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After A Spell

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Analysis of the 'lawnmower' Round 4

• Stats and words from Regionals & NSB 2016!
• Trivia & snippets from NSB 2016

Hexco's Annual Newsletter - A Report on the 2016 National Spelling Bee

'GAME-ON' for 39-Round 2016 Co-Champs

Nihar is the youngest winner on record and also had the only perfect score
on the written test. "I can't say anything, I'm only in fifth grade," he said.

Courtesy Photos. Pictured (left to right) Nihar Janga and Jairam Hathwar hoist the trophy; The 10 finalists take the stage.

• Gokul Venkatachalam, 2015 NSB champion is now coaching for Hexco

• Snehaa Ganesh Kumar, 2016 third-place winner is also coaching for Hexco!
• "Fast Track" to Spelling for new spellers is underway! Sign up today.

Phone: 830-367-3825 or toll-free: 800-391-2891 | Email: hexco@hexco.com
Regional Spelling Bee Words
(including Words Used in Round 2!)
Many of the following words were used in Round 2 (first oral spelling round) of the National Spell-
ing Bee and many were first used at Regional Spelling Bees. This list was not available until all of
the Regional Spelling Bees had ended. In early April (about 50 days before the NSB), contestants
were provided this list of words inside their speller accounts at spellingbee.com.

edacious Gruyere Merovingian pyretogenic Tagalog

eelpout gudgeon millegrain pyrophyte tagasaste
Egyptian habeas mimetic quadriga Talavera
elocutionist hauberk moire quadrumanous tempeh
Elohistic heliotrope monaural rabanna tercentenary
embouchure hellebore moraine radicchio thrasonical
embracery hierurgical msse radiolarian threnody
embryonic Hippocratic muchacha radome tichodrome
'Bee' in the Know! Have questions on the rules, words, or emeritus histamine mucilaginous rangiferine tilleul
changes in the bee? Call us at 830-367-3825 or email us emphysema horoscope murmuration rasorial tippet
at hexco@hexco.com. empyrean hostelry myoglobin ravigote tonsillitis
endotracheal hotelier nephrolith reboation topazolite
abecedarius badinage cirque ensign humidor nimious religiosity toroidal
abendmusik baize civet entresol hydrophobia Nostradamus remontant tourelle
ablaut Bakelite Cockney epitaphs hyrax numismatist rennet towhee
acalculia bald codicil erratic ibuprofen ochlocracy repristinate tragopan
accentuate balisaur colcannon escarole infarction octateuch revenant tricephalous
accipiter bardolatry Conestoga Esperanto influential oeuvre revendicate trichinosis
acetaminophen bariolage confabulation espresso intermezzo opalescence rhizome trigeminal
aciniform bascule consortium expediency interpellate orogeny rinceau triglycerides
aciniform Basenji cormorant expostulate intertrigo orzo roentgen turbinado
acquisitive belfry corpus expugnable inviscate oscillometer rubella unction
actinide bellwether coulibiac exsuffiation iridescent ossicle rutilant urubu
actuary bibelot crudites extraordinaire isotopic pace saccharide ustion
ad-hocracy bilirubin cryogenic extraterrestrial jacquard pair sapiential usufructuary
adiaphoron bireme cryptozoa extrorse jadeite palazzo saskatoon uveal
adieu blancmange cutigeral exultantly Jagomorph Paleozoic saucier vaccary
adjuvant bobolink cuttanee factotum jalousie paraffm scarlatina vena
adnate Bolognese cyrillic farina kamaaina parallax sciuromorph vermicelli
adrenergic boniato dabchick fenestration kanban paroxysmal scullery vichyssoise
adzes boo dactylic ferruginous Keplerian parquetry seismism villatic
affenpinscher book Darjeeling fianchetto kinetosis patois sepulchral vinaigrette
ailette bouffant dashi finickiness kipfel pedantry serricom vinculum
Aleutian bouillon delectation flavescent koji pharmaceutics shar-pei viticetum
allelopathy brachiate deleterious fleche kookaburra phlegm simpatico vitreous
almoner Bramantesque delphinium flimflammer krewe photon sinuosity vomer
alpargata breve demerits floribunda laccolith pillory skedaddle vulnerary
anadiplosis Brie demitasse formicary lagniappe plumicorn skew wakame
analgesic brigadier demulcent frazil leguminous podiatrist Socratic wapiti
anarchist bunraku dentifrice fugacity lenticula poignard solenoid waterloo
anastrophe burgher desaparecido gagaku leviathan poltroon solmizate watteau
anhinga burgundy deuterium Galilean lias Ponzi sombra Wellington
ankh caisson dieffenbachia gardenesque licentiate posada sommelier wickiup
anna calabrese diffract garniture lidocaine potoo sorrel wontedness
apologue calving digitalis gaucho los presage sousaphone wushu
Appaloosa campanulate diminution geige lovage preterition sponsalia yardang
aquiline catadromous disapprobation genuflect lustrum primogeniture spurious Yeatsian
arenaceous catalufa disembogue Gibraltarians macaque proletarian statolatry zaibatsu
astrobleme catarrh diurnal glengarry malefactor propinquity strepitous zazen
atamasco cava divagate glissando manifesto pruritus strychnine zetetic
atlatl cenotaph divestiture gnocchi maquette pseudonymous stultify zori
au ceraceous dorsicollar gnosis Mardi pseudonymous submersible Zoroastrian
avant-garde chanoyu draconian go matamata puce succade Zouave
avodire chanteuse durezza Gras mbira purloin syzygy zygodactylous
azulejo Charleston echinoderm Grecian meadowwink putsch tachistoscope
bacalao chinook echolalia groceteria mellisonant pygopodous taconite
National Spelling Bee Words
Round-by-Round Alphabetical Recap
Round 1 catastasis fecund nominal succorance sylvilagus scyphate ekka
Vocabulary cerebellar felicific nonvolatile syllabify talaje somma quillon
certitude filial odometer tabernacle terpsichore spiedini
allogamy chiffon flagitious offal telharmonium tibourbou succussatory Round 15
chiropodist Christendom flagon opprobrious theosophy tyee berceuse
enshroud chronograph flambeau panorama thoracic vulsellum Round 8 chaoborine
fouette chrysolite floruit paraphrase torquate weltpolitik chaussure launeddas
geminate circumvallate fraternize patrilocal transliterate wootz comitatus nasaump
hematorrhachis clavier fraudulent pavlova tulipomania zwitterion epistaxis
lachsschinken cliché frippery phobotactic Ukrainian esquisse Round 16
mademoiselle coercible fructose photosynthesis unavailing Round 5 galago geländesprung
Nynorsk colluctation fuchsia picaroon unconscionable accouchement schepen
polysemy commixture furbelow pinniped ungetatable Ayurveda usucapion
sundry concomitance furriery planetesimal venerate Berkelium
condignly gauntlet polity ventifact carroccio myoclonus
tapetum Round 17-39
conduit genealogical polychromatic ventricle flabelliform pneuma- achalasia
Round 2 consuetude geotropic postpartum vertiginate fremitus tomachy appetitost
(Words from consulate gyrocompass prenuptial vespers glaucothoe vasopressin ayacahuite
Regional List coriander hallowed primatial volary hesperidium biniou
were used in countervail heretofore probative volumetric ipsedixitism Round 9 chremslach
this round. See crassitude heterodox profligacy Wellerism Liechtenstein chubasco cypraeiform
previous page.) crepuscular historiette propriety yakitori Nabokovian guyot doab
crotchety humoresque prorogue yearnful nagelfluh illicium drahthaar
Round 3 curioso hydrangea prorupt Zurich noncompos levirate écorché
abactor curmudgeon hydrophore ptarmigan ocypode lovat ergataner
aberration cursorial hypercritical purview Round 4 pareiasaur palagonite euchologion
abstinence cybernaut ichthyology putrescent Anakim photophygous Feldenkrais
acclimatization decillion idyllic quadragenari- bakshaish pochoir fothergilla
illegitimate ous batonnier rafale ptyxis
acrostic declamatory gerrhosaurid
adventitious deference impeachable querulential beaumontage rhinorrhagia Wehrmacht
affable deluge impenitent quincentenary bouleuterion tarente giallolino
affiliation demibastion impermeable raptus cacomistle volemitol Round 10 Groenendael
agribusiness demiurge imputation recreant chaîné amanitin guignolet
amaryllis demoid inalienable recrudescence Cheltenham Round 6 betony gyttja
ambiplasma desultorily inauguration refractor colporteur acrodromous chalazion haab
amnesty deterrent incoherent repetitiously cypripedium buccal hypozeuxis harmattan
amortization devitalize indecipherable resuscitate dipnoous caliginous soogee Hohenzollern
Angelus dialysis ineducable rivulet dithyramb coquille Venetic juamave
Anglophilia disbursement inexhaustible rubicund echimyine daguerreotype keurboom
animus discept infatuated rurban gaillardia dyscrasia Round 11 Kjeldahl
annihilate discountenance intuitable rustication glacis embolus krausen
anthropocentric disinterred inulin salutary gryllus formatore lerot
antiquarian disparate isonomy saponaceous hypopus helichrysum lygaeid
sarment jacopever hyperosmia ptyalism
aphagia dissidence judoka melilot
appendicular dissonance largo scenographer klendusity keratogenous rhinolophid
Aramaic domineering ligament seismologue liripipe monture theriaca myiasis
armaments dysrhythmia logopedics senescent nannygai obumbrant parinari
aromatherapy Edenic magistracy sententious nephrorrhaphy pesante Round 12 pavonazzetto
ataxia efflorescence magniloquent septarium oecophorid porporate epergne phulkari
auspicious emancipatory meddlesome sequacious paupiette rissole gisant promyshlennik
avarice encyclical menticide sequela pentecostys urticaria prochoos rafraîchissoir
bacteriolytic equilibrist metastasize simultaneity psyllium shubunkin ripieno
baklava estrangement millennial sophisticated ptilopod Round 7 Stymphalian
ballotage ethnography mimeograph spectrometer reseau bruja Round 13 taoiseach
bathos eucalyptus mimosa spontaneity rhamphotheca campagnol bailliage tetradrachm
beautician euphotic misconception squinch rocaille corinne caracal uintjie
bibliography euthenics mobocrat stanzaic salele dulia villancico
bisector exasperate moratorium stellular samskara jornada whau
paralimnion poitrel
brogue excogitate Moroccan stereotypical scialytic ynambu
calisthenics exogenous multivalent Stockholm solenoglyphous persillade zindiq
cameist extracurricular narial subaltern sophrosyne piqueur Round 14
cantina extrasensory niacin subluxated strephosym- quinton aplustre
cassock fascinator nolition subservient bolia rerebrace Collyridian
Facts & Snippets
2016 National Spelling Bee Trivia & Truth

• There was only one written round at the 2016 National • The rules state that after 25 championship words, if both
Spelling Bee and this was given in Round One. This Pre- champs spell their word correctly, they will both be
liminary test was separated into 4 parts and labeled A-D. declared co-champions. Interestingly, if both spell their
Only one contestant got a perfect written round score, word incorrectly, they would also be co-champions.
fifth grader Nihar Janga, who also tied for National • Co-champ Nihar Janga made Dallas Cowboy wide
Spelling Bee champion. receiver Dez Bryant's signature "x" move, crossing his
• Section A contained 12 multiple-choice spelling words forearms on stage as the championship was declared.
worth 1 point each; five different spellings were present- Dez sent a personal tweet to Nihar.
ed for each question and an abbreviated etymology was • Many spellers said "Hello" to Dr. Bailly in different languag-
provided. Five out of the 12 questions stated, "Please es; Ramon Padua Jr., speller 50, from Guam said, "Håfa
pay careful attention to the definition and part of speech. Adai!" which he said means hello in Chamorro. Henry Hein
This word has a homonym or could be confused with a said "Hello" in Burmese. Alexandra Snyder went with "Hel-
word that has a similar pronunciation." lo from the other side" and Cassie Rust opted for "Ahoy."
• Section B was a vocabulary test which also had 12 • 45 spellers were selected for the final rounds after being
multiple-choice questions worth one point each. A word ranked based on their Round One written scores.
was given in the question, and the contestants were • A few spellers had words that were Trademarks.
asked to choose the correct definition out of four pos- • Words from Japanese, Hawaiian, Africaans, Maori, Ma-
sible options. yan and Chinook were also seen.
• Sections C & D each consisted of one vocabulary ques- • 10 spellers advanced to the finals.
tion worth 3 points each; these were applied to Rounds • There are 476,000 words in Webster's Third Dictionary
2 and 3 respectively. not counting those in the Addendum.
• Instead of using the Spell It list in Round 2, the National • It was the 96th National Spelling Bee.
Spelling Bee added a brand new list of words which were • One speller air-typed her spelling before spelling her
from Regional Bees to spellers' accounts in early April word aloud, a sure sign students are using computers for
of 2016 (50 days before the Bee). A total of 33 spellers much of their spelling study such as our new eMentor
missed a word from this list whereas, in 2015, only 4 online software.
spellers missed their word from the same round which • Smrithi Upadhyayula has written a science fiction book
used the Spell It list. These words were used in Round called, "Glitches" in which she uses some of her exten-
2, however, not all spellers realized that they were given sive word knowledge.
this list and therefore had not studied those words. • Hexco's choice for favorite sentence from Dr. Bailly: "In
• After the bee, regarding the co-championship words, ancient Rome, the law regarded women as subservient to
men, which is precisely why ancient Rome went down
Paige Kimble told the Associated Press, "As difficult as
in flames."
those words offered to those co-champions were, we had
• The Spelling Bee added the Running Man challenge in
a more difficult section in our word list, but we couldn't
a commercial to show the excitement of getting a word
go to them because our rules bound us to stick to that
right and some spellers and and audience members also
25-word championship word section."
performed the move during the bee.
39% 25% 19%
Total percentage of all words in the
2016 National Bee found in New Nat's
Notes, Verbomania and Blitz list

New Nat's Notes had 46% of the words

given in Round 4, aptly dubbed the
'lawnmower round' that took out 24 of
the 45 spellers, a whopping 53%. Check
out the chart below for where these 24
words can be found!

Words Missed in Found in this

Round 4
Hexco Product
Blitz 1
batonnier Blitz 4*
A new online group
beaumontage NNN Vol. 2
course for young or
bouleuterion non-published list*
NEW Spellers!
chaine Blitz 3

Cheltenham Blitz 2
Now enrolling!
Limited spaces available.
cypripedium Blitz 1

gaillardia NNN Vol. 4 830.367.3825

glacis NNN Vol. 3 hexco@hexco.com
hypopus Blitz 1

jacopever NNN Vol. 1 Tuition - $1250 | 6 weeks

liripipe NNN Vol. 3

oecophorid no list
"For over eight years we've developed a program to coach spellers, and
psyllium NNN Vol. 2 have coached many kids to the National Bee including one National
reseau NNN Vol. 3 Spelling Bee Champion and two who were runners-up."
rhamphotheca no list ~ Linda Tarrant, Hexco President

salele Blitz 4*

scialytic NNN Vol. 1 31 of the 45 contestants

sophrosyne NNN Vol. 4 Semi-finalists in2016 were coached by Hexco.
strephosymbolia NNN Vol. 1 used Hexco

Blitz 3

Verbomania Vol. 3
products. 81% of finalists used Hexco Products.

tyee Blitz 4*

vulsellum NNN Vol. 4 Over 50% of all National Spelling Bee competitors used
*Designates Hexco products under develop-
Hexco products. The year 2016 marked the
ment and not for sale as of June 2016. 19TH CHAMPION IN A ROW TO USE HEXCO PRODUCTS.
Register for the National History Bee
sign-up as a school or as an individual!

Steps to getting involved

in the National History Bee

1. Sign up at www.aceqb.com/historybee

2. Order Hexco's History Essentials book

for an encapsulated overview of
U.S. and world events
Now enrolling Hexco's History Bee Coaching
includes a personalized assessment

Personal History Coaching and one-on-one quizzing in the same format as

the history bee. Homework assignments and
more are included. Email hexco@hexco.com for
more info or download .pdf fact sheet online
More Info: www.hexco.com/personal-history-coach

Hexco's History Coaching program is designed to help competitors

tackle history in bite-sized segments, bolstering their strengths and You can just study words ...
strengthening their weaknesses. Students are assigned a personal
coach who will evaluate their foundation in history, then create a
personalized curriculum to meet their specific needs. Lessons are
held via Skype or another platform on a weekly or bi-weekly basis.

Or master them.
It's HERE! Try it online.
A modern version of Hexco's original Mentor.
(Yes, we did!)

Key features of Hexco's

NEW Spelling eMentor
Study ALL words
Words missed on last attempt
FAQ: What is the Paideia? Words ever missed
"Star" a word
In recent years and until 2006, the Paideia was the annual Scripps’ list of practice Ask for a letter
study words containing the NSB rules and approximately 3,000 to 4,000+ words Login from any browser on a PC or Apple com-
arranged by category. Each page had a different category and words assigned to puter! Saves progress when you login and log-
difficulty levels: Beginning, Intermediate and Advanced. In 2007, Scripps changed out. Good for one year. Look for the free Sam-
the annual study list to a booklet called Spell It! which no longer had a Scripps copy- pler on our website to try it! If you can't find the
right, but instead, was copyrighted by Merriam-Webster. Originally containing 700 link to try this amazing new portal, email us at
words, Spell It! was organized primarily by language of origin and contained spelling
tips and suggested activities on each page. The number of words has increased to
1,156 and the Spell It! list has remained exactly the same since 2009. ©2016 Hexco Academic
Hexco's Spelling eMentor
Master our toughest word lists methodically
KEY FEATURES of HEXCO's Spelling eMentor
• Saves missed words for honing sessions to problem words until all words
are mastered!
• Saves results when you log in and log out
• Keeps track of progress
• Contains audio, phonetic pronunciations, word origins, and definitions
• Select “All Words Ever Missed” to make sure you never miss those words
• Choose “All Words Missed on the Last Attempt” (Note, this means your last
attempt at the word). Hint: Keep working on words in this list until you get
this number down to zero words missed on the last attempt.
• Verbo eMentor • Work on your “Starred Words” – While you are studying, you can “star”
• New Nat's eMentor words that you want to study more later. (Note, you can “unstar” words at
• Blitz eMentor (1 & 2) any time.)
• Ask for the next letter in a word.
• Paideia '95, '01, and '06
• Ask to show the whole word if you don’t know how to spell a word.
• Spell Buddy - Grades 1-8
• Attempt all words in any set at any time to keep perfecting your spelling.
• Botanical, Food, Medical,
• No need for a mouse. Just type and click 'enter' on your keyboard to go
and Japanese Words!
through words quickly!

SPELLING eMENTOR DETAILS: Browser-based, tracks progress for one user. Accessible for one year from any browser on a PC or Mac
computer. Works best on Chrome or Firefox. Subscription only; good for one year from date of purchase. Non-refundable and non-
returnable, sign up for FREE Sampler before you buy!
Valerie's Supplement NEW Paideia 1995 Spell Buddy
This travel-sized companion is packed with
eMentor Assign grade-appropriate, vocabulary en-
nearly 2,000 words, including 1,156 words riching words with 20 lessons per grade
Hear the word
from Spell It! Since topical word lists have level! Words were compiled from all past
and type in the
been proven to help students learn new Class and School bee lists and from the
spelling! Methodi-
and challenging words by grouping similar off-list words in the class and school bee
cally learn all the
words together by theme, this year we pronouncer guides, plus comparable grade-
words in Spell It,
have added a bonus of botanical words level words. Spell Buddy can help students
or in Paideia 1995
handpicked by our Word Wizards. The cur- field 'off-list' words in school bees and be-
(NEW!) or 2001, or
rent year's Supplement is considered to be yond. There are no duplicates, although
2006. Read details
an intermediate to advanced level book forms of some words are presented differ-
of each eMentor
(Note: the list of 450 Classroom words are ently on occasion. Excellent for young spell-
product at this link:
not included). Look for Valerie's Supple- ers, spelling bee clubs, and home schooling.
ment Classics on our website for out-of- View inside on the web; the entire set (all
print Supplement years: Paideia 1999 and 6 volumes) has 8,000 words, a significant
Also -- try FREE demos from a PC or Mac
2006 are selling out fast! word foundation!
computer with browser access; Chrome or
Firefox recommended.
Schools or Teams: 10 or more copies of
the current Supplements are only $9 per
»» Hear Audio Pronunciation
»» Read Phonetic Pronunciations
»» See Parts of Speech CODE ITEM PRICE
CODE ITEM PRICE »» View Definitions
»» See Etymology Displayed nsbdy Spell Buddy Grade 1-2, 3-4,
vs Collectors' Val's Supplement
5, 6, 7, or 8 $29
NEW 2016, 2015, 2014 $19
nsbdyall Spell Buddy (all 6) $87
vsmore Val's Supplement 'Botanical' CODE ITEM PRICE nsbdyc SB Coach Manual Gr. 1/2,
Bulk pricing for 10 or more $9
3/4, 5, 6, 7, or 8 $29
vsc Valerie's Supplement Classics nsmse Spell It eMentor
nsbdye Spell Buddy eMentor Gr. 1-2,
Choose: '99, '02, '05, '06, 2015-16 $95
3-4, 5, 6, 7, or 8 $49
'07, '08, '09 ,'11-'13 $29 nsep Paideia eMentor
nsbdyeall Spell Buddy eMentor (all 6) $149
'95 '01 or '06 $149

Topical eMentors Blitz List & Blitz eMentor

In the 2016 National Spelling Bee, 114 words could be
Botanical Words
found in Blitz Lists 1, 2, and 3. Each volume contains
contains 886 words
3,000 highly difficult words that were never seen in
from the internet-
bees at the time of its release. Some words in Volumes
based diction-
1, 2, and 3 have been seen in the National Bee since
ary; Food Words
these were printed, but there are many more that
eMentor helps
could easily appear at the National level. Most of the
students master
2012-16 NSB winners used all the available Blitz Lists in
878 culinary words; Japanese Words eMen-
preparing for the Bee. These lists are ideal for students
tor helps students master 438 words from
who are looking for solid lists of obscure and challeng-
Webster's 3rd Dictionary and Medical eMen-
ing words. Blitz eMentor includes audio recordings of
tor contains over 890 words from the same
words; see product key to learn more about the eMen-
source. The study of topical word lists can
tor format and try the free demo on this product's
help form cognitive relationships between
webpage. View inside pages are online!
words to give 'clues' on word meanings and
our coaching program uses this approach.
Read "New Spelling eMentor" section in this
catalog and try free Demos online before you
blitz1 Blitz List 1 (released '12) $79
Blitz Lists had over blitz2 Blitz List 2 (released '13) $79
20% of the spelling blitz3 Blitz List 3 (released '14) $79
CODE ITEM PRICE blitze1 Blitz eMentor 1 $219
vsteb "Botanical" eMentor $49 words in the written blitze2 Blitz eMentor 2 $219
vstef "Food" eMentor $49 round and 50% of the
vstej "Japanese" eMentor $49
vstem "Medical" eMentor $49
words in Round 7. VIEW INSIDE this product online
Verbomania & Verbo eMentor!
Verbomania means "passion, craze, or obses- CODE ITEM PRICE
sion with words!" Containing 13,000+ vocab-
ulary-enriching, SAT-type words, this collec- vbooka Verbomania Alpha book $99
tion also includes definitions, parts of speech, vbookr Verbomania Random book $99
pronunciations and language of origin. Learn a
wide array of dynamic and interesting nouns, vmene Verbo eMentor
verbs and adjectives from the English lan- Volume: 1, 2, or 3 $219
guage. vmeneall Verbo eMentor - Full Set* $570

Verbo eMentor contains the same words with *Verbo eMentor full set is renewable at 50% off after a full-
audio and allows spellers to practice their year. Please renew before your product expires, or you risk
missed words on the computer until all words losing your history of missed words and starred words.
are mastered!

Random Sequence makes it harder to 'guess'

the first few letters of a word simply from its 43% of the words in
alphabetical placement - ideal for quizzing Round 3 could be found in
straight from the book. Random Sequence
also matches the order of Verbo eMentor. Verbomania.
Now in eMentor format!

New Nat's Notes & New Nat's eMentor!

With 18,000+ words, New Nat's Notes is CODE ITEM PRICE
our largest challenging set of words geared
toward those aiming for the highest reaches nnn New Nat's Notes $175
of competition. This collection is available nnnm New Nat's eMentor
in alphabetic and random sequence, and Volume: 1, 2, 3, or 4 $219
all words have pronunciations, definitions, nnnmall New Nat's eMentor Set* $799
and expanded etymology. New Nat's Notes
is highly recommended for those who have *New Nat's eMentor full-set is renewable at 50% off after a
already mastered Verbomania. full-year. Please renew before your product expires, or you
risk losing your history of missed words and starred words.
New Nat's eMentor includes audio and keeps
track of errors until all words are mastered.
See "New Spelling eMentor" page in this
catalog to appreciate all of the unique fea-
tures in this brand-new, intelligent interface
61% of the words used in
released in Nov. 2015!
Round 2 Regional List have
been in NNN for years.

Now in eMentor format!

Vocab Match - A challenging definition matching game!

Ideal for vocabulary enrichment, try this new definition matching book. If you already
own New Nat's Notes or Verbomania, you can get any single printed volume or all printed
volumes for 50% off! Includes words and definitions (only) for use in matching exercises.
Look on our website for the online interactive version of this product (coming soon).


nnnvm New Nat's VOCAB MATCH (Book) Volume: 1, 2, 3, or 4 *$40
nnnvmall New Nat's VOCAB MATCH All (Books) *$140
vmvm Verbo(mania) VOCAB MATCH (Book) Volume: 1, 2, or 3 *$40
vmvmall Verbo(mania) VOCAB MATCH ALL (Books) *$100
*To qualify for 50% off discount off prices shown, you must have previously purchased the same volume(s) of New
Nat's Notes, Mentor or Flips (or Verbomania, VerboMentor, or Verbo Flips).
Expand your Word "Knowledge" for Spelling Bees

Spelling Rules Book - UPDATED IN 2015!

Spelling Rules Book, subtitled, "Why Isn't 'Phonetic' Spelled the Way it Sounds?" is a 180+ page compilation
that promotes less reliance on rote memorization and more on the understanding of languages. For ex-
ample, students learn when to use -ible rather than -able, and they will never look at the i-before-e rule the
same way again! Foreign language rules and an encyclopedic list of Greek and Latin roots with definitions
and words derived from each are also included. For those interested in the more esoteric words in the
English language, the author has included those types of lists with themes such as "funny double letters,"
and "funny first-letter combinations." There
are also some words from unusual languages CODE ITEM PRICE
like Yiddish, Welsh, Dutch, and Turkish. While
this book explains the rules, it also tells when nsspbk Spelling Rules Book $79
the rules don't work. A true sine qua non for
competitors! Updated in 2015 by the original
writer, Valerie Tarrant Browning.

The Spelling Rules of 20+ Years of Spelling Bees

Japanese - Video 20+ Years of Spelling Bees is a collection of every After-
a-Spell newsletter printed since 1991. The newsletter
• Step-by-step how-to video
reviews each National Spelling Bee, analyzes words
• Patterns, sounds, vowel combinations
used, and presents articles written by top National Spell-
• Exceptions to the rules
ing Bee participants. Percentages of words found in our
products, which were used at bees, are highlighted, and
Information on "d-stop" pronunciations is
annual changes in the NSB are recapped. National and
included, and live screen-captures demon-
Regional Bee word lists are also included. View inside
strate how to search for words based on
this product on our website before buying. A copy of the
word "parts." A downloadable .pdf Kataka-
most recent After-a-Spell can be downloaded from our
na chart is included. Preview online; pur-
website at www.hexco.com/content/After_A_Spell.pdf
chase is a one-year subscription with online
L26598 Japanese Video $29.70
NSB words from over 2 decades aftall 20+ Years of Spelling Bees $70

Etyma Notes and their pronunciation sometimes varies depending

on the word in which an element appears.
Etyma eMentor
Many spellers who compete at the Na-
BASIC TO ADVANCED LATIN & GREEK tional level use our etymology products along
with the Spelling Rules Book. The more patterns
Our four Basic and Intermediate volumes con- you know of various languages, the more valu-
tain 150 roots, 50 prefixes, and 25 suffixes; our able it is to know from which language a word
two Advanced volumes each contain 225 roots. originated.
Etyma Notes designates the above in book for-
mat, Etyma eMentor will utilize our new on-
line spelling format with error tracking; Etyma
eMentor is Hexco's online, browser-based ety-
mology mastery tool. In our eMentor version,
etyn6 Etyma Notes Latin+Greek $100
roots, prefixes and suffixes are presented on the
etyemn6 Etyma eMentor ALL L & G $199
screen, and students are prompted to type in
etye Etyma eMentor
their answers. Etyma eMentor keeps track of er-
Choose: Latin or Greek AND
rors until all elements are mastered.
Beginning, Intermediate,
Fact: Over 60% of words used in the
or Advanced $40
English language have Greek or Latin Note there is no audio with this product due to
origins. the very short length of many word roots and

Hexco Academic's Newsletter
PO Box 199 | Hunt, TX 78024

61 Contestants studied with our eMentor online spelling software.

Report on the 2016 National Spelling Bee - Hexco Newsletter

19 National Spelling Bee Champions in a row have used Hexco products.

NEW: Fast Track to Spelling Course - Sign up today!

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