Energy: Jonathan Reynolds, Yacine Rezgui, Alan Kwan, Sol Ene Piriou
Energy: Jonathan Reynolds, Yacine Rezgui, Alan Kwan, Sol Ene Piriou
Energy: Jonathan Reynolds, Yacine Rezgui, Alan Kwan, Sol Ene Piriou
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a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Buildings account for a substantial proportion of global energy consumption and global greenhouse gas
Received 14 August 2017 emissions. Given the growth in smart devices and sensors there is an opportunity to develop a new
Received in revised form generation of smarter, more context aware, building controllers. Therefore, in this work, surrogate, zone-
26 January 2018
level artificial neural networks that take weather, occupancy and indoor temperature as inputs, have
Accepted 20 March 2018
been created. These are used as an evaluation engine by a genetic algorithm with the aim of minimising
Available online 20 March 2018
energy consumption. Bespoke 24-h, heating set point schedules are generated for each zone in a small
office building in Cardiff, UK. The optimisation strategy can be deployed in two modes, day ahead
Building energy management
optimisation or as model predictive control which re-optimises every hour. Over a February test week,
Artificial neural network the optimisation is shown to reduce energy consumption by around 25% compared to a baseline heating
Genetic algorithm strategy. When a time of use tariff is introduced, the optimisation is altered to minimise cost rather than
Model predictive control energy consumption. The optimisation strategy successfully shifts load to cheaper price periods and
HVAC control reduces energy cost by around 27% compared to the baseline strategy.
Heating set point scheduler © 2018 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license
1. Introduction zones are heated when they are not required to be.
Energy infrastructure is also undergoing substantial changes.
Buildings account for a considerable proportion of global energy Energy is becoming increasingly decentralised with the concept of
consumption and greenhouse gas emissions [1]. Therefore, microgrids and the smart grid gaining traction [4]. Large scale,
improving energy efficiency in this sector is gaining increased focus centralised, fossil fuel power plants are giving way to more local
from research and industry. The recent growth in popularity of the renewable resources and smaller scale local generation. This sub-
Internet of Things, IoT, means that future buildings will be equipped stantially reduces energy transmission losses and allows genera-
with a wealth of potential sensing devices. This additional infor- tion to be far more efficient as waste heat from power generation
mation provides an exciting opportunity to reduce building energy can be utilised in local heating systems through cogeneration units.
consumption as it could be leveraged by a new generation of smart Energy is also no longer unidirectional, increased use of small scale,
building controllers to manage building energy consumption in a residential PV solar panels have given rise to the concept of the
more efficient way. It is estimated that buildings have the potential ‘prosumer’, one who both consumes and produces energy. Given
to reduce their energy consumption by 20e30% whilst using that the share of controllable energy production is decreasing
existing building components [2]. Dynamic information such as through use of stochastic renewable generation, the system must
occupancy and outdoor weather conditions are not currently transition from a demand led network to one that considers both
considered in the internal logic of traditional building management supply and demand as partially controllable. This could come in the
systems, BMS, which largely employ a reactive, rule based approach form of direct demand response, DR, controls or through encour-
[3]. Furthermore, many older, smaller buildings have one central aging consumer behavioural change through dynamic time of use,
thermostat that controls the temperature set point throughout the TOU, tariffs. Therefore, the next generation of smart building
entire building. This leads to large energy wastage as unoccupied controller must not only take into consideration aspects such as
predicted occupancy and weather conditions, it must also be
adaptable enough to maximise the use of local renewable re-
sources, the use of energy storage, and schedule consumption
* Corresponding author.
around low energy price periods [5].
E-mail address: (J. Reynolds).
0360-5442/© 2018 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (
730 J. Reynolds et al. / Energy 151 (2018) 729e739
To address these needs, this paper will demonstrate a zone- scheduler utilising EnergyPlus was developed in Ref. [13] with the
level, heating set point scheduler that minimises the energy con- aim of simultaneously controlling the thermal comfort, visual
sumption over the next 24 h whilst maintaining thermal comfort comfort and indoor air quality whilst minimising the energy con-
within the building. The remainder of this paper is organised as sumption. It used a genetic algorithm which used an EnergyPlus
follows. Section 2 provides a review of related literature. Section 3 model as the evaluation engine to control window blinds, venti-
discusses the modelling of the case study building in a simulation lation, and window opening operation for just a single zone. HVAC
environment, EnergyPlus, and as a series of Artificial Neural Net- operational optimisation was addressed in Ref. [14]. An EnergyPlus
works, ANN. Section 4 outlines the optimisation strategy. Section 5 model was combined with a MATLAB multi-objective GA to mini-
gives the results of the optimisation strategy, compares day ahead mise annual energy consumption, thermal discomfort and pro-
scheduling to hourly model predictive control for both a standard ductivity loss by setting the heating and cooling set point
tariff scenario and a TOU tariff scenario. Section 6 provides the temperature. However, the same set point temperatures were used
conclusion. throughout the entire year failing to adjust to variable weather of
occupancy conditions of each day. In both [15,16], Ascione has
2. Related works developed a multi-objective GA optimisation procedure to control
indoor set point temperatures using an EnergyPlus model to eval-
The optimisation of building controls is currently a popular topic uate potential solutions. Both case studies have demonstrated sig-
in the literature. This is illustrated by a recent review paper [6] nificant potential energy savings, however, the case study building
which assessed over 100 peer-reviewed papers. The review as- was relatively simple, containing just three zones. Using the Ener-
sesses the benefits of different control schemes, optimisation gyPlus model as an evaluation engine led to a computational time
techniques and prediction model methods. It determines that the of 90 min to develop an optimal schedule for the next 24-h. Such a
most popular control strategy found in the literature is Model computational period would inhibit the use of sliding-window,
Predictive Control, MPC. This is also confirmed by a further review MPC, which would have to re-optimise every hour.
[7]. MPC has proven to be valuable due to its ability to adapt to In practice, using a detailed white box simulation in conjunction
unforeseen disturbances or prediction errors, its ability to exploit a with an advanced metaheuristic optimisation strategy, such as a
buildings' thermal mass, take account of variable energy pricing GA, is not possible in most scenarios targeting operational opti-
and be able to shift loads away from peaks. Whilst MPC appears to misation. This is due to the considerable number of evaluations
be the leading control scheme, there is still debate of the most required per iteration and the computational time required to
appropriate modelling methods and optimisation techniques to complete an evaluation. The previously discussed works focus on
deploy in conjunction with the MPC control scheme. A number of very simple building energy models or just a single zone. To apply
advanced computational methods exist that can be utilised for these methods to a realistically complex building would require
optimal building control and these are discussed in Ref. [8]. These significant computational power to reduce simulation times to
include metaheuristic optimisations, multi agent systems, fuzzy acceptable limits (i.e. below 1 timestep). Thus, the focus must turn
logic controls and ANN. The paper also suggests the use of cloud to creating surrogate, black or grey box, models which can accu-
computing to achieve the optimisation and relay results to be rately replicate the output of a white box model but can compute
implemented by the existing Building Management Systems, BMS. with minimal computation expense and time allowing their use in
MPC strategies applied to building control optimise decision real time.
variables over a time horizon which usually ranges 8e24 h ahead of An example illustrating the use of surrogate models combined
the current timestep. Only the first timestep, usually 15 min to an with optimisation can be found in both [17,18]. A TRNSYS model
hour, of the optimal strategy is implemented before re-optimising was run several times to produce a representative bank of data
with updated feedback from the relevant sensors [9]. Therefore, from which an ANN was trained. The developed ANN accurately
the controller must have an internal model of the process to be able predicted annual energy consumption and thermal comfort within
to calculate the objective function over the complete time horizon. the building based on retrofit design decisions as inputs. The ANN
Li [10], reviews methods of building modelling for optimisation of was combined with a multi-objective GA to minimise energy con-
building control, these include white, grey or black box modelling sumption, discomfort and retrofit costs. Both studies showed the
techniques. White box models include full energy simulations such benefits of deploying an ANN as opposed to a white box simulation
as TRNSYS or EnergyPlus, these models are highly detailed but take model as the evaluation engine due to the dramatic decrease in
a long time to accurately calibrate and run. Black box models have reported computational time. This type of scheme was further
no understanding of the physical properties they are attempting to enhanced in Ref. [19] which developed generic ANN that accurately
model, they are simply based on extensive amounts of training data replicated entire classes of buildings (e.g. an office built from 1920
that they are provided. This includes statistical models, ANN and to 70) rather than just a single building. Once combined with an
Random Forest models. These can achieve good accuracy and very optimisation procedure, the methodology recommended the most
low calculation time but require a large amount of training data cost-effective building retrofit measures depending on budget.
[11]. Grey box models are simplified physical models such as Magalha ~es [20], developed an ANN to forecast the annual energy
Resistor-Capacitance (RC) models, they also require some historical consumption of a building based on readily available energy per-
data to set their coefficients and also have a relatively low calcu- formance certificates, EPC, and specific user defined characteristics
lation time so they can be used for online optimisation. such as the length of the heating period and the percentage of area
In Ref. [12], the authors' coupled an EnergyPlus simulation with heated. The authors' argued that providing such information to
a MATLAB, MPC procedure using the middleware software BCVTB, occupants would allow more informed decisions in relation to
Building Controls Virtual Test Bed, which is designed to facilitate energy saving measures.
data exchange between EnergyPlus and MATLAB. The MPC scheme Rather than address design or retrofit decisions, this paper aims
controlled the extent of the pre-cooling with the objective of to target operational optimisation of building energy consumption.
minimising energy cost. The various potential solutions were The authors aim to emphasise the importance of optimisation every
assessed in EnergyPlus and compared to typical control strategies. day to adjust to the specific conditions at hand. Thus, the building
However, the case study building was very simplistic due to the energy models required must have prediction granularity of an
simulation time involved in complex, realistic buildings. A 24 h hour or less. Benedetti [21], developed a methodology to automate
J. Reynolds et al. / Energy 151 (2018) 729e739 731
the generation a of sub-hourly building energy consumption ANN. The importance of considering occupancy was shown in
In a Rome based case study, they found that a minimum of two Ref. [31]. A distributed MPC strategy is developed where each room
months of historical data was required to accurately predict the has an independent controller that can exchange data with
next sixty days of electricity consumption. Three measures of ac- neighbouring controllers to ensure heat gains from adjacent zones
curacy were used and once all three measures fell below a pre- are considered. Pisello [32], reviewed the difference in building
defined threshold the ANN was deemed inaccurate and re- performance between the design stage assumptions and the actual
trained. Similarly [22], tests a sliding window approach or accu- post occupancy reality. By studying the real occupancy patterns
mulative training of an ANN to predict sub-hourly electricity con- throughout a large multipurpose building in New York, alterations
sumption. The sliding window approach retrains the ANN every day can be made to controller schedules to achieve potential savings of
using the previous four weeks data. Accumulative training uses all up to 20.5%. Erickson [33], also developed a HVAC control strategy
the available data to train the ANN. Both models performed equally based on occupancy. A Markov Chain occupancy model is devel-
well with an average percentage error around 5%. Afram [23], oped to allow the building control strategy to take advantage of
developed a new algorithm for training ANN which was applied to sporadically occupied zones to save up to 20% on an EnergyPlus,
modelling several HVAC components. The ANN were integrated simulation-based, case study.
into a MPC platform to control the ventilation rate, buffer tank set From a review of the relevant literature it is clear building
point temperature and indoor set point temperature. The control controllers need to become more context aware, considering both
scheme showed aptitude for reducing the energy costs of the house predicted weather conditions and occupancy profiles. Furthermore,
by shifting the load to cheaper time periods. However, the building predictive control needs an accurate yet simple enough prediction
only has one set point temperature rather than zone level and oc- model to be able to deploy in (near) real time. Optimisation stra-
cupancy was not considered in the MPC formulation. tegies could make significant energy savings if they are focussed at
Papantoniou [24], optimised the operation of fan coil units in a a zone or room level, ensuring that energy is only consumed when
Greek hospital. An ANN predicted the outdoor temperature and the necessary. Therefore, the main contribution this paper makes is
indoor temperature also taking the HVAC operation as an input. A summarized as follows:
genetic algorithm was used in conjunction with a fuzzy controller
to minimise the cost of the energy consumption and ensure ther- Zone level ANN have been developed to accurately forecast the
mal comfort for the occupants. However, the optimisation time indoor temperature and energy consumption by considering
horizon was limited to only 8 h. Lee [25], used an ANN based MPC variable weather, occupancy and temperature set points.
strategy to control a zone AHU. It aimed to calculate the optimal This is combined with a genetic algorithm to optimise the
AHU cooling operation over the next 24 h to minimise the energy temperature set point to minimise either energy consumption
cost and maintain thermal comfort using Mixed Integer Non-Linear or energy cost within a computationally short period.
Programming, MINLP. The ANN an accurately predicted indoor The effect of deploying the optimisation as day-ahead optimi-
temperature and energy consumption, but the application was sation or hourly, sliding window MPC was assessed.
limited to only a single zone within a building. An ANN based The control scheme was demonstrated to be adaptable to time
controller was also developed in Ref. [26]. The ANN predicts the varying energy prices.
change in indoor conditions including temperature, relative hu-
midity and the Predicted Mean Vote, PMV. These predictions are
subsequently used to control heating, cooling, humidifying and 3. Modelling methodology
dehumidifying devices to minimise over or undershoots often
found in non-predictive, conventional control. Whilst this approach The methodology involved a case study building, i.e. a small
provided better thermal comfort compared to conventional con- office building in Cardiff, UK. The building was scanned using a Faro
trollers, it did not consider the minimisation of energy consump- 3D laser scanner to generate a point cloud of the building. From this
tion as an objective in its control scheme. an as-built representation was created in the BIM software Auto-
MPC using grey box modelling techniques were applied to a desk Revit. The relevant floor plans and building sections could
Czech university building in Refs. [27,28]. Blocks of the building then be exported and used to draw an accurate representation of
were modelled using an RC model taking weather predictions as the buildings' geometry in the energy simulation software Design
inputs. The optimisation was set up as a linear quadratic pro- Builder, the resulting model is shown in Fig. 1. Construction and
gramming problem and the objective was to minimise energy material properties, occupancy profiles, lighting and electronic
consumption by controlling the supply water temperature set equipment specifications were inputted to the model based on a
point. This strategy was implemented on the real building for over 2 building survey. The building contains 6 conditioned zones
months and was shown to reduce energy consumption by 15%e including 3 office spaces, a reception, a kitchen and a meeting
28%. Whilst this optimisation considers occupancy as a disturbance, room. The building is naturally ventilated and cooled, and an
it does not include predicted occupancy as a model input. electrical heating system was modelled with separate zone ther-
Furthermore, only block level supply water temperature is mostat controls assumed. In this paper, we have not considered day
controlled rather than the desired set point temperature in each by day occupancy prediction and simply assume the same occu-
zone. Oldewurtel [29], adapted traditional MPC to Stochastic MPC. pancy schedule for each working day as office building occupancy
Essentially this means the MPC strategy took into consideration patterns are fairly consistent throughout the working week. We
uncertainties in forecasts when carrying out the optimisation. This have assumed the 3 office zones and the reception occupied from
resulted in a slightly more cautious optimisation that did not go so 08:00 until 19:00. The kitchen occupied from 12:00 until 14:00 and
close to the comfort boundaries whilst still achieving good energy the meeting room from 10:00 to 11:00 although if deployed in
savings. Molina [30], produced an MPC strategy to control heating reality, meeting room occupancy patterns would be available from
and cooling in a residential building using a state space model as an the electronic booking system used for this zone.
evaluation engine for a GA. However, this work considered unre-
alistically simplified ideal heating and cooling and the control 3.1. Modelling using and artificial neural network
strategy only considers a 1-h prediction horizon which is not long
enough to be able to effectively utilise pre-heating or pre-cooling. For the optimisation utilised in this paper, it was necessary to be
732 J. Reynolds et al. / Energy 151 (2018) 729e739
4. Optimisation strategy
Table 2
Genetic algorithm parameter settings.
As elaborated in the previous section, a GA is used to optimise
each zone's set point temperature for the next 24 h. This section GA Parameter Setting used
will provide finer detail of the optimisation process. A GA is a Number of Variables 24
population based, meta-heuristic, searching algorithm inspired by Population Size 200
the process of natural selection [35]. These have commonly been Creation Function Uniform
Selection Function Tournament
applied to building problems due to their ability to cope with non-
Crossover Function Scattered
linear characteristics often found within building control as well as Elite Count 5%
their tendency to converge to the global optimal rather than local Mutation Function Uniform
optimal solutions [36]. A GA contains a population of solutions, Mutation Rate 0.1
each individual solution contains ‘genes’, which in our case are 24 Max Number of Generations 2400
Function Tolerance 1 105
set point temperatures between 12 C and 24 C representing one
734 J. Reynolds et al. / Energy 151 (2018) 729e739
5. Optimisation results
The results shown in Section 5.1 and 5.2 clearly indicate that
into a week-long schedule (note the optimisation does not run on
implementing a smarter, more context aware building controller
weekends). The energy consumption of each zone under both
can lead to improvements over traditional static control. Optimis-
optimisation strategies is shown in Table 3. There is a very minor
ing at a zone level rather than setting a building level strategy can
difference between the day ahead optimisation and the MPC. In
lead to significant energy and cost savings. The ANN surrogate
fact, the day ahead optimisation slightly outperforms the MPC with
models developed in this paper have been proven to be accurate
the main difference coming in the researcher office. Both optimi-
enough to replicate the simulation model in this case study. How-
sations show the potential for around 25% energy savings over the
ever, future work will aim to implement this control strategy on a
course of this test week. The main source of the energy savings
real case study building in the future to validate this conclusion.
come from the kitchen and the meeting room which are sporadi-
The optimisation strategy has proven to be flexible to a changing
cally occupied but are currently heated all day reflected in the
energy environment. It was simply adapted to take into account a
baseline scenario. The zones that achieve the lowest energy sav-
TOU tariff. Further adjustments could simply be made to factor in
ings, the reception and the researcher office, are directly adjacent to
local renewable resources or demand response events as part of a
the meeting room. Therefore, the lower energy savings in these
district heating network potentially benefitting the energy provider
zones are not necessarily a failure of the optimisation but due to the
as well as the consumer.
lack of heat gain from the meeting room which is now only heated
Throughout both tariff scenarios, the results show negligible
for a fraction of the time. Furthermore, zones such as the down-
difference between the day ahead optimisation and the MPC opti-
stairs office achieve energy savings over the baseline strategy
misation. This contradicts results published in many other state of
whilst still having the same 08:00e19:00 occupied hours. To un-
the art building control papers. However, this may be due to the
derstand these savings, Fig. 8 shows the set point schedule, indoor
lack of uncertainty in the testing scenarios presented in this paper.
temperature and energy consumption for the downstairs office on
Both occupancy and weather conditions are assumed known in
the 15th of February for both the baseline and optimal scenario. As
advance and these forecasts are assumed 100% accurate which
this figure shows, the optimal strategy chooses to more gradually
would not be true in practice. Therefore, future work will introduce
heat the room with some heating between 07:00 and 08:00, it then
forecasting uncertainty and assess the impact on the two optimi-
targets a lower temperature just above the 20 C bound during the
sation scenarios. The hypothesis being that the MPC optimisation
morning, both of which result in a much lower morning peak.
will adjust to these uncertainties better than the day ahead
Between 12:00 and 15:00, when the solar gains are higher, the
optimal strategy chooses to heat the building to a higher temper-
An additional point of future work will aim to create a mecha-
ature to make the late afternoon energy peak, at around 19:00,
nism by which each zones' optimisation can influence adjacent
736 J. Reynolds et al. / Energy 151 (2018) 729e739
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24
Hour of the Day
Ti Optimised
Ti Baseline
Tsp Optimised
Temperature / Deg C
Lower Bound
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24
Hour of the Day
Fig. 8. Comparison between MPC optimisation and the baseline; for energy consumption (above) and indoor temperature (below) on the standard energy tariff, in the downstairs
office (Feb 15th).
Table 4
Optimisation results using a TOU energy tariff.
zones. In this study, each zone is optimised separately. This was a sensors and direct control of heating units. Currently, there is a
conscious decision to allow each zone optimisation to run in par- significant surge in interest and availability of smart home devices
allel, hence reducing the total optimisation time to the order of controlled by a central AI coordinator using the paradigm of IoT. It is
10 min. Despite the lack of interaction between the zone optimi- therefore feasible and indeed probable that most future (and some
sations the proposed procedure was able to achieve significant current) buildings, both commercial and residential, will have the
energy savings with no loss to thermal comfort. This was likely due capability to control individual room set points and devices
to the set point schedules not deviating significantly day-to-day, through an integrated system. The proposed optimisation proced-
the optimisation altered set points only somewhat. Therefore, the ure would sit above these physical systems requesting and sending
heat transfer from zone to zone did not vary enough to have a relevant information (set points and indoor temperatures) taking
significant impact and prevent the optimisation working. Future advantage of existing physical and network infrastructure. It is
work will aim to pre-screen case study buildings in order to assess envisaged that this control scheme would be more applicable to
closely coupled zones and develop a method by which decisions commercial buildings initially. This is due to occupancy patterns
made in one zone are transmitted to the second. being more clearly defined and predictable within office buildings
To be able to practically deploy this solution to a real building and the fact that occupants do not necessarily expect to have direct
would require a reasonably small amount of additional hardware. control over the heating systems.
The optimisation procedure would require zone level temperature The most significant challenge in the application of this control
J. Reynolds et al. / Energy 151 (2018) 729e739 737
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24
Hour of the Day
Ti Optimised
Ti Baseline
22 Tsp Optimised
Lower Bound
Temperature / Deg C
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24
Hour of the Day
Fig. 9. Comparison between MPC optimisation and the baseline; for energy consumption (above) and indoor temperature (below) on the TOU energy tariff, in the downstairs office
(Feb 16th).
strategy is the development of the surrogate models for the pre- for improved knowledge mining and feature extraction. For
diction of energy consumption and indoor temperature. The example, the system could assess wider environmental variables to
approach used in this study was to train an ANN based on large investigate correlation between these and energy saving actions. It
amounts of simulated data. However, accurate simulation models could also lead to more advanced reasoning to allow better pre-
are not widely available for most buildings. It is theorised that diction or measurement of building occupancy.
building simulation models are likely to become more available in
the future, driven by government legislation aiming at reducing
energy consumption from buildings and improving retrofitting 6. Conclusion
procedures. This is leading to increased prevalence of Building In-
formation Modelling, BIM, which are increasingly including energy This paper has shown the development of a GA-ANN, zone level,
analysis modules. Researchers are working on methods to capture heating set point scheduler. A simulation model produced a bank of
existing building information, convert to a digital representation, training data from which zone level ANN could be trained. These
from which generate a building energy simulation model and took weather, occupancy, set point schedule, and previous indoor
calibrate the model based on existing historical data [39]. Alter- temperature as inputs to predict the energy consumption and in-
natively, if the case study in question has developed a significant door temperature at the next timestep. A GA then used the ANN as
log of historical energy consumption and temperature data, ma- an evaluation engine to calculate the energy consumption over 24 h
chine learning models could be directly generated from this. To as the fitness function. GA optimisation of each zone took place in
model at an hourly or sub hourly temporal scale the authors' parallel to create bespoke set point schedules for each zone, each
believe that specific ANN would be required for each building as day.
generic ANN based on broader building categories would not be The optimisation was run in two modes, day ahead optimisation
able to capture the intricacies if an individual building. and MPC. In day ahead mode, the optimisation was carried out once
The authors also argue that any such building energy optimi- at the beginning of the day whereas the MPC strategy re-optimised
sation strategies should be performed within a semantically every hour with updated information. Furthermore, two scenarios
enriched environment. A semantic model should encompass as- were considered, one using a standard flat pricing electricity tariff
pects relating to energy consumption and management both and the other using a TOU tariff. Using the standard tariff, the
within the building and beyond to wider local energy networks. optimisation reduced energy consumption by around 25% in both
This method of linking data combined with the increased sensing modes. With the TOU tariff the objective was altered to minimise
capability that could be provided by the IoT could provide the basis cost and the optimisation achieved a cost reduction of around 27%
for both modes successfully shifting load to cheaper pricing
738 J. Reynolds et al. / Energy 151 (2018) 729e739