Page.j: Xavier's
Page.j: Xavier's
Page.j: Xavier's
a) w. rite about three people who brought glory to India after Independence.
b) You have-been granted a wish to spend a day with a popular fiitional character from
a book. Describe
the reasons for your choice and how you spent-the day. Detaiting of yow experience
should be included.
c) The pleasure and value of keeping a diary.
d)Eliminating the weak and the infirrn is the only way to save the planet.
e) Monsoon days
f) Write an original story, which has a historical setting.
Question 2: a) You are a student of Class XiI and you wish to seek a<imission to a College of Journalism
course after your ISC. Write a Statement of Purpose in about 300 words
using the given luidelines. you
may add other relevant details if deemed essential.
Name of your school-your qualifications-your credentials-subjects studied in the
final years in school-
languages proficient in-reasons for: taking up a journalism course- co-curricular
involvement- examples of
journalistic contributions during school-aim after completion
of thecourse. J** t20l
b) Your housing cornplex is facing an acute scarcity of drinking water. Write a proposal to the local
counciior in not more than 150 words snggesting suitable **urur., by which this issue can be addressed
and there is relief for all the residents.
(8) (A) It was embarrassing for Martin to hear himself praised in public.
(B) Martin was
(9) (A) He works too slowly but his progress is fairly satisfactory.
(B) In spite..
(10) (A) We last visited Oxford in 2015.
(B) We haven't.
(b) Fill in each blailk with a suitable word. Do not write the sentence. t5l
(i) For almost fifteen days she has been rlrith a bad cold.
(2) The injured worker was given a six *eekluyl_ by the manager.
(3) The success of the story rests largely a very simple idea.
(4) Itrests the management of the textile unit to justiff their actions.
(5) Katehunted her lost book everywhere but could not find it.
(6) Fleeing villagers were hunted _ by army choppers.
(7) The islanders are held by a repressive military rule.
(8) The rain held _ just long for us to reach home.
"rougi, the school premises long after the gates were closed.
(9) He was admonished for lingering _
(10) The useless custom still lingers _ in some parts of our country.
(b) In the following passage fill in each of the numbered blanks with the correct form of the word
given in the brackets. (Do not copy the passage) t5l
The gorilla (i) (be) something of a paradox in the African scene. One _ __-
(2) (think) one
(3) (know) him very well. For a hundred years r more he _(4) (capture), imprisoned in zoos and
has also been killed. His bones (5) (mount) in natural history muselrms everywhere and he has
always (6) (exert) a strong fascination upon scientists and romantics alike. Yet the fact
(7) (be) we know very little about gorillas. Cad Akeley the American naturalist (8)
(lead) two expeditions in the nineteen tw-enties and now (9) (be) buried among the animals he
(10) (love) so deariy.
Question 4
(1) "You shall have,,--, when f'm gone", she (Mrs. May) began to say, closing the lid of the sandalwood
box in which she kept the old photographs. Also promised was her father's sword and scabbard, in which
William was more interested, and a stuffed parrot called Bertha-once a childhood friend and still talked to
as ifno change had taken place.
(2) On morning, she saw him playing on the building site and went out to the gate and called to him, lured
him into the garden and then the house with witch-like tactics, sat him down on the spoon-shaped chair
and gave him a bag of sweets.
(3) "And how is your mother?" she enquired. She had a feeling that she detested the woman. William
nodded absent-mindedly, poking about in the sweet bag. His hair was like gold silk, she thought.
(4) "People have always lost patience with me," she said feeling his attention wandering from her. " I
(5) lf only he could tell me, Mrs. May thought in despair. Tell me what there was for breakfast, for
instance, and who said what and who went where, so that I could have sornething to think aboutin the
(6) "Oh well, the winter will come if it means to," she said aloud. Rain swept in a gust upon the window,
as if cast upon the little panes in spite. " Nothing we can do can stop it. Only dig in and make ourselves
comfortable-roast chestnuts on my little coal shovel." William glanced from the wainscot to the empty
grate, but Mrs. May seemed not to see its emptiness. " Once when I gad a nice governess we roasted
some over the school room fire. But my next governess would never let me do anything
that pleased
must be
me. 'We,$ must be your master,'she said. She had many low phrases of that kind. Yes, want
your master," she said again and sighed.
{7) The visit was running down and her visitor simply sitting
there until he could go. Courageously, when
photograph of
he refused another peppermint cream and showed that he did not want to see again the
him from
her home, she released him and even urged him to go, speeding him on his way, and watched
bird that she
the open door, her hands clasped close to her flat chest. He was like a most beautiful caged
had gll at liberty. She felt regret and yet a sense of triumph, seeing him go.
(8) She returned to the room and looked dully at the stuffed parrot, feeling a little like crying,
but she
had been brought up not to do so. " Yes, want must be your master, Bertha," she said in a gft but
serene voice.
.adapted from ,Mice ant! Birds and Boy' by Elizabeth Taylor
(ii) For each of the words given below, write a sentence of at least ten words using the same word
unchanged in form but with a different meaning frorn that which it carries in the passage: t4I
(1) Down
(2) Want
(3) set
(a) Soft ,f
(b) Answer the following questions in your own words as briefly as possible:
(i) What did Mrs. May promise to bequeath William while closing the lid of the sandalwood box? Izil
(ii) What dicl Mrs, Ivlay do when she saw William playing on the building site? t3l
iiii) ffo* did Williamiho* his disinterest in Mrs. May? What feeling was conveyed to her? 121
(iv) What message did Mrs. May convey to Bertha? I2t
(c) Using materials from paragraphs (5) to (7) and in not more than 100 words give an account of.the
encounter between Vlis. fvfay ana Wiffam. Failure to keep within the word limit will be penalized'
i) V/hy?
What was Alonso planning to do before the thunder and the lightning? (l)
ii) who is a harpy? what symbolism is associated with the banquet? e)
iii) What mysterious atmosphere was created when the banquet vanished? Q)
iv) Describe the sin committed by each of the three men. e)
v) Why does .Ariel say that the three men are most unfit to live? What punishment had Ariel
given them now? e)
vi) Give the meanings of the following words in context: iu, *z=t1
a) quaint b) surfeited
II. Iris: "Of her society be not afraid: I met her deity cutting the clouds towards Paphos and her
son Dove-drawn with her."
D - Whose company is spokeu of here? Why shnuld the person spoken to not be a^fraid of her
and her_son's
ii) What magic charm did Venus and her son plan against Ferdinand and Miranda? What was
the result?
iii) Who is 'Hymen'? Why is there a reference to Hymen later in this extact? Who is Mar's
iv) Why is Cupid said to be waspish-headed? What is said about him in the context? e)Q)
v) How does Ceres know that Juno is coming on the scene? (r)
vi) Give the meanings of in context: (Yz *2=l)
a) society b) Paphos
m. Prospero: "O good Gonzalo, My true preserver, and a loyal sir
To him you follow'st! I will pay thy graces Home both in word and deed" Most cruelly did'st thou,
Alonso, use me and my daughter: Thy brother was a furtherer in the act, - Thou art pinch'd for't
now, Sebastian. Flesh and blood, You, brother mine, that entertain'd ambition, Expill'd remorse
and nature."
i) Who is Gonzalo and why does Prospero call hrm 'my true preserver' and 'a loyal sir'to his
ii) In what way will Prospero reward Gonzalo? (1)
iil) What does Prospero accuse Alonso and Sebastian of? How was Alonso involved in
Prospero's banishment?
rv) IIow does Prospero denounce Antonio? Q)
v) How does Prospero present himself to the accused?
vi) Give the meanings the following rvords in context: (% x2=t)
a) furtherer b) remorse
L With close reference to the text, critically analyse the character of Prospero as a magician, a
master and as a father. (8+6+6)
2. true freedom of man consists in service." Discuss the statement with retbrence to the
characters of Ariel and Caliban in the play The Tempest to draw up a contrast.
f . in what way is the poem 'The Darkling Thrush' an attempt to search for rneaning in the
world? How is it an elegy of the troubled 19th cenrury? How does the poet deal with the
themes of isolation? (8+6=6)
2. Critically analyse the poem 'Crossing the Ber' as ajoumey of life into death. Why has the
poet used the word'pilot' to refer to God? (20')
3. Discuss how the poem oDover Beach' implies that in the contemporary spirituat uasteland,
love is the only consolation. How is it a dramatic monologue?
6" Discuss critically the themes of freedom and confinement in Kate Chopirr's 'The Story of an
Hour.' What is the author's strategy of placing the entire story's action within a single house.
7. Show how Katherine Mansfield realistically captures the emotions - despair, sadness,
reliance, appearance, desperation and happiness in the story 'The Singing Lesson.' (20)
8. Describe the irony of the situation in the story 'The Chinese Statue'. Explain the hidden
message in the story. (2$)
Part I is compulsorv . From Part ll answer anv 2 questions from Section A & anv 2 from Section B
& anv one from either Section A or Section B.
Q1. 20
a) When was the Congress Socialist party formed? Name one of its leader.
b) Give the full form of AIKS.
c) What did Mountbatten plan for Punjab & Bengal?
d) State any one impact of lNA.
e) Why did the Congress accept the Partition?
f) What was the issue of foreign debts between lndia & Pakistan as per the division of assets?
g) Name the freedom fighter associated with the formation of Andhra?
h) Which two policies of Sanjay Gandhi during Emergency were widely criticised?
i) What is Operation Steeple Chase?
j) Why was the MacMohan line not recognised by China as an official boundary with lndia?
k) Who signed the Anti Commintern Pact & why?
l) State the significance of the Norwegian expedition of Germany in 1940.
m) State any one achievement of the Allied air power.
n) What was the impact of NATO on American foreign policy?
o) What is Hundred Flowers Campaign?
p) Name the 1* president of NOW & her work which raised the 2nd wave of feminism in USA
in the 20th century.
q) Name the Lst black African state to win independence after the 2nd world war.
r) Name the political party of Kenya & its leader in L947.
s) ln the context of the civil rights movement in USA what is the fullform of NAACP?
t) Name the two economic policies of Gorbachev which eventually ended the Communist
Q2.With reference to the States of the lndian Union
a) Trace the origin of the Kashmir problem & its accession to the lndian Union. 6
b) Highlight the role of the States Reorganisation Commission with special reference to
Bombay & Punjab. 6
Q3.With reference to the establishment of democracy in India describe the 1952 elections & its
impact. 12
a) Explain the Tibet issue & how it culminated into the war of 1962? What was the outcome?
b) What were the contentious issues between the East & West Pakistan? 4
a) Discuss the causes & course of the JP movement . 6
b) Why was Emergency imposed by the Congress government & how were the democratic
rights were suspended during emergency? 6
Q11. With reference to the Civil Rights movement in USA & Africa
a) WHY did Truman want to stop racial discrimination in USA? Highlight the role of Martin
Luther King in the civil rights movement. 8
b) State the features of Apartheid in South 4
Class 12, MATHEMATICS Time : 3 hrs
Date:1710912018 Full Marks: 100
[Candidates are allowed additional 15 minutes for ONLY reading the paper. They must NOT start writing during this tine.]
Attempt all questions from Section A and
all questions from either Section B or Section C.
All working, including rough work, should be done on the same sheet as, and adjacent to, the rest of the
The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets [] .
Mathematicaltables and graph papers are provided, Slide rule may be used.
Question 1: [10x2=20]
(i) Showthat abinaryoperation*onA=R-i-1)definedas a* b=a+b+ab forall a,b €/ is
associative on A. Also find its identity element.
(ii) A is a square matrix of order 3 and lAl=7. find the value of I adj A | .
(ix) A stone is dropped into a quiet lake and waves move in a circle at a speed of Scm/sec. At the instant
when the radius of the circular wave is I crn, how fast is the enclosed area increasing?
(x) Find the approximate change in the volume V of a cube of side x metres caused by increasing the
side by 1%.
Question 2: t4l
lf function f (x) - ir - 3l + lx - 41, exarnine the continuity and differentiability of the
function/at x = 3.
Question 3: t4I
Using properties of determinant, prove that
(b+c)z ab ca I
ab (c+a)z bc l=Zabc(a+b+c)3
ca. bc (a + b)21
Question 4: [4]
Prove that : tan(
f + icos-1f ) + tan{1 - }cos-l 1) = a
Questlon 5: t4I
Differentiate tan-1 (ryl) wfthrespecr ro sin-1 r.
Question 6: . I4I
lf x=acos0, T=bsinT, then provethat
lf x= a(cos ?t+Ztsin2f) andy =a(sinZt.-ZtcosZt), thenfind
Question 7:
lf thetangenttothecurve T = x3 * ax * b at(2,-6) isparalleltothe linex -y *T = 0,
find a and b.
Findthe intervalson which thefunction
f (x) = *Zx3 _gxz _ IZx * 1is increasirrg.
Question 8;
Evaruate: I fifr;a*
Evatuate ,f##; a*
Question 9:
Evatuate ,
* lt r- log(1 - x) cotlx
Question 10:
Use Lagrange's mean value theorem to determine a point on the curye
interval 12,31 , where the tangent is parallel to the chord joining the end-points
defined in they= ff4,
on the curve.
Question 11:
I 2 2 *41 l-1 *1 ol t6l
_i -;l ana , = [i j
rc A = f;l , ,no ou. Hence, sorve the syst_em or equations :
x * y = 3, 2x *3y * 4z = 7,7, y *Zz = T.
Question 15:
(i) l}x2 * 6l
Find a vector in the direction of vector 5i
- + Zfr that has magnitude g units.
f ind the vector equation of the line passing through the point (5, 2,4| and having
ratio <3, 2, -Z>.
(iii) Find 1,, when projection of d,
= lt + zj + fr, oni = zt -, j + Efi, is zunits.
Question 16: t4l
lf ldl - 2 ,lil = 5 ancl la x dl = B, Find d.i .
Findtheareaof aparallelogram whosediagonalsare determined by d=3t+i- Zrt and i =
Question 17: t4l
Find the equation of a line passing through the point (7,3, -2) and perpendicular to the
y+7 z , x-2 y-7 z+l
lineS {-1
, = z =1o.tlct T=-]-==.
7 = (4i+ si + afr.1 + 1t(z?, + 3j + b.
Question 19: f}x2 = 6l
(i) lf thetotalcostfunction forxunitsof acommodityis C(x) =f;* 3xz -Zx * l6.findthe
marginalcost and Average cost.
(ii) lf the cost of function and revenue function respectively as (r) = 300x2 * 4200x *
L35A0 and R(x) = B4A0x, find the break even points.
(iii) lfthetworegressionlinesare 3x-Zy *1= 0 and 2x-y-l= 0, find *ond !.
i( * * * * * * * * * * * * * :t !i * ** * * r. *,t * *,f * {. * * :f + {. * * * ** * * * * r. *
Question 1
(A) Choose the correct alternative (a), (b),(c) or (d)for each of the questions giu"n below: [sxlJ
(i) Current flowing through a long solenoid is varied. Then, magnetic flux tlensity of the magnetic field
inside it varies:
(ii) A convex lens, made of glass, is immersed in water. As a result, its focal length will:
(iii) A conducting sphere of radius R is given a charge Q. The electric potential and the electric field at the
centre of the sphere respectively are:
(a) zero and Q i 4nqR2- (b)Ql4oeo*undzero
(c) Q 4rceoR and Q I reoRk ^ (d) both are zero.
(iv) The factor which do not eff,ect the capacitance of a capacitor is:
(a) shape of the plates (b) distance between the plates
(c) potential difference between the plates (d) nature of mediurn between the plates.
(v) In an ammete1 SYo of the main current is passing through galvanometer. If the resistance of the
galvanometer is G, then the resistance of the shunt willbe:
(a) 19 G (b) 20c (c)G/20 (d) G r le.
(B) Answer the followin.g questions briefly and to the point: [7x 1]
(i) How will the sensitivity of a potentiometer change with increase in current flowing through its wire?
(ii) When would a moving charged particle travel undeviated in a uniform magnetic field? '
(iii) Which physical quantities are conserved in KirchhofPs Laws?
(iv) How paramagnetic and a diamagnetic substance can be distinguished by studding their behaviors in
the magnetic field?
(r) 9* a body have a charge of 7.5 e ? where, e= eiectronic charge.
(vi) The refractive index of a concave lens is n. the lens
is immersed in a medium of refractive index nr
(n 1> n)' A parallel beam of Iight is incident on the lens. Draw a
diagram to show
(vii) Light of wavelength 450 nm in vacuum enters into glass block of RI 1.5. the path of emergent rays.
What is the wavelength of
light in glass?
Section B: Answer all questions.
Question 2
(a) Define drift velocify and relaxation time, with reference to the free electron theory of conductors.
(b) Apoint charge of 2.0 mc is at the centre of a cubic
Gaussian surthce 9.0 cm on edge. what is the net
electric flux through the surface? What if the shape of the cube
is changed into a spherical shell?
Question 3
A thin convex lens of focal length 20 cm is kept in contact with a thin Izt
concave lens of focal length 15 cm.
Find the focal length and the nature of the ,o*birutioo,
Calculate Coulomb force between a c-particle and a proton separated Izt
by a distance 6.4 nm.
Question 5
I rloton moving with a speed 4x I0 7mls enters a magnetic field of 2.0 T in a direction perpendicular to
the field. Calculate the force acting on the proton.
Question 6 t2l
Complete the ray diagram shown in Figure,I, given that the critical angle
for air-glass pair is 42o .
Question 7
(a) Briefly explain the foliowing terms: 121
Question I nt
Write down the expression of potential energy due to system of four point chargds qr, qz
,qt & q+ .
Question 9 pl
Draw a labeled diagram of a potentiorneter to compare the emf of two given cells.
Question I0 I2l
Two wires A& B of same masses and of same metal are taken. Diameter of B is double
resistance of A is 40 ohm, calculate resistance of B.
of that of A. If
Question 11 Izt
A spherical convex surface of radius of curvature 20 cm, made of glass (n = 1.5) is placed in air. Find the
position of the image formed, if a point object is placed at 30 cm in front of the convex surface on the
principal axis.
Question 12 I2l
An alternating voltage E = Eo sino:t is applied to a circuit containing a circuit element X . The current in
the circuit is found to be . o
/=I sin(wt+90 )
(i) State whether the element X is a capacitor or inductor. (ii) Draw the corresponding phasor diagram.
Question 13 t3I
Using Gauss' theorem, obtain an expression for intensity of electric field 'E' at a point, which is at a
distance r (r > R) from the centre C of a thin spherical she1l (of radius R) carrying charge Q.
Question 14 t3l
(a) Obtain an expression for electric potential difference between two points due to a point charge 'Q'.
(b) A parallel plate capacitor is charged by a battery; which is then disconnected. A dielectric slab is now
introduced between the two plates to occupy the space completely. State the effect on the following:
(i) the capacitance of the capacitor . (ii) potential difference between the plates.
Question 15 I3l
The following table gives the length of three copper wires, their diameters, and the applied potential
difference across their ends. Arrange the wires in increasing order according to the following: (a) The
magnitude of the electric field within them, (b) The drift speed of electrons through them, and (c) The
curent density within them.
Question 16 t3t
Obtain the relation of current and reactance for a pure capacitor which is connected to an altemating emf
E= Eosino:t. Draw a phasor diagram showing emf current and their phase difference.
Question 17 I3l
(a) Derive the expression of motional emf . Hence sholv that expression of power consumed :(Blv)2,/R.
(b) Which one of following will describe the smallest circle when projected with the same velocity
perpendicular to the magnetic field. i) alpha particle and ii) Beta particle? Explain your answer showing
necessary equations.
Question 18 I3I
An a.c. source of frequency 50 Hz is connected to a 55 mH inductor and a bulb. The bulb glows with some
brightness. Calculate the capacitance of the capacitor to be connected in series with the circuit, so that the
bulb glows wjth maximum brightness.
Question 19 I3l
A convex lens of focal length 20 cm (refractive index 1.5) in air is immersed in a liquid of refoactive index
1.8. What will be the focal length of the system? State the nature of the lens- liquid system. .
(i) Impedance of the circuit. (ii) Cunent flowing through the circuit.
(ii) Phase difference between the current and the supply voltage.
(b) Using phasor diagram, obtain a relation between emf and current for a series L-C-R circuit" Also obtain
the expression for resonant frequenoy.
Question 2 | I5l
with final image formed
t"lDraw a labelled ray diagram of an image formed by a compound microscope
at the least distance of distinct vision (b). Derive an expression for its magniffing power (in terms of
Vo, Uo, 1e and D).
(b) (i) A telescope of focal length 30 cm and eye-piece of focal length 3.0 cm. It is focused
has an objective
on a scale at2,0 m. For seeing with relaxed eye, calculate the separation between the obiective and eye -
(ii) State two advantages of reflecting type telescope over refracting type telescope.
Question 22 I5I
(") gy drawing a labelled diagram, demonstrate the use of a potentiometer to determine the intemal
resistance of a cell. (show the working).
(b) Obtain an expression for refraction at a single convex spherical surface separating the two media having
refractive indicei nr (rarer medium) and nz (denser medium) i.e. a relation between u, v, 11.1, nz and R,
Physical Constants:
C= 3 x 108m/s, e=1.6* 10'19C, 1:.o=4nx 10-7TmA-1
s 0 8.854 v. L0'12 C2 N -1 m'2, ll4re1 :9 x 10e N m2 C -2
Question 1
(ai Fill in the blanks by choosing the appropriate word/words frorn those given in
the brackets: [4X1]
( sp3d2, octahedral, more, below, -1, decreases, sp3d, square pyramidal, +l,less,
above, increasesJ
ti) An aqueous solution of glucose boils _--.__ 1000C and freezes-O0C.
iii) Chloroacetic acid is acidic than acetic acid due to.--- effect.
[iii) On dilution of a solution, its specific conductance while its
equivalent conductance
---_-. is
[ivJ The geometry of BrFs molecule and the hybridization of
bromine atom in the molecule is _.
tb) Complete the following statements by selecting the correct alEernative from the
choices given: l4l
(i) Natural rubber is a polymer ofi
(1) ethylene
(2) buta-1,3-diene
(31 isoprene
t4) tetrafluoroethylene
(ii) The metal which loses its meniscus after reaction with ozone is:
t1) siiver
t2) lead
t3) mercury
(4) copper
[iii] A mixture containing 100mi of 1M urea solution and 300rnl of lMglucose
solution at T K will have an osmotic pressure of:
(1) Rr
(2) zRr
(3) 3Rr
(4) 4Rr
(iv) The compounds [Co[NHr)sN0z]Clz and [Co(NHs)sONO]Clz constitute a pair
t1) coordinationisomers
(2) ionization isomers
(3) Iinkage isomers
(4) hydrare isomers
2 ry"-sB m. #m,
Explain why the hydrolysis of ethyl acetate begins slowly but becomes
faster after some time.
(ii) The rate constant of a reaction is 3X10-a L mol-r min-l. What is the order of
the reaction?
(b) (i) Write the mathematical expression relating the variation of rate constant of
a reaction with temperature.
(ii) The slope of the line in the graph of logro kversus L/T for a reaction is
-5.841x109 K. Calculate the enerry of activation for this reaction.
Question 3 l?l
(a) What do you mean byvulcanization of rubber?
(bl Which among these is a condensation polymer?
(1) Styron
tZ) Buna-S
(31 Teflon
Question 4 l?l
An organic compound [A) having molecular formula CgHe0 on treatment with
Grignard reagent gave (BJ. (B) when heated with iodine and caustic alkali gave a
yellow crystalline solid and the sodium salt of a carboxylic acid. Identify (A), (Bl
and the Grignard's reagent and write the name of the reaction which gives a
yellow pr:ecipitate.
Question 5 l2l
2.5 amp. 0f current is passed through copper sulphate solution for 30 minutes. Calculate the number
of copper atoms deposited at the cathode. [Cu = 63.54)
Question 6 l2l
What will be the major product obtained when 2-bromobutane reacts with alcoholic potassium
hyciroxide? State the type of reaction involved in it.
Question 7 l2l
(a) Give the mechanism of the acid dehydration of ethanol to yield ethene.
Question 8 l2l
Cive two differences between order and molecularity of a reaction.
Question 9 t3l
(a) The osmotic pressure of 0.01 molar solution of an electrolyte is fbund to be 0.55 atm at
27oC. Calculate the vant Hoff factor . What concltrsion can you draw about the molecular
state of the solute in the solution?
(b) The vapour pressure of pure benzene at a certain temperature is 640mm Hg. When a
non-volatile and non-electrolytic solid weighingZ.TTSgis added to 39.0g of benzene, the
vapour pressure of the solution is 600mm Hg. What is the molecular mass of the solid
Question 10 t3l
Consider the following data for the reaction: A + B Products
Conc. of 'A' Conc. 'B'
of Initial rate
(mol t-t1 l-t; -----)
(mol (mol L't s-t1
0.1 0.1 4.0x10'+
4.2 A.2 1.6x10-3
0.5 0.1 1.0x1"0-z
0.5 0.5 1.0x10'2
(0 The order of the reaction with respect to A and B for the reaction.
[ii) The rate constant for the reaction.
Question 11 I3l
Draw a graph showing the variation of energy versus the course of reaction for an exothermic
change, clearly showing the activation energy and the net energy change for the reaction.
Question 12 I3l
[a) Write the formulae of the following coordination compounds:
(il potassiumtetracyanidonickelate(ll)
(ii) tetraamminedichloridocobalt(llf chloride
ib) Write the structures of the optical isomers of the complex ion [Co(en)zClz]*
Question 13 t3l
(a) (i) Explain why:
(1) HI is a weak acid while all other halogen acids are strong acids.
{2) HzO, the hydride of oxygen, is a colourless and odourlesi liquid,
while HzS, HzSe and HzTe are colourless gases with unpleasant
(ii) What are pseudohalides? Give one example.
Question 14 t3I
write the equations for the following reactions and name the reactions:
(al Phenol is treated with chloromethane in the presence of anhydrous aluminium
tb) Carborylic acid containing c-hydrogen atoms , react with Brz or Clz in the
presence of a small amount of red phosphorus.
(cl Benzaldehyde is heated with an alcoholic solution of potassium cyanide.
Question 15 t3I
What is the most common ore of aluminium?. Show using equations, how it is concentrated
by the Baeyer's process.
Question16 ISI
(al (D Calculate the quantity of electricity that would be required to reduc e !2.3g of
Nitrobenzene(CoHsNOz) to aniline[CoHsNHz) if the current efficiency is 5090.
(i0 What is galvanisation? Why is it better than coating iron with tin in order to
prevent it from corrosion?
(b) (i) A cell with N/50 KCL solution showed a resistance of 550 ohms at 25oC.The
specific conductance of N/50 KCL at 25'C is 0.A02758 ohm'lcm-r.The cell
filled with N/10 ZnSOq solution at 25oC shows a resistance of 72.18 ohm
. Calculate the cell constant and the molar conductivity of ZnSO+ solution.
(ii) What are fuel cells? State one disadvantage of fuel cells.
Question 17 ISI
(a) (i) Explain why:
(1) Electron gain enthalpy of oxygen is less negative than that of sulphur.
{2) Ammonia has a higher boiling point than phosphine.
(31 The H-M-H bond angle of hydrides of group 16 elements decrease in going
from HzO to HzTe.
(i0 Complete and balance the following chemical equation:
(1) HzSO++HzS
(2) KMnO++ S0z + HzO
Question 18 tsI
(a) (D Identiff A, B, C in the following equations:
(1) ieHsCOOH A -CiHsCOCt .-B >CeHsCHg C-)CoHsCHzOH
(2) CHeCHzoH [Ol --, A HCN > -
B' ]l/Yr,O, , C
K2CI2O7+H2S6. HYdrolYsis
Section-A l2x7O=2O1
2) Name the organism which reproduces with the help of: i) Conidia; ii) Gemmules.
3) what are the major ways that a person can become unhealthy?
4) State the importance of Transgenic animals.
5) Explain the ten percent Law w.r.t. the trophic levels.
5) Draw a self-explainatory labelled diagram of a pyramid of numbers in a grassland
7) What are the harmful effects of noise pollution?
8) Draw a schematic diagram to explain a food web.
9) According to you what are the major causes of solid wastes in the cities?
10) What are the significance of Vectors in Biotechnology?
OR How is DNA isolated?
11) What are the ways of preventing Biopiracy?
oR what are the problems rndia faced regarding patent issues?
Section-B [3x5=151
12) Name the male reproductive accessory glands and state their functions.
13) what are the three major approaches for the treatment of cancer?
14) Describe briefly the withdrawal symptoms for drug abuse.
15) a short note on: Adaptive Radiation oR Darwin,s Finches.
16) Name the causal organism for:i) Filariasis ii) Ringworm ii)Amoebiasis.
OR Explain how AIDS can be detected and prevented.
Section-C [5X3=151
17) With the help of schematic diagram explain: oogenesis oR Spermatogenesis.
male and female reproductive systems.
18) with the help of neat labelled diagram explain: Urey-Miller,s experiment
OR the Lac Operon model.
19) What are the properties of Genetic Code.
OR Write a short note on Human Genome project.
TEACHre,s coPY
Answer all the questions in part I (compulsory) and six questions from part II choosing two questions frorn section
A, two from section B and fwo from section C.
While working, including of work, should be done on the same sheet as the rest of the answer. The intended marks for
questions orparts ofquestions given in brackets [ ].
Question 1.
a) State involution law and prove it with the help of a truth table. IU
b) Find the dual of:
Y.X+X!+1:l [1]
c) write the maxterm and mrnterrn, when the inputs are A:0, B:l,C:l and D =0. t1l
d) Draw the logic circuit of aNAND gate using NOR gates only. t1l
e) Reduce the following expression
F(A,B,C):f (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7)
Question 2.
a) What is an exception ?
c) The Square Matrix A[m * m] is stored in the meraory with each element requiring 2 bytes of L2)
storage' If the base address Atllill
is 1098.and the address at A[4J[5] is 1144, determine the
order of the Matrix A[m * m] when the Matrix is stored colunrn Major wise.
Question 3"
Follorving is a public member function of some class which computes and sorts an array are
[ ] in ascending order
using bubble sort. There are five places in the code marked as ,?i?,?2?, ?3?,
24?,?5? Which must be replaced by the expressions or statements so that the program works correctiy. Answer the
questions after the function.
Fage I
int i, j, k, remp;
for( i:0;i<?1?;i++)
if an[']>?3?)
PART II ( 50 Marks)
Answer six questions in this part, choosing two questions
section A, two from section B and two from section C
section A
Question 4.
(a) Given the boolean function F(A,B,C,D) :I(1,3,5,?,g
,g,lAJ 1,14,i5).
(i) Reduce the above expression by using for variable karnaugh map, show
the various groups (i.e.octet (4)
quads and pairs).
(ii) Draw the logic circuit diagram for the reduced expression. Assume that the
variables and their (l)
complimens are available as inputs.
(ii) Draw the logic gate diagram for the reduced expression. Assurne that the variables and their (i)
compliments are available as inputs.
Question 5.
A person is aliowed to travel in a reserved coach ofthe train, he or she satisfies
the criteria given belorv
The person has a valid reseruation ticket and a valid ID proof.
The person does not have a valid reservation ticket, but holds a valid pass issued
by railway departme,t with a valid
ID proof.
The person is disable person and holds a valid pass issued by the railway department along with valid ID proof.
The inputs are:
R The person has a valid reservation ticket.
P The person who holds a valid pass issued by the railway depanment.
(in ali the above cases, 1 indicates yes and 0 indicates no.)
Output; T - denotes allowed to travel ( 1 indicates yes and 0 indicates no in ali the above cases.)
(a) Draw the truth table for the inputs and outputs given above and write the POS expression for t5]
Draw the logic gate diagram for the reduced pos expression for T(R,P,D,H) using only NOR gates. I5l
You nray use gates with two or more inputs. Assume that the variables and their compliments are
available as inputs.
Question 6.
a) i{
\,'erify algebraically
x,y'L,+x,y,z*x,yz-*x,yz,+Ky.z,+xy,z: x, +y, l2l
b) Represent the Boolean expression X + Y Z' withthe help of Nor gates only tzl
c) Define theterm is Big O notatiorr, abstract class [3]
d) Consider the following truth table where A: and B are inputs and X is the output:
D Name and draw the logic gate for the following truth table l2l
II) Write the POS of X(A,B) tll
Answer any two question
Each program should be written in such a way that it clearly depicts the logic of the problem.
This can be achieved by using mnemonic name some colnments in the program.
Flowcharts and algorithms are not required
Question ?.
Member functionsl
void sort( ) Sorts the elements of combined array in ascending order using the selection sort technique.
Page 3
void mix(Combined A, Combines the paxameterized object array and store
is the result in the cgrrent object array
Combined B ) along with the duplicate elements, if any
void display( ) Display the array elements
Data Membersl
Instance Variables
void &eq-vowel( ) counts is the frequency of the words that begin with a vowei
void display( ) To display the original string and the frequency of the words
that begin with a vowel
Question 9.
Data members/instance
Member function
Happv( ) Constructor
void getnum (int nn ) To assign the parameter value to the number n =nn
Page 4
int sum_sq_digits(int x) returns the sum of the square of the digit of the number x using the recursive technique
void ishappy ( ) checks if the given number is happy number by calling the function sum-sq-digits
(int) and displays an appropriate message.
Specifu the class happy giving details of constructod ), void getnum(int), sum-sq-digits(int) and void is happy( ).
Also dlfined the maln( )-firnciion is to create an object and call the methods accordingly to enabie the task. il0l
Each prograrn,Atgorithrn should u" *ritt*T:X.I :Y"ffiffit:i:T,y depicts the logic of the problem step wise'
This can also be achieved by using pseudo codes'
(Flowcharts are not required).
Question 10.
tlnt tist is an entity which can hold a maximum of 100 lntegers. Link enables the user to arid elements from the rear
en<l and remove integers from the front-end of the entity. Define a class with the following details:
Class nam Link
Data nembers iinstance
Member firnction
Link (int nm) Constructor to initiaiise max: ffn, begin =0, end=0
Void link(int v) To add elements from the rear index if possible olherwise display a message "out of
int delink( ) To remove elements and retum elements the fi'ont index, if possible otherwise
display the message "Empty..." ard retum -99
a) specifu the class Link giving details of the constructod int ), void addlink(int), t4l
int delink( ) and void display( ).
b) what lype of data structure is the above entity. ill
Question 11 tsl
Superclass Bank has been defined to store the detaiis of the customer. Define a subclass Account that enables
transactions for the customer with the bank. The details of both the classes are givan below:
Class Name Bank
Data members
dnstance variable
Page 5
Class Name Bank
Member functions
Data members
instance variables
Member methods
Accoun(....) Parameter is constructor to assign values to the instance variables of both the classes
void deposit( ) Accept t}le amount aod updates the principal as p=p+amt
void withdrwan( ) accept the amormt and updates the principal as p=p - amt
If the withdrawal amount is more than tho principal amoun! then display the message
"Insufficient balance". If the principal amount after withdrawal is lesi than 500, then penalty is
imposed by using tlc formula p -p )/10.
void display( ) Displays the details of the customer.
4.tYP" $at the superclass bank has been defined. Using the concept of inheritance, speciff the class accormt giving
details of the conskuctod. . .), void deposit( ),void withdrwan( and void display(
) ).
Questioo 12
(a) A linked list is formed from the objects of the class Node. The class structure of the Node is given below:
class Node {
String name;
Node next;
Write an Algorithm OR a Method to search for a given name in the linked list. The method of declaration is given
boolean searchName(Node start, String v)
ft) Answer the tbllowing questions from the diagram of aBinary Tree giveu below:
Page 6
Part I is compulsorv .From Part Il answer any 3 from Section A & anv 2 from Section B.
Q1. 20
a) State 2 features of an authoritarian state.
b) State any 4 features of UK as a unitary state.
c) State 4 differences between written & an unwritten constitution.
d) Explain the proposal & ratification stages in the amendment of the US constitution.
e) What is First Past the Post system? State any one defect of it.
f) State any 2 differences between permanent & non permanent executive.
g) State the qualifications a person require to become the member of US Senate.
h) What do the articles 330,331&332of part XVI of lndian Constitution provide for the SCs
i) State any 2 rights of a person against arbitrary conviction.
i) Give 2 reasons to justify the incorporation of Directive Principles in the lndian Constitution.
ANSWER any 3
a) Discuss the features of Liberal democracy. 5
b) Explain the features of US as a federal state. 6
a) Make a comparative study of the executive powers of the US & the lndian President. 6
b) Highlight the changing role of the lndian PM in the era of coalition politics. 6
a) State the features of the method of amendment to the lndian constitution. 6
b) What are conventions? State the major conventions of the US Constitution. 6
a) Discuss the special powers of US Senate & lndia's Rajya Sabha. 6
b) Discuss any 6 powers of Lok Sabha. 6
a) List 6 merits & demerits of universal adult franchisd.
b) What are the major functions of the political parties?
a) Discuss the five basic features of lndia as a state listed in the Preamble.
b) lndian constitution is a mixture of rigidity & flexibility. Explain.
a) What is preventive detention? What safeguards are provided by the constitution against
the misuse of preventive detention? 6
b) Briefly discuss the Right to Equality. 6
a) Write in brief on the implementation of the Directive Principles of State Policy. 6
b) Critically examine the relationship between fundamental rights & the Directive Principles
and state the present view in the contemporary times. 6
Question I
Answer briefly each of the following questions:
i. Define the word descent.
ii. Explain cross cousin marriage. -f
iii. What is the meaning of cotruade? .,'
iv. What is meant by social change?
v. Distinguish between levirate and sororate.
vi. Account for gp;fi.mctions and two dysfunctions of religion.
vii. Which act was responsible for decentralisation of government in India? What was its
contribution to Indian politics?
viii. Define globalisation.
ix. Explain hilinism.
x. What is the role of RTE in bringing social change?
PART II (50 Marks)
Answer any five questions.
(a) what arc kinship terms? Discuss the types of kinship terms.
(b) t5l
Discuss the kinship usage of avoidance.
Que,stion 3
-'(a) Examine the role of family in human life. tsl
(b) Discuss the causes of disintegration of the joint families in India.
Qudstion 4
(a) Analyse the reiigious theory of Animism.
(b) Examine the relationship between religion and morality. tsl
Question 5
'' (a) Discuss the role
of education in creating social change.
(b) Alalyse the imporlance of social movements in contemporary society. tsl
Question 6
(a) Write a short note on hypergamy and hypogctmy as forms of marriage practiced in lndia.
(b) Account lor the causes and consequences of the Telengana Movement in lndia. t5l
;Qdrestion 7
(a) Can religion be dysftinctional for society? Justifu.
(b) write a short note on the three tier political organisation in India.
How should the consumer change his consumption of commodities X and Y to obtain
equilibrium on the basis of equi-marginal utility principle? t3l
(c) Explain how the government helps the producer by setting a minimum support price.
When is it effective,explain with the help of a diagram. t5l
Question 4
(a) Give two differences between perfect competition and monopolistic competition. t3I
(b) Give reasons for the following:
i)An Indifference Curve slopes downwards from left to the right.
ii)An lndifference Curve is convex to the origin. t3l
Question 5
(a) Explain how elasticity of demand is affected by :
i) Availability of substitutes
ii) Possibility of postponement of consumption. I3I
(b) Draw diagrams of the demand curve to show the elasticity of demand when it is :
i) Greater than one
ii) Less than one t3l
{c) lllustrate the law of variable proportions and explain the three stages of production. 16I
Question 5
(a) What is equilibrium price? What changes may take place in the market when the prevailing
price in the market is greater than the equilibrium price ? ls equilibrium restored ultimately? l3l
(b) Explain the statement,"marginal cost depends only on variable cost." I3I
(c) Explain the equitibrium of the firm using marginal revenue and marginal cost approach' l6I
Question 7
(a) Why does the total cost curve start from the y-axis and the total variable cost from the origin.
(b) What is the demand function? l3I
(c)Show with the help of a diagram, how a perfectly competitive firm makes supernormal Profits
the short-run equilibrium. l6l
Question 8
(a) following causes of balance of payments deficits :
Explain the
i) lnflationary pressures in the economy
ii) Demonstration effect t3l
(b) Give thi'ee differences between central bank and commercial banks. l3l
(c) Explain the mechanism of credit creation by the commercial banks with the help of an example'
Question 9
{a) Explain the primary functions of money.
(b) Explain the role of the Reserve Bank of lndia
i) As a banker to the Government
ii) As a custodian of nation's foreign exchange. l3l
(ci Explain the quantitative measures of credit control. I6I
Question I
Answer briefly each of the questions (i) to {x} : (10x2)
(i) Wfrat do you mean by the term Budget ?
(ii) \nfirat do you mean by the term $upiirvisisn ?
(iii) Hoar would you define Bank Draft i Demand Draft ?
(iv) What do you understand by the term Directing ?
(v) which are the dimensions of Business Environment ?
(vii) tery briefry exprain the terms ESop and sweat Equity shares .
what do you understand by the tenn lnstalment creoit
what do you understand by the term Buslness Environment ?
(ix) How woutd you define fitrotivation ?
(x) What do you understand by the term Leadership ?
aNstYER At{Y 5
Question 2 (3+++51
(a) Mention all the different baniers to Communication -
(b) A company without.good management is like a house built on sand.,
!n view
of this statement b{ng.out the irnportanoe of manage*ent in modern
(c) Briefly analyse Maslow's theory {Hierarchy of Needs)-.
Question 3 (3+l+5;
Elielly state three of the main features of e.Banking .
(b) Distinguish between policies and procedures . (cilumnar Format
- any four
(c) Discues any fwe qualities of a good leader.
.". L..
Suestion 4
Format -
(a) Distinguish between Fixed Gapital and Working Capital '(Golurnnar
any three Points )
(b) 'Understanding the environment of btlsiness is of immense significance''
Elplain. points '
(c) erilg ort the importance of Direc*irq with the help of any frve
Question 5
(a) what do you understand by the term lnter-corporate Deposits
of Management
(b) Distinguish U"t*"n F.W.fayor and Henri Fayol's Principles
(Columnar Format - any four-polrts)
(c) biscuss any fwe functions of a Supervisor '
Question 6
(a) Briefly analyse the concept of National Electronic Funds
Transfer (NEFT) '
(b) AnrG" the importance of Planning-with the help o! any fourpoints
format 'any five
(c) Distinguish Uet"*n ioining and-Development (Columnar
Question 7
(a) Briefly discuss the rneclranism of RealTime Gross Settlement
(b) Oistinguisfr Uet,.,een Gngation and Decentralisation of Authority
format - any fourPoints) .
(c) Dstinguish between Clcruitment and Selection (Columnar format
'any five
points) .
Question I {3+/t+5}
(a) Bring out thrce points of difference between Right Shares and
Bonus Shares
(Columnarformat) .
(Golumnar format
(b) Distinguish betrereen Line and Line and staff organisations
- any fourpoints). , - --rL rr- L^tx ar
(c) 'staffing is an important function in any organisation.' Analyse with the help o{
any fwe points.
Question 9
(a) State any six extemal sources of Resuitment'
(b) Several techniques are used for analysing and diagnosing the environment'
one such technique is swoT analysis. Discuss this technique'
(c) Discuss the advaniages of preference shares from the point of
view of the
company and investor.
St. Xavier's Collegiate School
First Semester Block Test
Class 12 Accounts Time:3 hours
Date: 12.09.2018 Full Marks - 80
a1l [6x2=12]
a. Give the adjusting entry and closing entry for interest on capital allowed to a partner, when the firm
follows fixed capital method.
b. What is the minimum price at which a company can reissue its forfeited shares which were originally
issued at par?
c. Roy Ltd took a loan of Rs.150,000 from bank and issued 20,000, 8% debentures of Rs.10 each as collateral
securities. Pass the journal entry for debentures issued as collateral.
d. A firm values its goodwill at 2.5 years purchase of average profits of last 3 years. The profits for the last 3
years were - 2015-15 - Rs.450,00O;2OL6-L7 - Rs.500,00Q;2At7-tB Rs.250,000. lt is further noted that
Closing stock for the year ended 2A17-LB was undervalued by Rs.30,000,
ii. Partners to get annual remuneration of Rs.60,000.
e. State any 2 uses of Securities premium reserve as stated in Sec 52(2) of the Companies Act,2013.
f' Sun: Moon = 2:1. They admit Star as a pariner for t/sth share of profits. Goodwillof the firm is valued at
Rs.120,000. Pass the journal entries for premium for goodwill assuming Star brings in cash as premium.
(Attempt anv 4 questions from this section)
a2l [4+8]
i. Avik ltd forfeited 200 shares of Rs.10 each issued at20% premium for non payment of allotment money
of Rs.4 per share, first call Rs.3 and final call Rs.2 per share. Out of these, 150 shares were reissued as fully
paid up at a discount of Rs.3 per share.
ii.Mehul ltd forfeited 700 shares of Rs.100 each issued at a premium of 3A% for non payment of
allotment of Rs.50 per share and first call of Rs.15 per share. The final call of Rs.30 was not yet made. Out
of these, 400 shares were reissued as Rs.70 paid up for Rs.65 per share.
b. Arun, Barun and Chetan are partners of a firm sharing profits and losses equatly, Their Balance Sheet on
31.03.18 is as follows:
Liabilities Rs. Assets Rs.
Arun's capital 200,000 Land and buildi 200,000
Barun'caoital 200,000 Plant and machinery 100,000
Chetan's capital 100,000 Stock s0,000
Workmen's compensation 50,000 Debtors 150,000
General reserve 60,000 Cash and bank balance 200,000
Creditors i 9O,OOO
700,000 700,000
Arun died on July, 2018 and Barun and Chetan decided to carry on the firm sharing profits and losses in
the ratio 3:2. The following points were agreed upon:
t. Land and building to be appreciated by Rs.40,000 and Provision for bad debt to be created to the
extent of Rs.10,000.
lt. There was a workmen's compensation claim to the extent of Rs.20,000.
Iil. Goodwill to be calculated at 2 years purchase of the average profits of the last 5 years. The profits
for the last 5 years were:
17-18 - Rs.6O000; 16-17 - Rs.80,000; 15-16 - Rs.40,O00; L4-IS - Rs.100,000 and t3-74 -
iv. Profit for the 3 months will be paid to the executor of Arun on the basis of average profits of past
3 years.
v. The executor of Arun will be paid off to the extent of Rs.50,000 and the balance is to be
transferred to his loan a/c carrying interest @ l2o/o p.a.
Prepare Revaluation a/c, capital a/cs and Balance sheet on the date ofdeath.
Q3] Kundu Ltd invited applications for 100,000 Equity shares of Rs.10 each. The shares were issued at a prernium
of Rs.5 each. The amount was payable as follows:
On application and allotment - Rs.8 per share (including premium of Rs.3)
The balance payable on first and final call.
Applications for 150,000 shares were received. Applications for 10,000 shares were rejected and pro rata
allotment was made to the remaining applicants on the following basis:
Applicants of 80,000 shares were allotted 60,000 shares.
ii. Applicants of 60,000 shares were allotted 40,000 shares.
Excess application and allotment money was utilised towards first and final call.
Amit, who belonged to the first category and was allotted 300 shares, failed to pay the call money. Rahul, who
belonged to the second category and was allotted 200 shares, also failed to pay the call money. Their shares were
forfeited, out of which 400 shares (including all of Amit) were reissued at Rs.9 per share fully paid up.
Pass the journal entries and prepare the Share forfeiture a/c. ll?]
a. Prem and Palliwal are partners sharing profits and losses in the ratio 4:1. Their capitals on 31.3.18 after
share of net profits and drawings amounted to Rs.300,000 and Rs.200,000 respectively. Later on it was
discovered that interest on capital at. 8o/o p.a. and salary of Rs.1,500 per quarter to both the partners had
not been credited to their capital a/cs before distribution of profits. The year's net profit amounted to
Rs.150,000 and the partners have withdrawn Rs.24,000 each during the year.
Pass the necessary rectifying entry.
b. Ranvir and Govind are partners sharing profits and losses in the ratio 3:2. On L.4.18, they admit Garg as a
new partner for tllth share of profits in the firm and the new ratio agreed upon is 2:2:1. Goodwill at the
time of Garg's admission is to be valued on the basis of capitalisation of average profits of the last 4 years.
Profits for the last 4 rs were:
Years 2A14-t5 2015-16 20L6-L7 24fi-18
Profits 25,000 22,000 47,9AO 48,810
i. On t.4.I5, a major plant repair was undertaken for Rs.10,000 which was treated as revenue
expenditure. The same was to be treated as capital expenditure subject to depreciation of 10%
p.a" WDV.
ii' The closing stocks for the years 2015-15 and 2OL6-L7 were overvalued by Rs.1,000 and Rs.2000
iii. The profits of 2014-15 includes an abnormal gain of Rs.5,000.
On 1.4.18, the firm had assets of Rs.400,000 and external liabilities of Rs.150,000. The normal rate of
returnsisexpected at1.0o/o. GargbringsinR.l00,000forhiscapital and50%of hisshareof goodwill in
You are required to calculate the goodwill of the firm and journal entries at the time of Garg's admission
regarding capitaland goodwill. [4+8]
a. Goel ltd issued 75000 equity shares of Rs.10 each payable as Rs.4 on application, Rs.3 on allotment, Rs.2
on first call and Re.1 on final call. All shares were applied for and all amounts were duly received except
Mr. A holding 1C00 shares who could not pay the allotment and first call. The shares were forfeited and
the second call was made thereafter. Mr. B holding 2000 shares did not pay the final call. Out of the
forfeited shares 800 shares were reissued @ Rs.8/share fully paid up.
The company on that date took a loan of Rs.500,000 from Syndicate bank and issued 6,000 8% debenture
of Rs.100 each as collateral security. The company issued 2,OOA 8% debentures of Rs.100 each at a
premium of !O%, redeemable at premium of S%.
prepare Equity and liabilities side of balance sheet of the company as per Schedule lll of Companies Act
b. A, B and C started a partnership business on 1.1.17 with capitals of Rs.40000, Rs.30000 and Rs.20000
respectively. The partnership deed provides that:
i. lnterest on capital should be provided @ LO% p.a.
ii. A is entitled to a salary of Rs.250 p.m.
iii. B is entitled to a commission @ 5% of the net profit (after charging interest on capital, salary
his commission.)
iv. lnterest on drawings to be provided @ 5% p.a. Drawings were: A - Rs.10000; B - Rs.6000; C -
v. C's share of profit (including interest on capital) is guaranteed by B at a fixed minimum of
vi. On 31.12.17, the firm reported a net profit of Rs.43500. Profits were to be shared in the ratio
Prepare P/l appropriation a/c for the year ended 3L.t2.L7. [8+4]
A6l Vimal, Sanjay and Rusha are partners in a firm sharing profits and losses in proportion to their capital'
heet as aat 31.03.18 is given below
Their Balance sheet
Assets Rs.
iLiabilities Rs.
Q7l Pass journal entries for the following transactions in the books of A ltd for the year ended 31.03.18:
a. On, A ltd took over assets of Rs.300000 and liabilities of Rs.20000 from Anurag ltd. for purchase
consideration of Rs.275000. lt paid the purchases consideration by issuing 12% debentures of Rs'100 each
atL0% premium.
b. On the same date, the company issued 5A0, L2Yo debentures of Rs.100 each as collateral security to a
bank who advanced a loan of Rs.40000 for 5 years.
c. On the same date, the company issued Rs.400000, 12% debentures of Rs.100 each to Rishan ltd for
Rs.375000 in full satisfaction of their claim. A ltd purchased machinery from Rishan ltd.
d. On the same date, the company issued Rs.200000, 12% debentures of Rs.100 each at a discount at 5%,
redeemable at a premium of 10% after 10 years.
e. On the same date, the company issued 6A00, L2% debentures of Rs.100 each at a premium of 5Yo,
redeemable after 6 years at LLA%.
f. The company paid debenture interest on 31.3.18. Tax deducted at source @ 7O%.
g. The company had Rs.30000 in its General Reserve as on 31.3.18. t12i
{Attempt all questions from this sectipn)
a8I [4+6]
a. From the following data, calculate the amount of opening and closing debtors:
Trade receivables turnover ratio - 4 times.
Cost of revenue from operations - Rs.320000.
Gross profit ratio -2O/o,
Closing debtors were Rs.10000 more than at the beginning. Cash revenue from operations were L/3'd of
credit revenue from operations.
b. Prepare a Common size statement of Profit and loss from the fol information:
Particula rs 31.3.18 3r,3.17
i Revenue from o tions 1600000 1400000
Purchase ofstock in trade 1200000 900000
Cha in inventories {20000) 100000
Depreciation 80000 80000
Other ex 130000 90000 i
ael [6++]
a. From the following information calculate the following ratios:
A.Price earning ratio
B. Return on investment
C. Working capital turnover ratio
Section -A
1) ffidN r$f{ q$E RIGK re"t? {l{ Boo .rrq' qrF rffit rfltt
cs 20
+) aA{ aqrqT s"K rqrrrrq rff'erlffiq {R6{ elgr<r
CI) \SNIRfi r
E) Rcmt 'tt&'rosrR m fr'ffi( qrparvFT xPr+r6t tffi <t futs csl{F rs qi\et
q) ,qsF ffifr-s et
qrq rdFI Rffi "ffi{
Section -B
leBE Q c{rs erB rc( HF Er$ ?m< fu< qN)
TR$t q(TdH
5) 'TR'{ ffi Bm{ v,cf iE[ +.Iiile qrF ry<'' +RsR {il <w-{'Fq{ m,fr 12%
6) 'fi fi{Hq qt\e' sRoF TR ft &t emn +r<rq{? 35R'{ ,{e ffifr-$ ffiRefr sr{q m{t 12%
ffm s ftqr Iq<FEH
7)".eQ cq qftma qsm qf,qrr q$wr.nQn S-q rqT{ tM qtrs, NNltrir "rm ,ah t{ a.qK Ts[;w?"
<ET m? &F +tm< ffi
,q rctt qFrRry aw \stretuqt var qtKqaEfl uttd qcs r$9lru qwT{ p
m;I? 1Yz+3+3+5
8)"qvfi TsK 6"rd yqfr EfqF qm-< {Eq= q{" ,-- 'sffifr' rfiflmt
<6rcs sEq-{ q6{cq?
V-dft rflqB
zFFr cq m'Rr \5tr eefu rq*rr uflqE {fr ql1lfrscqr nln fr gl<Ms qft{R{e 12%
rF $1rr m{q ? {Es cq?rd sl< o-qr{K <4at qt\S rfrffs'qK r-s.FflTr sm m{E? zFIn?ilT miqH ft
qryE-Sn etr.T rqBIRf,? 12%
otq 6t hfi*l vba i,ftEE t,frfya qfl Pr dqu Tlqn {rqrq qrfr-sqqrfu, wffir-
frq:qrdr # E,i,.rtrd tr p* a{ aiqfrgrq d fffra tr rqffi ?7-dflfr wt I Br{rtrd ir aq r,r+
E/Ifra f, aq rf f qd frgrr 6r# F fu ffi gtT 6t sed dc7 Mvr rs6-r frqrrff irffi'grp
ar vo-S qo ffiA ugmr drs-oq &, r usa? q{ W tr qq ,rflq wr?f, ild fr d rcgr
ml:&a at qrar d, rega qrf A qral dr qE efiq'Ar{r d, eflq 6d fu vqq # pTqr p,rr-
{d' e, efi*r ri aqnl- wn qfr t, ?iq#fi d aqrr ai{ Rfl*, Td' e rt il errwl rS dtfi
fu enq enq drrflrr at{ Td d ftqTf,q t- aaq A' e, ?re ES oT qr slE emr t
m, fusff i wf tfr qiqffi m rsri wfi aor e fir qj" dqjgg vriqrqr dr, qrfr qr u]t
*-- z ss* qd- ff fi +& aar ir aa frmefr d qrc ar?-d f,f erri raa fu f rdgrs qN 6rfr
gt' Etr-d e .:}{ w?fii Aziri e &' ara rf, saq dqTfr frl r# wnrv qrt6 W ,ttwi qrf oM
drrd'e nr rC o* eeq q& fud virtt
qm &{M 6r W qk ffi#- gry tr dfrr f ,,rq* fdd f A aH .flH0 ae fr'
,fufuar Rrcfi d €f 'strnTqv S r.srA' Affg, g wvaT qqqi f efi? dil qqr eflq fiw{
atiz fri-{ .}tq'0 o€ W rt ,pn- Wr t Afrg, W an+ol riryd W ffi qfurd P,.r#q rnf
?d'dn,T# d?,ryd r??r $s6T ffiar i eH ilya'1"d * il+ e,wA srr eM e{ron w
sryE il rsar qq wt $ ew rd' e trfi)/ q ftqroq, q irn-qrq eflr a rd rS E?d' a
wa-ir rs'n :i {c/ql u?{.ffi aEI afl ir ffi{ qrf,{ Gilr+-r a€i A t * qd1 6dn fu qrtr{ q'
QIf' 6-S Ufu q8'd' Ed gsne,tra frqmq fi A, M, qn rt ffi ArTr d f-d a? ara
qfrw qqrfr t ,frrs*- ?i,6 t riqT-WT dd Tftq? d qrdT q-S e, frrvAr rr0r smr ETar €r
ffi .=,fr-r'fr, trtrqt sry- fuyq, gqol-grm fr rna fr qa errt z
t) ffir acder dffiffi rfu tz Tf, &-s eir eiyn qR? eP S ffi ?z qifz tvj
?) +{ W C dfrfl w wn et$tsTq d z r*r}. ftq ilrdrr eur ffi fr,
?d C d W ql qqr irql A4 qrR, t {vl
3) ,rnd Ufr F? A&'atr 1 Wqq qql qw &z sr$ Eqrur wurfrr tq qif tz iyl
v) qno d g?{ ,rea orr+ fr enq6r qqr *wrq Eqr z ivl
q $sS dffiilr Hr ve$ hT aWfr i z ivj
frtil YErfitT*arsfrn{q t mI
U Qr g-aryr, 7S etrntT rE fu {wff, f) ,u *Et qat,
y) tqai.difrw, ffiCfrtr
q.l qdTqr r
,,' ,