ThePotatoReset Final V2 PDF
ThePotatoReset Final V2 PDF
ThePotatoReset Final V2 PDF
15 Sauce
Potato R eset
All Rights Reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner
whatsoever without written permission. You may print the pages of this digital
book for personal use only.
ISBN # 9781973364009
The ideas, concepts, and opinions expressed in ‘The Potato Reset - Potato Weight Loss & Recipe
Guide’ and recipes are intended to be used for educational purposes only. The books and recipes
are sold with the understanding that author and publisher are not rendering medical advice
of any kind, nor are the books or recipes intended to replace medical advice, nor to diagnose,
prescribe or treat any disease, condition, illness or injury.
It is imperative that before beginning any diet or exercise program, including any
aspects of ‘The Potato Reset - Potato Weight Loss & Recipe Guide’ program, you receive full
medical clearance from a licensed physician.
Author and publisher claim no responsibility to any person or entity for any liability, loss, or
damage caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly as a result of the use, application or
interpretation of the material in the books or recipe guide.
"A recipe book of all potato recipes is long overdue. Potatoes are
Chef A.J. not only the most satiating food on the planet, but by far, one
of the most nutritious. Whether you are a full blown food addict,
Author of Unprocessed and
someone who needs to lose a few pounds or just someone who
The Secrets to Ultimate Weight Loss
would like to eat healthier, The Potato Reset is just what the
doctored ordered."
Andrew Spudfit Taylor "The Potato Reset is beautiful in its simplicity, beautiful in its design
and beautiful in its message. The information and inspiration in
Author of DIY Spudfit this book will give you everything you need to get started down a
new, healthful path in both body and mind." 3
About This Book
SOS Free
The quickest way to reset your taste buds is to eliminate salt, oil and added sugar from your diet.
Most of the recipes in this book are SOS FREE (no salt, oil or added sugar). For those already following
an SOS free diet please note that a few recipes contain salt or liquid aminos, which are completely
optional. Another exception is that a few recipes call for pure maple syrup to help those who are
transitioning off a highly processed diet. I chose pure maple syrup because it's easy to find
just about anywhere – feel free to omit, replace with date syrup or homemade date paste.
Serving Sizes
Serving sizes are a rough estimate. The point of The Potato Reset is to learn to trust your hunger
signals, therefore I give rough estimates on the serving sizes. I don't know what portion sizes
everyone will need or if they are sharing the meal with someone. After a week on this plan you
will get a better idea for how much you need to eat to feel satisfied.
Website Links
Whenever you see text in this color it means it's a clickable website link if you are viewing the PDF
from your tablet, computer or smart phone.
Bonus Printables!
The reference pages of this book are available to print as single pages. Whenever you see
the blue print icon it means there is a downloadable PDF for that page that you can easily
print and put on your fridge for quick reference! You can also find all the printables here!
She's been a junk foodie her entire life which Since then she has lost 30 pounds eating a potato-
ultimately lead to health complications in her early based diet and inspired many others to do the
30s – eczema, gallstones and severe hypothyroidism same. She has helped women with autoimmune
due to Hashimoto's disease. conditions realize that they too can reach their
healthy weight with the power of the potato.
Jeannine and her husband Scott switched to a
vegan diet on May 21, 2011 after watching the Jeannine offers one-on-one and group potato
documentary Forks Over Knives. But it wasn't until coaching for those that need a little extra help or
she focused more on whole foods that she felt a accountability. She currently resides in Cambridge,
significant increase in energy and overall well being. Ontario, Canada. 5
Chili Cheeze Fries 49
6 The Potato Reset
Table of Contents Finger Food
How I Got Here......................................................................... .8 Oven Baked Fries.................................................................. .47
Get Ready to Reset!............................................................. .14 Chili Cheeze Fries................................................................. .49
What is the Potato Reset?............................................... .16 Smoky Sweet Potato Rounds........................................ .51
Potato Reset Guidelines................................................... .18 Potato Crust Pizza................................................................ .53
Tips for Success..................................................................... .20 Panini Sammich.................................................................... .55
Types of Potato Cuts.......................................................... .22 Broccoli Tots............................................................................ .57
Types of Vegetable Cuts................................................... .23 Veggie Potato Pakoras....................................................... .59
Helpful Kitchen Tools......................................................... .24 Colcannon Puffs................................................................... .61
Frequently Asked Questions.......................................... .96 Little Devils............................................................................ .63
After the Potato Reset....................................................... .98 Stuffed Potato Cakes.......................................................... .65
Recommended Resources.............................................. .99 Everything Potato Bagels ............................................... .66
Potato Taco Shells................................................................ .67
Meal Planning
Meal Plan Guidelines......................................................... .26 Dat Crunch
7 Day Meal Plan.................................................................... .27 Crispy Hash Browns............................................................ .69
Grilled Potato Pancakes.................................................... .71
Sauce & Spice Guide Crispy Smashed Potatoes................................................ .73
Spice Shopping Tips........................................................... .28 Crispy Potato Chips............................................................ .75
Spice Blend Recipes........................................................... .29
Sauce Shopping Tips......................................................... .30 Comfort Food
Homemade Sauce Recipes............................................ .33 Lemony Greek Potatoes................................................... .77
Bombay Pan Potatoes....................................................... .79
Batch Cooking R ecip es Creamy Mashed Potatoes............................................... .81
Potadough............................................................................... .36 Roasted Rosemary Garlic Potatoes............................ .83
Baked Potatoes...................................................................... .36 Twice Baked Potatoes........................................................ .85
Frozen Shredded Hash Browns.................................... .37 Hasselback Potatoes........................................................... .87
Boiled Potatoes..................................................................... .37 Potato Stuffed Peppers..................................................... .89
Pressure Cooker Potatoes................................................ .37 Boiled Taters & Dill............................................................... .90
Frozen French Fries............................................................. .37 Potato Salad............................................................................ .91 7
How I Got Here This is
MY NAME IS JEANNINE, affectionately known as Potato Wisdom on Herstory
YouTube. In the past eight months I’ve completely changed my relationship
with food and lost over 33 pounds – without driving myself crazy or feeling
deprived. I feel vibrant and happy, despite having gallstones and Hashimoto’s
Thyroiditis. This is a stark comparison to where I was ten years ago.
In my early 30s I was almost 100 pounds heavier, tall and 260 pounds I was morbidly obese. Not just
sleeping over 15 hours a day and suffering from obese but morbidly obese. Those words echoed
debilitating depression, memory loss and brain fog. through my brain fog and punched my heart.
This is my story about how I went from a zombie to This is not precisely where my weight or health
a happy, healthy woman in her 40s. problems started. I always had health ailments
After many years of being brushed off, or told it as a child: ear infections, eczema, colds, flus and
was “just depression” by medical doctors, as well mono. And I can’t really pinpoint when my weight
as being accused by my (now ex) husband that was actually a real physical problem. The earliest
I was “faking it” so I could take time off work — I memory of being “fat” was when I was 8 years old,
finally received an explanation for my symptoms.
I was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis, an
autoimmune condition that causes the immune
system to attack the thyroid, leaving behind an
under active thyroid gland, full of nodules. The result
is hypothyroidism, and the only treatment, according
to doctors, is thyroid replacement therapy.
My diagnosis came from an endocrinologist, a
doctor that specializes in glandular diseases. During
my first endocrinologist appointment, she had me
step on the scale: I saw 260 pounds staring back
at me. How is that possible? I was 240 pounds just
a month ago when I weighed in for my annual
physical. I hadn’t changed my diet or activity levels.
I didn’t realize it was even possible to put on that
kind of weight without stuffing my face with entire
bags of cookies or doubling up on drive-thru meals.
Me at the age of 33 and 1.5 years after my thyro
id treatment
According to the BMI chart, at five feet four inches started. I was approximately 230 lbs here.
sitting with my friend in lawn chairs in my front After joining a gym I was surprised when my body
yard after playing in the sprinkler. We looked down assessment revealed that I was 194 pounds and 41%
at our slightly rounded kid-bellies and counted fat. Another new reality: almost half of my body was
our rolls, while purposely hunched over in order to made up of fat and I was almost 200 pounds.
make said belly rolls. It was a gradual process of fat- After nine months of “eating right” and hitting the
observations like this and kids making fun of me for gym six days a week I just barely squeezed off half a
having an ounce more padding than them that led pound a week on average – around 25 pounds total.
to eventually believing I was fat and ugly. I fluctuated between 185 and 165 for the next five or
As an adult looking through photos of my so years. I found the Atkins diet when I was looking
childhood and teenage years, I can’t find any for ways to lose enough weight to look presentable
evidence of a fat girl. If I could time travel, I’d go in my belly dance costume, within a couple of
back and slap my younger self silly — scratch that months I lost 15 pounds and got to my lowest
— I’d hug her, and tell her she’s adult weight of 150 pounds. Of
beautiful. And I would tell her course, it wasn’t sustainable and
to eat healthier, not that she Death became a I gained it all back, and more,
would have listened. While I regular fantasy, when I resumed my normal way
wasn’t an obese child, this is the idea of of eating.
where my lifelong love of junk no longer living Within a few months of my
and processed food began. seemed like Atkins craze I started to notice
Other than fruit, everything I the only way an increased sensitivity to
ate was processed and I hated out of this. alcohol which caused major
vegetables. fluid retention and face puffiness
Besides dieting a few times in my late teens to (from one drink!) The mild depression and low
lose some vanity pounds here and there, my weight energy that was dismissed by my doctor a few years
struggles really started in my 20s after graduating ago had worsened. That's the time when my doctor,
college and working a full time desk job. It’s simple informed me that I had “sub clinical” hypothyroidism
math really: junk food + desk job + suburbitis and that it was “nothing to worry about”.
(needing a car to get everywhere) = weight gain. “Nothing to worry about” turned out to become
My weight fluctuated within 20 pounds depending suicidal depression and an inability to perform at my
on my gym attendance and eating habits. job. After being told I was “just depressed” I became
My highest weight hovered around 170 pounds. increasingly unstable because I thought depression
Or so I thought. was a self-induced problem that I just needed to
I was 24 when I moved to Vancouver and the get over. Death became a regular fantasy, the idea
reality of how out of shape I was smacked me in the of no longer living seemed like the only way out
face, hard. Going from suburbia to city life was like of this. To add another blow to my self-esteem, I
suddenly marathoning everyday. I went from driving was let go from my job after applying for medical
everywhere to walking just about everywhere. Even leave. Despite reassurance that it was a corporate
when I took the bus I still had to walk to get there. restructuring issue and that there was zero issue 9
with my job performance – no one could convince hidden. I imagined myself wearing my hair big and
me otherwise, not even the generous severance starting a collection of shiny metal brooches. To my
payout. I didn’t know it then but it’s exactly what I surprise, I walked out of that store smiling ear-to-
needed. ear with three very stylish outfits! I was never so
It was a couple of months after becoming happy to be wrong.
unemployed that I was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s Soon after starting my new job the weight began
at the age of 32. If it wasn’t for finding a competent to come off without effort. I lost around 40 pounds
doctor I’m not sure I would be alive today. My in six months despite the fact that I was still eating
endocrinologist put me on thyroid medication the same way I normally ate (processed with a
straight away then sent me off for a thyroid pinch of healthy.) After that I had to put some
ultrasound and a biopsy to screen for cancer. The effort into it.
biopsy results where inconclusive, so they couldn’t It was around this time that I started dating
rule out cancer without surgically removing the someone who treated me like a queen, and I was
suspicious nodule. I was given a thyroid cancer on cloud nine. If I had any Hashimoto’s symptoms
pamphlet and reassured that thyroid is the best at this point, I probably wouldn’t have noticed. I
kind of cancer to get because it grows so slowly was falling in love with the most amazing man on
(oh yay!). From then on my nodules would be the planet and had the energy of a nine-year-old
monitored for growth through ultrasounds. on Christmas morning.
Every six weeks my blood was tested and I was motivated to continue with losing weight
medication increased until my thyroid levels (TSH) and I wanted to get serious about it, so I hired a
satisfied my endocrinologist. A year later she sat
across from me at her desk, beaming with pride, my
TSH was 2.0 – “this is perfect!”.
I wasn’t feeling perfect but I felt better than death,
which was a huge improvement. And I wasn’t quite
ready to go back to work but I didn’t actually have a
choice, I needed the money. After a year and a half
of not working I was suddenly faced with the reality
of having to actually dress this 260 pound body in
something other than lounging-around-the-house
clothes and do something other than lounging
around the house.
As I walked into the plus-sized store I felt
humiliated and I doubted that I would be able
to find outfits not resembling something my
grandmother would wear to a nice night out at the
Chinese Buffet or the professional banker lady
On the left I was in February 2017 on the right
August 2017,
pant-suit with an oversized jacket to keep it all all while eating plenty of potatoes.
personal trainer. He had me eating 1,300 calories large fruit meals or gigantic smoothies.
a day while putting me through intense training Raw Till Four didn’t keep me away from junk
sessions and I lost over 30 pounds in three months. food completely, but it was the healthiest I’ve ever
I do not recommend this method because extreme eaten in my life, and my thyroid was functioning
caloric restriction and intense exercise are both very so well that my doctor decreased my medication.
stressful on the body. I believe this stress is what Unfortunately she reduced too much too soon, I
caused my Hashimoto’s symptoms to make another felt symptomatic and was put back on my regular
appearance in my life. dose. Five months later she had me try again and
Miraculously I kept some of that 30 pounds off was successful, I’ve been on the lowered dose
and maintained for about a year. Then I married my ever since. Both times when the medication was
best friend and gained a little more – it’s true that reduced I gained five pounds that never came off. I
we eat more with good company. About a year into gained more weight after this but it was no fault of
our marriage my weight crept my thyroid.
back up to 200 pounds. Soon I knew that I needed to stay
after we switched to a plant- I knew that I away from junk food in order to
based diet after needed to stay away achieve long term sustainable
watching the documentary from junk food in weight loss and health. In
“Forks Over Knives”. order to achieve October 2016, after spending a
I lost 25 pounds in the first 6 long term and weekend in Portland with three
months of eating plant based. sustainable weight inspiring women (Heather, Chef
But I gained that 25 pounds loss and health. AJ and her bestie Shayda) with
back after discovering processed an unwavering commitment to
vegan products and vegan junk food. When the healthy eating, I was finally ready to face the reality
scale tipped 200 again I decided to put an end to that I had a junk food addiction, and that I was stuck
my ever expanding body – I got back down to 171 in the pleasure trap – I used food for pleasure rather
between January and August 2014 by restricting than nourishment.
calories (a.k.a. whining to my husband every night Back at home, I weighed myself for the first time
that "I'm still hungry".) in months. I was almost 210 pounds! I was ready
That summer, I found this slim and vibrant woman for change. I made it through the holiday season
on YouTube who goes by the name of Freelee the without eating junk, thanks to High Carb Hannah’s
Banana Girl. I binged-watched her videos, fascinated Lean & Clean meal plan. I managed to lose 7 or
by her ability to eat endless amounts of fruit, rice so pounds during the most tempting junk-filled
and potatoes. I started following her Raw Till Four time of year!
way of eating: fruit for breakfast and lunch, then I had been wanting to do a potato-diet challenge
a cooked carb-rich low fat meal for dinner. That's for a couple of years but was afraid to try it – the
when I started a YouTube channel to document fear of failure held me back. The previous year I
my health journey. I felt great on this lifestyle and watched High Carb Hannah do a 30-Day Potato
I looked leaner but I never really felt satisfied from Cleanse where she ate only potatoes and veggies 11
12 The Potato Reset
my story
and that same year, “Spud Fit” Andrew Taylor ate order of what was best for my digestion. In eight
only potatoes for the whole year. In February 2017, months I have lost over 33 pounds, eating a lot of
I decided to take on the challenge and do an all- potatoes. This is the first time in a very long time
potato diet for the entire month and shared the that I've been in the 160s.What amazes me is that I
experience on YouTube. lost 33 pounds without counting
The reason I chose to start calories or feeling deprived. And
with potatoes-only was because What amazes me most importantly, I reset my
I didn’t like vegetables unless is that I lost 33 taste buds and improved my
they were hidden in a recipe pounds without relationship with food. I went
and drowned in sauce. Adding counting calories or from hating most vegetables
vegetables would have led to feeling deprived. to tolerating vegetables! Do I
quitting real fast. slip up and eat processed food?
I hoped that eating potatoes Sometimes, but I rarely overdo it
for a month would reset my taste buds enough to and it’s not as enjoyable as it used to be.
tolerate more veggies. And it worked! For the first
time in my life, at the age of 41, I was able to eat You will be amazed how much better real
broccoli without gagging. For the 2nd and 3rd food tastes after following the guidelines in
months I added vegetables along with my potatoes. this book. I have another 30 or so pounds to
By the fourth month I was slowly incorporating go and plan to get there with the power of the
more whole plant foods such as fruit, rice and potato. I’m so excited to have you join me on
quinoa. Then later small quantities of nuts and this journey!
seeds and lastly, lentils and beans – I did this in
Connect with Me 13
Get R eady to R eset! I feel like
a new potato
READY TO GET STARTED? It's just like planning a party, a potato party! I already!
want you to get excited about this and most importantly I want you to be
prepared. Decide on a start date and time frame that is doable for you, set goals,
tell everyone and maybe even find a potato buddy spuddy. Let's get our potato
sacks on and hop down the path to resetting!
Find a Spuddy
Your best-case scenario is to find a local buddy, such
as a friend, coworker, or family member to do this
with you. If that’s not possible, I recommend you
share your experience online and perhaps even find
an accountability partner through social media. I
personally met a lot of “spuddies” through Instagram
just by sharing my potato photos. There are over
14,000 potential spuddies in my Facebook group: 15
What is the Potato R eset ?
THE POTATO RESET is essentially the Potato Cleanse, re-branded, to better
Power to
describe what this plan is about. The Potato Cleanse made it’s debut in the Potato!
January 2016 when High Carb Hannah decided she wanted to do a mono diet
– sometimes known as an “island” diet, where you eat only one kind of food for
set amount of days. The most popular mono diet is “Banana Island”. Hannah chose
potatoes because she knew they are one of the most nutrient dense and satisfying
foods on the planet which makes them ideal for weight loss. To make the plan more
interesting and nutrient dense she added in non-starchy vegetables.
dent in even the hardiest appetite – especially hunger really wasn’t hunger: it was either boredom,
considering potatoes are among the most hormones, stress, or lack-of-sleep hunger. In other
satisfying of all foods." – words I was eating to satisfy cravings, not to satisfy
actual hunger. A very simple way to test if you’re
Why Low Fat? experiencing hunger or cravings: does a plain
The plan purposely excludes overt fats, meaning potato or vegetable sound good to you in that
no added fats. That means no oil, butter, cheese, moment? If the answer is no, you’re not hungry.
sour cream, nuts, seeds, avocado and tofu. There is a Several times during my first week on the potato
small amount of naturally occurring fat in all vegeta- diet I thought I felt hungry, but wanted something
bles, and unless you have very little fat left on your other than a damn potato — “I don’t want a pota-
body you need not worry about missing out on to I want something else!”— but soon, fruit never
essential fatty acids. The reason for this is because looked more appealing and beautiful in my life.
fats are calorically dense and not as filling as non-
starchy vegetables and potatoes. Eating low-calorie What About Beans, Rice and Quinoa?
dense foods allows us to fill up and feel satisfied Why are these healthy foods not included on the
without having to worry about over consuming plan? While all these foods are healthy, the simple
calories. This means you can trust your body to eat reason they are not included is because this is the
the right amount of food without having to weigh, potato diet and not the bean/rice/quinoa diet.
measure and count calories! Just because a food is excluded from this plan
does not mean it’s “bad”, it just didn’t make the cut.
Why Minimize Salt & Sugar? I encourage you to incorporate these foods into
There is a reason why restaurant food is extremely your diet after the Potato Reset.
high in sodium, because it tastes great and keeps us If potatoes cause stomach upset for you, peeling
coming back for more. We want to under- your potatoes and experiment with different
stimulate the taste buds so that we eat to natural varieties. It may mean all you eat is sweet potatoes
satiation. We achieve this by keeping salt and sugar and golden potatoes.
to a minimum. This allows your tastes to reset and
actually taste the actual food. I was amazed when Does This Plan Require a Lot
I began to enjoy oven baked fries without any of Exercise?
sauce, salt or seasonings. And even more amazed Absolutely not. If you are currently sedentary I
when some of my favorite junk foods no longer suggest adding in some light exercise such as
tasted as good as I remember, some even caused walking and/or yoga. For the first couple of months
me to feel nauseated after a few bites. I was only walking around 20 minutes per day,
occasionally 40 minutes. If you’re already active,
Am I Hungry or Craving? continue with your regular exercise routine if it’s not
The magical potato is responsible for teaching me rigorous (such as training for a marathon).
the difference between real hunger and cravings. I
realized that for most of my life, what I thought was 17
Potato R eset Guidelines I am the
POTATOES ARE THE STAR OF THE SHOW and your main source of calo-
ries. Some of the most common varieties include russet, white, yellow and red.
And of course we can’t forget the sweet potato and many varieties available
from yellow to orange (typically called yams) to purple. No other starchy foods are
allowed – no corn, beans, rice, or grains. You can have as many non-starchy
vegetables as you like (see list below). You can eat the potatoes any way you like –
mashed, baked, hash browns, potato pancakes, fries, soups, stews, etc. Be creative!.
You can also eat potatoes only, if you wish.
limited avoid
all over your potatoes. Sauces add calories that are unsweetened iced tea, soda water with lemon, or
not filling plus they can overstimulate your taste a bottle of kombucha. If your destination is a hotel
buds, increase appetite, and potentially cause you to room, bring a rice cooker and a George Foreman
eat beyond satiation. grill if you can, or try to get a hotel room with a
Dining Out
Look up menus online, or call and ask what they Accommodations with a Kitchen
have available. A baked potato without oil, butter, or The best case scenario is to find accommodations
salt is ideal. If it’s a social function where you don’t with a kitchen. Airbnb are great as many come
have a choice eat before you go and order a garden equipped with a full kitchen. Some hotels have
salad without dressing. Bring your own dressing or kitchenettes with a microwave, sink and mini-fridge.
ask for mustard, balsamic vinegar, and lemon or lime
to whip up your own dressing. Remind yourself that When in Doubt, Eat Whole Plant Foods
you’re here for the people and not the food. Travel doesn’t always go as planned. Be mentally
prepared to allow for other foods in a pinch. Also,
know that it is okay to skip a meal if you can’t find 21
Potato Cuts
5 6
10 25
Meal Plan Guidelines Potatoes
THIS MEAL PLAN is to give you ideas on how to structure your meals. You AL L DAY!
don’t have to follow it exactly. You may find yourself only hungry for two meals a
day if you eat large meals like myself. Go with whatever works for you.
Remember, eat when you are truly hungry and eat until satisfied – you should
never feel uncomfortably full.
Creamy Potato
Grocery L ist
Leek Soup Oven Baked Fries PRODUCE
French Toast Sticks over a large leafy • 10 lbs russet potatoes
Herbal tea Cold baked potato green salad • 5 lbs yellow potatoes
with Smoky Sweet • 5 lbs red potatoes
House Dressing 2.0 • 4 medium sweet potatoes
Mustard Dip
• 3 or more servings of
veggies for steaming
Creamy Potato Creamy Potato • leafy salad greens
Crispy Smashed
Leek Soup Leek Soup • 2 lbs broccoli crowns
Potato Chips • 1 container of baby spinach
BBQ Sauce Celery & carrot sticks • 1 small head cauliflower
with No-Honey Steamed veggies • 1 bunch celery
Steamed veggies Mustard Dip & Unicorn Dust • 2 lbs carrots
• 1 small cabbage
• 1 bulb of garlic
Pakoras • 1 bunch green onion
Crispy Hash Potato Salad over • 1 bunch leeks
Browns a bowl of salad greens Roasted Broccoli • 2 small sweet onions
Smoky Sweet • 2-3 each lemons & limes
BBQ Sauce House Dressing 2.0
• 2 small cans tomato paste
• 1 bottle of molasses
• 1 can fire roasted tomatoes
Crispy Grilled Potato Salad Oven Baked Fries • 6.5 cups (52 oz) no-salt-
Potato Pancakes over a bowl of over a large added vegetable broth or
salad greens leafy green salad vegetable bouillon
Marinara Sauce • 1 can diced tomatoes
House Dressing 2.0 House Dressing 2.0
• 1 jar strained tomatoes
• stone ground mustard
• dijon mustard
• maple syrup
Smoky Sweet Boiled Taters n’ Dill Veggie Soup • balsamic vinegar
Potato Rounds • white vinegar (optional)
Steamed veggies Roasted Rosemary • Braggs Liquid Aminos or
No-Honey & Unicorn Dust Garlic Potatoes Coconut Aminos (optional)
Mustard Dip • liquid smoke (optional)
• potato starch
Veggie Soup • nutritional yeast
Broccoli Tots Chili Cheeze Fries
Roasted Rosemary • garlic powder
Unsweetened over a large bowl • onion powder
Garlic Potatoes of romaine lettuce
Ketchup • smoked paprika
(reheat leftovers)
• cumin powder
• yellow curry powder
• garam masala
• tumeric
Potato Rounds Broccoli Cheddar Creamy Mashed • Italian seasoning
Soup Potatoes • dried dill
Amazing Cheeze • dried basil
Sauce Crispy Smashed Golden Gravy • dried rosemary
• cayenne (optional)
salt no salt
28 The Potato Reset
Spice guide
Spice Blend R ecip es
THESE HOMEMADE blends are a great way to save money over store-bought spice blends. Other than
the Salt Alternative, I have not specified how many servings you will get out of each spice blend because the
amount you use will depend on how you are using it. Most of these blends last three or more batches of fries
but if you’re sprinkling a little into your hash browns it will last much longer. Typically, one baking sheet full of
fries will need 2 teaspoons worth of spices. 29
Your Guide to Sauces
WHETHER YOU'RE INTO making homemade sauces or just want to keep Take me
it simple with store-bought, this guide to sauces will have you covered.
Homemade is ideal but if you’re not up for making homemade sauces or find
for a dip!
yourself in a pinch, use this saucy shopping guide as a reference. In general
you want to look for the lowest sugar and lowest sodium version you can find. The
reason for this is that the potato reset is meant to reset your taste buds and calm
the junk food cravings. Salt and sugar tend to stimulate the taste buds, we want to
underwhelm the taste buds. We’re also going to avoid anything with dairy and oil
– both very calorically dense.
Ketchup Mustard
If your grocery store only has one type of My go-to is Westbrae
ketchup, don’t sweat it, just do the best you Natural’s No Salt Added Stone
can. You can turn down the salty sugary Ground Mustard. You can have
intensity by diluting it with any of the as much of it as you want as
following: water and no-salt-added tomato it’s free of sugar and salt! If you
paste, strained tomatoes or blend with no- find it too bland you can always
salt-added canned diced tomatoes. mix half and half with regular
salted stone ground mustard. If
BBQ Sauce you prefer classic yellow mustard, go with the
Woah! Hold on there partner, BBQ lowest sodium you can find. For a honey
sauces are loaded with sodium! Most mustard substitute, mix 3 to 1 mustard and
are around 250 mg per two table- 100% pure maple syrup.
spoons while compared to 160 mg for
ketchup. So what’s a BBQ sauce lover to Maple Syrup
do? Avoid high fructose corn syrup and Look for 100% Pure Maple syrup, none of that
go for the one with lowest sodium and imitation stuff (sorry Aunt Jemima). Another
sugar you can find. You can turn down option is date syrup or home made date paste.
the salty sugary intensity by diluting your This is only for using in sauce recipes and not
BBQ sauce in some water and no-salt-added intended as a dip on it's own as it can be very
tomato paste. overstimulating and trigger cravings.
Vinegar Salsa
Have you ever had malt vinegar on french fries? Salsas are great because they are easy
Depending on where you grew up, it might to find just about anywhere! I rarely
sound odd but you never know, you just might come across salsas with added oil
like it. It's good to have on hand balsamic or but always double check the ingre-
apple cider vinegar for use in salad dressing dients. Just to be consistent with the
recipes. Balsamic is sharp while apple cider plan, avoid salsas with beans and
vinegar is mild and slightly sour. Balsamic vinegar corn – which are both starches. Get
can be a lifesaver for someone with a sweet tooth the lowest sodium and lowest sugar
or an aversion to veggies – roast some veggies in version you can find. To dilute the
a good quality balsamic and the result is sweet saltiness of your salsa, mix a 1 to
and crunchy. If you can find a balsamic vinegar 1 ratio of salsa and no salt added
with 4% acidity, it's worth the extra money. diced or crushed tomatoes.
Napa Valley Naturals Grand Reserve has 4%
acidity and highly recommended by Chef AJ. Creamy Sauces
Sorry, there's nothing I can personally
Soy Sauce recommend that meets the guidelines of the
Soy sauce is very high in sodium and not Potato Reset other than making your own. See
to be used on it's own. I've only included it here Potato Ranch Dressing on page 34)
because it's included in a couple of gravy recipes
in this book, but is not required. Bragg’s Liquid Pickled & Fermented Veggies
Amino’s is my soy sauce of choice, it’s lower in Add flavor and texture to your potatoes with
sodium than most soy sauces and it’s Non-GMO. dill pickles, banana peppers and sauerkraut.
Alternatively you can use coconut aminos, Just keep in mind most are high in sodium so
reduced-sodium soy sauce or miso paste. keep it minimal.
BBQ Sauce
N o-h
Mu staorney
ketch up
Homemade Sauces
Simple Salad Dressing Unsweetened Ketchup
2 tbsp nutritional yeast ¼ cup strained tomatoes (no salt added)
2 tbsp balsamic vinegar (4% acidity, if possible) 1 tbsp white vinegar
1 tbsp mustard ½ tsp onion powder
1 lemon or lime, juiced ½ tsp Italian seasoning
1 tbsp maple syrup
Stir until smooth. If you’re just starting out and this
1 tsp Bragg’s Liquid Aminos or coconut aminos
tastes really bland to you, try adding a pinch of salt.
Whisk together. Stores well in fridge for 3 days.
Curry Ketchup
Chef AJ’s House Dressing 2.0 2 6oz cans tomato paste
2 tbsp reduced balsamic vinegar 1 cup water
2 tbsp lime juice 1 tsp onion powder
1 tbsp no-salt-added stone ground mustard 1 tbsp maple or date syrup
1 tbsp lemon juice
Chef AJ’s easiest dressing; just stir together and
1 tbsp apple cider vinegar
enjoy on vegetables and salads. Find Chef AJ at: 1 tsp curry powder
Blend in a blender or whisk together until smooth. 33
Homemade Sauces
Marinara Sauce Salsa Fresca
1 14-oz can fire roasted tomatoes 2 14-oz cans of fire-roasted diced tomatoes
1 tsp balsamic vinegar ½ small organic sweet onion, chopped into quarters
1 tsp pure maple syrup 2 cloves of garlic
1 tsp Italian seasoning 1 jalapeno, seeded
¼ tsp liquid smoke, optional 1 tbsp cumin
½ cup fresh cilantro leaves, finely chopped
Blend all ingredients in blender until smooth.
1 lime, juiced
Put all ingredients in the blender except the
BBQ Sauce tomatoes. Blend on the lowest speed until everything
¾ cup tomato paste (5.5 fl oz / 156 mL) is chopped well.Then, add the tomatoes and pulse a
½ cup water few times until the desired consistency is achieved.
2 tbsp apple cider vinegar
1 tbsp maple or date syrup (optional)
1 tbsp molasses Nacho Cheeze Sauce
1 tbsp liquid smoke BY HIGH CARB HANNAH
1 tbsp mustard 2 small red potatoes, quartered
½ tsp garlic powder ½ small white onion, peeled
½ tsp onion powder 1/4 cup of the potato cooking water
½ tsp smoked paprika ½ red bell pepper
½ cup nutritional yeast
Stir until smooth.
1 tsp onion powder
1 tsp garlic powder
2 tbsp salsa
Potato Ranch 1 tbsp hot sauce (optional)
1 medium boiled potato
salt to taste (optional)
¼ cup unsweetened almond milk
2 tbsp lemon juice Add potatoes and onion to a pot and cover with water.
1 tbsp apple cider vinegar Bring to a boil, reduce heat to simmer and cook until
1 tsp onion powder soft. With a slotted spoon remove onion and potatoes
½ tsp garlic powder from water and transfer to a blender. Add red pepper,
1 tbsp dried parsley nutritional yeast, garlic powder, onion powder, salsa,
1 tsp dried chives hot sauce and 1/4 cup of the cooking water. Blend until
smooth. Add water if needed. More of Hannah's
Place all ingredients, except for the dried
parsley and dried chives, in a blender and
blend until smooth. Stir in the dried
herbs and serve. 35
Batch Cooking
Batch cook
THE #1 KEY TO SUCCESS on this plan is to always have potatoes on hand,
every 3 to
at least 5 pounds of potatoes in the pantry and cooked potatoes in the fridge.
Having pre-cooked potatoes in the fridge ensures you will always have
5 days
something ready to eat, and it will provide a base for many of the recipes in this
book. Batch cooking also saves time and will help prevent you from eating off-plan
foods . I recommend always having a batch of potadough, boiled or pressure
cooker potatoes, baked potatoes, a homemade sauce, and if it’s the right time of
year, a batch of soup. Feel free to double up on these batch-cooking recipes. 37
38 The Potato Reset
slimming soups
Ingredients Method
Line a large pot with 1/4” of water; bring to a slight boil, then
3 pounds potatoes, add garlic, leeks and celery. Reduce heat to medium and sauté
until soft; stir often.
2 cups cauliflower,
chopped Add rosemary, cauliflower, potatoes and vegetable broth. Stir.
1 bunch leeks, chopped Then, add enough water to cover everything – all potatoes and
1 stalk celery, chopped veggies should be submerged in liquid. Bring to a boil, then let
simmer for 20 minutes or until potatoes are soft.
1 clove garlic, minced
2 cups no-salt-added To make it creamy, you can either partially blend with an
vegetable broth
immersion blender or blend half the soup in a blender – it will
1 tsp dried rosemary be very hot, please make sure that the blender lid is tightly
ground black pepper, closed, then add the blended portion back into soup mixture.
to taste
Add ground black pepper to taste.
Good With NO LEEKS? Try a variation of this with one bunch finely
chopped green onions, or for a completely different flavor
A large leafy
green salad try it with a few carrots. 39
40 The Potato Reset
slimming soups
Ingredients Method
Preheat the oven to 350ºF. Line a baking sheet with parchment
2 medium sweet potatoes paper. Peel and cube the sweet potatoes. In a large bowl, toss
1 tbsp chili powder with a pinch each of the chili powder, cinnamon, cumin and
2 tsp ground cinnamon
paprika. Spread out in an even layer on the baking sheet and
roast in the oven for 35 to 40 minutes.
1 tbsp ground cumin
1 tsp smoked paprika While the sweet potatoes are roasting, bring 1/4 cup of water
1 medium yellow onion, to a gentle boil in a soup pot, sauté the onion and bell peppers
chopped until soft – about 3 minutes. Add vegetable broth and
1 red bell pepper, chopped remaining chili powder, cinnamon, cumin and paprika.
Cook over a low heat for 10 minutes, stirring often.
1 yellow bell pepper,
Add the diced tomatoes and simmer for 30 minutes. Stir in the
1 large can of diced
no-salt-added tomatoes
sweet potatoes and cilantro leaves, serve.
Good With
A large leafy
green salad 41
42 The Potato Reset
slimming soups
Ingredients Method
In a saucepan, cover potatoes with 3 cups water. Bring to
4 medium russet potatoes, a boil, reduce heat to a simmer and cover. Cook until soft
peeled and cubed
(about 10 minutes).
4 cups broccoli, chopped
½ cup nutritional yeast Next, add in your broccoli, nutritional yeast, bouillon,
remaining water and garlic powder. Cover and cook until
6 cups water (see note)
broccoli is tender (about 5 minutes)
2 tsp Better Than Bouillon
(or sub 2 cups of the
water for 2 cups no-salt- Take half your soup and blend in a blender until smooth.
added vegetable broth) You can also use an immersion blender just make sure you
2 tsp garlic powder
don't blend everything completely, it’s better if there are
some chunks in it.
Good With NOTE: I like mine super thick, so I use only 5 cups of total
liquid by omitting one cup of water.
Smashed Potatoes
You can find this and many more delicious plant based recipes
here: and 43
44 The Potato Reset
slimming soups
Ingredients Method
Add a thin layer of water to a large soup pot. Water sauté the
3 medium potatoes, onions, celery and cabbage over medium heat, until onions are
peeled and cubed
soft and translucent.
1 28-oz can no salt added
diced tomatoes While the veggies are cooking, in a medium mixing bowl whisk
1 small can no-salt-added the tomato paste, garlic powder and water.
tomato paste
2 cups no-salt-added Add the potatoes and diced tomatoes to the soup pot then
vegetable broth pour in the tomato paste mixture and vegetable broth. Stir in
1 cup water the dried basil. Cover and simmer for 30 minutes or until
1 small yellow onion, diced
potatoes are fork tender.
Good With
Oven Baked Fries or
Crispy Potato Cakes 45
46 The Potato Reset
Finger food
Ingredients Method
Preheat oven to 420°F. Line a baking sheet with parchment
4 medium potatoes paper. Wash potatoes thoroughly and cut off any damaged
2 tsp spices of choice, see spots, green skin or eyes.
examples below
Cut into steak fries. Choose a spice combo and in a large bowl
mix with fries until well coated. Transfer to a the parchment-
1 tsp onion powder lined baking sheet. Avoid dumping excess spices onto the
1 tsp curry powder parchment as loose spices tend to burn.
1 tsp chili powder Bake for 30 - 45 minutes until desired crispiness. Flip after 20
½ tsp garlic powder minutes. Cooking time varies oven to oven, keep a close eye
½ tsp onion powder after 30 minutes.
1 tbsp apple cider vinegar
(let sit for 15 minutes, TIP: If you find that your fries are coming out hard on the inside
drain excess vinegar then
toss with spices) and well done on the outside, reduce your oven temperature
1 tsp onion powder and cook for longer. Alternatively, steam or boil your fries for 10
1 tsp dried dill minutes prior to baking.
Good With
Lettuce wraps &
your favorite dip 47
48 The Potato Reset
Finger food
Ingredients Method
Preheat oven to 420°F. Line a baking sheet with parchment
4 medium potatoes paper. Wash potatoes thoroughly and cut off any damaged
½ tsp chili Powder spots, green skin or eyes.
½ tsp garlic powder
Cut into thick strips. In a large bowl, toss strips with chili
½ tsp onion powder powder, garlic powder, onion powder, cumin and oregano.
¼ tsp cumin Transfer to a parchment-lined baking sheet. Avoid dumping
¼ tsp oregano excess spices onto the parchment as loose spices tend to burn.
1 green onion, chopped
Bake for 20 minutes, flip and bake for another 10 or until
1 cup crisp romaine desired crispiness.
lettuce, shredded
1 small tomato, diced While the fries are baking: add a quartered medium potato to a
small pot with water and boil until tender. Carefully transfer the
QUESO SAUCE boiled potato to a blender with a slotted spoon, reserve potato
water. Then add onion, 1/4 cup of the potato water, nutritional
1 medium potato,
yeast, garlic powder, chili powder, cumin and salsa. Blend until
smooth. Careful, it’s hot, please make sure your blender lid is
½ small red onion secure!
1/3 cup nutritional yeast
1 tsp garlic powder Plate fries and top with lettuce, queso sauce, green onion and
diced tomato. Enjoy!
1 tsp chili powder
¼ tsp cumin
1/3 cup salsa NOTE: Feel free to use any of the cheeze sauces from this book. 49
50 The Potato Reset
Finger food
Ingredients Method
Preheat oven to 375°F. Line a large baking sheet with
2 medium sweet potatoes parchment paper.
1 tbsp balsamic vinegar
1 tbsp pure maple syrup
Wash and peel the sweet potatoes and cut into ¼” rounds .
In a large bowl whisk together balsamic vinegar, maple syrup,
1 tsp garlic powder dijon mustard, garlic powder, smoked paprika and liquid smoke.
½ tsp dijon mustard Place the rounds into the bowl and hand toss until well coated.
½ tsp smoked paprika
Spread wedges on parchment lined baking sheet and bake
½ tsp liquid smoke
(optional) for 25 minutes, flip, bake for another 25 until they are lightly
browned and slightly caramelized. Serve and enjoy!
Good With VARIATION: swap out the maple syrup for extra mustard and
balsamic vinegar for a more savory flavor.
Smoky Sweet
Mustard Dip 51
52 The Potato Reset
Finger food
Ingredients Method
Preheat oven to 420°F. Line baking sheet with parchment paper.
2-3 cups potadough Place dough on the parchment-lined baking sheet to create
a pizza crust shape, press down with your fingers until it’s no
more than ¼” thick. Bake for 30 minutes or longer, until just
2 small cans tomato paste starting to turn golden brown. There shouldn’t be any
(approx 12 oz total) mushy spots.
1 tsp garlic powder
1 tsp dried oregano Meanwhile, in a non stick skillet over medium-high heat,
water sauté the onions, garlic, mushrooms and bell pepper
1 tsp dried basil
until softened. Remove from heat and set aside.
In a small mixing bowl stir together tomato paste, garlic
½ a small yellow or
red onion, diced powder, onion powder, oregano and basil. Set aside.
4 mushrooms, sliced
Remove pizza from the oven, keeping on baking sheet,
1 bell pepper, thinly sliced generously spread the pizza sauce all over the crust, then add
2 handfuls baby spinach a generous layer of spinach followed by your veggies. Place
¼ cup nutritional pizza back in the oven for 5 - 10 minutes to heat up the veggies
yeast (optional) and cook the spinach. Remove from oven and sprinkle with
nutritional yeast or drizzle with cheeze sauce.
Good With
Large leafy
green salad 53
54 The Potato Reset
Finger food
Panini Sammich
PREP TIME: 10 minutes COOK TIME: 30-40 minutes SERVES: 1
Ingredients Method
Line your panini maker or indoor electric grill (I use a George
2-3 cups potadough Foreman) with parchment paper for easy cleanup. Spread
½ a small onion, sliced potato dough out evenly on the bottom grill plate, do not
4 mushrooms, sliced
make it too thick or it will be gooey in the middle, aim for a
maximum ¼-inch thick. Fill the entire bottom grill plate.
1 bell pepper, thinly sliced Close the lid and turn on.
2 handfuls baby spinach
2-3 sliced sandwich pickles Not all machines have a temperature option, most default to
around 400°F / 200°C. Every machine is different so it will take
1 cup shredded romaine
or iceberg lettuce some experimenting on your part to get this right but generally
speaking, it will take a minimum of 30 minutes for the potato
¼ cup any potato cheeze
sauce from this book dough to crisp up. Be patient, no peeking!!
Remove the potato panini from the grill and cut in half.
Generously spread the Potato Cheeze sauce on one half of the
panini, then veggies and mustard and top with the other half of
the panini. Serve and enjoy! 55
56 The Potato Reset
Finger food
Broccoli Tots
PREP TIME: 20 minutes COOK TIME: 40 minutes SERVES: 1-2
Ingredients Method
Separate broccoli into bite sized pieces remove stems. Place
4 medium leftover broccoli florets in a small pot of water, bring to a soft boil and
baked potatoes
cook for 3 minutes. Drain, set aside and let cool.
1 cup broccoli, chopped
¼ cup nutritional yeast While the broccoli is cooling off preheat oven to 450°F. Line a
baking sheet with parchment paper.
1 tsp onion powder
½ tsp black pepper In a large mixing bowl grate the potato a hand held grater.
Finely chop the broccoli, then transfer to mixing bowl along
with remaining ingredients. Stir until well combined.
Good With Spoon out a heaping tablespoon of the mixture then form into
a cylinder using your hands. Place onto the lined baking sheet
No-Honey Mustard and repeat.
or ketchup
Bake for 15 minutes, flip and bake for another 15-20 minutes or
until golden brown. 57
58 The Potato Reset
Finger food
Ingredients Method
Preheat oven to 420°F. Line a baking sheet with parchment. In a
4 leftover medium-sized small skillet, water sauté the onion, carrot, and cauliflower over
baked potatoes
medium heat for 5 minutes – add water as necessary to prevent
½ small sweet onion, diced sticking. Stir in the dry spices and spinach then cover, continue
1 large carrot, shredded cooking for another 5 minutes.
½ cup cauliflower, diced
While the veggies are cooking: shred the leftover baked
1 cup baby spinach, potatoes in a large mixing bowl.
1 tsp garlic powder Add the sautéed veggies to the shredded potatoes and stir
1 tsp cumin powder well to combine.
1 tsp yellow curry powder
Using your hands, or a small measuring cup and press into
1 tsp garam masala powder
patties. It’s important that the mixture forms well and sticks
½ tsp turmeric together. Place pakoras on the parchment lined baking sheet.
¼ tsp cayenne (optional)
or paprika for less heat Bake for 20 to 30 minutes until crispy on the outside.
Good With
Smoky Sweet Mustard
or No-Honey Mustard 59
60 The Potato Reset
Finger food
Colcannon Puffs
PREP TIME: 10 minutes COOK TIME: 45 minutes SERVES: 1-2
Ingredients Method
Wash, peel and cut your potatoes into quarters, or smaller. Place
4 medium potatoes in a large pot and cover with water. Bring to a boil and cook
2 cups raw baby spinach or until potatoes are tender.
steamed kale, finely
chopped While the potatoes are cooking, prepare the spinach – chop
2 tbsp nutritional yeast finely. If you’re using kale instead, you’ll need to remove the
1 tsp garlic powder stems, and lightly steam or boil (you can place it in the
potato water for a few minutes and remove with a slotted
1 tsp onion powder
spoon.) Drain the water from the potatoes.
½ tsp Italian seasoning
¼ tsp black pepper Preheat oven to 420°F. Line a baking sheet with parchment
Mash the potatoes using a hand masher, don’t worry if it’s not
perfectly smooth. Stir in remaining nutritional yeast and spices.
Good With We are purposely not using any liquid for this mash. Scoop out
a heaping tablespoon and form into ball with hands and place
No-Honey Mustard onto a parchment lined baking sheet, repeat.
or Ketchup
Bake for 15 minutes, flip and bake for another 15 minutes or
until desired crispness. 61
62 The Potato Reset
Finger food
Little Devils
PREP TIME: 30 minutes COOK TIME: 20 minutes SERVES: 1-2
Ingredients Method
Wash and remove any dirt from potatoes. Boil potatoes until
6 small blemish-free fork-tender. Drain and let cool completely. To speed up this
red potatoes
process cool in the fridge or freezer – just don’t forget about
1 tbsp stone ground or them if you put them in the freezer.
dijon mustard
1 tsp yellow mustard Once the potatoes are cool, slice in half lengthwise. Using a
½ tsp garlic powder spoon, score a border on the flesh approximately ¼ of an inch in
from the edge of the potato, then scoop out most of the potato
1 tsp onion powder
flesh leaving behind ¼ of an inch of flesh attached to the skin.
1 bunch chives or Set skins aside.
1 green onion, finely
Place the scooped out potato guts into a medium bowl and
paprika & black pepper mash with mustards, garlic powder and onion powder. Mash
and low sodium salt,
to taste with a fork until smooth and fluffy. Do not use an immersion
blender for as it will make the potato mixture stiff and gluey.
Spoon the potato mixture back into the skins. Garnish with
Good With chives, paprika and black pepper.. 63
64 The Potato Reset
Finger food
Ingredients Method
Preheat oven to 425°F. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
4 cups mashed potatoes,
stiff mixture, or
In a skillet, water sauté the onion, mushrooms and bell pepper
over medium heat until tender – add water as necessary to
1½ tbsp potato flour prevent sticking. Stir in the spinach, parsley and Italian seasoning
3 tbsp nutritional yeast and continue sautéing for 3 minutes. Remove from heat, drain
1 tsp garlic powder off any excess liquid, set aside.
1 tsp Italian seasoning
In a large bowl, using your hands, combine mashed potatoes,
2 tsp dried parsley potato flour, nutritional yeast, garlic powder and parsley. Then
pepper and salt (optional)
to taste
separate your “dough” in 12 equal sized balls. Form six balls into
thin patties and place on the parchment lined baking sheet. Put
FILLING 1-2 tablespoons of the filling into the middle of each patty. From
12 white or brown the remaining dough, form six more thin patties and place on
mushrooms, finely top of the filling, pinch sides to seal it.
½ white onion, finely Sprinkle with pepper and optional salt. Bake for 30 min,
chopped carefully, turn over, bake another 20-30 min until outside is good
¼ cup red bell pepper, and crunchy.
finely chopped
3 cups fresh spinach,
finely chopped CHEF'S NOTE: My fillings are just a suggestion but they pair very
well with potatoes. As always, feel free to make it your own and
1 tbsp dried parsley
add your own favorites. That's what makes cooking fun, isn't it?
½ tbsp Italian seasoning
You can find this and many more delicious plant based recipes
here: 65
Finger food
Ingredients Method
Seasoning: Mix together and store any leftovers in an airtight
2-3 cups potadough container.
¼ cup nutritional yeast
(optional) Dough: you can use leftover mashed potatoes, potadough or the
¼ tsp salt (optional) innards from freshly baked potatoes. Optionally, mash in some
nutritional yeast for a cheesy flavor.
1 donut or muffin pan
“EVERYTHING” SEASONING Sprinkle the Everything seasoning in the bottom of a donut pan,
1-2 tsp sea salt flakes then press the potatoes into the pan on top of the seasoning,
or other coarse salt packing in well with a spoon or spatula. Chill for 8-12 hours.
4 tbsp minced dried garlic
Preheat oven to 400°F. Flip chilled potatoes onto a parchment
4 tbsp dried onion flakes lined baking sheet. Bake for 15-20 minutes, they should be golden
¼-½ tsp ground caraway and crisp on the outside. Best when served immediately. You can
(optional) also re-crisp them for a few minutes if they cool and get soft.
NO DONUT PAN? If you don’t have a donut pan, you can just use
a muffin pan and hollow out the middle a bit. They will still taste
just as good.
NOTE: Keep in mind that these are basically potato nuggets and
not chewy bread like an actual bagel. They aren’t going to function
the same way, but are an awesome way to get a potato powered,
flour free, everything bagel flavor fix! ~ Pebbles
Ingredients Method
In a large sauté pan over medium heat cook mushrooms, onions
FILLING INGREDIENTS: and potatoes until cooked through. Add any taco seasoning of
7 Large button your choice. Set aside.
mushrooms diced
1/4 medium onion diced
Slice potatoes thin on a mandolin. Arrange slices on a microwave
4 small precooked chip maker, overlapping to form the size taco shell you want. I
potatoes diced for filling
1 tsp or more taco
cooked mine in the microwave for 4 minutes. You want it done
seasonings of your enough to hold together but not so crisp it can’t be formed.
choice to taste Remove from microwave and fold over to form taco shell. I used
a paper towel holder as a form. Use whatever can be safely put
SHELL INGREDIENTS: into the microwave. Now return shell to microwave and cook until
12 tiny potatoes or 4 crisp. I cooked mine another 2 minutes but of course microwaves
medium potatoes
for shell vary. Repeat to make 3 more shells, depending on the size you
want you may get more or less.
Now just add your filling, toppings and cheeze sauce.
Nacho Cheeze Sauce
NOTE: I’ve heard from many fellow spuddies that the Chiptastic
chip maker for the microwave works really well 67
68 The Potato Reset
Dat crunch!
Ingredients Method
Preheat oven to 420°F. Line a baking sheet with parchment
4 medium, or 2 large paper.
leftover cold baked
Shred the potatoes, using a hand held grater, into a large mixing
1 handful of chopped bowl. Toss together shredded potatoes, spices and chopped
spinach or broccoli slaw
spinach or broccoli slaw. Transfer to the parchment lined baking
1 tsp of your favorite sheet, spreading out evenly.
spice combo
Bake for 30 minutes or until desired crispiness. Cooking time
varies oven to oven, so keep a close eye after 20 minutes.
Good With
Lettuce wraps & ELECTRIC GRILL OPTION: These come out just as good on
No-Honey Mustard an electric grill such as a George Foreman grill or panini maker.
Because of the variations in brands and grill types, I can only
give you a general idea on cooking time. On my grill it takes 30
minutes for the hash browns to crisp up and not stick. If there’s
a lot of steam coming out of your grill it’s not ready. 69
70 The Potato Reset
dat crunch!
Ingredients Method
Using your hands or a wooden spoon mix spices into your
2-3 cups potadough pre-made potato dough. Spread the potato dough onto a
1 tsp spices of your George Foreman grill or similar, press down with your fingers
choice (optional) until no more than ¼” thick. Close the lid and turn on. 71
72 The Potato Reset
Dat crunch!
Ingredients Method
Preheat oven to 420°F. Line a baking sheet with parchment
4 medium leftover paper.
baked potatoes
½ tsp smoked paprika Cut the leftover baked potatoes in half lengthwise, and arrange,
½ tsp garlic powder flesh-side up on the parchment-lined baking sheet. Smash each
or potato with a fork.
1 tsp of your favorite
spice combo
Sprinkle potatoes with smoked paprika and garlic powder. Bake
for 20 minutes or until crisp. 73
74 The Potato Reset
Dat crunch!
Ingredients Method
Preheat oven to 400°F. Line two baking sheets with parchment
2 medium paper.
russet potatoes
1 tsp of your Wash potatoes, remove blemishes and pat dry. Carefully and
favorite spices evenly cut into thin slices – a good quality mandolin will speed
up this process and create evenly cut slices.
Fresh cut veggies and Spread the potato slices on the parchment lined baking sheets
Potato Ranch Dip so they are not overlapping.
Bake for 15 minutes, flip, bake for another 10-15 minutes or until
crisp. Keep a close eye on them as they can burn very easily.
NOTE: I’ve heard from many fellow spuddies that the Chiptastic
chip maker for the microwave works really well, and quickly! 75
76 The Potato Reset
comfort food
Ingredients Method
Preheat oven to 350°F. Peel and rinse potatoes.
4 large Yukon
gold potatoes
Cut potatoes into quarters and place in a large bowl along
¾ cup water with the juice of 1 lemons and spices in a large bowl, combine
2 lemons well with hands.
½ tsp garlic powder
Pour potato mixture into to a glass baking dish or casserole dish.
½ tsp onion powder Next, pour the water into the corner of the baking dish – NOT
½ tsp dried oregano over the potatoes or you will end up rinsing the lemon and
¼ tsp black pepper spices off the potatoes. 77
78 The Potato Reset
comfort food
Ingredients Method
Wash, peel and chop potatoes into ½-inch cubes.
3 large potatoes, cubed Place in a large pot, cover with water and boil until tender
1 14.5-oz can no-salt-added (20-30 minutes). Drain and set aside.
diced tomatoes
1" fresh ginger, peeled While the potatoes are cooking: place the ginger, garlic and half
a can of the diced tomatoes in a blender. Blend until smooth.
2 garlic cloves, peeled
Set aside.
1 tsp cumin seeds
1 large yellow onion, Add the cumin seeds to a large frying pan and toast over
chopped medium-high heat for a minute or two. Stir often to prevent
1 tsp turmeric burning. Add the onion and a thin layer of water, sauté until
2 tsp ground coriander onion is soft. Then add the tomato, ginger, garlic mixture along
with turmeric, ground coriander, ground cumin, garam masala
1 tsp ground cumin
and paprika. Continue sautéing for two more minutes.
1 tsp garam masala
1 tsp paprika or if you like Add the remaining half can of diced tomatoes, stir well and
spicy: a pinch of cayenne cook until tomatoes soften (approximately two minutes).
pepper Carefully add in the potatoes and cook for another five minutes.
1 tbsp fresh coriander Stir in the chopped coriander and serve.
(cilantro) leaves 79
80 The Potato Reset
comfort food
Ingredients Method
Wash, peel (optional) and cut your potatoes into quarters. Place
4 medium golden in a stock pot and cover with water. Cook over high heat until
potatoes are fork tender. Watch that the water does not boil
¼ cup no-salt-added over; reduce heat slightly if necessary.
vegetable broth or
non-dairy milk Carefully drain water. Add spices to potatoes and mash while
gradually adding the broth or potato water as necessary, until
½ tsp garlic powder
you achieve the consistency you prefer.
½ tsp onion powder
¼ cup chives or green
onion, chopped, for
garnish TIP: I don't recommend an immersion blender (sharp blades) for
mashing because it's very easy to over mix and become very gluey.
Instead, use a hand masher or electric mixer (for whisking and
Good With GET CREATIVE WITH SPICES! Don't be afraid to try out
Steamed veggies different spice combinations. Just be sure to not accidentally dump
and golden gravy half a cup of chili powder into your mashed potatoes like I did! 81
82 The Potato Reset
comfort food
Roasted Rosemary
Garlic Potatoes
PREP TIME: 10 minutes COOK TIME: 55-60 minutes SERVES: 1-3
Ingredients Method
Preheat oven to 400°F. Wash and gently scrub any dirt off the
2 lbs baby potatoes, potatoes. Cut potatoes in half, or if some are larger than others
quarters if necessary – so that they are all approximately the
1 cup no-salt added same size.
vegetable broth, divided
2 garlic cloves, minced In a small saucepan whisk ½ cup of the vegetable broth with
½ tbsp potato starch the potato starch to combine well. Add in the garlic and dried
herbs and bring to a boil to thicken. Remove from heat.
¼ tsp dried rosemary 83
84 The Potato Reset
comfort food
Ingredients Method
Preheat oven to 425°F. Wash potatoes and pierce each potato
2 large russet potatoes several times with a fork. Place on a parchment lined baking
½ tsp onion powder sheet. Bake for 45-60 minutes or until soft.
½ tsp garlic powder
Meanwhile, steam, boil or microwave the broccoli until soft.
1 cup broccoli or Mash with a fork to break it up into small pieces, set aside.
cauliflower, chopped
2-3 tbsp unsweetened Remove baked potatoes from oven and carefully cut in half,
non-dairy milk or no-salt
added vegetable broth lengthwise, with a sharp knife. Then with a potholder or oven
mit, cradle one of the potato halves in palm of your hand over
1 green onion, chopped
a large bowl and scrape out the potato guts using a spoon. Be
½ tsp smoked paprika careful not to scrape through the skin. Place emptied potatoes
back on the parchment lined baking sheet. Repeat until you
have scraped out all the potato guts.
Good With Add onion powder, garlic powder and non-dairy milk to the
potato guts. Mash until smooth using a potato masher or fork,
Any potato then stir in the cooked broccoli. Scoop mashed potatoes back
cheese sauce from into the potato shells. Return to oven and bake for 10 minutes.
this book
Sprinkle with green onions, smoked paprika and if desired
drizzle with potato cheese sauce. 85
86 The Potato Reset
comfort food
Hasselback Potatoes
PREP TIME: 15 minutes COOK TIME: 60 minutes SERVES: 1-2
Ingredients Method
Preheat oven to 420°F. Wash and dry the potatoes well;
4 medium gold or do not peel.
russet potatoes
2/3 cup no-salt-added Cut narrow slices into the potatoes, approximately 3/4 of the
vegetable broth way down – don't cut all the way through. Spread apart the
2 garlic cloves, minced slices a little as you go. If you need a more stable surface, slice
½ tbsp potato starch a small amount off the bottoms so they sit flat. Place sliced
potatoes on a parchment-lined baking sheet.
¼ tsp dried rosemary
¼ tsp dried thyme In a small saucepan, whisk together the potato starch and
veggie broth. Stir in the garlic and dried herbs. Bring to a boil,
stirring until it thickens. Set aside.
Good With Brush the potatoes with the thickened veggie broth mixture.
Bake for 30 minutes. Brush the potatoes with the remaining
Steamed vegetables veggie broth mixture. Bake for an additional 30 minutes or until
with Unicorn Dust soft on the inside and golden brown on the outside. 87
88 The Potato Reset
comfort food
Ingredients Method
Preheat oven to 350°F. Cut the tops off or halve the bell peppers.
2 red bell peppers Remove seeds and membranes, rinse peppers. Place empty
1 medium sweet potato peppers on a parchment lined baking sheet and bake for 15
2 medium yellow potatoes
minutes. Remove from oven and set aside to let cool.
2 tbsp nutritional yeast While the peppers are baking: wash, peel and cut potatoes. Boil
1 tsp garlic powder or pressure cook potatoes until soft. Drain. Mash with nutritional
1 tsp onion powder yeast, garlic powder and onion powder, and if needed, add a
splash of vegetable broth. 89
comfort food
Ingredients Method
Wash, peel (optional) and chop potatoes into quarters or
4 medium red or smaller chunks, depending on your preference. Boil potatoes
yellow potatoes
until tender, drain.
½ lemon
½ tsp onion powder Squeeze lemon juice over potatoes, sprinkle with spices, dill
and black pepper. Serve and enjoy!
½ tsp garlic powder
1 tsp dried or fresh dill
black pepper to NOT INTO DILL? Try it with chopped fresh chives
taste, optional or green onions.
Potato Salad
PREP TIME: 10 minutes COOK TIME: 20 minutes SERVES: 3-4
Ingredients Method
Wash potatoes and remove blemishes. Cut into 1” cubes and
5 medium red potatoes add to a large stock pot. Cover with water and bring to a boil.
1 stalk celery Cook until just barely fork tender. Careful not to overcook, we
1 green onion
don’t want a mushy potato for potato salad.
1 garlic clove, skinned While the potatoes are cooking, dice the celery and green
2 tbsp dijon mustard onion.
1 tbsp apple cider vinegar
With a mug or glass measuring cup, scoop out approximately
½ tbsp dried dill
half a cup of the potato cooking water, set aside. Drain potatoes
½ tbsp pure maple syrup and set aside. Scoop out ¾ cup of the potatoes and place in a
1 tsp onion powder blender. Place the remaining potatoes in large mixing bowl.
¼ cup potato water
In a blender with the ¾ cup of potatoes add mustard, apple
¼ tsp reduced sodium salt
cider vinegar, ¼ cup potato water, maple syrup, garlic clove
paprika & black pepper and onion powder. Blend until smooth. Add more potato
to taste
water if necessary. It should be the consistency of a creamy
salad dressing.
NOTE: This recipe was adapted from High Carb Hannah's Creamy
Potato Salad from her Plant Meal Planner. 91
92 The Potato Reset
Ingredients Method
If you already have frozen sweet potatoes ready to go skip the
2 medium sweet potatoes first two steps.
3 tbsp unsweetened
non-dairy milk Preheat oven to 420°F. Place the sweet potatoes on a parch-
1 tbsp pure maple syrup ment-lined baking sheet, untouched (do not pierce) and bake
for 40 minutes or until soft. Let cool to room temperature.
1 tsp cinnamon
Remove the skins, cut into cubes and place in the freezer in an
airtight container overnight.
Remove frozen sweet potato chunks from the freezer and let sit,
at room temperature for 5-10 minutes, they should be frozen
but not rock solid. Place non-dairy milk, cinnamon, maple syrup and sweet potato in your Vitamix.
Secure the Vitamix lid and with the tamper inserted. Blend
with a low to medium speed while continuously pushing the
mixture down with a tamper, until smooth and creamy. Serve
immediately. 93
94 The Potato Reset
Ingredients Method
Whether you’re trying to get through the first 3 days of The
2 sweet potatoes Potato Reset, experiencing stress or hormonal cravings, this will
2 tbsp balsamic vinegar provide you with the perfect amount of sweetness to tackle
1½ tbsp maple syrup
those sugar cravings without over-stimulating your taste buds.
½ tbsp maple syrup Preheat oven to 400°F. Line a baking sheet with parchment
for topping
paper. Peel and slice sweet potatoes into thick sticks.
½ tsp cinnamon
In a large bowl whisk the balsamic vinegar, 1 ½ the tablespoon
maple syrup and cinnamon.
Good With Toss sweet potato sticks in the bowl until well coated, then
place each stick on the parchment lined baking sheet. Bake
Herbal tea for 20 minutes. Flip and bake for another 20 minutes or until
desired crispness. 95
Frequently Asked Questio ns
How many potatoes should I eat? What can I eat for snacks?
As many as you need to feel satisfied and not overly I was surprised that I wasn’t hungry in between
full. That number varies person to person, depend- meals, but some people aren’t able to eat large
ing on their age and activity level. Test this out! Try a meals that keep them full for 5 hours. If you must
few recipes from this book before you officially start snack, it’s pretty simple: eat potatoes and veggies.
to get an idea of how much you will eat. It’s always a good idea to snack on non-starchy
vegetables such as carrots, celery, broccoli,
How many calories do I need? cucumber – whatever you enjoy. If that doesn’t cut
This varies person to person, depending on your it for you, have a small potato.
age, height and activity level. And, it can vary day to
day. A sedentary woman in her 50s might only need Can athletes do this?
1200 calories. An active woman in her 20s might Yes, just make sure you’re eating enough to fuel
need 2600 calories. This plan is meant to teach you your training sessions – your hunger will determine
to trust your body to know how much it needs. If this for you. However, competitive athletes may find
you’re feeling hungry and not as energetic, chances it difficult to get their energy needs met on
are you need to eat a little more. potatoes and vegetables only – in this case I suggest
planning the Potato Reset for a time when you’re
How much weight will I lose per week? not in competition-mode.
This varies person to person, depending on a lot of
factors—age, sex, dieting history, and how much Won’t I gain weight eating potatoes?
extra weight you have on your body. The more extra It’s what you put on your potatoes that determines
weight you have on your body, the quicker you are whether or not you will gain weight. Butter, cheese,
likely to lose in the beginning. Those coming from and oil are the culprits to giving the potato a bad
an eating-disordered background of restriction may name. If you follow the plan as indicated, it’s not
gain in the beginning. If you’re currently eating a likely you will gain fat. In some cases, if you are on
highly-processed diet, you will find you drop a lot this plan to overcome an eating disorder that in-
of water weight in the first week. A healthy rate of volved severe caloric restriction or purging, you will
weight loss is 0.5 lbs to 2 lbs., which is common on likely gain some weight in the beginning. And, those
this plan. who come from a low-carb way of eating may find
a slight increase on the scale due to your glycogen
stores going back up to a healthy and normal level.
Can I do this while pregnant or nursing? Dairy is also highly addictive due to casomorphins,
I can’t recommend this during pregnancy. This an opioid compound, that is formed in our stom-
could be stressful on your body especially if it’s a achs when we consume dairy. Then you add salt
drastic change to how you normally eat. By cutting into the mix and you might have an idea why it’s
out a variety of foods you could miss out on so difficult to give up cheese. I highly recommend
important nutrients. The same goes if you are in the this video by Dr. Barnard: What The Dairy Industry
early stages of nursing. Please consult your doctor. Doesn't Want You to Know.
Can I Do this With Diabetes? It’s very calorically dense and not as filling as
Diabetics will need to experiment with their a potato. Then there’s a long list of health
vegetable to potato ratio. Eating sweet potatoes implications such as osteoporosis, cardiovascu-
(versus white potatoes) will likely work best, along lar disease and increased risk for various cancers,
with more non-starchy vegetables. Depending source: Health Conerns about Dairy Products.
on how insulin-resistant you are, an abundance of
starch at one sitting might not allow for the proper
time needed to process the glucose in your blood-
stream. Again, test and see if this is feasible for you. 97
what's next
R ecommended R esources
Potato Articles Recipe Books
Potatoes Are Pillars of Worldwide Nutrition Starch Solution, Dr. McDougall
The Potato Diet is a Calorie Savings Account Lean & Clean, High Carb Hannah
Potatoes: Man’s Best Friend (Not Worst Enemy!) Straight Up Food, Cathy Fisher
The Guy Who Ate Potatoes-Only For One Year Unprocessed, Chef AJ 99