Dielectric Frequency Response Measurements and Dissipation Factor Temperature Dependence
Dielectric Frequency Response Measurements and Dissipation Factor Temperature Dependence
Dielectric Frequency Response Measurements and Dissipation Factor Temperature Dependence
Abstract----- The condition of the insulation is an essential Transformers are by far, one of the most mission critical
aspect for the operational reliability of electrical power components in the electrical grid. The need for reliable
transformers, generators, cables and other high voltage diagnostic methods drives the world’s leading experts to
equipment. Transformers with high moisture content can not
evaluate new technologies that improve reliability and
without risk sustain higher loads. Bushings and cables with high
optimize the use of the power network.
moisture content at high temperature can explode due to
‘‘thermal runaway’’. The condition of the insulation is an essential aspect for the
Typically, dissipation factor (DF) or power factor (PF) test at operational reliability of electrical power transformers,
power frequency 50/60 Hz is carried out in the field following generators, cables and other high voltage equipment.
well known procedures. DF measured values are then normalized Transformers with high moisture content can not without risk
to 20ºC for comparisons with guidelines and trending. However, sustain overloading conditions. Bushings and cables with high
the temperature correction factor for the normalization of the dissipation factor (DF) / power factor (PF) at high temperature
field measurement is questioned because cellulose with different can explode due to ‘‘thermal runaway’’.
moisture contents as well as oil with different conductivity will
On the other hand it is also very important to identify
have different correction factors. It has been proved that good
‘‘good’’ units among the aging population of equipment.
insulation has less temperature dependent response than the bad
insulation. Adding just a few ‘‘extra’’ service years to the expected
DFR modeling, accurately taking the temperature effect into service life of an electrical device implies substantial cost
account, can be used to model the temperature dependence of DF savings for the power industry.
over a wide temperature range based on measurements over a The widely accepted and most common insulation
frequency range. Naturally, from such modeling, also diagnostic test is carried out measuring capacitance and DF/PF
temperature correction factors for correcting a measurement at line frequency (50/60 Hz). This test is performed whenever
values obtained at one temperature, e.g. 32C, to a reference there is a need for investigating insulation properties. Analysis
temperature, e.g. 20C, can be calculated.
is based on historical values (trending analysis) and comparing
This paper will provide a background of DFR and its
against factory values. Since insulation properties are
modeling specifically applied to model the effect of temperature
and calculating temperature correction factors based on actual temperature dependent, temperature compensation has to be
DFR response. The theoretical basis is backed up with several used for measurements not performed at 20° C, this is
case studies of measurement on samples as well as on real normally achieved using temperature correction table factors
objects, e.g. bushing and transformers at multiple temperatures. for certain classes of devices [1].
However, the standard table values for temperature
Keywords- Dielectric frequency response; DFR; frequency correction are only average values and therefore subject to
domain spectroscopy; FDS; power factor; dissipation factor;
some error [2, 3]. The DFR of dry insulation is less
temperature correction; temperature dependence
temperature dependent while wet insulation is very much
I. INTRODUCTION affected by the temperature. The insulation of the power
With an aging power component population, today’s transformers is even more complicated. It consists of mineral
electrical utility industry faces a tough challenge as failures, oil and cellulose which have different temperature
consequent repair and revenue loss may inflict major costs. characteristics. Therefore, the correction factors are usually
different for different transformers depending on the design
Figure 3. Relationship between power factor values at different frequencies
taken at different temperatures.
III. DIELECTRIC FREQUENCY RESPONSE MEASUREMENTS Figure 5. Dissipation factor as function of frequency for dry Kraft paper.
Figure 6. Dissipation factor (50 Hz) as function of temperature for dry Kraft
duct. example, the oil temperature dependence dominates but the
influence of oil and cellulose varies case by case.
Y 1-Y
ε spacers ε∗oil
ε barriers X
The permittivity of oil, ε oil , spacers, ε spacers
and barriers,
ε *
barriers , are complex functions of both frequency and
temperature. The equivalent permittivity of the XY model is
given by:
Figure 9. Dissipation factor (50 Hz) as function of temperature for a 20MVA
distribution transformer
Y 1−Y
ε (ω , T ) = +
1− X X 1− X X (3)
+ +
ε spacer ε barrier ε oil ε barrier
Figure 8. MODS® moisture analysis for a 20 MVA transformer IV. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS
The dielectric frequency response in terms of capacitance
Based on the model curve, the dissipation factor as a
and dissipation factor of an electric insulation material or an
function of temperature for that specific 20 MVA transformer
insulation system depends not only on insulation condition but
is shown in Fig. 9. Figure 10 compares the dissipation factor at
also on temperature. When restricted to power frequency
power frequency as function of temperature for oil, cellulose
measurements the effect of temperature is unknown.
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