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Uccp Liturgy

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PRELUDE We would raise our alleluias for the grace of yesteryears; SILENT MOMENT OF PRAYER

(Please use this quiet time to prepare our hearts for encountering God For tomorrow’s unknown pathway, Hear, O Lord, our ASSURANCE OF GOD’S PARDON
through adoration, confession and thanksgiving. Please turn-off your humble prayers. In the church’s pilgrim journey, You have Elder: Sisters and brothers, let us work for the good of
cell phone to silent mode) lead us all the way; Still in presence move before us, Fire all
PROCESSIONAL by night and cloud by day. and for those in the family of faith. Believe the
LIGHTING THE CHRIST CANDLE Come, O Spirit, dwell among us, Give us words of fire and good news of the Gospel.
CHIMING OF THE HOUR flame; Help our feeble lips to praise You, Glorify Your People: We are forgiven
+INTROIT “Come Let Us Praise Our God” holy name; Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, Three in one: Response: “How Great thou Art”
Come, let us praise our God! Come let us praise the Lord! what mystery! We would sing our loud hosannas now //Then sings my soul my Savior God to Thee,
Come, let us thank our God, For all God’s pow’r and and through eternity. How great Thou art, how great Thou art.//
might. Come, let us raise to God our glad thanksgiving;
To God, our Lord, Almighty One! +INVOCATION (ended with the Lord’s Prayer….) PASSING THE PEACE OF GOD
Response: “Gloria Patri”
Elder: As forgiven children of God, let us pass His peace
+CALL TO WORSHIP Glory to the Creator, the Son, the Holy Spirit three
by greeting each other with a kiss or with a hug, and
Leader: In Christ, we have access to a new community. in One; As it was in the beginning, is now and ever
shaking each other’s hand while singing “We are One in
People: Those who were far off have been brought near shall be; World without end, Amen, Amen.
the Bond of Love.”
by the blood of Christ.
Leader: Because Christ has broken down the dividing CALL TO CONFESSION (in unison)
walls, we are one. Our Father God, you called us Your children to live
People : Christ is our peace. as a community with many members, working in unity
Leader : Through Christ, we have access to God by the under the control of its head, Jesus Christ. Forgive us if PRAYER of THE PEOPLE
Spirit. we have treated other person as if they did not matter. Response: “O Hear Our Prayer, O Lord Our God”
People: Therefore, we are no longer strangers, but Forgive us for discriminating against others and giving O hear our pray’r, O Lord our God. In faith and
citizens and part of God’s family. some persons higher recognition, while rejecting others trust
All: Together, let us rejoice! Let us worship God! from Your community, from the family. We have held We make our plea; O hear our pray’r O loving God,
back, not sharing our resources and gifts with those As is Your will so let it be. Amen.
+HYMN OF PRAISE whom we consider different. Forgive us, we pray,
“Come, O Spirit, Dwell Among Us” through Jesus Christ, who receives all persons and has
Come, O Spirit, dwell among us, Come with Pentecostal made us citizens and also members of God’s family, in +SCRIPTURE READING
power; Give the church a stronger vision, Help us face whose name we pray, Amen. +Response: //Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet
each crucial hour. Built upon a firm foundation, Jesus Song: Into my heart, into my heart, come into my And a light unto my path.//
Christ, the cornerstone; Still the church is called to heart Lord Jesus, Come in today, come in to
mission that God’s love shall be made known. stay, Come into my heart, Lord Jesus . SPECIAL SONG
MESSAGE Mrs. Norie G. Quiñanola I am happy in the service of the King, I am happy, oh, so
happy; All that I possess to Him I gladly bring, In the
CALL TO OFFERING service of the King.
Leader: Anyone who has ever loved knows that to love is +CLOSING PRAYER AND BENEDICTION
to give from the place we feel it most. This giving may be +RESPONSE Three-Fold Amen
sacrificial, but the sacrifice is compromised if it cannot be RECESSIONAL
done joyfully. May we join together in the delight of POSTLUDE
giving. Worship has ended. Service begins.
+Offertory Song
Midweek/ Prayer Meeting Southern-Western Leyte Conference
We give You but Your own, whate’er the gift
maybe April 27, 2016 Bontoc, Southern Leyte
All that we have is Yours alone, we give it Speaker:
gratefully Leader: Golda Mae Tabada
Amen. Next Sunday
+Prayer April 31, 2016
08:30 AM Sunday School
+HYMN OF DEDICATION 10:00 AM Divine Service
“I Am Happy In The Service Of The King” Speaker:
I am happy in the service of the King, I am happy, oh, so Leader:
happy; I have peace and joy that nothing else can bring, Bible Reader:
In the service of the King.
Refrain: In the service of the King, Every talent I will
Our Prayer Life: We invite you to attend our
Mid-week prayer meeting every Wednesday @
I have peace and joy and blessing in the service
6:00 p.m. for our church and personal concerns and for
of the King.
those who are sick spiritually, emotionally and physically:
I am happy in the service of the King, I am happy, oh, so
Mr. Ernesto Tabada, Redentor Tabada, Dominador
happy; Thro’ the sunshine and the shadow I can sing, In
Carbonilla, Dina Jean Lampong , etc
the service of the King.
I am happy in the service of the King, I am happy, oh, so
happy; To His guiding hand forever I will cling, In the
service of the King. April 24, 2016
April 27 Chito Castillo
Redentor Tabada 10:00 AM
Speaker: Mrs. Norberta G. Quiñanola
Liturgist: Dr. Pritzel Lee G. Capili
Bible Reader: Ruth Naome T. Segovia
CM/Caretaker: Rev. Jennie B. Escabal
Council Chairman: Engr. Joel T. Guasa

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