Last updated: 1 September 2023
Tattle Civic Tech (“Tattle”) was selected to lead the research project, and delivered the research outputs
that formed the basis of this report. The report was written by Tarunima Prabhakar, Co-Founder and
Research Lead of Tattle, and Mala Kumar, former Director of Tech for Social Good at GitHub. Upasana
Bhattacharjee, Researcher at Tattle, and Swastika Mohapatra, Data Science Intern at Tattle, were
contributing authors. Contributing editors were Yash Budhwar, Operations and Communications Lead at
Tattle, and GitHub staff: Cynthia Lo, Skills-Based Volunteering Program Manager; Peter Cihon, Senior
Policy Manager; Abby Rieflin, Senior Corporate Communications Manager; Caffrey Lynch, Senior
Corporate Communications Specialist. Special thanks go to Kevin Xu, Senior Software Engineer at
GitHub, as well as the many international development, public policy, economics, and academic experts
who were interviewed as part of the research.
Executive summary
There is increasing demand for data that contextualizes the impact of software collaborations across
geographies. GitHub is the largest global platform for code collaboration, and thus data aggregated over
its public activity is uniquely insightful for researchers and practitioners working in related fields, such as
international development, public policy, and economics. This report maps the data needs of
researchers and practitioners in these fields to the data sharing possibilities at GitHub. In order to better
understand the needs of the community, GitHub engaged Tattle to discover how private sector
organizations can support or augment public sector data and to share these findings. The authors
realized this research report can also provide guidance to corporations looking to share data.
While there are potential risks of GitHub sharing data, some of which are detailed in this paper, the
authors find a strong need for GitHub to responsibly release aggregated metrics,1 which can serve as an
important resource for understanding the impact of software and data-centered projects on global
development. In absence of data released by GitHub, researchers will need to rely on third-party
services, some of which may not be up-to-date or complete.
The authors observe significant diversity in the questions, topics, methods, and resources of analysis
among potential users of these metrics. Specifically for the international development community,
aggregate but stable metrics at a national level are sufficient. Academic researchers generally requested
more granular levels. The authors emphasize the importance of GitHub establishing consistent,
transparent, and consultative processes through which the metrics are conceptualized and released.
This report contains the background, major findings, and recommendations for the research project that
GitHub has published, the GitHub Innovation Graph. The GitHub Innovation Graph was informed by this
report and provides downloadable CSV files that are generally publicly available and updated regularly.
The GitHub Innovation Graph specifications help establish consistent definitions and units of
measurement to establish benchmarks to measure progress towards the Sustainable Development
Goals (SDGs) within a country and between countries. As ‘data deserts’ negatively impact communities
that data sets omit particularly in low-and-middle-income countries, the GitHub Innovation Graph aims
to provide insights that can inform public policy and international development priorities to help
opportunities for action.
The GitHub Innovation Graph is the most comprehensive attempt to represent software developers and
software-adjacent technologists toward the advancement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
In this paper, “data” refers to individual GitHub user activity or attributes, such as user location. “Metrics” refers to
cleaned, aggregated GitHub data. See the key terms section for more information.
GitHub Standardized Metrics
“Open source software, open data, open AI models, open standards and open content that adhere to
privacy and other applicable laws and best practices and do no harm and are of high relevance for
attainment of the United Nations 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).”
A broad term to refer to infrastructure that enables digitalization, including landline telephones, mobile
devices, software applications, and media devices.
Indicators can be used to drive a decision through comparison with previous values. An indicator may be
a composite of several metrics.
Activity refers to the 50+ event types that are counted and/or trigger an action on GitHub that can be tied
to a user or organization. Activities include but are not limited to pushing code, adding a comment to an
issue, and editing a markdown file. Refer to GitHub documentation for a comprehensive list of event
According to the World Bank, LMICs are countries in the lower three of four brackets, as defined by
gross national income per capita.
Metrics are aggregated data that on their own, do not imply strength, value, or conditions that drive
action. Examples of metrics are the population of a country or the number of commits in a GitHub
GitHub Standardized Metrics states, “Open data and content can be freely used, modified, and shared by anyone
for any purpose.” As is the case with OSS, open data must be publicly available, in a machine-readable
format, and easily accessible online. 5
In this report, we are specifically referring to digital platforms or software-based infrastructure that
facilitates interactions between users.
Public code
Seventeen goals set by the United Nations along thematic areas of human progress, such as education,
food security, and public health. Each goal has multiple targets and indicators.
Activity on GitHub
GitHub is a platform that connects users to coding projects.6 Users are individuals and may belong to
organizations and collaborate on project repositories. A user or an organization may create or own one or
more coding projects, which may have one or more repositories. All activity on GitHub describes some
relationship between users, repositories, and organizations.
There are different ways in which these three entities can be connected. For example, a user may own a
coding project or create a repository for that coding project. They might fork (copy) a repository, commit
(add) to a repository, create pull requests to make a suggestion, star a repository to add it to their
favorites, or create an issue to describe a problem. Users might follow other users or organizations. All
these activities reflect a varying level of engagement with a specific project repository.
User, repository, and organization activity, and the interaction therein can inform a range of research
Used in the general sense of the word and not in reference to the projects feature on GitHub.
The ongoing digitalization of the economy and society relies heavily on all forms of software
collaboration activity, be it open source, public, or private. GitHub is the world’s largest platform for code
collaboration, and its usage depends on numerous economic and societal factors, such as literacy,
wealth, and internet accessibility.
Over the last two decades, data about digital platforms usage has been increasingly used as an
important public policy and programmatic tool to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Since platform data is driven by a different set of institutional origins, practices, and biases, it can be
used to cross-validate existing and older methods of collecting population wide parameters (Taylor &
Schroeder, 2015). In absence of on-ground data collection exercises by governments or multilaterals,
data from digital platforms can also fill longstanding data gaps.
This report maps the data needs of researchers and practitioners in these fields to the data sharing
possibilities at GitHub. In this paper, we focus specifically on how GitHub can release metrics to help
international development, public policy, and economics researchers and practitioners make
better-informed decisions. Releasing the GitHub metrics described in this paper is the most
comprehensive attempt to represent how software developers and software-adjacent technologists
contribute to the advancement of the SDGs. We define metrics as data aggregated, across the platform,
and over several projects.
Based on interviews with professionals in international development, public policy, and economics, the
authors propose a list of conceptual metrics that GitHub can release to inform the research questions
identified around:
The next sections include project background and a discussion on the risk of “big data.” Readers can go
to the major findings and recommendations sections for the research project outcomes.
GitHub Standardized Metrics
Research methodology
● A detailed literature review on previous papers that used data about GitHub activity
● A Google form to solicit volunteers interested in participating in the research project
● Semi-structured, detailed interviews
Through the Google form and literature review, Tattle identified potential volunteer interviewees who had
extensive experience in working with GitHub activity data and/or working with other digital platform data
in international development. Tattle conducted one-on-one interviews through Zoom with 18 researchers
and practitioners working in international development, public policy, economics, technology, and open
source ecosystem development. Geographically, the interviewees came from North America, Europe,
Africa, and Asia. Professionally, the interviewees spanned roles such as program managers, data
scientists, academic researchers, engineering managers, and strategists. Tattle also interviewed
employees from different teams at GitHub to understand the internal considerations on releasing metrics.
Depending on the interviewee’s professional background, the interview covered one or more of the
● Experience and challenges in working with data, from digital platforms or otherwise
● Prior experience with GitHub and data about GitHub to understand motivations, points of
friction, and recommendations for others
● Questions of interest to the concerned stakeholder that could be helped with GitHub metrics
● Data use practices to understand how GitHub should share the metrics
Tattle then consolidated findings from the interviews and conducted two focus groups to get more
targeted feedback. The first focus group was with researchers familiar with GitHub as a platform. Many
of them had used GitHub activity data in their work. The second focus group was with international
development practitioners. These focus group discussions also included eight individuals working in
international development who had not been previously interviewed. This gave the research team an
opportunity to evaluate the relative importance of different metrics for different groups.
The feedback from the focus group discussions was consolidated into two reports that Tattle submitted
to GitHub, which GitHub then used to write this paper.
Most of the research studies analyzed in the literature review were interested in the collaboration
dynamics of GitHub projects and were therefore using project-level data. The scope of this research
project, however, is metrics from activity across the entire GitHub platform, not individual projects. This
GitHub Standardized Metrics
report includes a section for the requests received for project-level metrics that GitHub may consider in
the future.
This report summarizes the concerns and needs expressed in the research, as well as the reputational
and business considerations for GitHub in releasing metrics to support those working in international
development, public policy, and economics. Assumptions and concerns came from three primary
This report balances the interests and concerns of the groups by assuming that the maximal opportunity
comes with responsible data sharing. This report also attempts to document and communicate the
perspectives of the groups to each other.
GitHub Standardized Metrics
Possible harms can have several dimensions. Based on MERL Tech’s work and existing research on
online harms (MERL Tech, n.d; Agrafiotis et al, 2018), the following dimensions of harms should be
considered as datasets are made public:
Below are the various stakeholders who will be affected by data sharing by GitHub, and possible risks:
National and sub-national Metrics might be used to evaluate national performance, which could
governments affect the reputation of government bodies.
Technology companies Metrics could affect the perception of specific open source technologies,
or the actions of companies that work on or with public code.
Open source communities – Metrics could affect funding decisions or bring unintended bias or
international, regional, scrutiny to open technology communities working on sensitive issues.
GitHub users If identified, GitHub users could be targeted based on their gender;
sexuality; occupation; education; location; race, caste, ethnicity; spoken
language; age; dis/abilities; religion; socioeconomic status, or an
intersection of these demographics.
Academics and researchers Academics and researchers are primarily consumers of the metrics. We
do not foresee possible direct harm to this stakeholder.
GitHub Standardized Metrics
GitHub (the company) The metrics could increase scrutiny on GitHub and affect its business
The EU data protection authorities list nine criteria7 that indicate high risk in processing data, one of
which is matching or combining datasets. Pozen (2005) pointed out that disparate items of information,
though individually limited or of no utility to their possessor, can take on added significance when
combined with other items of information, creating a ‘mosaic effect’. In a famous case, researchers were
able to compare an anonymized dataset of customer movie rankings from Netflix with public information
in IMDB. They identified Netflix consumers and sensitive details, such as their political preference
(Narayanan & Shamtikov, 2008).
One hypothetical scenario with GitHub metrics involves “the number of projects by development
pathway, in a region”. As an isolated dataset, this would help researchers and international development
agencies to understand interest and investments. If this were mapped onto external location data and
aggregated data on popular projects by geography, however, GitHub data might be used to identify
granular project hotbeds. Were the project not favorable to governments or other local populations,
activity might be curtailed through internet shutdowns or intimidation.
On the other hand, data from digital platforms should not be used in isolation from local contexts where
GitHub users are based. While data from platforms can be used as a proxy for missing statistical data,
especially in low-income countries, the absence of survey data can indicate a lack of resources.8 These
constraints may affect the verifiability of big data, because platform data may not be cross-checked
through on-the-ground surveys.
Relying on platform data to inform policy decisions and initiatives can also shift the decision-making
power over data from countries and governments to corporations (Taylor & Schroeder, 2015). This
increases corporate responsibility to consider the interests of all their users. Arora (2016) expressed
concern that corporations have a legacy of treating populations in the low- and middle-income countries
(LMICs) as new customers being sold dreams of empowerment without having any power to negotiate or
control their data. Researchers and practitioners from the LMICs might be disproportionately excluded or
given insufficient recognition of their work or the work of their institutional affiliations. Leaning towards
more open datasets can allow for a thriving and more diverse research community. This also prevents
redundancy in efforts of data collection by different groups, which is especially important in
resource-constrained areas.
Researchers have also warned against data-driven solutionism, where oversimplification and
misrepresentation creeps into the identification, definition, and construction of societal problems
(Morozov, 2013). The onus of responsible and appropriate use of data is shared by the entity releasing
the data (in this case GitHub), as well as the researchers using the data. From this perspective, the
consultative process undertaken by GitHub is important. In addition to transparency around how the
metrics are conceived, it is also important to highlight how and when the metrics from GitHub should not
Active data is explicitly requested from the user. Surveys are a common method of producing active data.
GitHub Standardized Metrics
be used. This is the approach taken in conceptualizing the metrics (see the Recommendations section
for more details).
GitHub Standardized Metrics
The authors found significant heterogeneity in how researchers and practitioners in international
development, public policy, and economics engage with research questions and with different methods
for accessing and processing data. The researchers and practitioners also had a wide range of resources
and capacities, in terms of connectivity, computing power, and labor. These must factor into which
metrics are released and how.
● Have a clear idea of the metrics that would be useful to their research and their implications
● Metric requirements are precise and often granular, like:
o Diversity in projects
o Developer interactions
o Skill development
● Often resource-starved and need data to tell stories about their impact
Each persona was found among people working in international development, public policy, and
economics, though some personas were more commonly found in one of the three.
GitHub Standardized Metrics
Academics were more commonly involved in conceptualizing indices around economic growth.
International development practitioners were interested in using such indices. Community leaders of
collaborative and/or open tech projects (Persona 3) could be working towards public policy goals or in
international development.
Domains of interest
Tattle attempted to uncover what aspects of users, projects, organizations, and their interactions were of
interest to the three personas. This section details the questions that surfaced in the research, without
consideration as to whether they can be answered by data from GitHub. The questions are classified
under the 5W (and 1H) framework and in the rough order of importance, as determined by how
frequently an interviewee said it was used or expressed interest in this information.
Where public code collaboration takes place was one of the most important topics. Some of the broad
geography-related questions identified were:
Table 2: Questions and discussion points around the “where” of releasing GitHub metrics
Where are users located? GitHub activity reflects a more sophisticated and technically proficient
engagement than social media activity. Thus, the location of GitHub users
can serve as a proxy for tech proficiency, productive skills, and internet
availability and shutdowns in a region.
Where do projects A coding project could include one or more repositories tied to an
originate? individual or an organization. As described in a later section, trying to
determine a specific location is not straightforward. Regardless, the
location of a project can convey the needs and technical ethos of a place.
What is the geographical As a global platform for code collaboration, GitHub enables internet users
relationship between the to discover and work on projects from around the world. What does the
users and the projects to user location and the project location convey about information and
which they contribute? capital flows? For example, are projects started in high-income countries,
with contributors from LMICs joining later? Or is it the other way around?
Where are the active contributor hubs?
Researchers are interested in knowing more about who is on GitHub. The ‘who’ could concern user
demographics (gender, spoken language), professional affiliation (student or employer), or their role on a
project. They are also interested in whose accounts could be affected by government action or targeted
GitHub Standardized Metrics
‘Affiliation’ in the context of public code collaboration can mean many things. People may contribute to
public code projects through the organization that provides them full-time employment. They might do it
while volunteering at an organization outside of their full-time job. They might do both. People might also
have multiple professional affiliations on the platform. Researchers are interested in understanding the
social and economic backgrounds of users that enable a person to contribute to public code.9
Researchers are interested in projects classified by SDG thematic areas, such as health, education, and
food security. Humanitarian aid organizations are interested in identifying robust projects and their
funding and organizational structures to support the SDGs. They might also be interested in comparing
the ‘health’10 of different projects. Finally, to differentiate between open source within public code
collaborations, researchers are also interested in the license terms under which different projects on
GitHub are released.
Linking GitHub activity to time can help show the evolution of projects, as well as GitHub user journeys.
For example, how many projects stay active over a five-year period? How, if at all, does open source
participation contribute to skilling? How many ‘power users’ remain high contributors on a project? Or
how does GitHub activity change when users graduate from universities into professional settings?
A complex area of research is how public code/open source collaboration takes place. For example, how
do non-coding and coding roles interact with each other? What leads some projects to become popular
and stable, and others to stall? How does financing shape social good projects?
Questions Summary
The table below summarizes the research questions and connects them to the user personas that are
most interested in these questions. Not all questions can be answered through metrics aggregated over
all public activity on GitHub. Answering some of these requires metrics at the project level. In the
Recommendations section, we list the aggregate metrics that GitHub can release to inform these
questions, as well as project-level data that GitHub can consider as a part of subsequent projects.
In April 2020, GitHub published a report that covers the economic and social factors around contributing to open
source for social good projects. Download the report for free here:
See: Xia, T., Fu, W., Shu, R., Agrawal, R., & Menzies, T. (2020). Predicting Health Indicators for Open Source
Projects (using Hyperparameter Optimization). doi:10.48550/ARXIV.2006.07240
GitHub Standardized Metrics
There was significant diversity in how interviewees perceived GitHub. For some, GitHub is the primary
platform for open source collaboration. They had positive perceptions of the platform. Some emphasized
GitHub’s nature as a corporate entity that relies on enterprise customers for revenue. Others were wary
of GitHub’s connection to Microsoft. Some interviewees expressed doubts about GitHub ever releasing
datasets for research. A few were suspicious about GitHub’s intentions in participating in open access
initiatives (this project included). In one case, an open tech community leader declined an interview since
they didn’t believe in GitHub’s commitment to open source processes.
The general perception is that GitHub has not released metrics for research, even though GitHub has
released some metrics in its annual State of the Octoverse reports.11 As per one researcher tracking
software development and open source processes:
GitHub Standardized Metrics
One interviewee tempered their enthusiasm around more platform data. They warned that while many
researchers and practitioners believed that more data would be useful to their work, how the data would
be used wasn’t always clear when making the request. Further, they cautioned that GitHub users
generally do not expect data about their platform activity will be used by researchers. Lastly, regulators
might not understand the difference between GitHub and a social media or e-commerce platform. Data
released by GitHub could bring it more media and ultimately regulatory attention. In recognition of these
concerns, the authors included a Risk Assessment (see above) in this paper.
The opportunity of releasing data for social impact–driven research can also be seen as managing
GitHub’s perception amongst diverse external stakeholders. While there are consequences for sharing
data that need to be thought through, there are also consequences for not sharing data. Releasing
metrics responsibly would reinforce GitHub’s commitment to platform transparency, as well as social
impact and open access initiatives.
Metrics releases
Data about GitHub activity is currently being used in indices and reports in many disciplines. In absence
of one authoritative GitHub data source, researchers rely on third-party sites, such as GH Archive and
GHTorrent, which provide different data points and are updated at different frequencies. The data from
these sources might not reflect recent usage and activity. Interviewees mentioned that the consumers of
these indices are usually decision-makers who do not have the time or the willingness to verify the
accuracy or data aggregation methods of the data. In absence of alternatives, the data from external
sources may incorrectly be perceived to be authoritative. This is both a reputational and business risk to
By owning the data about GitHub, the company can provide the necessary context on how it was
generated and known data voids. It will also enable a standardization of data used externally. Finally, it
provides one authoritative source to consult when trying to verify and validate GitHub data.
For those in international development (persona 2), broad aggregate metrics at the country (national)
level released annually or quarterly are useful. Stability of metrics over multiple years is important for this
persona since they are interested in evaluating improvements over baseline metrics.
GitHub Standardized Metrics
One of the interviewees highlighted that bots on GitHub that automate Actions (workflows), can present
a challenge in computing metrics. Bots should be filtered out of the metrics released. Bots may be
identified through names or through heuristics such as rapidly repeated actions. Identifying bots is a
non-trivial task that may require some additional research efforts.12
For information on how GitHub defines bots, see here:
GitHub Standardized Metrics Report
Section: Recommendations
A metric is a standard of measurement. Different disciplines have used the term metric in projects on or
involving GitHub. For example, the CHAOSS project uses the word metric as “measures of open source
project health.” In this report, we define metrics as data aggregated, across the platform, over several
projects. Metrics can support work in international development, public policy, and economics. On their
own, metrics do not imply strength, value, or condition. Examples of metrics include population of a
country or the number of commits on a repository.
Indicators, on the other hand, can be used to compare and drive a decision. An indicator may be a
composite of several metrics, and can be used to determine relative strength, value, or condition among
entities. In the interviews and focus group discussions that informed this paper, the authors heard
requests for simple national level metrics as well as complex indicators. As mentioned earlier, in
international development in particular, simple metrics are insightful.
Indicators are often created in response to a niche research question and at this stage, it is difficult for
GitHub to predict how its data can be effectively incorporated in different indicators. The application of
the released metrics, however, will inform this understanding.
The focus group discussions revealed the need for metrics about specific public code / open source
projects. Some of the requests the interviewees and participants raised were:
GitHub Standardized Metrics
Section: Recommendations
“It would be important to provide how many
languages each application supports, to evaluate
Releasing repository or organization specific data is not within the purview of this report. GitHub can
consider expanding, consolidating, and responding to these requests in a separate project.13
GitHub has existing goodwill among many of those interviewed that it can leverage to increase the
visibility of the metrics should it continue to use consultative processes. The CHAOSS project presents
one model for consistent, transparent, and consultative release of metrics “for making open source
project health more understandable.”14 The metrics are officially released once or twice a year following a
30-day comment period. The review and feedback are coordinated on GitHub.
GitHub should also clarify if it cannot release certain metrics. Some of the metrics requested center
around user demographics that GitHub does not collect and therefore cannot release. This data
minimalism approach at GitHub should be included in communication about metrics releases.
The three personas interviewed had different data needs and resource capacities. They also come from
disciplines with different data cultures that shape how they access data. For example, many multilateral
organizations, such as the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), share data through Excel or csv
files uploaded on their websites. Academic researchers, on the other hand, have long standing
GitHub recently joined the World Bank’s Development Data Partnership: It has also
joined the Industry Data for Society Partnership:
GitHub Standardized Metrics
Section: Recommendations
experience working with APIs, which are especially amenable to programmatic analysis but require more
specialized technical knowledge and more stable internet infrastructure.
The final metrics GitHub shares can be available through both data dumps (i.e. csv files) and/or through
its APIs. The data could also be hosted on cloud services that allow people to run queries without
downloading the data. One of the interviewees suggested that storing the results of some common
queries could also make it easier to peruse the metrics and reduce duplicative efforts.
GitHub could choose to share metrics through multiple channels to make the metrics accessible to
different stakeholders. All the channels for accessing data should be listed on one landing page under a
GitHub domain. This is to distinguish the formal channels (those endorsed and maintained by GitHub).
The data should be synchronized across all formal channels.
Sites of relevant organizations, such as UN Global Pulse, ITU, the World Bank, the American Economic
Association, and the World Intellectual Property Forum could host GitHub metrics. GitHub can also
consider publicizing the metrics through blogs and listserves, such as Data is Plural, and speak about
the metrics in academic conferences.
GitHub can learn from the shortcomings of prior data-sharing efforts by other platforms. For example,
researchers have found the process behind an API to be a black box (Pfeffer et al., 2022). Additionally,
GitHub can follow processes for standardized and transparent documentation, such as those prescribed
by Gebru et al. (2021) in “Datasheets for Datasets”. Their process requires answering questions on the
motivation behind datasets, and their composition, collection processes, uses, distribution, and
As previously discussed in the Risk Analysis section, the metrics may unintentionally allow certain
individuals, projects, or communities to be identified. While evaluating the risks of data sharing is a
socio-political and legal analysis, it can also be a technical analysis. This can help determine the
minimums for each metric that ensure specific entities (users, repositories) are not identified.
Different personas have varying degrees of experience with GitHub and/or in working with platform data.
Practitioners in international development (persona 2) who can drive real-time action using insights from
data about GitHub activity have the least familiarity with the platform. GitHub can consider programs for
skill and knowledge sharing sessions between the different persona groups. This might also help surface
new problem statements to academics (persona 1) that can be answered through metrics released by
GitHub Standardized Metrics Report
Section: References
Releasing aggregate data at this scale would be an unprecedented endeavor for GitHub. It would, for the
first time, provide a comprehensive view of how code contributions and software developer activity
relate to the SDGs. There are several unknowns, but also immense opportunity in this regard. While far
from exhaustive, the recommendations in this document serve as an important first step to help GitHub
release metrics that can inform work in international development, public policy, and economics
research and programs. This data set can create an opportunity to help establish benchmarks to
measure progress of SDGs and possibly reveal inequalities and disparities in technical training,
education, and compute power to government services.
As mentioned in the beginning of the report, all possible use cases of these metrics cannot be
anticipated ahead of time, and there will likely be several iterations of the metrics. Ultimately, GitHub
metrics are an opportunity for the company that hosts most of the world’s code to contribute to societal
and economic development.
GitHub Standardized Metrics
Section: References
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cyber-harms: Defining the impacts of cyber-attacks and understanding how they propagate.
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1. Arora, P. (2016). Bottom of the data pyramid: Big data and the global south. International Journal
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Software Technology, 70, 30-39.
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5. Buckee, C. O., Balsari, S., Chan, J., Crosas, M., Dominici, F., Gasser, U., ... & Schroeder, A.
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6. Cheng, X., Zhang, Z., Yang, Y., & Zhonghua, Y. (04 2020). Open collaboration between
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(2021). Datasheets for datasets. Communications of the ACM, 64(12), 86-92.
8. GH Archive. (n.d.). Research, visualizations and talks. GH Archive Website. Retrieved from
9. GitHut 2.0: A Small Place to Discover Languages in GitHub (n.d.). Retrieved from
10. Imtiaz, N., Middleton, J., Chakraborty, J., Robson, N., Bai, G., & Murphy-Hill, E. (2019, May).
Investigating the effects of gender bias on GitHub. In 2019 IEEE/ACM 41st International
Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE) (pp. 700-711). IEEE.
GitHub Standardized Metrics
Section: References
11. Jiang, J., Lo, D., Yang, Y., Li, J., & Zhang, L. (2019). A first look at unfollowing behavior on
GitHub. Information and Software Technology, 105, 150-160.
12. Kryvasheyeu, Y., Chen, H., Obradovich, N., Moro, E., Van Hentenryck, P., Fowler, J., & Cebrian,
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13. Lu, X., Bengtsson, L., & Holme, P. (2012). Predictability of population displacement after the
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14. Mergel, I. (2015). Open collaboration in the public sector: The case of social coding on GitHub.
Government Information Quarterly, 32(4), 464-472.
15. Monitoring, evaluation, research and learning Tech (n.d.) Retrieved from:
16. Mombach, T., & Valente, M. T. (2018). GitHub REST API vs GHTorrent vs GitHub Archive: A
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17. Morozov, E. (2013). To save everything, click here: The folly of technological solutionism. Public
18. Narayanan, A., & Shmatikov, V. (2008). Robust de-anonymization of large sparse datasets. 2008
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