WtWf-WtA WerewolftheApocalypseFreeIntroductoryKit PDF
WtWf-WtA WerewolftheApocalypseFreeIntroductoryKit PDF
WtWf-WtA WerewolftheApocalypseFreeIntroductoryKit PDF
Apocalypse: The age of destruction, the final cycle, Klaive: A fetish dagger or sword, usually of great
the birth of death, the everlasting corruption, the end of spiritual potency and nearly always made of silver.
Gaia -a word used in Garou mythology to describe the Litany: The code of laws kept by the Garou.
time of the final battle with the Wyrm. Many consider Lupus: When capitalized, a werewolfs wolf form
this time to be the present. (“Take Lupus form - we need to run swiftly now!”).
human Or
by ties of friendship as op
Ot where the a pack or sept.
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technological (Weaver) places, weakest around Ways, the: The traditi
Gnosis: The reserves of spiritual ene--’
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Weaver, the: The bo1 of
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on the
its poison fangs into Gaia, and the
The Wynn was thegreatest enemy
It birthed monsters,spits of evil and the like. It spa These are the End Times. The Earth Mother is
legions of foul creatures that raced forth to conquer.
dying. The Thirteen Tribes of werewolves are her only
Gaia needed Q champion. hope -the werewolves, and their brutal, terrible Rage.
so she looked to herChi&en, d the c r e m e s offhe land.
None were strong enough to fight the Wym on their o m . rnWfD4h
But one of hgt. children, humunity , wus clever - h e y had The Garou’s world, the World of Darkness, is
learned to use c~~eapons and make tools and speak m lam much like our own - but in many ways, more grim.
guage. And another of her children, wolves, were great Race riots happen a little more often. There are fewer
hunters who acted as if of one mind. honest cops, and more criminal gangs. People are less
So Gaia todc the strongest and wisesthumans and the likely to stop and help out an injured pedestrian and
fastest und fiercest d w s , a d she bound them tog@& more likely to gawk and keep driving. At least a little
into a new race. She ma$e herself a race uf &mpim, ofthis increased heartlessness is the work of the Wyrm,
Creatures that c o d ignore pain and red trees lpnd run the colossal spirit of corruption.
swiftly on four legs. What’s more, in the World of Darkness, the super-
Thus were barn the Garou. natural is real, if hidden. Vampires seduce their victims
into joining them in their penthouse suites. Spirits of
%&?WP bloodlust possess the borderline psychotic and drive
Since before humans first gathered in cities, the them to killing sprees. Secretive warlocks hoard magical
Garou were among them. In prehistory, they culled might a?zd fight each other in invisible wars of intrigue.
If the “civilized”areas of the World of Darkness are
The Litany is the great song of ages containing the traditions, codes and laws of the Garou. I t is a living
law, one which evolves from tribe to tribe and sept to sept -many Garou ignore the Litany’s tenets out of
rebellion or necessity. Even so,the Litany has existed for many millennia, and few Garoudefy it without cause.
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To breed a metis is a s i n , and a cruel thing to do to
your child. If a Garou h e s a n o h Garou, he must not The GMCWw e created to be the world’s potec-
express his passion. This is the law. tors. Abuse not your power, lest those above you shike
&*&flymw!&f &b#& down. This is the h.
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The Garou were born tofight the Wyrm. There is Our enemies are many,and all seek our death. To
grectter honor. This is the law. our existence to the humurn is to offer our t)mmts
Wynn. This is the h.
Ask before entering another’s&tory, for mty
miter of a territory knows best how to gumd it agai
Dancers as agents and guards. It also bonds various moon he was born under, determining his role in life;
Banes to important sites. Garou venturing onto Pentex and mibe -his extended family, his werewolf blood-
installations are usually unnerved, for they can liter- line. The combination of breed, auspice and tribe can
ally smell the taint of the Wyrm. help you get an instant grasp on your character’s
personality and the forces that affected him while he
Unfortunately, the Garou’sworst foe is as powerful
was growing up. For example, if you wanted to create
and canny as they are, for this foe is nothing less than
an aloof teenager who spent much of his childhood
moving from town to town, a homid Silent Strider
would seem to be a logical choice. If you then chose the
auspice of Ragabash, it becomes likely that the young
werewolf has a black sense of humor, further fleshing
out the character.
Once you’ve selected a breed, tribe and auspice,
write down the listed Aptitude, Advantage and Weak-
ness that each choice grants. Also, make a note of your
tribal totem, and the abilities this powerful spirit gives
you- as well as the ban it has placed on your behavior.
Next, you get to decide your character’s Trait
no other foe knows levels. Characters have six Traits in all. Four represent
the heart of the Garou so well. your mundane abilities: Physical, Mental, Social and
Psychic. Two represent your supernatural power: Rage
and Gnosis.
Now that you’ve learned the basics of the Garou’s T o determine your mundane Traits, rank these
struggle, it’s time to generate your own werewolf char- from 1 to 4; 4 is the best, 1 is the worst. (Each number
acter. Creating a character is easy, involving just a few may only be assigned to one Trait - you can’t give
simple choices. It is a good idea to have a general your character a 4 in everything!) So, if you decide
concept of what you want your werewolf to be like your character is remarkably charming, quite clever, in
(Was he a wolf cub raised in northern Alaska -or a average shape but fairly suggestible,you might decide
zoo? An army brat with an alienated family? A shy, the character has Social 4, Mental 3, Physical 2,
retiring young girl who Changed for the first time at Psychic 1.
her junior prom?).Even this is not necessary, however; To determine your werewolf s supernatural apti-
a concept can be created as you go. tudes, divide six points - or five, if the character is
The next step is selecting your character’s breed- homid -between Rage and Gnosis. To continue the
the form he was born in; auspice - the phase of the example, let’s say that your charming young werewolf
are a dying breed. There are
combat with Banes, a it does apply to other
Philodox straddles
M * roll made to determine the truth of a matter, whether
The pull of the moon can affect a werewolf s tem- this is determining if an informant is lying or trying to
perament, even from birth. The Garou have noticed see through a disguise.
this, and have therefore recognized five auspices, or
moon signs, that dictate a cub’s role in Garou society. ddkd- 722 d/&WMOOlCl
When a werewolf is born, he receives a special aptitude As Luna grows pregnant with Rage, she bids the
from the moon phase that watched over his birth. This Moon Dancer to sing her songs of battle and past
auspice can affect a werewolf s Rage, particularly when glories. Heeding the call, the Galliard raises her voice
the moon is in his auspice’sphase. Tales of werewolves
killing during the full moon were almost certainly
started by angry Ahroun, the Garou’s warrior elite,
being filled with rage by their auspice moon.. ..
facade, many Get yearn for a peace that they know they
can never attain. They favor their lupine heritage and
seem more attuned to their inner Beasts than do many of
the other tribes. Like the cold wind of their northern
homes, the Get lash against all comers, howling with
Rage as they blow the walls down.
Advantage: Immune to Pain. The Get are made of
sterner stuff than any other werewolf tribe, thanks to their
custom of constant trial by combat. At the beginning of
any turn, a Get may roll his Psychic Trait, difficulty5; any
penalties from pain do not affect this roll. If the Get gets
any successes, he may ignore the effects of pain for the
remainder of the turn.
at all costs and by any means. For this reason, the Lords
strive ceaselesslyto dominate human, wolf and werewolf
alike. Shadow Lords despise the Silver Fangs, whom
they consider weak and decrepit. They would like
nothing more than to usurp the Fangs’ position.
slaves or raised in
Dan Keenan (free product) 204.6
oppression. While they will cooperate with members of
other tribes, Uktena keep their own counsel. They have
looked upon the face of the Wyrm, not only in the Banes
and the Umbra, but within their own hearts and those
of their Kin. Most Uktena are at peace with the darkness
inside them. The enemy one knows, they feel, is easier
to defeat than the shadow one denies.
Advantage: Sixth Sense. The Uktena are able to
sense the presence of other supernatural influences in
the area, such as magic or spirit influence, although
they cannot tell the exact nature of the supernatural
presence. To sense the unnatural, the Uktena must
make a Gnosis roll. Success tells only that something
supernatural is present, and a vague impression of
whether it means the Uktena harm or not.
Totem: The Uktena derive their name from that
of their totem, a water-spirit that is equal parts cougar,
snake and stag. Uktena is a wise and cunning spirit,
and protects his children when they are in the spirit
world. While in the Umbra, Uktena gain three extra
dice for the purpose of soaking wounds. However, they
must always strive to recover mystical lore, objects or
places that have fallen into the hands of the enemy.
Crinos: Medium
Reality is a lie invented by a technocratic enemy who has written
history to it’s liking. The truth is magic -the universe can be crafted
with a simple working of your will. Mages have taught this truth
throughout the ages, but the proponents of technology have crushed
the mystic masters. Join the last stand in the war for reality.
The gates to the first paradise, Arcadia, are closed, leaving only
the dull gray world of man behind. Unaware of our true nature,
humanity crushes us beneath its banal heel. We are the changelings,
the forgotten ones ae neither fully fae nor wholly mortal. We have
constructed an invisible kingdom with our Glamour, where imagina-
tion is reality, dreams can kill, and monsters and heroes walk just
I beneath your notice.
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