the profitability of the

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company. Piao et al (2017) research, Andawasatya et al (2017) shows that debt policy has a positive and
significant effect on profitability.
H1 :Debt to Equity Ratio (DER) has a positive effect on Firm Value

Total assets growth relationship with Return on Assets (ROA)

Total assets growth is a change in the ratio of total assets of a company that shows an increase or
decrease in the level of a company's assets. Growth is expressed as the growth of total assets where the
growth of past assets will reflect future profitability and future growth (Taswan, 2003). The research
conducted by Piao et al (2017) and Kouser et al (2012) shows that company growth has a positive and
significant influence on profitability.
H2 : Total assets growth has a positive effect on Company Value through Return On Assets (ROA)

Relationship of Debt to Equity Ratio (DER) to Firm Value.

Debt to Equity Ratio (DER) is a ratio that measures the extent to which a company is financed by debt.
The greater the DER, the smaller the profit will be distributed to shareholders, so that it can reduce the
share price in question. The lower the level of DER, the more likely the value of the company will be
and the company will gain the trust of investors (Husnan, 2005). So the conclusion is the use of debt will
increase the value of the company but only to a certain point. Nasrum Research (2013), Masidonda
(2013) shows that Debt to Equity Ratio (DER) has a positive influence on firm value.
H3 : Debt to Equity Ratio (DER) has a positive effect on Company Value

Relationship of Total Assets Growth to Company Value

Company growth is one of the determinants of investment decisions. Growing companies need large
funds and tend to use retained earnings rather than distributing dividends to investors. The greater the
use of retained earnings, the smaller dividends are distributed. Sriwardany (2006) found that company
growth has a direct and positive influence on changes in stock prices. This means that information about
the company's growth is responded positively by investors, so that it will increase stock prices. This
stock price will later affect the value of the company. The AlGhusin (2015), Liow (2010) study shows
that the growth of the company has a positive influence on firm value.
H4 : Total assets growth has a positive effect on Company Value

Relationship of Return On Assets (ROA) to Firm Value

Return on Assets (ROA) is a ratio that compares the net profit after tax to total assets. This ratio is used
to measure how efficient a company is in managing its assets to generate profits during a period.
Companies that are able to generate higher profits show that the company's performance is getting
better, so that it can produce good responses from investors which have an impact on increasing the
stock price of a company (Purnama and Abundanti, 2014). Sucuahi and Cambarihan (2016) research,
Sabrin et al (2016) show that return on assets has a positive influence on firm value.
H5 : Return On Assets (ROA) has a positive effect on Company Value

Scope and Object of Research
This study intends to analyze the factors that influence company value. Debt to Equity Ratio and Asset
Growth to Price Book to Value with Return on Asset as an intervening variable. And the object of this
research is the Property and Real Estate companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange for the
period 2014-2017.

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The type of data used in this study is secondary data. The data is in the form of annual reports that are
downloaded at www.idx.co.id, BEI (Indonesia Stock Exchange).
Population and Samples
The population of this study are all property and real estate companies listed on the Indonesia Stock
Exchange in the 2014-2017 period. This period was chosen because it illustrates the latest conditions of
the Indonesian economy. Because it will only examine a portion of the population, a portion of the
population to be studied is called a sample. The sampling technique in this study used a purposive
sampling technique that is a technique where the data source has certain criteria.

Variables and Definitions

Dependent Variable
Firm Value (Z)
Indicator of company value using Price Book to Value, which is the ratio of market prices and book
value of shares. To calculate it can use a formula

(Kasmir, 2013)
Independent Variables
Debt Policy (X1)
The indicator of debt policy in this study is the debt to equity ratio, which is the ratio of current debt and
total equity. To calculate it can use a formula

(Kasmir, 2013)
Company Growth(X2)
The indicator of company growth in this study is total asset growth, the decrease or increase in total
assets owned by the company. To calculate it can use a formula
( )– ( − 1)
( − 1)
(Kasmir, 2013)
Variabel Intervening
Profitability (Y)
The profitability value in this study is projected to use return on assets, namely the ratio of the ratio
between net income after tax and total equity. To calculate it can use a formula

(Kasmir, 2013)

The data analysis method used in this study is path analysis. Path analysis is an extension of multiple
linear regression analysis, or path analysis is an expansion of regression analysis to estimate the
relationship between quality variables that have been previously determined based on theory (Ghazali,
Path analysis is used to analyze the pattern of relationships between variables in order to
determine the direct and indirect effects of the independent variables on the dependent variable while
allowing testing of intervening variables (Sarwono, 2007).

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Based on the data analysis method selected in the study is path analysis, the regression model
used in this study is as follows
Substructure Equation 1: ROA = βYDER + βYAG + ε₁
Substructure Equation 2: PBV = βZDER + βZAG + βZROA + ε2
Where :
DER = Debt to Equity Ratio
AG = Total Assets Growth
ROA = Return On Asset
PBV = Price Book to Value
ε = Residual error

Descriptive Analysis
Results of Statistical Descriptive Analysis
Descriptive Statistics

N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation

PBV (Z) 132 .10 8.07 1.3352 1.35576

DER (X1) 132 .03 2.02 .7011 .47820
Growth (X2) 132 -8.15 420.30 14.0292 41.36706
ROA (Y) 132 -5.31 19.59 4.5733 5.37089
Valid N (listwise) 132

From the table above it can be seen the statistical description of the variables used in this study.
For PBV variables the number of data is 132, minimum value is 0.10, maximum value is 8.07, average
is 1.3352, and standard deviation is 1.35576. For the DER variable the number of data is 132, the
minimum value is 0.03, the maximum value is 2.02, the average is 0.7011, and the standard deviation is
0.47820. For the Growth variable the number of data is 132, the minimum value is -8.15, the maximum
value is 420.30, the average is 14.0292, and the standard deviation is 41.36706. And for the ROA
variable the number of data is 132, the minimum value is -5.31, the maximum value is 19.59, the
average is 4.5733, and the standard deviation is 5,37089.

Hypothesis Test Results

This test is used to determine whether the independent variables partially influence the dependent
variable or not. The results of the t test obtained are presented as follows:

Bootstrap coefficient test results on Regression Equation 1
Bootstrap for Coefficients
Model B Bootstrap
Bias Std. Error Sig. (2- 95% Confidence Interval
tailed) Lower Upper

1 (Constant) 4.454 -.220 .913 .001 2.430 6.073

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DER (X1) -.489 -.130 .967 .612 -2.418 1.263

Growth (X2) .033 .034 .061 .362 .013 .235

a. Unless otherwise noted, bootstrap results are based on 1000 bootstrap samples

1. DER partially has no effect on ROA on Property and Real Estate companies listed on the
Indonesia Stock Exchange. This is because the significance value is more than 0.05 (0.612>
0.05), so Ho is accepted.
2. Growth partially has no effect on ROA on Property and Real Estate companies listed on the
Indonesia Stock Exchange. This is because the significance value is more than 0.05 (0.362>
0.05), so Ho is accepted.

Bootstrap coefficient test results on Regression Equation 2
Bootstrap for Coefficients
Model B Bootstrap
Bias Std. Error Sig. (2-tailed) 95% Confidence Interval

Lower Upper

(Constant) .299 -.002 .168 .082 -.037 .622

DER (X1) .674 -.015 .242 .011 .172 1.159
Growth (X2) -.004 .000 .007 .196 -.016 .020

ROA (Y) .135 .001 .030 .001 .079 .195

a. Unless otherwise noted, bootstrap results are based on 1000 bootstrap samples

1. DER partially influences PBV on Property and Real Estate companies listed on the Indonesia Stock
Exchange. This is because the significance value is less than 0.05 (0.011 <0.05), so Ho is rejected.
Positive regression coefficient means that DER has a positive effect on PBV.
2. Growth partially has no effect on PBV on Property and Real Estate companies listed on the
Indonesia Stock Exchange. This is because the significance value is more than 0.05 (0.196> 0.05),
so Ho is accepted.

3. ROA partially affects PBV on Property and Real Estate companies listed on the Indonesia Stock
Exchange. This is because the significance value is less than 0.05 (0.001 <0.05), so Ho is rejected.
Positive regression coefficient means that ROA has a positive effect on PBV.

Tabl 4
Path Analysis Table Equation 1

Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized t Sig.


B Std. Error Beta

(Constant) 4.454 .834 5.343 .000
DER (X1) -.489 .957 -.044 -.511 .610

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Growth (X2) .033 .011 .254 2.980 .003

Path Analysis Table Equation 2
Bootstrap for Coefficients
Model B Bootstrap

Bias Std. Error Sig. (2-tailed) 95% Confidence Interval

Lower Upper
(Constant) .299 -.002 .168 .082 -.037 .622

DER (X1) .674 -.015 .242 .011 .172 1.159

Growth (X2) -.004 .000 .007 .196 -.016 .020
ROA (Y) .135 .001 .030 .001 .079 .195

Path Analysis Equation 1:

Y = ρ x1y.X1 + ρ x2y.X2+ ε1
= -0,044X1 + 0,254X2

Path Analysis Equation2:

Z = ρ x1z.X1 + ρ x2z.X2+ ρ yz.Y+ ε2
= 0,238X1 - 0,115X2 + 0,534Y

X1 = Debt to Equity Ratio(DER)

X2 = Total Assets Growth(AG)
Y = Return On Asset (ROA)
e = Residual error

0,238 ε ε
0,534 PBV (Z)
X2 -0,115

Figure 1 Path Analysis

1. Regression coefficient direct effect of X1 to Z is 0.238, regression coefficient indirect effect X1

to Z through Y is -0.044 x 0.534 = -0.023. And the total effect is 0.238 + (-0.023) = 0.215, it can
be concluded that Y is not a mediating or intervening variable. It can be interpreted that the ROA
variable does not mediate the influence between DER on PBV.

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2. The regression coefficient of the direct effect of X2 to Z is -0.115, the regression coefficient of
indirect influence X2 to Z through Y is 0.254 x 0.534 = 0.136. And the total effect is -0.115 +
0.136 = 0.021, it can be concluded that Y is a mediating or intervening variable. It can be
interpreted that the ROA variable mediates the effect of Growth on PBV.

Debt to Equity Ratio on Return on Assets
Significant value of Debt to Equity ratio of 0.612> 0.05, it can be concluded that there is no
effect of debt policy on profitability in the Property and real estate companies found on the Indonesia
Stock Exchange. This means that the level of debt the company has does not have a significant effect on
the profitability of the company. Increasing the amount of debt is not always accompanied by an
increase in company profits.
Property and real estate companies rely heavily on external funding, where the DER ratio is
0.7025 meaning that 70% of the company's funding comes from outside parties. There is no influence of
debt policy on company profits but there is a positive and significant relationship between short-term
debt to company profits. This indicates that property and real estate companies use long-term debt in
carrying out their activities. The higher the debt, the more interest the company must pay.
This finding is in line with previous research conducted by Salawu (2009) which shows that debt
policy has no significant effect on profitability. The results of this study are not in line with the research
conducted by Abeywardhana (2015), Wardhana (2011), Abor (2005) whose research shows that debt
policy has a negative and significant effect on profitability. . Increasing debt does not guarantee an
increase in company profits. But it will be better if the company uses more of its own capital than debt
because it will reduce the interest burden paid and minimize the risk of bankruptcy.
Asset Growth on Return on Assets
The significance value of asset growth is (0.362> 0.05). This shows that the company's growth has no
influence on profitability in the Property and Real Estate companies listed on the Indonesia Stock
Exchange. This finding is different from the theory that the growth of past assets will illustrate future
profitability and future growth (Taswan, 2003).
The difference in theory and results of this study is due to the characteristics of property and real
estate companies that use debt to run company operations so that the profits obtained by the company
are eroded by the interest the company must pay to the debtor.
The increase in total assets does not guarantee an increase in the profitability of the company.
The most likely explanation is the market condition that has slowed due to the industry property cycle
and government regulations that tightened sales with the regulation of LTV (loan to value) which will
make the market increasingly sluggish.
The findings in the study are in line with previous research conducted by Delmar et al (2013),
Pontoh and Ilat (2013) Fitzsimmons et al (2005), the results of his research show that the company's
growth does not have a significant effect on profitability. Different results obtained in the study of Piao
et al (2017) and Kouser et al (2012) which showed the growth of the company had a positive and
significant effect on profitability.
Debt to Equity Ratio on Price Book Value
The significance value of the Debt to Equity ratio is (0.011 <0.05), this indicates that debt policy has a
positive and significant influence on the value of the company in the Property and Real Estate
companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. This is in line with the trade-off theory showing that
the value of a company with debt will increase with increasing levels of debt. The use of debt will
increase the value of the company but only to a certain point. After that point, the use of debt actually
decreases the value of the company.

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The use of excessive debt will cause investors to worry about the risk of bankruptcy resulting
from the use of debt as a source of corporate funding. This is supported by the statement of Jensen and
Meckling (1976) which states that the higher the company's debt equity ratio, the higher the company's
risk. The higher the company's debt, the greater the likelihood of a condition where the company is
unable to pay its obligations, so the risk of bankruptcy will be even greater. Therefore, companies must
be careful in making funding decisions. In addition, the company can use retained earnings as an
additional internal funding source. Issuance of new equity can be used as the last alternative because it
can cause a decrease in the company's stock price.
This finding is in line with previous research conducted by Nasrum (2013), Masidonda (2013),
showing that Debt to Equity Ratio (DER) has a positive influence on firm value, while research from
Jusriani and Rahardjo (2013), Noerirawan and Muid (2012), Martikarini (2012), debt policy does not
have a significant effect on firm value. Li-Ju Chen and Shun-Yu Chen (2011) the results of his research
show that debt policy has a significant negative effect on firm value.
Total Assets Growth on Price Book Value
Significance value of total assets growth is (0.196> 0.05), This shows that the growth of the company
has no influence on the value of the company projected with the Price Book Value. The results of this
study are different from the theory which states that company growth has a direct and positive influence
on changes in stock prices. This means that information about the company's growth is responded
positively by investors, so that it will increase stock prices. This stock price will later affect the value of
the company (Sriwardany, 2006).
Companies that experience asset growth will usually be followed by operational improvements
that have an impact on increasing company profits. Investors will assume that companies that grow in
terms of assets will have good prospects in the future. This will be captured by investors as a positive
signal that will affect investors in making investment decisions which will affect the company's stock
This finding is in line with the research conducted by Sofyaningsih and Pancawati (2011),
Ramezani et al (2001) which states that the growth of the company does not have a significant effect on
firm value. Different results obtained in the study of Noerirawan and Muid (2012), Kusumajaya (2011)
showed that company growth has a positive and significant influence on firm value, while Wardjono
(2010), his research shows that firm growth has a significant negative effect on firm value.
Return On Assets (ROA) on Company Values
The significance value of Return on Asset is (0.001 <0.05) which means that the results show
profitability has a positive and significant influence on the value of property and real estate companies
listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. These findings are in line with the theory which states that
companies that are able to generate higher profits indicate that the company's performance is getting
better, so that it can produce good responses from investors which have an impact on increasing the
company's stock price (Purnama and Abundanti, 2014).
One that influences investor investment decisions is the level of profits generated by the
company. If the company is able to generate high profits, it will give an idea that the company is healthy
and will attract the attention of investors to invest in the company. The more people who are interested
in investing in the company, the higher the price of the company's shares will increase the value of the
The results of this study support the results of previous studies conducted by Sucuahi and
Cambarihan (2016), Sabrin et al (2016), Chen and Shun (2011), Hermuningsih (2013) while the results
of the Herawati (2013) and Purwandari (2012) research show that profitability is not has a significant
influence on the value of the company.
Debt to Equity Ratio to Price Book Value through Return on Assets as an intervening variable

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The results of this study indicate that the Return on Assets variable does not mediate the relationship
between Debt to Equity Ratio and Price Book Value on property and real estate companies listed on the
Indonesia Stock Exchange. This can be seen from the direct effect of 0.238 greater than the indirect
effect of -0.028.
The results of the first hypothesis test show that the debt to equity ratio does not have a
significant effect on the profitability of the company and it is seen from the third hypothesis test that
there is a positive and significant effect of debt to equity ratio on the value of the company.
This means that the increase in the amount of debt in the company's capital structure does not
necessarily increase the profitability generated by the company but the increase in the amount of debt
will increase the value of the company. The average debt ratio to total company assets reaches 0.7025,
which means that 70% more corporate funding comes from debt and the rest uses internal company
So profitability does not mediate the relationship between debt policy and company value in
property and real estate companies because the direct influence is greater than the indirect effect.
Total Assets Growth on Price Book Value through Return on Assets as an intervening variable
The results of this study indicate the Return on Assets variable mediates the relationship
between Total Assets Growth and Price Book Value on property and real estate companies listed on the
Indonesia Stock Exchange. This can be seen from the direct effect of the direct effect of -0.115 smaller
than the indirect effect of 0.136.
The results of the second hypothesis test show that Total Assets Growth does not have a
significant effect on company profitability and judging from the fourth hypothesis test shows that Total
Assets Growth does not have a significant effect on firm value.
This means that the increase in the total assets of property and real estate companies does not
encourage an increase in company profitability, this is because the level of sales has decreased from year
to year. Changes in the total assets of a company also do not affect the value of the company.
So profitability mediates the relationship between company growth and company value in
property and real estate companies because the direct influence is smaller than the indirect effect.


Table 6 Conclusion of Research Results

Code Hypothesis Results

H1 Debt policy has a positive effect on profitability Rejected
H2 The company's growth has a positive effect on Rejected
H3 Debt policy has a positive effect on firm value Accepted
H4 The company's growth has a positive effect on Rejected
firm value
H5 Profitability has a positive effect on firm value Accepted

1. This research is only limited to Property and Real Estate that are listed on the Indonesia Stock
Exchange only, so the results of the study might be inaccurate if they are aimed at a wider

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Available at www.ijsred.com

2. This study is only limited to the independent variable DER and Growth, considering there are still
many other factors that also affect PBV.

1. For further research it can be on several sectors of the company on the IDX so that the research
results will be more accurate and the population more broadly.
2. For further research you can use more independent variables, so the results of the study will be more


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