Brassard Courtney
Brassard Courtney
Brassard Courtney
Number of days: 11 Lesson (4 days for culminating task) Culminating task due date: December 13-14th 2018
What is important for students to know? What are the enduring understandings? What is the big open question to
A. BIG IDEA FOR inform learning and link curricula? (consider starting with big ideas in Science or Social Studies)
THIS UNIT Mental health and mental illness are now becoming a more talked about subject but it seems as though the stigmas
around mental health are still very present. Schools are now adopting the minds up curriculum to teach about
mindfulness and the ways in which to reduce stress. Students need to know about the various different mental
disabilities and how they can look different for each person and not one mental illness is the same. Students will learn
to understand the different characteristics of mental illnesses and how to help those who may be struggling with
mental illness. This unit will keep the conversation of mental health and mental illness open and ongoing in order to
try and break down any remaining stigmas.
To link Language Arts and the Health and Physical Education curriculums, students will be asked to use their critical
thinking skills as well as an open mind when discussing mental health and mental illness. For the language
components, students will be read stories pieces of literature that is related to different mental illnesses. Students will
also be asked to keep a wellness journal, where each day they will take 10 minutes and write down how they are
feeling in that moment. For Health and Physical Education, students will learn about substance abuse and how that
plays a part in mental health and mental illness. Students will also learn about stress management and how they can
deal with their own stress and worries.
B. OVERALL What will students learn? Select expectations from each curriculum document (may use more than one subject
EXPECTATION(S) document) that unit will address.
1. Generate, gather, and organize ideas and information to write for an intended purpose and audience
Oral Communication
1. Listen in order to understand and respond appropriately in a variety of situations for a variety of purposes
2..Reflect on and identify their strengths as listeners and speakers, areas for improvement, and the strategies they
found most helpful in oral communication situations.
SPECIFIC EXPECATION(S) What specific expectations from the curriculum documents (may use more than one subject) will be addressed
throughout the lessons? Include an expectation sort, indicating which will be assessed and which will be covered but
not formally assessed.
Language Arts
Oral Communication:
1.6: extend understanding of oral texts by connecting the ideas in them to their own knowledge, experience, and
insights; to other texts, including print and visual texts; and to the world around them
2.2 demonstrate an understanding of appropriate speaking behaviour in a variety of situations, including paired
sharing, dialogue, and small- and large- group discussions
3.1 identify, in conversation with the teacher and peers, what strategies they found most helpful before, during, and
after listening and speaking and what steps they can take to improve their oral communication skills
1.1 identify the topic, purpose, and audience for a variety of writing forms
1.1 use self-awareness and self-monitoring skills to help them understand their strengths and needs, take
responsibility for their actions, recognize sources of stress, and monitor their own progress, as they participate in
physical activities, develop movement competence, living and acquire knowledge and skills related to healthy
1.3 communicate effectively, using verbal or non-verbal means, as appropriate, and interpret information accurately
as they participate in physical activities, develop movement competence, and acquire knowledge and skills related to
healthy living
LEARNING GOAL(S) Clearly identify what students are expected to know & able to do in language they can understand. What is the
strategy/task that will provide information for assessment?
What are the questions that the students will be able to answer at the conclusion of the unit of study?
We will be learning:
Students will be successful in this unit if they are able to identify different mental illnesses, know the effects
substance abuse has on a person’s mental health as well as the various strategies to deal with mental health.
Possible questions students can answer:
● What is a stigma?
● What is anxiety/depression etc.?
● What is substance abuse?
● What are some strategies you can do to reduce stress?
● Do all mental illnesses look the same?
● What does mental health mean to you?
C. CULMINATING TASK Complete explanation of what students will do/write/say to demonstrate their understanding of the big idea? How is
Rich Performance it differentiated? What Achievement Chart Categories will be addressed?
Assessment Task –
Drake, pg. 69 After completing the unit plan on mental health and mental illness, students will create a brochure or powerpoint
presentation (write) with knowledge on the different mental illnesses they learned about. The brochures will include
signs, symptoms and definitions of one particular mental illness, as well as strategies that they learned in order
manage stress and anxiety related issues (do). From there, students will think of a mental health initiative they can
implement in the school to help others learn about mental health. Students can either work alone or in groups if
they feel more comfortable working with a classmate. Students have the option of either creating a brochure or
creating their document on a PowerPoint in order to accommodate learners who have difficulty writing down notes.
Knowledge and Understanding/ Application/ Thinking: Students will apply what they learned throughout the unit
and create a brochure/ powerpoint with this information. By picking out one mental illness, students can think of an
initiative that may benefit that particular mental illness.
Communication: Students will share with the class what is included in their brochure/powerpoint as well as what
they decided for their initiative.
ASSESSMENT Assessment “of” Learning: What will students say/write/do to demonstrate their learning of the specific
TASKS/STRATEGIES expectations at the end of the unit of study? Does it reflect all or most of the Achievement Categories? Are
assessments “balanced” (say, write, do, perform)?
Students will create a brochure or power point presentation (write) with knowledge on the different mental illnesses
they learned about. The brochures will include signs, symptoms and definitions of one particular mental illness, as
well as strategies that they learned in order manage stress and anxiety related issues (do). From there, students will
be assigned to one classroom in the school and present their brochure/powerpoint to those students (say).
Students will demonstrate their learning through the specific expectations by communicating their ideas on stress
management in the brochure/powerpoint.
Knowledge and Understanding/ Application/ Thinking: Students will apply what they learned throughout the unit
and create a brochure/ powerpoint with this information.
Communication: Students will share with the class and their assigned class what is included in their
SUCCESS CRITERIA How will students demonstrate what they will learn? What will successful acquisition of the learning goals look like
and sound like? How will we know they have learned?
Students will also be successful if they are able to choose one mental illness, define it, as well as discuss the signs
and symptoms that are associated with that mental illness. Students will be successful if they are able to include any
activities related to stress management that they learned in their brochures. Students will be successful if they are
able to openly speak about mental health and mental illness in order to keep the important conversations going.
For example, students may include: “A stigma is defined as a negative stereotype. Anxiety disorders are mental
illnesses that are feelings of fear and stress. This can include: phobias, panic disorder and social anxiety. Phobias are
when someone experiences intense fear. Panic disorders are when someone is experiencing a panic attack due to
feelings of fear and stress. Social anxiety is when someone has a fear of being embarrassed by others. Anxiety can
affect anyone at any age.”
Lesson 1: Students Minds on: The teacher will Minds on: Students will Students will complete a Cohen, S. (2017). The
will be introduced to ask students to think about talk about the multiple choice Stigma of Mental Illness.
the Mental Health and the last time they were differences between a document that assess [Video File]. Retrieved
Mental Illness unit. sick. The teacher will ask physical illness and a their knowledge on from
Students will be given students what they do mental illness mental health and
definitions on various when they go to visit a specifically talking about mental illness.
words that are doctor. The teacher will going to a doctor for a
have chart paper with physical illness. What is a mental 0Q&t=35s
physical illness and mental Students will share illness?
associated with illness to see what they ideas about what they What is a stigma? Paper
mental health. know about both topics. know about mental
illness and physical Why do we go to the Markers
Action: The teacher will be illness. doctors for a physical
1.1 identify the topic, the video “The Stigmas of illness but not a mental Projector
purpose, and audience Mental Illness”. Students Action: Students will be illness?
for a variety of writing will be asked to write down shown the video “The KWL chart
forms any keys words or phrases Stigmas of Mental What words stuck out to
you the most from that Multiple choice
that stuck out to them. The Illness” and write down
video? questions.
C3.2 recognize the teacher will define key any key words or
responsibilities and terms. Have a group phrases that stuck out to
risks associated with discussion on the stigmas them. Students will learn
surrounding mental illness. definitions about mental
caring for themselves
health and the stigmas
and others, and Consolidation: Students that are associated with
demonstrate an will be given a multiple them.
understanding of choice document to assess
related safety practices and see what students Consolidation:
and appropriate know about mental health. Students will do a
procedures for As a class, we will take up multiple choice test. As
responding to the answers from the a class, we will take up
dangerous situations multiple choice document the multiple choice test.
and discuss the questions.
Lesson 2: Students Minds on: Ask students if Minds on: Students will Students will assess Myth vs facts slips of
will learn about myth they know that a fact is. be asked if they know their own myth vs facts paper
vs facts in regards to Ask students what they what a fact is vs. what a statements and hand it
mental health and know if a myth is. Ask myth is. Students can in to the teacher. Pencils
mental illness. give examples.
2.2 demonstrate an students to give examples Action: Students will be Students will also hand Myth vs facts answers
understanding of of a myth and a fact. given an envelope with in their exit tickets.
appropriate speaking 24 myths and facts
behaviour in a variety Action: Students will be about mental illness. In Key questions:
of situations, including working in pairs and be pairs, students will figure
paired sharing, given 24 slips of paper that -What is a myth?
out which statement is a -What is a fact?
dialogue, and small- have a statement related to fact and which -Why is it important to
and large- group mental illness. For each statement is a myth.
discussions slip of paper, students will break down myths vs
C3.2 recognize the Once finished, students facts.
discuss whether or not that will take up the answers
responsibilities and statement is a myth or a with the teacher.
risks associated with fact. Review the answers
caring for themselves to the statements as a Consolidation:
and others, and class. Students will be asked:
demonstrate an why do you think it is
understanding of Consolidation: Ask important to know the
related safety practices students: why do you think myths vs facts of mental
it is important to know the illness. How could it be
and appropriate
myths vs facts of mental harmful for people to
procedures for
illness. How could it be think that myths around
responding to
harmful for people to think mental illness are facts?
dangerous situations that myths around mental
illness are facts? (Relate Exit ticket: Students will
this back to stigmas) answer: How can we
make sure people know
Exit ticket: Have students the facts of mental
answer: “How can we illness and not believe
make sure people know the myths are true
the facts of mental illness
Lesson 3: Students Minds on: The teacher will Minds on: Students will Students will be Slammer scenarios
will learn about slam the door and ask the react to the slammed assessed based on their
positive responses for students: How many of you door and be asked a ability to find the pencils
those who may have slammed the door? variety of questions negative self-talk and
struggle with mental Have you ever had a door based on the slammed turn it into positive self-
illness. Students will slammed in your face? door. Students will share talk.
be put into a scenario How did that make you how they felt with the
where they are the feel? Students will respond door being slammed. How many have you
one with a mental to these questions. slammed a door?
illness and will learn Students should respond: it Action: Students will be
put into pair and be Have you ever had a
about the importance makes me feel left out,
given their own slammer door slammed in your
of positive talk. angry, not included. face?
scenarios where they
2.2 demonstrate an Action: Students will learn will be asked to point out How did that make you
understanding of how “slammers” represent the negative self-talk feel?
appropriate speaking negative words for those and reword the
behaviour in a variety who may struggles with statements into positive Can you find the
of situations, including mental illness. Students self-talk. negative self-talk?
paired sharing, will then be put into pairs
dialogue, and small- Consolidation: Can you make it into
and be given different
and large- group Students will discuss the positive self-talk?
“slammer” scenarios and
discussions different scenarios and
C3.2 recognize the will be asked to point out
the slammer statement and share how they changed
responsibilities and the self-talk scenarios.
then rewrite the statement
risks associated with
into a positive statement.
caring for themselves
and others, and
Lesson 4: Making a Minds on: Review with Minds on: Students will Students will be Skit scenarios
difference skit students about helpful review what they assessed on their skit as
responses. Ask students, learned from the last well as how they
2.2 demonstrate an what makes a helpful class about helpful respond to a person
understanding of
response? responses. Students will living with mental illness.
appropriate speaking
think about why helpful
behaviour in a variety Action: Students will now Key Questions:
comments are crucial to
of situations, including be acting out responses -What makes a helpful
paired sharing, people living with mental
instead of writing out illness. response?
dialogue, and small-
different responses. -Did you find it difficult to
and large- group
Students will be divided Action: Students will be help a person with
C3.2 recognize the into groups and be given a given a skit to perform mental illness?
skit to perform. Students on how they would
responsibilities and
will be given time to think respond to someone
risks associated with
of their skit. with a mental illness.
caring for themselves
Students will plan out
and others, and Consolidation: Students their skit.
demonstrate an will present their skits to
understanding of the class. Ask students, if
Lesson 5: Students Minds On: Have four Minds on: Students will Students will be Chart paper
will be taught about pieces of chart paper with move around the assessed on their
the different mental the words: anxiety, classroom silently and presentation of their Envelope with mental
illnesses and then be depression, eating write something they mental illness and their illnesses listed and
put into groups and disorders, substance know about the topic response on the exit information paragraph
research the different abuse. Students will that is written on chart ticket.
mental illnesses. silently walk around the paper. Anxiety, markers
Students will present room and write down depression, eating Key Questions:
their mental illness to anything they know about disorders and substance
-What is a mental
the class. those four words. Students abuse. The purpose of illness?
do not talk in this activity this activity is to get -What is an anxiety
2.2 demonstrate an but rather read what others students to read and
understanding of disorder?
are thinking. After a couple listen rather than speak -What is depression?
appropriate speaking
of minutes, read out some to what classmates have
behaviour in a variety -What are some positive
of the the things that were to say.
of situations, including examples of someone
paired sharing, written on the chart paper. with a mental illness?
Action: Students will be
dialogue, and small-
Action: Divide students divided into 8 groups
and large- group
into 8 different groups. and be given a mental
Each group will be given a illness and a paragraph
different mental illnesses: on that mental illness.
1.1 identify the topic, ADHD, anxiety/ panic Students will read the
purpose, and audience disorders, bipolar disorder, paragraph and write
for a variety of writing depression, eating down 4-5 points on the
forms disorders, post traumatic chart paper about the
C3.2 recognize the stress disorder, addiction mental illness. Students
responsibilities and and schizophrenia. will be asked to point out
risks associated with Students will read the one positive point that is
caring for themselves paragraph provided and discussed in the
and others, and write down 4-5 pieces of paragraph.
demonstrate an information from the
paragraph and write it on Consolidation:
understanding of
the chart paper. Students Students will present
related safety practices
should also think of their chart paper to the
and appropriate
positive aspects of the rest of the class.
procedures for
responding to challenge. Exit Ticket: Students
dangerous situations Consolidation: Have will reflect on the
C1.2 demonstrate an students present their chart positive characteristics
understanding of paper to the class. Have that come from mental
linkages between illnesses. For example,
students really listen to the
mental illness and getting the help they
other groups to know the
problematic substance need, people are
use, and identify school differences in each mental
illness. wanting friends but don't
and community
know how to do that.
resources that can
Exit Ticket: Students will
provide support for
mental health concerns be asked to think about the
relating to substance positive characteristic of a
use, addictions, and mental health challenge.
related behaviours [PS] Example: people want
Lesson 6: My Happy Minds on: Have a class Minds on: Students will Students will be Construction paper
Place discussion on what engage in a class assessed on their ability
stressors we may discussion where we to explain why their pencil crayons/markers
1.1 identify the topic, encounter in school and in may encounter stressors drawing is their happy
purpose, and audience life. Have students then in life. Students will place and what makes it
for a variety of writing
close their eyes and talk close their eyes as the their happy place.
about a happy place they teacher describes their
C3.2 recognize the Key Questions:
can think of when they are happy place.
responsibilities and -What is a happy place?
feeling overwhelmed.
risks associated with Action: Students will -What are some
caring for themselves Action: Students will then create/draw their own stressors we may
and others, and draw their own happy happy place and write encounter?
demonstrate an place. Students will write about why they consider -Why is this place your
understanding of about their happy place it their happy place. happy place?
related safety practices and why they consider it
their happy place. Consolidation:
and appropriate
Students will be given
procedures for
Consolidation: If students an opportunity to share
responding to are willing, they can share their happy place with
dangerous situations their drawing with the class the class.
1.1use self-awareness and explain their happy
and self-monitoring place.
skills to help them
understand their
strengths and needs,
take responsibility for
their actions, recognize
sources of stress, and
Lesson 7: Students Minds on: Students will be Minds on: Students will What happens to our
will be learning about asked to listen to the song close their eyes and bodies when we are
mindfulness and go “Fight Song” and be asked listen to “Fight Song” stressed? Powerpoint on the
through a stress test their thoughts about the and share what they different things that
where they will think song and how they feel think about the song. How were you feeling in occur in your body when
about stressful listening to the song. a situation where you
you are stressed
situation and will Action: Students will felt stressed?
learn about what's Action: The teacher will share with the class Stress test
ask students to think about different times they feel What did you do to calm
happening to their yourself down?
bodies when they are different situations where stressed. Students will pencils
dealing with stress. they have felt stressed. learn about what Do you feel comfortable
Students will give a couple happens to their bodies paper
talking about your
C3.2 recognize the of examples. The teacher when they are dealing feelings with others?
responsibilities and will give an informative with stress. From there,
risks associated with lesson on what happens to students will do a stress
caring for themselves the body when someone is test where they will rate
and others, and dealing with stress. different situations in
demonstrate an
Lesson 8: Students Minds on: Students will Minds on: Students will Students will be Gym
will learn about stress play a game of stress play a game of stress assessed on their ability
management management bingo that management bingo that to choose a favourite
activities such as gives different strategies to provides different stress activity and demonstrate Stress management
yoga poses, deal with stress. management strategies. it as well as how it helps bingo sheets
breathing activities with stress
and different physical Action: Students will be Action: Students will be management. dabbers
fitness activities. taught different activities to taught different stress
help with stress management activities How can yoga help with yoga mats
C3.2 recognize the management. Students will such as yoga poses, stress?
responsibilities and be shown different yoga breathing exercises and any relevant gym
poses that help promote different physical What are endorphins? equipment
risks associated with
caring for themselves wholeness and relaxation. activities that give off
Can you show the class
and others, and They will be shown endorphins. Students your favourite activity?
demonstrate an different breathing can go for a walk/run,
understanding of exercises. Students will going outside and Why is physical activity
also be shown the benefits garden, read a book etc. important when dealing
related safety practices
of different physical Students will go through with stress?
and appropriate
activities that promote the different activity
procedures for
endorphins. These include; stations.
responding to going for a walk, a run,
dangerous situations gardening outside, playing Consolidation:
1.1use self-awareness at the park, reading a book Students will share their
and self-monitoring etc. Students will go favourite stress
skills to help them management technique
through the different
understand their and demonstrate it to
activity stations
strengths and needs, the class.
take responsibility for Consolidation: Students
their actions, recognize
will be asked to share their
sources of stress, and
new favourite stress
monitor their own
progress, as they management technique
participate in physical and demonstrate it.
activities, develop
competence, and
acquire knowledge and
skills related to healthy
Lesson 10: Students Minds On: Students will Minds on: Students will Students will be do a construction paper
will create shoes that then pick one friend in the then choose one person self-assessment based
will put them into class and compliment them in the class and give on the shoes they scissors
perspective of what on something that makes them a compliment on created and reflect on
it's like to walk in them special. This will something that makes how they felt doing this
someone's shoes continue until every person them special. This will task in their journals.
who may have a in the class has been continue until every
mental illness. complimented. person in the class has What makes you
Students will create been complimented. special?
their shoes and write Action: Students will be
asked to think about Action: Students will What sets you apart?
2-3 phrases that
reflect personal themselves and what trace their shoe, cut it What do you want to
characteristics that makes them special. They out and then write 2-3 include on your shoe?
make them special. will then trace their shoe, characteristics they love
cut it out and write 2-3 about themselves and How does it make you
characteristics that they what sets them apart feel when others
1.1 identify the topic, love about themselves and from someone else. compliment you?
purpose, and audience characteristic that set them Students can draw
for a variety of writing apart from someone else. pictures and little
forms doodles on their shoes
C3.2 recognize the Consolidation: Students as well.
responsibilities and will do a gallery walk to
Lesson 10: Self Minds on: Have students Minds on: Students will Students will be Pop bottle with different
Harm sit in a circle. Place a pop sit in a circle. Students assessed on their level images along the label
bottle in the middle of the will take turns going of critical thinking and
*Will be discussing circle. The pop bottle will around the circle and discussion. chart paper/ marker (for
approach to this topic have a label on it with sharing what they see teacher)
with my associate different drawings all on the pop bottle. Key Questions:
teacher around the bottle. One by -What do you see?
one students will share Action: Students will -What are your thoughts
what they see just in their then participate in a on self-harm?
2.2 demonstrate an direct eye shot. KBC where they can -Do we always know
understanding of share any thoughts or what someone is going
appropriate speaking Action: Students will concerns they have through?
behaviour in a variety participate in a knowledge about self-harm. -Does pain have to be
of situations, including building circle talking about visible?
paired sharing, self-harm. The purpose of Consolidation:
dialogue, and small- a KBC is to allow those Students will play “the
who want to speak an wind blows if” game
and large- group opportunity and if you do where they will move
discussions not want to speak, there is spots around the circle.
C3.2 recognize the no pressure. Remind We will do the pop bottle
responsibilities and students that this is a safe activity again to see if
risks associated with place where you can share there are different
caring for themselves whatever you like. perspectives.
and others, and Students can talk about
demonstrate an what self-harm means and
understanding of what someone who self-
related safety practices harms might be going
and appropriate through.
procedures for Consolidation: Play “the
responding to wind blows if” game to get
dangerous situations students moving to
different spots around the
circle. Do the pop bottle
activity once again and see
if the perspective has
Lesson 11: Mental Minds on: Ask students if Minds on: Students will Students will be Chromebooks
Health Initiatives they have heard of Zach be asked if they have assessed on the mental
Makes Track. Have ever heard of Zach health initiative they Graphic organizer
website shown on the Makes Track. Students chose and the
smartboard. Talk about will be shown the information they
2.2 demonstrate an
understanding of what Zach did for mental website. Students will be present.
appropriate speaking illness. asked if they know what
an initiative is. Key Questions:
behaviour in a variety
-What is an initiative?
of situations, including Action: In pairs, students Action: In pairs, -Why are mental health
paired sharing, will research other mental students will research initiatives important?
dialogue, and small- health initiatives and other mental health
and large- group positive changes it is initiatives. Students will
discussions making in the world. fill in a graphic organizer
1.1 identify the topic, Students will fill out a with the information.
purpose, and audience
graphic organizer to
for a variety of writing Consolidation:
organize their information.
forms Students can share their
Consolidation: Students mental health initiative
can talk about their mental and then hand in their
health initiative and will graphic organizer.
then hand in their graphic
Lesson 12: Minds on: Ask students Minds on: Students will Students will be Computers
Introduction to what they learned reflect on what they assessed on their
Culminating Task throughout this lesson. learned over this unit? culminating task when it paper
What they found Why is learning about is complete.
interesting. Why is learning mental health
1.1 identify the topic, What did we learn over
about mental health important?
purpose, and audience the course of this unit? previously used
for a variety of writing Action: Students will be resources
forms Action: Students will be introduced to the What did you find the
introduced to the culminating task. most interesting?
culminating task (See Students will be given Why is learning about
instruction above). time to walk around the mental health
Students will ask any school and find a important?
questions they may have classroom that they
about the culminating task. want to be in charge of.
Students will be given Students will also be What will you take away
some time to pick which given time to plan out from this unit?
classroom they want to be their research.
in charge of and then plan
out their research. Consolidation:
Students will conference
Consolidation: Students with the teacher to
will conference with the discuss what they want
teacher to discuss what to do for their
they want to do for their culminating task.
culminating task.
Lesson 13 & 14: Minds on: Remind Minds on: Students will Students will be Computers
Work period for students what they are be reminded what they assessed on their
culminating task. doing for culminating task. are doing for their culminating task when it paper
culminating task. is complete.
Action: Students will be pencils
given the period to work on Action: Students will be
their culminating tasks. given the period to work previously used
on their culminating resources
Consolidation: Students tasks.
can share what they are
doing for their culminating Consolidation:
task. Students can share
what they are doing for
their culminating task.
Lesson 15 (L.A): Minds on: Have students Minds on: Students will Students will be Projector
Presentation of do an entry ticket to fill in an entry ticket to assessed based on the
Culminating Task describe what they liked or describe what they like content included in their computer
disliked about the unit. or disliked about the presentation. Students
unit. will do a self-
Action: Students will assessment on how
present their culminating Action: Students will they felt they did on the
task to the class. present their culminating presentation as well as
task to the class. the reflections done
Consolidation: Students
will partake in an open Consolidation: throughout the course of
discussion on what they Students will talk about the unit.
learned throughout this unit what they learned from What did we learn over
as well from the this unit as well as the the course of this unit?
presentations. presentations.
What did you find the
most interesting?
☐ Interview
☐ Peer Edit
☐ Spot Check
VARIETYOF Ensure that there are a variety of learning experiences provided to match the class and individual learning
LEARNING profile that you have developed for this group of learners (see below). Mark any you have used.
• Other ___________