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Songs For The Dead

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11:28 “come to me, all you who work hard and who carry heavy burdens and I will refresh you.”
When Christ shall come with shout of acclamation.
# 1 PRECIOUS LORD And take me home, what joy shall fill my heart.
Then I shall bow in humble adoration, and there
Precious Lord, take my hand,
Lead me on, lead me stand proclaim, My God, how great thou art. (cho.)
I’m tired, I’m weak I’m word
Through the storm, through the night
Lead me on to the light My heart has no desire to stay, where doubts arise
Take my hand precious Lord, lead me on
and fears dismay. Though we must dwell where
When my ways grows dim
Precious Lord, lead me one this abound. I must go up to higher ground.
When my life is almost gone
I want to scale the utmost height, and catch the
Hear my cry, hear my call
Hold my hand when I fall gleam of glory bright. For faith has caught the
Take my hand precious Lord, lead me on. joyful sound. The song of love on high ground.
When the darkness appear
And the night draws near Cho: Lord lift me up and let me stand. My feet on
And the days is past and gone heaven stable land. Oh greater plain that I have
At the river I stand, guide my feed hold my hand found. Lord, plant my feet on higher gound.
Take my hand precious Lord, lead me on.
I’m trading on the upward way, new heights I’m
# 2 AMAZING GRACE gaining everyday. Still praying as I’m onward
Amazing grace how sweet the sound, that saves a bound. Lord, plant my feet on higher ground.
wretch like me. I once was lost but now am found (cho.)
was blind but now I see.
T’was grace that thought my heart to fear, and
grace my fears believe. How precious did that Beyond the sunset, o blissful morning, when with
grace appear, the hour I first believe. our Savior. Heaven’s begun. Earth’s toiling ended
O glorious dawning, beyond the sunset, when day
Through many dangers toils and snares, I have is done.
already come. ‘till grace hath brought me safe thus
far, and grace will lead me home. Beyond the sunset no clouds will gather. No storms
will threaten, no fears annoy. O day of gladness, O
When we’ve been there ten thousnad years, bright day unending. Beyond the sunset, eternal Joy.
shining as the sun. we’ve no less days to sing god’s
praise, than when we first begun. Beyond the sunset, a hand will guide me. To God
the Father, whom I adore. His glorious presence,
# 3 HOW GREAT THOU ART his words of welcome will be my portion on that
fair shore.
Oh Lord my God, when I’m in awesome wonder,
consider all the words thy hands have made. I see Beyond the sunset, O glad reunion. With our dear
the stars I hear the rolling thunder, thy pow’r loved ones, who’ve come before. In that fair
thoughout the universe displayed. homeland we’ll know no parting. Beyond the
sunset forever more.
ChO: then sings my soul, my savior God to thee
how great thou art, how great thou art. (2x) # 6 GOD WITH YOU TILL WE MEET AGAIN
When through the woods, and forest glades I God be with you till we meet again, by his
wonder, and hear the birds sing sweetly in the countless guide uphold you. With His sheep
trees. securely fold you.
When I look down from lofty mountain grandeur. God be with you till we meet again.
And then the brook and feed the gentle breeze. And
when I think that God, his son not sparing, sent Cho: till we meet, till we meet. Till we meet at
him to die, I scarce can take it in. that on the cross, Jesus’s feet. Till we meet, till we meet again. God
my burden gladly bearing. He bled and died to take be with you till we meet again.
away my sins. (Cho.)
Mt. 11:28 “come to me, all you who work hard and who carry heavy burdens and I will refresh you.”
God be with you till we meet again. “neath his shall be. Nearer my God to thee. Nearer my God to
wings protecting hide you. Daily manna still thee, nearer to thee.
provide you. God be with you till we meet again.
God be with you till we meet again. Keeps lover’s
banner floating o’er you. Smile death’s treatening Rock of ages cleft for me. Let me hide myself in
wave before you. God be with you till we meet thee. Let the water and the blood. From they
again. (cho.) wounded side which flowed. Be of sin the double
cure. Save from wrath and make me pure.
Nothing in my hand I bring. Simply to thy cross I
On the hill far away, stood an old rugges cross. The cling. Naked come to thee for dress. Helpless look
emblem of suffering and shame. And I love that to thee for grace. Foul I to the fountain fly. Wash
old cross. Where the dearest and best. For a world me, saviour or I die.
of lost sinners was slain.
While I draw this feeting breath. When my eyes
Cho: so I cherish the old rugged cross, till my shall close in death. When I soar to worlds
trophies atlast I lay down. I will cling to the old unknown. See thee on thy judgement throne. Rock
rugged cross. And exchange it some day for a of ages, cleft for me. Let me hide myself in thee.
Oh that old rugged cross. So despised by the world. THAN THEE
Has a wondrous attraction for me. For the dear
lamb of God. Left his glory above. To bear it to There’s a land that is fairer than day. And by faith
dark calvary. we may see it afar. For the Father wiats over the
way. To prepare us a dwelling place their.
In the old rugged cross. Stained with blood so
divine. A wondrous beauty I see. For twas on that Cho: in the sweet by and by, we shall meet on that
old cross. Jesus suffered and died. To pardon and beautiful shore. In the sweet by and by, we shall
sactify me. (cho) meet on that beautiful shore.

To the old rugged cross. I will ever be true. It’s We shall sing on that beautiful shore. The
shame and reproach gladly bear. Then he’ll call me melodious songs of the blest. And our spirits shall
someday. To my whom far away. Where his glory sorrow no more.
forever I’ll share. (cho.) # 11 GOD ANSWERS PRAYER
# 8 NEARER MY GOD TO THEE Did you ever talk to God above, tell him that you
Nearer my God to thee, nearer to thee. E’en though need a friend to love. Pray in Jesus name believing
it be a cross, that raiseth me. Nearer my God to that God answers’ prayer.
thee (2x) nearer my God to thee. Have you told Him all your cases and woes. Every
Though like the wanderer, the sun gone down. tiny little fear He knows, He is there if you will
Darkness be over me, my rest a stone. Yet in my always need, and He will answers’ pray’r.
dreams I’d be. Nearer my God, to thee (2x) Cho: you can whisper in a crowed to Him. You can
There let theway appear, steps unto heaven. All cry when you’re alone with him. You don’t have to
that thou sendest me. In mercy given. Angels to pray out loud to Him. He knows your thoughts. On
beckon me, Nearer my God to thee. (3x) a lofty mountain peak He’s there. On a meadows
by the stream He’s there. Anywhere on earth you
Then with my walking thoughts, bright with thy go He’s been from the start. (Repeat 2 & Cho.)
praise. Out of my story grieves. Bethel I”ll raise.
So be my woes to be, nearer my God to thee. # 12 PILGRIM SONG

On if on joyful wing. Cleaving the sky. Sun moon Man is lonely by birth, man is only a pilgrim on
and stars forgot, upwards I fly. Still all my songs earth. Born to be king, man is but a temporary
thing, only on loan while on earth.
Mt. 11:28 “come to me, all you who work hard and who carry heavy burdens and I will refresh you.”
Like the wind in the tree, man has been rather free. Yes and how many times can a man turn his
reckless and free. Thrown far and wide. He longs head, and pretend that he just doesn’t see. (cho.)
to settle down beside. The stream flowing to
eternity. How many times must a man look up, before he
can see the sky. Yes and how many ears must one
Like the grass on the lawn. He will pass by the way man has have. Before he can hear people cry. Yes
and be gone. A lesson to learn. We walk but once and how many deaths will it take he knows? That
there’s no return. Time is always moving on. too many people have died. (cho.)


I’m satisfied with just a cottage below. A little Hiram sa Dios ang aking buhay, ikaw at ako’y
silver, a little gold. But in the city, where the tanging handog lamang. Diko ninais na ako’y
ransom will shine. I want a gold one that silver isilang, ngunit salamat dahil may buhay. Ligaya ko
lines. na ako’y isinilang. Pagkat tao ay maroong dangal.
Sino may pag-ibig, sinong nagmamahal, kundi ang
Cho: I’ve got a mountain just over the hill top in taong Dios ang pinagmulan, kundi ako umibig,
that bright land, where will never grow old. And kung di ako bigyang halaga; ang buhay na handog,
someday yonder we’ll never more wonder. But ang buhay kung hiram sa Dios. Kundi ako
walk on streets that are purest gold. nagmamahal, sino ako.
Thou often tempted, tormented and tested. And like # 15 DIYOS AY PAG-IBIG
the prophet my pillows alone. And thou I find here
no permanent dweeling. I know he’ll give me a Pag-ibig ang siyang pumukaw sa ating puso at
mansion my own. (repeat cho.) kaluluwa, ang siyang nagdulot sa aking buhay ng
gintong aral at pag-asa.
Pag-ibig ang siyang buklod natin di mapapawi
Why me Lord, what have I ever done. To deserve kailan pa man. Sa puso’t diwa, tayo’y isa lamang
even one of the pleasures I”ve known. Tell me kahit na tayo’y magkahiwalay.
Lord what have I ever did, that was worth loving
you. For the kindness you’ve shown.. Koro: Pagkat ang Diyos natin Diyos ng pag-ibig
magmahalan tayo’t magtulongan. At kung tayo’y
Ref: Lord help me Jesus I’ve wasted it so; help me bigo a huwag limutin na may Diyos tayo’y
Jesus I know what I am. But now that I’ve known nagmamahal.
that I needed you so, help me Jesus my souls in
your hand. Sikapin sa ating pagsuyo ipamalita sa buong
mundo. Pag-ibig ng Diyos na siyang sumakop sa
Try me Lord, if youthink there’s a way I can try to bawat pusong uhaw sa pagsuyo. (Koro)
repay and all I’ve taken from you. Maybe Lord, I
can show someone else. What ive through myself # 15 TANGING YAMAN
on my way back to you. (Ref)
Koro: Ikaw ang aking tanging yaman, na di
# 14 BLOWIN’ IN THE WIND lubusan masumpungan. Ang nilikha mo kariktan,
sulyap ng iyong kagandahan.
How many roads must a man walk down, before
they can call him a man. How many seas must a 1.) Ika’y hanap sa tuwina, nitong pusong ikaw
white dove sail. Before she sleeps in the sand. Yes lamang ang saya. Sa ganda ng umaga,
and how many times must a cannon balls fly, nangungulila sa iyo sinta. (Koro)
before they’re forever banned. 2.) Ika’y hanap sa tuwina, sa kapwa ko kita
laging nadarama. Sa iyong mga likha,
Cho: The answer my friend is blowin’ in the wind. hangad pa rin masdan ang iyong mukha.
The answer is blowin’ in the wind. (Koro)
How many times can a mountain exist. Before it’s
washed to the sea. Yes ‘ n how many years can
some people exist. Before they’re allowed to be
Mt. 11:28 “come to me, all you who work hard and who carry heavy burdens and I will refresh you.”

Nagmula sa lupa, magbabalik na kusa, ang buhay No tiempo ti iggaaw ken rabii a nalinna-aw. Intanto
ko sa lupa nagmula. Bago mo linisin ang dungis ng a dua a kas natarnaw agkanta igid diay baybay.
iyong kapwa. Hugasan ang yong putik sa mukha. Intanto ikankanta ta nalaus nga ayan-ayatta.
Danggayan tanto a kas gitara, diay aweng ti danum
Koro: kung ano ang dimo gusto, huwag gawin sa a bumaba.
iba; kung ani ang iyong inutang ay siya rin
kabayaran. Sadiay anian a ragsak, sadiay awan ti rigat, sadiay
makalinglingay, diay baybay ket nalinak. Ti nalaus
Kaya’y pilitin mo ika’y magbago, habang may a gagar ko no dumteng kastoy a tiempo. Agtugaw
panahon ika’y mgbago/matuto pagmamahal sa kanto ditoy takiag ko. Diay baybay ket matmatam
kapwa ay isipinmo. to.
HINDI KITa malilimutan, hindi kita pababayaan. Dikanto malipatan, kuna toy pusok. Uray no awan
Nakaukit magpakailan man, sa ‘king palad ang kadtoy dennak ti tunggal aldaw. Uray pay no
iyong pangalan. tawenen iti naglabasen. Dimonto kunaen a
Malilimutan ba ng ina, ang anak na galing sa malipatanka, inggat tungpal tanem.
kanya? Sanggol sa kanyang sinapupunan? Paano Kanayon nga adda kaniak ti impay dulinmo nga
niya matatalikdan? Ngunit kahit na malimutan, ng ayat, nga impaay mo a pagbiagak. Uray no
ina ang anak n’yang tangan. maysaak to payen a nalammiss a bangkay.
Koro: Hindi kita malililmutan, kailanma’y di Dimonto kunaen a malipatanka, inggat tungpal
pababayaan. Hindi kita malilimutan, kailanma’y di tanem.
# 18 SA IYO LAMANG Ballasiw ni tanem, baro nga agsapa. O Dios alaem
Puso ko’y binihagmo, sa tamis ng pagsuyo, toy sumina, lulua punasem panagsagaba ballasiw ni
tanggapin yaring alay, ako’y iyo’y habang buhay. tanem agpatingga.

A’anhin pa ang kayamanan, luho at karangalan, Ballasiw ni tanem napnoan raniag. Amin a parsua
kung ika’y mapasa akin, lahat na nga ay kakamtin sidong ti Dios. Sadiay paraiso, awan sumina
datayto amin agnanayon.
Koro: sa iyo lamang ang puso ko, sa ‘yo lamang
ang buhay ko. Kalinisan, pagdaralita, pagtalima # 23 LAGLAGIPEM KADI
aking sumpa. Laglagipem kadi, O Diosmi, daytoy a kabsatmi nga
Tangan kong kalooban, sa iyo’y nilalaan. Dahil idawdawatmi.
atas ng pagsuyo. Tumalima lamang sa iyo. (koro) Kaasim ken ayat, apo ipaaymo, kaasim ken ayat,
# 19 NARANIAG A BULAN ibubukmo.(2x)

O naraniag a bulan, un-unnoy ko indengam man. Inton dumteng kad, O Diosmi, a ni patay metten,
Dayta naslag a silaw mo dika kad ipaidam. O arakupenmi. (Koro0
naraniag a bulan sangsangit ko indengam. Toy Inton dumanonen ipupusaymi, ti pagariam koma’t
nasipnget a dalanko inka kad silawan. Tapno diak pagtungpalanmi. (Koro)
No inka manglipaten karim kaniak naurnongen
samsam-itek ni patay no bulan ket aklonek. O HESUS A kamangko, nailansa gapu kaniak. Ket
Nanglaylay ni ayat mo inka kadin palasbangen. sika’t pagtaklinak, sika’t puon ti ragsak. Nabuslon
Ununnoy ko darasem nga ikeddeng. ka’t pakawan, kadakam a naiyawawan
Mt. 11:28 “come to me, all you who work hard and who carry heavy burdens and I will refresh you.”
No dumteng ti rigatko, ket luakto ti agarabus, who are tired of carrying heavy loads. For the yoke
lagipekto a dagus ti ayatmo idiay krus. Ket innakto I will give is easy and my burden is light. Come to
magun-od asim a di maigibus. me and I will give you rest.

Into aggibus toy biag, angesko ti mapugsat. Pilit a When you feel the wordl is tumbling down, on
sumaklangak pangukoman a nadayag. Kristo sika ti you..and you have no one that you can hold on to
namnamak iti Ukom a nadayag. just face the rising sun and you will see hope and
there’s no need to run. Lift up your hands to god
# 25 PSALM 63 and he’ll make you feel alright. (ref.)
Ref: God you are my god and I long for you, my
whole being desires you. My soul is thristy for you
like a dry and water less land let me see you in the Lord I come to you, Let my heart be change
sanctuary, let me see how mighty and glorious you renewed flowing from the ggrace, that I’ve found
are. in you. Lord I’ve come to know, the weaknesses I
see in me will be stripped away, by the power of
I will give thanks to you, as long as I live, I will your llove.
raise my hand to you in pray’r I will sing glad
songs of praise to you. (ref..) Cho: Hold me close let your love sooround me.
Bring me near, draw me to your side, and as I wait
As I lie in bed I always remember you and in the I’ll rise up like an eagle,and I will soar with you
shadow of your wings I alwsy seeing for joy all your spirit leads me on by the power of your love.
night long I think of you my lord my god.(Ref.)
Lord unveil my eyes let me see your face to face
# 26 LEAD ME LORD the knowledge of your love as you live in me. Lord
Lead me Lord, lead me by the hands and make me renew my mind as you will unfolds in my life in
face the rising sun. comfort me through all the pain leaving everyday in the power of your love. (ref.0
that life me bring. There’s no other hope that I can
lean upon, lead me Lord,lead me all my life.
There’s no problem too big god can’t solve it,
Walk by me, walk by me acrros the lonely road of there’s no problem too tall god can’t move it.
everyday. Take my arms and let your hands show There’s no problem so dark God cannot soothe it
me the way. Show the way to live inside your love there’s no sorrow so deep God cannot ssoothe it.
lead me Lord Lead me all my life.
Cho: if he carry the weight of the World upon His
Cho: you are my light you’re the lamp upon my shoulder, I know my brother that he will carry you.
feet all the time my Lord I need you there. You are If he’ll carry the weight of the world upon his
my life, I cannot live alone. Let me stay by your shoulders. I know my sister that he will carry you.
guiding love all through my life, lead me Lord.
He said come unto me you who are weary and I
Lead me Lord, even though at times I’d rather go will give you rest.
along my way. Help me take right direction take
your road. Lead me Lord and never leave my side # LORD HERE I AM
all my days, all my life. (ref.0
Lord here I am to answer your call, Lord hear I am
# 26 LIFT UP YOUR HANDS TO GOD to serve and love you, I have left everything just to
follow you, here is my life, here is my heart, here is
Life is not that all that bad my friend hmmmmm.if my soul, here is my whole self I am for your and
you believe in yourself if you believe there’s you alone.
someone who walks through life with you, you”ll
never be alone, just learn to lift up and open your
haeart lift up your hands to God and he’ll show you
the way.

Ref: and He said cast your burdens upon me, those

who are heavenly laiden, come to me all of you

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