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SP0510ver4-Earth System Site Injection Test

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The document outlines procedures for testing the earth system of a substation to evaluate current distribution, earth potential rise and personnel safety.

The major components discussed are the primary earthing system comprising the buried earth grid and auxiliary earth system including cable sheaths/screens, overhead earth wires and more.

Documentation required includes daily risk plans, safety guides, construction tools, work practices, job safety analyses and standards/guides related to substation earthing and grounding.


Requirements for all live work:

1. PURPOSE AND SCOPE  Safety Observer (required for all “live work” as defined in
The purpose of this Standard Work Practice (SWP) is to the ESO Code of Practice Electrical Work).
standardise and prescribe the method for earth injection testing of All resources are required to:
a substation earthing system for the purpose of determining  Have appropriate Switching and Access authorisations for
current distribution, earth potential rise (EPR) and personnel the roles they are required to perform and have the ability
safety. Personnel safety involves ensuring measured step, touch to assess and maintain relevant exclusion zones from
and reach voltages are in accordance with the relevant earthing exposed live electrical apparatus.
standard for the location under test.  Hold current licences for any vehicles and equipment they
The major components of an earthing system are as follows: may be required to operate.

a) the primary earthing system comprising the buried earth Required Training
grid and Staff must be current in all Statutory Training relevant for the task.
b) the auxiliary earth system which includes, but may not be
All workers must have completed Field Induction or have
restricted to, the following:
recognition of equivalent prior Ergon Energy Field Experience.
 Cable sheaths/screens – in particular those that are
bonded to the substation earthing grid and to a remote Contractors must have completed Ergon Energy’s Generic
earth. Contractor Worker Induction.
 Overhead earth wires which are bonded to the
substation earth grid and at one or multiple remote earth 3. DOCUMENTATION
locations. CS000501F115. Daily/Task Risk Management Plan
ES000901R102. Health and Safety Risk Control Guide
2. STAFFING RESOURCES MN000301F192. Construction Tool - Substation General
Adequate staffing resources with the competencies to safely P53. Operate the Network Enterprise Process
complete the required tasks as per MN000301R165: 8 Level Field
SP0506. Substation Primary Plant and Secondary Systems Field
Test Competency.
Testing SWP
These competencies can be gained from, but not limited to any or SP0510C07. Substation Earth System Injection Testing Analysis
all of the following:- Tool
 Qualifying as an Electrical Fitter Mechanic SP0510R01. Substation Earth Testing Job Safety Analysis
 Qualifying as a Technical Service Person SP0522. Earth Resistivity Testing SWP
 Training in the safe use of relevant test equipment.
EG0 Power System Earthing Guide Part 01
IEEE-80 Guide for Safety in AC Substation Grounding

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Maps and site plans – used for marking test locations. These may Current Distribution Testing
include but not be limited to:  Frequency tuneable ammeter or Spectrum Analyser coupled
 Local maps - Can give useful information on the with a phase angle meter or equivalent capable of
surrounding area measuring off frequency (i.e. non 50Hz) currents and
 Civil Drawings – Substation plans and elevations, earth associated phase angles.
mat layout drawings etc.  Rogowski Coil.
 Google map images. Earth Potential Rise Measurement
Fault levels for all voltages at substation or site – these are used  Frequency tuneable voltmeter or spectrum analyser
to calculate estimated Step and Touch voltages under fault  Spool(s) of cable (distance required will depend on recorded
conditions. For Ergon Energy sites, these are normally obtained measurements). In excess of 1km may need to be available
from the Protection Engineering group. dependent on the site under test.
Clearing times for single line to ground and double line to ground  Earth test electrode (e.g. earth stake).
faults. In particular, protection relay data including characteristic  Snake bite protection (e.g. gaiters) as required.
curve, overcurrent setting, time multiplier setting, instantaneous
settings etc. are required for all relays that may be involved in Step, Touch & Reach Potential Measurements
clearing an earth fault at the location in question. For Ergon  Frequency tuneable voltmeter or spectrum analyser.
Energy sites, this data can be obtained from the Protection  Earth test electrodes (stakes).
Engineering group and/or the Protection Database.  2 of 8 cm radius discs used when carrying out effective
Earth Resistivity Test Results; (loaded) voltage measurements when using IEEE80
Test Equipment Manuals. standard.
 5m test leads.
4. KEY TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT Switching and Access Operating Equipment:
All equipment used is to be calibrated and within test due date.  PEDs, Live Line Tester, Class 0 gloves. All equipment to be
Current Source inspected and confirmed within test date prior to use.
Stable AC current injection source capable of injecting off  Suitable barriers and warnings signs for erection at the
frequency (i.e. non 50Hz) current into the earthing system under source and the remote earth to prevent inadvertent contact
test. The earth injection current to be attained should be an with 'LIVE' equipment.
absolute minimum of 10 amps. To achieve a reasonable current  PPE including full-length protective cotton clothing, safety
level, a step up transformer and/or series tuning capacitors may footwear, helmet. Additional PPE as required: brim for safety
be required depending on the impedance of the earth system helmet, leather work gloves, class 00 gloves, hearing
under test and the associated injection circuit. protection, safety eyewear, high visibility clothing when
working on or near roadways. All PPE to be inspected and
confirmed within test date (where applicable) prior to use.
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 Sun protection to be used when working outdoors. IMPORTANT: Any access to the connection between the NER
and the transformer neutral bushing will, under normal conditions,
5. WORK PRACTICE STEPS require the issue of an access/test permit under standard P53:
5.1 Preparation work Operate the Network Enterprise Processes.
Results for the continuity testing can be recorded in
Prior to performing an earth injection test, the following MN000301F192 Construction Tool - Substation General.
preparation work should have been completed:
5.1.1 Earth grid continuity test:- To prove that all
connections to the earth grid under test are sound. 5.1.2 Soil resistivity test:- If the injection test is being
Continuity testing of all earth connections should be performed with no prior investigations of the soil
carried out to a known reference point. The preferred structure, then a soil resistivity test of the location
reference point in a substation is the neutral earth should be carried out in accordance with SP0522
bond on a power transformer. Special attention is to Earth Resistivity Testing SWP. Particular care should
be made on those installations that have an added be taken to obtain an accurate value for the surface
earthing impedance e.g. neutral earthing resistor layer resistivity. This may require consultation with
(NER). These are installed between the transformer the substation design group who can carry out more
neutral and the substation earth grid. In these cases, detailed analysis via computer modelling.
the continuity tester is always to be connected to the
substation earth side of the NER. Figure 1 below If no soil resistivity data is available from the
shows the correct connection point for a continuity substation design group and it is not possible to carry
tester for an installation comprising a NER. out a soil resistivity test, the top layer soil type should
be determined through the ASRIS website. This
service provides detailed information on the soil types
of surface layers throughout Australia down to
approximately 2m. Conductivity data for each soil
type is available through the Queensland
Government Environmental website. Note this will
however give an indicative figure only for soil
resistivity for the particular location and as such
should be treated with caution.

Figure 1: Continuity Testing - NER Installed

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5.1.3 Coordination with Telstra:- When carrying out earth  Exposure to lightning strikes in adverse
injection testing it is important that Telstra are notified weather conditions. For long feeders, it is
so that they can coordinate testing of their own. necessary to use aids such as the lightning
Early on in the planning phase of earth injection tracker and/or weather radar to ensure good
testing, contact Telstra on either of the following: conditions exist for the entire length of the
(a) Existing number (1800 029760) or feeder

(b) PoCo Mailbox (b) Injection by cable into remote earth

(powercoordination@team.telstra.com) If it is not possible to get access to a feeder and
5.1.4 Choose injection method:- The fundamental associated remote end earth grid, an alternate
principle of earth injection is that off mains frequency remote earth may be used e.g. a good
(i.e. non 50Hz) AC current is injected into a remote distribution or SWER transformer earthing
earth, with the injected current returning to the earth system. If this is not available, a temporary
grid under test either through the earth’s mass or remote earth may need to be installed. Both of
alternate paths. these latter methods will further require the
running of an insulated lead of suitable voltage
Choose the most appropriate injection path for and current rating from the injection generator,
current based on the following guidelines:- located at the earth mat under test, out to the
(a) Injection by overhead feeder into remote remote earth location.
earth This method introduces hazards such as
This method involves an injection source possible exposure of the public to potentially
(generator) connected to the substation earth high voltages on the injection cable as well as
system under test and also to an out of service issues with slips, trips, falls, traffic control etc.
feeder that is bonded at the remote end to a 5.1.5 Determination of relevant earthing standard:- The
robust earth grid. The connection to the earth following guidelines are to be followed in selection of the
system under test should be via a robust earth appropriate earthing standard to be applied:
tail that has been checked for continuity to the
remainder of the earthing system by use of a (a) Inside the substation – when carrying out analysis
suitable continuity tester. Hazards involved with on step, touch and reach voltages for locations inside
this method to consider include: the substation fence, use either IEEE-80 or EG0
dependent on what the substation was designed to.
 Possible high induced voltages on the out of Design reports indicating what standard a substation
service feeder from adjacent energised has been designed to may be sourced either through
feeders. the Substation Design Group or EDMS. If no data is
available, use EG0 as the relevant standard.
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(b) Outside the substation – In general, locations  buried metallic pipes etc.
outside the substation fence should be analysed
This return current, in conjunction with the earth system
using guidelines as defined in the Electrical Safety
impedance, results in a voltage rise of the earthing system
Code of Practice 2010 Works. The only exemption to
under test. Measured step, touch and reach voltages using
this is the substation fence which will be tested for
injected current can be scaled relevant to actual fault levels
compliance using both:
to determine compliance with relevant standards.
i. IEEE-80 or EG0 dependent on what the
Current injector capabilities
substation was designed to; and
ii. the Electrical Safety Code of Practice 2010 A generator/current source capable of maintaining a stable
Works. frequency off 50Hz is used as an injection source to avoid
errors introduced by any standing 50 Hz ground current.
5.2 Carry out an on site risk assessment
Typically 48 or 52Hz is used.
Prior to performing this activity any hazards associated with
To achieve a reasonable current level, a step up transformer
pre-requisite tasks at the worksite shall be identified and
and/or series tuning capacitors may be required depending
assessed with appropriate control measures implemented
on the impedance of the earth system under test and the
and documented in accordance with CS000501F115 Daily /
associated injection circuit. The injection voltage may
Task Risk Management Plan and using ES000901R102
therefore be in the order of 1-2 kV. Appropriate barriers and
Health and Safety Risk Control Guide.
warning signs must be erected at the injection source to
If any risks cannot be managed or reduced to an acceptable prevent inadvertent contact with dangerous voltages.
level, do not proceed with the task and seek assistance from
Additional hazards and control measures:
your Supervisor.
The following information may be helpful in identifying the  If a feeder is used for injecting current into a remote
hazards encountered and appropriate control measures earth, it must be either decommissioned/non-
when carrying out earth injection testing. commissioned or under a Test Permit as defined in P53
Operate the Network Enterprise Process
Principle of earth injection
 If a feeder is used for remote injection, possible high
The fundamental principle of earth injection is that off mains induced voltages may exist from adjacent energised
frequency (i.e. non 50Hz) AC current is passed along either feeders. Always maintain an earth on the remote end of
an the out of service feeder or insulated cable into a remote the injection feeder and verify that the voltage on the
earth, with the injected current returning to the earth system source end is safe for the connection of injection
under test either through the earth’s mass or alternate paths equipment
including, but not limited to:  Temporary remote earth considerations - careful
 overhead earth wires, attention should be made in site selection for a
 cable sheaths, temporary remote earth if required. Installation in the
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vicinity of other services should be avoided at all costs  Review all site drawings of underground
both from a safety perspective and possible interference services.
with measurements. Contact “Dial Before You Dig –  Be aware that existing services may not be
DBYD” service using web based enquiry at installed to standard with respect to depth,
http://www.1100.com.au/# to obtain all relevant plans coverage or protection.
and information about other entity services that may be
 If drawings are unclear, obtain assistance from
located at the site in question. Information to obtain
the relevant asset owner.
should include but not be necessarily limited to:
 Clearly mark underground service locations on
 the location of the service;
the ground surface.
 the type of service;
 Isolate supply to existing services where possible
 the depth of the service; prior to driving earth stakes.
 for an electrical service, whether the service is Ensure that the temporary remote earth is suitably
live or not; barricaded and affixed with appropriate warning
 the restrictions to be followed in doing the work. signage. A safety observer may be required to control
Accuracy of information provided on location of possible contact with exposed portions of the temporary
underground services should not be relied on. Other earth grid.
asset owners may not be a member of the DBYD If a temporary lead is used to connect between the
service. current source and the remote earth, additional safety
If it is not possible to install the temporary remote earth precautions may need to be implemented. These could
at a location that is free of other services, the following include traffic and pedestrian control as well as safety
additional items need to be considered: observers patrolling the temporary injection path.
 Use appropriate locating equipment to indicate  Where a mobile generator and coupling transformer are
the location of any underground service. Select used for current injection, they may present manual
locating equipment based on sensitivity, hazard handling hazards. Use appropriate mechanical
accuracy and discrimination. assistance e.g. vehicle loading crane where appropriate.
 Electronic locating equipment provides an  Ensure all land owners and/or relevant authorities are
indication of the underground services location contacted and permissions obtained prior to installation
only and should not be relied on fully to of a temporary remote earth.
accurately locate a service  Carrying out earth injection testing may require access
 Pothole by hand or other appropriate techniques to adjoining properties. Ensure all relevant landowners
at key locations to positively identify underground are contacted prior to entry and appropriate permissions
service location, depth and direction obtained. Prior to entering the properties for testing
purposes, assess for:
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 Dog, insect and snake infestations; 5.3.1 Injection via existing feeder and remote
 Quarries, steep banks, eroded tracks etc. substation:- This method involves injecting a test
current onto an out of service or non-commissioned/
In addition to the above checks, the following rules decommissioned feeder that is bonded at the remote
apply: end to a robust earth grid. If this option is adopted:
 No climbing and/or jumping fences or gates; (a) Check for no adverse weather conditions for the
 Do not enter sites where there is a savage dog entire length of the feeder and review regularly.
alert unless it can be verified the dog is securely Under no circumstance should injection via
restrained; overhead feeder be carried out if threat of storms
 Where possible, drive or walk on tracks, paths and associated lightning activity is predicted.
and roadways provided. Avoid driving on other (b) Following P53 processes, isolate and earth the
areas unless directed by the property owner; relevant feeder at both the local (i.e. site under
 Do not drive or walk through overgrown access test) and remote ends and issue a test permit.
areas before ensuring the route is safe for self, The earth connection at the remote end is not to
property and vehicle; be removed throughout the test procedure.
 Do not climb through a barb wired fence before (c) Ensure the feeder bays at both the local and
assessing the method is safe to self and remote ends are suitably barricaded with
property. appropriate warning signs affixed.
 Injection current should not pass through any current
transformers that may inadvertently operation (d) Apply a suitably rated three phase grounding box
protection. (e.g. Omicron CP GB1) to the feeder at the local
end to allow for safe discharge of high voltages
 There is a possibility that a system earth fault may occur that may, under adverse conditions, be
when tests are being carried out, thereby exposing test impressed on the out of service feeder. Ensure
staff to dangerous step, touch and transfer voltages. barricading is extended to include the connection
Class 00 gloves must be worn as a minimum when leads from the out of service feeder to the
carrying out voltage measurements relative to a remote grounding box.
earth (e.g. when carrying out voltage measurements
whilst doing an EPR run). (e) If an earth switch is used for the operating earth
5.3 Current injection to remote earth of the feeder at the local end, apply a set of
working earths consisting of three individual
The following guidelines are to be adopted when carrying out cables to the feeder at the local end.
current injection into a remote earth.
(f) If applicable, open the earth switch at the local
end only and measure the phase currents (by
clip on ammeter) in each of the individual
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working earths. Where no earth switch is used (b) Run out a suitably rated insulated lead taking
and operator earths are thus in place, measure into account:
the currents in each phase of the individual
i. The current that will be injected
operator earths.
ii. The voltage output from the current
(g) Calculate the estimated open line voltage using source.
the following formula:
(c) Implement appropriate traffic control on road
Vest = Imeas(amps) x 0.4(Ω/km) x 2 x Lline (km) crossings, driveways etc.
where: (d) Engage safety observers to maintain surveillance
Vest = estimated open loop voltage in volts over the remote earth and injection cable path as
Imeas(amps) = the highest measured current in required.
amps (e) If the risks involved in running out an injection
Lline (km) = the length of the line in kilometres cable are not manageable (e.g. in heavily
(h) If the calculated voltage exceeds 50V AC and/or populated urban areas), do not proceed and
exceeds the safe voltage rating of the current obtain further guidance.
injection test set, do not proceed and obtain 5.4 Current distribution
further guidance.
Carrying out a current distribution test on the earthing
Note: A remote substation may not be suitable as a system under test is vital in determining:
remote earth if there is any return electrical
connection to the earthing system under test. This (a) The proportion of fault current that flows into the buried
can arise in a number of ways, including but not earth grid via the earth mass (Ig) which subsequently
limited to overhead earth wires, LV distribution allows a calculation of grid impedance. This is critical in
neutrals etc. This must be thoroughly investigated determining a grid’s performance over time. As an earth
before any injection is carried out. grid deteriorates its resistance increases, so monitoring
the resistance allows the buried system to be monitored.
5.3.2 Injection into temporary remote earth:- This option
is to be used if a feeder is unavailable for injection (b) Likely voltage hazards e.g. the current distribution test is
purposes and/or the risks associated with overhead essential in identifying paths/points where high transfer
injection are deemed unacceptable. voltages may exist under fault conditions.

(a) Ensure the feeder bay at the local end and the Points or paths of consideration are metallic systems
remote earth are suitably barricaded with passing beyond the boundary of the earthing
appropriate warning signs affixed. installation, such as:
 Overhead earth wires
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 Cable sheaths on power and communications circuits 5.5 Earth Potential Rise
 Pipelines (water and gas) The Earth Potential Rise (EPR) test is used to determine the
 Telecommunication systems maximum potential rise of the earthing installation with
 LV neutrals respect to a remote earth, produced by fault current that
 Structures (cable trays, railways lines, conveyor flows via the earths mass to or from the installation under
systems) earth fault conditions.
The following steps are to be carried out when undertaking a The results of the EPR test can also be used in conjunction
current distribution test: with those of the current distribution test, to determine the
5.4.1 Using an existing layout drawing or one prepared impedance of the earth grid under test.
for the site, document all possible paths for return The method used to determine the EPR of a system is
current flow back to the earthing system under test. referred to as the “fall of potential method”. The test circuit
5.4.2 Inject current as per Section 5.3. for such a test is shown in Figure 2.

5.4.3 Using a Rowgowski coil, frequency tuneable meter

and phase angle meter, determine the test current EARTHING

through each identified path in Step 5.4.1 above SOURCE Is

i. Current measured; REMOTE
ii. Turns used on the Rogowski coil; SYSTEM

iii. Phase angle between the injected current and Vm Zg

the return path in question. INJECTED CURRENT If

5.4.4 Record results on the worksheet “Current POTENTIAL


Distribution” in the Substation Earth System

Injection Analysis Tool SP0510C07.
5.4.5 Carry out a vector summation of the individual
return current paths to allow accurate determination
Figure 2: Basic Circuit for “Fall of Potential Method”
of the current flowing into the buried earth grid via
the earth mass (Ig). Note: special attention should
be made to ensure consistent orientation of the
current measuring Rogowski coil to ensure proper
phase angle measurements of distributed current
are obtained.

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The following steps are to be carried out when undertaking (b) For added protection, the trailing lead out to the test
an EPR test: electrode should be passed through an RCD. Only Type
I (30mA) or Type II (30mA) RCDs are to be used and
5.5.1 Inject current into a remote earth as per Section 5.3.
must comply with AS 3190:2011.
5.5.2 Place an earth stake on the soil surface at a defined
(c) The earth stake used for measurement purposes should
distance from the earth installation under test (refer
only be driven to a depth that will support it.
the Substation Earth System Injection Analysis Tool
SP0510C07 for standard test distances). (d) It is preferred that the test lead used to measure the
EPR be extended at an angle of 900 with respect to the
5.5.3 Using a spectrum analyser or high impedance
current injection line. When the angle is not 900, mutual
frequency tuneable voltmeter set at the same
coupling may induce voltages in the potential leads
frequency as the injected current, measure and
which in turn can give erroneous results.
record the voltage between the earth stake and the
earthing installation under test. Record the reading (e) Additional traffic control and/or safety observers may be
on the “Voltage Gradient” worksheet in the required when running out the test lead to facilitate
Substation Earth System Injection Analysis Tool voltage measurements. If the risks involved in doing this
SP0510C07. are not manageable (e.g. in heavily populated urban
areas), do not proceed and obtain further guidance.
5.5.4 Increase the measurement distance and repeat
Steps 2 and 3 until a definite plateau is observed
(Figure 3 shows a typical EPR curve).
5.5.5 At the most remote location it is required to take a
reading from a RMS indicating voltmeter (e.g. Fluke)
to double check the results of either the spectrum
analyser or the frequency tuneable voltmeter. Record
this reading on the “Voltage Gradient” worksheet in
the Substation Earth System Injection Analysis Tool
Points to note:
(a) Class 00 gloves must be worn as a minimum when
running out the test lead and taking EPR
measurements. Failure to do so may expose test
personnel to hazardous voltages in the event of an
earth fault on the network related to the site under test.
Figure 3: Typical Fall of Potential Curve
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5.6 Step, Touch and Reach Voltages structures that may be bridged by direct hand to
hand contact.
The safety of an earthing system depends on the step (foot
to foot), touch (hand to foot) and reach (hand to hand) (f) Effective (Loaded) Reach voltage – the voltage
voltages being less than the allowable voltages as specified across a body, under fault conditions, in a
in the relevant standard used for analysis of the site under position described as for the prospective reach
test. voltage but allowing for the voltage drop caused
by a current in the body. Theoretically the
5.6.1 Definitions prospective reach voltage and the effective
The definitions for prospective step, touch and reach (loaded) reach voltage should be exactly the
voltages are as follows: same.
(a) Prospective Step voltage – the voltage The allowable voltages depend on various parameters such
difference between two points on the earth’s as fault clearing time, permissible body current, contact
surface separated by a distance equal to a resistance, body impedance and the relevant standard
person’s normal maximum step (approximately applied. Figure 4 below shows the various contact scenarios
one metre). of step, touch and reach.
(b) Effective (Loaded) Step voltage – the voltage
across a body, under fault conditions, in a
position as described for the prospective step
voltage but allowing for the voltage drop caused
by a current in the body
(c) Prospective Touch voltage – the voltage
difference between an earthed metallic structure
and a point on the earth’s surface separated by a
distance equal to a person’s normal maximum
horizontal reach (approximately one metre)
(d) Effective (Loaded) Touch voltage – the voltage
across a body, under fault conditions, in a
position described as for the prospective touch Figure 4: Step, Touch & Reach Voltages
voltage but allowing for the voltage drop caused
by a current in the body Transfer voltages are basically a special case of touch
(e) Prospective Reach voltage – the voltage voltage where a voltage is transferred into or out of the
difference between earthed metallic objects or substation from or to a remote point external to the

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substation site. Figure 5 shows an example of a transfer (b) External to substation
voltage.  At regular intervals along the outside
perimeter of the substation fence.
 Metallic objects in surrounding properties
including but not limited to gates, metal
fences, tap fittings etc. Special attention
should be given to obtaining touch
measurements from domestic and
commercial residences switchboards which
will be bonded to earth via the MEN system.
 Any metallic pipelines or fences in close
proximity to the earthing system. These can
often be the worst measurements recorded
Figure 5: Transfer Voltage during a test because a fence or pipeline can
be insulated from ground for a significant
distance and therefore transfer a remote
NOTE: It is imperative that as much focus, if not more, earth potential into (or adjacent) to the
be placed on the measurement of step, touch and reach substation under test.
voltages in surrounding areas as compared to  Exposed and accessible portions of any path
measurements inside the substation under test. identified for current flow in the current
distribution test e.g. exposed earth wires on
feeder exit poles where feeder cables are
5.6.2 Recommended locations to conduct step, touch and earthed at both ends, exposed overhead
reach voltage measurements include: earth wire bonds to ground etc.
(a) Within the substation  Attention should be made to the
 At and adjacent to all equipment that may be measurement of step, touch and reach
operated (e.g. operating handles, marshalling voltages in Special Locations which are
boxes, hand rails, water taps etc.). defined as locations with high exposure rates
and where people are likely to be wet and
 At regular intervals along the inside perimeter have no footwear. Such locations include:
of the substation fence.
o Within a school ground
 Metallic objects that personnel may come in o Children’s playground
contact with. o Public swimming pool area
o Popular water recreation area
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o Public thoroughfare within 100 metres “Special Location” in the Substation Earth
of the above locations System Injection Analysis Tool SP0510C07
where the measured values are scaled to give
 For locations outside the substation, a
anticipated levels under actual fault conditions.
detailed map or document providing accurate
location of tests should be prepared for Prospective Step Voltages – Measurements to be taken using a
EG0, IEEE and Electrical Safety high impedance frequency
reference. Areas of concern should be
Code of Practice tuneable multimeter between two
photographed and clearly labelled with a stakes/electrodes placed 1 metre
location for future reference. apart on the natural soil surface.

5.6.3 The following steps are to be carried out when Earth stakes/electrodes not to be
undertaking step, touch and reach voltage driven into the natural upper soil
layer more than a few cms –
merely enough to support the
(a) Inject current as per Section 5.3. electrode.
(b) Carry out step, touch and reach voltage Contact point of earth
measurements as per Table 1 below. stake/electrode should be
(c) Using an earth grid plan or other means, moistened to achieve good
accurately record the location, contact type and
voltage measurements obtained. In addition, Effective (Loaded) Step Measurements to be taken using a
record whether the voltage measurements taken Voltages – IEEE only high impedance frequency
were either prospective or effective (loaded). tuneable multimeter between two
Note that effective (loaded) voltages are only weighted 8cm radius discs placed
1 metre apart on top of the ground
relevant when testing an installation to IEEE
surface layer material.
(d) For locations outside the substation and where A simulated body impedance of
1kΩ is to be placed across the
analysis being undertaken is using the Electrical
input terminals of the tuneable
Safety Code of Practice, it also becomes multimeter if the meter does not
necessary to identify whether the location under have inherent capability to provide
test is connected to a CMEN system or not. A this functionality.
CMEN system is that in which in the low voltage
Contact surfaces of discs should
neutral conductor and the low voltage earthing
be moistened to achieve good
system are connected to the high voltage contact.
earthing system.
(e) Transfer the results onto the appropriate
worksheet ‘Inside Sub”, “Outside Sub” or
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Ergon Energy Corporation Limited ABN 50 087 646 062

Prospective Touch Voltages – Measurements to be taken using a Effective (Loaded) Reach Measurements to be taken using a
EG0, IEEE and Electrical Safety high impedance frequency Voltages – IEEE only high impedance frequency
Code of Practice tuneable multimeter between the tuneable multimeter between the
metallic object in question and an two metallic objects in question
earth stake/electrode placed at a that are capable of being bridged
distance of 1 metre on the natural by direct hand to hand contact.
soil surface. A simulated body impedance of
Earth stake/electrode not to be 1kΩ is to be placed across the
driven into the natural upper soil input terminals of the tuneable
layer more than a few cms – multimeter if the meter does not
merely enough to support the have inherent capability to provide
electrode. this functionality.
Contact point of earth
stake/electrode should be Table 1: Measurement of Step, Touch & Reach Voltages
moistened to achieve good
Effective (Loaded)Touch Measurements to be taken using a
Voltages – IEEE only high impedance frequency
tuneable multimeter between the
metallic object in question and a
weighted 8cm radius disc placed at
a distance of 1 metre on top of the
ground surface layer material.
A simulated body impedance of
1kΩ is to be placed across the
input terminals of the tuneable
multimeter if the meter does not
have inherent capability to provide
this functionality.
Contact surface of disc should be
moistened to achieve good
Prospective Reach Voltages – Measurements to be taken using a
EG0, IEEE and Electrical Safety high impedance frequency
Code of Practice tuneable multimeter between the
two metallic objects in question
that are capable of being bridged
by direct hand to hand contact.
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Ergon Energy Corporation Limited ABN 50 087 646 062

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