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Difficulty Level: Three Bee

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School Spelling Bee Study List

cladding rummages astrologers bipolar politesse arcane

scallion constricting devout torpid chanteuse soleil
stealthily inevitable shrike featherbrained arrondissement copse
warden engrossed Vancouver immoderate carabinieri scabbard
copious strife conjure arrayed tamarisk courtiers
hurtle hindmost stalagmite countenance liana assuage
fester eviction traitorous scepter sibilant adjutant
intoxicating protruding condominium OR *sceptre au revoir inexorably
outlandish substantial impenetrable scourge bitumen disgorged
porcupine hooey intercede irreverent sacristy Algiers
lurching blight defector apparition Salzkammergut primavera
ineffective fronds livery dosages frisson souterrain
trough authority scuttlebutt superintendent Aachen knickerbockers
parchment minimize battalion exhalation oriole litany
leach OR *minimise chalet discord Ganges unsullied
wrath **flamingos Lutheran clamorous niagara Carthusian
corporate OR flamingoes roiling grimaces carrion **maharaja
propane mechanics psychiatrist inheritance samosas OR maharajah
dissuade bankrupt disconcerting plumage chalice **Upanishads
profusion insurance Jesuit epaulet necromancer OR Upanisads
appalling dismayed fodder OR epaulette proffered arret
divulge offspring sinuously propound colonel marquee
meditation pillage irreversible chauffeurs subaltern
franchise anguish barricade disconsolate Etruscan
pretentious increments moustache testosterone cloisters
embellishes Odin OR mustache minivets redound
appropriate parishioner unprepossessing proscenium Benedictine

Words of the Champions

imaret allelopathy cinerarium hierurgical kathakali onychorrhexis

cornichon capoeira polemic melee cozen paraffin
devastavit agnolotti paladin emolument oxalis vigneron
Mediterranean ballabile totipotency ikebana myeloma tannined
longevous draegerman agnomen exaugural lebensraum spiedini
digerati prescient Bauhaus gaillardia mufti anhinga
solecism Fribourg sacerdotal caryatid dirigible jai alai
hypertrophy proselytizer skeuomorph heliacal surcease Rastafarian
ravigote OR *proselytiser binturong schefflera ascetic succussion
inchoate tenon mamushi contrapposto oolite avifauna
judoka nubilous lipophilic temblor revanche joropo
vaccary iatrogenic codicil insouciance megrims toxicosis
Adelaide onychitis coulomb catarrh podagra colporteur
unwonted roux violaceous quattrocento palaver OR colporter
tazza tuatara Rorschach millegrain luthier agitprop
damson chicle arthralgia canaille yttriferous Achernar
pelisse sulcus desman verisimilitude vermeil cassock
succade thalamus jacaranda Keynesian Ouagadougou meringue
tumulus gyttja huapango akaryote bibliopegist mackinaw
dorsiflexor jibboom predilection azulejo plagiarism sambal
profiterole vestigial entomophagy hauberk holobenthic yuloh
valetudinary Orwellian paronomasia bouillon boutonniere hermeneutics
aristoi gimbaled facsimile tarpaulin anodyne tikkun
vireo OR gimballed renminbi cephalopod saccharide macaque
rococo cabaletta interferon pulchritude boulevardier lassitude
lachsschinken hesped sedulous pekoe quokka oeuvre
wakame umami velouté patois lidocaine altazimuth
bathos persiflage Aesopian Rubicon contretemps Castilian
nihilism toreador frigate bourgeois a posteriori trichinosis
ustion vermicelli enoptromancy aerophilatelic scaberulous ecclesiology
sumpsimus frangipane satiety ankh anaglyphy teppanyaki
morel reseau perorate contumelious reconnoiter cicatrize
abeyance moulage danseur vicissitudes OR reconnoitre somnolent
rongeur interpellate chevalier lilliputian realpolitik intonaco
mountebank genuflect taurine Sbrinz colloque realia

Words of the Champions

grison toroidal speleothem sepulchral bruja niveau

phulkari bialy euripus sangfroid upsilon rouille
garrulous appurtenances samarium pasilla sakura rescissible
paroxysm corsair variscite maringouin buccal Jungian
communiqué zabaglione bolide argot zocalo Groenendael
Chantilly velamen vervain vicenary **aficionado facile
jacquard sporran chanoyu ajimez OR afficionado chrysolite
sorghum clematis hamadryad pompeii piscivorous execrable
guilloche kente calumny oviparous benison hangul
appositive ranine escabeche mangonel gagaku cartouches
dirndl riparian ad hominem coalescence amygdala Nicoise
latke **accoutrement oubliette Plantagenet scurrilous OR Niçoise
martinet OR accouterment béchamel bauxite flèche julienne
asterion radicchio repoussage kakapo tetrachoric moiety
hypallage dudgeon otacoustic pelagial sforzando pastitsio
solenoid nitid naranjilla ague thalassic modiste
veridical Basenji elegiac largesses frazil deuterium
threnody concinnate pâtissier fulgent rapprochement Icarian
Jacobean Stradivarius OR patissier olecranon glacis pappardelle
ballotage synecdoche Yeatsian toreutics ahimsa Sahel
ocotillo tulsi surfeit mascarpone kanji bibelot
dubitante sebaceous limicolous rissole weltschmerz telegnosis
disciform papeterie girandole seneschal jalousie loupe
mizuna litigious googol pinniped ichthyology oleiculture
trichotillomania phytophilous étagère wahine pruritus **loess
huipil meunière anechoic grissino dactylic OR löss
mustelid hilum leonine coterie affogato ruelle
prestidigitation fanfaronade laulau sylph scrivener Ushuaia
soupçon malachite Gruyère katsura dysrhythmia redingote
diphtheria urticaria proprioceptive diastole dragée adscititious
bdelloid capsaicin oppugn mediobrome choucroute hummock
nugatory ptosis macropterous demurrage hsaing-waing internecine
commorients pejerrey euphonious tristeza stevedore duxelles
immiscible horologist retinoscopy trigeminal harangue mesial

Words of the Champions

Feldenkrais Ficus spodumene hyssop exsect unguiculate

bailiwick agelicism leberwurst naumachia champignon amaryllis
bozzetto subrident daguerreotype focaccia bahuvrihi reveille
coiffure ethylene yakitori pahoehoe panjandrum regnal
repartee flaneur pejorate Kjeldahl catachresis attaché
chimera Ponzi Aitutakian rubefacient tiffin rafflesia
OR *chimaera teneramente parterre halcyon colcannon ranunculus
avgolemono styptic rondeau corrigenda tournedos pistou
exiguous sopapilla atlatl Zanni ormolu scintillation
presentient nictitate allochroous nonage blottesque Bolognese
renvoi boutade ennui beurre consommé farrago
kichel towhee caisson jicama OR consomme coup de grace
semaphore escritoire cheongsam sturnine ullage tourelle
gambol affenpinscher graticule octonocular zortzico notturno
angiitis gudgeon gyascutus parallax teratism ginglymus
Teutonic beaumontage cygnet antenatus flagellum hemorrhage
Conestoga galoot supercilious trouvaille panegyric tapetum
zeitgeist desiccate dysphasia glazier hoi polloi golem
heinousness aporia kugel kinesiology sirenian krewe
nacelle moraine topazolite exogenous nescience toque
rupicolous hirsute trompe l’oeil aniseikonia blatherskite avuncular
Pythagorean shubunkin ailette guayabera consigliere habiliments
kepi hepatectomy fetticus realgar adiabatic rubato
**bulgur bloviate rocaille anaphylaxis camembert gentilitial
OR bulghur seine couverture bobolink ecchymosis obnebulate
ushabti galapago lemniscus diluent oppidan allonym
puchero au courant ad nauseam urushiol decastich croquembouche
nival crepuscular ganache andouille Naugahyde kobold
ascites theca sauger otiose lefse mendicity
Véronique croustade kanban megacephalic beccafico castellated
OR Veronique kipuka toccata souchong amphistylar toponymic
planetesimal noumenon pertinacity poltroon saturnine boudin
taoiseach chicanery gasthaus Freudian zaibatsu bucatini
obeisant vilipend transmontane floruit titian reboation
whippoorwill vitiate laterigrade Bunyanesque tokonoma haupia

Words of the Champions

Keplerian pneumatocyst xerogel cachexia ululate cordillera

codswallop fortissimo vizierial connoisseur sororal zazen
hauteur portmanteau crescive ferruginous epideictic cabochon
camarilla coaxation tryptophan gendarme embolus après
nidicolous ardoise neophyte demulcent caveola zydeco
oxyacetylene farouche buffa goosander farina consanguine
queue farfalle clavichord kwashiorkor heuristic bibimbap
hellebore ogival de rigueur lecithin nudibranch aquiclude
transhumance stretto secant cetology triquetra demitasse
phloem coccygeal comanchero plenipotentiary paramahamsa tomalley
lacustrine Diplodocus meiosis foudroyant duello bouffant
ageusia tachyon gules sesquipedalian fjeld bas-relief
pillor piccata nimiety expugnable tomography rhizome
deleterious isagoge lokelani profligacy effleurage Wensleydale
ikat élan psoriasis yosenabe chastushka erubescent
pylorus breviloquence bavardage funori bergère estovers
erythroblast kalimba coulibiac piloncillo Erewhonian rembrandt
maillot illative xyloglyphy xiphias rhyton bonspiel
epenthesis betony Aramaic étouffée orogeny hackamore
hinoki bêtise anathema OR etouffee Pepysian blancmange
nonpareil transience basilica degauss esplanade simulacrum
nyctinasty frison rajpramukh tussock gesellschaft cnidarian
pointelle flavedo Chalcolithic lanolated tamari capotasto
vinaigrette maquillage rinceau linnet arenaceous Panagia
tinnient mortadella filar embouchure panettone nockerl
aioli stanchion bhangra plangency tmesis rhabdoid
pochoir spirulina risorgimento apocryphal clerihew apodyterium
glyceraldehyde eleemosynary agalma tamarack tsukupin apoplexy
hagiographer force majeure analgesia puerilely katakana verdure
syncope ossicle dengue obloquy Parmentier fait accompli
icosahedron anemone cantatrice dhole rugose dreikanter
goanna alpargata emollient **budgerigar brume penicillin
wassail disembogue parquet OR budgereegah hiortdahlite pendeloque
ammonite luculent dhurrie OR budgerygah extravasate beelzebub
tanager expatiate lapidary outré incunabula rhinorrhagia

Words of the Champions

foley wasteweir OR encarnadine Tchefuncte cioppino gabarit

syzygy diamanté dulcinea becquerel inglenook guerite
Beethovenian sphygmometer nainsook darnel efflux gallivat
tatterdemalion **kibitzer querida giallolino frugivore charcuterie
susurrus OR kibbitzer paillard krausen lobscouse zugzwang
**bienvenue auteur gazoz Castalia senecio triskelion
OR bienvenu labefaction Glaswegian nahcolite jasmone crokinole
potwalloper ibidem stannum telamon hawok anicca
kaffeeklatsch estival putsch uraeus fructiferous batamote
peregrination OR aestival tralatitious teledu martinoe yabbies
paraquat loup-garou denouement gattine lierre salmagundi
prana empennage hortatory mele porwigle OR salmagundy
sinciput lysozyme maquette Marathi portugais **hutia
abattoir grimthorpe obliviscence nuciform ligas OR jutia
glossopetrae thaumaturge autophagy grandrelle Osloite Deseret
diktat pinioned Airedale bordereaux sciolistic Djibouti
llanero fouetté potager rambla seraya Tegucigalpa
Machiavellian venenate malleolus tullibee janthina Llullaillaco
glaucomatous badinage *** marcel guichet Skeltonic Pyxis
haori saccadic croquignole Guarnerius balata
rheostat mignonette dolmen unakite balbriggan
hariolation coadjutor griot azotea affeer
thylacine chiffonade vexillologist gabbro pomology
cenote haricot **halala gegenschein Svengali
griffonage Luddite OR halalah hebdomadal escheator
fossiliferous wickiup corybantic gypsophila dogana
calefacient nisse chasuble koh-i-noor toorie
obdurate impugn furuncle nocive exchequer
nunchaku brouillon pongee cataphora habeas corpus
senryu derecho acoel blastema kerril
cormorant solipsist acral trochee pudibund
gnomon sinophile Koine diapason toril
pinetum harmattan weka deliquesce ryas
brucellosis **incarnadine haplography aperçu terai

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