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Open Source Development Around The World: A Comparative Study

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Open Source Development Around the World: A Comparative Study

Preprint · May 2018


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Gustavo Pinto
Federal University of Pará


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Open Source Development Around the World: A
Comparative Study
Thaís Mombach1 , Marco Tulio Valente1 , Cuiting Chen2 ,
Magiel Bruntink2 , Gustavo Pinto3
Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil; 2 Software Improvement Group,
arXiv:1805.01342v1 [cs.SE] 3 May 2018

Netherlands; 3 Federal University of Pará, Brazil

{mtov,thaismombach}@dcc.ufmg.br, {m.bruntink,c.chen}@sig.eu, gpinto@ufpa.br


Open source software has an increasing importance in our modern society, providing
basic services to other software systems and also supporting the rapid development
of a variety of end-user applications. Recently, world-wide code sharing platforms,
like GitHub, are also contributing to open source’s growth. However, little is known
on how this growth is distributed around the world and about the characteristics
of the projects developed in different countries. In this article, we provide a char-
acterization of 2,648 open source projects developed in 20 countries. We reveal the
number of projects per country, the popularity and programming language of each
country’s project and also show how the number of projects in a country correlates
to its GDP. Finally, we assess the maintainability and internal code quality of the
studied projects, using a tool called BetterCodeHub.

1 Introduction
Almost 10 years ago, Bjarne Stroustrup proclaimed that “our civilization runs on soft-
ware” [1]. Today, we can rephrase his declaration, stating that our civilization runs on
open source software. For example, a variety of popular and critical applications are
currently available under open source licenses, including operating systems, compilers,
databases, and web servers. Furthermore, end-user applications are rapidly designed and
released due to the reuse of code provided by open source libraries and frameworks. As a
consequence, the costs of running software intensive organizations dropped dramatically
in the last years. For example, the costs of launching a startup declined 90% in a period
of 20 years, since infrastructure software nowadays is nearly free [2].

Another key characteristic of open source projects is their global nature and reach.
For example, the Linux kernel includes contributions of more than 15K developers, from
at least 1,500 companies and 71 countries [3, 4]. Recently, modern source code sharing
platforms, like GitHub, allow geographically dispersed developers to launch, maintain, and
deploy open source projects. GitHub standardizes a workflow to handle contributions
from external developers, besides providing services to manage maintenance issues, to
document projects, to support code reviews and other quality assurance tasks.
However, it is still unclear whether open source project’s characteristics such as popu-
larity and maintainability depend on the country on which the project was built. In this
paper, we investigate 2,648 popular GitHub projects, maintained by individuals or orga-
nizations from 20 countries. For each country, we reveal the number of projects and the
main programming language used by its projects, we correlate the number of projects with
a country’s GDP, and we study projects’ popularity in terms of the number of stars. We
also investigate maintainability metrics, including Separation of Concerns, Clean Code,
and Automated Tests. Our ultimate goal is to provide a picture on the state of open
source development around the world. This picture can help governments, entrepreneurs,
and non-profit organizations to better develop strategies that foster and support open
source projects in their countries.

2 Study Design
We focus on popular projects, with a large base of users and developers. Therefore, as of
November 2017, we selected the top-10K open source projects on GitHub by the number
of stars. GitHub stars are similar to likes in other social networks and they are considered
a reliable proxy for the popularity of GitHub projects [5].
GitHub does not directly provide the geographic location of a project. However,
location is a meta-data of GitHub accounts. For example, suppose the project aserg-
ufmg/jscity. The owner of this project is aserg-ufmg, which is an organizational ac-
count on GitHub. In aserg-ufmg’s profile, it is informed that this organization is located
in Belo Horizonte, Brazil.1 Therefore, we consider aserg-ufmg/jscity as a Brazilian
project. However, this approach has some limitations; for example, 3,311 projects (33%)
are owned by accounts with an empty location field. We removed these projects, resulting
in a list of 6,689 projects. We also removed 645 projects that are not software systems
(e.g., projects referring to programming books, tutorials, awesome lists, etc). To remove
these projects, we first computed their number of lines of code, using a tool called cloc
(https://github.com/AlDanial/cloc). We configured this tool to consider source code
written in the top-100 most popular programming languages, according to the TIOBE
GitHub projects have a unique owner; but contributors can be of different countries, as studied in
Section 3.4.

index (https://www.tiobe.com/tiobe-index). We then removed projects that have no
lines of code, as returned by cloc.
For the remaining 6,044 projects, we implemented and used a script that attempts
to match a project location to a list of country names in English; we were successful
for 2,870 projects (47%). Finally, the first author of this paper inspected the location
of the remaining projects, aiming to manually associate them to countries, which was
possible in the case of other 2,518 projects (42%). For example, the location of one
project just mentioned Broadcasting House, London, which is the BBC headquarters in
London; therefore, its country was manually defined as UK. The remaining 656 projects
(11%) include locations which are not countries (e.g., The Earth) or locations mentioning
more than one country (e.g., Canada & France).
After following these steps, we were able to identify the country of 5,388 projects,
which are distributed over 77 countries (see Figure 1). United States has the largest
number of projects (2,302 projects, 42%), which is three times greater than the second
country (China). However, we decided to remove the United States from our analysis,
because the computation of the maintainability metrics—as detailed in Section 3.5—
requires some manual configuration steps. Therefore, we decided to compute these metrics
for the next 20 countries, to maximize the number and geographical distribution of the
analyzed countries. As a result, we study 2,648 open source projects. These projects are
presented in Figure 2. The number of projects in these countries ranges from 754 (China)
to 32 (Norway).

Number of Projects

Figure 1: Number of GitHub projects per country





) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) I) )
i n a ( om ( any ( da ( nce ( pan alia ( en ( sia ( nds ndia ain ( and Italy ine ( nd ( azil ( tria land ay (
Ch ingd erm Cana Fra Ja ustr Swe Rus erla I Sp ol
P ra rla Br Aus Fin orw
Uk itze N
K G A th
d N e Sw

Figure 2: Countries studied in this work

3 Results
3.1 Correlation with GDP
Figure 3 correlates the number of projects and the Growth Domestic Product (GDP)
of the studied countries. The GDP values refer to the most recent year available for
each country, as estimated by the International Monetary Fund (http://www.imf.org/
external/index.htm). We excluded China from this figure, to ease visualization (China
has the largest GDP among the studied projects and also the largest number of projects).
As we can observe in the figure, there is a strong and positive monotonic correlation among
these two variables (Spearman’s ρ = 0.75, p-value ≤ 0.01). The four countries with the
highest ratio of projects per GDP (in billions) are Ukraine (0.61), Sweden (0.16), and
Finland (0.15). The countries with the lowest ratio are Japan (0.02), India (0.03), Italy
(0.03), and Brazil (0.03). Therefore, these latter countries can define measures and policies
to increase the visibility of their open source projects, e.g., governments, universities, and
open source foundations can organize users meetings, hackathons and similar events, to
better promote open source practices among local developers.



200 ●
● FR

100 SE AU ●



● ●


0 1 2 3 4 5
GDP (Trillion US$)

Figure 3: GDP vs number of projects (excluding China, to ease visualization)

3.2 Popularity
Figure 4 presents the distribution of the number of stars for the projects in each studied
country. If we focus on the median values for each country, there are no major differences.
The median values ranges from 1,705.5 stars (Switzerland) to 2,406.5 stars (Norway). This
result suggests that in all countries there are developers who managed to create popular
projects; therefore, by means of planned actions and policies it might be possible to attract
other developers to open source, particularly in countries with a large population and a
relatively small number of popular projects (e.g., India and Brazil).

Figure 4: Popularity in terms of the number of stars

3.3 Programming Languages

Figure 5 shows the top-3 most popular programming languages for each country, i.e., for
each country we computed the primary programming language of its projects. JavaScript
is the most popular language in 18 countries and Java is the most popular one in the
remaining two countries (China and Ukraine). Java is also ranked among the top-3 lan-
guages of 16 countries; the exceptions are Canada, Italy, Switzerland, and Brazil. This
result reveals the skills and preferences of the developers in each country, since program-
ming languages are often used to implement particular kinds of system. For example,
Apple software is usually implemented in Objective-C (which is a popular programming
language in China, United Kingdom, Switzerland, and Austria) or Swift (which is popular
in Japan, Sweden, Poland, Italy, Ukraine, and Norway). In other words, countries tend to
present an installed competence in particular programming languages and systems; prob-
ably, these are the most recommended technologies to receive attention by governments
and open source organizations, in order to foster open source practices in their countries.

300 150 90 90 90
72 72 72
200 100
54 54 54
100 50 36 36 36
18 18 18
0 0 0 0 0
va pt C t
rip ava e C pt pt pt
Ja Scri ctive Sc J ctiv
cri Jav ytho
n n
cri tho G
o a P
cri Jav PH
Ja Obj
va je vaS P vaS Py va
Ob Ja Ja Ja

(a) CN (b) UK (c) DE (d) CA (e) FR

30 30 30 30 30

20 20 20 20 20

10 10 10 10 10

0 0 0 0 0
t t pt pt a ift t pt
rip wif Java a
cri Jav G
cri Jav Sw rip ava PHP a
cri Jav G
Sc S S aS Sc J S
va va v va va
Ja Ja Ja Ja Ja

(f) JP (g) AU (h) SE (i) NL (j) RU

25 25 25 25
30 20 20 20 20
20 15 15 15 15
10 10 10 10
5 5 5 5
0 0 0 0 0
pt a n t
rip ava PHP pt a ift pt ift C va pt ift
cri Jav ytho Sc J cri Jav Sw cri Sw Ja Scri Sw
vaS P va vaS vaS va
Ja Ja Ja Ja Ja

(k) IN (l) ES (m) PL (n) IT (o) UA

25 25 25 25 25
20 20 20 20 20
15 15 15 15 15
10 10 10 10 10
5 5 5 5 5
0 0 0 0 0
pt C n pt P y pt a C pt t t
cri ve tho cri PH Rub cri Jav tive a
cri Jav ytho
n rip Swif Java
vaS jecti Py a S vaS e c a S P Sc
Ja Ob v Ja j v va
Ja Ob Ja Ja

(p) CH (q) BR (r) AT (s) FI (t) NO

Figure 5: Top-3 most popular programming languages (by number of projects)

3.4 International vs Domestic Projects

In our work, the owner location is used to define the country of the project. However,
open source projects can attract contributors from other countries. Therefore, we also
investigate the percentage of core developers who are from a country different from the
project’s owner. We focus on core developers because it is well-known that open source
projects may include several contributors, but only a small number are responsible for the

bulk of the implementation and maintenance work [6]. In this paper, we use a standard
heuristic to identify core developers: they are the smallest subset of developers responsible
for at least 80% of the project commits (excluding merges) [7]. Moreover, a core developer
should have at least 5% of the projects commits; this is important to avoid including in
the core team developers with small contributions, but who are required to reach the
80% threshold. We defined the 5% threshold after some experiments; for example, the
traditional heuristic results in 22 core developers for spotify/luigi; however, 18 have
less than 5% of the commits in this system. By contrast, the literature reports that even
in complex projects, the core team is no larger than 10-15 developers [8].
Using these concepts, we classify the projects of each country in three groups: (a)
domestic projects, when all core developers are from the same country of the project
owner; (b) international projects, when at least one core developer is from a country
distinct from the project owner; (c) undefined, when it is not possible to infer the country
of at least one of the core developers (e.g., because the location field is empty or invalid)
and the remaining developers are from the same country of the project owner. Figure 2
shows the distribution of projects in the proposed categories, for each country. Domestic
projects is the most common category in 19 countries (the only exception is Finland). The
Asian countries have the highest percentage of domestic projects, including China (76%)
and Japan (73%). By contrast, the country with the highest percentage of international
projects is Finland (47%), followed by Canada (41%) and Brazil (40%). The percentage
of undefined projects is at most 17% in all countries, with the exception of Ukraine (32%).
Essentially, our results show that open source is frequently the outcome of a local effort;
therefore, measures and policies restricted to a country (e.g., national events) have the
potential to promote open source practices in this country.

Domestic International Undefined

United Kingdom
0% 25% 50% 75% 100%

Figure 6: International and domestic projects per country

3.5 Maintainability
Maintainability is a key concern in modern open source development, particularly in the
case of projects maintained by independent developers, without stable financial support.
For this reason, we also analyze how maintainability varies across the projects in each
country. To this purpose, we relied on BetterCodeHub (https://bettercodehub.com),
a web-based tool that assesses the maintainability of GitHub projects. BetterCodeHub
checks a codebase for compliance with a set of guidelines, covering key aspects of source
code quality. For example, the tool checks the size and complexity of methods (or similar
program elements), the presence of duplicated code, the complexity of unit interfaces,
the test automation and architecture metrics, among other aspects, implemented for 16
programming languages. The thresholds to check compliance with the proposed guidelines
are derived from an ultra-large dataset of software projects, totaling 9 billion lines of code,
in a benchmark of more than 200 languages. As its principal result, BetterCodeHub
provides a maintainability score for a project. The tool checks for ten guidelines, but
in this study we discarded two guidelines that require developer validation of the files
that are part of the architectural components in a project. This decision was important
to allow scaling our analysis to thousands of systems. Therefore, the scores produced
by BetterCodeHub in our setup ranges from 0 to 8; the higher the score, the higher the
project’s maintainability. Finally, it is important to highlight that maintainability is one
aspect of software quality; although other aspects are also important, such as reliability,
usability, portability, etc, they are not part of our study’s scope.
We executed BetterCodeHub over 2,648 repositories and received the analysis results
on 2,500 repositories. BetterCodeHub did not analyze 148 repositories due to unsupported
technologies, oversize, or very long analysis time. Figure 7 shows the distribution of the
maintainability scores computed by the tool. The median score is 5 for 14 countries. The
six other countries have a median score of 4. The third quartile is 6 for 12 countries;
Poland has the highest third quartile measure (score 7). We also found 86 projects with
a maximal score (3.4%), distributed over 17 countries.

Figure 7: Maintainability scores as computed by BetterCodeHub (ranging from 0 to 8)

Figure 8 shows the percentage of projects following each of the guidelines checked by
BetterCodeHub. The two guidelines with the highest compliance rates are small codebase
(99%, suggesting that most studied systems have volume less than 20 man-years, which
indicates a proper size to ease maintenance) and clean code (96%, suggesting the projects
have few code smells, which also ease maintenance). By contrast, the three guidelines with
the lowest compliance rates are simple units (35%, suggesting that code with complex
execution paths, including several branches and loops, is common), automated tests (26%,
revealing the studied projects have an insufficient number of tests), and short units (21%,
showing that long methods or functions are common).

Keep Your Codebase Small

Write Clean Code
Separate Concerns in Modules
Write Code Once
Keep Unit Interfaces Small
Write Simple Units of Code
Automate Tests
Write Short Units of Code
0% 25% 50% 75% 100%

Figure 8: Percentage of projects following the BetterCodeHub guidelines

Overall, we found that there is no major differences among the studied countries, con-
cerning their final maintainability scores, as computed by BetterCodeHub and presented
in Figure 7. However, this result suggests that there is space for improvements, specially
regarding the following guidelines: write simple units, use automated tests, and write
short units.

4 Limitations
First, the study is restricted to GitHub; although GitHub is the largest platform for
developing open source projects, we acknowledge that particular countries might have
preferences for other platforms. Another limitation is related to the fact that the location
field on GitHub is a free form (i.e., it accepts any information). Therefore, our approach
for inferring the location cannot be fully automated. The first author had to double check
3,174 locations that our algorithm was not successful to infer. This step was necessary
because, even though we could infer the name of well-known cities and states (e.g., Belém
is a city in Brazil), acronyms (e.g., BL is an acronym for Belém) and typos (e.g., some
developers declare Belemm, with a double m and without accent) are also common. Since
we analyzed thousands of projects, such minor issues, at scale, make a fully automated

technique unfeasible. Still, our approach can also introduce false positives. For instance,
Belém is also a city in Portugal.

5 Related Studies
The recent introduction of social coding platforms has drastically changed the way de-
velopment teams communicate and collaborate. As a side effect of this introduction,
open source software is gaining momentum in both practitioners and researchers are-
nas [5, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13]. On the technical side, researchers are taking advantage of
these platforms to answer questions regarding the adoption of programming language
features [11], how to detect and fix bugs [13], or how to improve code quality [10]. The
findings of these studies provide practical and timely implications to several stakeholders,
including developers, tool builders, and even programming language designers. More-
over, other studies focused on the social side, such as the characterization of open source
communities [9] and factors that impact developers onboarding and retention [12] of new
contributors in open source communities. Gender bias is also being explored lately [9].
The popularity and attractiveness of open-source projects have also been a subject of
investigation [5]. These studies provide some light on the barriers related to diversity
and inclusion in open source communities, how can community members mitigate these
barriers, and how does open source software contribute to build a more equitable society.
However, to best of our knowledge, there is little evidence on whether a project location
(or country) has influence on metrics such as popularity, programming language adoption,
or code quality. In this paper, we contribute to technical and social axes. We provide
evidence about the most used programming languages whilst highlighting the role that
the contributors play in the studied software projects.

6 Conclusion
In this paper we provide an extensive investigation of over 2,648 open source projects
developed in 20 countries. We observed that, after removing US projects, the countries
with more popular projects are China (754 projects), United Kingdom (336 projects), and
Germany (236 projects). We also found a correlation between number of projects and a
country’s GDP. We found that the most popular programming languages are JavaScript
and Java, but other languages, such as Objective C, Swift, and Go, are popular in specific
countries. Moreover, domestic projects, i.e., when all core developers are from the project’s
country, are the most common category in 19 out of 20 countries. Finally, we showed
that there is an space to improve projects’ maintainability in all studied countries. Our
findings may help governments, entrepreneurs and non-profit organizations to understand
open source practices in specific countries, and therefore plan actions to improve them.

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