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Unitplan Identity

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Unit Plan Two

Unit Title: The Search for Identity Subject/Course: English Language Arts 9
Grade/s: 9th Instructor: Tuck Northrop

Stage 1: Desired Results

Standards/Goals: ​The purpose of this unit is to think deeply and critically about personal identity by analyzing
characters in texts and making connections to themselves. This unit introduces students to literary analysis, promotes
creative writing, and fosters interdisciplinary connections and supports structured conversations. At the unit’s
culmination, students will engage in a cross-curricular, Project Based Learning experience focused around identity and
the city. This project will ask students to engage in a theme-based exploration of their relationship to Bridgeport, CT and
present their realizations through visual, digital, and language arts mediums.

Supporting/Repeating Standards:

Reading Literature
● Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as
inferences drawn from the text. (RL1)
● Determine a theme or central idea of a text and analyze in detail its development over the course of the text,
including how it emerges and is shaped and refined by specific details; provide an objective summary of the text
(RL 2).
● Analyze how complex characters (e.g., those with multiple or conflicting motivations) develop over the course of
a text, interact with other characters, and advance the plot or develop the theme. (RL 3).
● Analyze how an author's choices concerning how to structure a text, order events within it (e.g., parallel plots),
and manipulate time (e.g., pacing, flashbacks) create such effects as mystery, tension, or surprise. (RL 5)
● Analyze a particular point of view or cultural experience reflected in a work of literature from outside the United
States, drawing on a wide reading of world literature. (RL 6)
● By the end of grade 9, read and comprehend literature, including stories, dramas, and poems, in the grades
9-10 text complexity band proficiently, with scaffolding as needed at the high end of the range. (RL 10)

● Write arguments to support claims in an analysis of substantive topics or texts, using valid reasoning and
relevant and sufficient evidence. (W1)
● Establish and maintain a formal style and objective tone while attending to the norms and conventions of the
discipline in which they are writing. (W1D)
● Provide a concluding statement or section that follows from and supports the argument presented. (W1E)
● Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to task,
purpose, and audience. (Grade-specific expectations for writing types are defined in standards 1-3 above.) (W4)
● Develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, editing, rewriting, or trying a new approach,
focusing on addressing what is most significant for a specific purpose and audience. (Editing for conventions
should demonstrate command of Language standards 1-3 up to and including grades 9-10 here.) (W5)
● Use technology, including the Internet, to produce, publish, and update individual or shared writing products,
taking advantage of technology's capacity to link to other information and to display information flexibly and
dynamically. (W6)

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● Draw evidence from literary or informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research. (W9)
● Write routinely over extended time frames (time for research, reflection, and revision) and shorter time frames (a
single sitting or a day or two) for a range of tasks, purposes, and audiences. (W10)

Speaking and Listening

● Initiate and participate effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and
teacher-led) with diverse partners on grades 9-10 topics, texts, and issues, building on others' ideas and
expressing their own clearly and persuasively. (SL 1)
● Come to discussions prepared, having read and researched material under study; explicitly draw on that
preparation by referring to evidence from texts and other research on the topic or issue to stimulate a thoughtful,
well-reasoned exchange of ideas. (SL1A)
● Respond thoughtfully to diverse perspectives, summarize points of agreement and disagreement, and, when
warranted, qualify or justify their own views and understanding and make new connections in light of the
evidence and reasoning presented. (SL1D)
● Present information, findings, and supporting evidence clearly, concisely, and logically such that listeners can
follow the line of reasoning and the organization, development, substance, and style are appropriate to purpose,
audience, and task. (SL4)
● Adapt speech to a variety of contexts and tasks, demonstrating command of formal English when indicated or
appropriate. (SL6)

● Demonstrate command of the conventions of Standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking.
(L 1)
● Use various types of phrases (noun, verb, adjectival, adverbial, participial, prepositional, absolute) and clauses
(independent, dependent; noun, relative, adverbial) to convey specific meanings and add variety and interest to
writing or presentations. (L1B)
● Demonstrate command of the conventions of Standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when
writing. (L 2)
● Use a semicolon (and perhaps a conjunctive adverb) to link two or more closely related independent clauses. (L
● Use a colon to introduce a list or quotation. (L 2B)
● Acquire and use accurately general academic and domain-specific words and phrases, sufficient for reading,
writing, speaking, and listening at the college and career readiness level; demonstrate independence in
gathering vocabulary knowledge when considering a word or phrase important to comprehension or expression.
(L 6)

Understandings: Essential Questions:

Students will understand that… ● Who am I? How do I define myself? How does my
identity change and evolve?
● It is vital to reflect upon one’s own unique ● Why is it important to examine and express one’s
identity in relation to a multicultural “American” individual identity?
society, and how to depict oneself through the ● How does making connections between text and self
creation of both individual and collaborative deepen my understanding of my own identity?
artworks ● How does understanding my own identity help me
● Identity is shaped by what individuals are born connect and empathize with others?
into (such as family, class, culture, gender, ● What can I find out about my identity by drawing
environment, community) and by the choices conclusions from internal and external observations
that they make about myself?
● Individuals can make connections about their ● What can I learn about myself from listening to my
identity with those sitting next to them, those peers, analyzing characters in literature, and making
they read about in literature, and those who connections to real life individuals?
they hear about in the news ● What roles do the visual arts play in expressing
one’s personal story?

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● Their personal histories are important to their ● What does it mean to be labeled “American”?
own identities and can be told through a variety ● How is one’s identity shaped by his/her ancestors,
of visual arts activities family, belief systems and community?
● It is important to analyze individual opinions, ● How can one tell his/her story through the creation of
beliefs and attitudes concerning the idea of both individual and collaborative artwork?
family structure, and how mass media helps to
define those notions

Students will know… Students will be able to…

Culture & Art ● Analyze a character in order to determine the effect

● The historical implications of emigration, of his/her characterization on the central idea of the
immigration and migration in North America. text
● The importance of the visual arts in telling ● Analyze a quote from literature in order to identify the
personal stories. development of a literary device, in impact the scene
● How to tell their own personal narratives has on the text, and the connection to text’s central
through various media in the visual arts. idea
● How to collaborate with others to create a ● Engage in partnered preparation session prior to a
cohesive work of art. fishbowl discussion where they discuss their ideas of
● How to effectively and accurately express the personality and societal influence
various aspects of their personal identities, ● Verbally and non-verbally participate in a an
including their opinions and beliefs, in a critical academic discussion that involves the synthesis of
and analytical manner, as well as how they the unit’s enduring understandings on identity
relate to being part of a larger “American” ● Creatively express their “self-portrait” by choosing
society from an assortment of mediums and making
connections to other disciplines
Writing Technique ● Write and reflect on their creative work and make
● How to convey their unique cultural experiences connections to class content
to others using the form of memoir/personal ● Conceive and create works of visual art that
narrative. demonstrate an understanding of how
● How to include vernacular, slang, and local the communication of their ideas relates to the
dialect to create a unique, culturally media, techniques and processes they use
representative voice. ● Look at themselves and their classmates through a
● How to compare and contrast two literary variety of viewpoints, expanding one’s
sources and use textual evidence to support a knowledge of what it means to live within a
claim. multicultural populace
● How to effectively write about art, photography, ● Critically examine stereotypes and dominant cultural
and film using references ideas
o Description ● Expand their knowledge of the visual arts and art
o Analysis history, language arts and North American
o Interpretation history through written reflections, self-assessments
o Evaluation and group critiques, as well as their ability to
describe, analyze, interpret and evaluate visual

How do these desired results align with your class vision?

High school is a pivotal time in one’s life where they are forming their identities and subject to a great many influences.
These influences can be from one’s peers, families, or overall society. Students are constantly receiving messages
about who they are supposed to be, what they should look like, or how they should act. Growing up in a culturally
diverse neighborhood like Bridgeport, and attending a magnet school, my students are constantly interacting with
people of different backgrounds. When one recognizes and understands his or her own identity, he/she is able to
recognize and appreciate others with a sense of openness. This unit deals with the formation of identity and tackles
important questions such as “What is identity? What defines me? How do I define others? How do others define me? At

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this critical stage in life, my students must learn to be aware of who they are, what they value and the lens through
which they see others. By examining issues related to gender, race, class and religion, students will gain a fuller
understanding of how their own concept of ‘self’ influences the way they view the world.

Stage 2a: Assessment/Evidence

Explain any performance tasks you will use (major projects and core task, i.e., common assessments):

Introductory Activity
● Students create a college that represents who they are and where they came from. I will supply magazines
(from my own collection), construction paper, glue, markers and other materials to use for their creations. My
goal in this intro activity is to get the students thinking about what represents them. I want them to recognize
that the things they choose are open to interpretation, much like people are in everyday life. I will also have the
students write a 1-2 page explanation of their collage – why they chose the objects to represent themselves and
how it explains who they are.

Response Journals
● Students will maintain a response journal throughout the unit where he/she will comment on literature read in
class. This journal will have a double entry format with one column for specifically chosen passages and
another for student response. The logs will be checked weekly and the students must have three entries per
piece of literature. The students may respond in the following ways: asking questions, giving personal
responses or evaluations, and/or offering interpretations.

A response Log A response log A response log A response log A response log
receiving an A will receiving a B will receiving a C will receiving a D will receiving a D will
include the following: include the following: include the following include the following: include the following:

● Turned in on ● Turned in on ● Turned in on ● Turned in on ● Turned in late

time each week time each week time each week time each week more than once
● Contains a ● Contains a ● Contains ● Does not contain throughout the
minimum of three minimum of three minimum of three the minimum of unit
entries per entries per per literature three entries per ● Turned in on
literature literature ● Meets some of literature time but does not
● Meets minimum ● Demonstrate the guidelines ● Meets some of meet the
guidelines set thoughtful insight set forth by the the guidelines minimum
forth by the using one or teacher set forth by the requirements nor
teacher. more of the four ● Does not clearly teacher demonstrate
● Demonstrate approaches demonstrate ● Does not clearly reading of the
thoughtful insight mentioned thoughtful insight demonstrate designated
using one or above. using the thoughtful insight literature for
more of the four ● Demonstrate approaches using the each entry.
approaches some reading of mentioned approaches
mentioned the designated above. mentioned above
above. literature for ● Demonstrate ● Demonstrates
● Demonstrate each entry some reading of very little reading
reading of the the designated of the designated
designated literature for literature for
literature for each entry. each entry.
each entry.

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Analytical Comparison Essay
Students will write an analytical essay based on the theme of identity. He/she will choose a novel from the provided list
and they will compare and contrast this piece of literature with one from the in class readings. The student will be
required to compare the processes of identity formation in each text, giving examples to explain the similarities and
differences between characters. I will also let them know that they have the option of comparing the chosen text with
their own personal experiences. The essay should be 3-4 pages in length.

Turn and Talk Fishbowl Discussion

Students will engage in partnered preparation session prior to a Fishbowl Discussion where they discuss their ideas on
personality and then reflect on the success of their conversation. Students will synthesize their own perspectives with
the unit’s enduring understandings on personality, identify development and societal influence.
Explain other assessment evidence you will use: (quizzes, tests, prompts, work samples and observations):

● Quizzes – surface level content quizzes to ensure reading compliance

● Entrance/Exit slips – ensure class participation
● Reading Responses
● Class Discussions
● Graphic Organizers
● Discussion Board Posts
● Presentations (Multimedia, Google Presentations, etc

How do these assessments measure your students’ progress toward your classes’ big goal(s)?

● Daily text-based written response and reflection questions

o Measure students’ reading comprehension, analytical skills, and formal writing capability
● Class discussions
o Measure students’ ability to synthesize information on the spot and maintain effective, structured
dialogue focused on issues from the text and current events
● Content quizzes
o Measure students’ completion of reading homework and reading comprehension skills
● Graphic organizers
o Measure students progress and understanding of key literary concepts
● Presentations
o Measure students’ ability to work effectively in groups, conduct independent research, craft effective
multimedia, and present in a businesslike manner

Stage 2b: Summative Assessment for this Unit

Performance Task – Identity in the City

Context: ​During our identity unit, we have discussed how who we are as individuals is largely influenced by things beyond our
control. The most obvious example of this is the family we are born into and that family’s historical, social, and economic context.
One’s life experience, every day and long-term goals and struggles, and ideas about oneself are going to be quite different to a
child born into a lower caste family in 20​th​ century India and a child born into an African-American family in 21​st​ century

For the purpose of this assignment, we should first acknowledge that while we all hail from individual backgrounds, we hold our
current city of residence, Bridgeport, CT, in common. The cities we live in have a profound effect on who we are and how we view
ourselves. It must also be acknowledged that there is no one city, no one Bridgeport, CT or New York City; but a myriad of
individual cities, unique to each person, that when combined and overlaid, form a semblance of a collective city, one that we can
speak about objectively.

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For our final project, we will explore the following essential question: ​how do the cities in which we live inform our ideas of who we
are as individuals?​ That is to say, how has your geographical location, social context, and diverse set of experiences within your
city made you into the person you are today.

Task: ​Your task is to create a sharable portfolio of visual arts and language arts work that explores your personal relationship to
your city. This portfolio must include certain elements, which are listed below, but the final “product” is up to you, as long as you
are able to share that portfolio with others on our class’ Identity Night. Past portfolios have come in the form of physical books
containing a personal short story, multiple drawings, and a watercolor abstraction, 5-10 minute videos with recorded text, an
annotated photography exhibit and interview with a grandparent, and even a collection of songs and “liner art”. The final
possibilities are endless, but you must include the listed elements.

Theme: ​Your project should be centered around an identity-related theme that includes you and your city. Examples include:
● Community/Friends/Group Membership/Stereotypes
● Family/Culture/Roots
● The idea of home
● Appearance vs. Reality/Surface vs. Depth

Requirements: ​Your portfolio must include one item from either the visual arts or digital arts, one item from language Arts, and a
written interpretation.

● Visual Arts or Digital Art

o At least one piece of visual art (drawing, sketching, painting)
▪ 1-page explanation of how this piece of art represents your identity and/or experience in your city
(either written, spoken, or recorded)
● 4-6 photographs or five minutes of video
▪ 1-page explanation of how your photo collection or video represents your identity and/or experience in
your city (either written, spoken, or recorded)
● Language Arts – choose one of the following:
● A 3-5-page short story (either written, spoken, or recorded) covering an formative experience in your city
● 4-5 poems centered around your city-based identity or the city itself
▪ These can be in the form of song lyrics
● 3 actual songs
▪ At the very minimum, must include lyrics, beat, and recording
▪ Instrumentation is a definite plus and will greatly help you to establish a mood for your piece
● Written Interpretation (Required for All Projects)
● 2-3-page reflection tying all pieces of your portfolio back to the overall theme of identity in the city/identity
because of the city. How do all of your pieces come together to create a statement about your chosen theme?
Clearly explain how each element of your project conveys this message. For example, if your theme was Family,
Culture, and Identity, and you included a video montage of your home life alongside a short story about school
in Bridgeport, you might write your reflection about how moving to America required letting go of your family’s
traditions and taking on some traditions from your new culture and city.

Style/Technical Elements: ​All written work must be in MLA format.

1. Idea – after two days of brainstorming, you must present your initial idea and choice of identity theme. You will complete
a planning sheet and have a one-on-one conference with me.
2. Rough Draft – September 21​st
3. Final Draft – September 28​th

Grading: ​Grading will be based on a posted rubric, assignment will count for 100 points. Work may be revised for additional points
up to 1/2 of the points originally taken off.

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Category Score of 4 Score of 3 Score of 2 Score of 1
Goes over and
Includes all of the
above all of the Several required
required elements Missing one or more of the
Required required elements elements are
as stated in the required elements as stated
Elements stated in the missing from the
directions/ in the directions/instructions
directions/ project
Thoughtfully and
Shows little
Visual Exceptionally clever uniquely presented; A few original touches
creativity, originality
and unique in clever at times in enhance the project to show
Arts/Digital Arts showing deep showing some understanding of the
and/or effort in
Component understanding the
understanding understanding of creative task
the creative task
Demonstrates a
Shows an
sophisticated Does not explain
understanding of Displays a somewhat limited
understanding of elements of the
Written the major themes of understanding of the unit and
the theme in the project in
Interpretation the unit and project project. Does not fully explain
task and expertly connection to a
and ties together all elements of project.
links all elements of greater theme.
the project.
Project is engagingly Project is somewhat
Overall Project is disorganized and
organized and organized, complete Project is
incomplete at times and is
Effectiveness and presents material and holds the
somewhat able to hold the
incomplete and not
Completion that is captivating attention of the easy to follow
attention of the viewer
for the viewer viewer


Overall Score:

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Stage 3: Learning Plan

Learning Plan (Activities and Resources):

Day 1:​ Students will create collage using magazines to represent who they are and where they came from.

Day 2:​ Students will explain in a 1-2 page essay why they chose the items to represent them and explain how they
represent their individual identity. Students will complete identity questionnaire.

Day 3:​ Large group discussion about collage making, introduction to unit and expectations. Introduction to final
performance task and rubric review.

Day 4:​ Quotation deep dive and writing in response journals. Assign homework: list five major events that have had an
effect on who you are today.

Day 5:​ Distribute copy of “Identity” by Julio Noboa Polanco. Teacher reads aloud, students follow along, Students
answer questions in provided handout and focus on the use of “extended metaphor”. Review expectations for
Response Journals. Students will write in their response journals. Homework: Students will write their own extended
metaphor; they will chose an object to represent their identity and describe themselves as this object throughout the
poem, using at least two poetic devices.

Day 6:​ Handout the novel choices for Analytical Comparison Essay. Introduce Analytical Comparison Essay. Review
answers to handout from yesterday’s work with “Identity”. HW: Reading choice book for Analytical Comparison essay.

Day 7:​ Distribute “Everyone Has a Culture - Everyone is Different” handout. Students will individually complete the
questionnaire. Students will have discussions in small groups about their responses to the questionnaire. Then we will
have a large group discussion centered around ‘What is culture? How does it influence the way we see ourselves and
others? HW: Reading choice book for Analytical Comparison essay.

Day 8:​ Students Read “Fish Cheeks”. Complete writing in response journals. Answer open ended questions. Students
get into small groups and create a reading log response. Large group discussion of the following questions about “Fish
Cheeks” What is the narrator ashamed of? What is she proud of? How can one’s culture simultaneously be a source of
shame and a source of pride? HW: Reading Choice book for Analytical Comparison essay

Day 9:​ Free write about a time they were embarrassed by their family, similar to the narrator yesterday’s story.
Start reading Alice Walker’s “Everyday Use”, have students read aloud in popcorn method. Teacher facilitated group
discussion. What is the major conflict of the story? Who is it between? What different value influence the character?
What does the quilt represent for each character? HW: Reading Choice book for Analytical Comparison essay

Day 10:​ Free write about the television shows students watched when they were younger and how it helped them to
develop understandings/conceptions/stereotypes about other cultures or races. Read NY Times Article “Rascal or
Racist? Censoring a Rabbit?” Fishbowl discussion as a whole class. 4 students sit in center and begin discussion. How
are racial and cultural groups portrayed on television, in the past and the present? How does this affect the way that we
think about others and the ways we think about ourselves? HW: Reading Choice book for Analytical Comparison essay

Day 11:​ Students brainstorm and write down categories that are used to define people at school. Students get into
groups and share their lists, considering how people are affected by being in a social or cultural group? What are the
benefits and drawbacks? Whole class discussion - how can stereotypes be harmful? How can cultural/racial factors
influence social group membership? How can stereotypes affect how people treat one another? Students write about
their own experiences with social group. HW: Reading Choice book for Analytical Comparison essay

Day 12:​ Focus on the lyrics of “Video” by India Arie. What are the stereotypes discussed in the song? What is the singer
advocating or? Students then read the prologue of ​Invisible Man​ by Ralph Ellison and complete a response journal
entry. Homework: interview parent or family member and write about how they got their name, do they like It and what it
means to them.

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Day 13:​ Students will read House on Mango Street Chapter 5-11 through popcorn reading. Students write a response
journal entry. Homework: Read chapter 12-17.

Day 14:​ Students write a response journal entry based on their homework from last night. Students can share their
response journal entries. Class discussion on the similarities and differences in families and neighborhoods. How do
they shape our individual identities? Homework: Working on Analytical Comparison Essay

Day 15:​ Large group discussion of ​The House on Mango Street.​ How is Esperanza’s identity connected to the house?
What are the main external influences on Esperanza’s identity formation? Class time to work on Analytical Comparison

Day 16:​ Analytical Comparison Essay Due. In depth introduction to final performance task. Review directions and allow
students to have brainstorming time with teacher, peers and independently.

Day 17​: Read the chapter “Negocios” from Junot Diaz’s ​Drown​. Students will read individually and in groups. They will
discuss the obstacles faced by the character Ramon as he travels through the US. Why does he choose to live in the
cities he does? How does each one change him? What impact does location have on achieving success? Students
complete a response journal entry.

Day 18:​ Students analyze the map of poverty in the US as featured in the article “In Climbing Income Ladder, Location
Matters Most” from the New York Times. Students complete a response journal entry.

Day 19:​ Students complete planning sheet and conference with teacher explaining to plan their rough draft Final
Performance Task Identity Project. Students complete a response journal entry for the New York Times article.

Day 20:​ Fishbowl Discussion centered around “Negocios” and In Climbing Income Ladder, Location Matters Most” from
the New York Times

Day 21:​ Rough Draft of Identity Project due. In class time to finalize work on Identity Projects

Day 22:​ In class time to finalize work on Identity Projects

Day 23:​ In class time to finalize work on Identity Projects

Day 24:​ In class time to finalize work on Identity Projects

Day 25:​ Final Identity Project Due and Identity Night!

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