Ethics Project
Ethics Project
Ethics Project
DR. P. P. RAO1
ASSISTANT PROFESSOR OF LAW Anshuman, a scholar having deep knowledge of law is visiting Faculty
at Chanakya National Law University, Patna. He is a well known advocate practicing in Patna High Court,
Earlier he has taught as Lecturer in Patna Law College, Patna as well as in Bihar Institute of Law, Patna. He has
taught refresher classes in Bihar Judicial Academy, Bihar, Patna. He has attended many National & one
International Conference. He has experience of argument in other High Courts, various Civil Courts, Tribunals,
CAT, Forums etc.
This is probably the first and last time in my law school life that I am making a project
on Private International Law. There are many people whom I want to thank and acknowledge.
Without their help this project wouldn’t have been possible.
First of all I am very grateful to my teacher of Dr. PP Rao, who gave me this project
work. Without the kind support of his, completion of my project would have been impossible.
He donated his valuable time and guided me till the completion of this project.
I am very thankful to the librarian who provided me books on this topic which proved
beneficial in completing this project.
I acknowledge my Classmate Riya and my brother Ichchhit who gave their valuable
time and meticulous advice which proved very useful and could not be ignored in writing the
project. I want to convey a most sincere thanks to my Parents and brother Harsh Vardhan for
motivating and helping me throughout the project.
SOURCES OF DATA…………………………………………………………………………4
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY………………............………………………………….....4
1. INTRODUCTION..................................................................................................................
3 LANDMARK JUDGEMENTS.........................................................................................
5. CONCLUSION............................................……………………………………………..
The aim of researcher, in doing the research work is to do a detailed outline and
analysis of ‘Refusal to defend the accused amounts to misconduct’ with judicial
interpretation .
The researcher assumes that an advocate has a legal right to refuse to defend an accused.
For doing the research work various sources has been used. Both primary and secondary sources
have been perused for in depth research work.
The researcher’s work would be traditional method of research i.e, doctorinal research which is
library based.
“Ethics is not definable, is not implementable, because it is not conscious; it involves not
only our thinking, but also our feeling.”
Valdemar W. Setzer
An advocate is bound to accept any brief in the courts or tribunals or before any other
authority in or before which he proposes to practise. He should levy fees which is at par with
the fees collected by fellow advocates of his standing at the Bar and the nature of the case.
Special circumstances may justify his refusal to accept a particular brief5.
Illustration. In a criminal case against C, C could not Secure the services of any senior
members of the bar she went to every member of the bar however each one of them refuse to
represent see some senior members of the bhaiya refuse to appear because of the connection
with the complainant and all others had been retained by the complainant it was held that a
lawyer has no right to reject a brief offer to her on payment of the fee agreed upon between
the parties on Grounds of connection to the opposing party.6
5 Bar Council of India Rules, Part VI, Chapter 2, Section 2, Rule 11.
6 Lalta V Zahoor Ahmad, AIR 1925 Oudh 672.
7 Ibid, Rule 12.
also did not ensured the refund of the parts of the fees that was unearned. A would not be
allowed to retire from the case.8
In a partition suit 'A' an advocate was representing defendant 'D'. D submitted an affidavit
from 'P' which was critical to the case. The affidavit contained an identification by the
advocate A. A here is a material witness to prove the genuineness of that affidavit. A is
disbarred from appearing in the case due to the possibility being called as a witness.11
An advocate has a duty to uphold the interest of the client regardless of the personal
An advocate must fearlessly uphold the interest of the client by all fair and
Honourable means without regard to any unpleasant consequences to herself or to any other.
An advocate shall defend a person accused of a crime regardless of the advocate's personal
opinion as to the guilt of the accused. An advocate must understand that and advocates
loyalty is to the law and the law requires that no person should be convicted without adequate
8 Patel Maganlal Dhanijbhai V. Patel Laxmidas Narainbhai Kansagara, AIR 1988 Guj 48.
9 Bar Council of India Rules, Part VI, Chapter 2, Section 2, Rule 13.
10 Section 151 of Code of Civil Procedure, 1908.
11 Chhatrapti Shivaji v. State of Bihar, AIR 1990, Pat 197.
12 Bar Council of India Rules, Part VI, Chapter 2, Section 2, Rule 15.
But according Rule 5 it is an advocate’s duty towards the court that he can refuse to
represent clients who insist on unfair means. this rule reads-
“An advocate shall refuse to represent any client who insists on using unfair or improper
means. An advocate shall excise his own judgment in such matters. He shall not blindly
follow the instructions of the client. He shall be dignified in use of his language in
correspondence and during arguments in court. He shall not scandalously damage the
reputation of the parties on false grounds during pleadings. He shall not use
unparliamentary language during arguments in the court.”
The Supreme Court of India has time and again ruled lawyers or their associations cannot
refuse to appear for accused whether they are terrorist, rapists, murderers or any others as
such refusal would be a violation of the Constitution, Bar Council norms and tenets of the
Bhagavad Gita.16 This case upholds the above view of Honourable Suprme Court.
Legal Aid which means giving free legal services to the poor and needy who are
unable to afford the services of an advocate for the conduct of a case or a legal proceeding in
any court, tribunal or before an Judicial authority.
The preamble of the Indian constitution basically aims to secure to the people of India
justice – socio economic and political. His Lordship Justice P.N. Bhagwati aptly stated that
legal aid means providing an arrangement in the society which makes the machinery of
administration of Justice easily accessible and in reach of those who have to resort to it for
enforcement of rights given to them by law. Article 38(1) avows that the State shall promote
the welfare of the people by securing and protecting the social order including justice. Article
21 clearly says that every person has an equal right to life and liberty except according to the
procedure established by the law.
The State shall secure that the operation of the legal system promotes justice, on a
basis of equal opportunity, and shall, in particular, provide free legal aid, by suitable
legislation or schemes or in any other way, to ensure that opportunities for securing justice
are not denied to any citizen by reason of economic or other disabilities.
In the case of Hussainara Khatoon vs. State of Bihar, it was held that if any accused is
not able to afford legal services then he has a right to free legal aid at the cost of the state.
It is the duty of the State to see that the legal system promotes justice on the basis of
equal opportunity for all its citizens. It must therefore arrange to provide free legal aid to
those who cannot access justice due to economic and other disabilities.18
If the accused does not have sufficient means to engage a lawyer, the court must
provide one for the defense of the accused at the expense of the state.19
The Constitutional duty to provide legal aid arises from the time the accused is
produced before the Magistrate for the first time and continues whenever he is produced for
Art.39 A of the Constitution of India.
Sec. 304 of Code of Criminal Procedure,1973.
Khatri II Vs. State of Bihar, (1981) 1SCC; 1981 SCC (Cri) 228; 1981 Cri. LJ 470.
A person entitled to appeal against his/her sentence has the right to ask for a counsel,
to prepare and argue the appeal.21
Some cases related to our case are mentioned below:
Madav Hayavadanrao Hoskot Vs. State of Maharastra (1978)3 SCC 544) (Art. 142 of the Constitution r/w
Articles 21 and 39A of Indian Constitution
22 last visited on 9th November, 2017.
In Md. Sukur Ali vs. State of Assam 201123, the question was whether in a criminal
case if the counsel for the accused does not appear, for whatever reasons, should the case be
decided in the absence of the counsel against the accused, or the Court should appoint an
amicus curiae to defend the accused ?
In the present case, it appears that Criminal Appeal 137 of 2003 was decided by the
Gawahati High Court on 01.06.2010 in the absence of the counsel for the Appellant-accused
and the conviction was upheld.
The counsel for the Appellant-accused was Mr. A.S. Choudhury but the Appellant
changed his counsel and appointed Mr. B. Sinha in the year 2007 as his new counsel, and this
fact is corroborated by affidavit. Unfortunately, the name of Mr. Sinha as counsel for the
Appellant was not shown in the cause list when the case was listed and the name of the
former counsel Mr. Choudhury was shown. In these circumstances, Mr. Sinha who was
engaged by the Appellant as his new counsel did not appear.24
I am of the opinion that even assuming that the counsel for the accused does not
appear because of the counsel's negligence or deliberately, even then the Court should not
decide a criminal case against the accused in the absence of his counsel since an accused in a
criminal case should not suffer for the fault of his counsel and in such a situation the Court
should appoint another counsel as amicus curiae to defend the accused. This is because
liberty of a person is the most important feature of our Constitution. Article 21 which
guarantees protection of life and personal liberty is the most important fundamental right of
the fundamental rights guaranteed by the Constitution. Article 21 can be said to be the 'heart
and soul' of the fundamental rights.
In Man Singh and Anr. vs. State of M.P. 200825 the Appellant convicted for offences under
various sections of Narcotics Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act, 1985 (NDPS) the case
was apealled to High Court,advocate appointed for appellant through Legal Aid Committee
(LAC) did not appear and Single Judge heard matter with assistance of panel lawyer for
respondent. The High Court dismissed the appeal, it was held that the High Court ought to
have appointed another counsel through LAC considering seriousness of case .Later on,
Judgment of High Court set aside and matter remitted back to High Court for fresh hearing.
23 AIR2011SC1222
24 Sukur Ali (Md.) vs. State of Assam GUHC) 2011 ( 2 ) GLT 69
25 2009GLH(1)180
In Bapu Limbaji Kamble 26 ,the High Court had convicted the Appellant under
Section 302 of the Indian Penal Code on the charge of murdering his wife by strangulating
her to death. At the time of hearing of the appeal, the counsel for the accused did not appear.
The High Court perused the evidence and decided the matter.
I am of the view that the High Court should have appointed another advocate as
amicus curiae before proceeding to dispose of the appeal. From the aforesaid passage, it is
demonstrable that this Court has not stated as a principle that whenever the counsel does not
appear, the court has no other option but to appoint an amicus curiae and, thereafter, proceed
with the case.
In Maneka Gandhi vs. Union of India27, it has been held by a Constitution Bench of
this Court that the procedure for depriving a person of his life or liberty should be fair,
reasonable and just. It is not fair or just that a criminal case should be decided against an
accused in the absence of a counsel. It is only a lawyer who is conversant with law who can
properly defend an accused in a criminal case. Hence, if a criminal case (whether a trial or
appeal/revision) is decided against an accused in the absence of a counsel, there will be
violation of Article 21 of the Constitution.
The right to appear through counsel has existed in England for over three centuries. In
ancient Rome there were great lawyers e,g, Cicero, Scaevola, Crassus, etc. who defended the
accused. In fact the higher the human race has progressed in civilization, the clearer and
stronger has that right appeared, and the more firmly has it been held and asserted. Even in
the Nuremberg trials the Nazi war criminals, responsible for killing millions of persons, were
yet provided counsel. Therefore when we say that the accused should be provided counsel we
are not bringing into existence a new principle but simply recognizing what already existed
and which civilized people have long enjoyed.28
Advocates in England & Wales must accept all briefs on the basis of the cab-rank rule,
subject to few exceptions. Under the Bar Standards Board’s code of conduct, barristers:
“must not withhold [advocacy] services (a) on the ground that the nature of the
26 2005 11 SC 412
27 AIR 1978 SC 597
case is objectionable to him or to any section of the public; (b) on the ground that
the conduct opinions or beliefs of the prospective client are unacceptable to him
or to any section of the public…”
The Hon’ble Supreme Court’s decision in this case was appropriate because it upheld
the principles of legal ethics. The moral obligation of an advocate not to refuse a brief which
was vanishing from the noble profession. As the apex court that resolutions of the bar not
representing a particular person are wholly illegal, against all traditions of the bar, and against
professional ethics. Every person, however, wicked, depraved, vile, degenerate, perverted,
loathsome, execrable, vicious or repulsive he may be regarded by society has a right to be
defended in a court of law and correspondingly it is the duty of the lawyer to defend him.
"The pressures on state executive and judicial officers charged with the
administration of the criminal law are great. But it is precisely the predictability of those
pressures that makes imperative a resolute loyalty to the guarantees that the Constitution
extends to us all.”
As to ethics, unfortunately, we are still at sea. We never did have any popular base for
what little ethics we knew, except the religious theories, and now that our faith is shaken in
those theories we cannot account for ethics at all. It is no wonder we behave badly, we are
literally ignorant of the laws of ethics, which is the simplest of sciences, the most necessary,
the most continuously needed.
-Charlotte Perkins Gilman
The action of any Bar Association in passing such a resolution that none of its
members will appear for a particular accused, whether on the ground that he is a policeman or
on the ground that he is a suspected terrorist, rapist, mass murderer, etc. is against all norms
of the Constitution, the Statute and professional ethics. It is against the great traditions of the
Bar which has always stood up for defending persons accused for a crime. Such a resolution
is, in fact, a disgrace to the legal community.
It is the duty of a lawyer to defend no matter what the consequences, and a lawyer
who refuses to do so is not following the message of the Gita. The legal profession works on
the ideal that none should be condemned without sufficient evidence in a fair trial conducted
after following due procedure, and an advocate is duty bound to ensure that this principle is
complied with at all times. Veiled as camaraderie and unity of the legal profession, it is
possible that an advocate or a group of advocates is able to influence the views of another
advocate or a group of advocates so much so that, unknowingly, the independence of the
legal profession may be compromised. One does not even have to open the newspaper to
learn new ways by which professionals betray or take advantage of their clients. An ordinary
Refusal to Defend and Duties of Advocates : The Law, available at
to-defend-and-duties-of.html last visited on 9th November, 2017.
person in her/his whole life will at least once catch a glimpse of unethical practices by
professionals first hand.
Now what can be a possible solution to this problem? More stringent law? As
explained earlier, having too tightly knit laws overlooking members of a profession is neither
desirable nor practical. The laws can of course be better and should keep improving but their
scope will always be limited. Bigger problems involve implementation of already existing
laws. Professionals do not violate the code of ethics thinking what they legal, but rather
knowing that it is illegal and that they will still never be caught.
There again, there is scope for improvement, but even implementation is not the most
important aspect.
Primary Sources
1. Constitution of India
Internet Sources