Pay your previous bill immediately to avoid disconnection. Pay your current charges by Pay Immediate to avoid late payment charges
Tata Teleservices (Maharashtra) GST Number: 27AAACH1458C1ZZ Tata Teleservices (Maharashtra) PAN Number: AAACH1458C HSN :9984
Payment Slip
Please attach this slip with your Cheque/DD
Account No: 605942917 Invoice No: 2161691460 Bill Date: 15-Feb-19 Due Date: Pay Bill Amount: Rs. 55,488.00
State Office Address: D-26 TTC Industrial Area, MIDC Sanpada P.O Turbhe, Navi Mumbai, Thane, Maharashtra - 400703
Regd. Office: Tata Teleservices (Maharashtra) Limited, Voltas Premises, T. B. Kadam Marg, Chinchpokali, Mumbai - 400033. Website: CIN-L64200MH1995PLC086354.
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Important Information
1. You can get in touch with us 24 hours a day. Just call 18002661515 (Toll free) or write to us at
2. The SMS rates mentioned are applicable for 1st 100SMS/day. Post 100, SMS would be charged at standard rate (Local 60ps, STD Rs1.20ps/-, ILD Rs.5/-) or tariff rate whichever is higher.
3. It will be deemed that you have accepted this invoice in full in the event you have not lodged any registered complaint with us within 30 days of receipt of this invoice.
4. Downgrade of tariff plan or termination within lock in period may lead to early termination charges, wherever applicable. Please refer to the service agreement clause for more details or you can reach out
to 1800 266 1515 or send an e- mail to
5. To know about model calculation of financial implication of tariff plans, please visit our website
6. Credit limit is the sole discretion of TTL. Your credit limit is just an indicator of your monthly usage and in the event your usage exceeds the given credit limit, you are required to pay for all the calls and
services that exceed / do not exceed the stated credit limit.
7. Collection policy is updated on our website
8. In case you disconnect our services, we will refund your security deposit, if any, within sixty days of closure of connection. In case of delay, you will earn interest on the security deposit @10% p.a.
9. To avoid unwanted telemarketing calls, register your telephone number in NDNC Registry - Call 1909 or Send SMS "START DND" to 1909.
10. TTSL/TTML has full right to change the terms and conditions applicable to the tariff plans. Please log on to for other conditions applicable.
11. Payment received after due date: Applicable Interest would be charged on the payments.
12. Reverse charge mechanism is not applicable
13. It is mandatory to share Invoice(s) No. and *Tax deducted at source (TDS) details (*if applicable) while making payment to ensure correct and timely processing
14. For complaint on billing, service related issues or for termination related query you can reach out to 1800 266 1515 or send a mail to along with mandatory details of disputed
account no, invoice no, reason for dispute and documents substantiating the dispute.
15. To change your email for correspondence send an email to with "Change mail" in the subject line. Please include your account No.
16. To receive bills electronically send an email to with "Save trees" in the subject line. Please include your account No.
17. This invoice is system generated and doesn't require any signature.
18. GST - To register/modify GST No. please send request 7 days prior to bill cycle to ''. Any request will be effective from forthcoming invoice.
19. SEZ Exemption would be applied only upon submission of the requisite documents as per Government norms. Exemption would be effective from forthcoming invoice. For queries, please reach out
Account Manager / Relationship manager.
20. Supply meant for supply to SEZ unit or SEZ developer for authorised operations under letter of undertaking without payment of Integrated Tax.
Bill Details
Account No. 605942917 Bill Date 15-Feb-19
Bill Period Quarterly
Due Date Pay Immediate
Monthly Charges
Bandwidth Adv Charges (ARC) {charges from 20-Feb-19 to 19-May-19} 46,250.00 -10.00
Total 46,250.00 -10.00
CDMA-Ebill promotion Bill value discount for 12 months -10.00
Total -10.00
Goods and Services Tax
Central Goods and Services Tax @ 9.0% 4,161.60
State Goods and Services Tax @ 9.0% 4,161.60
Total 8,323.20
CIRCUIT ID 0002205806004
P.O.No. 1234
Link Commissioning Date 20-Feb-18
Bandwidth 6 Mbps
A Address 218, 2nd Floor, Narayan Udyog Bhavan, Lal Baug Parel, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400012,MUMBAI-40
A Address1 Narayan Udyog Bhavan, Lal Baug
A Address2 Parel, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400012,MUMBAI-400012.MAHARASHTRA
B Address1
B Address2
Change Activity
Service Type
TRAI Rate 0.00
Annual RC after Discount 185000