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Question Paper 18-19

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St. Xavier's Collegiate School

Second Semester Block Test
Class: 11, English-1 Time: 3 lrs.
Date: 27.42.2019 Full marks: i00
Attempt sll FOu'R questions
The interuded nnarks for questiorus or psrts of questions are giveru in brackets t l.
(You are advised to spend not more than 50 minutes on Question 1, 40 rninutes on
Question 2130 minutes on Question 3 and 60 minutes on Question 4.)
(You should begin each answer on a fi'esh page.)

Question 1: Write a composition (400-450 w-ords) on an)r one of the foilowing: [25]
(You are reminded that you will be rewarded for orderly and coherent presentation of material, use
of appropliate style and general accuracy of spelling, punctnation and grarnmar.)

a) V/rite about how travei broadens the mind.

b) Describe India as you see it, in the first quafier of the 2l't Century
c) 'A man is known by the company he keeps.' Discuss the kind of people you. fincl interesting and
relate to and how they have impacted your life,
d) Feace is an illusion; anarchy is a reality. Argue for or against this statement.
e) My old album,
f) Write an original story based on the follou"ing couplet:
"The other night, from cares exempt,
I slept and what d' you think I dreamt?'

Question 2: a) As a student of the technologically savly generation that you belong to, you have
been asked to deliver a speech on social networking'websites- the latest revelation, to a group of
jrurior students of a suburban school, Deliver a speech that covers sites of learning, importance,
information, communication and enterlainment. Remember to speak on general interests that will
appeai to all students you are addressing between ages 14-16. Your speech should not be more than
300 words. l20l

b) .,\s a membel of the yor-rth wing of the locai body )-ou are required to c1raft a proposal for the
setling Lip of a libt'ary for ali residents of tire area you iive in.'fhis proposai of around i50 rvords
should detail out u,hat the library will provide anci irow it is essentiai fcr your neighbourhood.

Question 3: Answer sections (a). (b), (c).

(a) hi each of the followiitg sentence A is cornplete brit seutence B is not. Cornpir:te sentence B
making it as similar as possible to sentence A. Write down sentence R in each case. 110]
(1) (A) One mcre mistake, and I will dismiss .r'-ou.
(B) If ),ou...
(2) (A) It is tco far to go on foot.
(B) it is so..
(3) (A) The young boy very politei,v- askecl the policeman the *'ay to tlie station.
(B) . . .( Change into direct speech;
(4) (A) He is a cheat and a lia:'Lrut everyone stili seems tc, tolerate him.
(B) Everyone... .

(,5) (A) I sairz an advertisement in the \,lidday paper for a job I likeci the looir of.
(B) I liked.
(6) (A) No sooner haC the author entered the rc.,onr tlian I askecl hel a question.
(B) Hardlv
(7) (.A) Not withsta-nding his loss, he is happy.
(B) He has.
(8) (A) They did not let him stay up late.
(B) He
(9) (A) In spite of his lack of expeLience, Jolur got the job.
(B) Though.
(i0) (A) Will he ever forget his friend's kindness?
(B) He will. ..

(b) I'-ill iu each blank with a suitable word. Do not write the sentence.
(1) The judge turned the defendant's appeai for a postponernent.
(2) It is difficult to comprehend horv a disciplined child can turn a spoilt brat.
(3) The noveity of being a celebriti, wears ultimately.
(4) I u,as sadto see the words in rny grandfather's diary u,earing
(5) The accident wiped his memory completely.
(6) His taking augureC well for the company.
(7) The ofticer had the courage to see the difficult stages of the plan.
(8) One needs to be truthflrl the choice of fi-iends.
(9) That he had to improve ** r,rt*t t ir mother kept driving_ him.
(10) The brave soldiers did not give under the face ofthe severest attacks.

(c) ln the foliowing passage fill in each of the numbered blanks with the corect form of the word
given in the brackets. (Do not copy the passage) tsl

Today traffic creates one of the most serious menaces for the people u4ro inhabit the cities.
Innumerabie buses, trucks, cars and two-v,zheeiers_(i) (thunder) dortn the streets where
they iive. Their sleep .-(2) (distLu'b) by the incessant noise, their houses _(3)
(shake) by the vibrations and the atmosphere they breathe_(4) (poison) by the fumes
(emit) by exhausts. In the past two decades the number of vehicular traffic_(6) (increase), but
the roads (7) (not improve) sufficiently to cope witli this rise. As a result
accidents- (8) (rise) alarmingly and many rlore are killed and iniured. No wonder then that
citizens are demanding that healiv traffic (9) (prevent) fi'om entering cities or that new
roads (10) (construct).

Question 4:

When I rryas a kid, my aspirations were simpie. I wanted a dog. I wanted a house that had stairs in
it- two floors for one family. I wanted, for some reasorl) a four-door station wagon instead of the
two-door Buick that was my father's pride and joy. i used to tell people that when I grew up. I was
going to be a pediatrician. Why? Because I loved being around little kids and I quickly learned that
it rvas a pleasing answer for adults to hear. Oh, a doctor! Wl.tat a gooti choicel In those days, I wore
pigtails and bossed my older brother around and managed, aiways and no matter what, to get As at
school. I r,vas ambitious. though I didn't know eractly what I was shooting for. Nou,I think it's one
of the nrost useless questions an adult can ask a child- Wai do you want to be when you groy)
up? As if growing up is finite. As if at some pgigg-you become something ai-rd that's the enC.
So far in my life, I've been a lawyer. I've been a vice president at a hospital and the director of a
nonprofit that helps young people build meaningful careers. I've been a working-class black student
at a fancy mostly white college. I've been the only woman, the only Afrioan American, in all sorts
of rooms. I've been a bride, a stressed-out new mother, a daughter tom up by grief. And until
recently, I was the First Lady of the United States of America- a job that's not officially ajob, but
that nonetheiess has given me a platfom like nothing I could have imagined. It challenged me and
humbied me, lifted me up and sh::ank me down, sometirnes all at once. I'm just beginning to process
wlrat took piace over these last years- frr:m the moment in 2006 when my husband first started
talking about running for president to the cold morning this winter when I ciimbed into a trimo r,vith
Melania Trump, accompanying her to her husband's inauguration. It's been quite a ride.
When you're First Lady, America shows itself to you in its extremes. I've been to fi,md-raisers in
private homes that look more like arl museums, houses where people own bathtubs made fronr
gemstones. I've riisited families rvho lost everything in Hurricane Katrina and were tearful and
grateful just to have a working refrigerator and stove. I've encountered people I find to be shallow
and hypocritical and other:s- teachers and military spousss and so many more- lvhose soirits are
so deep and strong it's astonishing. And tr've met kids-- lots of them, all over the world- who
crack me up and filI me with hope and who blessedly manage to forget about my title once r,ve start
rooting around in the dirt of a garden.
Since stepping reiuctantly into public life, I've been held up as the most powerful wornan in the
worlC and taken down as an "angry black woman." I've wanted to ask my detractors which part of
that phrase matters to them the most- is it "angry" or "black" or "w-oman"? I've smi]ed for photos
u'ith people who caLi rny husband honibie names on national television, but still want a framed
keepsake for their mantel. I've heard about the swampy parts of the internet that question
everything about me, right down to whether I'rn a woman or a man. A sitting U.S. congressman has
made firn of my face. I've been hur1. I've been furious. But mostly, I've tried to laugh this stutf off.

There's a lot I still don't know about America, about life, about what the fuhue might trring.
But I do kno.,v myself. My father, Fraser, taught me to work hard, iaugh often, and keep my word.
My mother. Marian, showed rne how to ihink for myself and to use m,v voice. Together, in our
cramped apaftment on the South Side of Chicago, they helped me see the value in our story, in my
story, in the larger story of our country. Even when it's not prettv or perfect. Even when it's more
real than you want it to be. Your story is what you have, what you vrill always have. It is sornething
to own.
For eight years, I lived in the White House, a piace with more stairs t-han I can count- plus
elevators, a bowling alley, and an in-house florist. i slept in a bed that was made up with Italian
linens. Our meals were cooked by a team of world- class cheis and delivei'eC by professionais more
highly trained than those at any five-star restaurant or hotel. Secret Service agents, with their
earpieces and guns and deliberately flat expressions, stood outside our doors, doing their best to
stay out of our famil,v's private life. $re got used to it, eventually, sorl of- the strange grandeur of
our new home and also the constant, quiet presence of others.

The White House is where our iwo girls played ball in the hailways a:nd climbed trees on the
South Lawn. It's where Barack sat up iate at night, poring over briefings and drafts of speeches in
the Treaty Room, and where Sunny, one of our dogs, sometimes pooped on the rug. I could stand
on the Truman Balcony arid watch the tourists posing with their selfie sticl<s and peering through
the iron fence, trying to guess at what went on inside. There were days when I felt suffocated by the
fact that our windows had to be kept shut for security, that I couldn't get some fi'esh air without
causing a fuss. There were other times when i'd be awestruck by the w'hite magriolias blooming
outside, the everyday busrle of govemment business, the majesty of a military weicome. There were
days, weeks, and months when i hated poiitics. And there were moments when the beauty of this
country and its people so overwhelmed me that I couldn't speak.
Then it was over. Even if you see it coming, even as your final weeks are frlled with emotionai
good-byes, the day itself is still a blur. A hand goes on a Bible; an oath gets repeated. One
president's funriture gets camied out while another's comes in. Closets are emptied and refiiled in
the span of a few hours. Just like that, there a1'e new heads on new pillows- new temperaments,
new dreams. And when it ends, when you walk out the door that last tirne frorn the w'orld's most
famous address, you're left in rnany wavs to find yourself again.
(An extract from Michele Obama's memoir-'Becoming')
(a) (i) Given belorv are four phrases. F-ind w'ords which have a similar meaning in the
passage: 14)

(1) Yearning to achieve somethiirg

(2) Cause sorneone to feel less important
(3) Not capable of serious thought
(4) Something that is indistinct and vague

(ii) For each of ihe words given below, write a sentence of at least ten words using the same
w-ord unchanged in form but u,ith a different meaning from that which it carries in the
passage: t4t
(1) Point
(2) Spirits
(3) Down
(4) Heads

(b) Answer the follor,ving questions in yorir own rvords as briefly as possibie:

(i)What did hel parents teach her that helped Michele to cope wjth the c,hallenges of life? [2]

(ii) Givethree examples from the extract that tells us that Michele Obama believed that she
was leading a life that was unthinkable and outrageously different fi'om what she valued?

(iii) There were a few moments in her life q,hen she wanted to break free and enjoy her'
place that she had eamed. Cite at least two such moments . I2l
(iv) What is the final message that she leaves us with, in this extract? I21

(c) Using materials from the opening paragraphs in not more than 100 words give an account of
what Michele Obama desired tbr when she was a child and what did she finally get as an
adult. Failure to keep within the word limit will be penalized. t8I
St. Xavier's Collegiate School
Second Sernester Block Test
Class XI, English Literature Total Marks : 100
llate: 11.03.2019 Time : 3Hrs
(candidates are allowed additional 15 minutesfor onlv reading the paper.
They mast NOT start writing during this time,)
Answer one qaestion from sectian A and fur questions from section B.
In section B choose at least one questionfrom each text book.
The intended marksfor questions orparts of questions are given in
brackets I J.

THE TEMPEST - Shakespeare

Question I
Choose ggg of the passages (a) to (c) and answer briefly the quesrions that follow:
a) Prospero:
To have no screen between this part he playe<J
And him he played it for, he needs will be
Absolute Milan. Me, poor rnan, my library
Was dukedom large enough: oftemporal
i. wirere are Prospero and Miranda? who is'he'in the given extract? tu
ii. What'part'is being referred to by Prospero? What is meant by'Absolute Milan'? lzt
iii. what is the topic of discussion between prospero and Miranda? 121
iv. What was Prospero's relation with the King ofNaples? How has it changed now? Izt
v. What happened on that fatefirl night? t2l
vi. why didn't the enemies of prospero get rid of him in Milan? IU
b) Gonzalo:
I'the commonwealth I would by contraries
Execute all things; for no kind of traffic
Would I admit; no name of magistrate;
Letters should not be known; riches, povefty,
And use ofservice, none; contract, succession,
Boum, bound of land, tilth, vineyard, none;
No use of metal, corn, or wine, or oil;
I,io occupation; all men idle, all;
A.rd women too, but innocent and pure;
No sovereignty;--:-
i. \fo1l'o is Gonzalo? Where is he at present? IlI
ii. Briefly discuss Gonzalo's idea of the commonwealth. tzt
iii. What do Sebastian and Antonio say about Gonzalo's theory of commonwealth? I2t
iv. What is Alonso's mental condition at that time? Why is he blamed for his
present grief by Sebastian?
\I4rat aspect of Gonzalo's character is revealed by the extract? l2l
vi. Give the meanings:
a. contraries
b. traffic. tu
c) Ferdinand:
There be some sports are painfirl, and their
Delight in them sets off: some kinds of baseness
Are nobly undergone; and most poor matters
Point to rich ends. This my mean task
Would be as heavy to me as odious, but
The mistress which I seive quickens what's dead,
And makes my labours pleasures:...
Who is Ferdinand? Who else is present with him?
How did Ferdinand reach the island? what 'mean task' is he refening to?
What tums his iabours to pleasures? With whom does he compare his companion?
Horv does his companion react to his task?
Who gave the task to Ferdinand and why?
Give the meanings of:
a. odious
b. sports

(Answer four questions on the tltree textboola)
TFIE TEMPEST'_- Sh*espeare
Question 2
a) How does Caliban plot to overthrow and kill prospero?
b) \[hy did Caliban plot to do so?
c) Critically anal,vse the character of Calibarr.
Question 3 [20]
Discuss the world of iltrusion created in Act 3 Sc iii of the play The I'empest by Shakespeare.

Question 4
a) FIow does the narrator introduce the humble makers of foot- gear atthe beginning of the story
'Quality"T t6l
b) How does Mr. Gessler react on seeing the narrator wearing a pair of boots by some large firm?
c) With refbrence to the story 'Quality', discuss the hardships faced by true artists in the backirop of
shallow, money-mad world. tSI

Question 5 [20]
with reference to tJ:e story, 'l'he chinese statue' by Jeffrey Archer, discuss briefly how the story is a
revelation of reality.

Question 6 [201
'Ihe narator's
love for wildlife is brought out through his relationship with N'Pongo. Discuss with
reference to tire story, 'A Gorilla in the Guest R.oom'by Gerald ourrill..
Question 7
a) How do the readers feel the presence of another beiag in the poem 'Dolphins'by Carol Ann
Duft? 16l
b) How according to the poem, does a man control the clolphins? iet
c) Howhas the element of contrasts been depicted in the poem,

Question I IZI|
Discuss briefly how the poem 'The Gift of India' by Sarojini Naidu is both a celebration as weli as a
lament of a mother.

Question 9 t20l
It is necessary to warn children against the realities of the natural world. Discuss with referenie to the
poem, 'The Spider and the Fly'by Mary Botham Howiu.

DATE :041031201,9 MARKS: 80
Part I is compulsory. From Part II answer five questions choosing any two from Section A & any
two from Section B & from any one either Section A or Section B.

PART I ( compulsory)
Ql. 20
a) Why was Simon Commission boycotted?
b) Which act of defiance started the Civil disobedience Movement?
c) Name arry 2 founding members of the Congress socialist Parfy.
d) Give the expanded forms of AITUC & AIKS.
e) Why did the Congress ministries resign in 1939?
0 State the significance of Attlee's Declaration 1947.
g) What is Radcliffe Award?
h) State the significance of the Lahore session1940.
i) What is Indus Water Dispute?
j) When & why was the Direct Action Day observed by Muslim League?
k) Explain the terms Anschluss & Lebensraum.
1) What is Operation Overlord?
m) Which event led to the formation of NATO?
n) Which incident made the iron curtain complete in Europe?
o) Name the signatories of the anti Comintem pact.
p) What is meant by the term appeasement?
q) What is the Bay of Pigs incident?
r) What is the purification movement introduced in China by Chiang Kai Shek?
s) How did the Wall Street crash affect the economy in lapan?
0 What is phoney war?
a) Briefly discuss the causes and circumstances that led to the Civil Disobedience Movement. 8
b) Discuss the terms of Communal Award & the Poona Pact. 4

Why was Cripps mission sent to India? State its proposals. Why did Gandhi call it a post dated
") cheque? 8
b) Why was the August offer made by the British & what were its provisions? 4

a) State the terms of the Government of India Act of 1935. 6
b) Discuss the causes for the Gandhi -Bose rift. What was the eventual outcome? 6

State the proposals of the Cabinet Mission. 6
") State the proposals of the Mountbatten
b) Plan. 6
a) Highlight the role of Sardar Patel in integrating the States of India. 4
b) Briefly discuss the process of acccession of the following states to the indian Union
i) Junagarh ii) Hyderabad 4+4

a) Why did Mussolini attack Abyssinia? How did the League react?
b) Hitler's foreign policy was a brilliant success. Justifly.
a) Why was the operation Barbarossa launched? 4
b) Why did Japan attack Pearl Harbour? 4
c) Why did Axis powers lose the war? 4

a) What decisions were taken at Yalta conference in February 1945? 4
b) Discus briefly the Truman Doctrine & the Marshall Plan. 4+4

a) Why did Mao & the Communists gain support of the masses? 6
b) Under what circumstances the communists claim victory in China? 6

a) Hxplain the reasons behind the rise of military dictatorship in Japan. 6
b) Trace the growth of Japanese imperialism in the Far East from 1931-1943. 6


DATE-Os/03fi9 FULL MARKS: 100

tCandidates are allowed additional 15 minutes for only reading the paper. They must NOT start writing during
this time.)
The Question Paper consists of three sections A, B and C.
Candidates are required to attempt all questions from Section A and all que.stions EITHER from Section B OR
Section C

Section A: lnternal choice has been provided in three questions of four marks each and two questions of six
marks each"
Section B: lnternal choice has been provided in two questions of four marks each. Section C: lnternal choice
has been provided in two questions of four marks each. All working, including rough work, should be done on
the same sheet as, and adjacent to the rest of the answer.
The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets [ ]. Mathematical tables and
graph papers are provided.

1. Answer the following problems:- [10x2= 20J

(i) ln any AABC, if the angles are in the ratio L:2:3, prove that the corresponding sides are in the ratio L: rE :2.
(ii)Provethat:- ficosec20" - sec20" = 4.
{iii) lf cos.4 * cos B =2 find thevalueof 2sin,4 * 3sinB.
(iv) For any two sets A and B, prove that A n (.4 U B)' = q.
(v) Prove that: (L - aa + o8)(1 - ar8 + u16) = 4
lvil lt a, p are the roots of the quadratic equatio n Lxz * 5r * 7 : 0, then find the quadratic equation whose
roots are 2a * 3p,3a + 2p.
(vii) Prove that:- nCr-r * nC.= n*1C,

(viii) Evaluate :- lim

{ix) Evaluat"'- t3r,5=3]
(x) Events E and F are such that P(not E or not F) = 0.25. State whether E and F are mutually exclusive.

2. l4I
sec B't -1 tan 8r
Prove that:- -
sec4r-1 tan2x

** cos9x* +*
cos3r+ *
Prove that:- 1 Z7x - tan x)
coszTx= 2 ltan
3. ln a group of 84 persons, each plays at least one game out of three viz., tennis, badminton and cricket.
28 of them play cricket, 40 play tennis and 48 play badminton. lf 6 play both cricket and badminton and 4
play tennis and badminton and no one plays all the three games, find the number of persons who play cricket
but not tennis. I4I

4. Using principle of mathematical induction, prove that: n3 - 7n * 3 is divisible by 3, for all n € N. t4l

5.showthattheequation lz+l- Il = lz-1* fl representsastraightline. I4I

6. )f p * iq - r*"#,.-, where p,qarereal,then prove thatZpz *2q'-3p + 1* 0. t4l

7. Find n, if the ratio of the fifth term from the beginning to the fifth term from the end in the expansion of
(a*#J",'fi:l. l4I
lf (1+ x+xz)n = do * arx*a2xz *asx3 *.'.,provethatas *a3*aa*"' = Jz-1.
8. Find the number of ways of selecting 9 balls from 6 red balls, 5 white balls and 5 blue balls if each selection
consists of 3 balls of each colour. l4I

9. Using 1* principle find the derivative of sec r. t4l

10. Prove that the points lL,zl, .3,-41,(5,-5) and (11,-8) are concyclic. t4I
Find the equations of two circles which passes through the point (2,4) and touches both the axes. Hence, find
the other intersection point.

11. lf tanc =
#rnOtanp - *,thenfindthevalue of a+ p- l6I

12. The pth term of an A.P. is a and qrh term is b. Prove that the sum of its (p + q) terms is

2 L + b +Yg t5I
The ratio of the A.M. and G.M. of two positive numbers a and b ism:n. Show that
o:b = (m + l#=fr),{* - ^{ffi -A)
X3. lf a + B,but az : 5a- 3 and fiz = 5fi - 3 then prove thatthe equation whose roots are
1anaLwill be 3x2 -'1.9x * 3 = 0, I6l

lf x be real, prove that the value of *=, cannot lie between 4 and 12.
14. Find the variance and standard deviation of the following, using short cut method: I6I

Class I so-+O 40-s0 s0-60 60-70 70-80 80-90 90 - 100

Frequency I 3 7 12 15 8 3 2

Section-B {20 Marks}

1s. [3x2]
{i) Write the negation of the following compound statement - Water is liquid and steam is gas.
(ii) Given below are two statements
p:25is a multiple of 5, q:25 is a multiple of 8.
Write the compound statement connecting these two statements with 'and'. Also, check the validity of the
compound statement.
(iii) Find the equation of Hyperbola satisfying the given conditions:
Vertices at (0, t5); Foci (0, *B)

15. For the following ellipse find the centre, vertices eccentricity and the length of the latus rectum.
3x2+4y'*Lax*By+4=o t4I
Findthevalue of k sothatthe line 4x - 2y * k = 0 is a tangent to the ellipse
3xz +5y2 = L5.

17. Find the coordinates of the point which divides the line segment joining the points
(-2,3,5)and lL,-4,61in the ratio (i) 2 : 3 internally and {ii) 2 : 3 externally. t4I
Let, 4(3,2,0), B(5,3,2) and C(-9,6,-3) be the three points forming a triangle. AD, the bisector of zBAC meets BC
in D. Find the coordinates of the point D.

18. Find the equation of the parabola whose axis is parallel to x -axis and passes through the points (2,0) and
(12, -2) and (6,1). Also, find the length of the latus rectum. t6I

SECTION C [20 Marks]

1e. [3x21
(i)Calculate Cov.(x,y) if f,xi = 50,Zyt= -30,X xili= 50,n = 5.
(iilThe mean monthly salary paid to all workers of a company is Rs.8300. The mean monthly salary paid to
male and female workers was Rs.8000 and Rs.9000 respectively. Determine the percentage of males and
females employed by the company.
(iii) The price of six different commodities for the years 2009 and ZOL! are as follows:

Commodities A Blc D r F

Price in 2009(Rs.) 35 80 25 30 80 x
Price in 201L{Rs.) 50 v 45 7A !20 105
The index number for the year 2011 taking 2009 as the base year for the above data was calculated to be 125,
Find the values of x and y if the total price in 2009 is Rs.360.
20. Calculate the Karl Pearson's coefficient for the following pair of observations:- I4l
(5,2),(7,2l,,(1, 4), ( 3, 5 ), (4,6 ).
Calculate Spearman's rank correlation coefficient between the advertisement cost and sales from the
following data:

Advertisement Cost(Rs. ln thousands) 39 65 62 90 82 75 25 98 36 78

Sales (Rs. ln Lakh) 47 53 58 86 62 68 60 91 51 84

Find Dz, Do and Dg for the following data: t4I
x 10 20 30 40 50

f 3 L7 78 38 80


Find the values of x and y from the following data:

Age 0-5 s-10 10-15 15-20 20 *25

Number of children 7 x 25 30 v
It is given that the total number of children is 100 and D3 = 11.

22. Using the following data of sales, find out the trend using four-quarterly moving average and plot them on
graph: t6I
Year Quarter
a 0, Oj Q+
1994 29 37 43 34
1995 90 42 55 43
L996 47 51 63 53

i(****X******r(*******t ****{.:F**J.*****rts*****rt ****r.****{.*i.*.****tf )F*X****


St. Xavier's Collegiate School

Second Semester Block Test
Class 11, Physics Theory Time:3 Hrs
Date: 26.02.2019 Full Marks:70
Answer oll questians from this section.
Question 1 llx2:0=2Ol
a) A cable capable of supporting a load of W is cut to half of its original length. The maximum load it can suPPort
now ls
il wlz ii) W iii) 2W iv)aW

An idealgasistakenfromstateAtostateBasshownonihep-Tdiagram.Theworkcjonebythegasduring
the process is
i)positive ii) negative iii)zero iviinfinite
cJ A particle of mass m oscillates with simple harmonic motion between points xl dnd x2, th€ equilibriunt
position being O. The graphicalvariation of its potential energy is plotted.


The correct plot is

Ur il2 iii) 3 iv)a
d) A simple pendulum has a time period T1, when on earth's surface and T2 when taken to a height R above the
earth's surface , where R is the radius of the earth' The value of Tz /Ttis
i) i ii)v2 iii) 4 iv) 2
e) The system shown in figure is in equilibrium. lf the spring balance is calibrated in newtons, what weight does
it record? (g = 10mls2) -z ,r -. ./..L Z./ ,/"/1

i) 50N ii) iii)zero N
25N iv) 100N
Answer the following questions briefly and to the point: [7x1]
f) The average velocity of a particle is equal to its instantaneous velocity. What is the shape of the
d isplacenrent-time graPh?
gi My cycle has northward veiocity and scuthward acceleration' Explain.
hi Give an exantple of a quantity which has unit but no dimension.
i) Where does the centi.e of mass of a two particle system lie , if one particle is more massive than the other?
j) justify'
lf a body is not at rest, the net externalforce acting on it cannot be zero. ls it true or faise?
k) What is criticaivelocity?
l) What is the work done in blowing a soap bubble of radius R and surface tension T?

Answer the questions below: [4x2=8]

m) Twosteelballsof rarjii Lmmand2mmacquirethesameterminalvelocityintwoliquidsxanciyofthesame
density. What is the ratio of the coefficient of 'riscosity of x and y?
n) Two rods, one sem icircula r and the other stra ight, of th e sa me material a nd same cross sectiona I a i"ea are
joined as shown in the figure. The ends A and B are maintained at constanttemperature ciifference. Calculate
theratioof heatconductedthroughacrosssectionofasemicircularrodtotheheatconducted througha
cross section of the straight rod in a given time.

A b
o) A certain gas ai atmospheric pressure is compressed adiabatically so that its volume becomes half its original
volume. The resulting pressure is o x 105 dynes cm-'. Fincl o, given y = 1.4 dnd g = 9.81m/s2
p) A body of mass 9kg is oscillating on a spring of force constant 100tJ/m. Deduce the angular frequency.
Part Two
Question 2 t2l

A body of mass m is resting on another body of mass M as shown in the above figure. The coefficient of static friction
between the two surfaces is p. There is no friction between mass M and the horizontal surface. What min_imum force
F should be applied to M so that the load m willjust begin to slide along it?

Question 3 l2l
Define a wave front. What wave fronts are generated in space when a rod vibrates?

Question 4 I2I
ln the context of one dimensional wave propagation, derive a relation between particle velocity and wave velocity
Derive an expression for viscous drag in case of Newtonian liquids
Question 5 (2)
A carnot engine has the same efficiency while operating between 1001( and 500K and while operating between T K

and 900K. Calculate the temperature T K of the sink.

Question 6 t2l
Calculate the area of the triangle determined by the tr,vo rrectors A = 3i + 4j and B = -3i +7j.

Question 7 t2:l
Define Poisson's r"atio, lVhat is the significance of the negative sign?

What is thermal resistance? Give its mathematical expression and Sl unit.

Question 8 l2I
State two limitations of the principle of superposition.
Question 9 l3I
Derive the equation for a plane progressive wave.

Question 10 t3I
A displacement v,/ave is represented by
Y = 0.25 x 10-3 sin {500t - 0.025x), where y, t and x are in cm, second and metre respectively, Find the antplitude and
the wave velocity
lf the dispiacements produced at a point due to two waves are given by
y, = 4 sin 400nt and y2 = 3 sin 4A4nt. What is the beat frequency?

-{- r I5,l

I U,a)
d 2
io i A Utt)
ul lr, ?i fl>?,.'ess".re-rhNf.i
The p-V diagram in a cyclic proceis is a triangle ABC driwn in'order as sh6wn above. The coordinates of A, B and C
are (4,1.), (2,4)and (2,lirespectively. The coordinates are in orderof p and V, Pressure is in N/m2 and volume is in
litres. Calculate the work done in the process A to B, B to C and C to A. Also calculate the work done in the complete

Question 12 t3l
State two ways in which you can increase the internal energy of a system. What is a reversibie process?

Question 13 I3l
Show that the angle of projection 0s for a projectile launched from the origin is given by
0o = tan-1 i4H/R) wnere H is maxirnum height and R is the range.

Question 14 t3l
What do you mean by the following :

i) Perfectiy elastic coliision

ii) Reynold's number
iii) Angle of contact

Question 15 t3]
A nucleus is ai resi in the iaboratory frame of reference. Show that if it disintegrates into two smaller nuclel, the
products must rnove in opposite directions.

Question 16 lsl
Derive an expression for terminal velocity of a spherical booy falling through a fluid. Draw suitable FBD for the same.

Derive an expression for elastic potential energy stored in a bodr,,. Also show the graphical variatiott of applied force
with extension.

Question 17 tsj

Derive an expression for work done in an isothermal process. State the zeroth iaw and first latr of thermodynamics.
Derive an expression for the resultant wave when two waves cf unequal amplitudes interfei"e.

Question 18 I5l

A particle is executing linear simple harmonic oscillations . ln the first second after starting from rest, it travels a

distance x1 and in the next second, it travels a clistance x2 in the same direction. Calculate the amplitude of
oscillatio n.
Springs of spring constarlts k,2k,4k,8k..... are connected in series. A mass ni kg is attached to the lower end of the
iast spring. The system is allowed to vibrate. Determine the tinre perioci of oscillation.

St. Xavier's Collegiate School

Second Semester Block Test
Class 11, Chemistry Time: 3 hours
Date: 04.A3.2019 Full Marks - 70

Allquestions are compulsory

Question I is of 20 marks having four sub parts, all of which are compulsory.
Question numbers 2 to 8 carry 2 marks each, with two questions having internal choice.
Question numbers 9 to 15 carry 3 marks each, with two questions having an internal choice.
Question numbers 16 to 18 cany 5 marks each, with an internal choice.

Answer all questions
Question I
(a) Fill in the blanks by choosing the appropriate word / words from those given in the brackets:-
(negative,weak,positive,active,l-2,+1,0,-1 ,lateral )s,zero,strong,headon, p) I4l
(i) The suppression of dissociation of a _ electrollte on addition of a _electrolyte
containing a common ion is called common ion effect.

(ii) If the enthalpy change of a reaction is __ and the entropy change is __--, the reaction will be
non^ spontaneous at all temperature.

(iii) The oxidation number of oxygen in FzO and HzOz are *__* and _- respectively.

(iv) z bonds are formed by _- overlap of orbitals.

(b) Complete the following by selecting the correct alternatives from the choices given: I4l
(i) A gas expands from 100 ml to 250 ml at constant pressure of 2 atm. The work done by the gas is
(1) 5 KJ
(3) 30.4 J
(4) 16 J

(ii) Ozonolysis of 2,3-Dirnethylbutene followed by reduction with zinc and water gives
(1) Methanois acid and 3-Methylbutan-2-one
(2) Methanal and 3-Methylbutan-2-one
(3) Methanal and 2-Methylbutan-3-one
(4) Methanoio acid and 2-Methylbutan-3-one
(iii) The compound having pyramidal shape is
(1) NH:
(2) CH+
(3) HzO
(4) BF:
(iv) The equilibrium constant for the reaction N2(g) +Oz(g) * ZNO(g) at temperature T is 4x l0a.
The value of Kc for the reaction NO(S) * Nr{d * OXgl at the same temperature is
] }
(l) 2.5x 102
(2) 50
(3) 4xl0a
(4) 0.02

(c) Match the following :

(i) Law of mass action (a) Nitrogen
(ii) Kharasch eftbct (b) Rate constant
(iii) Enthalpy (c) Organic peroxides
(iv) Kjeldahl's method (d) State function

(d) Answer the following questions :

(i) Give reason for the following:-
(a) Salting out of soap.
(b) Aqueous solution of copper sulphate is acidic.

(ii) Calculate the wave number for the longest wavelength transition in the Balmer series of atomic

(iii) The solubilityproduct of Mg (OH) z is 1.2 x l0-r1. Calculate its solubility in 0.1 MNaOH

(iv) Write balanced equations for the following reactions :-

(a) Sodium benzoate is heated u,ith sodalime.
(b) Benzene reacts with chlorine in presence of ultraviolet light.

Question 2 121
(a) 0.1827 gm of chloride of a metal is converted to 0.1057 gm of its oxide. Calculate the
equivalent weight ofthe metal. [O:16, Cl:35.5]

(b) 4 g of NaOH is present in one decilitre of solution. Calculate
(i) Mole fraction ofNaOH (ii) Molality of the solution.
(density of solution = 1.038 g 1 ml)
Question 3 I2l
2 moles of an ideal gas at 270C expand reversibly from 2 litres to 20 litres. Find the entropy change ior
the reaction .

Question 4 I2l
Balance the following equation by ion electron method.
Crz}i2'+ H" +I- --r Cr3* +Iz+[IzO
Que.stion 5 121
Calculate the pH value of 0.01 M CHTCOOH if it is 5 % dissociated.

Question 6 l2l
Write the structural formula of the following compounds:-
(i) 4 -Methylpent- 3 - en -Z - one
(ii) 3 - Amino - 4 - methyl pentane nitrile

Question 7 I2t
(a) (i)What are silicones?
(ii) Graphite is used as a lubricant. Explain.

(b)Write balanced equations for the following :

(i) Reaction of borax with water.

(ii) Preparation of silicon carbide from silica.

Question 8 [21
Write the IUPAC names of the following:-

(i) HC : C-CHz - CLl2- CH: CHz


Question 9 t3l
(a) A H and A S for vaporization of water at 1 atm pressure arc 40.63 KJ mol-l and 108.8 J K-r mol-1
respectively. Calculate the temperature at which the free energy change for the transfotmation will
be zero. Predict the sign of free energy change below this temperature.

(b) The pH of a 0. I M solution of NH+CI is 5.127 . Calculate
(i) the degree of hydrolysis
(ii) the hydrolysis constant
(iii) the dissociation constant of the base .

Questionl0 t3l
A glass tube has two inletsX and Y at the two ends. 'fhe length of the tube is 200 cm. HCI gas is
allowed to enter ftom the inlet X and NHI through the inlet Y at the same time.White fumes appear at a
point P inside the tube. Find the distance of P from X.
Write balanced equations for the following conversions:-
(a) Phenol to benzene
(b) Methyl chloride to ethane
(c) Acetylene to acetaldehyde
Questionl2 t3I
If enthalpies of formation for CzHc.COz and I{zO (g) at250C and I atm. pressure arc 52 KJ mol-r,
- 394 KJ mol-l and - 286 KJ mol-l respectively, calculate the enthalpy of combustion of CzH+

Question 13 I3l
(a) (D How many asymmetric carbon atoms are present in C+HsOo ?
(ii) Draw the structures of all the possible isomers of the above compound.
(iii)Which of these isomers is optically inactive and why?


(b) (i) What are the reaction products of the following ?

(ii) Why are the same compounds not obtained at the final stage ?

Question- 14 13l
Classify the following based on the type of reagent and type of reaction:
(i) Propylene with hydrogen bromide in the absence of peroxides.
(ii) Ethyl bromide reacts with aqueous alkali.
(iii) Acetaldehyde reacts with hydrogen cyanide.

Question- 15 I3I
(a) Consider the following reaction :-
How is the composition of equilibrium mixture affected by :
(D a change in temperature
(ii) a change in pressure
(iii) a change in concentration ofNzo+
(iv) the removal of NOz from the reaction mixture

(b) What happens to tlte equilibrium in a reversible reaction if a catalyst is added to it ?

Question- 16 I5l
(a) (i) Write vander Waal's equation of state for n moles of gas.

(ii) Two moles of PCls were introduced in a2litre flask and heated at 600K to attain the equilibrium.
PCls was found to be 40 % dissociated into PClr and Clz. Calculate the value of Kc.

(iii) Under what conditions real gases behave like ideal gases ?

(b) (i)Arrange the following as per guidelines given in brackets:-
(A) I
Br , F , Cl , ( increasing order of oxidizing power)
(B) N, O, F (increasingorderof ionization energy)

(ii) Write down the electronic configuration of iodine (Z: 53)

(iii) Explain the following :

(A) p - nitro phenol is more soluble in water than o - nitro phenol .

@) Peroxide ion is diamagnetic.

Question- 17 tsl
(a) (i)Explain the following :-
(l) Boron is unable to form BFo3- ion but aluminium forms AlFo3-.
(2) Alkaline earth metals are poorer reducing agents than alkali metals.
(3) Second ionization energy of alkaline earth metals is higher than the first ionization energy.

(ii) Give one use of each of the following :-

(1) Alums
(2) Silicon carbides
O) 0) Balance the following equation by oxidation number method.
HNOr+HzS --) NO+S+HzO
(ii) Write balanced equations for the following reactions:-
(A) Preparation of diborane from sodium borohydride.
(B) Aluminium dissolves in dilute hydrochloric acid.
(C) Carbon monoxide is passed through heated zinc oxide.

Question- 18 tsI
(a) (i) How will you carry out the following conversions:-
(1) Propene to2,3 -dimethyl butane
(2) Benzene to acetophenone
(ii) Write one impact of acid rain.
(iii) Give one chemical test to show the acidic nature of acetylene.
(b) (i) Draw a pair of isomers for each of the following and name the type of isomerism:
(r) c&cocH:
(2) C+HroO
(3) CrHoO

(ii) Write balanced equation for Friedel - Craft alkylation.

(iii) Draw the resonating structures of nitrobenzene.

St. Xavier's Collegiate School IEACHEA'$ CoPy
Second Semester Block Test
Class : 11, Time : 3 hrs
Date tO7/O3l2Ot9 Full Marks : 70

Section-A [1x10=101
1)a) Explain the following: Zymogens, Steroids, Micronutrients, CoA, Phylogenetic classification.
b) Give a significant difference between:
i) Pisum sativum and Nepenthes.
ii) Asparagus and Opuntia.
iii) Lyases and Ligases.
iv) Raffinose and Maltose.
v) Reducing and Non-reducing sugars.

Section-B [2x10=20.|
2) State the functions of Pentoses and Hexoses.
3) Give reasons why the C3 pathway may stop.
4) What is entropy? What is its effect on living organisms?
5) What is the significance of Cyclic Photophosphorylation?
6) Which of the Angiosperms is more evolved and why?
7) What is Homeostasis? With the help of an example explain how humans maintain Homeostasis?
B) What is the importance of ETS?
9) Explain the formation of Polymers.
10) Give the deficiency diseases of the following: Mo, N, P, S.
OR Classifythe following under Macronutrients or Micronutrtents: Zn,Fe, Ca, Mg, Mn, Cu, Cl, K.
11) Explain Water Potential. OR Draw a neat labelled diagram of:Afully Plasmolysed cell.

Section-C [3x5=151
12) With the help of diagrams compare Mitotic Metaphase and Meiotic Metaphase l.
13) With the help of diagrams differentiate the arrangement of vascular bundles in Gram and Maize.
14) Classify the Proteins and mention the criteria for classification.
15) StatethefunctionsoftheEpithelial tissue.OR GivethecharacteristicsoftheMeristematictissue.
16) Draw a neat labelled diagram of: the Salivary Apparatus of cockroach
OR The Female Reproductrve system of cockroach .

Section-D [5X3=15.l
1-7) Write Short Note on: i) Haemodialysis and ii) Osmoregulation.
OR With the help of a neat labelled diagram explain the lnternal Structure of the Human Kidney.
1B) Explain:The modern theory on the opening and closing of the stomata.
OR Briefly explain the theories on the Ascent of Sap. .

19) Differentiate between: i) Red and White Muscle Fibres. li) Rigor Mortis and Single muscle twitch.
OR What is a Sarcomere? Explain the functioning of a Sarcomere'

Section-E[10 -Text based questionl

20) a) "BIue-green Algae is not a plant." ---- Why? [2]
b) " Fungi are close to the Animal kingdom in terms of their nutrition." Are they more evolved than
plants? Give reasons for your answer. [3]
c) "Humans are killed by viruses." Can we say still say humans are the most evolved among the living
organism? Justify your answer. [5]
St. Xavier's Collegiate School
Second Semester Block Test
Class: 11, Computer Science (Theory) 'fime:3 hrs.
Date: I .x .201e Fuil
(Answer all the questious)
Question l.
a) What is a stack ? tll
b) Why NAND gate is regarded as a universal gate ? Draw the logic gate
and make the truth for the two input NAND gate. t1l
c) Define 'Base' of number system" Give one example. lll
d) Define the term encapsulation and abstraction. How are they related Iu
e) Differentiate between static variables and non-static variable. t1l

Question 2.
a) The a:ray Dt-2 .. . 1 0l t3 . . . 8l contents double type elements. If the base address is 41 10,
find the address of D[4][5], when the is stored Column Major wise. l2l
b) Which streams are used for performing IO in a text files ? {21
c) f)efine method t2l
d) V/hat is a default constructor 121
e) Write the advantage and disadventage of recursive over iteration. tzl

Question 3.
a) What will be the values stored in array ar [ ] after the following program
is executed tsl
void main( )
int i, j=1;
int dividend:2;
int arr [ ]:{2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0} ;
for( i:2 ;icdividend;i++)
i(dividend Y; i-0)
i(i:: dividend-1)
arr[+l-]: dividend;

System. out.print(arr[i] *" ");
Question 4.
Perform the following conversions/operati ons :
a) (10110.i01)z:(?)r l2l
b) (473)s:(?)z L2l
c) (111011.11)z-(?)re tzj
d) 10i-l l(using l's complernent)
e) 1101*111 lzl

Question 5.

A class DeciOct has been defined to convert a decimal number into its equivalent octal number. Some of the
members of the class are given below:

Class name :Deci0ct

Data Members/instance variables:

fl : stores the decimal nurnber.

oct : stores the octal equivalent number
Member functions:

Decioct( ) :contructor to initiaiize the data members n:0, oct:O

void gefirum(int nn) : assign nn to n.
void deci-oct( ) :calculates the octal equivalent of 'n' and stores it in oct
using the recursive technique.
void show ( ) : displays the decimal number 'n' r.alls the function

a) speciry the cra^ss Decioct, giving .","L deci o* and void show
( ). Also define a main( ";r.:;:::;1,;::::-;,:id
) function to create an object and call the function accordingly to enable the task.

Question 6.

Write a program to input any positive number n and output all combinations of natural numbers
which add up to the given number. [l0l
If n:l5

Question 7. [01
Write a program to create a stack of integer numbers using a single dimension effay.
Use a menu to insert, delete and display.

Question 8. I10]
Write a program to accept a sentence, and dispiay the palimdrome word using recursive function.

Question 9" [101

Write a prograrn to delete a node from anyrvhere of a Link LIST.

** ** rr :k ** rs ** ?t ** rt :k ** ?t ?t *r(
St" Xavie/s Collegiate School
Second Semester Block Test
Class L1 Economics Time:3 hours
Date:07.03.2019 Full Marks - 80
(Condidotes are allpwed adeiitional 75 rninutes for only reoding the paper).
Answer Question 1 (compulsory) from Part I and five questions from Part ll.
PART I (Attempt all questions)
Question 1
Answer briefly each of the questions (i)to (x) [10X2]
i. Define welfare. Distinguish between economic welfare and non-economic welfare.
ii. What are the reasons for disguised unemployment in lndia?
iii. Mention any two achievements of Regional Rural Banks in lndia.
iv. Distinguish between formaleducation and informal education.
v. Give any two rnerits of the Human Development lndex.
vi. What is a scatter diagram? Show perfectiy positive correlation with the help of a diagram. What is
the value of r in this case?
vii. What are the main features of land reforms in lndia?
viii. Explain the objectives of a) Reduction of inequality of income and
b) Self reliance in the lndian planning
ix. What do you mean by liberalization? Explain delicensing policy in context of liberalization.
x. Compute mean deviation from mean for the following data:
Marks 10,40,80, 70, 30,60,55,6 6,7 2,25

PART ll (Answer any five questions)

(a) Explain the vicious circle of poverty from the demand side. t3l
(b) Explain the problem of scarcity and problem of economic growth with the help of a Production
Possibility curve,
(c) Explain any four shortcomings of the education system in lndia. l6I

Question 3
(a) Distinguish between economic growth and economic development. l3I
(b) Explain any two shortcomings of cooperative credit institutions in lndia. t3I
(c) What do you mean by Globalization? Give two arguments in favour and two against
Globalization. l6I

Question 4
(a) State any two reasons why economic reforms were needed in 1991. I3I
(b) How has agricultural diversification towards the horticulture sector been advantageous.
Mention some problems faced by the horticulture sector. I3I
(c) Explain the business cycle. When do we have cyclical unemployment? i6l

Question 5
(a) Discuss briefly how human capital formation has helped in i) Absorption of new technology and
ii) lnstrument for economic changes. 13]
(b) Compare between lndia and China in terms of : i) Financial sector and ii)Structural changes. [3]
(c) Explain any four measures taken by the Government to improve the agricultural marketing system.
Question 6
(a) why is organic farming encouraged in lndia? Give three points.
(b) Explain any three merits of capitalism.
(c) Explain any four limitations of per capita lncome as an index of welfare.

Question 7
(a) Distinguish between positive correlation and negative correlation.
(b) Calculate Spearman's rank correlationn coefficient for thed followine data
x i30 50 t4 sei36i27 35147 09 54
Y 44 29 54 Tslsz 69 54 39 83 32

(c) Find the mean and sta ndard devi ation from the following table:
Items L0-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 j 70-80
F ency 4 a 8 t6 12 6 4

Question 8
(a) Find out inter-quartile a nd rtile de
anile iati
oevratlon. t3I
Marks 10-20 20-30 i go-+o 40-50 50-60 60-70
No of students 3 5 10 15 8 3

(b) What is the Lorenz urve? Label the diagram. What does the shaded region indicate? Explain
*? t'
-tisl5 I
i l.
5sr 3

(c) Explain any "o*,**{!x,,o o'rl"u*, & A*.,,<rlJ)s

two uses of lndex Numbers. cafcuiaie t-dipdyre , Paasche's and Fisher's ideal index
Commodity i Price {2000) Quantity(2000) Price (2004) Quantity(2004)
A 18 4 2A 3
B irs i2 118
c i+o

14 i4s 3
D 25 I 30 7
E 50 7 55 6

Question 9
(a) Calcutate median from the fol clata: l3I
Marks 100-120 L20-140 140-150 160-180 i 1SO-ZOO

-- No. of students 10 20 30 1s los


(b) Give two characteristics of a good average t3I

(c) Find out coefficient of correlation between ages of husband and wife in a particular community by
Karl Pearson's method
Age of husband 27 22 23 24 25 26 27
Age of wife 16 tsiLT 18 1"9 2A 2L

St. Xavier's Collegiate School

Second Semester Block Test

Class: 11E, Political Science Time: 3Hrs

Date: 05 10312019 F.M: 80

(Candidates are allowed additional 15 minutes for only reading the paper. They must NOT start
writing during this time.)

Answer euestion 1 from Part I and three out of five questions from Part II Section A and fwo out
of three questions from Part II Section B.
The intencled marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets I l.

PART I (20 Marks)

Answer all questions.

Question 1
Answer briefly each of the follorving questions: [10x2]
i. is Divine Oligin Theory relevant today? Give two reasons to justify yollr answer.
ii. Account for two factors that contributed towards the development of the State.
iii. What is delegated legislation?
iv. Briefly explain the nature of Law.
v. Distinguish between positive and negative conceptions of Liberty.
vi. "Liberly needs constraints." Justify giving any two reasons.
vii. Mention two factors that contributed towards the integration of European countries.
viii. Define IVAM
ix. Wliat is the full form of ASEAN? Give its two objectives.
x. Explain Ideological Unipolalism.

PART II (60 Marks)

Answer anY three questions

Question 2
(r) Critically evaluate Rousseau's theory of Social Contract. t6]
iti ffo* did Renaissance and Refolmation help the development of nation-State? t6]

Question 3
(a) what is the diflerence between ordinary Law and oldinances? 16)

iUl e.i.ny describe the theolies of Law. t6l

Question 4
(a) Account for different kinds of liberly with examples. t6l
(b) How can i. Democratic polity ii. Independence of Judiciary
iii. NGOs and Interest Gror:ps safeguard liberty? t6l
Question 5
(a) What are the opposing views on the relation between liberly and equality?
Discuss any one of them in detail. t6l
(b) Discuss the essential conditions of equaiity. t6l

Question 6
(a) Write a shorl note on Amarlya Sen's view on Justice. t6l
(b) Discr:ss the Liberal Theory of Justice. t6l

Answer any two questions

Question 7
(a) Briefly Discuss the nature and course of US Operation Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan.16]
(b) What were the main provisions of the Maastricht Trcaty? t6]

Question 8
(a) What are the criticisms of NAM? t6l
(b) Wirat are its contemporary trends? t6l

Question 9
(a) Discuss the impact of Cold War on international relations t6l
(b) Account fol Polycentrism as a contemporary trend in world politics. rql
St. Xavier's Collegiate School TEACHER'S COPY

Second Semester Block Test

Class: 11E, SociologY Time: 3Hrs
Date: 2610212019 F.M: 70
(Candidates are allowed additional 15 minutes for only reading the paper. They must NOT start
writing during this time.)
Ans.wer Question 1 from Part I and five questions from Part II.
The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets [ ].

PART I (20 Marks)

Answer all questions.
Question 1
Answer briefly each of the following questions: [10x2]
i. What are the Laws of Three Stages? Who coined it?
ii. What are the reactions to social problems?
iii. Account for any four causes of social problems.
iv. How is juvenile delincpiency classified and what are they?
v. How did Durkheim explain social solidarity in industrial society?
vi. Distinglish between non controlled non participant and non controlled participant observation as

a research methods..
vii. Account for any two features that a welfare state must have as viewed by A.R' Desai.
viii. What are borstal schools?
ix. "Social problems change when behavioural patterns are interpreted differently." Jr-rstify.
x. Mention two ways to alleviate poverty.

PART II (50 Marks)

Answer any five questions.
Question 2
(a) Examine D.P. Mukherjee's contribntion to Indian Sociology' tsl
ib; Dir..rs the advantages and disadvantages of interview as a research method. tsl

Question 3
(a) How does Dr. Iravati Karve draw the kinship map of India? Isl
(b) What were the critiques of her work? tsl

Question 4
(a) Discuss any two sociological approaches to social problems. Isl
(b) What is the relationship between social problems, sociology and sociologist? tsl

Question 5
(a) Is disability a social problem? Justify. Isl
(b) What are the main feati-rres and procednres of the Juvenile Jr-rstice Courls? Isl

Question 6
(a) What is unempioyment? What are its causes? tsl
(b) Evalr-rate the state of unemployment in india. tsl

Question 7
(a) Who, among the western classical thinkers, is your favourj.te? Give justifications. tsl
(b) Critlcally examine M.N. Srinivas as an Indian Sociology schoiar and teacher. tsl
St. Xavier's Collegiate School
Second Semester Block Test
Class: 11, Accounts Time: 3 hrs.
Date: 26.02.2019 Full marks: 8o
Attempt allquestions from this section.
aU *
a. What are contra entries? I10 2l
b. Explain 2 reasons for preparing a Bank Reconciliation Statement.
c. A bill of exchange is drawn on 1.4.18 for 4 months for Rs.50,000. lt was discounted with the bank @ 6%
p.a and the bank a/c was credited with Rs.49500. On which date was the bill discounted?
d. What will the journal entry tor goods worth Rs.5,000 distributed as free sample, originally purchased with
CGST and SGST @ 5% each? ,.

e. What do you mean by Legacy? How is it treated in Accounts of non trading organisation?
f Distinguish between retiring of a bill and renewal of bill.
g. Salary Rs.5,000 paid to the manager has been debited in the ledger in wages a/c. What will be the journal
entry when the error will be rectified in the next accounting period?
h. What are errors of omission?
i. What is a suspense a/c?
j. Distinguish between Receipts and payments a/c and cash book'

Attempt Q and anv 4 from the rest.

A2l From the following Trial Balance of Buvaria Trading Conrpany as at 31.03.18, prepare Trading, Profit and
loss a/c and Balance Sheet
mrti*,lars Dr. Particulars Cr.
Opening stock 50,000 Bank 44,000
Cash irr hand 10,000 Sales L240,000
Purchases 820,000 Returns 15,000
Returns 20,000 Ol$ta!qr-,lg wages 26,000
Ca 12,000 Sundry creditors 75,000
Wages 60,000 Capital 320,
Debtors 200,000 trg!lv!!g!I- 10,000
Motor car 15,000 Output SGST _ _ 10,000
Sala 120,000
Printing 22,400
lnsurance (Annual premium 16,000 i I

paid on 1.1.18) I

Plant 300,000
Furniture 40,000
Accrued incorne 5,000
Drawings 10,000
lnput CGST 20,000
lnput SGST 20,000
1740,000 1740,000
a.Closing stock was valued at Rs.80,000 on 10.04.18. During the period of L.4'18 till 10'04.18, goods
purchased was Rs.10,000 whereas sales amounted to Rs.25,000 during that period {cost of the goods sold
was RS.20,000).
b. On 1.L.18, a new machine of Rs.80,000 was purchased on credit which was not recorded in the books of
accounts, CGST and SGST applicable @ 6% each.
c. Depreciation to be provided @ LAo/o p.a. on all fixed assets'
d. Motor car was sold at book value on L.4.t7 and the cash was retained by the owner for personal use.
e. Goods destroyed by fire amounted to Rs.25,000, originally purchased with CGST and SGST @ 6% each.
lnsurance company admitted a claim of Rs.10,000.
f. lncluded in debtors is a customer for Rs.10,000 who was declared insolvent and a PBD is to be created @
5% on debtors. [121

A3] From the following particulars, prepare a Bank Reconciliation statement of Jaiswal Ltd as at 31.L2.L8
a. Bank overdraft as per Cash Book as on 31.12.18 - Rs.20,000.
b. Two cheques of Rs.2,000 each were deposited with and cleared by the bankers in December, but in the
Cash Book the entries were made in the credit side of Cash !a,ak. aot.. rr) r! ,
c. Cheques totalling Rs.1"7,000 were issued to credltors, but the bank has paid out cheques worth Rs.8,000
d. The Pass book alone reflected a direct deposit of Rs.5,000 by a customer and a club subscription of Rs.600
paid by the bankers as per standing instructions.
e" The bank has credited Rs.1200 for interest and debited Rs.75 for bank charges. The former was recorded
in the Cash book for Rs.1000 and the later for Rs.57.
t. A receipt of Rs.1000 was credited in the Cash book by mistake and the same was correctly credited in the
Pass Book as Rs.100.
g. A cheque for Rs.1,950 deposited and cleared was accounted for Rs.2,000 in the bank colurnn of the Cash
Book, overlooking the discount allowed.
h. The payment side ofthe cash book has been undercast by Rs.2000.
i. A personal cheque of the owner for Rs.3000 was erroneously deposited in the company's a/c and
accordingly cleared by the bank.
j. A bill receivable for Rs.9,000 discounted with the bank for Rs.8,950 returned dishonoured by bank not
recorded in Cash book, noting charges amounting to Rs.50 [121

a4l The and o' rts Club on 31.12.18 is as follows:

j Receipts Rs. Assets Rs.
To balance b/d: Cash s00 salaries 4800
Bank 6000 Bv telephone 300
subscriptions: 2017 2s00 By stationery 2s0
2018 20800 pu
_lpgg rnl]gllgl
rch a se of 10800
2019 2000 subscription to iournal 500
i To entr"ance fees 1500 furniture sed 3000
To sale of furniture 800 tournament 2000
To sale of sports material 600 By repairs to building 10oo I

condemned in 201
To interest on investment 800 und mairitenance 3000 i

To Tournarnent recei 1200 By balance c/d: Cash i 10qq0

Bank 950
35700 36700

Balances on
lnvestments (10%) Rs.15000; Building and playground Rs.30000; Furniture Rs.4000; Sports material Rs.2000;
Tournament fund Rs.8000; Subscription receivable Rs.3000; Subscription received in advance Rs,1.200.
Balances on 31.12.18:
Sports material Rs.5000; Stationery Rs.50; Subscription receivable (for 2018) Rs.500. Write off depreciation at 5%
on buildings and L0% on closing balance of furniture. Book value of furniture sold is Rs.1000.
Prepare lncome and expenditure a/c and balance sheets. [121

a. The following balances appear in the books of Gupta ltd:
Machinery a/c as on 1.4.18 = Rs.800,000.
Provision for depreciation a/c as on 1.4.18 = Rs.310,000,
On 1't July 2018, a machinery which was purchased on 1.4.15 for Rs.120,000 was sold for Rs.50,000 and on the
same date another machinery was purchased for Rs.32,000. The firm charges depreciation @ t5% p.a" SLM on
31.'t March every year.
Prepare Machinery a/c and Provision for depreciation a/c for the financial year 2018-19.

b. There was a difference in.the Trial Balance, debit side exceeding the credit side by Rs.5400. The
difference was carried to a Suspense a/c. The following errors were discovered:
i. Sale of Rs.4500 to Paul was entered in the sales day book as Rs.5400.
ii. Rs.1260 paid for repairs of motor car was debited to motor car a/c as Rs.2160.
iii. Rs.1200 received from Jogesh was posted to the debit of his a/c.
iv. A discount of Rs.200 received from Betty and entered in the cash book has not been posted.
v" Rs.1600 being purchase return for the month was posted to the debit of purchases a/c.
vi. While carrying forward total of one page in Navin's a/c, the amount of Rs.450 was entered on the
credit side instead of the debit side. [4+81

a. Ajay purchased goods from Vijay for Rs.2,000 on 1st Jarruary 201.8. He accepted a bill of exchange for the
amount at 2 months drawn on him by Vijay on the same date. On 4th January 2018. Vijay got the bill discounted
with the bank @ t8% p.a. At maturity, the bill was dishonoured, noting charges amounting to Rs.15.However,
Vijay agreed to receive a sum of Rs.575 (including interest of Rs.60) from Ajay in cash and two bills - one at 1
nronth for Rs.500 and the other at 3 months for Rs.1000 in full settlement. The second bill was endorsed to Sujay
in full settlement of his dues. The first bill was duly honoured on maturity whereas the second bill was
dishonoured due to Ajafs insolvency. Vijay could realise only 30% of the amount due fronr him.
Pass the journal entries in the books of Vijay.

b. Rectify the following errors in the next accounting period:

i. A discount of Rs.581 allowed to a customer has been credited to him as Rs.562.
ii. Rs.5000 due from Rakesh which had been written off as bad debt is now recovered and has been posted
to the credit of Rakesh a/c.
iii. Goods purchased for Rs.1250 have been posted to the debit of supplier Vinod and co.
iv. Furniture amounting to Rs.6500 purchased on credit from Quality furniture co. An entry for Rs.5600 was
passed in the Purchases book. [8+41

a. Mr. Banka, with limited knowledge of accounting, keeps his books by single entry system. His assets and
liabilities on 31't March 2017 and 31't March 2018 were as under:
i Particulars 31.03.!7 11'03.1!
r Machinery 50,000 70,000
Furniture 10 20,000
Stock 15,000 18,000
Debtors 23,000 31,000
Creditors 21,000 25,000
Cash 3,400 5,600
Bank 4,500 3,500 (Cr)
10% Bank loan (taken on 1.L0.17) 000
i. Banka received a lottery prize of Rs.15,000 which he invested in business.
ii. He had withdrawn Rs.5,000 at the beginning of every quarter.
iii. Depreciation is provided on machinery @ LAo/a p.a. and furniture by 5%.
iv. During the year insurance premium has been prepaid by Rs.2,000 while saiaries outstanding was
v. Bad debts not yet adjusted amounted to Rs.1000. Maintain provision for doubtful debts @ 5% on debtors
and provision for discount on debtors @2o/o.
vi. lnterest on bank loan is still due.
Prepare Statement of affairs, Statement of PIL and Balance Sheet.

b. Journalise the following transactions:

i. Purchased goods on credit from Kritin for Rs.20,000, Trade discount @ L!o/o. CGST and SGST applicable @
6% each. Carriage paid thereon by Kritin was Rs.1000.
ii. Purchased machinery for Rs.50,000 from Mehta for cash, cash discount @ 5%. Applicable IGST @9%.
Carriage paid thereon amounted to Rs.1000.
iii. Paid rent Rs.12,000, 1/3'd of the house was given as office of the business.
iv. Mehul, a debtor for Rs.10,000 was declared insolvent and a final dividend of 30 paisa in a rupee was
declared. [8+A]

a. Prepare a triple column cash book for the month of August 2018:
t. Cash balance Rs.2540 and bank balance Rs.15690.
3. Paid for furniture Rs.1520 in cash, CGST and SGST @ 6% each.
6. Withdrawn by cheque for office use Rs.900.
7. Paid rent Rs.2500 by cheque.
10. Paid Das Rs.670 for goods purchased in July.
12. Received from Sen Rs.1620 in cash for sale of goods, inclusive of CGST and SGST @ 6% each.
15. Received from Guha Rs.2000 in cash as advance for sale of goods.
17. Paid cash into bank Rs.2600.
19. Paid Kar Rs.675 by cheque in settlement of his account.
20. Paid Sharma Rs.430 in cash and Rs.1280 by cheque for goods purchased.
25. Routh settled his account of Rs.570 in cash.
26. Drew a cheque of Rs.300 for rent of owne/s residence.
28. Bank charged incidental expenses Rs.15 and allowed interest of Rs.65.
30. Paid salaries by cheque Rs.1500.
31. Paid cash in excess of Rs.500 into the bank.

b. Tournament fund as on 1.4.18 Rs. 20,000

Donation from members for tournament during the year 2A$-19 Rs. 5,000
Tournament receipts Rs,8,000
Tournament expenses and prizes Rs. 26,000

Show how the above details will be shown in the Balance Sheet of the organisation as on 31.03.19.
a. ltd imported a machine on 1.7.15 for Rs.160000, paid customs duty for Rs.80000 and erection charges
Rs.50000. Another local machine was purchased for Rs.100000 on 7.7.17. On 1.7.18, a portion of the
imported machine (value one third) got out of order and was sold for Rs.34800. Another machine was
purchased to replace the same for Rs.50000. Depreciation is to be calculated @ 20% p.a. by written down
value method on 31s December every year.
Frepare machinery a/c and depreciation a/c for the years 2OL6,2A17 and 2018.

b. 31.03.18:
Sundry debtors as on Rs. 74,000
Bad debts already written Rs. 4,000
Unadjusted bad debts Rs.3,000
lncluded in debtors is Mr. Roy for Rs.4,000 who is also included in the list of creditors for Rs.1,000.
It was decided to create provision for bad debts @ 5% and provision for discount on debtors @ 2%.
Show how the above information will be reflected in the Profit and Loss account and asset side of the Balance
Sheet. [8+41

St. Xavier's Collegiate School

Second Semester Block Test
Class Xl C & D, Commerce Time: 3 hour':s
Ilate : 04 r 03, 2019 Full liarks : 80

Candidates are allonred additional 15 minutes for onlyreading the paper.

Answer Question 1 from Part I and five questions from Part ll

The intended marks for questions are given in brackets . ( )


Answer briefly each of the questions {i} to (x} : ( t0 x 2 }

(i) What do you mean by Chamber of Commere ?

(ii) Erplain the Doctrine of Subrogation .
(iii) How would you define RetaitTrade ?
(iv) What do you understand by the term Hyper Market ?
(v) Attempt a definition of the term E-Business .
(vi) 'Business Ethics forms the backbone of any organisation'. Why ?
(viD \fUhd do you understand by MotorVehicles lnsunance ?
(viii) l/Vhat is a Smart Card ?
(ix) What do you understand by the term NIFTY ?
(x) Vvhat do you mean by the term Chain Stores / Multiple Shops ?



Question2 {3+4+5}
(a) State eny six documents involved in Export Trade .
(b) Discuss the limitations involved in E-Business .

{c) Discuss the steps involved in online transac;tions and payrnent nnechanisms .

QuestionS (3+tt+5)
(a) Briefly discuss the concept of Teleshopping .
(b) Discuss the resources required in successful E-Business implementation .
(c) Despite a trend torvards Large Scale Retail Shops the Small Scale Retailers
have survived . Disctrss with reasons -

.._ 1 ...
Question4 (3+4+51
(a) \Mtat do you understand by the term Fidelig lnsurance ?
(b) Differentiate between a Broker and a Jobber.
{c) Distinguish betrireen a Wholesaler and a Retiailer.

QuestionS (3+4+5|
(a) State the main functions of a Stock Exchange.
tb) $tate the reasons uvlry a business is expected to be responsible to society .
(c) Elaborate on the dfficulties in lntemationalTrade.

Queetion6 (3+4+5)
(a) State srx objectives of Chambers of Commere-
(b) What do you understand by the term Balance of Payments ?
(c) Discuss any five obiectives of lmport Trade.

QuestionT (3+4+5)
(a) State the different forms of Global Enterprises .
(b) Distinguish betlveen BPO and KPO .
(c) Discuss the different causes of business risks .

Question8 {3+4+5}
(a) State the characteristics of Departmental Stores _

(b) Briefly discuss the different types of Promoters .

(c) Discuss the benefits of WTO to lndia .

Question9 (3+4+5)
(a) State the characteristies of Fixed Shops / Small Scale Retailers .
(b) Discuss (i) Ubenimae Fidei (ii) Causa Proxima
(c) Elaborate on the advantages of lnsurance"

...2 "..
St. Xavier's Collegiate School
Second Semester Block Test
Class - XI Bengali Time- 3 Hrs
Date- 0110312019 Full Marks - 100

Section -,A
1. FXRN r+ITFr erF R\t-=lr E"K ,{-{F <F{ m{ a- (aoo .tr) t20t
$,I [sN]cq-< RmqL{-{ FEl+ eq.ffi
clt zr1F c<ce m - ficq {rol e<< q',Kr$s {lurs ql€r
ett R<rt
qt 'qsE q{Bf{ Tn' - eQ {-str-< "lxq <l Rqrs'NNF rENs qNer
gt 'qtF qt mR' - etr FLffilrr eeF ffipF-1 61"t,

2. frilERs iD.rrF qE T(;r qp dseFm Eqrd qt\er t4x5=201

"Rfi-{ <fi<t<r efr{ eqrc wR-r "1aFr T{4:qr rqn{ qr[ 6r sffi ffi6aa1 rEqt an'A< qrr
TqT wfi TfuT q-dmlflrs f<5qiflTlr \rtF-qt <Frf,-{t Eilcr{BF rGF-d EqN Rm; ERrm(
{fu +qffir rRs elnrffil
ftS q{-<N 1limxrL<< <TpT qfi qstr "n< frrcqr xr1vE qrt ftq-{ - <sF orm erp {R$K
qffi cfir-<.f <qt Tks "tlRsr cttreets crBf rqEI - +m 'fl?Ft;r EEsr ${f{ qTqslcq EIT
qtcqr DT @ <v, sTfl sHIr 6t< qar-T{ mNqEI rq{ q'h-{ qt{e{r eQ ET xfr firt W{,$f
kl< qlfrffi {rfiqfr rq-mlTrq{rq, T.r{ e?N C{BIR rR6j \ryIm{, s?F .qfirr r<Ei caflrfr dt
qm "fr{ €r'r +-rcT rfi-fr"iq TEq: [rtffi{ a[&cg, T\r+-
"pwq qtfr-crl ffiEr rffi r$<qqq
qrB ritRcr{ <rFt ,.q<< erB Ft\orE-< qF Enr Tqm q--{B fr*qe Rq qlr {Ifr-s rec-<T fi-sm
erF rmt stvl d-t{t, Fsr q[s fiR'fl qt$ cqlBIR <rfi q'EI-g' pR$ rn-{r ,q{;r c{Q wfl{
x;{t"ltslT "fl?Fmrq,];I roth Efunqq, <pn +R<tcq+, Tt{ Rfu](q{, q6a3rsfi rfl-tlAr rlstq\S
'ftfi3ftq+r rn qrc<K Ec[ <Ftcgtr, <r];l ..q rq-f,Fr Q<<tfrls{rfl rflE]rr-{ \srfutr qfutcq <d Rg
q-T{N qqK r+qe qfiks 'it(( ltt q{r\s ER e rq-qr{ a{F crlsf{ <F<t utt'r
T.fm<rF {qnLT-{ qql-<fiR q'sl's [a]vf, rs rfl-q?f<{ qqcE\s Hs?si?t EO +e'r rfi<i-s|cq qF
aers <qrft Erq-{ - qfi <.s Stst qtil qrfuter (rrJm, qRn-fl qrl qfu
Tffi Wqj {-qnr rtn$ f qldqls rm yfrNrr erR{ qq-Elm qn rulE< aRs
tqt< R-q.sq <DrI *$ {rr <tB qfi$ mRr;H, sffi w-dt flQ erB dw'<Bs an< sfutrqr
B-fi qm-{ TFrt Uw rvlE<t1r n-m <g<m< {T-+-R6t ERcar+r rulE<q rfl+. ?Rrqr<t@c{ q$rtt
rEFxtRr, q<q rf,Kfw, Fw frtr"dts En-+ atQr qm ,{E-<K e+ rulF< q=ILI TSql rqnT
\fltn< \56 Tffi.d{, frE qlRr RBBt tgr< e{rq {q ft6oRaa-{ TIr q-<rlrq rfrm $cm
q<-{N <fo,fi <fu-fl{ - 6qfrK er {RE vlt{ Er{, qK< strs {e (notRr' Hfr-{ wrd\I
w<rti-{< q-;u'rflEK Tqnc{-{ {F ErEt qR{FTr ffiqr etr \flMn< R+rtr qtof q<R
efficq-{r q?reE )1oo bFgt <i-q sRrt eQ ffit bRT qRql{R qR{ <fu ffi6aa1

zEt s

(i) q-ffiN
X-{tlTIu[-q( rnqKK <.f+r
qt\s I t4t
(ii) w3rFr XqHrHitLrK wfur crtefi{ RaP
matr{ BRs qH CqlGl-a w<{t Bfr Fs]r< \etr Tr<;P r4t
(iii) "R-{qfl[E qT<N TRT"ff11^m< w{q r+rn qs? t4)
(iv) q-{-<Rr
{c"rPltum< UAm ?<FbeF <4qt
q<r t4j
(v) cslwrr rqncm {tE Btet qRrF{T <qR{ r+-+z t4l

3. +r qsqi <Fl{'qF RE-TGt [q?t B r5l

lftFq, E-qrq, slq, qqft, 1a(-f
elr frnFrRs qnnmefrs qEIIrr <tql' q]+ +s s r5l
TtqlR{ dl.t, <TIffi, Tr{]gr{ ql{q, c"E"flsqt, ffirr {lu fl cqqlt

Section - B
Frrfr <8 atcq ffi
ztct< E-s< ql\er

ERst q(Efi
4. 'q[q164s en <+t-{FI qr rqf,fl'
(i) +R rg sfi-q< {q Ee-q q<r
(ii) +R ron Ed-{tcr F1n5{ ,{<e. vK <Fs KF Ecnqcqr'R drE< a'N ra'{t
(iii) rrt+ e{cr +R esefi <rnm{?
(iv) amt oRqx +R< 1o <E<r 1Rn< ns r 1/r+3+3+51

5. "qrF pt< <{ "tRutr q]qlcq{ E{ e1frq-q'1"

q'T{ BIlTl,
<-wI (r'? eQ s{< w foi +R ron Rnr qt\51 fficq fire. rprlrqr v qffi 'qfl r12yrt

6 "otFl"T <rfiFr @'tcrl< Es qfiplrpr

fl< rq.{t rrr{ Tfu( qvGt <K{tE-{ rq[r (T? c{ Ttr ptcql
cflBK rs qFpI{ T.citE< qd Rl "M&E< ffi<-g rq'etr rl2Yrt

zfffi \e tteu q(Tdl-{

7. "{FtrK qr,o mq Dr{-{t6qt qFrFt qEqE +rs b}-q GF"flT ol{t"

(i) TEr [q"{l rrr{ t[Gctsr qq{?
(ii) qlqF Tq(s rF Ttt <6it qKCq? EFr {Ffl<r qcr Fqs DTs'l6qt m;rz
(iii) TT"il m? qr @'1"{ EqqE Ec< ffi 6E-q2
(iv) EE-IT Erg,-.f <c< <e-sfir sR"f{ m'qr fl/z+3+3+5t
8. e efuqp-qffr
aE qms qERs Rcq6{$ qr< q+E ttr Tlr.t Enl"
f+En{X m? qNFr sr(s rF Tc[ <ET qcsm? ?+ETKBS aB sn RcEr+< Emq Re
f+-dlffil1n a-E-+.leK fr-<G< "tRul qNer t12/rt
g. "fus {1qffiaq, ntqr+ q-Eq[Etr{lr q rEE .q-dr @FS q( rnlrqF Tt TGT EIe. trtt"
TI{ rq'{l ml{ KE-{r< qqt? crr{ eqm ..4Tc[ <f,I arq(q?
,q< TC{i rfi-{ rqffi-< r+n qR
Xd W-et t12/rt

10. 63<FI?TE[
m ftffi ru T.f{ fr'Flr nrr uq frKN,q qr {L swtffi<r "fl}.ilaflT {r "rfirq "tE
(i) m rK Umrr oqrB <cEcqqe
(ii) ptrs rs{ Frmr rnerm zH Erfcql
(iiD srsrq-{ "iltrm <6ico fr 6ffiHt qme?
(iv) cq{IF ntcE "tt}mn Tc[ E&q q<( rsr? tlyz+3+3+51

11- "rrrsq <fr ems q{ rpt furd ELffi Er#r qrT54 EFIF q6{r,,
rr plm ft?'r Er< eqnB <rqrq? sQ g@ frsfm, rflcilT qte{ qFflrp orqRdl
rrr{ errr +qflE <fl qcrq? <-erfi r<l<rlcg 6mcq{?
12. "qp {6qt qQ, Xfr Et{rr rqnq es-wiR vrfr 6qrn frqrr,,
(T TTm qTq[ <rq1R{? q{T <qR{? TgI mFIFs Brfs "tt<Rcq'{ atf
r$;r q.r<Rfi{ .'tz r12%l

**** * ******
St. Xavier's Collegiate School
Second Semester BlockTest, 2A19
Glass 11 Hindi Time : 3 Hrs
Date : Ot - 03- tg FM : 100

r. t . fuS ga frqs q? kqde fdQefr afr +oo erd' * 6a a d r 120I
m't kearenr w enanfuoakenqB r - fr*qqr dfuS r
st aqerfr mt a& qk. aqerar fr1 ararca at& * Sm. atr{d er6a HqR A?nB r
gar furq * qqr qr Aqa f; eqA frqR fuerys I
ai anar*gorrf WfrQigqdq&fl? r
rrt fu& $* qrrr .Br qota aAfuS Efr erq-* ft+q d afuea'eots qlxr {d 6r-S d r
q) s€' Se ftAr€ €a-e fu&ns fuqffi aifua awq & -
uplqr ! *fr&mftqftqrdarfrAfr r

s. z. m&Frd erqiar +t sqra d .remt der ER apu&airEait * a-ae seratrd eqa

fuaa-ar me,n ed aofr f; rga mdre E r fuaa-cn araa at ffi6
ereror $d gur B d 6n
kqeqrnaelffiB r o&qtret *sfter66qqftE I EraercanTQi&adm,e ffi
fi qa rg6m ff re-< mernB r ewi emraif q6E? ft EsA ff qerKrirta ararcrdr meerB I
fraa akd aft qre dS ag? *fr B r ryr* 6ara ar< d mgeu ml sarca a,efr E r arft
d fuoier * mreor ea-S rffio 0rx a-d crftB , 6p1 q,qr n-ae A qkteit ei qrA kd-dr
fr Fisr n qrfr mt, frra-aar mT aqaTome f; elar d Errqr tr? ten E r Brfr: €Qr ecFR
ffr{d-dr€er-eq*rdpleraaqA a-fifu€re qe fraq{qrcame efrB r *afuaeraro
* fus arptEek' q-d oraB r g-+ea satrf,r f; of eqmnksar *&E m dpit at erwr &
eqe dk ermffa meftB I gasT agqaeq mei m-rmrer eret atfrE r fuerd & fr kffidr
d srcre da-d f; aqarmp aq-<r ft+qerqr-d qar erdi I $qf, *"r, Aon ft* a-frfue.re at
qer&a€? qril r

eim rera AeqftEtt ml ftqq ererar aen fuartrdr mrrdrqT rqrceulB r fueas&rg Ereffrffi'
gmera elurer * arerq A 6av e) r s-6' kdT rr*& f,' * e{o, 6red # Amq a.rar Sa terr ets e},
aaft a-<mr &rq f&rq arsr ff? igatra at a,for ?erar cnat aga anea,{it qE ,rar I qEr qgr
fra{r {ff , am Uqeri aam I g6era e aere} mgr, "ener€ ga Sa € d fu &* egata'e
qfra anfure treir mfr teer e6r B ? ' ' ga?ra i et eraflr-{r ' 'qR[ en€r€ Sa6aae erqA fu
f; q€ Sen ffiit aQa-dr q? f; qer { r garfus strPdE( ffien terar { r *ar&enme 6*
a1e qS,u-ar €r ara Etf,r 3 I fi ffi
aq m} oraar { r eerfug sfrfua pqca 6Rar €,fu SA
eEe €i"4 6d' ffi *ft era €ocar 6Ep qfg r " qe treaar &req * acq frt {,ar$ r sd araer
ftqa aek qA sTrenft * aer* ge, & fucnr fren r
af; ataui {aaf;eerarr$gorafraq<m{f€S I q6 56 e6dc-gerkoB r gerd aeq&
*-€ d g-EAE r aar€t fte-d g& ftEna aen erq rarft'E r aan+aar frt ar$ #adErEra mpfr
E t s'ar€t fu+rar aefi aretrdr SF arr€q af,rcr *t a=.a ffiE r

m'l kara-en fuern*R ergq *

eq'flq #t kqarrera ffi?ftB ?
fr d
ail erca ?rerT ftqa agql qrfi fretsrar al rok dfug r
al gmera d sftka aten fusA ar& errqr mr qCIfEil eqa er<t f; ffifug r

al €er ararer d arcrabt ear f&r+n Br ffi

s.s. eE;EaweitaAgcdftrs I5I
mt tEr*arqe a€rqre Qae&E t

em gaurqaro+erdffidaft*t
al qc&alar&oreremqfrsr
a) qddMin?er&&rarftE t
ql re mrd atwra aat qpf *earB t

s.+. m&m 6arae} at arm f, n$ar asQ t t5I

etEr 6rda.rc{r, aprrdp- arErdl, arer dar dar, ft ar&ar aear, &re a-aran


s. s. "ft* sat, fr grerer Rre q3 fus tar {t m frQ areur erqr €m l "
m) &err*' qrar a Eerr*' ff fue Sm Eft mr ara fuRns t llYz'l
sD arcur f; an& ar& 6r q&rq 6fus r t3I
arl ryardqPtpraft*srareit qe s€-rargrfus r I3I
al aeari ercorptilfr eenGg,{rr+-re ff ? fremrQ eIEd frfaers t t5l

s. o . 'ryqr ftqter eSrT mrs' g .;1 firee

gar*'e den-e mr ferg e'ear aa& E ?
uaarei 112.5I
saraautt *erer eq€ fr'efrggfrEbfi qref6-dra!TE:dfus t
q.z. qffie-6Tfrf;&s+'frqen€f Sene,ratqaf ff
dtqerrrarffB - [12.51
eca Fefr gS foetqr ffi ft{d * qfr Effiq eqg dfug r
r.e. 'Bg*dtne *qsrcre qgamftrdfrErdr r ororga-*tq? GIIatt ll"
m.) €-dfuft€TqR"erfifut 11T,l

erl a-afuft
fi ftW1 qre Aga mffi &rsr& dt Gnd'mii ree e&B ? l3I
drl €ar Ffuar * eret araaar rei ffa en dter kqr ?
arqr B l3l
uo ftq-a ermr f,' ar& ar& e6la-it d {sf m.aA gg {dl€A fu' e-aa,r <nrar frper t5I
srcF'R 6earqGs?
s.e.'qr6rd6t' *r qftqtq{ fuenfr gS ke dfug fu qaErQI ft erg furcr * W l{2.51
arqrudmar€raB t

s. t o.'{A * ffq' mftar mr eieq fuenfr gS fiu mr ar& * sft 6fr'e1ado1 B' Be ese [12.5]
s. 11. "qrqff Ef & aqt a'rer * wee t€'e are srd, f,gr erar Eita A, . .

6) zrEretteprq&qqfthgt tl.sl
@D BQ) €ET *orq-qr fip q?it ? Qrtrflia" fu8tqs t l3l
arl t& ff gdeu aardeQ arcrr tmr d eqr fte{fr fr ? t3l
Et) ckd aieil * arene qe iltrrft4 ar€t d eeu 6T aofu dfus t I5I

q. r z.'f&r€t'{ anqergGr*, fd"Rara * qfua E r' qer oena e'} Rrs atfr gg QrrrQ ft? f&€q * lr2.5l
M' # srl eema-drB ad arr& erd' # fufurs t

c. r s. cbd crdt 6 *n'q q? ctn mr q&x fuxor reefr gs Erfles fu' 5ren 6 s-d qa Aa qr& [12.5]
ryaar * qr6 qft_q.6 * +{ rdird ma gS ? &

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