SP0510ver4-Earth System Site Injection Test
SP0510ver4-Earth System Site Injection Test
SP0510ver4-Earth System Site Injection Test
a) the primary earthing system comprising the buried earth Required Training
grid and Staff must be current in all Statutory Training relevant for the task.
b) the auxiliary earth system which includes, but may not be
All workers must have completed Field Induction or have
restricted to, the following:
recognition of equivalent prior Ergon Energy Field Experience.
Cable sheaths/screens – in particular those that are
bonded to the substation earthing grid and to a remote Contractors must have completed Ergon Energy’s Generic
earth. Contractor Worker Induction.
Overhead earth wires which are bonded to the
substation earth grid and at one or multiple remote earth 3. DOCUMENTATION
locations. CS000501F115. Daily/Task Risk Management Plan
ES000901R102. Health and Safety Risk Control Guide
2. STAFFING RESOURCES MN000301F192. Construction Tool - Substation General
Adequate staffing resources with the competencies to safely P53. Operate the Network Enterprise Process
complete the required tasks as per MN000301R165: 8 Level Field
SP0506. Substation Primary Plant and Secondary Systems Field
Test Competency.
Testing SWP
These competencies can be gained from, but not limited to any or SP0510C07. Substation Earth System Injection Testing Analysis
all of the following:- Tool
Qualifying as an Electrical Fitter Mechanic SP0510R01. Substation Earth Testing Job Safety Analysis
Qualifying as a Technical Service Person SP0522. Earth Resistivity Testing SWP
Training in the safe use of relevant test equipment.
EG0 Power System Earthing Guide Part 01
IEEE-80 Guide for Safety in AC Substation Grounding
(a) Ensure the feeder bay at the local end and the Points or paths of consideration are metallic systems
remote earth are suitably barricaded with passing beyond the boundary of the earthing
appropriate warning signs affixed. installation, such as:
Overhead earth wires
Page 8 of 14 Standard Work Practice SP0510 Ver 4
i. Current measured; REMOTE
ii. Turns used on the Rogowski coil; SYSTEM
5.6.3 The following steps are to be carried out when Earth stakes/electrodes not to be
undertaking step, touch and reach voltage driven into the natural upper soil
layer more than a few cms –
merely enough to support the
(a) Inject current as per Section 5.3. electrode.
(b) Carry out step, touch and reach voltage Contact point of earth
measurements as per Table 1 below. stake/electrode should be
(c) Using an earth grid plan or other means, moistened to achieve good
accurately record the location, contact type and
voltage measurements obtained. In addition, Effective (Loaded) Step Measurements to be taken using a
record whether the voltage measurements taken Voltages – IEEE only high impedance frequency
were either prospective or effective (loaded). tuneable multimeter between two
Note that effective (loaded) voltages are only weighted 8cm radius discs placed
1 metre apart on top of the ground
relevant when testing an installation to IEEE
surface layer material.
(d) For locations outside the substation and where A simulated body impedance of
1kΩ is to be placed across the
analysis being undertaken is using the Electrical
input terminals of the tuneable
Safety Code of Practice, it also becomes multimeter if the meter does not
necessary to identify whether the location under have inherent capability to provide
test is connected to a CMEN system or not. A this functionality.
CMEN system is that in which in the low voltage
Contact surfaces of discs should
neutral conductor and the low voltage earthing
be moistened to achieve good
system are connected to the high voltage contact.
earthing system.
(e) Transfer the results onto the appropriate
worksheet ‘Inside Sub”, “Outside Sub” or
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