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Administration Guide: Database Manager

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Administration Guide:
Database Manager
Version 9


Administration Guide:
Database Manager
Version 9

Before using this information and the product it supports, be sure to read the general information under “Notices” on page

First Edition (October 2004)

This edition applies to Version 9 of IMS (product number 5655-J38) and to all subsequent releases and modifications
until otherwise indicated in new editions.
© Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1974, 2004. All rights reserved.
US Government Users Restricted Rights – Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract
with IBM Corp.
Figures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii

Tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xv

About This Book . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xvii

Prerequisite Knowledge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xvii
IBM Product Names Used in This Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . xvii
How to Read Syntax Diagrams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xviii
How to Send Your Comments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xx

Summary of Changes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xxi

Changes to This Book for IMS Version 9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xxi
Library Changes for IMS Version 9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xxi

Part 1. General Information on IMS Database Administration . . . . . . . . . . 1

Chapter 1. Introduction to IMS Databases . . . . .

. 3 . . . . . . . .
Database Administration Overview . . . . . . . . .
. 3 . . . . . . . .
Open Database Access (ODBA) . . . . . . . . . .
. 4 . . . . . . . .
Database Administration Tasks . . . . . . . . . .
. 4 . . . . . . . .
Concepts and Terminology . . . . . . . . . . . .
. 6 . . . . . . . .
Optional Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
How to Define Your Database to IMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
How Application Programs View the Database . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

Chapter 2. Standards and Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

Establishing Standards and Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Naming Conventions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

Chapter 3. Review Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

The Design Review . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Design Review 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Design Review 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Design Review 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Design Review 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Code Inspection 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Who Attends Code Inspection 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Code Inspection 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Security Inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Post-Implementation Review . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

Chapter 4. Security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Restricting the Scope of Data Access . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Restricting Processing Authority . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Restricting Access by Non-IMS Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Using the Dictionary to Help Establish Security . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

Part 2. Administering IMS Databases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

Chapter 5. Analyzing Data Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

Local View . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Designing a Conceptual Data Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1974, 2004 iii

Implementing the Structure with DL/I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51

Chapter 6. Choosing Full-Function Database Types . . . .

. 55 . . . . .
Sequential Storage Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. 56 . . . . .
Direct Storage Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. 56 . . . . .
Databases Supported with DBCTL. . . . . . . . . . . .
. 56 . . . . .
Databases Supported with DCCTL . . . . . . . . . . .
. 57 . . . . .
Performance Considerations Overview . . . . . . . . . .
. 57 . . . . .
HSAM Databases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. 60 . . . . .
HISAM Databases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. 65 . . . . .
SHSAM, SHISAM and GSAM Databases . . . . . . . . .
. 74 . . . . .
HDAM, PHDAM, HIDAM, and PHIDAM Databases . . . . . .
. 78 . . . . .
Managing I/O Errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107

Chapter 7. Choosing Fast Path Database Types . . . . . . . . . . . 109

Data Entry Databases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
Main Storage Databases (MSDBs) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128
Fast Path Virtual Storage Option . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
Fast Path Synchronization Points. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149
Managing I/O Errors and Long Wait Times . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149
Registering Fast Path Databases in DBRC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150

Chapter 8. Choosing Optional Database Functions . . . . . . . . . . 151

Logical Relationships . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151
Secondary Indexes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186
Choosing Secondary Indexes Versus Logical Relationships . . . . . . . . 208
Variable-Length Segments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209
Segment Edit/Compression Exit Routine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212
Data Capture Exit Routines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215
Field-Level Sensitivity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220
Multiple Data Set Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 230
Block-Level Data Sharing and CI Reclaim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237
HALDB Single Partition Processing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237
| Integrated HALDB Online Reorganization Function . . . . . . . . . . . 238
| Storing XML Data in IMS Databases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 238

Chapter 9. Designing Full-Function Databases . . . . . . . . . . . . 241

Specifying Free Space (HDAM, PHDAM, HIDAM, and PHIDAM Only) . . . . 241
Estimating the Size of the Root Addressable Area (HDAM or PHDAM Only) 242
Determining Which Randomizing Module to Use (HDAM and PHDAM Only) 243
Choosing HDAM or PHDAM Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 244
Choosing a Logical Record Length for a HISAM Database . . . . . . . . 245
Choosing a Logical Record Length for HD Databases . . . . . . . . . . 248
Determining the Size of CIs and Blocks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 248
Buffering Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 249
OSAM Sequential Buffering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 253
VSAM Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 260
OSAM Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 265
Dump Option (DUMP Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 265
Deciding Which FIELD Statements to Code in the DBD . . . . . . . . . 265
Planning for Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 265

Chapter 10. Designing Fast Path Databases . . . . . . . . . . . . . 267

Designing a Data Entry Database (DEDB) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 267
Designing a Main Storage Database (MSDB) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 273
High-Speed Sequential Processing (HSSP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 279

iv Administration Guide: Database Manager

Designing a DEDB or MSDB Buffer Pool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 282
Designing a DEDB Buffer Pool in the DBCTL Environment . . . . . . . . 286

Chapter 11. Implementing Database Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . 291

Coding Database Descriptions as Input for the DBDGEN Utility . . . . . . 291
| Implementing HALDB Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 294
Coding Program Specification Blocks as Input to the PSBGEN Utility . . . . 301
Building the Application Control Blocks (ACBGEN) . . . . . . . . . . . 304
Defining Generated Program Specification Blocks for SQL Applications . . . . 305

Chapter 12. Developing Test Databases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 307

Test Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 307
Designing, Creating, and Loading a Test Database . . . . . . . . . . . 308

Chapter 13. Loading Databases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 311

Estimating the Minimum Size of the Database . . . . . . . . . . . . . 311
Allocating Data Sets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 318
Writing a Load Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 320
Loading Fast Path Databases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 331

Chapter 14. Monitoring Databases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 335

IMS Monitor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 335
Monitoring Fast Path Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 337

Chapter 15. Tuning Databases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 341

Reorganizing the Database . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 341
| Reorganizing HALDBs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 358
Changing DL/I Access Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 388
Changing the Hierarchic Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 401
Changing Direct-Access Storage Devices. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 403
Tuning OSAM Sequential Buffering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 403
Adjusting HDAM and PHDAM Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 404
Adjusting Buffers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 405
Adjusting VSAM Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 408
Adjusting OSAM Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 410
Changing the Amount of Space Allocated . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 410
Changing Operating System Access Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . 411
Changing the Number of Data Set Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 411
Tuning Fast Path Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 415

Chapter 16. Modifying Databases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 423

Adding Segment Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 424
Deleting Segment Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 425
Moving Segment Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 426
Changing Segment Size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 426
Changing Data in a Segment (Except for Data at the End of a Segment) 427
Changing the Position of Data in a Segment . . . . . . . . . . . . . 427
Adding Logical Relationships . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 427
Adding a Secondary Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 445
Adding or Converting to Variable-Length Segments . . . . . . . . . . . 445
Converting to the Segment Edit/Compression Exit Routine . . . . . . . . 446
Converting Databases for Data Capture Exit Routines and Asynchronous Data
Capture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 447
Converting a Logical Parent Concatenated Key from Virtual to Physical or
Physical to Virtual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 448
Using the Online Change Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 448

Contents v
Extending DEDB Independent Overflow Online . . . . . . . . . . . . 458

Part 3. Appendixes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 461

Appendix A. Meaning of Bits in the Delete Byte . . . . . . . . . . . 463

Bits in the Delete Byte . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 463
Bits in the Prefix Descriptor Byte . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 463

Appendix B. Insert, Delete, and Replace Rules for Logical Relationships 465
Specifying Rules in the Physical DBD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 465
Insert Rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 466
Replace Rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 469
Using the DLET Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 475

Appendix C. Using OSAM as the Access Method . . . . . . . . . . . 507

Appendix D. Correcting Bad Pointers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 509

Appendix E. HALDB Partition Definition utility . . . . . . . . . . . . 511

The Partitioned Databases Panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 512
Accessing Help Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 513
Exiting the Utility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 513
Displaying the ISPF Member List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 514
Opening HALDB Partitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 515
Defining Data Set Group Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 527
Displaying the List of Defined Partitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 528
Opening Database Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 536
Deleting Database Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 537
Exporting Database Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 537
Importing Database Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 538
Displaying the IMS Concatenation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 538
Selecting an IMS Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 539
Using Batch to Export or Import Partition Information . . . . . . . . . . 541
DSPXRUN Command Syntax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 542

| Appendix F. Output Data Set Requirements for HALDB Online

| Reorganization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 545
| HALDB Online Reorganization Requirements for Existing Output Data Sets 545
| Attributes of Automatically-Created Output Data Sets . . . . . . . . . . 545

Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 549
Programming Interface Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 551
Trademarks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 552

Bibliography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 553
IMS Version 9 Library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 553
Supplementary Publications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 554
Publication Collections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 554
Accessibility Titles Cited in This Library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 554

Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 555

vi Administration Guide: Database Manager

1. Segment Types in the School Database Record . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2. Segment Occurrences in a School Database Record . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
3. Hierarchic Sequence of Segment Types for School Database . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
4. Hierarchic Sequence of Segment Occurrences for School Database . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
5. Levels in the Database . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
6. An Example of a Medical Database Record . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
7. Example of Records That Can Be Stored in the School Database . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
8. Records that Cannot be Stored in the School Database . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
9. Format of Fixed-Length Segments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
10. Format of Variable-Length Segments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
11. Three Segment Occurrences and Three Data Elements of the STUDENT Segment . . . . . . 16
12. Example of STUDENT Segments Stored in Alphabetic Order . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
13. DBD for Payroll Database . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
14. Payroll Database Record without a Mask . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
15. PCB for Payroll Database . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
16. Payroll Database Record with SALARY Segment Masked . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
17. Current Roster Conceptual Data Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
18. Schedule of Classes Conceptual Data Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
19. Instructor Skills Report Conceptual Data Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
20. Instructor Schedules Conceptual Data Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
21. Education Data Structures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
22. Education Hierarchies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
23. Bidirectional Logical Relationships . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
24. Example HSAM Database . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
25. Example HSAM Database Stored in Blocks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
26. GU Calls against an HSAM Database . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
27. Updating an HSAM Database . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
28. Example HISAM Database . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
29. Example HISAM Database in Storage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
30. Format of a Logical Record in a HISAM Database . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
31. Inserting a Root Segment into a HISAM Database (Free Logical Record Exists in the CI) . . . . 69
32. Inserting a Root Segment into a HISAM Database (No Free Logical Record Exists in the CI) 70
33. Inserting a Dependent Segment into a HISAM Database (Space Exists in the Logical Record) 71
34. Inserting a Dependent Segment into a HISAM Database (No Space Exists in the Logical Record) 72
35. The Hierarchic Segment Layout on the Database . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
36. Accessing a HISAM Segment That Hierarchically Follows Deleted Segments. . . . . . . . . 73
37. A Logical View of an HDAM and a PHDAM Database . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
38. A Logical View of a HIDAM and a PHIDAM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
39. Example Database Record . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
40. Example Database Record for Illustrating Pointers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
41. Hierarchic Forward Pointers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
42. Hierarchic Forward and Backward Pointers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
43. Physical Child First Pointers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
44. Physical Child First and Last Pointers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
45. Specifying PCF and PCL Pointers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
46. Physical Twin Forward Pointers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
47. Physical Twin Forward and Backward Pointers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
48. Mixing Pointers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
49. Format of an HD Database and Special Fields in It . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
50. Bit Map for HD Databases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
51. An FSEAP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
52. An FSE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
53. An HDAM or PHDAM Anchor Point Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1974, 2004 vii
54. Two Example HD Database Records . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
55. HDAM or PHDAM Database Records in Storage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
56. HIDAM or PHIDAM Database Records in Storage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
57. Format of an Index Segment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
58. HIDAM or PHIDAM Index Databases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
59. Specifying PTR=T or PTR=H for Root Segments in a HIDAM Database . . . . . . . . . . 99
60. How Dependent Segments Are Found Using PCF and PTF Pointers . . . . . . . . . . . 100
61. Inserting a Root Segment into a HIDAM or PHIDAM Database . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
62. Updating the Space Management Fields in an HDAM or PHDAM Database . . . . . . . . . 102
63. Defining a Variable-Length Segment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
64. Defining a Fixed-Length Segment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
65. Parts of a DEDB Area in Storage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
66. CI Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
67. Root Segment Format (with Sequential and Direct Dependent Segments with Subset Pointers) 120
68. Sequential Dependent Segment Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
69. Direct Dependent Segment Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
70. DEDB Structure Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124
71. Extending a UOW to Use Independent Overflow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126
72. MSDB Pointers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129
73. MSDBINIT Record Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130
74. Sequence of the Four MSDB Organizations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
75. ECNT and MSDB Storage Layout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133
76. Example of Updating a Policy with New Structures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140
77. Defining a VSO Area Coupling Facility Structure Name in DBRC . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141
78. Examples of Defining Private Buffer Pools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142
79. A Simple Logical Relationship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152
80. Unidirectional Logical Relationship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153
81. Two Unidirectional Logical Relationships . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154
82. Bidirectional Physically Paired Logical Relationship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154
83. Bidirectionally Virtually Paired Logical Relationship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155
84. Direct Logical Parent (LP) Pointer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157
85. Symbolic Logical Parent (LP) Pointer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158
86. Logical Child First (LCF) Pointer (Used in Virtual Pairing Only) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159
87. Physical Parent (PP) Pointer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160
88. Logical Twin Forward (LTF) Pointer (Used in Virtual Pairing Only) . . . . . . . . . . . . 161
89. Self-healing Pointers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161
90. Defining a Physical Parent to Logical Parent Path in a Logical Database . . . . . . . . . . 162
91. Defining a Logical Parent to Physical Parent Path in a Logical Database . . . . . . . . . . 162
92. Format of a Concatenated Segment Returned to User I/O Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163
93. Fixed Intersection Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165
| 94. Variable Intersection Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166
95. Model 1 Components and Subassemblies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168
96. Database Records for the Model 1 Bicycle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169
97. Extra Database Records Required for the Model 2 Bicycle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170
98. Relationship of Control Blocks When a Logical Relationship Is Used . . . . . . . . . . . 172
99. Layouts of Segments Used in the Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173
100. Physical DBDs for Unidirectional Relationship Using Symbolic Pointing . . . . . . . . . . 173
101. Logical Data Structure for a Unidirectional Relationship Using Symbolic Pointing . . . . . . . 176
102. Definition of Crossing a Logical Relationship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178
103. The First Logical Relationship Crossed in a Hierarchic Path of a Logical Database . . . . . . 179
104. Logical Database Hierarchy Enabled by Crossing the First Logical Relationship . . . . . . . 180
105. Single Concatenated Segment Type Defined Multiple Times with Different Combinations of Key
and Data Sensitivity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181
106. Example of the Replace, Insert, and Delete Rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182
107. Example of the Replace, Insert, and Delete Rules: Before and After . . . . . . . . . . . 182
108. Example of a Unidirectional Logical Relationship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185

viii Administration Guide: Database Manager

109. Example of a Logical Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185
110. Database Record in Educational Database . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187
111. Example of a Database Record Unique Key Field . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187
112. Segments Used for Secondary Indexes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188
113. Format of Pointer Segments Contained in the Secondary Index Database . . . . . . . . . 189
114. Education Database Record . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190
115. How a Segment Is Accessed Using a Secondary Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190
116. Call Application Issues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190
117. Physical Database Structure with Target Segment G . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191
118. Secondary Index Structure Indexed in Secondary Index on Segment G . . . . . . . . . . 192
119. Examples of Source Segments for Each Student . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193
120. Example of a Logical Record Containing a Pointer Segment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193
| 121. Secondary Index Entry for HALDB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193
122. Examples of Several Source Segments for Each Student . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194
123. Database Record Showing the Source and Target for Secondary Indexes . . . . . . . . . 197
124. Concatenated Key of the STUDENT Segment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197
125. Databases for First Example of the INDICES= Parameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202
126. PCB for the First Example of the INDICES= Parameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202
127. Application Program Call Issued for the First Example of the INDICES= Parameter . . . . . . 202
128. Databases for Second Example of the INDICES= Parameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203
129. PCB for the Second Example of the INDICES= Parameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203
130. Application Program Call Issued for the Second Example of the INDICES= Parameter . . . . . 204
131. Databases for Secondary Indexing Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207
132. EDUC DBD for Secondary Indexing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207
133. SINDX DBD for Secondary Indexing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207
134. Fields in the CUSTOMER Segment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208
135. Assembly and Parts as Examples to Demonstrate Segments Logical Relationship . . . . . . 209
136. Example of a Segment That Appears to Have Two Parents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209
137. How Variable-Length Segments Are Specified . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210
138. Format of HISAM Variable-Length Segments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210
139. Format of HDAM, PHDAM, HIDAM or PHIDAM Variable-Length Segments . . . . . . . . . 211
140. DBD and PSB Coding for Field-Level Sensitivity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 222
141. DBD Example for Field-Level Sensitivity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 222
142. PSB Example for Field-Level Sensitivity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 222
143. Example of a Retrieve Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223
144. Example of a REPL Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223
145. Example of an ISRT Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 224
146. Example of a Missing Field on a Retrieve Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 226
147. DBD Example for Field-Level Sensitivity with Variable-Length Segments . . . . . . . . . . 226
148. PSB Example for Field-Level Sensitivity with Variable-Length Segments . . . . . . . . . . 226
149. First Example of a Missing Field on a Replace Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 227
150. Second Example of a Missing Field on a Replace Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 228
151. Example of a Missing Field on an Insert Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 228
152. Example of a Partially Present Field on a Retrieval Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 229
153. Example of a Partially Present Field on a REPL Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 230
154. Hierarchy of Applications That Need to Access INSTR and LOC Segments . . . . . . . . . 231
155. Database Record Split into Two Database Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 232
156. Example of How to Divide an HD Database Record . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 233
157. Connecting Segments in Multiple Data Set Groups Using Physical Child First Pointers. . . . . 233
158. HD Database Record in Storage When Multiple Data Set Groups Are Used . . . . . . . . . 234
159. First Example of Data Set Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 235
160. HDAM DBD for First Example of Data Set Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 235
161. PHDAM DBD for First Example of Data Set Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 235
162. Second Example of Data Set Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 236
163. HDAM DBD for Second Example of Data Set Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 236
164. PHDAM DBD for Second Example of Data Set Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 236

Figures ix
165. Specifying the RMNAME keyword . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 244
166. Database Record for Logical Record Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 246
167. Short Logical Records . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 246
168. Long Logical Records . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 246
169. Database Record for Logical Records Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 247
170. Logical Records Example with Two Read Operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 247
171. Levels in a VSAM Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 264
172. First Example MSDB Record Held in Exclusive Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 277
173. Second Example MSDB Record Held in Exclusive Mode. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 277
174. The DBD Generation Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 292
175. Structure of DBD Generation Input . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 292
176. Example of a Date Field within a Segment Defined as Three 2–Byte Fields and One 6–Byte
Field . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 293
177. Partition Default Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 297
| 178. Change Partition Panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 298
179. Sample Command to Define an ILDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 301
180. The PSB Generation Process. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 302
181. Structure of PSB Generation Input . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 302
182. Example of a SENSEG Relationship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303
183. The ACB Generation Process. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 304
184. Segment Sizes and Average Segment Occurrences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 313
185. JCL allocating an OSAM data set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 319
186. The Load Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 322
187. Loading a Database Using Existing Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 323
188. Basic Initial Load Program Logic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 325
189. Sample Load Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 326
190. Restartable Initial Load Program Logic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 328
191. Sample Restartable Initial Load Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 329
192. JCL used to initially load a database . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 330
193. IMS Monitor Works . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 336
194. Fast Path Transaction Event Timings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 338
195. Steps in Reorganizing When Logical Relationships or Secondary Indexes Exist . . . . . . . 346
| 196. Steps for Reorganizing HALDB Partitions When Logical Relationships or Secondary Indexes
| Exist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 347
197. HISAM Reorganization Unload Utility (DFSURUL0) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 347
198. HISAM Reorganization Reload Utility (DFSURRL0) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 348
199. HD Reorganization Unload Utility (DFSURGU0) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 348
200. HD Reorganization Reload Utility (DFSURGL0) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 349
201. Database Prereorganization Utility (DFSURPR0) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 350
202. Database Scan Utility (DFSURGS0) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 351
203. Database Prefix Resolution Utility (DFSURG10) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 352
204. Database Prefix Update Utility (DFSURGP0) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 353
205. HISAM Reorganization Unload and Reload Utilities Used for Create, Merge, or Replace
Secondary Indexing Operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 354
206. HISAM Reorganization Unload Utility Used for Extract Secondary Indexing Operations . . . . 355
207. Database Surveyor Utility (DFSPRSUR) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 356
208. Partial Database Reorganization Utility (DFSPRCT1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 357
| 209. Offline Reorganization of a HALDB database . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 360
| 210. Example: The HD Reorganization Unload Utility Control Statement to Unload One Partition 361
| 211. Example: The HD Reorganization Unload Utility Control Statement to Unload Multiple Partitions 361
| 212. Example: Sample JCL to Unload a HALDB Partition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 362
| 213. Example: IEC161I message during reload . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 362
| 214. Example: JCL to Reload a HALDB Partition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 363
| 215. Example RECON Listing: DB Record for a HALDB in Cursor-Active Status . . . . . . . . . 366
| 216. The Relationship between Input Data Sets and Output Data Sets during the Online
| Reorganization of a HALDB Partition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 367

x Administration Guide: Database Manager

| 217. Normal Processing Steps of HALDB Online Reorganization. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 369
| 218. Processing Steps for an Interrupted Online Reorganization of a HALDB Partition . . . . . . . 376
| 219. HALDB Pointer Before a Reorganization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 383
| 220. HALDB Pointer After a Reorganization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 385
| 221. HALDB Pointer After the Self-Healing Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 386
222. HDAM and HIDAM Databases Before and After Changing to PHDAM and PHIDAM . . . . . . 395
223. Utility Sequence of Execution When Making Database Changes during Reorganization . . . . 413
224. Where Segment Types Can Be Added in a Database Record . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 424
225. DBX Exists, DBY Is to Be Added . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 428
226. DBX and DBY Exist, DBZ Is to Be Added . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 429
227. DBX and DBY Exist, DBZ Is to Be Added . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 430
228. DBX and DBY Exist, DBZ Is to Be Added . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 431
229. DBX Exists and DBY Is to Be Added . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 431
230. DBX and DBY Exist, DBZ Is to Be Added . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 432
231. DBX and DBY Exist, DBZ Is to Be Added . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 434
232. DBX and DBY Exist, DBZ Is to Be Added . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 436
233. DBY Exists, DBZ Is to Be Added . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 436
234. DBY Exists, DBZ Is to Be Added . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 437
235. DBX and DBY Exist, DBZ Is to Be Added . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 437
236. DBX and DBY Exist, DBZ Is to Be Added . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 438
237. DBX and DBY Exist, Segment Y and DBZ Are to Be Added . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 438
238. The Change in Pairing from Virtual to Physical . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 444
239. The Position Change of a Real Logical Child from One Logically Related Database to Another 444
240. Adding a Database Using Online Change . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 455
| 241. Insert, Delete, and Replace Rules in the DBD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 465
242. Physical Insert Rule Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 467
243. Paths for Physical Insert Rule Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 467
244. ISRT and Status Codes for Physical Insert Rule Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 468
245. Logical Insert Rule Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 468
246. ISRT and Status Codes for Logical Insert Rule Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 468
247. Virtual Insert Rule Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 469
248. ISRT and Status Codes for Virtual Insert Rule Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 469
249. Physical Replace Rule Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 470
250. Calls and Status Codes for Physical Replace Rule Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 471
251. Logical Replace Rule Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 471
252. Calls and Status Codes for Logical Replace Rule Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 471
253. Virtual Replace Rule Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 472
254. Calls and Status Codes for Virtual Replace Rule Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 472
255. Physical Databases for Replace Rules Tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 473
256. Logical Views for Replace Rules Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 473
257. Concatenated Segment Relationships. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 476
258. Third Access Path Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 476
259. Logical Parent, Virtual Pairing—Physical Delete Rule Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . 479
260. Logical Parent, Physical Pairing—Physical Delete Rule Example: Before and After . . . . . . 480
261. Logical Parent, Physical Pairing—Physical Delete Rule Example: Database Calls . . . . . . 480
262. Logical Parent, Physical Pairing—Physical Delete Rule Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . 480
263. Logical Parent, Physical Pairing—Physical Delete Rule Example: Before and After . . . . . . 481
264. Logical Parent, Physical Pairing—Physical Delete Rule Example: Calls and Status Codes 481
265. Logical Parent, Virtual Pairing—Logical Delete Rule Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 481
266. Logical Parent, Virtual Pairing—Logical Delete Rule Example: Before and After . . . . . . . 482
267. Logical Parent, Virtual Pairing—Logical Delete Rule Example: Calls and Status Codes . . . . 482
268. Logical Parent, Physical Pairing—Logical Delete Rule Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . 483
269. Logical Parent, Physical Pairing—Logical Delete Rule Example: Before and After . . . . . . 483
270. Logical Parent, Physical Pairing—Logical Delete Rule Example: Calls and Status Codes 483
271. Logical Parent, Virtual Pairing—Virtual Delete Rule Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 484
272. Logical Parent, Virtual Pairing—Virtual Delete Rule Example: Before and After . . . . . . . 484

Figures xi
273. Logical Parent, Virtual Pairing—Virtual Delete Rule Example: Calls and Status Codes . . . . . 484
274. Logical Parent, Physical Pairing—Virtual Delete Rule Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . 485
275. Logical Parent, Physical Pairing—Virtual Delete Rule Example: Before and After . . . . . . . 485
276. Logical Parent, Physical Pairing—Virtual Delete Rule Example: Calls and Status . . . . . . . 485
277. Physical Parent, Virtual Pairing—Bidirectional Virtual Example. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 486
278. Physical Parent, Virtual Pairing—Bidirectional Virtual Example: Before and After . . . . . . . 486
279. Deleting Last Logical Child Deletes Physical Parent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 486
280. Logical Child, Virtual Pairing—Physical Delete Rule Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 487
281. Logical Child, Virtual Pairing—Physical Delete Rule Example: Deleting the Logical Child 487
282. Logical Child, Virtual Pairing—Physical Delete Rule Example: Before and After . . . . . . . 488
283. Logical Child, Virtual Pairing—Logical Delete Rule Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 488
284. Logical Child, Virtual Pairing—Logical Delete Rule Example: Calls and Status . . . . . . . . 489
285. Logical Child, Virtual Pairing—Logical Delete Rule Example: Before and After . . . . . . . . 489
286. Logical Child, Physical Pairing—Physical or Logical Delete Rule Example . . . . . . . . . 490
287. Logical Child, Physical Pairing—Physical or Logical Delete Rule Example: Calls and Status 490
288. Logical Child, Physical Pairing—Physical or Logical Delete Rule Example: Before and After 491
289. Logical Child, Virtual Pairing—Virtual Delete Rule Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 491
290. Logical Child, Virtual Pairing—Virtual Delete Rule Example: Calls and Status . . . . . . . . 492
291. Logical Child, Virtual Pairing—Virtual Delete Rule Example: Before and After . . . . . . . . 492
292. Logical Child, Physical Pairing—Virtual Delete Rule Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 493
293. Logical Child, Physical Pairing—Virtual Delete Rule Example: Calls and Status . . . . . . . 493
294. Logical Child, Physical Pairing—Virtual Delete Rule Example: Before and After . . . . . . . 494
295. (Part 1 of 5). Example of Deleted Segments Accessibility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 495
296. (Part 2 of 5). Example of Deleted Segments Accessibility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 496
297. (Part 3 of 5). Example of Deleted Segments Accessibility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 496
298. (Part 4 of 5). Example of Deleted Segments Accessibility: Database Calls . . . . . . . . . 497
299. (Part 5 of 5). Example of Deleted Segments Accessibility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 497
300. Example of Abnormal Termination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 498
301. Example of Violation of the Physical Delete Rule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 499
302. Example of Violation of the Physical Delete Rule: Database Calls . . . . . . . . . . . . 499
303. Example of Treating the Physical Delete Rule as Logical. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 500
304. Example of Treating the Physical Delete Rule as Logical: Database Calls . . . . . . . . . 500
305. Insert, Delete, and Replace Rules Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 503
306. Partitioned Databases panel (DSPXPAA) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 512
307. Help Action Bar Choices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 513
308. Exit Confirmation Panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 514
309. ISPF Member List Display (DSPXPAM) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 514
310. File Action Bar Choices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 515
| 311. Partitioned Database Information (DSPXPOA) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 516
312. Partition Default Information (DSPXPCA) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 518
313. Automatic Definition Status . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 522
| 314. Change Partition (DSPXPPA) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 524
| 315. Selection String Editor (DSPXPKE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 526
316. Change Data Set Groups, Part 1 (DSPXPGA) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 527
317. Change Data Set Groups, Part 2 (DSPXPGB) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 528
318. Change a Data Set Group (DSPXPGC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 528
| 319. Database Partitions Panel, Sorted by Partition ID (DSPXPLA) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 529
| 320. Database Partitions Panel, Sorted by Key (DSPXPLB) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 530
321. Database Partitions Panel, Sorted by Name (DSPXPLC). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 531
322. File Action Bar Choices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 532
323. Edit Action Bar Choices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 533
324. Searching the Partition List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 534
325. View Action Bar Choices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 534
326. Change Partition Panel (DSPXPPB) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 535
327. Change Data Set Groups, Part 1 (DSPXPGA) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 536
| 328. Partitioned Database Information (DSPXPOA) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 536

xii Administration Guide: Database Manager

329. Delete a Database (DSPXPDA) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 537
330. Export a Database (DSPXPEA) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 537
331. Import a Database (DSPXPIA) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 538
332. The IMS Concatenation (ISRDDN) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 539
333. User Configurations (DSPXPMB) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 540
334. Configuration Details Panel (DSPXPMC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 540
| 335. Sample JCL for Batch Import . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 541

Figures xiii
xiv Administration Guide: Database Manager
1. Licensed Program Full Names and Short Names . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xvii
2. Types of IMS Databases and the z/OS Access Methods They Can Use . . . . . . . . . . . 11
3. Example of Naming Conventions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
| 4. Suffixes for DD names . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
5. Combined Mappings for Local Views . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
6. Keys and Associated Data Elements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
7. Summary of Database Characteristics and Options for Database Types . . . . . . . . . . 59
8. Comparison of SHSAM, SHISAM, and GSAM Databases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
| 9. Maximum Sizes for HDAM, HIDAM, PHDAM, and PHIDAM Databases . . . . . . . . . . . 79
10. CI Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120
11. Root Segment Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120
12. Sequential Dependent Segment Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
13. Direct Dependent Segment Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
14. MSDBINIT Record Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130
| 15. Required CFRM List Structure Storage Sizes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150
16. Parts List for the Model 1 Bicycle Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167
17. Delete Rule Restrictions for Logically Related Databases Using Data Capture Exit Routines 220
18. Examples of Multiple Data Set Grouping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 232
19. Levels of Enqueue of an MSDB Record . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 275
20. Example of MSDB Record Status: Shared (S) or Owned Exclusively (E) . . . . . . . . . . 275
21. File Names and Data Sets to Allocate. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 295
| 22. Minimum and maximum number of data sets for HALDB partitions. . . . . . . . . . . . . 299
23. Required Fields and Pointers in a Segment’s Prefix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 312
24. Calculating the Average Database Record Size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 313
25. VSAM Control Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 314
26. Monitor Data for Fast Path Transactions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 339
| 27. IMS Versions that Can Access HALDBs that Are Capable of Being Reorganized Online . . . . 370
| 28. Data Set Name Examples for HALDB Online Reorganization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 373
| 29. Mapping Startup Tasks to Commands for HALDB Online Reorganization . . . . . . . . . . 373
| 30. Mapping Monitoring Tasks to Commands for HALDB Online Reorganization . . . . . . . . 374
| 31. Mapping Modifying and Tuning Tasks to Commands for HALDB Online Reorganization . . . . 374
32. Steps in Reorganizing a Database to Add a Logical Relationship . . . . . . . . . . . . . 441
33. Replace Rules for Logical View 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 473
34. Replace Rules for Logical View 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 474
| 35. Specifying Insert, Delete, and Replace Rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 503
36. Length and Format of an OSAM DEB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 507

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1974, 2004 xv

xvi Administration Guide: Database Manager
About This Book
This information is available as part of the DB2® Information Management Software
Information Center for z/OS® Solutions. To view the information within the DB2
Information Management Software Information Center for z/OS Solutions, go to
http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/dzichelp. This information is also available in
PDF and BookManager® formats. To get the most current versions of the PDF and
BookManager formats, go to the IMS™ Library page at

This book describes how to design, implement, and maintain different types of IMS
databases and is divided into two parts:
v Part 1, “General Information on IMS Database Administration,” on page 1
describes important concepts to keep in mind throughout the database
administration process.
v Part 2, “Administering IMS Databases,” on page 35 describes the steps in the
database administration process.

With IMS Version 9, you can reorganize HALDB partitions online, either by using
the integrated HALDB Online Reorganization function or by using an external
product. In this information, the term HALDB Online Reorganization refers to the
integrated HALDB Online Reorganization function that is part of IMS Version 9,
unless otherwise indicated.

Prerequisite Knowledge
Before using this book, you should understand basic IMS concepts and your
installation’s IMS system. IMS can run in the following environments: DB Batch,
DCCTL, TM Batch, DB/DC, DBCTL. You should understand the environments that
apply to your installation. The IMS concepts explained here pertain only to
administering the IMS database. You should know how to use DL/I calls and
languages such as assembler, COBOL, PL/I, and C.

IMS Version 9: Application Programming: Design Guide describes how to design

and code an application program.

For definitions of terms used in this manual and references to related information in
other IMS manuals, see IMS Version 9: Master Index and Glossary.

IBM Product Names Used in This Information

In this information, the licensed programs shown in Table 1 are referred to by their
short names.
Table 1. Licensed Program Full Names and Short Names
Licensed program full name Licensed program short name
IBM Application Recovery Tool for IMS and Application Recovery Tool
IBM CICS® Transaction Server for OS/390® CICS
IBM CICS Transaction Server for z/OS CICS

IBM DB2 Universal Database DB2 Universal Database
IBM DB2 Universal Database for z/OS DB2 UDB for z/OS

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1974, 2004 xvii

Table 1. Licensed Program Full Names and Short Names (continued)
Licensed program full name Licensed program short name
IBM Enterprise COBOL for z/OS and OS/390 Enterprise COBOL
IBM Enterprise PL/I for z/OS and OS/390 Enterprise PL/I

IBM High Level Assembler for MVS & VM & High Level Assembler
IBM IMS Advanced ACB Generator IMS Advanced ACB Generator
IBM IMS Batch Backout Manager IMS Batch Backout Manager
IBM IMS Batch Terminal Simulator IMS Batch Terminal Simulator
IBM IMS Buffer Pool Analyzer IMS Buffer Pool Analyzer
IBM IMS Command Control Facility for z/OS IMS Command Control Facility
IBM IMS Connect for z/OS IMS Connect

IBM IMS Connector for Java IMS Connector for Java
IBM IMS Database Control Suite IMS Database Control Suite
IBM IMS Database Recovery Facility for z/OS IMS Database Recovery Facility
IBM IMS Database Repair Facility IMS Database Repair Facility

IBM IMS DataPropagator for z/OS IMS DataPropagator
IBM IMS DEDB Fast Recovery IMS DEDB Fast Recovery
IBM IMS Extended Terminal Option Support IMS ETO Support
IBM IMS Fast Path Basic Tools IMS Fast Path Basic Tools
IBM IMS Fast Path Online Tools IMS Fast Path Online Tools
IBM IMS Hardware Data IMS Hardware Data Compression-Extended
IBM IMS High Availability Large Database IBM IMS HALDB Conversion Aid
(HALDB) Conversion Aid for z/OS
IBM IMS High Performance Change IMS High Performance Change Accumulation
Accumulation Utility for z/OS Utility
IBM IMS High Performance Load for z/OS IMS HP Load
IBM IMS High Performance Pointer Checker IMS HP Pointer Checker
for OS/390
IBM IMS High Performance Prefix Resolution IMS HP Prefix Resolution
for z/OS
IBM Tivoli® NetView® for z/OS Tivoli NetView for z/OS
IBM WebSphere Application Server for z/OS WebSphere Application Server for z/OS
and OS/390
IBM WebSphere MQ for z/OS WebSphere MQ
IBM WebSphere Studio Application Developer WebSphere Studio
Integration Edition

How to Read Syntax Diagrams

The following rules apply to the syntax diagrams that are used in this information:

xviii Administration Guide: Database Manager

v Read the syntax diagrams from left to right, from top to bottom, following the path
of the line. The following conventions are used:
– The >>--- symbol indicates the beginning of a syntax diagram.
– The ---> symbol indicates that the syntax diagram is continued on the next
– The >--- symbol indicates that a syntax diagram is continued from the
previous line.
– The --->< symbol indicates the end of a syntax diagram.
v Required items appear on the horizontal line (the main path).


v Optional items appear below the main path.


If an optional item appears above the main path, that item has no effect on the
execution of the syntax element and is used only for readability.


v If you can choose from two or more items, they appear vertically, in a stack.
If you must choose one of the items, one item of the stack appears on the main

 required_item required_choice1 

If choosing one of the items is optional, the entire stack appears below the main


If one of the items is the default, it appears above the main path, and the
remaining choices are shown below.


v An arrow returning to the left, above the main line, indicates an item that can be

 required_item  repeatable_item 

About This Book xix

If the repeat arrow contains a comma, you must separate repeated items with a

 required_item  repeatable_item 

A repeat arrow above a stack indicates that you can repeat the items in the
v Sometimes a diagram must be split into fragments. The syntax fragment is
shown separately from the main syntax diagram, but the contents of the fragment
should be read as if they are on the main path of the diagram.

 required_item fragment-name 



v In IMS, a b symbol indicates one blank position.

v Keywords, and their minimum abbreviations if applicable, appear in uppercase.
They must be spelled exactly as shown. Variables appear in all lowercase italic
letters (for example, column-name). They represent user-supplied names or
v Separate keywords and parameters by at least one space if no intervening
punctuation is shown in the diagram.
v Enter punctuation marks, parentheses, arithmetic operators, and other symbols,
exactly as shown in the diagram.
v Footnotes are shown by a number in parentheses, for example (1).

How to Send Your Comments

Your feedback is important in helping us provide the most accurate and highest
quality information. If you have any comments about this or any other IMS
information, you can take one of the following actions:
v Go to the IMS Library page at www.ibm.com/software/data/ims/library.html and
click the Library Feedback link, where you can enter and submit comments.
v Send your comments by e-mail to imspubs@us.ibm.com. Be sure to include the
title, the part number of the title, the version of IMS, and, if applicable, the
specific location of the text on which you are commenting (for example, a page
number in the PDF or a heading in the Information Center).

xx Administration Guide: Database Manager

Summary of Changes
Changes to This Book for IMS Version 9
This book contains new information on the following subjects:
v The topic “Fast Path Virtual Storage Option” on page 135 contains new
information about DEDB multi-area structures.
v The topic “Opening and Preopening DEDB Areas” on page 111 contains new
information about enhancements to your ability to control the opening of DEDB
areas during restart and after an IRLM reconnect.
v A new topic, “Reorganizing HALDBs” on page 358, discusses reorganizing
HALDBs online with the integrated HALDB Online Reorganization function. This
topic also includes additional information about reorganizing HALDBs offline.
v The existing topic Appendix E, “HALDB Partition Definition utility,” on page 511
has been updated to reflect the improvements that have been made to the
Partition Definition utility for IMS Version 9.

Library Changes for IMS Version 9

Changes to the IMS Library for IMS Version 9 include the addition of one title, a
change of one title, organizational changes, and a major terminology change.
Changes are indicated by a vertical bar (|) to the left of the changed text.

The IMS Version 9 information is now available in the DB2 Information Management
Software Information Center for z/OS Solutions, which is available at
http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/dzichelp. The DB2 Information Management
Software Information Center for z/OS Solutions provides a graphical user interface
for centralized access to the product information for IMS, IMS Tools, DB2 Universal
Database (UDB) for z/OS, DB2 Tools, and DB2 Query Management Facility

New and Revised Titles

The following list details the major changes to the IMS Version 9 library:
v IMS Version 9: IMS Connect Guide and Reference
The library includes new information: IMS Version 9: IMS Connect Guide and
Reference. This information is available in softcopy format only, as part of the
DB2 Information Management Software Information Center for z/OS Solutions,
and in PDF and BookManager formats.
IMS Version 9 provides an integrated IMS Connect function, which offers a
functional replacement for the IMS Connect tool (program number 5655-K52). In
this information, the term IMS Connect refers to the integrated IMS Connect
function that is part of IMS Version 9, unless otherwise indicated.
v The information formerly titled IMS Version 8: IMS Java User’s Guide is now
titled IMS Version 9: IMS Java Guide and Reference. This information is
available in softcopy format only, as part of the DB2 Information Management
Software Information Center for z/OS Solutions, and in PDF and BookManager
v To complement the IMS Version 9 library, a new book, An Introduction to IMS by
Dean H. Meltz, Rick Long, Mark Harrington, Robert Hain, and Geoff Nicholls
(ISBN # 0-13-185671-5), is available starting February 2005 from IBM Press. Go
to the IMS Web site at www.ibm.com/ims for details.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1974, 2004 xxi

Organizational Changes
Organization changes to the IMS Version 9 library include changes to:
v IMS Version 9: IMS Java Guide and Reference
v IMS Version 9: Messages and Codes, Volume 1
v IMS Version 9: Utilities Reference: System

The chapter titled ″DLIModel Utility″ has moved from IMS Version 9: IMS Java
Guide and Reference to IMS Version 9: Utilities Reference: System.

The DLIModel utility messages that were in IMS Version 9: IMS Java Guide and
Reference have moved to IMS Version 9: Messages and Codes, Volume 1.

Terminology Changes
IMS Version 9 introduces new terminology for IMS commands:
type-1 command
A command, generally preceded by a leading slash character, that can be
entered from any valid IMS command source. In IMS Version 8, these
commands were called classic commands.
type-2 command
A command that is entered only through the OM API. Type-2 commands
are more flexible than type-2 commands and can have a broader scope. In
IMS Version 8, these commands were called IMSplex commands or
enhanced commands.

Accessibility Enhancements
Accessibility features help a user who has a physical disability, such as restricted
mobility or limited vision, to use software products. The major accessibility features
in z/OS products, including IMS, enable users to:
v Use assistive technologies such as screen readers and screen magnifier
v Operate specific or equivalent features using only the keyboard
v Customize display attributes such as color, contrast, and font size

User Assistive Technologies

Assistive technology products, such as screen readers, function with the IMS user
interfaces. Consult the documentation of the assistive technology products for
specific information when you use assistive technology to access these interfaces.

Accessible Information
Online information for IMS Version 9 is available in BookManager format, which is
an accessible format. All BookManager functions can be accessed by using a
keyboard or keyboard shortcut keys. BookManager also allows you to use screen
readers and other assistive technologies. The BookManager READ/MVS product is
included with the z/OS base product, and the BookManager Softcopy Reader (for
workstations) is available on the IMS Licensed Product Kit (CD), which you can
download from the Web at www.ibm.com.

Keyboard Navigation of the User Interface

Users can access IMS user interfaces using TSO/E or ISPF. Refer to the z/OS
V1R1.0 TSO/E Primer, the z/OS V1R5.0 TSO/E User’s Guide, and the z/OS
V1R5.0 ISPF User’s Guide, Volume 1. These guides describe how to navigate each

xxii Administration Guide: Database Manager

interface, including the use of keyboard shortcuts or function keys (PF keys). Each
guide includes the default settings for the PF keys and explains how to modify their

Summary of Changes xxiii

xxiv Administration Guide: Database Manager
Part 1. General Information on IMS Database Administration
Chapter 1. Introduction to IMS Databases . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3
Database Administration Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3
DL/I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3
CICS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3
DBCTL and DCCTL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4
Open Database Access (ODBA) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4
Database Administration Tasks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4
Concepts and Terminology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6
How Data Is Stored in a Database . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6
The Hierarchy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8
The Database . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
The Database Record . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
The Segment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Optional Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
How to Define Your Database to IMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
How Application Programs View the Database . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

Chapter 2. Standards and Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

Establishing Standards and Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Naming Conventions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
General Rules for Establishing Naming Conventions . . . . . . . . . . 21
HALDB Naming Conventions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

Chapter 3. Review Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

The Design Review . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Role of the Database Administrator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
General Information about Reviews . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Design Review 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Design Review 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Design Review 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Design Review 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Code Inspection 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Who Attends Code Inspection 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Code Inspection 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Security Inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Post-Implementation Review . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

Chapter 4. Security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Restricting the Scope of Data Access . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Restricting Processing Authority . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Restricting Access by Non-IMS Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Protecting Data with VSAM Passwords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Encrypting Your Database . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Using the Dictionary to Help Establish Security . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1974, 2004 1

2 Administration Guide: Database Manager
Chapter 1. Introduction to IMS Databases
| This chapter describes the tasks of database administration and discusses the key
| concepts and terms used when administering IMS Database Manager.

In this Chapter:
v “Database Administration Overview”
v “Open Database Access (ODBA)” on page 4
v “Database Administration Tasks” on page 4
v “Concepts and Terminology” on page 6
v “Optional Functions” on page 17
v “How to Define Your Database to IMS” on page 18
v “How Application Programs View the Database” on page 18

Database Administration Overview

The task of database administration is to design, implement, and maintain
databases. This book describes the tasks involved in administering the Information
Management System Database Manager (IMS DB). IMS is composed of two parts:
IMS Database Manager and IMS Transaction Manager. IMS Database Manager
manages the physical storage of records in the database. IMS Transaction Manager
manages the terminal network, the input and output of messages, and online
system resources. The administration of IMS Transaction Manager is covered in the
IMS Version 9: Administration Guide: System and the IMS Version 9: Administration
Guide: Transaction Manager.

This book presents the database administration tasks in the order in which you
normally perform the tasks. You perform some tasks in a specific sequence in the
database development process while other tasks are ongoing. It is important for you
to grasp not only what the tasks are (see “Database Administration Tasks” on page
4), but also how they interrelate.

This first part of the book provides important concepts and procedures for the entire
database administration process. The second part contains the chapters
corresponding to particular tasks of database administration.

| Data Language/I (DL/I) is the IMS data manipulation language, which is a common
| high-level interface between a user application and IMS. DL/I calls are invoked from
| application programs written in languages such as PL/I, COBOL, VS Pascal, C, and
| Ada. It can also be invoked from assembler language application programs by
| subroutine calls. IMS lets the user define data structures, relate structures to the
| application, load structures, and reorganize structures.

Related Reading: For detailed information about how application programs use
DL/I, see IMS Version 9: Application Programming: Database Manager and IMS
Version 9: Application Programming: EXEC DLI Commands for CICS and IMS.

Customer Information Control System (CICS) accesses IMS databases through the
database resource adapter (DRA). CICS or other transaction management

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1974, 2004 3

Database Administration Overview

subsystems (excluding IMS Transaction Manager) can access IMS full-function

databases and data entry databases (DEDBs) in a DB/DC or DBCTL environment
through the DRA.

Whenever tasks differ for CICS users, a brief description about the differences is


| Database Control (DBCTL) supports non-message-driven batch message
| processing (BMP) programs. DBCTL has its own log and participates in database
| recovery. Locking is provided by IMS program isolation (PI) or the internal resource
| lock manager (IRLM).

Data Communications Control (DCCTL) is a transaction management subsystem

that does not support full-function DEDBs or MSDBs (main storage databases), but
does support GSAM databases in BMP regions. To access databases in a DCCTL
environment, DCCTL must connect to an external subsystem that provides
database support.

Open Database Access (ODBA)

Any program that runs in a z/OS address space can access IMS DB through the
Open Database Access (ODBA) callable interface. Any z/OS application program
running in a z/OS address space that is managed by the z/OS Resource Recovery
Service (RRS/MVS) can access IMS full-function databases and data entry
databases (DEDBs). z/OS application programs that use the ODBA interface are
called ODBA applications.

Related Reading: For a description of RRS and its uses, see the information on
RRS Distributed Sync Point in IMS Version 9: Administration Guide: Transaction

From the perspective of IMS, the z/OS address space involved appears to be
another region called the z/OS application region.

Types of programs that can call the ODBA interface include:

v DB2 for z/OS stored procedures, including COBOL, PL/I, and Java procedures
v WebSphere for z/OS and OS/390 Enterprise Java Beans
v Other z/OS applications

Database Administration Tasks

Participating in design reviews. Design reviews are a series of formal meetings
you attend in which the design and implementation of the database are
examined. Design reviews are an ongoing task during the design and
implementation of a database system. They are also held when new
applications are added to an existing system.
Analyzing data requirements. After the users at your installation identify their
data processing requirements, you will construct data structures. These
structures show what data will be in your database and how it will be organized.
This task precedes the actual design of the database.
Designing your database. After data structures are identified, the next step is to
design your database. Database design involves:
– Choosing how to physically organize your data

4 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Database Administration Tasks

– Deciding which IMS processing options you need to use

– Making a series of decisions about design that determine how well your
database performs and uses available space
Developing a test database. Before the applications that will use your database
are cut over to production status, they should be tested. Depending on the form
of your existing data, you can use one or more of the IMS Database Design
Aids to design, create, load, and test your test database.
Implementing your database design. After your database is designed, implement
the design by describing the database’s characteristics and how application
programs will use it to IMS. This task consists of coding database descriptions
(DBDs) and program specification blocks (PSBs), both of which are a series of
macro statements. Another part of implementing the database design is
determining whether to have the application control blocks (ACBs) of the
database prebuilt or built dynamically.
Loading your database. After database characteristics are defined, write an
initial load program to put your data into the database. After you load the
database, application programs can be run against it.
Monitoring your database. When the database is running, routinely monitor its
performance. A variety of tools for monitoring the IMS system are available.
Tuning your database. Tune your database when performance degrades or
utilization of external storage is not optimum. Routine monitoring helps you
determine when the system needs to be tuned and what type of tuning needs to
be done. Like monitoring, the task of tuning the database is ongoing.
Modifying your database. As new applications are developed or the needs of
your users change, you might need to make changes to your database. For
example, you can change database organization, database hierarchies (or the
segments and fields within them), and you can add or delete one or more
partitions. Like monitoring and tuning, the task of modifying the database is
Recovering your database. Database recovery involves restoring a database to
its original condition after it is rendered invalid by some failure. The task of
developing recovery procedures and performing recovery is an important one.
However, because it is difficult to separate data recovery from system recovery,
the task of recovery is treated separately in IMS Version 9: Operations Guide.
You can use Database Recovery Control (DBRC) in recovering your databases.
If your databases are registered in RECON, DBRC gains control during
execution of these IMS utilities:
– Database Image Copy
– Online Database Image Copy
– Database Image Copy 2
– Change Accumulation
– Database Recovery
– Log Recovery
– Log Archive
– DEDB area data set create
– HD and HISAM Reorganization Unload and Reload
– HALDB Index/ILDS Rebuild
You must ensure that all database recoveries use the current IMS utilities, rather
than those of earlier releases.

Chapter 1. Introduction to IMS Databases 5

Database Administration Tasks

Related Reading: For more information on using these database utilities, see
the IMS Version 9: Utilities Reference: System and the IMS Version 9: Utilities
Reference: Database and Transaction Manager.
Establishing security. You can keep unauthorized persons from accessing the
data in your database by using program communication blocks (PCBs). With
PCBs, you can control how much of the database a given user can see, and
what can be done with that data. In addition, you can take steps to keep
non-IMS programs from accessing your database.
Setting up standards and procedures. It is important to set standards and
procedures for application and database development. This is especially true in
an environment with multiple applications. If you have guidelines and standards,
you will save time in application development and avoid problems later on such
as inconsistent naming conventions or programming standards.

Concepts and Terminology

This topic discusses the terms and concepts you need to understand to perform the
administration tasks just outlined.

To understand this topic, you must know what a DL/I call is and how to code it. You
must understand function codes and Segment Search Arguments (SSAs) in DL/I
calls and know what is meant when a call is referred to as qualified or unqualified
(explained in IMS Version 9: Application Programming: Database Manager).

How Data Is Stored in a Database

The data in a database is grouped into a series of database records. Each
database record is composed of smaller groups of data called segments. A segment
is the smallest piece of data IMS can store. Segments, in turn, are made up of one
or more fields.

Figure 1 on page 7 shows a record in a school database. Each of the boxes is a

segment or separate group of data in the database record. The segments in the
database record contain the following information:
COURSE The name of the course
INSTR The name of the teacher of the course
REPORT A report the teacher needs at the end of the course
STUDENT The names of students in the course
GRADE The grade a student received in the course
PLACE The room in which the course is taught

6 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Concepts and Terminology

Figure 1. Segment Types in the School Database Record

The segments within a database record exist in a hierarchy. A hierarchy is the order
in which segments are arranged. The order implies something. The school database
is storing data about courses that are taught. The COURSE segment is at the top
of the hierarchy. The other types of data in segments in the database record would
be meaningless if there was no COURSE.

Root Segment
The COURSE segment is called the root segment. Only one root segment exists
within a database record. All other segments in the database record (such as:
INSTR, REPORT, STUDENT, GRADE, and PLACE) are called dependent
segments. The existence of dependent segments hinges on the existence of a root
segment. For example, without the root segment COURSE, there would be no
reason for having a PLACE segment stating in which room the course was held.

The third level of dependent segments, REPORT and GRADE, is subject to the
existence of second level segments INSTR and STUDENT. For example, without
the second level segment STUDENT, there would be no reason for having a
GRADE segment indicating the grade the student received in the course.

Parent and Child Segment

Another set of words used to refer to how segments relate to each other in a
hierarchy is parent segment and child segment. A parent segment is any segment
that has a dependent segment beneath it in the hierarchy. COURSE is the parent of
INSTR, and INSTR is the parent of REPORT. A child segment is any segment that
is a dependent of another segment above it in the hierarchy. REPORT is the child
of INSTR, and INSTR is the child of COURSE. Note that INSTR is both a parent
segment in its relationship to REPORT and a child segment in its relationship to

Segment Type and Occurrence

The terms used to describe segments thus far (root, dependent, parent, and child)
describe the relationship between segments. The terms segment type and segment
occurrence, however, distinguish between a type of segment in the database (the
COURSE segment or the INSTR segment) and a specific segment (the course
segment for a math course).

The previous database is actually the design of the database. It shows the segment
types for the database. Figure 2 on page 8 shows the actual database record with
the segment occurrences.
Chapter 1. Introduction to IMS Databases 7
Concepts and Terminology

A segment occurrence is a single specific segment. Math is a single occurrence of

the COURSE segment type. Baker and Coe are multiple occurrences of the
STUDENT segment type.

Relationship Between Segments

One final term for describing segments is twin segment. Twin (like root, dependent,
parent, and child) describes a relationship between segments. Twin segments are
multiple occurrences of the same segment type under a single parent. In Figure 2,
the segments Baker and Coe are twins. They have the same parent (Math), and
are of the same segment type (STUDENT). Pass and Inc are not twins. Although
Pass and Inc are the same segment type (GRADE), they do not have the same
parent. Pass is the child segment of Baker, and Inc is the child segment of Coe.

Figure 2. Segment Occurrences in a School Database Record

The following topic discusses the hierarchy in more detail. Subsequent topics
describe the objects in a database, what they consist of and the rules governing
their existence and use. These objects are:
The database record
The segments in a database record
The fields within a segment

The Hierarchy
A database is composed of a series of database records, records contain
segments, and segments are arranged in a hierarchy in the database record.

Numbering Sequence in a Hierarchy: Top to Bottom

When a database record is stored in the database, the hierarchic arrangement of
segments in the database record is the order in which segments are stored.
Starting at the top of a database record (at the root segment), segments are stored
in the database in the sequence shown by the numbers in Figure 3 on page 9.

The sequence goes from the top of the hierarchy to the bottom in the first (left
most) path or leg of the hierarchy. When the bottom of the database is reached, the
sequence is from left to right. When all segments have been stored in that path of
the hierarchy, the sequencing begins in the next path to the right, again proceeding

8 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Concepts and Terminology

from top to bottom and then left to right. (In the second leg of the hierarchy there is
nothing to go to at the right.) The sequence in which segments are stored is loosely
called “top to bottom, left to right.”

Figure 3 shows sequencing of segment types for the school database shown in
Figure 1 on page 7. The sequence of segment types are stored in the following
1. COURSE (top to bottom)
4. STUDENT (left to right)
5. GRADE (top to bottom)
6. PLACE (left to right)

Figure 3. Hierarchic Sequence of Segment Types for School Database

Figure 4 on page 10 shows the segment occurrences for the school database
record as shown in Figure 2 on page 8. Because there are multiple occurrences of
segment types, segments are read ″front to back″ in addition to ″top to bottom, left
to right.″ The segment occurrences for the school database are stored in the
following order:
1. Math (top to bottom)
2. James
3. ReportA
4. ReportB (front to back)
5. Baker (left to right)
6. Pass (top to bottom)
7. Coe (front to back)
8. Inc (top to bottom)
9. Room2 (left to right)

Chapter 1. Introduction to IMS Databases 9

Concepts and Terminology

Figure 4. Hierarchic Sequence of Segment Occurrences for School Database

Note that the numbering sequence is still initially from top to bottom. At the bottom
of the hierarchy, however, observe that there are two occurrences of the REPORT

Because you are at the bottom of the hierarchy, both segment occurrences are
picked up before you move to the right in this path of the hierarchy. Both reports
relate to the instructor segment James; therefore it makes sense to keep them
stored together in the database. In the second path of the hierarchy, there are also
two segment occurrences in the student segment. You are not at the bottom of the
hierarchic path until you reach the grade segment Pass. Therefore, sequencing is
not “interrupted” by the two occurrences of the student segment Baker and Coe.
This makes sense because you are keeping student and grade Baker and Pass

Note that the grade Inc under student Coe is not considered another occurrence
under Baker. Coe and Inc become a separate path in the hierarchy. Only when you
reach the bottom of a hierarchic path is the “top to bottom, left to right” sequencing
interrupted to pick up multiple segment occurrences. You can refer to sequencing in
the hierarchy as “top to bottom, front to back, left to right”, but “front to back” only
occurs at the bottom of the hierarchy. Multiple occurrences of a segment at any
other level are sequenced as separate paths in the hierarchy.

As noted before, this numbering of segments represents the sequence in which

segments are stored in the database. If an application program requests all
segments in a database record in hierarchic sequence or issues Get-Next (GN)
calls, this is the order in which segments would be presented to the application

Numbering Sequence in a Hierarchy: Movement and Position

Other terms that show the numbering sequence in a hierarchy are: movement and
position. When talking about movement through the hierarchy, it always means
moving in the sequence implied by the numbering scheme. Movement can be
forward or backward. When talking about position in the hierarchy, it means being
located (positioned) at a specific segment. The terms movement and position are
used when talking about how segments are accessed when an application program
issues a call.

10 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Concepts and Terminology

A segment is the smallest piece of data IMS can store. If an application program
issues a Get-Unique (GU) call for the student segment BAKER (see Figure 4 on
page 10), the current position is immediately after the BAKER segment occurrence.
If an application program then issues an unqualified GN call, IMS moves forward in
the database and returns the PASS segment occurrence.

Numbering Sequence in a Hierarchy: Level

A final term you need to know about hierarchies is: level. Level is the position of a
segment in the hierarchy in relation to the root segment. The root segment is
always on level one. Figure 5 illustrates levels of the database record shown in
Figure 2 on page 8.

Figure 5. Levels in the Database

The Database
IMS allows you to define many different database types. You define the database
type that best suits your application’s processing requirements. You need to know
that each IMS database has its own access method, because IMS runs under
control of the z/OS operating system. The operating system does not know what a
segment is because it processes logical records, not segments. IMS access
methods therefore manipulate segments in a database record. When a logical
record needs to be read, operating system access methods (or IMS) are used.

Table 2 lists the IMS database types you can define, the IMS access methods they
use and the operating system access methods you can use with them. Although
each type of database varies slightly in its access method, they all use database
Table 2. Types of IMS Databases and the z/OS Access Methods They Can Use
IMS or Operating System
Type of IMS Access Methods that Can Be
Database Full Name of Database Type Used
HSAM Hierarchical Sequential Access Method BSAM or QSAM
SHSAM Simple Hierarchical Sequential Access BSAM or QSAM
HISAM Hierarchical Indexed Sequential Access VSAM

Chapter 1. Introduction to IMS Databases 11

Concepts and Terminology

Table 2. Types of IMS Databases and the z/OS Access Methods They Can Use (continued)
IMS or Operating System
Type of IMS Access Methods that Can Be
Database Full Name of Database Type Used
SHISAM Simple Hierarchical Indexed Sequential VSAM
Access Method
GSAM Generalized Sequential Access Method QSAM/BSAM or VSAM
HDAM Hierarchical Direct Access Method VSAM or OSAM
PHDAM Partitioned Hierarchical Direct Access VSAM or OSAM
HIDAM Hierarchical Indexed Direct Access VSAM or OSAM
PHIDAM Partitioned Hierarchical Indexed Direct VSAM or OSAM
Access Method
DEDB Data Entry Database Media Manager
MSDB Main Storage Database N/A
1. For DBCTL, only available to BMPs
2. Not applicable to DBCTL

The Database Record

A database consists of a series of database records, and a database record
consists of a series of segments. Another thing to understand is that a specific
database can only contain one kind of database record. In the school database, for
example, you can place as many school records as desired. You could not,
however, create a different type of database record, such as the medical database
record shown in Figure 6, and put it in the school database.

Figure 6. An Example of a Medical Database Record

The only other thing to understand is that a specific database record, when stored
in the database, does not need to contain all the segment types you originally
designed. To exist in a database, a database record need only contain an
occurrence of the root segment. In the school database, all four of the records
shown in Figure 7 on page 13 can be stored.

12 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Concepts and Terminology

Figure 7. Example of Records That Can Be Stored in the School Database

However, no segment can be stored unless its parent is also stored. For example,
you could not store the records shown in Figure 8.

Figure 8. Records that Cannot be Stored in the School Database

Occurrences of any of the segment types can later be added to or deleted from the

Chapter 1. Introduction to IMS Databases 13

Concepts and Terminology

The Segment
A database record consists of one or more segments, and the segment is the
smallest piece of data IMS can store. Here are some additional facts you need to
know about segments:
v A database record can contain a maximum of 255 segment types. The space you
allocate for the database limits the number of segment occurrences.
v You determine the length of a segment; however, a segment cannot be larger
than the physical record length of the device on which it is stored.
v The length of segments is specified by segment type. A segment type can be
either variable or fixed in length.

| Figure 9 shows the format of a fixed-length segment. Figure 10 shows the format of
| a variable-length segment. Segments consist of two parts (a prefix and the data),
| except when using a SHSAM or SHISAM database. In SHSAM and SHISAM
| databases, the segment consists of only the data. In a GSAM database, segments
| do not exist (see “GSAM Databases” on page 76 for more information about GSAM
| databases).

Figure 9. Format of Fixed-Length Segments

Figure 10. Format of Variable-Length Segments

IMS uses the prefix portion of the segment to “manage” the segment. The prefix
portion of a segment consists of: segment code, delete byte, and in some
databases, a pointer and counter area. Application programs do not “see” the prefix
portion of a segment. The data portion of a segment contains your data, arranged
in one or more fields.

Related Reading: For information on MSDB and DEDB segments, see “Main
Storage Databases (MSDBs)” on page 128 and “Data Entry Databases” on page

Segment Code
IMS needs a way to identify each segment type stored in a database. It uses the
segment code field for this purpose. When loading a segment type, IMS assigns it a
unique identifier (an integer from 1 to 255). IMS assigns numbers in ascending
sequence, starting with the root segment type (number 1) and continuing through all
dependent segment types in hierarchic sequence.

14 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Concepts and Terminology

Delete Byte
When an application program deletes a segment from a database, the space it
occupies might or might not be immediately available to reuse. Deletion of a
segment is described in the discussions of the individual database types. For now,
know that IMS uses this prefix byte to track the status of a deleted segment.

Related Reading: For information on the meaning of each bit in the delete byte,
see Appendix A, “Meaning of Bits in the Delete Byte,” on page 463.

Pointer and Counter Area

The pointer and counter area exists in HDAM, PHDAM, HIDAM, and PHIDAM
databases, and, in some special circumstances, HISAM databases. The pointer and
counter area can contain two types of information:
v Pointer information consists of one or more addresses of segments to which a
segment points.
v Counter information is used when logical relationships, an optional function of
IMS, are defined.

The length of the pointer and counter area depends on how many addresses a
segment contains and whether logical relationships are used. These topics are
covered in more detail later in this book.

The Data Portion

The data portion of a segment contains one or more data elements. The data is
processed and unlike the prefix portion of the segment, seen by an application

The application program accesses segments in a database using the name of the
segment type. If an application program needs to reference part of a segment, a
field name can be defined to IMS for that part of the segment. Field names are
used in segment search arguments (SSAs) to qualify calls. An application program
can see data even if you do not define it as a field. But an application program
cannot qualify an SSA on the data unless it is defined as a field.

The maximum number of fields that you can define for a segment type is 255. The
maximum number of fields that can be defined for a database is 1000. Note that
1000 refers to types of fields in a database, not occurrences. The number of
occurrences of fields in a database is limited only by the amount of storage you
have defined for your database.

The Three Data Portion Field Types

You can define three field types in the data portion of a segment: a sequence field,
data fields, and for variable-length segments, a size field stating the length of the
segment. The first two field types contain your data, and an application program
can use both to qualify its calls. However, the sequence field has some other uses
besides that of containing your data.

You can use a sequence field, often referred to as a key, to keep occurrences of a
segment type in key sequence under a given parent. For example, in the database
record shown in Figure 11 on page 16, there are three segment occurrences of the
STUDENT segment, and the STUDENT segment has three data elements.

Chapter 1. Introduction to IMS Databases 15

Concepts and Terminology

Figure 11. Three Segment Occurrences and Three Data Elements of the STUDENT Segment

Suppose you need the STUDENT segment, when stored in the database, to be in
alphabetic order by student name. If you define a field on the NAME data as a
unique sequence field, IMS stores STUDENT segment occurrences in alphabetical
sequence. Figure 12 shows three occurrences of the STUDENT segment in
alphabetical sequence.

Figure 12. Example of STUDENT Segments Stored in Alphabetic Order

When you define a sequence field in a root segment of a HISAM, HDAM, PHDAM,
HIDAM, or PHIDAM database, an application program can use it to access a
specific root segment, and thus a specific database record. By using a sequence
field, an application program does not need to search the database sequentially to
find a specific database record, but can retrieve records sequentially (for HISAM,
HIDAM, and PHIDAM databases).

You can also use a sequence field in other ways when using the IMS optional
functions of logical relationships or secondary indexing. These other uses are
discussed in detail later in this book.

The important things to know now about sequence fields are that:
v You do not always need to define a sequence field. This book describes cases
where a sequence field is necessary.
v The sequence field value can be defined as unique or non-unique.
v The data or value in the sequence field is called the “key” of the segment.

16 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Optional Functions

Optional Functions
IMS has several optional functions you can use for your database. These are
discussed briefly below and described in detail in Chapter 8, “Choosing Optional
Database Functions,” on page 151. You need a cursory understanding of these
functions before reading this book because they may be referred to before they are
actually described.

The functions are as follows:

Logical relationships is a function you can use to let an application program
access a logical database record. A logical database record can consist of
segments from one or more physical database records. Physical database
records can be stored in one or more databases. Thus, a logical database
record lets an application program view a database structure that is different
from the physical database structure.
For example, if a logical data structure contains segments from two different
physical databases, a segment can be accessed from two different paths:
– A segment can be physically stored in the path where it is most frequently
used and where the most urgent response time is required.
– A pointer containing the location of the segment can be physically stored in
the alternate path needed by another application program.
Secondary indexing is a function you can use to access segments in a database
in a sequence other than the one defined in the sequence field.
Variable-length segments is a function you can use to make the data portion of
a segment type variable in length. Use variable-length segments when the size
of the data portion of a segment type varies greatly from one segment
occurrence to the next. With variable-length segments, you define the minimum
and maximum length of a segment type. Defining both minimum and maximum
length saves space in the database whenever a segment is shorter than the
maximum length.
Field-level sensitivity is a function you can use to:
– Deny an application program access to selected fields in a segment for
security purposes.
– Allow an application program to use a subset of the fields that make up a
segment (and not process fields it does not use) or use fields in a segment in
a different order. Use field-level sensitivity in this way to accommodate the
differing needs of your application programs.
Segment edit/compression is a function you can use with segments to:
– Encode or “scramble” segment data when it is on the device so only
application programs with access to the segment receive the data in decoded
– Edit data so application programs can receive data in a format other than the
one in which it is stored.
– Compress data when writing a segment to the device, so the Direct Access
Storage Device (DASD) is better used.
A Data Capture exit routine is used to capture segment data when an
application program updates IMS databases with an insert, replace, or delete
call. This is a synchronous activity that happens within the unit of work or
application update. Captured data is used for data propagation to DB2 UDB for
z/OS databases. You can also use Data Capture exit routines to perform tasks
other than data propagation.

Chapter 1. Introduction to IMS Databases 17

Optional Functions

Asynchronous Data Capture is a function you use to capture segment data

when an application program updates IMS databases with an insert, replace, or
delete call. This is an asynchronous activity that happens outside of the unit of
work or application update. Captured data is used for data propagation to DB2
UDB for z/OS databases asynchronously. You can also use Asynchronous Data
Capture to perform tasks other than data propagation.
IMS DataPropagator allows you to propagate the changed data to or from IMS
and DB2 UDB for z/OS both synchronously and asynchronously.
Related Reading: For more information on IMS DataPropagator see IMS
DataPropagator for z/OS: An Introduction.
Multiple data set groups is a function you can use to put some segments in a
database record in data sets other than the primary data set. This can be done
without destroying the hierarchic sequence of segments in a database record.
One reason to use multiple data set groups is to accommodate the differing
needs of your applications. By using multiple data set groups, you can give an
application program fast access to the segments in which it is interested. The
application program simply bypasses the data sets containing unnecessary
segments. Another reason for using multiple data set groups is to improve
performance by, for example, separating high-use segments from low-use
segments. You might also use multiple data set groups to save space by putting
segment types whose size varies greatly from the average in a separate data
set group.

How to Define Your Database to IMS

Define the characteristics of your database to IMS by coding and generating a DBD
(database description). A DBD is a series of macro instructions that describes a
database’s organization and access method, the segments and fields in a database
record, and the relationship between types of segments.

If you have the IBM DB/DC (database/data communication) Data Dictionary, you
can use it to define your database (except for DEDBs and MSDBs). The DB/DC
Data Dictionary may contain all the information you need to produce a DBD.

How Application Programs View the Database

You control how an application program views your database. An application
program might not need use of all the segments or fields in a database record. And
an application program may not need access to specific segments for security or
integrity purposes. An application program may not need to perform certain types of
operations on some segments or fields. For example, an application program needs
read access to a SALARY segment but not update access. You control which
segments and fields an application can view and which operations it can perform on
a segment by coding and generating a PSB (program specification block).

A PSB is a series of macro instructions that describe an application program’s

access to segments in the database. A PSB consists of one or more program
communication blocks (PCB), and each PCB describes the application program’s
ability to read and use the database. For example, an application program can have
different views and uses of the same database. An application program can access
several different databases and can have several PCBs in its PSB.

If you have the IBM DB/DC Data Dictionary, you can use it to define an application
program’s access to the database. It can contain all the information needed to
produce a PSB.

18 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Chapter 2. Standards and Procedures
This chapter examines the following areas:
v “Establishing Standards and Procedures”
v “Naming Conventions” on page 21

Establishing Standards and Procedures

You should give careful thought to developing standards and procedures for your
database system. Providing standards and procedures results in:
v Improved quality of application systems (because setting up and following
standards and procedures gives you greater control over your entire application
development process)
v Improved productivity in application and database design (because guidelines for
design decisions exist)
v Improved productivity of application coding (because coding standards and
procedures exist)
v Better communication between you and application developers (because both of
you have clearly defined responsibilities)
v Improved reliability and recoverability in operations (because you have clear and
well-understood operating procedures)

You must set up and test procedures and standards for database design,
application development, application programs’ use of the database, application
design, and for batch operation. These standards are guidelines that change when
installation requirements change.

In the area of database design, for example, you can establish standard practices
for handling the following items:
v Database structure and segmentation
Number of segments within a database
Placement of segments
Size of segments
Use of variable-length segments
When to use segment edit/compression
When to use secondary data set groups
Number of databases within an application
When and how to use field-level sensitivity
Database size
v Access methods
When to use HISAM
Choice of record size for HISAM
HISAM organization using VSAM
When to use GSAM
Use of physical child/physical twin pointers
Use of twin backward pointers
Use of child last pointers
HIDAM or PHIDAM index organization using VSAM

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1974, 2004 19

Establishing Standards and Procedures

HIDAM or PHIDAM pointer options at the root level

Sequencing twin chains
Use of HD free space
When to use HDAM or PHDAM
Processing an HDAM or a PHDAM database sequentially
Use of the “byte limit count” for HDAM or PHDAM
Use of twin backward pointer for HDAM or PHDAM roots
Use of free space with HDAM or PHDAM
When to use DEDBs
Processing DEDBs sequentially
Use of DEDB parameters
Use of subset pointers
Use of multiple area data sets
v Secondary indexing
For sequential processing
On volatile segments
In HISAM databases
Use of unique secondary indexes
Use of sparse indexing
Processing of the secondary index as a separate database
v Logical relationships
Use of direct pointers versus symbolic pointers
Avoidance of long logical twin chains
Sequencing of the logical twin chain
Placement of the real logical child segment

In the area of application programs use of the database, establish standards for the
v Putting update and read functions in separate programs
v How many transaction types to allow per application program
v When applications are to issue a deliberate abnormal termination and the range
of abend codes permitted applications
v Whether application programs are permitted to issue messages to the master
v The method of referencing data in the IOAREA, and referencing IMS variables
(such as PCBs and SSAs)
v Use of predefined structures (PCB masks, SSAs, or database segment formats)
by applications
v Use of GU calls to the message queue
v Re-usability of MPP and BMP programs
v Use of qualified calls and SSAs
v Use of path calls
v Use of the CHANGE call
v Use of the “system” calls (PURG, LOG, STAT, SNAP, GCMD, and CMD)

In the area of application design, establish procedures to govern the following:

v The interaction between you and the application designer

20 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Establishing Standards and Procedures

v Use of the dictionary or COPY or STRUCTURE libraries for data elements and
v The holding of design reviews and inspections

In the area of batch operations, you can consider developing:

v Procedures to limit access to computer facilities
v A control point to ensure that:
– Jobs contain complete and proper submittal documentation
– Jobs are executed successfully on schedule
– Correct input/output volumes are used, and output is properly distributed
– Test programs are executed only in accordance with a defined test plan
– An incident report is maintained to ensure all problems are recorded and
reported to the responsible parties
v Normal operating procedures. These operating procedures include operations
schedules, cold start, warm start, shutdown procedures, and scheduling and
execution of batch programs.
v Procedures for emergency situations. During an emergency, the environment is
one of stress. Documented procedures provide step-by-step guidance to resolve
such situations. These procedures should include emergency restart, database
backout, database recovery, log recovery, and batch program restart.
Related Reading: For a more complete treatment of recovery procedures, see
IMS Version 9: Operations Guide.
v A master terminal operator’s guide for the installation. This guide should be
supplemented by IMS Version 9: Command Reference.
v A master operations log. This log could contain a record of system availability,
time and type of failure, and cause of the failure, recovery steps taken, and type
of system termination if normal.
v A system maintenance log. This log could contain a record of all release and
modification levels, release dependencies, program temporary fixes (PTFs)
applied, status of APARs and date submitted, and bypass solutions.

Naming Conventions
This topic contains information about:
v “General Rules for Establishing Naming Conventions”
v “HALDB Naming Conventions” on page 22

General Rules for Establishing Naming Conventions

Good naming conventions are mandatory in a data processing project, especially in
an environment with multiple applications. Some general rules to follow in setting up
naming conventions are:
v Each name should be unique.
v Each name should be meaningful and identifiable. You should be able to identify
the type of thing being referred to by its name.

Table 3 on page 22 is an example of minimal naming conventions. They are

presented only as an example, and you can establish your own naming

Chapter 2. Standards and Procedures 21

Establishing Naming Conventions

Table 3. Example of Naming Conventions

SYSTEM S as first letter
JOB J as first letter
PROGRAM P as first letter if IMS program (to match PSB)
G as first letter otherwise
MODULE M as first letter
COPY C as first letter for member containing the segment structure
A as first letter for member containing all the SSAs for the segment
Remainder must be the same as the segment name
TRANSACTION T as first letter
PSB P as first letter
PCB Same name as PSB
Note: Occurrence number indicates position in PSB
Where Indicates
t Database type. The database can be one of the following
P Physical
L Logical
X Primary index
Y Secondary index
aaa A unique database identifier common to all logical and
index databases based on the same physical database
nn A unique identifier, if there are multiple logical or secondary
index databases

aaa A unique database identifier; same as the physical

database in which the segment occurs
Note: Concatenated segments should have an
aaa value corresponding to the aaa of the logical
child segment.
bbbb An identifier for the user name
R First letter for 'segments' that are non-DL/I file record
O First letter for any other data areas, for example, terminal
I/O areas, control blocks, report lines, and so on.
ELEMENT E as first letter

HALDB Naming Conventions

Unique HALDB naming conventions are described in the following topics:
v Partition names
v Data set names

22 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Establishing Naming Conventions

HALDB Partition Names

Each HALDB partition name is 1 to 7 bytes in length and must be unique among
the database names, DEDB names, Area names, and partition names in one
RECON data set. The HALDB partition names are used to represent specific
partitions and are used interchangeably with database names in commands.

HALDB DD names
| IMS constructs the DD names for each partition by adding a 1-byte suffix to the
| partition name for the data sets in that partition. The suffix for the first DD name is
| A, the suffix for the second DD name is B, and so on up to J.

| For a PSINDEX database, there is only one data set per partition, so only one DD
| name with a suffix of A is required.

| The resulting DD names with the suffix might match already existing DD names and
| you must avoid duplication of DD names. The DD names are not case sensitive
| and can result in JCL errors if specified in lower case in batch jobs.

Table 4 shows the suffixes for the different DD names.

| Table 4. Suffixes for DD names
| Corresponding Data Set Suffix HALDB OLR Suffix
| Primary data area A (first data set) through J M (first data set) through V
| (last data set) (last data set)
| Primary index (PHIDAM only) X Y
| Indirect list data set (ILDS) L L (OLR uses the same ILDS)

| Extended Naming Convention for DD Names When Using HALDB Online

| Reorganization: When you reorganize either PHDAM or PHIDAM HALDB
| partitions online, HALDB Online Reorganization (OLR) requires additional data sets
| to hold the reorganized data. The additional data sets are equal in number to the
| data sets being reorganized, excluding the ILDS.

| In a PHDAM database, HALDB OLR increases the maximum number of data sets
| associated with a partition to twenty-one. In a PHIDAM database, which includes a
| primary index, HALDB OLR increases the maximum number of data sets
| associated with a partition to twenty-three. In either case, HALDB OLR only needs
| as many new data sets as exist in the partition at the time the reorganization
| process begins.

| Each additional data set requires an additional DD name. To distinguish between

| the DD names for the data sets that HALDB OLR reorganizes and the DD names
| for the data sets into which HALDB OLR moves the reorganized data, HALDB OLR
| extends the HALDB naming convention to include the suffixes M through V for the
| DD names of the primary data sets and the suffix Y for the DD name for the
| additional primary index. The suffixes M through V and Y correspond in order to the
| standard HALDB DD name suffixes A through J and X.

| Related Reading: For more information on HALDB OLR, see “HALDB Online
| Reorganization” on page 364.

HALDB Data Set Names

| A HALDB partition uses a minimum of one, two, or three data sets and a maximum
| of one, eleven, or thirteen data sets depending on the type of HALDB—PSINDEX,

Chapter 2. Standards and Procedures 23

Establishing Naming Conventions

| PHDAM, or PHIDAM—you are defining. The naming convention for HALDB data
| sets within a partition is designed to simplify the naming of multiple data sets.

DL/I pointers within the segment prefix that point into another partition use a
halfword binary number as the target partition identification. DL/I must be able to
correlate this number to the correct partition. By using a data set naming
convention, DL/I can correlate the halfword binary number to the data set name for
the partition. You specify the base name and the suffix is assigned by DL/I.

DL/I assigns the following suffixes:

| .ANNNNN for the first data set
.BNNNNN for the second data set
.JNNNNN for the tenth data set
.XNNNNN for the primary index data set
.LNNNNN for the ILDS

Where NNNNN is the five-digit numerical partition identifier assigned to each

partition during partition definition. Note that this decimal number is not the
processing sequence of the database. The maximum value of the partition identifier
| is 31 999.

| Extended Naming Convention for Data Set When Using HALDB Online
| Reorganization: To distinguish between the data sets that HALDB OLR
| reorganizes and the data sets into which HALDB OLR moves the reorganized data,
| HALDB OLR uses the same extended naming convention it uses for DD names: the
| characters M through V for the primary data sets and the character Y for the
| additional primary index. For data sets, IMS combines these characters with the
| partition ID to form the suffix that uniquely identifies each HALDB data set.

| Related Reading: For more information about HALDB OLR naming conventions,
| see “Data Set Naming Conventions for HALDB Online Reorganization” on page
| 372.

24 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Chapter 3. Review Process
One of the best ways to make sure a good database design is developed and
effectively implemented is to review the design at various stages in its development.
The sections in this chapter describe the reviews typically conducted during
development of a database system. The types of reviews are:
Design reviews 1, 2, 3, and 4
Code inspections 1 and 2
Security inspection
Post-implementation review

In this chapter:
v “The Design Review”
v “Design Review 1” on page 26
v “Design Review 2” on page 26
v “Design Review 3” on page 27
v “Design Review 4” on page 27
v “Code Inspection 1” on page 28
v “Who Attends Code Inspection 1” on page 28
v “Code Inspection 2” on page 28
v “Security Inspection” on page 29
v “Post-Implementation Review” on page 29

The Design Review

Design Reviews ensure that the functions being developed are adequate, the
performance is acceptable, the installation standards met, and the project is
understood and under control. Hold reviews during development of the initial
database system and, afterward, whenever a program or set of programs is being
developed to run against it.

Role of the Database Administrator

The role of database administration in the review process is an important one.
Typically, a member of the database administration staff, someone not associated
with the specific system being developed, moderates the reviews. The moderator
does more than just conduct the meeting. The moderator also looks to see what
impact development of this system has on existing or future systems. You, the
database administrator responsible for developing the system, need to participate in
all reviews.

Your role in the review process is to ensure that a good database design is
developed and then effectively implemented. The role is ongoing and provides a
supporting framework for the other database administration tasks described in this

General Information about Reviews

The sections of this chapter describe reviews typically held during system
development. (For purposes of simplicity, “system” describes the object under
review. In actuality, the “system” could be a program, set of programs, or an entire
database system.) The number of reviews, who attends them, and their specific role

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1974, 2004 25

The Design Review

in the review will differ slightly from one installation to the next. What you need to
understand is the importance of the reviews and the tasks performed at them. Here
is some general information about reviews:
v People attending all reviews (in addition to database administrators) include a
review team and the system designer. The review team generally has no
responsibility for developing the system. The review team consists of a small
group of people whose purpose is to ensure continuity and objectivity from one
review to the next. The system designer writes the initial functional specifications.
v At the end of each review, make a list of issues raised during the review. These
issues are generally change requirements. Assign each issue to a specific person
for resolution, and set a target date for resolution. If certain issues require major
changes to the system, schedule other reviews until you resolve all major issues.
v If you have a data dictionary, update it at the end of each review to reflect any
decisions that you made. The dictionary is an important aid in keeping
information current and available especially during the first four reviews when you
make design decisions.

Design Review 1
The first design review takes place after initial functional specifications for the
system are complete. Its purpose is to ensure that all user requirements have been
identified and that design assumptions are consistent with objectives. No detailed
design for the system is or should be available at this point. The review of the
specifications will determine whether the project is ready to proceed to a more
detailed design. When design review 1 concludes successfully, its output is an
approved set of initial functional specifications.

People who attend design review 1, in addition to the regular attendees, include
someone from the organization that developed the requirement and anyone
participating in the development of detailed design. You are at the review primarily
for information. You also look at:
The relationship between data elements
Whether any of the needed data already exists

Design Review 2
The second design review takes place after final functional specifications for the
system are complete. This means the overall logic for each program in the system
is defined, as well as the interface and interactions between programs. Audit and
security requirements are defined at this point, along with most data requirements.
When design review 2 is successfully concluded, its output is an approved set of
final functional specifications.

Everyone who attended design review 1 should attend design review 2. People
from test and maintenance groups attend as observers to begin getting information
for test case design and maintenance. Those concerned with auditing and security
can also attend.

Your role in this review is still primarily to gather information. You also look at:
v Whether the specifications meet user requirements
v Whether the relationship between data items is correct
v Whether any of the required data already exists
v Whether audit and security requirements are consistent with user requirements

26 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Design Review 2

v Whether audit and security requirements can be implemented

Design Review 3
The third design review takes place after initial logic specifications for the system
are complete. At this point, high level pseudo code or flowcharts are complete.
These can only be considered complete when major decision points in the logic are
defined, calls or references to external data and modules are defined, and the
general logic flow is known. All modules and external interfaces are defined at this
point, definition of data requirements is complete, and database and data files are
designed. Initial test and recovery plans are available; however, no code has been
written. When design review 3 concludes successfully, its output is an approved set
of initial logic specifications.

Everyone who attended design review 2 should attend design review 3. If the
project is large, those developing detailed design need only be present during the
review of their portion of the project.

It is possible now that logic specifications are available.

Your role in this review is to ensure that the flow of transactions is consistent with
the database design you are creating.

At this point in the design review process, you are designing hierarchies and
starting to design the database. These tasks are described in Chapter 5, “Analyzing
Data Requirements,” on page 45, Chapter 6, “Choosing Full-Function Database
Types,” on page 55, Chapter 8, “Choosing Optional Database Functions,” on page
151, and Chapter 9, “Designing Full-Function Databases,” on page 241.

Design Review 4
The fourth design review takes place after design review 3 is completed and all
interested parties are satisfied that system design is essentially complete. No
special document is examined at this review, although final functional specifications
and either initial or final logic specifications are available. The primary objective of
this review is to make sure that system performance will be acceptable.

At this point in the development process, sufficient flexibility exists to make

necessary adjustments to the design, since no code exists but detailed design is
complete. Although some design changes undoubtedly occur once coding is begun;
these changes should not impact the entire system. Although no code exists at this
point, you can and should run tests to check that the database you have designed
will produce the results you expect.

When design review 4 concludes successfully, database design is considered


The people who attend all design reviews (moderator, review team, database
administrator, and system designer) should attend design review 4. Others attend
only as specific detail is required.

At this point in the review process, you are almost finished with the database
administration tasks along with designing and testing your database. These tasks
are described in Chapter 5, “Analyzing Data Requirements,” on page 45, Chapter 6,
“Choosing Full-Function Database Types,” on page 55, and Chapter 12,
“Developing Test Databases,” on page 307.

Chapter 3. Review Process 27

Code Inspection 1

Code Inspection 1
The first code inspection takes place after final logic specifications for the system
are complete.

At this point, no code is written but the final functional specifications have been
interpreted. Both pseudo code and flowcharts have a statement or logic box for
every 5 to 25 lines of assembler language code, 5 to 15 lines of COBOL code, or 5
to 15 lines of PL/I code that needs writing. In addition, module prologues are
written, and entry and exit logic along with all data areas are defined.

The objective of this review is to ensure that the correctly developed logic interprets
the functional specification. Code inspection 1 also provides an opportunity to
review the logic flow for any performance implications or problems. When code
inspection 1 successfully concludes, its output is an approved set of final logic

Who Attends Code Inspection 1

Code inspection 1 is attended primarily by those doing the coding. People who
attend all design reviews (moderator, review team, database administrator, and
system designer) also attend the code inspection 1. Testing people present the test
cases that will be used to validate the code, while maintenance people are there to
learn and evaluate maintainability of the database.

Your role in this review is now a less active one than it has been. You are there to
ensure that everyone adheres to the use of data and access sequences defined in
the previous reviews.

At this point in the review process, you are starting the database administration
tasks defined in Chapter 12, “Developing Test Databases,” on page 307,
Chapter 11, “Implementing Database Design,” on page 291, and Chapter 13,
“Loading Databases,” on page 311.

Code Inspection 2
The code inspection 2 takes place after coding is complete and before testing by
the test organization begins. The objective of the second code inspection is to make
sure module logic matches pseudo code or flowcharts. Interface and register
conventions along with the general quality of the code are checked. Documentation
and maintainability of the code are evaluated.

Everyone who attended code inspection 1 should attend code inspection 2.

Your role in this review is the same as your role in code inspection 1.

At this point in the review process, you are almost finished with the database
administration tasks of developing a test database, implementing the database
design, and loading the database.

During your testing of the database, you should run the DB monitor (described in
Chapter 14, “Monitoring Databases,” on page 335) to make sure your database still
meets the performance expectations you have established.

28 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Security Inspection

Security Inspection
The security inspection is optional but highly recommended if security is a
significant concern. Security inspections can take place at any appropriate point in
the system development process. Define security strategy early, and check its
implementation during design reviews. This particular security inspection takes
place after all unit and integration testing is complete. The purpose of the review is
to look for any code that violates the security of system interfaces, secured
databases, tables, or other high-risk items.

People who attend the security inspection review include the moderator, system
designer, designated security officer, and database administrator. Because the
database administrator is responsible for implementing and monitoring the security
of the database, you might, in fact, be the designated security officer. If security is a
significant concern, you might prefer that the review team not attend this inspection.

During this and other security inspection, you are involved in the database
administration task of establishing security defined in Chapter 4, “Security,” on page

Post-Implementation Review
It is highly recommended that you conduct a post-implementation review. The
post-implementation review is typically held about six months after the database
system is running. Its objective is to make sure the system is meeting user

Everyone who has been involved in design and implementation of the database
system should attend the post-implementation review. If the system is not meeting
user requirements, the output of this review should be a plan to correct design or
performance problems to meet user requirements.

Chapter 3. Review Process 29

Post-Implementation Review

30 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Chapter 4. Security
The two aspects of database security are as follows:
v User verification (how you establish that the person using an online database is
in fact the person you have authorized)
v User authority (once you have verified the user’s identity, how you control what is
seen—and what can be done with what is seen)

This chapter deals primarily with how you can control a user’s view of data and the
user’s actions with respect to the data.

This chapter examines the following areas:

v “Restricting the Scope of Data Access”
v “Restricting Processing Authority”
v “Restricting Access by Non-IMS Programs” on page 33
v “Using the Dictionary to Help Establish Security” on page 34

Related Reading: If you use CICS, see CICS RACF® Security Guide for
information on establishing security.

Restricting the Scope of Data Access

The PCB defines a program’s (and therefore the user’s) view of the database. The
PCB can be thought of as a “mask” over the data structure defined by the DBD,
hiding certain parts of it. Therefore, it is possible, simply by limiting the scope of the
PCB, to limit the user’s access to (and even knowledge of) elements of the
database you need to restrict.

Figure 14 on page 32 shows an example. The top of the figure shows the
hierarchical structure for a PAYROLL database as seen by you and defined by the
DBD. For certain applications, it is not necessary (nor desirable) to access the
SALARY segment. By omitting SENSEG statement in the DB PCB for the SALARY
segment, you can make it seem that this segment simply does not exist. By doing
this, you have denied unauthorized users access to the segment, and you have
denied users knowledge of its very existence.

For this method to be successful, the segment being masked off must not be in the
search path of an accessed segment. If it is, then the application is made aware of
at least the key of the segment to be “hidden.”

With field-level sensitivity, you can achieve the same masking effect at the field
level. If SALARY and NAME were in the same segment, you could still restrict
access to the SALARY field without denying access to other fields in the segment.

Restricting Processing Authority

After you have controlled the scope of data a user has access to, you can also
control authority within that scope. Controlling authority allows you to decide what
processing actions against the data a given user is permitted. For example, you
could give some application programs authority only to read segments in a
database, while you give others authority to update or delete segments. You can do
this through the PROCOPT parameter of the SENSEG statement and through the

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1974, 2004 31

Restricting Processing Authority

PCB statement. The PROCOPT statement tells IMS what actions you will permit
against the database. A program can do what is declared in the PROCOPT.

In addition to restricting access and authority, the number of sensitive segments

and the processing option specified can have an impact on data availability. To
achieve maximum data availability, the PSB should be sensitive only to the
segments required and the processing option should be as restrictive as possible.

For example, the DBD in Figure 13 describes a payroll database that stores the
name, address, position, and salary of employees. The hierarchical structure of the
database record is shown in Figure 14.


Figure 13. DBD for Payroll Database

Figure 14. Payroll Database Record without a Mask

If an application needs access to the name, address, and position of employees,

but not the salary, use the SENSEG statement of the DB PCB to make the
application sensitive to only the name, address, and position segments. The
SENSEG statements on the DB PCB creates a mask over the database record
hiding segments from application. Figure 15 shows the DB PCB that masks the
SALARY segment of the payroll database from the application.


Figure 15. PCB for Payroll Database

32 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Restricting Processing Authority

Figure 16 shows what the payroll database record looks like to the application
based on the DB PCB. It looks just like the database record in Figure 14 on page
32 except that the SALARY segment is hidden.

Figure 16. Payroll Database Record with SALARY Segment Masked

Restricting Access by Non-IMS Programs

One potential security exposure is from people attempting to access IMS data sets
with non-IMS programs. Two methods of protecting against this exposure are data
set password protection and database encryption.

Protecting Data with VSAM Passwords

You can take advantage of VSAM password protection to prevent non-IMS
programs from reading VSAM data sets on which you have your IMS databases. To
protect data with VSAM passwords, specify password protection for your VSAM
data sets and code PASSWD=YES on the DBD statement. IMS then passes the
DBD name as the password. If you specify PASSWD=NO on the DBD statement,
the console operator is prompted to provide a password to VSAM each time the
data set is opened.

This method is only useful in the batch environment, and VSAM password checking
is bypassed entirely in the online system. (If you have RACF installed, you can use
it to protect VSAM data sets.)

Details of the PASSWD parameter of the DBD statement can be found in IMS
Version 9: Utilities Reference: System.

Encrypting Your Database

Another precaution you can take against non-IMS programs reading DL/I databases
is to encrypt the databases. You can encrypt DL/I segments using your own
encryption routine, entered at the segment edit/compression exit. Before segments
are written on the database, IMS passes control to your routine, which encrypts
them. Then, each time they are retrieved, they are decrypted by your routine before
presentation to the application program.

Do not change the key or the location of the key field in index databases or in root
segments of HISAM data bases.

You can learn more about segment edit/compression routines in “Segment

Edit/Compression Exit Routine” on page 212.

Chapter 4. Security 33
Using the Dictionary to Help Establish Security

Using the Dictionary to Help Establish Security

The dictionary monitors relationships among entities in your computing environment
(such as, which programs use which data elements). This ability makes the
dictionary the ideal tool to administer security.

You can use the dictionary to define your authorization matrixes. Through the
extensibility feature, you can define terminals, programs, users, data, and their
relationships to each other. In this way, you can produce reports that show:
dangerous trends, who uses what from which terminal, and which user gets what
data. For each user, the dictionary could be used to list the following information:
v Programs that can be used
v Types of transactions that can be entered
v Data sets that can be read
v Data sets that can be modified
v Categories of data within a data set that can be read
v Categories of data that can be modified

34 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Part 2. Administering IMS Databases
Chapter 5. Analyzing Data Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Local View . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Local View 1. Current Roster . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
Local View 2. Schedule of Classes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Local View 3. Instructor Skills Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Local View 4. Instructor Schedules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
Designing a Conceptual Data Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
Implementing the Structure with DL/I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Assigning Data Elements to Segments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Resolving Data Conflicts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52

Chapter 6. Choosing Full-Function Database Types . . . . . . . . . . 55

Sequential Storage Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Direct Storage Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Databases Supported with DBCTL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Databases Supported with DCCTL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
Performance Considerations Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
HSAM Databases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
When to Use HSAM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
How an HSAM Record Is Stored . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
DL/I Calls against an HSAM Database . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
HISAM Databases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
When to Use HISAM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
How a HISAM Record is Stored . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
Accessing Segments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
Inserting Root Segments Using VSAM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
Inserting Dependent Segments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
Deleting Segments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
Replacing Segments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
Criteria for Selecting HISAM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
SHSAM, SHISAM and GSAM Databases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
Situation 1 - Converting from a non-database system to IMS . . . . . . . 74
Situation 2 - Passing data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
SHSAM Databases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
SHISAM Databases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
SHISAM IMS Symbolic Checkpoint Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
GSAM Databases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
GSAM IMS Symbolic Checkpoint Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
HDAM, PHDAM, HIDAM, and PHIDAM Databases . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
Maximum Sizes of HD Databases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
DL/I Calls Issuable Against HD Databases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
When to Use HDAM and PHDAM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
When to Use HIDAM and PHIDAM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
What You Need to Know About HD Databases . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
General Format of HD Databases and Use of Special Fields . . . . . . . 91
How HDAM and PHDAM Records Are Stored . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
When Not Enough Root Storage Room Exists . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
How HIDAM and PHIDAM Records Are Stored . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
Accessing Segments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
Inserting Root Segments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
Inserting Dependent Segments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
Deleting Segments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
Replacing Segments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1974, 2004 35

How the HD Space Search Algorithm Works . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
Locking Protocols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
Managing I/O Errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107

Chapter 7. Choosing Fast Path Database Types . . . . . . . . . . . 109

Data Entry Databases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
DEDB Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
| DEDB Areas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
Fixed- and Variable-Length Segments in DEDBs . . . . . . . . . . . 116
Parts of a DEDB Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
Root Segment Storage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
Direct Dependent Segment Storage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
Sequential Dependent Segment Storage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
Enqueue Level of Segment CIs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
DEDB Space Search Algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
DEDB Insert Algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
DEDB Free Space Algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126
Managing Unusable Space with IMS Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
DL/I Calls against a DEDB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
Mixed Mode Processing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
Main Storage Databases (MSDBs) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128
When to Use an MSDB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129
MSDBs Storage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129
MSDB Record Storage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130
Saving MSDBs for Restart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
DL/I Calls against an MSDB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
Rules for Using an SSA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
Insertion and Deletion of Segments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132
Combination of Binary and Direct Access Methods . . . . . . . . . . 132
Position in an MSDB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133
The Field Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134
Call Sequence Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134
Fast Path Virtual Storage Option . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
Restrictions Using VSO DEDB Areas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
Defining a VSO DEDB Area. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136
Sharing of VSO DEDB Areas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138
Defining a VSO Cache Structure Name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139
Acquiring and Accessing Data Spaces for VSO DEDB Areas . . . . . . 143
Resource Control and Locking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144
Preopen Areas and VSO Areas in a Data Sharing Environment . . . . . 144
Input/Output Processing With VSO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145
Checkpoint Processing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147
VSO Options Across IMS Restart. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147
Emergency Restart Processing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147
VSO Options with XRF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148
Fast Path Synchronization Points. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149
Phase 1 - Build Log Record. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149
Phase 2 - Write Record to System Log . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149
Managing I/O Errors and Long Wait Times . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149
Registering Fast Path Databases in DBRC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150

Chapter 8. Choosing Optional Database Functions . . . . . . . . . . 151

Logical Relationships . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151
Logical Relationship Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152
Logical Relationship Pointer Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156
Paths in Logical Relationships . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162

36 Administration Guide: Database Manager

The Logical Child Segment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163
Segment Prefix Information for Logical Relationships . . . . . . . . . 164
Intersection Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164
Recursive Structures: Same Database Logical Relationships . . . . . . 166
Defining Sequence Fields for Logical Relationships . . . . . . . . . . 170
Control Blocks for Logical Relationships . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171
Specifying Logical Relationships in the Physical DBD . . . . . . . . . 172
Specifying Logical Relationships in the Logical DBD . . . . . . . . . . 176
Choosing Replace, Insert, and Delete Rules for Logical Relationships . . . 181
Performance Considerations for Logical Relationships . . . . . . . . . 183
Secondary Indexes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186
Why Secondary Indexes? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186
Characteristics of Secondary Indexes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188
Segments Used for Secondary Indexes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188
How the Hierarchy Is Restructured . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191
How a Secondary Index Is Stored . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192
Format and Use of Fields in a Pointer Segment . . . . . . . . . . . 193
Making Keys Unique Using System Related Fields . . . . . . . . . . 196
Suppressing Index Entries: Sparse Indexing . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198
How the Secondary Index Is Maintained . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199
Processing a Secondary Index as a Separate Database . . . . . . . . 200
Sharing Secondary Index Databases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201
Using the INDICES= Parameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201
Using Secondary Indexes with Logical Relationships . . . . . . . . . 203
Using Secondary Indexes with Variable-Length Segments . . . . . . . 204
Considerations When Using Secondary Indexing . . . . . . . . . . . 204
How to Specify Use of Secondary Indexing in the DBD . . . . . . . . 205
Choosing Secondary Indexes Versus Logical Relationships . . . . . . . . 208
When to Use a Secondary Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208
When to Use a Logical Relationship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208
Variable-Length Segments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209
How to Specify Variable-Length Segments . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210
How Variable-Length Segments Are Stored and Processed . . . . . . . 210
When to Use Variable-Length Segments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211
What Application Programmers Need to Know about Variable-Length
Segments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212
Adding or Converting to Variable-Length Segments . . . . . . . . . . 212
Segment Edit/Compression Exit Routine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212
Things to Consider Before Using the Segment Edit/Compression Exit
Routine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214
How to Specify the Segment Edit/Compression Exit Routine . . . . . . . 215
Converting to the Segment Edit/Compression Exit Routine . . . . . . . 215
Data Capture Exit Routines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215
DBD Parameters for Data Capture Exit Routines . . . . . . . . . . . 216
Call Sequence of Data Capture Exit Routines . . . . . . . . . . . . 217
Data Passed To and Captured By the Data Capture Exit Routine . . . . . 218
Data Capture Call Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219
Cascade Delete When Crossing Logical Relationships . . . . . . . . . 219
Data Capture Exit Routines and Logically Related Databases . . . . . . 219
Converting to Data Capture Exit Routines . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220
Field-Level Sensitivity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220
Using Field-Level Sensitivity as a Mapping Interface. . . . . . . . . . 221
Using Field-Level Sensitivity with Variable-Length Segments . . . . . . . 221
How to Specify Use of Field-Level Sensitivity in the DBD and PSB . . . . 221
Retrieving Segments Using Field-Level Sensitivity . . . . . . . . . . 222
Replacing Segments Using Field-Level Sensitivity . . . . . . . . . . 223

Part 2. Administering IMS Databases 37

Inserting Segments Using Field-Level Sensitivity . . . . . . . . . . . 223
Using Field-Level Sensitivity When Fields Overlap . . . . . . . . . . 224
Using Field-Level Sensitivity When Path Calls Are Issued . . . . . . . . 224
Using Field-Level Sensitivity with Logical Relationships . . . . . . . . 224
Using Field-Level Sensitivity with Variable-Length Segments . . . . . . . 225
General Considerations for Using Field-Level Sensitivity . . . . . . . . 230
Multiple Data Set Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 230
Why Use Multiple Data Set Groups? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 231
HD Databases Using Multiple Data Set Groups . . . . . . . . . . . 232
Block-Level Data Sharing and CI Reclaim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237
HALDB Single Partition Processing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237
Logical Relationships in Single Partition Processing . . . . . . . . . . 237
Secondary Indexes in Single Partition Processing . . . . . . . . . . 237
Partition Selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237
| Integrated HALDB Online Reorganization Function . . . . . . . . . . . 238
| Storing XML Data in IMS Databases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 238

Chapter 9. Designing Full-Function Databases . . . . . . . . . . . . 241

Specifying Free Space (HDAM, PHDAM, HIDAM, and PHIDAM Only) . . . . 241
Estimating the Size of the Root Addressable Area (HDAM or PHDAM Only) 242
Determining Which Randomizing Module to Use (HDAM and PHDAM Only) 243
Write Your Own Randomizing Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 243
Assess the Effectiveness of the Randomizing Module . . . . . . . . . 243
Choosing HDAM or PHDAM Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 244
Minimizing I/O Operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 244
Maximizing Packing Density . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 244
Choosing a Logical Record Length for a HISAM Database . . . . . . . . 245
Logical Record Length Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 245
Rules to Observe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 247
Calculating How Many Logical Records Are Needed to Hold a Database
Record . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 248
Specifying Logical Record Length . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 248
Choosing a Logical Record Length for HD Databases . . . . . . . . . . 248
Determining the Size of CIs and Blocks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 248
Buffering Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 249
Multiple Buffers in Virtual Storage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 249
″Use″ Chain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 249
The Buffer Handler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 249
Background Write Option . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250
Shared Resource Pools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250
Using Separate Subpools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250
Hiperspace Buffering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250
Buffer Size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250
Buffer Numbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 251
VSAM Buffer Sizes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 251
OSAM Buffer Sizes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 252
Specifying Buffers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 252
OSAM Sequential Buffering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 253
Sequential Buffering Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 253
Benefits of Sequential Buffering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 254
Flexibility of SB Use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255
How SB Buffers Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255
Virtual Storage Considerations for SB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 256
How to Request the Use of SB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 257
VSAM Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 260
Optional Functions Specified in the OPTIONS Control Statement . . . . . 260

38 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Optional Functions Specified in the POOLID, DBD, and VSRBF Control
Statements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 262
Optional Functions Specified in the Access Method Services DEFINE
CLUSTER Command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 263
OSAM Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 265
Dump Option (DUMP Parameter) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 265
Deciding Which FIELD Statements to Code in the DBD . . . . . . . . . 265
Planning for Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 265

Chapter 10. Designing Fast Path Databases . . . . . . . . . . . . . 267

Designing a Data Entry Database (DEDB) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 267
DEDB Design Guidelines. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 267
DEDB Area Design Guidelines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 268
Determining the Size of the CI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 269
Determining the Size of the UOW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 270
SDEP CI Preallocation and Reporting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 270
Processing Option P (PROCOPT=P) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 271
DEDB Randomizing Routine Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 271
Multiple Copies of an Area Data Set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 272
Record Deactivation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 273
Physical Child Last Pointers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 273
Subset Pointers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 273
Designing a Main Storage Database (MSDB) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 273
Calculating Virtual Storage Requirements for an MSDB . . . . . . . . 274
Understanding Resource Allocation, a Key to Performance . . . . . . . 275
Designing to Minimize Resource Contention . . . . . . . . . . . . . 276
Choosing MSDBs to Load and Page-Fix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 277
Auxiliary Storage Requirements for an MSDB . . . . . . . . . . . . 279
High-Speed Sequential Processing (HSSP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 279
Why HSSP? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 280
Limitations and Restrictions When Using HSSP . . . . . . . . . . . 280
Using HSSP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 281
HSSP Processing Option H (PROCOPT=H) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 281
Image-Copy Option . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 281
UOW Locking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 282
Private Buffer Pools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 282
Designing a DEDB or MSDB Buffer Pool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 282
Buffer Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 283
Normal Buffer Allocation (NBA) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 283
Overflow Buffer Allocation (OBA) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 283
Fast Path Buffer Allocation Algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 283
System Buffer Allocation (DBFX) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 284
Determining the Fast Path Buffer Pool Size . . . . . . . . . . . . . 284
Fast Path Buffer Performance Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . 284
The NBA Limit and Sync Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 285
The DBFX Value and the Low Activity Environment . . . . . . . . . . 285
Designing a DEDB Buffer Pool in the DBCTL Environment . . . . . . . . 286
Buffer Requirements in a DBCTL Environment . . . . . . . . . . . . 286
Normal Buffer Allocation for BMPs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 286
Normal Buffer Allocation for CCTL Regions and Threads . . . . . . . . 286
Overflow Buffer Allocation for BMPs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 287
Overflow Buffer Allocation for CCTL Threads . . . . . . . . . . . . 287
Fast Path Buffer Allocation Algorithm for BMPs . . . . . . . . . . . 287
Fast Path Buffer Allocation Algorithm for CCTL Threads . . . . . . . . 288
System Buffer Allocation (SBA) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 288
Determining the Size of the Fast Path Buffer Pool for DBCTL . . . . . . 288

Part 2. Administering IMS Databases 39

Fast Path Buffer Performance Considerations for DBCTL . . . . . . . . 289
The NBA/FPB Limit and Sync Point in a DBCTL Environment . . . . . . 289
Low Activity and the DBFX Value in a DBCTL Environment . . . . . . . 289
A Note on Fast Path Buffer Allocation in IMS Regions . . . . . . . . . 290

Chapter 11. Implementing Database Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . 291

Coding Database Descriptions as Input for the DBDGEN Utility . . . . . . 291
The DBD Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 292
The DATASET Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 292
The SEGM Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 293
The FIELD Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 293
The LCHILD Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 293
The XDFLD Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 294
The DBDGEN and END Statements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 294
| Implementing HALDB Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 294
| Creating HALDBs with the HALDB Partition Definition Utility . . . . . . . 294
Allocating an ILDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300
Coding Program Specification Blocks as Input to the PSBGEN Utility . . . . 301
The Alternate PCB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 302
The Database PCB Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303
The SENSEG Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303
The SENFLD Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303
The PSBGEN Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 304
The END Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 304
Building the Application Control Blocks (ACBGEN) . . . . . . . . . . . 304
Defining Generated Program Specification Blocks for SQL Applications . . . . 305

Chapter 12. Developing Test Databases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 307

Test Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 307
What Kind of Database? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 308
What Kind of Sample Data? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 308
What Kind of Application Program? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 308
Designing, Creating, and Loading a Test Database . . . . . . . . . . . 308
Using Testing Standards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 308
Using IBM Programs to Develop a Test Database . . . . . . . . . . 309

Chapter 13. Loading Databases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 311

Estimating the Minimum Size of the Database . . . . . . . . . . . . . 311
Step 1. Calculate the Size of an Average Database Record . . . . . . . 311
Step 2. Determine Overhead Needed for CI Resources . . . . . . . . 313
Step 3. Determine the Number of CIs or Blocks Needed . . . . . . . . 314
Step 4. Determine the Number of Blocks or CIs Needed for Free Space 317
Step 5. Determine the Amount of Space Needed for Bit Maps . . . . . . 317
Allocating Data Sets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 318
Allocating OSAM Data Sets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 318
Example of Allocating an OSAM Data Set . . . . . . . . . . . . . 319
Cautions When Allocating OSAM Data Sets . . . . . . . . . . . . . 319
Writing a Load Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 320
The Load Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 320
Status Codes for Load Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 321
Using SSAs in a Load Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 321
Loading a Sequence of Segments with the D Command Code . . . . . . 322
Loading a HISAM Database . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 331
Loading a SHISAM Database . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 331
Loading a GSAM Database . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 331
Loading an HDAM or a PHDAM Database . . . . . . . . . . . . . 331

40 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Loading a HIDAM or a PHIDAM Database . . . . . . . . . . . . . 331
Loading a Database with Logical Relationships or Secondary Indexes 331
Loading Fast Path Databases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 331
Loading an MSDB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 331
Loading a DEDB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 332
Loading Sequential Dependent Segments . . . . . . . . . . . . . 333

Chapter 14. Monitoring Databases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 335

IMS Monitor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 335
Monitoring Fast Path Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 337
Fast Path Log Analysis Utility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 337
Interpreting Fast Path Analysis Reports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 339

Chapter 15. Tuning Databases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 341

Reorganizing the Database . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 341
When You Should Reorganize . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 342
| Reorganizing Databases Offline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 342
| Protecting Your Database During an Offline Reorganization . . . . . . . 342
| Offline Reorganization Utilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 343
| Procedures for Offline Database Reorganizations . . . . . . . . . . . 357
| Reorganizing HALDBs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 358
| HALDB Offline Reorganization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 359
| HALDB Online Reorganization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 364
| The HALDB Self-Healing Pointer Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . 382
Changing DL/I Access Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 388
Changing the DL/I Access Method From HISAM to HIDAM . . . . . . . 389
Changing the DL/I Access Method From HISAM to HDAM . . . . . . . 389
Changing the DL/I Access Method From HIDAM to HISAM . . . . . . . 391
Changing the DL/I Access Method From HIDAM to HDAM . . . . . . . 391
Changing the DL/I Access Method From HDAM to HISAM . . . . . . . 392
Changing the DL/I Access Method From HDAM to HIDAM . . . . . . . 393
Changing the DL/I Access Method From HDAM to PHDAM and HIDAM to
PHIDAM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 395
| Changing HALDB Partition Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 398
Procedure for Changing to DEDBs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 401
Changing the Hierarchic Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 401
Changing the Sequence of Segment Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . 401
Combining Segments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 402
Procedure for Changing the Hierarchic Structure . . . . . . . . . . . 402
Changing Direct-Access Storage Devices. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 403
Tuning OSAM Sequential Buffering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 403
Well-Organized Database . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 403
Badly-Organized Database . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 404
Ensuring a Well-Organized Database . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 404
Adjusting HDAM and PHDAM Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 404
Adjusting Buffers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 405
VSAM Buffers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 405
OSAM Buffers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 406
Procedure for Adjusting VSAM and OSAM Database Buffers . . . . . . 407
OSAM Sequential Buffering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 407
Procedure for Adjusting Sequential Buffers . . . . . . . . . . . . . 408
Adjusting VSAM Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 408
Procedure for Adjusting VSAM Options Specified in the OPTIONS Control
Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 409
Procedures for Adjusting VSAM Options Specified in the Access Method
Service DEFINE CLUSTER Command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 409

Part 2. Administering IMS Databases 41

Adjusting OSAM Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 410
Changing the Amount of Space Allocated . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 410
Changing Operating System Access Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . 411
Changing the Number of Data Set Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 411
Tuning Fast Path Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 415
Transaction Volume to a Particular Fast Path Application Program . . . . 416
DEDB Structure Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 416
Usage of Buffers from a Buffer Pool. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 416
Contention for DEDB Control Interval (CI) Resources . . . . . . . . . 418
Exhaustion of DEDB DASD Space . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 418
Utilization of Available Real Storage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 419
Synchronization Point Processing and Physical Logging . . . . . . . . 419
Contention for Output Threads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 419
Overhead Resulting from Reprocessing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 419
Dispatching Priority of Processor-Dominant and I/O-Dominant Tasks . . . . 420
DASD Contention Due to I/O on DEDBs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 420
Resource Locking Considerations with Block Level Sharing . . . . . . . 420
Resource Name Hash Routine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 421

Chapter 16. Modifying Databases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 423

Adding Segment Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 424
Unloading and Reloading Using the Reorganization Utilities . . . . . . . 424
Without Unloading or Reloading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 425
Using Your Own Unload and Reload Program . . . . . . . . . . . . 425
Deleting Segment Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 425
Moving Segment Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 426
Changing Segment Size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 426
Changing Data in a Segment (Except for Data at the End of a Segment) 427
Changing the Position of Data in a Segment . . . . . . . . . . . . . 427
Adding Logical Relationships . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 427
Example 1. DBX Exists, DBY Is to Be Added . . . . . . . . . . . . 428
Example 2. DBX and DBY Exist, DBZ Is to Be Added . . . . . . . . . 429
Example 3. DBX and DBY Exist, DBZ Is to Be Added . . . . . . . . . 430
Example 4. DBX and DBY Exist, DBZ Is to Be Added . . . . . . . . . 430
Example 5. DBX Exists, DBY Is to Be Added . . . . . . . . . . . . 431
Example 6. DBX and DBY Exist, DBZ Is to Be Added . . . . . . . . . 432
Example 7. DBX and DBY Exist, DBZ Is to Be Added . . . . . . . . . 434
Example 8. DBX and DBY Exist, DBZ Is to Be Added . . . . . . . . . 436
Example 9. DBY Exists, DBZ Is to Be Added . . . . . . . . . . . . 436
Example 10. DBY Exists, DBZ Is to Be Added . . . . . . . . . . . . 437
Example 11. DBX and DBY Exist, DBZ Is to Be Added . . . . . . . . . 437
Example 12. DBX and DBY Exist, DBZ Is to Be Added. . . . . . . . . 438
Example 13. DBX and DBY Exist, Segment Y and DBZ Are to Be Added 438
Steps in Reorganizing a Database to Add a Logical Relationship . . . . . 439
Some Restrictions on Modifying Existing Logical Relationships . . . . . . 443
Summary on Use of Utilities When Adding Logical Relationships . . . . . 444
Adding a Secondary Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 445
Adding or Converting to Variable-Length Segments . . . . . . . . . . . 445
Method 1. Converting Segments or a Database . . . . . . . . . . . 445
Method 2. Converting Segments or a Database . . . . . . . . . . . 446
Converting to the Segment Edit/Compression Exit Routine . . . . . . . . 446
Converting Databases for Data Capture Exit Routines and Asynchronous Data
Capture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 447
Converting a Logical Parent Concatenated Key from Virtual to Physical or
Physical to Virtual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 448
Using the Online Change Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 448

42 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Maintaining Continuous Availability of IFP and MPP Regions . . . . . . 449
Changing Randomizer and Exit Routines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 451
Making Online Changes at the DEDB and Area Level . . . . . . . . . 455
Extending DEDB Independent Overflow Online . . . . . . . . . . . . 458

Part 2. Administering IMS Databases 43

44 Administration Guide: Database Manager
Chapter 5. Analyzing Data Requirements
One of the early steps of database design is developing a conceptual data structure
that satisfies your end user’s processing requirements. So, before you can develop
a conceptual data structure, familiarize yourself with your end user’s processing and
data requirements.

Developing a data structure is a process of combining the data requirements of

each of the tasks to be performed, into one or more data structures that satisfy
those requirements. The method explained here describes how to use the local
views developed for each business process to develop a data structure.

A business process, in an application, is one of the tasks your end user needs
done. For example, in an education application, printing a class roster is a business

A local view describes a conceptual data structure and the relationships between
the pieces of data in the structure for one business process.

To understand the method explained in this chapter, you need to be familiar with the
terminology and examples explained in the introductory chapter on application
design in IMS Version 9: Application Programming: Design Guide. The chapter of
the design guide explains how to develop local views for the business processes in
an application.

Included in this chapter are the following topics:

| v “Local View,” which introduces you to the local view examples and explains the
| information that makes up a local view.
| v “Designing a Conceptual Data Structure” on page 49, which explains how you
| can develop a conceptual data structure based on the local views for the
| business processes in an application.
| v “Implementing the Structure with DL/I” on page 51, which explains how you
| implement the structure you have developed with DL/I. The considerations
| explained are: assigning data elements to segments and resolving data conflicts
| with DL/I.

Local View
Designing a structure that satisfies the data requirements of the business processes
in an application requires an understanding of the requirements for each of those
business processes. A local view of the business process describes these
requirements because the local view provides:
v A list of all the data elements the process requires and their controlling keys
v The conceptual data structure developed for each process, showing how the data
elements are grouped into data aggregates
v The mappings between the data aggregates in each process

This chapter uses a company that provides technical education to its customers as
an example. The education company has one headquarters, called HQ, and several
local education centers, called Ed Centers. HQ develops the courses offered at
each of the Ed Centers. Each Ed Center is responsible for scheduling classes it will
offer and for enrolling students for those classes.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1974, 2004 45

Local View

A class is a single offering of a course on a specific date at an Ed Center. There

might be several offerings of one course at different Ed Centers, and each of these
offerings is a separate class.

The local views used in this chapter are for the following business processes in an
education application:
Current Roster
Schedule of Classes
Instructor Skills Report
Instructor Schedules

The information in the subtopics of this topic summarizes the local views developed
in the introductory chapter on application design in IMS Version 9: Application
Programming: Design Guide.

Notes for local views:

v The asterisks (*) in the data structures for each of the local views indicate the
data elements that identify the data aggregate. This is the data aggregate’s key;
some data aggregates require more than one data element to uniquely identify
v The mappings between the data aggregates in each process are given in
mapping notation. A one-to-many mapping means for each A aggregate there are
one or more B aggregates; shown like this: ────────
A many-to-many relationship means that for each A aggregate there are many B
aggregates, and for each B aggregate, there are many A aggregates; shown as
follows: ────────

Local View 1. Current Roster

| This topic describes the elements, the data structure, the data aggregates, and the
| mapping of the relationships between the data aggregates used to satisfy the data
| requirements of the Current Roster business process.

List of Current Roster Data Elements

The following is a list of the data elements and their descriptions for our technical
education provider example.
Data Element Description
CRSNAME Course name
CRSCODE Course code
LENGTH Length of class
EDCNTR Ed Center offering class
DATE Date class is offered
CUST Customer that sent student
LOCTN Location of customer
STUSEQ# Student’s sequence number
STUNAME Student’s name
STATUS Student’s enrollment status
ABSENCE Student’s absences

46 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Local View

GRADE Student’s grade for class

INSTRS Instructors for class

Figure 17 shows the conceptual data structure for the current roster.

Figure 17. Current Roster Conceptual Data Structure

Current Roster Mappings

The mappings for the current roster are:
Course ──────── Class
Class ──────── Student
Class ──────── Instructor
Customer/location──────── Student

Local View 2. Schedule of Classes

| This topic describes the elements, the data structure, the data aggregates, and the
| mapping of the relationships between the data aggregates used to satisfy the data
| requirements of the Schedule of Classes business process.

List of Schedule of Classes Data Elements

The following is a list of the schedule of classes and their descriptions for our
Data Element Description
CRSCODE Course code
CRSNAME Course name
LENGTH Length of course
PRICE Price of course
EDCNTR Ed Center where class is offered
DATE Dates when class is offered at a particular Ed

Chapter 5. Analyzing Data Requirements 47

Local View

Figure 18 shows the conceptual data structure for the class schedule.

Figure 18. Schedule of Classes Conceptual Data Structure

Schedule of Classes Mappings

The only mapping for this local view is:
Course ──────── Class

Local View 3. Instructor Skills Report

| This topic describes the elements, the data structure, the data aggregates, and the
| mapping of the relationships between the data aggregates used to satisfy the data
| requirements of the Instructor Skills Report business process.

List of Instructor Skills Report Data Elements

The following is a list of the instructor skills report data elements and their
descriptions for our technical education provider example.
Data Element Description
INSTR Instructor
CRSCODE Course code
CRSNAME Course name

Figure 19 shows the conceptual data structure for the instructor skills report.

Figure 19. Instructor Skills Report Conceptual Data Structure

Instructor Skills Report Mappings

The only mapping for this local view is:
Instructor ──────── Course

48 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Local View

Local View 4. Instructor Schedules

| This topic describes the elements, the data structure, the data aggregates, and the
| mapping of the relationships between the data aggregates used to satisfy the data
| requirements of the Instructor Schedules business process.

List of Instructor Schedules Data Elements

The following is a list of the instructor schedules data elements and their
descriptions for our example.
Data Element Description
INSTR Instructor
CRSNAME Course name
CRSCODE Course code
EDCNTR Ed Center
DATE Date when class is offered

Figure 20 shows the conceptual data structure for the instructor schedules.

Figure 20. Instructor Schedules Conceptual Data Structure

Instructor Schedules Mappings

The mappings for this local view are:
Instructor ──────── Course
Course ──────── Class

Designing a Conceptual Data Structure

Analyzing the mappings from all the local views is one of the first steps in designing
a conceptual data structure. Two kinds of mappings affect the segments:
one-to-many and many-to-many.

A one-to-many mapping means that for each segment A there are one or more
segment Bs; shown like this: A ──────── B. For example, in the Current Roster
(Figure 17 on page 47), there is a one-to-many relationship between course and
class. For each course, there can be several classes scheduled, but a class is

Chapter 5. Analyzing Data Requirements 49

Designing a Conceptual Data Structure

associated with only one course. A one-to-many relationship can be represented as

a dependent relationship: In the course/class example, the classes are dependent
on a particular course.

A many-to-many mapping means that for each segment A there are many segment
Bs, and for each segment B there are many segment As. This is shown like this: A
──────── B. A many-to-many relationship is not a dependent relationship, since
it usually occurs between data aggregates in two separate data structures and
indicates a conflict in the way two business processes need to process that data.

When you implement a data structure with DL/I, there are three strategies you can
apply to solve data conflicts:
Defining logical relationships
Establishing secondary indexes
Storing the data in two places (also known as carrying duplicate data).

Related Reading: “Resolving Data Conflicts” on page 52 explains the kinds of data
conflicts that secondary indexes and logical relationships can resolve.

The first step in designing a conceptual data structure is to combine the mappings
of all the local views. To do this, go through the mappings for each local view and
make a consolidated list of mappings (see Table 5). As you review the mappings:
v Do not record duplicate mappings. At this stage you need to cover each
variation, not each occurrence.
v If two data aggregates in different local views have opposite mappings, use the
more complex mapping. This will include both mappings when they are
combined. For example, if local view #1 has the mapping A ──────── B, and
local view #2 has the mapping A ──────── B, use a mapping that includes
both these mappings. In this case, this is A ──────── B.
Table 5. Combined Mappings for Local Views
Mapping Local View
Course ──────── Class 1, 2, 4
Class ──────── Student 1
Class ──────── Instructor 1
Customer/location ──────── Student 1
Instructor ──────── Course 3, 4

Using the combined mappings, you can construct the data structures shown in
Figure 21.

50 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Designing a Conceptual Data Structure

Figure 21. Education Data Structures

Two conflicts exist in these data structures. First, STUDENT is dependent on both
CUST and CLASS. Second, there is an opposite mapping between COURSE and
INSTR, and INSTR and COURSE. If you implemented these structures with DL/I,
you could use logical relationships to resolve the conflicts. “Analyzing Requirements
for Logical Relationships” on page 52 explains how.

Implementing the Structure with DL/I

When you implement a data structure with DL/I, you implement it as a hierarchy. A
hierarchy is made up of segments. In a hierarchy, a one-to-many relationship is
called a parent/child relationship. In a hierarchy, each segment can have one or
more children, but it can have only one parent.

When you use DL/I, consider how each of the data elements in the structure you
have developed should be grouped into segments. Also, consider how DL/I can
solve any existing data conflicts in the structure. The topics “Assigning Data
Elements to Segments” and “Resolving Data Conflicts” on page 52 in this chapter
explain how you assign data elements to segments, and how DL/I can resolve data

Assigning Data Elements to Segments

Once you determine how data elements are related in a hierarchy, associate each
of the data elements with a segment. To do this, construct a list of all the keys and
their associated data elements. If a key and its associated data element appear in
several local views, only record the association once.

List the data elements next to their keys, as shown in Table 6. The key and its
associated data elements become the segment content.
Table 6. Keys and Associated Data Elements
Data Aggregate Key Data Elements

Chapter 5. Analyzing Data Requirements 51

Implementing the Structure with DL/I

If a data element is associated with different keys in different local views, then you
must decide which segment will contain the data element. The other thing you can
do is to store duplicate data. To avoid doing this, store the data element with the
key that is highest in the hierarchy. For example, if the keys ALPHA and BETA were
both associated with the data element XYZ (one in local view 1 and one in local
view 2), and ALPHA were higher in the hierarchy, store XYZ with ALPHA to avoid
having to repeat it.

Resolving Data Conflicts

The data structure you design can fall short of the application’s processing
requirements. For example, one business process might need to retrieve a
particular segment by a field other than the one you have chosen as the key field.
Another business process might need to associate segments from two or more
different data structures. Once you have identified these kinds of conflicts in a data
structure and are using DL/I, you can look at two DL/I options that can help you
resolve the conflicts: secondary indexing and logical relationships.

Analyzing Requirements for Secondary Indexes

Secondary indexing allows a segment to be identified by a field other than its key

Suppose that you are part of our technical education company and need to
determine (from a terminal) whether a particular student is enrolled in a class. If you
are unsure about the student’s enrollment status, you probably do not know the
student’s sequence number. The key of the STUDENT segment, however, is
STUSEQ#. Let’s say you issue a request for a STUDENT segment, and identify the
segment you need by the student’s name (STUNAME). Instead of the student’s
sequence number (STUSEQ#), IMS searches through all STUDENT segments to
find that one. Assuming the STUDENT segments are stored in order of student
sequence numbers, IMS has no way of knowing where the STUDENT segment is
just by having the STUNAME.

Using a secondary index in this example is like making STUNAME the key field of
the STUDENT segment for this business process. Other business processes can
still process this segment with STUSEQ# as the key.

To do this, you can index the STUDENT segment on STUNAME in the secondary
index. You can index any field in a segment. When you index a field, indicating to
IMS that you are using a secondary index for that segment, IMS processes the
segment as though the indexed field were the key.

Analyzing Requirements for Logical Relationships

When a business process needs to associate segments from different hierarchies,
logical relationships can make that possible.

Defining logical relationships lets you create a hierarchic structure that does not
exist in storage but can be processed as though it does. You can relate segments
in separate hierarchies. The data structure created from these logical relationships
is called a logical structure. To relate segments in separate hierarchies, store the
segment in the path by which it is accessed most frequently. Store a pointer to the
segment in the path where it is accessed less frequently.

In the hierarchy shown in Figure 21 on page 51, two possible parents exist for the
STUDENT segment. If the CUST segment is part of an existing database, you can

52 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Implementing the Structure with DL/I

define a logical relationship between the CUST segment and the STUDENT
segment. You would then have the hierarchies shown in Figure 22. The
CUST/STUDENT hierarchy would be a logical structure.

Figure 22. Education Hierarchies

This kind of logical relationship is called unidirectional, because the relationship is

“one way.”

The other conflict you can see in Figure 21 on page 51, is the one between
COURSE and INSTR. For one course there are several classes, and for one class
there are several instructors (COURSE ───── CLASS ───── INSTR), but
each instructor can teach several courses (INSTR ───── COURSE). You can
resolve this conflict by using a bidirectional logical relationship. You can store the
INSTR segment in a separate hierarchy, and store a pointer to it in the INSTR
segment in the course hierarchy. You can also store the COURSE segment in the
course hierarchy, and store a pointer to it in the COURSE segment in the INSTR
hierarchy. This bidirectional logical relationship would give you the two hierarchies
shown in Figure 23, eliminating the need to carry duplicate data.

Figure 23. Bidirectional Logical Relationships

Chapter 5. Analyzing Data Requirements 53

Implementing the Structure with DL/I

54 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Chapter 6. Choosing Full-Function Database Types
IMS databases are hierarchic databases that are accessed through DL/I calls. IMS
makes it possible for application programs to retrieve, replace, delete, and add
segments to IMS databases.

IMS allows you to define twelve database types. Each type has different
organization processing characteristics. Except for DEDB and MSDB, all the
database types are discussed in this chapter.

In this chapter:
v “Sequential Storage Method” on page 56
v “Direct Storage Method” on page 56
v “Databases Supported with DBCTL” on page 56
v “Databases Supported with DCCTL” on page 57
v “Performance Considerations Overview” on page 57
v “HSAM Databases” on page 60
v “HISAM Databases” on page 65
v “SHSAM, SHISAM and GSAM Databases” on page 74
v “HDAM, PHDAM, HIDAM, and PHIDAM Databases” on page 78
v “Managing I/O Errors” on page 107

Related Reading: For information on DEDBs and MSDBs see, “Data Entry
Databases” on page 109 and “Main Storage Databases (MSDBs)” on page 128.

Understanding how the database types differ enables you to pick the type that best
suits your application’s processing requirements.

Each database type has its own access method. The following figure lists each type
and the access method it uses:
Type of Database Access Method
HSAM Hierarchical Sequential Access Method
HISAM Hierarchical Indexed Sequential Access Method
SHSAM Simple Hierarchical Sequential Access Method
SHISAM Simple Hierarchical Indexed Sequential Access
GSAM Generalized Sequential Access Method
Restriction: GSAM does not apply to CICS
HDAM Hierarchical Direct Access Method
PHDAM Partitioned Hierarchical Direct Access Method
HIDAM Hierarchical Indexed Direct Access Method
PHIDAM Partitioned Hierarchical Indexed Direct Access
PSINDEX Partitioned Secondary Index Database
DEDB Data Entry Database (Hierarchical Direct Access)
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1974, 2004 55
MSDB Main Storage Database (Hierarchical Direct Access)

Based on the access method used, the various databases can be classified into two
groups: sequential storage and direct storage.

Sequential Storage Method

HSAM, HISAM, SHSAM, and SHISAM use the sequential method of accessing
data. With this method, the hierarchic sequence of segments in the database is
maintained by putting segments in storage locations that are physically adjacent to
each other. GSAM databases also use the sequential method of accessing data,
but no concept of hierarchy, database record, or segment exists in GSAM

Direct Storage Method

HDAM, PHDAM, HIDAM, DEDB, MSDB, and PHIDAM databases use the direct
method of accessing data. With this method, the hierarchic sequence of segments
is maintained by putting direct-address pointers in each segment’s prefix.

For quick reference, see Table 7 on page 59 for a summary of HSAM, HISAM,
HDAM, PHDAM, HIDAM, PHIDAM, DEDB, and MSDB database characteristics.

Databases Supported with DBCTL

| Database Control (DBCTL) configuration of IMS supports all IMS full-function
| databases:

Databases can be accessed through DBCTL from IMS BMP regions, as well as
from independent transaction-management subsystems. Only batch-oriented BMP
programs are supported because DBCTL provides no message or transaction

CICS online programs can access the same IMS database concurrently; however,
an IMS batch program must have exclusive access to the database (if you are not
participating in IMS data sharing).

If you have batch jobs that currently access IMS databases through IMS data
sharing, you can convert them to run as BMPs directly accessing databases
through DBCTL, thereby improving performance. You can additionally convert
current batch programs to BMPs to access DEDBs.

56 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Databases Supported with DBCTL

Related Reading: For more information on converting a batch job to a BMP, see
IMS Version 9: Application Programming: Design Guide and IMS Version 9:
Administration Guide: System.

Databases Supported with DCCTL

| The DCCTL configuration of IMS supports the following database and dependent
| region combinations:
| v GSAM databases for BMP regions
| v DB2 UDB for z/OS databases for BMP, MPP, and IFP regions through the
| External Subsystem attachment facility (ESAF)
| v DB2 UDB for z/OS databases for JMP and JBP regions through the DB2
| Recoverable Resource Manager Services attachment facility (RRSAF)

| Restriction: DCCTL does not support full-function or Fast Path databases.

Related Reading:
| v For more information on ESAF, see IMS Version 9: Customization Guide
| v For more information on RRSAF, see DB2 Universal Database for z/OS
| Administration Guide

Performance Considerations Overview

All databases are not created equal. You will want to make an informed decision
regarding the type of database organizations which will best serve your purposes.
The following lists briefly summarize the performance characteristics of the various
database types, highlighting efficiencies and deficiencies of hierarchic sequential,
hierarchic direct and general sequential databases.

Related Reading: For information on DEDBs and MSDBs, see “Data Entry
Databases” on page 109 and “Main Storage Databases (MSDBs)” on page 128.
General Sequential (GSAM)
v Supported by DCCTL
v No hierarchy, database records, segments, or keys
v ISRT adds records at end of data set
v GN and GU processed in batch or BMP applications only
v Allows IMS symbolic checkpoint calls and restart from checkpoint (except
VSAM-loaded databases)
v Good for converting data to IMS and for passing data
v Not accessible from an MPP or JMP region
v Space efficient
v Not time efficient
v Fixed- or variable-length records are usable
v IMS symbolic checkpoint call allowed
v Restart from checkpoint not allowed

Chapter 6. Choosing Full-Function Database Types 57

Performance Considerations Overview

v Fixed-, variable-, or undefined-length records are usable

v BSAM/QSAM DS tape or DASD stored
v Allows IMS symbolic checkpoint calls and restart from checkpoint
Hierarchic Sequential
Segments are linked by physical contiguity
v Supported by DBCTL
v Physical sequential access to roots and dependents stored on
tape or DASD
v ISRT allowed only when database is loaded
v GU, GN, and GNP allowed
v Database update done by merging databases and writing new
v QSAM and BSAM accessible
v Space efficient but not time efficient
v Sequential access
v Supported by DBCTL
v Hierarchic indexed access to roots
v Sequential access to dependents
v Stored on DASD
v VSAM accessible
v All DL/I calls allowed
v Index is on root segment sequence field
v Good for databases not updated often
v Not space efficient with many updates
v Time efficient with SSA-qualified calls
v Supported by DBCTL
v Simple hierarchic sequential access method to root segments
v ISRT allowed only when database is loaded
v GU, GN, and GNP allowed
v Database update done by reloaded database
v QSAM and BSAM accessible
v Allows IMS symbolic checkpoint calls and restart from checkpoint
(except VSAM-loaded databases)
v Good for converting data to IMS and for passing data
v Not accessible from an MPP or JMP region
v Space efficient
v Not time efficient
v Supported by DBCTL
v Simple hierarchic indexed access to roots only
v Sequential access to dependents

58 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Performance Considerations Overview

v Stored on DASD
v VSAM accessible
v All DL/I calls allowed
v Good for converting data to IMS and for passing data
v Not space efficient
v Time efficient
Hierarchic Direct
Segments are linked by pointers
v Supported by DBCTL
v Hashing access to roots
v Sequential access by secondary index to segments
v All DL/I calls allowed
v Stored on DASD in VSAM ESDS or OSAM data set
v Good for direct access to records
v Hierarchic pointers allowed
– Hierarchic sequential access to dependent segments
– Better performance than child and twin pointers
– Less space required than child and twin pointers
v Child and twin pointers allowed
– Direct access to pointers
– More space required by additional index VSAM ESDS
v Supported by DBCTL
v Indexed access to roots
v Pointer access to dependent segments
v All DL/I calls allowed
v Stored on DASD in VSAM ESDS or OSAM data set
v Good for random and sequential access to records
v Good for random access to segment paths
v Hierarchic pointers allowed
– Hierarchic sequential access to dependent segments
– Better performance than child and twin pointers
– Less space required than child and twin pointers
v Child and twin pointers allowed
– Direct access to pointers
– More space required by additional index VSAM ESDS

Table 7 gives a summary of database characteristics, functions, and options for the
different database types.
Table 7. Summary of Database Characteristics and Options for Database Types
Hierarchical Structures Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N

Chapter 6. Choosing Full-Function Database Types 59

Performance Considerations Overview

Table 7. Summary of Database Characteristics and Options for Database Types (continued)
Direct Access Storage Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N
Multiple Data Set N N Y Y Y Y N N
Logical Relationships N Y Y Y Y Y N N
Variable-Length N Y Y Y Y Y Y N
Segment N Y Y Y Y Y Y N
Data Capture Exit N Y Y Y Y Y Y N
Field-Level Sensitivity Y Y Y Y Y Y N N
Primary Index N Y N N Y Y N N
Secondary Index N Y Y Y Y Y N N
Logging, Recovery, N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Offline Reorganization
Boolean Operators Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N
Command Codes Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N
Subset Pointers N N N N N N Y N
Uses Main Storage N N N N N N N Y
High Parallelism (field N N N N N N N Y
Compaction Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N
DBRC Support Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N/A
Partitioning Support N N N Y N Y Y N
Data Sharing Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N
Partition Sharing N N N Y N Y Y N
Block Level Sharing Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N
Area Sharing N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Y N/A
Record Deactivation N N N N N N Y N/A
Database Size med med med lg med lg lg sml
Online Utilities N N N N N N Y N
| Online Reorganization N N N Y N Y Y N
Batch Y Y Y Y Y Y N N

HSAM Databases
| Hierarchical sequential access method (HSAM) databases use the sequential
| method of accessing data. All database records and all segments within each
| database record are physically adjacent in storage. An HSAM database can be
| stored on tape or on a direct-access storage device. They are processed using

60 Administration Guide: Database Manager

HSAM Databases

| either basic sequential access method (BSAM) or queued sequential access

| method (QSAM) as the operating system access method. Specify your access
| method on the PROCOPT= parameter in the PCB. If you specify PROCOPT=GS,
| QSAM is always used. If you specify PROCOPT=G, BSAM is used.

HSAM data sets are loaded with root segments in ascending key sequence (if keys
exist for the root) and dependent segments in hierarchic sequence. You do not
need to define a key field in root segments. You must, however, present segments
to the load program in the order in which they must be loaded. HSAM data sets use
a fixed-length, unblocked record format (RECFM=F), which means that the logical
record length is the same as the physical block size.

HSAM databases can only be updated by rewriting them. Delete (DLET) and
replace (REPL) calls are not allowed, and insert (ISRT) calls are only allowed when
the database is being loaded. Although the field-level sensitivity option can be used
with HSAM databases the following options cannot be used with HSAM databases:
v Multiple data set groups
v Logical relationships
v Secondary indexing
v Variable-length segments
v Segment edit/compression facility
v Data Capture exit routines
v Asynchronous data capture
v Logging, recovery, or reorganization

Multiple positioning and multiple PCBs cannot be used in HSAM databases.

When to Use HSAM

Although the uses of HSAM are limited because of its processing characteristics, it
is used for applications requiring sequential processing only. Typically, HSAM is
used for low-use files. These are files containing, for example, audit trails, statistical
reports or files containing historical or archive data that has been purged from the
main database.

How an HSAM Record Is Stored

Segments in an HSAM database are loaded in the order in which you present them
to the load program. You should present all segments within a database record in
hierarchic sequence. If a sequence field has been defined for root segments, you
should present database records to the load program in ascending root key

Figure 24 on page 62 shows an example HSAM database.

Chapter 6. Choosing Full-Function Database Types 61

HSAM Databases

Figure 24. Example HSAM Database

Figure 25 shows how the example HSAM database, shown in Figure 24, would be
stored in blocks.

Figure 25. Example HSAM Database Stored in Blocks

In the data set, a database record is stored in one or more consecutive blocks. You
define what the block size will be. Each block is filled with segments of the
database record until there is not enough space left in the block to store the next
segment. When this happens, the remaining space in the block is padded with
zeros and the next segment is stored in the next consecutive block. When the last
segment of a database record has been stored in a block, any unused space, if
sufficient, is filled with segments from the next database record.

In storage, an HSAM segment consists of a 2-byte prefix followed by user data. The
first byte of the prefix is the segment code, which identifies the segment type to
IMS. This number can be from 1 to 255. The segment code is assigned to the
segment by IMS in ascending sequence, starting with the root segment and

62 Administration Guide: Database Manager

HSAM Databases

continuing through all dependents in hierarchic sequence. The second byte of the
prefix is the delete byte. Because DLET calls cannot be used against an HSAM
database, the second byte is not used.

DL/I Calls against an HSAM Database

Initial entry to an HSAM database is through GU or GN calls. When the first call is
issued, the search for the desired segment starts at the beginning of the database
and passes sequentially through all segments stored in the database until the
desired segment is reached. After the desired segment is reached, its position is
used as the starting position for any additional calls that process the database in a
forward direction.

| After position in an HSAM database has been established, the way in which GU
| calls are handled depends on whether a sequence field is defined for the root
| segment and what processing options are in effect. Figure 26 shows a flow chart of
| the actions taken based on whether a sequence field is defined and what
| processing options are in effect.

Figure 26. GU Calls against an HSAM Database

When a GU call is issued and the root segment sequence field is not defined,
search forward from beginning of database. If the sequence field is defined for the
root and the SSA key is less than the SAA® key on the last call, search forward
from the current position in the database. If the sequence field is defined for the
root and the SSA key is greater than the SSA key on the last call, the GU call is

Chapter 6. Choosing Full-Function Database Types 63

HSAM Databases

handled based on the PSB PROCOPT. If PROCOPT=GS, search forward from

beginning of database. If PROCOPT=G, Backspace two blocks and read forward
one block.

No Sequence Field Defined

If no sequence field has been defined, each GU call causes the search for the
desired segment to start at the beginning of the database regardless of current
position. This allows direct processing of the HSAM database. The processing,
however, is restricted to one volume.

Sequence Field Defined

If a sequence field has been defined and the GU call retrieves a segment that is
forward in the database, the search starts from the current position and moves
forward to the desired segment. If access to the desired segment requires
backward movement in the database, the PROCOPT= parameters G or GS
(specified during PSBGEN) determine how backward movement is accomplished. If
you specify PROCOPT=GS, (that is, the database is read using QSAM), the search
for the desired segment starts at the beginning of the database and moves forward.
If you specify PROCOPT=G, (that is, the database is read using BSAM), the search
moves backward in the database. This is accomplished by backspacing over the
block just read and the block previous to it, then reading this previous block forward
until the desired segment is found.

Because of the way in which segments are accessed in an HSAM database, it is

most practical to access root segments sequentially and dependent segments in
hierarchic sequence within a database record.Other methods of access, involving
backspacing, rewinding of the tape, or scanning the data set from the beginning,
can be time consuming.

As stated previously, DLET and REPL calls cannot be issued against an HSAM
database. ISRT calls are allowed only when the database is being loaded. To
update an HSAM database, you must write a program that merges the current
HSAM database and the update data. The update data can be in one or more files.
The output data set created by this process is the new updated HSAM database.
Figure 27 illustrates this process.

Figure 27. Updating an HSAM Database

64 Administration Guide: Database Manager

HSAM Databases

HISAM Databases
In a hierarchical indexed sequential access method (HISAM) database, as with an
HSAM database, segments in each database record are related through physical
adjacency in storage. Unlike HSAM, however, each HISAM database record is
indexed, allowing direct access to a database record. In defining a HISAM
database, you must define a unique sequence field in each root segment. These
sequence fields are then used to construct an index to root segments (and
therefore database records) in the database.

HISAM databases are stored on direct-access devices. They can be processed

using the virtual storage access method (VSAM) utility. Unlike HSAM, all DL/I calls
can be issued against a HISAM database. In addition, the following options are
available for HISAM databases:
v Logical relationships
v Secondary indexing
v Variable-length segments
v Segment edit/compression facility
v Data Capture exit routines
v Field-level sensitivity
v Logging, recovery, and reorganization

Except for logging and recovery, each of these options is discussed in detail in later
parts of this book. For detailed discussions of logging and recovery, see the IMS
Version 9: Database Recovery Control (DBRC) Guide and Reference.

When to Use HISAM

HISAM is typically used for databases that require direct access to database
records and sequential processing of segments in a database record. It is a good
candidate for databases with the following characteristics:
v Most database records are about the same size.
v The database does not consist of relatively few root segments and a large
number of dependent segments.
v Applications do not depend on a heavy volume of root segments being inserted
after the database is initially loaded.
v Deletion of database records is minimal.

More detailed information on the uses of HISAM, requiring a working knowledge of

how a HISAM database is organized and processed, is under “Variable-Length
Segments” on page 209.

How a HISAM Record is Stored

HISAM database records are stored in two data sets. The first data set, called the
primary data set, contains an index and all segments in a database record that can
fit in one logical record. The index provides direct access to the root segment (and
therefore to database records). The second data set, called the overflow data set,
contains all segments in the database record that cannot fit in the primary data set.
A key-sequenced data set (KSDS) is the primary data set and an entry-sequenced
data set (ESDS) is the overflow data set.

There are several things you need to know about storage of HISAM database

Chapter 6. Choosing Full-Function Database Types 65

HSAM Databases

v You define the logical record length of both the primary and overflow data set
(subject to the rules listed in this chapter). The logical record length can be
different for each data set. This allows you to define the logical record length in
the primary data set as large enough to hold an “average” database record or the
most frequently accessed segments in the database record. Logical record length
in the overflow data set can then be defined (subject to some restrictions) as
whatever is most efficient given the characteristics of your database records.
v Logical records are grouped into control intervals (CIs). A control interval is the
unit of data transferred between an I/O device and storage. You define the size
of CIs.
v Each database record starts at the beginning of a logical record in the primary
data set. A database record can only occupy one logical record in the primary
data set, but overflow segments of the database record can occupy more than
one logical record in the overflow data set.
v Segments in a database record cannot be split and stored across two logical
records. Because of this and because each database record starts a new logical
record, unused space exists at the end of many logical records. When the
database is initially loaded, IMS inserts a root segment with a key of all X'FF's as
the last root segment in the database.

Figure 29 on page 67 shows four HISAM database records (shown in Figure 28) as
they are initially stored on the primary and overflow data sets.

Figure 28. Example HISAM Database

In storage, a HISAM segment (see Figure 29) consists of a 2-byte prefix followed by
user data. The first byte of the prefix is the segment code, which identifies the
segment type to IMS. This number can be from 1 to 255. The segment code is
assigned to the segment by IMS in ascending sequence, starting with the root
segment and continuing through all dependents in hierarchic sequence. The second
byte of the prefix is the delete byte.

66 Administration Guide: Database Manager

HSAM Databases

Figure 29. Example HISAM Database in Storage

Each logical record in the primary data set contains the root plus all dependents of
the root (in hierarchic sequence) for which there is enough space. The remaining
segments of the database record are put in the overflow data set (again in
hierarchic sequence). The two “parts” of the database record are chained together
with a direct-address pointer. When overflow segments in a database record use
more than one logical record in the overflow data set (the case for the first and
second database record in Figure 29), the logical records are also chained together
with a direct-address pointer. Note in the figure that HISAM indexes do not contain
a pointer to each root segment in the database. Rather, they point to the highest
root key in each block or CI.

Diagnosis, Modification or Tuning Information

Figure 30 on page 68 illustrates the following points regarding the structure of a

logical record in a HISAM database:
v In a logical record, the first 4 bytes are a direct-address pointer to the next logical
record in the database record. This pointer maintains all logical records in a
database record in correct sequence. The last logical record in a database record
contains zeros in this field.
v Following the pointer are one or more segments of the database record in
hierarchic sequence.
v Following the segments is a 1-byte segment code of 0. It says that the last
segment in the logical record has been reached.

Chapter 6. Choosing Full-Function Database Types 67

HSAM Databases

Figure 30. Format of a Logical Record in a HISAM Database

End of Diagnosis, Modification or Tuning Information

Accessing Segments
In HISAM, when an application program issues a call with a segment search
argument (SSA) qualified on the key of the root segment, the segment is found by:
1. Searching the index for the first pointer with a value greater than or equal to the
specified root key (the index points to the highest root key in each CI)
2. Following the index pointer to the correct CI
3. Searching this CI for the correct logical record (the root key value is compared
with each root key in the CI)
4. When the correct logical record (and therefore database record) is found,
searching sequentially through it for the specified segment

If an application program issues a GU call with an unqualified SSA for a root

segment or with an SSA qualified on other than the root key, the HISAM index
cannot be used. The search for the segment starts at the beginning of the database
and proceeds sequentially until the specified segment is found.

Inserting Root Segments Using VSAM

After an initial load, root segments inserted into a HISAM database are stored in the
primary data set in ascending key sequence. The CI might or might not contain a
free logical record into which the new root can be inserted. Both situations are
described next.

A Free Logical Record Exists

Figure 31 on page 69 shows how insertion takes place when a free logical record
exists. The new root is inserted into the CI in root key sequence. If there are logical
records in the CI containing roots with higher keys, they are “pushed down” to
create space for the new logical record.

68 Administration Guide: Database Manager

HSAM Databases

Figure 31. Inserting a Root Segment into a HISAM Database (Free Logical Record Exists in
the CI)

No Free Logical Record Exists

Figure 32 on page 70 shows how insertion takes place when no free logical record
exists in the CI. The CI is split forming two new CIs, both equal in size to the
original one. Where the CI is split depends on what you have coded in the
INSERT=parameter on the OPTIONS statement for the DFSVSAMP data set.

Related Reading: For information on the OPTIONS statement, see IMS Version 9:
Installation Volume 2: System Definition and Tailoring and Chapter 9, “Designing
Full-Function Databases,” on page 241.

The split can occur at the point at which the root is inserted or midpoint in the CI.
After the CI is split, free logical records exist in each new CI and the new root is
inserted into the proper CI in root key sequence. If, as was the case in Figure 31,
logical records in the new CI contained roots with higher keys, those logical records
would be “pushed down” to create space for the new logical record.

Chapter 6. Choosing Full-Function Database Types 69

HSAM Databases

When adding new root segments to a HISAM database, performance can be

slightly improved if roots are added in ascending key sequence.

Figure 32. Inserting a Root Segment into a HISAM Database (No Free Logical Record Exists
in the CI)

Inserting Dependent Segments

Dependent segments inserted into a HISAM database after initial load are inserted
in hierarchic sequence. IMS decides where in the appropriate logical record the new
dependent should be inserted. Two situations are possible. Either there is enough
space in the logical record for the new dependent or there is not.

Figure 33 on page 71 shows how segment insertion takes place when there is
enough space in the logical record. The new dependent is stored in its proper
hierarchic position in the logical record by shifting the segments that hierarchically
follow it to the right in the logical record.

70 Administration Guide: Database Manager

HSAM Databases

Figure 33. Inserting a Dependent Segment into a HISAM Database (Space Exists in the
Logical Record)

Figure 34 on page 72 shows how segment insertion takes place when there is not
enough space in the logical record. As in the previous case, new dependents are
always stored in their proper hierarchic sequence in the logical record. However, all
segments to the right of the new segment are moved to the first empty logical
record in the overflow data set.

Chapter 6. Choosing Full-Function Database Types 71

HSAM Databases

Figure 34. Inserting a Dependent Segment into a HISAM Database (No Space Exists in the
Logical Record)

Deleting Segments
When segments are deleted from a HISAM database, they are marked as deleted
in the delete byte in their prefix. They are not physically removed from the
database; the one exception to this is discussed later in this topic. Dependent
segments of the deleted segment are not marked as deleted, but because their
parent is, the dependent segments cannot be accessed. These unmarked segments
(as well as segments marked as deleted) are deleted when the database is

72 Administration Guide: Database Manager

HSAM Databases

One thing you should note is that when a segment is accessed that hierarchically
follows deleted segments in a database record, the deleted segments must still be
“searched through”. This concept is shown in Figure 35 and in Figure 36.

Segment B2 is deleted from this database record. This means that segment B2 and
its dependents (C1, C2, and C3) can no longer be accessed, even though they still
exist in the database.

Figure 35. The Hierarchic Segment Layout on the Database

A request to access segment D1 is made. Although segments B2, C1, C2, and C3
cannot be accessed, they still exist in the database. Therefore they must still be
“searched through” even though they are inaccessible as shown in Figure 36.

Figure 36. Accessing a HISAM Segment That Hierarchically Follows Deleted Segments

In one situation, deleted segments are physically removed from the database. If the
deleted segment is a root, the logical record containing the root is erased, provided
neither the root nor any of its dependents is involved in a logical relationship. The
default is ERASE=YES, and no ″mark buffer altered″ takes place. Thus a
PROCOPT=G read job will not have to wait for locks after another job has set the
delete byte, and will return a segment not found condition. To be consistent with
other DB types, use ERASE=NO to cause a wait for physical delete prior to
attempted read.

Related Reading: For more information on the ERASE parameter of the DBD
statement, see the IMS Version 9: Installation Volume 2: System Definition and

After the logical record is removed, its space is available for reuse. However, any
overflow logical record containing dependents of this root is not available for reuse.
Except for this special condition, you must unload and reload a HISAM database to
regain space occupied by deleted segments.

Chapter 6. Choosing Full-Function Database Types 73

HSAM Databases

Replacing Segments
Replacing segments in a HISAM database is straightforward as long as fixed length
segments are being used. The data in the segment, once changed, is returned to
its original location in storage. The key field in a segment cannot be changed.

The implications of replacing segments when variable-length segments are used is

discussed under “Variable-Length Segments” on page 209.

Criteria for Selecting HISAM

You should use HISAM when you need sequential or direct access to roots and
sequential processing of dependent segments in a database record. HISAM is a
good choice of data organization when your database has most, or all, of the
following characteristics.
v Each root has few dependents.
Root segment access is indexed, and is therefore fast. Dependent segment
access is sequential, and is therefore slower.
v You have a small number of delete operations against the database.
Except for deleting root segments, all delete operations result in the creation of
space that is unusable until the database is reorganized.
v Your applications depend on a small volume of root segments being inserted
within a narrow key range (VSAM).
Root segments inserted after initial load are inserted in root key sequence in the
appropriate CI in the KSDS. If many roots have keys within a narrow key range,
many CI splits can occur. This will degrade performance.
v Most of your database records are about the same size.
The similar sizes allow you to pick logical record lengths and CI sizes so most
database records fit on the primary data set. You want most database records to
fit on the primary data set, because additional read and seek operations are
required to access those parts of a database record on the overflow data set.
Additional reads and seeks degrade performance. If, however, most of the
processing you do against a database record occurs on segments in the primary
data set (in other words, your high-use segments fit on the primary data set),
these considerations might not be as important.
Having most of your database records the same size also saves space. Each
database record starts at the beginning of a logical record. All space in the
logical records not used by the database record is unusable. This is true of
logical records in both the primary and overflow data set. If the size of your
database records varies tremendously, large gaps of unused space can occur at
the end of many logical records.

SHSAM, SHISAM and GSAM Databases

You typically use simple hierarchical sequential access method (SHSAM), simple
hierarchical indexed sequential access method (SHISAM), and generalized
sequential access method (GSAM) databases in two situations.

Situation 1 - Converting from a non-database system to IMS

SHSAM, SHISAM, and GSAM databases allow existing programs, using z/OS
access methods, to remain usable during the conversion to IMS. This is possible
because the format of the data in these databases is the same as in the z/OS data

74 Administration Guide: Database Manager

SHSAM, SHISAM, and GSAM Databases

Situation 2 - Passing data

When a database (or non-database) application program passes data to a database
(or non-database) application program, it first puts the data in a SHSAM, SHISAM,
or GSAM database. The database (or non-database) application program then
accesses the data from these databases.

The following topics describe each of the three database types:

v “SHSAM Databases”
v “SHISAM Databases”
v “GSAM Databases” on page 76
Table 8 on page 77 is a chart comparing SHSAM, SHISAM, and GSAM.

SHSAM Databases
A simple HSAM (SHSAM) database is an HSAM database containing only one type
of segment, a root segment. The segment has no prefix, because no need exists
for a segment code (there is only one segment type) or for a delete byte (deletes
are not allowed).

SHSAM databases can be accessed by z/OS BSAM and QSAM because SHSAM
segments contain user data only (no IMS prefixes). The ISRT, DLET, and REPL
calls cannot be used to update. However, ISRT can be used to load an SHSAM
database. Only GET calls are valid for processing an SHSAM database. These
allow retrieval only of segments from the database. To update an SHSAM database,
it must be reloaded. The situations in which SHSAM is typically used are explained
in the introduction to this topic. Before deciding to use SHSAM, read the topic on
GSAM databases, because GSAM has many of the same functions as SHSAM.
Unlike SHSAM, however, GSAM files cannot be accessed from a message
processing region. GSAM does allow you to take checkpoints and perform restart,

Although SHSAM databases can use the field-level sensitivity option, they cannot
use any of the following options:
v Logical relationships
v Secondary indexing
v Multiple data set groups
v Variable-length segments
v Segment edit/compression facility
v Data Capture exit routines
v Logging, recovery, or reorganization

SHISAM Databases
A simple HISAM (SHISAM) database is a HISAM database containing only one type
of segment, a root segment. The segment has no prefix, because no need exists
for a segment code (there is only one segment type) or for a delete byte (deletes
are done using a VSAM erase operation). SHISAM databases must be KSDSs;
they are accessed through VSAM. Because SHISAM segments contain user data
only (no IMS prefixes), they can be accessed by VSAM macros and DL/I calls. All
the DL/I calls can be issued against SHISAM databases.

Chapter 6. Choosing Full-Function Database Types 75

SHSAM, SHISAM, and GSAM Databases

SHISAM IMS Symbolic Checkpoint Call

In addition to those situations described in the introduction to this topic, SHISAM is
useful if you need an application program that accesses z/OS data sets to use the
IMS symbolic checkpoint call.

The IMS symbolic checkpoint call makes restart easier than the z/OS basic
checkpoint call. If the z/OS data set the application program is using is converted to
a SHISAM database data set, the symbolic checkpoint call can be used. This allows
application programs to take checkpoints during processing and then restart their
programs from a checkpoint. The primary advantage of this is that, if the system
fails, application programs can recover from a checkpoint rather than lose all
processing that has been done. One exception applies to this: An application
program for initially loading a database that uses VSAM as the operating system
access method cannot be restarted from a checkpoint. Application programs using
GSAM databases can also issue symbolic checkpoint calls. Application programs
using SHSAM databases cannot.

Before deciding to use SHISAM, you should read the next topic on GSAM
databases. GSAM has many of the same functions as SHISAM. Unlike SHISAM,
however, GSAM files cannot be accessed from a message processing region.

SHISAM databases can use field-level sensitivity and Data Capture exit routines,
but they cannot use any of the following options:
v Logical relationships
v Secondary indexing
v Multiple data set groups
v Variable-length segments
v Segment edit/compression facility

GSAM Databases
GSAM databases are sequentially organized databases designed to be compatible
with z/OS data sets. GSAM databases can be on a data set previously created or
one later accessed by the z/OS access methods VSAM or QSAM/BSAM. GSAM
data sets can use fixed-length or variable-length records when VSAM is used, or
fixed-length, variable-length or undefined-length records when QSAM/BSAM is
used. If VSAM is used to process a GSAM database, the VSAM data set must be
entry sequenced and on a DASD. If QSAM/BSAM is used, the physical sequential
(DSORG=PS) data set can be placed on a DASD or tape unit. GSAM is designed
to be compatible with z/OS data sets. The GSAM database has no hierarchy,
database records, segments or keys.

GSAM IMS Symbolic Checkpoint Call

In addition to those situations described in the introduction to this topic, GSAM is
useful if you need an application program that accesses z/OS data sets to use the
IMS symbolic checkpoint call. The IMS symbolic checkpoint call makes restart
easier than the z/OS basic checkpoint call. This IMS symbolic checkpoint call allows
application programs to take checkpoints during processing, thereby allowing
programs to restart from a checkpoint. A checkpoint call forces any GSAM buffers
with inserted records to be written as short blocks. The primary advantage of taking
checkpoints is that, if the system fails, the application programs can recover from a
checkpoint rather than lose all your processed data. However, any application
program that uses VSAM as an operating system access method and initially loads
the database cannot be restarted from a checkpoint.

76 Administration Guide: Database Manager

SHSAM, SHISAM, and GSAM Databases

In general, always use DISP=OLD for GSAM data sets when restarting from a
checkpoint even if you used DISP=MOD on the original execution of the job step. If
you use DISP=OLD, the data set is positioned at its beginning. If you use
DISP=MOD, the data set is positioned at its end.

Because GSAM databases are supported in a DCCTL environment, you may use
them when you need to process sequential non-IMS data sets using a BMP

GSAM databases are loaded in the order in which you present records to the load
program. You cannot issue DLET and REPL calls against GSAM databases;
however, you can issue ISRT calls after the database is loaded but only to add
records to the end of the data set. Records are not randomly added to a GSAM
data set.

Although random processing of GSAM and SHSAM databases is possible, random

processing of a GSAM database is done using a GU call qualified with a record
search argument (RSA). This processing is primarily useful for establishing position
in the database before issuing a series of GN calls.

Although SHSAM and SHISAM databases can be processed in any processing

region, GSAM databases can only be processed in a batch or batch message
processing region.

The following IMS options do not apply to GSAM databases:

v Logical relationships
v Secondary indexing
v Segment edit/compression facility
v Field-level sensitivity
v Data Capture exit routines
v Logging or reorganization
v Multiple data set groups

If you have application programs that need access to both IMS and z/OS data sets,
you can use SHSAM, SHISAM, or GSAM. Which one you use depends on what
functions you need. Table 8 compares the characteristics and functions available for
each of the three types of databases.
Table 8. Comparison of SHSAM, SHISAM, and GSAM Databases
Characteristics and Functions SHSAM SHISAM GSAM
Hierarchic structure applicable? NO NO NO
Segment prefix exist? NO NO NO
Variable-length records used? NO NO YES
Checkpoint/restart possible? NO YES YES1
Compatible with non-IMS data sets? YES YES YES
Can VSAM be used as the operating system NO YES YES
access method?
Can BSAM be used as the operating system YES NO YES
access method?
Accessible from a batch region? YES YES YES

Chapter 6. Choosing Full-Function Database Types 77

SHSAM, SHISAM, and GSAM Databases

Table 8. Comparison of SHSAM, SHISAM, and GSAM Databases (continued)

Characteristics and Functions SHSAM SHISAM GSAM
Accessible from a batch message processing YES YES YES
Accessible from a message processing region? YES YES NO
Logging available? NO YES NO
GET calls allowed? YES YES YES
ISRT calls allowed? YES YES YES3
Supported for CICS-DBCTL? YES YES NO
Supported for DCCTL? NO NO YES
1. Using symbolic checkpoints
2. To load database only
3. Allowed only at the end of the data set


Hierarchical direct access method (HDAM) and hierarchical indexed direct access
method (HIDAM) databases, which have many similarities, are referred to as HD
databases. These HD databases can be partitioned using either the HALDB
Partition Definition utility (DSPXPDDU) or DBRC commands and are then described
as High Availability Large Databases (HALDBs). After you partition an HDAM
database, it becomes a partitioned hierarchical direct access method (PHDAM)
database. After you partition a HIDAM database, it becomes a partitioned
hierarchical indexed direct access method (PHIDAM) database. Figure 37 illustrates
a logical view of an HDAM and a PHDAM database.

Figure 37. A Logical View of an HDAM and a PHDAM Database

HD databases differ from sequentially organized databases in two important ways.

First, they use the direct method of storing data, and the hierarchic sequence of
segments in the database is maintained by having segments point to one another.
Except for a few special cases, each segment has one or more direct-address
pointers in its prefix. When direct-address pointers are used, database records and
segments can be stored anywhere in the database. Their position, once stored, is
fixed, and they do not “move around” in the database when subsequent processing
takes place. Instead, pointers are updated to reflect processing changes.

78 Administration Guide: Database Manager


HD databases also differ from sequentially organized ones in that space in HD

databases can be reused. If part or all of a database record is deleted, the deleted
space can be reused when new database records or segments are inserted.

HD databases are stored on direct-access devices in either a VSAM ESDS or an

OSAM data set. The storage organization in HDAM and HIDAM or PHDAM and
PHIDAM is basically the same. Their primary difference is in the way their root
segments are accessed. In HDAM or PHDAM, each root segment’s storage location
is found using a randomizing module. The randomizing module examines the root’s
key to determine the address of a pointer to the root segment. In HIDAM or
PHIDAM, each root segment’s storage location is found by searching an index. For
HIDAM, this index is a database that IMS loads and maintains. The advantage of
the HDAM randomizing module is that the I/O operations required to search an
index are eliminated.

Figure 38 illustrates a logical view of a HIDAM and a PHIDAM database.

Figure 38. A Logical View of a HIDAM and a PHIDAM

Maximum Sizes of HD Databases

| The maximum possible size of HDAM, PHDAM, HIDAM, and PHIDAM databases is
| based on the number of data sets the database can hold and the size of the data
| sets. The maximum possible size of a data set differs depending on whether VSAM
| or OSAM is used and whether the database is partitioned. Table 9 lists the
| maximum data set size, maximum number of data sets, and maximum database
| size for HDAM, PHDAM, HIDAM, and PHIDAM databases.
| Table 9. Maximum Sizes for HDAM, HIDAM, PHDAM, and PHIDAM Databases
| Maximum Data Set Maximum Number of Maximum Database
| Data Set Type Size Data Sets Size
| OSAM HDAM or 8 GB 10 data sets 80 GB
| HIDAM Database
| VSAM HDAM or 4 GB 10 data sets 40 GB
| HIDAM Database
| OSAM PHDAM or 4 GB 10 010 data sets (10 40 040 GB
| PHIDAM Database data sets per
| partition; 1001
| partitions per
| database)

Chapter 6. Choosing Full-Function Database Types 79


| Table 9. Maximum Sizes for HDAM, HIDAM, PHDAM, and PHIDAM Databases (continued)
| Maximum Data Set Maximum Number of Maximum Database
| Data Set Type Size Data Sets Size
| VSAM PHDAM or 4 GB 10 010 data sets (10 40 040 GB
| PHIDAM Database data sets per
| partition; 1001
| partitions per
| database)

| Related Reading: For information on OSAM data sets, see Appendix C, “Using
| OSAM as the Access Method,” on page 507.

DL/I Calls Issuable Against HD Databases

All DL/I calls can be issued against HD databases. In addition, the following options
are available:
v Multiple data set groups
v Logical relationships
v Secondary indexing
v Variable-length segments
v Segment edit/compression facility
v Data Capture exit routines
v Field-level sensitivity
| v Logging, recovery, and offline reorganization
| v Online reorganization for HALDB partitions

Related Reading:
v Except for logging and recovery, each of these options is discussed in detail in
the topics of this chapter. For information on logging and recovery, see IMS
Version 9: Operations Guide.
v For information on the online reorganization of HALDB partitions, see “HALDB
Online Reorganization” on page 364.

When to Use HDAM and PHDAM

HDAM and PHDAM databases are typically used for direct access to database
records. The randomizing module provides fast access to the root segment (and
therefore the database record). HDAM and PHDAM databases also give you fast
access to paths of segments as specified in the DBD in a database record. For
example, in Figure 39 on page 81, if physical child pointers are used, they can be
followed to reach segments B, C, D, or E. A hierarchic search of segments in the
database record is bypassed. Segment B does not need to be accessed to get to
segments C, D, or E. And segment D does not need to be accessed to get to
segment E. Only segment A must be accessed to get to segment B or C. And only
segments A and C must be accessed to get to segments D or E.

80 Administration Guide: Database Manager


Figure 39. Example Database Record

When to Use HIDAM and PHIDAM

HIDAM and PHIDAM databases are typically used when you need both random and
sequential access to database records and random access to paths of segment in a
database record. Access to root segments (and therefore database records) is not
as fast as with HDAM (or PHDAM), because the HIDAM (or PHIDAM) index
database has to be searched for a root segment’s address. However, because the
index keeps the address of root segments stored in key sequence, database
records can be processed sequentially.

What You Need to Know About HD Databases

Before looking in detail at how HD databases are stored and processed, you need
to become familiar with:
The various types of pointers you can specify for a HD database
The general format of the database
The use of special fields in the database

Types of Pointers You Can Specify

The hierarchic sequence of segments in a database record using the sequential
access methods is maintained by keeping segments physically adjacent to each
other in storage. In the HD access methods, segments in a database record are
kept in hierarchic sequence using direct-address pointers. Except for a few special
cases, each prefix in an HD segment contains one or more pointers. Each pointer is
4 bytes long and consists of the relative byte address of the segment to which it
points. Relative, in this case, means relative to the beginning of the data set.

Several different types of direct-address pointers exist, and you will see how each
works in the topics that follow in this section. However, there are three basic types:
v Hierarchic pointers, which point from one segment to the next in either forward or
forward and backward hierarchic sequence

Chapter 6. Choosing Full-Function Database Types 81


v Physical child pointers, which point from a parent to each of its first or first and
last children, for each child segment type
v Physical twin pointers, which point forward or forward and backward from one
segment occurrence of a segment type to the next, under the same parent

When segments in a database record are typically processed in hierarchic

sequence, use hierarchic pointers. When segments in a database record are
typically processed randomly, use a combination of physical child and physical twin
pointers. One thing to keep in mind while reading about pointers is that the different
types, subject to some rules, can be mixed within a database record. However,
because pointers are specified by segment type, all occurrences of the same
segment type have the same type of pointer.

Each type of pointer is examined separately in this topic. The topic “Mixing
Pointers” on page 89, discusses how pointers can be mixed. In the subtopics in this
topic, each type of pointer is illustrated, and the database record on which each
illustration is based is shown in Figure 40.

Figure 40. Example Database Record for Illustrating Pointers

Hierarchic Forward Pointers

With hierarchic forward (HF) pointers, each segment in a database record points to
the segment that follows it in the hierarchy.

Figure 41 on page 83 shows hierarchic forward pointers:

82 Administration Guide: Database Manager


Figure 41. Hierarchic Forward Pointers

When an application program issues a call for a segment, HF pointers are followed
until the specified segment is found. In this sense, the use of HF pointers in an HD
database is similar to using a sequentially organized database. In both, to reach a
dependent segment all segments that hierarchically precede it in the database
record must be examined. HF pointers should be used when segments in a
database record are typically processed in hierarchic sequence and processing
does not require a significant number of delete operations. If there are a lot of
delete operations, hierarchic forward and backward pointers (explained next) might
be a better choice.

Four bytes are needed in each dependent segment’s prefix for the HF pointer. Eight
bytes are needed in the root segment. More bytes are needed in the root segment
because the root points to both the next root segment and first dependent segment
in the database record. HF pointers are specified by coding PTR=H in the SEGM
statement in the DBD.

| Restriction: HALDBs do not support HF pointers.

Hierarchic Forward and Backward Pointers

With hierarchic forward and backward pointers (HF and HB), each segment in a
database record points to both the segment that follows and the one that precedes
it in the hierarchy (except dependent segments do not point back to root segments).
HF and HB pointers must be used together, since you cannot use HB pointers
alone. Figure 42 on page 84 shows how HF and HB pointers work.

Chapter 6. Choosing Full-Function Database Types 83


Figure 42. Hierarchic Forward and Backward Pointers

HF pointers work in the same way as the HF pointers described in “Hierarchic

Forward Pointers” on page 82.

HB pointers point from a segment to one immediately preceding it in the hierarchy.

In most cases, HB pointers are not required for delete processing. IMS saves the
location of the previous segment retrieved on the chain and uses this information
for delete processing. The backward pointers are useful for delete processing if the
previous segment on the chain has not been accessed. This happens when the
segment to be deleted is entered by a logical relationship.

The backward pointers are useful only when all of the following are true:
v Direct pointers from logical relationships or secondary indexes point to the
segment being deleted or one of its dependent segments.
v These pointers are used to access the segment.
v The segment is deleted.

Eight bytes are needed in each dependent segment’s prefix to contain HF and HB
pointers. Twelve bytes are needed in the root segment. More bytes are needed in
the root segment because the root points:
v Forward to a dependent segment
v Forward to the next root segment in the database
v Backward to the preceding root segment in the database

HF and HB pointers are specified by coding PTR=HB in the SEGM statement in the

| Restriction: HALDBs do not support HF and HB pointers.

Physical Child First Pointers

With physical child first (PCF) pointers, each parent segment in a database record
points to the first occurrence of each of its immediately dependent child segment
types. Figure 43 shows PCF pointers:

84 Administration Guide: Database Manager


Figure 43. Physical Child First Pointers

With PCF pointers, the hierarchy is only partly connected. No pointers exist to
connect occurrences of the same segment type under a parent. Physical twin
pointers (explained in “Types of Pointers You Can Specify” on page 81) can be
used to form this connection. Use PCF pointers when segments in a database
record are typically processed randomly and either sequence fields are defined for
the segment type, or if not defined, the insert rule is FIRST or HERE. If sequence
fields are not defined and new segments are inserted at the end of existing
segment occurrences, the combination of PCF and physical child last (PCL)
pointers (explained next) can be a better choice.

Related Reading:
v For more information on insert rules, see IMS Version 9: Application
Programming: Database Manager.
v For information on specifying insert rules using the RULES= parameter of the
SEGM segment definition statement, see IMS Version 9: Utilities Reference:

Four bytes are needed in each parent segment for each PCF pointer. PCF pointers
are specified by coding PARENT=((name,SNGL)) in the SEGM statement in the
DBD. This is the SEGM statement for the child being pointed to, not the SEGM
statement for the parent. Note, however, that the pointer is stored in the parent

Physical Child First and Last Pointers

With physical child first and last pointers (PCF and PCL), each parent segment in a
database record points to both the first and last occurrence of its immediately
dependent child segment types. PCF and PCL pointers must be used together,
since you cannot use PCL pointers alone. Figure 44 shows PCF and PCL pointers:

Chapter 6. Choosing Full-Function Database Types 85


Figure 44. Physical Child First and Last Pointers

Note that if only one physical child of a particular parent segment exists, the PCF
and PCL pointers both point to the same segment. As with PCF pointers, PCF and
PCL pointers leave the hierarchy only partly connected, and no pointers exist to
connect occurrences of the same segment type under a parent. Physical twin
pointers (explained in “Types of Pointers You Can Specify” on page 81) can be
used to form this connection.

PCF and PCL pointers (as opposed to just PCF pointers) are typically used when:
v No sequence field is defined for the segment type.
v New segment occurrences of a segment type are inserted at the end of all
existing segment occurrences.

On insert operations, if the ISRT rule of LAST has been specified, segments are
inserted at the end of all existing segment occurrences for that segment type. When
PCL pointers are used, fast access to the place where the segment will be inserted
is possible. This is because there is no need to search forward through all segment
occurrences stored before the last occurrence. PCL pointers also give application
programs fast retrieval of the last segment in a chain of segment occurrences.
Application programs can issue calls to retrieve the last segment by using an
unqualified SSA with the command code L. When a PCL pointer is followed to get
the last segment occurrence, any further movement in the database is forward.

A PCL pointer does not enable you to search from the last to the first occurrence of
a series of dependent child segment occurrences.

Four bytes are needed in each parent segment for each PCF and PCL pointer. PCF
and PCL pointers are specified by coding the PARENT= operand in the SEGM
statement in the DBD as PARENT=((name,DBLE)). This is the SEGM statement for
the child being pointed to, not the SEGM statement for the parent. Note, however,
that the pointers are stored in the parent segment.

A parent segment can have SNGL specified on one immediately dependent child
segment type and DBLE specified on another.

Figure 45 on page 87 shows the result of specifying PCF and PCL pointers in the
following DBD.

86 Administration Guide: Database Manager


SEGM B PARENT=((name.SNGL)) (specifies PCF pointer only)
SEGM C PARENT=((name.DBLE)) (specified PCF and PCL pointers)

Figure 45. Specifying PCF and PCL Pointers

Physical Twin Forward Pointers

With physical twin forward (PTF) pointers, each segment occurrence of a given
segment type under the same parent points forward to the next segment
occurrence. Figure 46 on page 88 illustrates this.

| Note that, except in PHIDAM databases, PTF pointers can be specified for root
| segments. When this is done in an HDAM or PHDAM database, the root segment
| points to the next root in the database chained off the same root anchor points
| (RAP). If no more root segments are chained from this RAP, the PTF pointer is
| zero.

Related Reading: For more information on RAPs, see “General Format of HD

Databases and Use of Special Fields” on page 91.

| When PTF pointers are specified for root segments in a HIDAM database, the root
| segment does not point to the next root in the database. For an explanation of
| where the root segment points, see “Use of RAPs in a HIDAM Database” on page
| 98.

| If you specify PTF pointers on a root segment in a HIDAM database, the HIDAM
| index must be used for all sequential processing of root segments. Using only PTF
| pointers increases access time. You can eliminate this overhead by specifying PTF
| and physical twin backward (PTB) pointers (discussed in “Physical Twin Forward
| and Backward Pointers” on page 88).

| You cannot use PTF pointers for root segments in a PHIDAM database. PHIDAM
| databases only support PTF pointers for dependent segments.

With PTF pointers, the hierarchy is only partly connected. No pointers exist to
connect parent and child segments. Physical child pointers can be used to form this
connection. PTF pointers should be used when segments in a database record are
typically processed randomly, and you do not need sequential processing of
database records.

Four bytes are needed for the PTF pointer in each segment occurrence of a given
segment type. PTF pointers are specified by coding PTR=T in the SEGM statement
in the DBD. This is the SEGM statement for the segment containing the pointer.
The combination of PCF and PTF pointers is used as the default when pointers are
not specified in the DBD. Figure 46 show PTF pointers:

Chapter 6. Choosing Full-Function Database Types 87


Figure 46. Physical Twin Forward Pointers

Physical Twin Forward and Backward Pointers

With physical twin forward and backward (PTF and PTB) pointers, each segment
occurrence of a given segment type under the same parent points both forward to
the next segment occurrence and backward to the previous segment occurrence.
PTF and PTB pointers must be used together, since you cannot use PTB pointers
alone. Figure 47 illustrates how PTF and PTB pointers work.

Figure 47. Physical Twin Forward and Backward Pointers

Note that PTF and PTB pointers can be specified for root segments. When this is
done, the root segment points to both the next and the previous root segment in the
database. As with PTF pointers, PTF and PTB pointers leave the hierarchy only
partly connected. No pointers exist to connect parent and child segments. Physical
child pointers (explained previously) can be used to form this connection.

88 Administration Guide: Database Manager


PTF and PTB pointers (as opposed to just PTF pointers) should be used on the
root segment of a HIDAM or a PHIDAM database when you need fast sequential
processing of database records. By using PTB pointers in root segments, an
application program can sequentially process database records without IMS’ having
to refer to the HIDAM or PHIDAM index. For HIDAM databases, PTB pointers
improve performance when deleting a segment in a twin chain accessed by a
virtually paired logical relationship. Such twin-chain access occurs when a delete
from the logical access path causes DASD space to be released.

Eight bytes are needed for the PTF and PTB pointers in each segment occurrence
of a given segment type. PTF and PTB pointers are specified by coding PTR=TB in
the SEGM statement in the DBD.

Mixing Pointers
Because pointers are specified by segment type, the various types of pointers can
be mixed within a database record. However, only hierarchic or physical, but not
both, can be specified for a given segment type. The types of pointers that can be
specified for a segment type are:
HF Hierarchic forward
HF and HB Hierarchic forward and backward
PCF Physical child first
PCF and PCL Physical child first and last
PTF Physical twin forward
PTF and PTB Physical twin forward and backward

Figure 48 on page 90 shows a database record in which pointers have been mixed.
Note that, in some cases, for example, dependent segment B, many pointers exist
even though only one type of pointer is or can be specified. Also note that if a
segment is the last segment in a chain, its last pointer field is set to zero (the case
for segment E1, for instance). One exception is noted in the rules for mixing
pointers. Figure 48 has a legend that explains what specification in the PTR= or
PARENT= operand causes a particular pointer to be generated.

The rules for mixing pointers are:

v If PTR=H is specified for a segment, no PCF pointers can exist from that
segment to its children. For a segment to have PCF pointers to its children, you
must specify PTR=T or TB for the segment.
v If PTR=H or PTR=HB is specified for the root segment, the first child will
determine if an H or HB pointer is used. All other children must be of the same
v If PTR=H is specified for a segment other than the root, PTR=TB and PTR=HB
cannot be specified for any of its children. If PTR=HB is specified for a segment
other than the root, PTR=T and PTR=H cannot be specified for any of its
That is, the child of a segment that uses hierarchic pointers must contain the
same number of pointers (twin or hierarchic) as the parent segment.
v If PTR=T or TB is specified for a segment whose immediate parent used PTR=H
or PTR=HB, the last segment in the chain of twins does not contain a zero.
Instead, it points to the first occurrence of the segment type to its right on the
same level in the hierarchy of the database record. This is true even if no twin
chain yet exists, just a single segment for which PTR=T or TB is specified
(dependent segment B and E2 in the figure illustrate this rule).

Chapter 6. Choosing Full-Function Database Types 89


v If PTR=H or HB is specified for a segment whose immediate parent used PTR=T

or TB, the last segment in the chain of twins contains a zero (dependent
segment C2 in the figure illustrates this rule).

Figure 48 shows an example of mixing pointers in a database record.

Figure 48. Mixing Pointers

| Notes for Figure:

| 1. These pointers are generated when you specify PTR=H on the root segment.
| 2. If you specify PTR=H, usage is hierarchical (H); otherwise usage is twin (T).
| 3. These pointers are generated when you specify PTR=T on segment type C and
| PARENT=SNGL on segment type D
| 4. These pointers are generated when you specify PTR=T on segment type C and
| PARENT=DBLE on segment type E
| 5. These pointers are generated when you specify PTR=T on this segment type

Sequence of Pointers in a Segment’s Prefix

When a segment contains more than one type of pointer, pointers are put in the
segment’s prefix in the following sequence:
1. HF
2. HB

90 Administration Guide: Database Manager


1. PF
2. PTB
3. PCF
4. PCL

General Format of HD Databases and Use of Special Fields

The way in which an HD database is organized is not particularly complex, but
some of the special fields in the database used for things like managing space
make HD databases seem quite different from sequentially organized databases.
This topic looks at the general layout of the database special fields.

The databases referred to here are the HDAM or PHDAM and the HIDAM or
PHIDAM databases. HIDAM and PHIDAM each have an additional database, the
primary index database; for HIDAM, you allocate it; for PHIDAM, IMS allocates it;
for both, IMS maintains the index. This topic examines the index database when
dealing with the storage of HIDAM records. Figure 49 shows the general format of
an HD database and some of the special fields used in it.

Figure 49. Format of an HD Database and Special Fields in It

HD databases use a single data set, that is either a VSAM ESDS or an OSAM data
set. The data set contains one or more CIs (VSAM ESDS) or blocks (OSAM).
Database records in the data set are in unblocked format. Logical record length is
the same as the block size when OSAM is used. When VSAM is used, logical
record length is slightly less than CI size. (VSAM requires some extra control
information in the CI.) You can either specify logical record length yourself or have it
done by the Database Description Generation (DBDGEN) utility. The utility
generates logical record lengths equal to a quarter, third, half, or full track block.

All segments in HD Databases begin on a halfword boundary. If a segment’s total

length is an odd number, the space used in an HD database will be one byte longer
than the segment. The extra byte is called a “slack byte”.

Chapter 6. Choosing Full-Function Database Types 91


Note that the database in Figure 49 contains areas of free space. This free space
could be the result of delete or replace operations done on segments in the data
set. Remember, space can be reused in HD databases. Or it could be free space
you set aside when loading the database. HD databases allow you to set aside free
space by specifying that periodic blocks or CIs be left free or by specifying that a
percentage of space in each block or CI be left free.

Examine the four fields illustrated in Figure 49. Three of the fields are used to
manage space in the database. The remaining one, the anchor point area, contains
the addresses of root segments. The fields are:
v Bit map. Bit maps contain a string of bits. Each bit describes whether enough
space is available in a particular CI or block to hold an occurrence of the longest
segment defined in the data set group. The first bit says whether the CI or block
that the bit map is in has free space. Each consecutive bit says whether the next
consecutive CI or block has free space. When the bit value is one, it means the
CI or block has enough space to store an occurrence of the longest segment
type you have defined in the data set group. When the bit value is zero, not
enough space is available.
The first bit map in an OSAM data set is in the first block of the first extent of the
data set. In VSAM data sets, the second CI is used for the bit map and the first
CI is reserved. The first bit map in a data set contains n bits that describe space
availability in the next n-1 consecutive CIs or blocks in the data set. After the first
bit map, another bit map is stored at every nth CI or block to describe whether
space is available in the next group of CIs or blocks in the data set.
| For a HALDB partition, the first bit map block stores the partition ID (2 bytes) and
| the reorganization number (2 bytes). These are stored before the FSEAP at the
| beginning of the block.
An example bit map is shown in Figure 50.

Figure 50. Bit Map for HD Databases

v Free space element anchor point (FSEAP). FSEAPs are made up of two 2-byte
fields. The first contains the offset, in bytes, to the first free space element (FSE)
in the CI or block. FSEs describe areas of free space in a block or CI. The
second field identifies whether this block or CI contains a bit map. If the block or
CI does not contain a bit map, the field is zeros. One FSEAP exists at the
beginning of every CI or block in the data set. IMS automatically generates and
maintains FSEAPs.
An FSEAP is shown in Figure 51 on page 93.

92 Administration Guide: Database Manager


Figure 51. An FSEAP

The FSEAP in the first bit map block in an OSAM data set has a special use. It
is used to contain the DBRC usage indicator for the database. The DBRC usage
indicator is used at database open time for update processing to verify usage of
the correct DBRC RECON data set.
v Free space element (FSE). An FSE describes each area of free space in a CI or
block that is 8 or more bytes in length. IMS automatically generates and
maintains FSEs. FSEs occupy the first 8 bytes of the area that is free space.
FSEs consist of three fields:
– Free space chain pointer (CP) field. This field contains, in bytes, the offset
from the beginning of this CI or block to the next FSE in the CI or block. This
field is 2 bytes long. The CP field is set to zero if this is the last FSE in the
block or CI.
– Available length (AL) field. This field contains, in bytes, the length of the free
space identified by this FSE. The value in this field includes the length of the
FSE itself. The AL field is 2 bytes long.
– Task ID (ID) field. This field contains the task ID of the program that freed the
space identified by the FSE. The task ID allows a given program to free and
reuse the same space during a given scheduling without contending for that
space with other programs. The ID field is 4 bytes long.
An FSE is shown in Figure 52.

Figure 52. An FSE

v Anchor point area. The anchor point area is made up of one or more 4-byte root
anchor points (RAPs). Each RAP contains the address of a root segment. For
HDAM, you specify the number of RAPs you need on the RMNAME parameter in
the DBD statement. For PHDAM, you specify the number of RAPs you need on
the RMNAME parameter in the DBD statement, or by using the HALDB Partition
Definition utility, or on the DBRC INIT.PART command. For HIDAM (but not
PHIDAM), you specify whether RAPs exist by specifying PTR=T or PTR=H for a
root segment type. Only one RAP per block or CI is generated. How RAPs are
used in HDAM, PHDAM, and HIDAM differs. Therefore RAPs will be examined
further in the following topics:

Chapter 6. Choosing Full-Function Database Types 93


– “How HDAM and PHDAM Records Are Stored”

– “How HIDAM and PHIDAM Records Are Stored” on page 96
An anchor point area in an HDAM or PHDAM database is shown in Figure 53.

Figure 53. An HDAM or PHDAM Anchor Point Area

How HDAM and PHDAM Records Are Stored

HDAM or PHDAM databases consist of two parts: a root addressable area and an
overflow area. The root addressable area contains root segments and is the primary
storage area for dependent segments in a database record. The overflow area is for
the storage of segments that do not fit in the root addressable area. You specify the
size of the root addressable area in the relative block number (RBN) operand of the
RMNAME parameter in the DBD statement. For PHDAM, you can also use the
HALDB Partition Definition utility to specify the size of the root addressable area.
You also specify the maximum number of bytes of a database record to be stored in
the root addressable area by using the BYTES operand of the RMNAME parameter
in the DBD statement. For PHDAM databases, you can use the HALDB Partition
Definition utility to specify the maximum number of bytes in the root addressable

Figure 54 shows sample Skills database records. Figure 55 on page 95 shows how
these records are stored in a HDAM or HIDAM database.

Figure 54. Two Example HD Database Records

94 Administration Guide: Database Manager


Figure 55. HDAM or PHDAM Database Records in Storage

When the database is initially loaded, the root and each dependent segment are put
in the root addressable area until the next segment to be stored will cause the total
space used to exceed the amount of space you specified in the BYTES operand. At
this point, all remaining dependent segments in the database record are stored in
the overflow area.

In an HDAM or a PHDAM database, the order in which you load database records
does not matter. The user randomizing module determines where each root is
stored. However, as with all types of databases, when the database is loaded, all
dependents of a root must be loaded in hierarchic sequence following the root.

To store an HDAM or a PHDAM database record, the randomizing module takes

the root’s key and, by hashing or some other arithmetic technique, computes an
RBN or CI number and a RAP number within the block or CI. The module gives
these numbers to IMS, and IMS determines where in the root addressable area to
store the root. The RBN or CI tells IMS in which CI or block (relative to the
beginning of the data set) the RAP will be stored. The RAP number tells which RAP
in the CI or block will contain the address of the root. During load, IMS stores the
root and as many of its dependent segments that will fit (based on the bytes
operand) in the root addressable area.

When the database is initially loaded, it puts the root and segments in the first
available space in the specified CI or block, if this is possible. IMS then puts the
4-byte address of the root in the RAP of the CI or block designated by the
randomizing module. RAPs only exist in the root addressable area. If space is not

Chapter 6. Choosing Full-Function Database Types 95


available in the root addressable area for a root, it is put in the overflow area. The
root, however, is chained from a RAP in the root addressable area.

When Not Enough Root Storage Room Exists

If the CI or block specified by the randomizing module does not contain enough
room to store the root, IMS uses the HD space search algorithm to find space. This
algorithm is explained in “How the HD Space Search Algorithm Works” on page
103. When insufficient space exists in the specified CI or block to store the root, the
algorithm finds the closest available space to the specified CI or block. When space
is found, the address of the root is still stored in the specified RAP in the original
block or CI generated by the randomizing module.

If the randomizing module generates the same relative block and RAP number for
more than one root, the RAP points to a single root and all additional roots with the
same relative block and RAP number are chained to each other using physical twin
pointers. Roots are always chained in ascending key sequence. If non-unique keys
exist, the ISRT rules of FIRST, LAST, and HERE determine the sequence in which
roots are chained (These ISRT rules are explained in IMS Version 9: Application
Programming: Database Manager). All roots chained like this from a single anchor
point area are called synonyms.

Figure 55 on page 95 shows two HDAM or PHDAM database records and how they
appear in storage after initial load. In this example, enough space exists in the
specified block or CI to store the roots, and the unique relative block and RAP
numbers for each root generated by the randomizing module. The bytes parameter
specifies enough space for five segments of the database record to fit in the root
addressable area. All remaining segments are put in the overflow area. When
HDAM or PHDAM database records are initially loaded, dependent segments that
cannot fit in the root addressable area are simply put in the first available space in
the overflow area.

Note how segments in the database record are chained together. In this case,
hierarchic pointers are used instead of the combination of physical child/physical
twin pointers. Each segment points to the next segment in hierarchic sequence.
Also note that two RAPs were specified per CI or block and each of the roots
loaded is pointed to by a RAP. For simplicity, Figure 55 on page 95 does not show
the various space management fields.

An HDAM or PHDAM segment in storage (see Figure 55 on page 95) consists of a

prefix followed by user data. The first byte of the prefix is the segment code, which
identifies the segment type to IMS. This number can be from 1 to 255. The segment
code is assigned to the segment type by IMS in ascending sequence, starting with
the root segment and continuing through all dependents in hierarchic sequence.
The second byte of the prefix is the delete byte. The third field in the prefix contains
the one or more addresses of segments to which this segment is pointing. In this
example, hierarchic forward pointers are used. Therefore, the EXPR4 segment
contains only one address, the address of the NAME3 segment.

How HIDAM and PHIDAM Records Are Stored

A HIDAM database is actually composed of two databases. One database contains
the database records and the other database contains the HIDAM index. HIDAM
uses the index to get to a specific root segment rather than the root anchor points
that HDAM and PHDAM use.

96 Administration Guide: Database Manager


Loading a HIDAM or PHIDAM Database

Root segments in a HIDAM or PHIDAM database must have a unique key field,
because an index entry exists for each root segment based on the root’s key. When
initially loading a HIDAM or a PHIDAM database, you should present all root
segments to the load program in ascending key sequence, with all dependents of a
root following in hierarchic sequence. Figure 56 shows how the two Skills database
records shown in Figure 54 on page 94 appear in storage after initial load. Note that
HIDAM or PHIDAM, unlike HDAM or PHDAM, have no root addressable or overflow
area, just a series of blocks or CIs. When database records are initially loaded, they
are simply loaded one after another in the order in which they are presented to the
load program. The space in Figure 56 at the end of each block or CI is free space
specified when the database was loaded. In this example, 30% free space per
block or CI was specified.

Figure 56. HIDAM or PHIDAM Database Records in Storage

Note how segments in a database record are chained together. In this case,
hierarchic pointers were used instead of the combination of physical child/physical
twin pointers. Each segment points to the next segment in hierarchic sequence. No
RAPs exist in Figure 56. Although HIDAM databases can have RAPs, you probably
do not need to use them. The reason for not using RAPs is explained in “Use of
RAPs in a HIDAM Database” on page 98.

In storage, a HIDAM or PHIDAM segment (see Figure 56) consists of a prefix

followed by user data. The first byte of the prefix is the segment code, which
identifies the segment type to IMS. This number can be from 1 to 255. The segment
code is assigned to the segment by IMS in ascending sequence, starting with the
root segment and continuing through all dependents in hierarchic sequence. The
second byte of the prefix is the delete byte. The third field in the prefix contains the

Chapter 6. Choosing Full-Function Database Types 97


one or more addresses of segments to which this segment is pointing. In this

example, hierarchic forward pointers are used. The EDUC6 segment contains only
one address, the address of the root segment of the next database record (not
shown here) in the database.

Creating an Index Segment

As each root is stored in a HIDAM or PHIDAM database, IMS creates an index
segment for the root and stores it in the index database or data set. The index
database consists of a VSAM KSDS. The KSDS contains an index segment for
each root in the database or HALDB partition. When initially loading a HIDAM or
PHIDAM database, IMS will insert a root segment with a key of all X'FF's as the
last root in the database or partition.

The format of an index segment is shown in Figure 57.

Figure 57. Format of an Index Segment

The prefix portion of the index segment contains the delete byte and the root’s
address. The data portion of the index segment contains the key field of the root
being indexed. This key field identifies which root segment the index segment is for
and remains the reason why root segments in a HIDAM or PHIDAM database must
have unique sequence fields. Each index segment is a separate logical record.
Figure 58 shows the index database that IMS would generate when the two
database records in Figure 56 on page 97 were loaded.

Figure 58. HIDAM or PHIDAM Index Databases

| Use of RAPs in a HIDAM Database

| RAPs are used differently in HIDAM databases than they are in HDAM or PHDAM
| databases. In HDAM or PHDAM, RAPs exist to point to root segments. When the
| randomizing module generates roots with the same relative block and RAP number
| (synonyms), the RAP points to one root and synonyms are chained together off that
| root.

98 Administration Guide: Database Manager


| In HIDAM databases, RAPs are generated only if you specify PTR=T or PTR=H for
| a root segment. When either of these is specified, one RAP is put at the beginning
| of each CI or block, and root segments within the CI or block are chained from the
| RAP in reverse order based on the time they were inserted. By this method, the
| RAP points to the last root inserted into the block or CI, and the hierarchic or twin
| forward pointer in the first root inserted into the block or CI is set to zero. The
| hierarchic or twin forward pointer in each of the other root segments in the block
| points to the previous root inserted in the block. Figure 59 shows what happens if
| you specify PTR=T or PTR=H for root segments in a HIDAM database.

| Figure 59 uses the following abbreviations:

| FSE Free space element
| RAP Root anchor point
| SC Segment code
| DB Delete byte
| TF Twin forward
| H Hierarchic forward

Figure 59. Specifying PTR=T or PTR=H for Root Segments in a HIDAM Database

| Note that if you specify PTR=H for a PHIDAM root, you get an additional hierarchic
| pointer to the first dependent in the hierarchy. In Figure 59, a “1” indicates where
| this additional hierarchic pointer would appear.

| The implication of using PTR=T or PTR=H is that the pointer from one root to the
| next cannot be used to process roots sequentially. Instead, the HIDAM index must
| be used for all sequential root processing, and this increases access time. Specify
| PTR=TB or PTR=HB for root segments in a HIDAM database. Then no RAP is
| generated, and GN calls against root segments proceed along the normal physical
| twin forward chain. If no pointers are specified for HIDAM root segments, the
| default is PTR=T.

Accessing Segments
The way in which a segment in an HD database is accessed depends on whether
the DL/I call for the segment is qualified or unqualified.

Qualified Calls
When a call is issued for a root segment and the call is qualified on the root
segment’s key, the way in which the database record containing the segment is
found depends on whether the database is HDAM, PHDAM, HIDAM, or PHIDAM. In
an HDAM or a PHDAM database, the randomizing module generates the root

Chapter 6. Choosing Full-Function Database Types 99


segment’s (and therefore the database record’s) location. In a HIDAM or a PHIDAM

database, the HIDAM or PHIDAM index is searched until the index segment
containing the root’s key is found.

Once the root segment is found, if the qualified call is for a dependent segment,
IMS searches for the dependent by following the pointers in each dependent
segment’s prefix. The exact way in which the search proceeds depends on the type
of pointers you are using. Figure 60 shows how a dependent segment is found
when PCF and PTF pointers are used.

Figure 60. How Dependent Segments Are Found Using PCF and PTF Pointers

Unqualified Calls
When an unqualified call is issued for a segment, the way in which the search
proceeds depends on:
v Whether the database is HDAM, PHDAM, HIDAM, or PHIDAM
v Whether a root or dependent segment is being accessed
v Where position in the database is currently established
v What type of pointers are being used
v Where parentage is set (if the call is a GNP)
Because of the many variables, it is not practical to generalize on how a segment is

Inserting Root Segments

The way in which a root segment is inserted into an HD database depends on
whether the database is HDAM, PHDAM, HIDAM, or PHIDAM. For PHDAM or
PHIDAM databases, partition selection is first performed based on the key of the
root segment.

Inserting Root Segments into an HDAM or PHDAM Database

After initial load, root segments are inserted into an HDAM or PHDAM database in
exactly the same way they are inserted during initial load. This process is explained
in “How HDAM and PHDAM Records Are Stored” on page 94.

Inserting Root Segments Into a HIDAM or PHIDAM Database

After initial load, root segments are inserted into a HIDAM or PHIDAM database as
follows (see Figure 61 on page 101):
1. The HIDAM or PHIDAM index is searched for an index segment with a root key
greater than the key of the root to be inserted.
2. The new index segment is inserted in ascending root sequence.

100 Administration Guide: Database Manager


3. Once the index segment is created, the root segment is stored in the database
at the location specified by the HD space search algorithm. How this algorithm
works is described in “How the HD Space Search Algorithm Works” on page

Figure 61. Inserting a Root Segment into a HIDAM or PHIDAM Database

Updating the Space Management Fields When a Root Segment Is

When a root segment is inserted into an HD database, the space management
fields need to be updated. Figure 62 on page 102 illustrates this process. The figure
makes several assumptions so real values could be put in the space management
fields. These assumptions are:
v The database is HDAM or PHDAM (and therefore has a root addressable area).
v VSAM is the access method; therefore there are CIs (not blocks) in the
database. Because VSAM is used, each logical record has 7 bytes of control
v Logical records are 512 bytes long.
v One RAP exists in each CI.
v The root segment to be inserted (SKILL1) is 32 bytes long.

The “before” picture shows the CI containing the bit map (in VSAM, the bit map is
always in the second CI in the database). The second bit in the bit map is set to 1,
which says there is free space in the next CI. In the next CI (CI #3):
v The FSEAP says there is an FSE (which describes an area of free space) 8
bytes from the beginning of this CI.
v The anchor point area (which has one RAP in this case) contains zeros because
no root segments are currently stored in this CI.
v The FSE AL field says there is 497 bytes of free space available starting at the
beginning of this FSE.

The SKILL1 root segment to be inserted is only 32 bytes long; therefore CI #3 has
plenty of space to store SKILL1.

The “after” picture shows how the space management fields in CI #3 are updated
when SKILL1 is inserted.
v The FSEAP now says there is an FSE 40 bytes from the beginning of this CI.
v The RAP points to SKILL1. The pointer value in the RAP is derived using the
following formula:
Pointer value = (CI size)*(CI number - 1) + Offset with the CI root segment
Chapter 6. Choosing Full-Function Database Types 101

In this case, the pointer value is 1032 (pointer value = 512 x 2 + 8).
v The FSE has been “moved” to the beginning of the remaining area of free space.
The FSE AL field says there is 465 bytes (497 - 32) of free space available,
starting at the beginning of this FSE.

Figure 62. Updating the Space Management Fields in an HDAM or PHDAM Database

Inserting Dependent Segments

After initial load, dependent segments are inserted into HD databases using the HD
space search algorithm. How this algorithm works is described in “How the HD
Space Search Algorithm Works” on page 103.

102 Administration Guide: Database Manager


As with the insertion of root segments into an HD database, the various space
management fields in the database need to be updated (This process was
explained and illustrated in “Updating the Space Management Fields When a Root
Segment Is Inserted” on page 101).

Deleting Segments
When a segment is deleted in an HD database, it is physically removed from the
database. The space it occupied can be reused when new segments are inserted.
As with the insertion of segments into an HD database, the various space
management fields need to be updated (This process was explained and illustrated
in “Updating the Space Management Fields When a Root Segment Is Inserted” on
page 101).
v The bit map needs to be updated if the block or CI from which the segment is
deleted now contains enough space for a segment to be inserted. (Remember,
the bit map says whether enough space exists in the block or CI to hold a
segment of the longest type defined. Thus, if the deleted segment did not free up
enough space for the longest segment type defined, the bit map is not changed.)
v The FSEAP needs to be updated to show where the first FSE in the block or CI
is now located.
v When a segment is deleted, a new FSE might be created or the AL field value in
the FSE that immediately precedes the deleted segment might need to be
v If the deleted segment is a root segment in an HDAM or a PHDAM database, the
value in its PTF pointer is put in the RAP or in the PTF pointer that pointed to it.
This maintains the chain off the RAP and removes the deleted segment from the

If a deleted segment is next to an already available area of space, the two areas
are combined into one unless they are created by an online task that has not yet
reached a sync point.

Replacing Segments
Replacing segments in HD databases is straightforward as long as fixed-length
segments are used. The segment data, once changed, is simply returned to its
original location in storage. The key field in a segment cannot be replaced.

Provided sufficient adjacent space is available, the segment data is returned to its
original location when a variable-length segment is replaced with a longer segment.
If adjacent space is unavailable, space is obtained from the overflow area for the
lengthened data portion of the segment. This segment is referred to as a “separated
data segment.” It has a 2-byte prefix consisting of a 1-byte segment code and a
1-byte delete flag, followed by the segment data. The delete byte of the separated
data segment is set to X'FF', indicating that this is a separated data segment. A
pointer is built immediately following the original segment to point to the separated
data. Bit 4 of the delete byte of the original segment is set ON to indicate that the
data for this segment is separated. The unused remaining space in the original
segment is available for reuse.

How the HD Space Search Algorithm Works

The general rule for inserting a segment into an HD database is to store the
segment (whether root or dependent) in the most desirable block or CI.

Chapter 6. Choosing Full-Function Database Types 103


Root Segment
The most desirable block depends on the access method. For HDAM or PHDAM
roots, the most desirable block is the one containing either the RAP or root
segment that will point to the root being inserted. For HIDAM or PHIDAM roots, if
the root does not have a twin backward pointer, the most desirable block is the one
containing the root with the next higher key. If the root has a twin backward pointer,
the most desirable block is the root with the next lower key.

Dependent Segment
The most desirable block is the one containing the segment that points to the
inserted segment. If both physical child and physical twin pointers are used, the
most desirable block is the one containing either the parent or the
immediately-preceding twin. If hierarchic pointers are used, the most desirable block
is the one containing the immediately-preceding segment in the hierarchy.

Second-Most Desirable Block

When it is not possible to store one or more segments in the most desirable block
(space is not available), the HD space search algorithm searches for the
second-most desirable block or CI. (This search is done only if the block is in the
buffer pool or contains free space according to the bit map). The second-most
desirable block or CI is a block or CI that was left free when the database was
loaded or reorganized. Every nth block or CI can be left free by specifying the
FRSPC= keyword in the DATASET macro of the DBDGEN utility. If you do not
specify in the FRSPC= keyword that every nth block or CI be left free, the HD
space search algorithm will not search for the second-most desirable block or CI.

Related Reading: For more information on the FRSPC= and SEARCHA=

keywords, see IMS Version 9: Utilities Reference: System.

All search ranges defined in the HD space search algorithm, excluding steps 9
through 11, are limited to the physical extent that includes the most desirable block.
When the most desirable block is in the overflow area, the search ranges, excluding
steps 9 through 11, are restricted to the overflow area.

The steps in the HD space search algorithm follow. They are arranged in the
sequence in which they are performed. The first time any one of the steps in the list
results in available space, the search is ended and the segment is stored.

Look for space:

1. In the most desirable block (this block or CI is in the buffer pool).
2. In the second-most desirable block or CI.
3. In any block or CI in the buffer pool on the same cylinder.
4. In any block or CI on the same track, as determined by consulting the bit map.
(The bit map says whether space is available for the longest segment type
5. In any block or CI on the same cylinder, as determined by consulting the bit
6. In any block or CI in the buffer pool within plus or minus n cylinders. Specify n
in the SCAN= keyword in the DATASET statement in the DBD.
7. In any block or CI plus or minus n cylinders, as determined by consulting the
bit map.
8. In any block or CI in the buffer pool at the end of the data set.

104 Administration Guide: Database Manager


9. In any block or CI at the end of the data set, as determined by consulting the
bit map. The data sets will be extended as far as possible before going to the
next step.
10. In any block or CI in the data set where space exists, as determined by
consulting the bit map. (This step is not used when a HIDAM or PHIDAM
database is loaded.)

Some of the above steps are skipped in load mode processing.

If the dependent segment being inserted is at the highest level in a secondary data
set group, the place and the way in which space is found differ:
v First, if the segment has no twins, steps 1 through 8 in the HD space search
algorithm are skipped.
v Second, if the segment has a twin that precedes it in the twin chain, the most
desirable block is the one containing that twin.
v Third, if the segment has only twins that follow it in the twin chain, the most
desirable block is the one containing the twin to which the new segment is

Locking Protocols
IMS uses locks to isolate the database changes made by concurrently executing
programs. Locking is accomplished by using either the Program Isolation (PI) lock
manager or the IRLM. The PI lock manager provides only four locking levels and
the IRLM supports eleven lock states.

The IRLM also provides support for “feedback only” and “test” locking required, and
it supplies feedback on lock requests compatible with feedback supplied by the PI
lock manager.

Locking to Provide Program Isolation

For all database organizations, the basic item locked is the database record. The
database record is locked when position is first obtained in it. The item locked is the
root segment, or for HDAM or PHDAM, the anchor point. Therefore, for HDAM or
PHDAM, all database records chained from the anchor are locked. The processing
option of the PCB determines whether or not two programs can concurrently access
the same database record. If the processing option permits updates, then no other
program can concurrently access the database record. The database record is
locked until position is changed to a different database record or until the program
reaches a commit point.

When a program updates a segment with an INSERT, DELETE, or REPLACE call,

the segment, not the database record, is locked. On an INSERT or DELETE call, at
least one other segment is altered and locked.

Because data is always accessed hierarchically, when a lock on a root (or anchor)
is obtained, IMS determines if any programs hold locks on dependent segments. If
no program holds locks on dependent segments, it is not necessary to lock
dependent segments when they are accessed.

The following locking protocol allows IMS to make this determination. If a root
segment is updated, the root lock is held at update level until commit. If a
dependent segment is updated, it is locked at update level. When exiting the
database record, the root segment is demoted to read level. When a program
enters the database record and obtains the lock at either read or update level, the
lock manager provides feedback indicating whether or not another program has the
Chapter 6. Choosing Full-Function Database Types 105

lock at read level. This determines if dependent segments will be locked when they
are accessed. For HISAM, the primary logical record is treated as the root, and the
overflow logical records are treated as dependent segments.

Related Reading: For a special case involving the HISAM delete byte with
parameter ERASE=YES, see “Deleting Segments” on page 72.

These lock protocols apply when the PI lock manager is used; however, if the IRLM
is used, no lock is obtained when a dependent segment is updated. Instead, the
root lock is held at single update level when exiting the database record. Therefore,
no additional locks are required if a dependent segment is inserted, deleted, or

Locking for Q Command Codes

When a Q command code is issued for a root or dependent segment, a Q
command code lock at share level is obtained for the segment. This lock is not
released until a DEQ call with the same class is issued, or until commit time.

If a root segment is returned in hold status, the root lock obtained when entering
the database record prevents another user with update capability from entering the
database record. If a dependent segment is returned in hold status, a Q command
code test lock is required. An indicator is turned on whenever a Q command code
lock is issued for a database. This indicator is reset whenever the only application
scheduled against the database ends. If the indicator is not set, then no Q
command code locks are outstanding and no test lock is required to return a
dependent segment in hold status.

Resource Locking Considerations with Block Level Sharing

Resource locking can occur either locally in a non-sysplex environment or globally
in a sysplex environment.

In a non-sysplex environment, local locks can be granted in one of three ways:

v Immediately because of one of the following reasons:
IMS was able to get the required IRLM locks, and there is no other interest
on this resource.
The request is compatible with other holders or waiters.
v Asynchronously because the request could not get the required IRLM latches
and was suspended. (This can also occur in a sysplex environment.) The lock is
granted when latches become available and one of three conditions exist:
No other holders exist.
The request is compatible with other holders or waiters.
The request is not compatible with the holders or waiters and was granted
after their interest was released. (This could also occur in a sysplex

In a sysplex environment, global locks can be granted in one of three ways:

v Locally by the IRLM because of one of the following reasons:
There is no other interest for this resource.
This IRLM has the only interest, this request is compatible with the holders or
waiters on this system, and XES already knows about the resource.
v Synchronously on the XES CALL because of one of the following reasons:
XES shows no other interest for this resource.
XES shows only SHARE interest for the hash class.

106 Administration Guide: Database Manager


v Asynchronously on the XES CALL because of one of three conditions:

Either XES shows EXCLUSIVE interest on the hash class by an IRLM, but
the resource names do not match (FALSE CONTENTION by RMF™).
Or XES shows EXCLUSIVE interest on the hash class by an IRLM and the
resource names match, but the IRLM CONTENTION EXIT grants it anyway
because the STATES are compatible (IRLM FALSE CONTENTION).
Or the request is incompatible with the other HOLDERs and is granted by the
CONTENTION Exit after their interest is released (IRLM REAL

Data Sharing Impact on Locking

When you use block-level data sharing, the IRLM must obtain the concurrence of
the sharing system before granting global locks. Root locks are global locks, and
dependent segment locks are not. When you use block-level data sharing, locks
prevent the sharing systems from concurrently updating the same buffer. The buffer
is locked before making the update, and the lock is held until after the buffer is
written during commit processing. No buffer locks are obtained when a buffer is

If a Q command code is issued on any segment, the buffer is locked. This prevents
the sharing system from updating the buffer until the Q command code lock is

Locking in HDAM, PHDAM, HIDAM, and PHIDAM Databases

If you access a HIDAM or PHIDAM root through the index, a lock is obtained on the
index, using the RBA of the root segment as the resource name. Consequently, a
single lock request locks both the index and the root.

| When NOTWIN pointers are specified on a PHIDAM root, a lock on the next higher
| non-deleted root is required to provide data integrity. The additional lock is obtained
| by reading the index until a non-deleted index entry is found and then locking the
| RBA of the root segment as the resource name.

When you access an HDAM or a PHDAM database, the anchor of the desired root
segment is locked as long as position exists on any root chained from that anchor.
Therefore, if an update PCB has position on an HDAM or PHDAM root, no other
user can access that anchor. When a segment has been updated and the IRLM is
used, no other user can access the anchor until the user that is updating commits.
If the PI lock manager is used and an uncommitted unit of work holds the anchor,
locks are needed to access all root and dependent segments chained from the
anchor until the user that is updating commits.

Locking for Secondary Indexes

When a secondary index is inserted, deleted or replaced, it is locked with a root
segment lock. When the secondary index is used to access the target of the
secondary index, depending on what the index points to, it might be necessary to
lock the secondary index.

Managing I/O Errors

When a database I/O error occurs, IMS copies the buffer contents of the error
block/control interval (CI) to a virtual buffer. A subsequent DL/I request causes the
error block/CI to be read back into the buffer pool. The write error information and
buffers are maintained across restarts, deferring recovery to a convenient time. I/O

Chapter 6. Choosing Full-Function Database Types 107

Managing I/O Errors

error retry is automatically performed at database close time. If the retry is

successful, the error condition no longer exists and recovery is not needed.

When a database I/O error occurs in a sysplex environment, the local system
maintains the buffer and informs all members of the data-sharing group with
registered interest in the database that the CI is unavailable. Subsequent DL/I
requests for that CI receive a failure return code as long as the I/O error persists.

Although you do not have to register your databases with DBRC for error handling
to work, registration is required for HALDBs and highly recommended for all other
full-function databases.

If an error occurs on a database registered with DBRC and the system stops, the
database could be damaged if the system is restarted and a /DBR command is not
issued prior to accessing the database. The restart causes the error buffers to be
restored as they were when the system stopped. If the same block had been
updated during the batch run, the batch update would be overlaid.

108 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Chapter 7. Choosing Fast Path Database Types
| This chapter describes the characteristics and basic functions of Fast Path
| databases to help you decide what type of database to use. Fast Path databases
| include data entry databases (DEDBs) and main storage databases (MSDBs).
| DEDBs provide efficient storage for and access to large volumes of data. DEDBs
| also provide a high level of availability to that data. MSDBs store and provide
| access to an installation’s most frequently used data.

Both DEDBs and MSDBs use the direct method of storing data. With the direct
method, the hierarchic sequence of segments is maintained by putting
direct-address pointers in each segment’s prefix.

Each IMS environment supports Fast Path databases as follows:

v DB/DC supports both DEDBs and MSDBs.
v DBCTL supports DEDBs, but does not support MSDBs.
v DCCTL does not support DEDBs or MSDBs.

For a summary of the different characteristics of all IMS database types, including
Fast Path databases, see Table 7 on page 59.

In this chapter:
v “Data Entry Databases”
v “Main Storage Databases (MSDBs)” on page 128
v “Fast Path Virtual Storage Option” on page 135
v “Fast Path Synchronization Points” on page 149
v “Managing I/O Errors and Long Wait Times” on page 149

Data Entry Databases

| Data entry databases (DEDBs) provide efficient storage for and access to large
| volumes of data. DEDBs also provide a high level of availability of that data.

| Several characteristics of DEDBs also make DEDBs useful when you must gather
| detailed and summary information. These characteristics include:
| Area format
| Area data set replication
| Record deactivation
| Non-recovery option

| A DEDB is a hierarchical database that contains up to 127 segment types: a root

| segment, an optional sequential dependent segment, and 0 to 126 direct dependent
| segments. If an optional sequential dependent segment is defined, you can define
| no more than 125 direct dependent segments. A DEDB structure can have as many
| as 15 hierarchical levels. Instances of sequential dependent segments for an area
| are stored in chronological order, regardless of the root on which they are
| dependent. Direct dependent segments are stored hierarchically, which allows for
| rapid retrieval.

| Recommendation: Because ETO terminals cannot access terminal-related MSDBs,

| you should develop any new Fast Path databases as DEDBs instead of as MSDBs.
| You should also consider converting any of your existing non-terminal-related
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1974, 2004 109
Data Entry Databases

| MSDBs with non-terminal-related keys to VSO DEDBs. You can use the
| MSDB-to-DEDB Conversion utility to do so.

Related Reading: For more information about the MSDB-to-DEDB Conversion

utility (DBFUCDB0), see IMS Version 9: Utilities Reference: Database and
Transaction Manager.

DEDB Functions
DEDBs and MSDBs have many similar functions, including:
v Virtual storage
v The field (FLD) call
v Fixed length segments
v MSDB or DEDB commit view

In addition, DEDBs have the following functions and support:

v Full DBRC support
v Block-level sharing of areas available to
– LU 6.2 applications
– DB/DC applications
v RSR tracking
v HSSP support
v DEDB utilities
v Online database maintenance
v A full hierarchical model, including support of INSERT and DELETE calls
v A randomizer search technique

| DEDB Areas
| A DEDB can be organized into one or more data sets called areas. Areas increase
| the efficiency, capacity, and flexibility of DEDBs. This topic discusses DEDB areas
| and how to work with them.

Areas and the DEDB Format

The physical format of DEDBs makes the data they contain more readily available.
In a hierarchical IMS database that does not use areas, the logical data structure is
spread across the entire database. If multiple data sets are used, the data structure
is broken up on a segment basis. A DEDB can use multiple data sets, called areas,
with each area containing the entire data structure (see Figure 70 on page 124).
Each area in a DEDB is a VSAM data set. A DEDB record (a root and its
dependent segments) does not span areas. A DEDB can be divided into as many
as 2048 such areas. This organization is transparent to the application program.

The randomizing module is used to determine which records are placed in each
area. Because of the area concept, larger databases can exceed the limitation of
232 bytes for a single VSAM data set. Each area can have its own space
management parameters. You can choose these parameters according to the
message volume, which can vary from area to area. DEDB areas can be allocated
on different volume types.

Initialization, reorganization, and recovery of DEDBs are done on an area basis.

Resource allocation is done at the control interval (CI) level. Multiple programs,

110 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Data Entry Databases

optionally together with one online utility, can access an area concurrently within a
database, as long as they are using different CIs. CI sizes can be 512 bytes, 1K,
2K, 4K, and up to 28K in 4K increments. The media manager and Integrated
Catalog Facility catalog of Data Facility Storage Management Subsystem (DFSMS)
are required.

| Opening and Preopening DEDB Areas

| By default, IMS does not open a DEDB area until an eligible application accesses
| the area. Although this prevents unneeded areas from being opened at startup, it
| burdens the first application that accesses a DEDB area with some additional
| processing overhead. Multiple calls to multiple areas immediately following a startup
| process can increase this burden significantly.

| You can limit the overhead of opening areas by preopening your DEDB areas. You
| can also distribute this overhead between the startup process and online operation
| by preopening only those areas that applications use the most and by leaving all
| other areas closed until an application first accesses them.

| You specify the preopen status of an area using the PREOPEN and NOPREO
| parameters of the DBRC INIT.DBDS command or CHANGE.DBDS command.

| By default IMS preopens all DEDB areas that have been assigned preopen status
| during the startup process; however, preopening a large number of DEDB areas
| during the startup process can delay data processing. To avoid this delay, you can
| have IMS preopen DEDB areas after the startup process and asynchronously to the
| execution of your application programs. In this case, if IMS has not preopened a
| DEDB area when an application program attempts to access the area, IMS opens
| the DEDB area at that time. You can specify this behavior by using the FPOPN=
| keyword in the IMS and DBC startup procedures. Specifically, FPOPN=P causes
| IMS to preopen DEDB areas after startup and asynchronous to application program
| execution.

| The FPOPN= keyword determines how IMS reopens DEDB areas for both normal
| restarts (/NRE) and emergency restarts (/ERE).

| Related Reading:
| v For more information about the FPOPN= keyword and the IMS and DBC
| procedures, see IMS Version 9: Installation Volume 2: System Definition and
| Tailoring.
| v For more information about DBRC and DBRC commands, see the IMS Version
| 9: Database Recovery Control (DBRC) Guide and Reference.

| Reopening DEDB Areas During an Emergency Restart: You can specify how
| IMS reopens DEDB areas during an emergency restart by using the FPOPN=
| keyword in the IMS procedure or DBC procedure. The following list describes how
| the FPOPN= keyword affects the reopening of DEDB areas during an emergency
| restart:
| During the startup process, IMS opens only those areas that have preopen
| status. This is the default.
| After the startup process completes and asynchronous to the resumption of
| application processing, IMS opens only those areas that have preopen status.

Chapter 7. Choosing Fast Path Database Types 111

Data Entry Databases

| After the startup process completes and asynchronous to the resumption of
| application processing, IMS opens only those areas that were open prior to the
| abnormal termination. All DEDB areas that were closed at the time of the
| abnormal termination, including DEDB areas with a preopen status, will remain
| closed when you restart IMS.
| Suppresses the preopen process. DEDB areas that have a preopen status are
| not preopened and remain closed until they are first accessed by an application
| program or until they are manually opened with a /START AREA command.
| FPOPN=D overrides, but does not change, the preopen status of DEDB areas
| as set by the PREOPEN parameter of the DBRC commands INIT.DBDS and

| Related Reading: For more information about the FPOPN= keyword and the IMS
| and DBC startup procedures, see IMS Version 9: Installation Volume 2: System
| Definition and Tailoring.

| Stopping and Starting DEDBs and DEDB Areas

| You can prevent access to a DEDB by stopping it with the /STOP DATABASE
| command. You can also prevent access to a single DEDB area by stopping it with
| the /STOP AREA command. These commands do not affect application programs
| currently scheduled against the DEDB, but prevent IMS from scheduling any new
| application programs that need access to the stopped database or area.

| You can resume access to a stopped DEDB by starting it with the /START DATABASE
| command. You can also resume access to a stopped area by starting it with the
| /START AREA command. The /START AREA command does not open areas unless
| you have specified them as PREOPEN areas.

| Restarting and Reopening Areas After an IRLM Failure

| The internal resource lock manager (IRLM) ensures the integrity of databases in a
| data sharing environment. To avoid compromising the integrity of the data in DEDB
| areas when an IRLM fails, all DEDB areas under the control of the failed IRLM are
| stopped. After you correct the failure and reconnect IRLM to the IMS system, you
| must restart and reopen the DEDB areas that the IRLM controls.

| You can specify how IMS restarts and reopens DEDB areas after the IRLM
| reconnects, by using the FPRLM= keyword in the IMS and DBC procedures. The
| following list describes how the FPRLM= keyword affects the reopening of DEDB
| areas after an IRLM failure has been corrected:
| All DEDB areas remain stopped and unopened until you issue a /START
| DATABASE or /START AREA command. This is the default.
| After IRLM reconnects, IMS restarts, but does not reopen, all areas that were
| open at the time of the IRLM failure. IMS restarts the DEDB areas
| asynchronously to the resumption of application processing.
| After IRLM reconnects, IMS restores all DEDB areas to their state at the time of
| the IRLM failure, restarting and reopening DEDB areas regardless of whether
| the DEDB areas have preopen status. IMS restores the DEDB areas
| asynchronously to the resumption of application processing.

112 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Data Entry Databases

| After IRLM reconnects, IMS restarts and reopens all DEDB areas that were
| open at the time of the IRLM failure and all DEDB areas that have a preopen
| status, even if they were closed at the time of the IRLM failure. IMS restores
| the DEDB areas asynchronously to the resumption of application processing.

| Related Reading:
| v For more information about the FPRLM= keyword and the IMS and DBC
| procedures, see IMS Version 9: Installation Volume 2: System Definition and
| Tailoring.
| v For more information about IRLM, see:
| – IMS Version 9: Operations Guide
| – IMS Version 9: Administration Guide: System

| Read and Write Errors in DEDB Areas

| This topic describes how IMS handles read and write errors that occur in DEDB
| areas.

Read Error: When a read error is detected in an area, the application program
receives an AO status code. An Error Queue Element (EQE) is created, but not
written to the second CI nor sent to the sharing system in a data sharing
environment. Application programs can continue to access that area; they are
prevented only from accessing the CI in error. After read errors on four different CIs,
the area data set (ADS) is stopped. The read errors must be consecutive; that is, if
there is an intervening write error, the read EQE count is cleared. This read error
processing only applies to a multiple area data set (MADS) environment.

Write Error: When a write error is detected in an area, an EQE is created and
application programs are allowed access to the area until the EQE count reaches
11. Even though part of a database might not be available (one or more areas are
stopped), the database is still logically available and transactions using that
database are still scheduled. If multiple data sets make up the area, chances are
that one copy of the data will always be available.

If your DEDB is nonrecoverable, write errors are handled differently, compared to

recoverable DEDBs. When there is a write error in an area, an EQE is created.
When there are 10 EQEs for an area, DBRC marks it ″Recovery Needed″ and IMS
stops the area. If the area is shared, then all IMSs in the sharing group are notified
and they also stop the area. When a DEDB is marked “Recovery Needed”, you
must restore it, such as from an image copy. Incorporate this recovery procedure
into your operational procedures.

When a write error occurs to a DEDB using MADS, an EQE is created for the ADS
that had the write error. In this environment, when the maximum of 10 EQEs is
reached, the ADS is stopped.

When a write error to a recoverable DEDB area using a single ADS occurs, IMS
invokes the I/O toleration (IOT) processing. IMS allocates a virtual buffer in ECSA
and copies the control interval in error from the Fast Path common buffer to the
virtual buffer. IMS records the creation of the virtual buffer with an X’26’ log record.
If the database is registered with DBRC, an Extended Error Queue Element (EEQE)
is created and registered in DBRC. The EEQE identifies the control interval in error.
In a data sharing environment using IRLM, all sharing partners are notified of the
creation of the EEQE.

Chapter 7. Choosing Fast Path Database Types 113

Data Entry Databases

The data that is tolerated is available to the IMS system that created the EEQE.
The sharing partner will get an ’AO’ status when it requests that CI because the
data is not available. When a request is made for a control interval that is tolerated,
the data is copied from the virtual buffer to a common buffer. When an update is
performed on the data, it is copied back to the virtual buffer. A standard X’5950’ log
record is generated for the update.

Every write error is represented by an EEQE on an area basis. The EEQEs are
maintained by DBRC and logged to the IMS log as X’26’ log records. There is no
logical limit to the number of EEQEs that can exist for an area. There is a physical
storage limitation in DBRC and ECSA for the number of EEQEs that can be
maintained. This limit is installation dependent. To make sure that we do not
overextend DBRC or ECSA usage, a limited number of EEQEs are allowed for a
DEDB. The limit is 100. After 100 EEQEs are created for an area, the area is

During system checkpoint, /STO, and /VUN commands, IMS attempts to write back
the CIs in error. If the write is successful, the EEQE is removed. If the write is
unsuccessful, the EEQE remains.

Record Deactivation
If an error occurs while an application program is updating a DEDB, it is not
necessary to stop the database or even the area. IMS continues to allow application
programs to access that area. It only prevents them from accessing the control
interval in error by creating an EQE for the error CI. If there are multiple copies of
the area, chances are that one copy of the data will always be available. It is
unlikely that the same control interval will be in error in all copies of the area. IMS
automatically makes an area data set unavailable when a count of 11 errors has
been reached for that data set.

Record deactivation minimizes the effect of database failure and errors to the data
in these ways:
v If multiple copies of an area data set are used, and an error occurs while an
application program is trying to update that area, the error does not need to be
corrected immediately. Other application programs can continue to access the
data in that area through other available copies of that area.
v If a copy of an area has a number of I/O errors, you can create a new copy from
existing copies of the area using the DEDB Area Data Set Create utility. The
copy with the errors can then be destroyed.

Non-Recovery Option
By specifying a VSO or non-VSO DEDB as nonrecoverable, you can improve online
performance and reduce database change logging of your DEDBs. IMS does not
log any changes from a nonrecoverable DEDB, nor does it keep any updates in the
DBRC RECON data set. All areas are nonrecoverable in a nonrecoverable DEDB.

SDEPs are not supported for nonrecoverable DEDBs. After IMS calls DBRC to
authorize the areas, IMS checks for SDEPs. If IMS finds SDEPs, IMS calls DBRC
to unauthorize them and IMS stops them. You must remove the SDEP segment
type from the DEDB design before IMS will authorize the DEDB.

Unlike full-function nonrecoverable databases, which support backout,

nonrecoverable DEDBs are truly nonrecoverable and cannot REDO during restart or
XRF takeover. IMS writes a single log record, x’5951’, once for every area at each
sync point to indicate that nonrecoverable suppression has taken place. The x’5951’
log and DMAC flags determine the integrity of an area during an emergency restart

114 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Data Entry Databases

or XRF takeover. If there are errors found in a nonrecoverable DEDB during an

XRF takeover or an emergency restart, message DFS3711W is issued and the
DEDB is not stopped.

Related Reading: For information on how IMS handles nonrecoverable DEDB write
errors, which can happen during restart or XRF takeover, see “Write Error” on page

Nonrecoverable DEDBs must register with DBRC. To define a DEDB as

nonrecoverable, use the command INIT.DB DBD() TYPEFP NONRECOV. The default is
RECOVABL for recoverable DEDB.

Before changing the recoverability of a DEDB, issue a /STOP DB, /STO AREA, or /DBR
DB command. To change a recoverable DEDB to a nonrecoverable DEDB, use the
DBRC command CHANGE.DB DBD() NONRECOV. To change nonrecoverable DEDB to a
recoverable DEDB, use the command CHANGE.DB DBD() RECOVABL.

To restore a nonrecoverable DEDB, use the GENJCL.RECOV RESTORE command. The

recovery utility restores the database to the last image copy taken. If the DEDB had
been changed from a recoverable DEDB to a nonrecoverable DEDB, the recovery
utility will apply any updates from the logs up to the point when the change was
made (if no image copy was made after the change to nonrecoverable).

Area Data Set Replication

A data set can be copied, or replicated, up to seven times, increasing the
availability of the data to application programs. The DEDB Area Data Set Create
utility (DBFUMRI0) produces one or more copies of a data set representing the
area without stopping the area. All copies of an area data set must have identical CI
sizes and spaces but can reside on different devices. The utility uses all the current
copies to complete its new data set, proceeding to another copy if it detects an I/O
error for a particular record. In this way, a clean copy is constructed from the
aggregate of the available data. Current updates to the new data set take effect

The Create utility can create its new copy on a different device, as specified in its
job control language (JCL). If your installation was migrating data to other storage
devices, then this process could be carried out while the online system was still
executing, and the data would remain current.

To ensure all copies of a DEDB remain identical, IMS updates all copies when a
change is made to only one copy.

If an ADS fails open during normal open processing of a DEDB with multiple data
sets (MADS), none of the copies of the ADS can be allocated, and the area is
stopped. However, when open failure occurs during emergency restart, only the
failed ADS is unallocated and stopped. The other copies of the ADS remain
available for use.

| DEDBs and Data Sharing

| You can specify different levels of data sharing for DEDBs. The specifications you
| make for a DEDB apply to all of the areas the DEDB contains.

| If you specify that a DEDB does not allow data sharing, only one IMS system can
| access a DEDB area at a time; however, other IMS systems can still access the
| other areas the DEDB contains.

Chapter 7. Choosing Fast Path Database Types 115

Data Entry Databases

| If you specify that a DEDB allows data sharing, multiple IMS systems can access
| the same DEDB area at the same time. Sharing a single DEDB area is equivalent
| to block-level sharing of full-function databases.

| You can specify the level of data sharing that a DEDB allows by using the
| SHARELVL parameter in the DBRC commands INIT.DB and CHANGE.DB. If any IMS
| has already authorized the database, changing the SHARELVL does not modify the
| database record. The SHARELVL parameter applies to all areas in a DEDB.

| You can share DEDB areas directly from DASD or from a coupling facility structure
| using the Virtual Storage Option (VSO).

| Related Reading:
| v For general information on VSO, including its benefits and use, see “Fast Path
| Virtual Storage Option” on page 135.
| v For specific information on sharing VSO DEDB areas, see “Sharing of VSO
| DEDB Areas” on page 138.
| v For more information on the SHARELVL parameter, see the IMS Version 9:
| Database Recovery Control (DBRC) Guide and Reference.
| v For general information on data sharing, see IMS Version 9: Administration
| Guide: System.

Fixed- and Variable-Length Segments in DEDBs

DEDBs support fixed-length segments. Thus you can define fixed-length or
variable-length segments for your DEDBs. This support allows you to use MSDB
applications for your DEDBs.

To define fixed-length segments, specify a single value for the BYTES= parameter
during DBDGEN in the SEGM macro. To define variable-length segments, specify
two values for the BYTES= parameter during DBDGEN in the SEGM macro.

Application programs for fixed-length-segment DEDBs, like MSDBs, do not see the
length (LL) field at the beginning of each segment. Application programs for
variable-length-segment DEDBs do see the length (LL) field at the beginning of
each segment, and must use it to process the segment properly.

Fixed-length-segment application programs using REPL and ISRT calls can omit the
length (LL) field.

Examples of Defining Segments

Figure 63 and Figure 64 show examples of how to use the BYTES= parameter to
define variable-length or fixed-length segments.



Figure 63. Defining a Variable-Length Segment



Figure 64. Defining a Fixed-Length Segment

116 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Data Entry Databases

Parts of a DEDB Area

A DEDB area consists of three parts:
v Root addressable part
v Independent overflow part
v Sequential dependent part

Figure 65 on page 118 shows these parts of a DEDB area. Each part is described
in detail in the following topics:
v “Root Addressable Part” on page 119
v “Independent Overflow Part” on page 119
v “Sequential Dependent Part” on page 119
v “CI and Segment Formats” on page 119

Chapter 7. Choosing Fast Path Database Types 117

Data Entry Databases

Figure 65. Parts of a DEDB Area in Storage

| When a DEDB data set is initialized by the DEDB initialization utility (DBFUMIN0),
| additional CIs are created for internal use, so the DEDB area will actually contain
| more CIs than are shown in Figure 65. These extra CIs were used for the DEDB
| Direct Reorganization utility (DBFUMDR0), which went out service with IMS Version
| 5 and was replaced by the High-Speed DEDB Direct Reorganization utility
| (DBFUHDR0). Although IMS does not use the extra CIs, DBFUMIN0 creates them
| for compatibility purposes.

118 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Data Entry Databases

Root Addressable Part

The root addressable part is divided into units-of-work (UOW), which are the basic
elements of space allocation. A UOW consists of a user-specified number of CIs
located physically contiguous.

Each UOW in the root addressable part is further divided into a base section and
an overflow section. The base section contains CIs of a UOW that are addressed
by the randomizing module, whereas the overflow section of the UOW is used as a
logical extension of a CI within that UOW.

Root and direct dependent segments are stored in the base section. Both can be
stored in the overflow section if the base section is full.

Independent Overflow Part

The independent overflow part contains empty CIs that can be used by any UOW in
the area. When a UOW gets a CI from the independent overflow part, the CI can be
used only by that UOW. A CI in the independent overflow part can be considered an
extension of the overflow section in the root addressable part as soon as it is
allocated to a UOW. The independent overflow CI remains allocated to a specific
UOW unless, after a reorganization, it is no longer required, at which time it is

Sequential Dependent Part

The sequential dependent part holds sequential dependent segments from roots in
all UOWs in the area. Sequential dependent segments are stored in chronological
order without regard to the root or UOW that contains the root. When the sequential
dependent part is full, it is reused from the beginning. However, before the
sequential dependent part can be reused, you must use the Delete utility
DBFUMDLO to delete a contiguous portion, or all the sequential dependent
segments in that part.

CI and Segment Formats

This topic contains diagnosis, modification, or tuning information.

The following four diagrams—Figure 66, Figure 67 on page 120, Figure 68 on page
121, and Figure 69 on page 121—show the following formats:
v CI format
v Root segment format
v Sequential dependent segment format
v Direct dependent segment format

The tables that follow each figure—Table 10 on page 120, Table 11 on page 120,
Table 12 on page 121, and Table 13 on page 121, respectively—describe the
sections of the CI and segments in the order that the sections appear in the

Figure 66. CI Format

Chapter 7. Choosing Fast Path Database Types 119

Data Entry Databases

Table 10. CI Format

CI Number of
Section Bytes Explanation
FSE AP 2 bytes Offset to the first free space element. These 2 bytes are unused
if the CI is in the sequential dependent part.
CI TYP 2 bytes Describes the use of this CI and the meaning of the next 4
RAP 4 bytes Root anchor point if this CI belongs to the base section of the
root addressable area. All root segments randomizing to this CI
are chained off this RAP in ascending key sequence. Only one
RAP exists per CI.

Attention: In the dependent and independent overflow parts,

these 4 bytes are used by Fast Path control information. No
RAP exists in sequential dependent CIs.
CUSN 2 bytes CI Update Sequence Number (CUSN). A sequence number
maintained in each CI. It is increased with each update of the
particular CI during the synchronization process.
RBA 4 bytes Relative byte address of this CI.
RDF 3 bytes Record definition field (contains VSAM control information).
CIDF 4 bytes CI definition field (contains VSAM control information).

Figure 67. Root Segment Format (with Sequential and Direct Dependent Segments with
Subset Pointers)

Table 11. Root Segment Format

Segment Number of
Section Bytes Explanation
SC 1 byte Segment code.
PD 1 byte Prefix descriptor.
PTF 4 bytes Physical twin forward pointer. Contains the RBA of the next root
in key sequence.
SPCF 8 bytes Sequential physical child first pointer. Contains the cycle count
and RBA of the last inserted sequential dependent under this
root. This pointer will not exist if the sequential dependent
segment is not defined.
PCF 4 bytes Physical child first pointer. PCF points to the first occurrence of a
direct dependent segment type. There can be up to 126 PCF
pointers or 125 PCF pointers if there is a sequential dependent
segment. PCF pointers will not exist if direct dependent
segments are not defined.
PCL 4 bytes Physical child last pointer. PCL is an optional pointer that points
to the last physical child of a segment type. This pointer will not
exist if direct dependent segments are not defined.

120 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Data Entry Databases

Table 11. Root Segment Format (continued)

Segment Number of
Section Bytes Explanation
SSP 4 bytes Subset pointer. For each child type of the parent, up to eight
optional subset pointers can exist.
LL 2 bytes Variable length of this segment.

Figure 68. Sequential Dependent Segment Format

Table 12. Sequential Dependent Segment Format

Segment Number of
Section Bytes Explanation
SC 1 byte Segment code.
UN 1 byte Prefix descriptor.
SPTF 8 bytes Sequential physical twin forward pointer. Contains the cycle
count and the RBA of the immediately preceding sequential
dependent segment under the same root.
LL 2 bytes Variable length of this segment.

Figure 69. Direct Dependent Segment Format

Table 13. Direct Dependent Segment Format

Segment Number of
Section Bytes Explanation
SC 1 byte Segment code.
UN 1 byte Unused.
PTF 4 bytes Physical twin forward pointer. Contains the RBA of the next
occurrence of this direct dependent segment type.
PCF 4 bytes Physical child first pointer. PCF points to the first occurrence of
a direct dependent segment type. In a direct dependent
segment there can be up to 125 PCF pointers or 124 PCF
pointers if there is a sequential dependent segment. PCF
pointers will not exist if direct dependent segments are not

Chapter 7. Choosing Fast Path Database Types 121

Data Entry Databases

Table 13. Direct Dependent Segment Format (continued)

Segment Number of
Section Bytes Explanation
PCL 4 bytes Physical child last pointer. PCL is an optional pointer that points
to the last physical child of a segment type. This pointer will not
exist if direct dependent segments are not defined.
SSP 4 bytes Subset pointer. For each child type of the parent, up to eight
optional subset pointers can exist.
LL 2 bytes Variable length of this segment.

Root Segment Storage

DEDB root segments are stored as prescribed by the randomizing routine, and are
chained in ascending key sequence from each anchor point.

Related Reading: For information on the system-supplied or user-supplied

randomizing module for DEDBs, see IMS Version 9: Customization Guide.

Each CI in the base section of a UOW in an area has a single anchor point.
Sequential processing using GN calls processes the roots in the following order:
1. Ascending area number
2. Ascending UOW
3. Ascending key in each anchor point chain

Each root segment contains, in ascending key sequence, a PTF pointer containing
the RBA of the next root.

Direct Dependent Segment Storage

The DEDB maintains processing efficiency while supporting a hierarchic physical
structure with direct dependent segment types. A maximum of 127 segment types
are supported (up to 126 direct dependent segment types, or 125 if a sequential
dependent segment is present).

Direct dependent (DDEP) segment types can be efficiently retrieved hierarchically,

and the user has complete online processing control over the segments. Supported
processing options are insert, get, delete, and replace. With the replace function,
users can alter the length of the segment. DEDB space management logic attempts
to store an inserted direct dependent in the same CI that contains its root segment.
If insufficient space is available in that CI, the root addressable overflow and then
the independent overflow portion of the area are searched.

DDEP segments can be defined with or without a unique sequence field, and are
stored in ascending key sequence.

Physical chaining of direct dependent segments consists of a physical child first

(PCF) pointer in the parent for each defined dependent segment type and a
physical twin forward (PTF) pointer in each dependent segment.

DEDBs allow a PCL pointer to be used. This pointer makes it possible to access
the last physical child of a segment type directly from the physical parent. The
INSERT rule LAST avoids the need to follow a potentially long physical child pointer

122 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Data Entry Databases

Subset pointers are a means of dividing a chain of segment occurrences under the
same parent into two or more groups, of subsets. You can define as many as eight
subset pointers for any segment type, dividing the chain into as many as nine
subsets. Each subset pointer points to the start of a new subset.

Related Reading: For more information on defining and using subset pointers, see
IMS Version 9: Application Programming: Database Manager.

Sequential Dependent Segment Storage

DEDB sequential dependent (SDEP) segments are stored in the sequential
dependent part of an area in the order of entry. SDEP segments chained from
different roots in an area are intermixed in the sequential part of an area without
regard to which roots are their parents. SDEP segments are specifically designed
for fast insert capability. However, online retrieval is not as efficient because
increased input operations can result.

If all SDEP dependents were chained from a single root segment, processing with
Get Next in Parent calls would result in a backward sequential order. (Some
applications are able to use this method.) Normally, SDEP segments are retrieved
sequentially only by using the DEDB Sequential Dependent Scan utility
(DBFUMSC0), described in IMS Version 9: Utilities Reference: Database and
Transaction Manager. SDEP segments are then processed by offline jobs.

SDEP segments are used for data collection, journaling, and auditing applications.

Enqueue Level of Segment CIs

Allocation of CIs involves three different enqueue levels.
v A NO ENQ level, which is typical of any SDEP CI. SDEP segments can never be
updated; therefore they can be accessed and shared by all regions at the same
v A SHARED level, which means that the CI can be shared between non-update
transactions. A CI at the SHARED level delays requests from any update
v An EXCLUSIVE level, which prevents contenders from acquiring the same

The level of enqueue at which ROOT and SDEP segment CIs are originally
acquired depends on the intent of the transaction. If the intent is update, all
acquired CIs (with the exception of SDEP CIs) are held at the EXCLUSIVE level. If
the intent is not update, they’re held at the SHARED level. Of course, there is the
potential for deadlock.

The level of enqueue, just described, is reexamined each time the buffer stealing
facility is invoked. The buffer stealing facility examines each buffer (and CI) that is
already allocated and updates its level of enqueue.

All other enqueued CIs are released and therefore can be allocated by other

Related Reading: For more information about the buffer stealing facility, see “Fast
Path Buffer Allocation Algorithm” on page 283.

Figure 70 on page 124 shows an example of DEDB structure.

Chapter 7. Choosing Fast Path Database Types 123

Data Entry Databases

Figure 70. DEDB Structure Example

124 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Data Entry Databases

DEDB Space Search Algorithm

This topic contains diagnosis, modification, or tuning information.

The general rule for inserting a segment into a DEDB is the same as it is for an HD
database. The rule is to store the segment (root and direct dependents) into the
most desirable block.

For root segments, the most desirable block is the RAP CI. For direct dependents,
the most desirable block is the root CI. When space for storing either roots or direct
dependents is not available in the most desirable block, the DEDB insert algorithm
(described next) searches for additional space. Space to store a segment could
v In the dependent overflow
v In an independent overflow CI currently owned by this UOW

Additional independent overflow CIs would be allocated if required.

This algorithm attempts to store the data in the minimum amount of CIs rather than
scatter database record segments across a greater number of RAP and overflow
CIs. The trade-off is improved performance for future database record access
versus optimum space utilization.

DEDB Insert Algorithm

This topic contains diagnosis, modification or tuning information.

The DEDB insert algorithm searches for additional space when space is not
available in the most desirable block. For root segments, if the RAP CI does not
have sufficient space to hold the entire record, it contains the root and as many
direct dependents as possible. Base CIs that are not randomizer targets go unused.
The algorithm next searches for space in the first dependent overflow CI for this
UOW. From the header of the first dependent overflow CI, a determination is made
whether space exists in that CI.

Related Reading: For information on DEDB CI format and allocation, see IMS
Version 9: Diagnosis Guide and Reference.

If the CI pointed to by the current overflow pointer does not have enough space, the
next dependent overflow CI (if one exists) is searched for space. The current
overflow pointer is updated to point to this dependent overflow CI. If no more
dependent overflow CIs are available, then the algorithm searches for space in the
independent overflow part.

When an independent overflow CI has been selected for storing data, it can be
considered a logical extension of the overflow part for the UOW that requested it.

Figure 71 on page 126 shows how a UOW is extended into independent overflow.
This UOW, defined as 10 CIs, includes 8 Base CIs and 2 dependent overflow CIs.
Additional space is needed to store the database records that randomize to this
UOW. Two independent overflow CIs have been acquired, extending the size of this
UOW to 12 CIs. The first dependent overflow CI has a pointer to the second
independent overflow CI indicating that CI is the next place to look for space.

Chapter 7. Choosing Fast Path Database Types 125

Data Entry Databases

Figure 71. Extending a UOW to Use Independent Overflow

DEDB Free Space Algorithm

This topic contains diagnosis, modification, or tuning information.

The DEDB free space algorithm is used to free dependent overflow and
independent overflow CIs. When a dependent overflow CI becomes entirely empty,
it becomes the CI pointed to by the current overflow pointer in the first dependent
overflow CI, indicating that this is the first overflow CI to use for overflow space if
the most desirable block is full. An independent overflow CI is owned by the UOW
to which it was allocated until every segment stored in it has been removed. When
the last segment in an independent overflow CI is deleted, the empty CI is made
available for reuse. When the last segment in a dependent overflow CI is deleted, it
can be reused as described at the beginning of this topic.

A dependent overflow or an independent overflow CI can be freed in two ways:

v Reorganization
v Segment deletion

During online reorganization, the segments within a UOW are read in GN order and
written to the reorganization UOW. This process inserts segments into the
reorganization UOW, eliminating embedded free space. If all the segments do not fit
into the reorganization UOW (RAP CI plus dependent overflow CIs), then new
independent overflow CIs are allocated as needed. When the data in the
reorganization UOW is copied back to the correct location, then:
v The newly acquired independent overflow CIs are retained.
v The old segments are deleted.
v Previously allocated independent overflow CIs are freed.

126 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Data Entry Databases

Segment Deletion
A segment is deleted either by an application DLET call or because a segment is
REPLaced with a different length. Segment REPLace can cause a segment to
move. Full Function handles segment length increases differently from DEDBs. In
Full Function, an increased segment length that does not fit into the available free
space is split, and the data is inserted away from the prefix. For DEDBs, if the
replaced segment is changed, it is first deleted and then reinserted. The insertion
process follows the normal space allocation rules.

The REPL call can cause a dependent overflow or an independent overflow CI to

be freed if the last segment is deleted from the CI.

Managing Unusable Space with IMS Tools

Space in a DEDB should be closely monitored to avoid out-of-space conditions for
an area. Products such as the IMS High Performance (HP) Pointer Checker, which
includes the Hierarchical Database (HD) Tuning Aid and Space Monitor tools, can
identify the different percentages of free space in the RAP, dependent overflow, and
independent overflow CIs. If a large amount of space exists in the RAP CIs or
dependent overflow CIs, and independent overflow has a high use percentage, a
reorganization can allow the data to be stored in the root addressable part, freeing
up independent overflow CIs for use by other UOWs. The IMS HP Pointer Checker
and the tools it includes can help you determine if the data distribution is

For more information on tuning DEDBs, see “Tuning Fast Path Systems” on page

DL/I Calls against a DEDB

This topic contains diagnosis, modification, or tuning information.

DEDB processing uses the same call interface as DL/I processing. Therefore, any
DL/I call or calling sequence executed against a DEDB has the same logical result
as if executed against an HDAM or PHDAM database.

The SSA rules for DEDBs have the following restrictions:

v You cannot use the Q command code with DEDBs.
v IMS ignores command codes used with sequential dependent segments.
v If you use the D command code in a call to a DEDB, the P processing option
need not be specified in the PCB for the program. The P processing option has a
different meaning for DEDBs than for DL/I databases.
Related Reading: For more information on how DEDBs are processed, see IMS
Version 9: Application Programming: Database Manager.

Mixed Mode Processing

IMS application programs can run as message processing programs (MPPs), batch
message processing programs (BMPs), and Fast Path programs (IFPs). IFPs can
access full function databases. Similarly, MPPs and BMPs can access DEDBs and

Because of differences in sync point processing, there are differences in the way
database updates are committed. IFPs that request full function resources, or MPPs

Chapter 7. Choosing Fast Path Database Types 127

Data Entry Databases

(or BMPs) that request DEDB (or MSDB) resources operate in “mixed mode”. The
performance and resource use implications are discussed in “Fast Path
Synchronization Points” on page 149.

Main Storage Databases (MSDBs)

The MSDB structure consists of fixed-length root segments only, although the root
segment length can vary between MSDBs. The maximum length of any segment is
32000 bytes with a maximum key length of 240 bytes. Additional prefix data
extends the maximum total record size to 32258 bytes.

The following options are not available for MSDBs:

v Multiple data set groups
v Logical relationships
v Secondary indexing
v Variable-length segments
v Field-level sensitivity

The MSDB family of databases consists of three types:

v Terminal-related fixed database
v Terminal-related dynamic database
v Non-terminal-related database without terminal keys

Recommendation: ETO terminals cannot access terminal-related MSDBs. IBM

recommends that any new Fast Path database that you develop be DEDBs instead
of MSDBs. Also, you should consider converting any of your existing
non-terminal-related MSDBs with non-terminal-related-keys to VSO DEDBs. You
can use the MSDB-to-DEDB Conversion utility.

An MSDB is defined in the DBD in the same way as any other IMS database, by
coding ACCESS=MSDB in the DBD statement. The REL keyword in the DATASET
statement selects one of the four MSDB types.

Both dynamic and fixed terminal-related MSDBs have the following characteristics:
v The record can be updated only through processing of messages issued from the
LTERM that owns the record. However, the record can be read using messages
from any LTERM.
v The name of the LTERM that owns a segment is the key of the segment. An
LTERM cannot own more than one segment in any one MSDB.
v The key does not reside in the stored segment.
v Each segment in a fixed terminal-related MSDB is assigned to and owned by a
different LTERM.

Non-terminal-related MSDBs have the following characteristics:

v No ownership of segments exists.
v No insert or delete calls are allowed.
v The key of segments can be an LTERM name or a field in the segment. As with
a terminal-related MSDB, if the key is an LTERM name, it does not reside in the
segment. If the key is not an LTERM name, it resides in the sequence field of the
segment. If the key resides in the segment, the segments must be loaded in key
sequence because, when a qualified SSA is issued on the key field, a binary
search is initiated.

128 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Main Storage Databases (MSDBs)

When to Use an MSDB

MSDBs store and provide access to an installation’s most frequently used data. The
data in an MSDB is stored in segments, and each segment available to one or all

MSDBs provide a high degree of parallelism and are suitable for applications in the
banking industry (such as general ledger). To provide fast access and allow
frequent update to this data, MSDBs reside in virtual storage during execution.

One use for a terminal-related fixed MSDB is in an application in which each

segment contains data associated with a logical terminal. In this type of application,
the application program can read the data (possibly for general reporting purposes)
but cannot update it.

Non-terminal-related MSDBs (without terminal-related keys) are typically used in

applications in which a large number of people need to update data at a high
transaction rate. An example of this is a real-time inventory control application, in
which reduction of inventory is noted from many cash registers.

MSDBs Storage
The MSDB Maintenance utility (DBFDBMA0) creates the MSDBINIT sequential data
set in physical ascending sequence (see Figure 73 on page 130). During a cold
start, or by operator request during a normal warm start, the sequential data set
MSDBINIT is read and the MSDBs are created in virtual storage (see Figure 72).

Figure 72. MSDB Pointers

During a warm start, the control program uses the current checkpoint data set for
initialization. The MSDB Maintenance utility can also modify the contents of an old
MSDBINIT data set. For warm start, the master terminal operator can request use
of the IMS.MSDBINIT, rather than a checkpoint data set.

Diagnosis, Modification or Tuning Information

Figure 73 shows the MSDBINIT record format. Table 14 on page 130 explains the
record parts.

Chapter 7. Choosing Fast Path Database Types 129

Main Storage Databases (MSDBs)

Figure 73. MSDBINIT Record Format

Table 14. MSDBINIT Record Format

Record Part Bytes Explanation
LL 2 Record length (32,258 maximum)
X'00' 2 Always hexadecimal zeros
DBDname 8 DBD name
Count 4 Segment count
Type 1 MSDB type:
v X'11' non-related
v X'31' non-related with terminal keys
v X'33' fixed related
v X'37' dynamic related
KL 1 Key length (240 maximum)
Key varies Key or terminal name
MSDB segment varies MSDB segment (32,000 maximum)

End of Diagnosis, Modification or Tuning Information

MSDB Record Storage

This topic contains diagnosis, modification, or tuning information.

MSDB records contain no pointers except the forward chain pointer (FCP)
connecting free segment records in the terminal-related dynamic database.

Figure 74 on page 131 shows a high-level view of how MSDBs are arranged in
priority sequence.

130 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Main Storage Databases (MSDBs)

Figure 74. Sequence of the Four MSDB Organizations

Saving MSDBs for Restart

At system checkpoint, a copy of all MSDBs is written alternately to one of the
MSDB checkpoint data sets—MSDBCP1 or MSDBCP2. During restart, the MSDBs
are reloaded from the most recent copy on MSDBCP1 or MSDBCP2. During an
emergency restart, the log is used to update the MSDB. During a normal restart,
the operator can reload from MSDBINIT using the MSDBLOAD parameter on the
restart command.

On a cold start (including /ERE CHKPT 0), MSDBs are loaded from the MSDBINIT
data set.

DL/I Calls against an MSDB

All DL/I database calls, except those that specify “within parent”, are valid with
MSDBs. Because an MSDB is a root-only database, a “within parent” call is
meaningless. Additionally, the DL/I call, FLD, exists that is applicable to all MSDBs.
The FLD call allows an application program to check and modify a single field in an
MSDB segment.

Rules for Using an SSA

MSDB processing imposes the following restrictions on the use of an SSA (segment
search argument):
No boolean operator
No command code

Even with the preceding restrictions, the result of a call to the database with no
SSA, an unqualified SSA, or a qualified SSA remains the same as a call to the
full-function database. For example, a retrieval call without an SSA returns the first
record of the MSDB or the full-function database, depending on the environment in
which you are working. The following list shows the type of compare or search
technique used for a qualified SSA.
Type of Compare

Chapter 7. Choosing Fast Path Database Types 131

Main Storage Databases (MSDBs)

v Sequence field: logical

v Non-sequence arithmetic field: arithmetic
v Non-sequence non-arithmetic: logical
Type of Search
v Sequence field: binary if operator is = or >=, otherwise sequential
v Non-sequence arithmetic field: sequential
v Non-sequence non-arithmetic: sequential

Insertion and Deletion of Segments

The terminal-related dynamic database accepts ISRT and DLET calls, and the other
MSDB databases do not. Actual physical insertion and deletion of segments do not
occur in the dynamic database. Rather, a segment is assigned to an LTERM from a
pool of free segments by an ISRT call. The DLET call releases the segment back to
the free segment pool.

Figure 75 on page 133 shows a layout of the four MSDBs and the control blocks
and tables necessary to access them. The Extended Communications Node Table
(ECNT) is located by a pointer from the Extended System Contents Directory
(ESCD), which in turn is located by a pointer from the System Contents Directory
(SCD). The ESCD contains first and last header pointers to the MSDB header
queue. Each of the MSDB headers contains a pointer to the start of its respective
database area.

Combination of Binary and Direct Access Methods

A combination access technique works against the MSDB on a DL/I call. The
access technique combines a binary search and the direct access method. A binary
search of the ECNT table attempts to match the table LTERM names to the LTERM
name of the requesting terminal. When a match occurs, the application program
accesses the segment of the desired database using a direct pointer in the ECNT
table. Access to the non-terminal-related database segments without terminal keys
is accomplished by a binary search technique only, without using the ECNT.

Figure 75 on page 133 shows the ECNT and MSDB storage layout.

132 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Main Storage Databases (MSDBs)

Figure 75. ECNT and MSDB Storage Layout

Position in an MSDB
Issuing a DL/I call causes a position pointer to fix on the current segment. The
meaning of “next segment” depends on the key of the MSDB. The current segment
in a non-terminal-related database without LTERM keys is the physical segment
against which a call was issued. The next segment is the following physically
adjacent segment after the current segment. The other three databases, using
LTERM names as keys, have a current pointer fixed on a position in the ECNT
table. Each entry in the table represents one LTERM name and segment pointers to
every MSDB with which LTERM works. A zero entry indicates no association
between an LTERM and an MSDB segment. If nonzero, the next segment is the
next entry in the table. The zero entries are skipped until a nonzero entry is found.

Chapter 7. Choosing Fast Path Database Types 133

Main Storage Databases (MSDBs)

The Field Call

The DL/I FLD call is available to MSDBs and DEDB. It allows for the operation on a
field, rather than on an entire segment. Additionally, it allows conditional operation
on a field.

Modification is done with the CHANGE form of the FLD call. The value of a field
can be tested with the VERIFY form of the FLD call. These forms of the call allow
an application program to test a field value before applying the change. If a VERIFY
fails, all CHANGE requests in the same FLD call are denied. This call is described
in IMS Version 9: Application Programming: Database Manager.

Call Sequence Results

The same call sequence against MSDBs and other IMS databases might bring
different results. For parallel access to MSDB data, updates to MSDB records take
place during sync point processing. Changes are not reflected in those records until
the sync point is completed. For example, the sequence of calls GHU
(Get-Hold-Unique), REPL (Replace), and GU (Get-Unique) for the same database
record results in the same information in the I/O area for the GU call as that
returned for the GHU.

The postponement of an updated database record to the point of commitment is

also true of FLD/CHANGE calls, and affects FLD/VERIFY calls. You should watch
for multiple FLD/VERIFY and FLD/CHANGE calls on the same field of the same
segment. Such sequences can decrease performance because reprocessing

For terminal-related dynamic MSDBs, the following examples of call sequences do

not have the same results as with other IMS databases or DEDBs:
v A GHU following an ISRT receives a 'segment not found' status code.
v An ISRT after a DLET receives a 'segment already exists' status code.
v No more than one ISRT or DLET is allowed for each MSDB in processing a

The preceding differences become more critical when transactions update or refer
to both full function DL/I and MSDB data. Updates to full function DL/I databases
and DEDBs are immediately available while MSDB changes are not. For example, if
you issue a GHU and a REPL for a segment in an MSDB, then you issue another
get call for the same segment in the same commit interval, the segment IMS
returns to you is the “old” value, not the updated one.

If processing is not single mode, this difference can increase. In the case of multiple
mode processing, the sync point processing is not invoked for every transaction.
Your solution might be to ask for single mode processing when MSDB data is to be

Another consideration for MSDB processing is that terminal-related MSDB

segments can be updated only by transactions originating from the owners of the
segment, the LTERMs. Programs that are non-transaction-driven BMPs can only
update MSDBs that

134 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Fast Path Virtual Storage Option

Fast Path Virtual Storage Option

| The Fast Path Virtual Storage Option (VSO) allows you to map data into virtual
| storage or a coupling facility structure. You can map one or more DEDB areas into
| virtual storage or a coupling facility structure by defining the DEDB areas as VSO
| areas.

For high-end performance applications with DEDBs, defining your DEDB areas as
VSO allows you to realize the following performance improvements:
v Reduced read I/O
| After an IMS and VSAM control interval (CI) has been brought into virtual
| storage, all subsequent I/O read requests read the data from virtual storage
| rather than from DASD.
v Decreased locking contention
For VSO DEDBs, locks are released after both of the following:
– Logging is complete for the second phase of an application synchronization
(commit) point
– The data has been moved into virtual storage
For non-VSO DEDBs, locks are held at the VSAM CI-level and are released only
after the updated data has been written to DASD.
v Fewer writes to the area data set
Updated data buffers are not immediately written to DASD; instead they are kept
in the data space and written to DASD at system checkpoint or when a threshold
is reached.

In all other respects, VSO DEDBs are the same as non-VSO DEDBs. Therefore,
VSO DEDB areas are available for IMS DBCTL and LU 6.2 applications, as well as
other IMS DB or IMS TM applications. Use the DBRC commands INIT.DBDS and
CHANGE.DBDS to define VSO DEDB areas.

The virtual storage for VSO DEDB areas is housed differently depending on the
share level assigned to the area. VSO DEDB areas with share levels of 0 and 1 are
loaded into a z/OS data space. VSO DEDB areas with share levels of 2 and 3 are
loaded into a coupling facility cache structure.

| Coupling facility cache structures are defined by the system administrator and can
| accommodate either a single DEDB area or multiple DEDB areas. Cache structures
| that support multiple DEDB areas are called multi-area structures. For more
| information on multi-area structures, see IMS Version 9: Administration Guide:
| System.

Recommendation: Terminal-related MSDBs and non-terminal-related MSDBs with

terminal-related keys are not supported in IMS Version 5 and later releases.
Non-terminal-related MSDBs without terminal-related keys are still supported.
Therefore, you should consider converting all your existing MSDBs to VSO DEDBs
or non-VSO DEDBs.

Restrictions Using VSO DEDB Areas

VSO DEDB areas have the following restrictions in their use:
v VSO DEDB areas must be registered with DBRC.
| v The maximum allowable size for either a z/OS data space or a coupling facility
| cache structure is 2 GB (2 147 483 648 bytes).

Chapter 7. Choosing Fast Path Database Types 135

Fast Path Virtual Storage Option

| The actual size available for a VSO area is the maximum size (2 GB) minus
| amounts used by z/OS (from 0 to 4 KB) and IMS Fast Path (approximately 100
| KB). To see the size, usage, and other statistics for a VSO DEDB area, enter the
| v The DEDB Area Data Set Compare utility (DBFUMMH0) does not support VSO
| DEDB areas.

Related Reading:
v See “Accessing a Data Space” on page 143 for more information on data
v See IMS Version 9: Command Reference for more information on the /DISPLAY

Defining a VSO DEDB Area

| All of the Virtual Storage Option (VSO) information for a DEDB is recorded in the
| RECON data set. Use the following parameters of the DBRC INIT.DBDS and
| CHANGE.DBDS commands to define your VSO DEDB Areas:
VSO Defines the area as a VSO area.
| When a CI is read for the first time, it will be copied into a z/OS data space
| or a coupling facility structure. Data is read into a common buffer and is
| then copied into the data space or structure. Subsequent access to the data
| retrieves it from the data space or structure rather than from DASD.
| CIs that are not read are not copied into the data space or structure.
| All updates to the data are copied back to the data space or structure and
| any locks held are released. Updated CIs are periodically written back to
Defines the area as a non-VSO area. This is the default.
You can use NOVSO to define a DEDB as non-VSO or to turn off the VSO
option for a given area. If the area is in virtual storage when it is redefined
as NOVSO, the area must be stopped (/STOP AREA or /DBR AREA) or
removed from virtual storage (/VUNLOAD) for the change to take effect.
For VSO areas, this preloads the area into the data space or coupling
facility structure when the VSO area is opened. This keyword implies the
PREOPEN keyword, thus if PRELOAD is specified, then PREOPEN does
not have to be specified.
| The root addressable portion and the independent overflow portion of an
| area are loaded into the data space or coupling facility structure at control
| region initialization or during /START AREA processing. Data is then read
| from the data space or coupling facility structure to a common buffer.
| Updates are copied back to the data space or coupling facility structure and
| any locks are released. Updated CIs are periodically written back to DASD.
Defines the area as load-on-demand. For VSO DEDBs areas, as CIs are
read from the data set, they are copied to the data space or coupling facility
structure. This is the default.
| To define an area with NOPREL gives you the ability to deactivate the preload
| processing. The area is not preloaded into the data space or coupling
| facility structure the next time that it is opened.

136 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Fast Path Virtual Storage Option

If you specify NOPREL, and you want the area to be preopened, you must
separately specify PREOPEN for the area.
| Defines the name of the cache structure in the primary coupling facility.
| Cache structure names must follow z/OS coupling facility naming
| conventions. CFSTR1 uses the name of the DEDB area as its default. This
| parameter is valid only for VSO DEDB areas that are defined with
| SHARELVL(2|3).
| Related Reading: For detailed information on coupling facility naming, see
| “Coupling Facility Structure Naming Convention” on page 140.
| Defines the secondary coupling facility cache structure name when you use
| IMS-managed duplexing of structures. The cache structure name must
| follow z/OS coupling facility naming conventions. CFSTR2 does not provide
| a default name. This parameter is valid only for VSO areas of DEDBs that
| are defined with SHARELVL(2|3) and that are single-area structures. This
| parameter cannot be used with multi-area structures, which use
| system-managed duplexing.
| Related Reading:
| v For detailed information on coupling facility naming, see “Coupling
| Facility Structure Naming Convention” on page 140.
| v For more information on multi-area structures, see IMS Version 9:
| Administration Guide: System.
| MAS Defines a VSO DEDB area as using a multi-area structure as opposed to a
| single-area structure.
| Related Reading: For more information on multi-area structures, see IMS
| Version 9: Administration Guide: System.
| Defines a VSO DEDB area as using a single-area cache structure as
| opposed to a multi-area structure. NOMAS is the default.
| Indicates that buffer lookaside is to be performed on read requests for this
| area. For VSO DEDB areas that use a multi-area structure, lookaside can
| also be specified using the DFSVSMxx PROCLIB member. If there is a
| discrepancy between the specifications in DBRC and those in DFSVSMxx,
| the specifications in DFSVSMxx are used.
| Related Reading: For additional information on defining private buffer
| pools, see “Defining a Private Buffer Pool Using the DFSVSMxx
| IMS.PROCLIB Member” on page 141.
| Indicates that buffer lookaside is not to be performed on read requests for
| this area.
| Related Reading: For additional information on defining private buffer
| pools, see “Defining a Private Buffer Pool Using the DFSVSMxx
| IMS.PROCLIB Member” on page 141.

| VSO DEDB Areas and the PREOPEN and NOPREO Keywords

| commands apply to both VSO DEDB areas and non-VSO DEDB areas.

Chapter 7. Choosing Fast Path Database Types 137

Fast Path Virtual Storage Option

| When a NOPREO area is also defined as shared VSO with a share level of 2 or 3,
| you can open the area with the /START AREA command. This connects the area to
| the VSO structures.

You can use the DBRC commands to define your VSO DEDB areas at any time; it
is not necessary that IMS be active. The keywords specified on these DBRC
commands go into effect at two different points in Fast Path processing:
v Control region startup
After the initial checkpoint following control region initialization, DBRC provides a
list of areas with any of the VSO options (VSO, NOVSO, PRELOAD, and
NOPREL) or either of the PREOPEN or NOPREO options. The options are then
maintained by IMS Fast Path.
v Command processing
When you use a /START AREA command, DBRC provides the VSO options or
PREOPEN|NOPREO options for the area. If the area needs to be preopened or
preloaded, it is done at this time.
When you use a /STOP AREA command, any necessary VSO processing is
Related Reading: See IMS Version 9: Command Reference for details on start
and stop processing.

Sharing of VSO DEDB Areas

| Sharing of VSO DEDB areas allows multiple IMS systems to concurrently read and
| update the same VSO DEDB area. The three main participants are the coupling
| facility hardware, the coupling facility policy software, and the XES and z/OS
| services.

The coupling facility hardware provides high-performance, random-access shared

storage in which IMS systems can share data in a sysplex environment. The shared
storage area in the coupling facility is divided into sections, called structures. For
VSO DEDB data, the structure type used is called a cache structure, as opposed to
a list structure or a lock structure. The cache structure is designed for
high-performance read reference reuse and deferred write of modified data. The
coupling facility and structures are defined in a common z/OS data set, the couple
data set (COUPLExx).

The coupling facility policy software and its cache structure services provide
interfaces and services to z/OS that allow sharing of VSO DEDB data in shared
storage. Shared storage controls VSO DEDB reads and writes:
v A read of a VSO CI brings the CI into the coupling facility from DASD.
v A write of an updated VSO CI copies the CI to the coupling facility from main
storage, and marks it as changed.
v Changed CI data is periodically written back to DASD.

The XES and z/OS services provide a way of manipulating the data within the
cache structures. They provide high performance, data integrity, and data
consistency for multiple IMS systems sharing data.

The Coupling Facility and Shared Storage

| In the coupling facility shared storage, a cache structure can represent one or
| multiple VSO DEDB areas; however, any given VSO DEDB area can be
| represented by only one cache structure. Cache structures are not persistent. That
| is, they are deleted after the last IMS system disconnects from the coupling facility.

138 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Fast Path Virtual Storage Option

Duplexing Structures
| Duplexed structures are duplicate structures for the same area. Duplexing allows
| you to have dual structure support for your VSO DEDB areas, which helps to
| ensure the availability and recoverability of your data.

| Structure duplexing can be either IMS-managed or system-managed. With

| IMS-managed duplexing, you must define both the primary and the secondary
| structures in DBRC and in the z/OS coupling facility resource management (CFRM)
| policy. When you use system-managed duplexing, you have to define only the
| primary structure. The duplexing operation is transparent to you, except that you
| need to request duplex mode in your CFRM policy and allocate additional resources
| for a secondary structure instance.

VSO multi-area structures require the use of system-managed duplexing.

Related Reading: For information about enabling and initiating system-managed

duplexing, see the chapter on data sharing in IMS Version 9: Administration Guide:

Automatic Altering of Structure Size

z/OS can automatically expand or contract the size of a VSO structure in the
coupling facility if it needs storage space. Enabling this function for preloaded VSO
DEDBs can prevent wasted space; however, you must be careful with this function
when VSO DEDBs are loaded on demand.

If you have dual structures, IMS systems below Version 8 cannot connect to
structures with different sizes.

Related Reading: For information on the CFRM parameters to enable automatic

altering of structures, see the chapter on data sharing in IMS Version 9:
Administration Guide: System.

System-Managed Rebuild
You can reconfigure a coupling facility while keeping all VSO structures online by
copying the structures to another coupling facility. There is no change to the VSO

Related Reading: For information on enabling and allocating a system-managed

rebuild, allocating and populating a new structure, and managing the coupling
facility, see the chapter on data sharing in IMS Version 9: Administration Guide:

Private Buffer Pools

IMS provides special private buffer pools for Shared VSO areas. Each pool can be
associated with an area, a DBD, or a specific group of areas. These private buffer
pools are only used for Shared VSO data. Using these private buffer pools, the
customer can request buffer lookaside for the data. The keywords LKASID or
NOLKASID, when specified on the DBRC commands INIT.DBDS or CHANGE.DBDS,
indicate whether to use this lookaside capability or not.

Defining a VSO Cache Structure Name

The system programmer defines all coupling facility structures, including VSO cache
structures, in the CFRM policy definition. In this policy definition, VSO structures are
defined as cache structures, as opposed to list structures (used by shared queues)
or lock structures (used by IRLM).

Chapter 7. Choosing Fast Path Database Types 139

Fast Path Virtual Storage Option

Coupling Facility Structure Naming Convention

The structure name is 16 characters long, padded on the right with blanks if
necessary. It can contain any of the following, but must begin with an uppercase,
alphabetic character:
Uppercase alphabetic characters
Numeric characters
Special characters ($, @, and #)
Underscore (_)

IBM names begin with:

Letters ’A’ through ’I’ (uppercase)
An IBM component prefix

Examples of Defining Coupling Facility Structures

Figure 76 shows how to define two structures in separate coupling facilities.








Figure 76. Example of Updating a Policy with New Structures

In the example, the programmer defined one list structure (LIST01) and one cache
structure (CACHE01).

140 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Fast Path Virtual Storage Option

Attention: When defining a cache structure to DBRC, ensure that the name is
identical to the name used in the CFRM policy (see “Registering a
Cache Structure Name with DBRC”).

Registering a Cache Structure Name with DBRC

| When you define DEDB areas to DBRC, use the same structure names defined in
| the CFRM policy to specify the structures that each DEDB area will use. The DEDB
| area definitions and the corresponding structure names are then stored in the
| RECON data set. The structure names are entered in either the CFSTR1 or
| CFSTR2 parameter of the INIT.DBDS or CHANGE.DBDS command. For more
| information on defining DEDB areas, see “Defining a VSO DEDB Area” on page
| 136.

Restriction: The CFSTR2 parameter is not supported by multi-area structures. If

you specify both CFSTR2 and MAS in INIT.DBDS, or use CHANGE.DBDS
to apply CFSTR2 to DEDB area already defined by MAS, IMS will
reject the DBRC command with either a DSP0141I or DSP0144I error

Figure 77 registers structure name TSTDEDBAR1.


Figure 77. Defining a VSO Area Coupling Facility Structure Name in DBRC

| Defining a Private Buffer Pool Using the DFSVSMxx

Define a private buffer pool using the following format:

poolname 8 character name of the pool. Used in displays and reports.
size The buffer size of the pool. All the standard DEDB-supported buffer
sizes are supported.
pbuf The primary buffer allocation. The first allocation receives this
number of buffers. Maximum value is 99999.
sbuf The secondary buffer allocation. If the primary allocation starts to
run low, another allocation of buffers is made. This amount
indicates the secondary allocation amount. Maximum value is
maxbuf The maximum number of buffers allowed for this pool. It is a
combination of PBUF plus some iteration of SBUF. Maximum value
is 99999.
Indicates whether this pool is to be used as a local cache with
buffer lookaside capability. This value is cross-checked with the
DBRC specification of LKASID to determine which pool the area will
use. If there is an inconsistency between the DEDB statement and
DBRC, the DBRC value takes precedence.
dbname Association of the pool to a specific area or DBD. If the dbname is
an area name, then the pool is used only by that area. If the

Chapter 7. Choosing Fast Path Database Types 141

Fast Path Virtual Storage Option

dbname specifies a DBD name, the pool is used by all areas in that
DBD. The dbname is first checked for an area name then for a
DBD name.

Figure 78 shows examples of how to define a private buffer pool.


Figure 78. Examples of Defining Private Buffer Pools

In this example, 2 private buffer pools are defined:

1. The first pool has a buffer size of 512, with an initial allocation of 400 buffers,
increasing by 50, as needed, to a maximum of 800. This pool will be used as a
local cache, and buffer lookaside will be performed for areas that share this
2. The second pool has a buffer size of 8K, with an initial allocation of 100 buffers,
increasing by 20, as needed, to a maximum of 400. This pool will be used in the
same fashion as the common buffer pool. There will be no lookaside performed.

If the customer does not define a private buffer pool, the default parameter values
are calculated as follows:

v XXX is the CI size of the area to be opened.
v The initial buffer allocation is 64.
v The secondary allocation is 16.
v The maximum number of buffers for the pool is 512.
v The LKASID option is specified if it is specified in DBRC for the area.

| Defining a Private Buffer Pool for a Multi-Area Structure

| You can define private buffer pools for multi-area structure using the DEDBMAS=
| keyword in the DFSVSMxx PROCLIB member. The format is as follows:
| DEDBMAS=(poolname,cisize,pbuf,sbuf,maxbuf,LKASID|NOLKASID,strname)

| Except for the following parameters, the parameters for DEDBMAS are the same as
| those in the DFSVSMxx DEDB= keyword:
| cisize The control interval size of the area. All areas that share a
| multi-area structure must have the same control interval size. If
| there is a discrepancy between the control interval size of the area
| used in creating the structure and the control interval size of the
| area attempting to share the structure, the open process for the
| area attempting to share the structure fails.
| strname The required 1- to 16-character name of the primary coupling
| facility structure. The installation must have defined the structure in
| the CFRM administrative policy. The structure name must follow the
| naming conventions of the CFRM. If the name has fewer than 16
| characters, the system pads the name with blanks. The valid
| characters are A–Z, 0–9, and the characters $, &, #, and _. Names
| must be uppercase and start with alphabetic character.

142 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Fast Path Virtual Storage Option

| Restriction: Do not begin structure names with the letters A-I, or

| the character string SYS. IBM reserves these characters for its
| structures.

Acquiring and Accessing Data Spaces for VSO DEDB Areas

IMS allocates data spaces to accommodate VSO DEDB areas. When a VSO DEDB
area CI is preloaded or read for the first time, it is copied into a data space (or a
coupling facility structure). Subsequent access to the data retrieves it from the data
space rather than from DASD.

Acquiring a Data Space

| IMS acquires data spaces for VSO areas when the VSO areas first open, but not
| before. The maximum size of any VSO area data space is two gigabytes. Data
| spaces for preloaded VSO areas use the z/OS DREF (disabled reference) option.
| Data spaces for non-preloaded VSO areas do not use the DREF option.

| DREF data spaces use a combination of central storage and expanded storage, but
| no auxiliary storage. Data spaces without the DREF option use central storage,
| expanded storage, and auxiliary storage, if auxiliary storage is available.

IMS acquires additional data spaces for VSO areas, both with DREF and without,
as needed.

Accessing a Data Space

| During IMS control region initialization, IMS calls DBRC to request a list of all the
| areas that are defined as VSO. This list includes the PREOPEN or PRELOAD
| status of each VSO area. If VSO areas exist, IMS acquires the appropriate data
| spaces. Then IMS opens all areas defined with PREOPEN and opens and loads
| areas defined with PRELOAD. During a normal or emergency restart, the opening
| and loading of areas might occur after control region initialization, if you have
| changed the specifications of the FPOPN parameter in the IMS procedure.

IMS assigns areas to data spaces using a “first fit” algorithm. The entire root
addressable portion of an area (including independent overflow) resides in the data
space. The sequential dependent portion does not reside in the data space.

The amount of space needed for an area in a data space is (CI size) × (number of
CIs per UOW) × ((number of UOWs in root addressable portion) + (number of
UOWs in independent overflow portion)) rounded to the next 4 KB.

| Expressed in terms of the parameters of the DBDGEN AREA statement, this formula is
| (SIZE parameter value) × (UOW parameter value) × (ROOT parameter value)
| rounded to the next 4 KB.

The actual amount of space in a data space available for an area (or areas) is two
gigabytes (524,288 blocks, 4 KB each) minus an amount reserved by z/OS (from 0
to 4 KB) minus an amount used by IMS Fast Path (approximately 100 KB). You can
use the /DISPLAY FPVIRTUAL command to determine the actual storage usage of a
particular area.

Related Reading: For sample output from this command, see IMS Version 9:
Command Reference.

Chapter 7. Choosing Fast Path Database Types 143

Fast Path Virtual Storage Option

Resource Control and Locking

Using VSO can reduce the number and duration of DEDB resource locking
contentions by managing DEDB resource requests on a segment level and holding
locks only until updated segments are returned to the data space. Segment-level
resource control and locking applies only to Get and Replace calls.

Without VSO, the VSAM CI (physical block) is the smallest available resource for
DEDB resource request management and locking. If there is an update to any part
of the CI, the lock is held until the whole CI is rewritten to DASD. No other
requester is allowed access to any part of the CI until the first requester’s lock is

With VSO, the database segment is the smallest available resource for DEDB
resource request management and locking. Segment-level locking is available only
for the root segment of a DEDB with a root-only structure, and when that root
segment is a fixed-length segment. If processing options R or G are specified in the
calling PCB, IMS can manage and control DEDB resource requests and serialize
change at the segment level; for other processing options, IMS maintains VSAM CI
locks. Segment locks are held only until the segment updates are applied to the CI
in the data space. Other requesters for different segments in the same CI are
allowed concurrent access.

A VSO DEDB resource request for a segment causes the entire CI to be copied
into a common buffer. VSO manages the segment request at a level of control
consistent with the request and its access intent. VSO also manages access to the
CI that contains the segment but at the share level in all cases. A different user’s
subsequent request for a segment in the same CI accesses the image of the CI
already in the buffer.

Updates to the data are applied directly to the CI in the buffer at the time of the
update. Segment-level resource control and serialization provide integrity among
multiple requesters. After an updated segment is committed and applied to the copy
of the CI in the data space, other requesters are allowed access to the updated
segment from the copy of the CI in the buffer.

If after a segment change the requester’s updates are not committed for any
reason, VSO copies the unchanged image of the segment from the data space to
the CI in the buffer. VSO does not allow other requesters to access the segment
until VSO completes the process of removing the uncommitted and cancelled
updates. Locking at the segment level is not supported for shared VSO areas. Only
CI locking is supported.

When a compression routine is defined on the root segment of a DEDB with a

root-only structure, and when that root segment is a fixed-length segment, its length
becomes variable after being compressed. Replacing a compressed segment then
requires a delete and an insert. In this case, segment level control and locking is
not available.

Preopen Areas and VSO Areas in a Data Sharing Environment

| A VSO can be registered with any of the following share levels:
| Exclusive access: in a data sharing environment, any SHARELVL(0) area
| with the PREOPEN option (including VSO PREOPEN and VSO PRELOAD)

144 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Fast Path Virtual Storage Option

| is opened by the first IMS system to complete its control region initialization.
| IMS will not attempt to preopen the area for any other IMS.
| One updater, many readers: in a data sharing environment, a
| SHARELVL(1) area with the PREOPEN option is preopened by all sharing
| IMS systems. The first IMS system to complete its control region
| initialization has update authorization; all others have read authorization.
| If the SHARELVL(1) area is a VSO area, it is allocated to a data space by
| any IMS that opens the area. If the area is defined as VSO PREOPEN or
| VSO PRELOAD, it is allocated to a data space by all sharing IMS systems.
| If the area is defined as VSO NOPREO NOPREL, it is allocated to a data
| space by all IMS systems, as each opens the area. The first IMS to access
| the area has update authorization; all others have read authorization.
| Block-level sharing: a SHARELVL(2) area with at least one coupling facility
| structure name (CFSTR1) defined is shared at the block or control interval
| (CI) level within the scope of a single IRLM. Multiple IMS systems can be
| authorized for update or read processing if they are using the same IRLM.
| Block-level sharing: a SHARELVL(3) area with at least one coupling facility
| structure name (CFSTR1) defined is shared at the block or control interval
| (CI) level within the scope of multiple IRLMs. Multiple IMS systems can be
| authorized for nonexclusive access.

Attention: Be careful when registering a VSO area as SHARELVL(1). Those

systems that receive read-only authorization never see the updates
made by the read/write system because all reads come from the data
space (not from DASD, where updates are eventually written).

Input/Output Processing With VSO

| This topic describes how IMS uses buffers, data spaces, and DASD in response to
| read and update requests.

Input Processing
When an application program issues a read request to a VSO area, IMS checks to
see if the data is in the data space. If the data is in the data space, it is copied from
the data space into a common buffer and passed back to the application. If the data
is not in the data space, IMS reads the CI from the area data set on DASD into a
common buffer, copies the data into the data space, and passes the data back to
the application.

For SHARELVL(2|3) VSO areas, Fast Path uses private buffer pools. Buffer
lookaside is an option for these buffer pools. When a read request is issued against
a SHARELVL(2|3) VSO area using a lookaside pool, a check is made to see if the
requested data is in the pool. If the data is in the pool, a validity check to XES is
made. If the data is valid, it is passed back to the application from the local buffer. If
the data is not found in the local buffer pool or XES indicates that the data in the
pool is not valid, the data is read from the coupling facility structure and passed to
the application. When the buffer pool specifies the no-lookaside option, every
request for data goes to the coupling facility.

For those areas that are defined as load-on-demand (using the VSO and NOPREL
options), the first access to the CI is from DASD. The data is copied to the data

Chapter 7. Choosing Fast Path Database Types 145

Fast Path Virtual Storage Option

space and then subsequent reads for this CI retrieve the data from the data space
rather than from DASD. For those areas that are defined using the VSO and PRELOAD
options, all access to CIs comes from the data space.

Whether the data comes from DASD or from the data space is transparent to the
processing done by application programs.

Output Processing
During phase 1 of synchronization point processing VSO data is treated the same
as non-VSO data. The use of VSO is transparent to logging.

During phase 2 of the synchronization point processing VSO and non-VSO data are
treated differently. For VSO data, the updated data is copied to the data space, the
lock is released and the buffer is returned to the available queue. The relative byte
address (RBA) of the updated CI is maintained in a bitmap. If the RBA is already in
the bitmap from a previous update, only one copy of the RBA is kept. At interval
timer, the updated CIs are written to DASD. This batching of updates reduces the
amount of output processing for CIs that are frequently updated. While the updates
are being written to DASD, they are still available for application programs to read
or update because copies of the data are made within the data space just before it
is written.

For SHARELVL(2|3) VSO areas, the output thread process is used to write updated
CIs to the coupling facility structures. When the write is complete, the lock is
released. XES maintains the updated status of the data in the directory entry for the

The PRELOAD Option

The loading of one area takes place asynchronously with the loading of any others.
The loading of an area is (or can be) concurrent with an application program’s
accesses to that area. If the CI requested by the application program has been
loaded into the data space, it is retrieved from the data space. If the requested CI
has not yet been loaded into the data space, it is obtained from DASD and UOW
locking is used to maintain data integrity.

The preload process for SHARELVL(2|3) VSO areas is similar to that of

SHARELVL(0|1). Multiple preloads can be run concurrently, and also concurrent
with application processing. The locking, however, is different. SHARELVL(2|3)
Areas that are loaded into coupling facility structures use CI locking instead of UOW
locking. The load process into the coupling facility is done one CI at a time.

If a read error occurs during preloading, an error message flags the error, but the
preload process continues. If a subsequent application program call accesses a CI
that was not loaded into the data space due to a read error, the CI request goes out
to DASD. If the read error occurs again, the application program receives an “A0”
status code, just as with non-VSO applications. If instead the access to DASD is
successful this time, the CI is loaded into the data space.

I/O Error Processing

Using VSO increases the availability of data when write errors occur. When a CI for
a VSO area has been put into a data space, the CI is available from that data
space as long as IMS is active, even if a write error occurs when an update to the
CI is being written to DASD.

Write Errors: When a write error occurs, IMS create an error queue element
(EQE) for the CI in error. For VSO areas, all read requests are satisfied by reading

146 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Fast Path Virtual Storage Option

the data from the data space. Therefore, as long as the area continues to reside in
the data space, the CI that had the write error continues to be available. When the
area is removed from the data space, the CI is no longer available and any request
for the CI receives an “AO” status code.

Read Errors: For VSO areas, the first access to a CI causes it to be read from
DASD and copied into the data space. From then on, all read requests are satisfied
from the data space. If there is a read error from the data space, z/OS abends.

For VSO areas that have been defined with the PRELOAD option, the data is
preloaded into the data space; therefore, all read requests are satisfied from the
data space.

Related Reading: See “The PRELOAD Option” on page 146 for a discussion of
read error handling during the preload process.

To provide for additional availability, SHARELVL(2|3) VSO areas support multiple

structures per area. If a read error occurs from one of the structures, the read is
attempted from the second structure. If there is only one structure defined and a
read error occurs, an AO status code is returned to the application.

There is a maximum of three read errors allowed from a structure. When the
maximum is reached and there is only one structure defined, the area is stopped
and the structure is disconnected.

When the maximum is reached and there are two structures defined, the structure
in error is disconnected. The one remaining structure is used. If a write error to a
structure occurs, the CI in error is deleted from the structure and written to DASD.
The delete of the CI is done from the sharing partners. If none of the sharers can
delete the CI from the structure, an EQE is generated and the CI is deactivated. A
maximum of three write errors are allowed to a structure. If there are two structures
defined and one of them reaches the maximum allowed, it is disconnected.

Checkpoint Processing
During a system checkpoint, all of the VSO area updates that are in the data space
are written to DASD. All of the updated CIs in the CF structures are also written to
DASD. Only CIs that have been updated are written. Also, all updates that are in
progress are allowed to complete before checkpoint processing continues.

VSO Options Across IMS Restart

For all types of IMS restart except XRF takeover (cold start, warm start, emergency
restart, COLDBASE, COLDCOMM and COLDSYS emergency restart), the VSO
options in effect after restart are those defined to DBRC. In the case of the XRF
takeover, the VSO options in effect after the takeover are the same as those in
effect for the active IMS prior to the failure that caused the XRF takeover.

Emergency Restart Processing

Recovery of VSO areas across IMS or z/OS failures is similar to recovery of
existing non-VSO areas. IMS examines the log records, from a previous system
checkpoint to the end of the log, to determine if there are any committed updates
that were not written to DASD before the failure. If any such committed updates are
found, IMS will REDO them (apply the update to the CI and write the updated CI to
DASD). Because VSO updates are batched together during normal processing,
VSO areas are likely to require more REDO processing than non-VSO areas.

Chapter 7. Choosing Fast Path Database Types 147

Fast Path Virtual Storage Option

| During emergency restart log processing, IMS tracks VSO area updates differently
| depending on the share level of the VSO area. For share levels 0 and 1, IMS uses
| data spaces to track VSO area updates. For share levels 2 and 3, IMS uses a
| buffer in memory to track VSO area updates.

IMS also obtains a single non-DREF data space which it releases at the end of
restart. If restart log processing is unable to get the data space or main storage
resources it needs to perform VSO REDO processing, the area is stopped and
marked as “recovery needed”.

| By default, at the end of emergency restart, IMS opens areas defined with the
| PREOPEN or PRELOAD options. IMS then loads areas with the PRELOAD option into a
| data space or coupling facility structure. You can alter this behavior by using the
| FPOPN keyword of the IMS procedure to have IMS restore all VSO DEDB areas to
| their open or closed state at the time of the failure.

| Related Reading: For more information on specifying how IMS reopens DEDB
| areas during an emergency restart, see “Reopening DEDB Areas During an
| Emergency Restart” on page 111.

| VSO areas without the PREOPEN or PRELOAD options are assigned to a data space
| during the first access following emergency restart.

After an emergency restart, the VSO options and PREOPEN|NOPREO options in

effect for an area are those that are defined to DBRC, which may not match those
in effect at the time of the failure. For example, a non-shared VSO area removed
from virtual storage by the /VUNLOAD command before the failure, is restored to the
data space after the emergency restart. For shared VSO areas, the area remains
unloaded until the next /STA AREA command is issued for it.

VSO Options with XRF

During the tracking and takeover phases on the alternate IMS, log records are
processed in the same manner as during active IMS emergency restart (from a
previous active system checkpoint to the end of the log). The alternate IMS uses
the log records to determine which areas have committed updates that were not
written to DASD before the failure of the active IMS. If any such committed updates
are found, the alternate will REDO them, following the same process as for active
IMS emergency restart.

Related Reading: See “Emergency Restart Processing” on page 147 for

information on restart and REDO.

During tracking, the alternate uses data spaces to track VSO area updates: in
addition to the data space resources used for VSO areas, the alternate obtains a
single non-DREF data space which it releases at the end of takeover. If XRF
tracking or takeover is unable to get the data space or main storage resources it
needs to perform VSO REDO processing, the area is stopped and marked
“recovery needed”.

Following an XRF takeover, areas that were open or in the data space remain open
or in the data space. The VSO options and PREOPEN|NOPREO options that were in
effect for the active IMS before the takeover remain in effect on the alternate (the
new active) after the takeover. Note that these options may not match those defined
to DBRC. For example, a VSO area removed from virtual storage by the /VUNLOAD
command before the takeover is not restored to the data space after the takeover.

148 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Fast Path Virtual Storage Option

VSO areas defined with the preload option are preloaded at the end of the XRF
takeover. In most cases, dependent regions can access the area before preloading
begins, but until preloading completes, some area read requests may have to be
retrieved from DASD.

Fast Path Synchronization Points

MSDBs and DEDBs are not updated during application program processing, but the
updates are kept in buffers until a sync point. Output messages are not sent until
the message response is logged. The Fast Path sync point is defined as the next
GU call for a message-driven program, or a SYNC or CHKP call for a BMP using
Fast Path facilities. Sync point processing occurs in two phases.

Phase 1 - Build Log Record

DEDB updates and verified MSDB records are written in system log records. All
DEDB updates for the current sync point are chained together as a series of log
records. Resource contentions, deadlocks, out-of-space conditions, and MSDB
verify failures are discovered here.

Phase 2 - Write Record to System Log

Database and message records are written to the IMS system log. After logging,
MSDB records are updated, the DEDB updates begin, and messages are sent to
the terminals. DEDB updates are applied with a type of asynchronous processing
called an output thread. Until the DEDB changes are made, any program that tries
to access unwritten segments is put in a wait state.

If, during application processing, a Fast Path program issues a call to a database
other than MSDB or DEDB, or to an alternate PCB, the processing is serialized with
full function events. This can affect the performance of the Fast Path program. In
the case of a BMP or MPP making a call to a Fast Path database, the Fast Path
resources are held, and the throughput for Fast Path programs needing these
resources can be affected.

Managing I/O Errors and Long Wait Times

When a database I/O error occurs in single area data sets (ADS), IMS copies the
buffer contents of the error control interval (CI) to a virtual buffer. A subsequent DL/I
request causes the error CI to be read back into the buffer pool. The write error
information and buffers are maintained across restarts, allowing recovery to be
deferred to a convenient time. I/O error retry is automatically performed at database
close time and at system checkpoint. If the retry is successful, the error condition
no longer exists and recovery is not needed.

Multiple Area Data Sets I/O Timing (MADSIOT) helps you avoid the excessively
long wait times (also known as a long busy) that can occur while a RAMAC® disk
array performs internal recovery processing.

Restriction: MADSIOT applies only to multiple area data sets (MADS). For single
area data sets (ADS), IMS treats the long busy condition as a permanent I/O error
handled by the Fast Path I/O toleration function. The MADSIOT function works only
on a system that supports the long busy state.

To invoke MADSIOT, you must define the MADSIOT keyword on the DFSVSMxx
PROCLIB member. The /STA MADSIOT and /DIS AREA MADSIOT commands serve to
start and monitor the MADSIOT function.

Chapter 7. Choosing Fast Path Database Types 149

Managing I/O Errors and Long Wait Times

Additionally, MADSIOT requires the use of a Coupling Facility (CFLEVEL=1 or later)

list structure in a sysplex environment. MADSIOT uses this Coupling Facility to
store information required for DB recovery. You must use the CFRM policy to define
the list structure name, size, attributes, and location.

| Table 15 shows the required CFRM list structure storage sizes when the number of
| changed CIs is 1 000, 5 000, 20 000, and 30 000.
| Table 15. Required CFRM List Structure Storage Sizes
| Altered number of CIs Required Storage Size (listheadernum=50)
| (entrynum)
| 1 000 1 792 KB
| 5 000 3 584 KB
| 20 000 11 008 KB
| 30 000 15 616 KB

| Note: The values for Required Storage Size in Table 15 are for CF level 12 and
might change at higher CF levels.

The CFRM list structure sizes in Table 15 were estimated using the following
formula: storage size = 24576 + 712 * listheadernum + 107 * entrynum

Related Reading:
v For additional information on the MADSIOT keyword, see the topic on the
DFSVSMxx PROCLIB member in IMS Version 9: Installation Volume 2: System
Definition and Tailoring.
v For an example of defining CFRM policies, see the IMS Version 9: Common
Queue Server Guide and Reference.
v For information on the /STA MADSIOT and /DIS AREA MADSIOT commands, see the
IMS Version 9: Command Reference.

Registering Fast Path Databases in DBRC

Although databases need not be registered in DBRC in order for the error handling
to work, registration is highly recommended. If an error occurs on a database not
registered and the system stops, the database could be damaged if the system is
restarted and a /DBR command is not issued prior to accessing the database. The
restart causes the error buffers to be restored as they were when the system
stopped. If the same block had been updated during the batch run, the batch
update would be overlaid.

150 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Chapter 8. Choosing Optional Database Functions
After you have determined the type of database that best suits your application’s
processing requirements, you are ready to determine which additional IMS functions
you need to use.

This chapter explains the following functions and describes when and how to use
v “Logical Relationships”
v “Secondary Indexes” on page 186
v “Variable-Length Segments” on page 209
v “Segment Edit/Compression Exit Routine” on page 212
v “Data Capture Exit Routines” on page 215
v “Field-Level Sensitivity” on page 220
v “Multiple Data Set Groups” on page 230
v “Block-Level Data Sharing and CI Reclaim” on page 237
v “HALDB Single Partition Processing” on page 237
v “Integrated HALDB Online Reorganization Function” on page 238
v “Storing XML Data in IMS Databases” on page 238
1. These functions do not apply to GSAM, MSDB, HSAM, and SHSAM databases.
2. Only the variable-length segment function, the Segment Edit/Compression exit
routine, and the Data Capture exit routine apply to DEDBs.

Logical Relationships
The following database types support logical relationships:

Logical relationships resolve conflicts in the way application programs need to view
segments in the database. With logical relationships, application programs can
v Segment types in an order other than the one defined by the hierarchy
v A data structure that contains segments from more than one physical database.

An alternative to using logical relationships to resolve the different needs of

applications is to create separate databases or carry duplicate data in a single
database. However, in both cases this creates duplicate data. Avoid duplicate data
v Extra maintenance is required when duplicate data exists because both sets of
data must be kept up to date. In addition, updates must be done simultaneously
to maintain data consistency.
v Extra space is required on DASD to hold duplicate data.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1974, 2004 151

Logical Relationships

By establishing a path between two segment types, logical relationships eliminate

the need to store duplicate data. To establish a logical relationship, three segment
types are always defined:
A physical parent
A logical parent
A logical child

Example: Two databases, one for orders that a customer has placed and one for
items that can be ordered, are called ORDER and ITEM. The ORDER database
contains information about customers, orders, and delivery. The ITEM database
contains information about inventory.

If an application program needs data from both databases, this can be done by
defining a logical relationship between the two databases. As shown in Figure 79, a
path can be established between the ORDER and ITEM databases using a
segment type, called a logical child segment, that points into the ITEM database.
Figure 79 is a simple implementation of a logical relationship. In this case, ORDER
is the physical parent of ORDITEM. ORDITEM is the physical child of ORDER and
the logical child of ITEM.

In a logical relationship, there is a logical parent segment type and it is the segment
type pointed to by the logical child. In this example, ITEM is the logical parent of
ORDITEM. ORDITEM establishes the path or connection between the two segment
types. If an application program now enters the ORDER database, it can access
data in the ITEM database by following the pointer in the logical child segment from
the ORDER to the ITEM database.

Figure 79. A Simple Logical Relationship

The physical parent and logical parent are the two segment types between which
the path is established. The logical child is the segment type that establishes the
path. The path established by the logical child is created using pointers.

Logical Relationship Types

Three types of logical relationships are discussed in this topic:
Unidirectional logical relationships
Bidirectional physically paired logical relationships
Bidirectional virtually paired logical relationships

152 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Logical Relationships

Unidirectional Logical Relationships

A unidirectional relationship links two segment types, a logical child and its logical
parent, in one direction. A one-way path is established using a pointer in the logical
child. Figure 80 shows a unidirectional relationship that has been established
between the ORDER and ITEM databases. A unidirectional relationship can be
established between two segment types in the same or different databases.
Typically, however, a unidirectional relationship is created between two segment
types in different databases. In the figure, the logical relationship can be used to
cross from the ORDER to the ITEM database. It cannot be used to cross from the
ITEM to the ORDER database, because the ITEM segment does not point to the
ORDER database.

Figure 80. Unidirectional Logical Relationship

It is possible to establish two unidirectional relationships, as shown in Figure 81 on

page 154. Then either physical database can be entered and the logical child in
either can be used to cross to the other physical database. However, IMS treats
each unidirectional relationship as a one-way path. It does not maintain data on
both paths. If data in one database is inserted, deleted, or replaced, the
corresponding data in the other database is not updated. If, for example, DL/I
replaces ORDITEM-SCREWS under ORDER-578, ITEMORD-578 under
ITEM-SCREWS is not replaced. This maintenance problem does not exist in both
bidirectional physically paired-logical and bidirectional virtually paired-logical
relationships. Both relationship types are discussed next. IMS allows either physical
database to be entered and updated and automatically updates the corresponding
data in the other database.

Chapter 8. Choosing Optional Database Functions 153

Logical Relationships

Figure 81. Two Unidirectional Logical Relationships

Bidirectional Physically Paired Logical Relationship

A bidirectional physically paired relationship links two segment types, a logical child
and its logical parent, in two directions. A two-way path is established using pointers
in the logical child segments. Figure 82 shows a bidirectional physically paired
logical relationship that has been established between the ORDER and ITEM

Figure 82. Bidirectional Physically Paired Logical Relationship

Like the other types of logical relationships, a physically paired relationship can be
established between two segment types in the same or different databases. The
relationship shown in Figure 82 allows either the ORDER or the ITEM database to
be entered. When either database is entered, a path exists using the logical child to
cross from one database to the other.

In a physically paired relationship, a logical child is stored in both databases.

However, if the logical child has dependents, they are only stored in one database.
For example, IMS maintains data in both paths in physically paired relationships. In
Figure 82 if ORDER 123 is deleted from the ORDER database, IMS deletes from
the ITEM database all ITEMORD segments that point to the ORDER 123 segment.
If data is changed in a logical child segment, IMS changes the data in its paired

154 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Logical Relationships

logical child segment. Or if a logical child segment is inserted into one database,
IMS inserts a paired logical child segment into the other database.

With physical pairing, the logical child is duplicate data, so there is some increase
in storage requirements. In addition, there is some extra maintenance required
because IMS maintains data on two paths. In the next type of logical relationship
examined, this extra space and maintenance do not exist; however, IMS still allows
you to enter either database. IMS also performs the maintenance for you.

Bidirectional Virtually Paired Logical Relationship

A bidirectional virtually paired relationship is like a bidirectional physically paired
relationship in that:
v It links two segment types, a logical child and its logical parent, in two directions,
establishing a two-way path.
v It can be established between two segment types in the same or different

Figure 83 shows a bidirectional virtually paired relationship between the ORDER

and ITEM databases. Note that although there is a two-way path, a logical child
segment exists only in the ORDER database. Going from the ORDER to the ITEM
database, IMS uses the pointer in the logical child segment. Going from the ITEM
to the ORDER database, IMS uses the pointer in the logical parent, as well as the
pointer in the logical child segment.

Figure 83. Bidirectionally Virtually Paired Logical Relationship

To define a virtually paired relationship, two logical child segment types are defined
in the physical databases involved in the logical relationship. Only one logical child
is actually placed in storage. The logical child defined and put in storage is called
the real logical child. The logical child defined but not put in storage is called the
virtual logical child.

IMS maintains data in both paths in a virtually paired relationship. However,

because there is only one logical child segment, maintenance is simpler than it is in
a physically paired relationship. When, for instance, a new ORDER segment is
inserted, only one logical child segment has to be inserted. For a replace, the data
only has to be changed in one segment. For a delete, the logical child segment is
deleted from both paths.

Chapter 8. Choosing Optional Database Functions 155

Logical Relationships

Note the trade-off between physical and virtual pairing. With virtual pairing, there is
no duplicate logical child and maintenance of paired logical children. However,
virtual pairing requires the use and maintenance of additional pointers, called logical
twin pointers.

Logical Relationship Pointer Types

| In all logical relationships the logical child establishes a path between two segment
| types. The path is established by use of pointers. The following topics look at
| pointing in logical relationships and the four types of pointers that you can specify
| for logical relationships:
| v “Logical Parent Pointer”
| v “Logical Child Pointer” on page 158
| v “Physical Parent Pointer” on page 159
| v “Logical Twin Pointer” on page 160

For HALDBs, consider the following:

v Logical relationships are not allowed between HALDBs and non-HALDBs.
| v Direct pointers and indirect pointers are used. See “Indirect Pointers” on page
| 161.
| v Unidirectional relationships and bidirectional, physically paired relationships are
| supported for HALDBs.
v Physical parent pointers are always present in PHDAM and PHIDAM segments.

Logical Parent Pointer

The pointer from the logical child to its logical parent is called a logical parent (LP)
pointer. This pointer must be a symbolic pointer when it is pointing into a HISAM
database. It can be either a direct or a symbolic pointer when it is pointing into an
HDAM or a HIDAM database. PHDAM or PHIDAM databases require direct

A direct pointer consists of the direct address of the segment being pointed to, and
it can only be used to point into a database where a segment, once stored, is not
moved. This means the logical parent segment must be in an HD (HDAM, PHDAM,
HIDAM, or PHIDAM) database, since the logical child points to the logical parent
segment. The logical child segment, which contains the pointer, can be in a HISAM
or an HD database except in the case of HALDB. In the HALDB case, the logical
child segment must be in an HD (PHDAM or PHIDAM) database. A direct LP
pointer is stored in the logical child’s prefix, along with any other pointers, and is
four bytes long. Figure 84 on page 157 shows the use of a direct LP pointer. In a
HISAM database, pointers are not required between segments because they are
stored physically adjacent to each other in hierarchic sequence. Therefore, the only
time direct pointers will exist in a HISAM database is when there is a logical
relationship using direct pointers pointing into an HD database.

156 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Logical Relationships

Figure 84. Direct Logical Parent (LP) Pointer

In Figure 84, the direct LP pointer points from the logical child ORDITEM to the
logical parent ITEM. Because it is direct, the LP pointer can only point to an HD
database. However, the LP pointer can “exist” in a HISAM or an HD database. The
LP pointer is in the prefix of the logical child and consists of the 4-byte direct
address of the logical parent.

A symbolic LP pointer, which consists of the logical parent’s concatenated key

(LPCK), can be used to point into a HISAM or HD database. Figure 85 on page 158
illustrates how to use a symbolic LP pointer. The logical child ORDITEM points to
the ITEM segment for BOLT. BOLT is therefore stored in ORDITEM in the LPCK. A
symbolic LP pointer is stored in the first part of the data portion in the logical child

Note: The LPCK part of the logical child segment is considered non-replaceable
and is not checked to see whether the I/O area is changed. When the LPCK
is virtual, checking for a change in the I/O area causes a performance
problem. Changing the LPCK in the I/O area does not cause the REPL call
to fail. However, the LPCK is not changed in the logical child segment.

With symbolic pointers, if the database the logical parent is in is HISAM or HIDAM,
IMS uses the symbolic pointer to access the index to find the correct logical parent
segment. If the database containing the logical parent is HDAM, the symbolic
pointer must be changed by the randomizing module into a block and RAP address
to find the logical parent segment. IMS accesses a logical parent faster when direct
pointing is used.

Although the figures show the LP pointer in a unidirectional relationship, it works

exactly the same way in all three types of logical relationships.

Figure 85 on page 158 shows an example of a symbolic logical parent pointer.

Chapter 8. Choosing Optional Database Functions 157

Logical Relationships

Figure 85. Symbolic Logical Parent (LP) Pointer

In Figure 85, the symbolic LP pointer points from the logical child ORDITEM to the
logical parent ITEM. With symbolic pointing, the ORDER and ITEM databases can
be either HISAM or HD. The LPCK, which is in the first part of the data portion of
the logical child, functions as a pointer from the logical child to the logical parent,
and is the pointer used in the logical child.

Logical Child Pointer

Logical child pointers are only used in logical relationships with virtual pairing. When
virtual pairing is used, there is only one logical child on DASD, called the real
logical child. This logical child has an LP pointer. The LP pointer can be symbolic or
direct. In the ORDER and ITEM databases you have seen, the LP pointer allows
you to go from the database containing the logical child to the database containing
the logical parent. To enter either database and cross to the other with virtual
pairing, you use a logical child pointer in the logical parent. Two types of logical
child pointers can be used:
v Logical child first (LCF) pointers, or
v The combination of logical child first (LCF) and logical child last (LCL) pointers

The LCF pointer points from a logical parent to the first occurrence of each of its
logical child types. The LCL pointer points to the last occurrence of the logical child
segment type for which it is specified. A LCL pointer can only be specified in
conjunction with a LCF pointer. Figure 86 on page 159 shows the use of the LCF
pointer. These pointers allow you to cross from the ITEM database to the logical
child ORDITEM in the ORDER database. However, although you are able to cross
databases using the logical child pointer, you have only gone from ITEM to the
logical child ORDITEM. To go to the ORDER segment, use the physical parent
pointer explained in “Physical Parent Pointer” on page 159.

LCF and LCL pointers are direct pointers. They contain the 4-byte direct address of
the segment to which they point. This means the logical child segment, the segment
being pointed to, must be in an HD database. The logical parent can be in a HISAM
or HD database. If the logical parent is in a HISAM database, the logical child
segment must point to it using a symbolic pointer. LCF and LCL pointers are stored
in the logical parent’s prefix, along with any other pointers. Figure 86 shows a LCF

158 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Logical Relationships

Figure 86. Logical Child First (LCF) Pointer (Used in Virtual Pairing Only)

In Figure 86, the LCF pointer points from the logical parent ITEM to the logical child
ORDITEM. Because it is a direct pointer, it can only point to an HD database,
although, it can exist in a HISAM or an HD database. The LCF pointer is in the
prefix of the logical parent and consists of the 4-byte RBA of the logical child.

Physical Parent Pointer

Physical parent (PP) pointers point from a segment to its physical parent. They are
generated automatically by IMS for all HD databases involved in logical
relationships. PP pointers are put in the prefix of all logical child and logical parent
segments. They are also put in the prefix of all segments on which a logical child or
logical parent segment is dependent in its physical database. This creates a path
from a logical child or its logical parent back up to the root segment on which it is
dependent. Because all segments on which a logical child or logical parent is
dependent are chained together with PP pointers to a root, access to these
segments is possible in reverse of the usual order.

In Figure 86, you saw that you could cross from the ITEM to the ORDER database
when virtual pairing was used, and this was done using logical child pointers.
However, the logical child pointer only got you from ITEM to the logical child
ORDITEM. Figure 87 on page 160 shows how to get to ORDER. The PP pointer in
ORDITEM points to its physical parent ORDER. If ORDER and ITEM are in an HD
database but are not root segments, they (and all other segments in the path of the
root) would also contain PP pointers to their physical parents.

PP pointers are direct pointers. They contain the 4-byte direct address of the
segment to which they point. PP pointers are stored in a logical child or logical
parent’s prefix, along with any other pointers.

Chapter 8. Choosing Optional Database Functions 159

Logical Relationships

Figure 87. Physical Parent (PP) Pointer

In Figure 87, the PP pointer points from the logical child ORDITEM to its physical
parent ORDER. It is generated automatically by IMS for all logical child and logical
parent segments in HD databases. In addition, it is in the prefix of the segment that
contains it and consists of the 4-byte direct address of its physical parent. PP
pointers are generated in all segments from the logical child or logical parent back
up to the root.

Logical Twin Pointer

Logical twin pointers are used only in logical relationships with virtual pairing.
Logical twins are multiple logical child segments that point to the same occurrence
of a logical parent. Two types of logical twin pointers can be used:
v Logical twin forward (LTF) pointers, or
v The combination of logical twin forward (LTF) and logical twin backward (LTB)

An LTF pointer points from a specific logical twin to the logical twin stored after it.
An LTB pointer can only be specified in conjunction with an LTF pointer. When
specified, an LTB points from a given logical twin to the logical twin stored before it.
Logical twin pointers work in a similar way to the physical twin pointers used in HD
databases. As with physical twin backward pointers, LTB pointers improve
performance on delete operations. They do this when the delete that causes DASD
space release is a delete from the physical access path. Similarly, PTB pointers
improve performance when the delete that causes DASD space release is a delete
from the logical access path.

Figure 88 on page 161 shows use of the LTF pointer. In this example, ORDER 123
has two items: bolt and washer. The ITEMORD segments beneath the two ITEM
segments use LTF pointers. If the ORDER database is entered, it can be crossed to
the ITEMORD segment for bolts in the ITEM database. Then, to retrieve all items
for ORDER 123, the LTF pointers in the ITEMORD segment can be followed. In
Figure 88 only one other ITEMORD segment exists, and it is for washers. The LTF
pointer in this segment, because it is the last twin in the chain, contains zeros.

LTB pointers on dependent segments improve performance when deleting a real

logical child in a virtually paired logical relationship. This improvement occurs when
the delete is along the physical path.

160 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Logical Relationships

LTF and LTB pointers are direct pointers. They contain the 4-byte direct address of
the segment to which they point. This means LTF and LTB pointers can only exist in
HD databases. Figure 88 shows a LTF pointer.

Figure 88. Logical Twin Forward (LTF) Pointer (Used in Virtual Pairing Only)

In Figure 88, the LTF pointer points from a specific logical twin to the logical twin
stored after it. In this example, it points from the ITEMORD segment for bolts to the
ITEMORD segment for washers. Because it is a direct pointer, the LTF pointer can
only point to an HD database. The LTF pointer is in the prefix of a logical child
segment and consists of the 4-byte RBA of the logical twin stored after it.

Indirect Pointers
HALDBs (PHDAM, PHIDAM, and PSINDEX databases) use direct and indirect
pointers for pointing from one database record to another database record.
Figure 89 shows how indirect pointers are used.

Figure 89. Self-healing Pointers

The use of indirect pointers prevents the problem of misdirected pointers that would
otherwise occur when a database is reorganized.

Chapter 8. Choosing Optional Database Functions 161

Logical Relationships

The repository for the indirect pointers is the indirect list data set. The misdirected
pointers after reorganization are self-healing using indirect pointers.

| Related Reading: For a complete discussion of the self-healing pointer process,

| see “The HALDB Self-Healing Pointer Process” on page 382.

Paths in Logical Relationships

The relationship between physical parent and logical child in a physical database
and the LP pointer in each logical child creates a physical parent to logical parent
path. To define use of the path, the logical child and logical parent are defined as a
concatenated segment type that is a physical child of the physical parent, as shown
in Figure 90. Definition of the path and the concatenated segment type is done in
what is called a logical database. The logical database is examined in “Specifying
Logical Relationships in the Logical DBD” on page 176 and elsewhere in this

Figure 90. Defining a Physical Parent to Logical Parent Path in a Logical Database

In addition, when LC pointers are used in the logical parent and logical twin and PP
pointers are used in the logical child, a logical parent to physical parent path is
created. To define use of the path, the logical child and physical parent are defined
as one concatenated segment type that is a physical child of the logical parent, as
shown in Figure 91. Again, definition of the path is done in a logical database.

Figure 91. Defining a Logical Parent to Physical Parent Path in a Logical Database

When use of a physical parent to logical parent path is defined, the physical parent
is the parent of the concatenated segment type. When an application program
retrieves an occurrence of the concatenated segment type from a physical parent,
the logical child and its logical parent are concatenated and presented to the
application program as one segment. When use of a logical parent to physical
parent path is defined, the logical parent is the parent of the concatenated segment
type. When an application program retrieves an occurrence of the concatenated

162 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Logical Relationships

segment type from a logical parent, an occurrence of the logical child and its
physical parent are concatenated and presented to the application program as one

In both cases, the physical parent or logical parent segment included in the
concatenated segment is called the destination parent. For a physical parent to
logical parent path, the logical parent is the destination parent in the concatenated
segment. For a logical parent to physical parent path, the physical parent is the
destination parent in the concatenated segment.

The Logical Child Segment

When defining a logical child in its physical database, the length specified for it
must be large enough to contain the concatenated key of the logical parent. Any
length greater than that can be used for intersection data.

Related Reading For information about intersection data, see “Intersection Data” on
page 164.

To identify which logical parent is pointed to by a logical child, the concatenated key
of the logical parent must be present. Each logical child segment must be present
in the application program’s I/O area when the logical child is initially presented for
loading into the database. However, if the logical parent is in an HD database, its
concatenated key might not be written to storage when the logical child is loaded. If
the logical parent is in a HISAM database, a logical child in storage must contain
the concatenated key of its logical parent.

For logical child segments, you can define a special operand on the PARENT=
parameter of the SEGM statement. This operand determines whether a symbolic
pointer to the logical parent is stored as part of the logical child segment on the
storage device. If PHYSICAL is specified, the concatenated key of the logical parent
is stored with each logical child segment. If VIRTUAL is specified, only the
intersection data portion of each logical child segment is stored.

When a concatenated segment is retrieved through a logical database, it contains

the logical child segment, which consists of the concatenated key of the destination
parent, followed by any intersection data. In turn, this is followed by data in the
destination parent. Figure 92 shows the format of a retrieved concatenated segment
in the I/O area. The concatenated key of the destination parent is returned with
each concatenated segment to identify which destination parent was retrieved. IMS
gets the concatenated key from the logical child in the concatenated segment or by
constructing the concatenated key. If the destination parent is the logical parent and
its concatenated key has not been stored with the logical child, IMS constructs the
concatenated key and presents it to the application program. If the destination
parent is the physical parent, IMS must always construct its concatenated key.

Figure 92. Format of a Concatenated Segment Returned to User I/O Area

Chapter 8. Choosing Optional Database Functions 163

Logical Relationships

Segment Prefix Information for Logical Relationships

| There are two things that you should be aware of regarding the prefix of a segment
| involved in a logical relationship. First, IMS places pointers in the prefix in a specific
| sequence and, second, IMS places a counter in the prefix for logical parents that do
| not have logical child pointers.

Sequence of Pointers in a Segment’s Prefix

When a segment contains more than one type of pointer and is involved in a logical
relationship, pointers are put in the segment’s prefix in the following sequence:
1. HF
2. HB
3. PP
4. LTF
5. LTB
6. LP

1. TF
2. TB
3. PP
4. LTF
5. LTB
6. LP
7. PCF
8. PCL

1. TF
2. TB
3. PP
4. PCF
5. PCL
6. EPS

Multiple PCF and PCL pointers can exist in a segment type; however, more than
one of the other types of pointers can not.

Counter Used in Logical Relationships

IMS puts a 4-byte counter in all logical parents that do not have logical child
pointers. The counter is stored in the logical parent’s prefix and contains a count of
the number of logical children pointing to this logical parent. The counter is
maintained by IMS and is used to handle delete operations properly. If the count is
greater than zero, the logical parent cannot be deleted from the database because
there are still logical children pointing to it.

Intersection Data
When two segments are logically related, data can exist that is unique to only that
relationship. In Figure 93 on page 165, for example, one of the items ordered in
ORDER 123 is 5000 bolts. The quantity 5000 is specific to this order (ORDER 123)
and this item (bolts). It does not belong to either the order or item on its own.

164 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Logical Relationships

Similarly, in ORDER 123, 6000 washers are ordered. Again, this data is concerned
only with that particular order and item combination.

This type of data is called intersection data, since it has meaning only for the
specific logical relationship. The quantity of an item could not be stored in the
ORDER 123 segment, because different quantities are ordered for each item in
ORDER 123. Nor could it be stored in the ITEM segment, because for each item
there can be several orders, each requesting a different quantity. Because the
logical child segment links the ORDER and ITEM segments together, data that is
unique to the relationship between the two segments can be stored in the logical

The two types of intersection data are: fixed intersection data (FID) and variable
intersection data (VID).

Fixed Intersection Data

Data stored in the logical child is called fixed intersection data (FID). When
symbolic pointing is used, it is stored in the data part of the logical child after the
LPCK. When direct pointing is used, it is the only data in the logical child segment.
Because symbolic pointing is used in Figure 93, BOLT and WASHER are the LPCK,
and the 5000 and 6000 are the FID. The FID can consist of several fields, all of
them residing in the logical child segment.

Figure 93. Fixed Intersection Data

Variable Intersection Data

VID is used when you have data that is unique to a relationship, but several
occurrences of it exist. For example, suppose you cannot supply in one shipment
the total quantity of an item required for an order. You need to store delivery data
showing the quantity delivered on a specified date. The delivery date is not
dependent on either the order or item alone. It is dependent on a specific order-item
combination. Therefore, it is stored as a dependent of the logical child segment.
The data in this dependent of the logical child is called variable intersection data.
For each logical child occurrence, there can be as many occurrences of dependent
segments containing intersection data as you need.

| Figure 94 on page 166 shows variable intersection data. In the ORDER 123
| segment for the item BOLT, 3000 were delivered on March 2 and 1000 were
| delivered on April 2. Because of this, two occurrences of the DELIVERY segment

Chapter 8. Choosing Optional Database Functions 165

Logical Relationships

| exist. Multiple segment types can contain intersection data for a single logical child
| segment. In addition to the DELIVERY segment shown in the figure, note the
| SCHEDULE segment type. This segment type shows the planned shipping date
| and the number of items to be shipped. Segment types containing VID can all exist
| at the same level in the hierarchy as shown in the figure, or they can be
| dependents of each other.

Figure 94. Variable Intersection Data

| FID, VID, and Physical Pairing

In the previous figures, intersection data has been stored in a unidirectional logical
relationship. It works exactly the same way in the two bidirectional logical
relationships. However, when physical pairing is used, VID can only be stored on
one side of the relationship. It does not matter on which side it is stored. An
application program can access it using either the ORDER or ITEM database. FID,
on the other hand, must be stored on both sides of the relationship when physical
pairing is used. IMS automatically maintains the FID on both sides of the
relationship when it is changed on one side. However, extra time is required for
maintenance, and extra space is required on DASD for FID in a physically paired

Recursive Structures: Same Database Logical Relationships

Logical relationships can be established between segments in two or more physical
databases. Logical relationships can also be established between segments in the
same database. The logical data structure that results is called a recursive

Most often, recursive structures are defined in manufacturing for bill-of-materials

type applications. Suppose, for example, a company manufactures bicycles. The
166 Administration Guide: Database Manager
Logical Relationships

first model the manufacturer makes is Model 1, which is a boy’s bicycle. Table 16
lists the parts needed to manufacture this bicycle and the number of each part
needed to manufacture one Model 1 bicycle.
Table 16. Parts List for the Model 1 Bicycle Example
Part Number Needed
21-inch boy’s frame 1
Handlebar 1
Seat 1
Chain 1
Front fender 1
Rear fender 1
Pedal 2
Crank 1
Front sprocket 1
26-inch tube and tire 2
26-inch rim 2
26-inch spoke 72
Front hub 1
Housing 1
Break 1
Rear sprocket 1

In manufacturing, it is necessary to know the steps that must be executed to

manufacture the end product. For each step, the parts needed must be available
and any subassemblies used in a step must have been assembled in previous
steps. Figure 95 on page 168 shows the steps required to manufacture the Model 1
bicycle. A housing, brake, and rear sprocket are needed to make the rear hub
assembly in step 2. Only then can the part of step 3 that involves building the rear
wheel assembly be executed. This part of step 3 also requires availability of a
26-inch tire, a rim, and 36 spokes.

The same company manufactures a Model 2 bicycle, which is for girls. The parts
and assembly steps for this bicycle are exactly the same, except that the bicycle
frame is a girl’s frame.

If the manufacturer stored all parts and subassemblies for both models as separate
segments in the database, a great deal of duplicate data would exist. Figure 95 on
page 168 shows the segments that must be stored just for the Model 1 bicycle. A
similar set of segments must be stored for the Model 2 bicycle, except that it has a
girl’s bicycle frame. As you can see, this leads to duplicate data and the associated
maintenance problems. The solution to this problem is to create a recursive
structure. Figure 96 on page 169 shows how this is done using the data for the
Model 1 bicycle.

Chapter 8. Choosing Optional Database Functions 167

Logical Relationships

Figure 95. Model 1 Components and Subassemblies

168 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Logical Relationships

Figure 96. Database Records for the Model 1 Bicycle

In Figure 96, two types of segments exist: PART and COMPONENT segments. A
unidirectional logical relationship has been established between them. The PART
segment for Model 1 is a root segment. Beneath it are nine occurrences of
COMPONENT segments. Each of these is a logical child that points to another
PART root segment. (Only two of the pointers are actually shown to keep the figure
simple.) However, the other PART root segments show the parts required to build
the component.

For example, the pedal assembly component points to the PART root segment for
assembling the pedal. Stored beneath this segment are the following parts that
must be assembled: one front sprocket, one crank, and two pedals. With this
structure, much of the duplicate data otherwise stored for the Model 2 bicycle can
be eliminated.

Figure 97 on page 170 shows the segments, in addition to those in Figure 96, that
must be stored in the database record for the Model 2 bicycle. The logical children
in the figure, except the one for the unique component, a 21″ girl’s frame, can point
to the same PART segments as are shown in Figure 96. A separate PART segment
for the pedal assembly, for example, need not exist. The database record for both
Model 1 and 2 have the same pedal assembly, and by using the logical child, it can
point to the same PART segment for the pedal assembly.

Chapter 8. Choosing Optional Database Functions 169

Logical Relationships

Figure 97. Extra Database Records Required for the Model 2 Bicycle

One thing to note about recursive structures is that the physical parent and the
logical parent of the logical child are the same segment type. For example, in
Figure 96 on page 169, the PART segment for Model 1 is the physical parent of the
COMPONENT segment for pedal assembly. The PART segment for pedal assembly
is the logical parent of the COMPONENT segment for pedal assembly.

Defining Sequence Fields for Logical Relationships

This topic discusses defining the following types of sequence fields:
v “Logical Parent Sequence Fields”
v “Real Logical Children Sequence Fields” on page 171
v “Virtual Logical Children Sequence Fields” on page 171

Logical Parent Sequence Fields

To avoid potential problems in processing databases using logical relationships,
unique sequence fields should be defined in all logical parent segments. In all
segments a logical parent is dependent on in its physical database. When unique
sequence fields are not defined in all segments on the path to and including a
logical parent, multiple logical parents in a database can have the same
concatenated key. When this happens, problems can arise during and after initial
database load when symbolic logical parent pointers in logical child segments are
used to establish position on a logical parent segment.

At initial database load time, if logical parents with non-unique concatenated keys
exist in a database, the resolution utilities (described in Chapter 15, “Tuning
Databases,” on page 341) attach all logical children with the same concatenated
key to the first logical parent in the database with that concatenated key.

When inserting or deleting a concatenated segment and position for the logical
parent, part of the concatenated segment is determined by the logical parent’s
concatenated key. Positioning for the logical parent starts at the root and stops on

170 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Logical Relationships

the first segment at each level of the logical parent’s database that satisfies the key
equal condition for that level. If a segment is missing on the path to the logical
parent being inserted, a GE status code is returned to the application program
when using this method to establish position in the logical parent’s database.

Real Logical Children Sequence Fields

If the sequence field of a real logical child consists of any part of the logical parent’s
concatenated key, PHYSICAL must be specified on the PARENT= parameter in the
SEGM statement for the logical child. This will cause the concatenated key of the
logical parent to be stored with the logical child segment.

Virtual Logical Children Sequence Fields

As a general rule, a segment can have only one sequence field. However, in the
case of virtual pairing, multiple FIELD statements can be used to define a logical
sequence field for the virtual logical child.

A sequence field must be specified for a virtual logical child if, when accessing it
from its logical parent, you need real logical child segments retrieved in an order
determined by data in a field of the virtual logical child as it could be seen in the
application program I/O area. This sequence field can include any part of the
segment as it appears when viewed from the logical parent (that is, the
concatenated key of the real logical child’s physical parent followed by any
intersection data). Because it can be necessary to describe the sequence field of a
logical child as accessed from its logical parent in non-contiguous pieces, multiple
FIELD statements with the SEQ parameter present are permitted. Each statement
must contain a unique fldname1 parameter.

Control Blocks for Logical Relationships

When a logical relationship is used, you must define the physical databases
involved in the relationship to IMS. This is done using a physical DBD. In addition,
many times you must define the logical structure of IMS since this is the structure
the application program perceives. This is done using a logical DBD. A logical DBD
is needed because the application program’s PCB references a DBD, and the
physical DBD does not reflect the logical data structure the application program
needs to access. Finally, the application program needs a PSB, consisting of one or
more PCBs. The PCB that is used when processing with a logical relationship
points to the logical DBD when one has been defined. This PCB indicates which
segments in the logical database the application program can process. It also
indicates what type of processing the application program can perform on each

Figure 98 on page 172 shows the relationship between these three control blocks. It
assumes that the logical relationship is established between two physical
databases. The following topics explain how the physical and logical DBD are
coded when a logical relationship is defined:
v “Specifying Logical Relationships in the Physical DBD” on page 172
v “Specifying Logical Relationships in the Logical DBD” on page 176

Chapter 8. Choosing Optional Database Functions 171

Logical Relationships

Figure 98. Relationship of Control Blocks When a Logical Relationship Is Used

Specifying Logical Relationships in the Physical DBD

For each of the databases involved in a logical relationship, you must code a
physical DBD. All statements in the physical DBD are coded with the same format
used when a logical relationship is not defined, except for the SEGM and LCHILD
statements. The SEGM statement, which describes a segment and its length and
position in the database hierarchy, is expanded to include the new types of pointers.
The LCHILD statement is added to define the logical relationship between the two
segment types. Figure 100 on page 173 shows an example of how the physical
DBD is coded.

In the SEGM statements of the examples associated with Figure 99 on page 173
and Figure 100 on page 173, only the pointers required with logical relationships
are shown. No pointers required for use with HD databases are shown. When
actually coding a DBD, you must ask for these pointers in the PTR= parameter.
Otherwise, IMS will not generate them once another type of pointer is specified.

Figure 99 shows the layout of segments. Figure 100 on page 173 shows physical
DBDs for unidirectional relationships.

172 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Logical Relationships

Figure 99. Layouts of Segments Used in the Examples

This is the hierarchic structure of the two databases involved in the logical
relationship. In this example, we are defining a unidirectional relationship using
symbolic pointing. ORDITEM has an LPCK and FID, and DELIVERY and

Figure 100. Physical DBDs for Unidirectional Relationship Using Symbolic Pointing

Chapter 8. Choosing Optional Database Functions 173

Logical Relationships

The following DBD is for the ORDER database:


The following DBD is for the ITEM database:


Notes to Figure 100:

In the ORDER database, the DBD coding that differs from normal DBD coding is
that for the logical child ORDITEM.

In the SEGM statement for ORDITEM:

1. The BYTES= parameter is 17. The length specified is the length of the LPCK,
plus the length of the FID. The LPCK is the key of the ITEM segment, which is
8 bytes long. The length of the FID is 9 bytes.
2. The PARENT= parameter has two parents specified. Two parents are specified
because ORDITEM is a logical child and therefore has both a physical and
logical parent. The physical parent is ORDER. The logical parent is ITEM,
specified after ORDER. Because ITEM exists in a different physical database
from ORDITEM, the name of its physical database, ITEMDB, must be specified.
Between the segment name ITEM and the database name ITEMDB is the letter
P. The letter P stands for physical. The letter P specifies that the LPCK is to be
stored on DASD as part of the logical child segment.

In the FIELD statements for ORDITEM:

1. ITEMNO is the sequence field of the ORDITEM segment and is 8 bytes long.
ITEMNO is the LPCK. The logical parent is ITEM, and if you look at the FIELD
statement for ITEM in the ITEM database, you will see ITEM’s sequence field is
ITEMKEY, which is 8 bytes long. Because ITEM is a root segment, the LPCK is
8 bytes long.
2. ORDITQTY is the FID and is coded normally.

In the ITEM database, the DBD coding that differs from normal DBD coding is that
an LCHILD statement has been added. This statement names the logical child
ORDITEM. Because the ORDITEM segment exists in a different physical database
from ITEM, the name of its physical database, ORDDB, must be specified.

174 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Specifying Bidirectional Logical Relationships

Specifying Bidirectional Logical Relationships

Figure 100 on page 173 shows the coding for a unidirectional relationship. When
defining a bidirectional relationship with physical pairing, you need to include an
LCHILD statement under both logical parents. In addition to other pointers, you
need to include the PAIRED operand on the POINTER= parameter of the SEGM
statements for both logical children.

When defining a bidirectional relationship with virtual pairing, you need to code an
LCHILD statement only for the real logical child. On the LCHILD statement, you
code POINTER=SNGL or DBLE to get logical child pointers. You code the PAIR=
operand to indicate the virtual logical child that is paired with the real logical child.
When you define the SEGM statement for the real logical child, the PARENT=
parameter identifies both the physical and logical parents. You should specify logical
twin pointers (in addition to any other pointers) on the POINTER= parameter. Also,
you should define a SEGM statement for the virtual logical child even though it
does not exist. On this SEGM statement, you specify PAIRED on the POINTER=
parameter. In addition, you specify a SOURCE= parameter. On the SOURCE=
parameter, you specify the SEGM name and DBD name of the real logical child.
DATA must always be specified when defining SOURCE= on a virtual logical child
SEGM statement.

Related Reading: For more information on coding logical relationships, see IMS
Version 9: Utilities Reference: Database and Transaction Manager.

Checklist of Rules for Defining Logical Relationships in Physical

This topic provides the list of rules that must be followed when defining logical
relationships in physical databases. In all cases, references are to segment types,
not occurrences.

Logical Child Rules:

v A logical child must have a physical and a logical parent.
v A logical child can have only one physical and one logical parent.
v A logical child is defined as a physical child in the physical database of its
physical parent.
v A logical child is always a dependent segment in a physical database, and can,
therefore, be defined at any level except the first level of a database.
v A logical child in its physical database cannot have a physical child defined at the
next lower level in the database that is also a logical child.
v A logical child can have a physical child. However, if a logical child is physically
paired with another logical child, only one of the paired segments can have
physical children.

Logical Parent Rules:

v A logical parent can be defined at any level in a physical database, including the
root level.
v A logical parent can have one or more logical children. Each logical child related
to the same logical parent defines a logical relationship.
v A segment in a physical database cannot be defined as both a logical parent and
a logical child.
v A logical parent can be defined in the same physical database as its logical child,
or in a different physical database.

Chapter 8. Choosing Optional Database Functions 175

Rules for Defining Logical Relationships

Physical Parent Rules: A physical parent of a logical child cannot also be a

logical child.

Specifying Logical Relationships in the Logical DBD

To identify which segment types are used in a logical data structure, you must code
a logical DBD. Figure 101 shows an example of how the logical DBD is coded. The
example is a logical DBD for the same physical databases defined in “Specifying
Logical Relationships in the Physical DBD” on page 172.

When defining a segment in a logical database, you can specify whether the
segment is returned to the program’s I/O area by using the KEY or DATA operand
on the SOURCE= parameter of the SEGM statement. DATA returns both the key
and data portions of the segment to the I/O area. KEY returns only the key portion,
and not the data portion of the segment to the I/O area.

When the SOURCE= parameter is used on the SEGM statement of a concatenated

segment, the KEY and DATA parameters control which of the two segments, or
both, is put in the I/O area on retrieval calls. In other words, you define the
SOURCE= parameter twice for a concatenated segment type, once for the logical
child portion and once for the destination parent portion.

Figure 101 illustrates the logical data structure you need to create in the application
program. It is implemented with a unidirectional logical relationship using symbolic
pointing. The root segment is ORDER from the ORDER database. Dependent on
ORDER is ORDITEM, the logical child, concatenated with its logical parent ITEM.
The application program receives both segments in its I/O area when a single call is
issued for ORDIT. DELIVERY and SCHEDULE are VID.

Figure 101. Logical Data Structure for a Unidirectional Relationship Using Symbolic Pointing

The following logical DBD is for the logical data structure shown in Figure 101:

176 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Rules for Defining Logical Relationships

Notes to Figure 101:

1. The DBD statement has the name of the logical DBD, in this example
ORDLOG. As with physical DBDs, this name must be unique and must be the
same name as specified in the MBR operand of the DBDGEN procedure.
ACCESS=LOGICAL simply says this is a logical DBD.
2. The DATASET statement always says LOGICAL, meaning a logical DBD. No
other parameters can be specified on this statement; however, DDNAMEs for
data sets are all specified in the DATASET statements in the physical DBDs.
3. The SEGM statements show which segments are to be included in the logical
database. The only operands allowed on the SEGM statements for a logical
DBD are NAME=, PARENT=, and SOURCE=. All other information about the
segment is defined in the physical DBD.
v The first SEGM statement defines the root segment ORDER.
The NAME= operand specifies the name used in the PCB to refer to this
segment. This name is used by application programmers when coding SSAs.
In this example, the segment name is the same as the name used in the
physical DBD - ORDER. However, the segment could have a different name
from that specified in its physical DBD.
The SOURCE= operand tells IMS where the data for this segment is to come
from. First the name of the segment type appears in its physical database,
which is ORDER. DATA says that the data in this segment needs to be put in
the application program’s I/O area. ORDDB is the name of the physical
database in which the ORDER segment exists.
No FIELD statements are coded in the logical DBD. IMS picks the statements
up from the physical DBD, so when accessing the ORDER segment in this
logical data structure, the application program could have SSAs referring to
ORDKEY or ORDATE. These fields were defined for the ORDER segments in
its physical DBD, as shown in Figure 100 on page 173.
v The second SEGM statement is for the ORDIT segment. The ORDIT
segment is made up of the logical child ORDITEM, concatenated with its
logical parent ITEM. As you can see, the SOURCE= operand identifies both
the ORDITEM and ITEM segments in their different physical databases.
v The third and fourth SEGM statements are for the VID DELIVERY and
SCHEDULE. These SEGM statements must be placed in the logical DBD in
the same relative order they appear in the physical DBD. In the physical
DBD, DELIVERY is to the left of SCHEDULE.

Checklist of Rules for Defining Logical Databases

Before the rules for defining logical databases can be described, you need to know
the following definitions:
v Crossing a logical relationship
v The first and additional logical relationships crossed

Also, a logical DBD is needed only when an application program needs access to a
concatenated segment or needs to cross a logical relationship.

Definition of Crossing a Logical Relationship: A logical relationship is

considered crossed when it is used in a logical database to access a segment that
v A physical parent of a destination parent in the destination parent’s database
v A physical dependent of a destination parent in the destination parent’s physical

Chapter 8. Choosing Optional Database Functions 177

Rules for Defining Logical Relationships

If a logical relationship is used in a logical database to access a destination parent

only, the logical relationship is not considered crossed.

In Figure 102, DBD1 and DBD2 are two physical databases with a logical
relationship defined between them. DBD3 through DBD6 are four logical databases
that can be defined from the logical relationship between DBD1 and DBD2. With
DBD3, no logical relationship is crossed, because no physical parent or physical
dependent of a destination parent is included in DBD3. With DBD4 through DBD6,
a logical relationship is crossed in each case, because each contains a physical
parent or physical dependent of the destination parent.

Figure 102. Definition of Crossing a Logical Relationship

Definition of First and Additional Logical Relationships Crossed: More than

one logical relationship can be crossed in a hierarchic path in a logical database.
Figure 103 on page 179 shows three physical databases (DBD1, DBD2 and DBD3)
in which logical relationships have been defined. Also in the figure are two (of
many) logical databases (DBD4 and DBD5) that can be defined from the logical

178 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Rules for Defining Logical Relationships

relationships in the physical databases. In DBD4, the two concatenated segments

BF and DI allow access to all segments in the hierarchic paths of their destination
parents. If either logical relationship or both is crossed, each is considered the first
logical relationship crossed. This is because each concatenated segment type is
reached by following the physical hierarchy of segment types in DBD1.

Figure 103. The First Logical Relationship Crossed in a Hierarchic Path of a Logical

In DBD5 in Figure 103, an additional concatenated segment type GI, is defined that
was not included in DBD4. GI allows access to segments in the hierarchic path of
the destination parent if crossed. When the logical relationship made possible by
concatenated segment GI is crossed, this is an additional logical relationship
crossed. This is because, from the root of the logical database, the logical
relationship made possible by concatenated segment type BF must be crossed to
allow access to concatenated segment GI.

Chapter 8. Choosing Optional Database Functions 179

Rules for Defining Logical Relationships

When the first logical relationship is crossed in a hierarchic path of a logical

database, access to all segments in the hierarchic path of the destination parent is
made possible as follows:
v Parent segments of the destination parent are included in the logical database as
dependents of the destination parent in reverse order, as shown in Figure 104.
v Dependent segments of the destination parent are included in the logical
database as dependents of the destination parent without their order changed, as
shown in Figure 104.

When an additional logical relationship is crossed in a logical database, access to

all segments in the hierarchic path of the destination parent is made possible, just
as in the first crossing.

Figure 104. Logical Database Hierarchy Enabled by Crossing the First Logical Relationship

Rules for Defining Logical Databases:

v The root segment in a logical database must be the root segment in a physical

180 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Rules for Defining Logical Relationships

v A logical database must use only those segments and physical and logical
relationship paths defined in the physical DBD referenced by the logical DBD.
v The path used to connect a parent and child in a logical database must be
defined as a physical relationship path or a logical relationship path in the
physical DBD referenced by the logical DBD.
v Physical and logical relationship paths can be mixed in a hierarchic segment path
in a logical database.
v Additional physical relationship paths, logical relationship paths, or both paths
can be included after a logical relationship is crossed in a hierarchic path in a
logical database. These paths are included by going in upward directions,
downward directions, or both directions, from the destination parent. When
proceeding downward along a physical relationship path from the destination
parent, direction cannot be changed except by crossing a logical relationship.
When proceeding upward along a physical relationship path from the destination
parent, direction can be changed.
v Dependents in a logical database must be in the same relative order as they are
under their parent in the physical database. If a segment in a logical database is
a concatenated segment, the physical children of the logical child and children of
the destination parent can be in any order. The relative order of the children or
the logical child and the relative order of the children of the destination parent
must remain unchanged.
v The same concatenated segment type can be defined multiple times with
different combinations of key and data sensitivity. Each must have a distinct
name for that view of the concatenated segment. Only one of the views can have
dependent segments. Figure 105 shows the four views of the same concatenated
segment that can be defined in a logical database. A PCB for the logical
database can be sensitive to only one of the views of the concatenated segment

Figure 105. Single Concatenated Segment Type Defined Multiple Times with Different
Combinations of Key and Data Sensitivity

LC Logical child segment type

DP Destination parent segment type
K KEY sensitivity specified for the segment type
D DATA sensitivity specified for the segment type

Choosing Replace, Insert, and Delete Rules for Logical Relationships

You must establish insert, delete, and replace rules when a segment is involved in a
logical relationship, because such segments can be updated from two paths: a
physical path and a logical path.

Chapter 8. Choosing Optional Database Functions 181

Rules for Defining Logical Relationships

Figure 106 and Figure 107 show example insert, delete, and replace rules. Consider
the following questions:
1. Should the CUSTOMER segment in Figure 106 be able to be inserted by both
its physical and logical paths?
2. Should the BORROW segment be replaceable using only the physical path, or
using both the physical and logical paths?
3. If the LOANS segment is deleted using its physical path, should it be erased
from the database? Or should it be marked as physically deleted but remain
accessible using its logical path?
4. If the logical child segment BORROW or the concatenated segment
BORROW/LOANS is deleted from the physical path, should the logical path
CUST/CUSTOMER also be automatically deleted? Or should the logical path

Figure 106. Example of the Replace, Insert, and Delete Rules

Abbreviation Explanation
PP Physical parent segment type
LC Logical child segment type
LP Logical parent segment type
VLC Virtual logical child segment type

Figure 107. Example of the Replace, Insert, and Delete Rules: Before and After

The answer to these questions depends on the application. The enforcement of the
answer depends on your choosing the correct insert, delete, and replace rules for

182 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Rules for Defining Logical Relationships

the logical child, logical parent, and physical parent segments. You must first
determine your application processing requirements and then the rules that support
those requirements.

For example, the answer to question 1 depends on whether the application requires
that a CUSTOMER segment be inserted into the database before accepting the
loan. An insert rule of physical (P) on the CUSTOMER segment prohibits insertion
of the CUSTOMER segment except by the physical path. An insert rule of virtual (V)
allows insertion of the CUSTOMER segment by either the physical or logical path. It
probably makes sense for a customer to be checked (past credit, time on current
job, and so on.) and the CUSTOMER segment inserted before approving the loan
and inserting the BORROW segment. Thus, the insert rule for the CUSTOMER
segment should be P to prevent the segment from being inserted logically. (Using
the insert rule in this example provides better control of the application.)

Or consider question 3. If it is possible for this loan institution to cancel a type of

loan (cancel 10% car loans, for instance, and create 12% car loans) before
everyone with a 10% loan has fully paid it, then it is possible for the LOANS
segment to be physically deleted and still be accessible from the logical path. This
can be done by specifying the delete rule for LOANS as either logical (L) or V, but
not as P.

The P delete rule prohibits physically deleting a logical parent segment before all its
logical children have been physically deleted. This means the logical path to the
logical parent is deleted first.

You need to examine all your application requirements and decide who can insert,
delete, and replace segments involved in logical relationships and how those
updates should be made (physical path only, or physical and logical path). The
insert, delete, and replace rules in the physical DBD and the PROCOPT=
parameter in the PCB are the means of control.

Related Reading: These rules are explained in detail in Appendix B, “Insert, Delete,
and Replace Rules for Logical Relationships,” on page 465.

Performance Considerations for Logical Relationships

If you are implementing a logical relationship, you make several choices that affect
the resources needed to process logically related segments. This topic explains
these choices.

Logical Parent Pointers

The logical child segment on DASD has a pointer to its logical parent. You choose
how this pointer is physically stored on external storage. Your choices are:
v Direct pointing (specified by coding POINTER=LPARNT in the SEGM statement
for the logical child)
v Symbolic pointing (specified by coding the PHYSICAL operand for the PARENT=
keyword in the SEGM statement for the logical child)
v Both direct and symbolic pointing

The advantages of direct pointers are:

v Because direct pointers are only 4 bytes long, they are usually shorter than
symbolic pointers. Therefore, less DASD space is generally required to store
direct pointers.

Chapter 8. Choosing Optional Database Functions 183

Performance Considerations for Logical Relationships

v Direct pointers usually give faster access to logical parent segments, except
possibly HDAM or PHDAM logical parent segments, which are roots. Symbolic
pointers require extra resources to search an index for a HIDAM database. Also,
with symbolic pointers, DL/I has to navigate from the root to the logical parent if
the logical parent is not a root segment.

The advantages of symbolic pointers are:

v Symbolic pointers are stored as part of the logical child segment on DASD.
Having the symbolic key stored on DASD can save the resources required to
format a logical child segment in the user’s I/O area. Remember, the symbolic
key always appears in the I/O area as part of the logical child. When retrieving a
logical child, IMS has to construct the symbolic key if it is not stored on DASD.
v Logical parent databases can be reorganized without the logical child database
having to be reorganized. This applies to unidirectional and bidirectional
physically paired relationships (when symbolic pointing is used).

Symbolic pointing must be used:

v When pointing to a HISAM logical parent database
v If you need to sequence logical child segments (except virtual logical children) on
any part of the symbolic key

KEY/DATA Considerations
When you include a concatenated segment as part of a logical DBD, you control
how the concatenated segment appears in the user’s I/O area. You do this by
specifying either KEY or DATA on the SOURCE= keyword of the SEGM statement
for the concatenated segment. A concatenated segment consists of a logical child
followed by a logical (or destination) parent. You specify KEY or DATA for both
parts. For example, you can access a concatenated segment and ask to see the
following segment parts in the I/O area:
v The logical child part only
v The logical (or destination) parent part only
v Both parts

By carefully choosing KEY or DATA, you can retrieve a concatenated segment with
fewer processing and I/O resources. For example:
v Assume you have the unidirectional logical relationship shown in Figure 108 on
page 185.

184 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Performance Considerations for Logical Relationships

Figure 108. Example of a Unidirectional Logical Relationship

v Assume you have the logical structure shown in Figure 109.

Figure 109. Example of a Logical Structure

v Finally, assume you only need to see the data for the LINEITEM part of the
concatenated segment.

You can avoid the extra processing and I/O required to access the MODEL part of
the concatenated segment if you:
v Code the SOURCE keyword of the concatenated segment’s SEGM statement as:
v Store a symbolic logical parent pointer in LINEITEM. If you do not store the
symbolic pointer, DL/I must access MODEL and PRODUCT to construct it.

To summarize, do not automatically choose DATA sensitivity for both the logical
child and logical parent parts of a concatenated segment. If you do not need to see
the logical parent part, code KEY sensitivity for the logical parent and store the
symbolic logical parent pointer on DASD.

Sequencing Logical Twin Chains

With virtual pairing, it is possible to sequence the real logical child on physical twin
chains and the virtual logical child on logical twin chains. If possible, avoid
operations requiring that you sequence logical twins. When a logical twin chain is

Chapter 8. Choosing Optional Database Functions 185

Performance Considerations for Logical Relationships

followed, DL/I usually has to access multiple database records. Accessing multiple
database records increases the resources required to process the call.

This problem of increased resource requirements to process calls is especially

severe when you sequence the logical twin chain on all or part of the symbolic
logical parent pointer. Because a virtual logical child is not stored, it is necessary to
construct the symbolic logical parent pointer to determine if a virtual logical child
satisfies the sequencing operation. DL/I must follow physical parent pointers to
construct the symbolic pointers. This process takes place for each virtual logical
child in the logical twin chain until the correct position is found for the sequencing

Placement of the Real Logical Child in a Virtually Paired

In placing the real logical child in a virtually paired relationship, here are some
v If you need the logical child sequenced in only one of the logically related
databases, put the real logical child in that database.
v If you must sequence the logical child in both logically related databases, put the
real logical child in the database from which it is most often retrieved.
v Try to place the real logical child so logical twin chains are as short as possible.
This placement decreases the number of database records that must be
examined to follow a logical twin chain.

Note: You cannot store a real logical child in a HISAM database, because you
cannot have logical child pointers (which are direct pointers) in a HISAM

Secondary Indexes
The following database types support secondary indexes:

Secondary indexes are indexes that allow you to process a segment type in a
sequence other than the one defined by the segment’s key. A secondary index can
also be used to process a segment type based on a qualification in a dependent

Why Secondary Indexes?

When you design your database records, you design them to meet the processing
requirements of many applications. You decide what segments will be in a database
record and what fields will be in a segment. You decide the order of segments in a
database record and fields within a segment. You also decide which field in the root
segment will be the key field, and whether the key field will be unique. All these
decisions are based on what works best for all your application’s processing
requirements. However, the choices you make might suit the processing
requirements of some applications better than others.

186 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Secondary Indexes

Example: A database record in an educational database is shown in Figure 110.

Figure 110. Database Record in Educational Database

| Figure 111, shows the root segment, COURSE, and the fields it contains. The
| course number field is a unique key field.

Figure 111. Example of a Database Record Unique Key Field

You chose COURSE as the root and course number as a unique key field partly
because most applications requested information based on course numbers. For
these applications, access to the information needed from the database record is
fast. For a few of your applications, however, the organization of the database
record does not provide such fast access. One application, for example, would be
to access the database by student name and then get a list of courses a student is
taking. Given the order in which the database record is now organized, access to
the courses a student is taking requires a sequential scan of the entire database.
Each database record has to be checked for an occurrence of the STUDENT
segment. When a database record for the specific student is found, then the
COURSE segment has to be referenced to get the name of the course the student
is taking. This type of access is relatively slow. In this situation, you can use a
secondary index that has a set of pointer segments for each student to all COURSE
segments for that student.

Another application would be to access COURSE segments by course name. In this

situation, you can use a secondary index that allows access to the database in
course name sequence (rather than by course number, which is the key field).

Secondary indexing is a solution to the different processing requirements of various

applications. It allows you to have an index based on any field in the database, and
not just the key field in the root segment.

Chapter 8. Choosing Optional Database Functions 187

Secondary Indexes

Characteristics of Secondary Indexes

Secondary indexes can be used with HISAM, HDAM, PHDAM, HIDAM, and
PHIDAM databases. A secondary index is in its own separate database and must
use VSAM as its access method. Because a secondary index is in its own
database, it can be processed as a separate database.

Secondary indexes are invisible to the application program. When an application

program needs to do processing using the secondary index, this fact is
communicated to IMS by coding the PROCSEQ= parameter in the PCB. If an
application program needs to do processing using the regular processing sequence,
PROCSEQ= is simply not coded. If the application program needs to do processing
using both the regular processing sequence and the secondary index, the
application program’s PSB must contain two PCBs, one with PROCSEQ= coded
and one without.

When two PCBs are used, it enables an application program to use two paths into
the database and two sequence fields. One path and sequence field is provided by
the regular processing sequence, and one is provided by the secondary index. The
secondary index gives an application program both an alternative way to enter the
database and an alternative way to sequentially process database records.

A final characteristic of secondary indexes is that there can be 32 secondary

indexes for a segment type and a total of 1000 secondary indexes for a single

Segments Used for Secondary Indexes

As shown in Figure 112, to set up a secondary index, three types of segments must
be defined to IMS. The three types of segments are pointer, target, and source

Figure 112. Segments Used for Secondary Indexes

v Pointer Segment. The pointer segment is contained in the secondary index

database and is the only type of segment in the secondary index database. Its
format is shown in Figure 113 on page 189.

188 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Secondary Indexes

Figure 113. Format of Pointer Segments Contained in the Secondary Index Database

The first field in the prefix is the delete byte. The second field is the address of
the segment the application program retrieves from the regular database. This
field is not present if the secondary index uses symbolic pointing. Symbolic
pointing is pointing to a segment using its concatenated key. HIDAM and HDAM
can use symbolic pointing; however, HISAM must use symbolic pointing.
Symbolic pointing is not supported for PHDAM and PHIDAM databases.
For a HALDB PSINDEX database, the segment prefix of pointer segments is
slightly different. The “RBA of the segment to be retrieved field” is part of an
Extended Pointer Set (EPS), which is longer than 4 bytes. Within the prefix the
EPS is followed by the key of the target’s root.
| v Target Segment. The target segment is in the regular database, and it is the
| segment the application program needs to retrieve. A target segment is the
| segment to which the pointer segment points. The target segment can be at any
| one of the 15 levels in the database, and it is accessed directly using the RBA or
| symbolic pointer stored in the pointer segment. Physical parents of the target
| segment are not examined to retrieve the target segment (except in one special
| case discussed in “Concatenated Key Field” on page 195).
v Source Segment. The source segment is also in the regular database. The
source segment contains the field (or fields) that the pointer segment has as its
key field. Data is copied from the source segment and put in the pointer
segment’s key field. The source and the target segment can be the same
segment, or the source segment can be a dependent of the target segment. The
optional fields are also copied from the source segment with one exception,
which is discussed later in this topic.

Using the education database in Figure 114 on page 190, you can see how three
segments work together. In this example, the education database is a HIDAM
database that uses RBAs rather than symbolic pointers. Suppose an application
program needs to access the education database by student name and then list all
courses the student is taking:
v The segment the application is trying to retrieve is the COURSE segment,
because the segment contains the names of courses (COURSENM field).
Therefore, COURSE is the target segment, and needs retrieval.
v In this example, the application program is going to use the student’s name in its
DL/I call to retrieve the COURSE segment. The DL/I call is qualified using
student name as its qualifier. The source segment contains the fields used to
sequence the pointer segments in the secondary index. In this example, the
pointer segments must be sequenced by student name. The STUDENT segment
becomes the source segment. It is the fields in this segment that are copied into
the data portion of the pointer segment as the key field.
v The call from the application program invokes a search for a pointer segment
with a key field that matches the student name. Once the correct pointer
segment in the index is found, it contains the address of the COURSE segment
the application program is trying to retrieve.

Chapter 8. Choosing Optional Database Functions 189

Secondary Indexes

Figure 114. Education Database Record

Figure 115 shows how the pointer, target, and source segments work together.
Figure 115 is the call the application program issues. XNAME is the from the NAME
parameter in the XFLD statement.

Figure 115. How a Segment Is Accessed Using a Secondary Index


Figure 116. Call Application Issues

COURSE is the target segment that the application program is trying to retrieve.

STUDENT is the source segment containing the one or more fields that the
application program uses as a qualifier in its call and that the data portion of a
pointer segment contains as a key.

The BAKER segment in the secondary index is the pointer segment, whose prefix
contains the address of the segment to be retrieved and whose data fields contain
the key the application program uses as a qualifier in its call.

190 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Secondary Indexes

How the Hierarchy Is Restructured

When the PROCSEQ= parameter in the PCB is coded (specifying that the
application program needs to do processing using the secondary index), the way in
which the application program perceives the database record changes.

If the target segment is the root segment in the database record, the structure the
application program perceives does not differ from the one it can access using the
regular processing sequence. However, if the target segment is not the root
segment, the hierarchy in the database record is conceptually restructured.
Figure 117 and Figure 118 on page 192 illustrate this concept.

The target segment (as shown in the figure) is segment G. Target segment G
becomes the root segment in the restructured hierarchy. All dependents of the
target segment (segments H, J, and I) remain dependents of the target segment.
However, all segments on which the target is dependent (segments D and A) and
their subordinates become dependents of the target and are put in the left most
positions of the restructured hierarchy. Their position in the restructured hierarchy is
the order of immediate dependency. D becomes an immediate dependent of G, and
A becomes an immediate dependent of D.

Figure 117. Physical Database Structure with Target Segment G

Chapter 8. Choosing Optional Database Functions 191

Secondary Indexes

Figure 118. Secondary Index Structure Indexed in Secondary Index on Segment G

Secondary Data Structure

This new structure is called a secondary data structure. A processing restriction
exists when using a secondary data structure, and the target segment and the
segments on which it was dependent (its physical parents, segments D and A)
cannot be inserted or deleted.

Secondary Processing Sequence

The restructuring of the hierarchy in the database record changes the way in which
the application program accesses segments. The new sequence in which segments
are accessed is called the secondary processing sequence. Figure 118 shows how
the application program perceives the database record.

If the same segment is referenced more than once (as shown in Figure 118), you
must use the DBDGEN utility to generate a logical DBD that assigns alternate
names to the additional segment references. If you do not generate the logical
DBD, the PSBGEN utility will issue the message “SEG150” for the duplicate
SENSEG names.

How a Secondary Index Is Stored

Secondary index databases contain root segments only. They are stored in a single
VSAM KSDS if the key in the pointer segment is unique. If keys are not unique, an
additional data set must be used (an ESDS) to store segments containing duplicate
keys. (KSDS data sets do not allow duplicate keys.) Duplicate keys exist when, for
example, a secondary index is used to retrieve courses based on student name. As
shown in Figure 119 on page 193, several source segments could exist for each

192 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Secondary Indexes

Figure 119. Examples of Source Segments for Each Student

Each pointer segment in a secondary index is stored in one logical record. A logical
record containing a pointer segment is shown in Figure 120.

Figure 120. Example of a Logical Record Containing a Pointer Segment

A HALDB secondary index entry is shown in Figure 121.

| Figure 121. Secondary Index Entry for HALDB
The format of the logical record is the same in both a KSDS and ESDS data set.
The pointer field at the beginning of the logical record exists only when the key in
the data portion of the segment is not unique. If keys are not unique, some pointer
segments will contain duplicate keys. These pointer segments must be chained
together, and this is done using the pointer field at the beginning of the logical

Pointer segments containing duplicate keys are stored in the ESDS in LIFO (last in,
first out) sequence. When the first duplicate key segment is inserted, it is written to
the ESDS, and the KSDS logical record containing the segment it is a duplicate of
points to it. When the second duplicate is inserted, it is inserted into the ESDS in
the next available location. The KSDS logical record is updated to point to the
second duplicate. The effect of inserting duplicate pointer segments into the ESDS
in LIFO sequence is that the original pointer segment (the one in the KSDS) is
retrieved last. This retrieval sequence should not be a problem, because duplicates,
by definition, have no special sequence.

Format and Use of Fields in a Pointer Segment

This topic contains diagnosis, modification, or tuning information.

Figure 122 on page 194 shows the fields in a pointer segment. Like all segments,
the pointer segment has a prefix and data portion. The prefix portion has a delete
byte, and when direct rather than symbolic pointing is used, it has the address of
the target segment (4 bytes). The data portion has a series of fields, and some of
them are optional. All fields in the data portion of a pointer segment contain data

Chapter 8. Choosing Optional Database Functions 193

Secondary Indexes

taken from the source segment (with the exception of user data). These fields are
the constant field (optional), the search field, the subsequence field (optional), the
duplicate data field (optional), the concatenated key field (optional except for
HISAM), and then the data (optional).

Figure 122. Examples of Several Source Segments for Each Student

Delete Byte
The delete byte is used by IMS to determine whether a segment has been deleted
from the database.

Pointer Field
This field, when present, contains the RBA of the target segment. The pointer field
exists when direct pointing is specified for an index pointing to an HD database.
Direct pointing is simply pointing to a segment using its actual address. The other
type of pointing that can be specified is symbolic pointing. Symbolic pointing, which
is explained under “Concatenated Key Field,” can be used to point to HD databases
and must be used to point to HISAM databases. If symbolic pointing is used, this
field does not exist.

Constant Field
This field, when present, contains a 1-byte constant. The constant is used when
more than one index is put in an index database (This topic is discussed under
“Sharing Secondary Index Databases” on page 201). The constant identifies all
pointer segments for a specific index in the shared index database. The value in the
constant field becomes part of the key.

Search Field
The data in the search field is the key of the pointer segment. All data in the search
field comes from data in the source segment. As many as five fields from the
source segment can be put in the search field. These fields do not need to be
contiguous fields in the source segment. When the fields are stored in the pointer
segment, they can be stored in any order. When stored, the fields are
concatenated. The data in the search field (the key) can be unique or non-unique.

IMS automatically maintains the search field in the pointer segment whenever a
source segment is modified.

Subsequence Field
The subsequence field, like the search field, contains from one to five fields of data
from the source segment. Subsequence fields are optional, and can be used if you
have non-unique keys. The subsequence field can make non-unique keys unique.
Making non-unique keys unique is desirable because of the many disadvantages of
non-unique keys. For example, non-unique keys require you to use an additional
data set, an ESDS, to store all index segments with duplicate keys. An ESDS
requires additional space. More important, the search for specific occurrences of
duplicates requires additional I/O operations that can decrease performance.

194 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Secondary Indexes

When a subsequence field is used, the subsequence data is concatenated with the
data in the search field. These concatenated fields become the key of the pointer
segment. If properly chosen, the concatenated fields form a unique key. (It is not
always be possible to form a unique key using source data in the subsequence
field. Therefore, you can use system related fields, explained later in the chapter, to
form unique keys.)

One important thing to note about using subsequence fields is that if you use them,
the way in which an SSA is coded does not need to change. The SSA can still
specify what is in the search field, but it cannot specify what is in the search plus
the subsequence field. Subsequence fields are not seen by the application program
unless it is processing the secondary index as a separate database.

Up to five fields from the source segment can be put in the subsequence field.
These fields do not need to be contiguous fields in the source segment. When the
fields are stored in the pointer segment, they can be stored in any order. When
stored, they are concatenated.

IMS automatically maintains the subsequence field in the pointer segment whenever
a source segment is modified.

Duplicate Data Field

The duplicate data field, like the search field, contains from one to five fields of data
from the source segment. Duplicate data fields are optional. Use duplicate data
fields when you have applications that process the secondary index as a separate
database (This topic is discussed under “Processing a Secondary Index as a
Separate Database” on page 200). Like the subsequence field, the duplicate data
field is not seen by an application program unless it is processing the secondary
index as a separate database.

As many as five fields from the source segment can be put in the duplicate data
field. These fields do not need to be contiguous fields in the source segment. When
the fields are stored in the pointer segment, they can be stored in any order. When
stored, they are concatenated.

IMS automatically maintains the duplicate data field in the pointer segment
whenever a source segment is modified.

Concatenated Key Field

This field, when present, contains the concatenated key of the target segment. This
field exists when the pointer segment points to the target segment symbolically,
rather than directly. Direct pointing is simply pointing to a segment using its actual
address. Symbolic pointing is pointing to a segment by a means other than its
actual address. In a secondary index, the concatenated key of the target segment is
used as a symbolic pointer.

Segments in an HDAM or a HIDAM database being accessed using a secondary

index can be accessed using a symbolic pointer. Segments in a HISAM database
must be accessed using a symbolic pointer because segments in a HISAM
database can “move around,” and the maintenance of direct-address pointers could
be a large task. One of the implications of using symbolic pointers is that the
physical parents of the target segment must be accessed to get to the target
segment. Because of this extra access, retrieval of target segments using symbolic
pointing is not as fast as retrieval using direct pointing. Also, symbolic pointers
generally require more space in the pointer segment. When symbolic pointers are

Chapter 8. Choosing Optional Database Functions 195

Secondary Indexes

used, the pointer field (4 bytes long) in the prefix is not present, but the fully
concatenated key of the target segment is generally more than 4 bytes long.

IMS automatically generates the concatenated key field when symbolic pointing is

One situation exists in which symbolic pointing is specified and IMS does not
automatically generate the concatenated key field. This situation is caused by
specifying the system-related field /CK as a subsequence or duplicate data field in
such a way that the concatenated key is fully contained. In this situation, the
symbolic pointer portion of either the subsequence field or the duplicate data field is

User Data in Pointer Segments

You can include any user data in the data portion of a pointer segment by
specifying a segment length long enough to hold it. You need user data when
applications process the secondary index as a separate database (This topic is
discussed under “Processing a Secondary Index as a Separate Database” on page
200). Like data in the subsequence and duplicate data fields, user data is never
seen by an application program unless it is processing the secondary index as a
separate database.

You must initially load user data. You must also maintain it. During reorganization of
a database that uses secondary indexes, the secondary index database is rebuilt by
IMS. During this process, all user data in the pointer segment is lost.

Making Keys Unique Using System Related Fields

You have already seen why it is desirable to have unique keys in the secondary
index. You have also seen one way to force unique keys using the subsequence
field in the pointer segment. If use of the subsequence field to contain additional
information from the source segment does not work for you, there are two other
ways to force unique keys. Both are done using an operand in the FIELD statement
of the source segment in the DBD. The FIELD statement defines fields within a
segment type.

Using the /SX Operand

For HD databases, you can code a FIELD statement with a NAME field that starts
with /SX. The /SX can be followed by any additional characters (up to five) that you
need. When you use this operand, the system generates (during segment insertion)
the RBA, or an 8-byte ILK for PHDAM or PHIDAM, of the source segment. The
system also puts the RBA or ILK in the subsequent field in the pointer segment,
thus ensuring that the key is unique. The FIELD statement in which /SX is coded is
the FIELD statement defining fields in the source segment. The /SX value is not,
however, put in the source segment. It is put in the pointer segment.

When you use the /SX operand, the XDFLD statement in the DBD must also
specify /SX (plus any of the additional characters added to the /SX operand). The
XDFLD statement, among other things, identifies fields from the source segment
that are to be put in the pointer segment. The /SX operand is specified in the
SUBSEQ= operand in the XDFLD statement.

Using the /CK Operand

The other way to force unique keys is to code a FIELD statement with a NAME
parameter that starts with /CK. When used as a subsequence field, /CK ensures
unique keys for pointer segments. You can use this operand for HISAM, HDAM,
PHDAM, HIDAM, or PHIDAM databases. The /CK can be followed by up to five

196 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Secondary Indexes

additional characters. The /CK operand works like the /SX operand except that the
concatenated key, rather than the RBA, of the source segment is used. Another
difference is that the concatenated key is put in the subsequence or duplicate data
field in the pointer segment. Where the concatenated key is put depends on where
you specify the /CK.

When using /CK, you can use a portion of the concatenated key of the source
segment (if some portion will make the key unique) or all of the concatenated key.
You use the BYTES= and START= operands in the FIELD statement to specify
what you need.

For example, suppose you are using the database record shown in Figure 123.

Figure 123. Database Record Showing the Source and Target for Secondary Indexes

The concatenated key of the STUDENT segment is shown in Figure 124.

Figure 124. Concatenated Key of the STUDENT Segment

If you specify on the FIELD statement whose name begins with /CK BYTES=21,
START=1, the entire concatenated key of the source segment will be put in the
pointer segment. If you specify BYTES=6, START=16, only the last six bytes of the
concatenated key (CLASSNO and SEQ) will be put in the pointer segment. The
BYTES= operand tells the system how many bytes are to be taken from the
concatenated key of the source segment in the PCB key feedback area. The
START= operand tells the system the beginning position (relative to the beginning
of the concatenated key) of the information that needs to be taken. As with the /SX
operand, the XDFLD statement in the DBD must also specify /CK.

To summarize: /SX and /CK fields can be included on the SUBSEQ= parameter of
the XDFLD statement to make key fields unique. Making key fields unique avoids
the overhead of using an ESDS to hold duplicate keys. The /CK field can also be
specified on the DDATA= parameter of the XDFLD statement but the field will not
become part of the key field.

When making keys unique, unique sequence fields must be defined in the target
segment type, if symbolic pointing is used Also, unique sequence fields must be
defined in all segment types on which the target segment type is dependent (in the
physical rather than restructured hierarchy in the database).

Chapter 8. Choosing Optional Database Functions 197

Secondary Indexes

Suppressing Index Entries: Sparse Indexing

When a source segment is loaded, inserted, or replaced in the database, DL/I
automatically creates or maintains the pointer segment in the index. This happens
automatically unless you have specified that you do not need certain pointer
segments built.

| For example: suppose you have a secondary index for the education database at
| which you have been previously looking. STUDENT is the source segment, and
| COURSE is the target segment. You might need to create pointer segments for
| students only if they are associated with a certain customer number. This could be
| done using sparse indexing, a performance enhancement of secondary indexing.

Advantages of Sparse Indexing

Sparse indexing allows you to specify the conditions under which a pointer segment
is suppressed, not generated, and put in the index database. Sparse indexing has
two advantages. The primary one is that it reduces the size of the index, saving
space and decreasing maintenance of the index. By decreasing the size of the
index, performance is improved. The second advantage is that you do not need to.
generate unnecessary index entries.

How to Specify a Sparse Index

Sparse indexing can be specified in two ways:
v You can code a value in the NULLVAL= operand on the XDFLD statement in the
DBD that equals the condition under which you do not need a pointer segment
put in the index. You can put BLANK, ZERO, or any 1-byte value (for example,
X'10', C'Z', 5, or B'00101101') in the NULLVAL= operand.
– BLANK is the same as C ' ' or X'40'
– ZERO is the same as X'00' but not C'0'
When using the NULLVAL= operand, a pointer segment is suppressed if every
byte of the source field has the value you used in the operand.
v If the values you are allowed to code in the NULLVAL= operand do not work for
you, you can create an index maintenance exit routine that determines the
condition under which you do not need a pointer segment put in the index. If you
create your own index maintenance exit routine, you code its name in the
EXTRTN= operand on the XDFLD statement in the DBD. You can only have one
index maintenance exit routine for each secondary index. This exit routine,
however, can be a general purpose one that is used by more than one
secondary index.

The exit routine must be consistent in determining whether a particular pointer

segment needs to be put in the index. The exit routine cannot examine the same
pointer segment at two different times but only mark it for suppression once. Also,
user data cannot be used by your exit routine to determine whether a pointer
segment is to be put in the index. When a pointer segment needs to be inserted
into the index, your exit routine only sees the actual pointer segment just before
insertion. When a pointer segment is being replaced or deleted, only a prototype of
the pointer segment is seen by your exit routine. The prototype contains the
contents of the constant, search, subsequence, and duplicate data fields, plus the
symbolic pointer if there is one.

The information needed to code a secondary index maintenance exit routine is in

IMS Version 9: Customization Guide.

198 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Secondary Indexes

How the Secondary Index Is Maintained

When a source segment is inserted, deleted, or replaced in the database, IMS
keeps the index current regardless whether the application program performing the
update uses the secondary index.

The way in which IMS maintains the index depends on the operation being
performed. Regardless of the operation, IMS always begins index maintenance by
building a pointer segment from information in the source segment that is being
inserted, deleted, or replaced. (This pointer segment is built but not yet put in the
secondary index database.)

Inserting a Source Segment

When a source segment is inserted, DL/I determines whether the pointer segment
needs to be suppressed. If the pointer segment needs to be suppressed, it is not
put in the secondary index. If the pointer segment does not need to be suppressed,
it is put in the secondary index.

Deleting a Source Segment

When a source segment is deleted, IMS determines whether the pointer segment is
one that was suppressed. If so, IMS does not do any index maintenance. If the
segment is one that was suppressed, there should not be a corresponding pointer
segment in the index to delete. If the pointer segment is not one that was
suppressed, IMS finds the matching pointer segment in the index and deletes it.
Unless the segment contains a pointer to the ESDS data set, which can occur with
a non-unique secondary index, the logical record containing the deleted pointer
segment in a KSDS data set is erased.

Replacing a Source Segment

When a source segment is replaced, the pointer segment in the index might or
might not be affected. The pointer segment in the index might need to be replaced,
or it might need to be deleted. After replacement or deletion, a new pointer segment
is inserted. On the other hand, the pointer segment might need no changes. IMS
determines what needs to be done by comparing the pointer segment it built (the
new one) with the matching pointer segment in the secondary index (the old one).
v If both the new and the old pointer segments need to be suppressed, IMS does
not do anything (no pointer segment exists in the index).
v If the new pointer segment needs to be suppressed but the old one does not,
then the old pointer segment is deleted from the index.
v If the new pointer segment does not need to be suppressed but the old pointer
segment is suppressed, then the new pointer segment is inserted into the
secondary index.
v If neither the new or the old segment needs to be suppressed and:
– If there is no change to the old pointer segment, IMS does not do anything.
– If the non-key data portion in the new pointer segment is different from the old
one, the old pointer segment is replaced. User data in the index pointer
segment is preserved when the pointer segment is replaced.
– If the key portion in the new pointer segment is different from the old one, the
old pointer segment is deleted and the new pointer segment is inserted. User
data is not preserved when the index pointer segment is deleted and a new
one inserted.

If you reorganize your secondary index and it contains non-unique keys, the
resulting pointer segment order can be unpredictable.

Chapter 8. Choosing Optional Database Functions 199

Secondary Indexes

Processing a Secondary Index as a Separate Database

Because they are actual databases, secondary indexes can be processed
independently. A number of reasons exist why an application program might
process a secondary index as an independent database. For example, an
application program can use the secondary index to retrieve a small piece of data
from the database. If you put this piece of data in the pointer segment, the
application program can retrieve it without an I/O operation to the regular database.
You could put the piece of data in the duplicate data field in the pointer segment if
the data was in the source segment. Otherwise, you must carry the data as user
data in the pointer segment. (If you carry the data as user data, it is lost when the
primary database is reorganized and the secondary index is recreated.)

Another reason for processing a secondary index as a separate database is to

maintain it. You could, for example, scan the subsequence or duplicate data fields
to do logical comparisons or data reduction between two or more indexes. Or you
can add to or change the user data portion of the pointer segment. The only way an
application program can see user data or the contents of the duplicate data field is
by processing the secondary index as a separate database.

In processing a secondary index as a separate database, several processing

restrictions designed primarily to protect the secondary index database exist. The
restrictions are as follows:
v Segments cannot be inserted.
v Segments can be deleted. Note, however, that deleted segments can make your
secondary index invalid for use as an index.
v The key field in the pointer segment (which consists of the search field, and if
they exist, the constant and subsequence fields) cannot be replaced.

In addition to the restrictions imposed by the system to protect the secondary index
database, you can further protect it using the PROT operand in the DBD statement.
When PROT is specified, an application program can only replace user data in a
pointer segment. However, pointer segments can still be deleted when PROT is
specified. When a pointer segment is deleted, the source segment that caused the
pointer segment to be created is not deleted. Note the implication of this: IMS might
try to do maintenance on a pointer segment that has been deleted. When it finds no
pointer segment for an existing source segment, it will return an NE status code.
When NOPROT is specified, an application program can replace all fields in a
pointer segment except the constant, search, and subsequence fields. PROT is the
default for this parameter.

For an application program to process a secondary index as a separate database,

you merely code a PCB for the application program. This PCB must reference the
DBD for the secondary index. When an application program uses qualified SSAs to
process a secondary index database, the SSAs must use the complete key of the
pointer segment as the qualifier. The complete key consists of the search field and
the subsequence and constant fields (if these last two fields exist). The PCB key
feedback area in the application program will contain the entire key field.

If you are using a shared secondary index, calls issued by an application program
(for example, a series of GN calls) will not violate the boundaries of the secondary
index they are against. Each secondary index in a shared database has a unique
DBD name and root segment name.

200 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Secondary Indexes

Sharing Secondary Index Databases

As many as 16 secondary indexes can be put in a single index database. When
more than one secondary index is in the same database, the database is called a
shared index database.

HALDB does not support shared secondary indexes.

Although using a shared index database can save some main storage, the
disadvantages of using a shared index database generally outweigh the small
amount of space that is saved by its use. For example, performance can decrease
when more than one application program simultaneously uses the shared index
database. (Search time is increased because the arm must move back and forth
between more than one secondary index.) In addition, maintenance, recovery, and
reorganization of the shared index database can decrease performance because all
secondary indexes are, to some extent, affected if one is. For example, when a
database that is accessed using a secondary index is reorganized, IMS
automatically builds a new secondary index. This means all other indexes in the
shared database must be copied to the new shared index.

If you are using a shared index database, you need to know the following
v A shared index database is created, accessed, and maintained just like an index
database with a single secondary index.
v The various secondary indexes in the shared index database do not need to
index the same database.
v One shared index database could contain all secondary indexes for your
installation (if the number of secondary indexes does not exceed 16).

Ina shared index database:

v All index segments must be the same length.
v All keys must be the same length.
v The offset from the beginning of all segments to the search field must be the
same. This means all keys must be either unique or non-unique. With non-unique
keys, a pointer field exists in the target segment. With unique keys, it does not.
So the offset to the key field, if unique and non-unique keys were mixed, would
differ by 4 bytes.
If the search fields in your secondary indexes are not the same length, you might
be able to force key fields of equal length by using the subsequence field. You
can put the number of bytes you need to make each key field an equal length in
the subsequence field.
v Each shared secondary index requires a constant specified for it, a constant that
uniquely identifies it from other indexes in the secondary index database. IMS
puts this identifier in the constant field of each pointer segment in the secondary
index database. For shared indexes, the key is the constant, search, and (if
used) the subsequence field.

Using the INDICES= Parameter

| In the PCB on a SENSEG statement, you can specify an INDICES= parameter.
| This parameter is used to specify a secondary index that contains search fields
| used to qualify SSAs for an indexed segment type. Figure 125, Figure 126 on page
| 202, and Figure 127 on page 202 illustrate the use of the INDICES=parameter.

Chapter 8. Choosing Optional Database Functions 201

Secondary Indexes

The use of the INDICES= parameter does not alter the processing sequence
selected for the PCB by the presence or absence of the PROCSEQ= parameter.

Figure 125. Databases for First Example of the INDICES= Parameter


Figure 126. PCB for the First Example of the INDICES= Parameter


Figure 127. Application Program Call Issued for the First Example of the INDICES=

When the call shown in Figure 127 is used, IMS gets the COURSE segment with a
number 12345. Then IMS gets a secondary index entry, one in which XSTUNM is
equal to JONES. IMS checks to see if the pointer in the secondary index points to
the COURSE segment with course number 12345. If it does, IMS returns the
COURSE segment to the application program’s I/O area. If the secondary index
pointer does not point to the COURSE segment with course number equal to
12345, IMS checks for other secondary index entries with XSTUNM equal to
JONES and repeats the compare.

If all secondary index entries with XSTUNM equal to JONES result in invalid
compares, no segment is returned to the application program. By doing this, IMS
need not search the STUDENT segments for a student with NAME equal to
JONES. This technique involving use of the INDICES= parameter is useful when
source and target segments are different.

Compare Process and Performance

Excluding COURSENM=12345 (in Figure 127) from a GU call, impacts
performance. IMS retrieves the first COURSE segment in the COURSE database,
and then a secondary index entry in which XSTUNM is equal to JONES. IMS
checks to see if the pointer in the secondary index points to the COURSE segment
just retrieved. If it does, IMS returns the COURSE segment to the application
program’s I/O area. If the secondary index pointer does not point to this COURSE
segment, IMS checks for other secondary index entries with XSTUNM equal to
JONES and repeats the compare. If all secondary index entries with XSTUNM
equal to JONES result in invalid compares, IMS retrieves the next COURSE
segment and the secondary index entries as before, then repeats the compare. If all
the COURSE segments result in invalid compares, no segment is returned to the
application program.

202 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Secondary Indexes

The INDICES= parameter can also be used to reference more than one secondary
index in the source call. Figure 130 on page 204 shows the use of

In the Figure 128, IMS uses the SIDBD2 secondary index to get the COURSE
segment for MATH. IMS then gets a COURSE segment using the SIDBD1. IMS can
then compare to see if the two course segments are the same. If they are, IMS
returns the COURSE segment to the application program’s I/O area. If the compare
is not equal, IMS looks for other SIDBD1 pointers to COURSE segments and
repeats the compare operations. If there are still no equal compares, IMS checks
for other SIDBD2 pointers to COURSE segments and looks for equal compares to
SIDBD1 pointers. If all possible compares result in unequal compares, no segment
is returned to the application program.

Note: This compare process can severely degrade performance.

Using Secondary Indexes with Logical Relationships

When creating or using a secondary index for a database that has logical
relationships, the following restrictions exist:
v A logical child segment or a dependent of a logical child cannot be a target
v A logical child cannot be used as a source segment; however, a dependent of a
logical child can.
v A concatenated segment or a dependent of a concatenated segment in a logical
database cannot be a target segment.
v When using logical relationships, no qualification on indexed fields is allowed in
the SSA for a concatenated segment. However, an SSA for any dependent of a
concatenated segment can be qualified on an indexed field.

Figure 128 shows the databases for the second example of the INDICES
parameter. Following the databases is the example PCB in Figure 129 and the
application programming call in Figure 130 on page 204.

Figure 128. Databases for Second Example of the INDICES= Parameter


Figure 129. PCB for the Second Example of the INDICES= Parameter

Chapter 8. Choosing Optional Database Functions 203

Secondary Indexes


Figure 130. Application Program Call Issued for the Second Example of the INDICES=

Using Secondary Indexes with Variable-Length Segments

If a variable-length segment is a source segment, when an occurrence of it is
inserted that does not have fields specified for use in the search, subsequence, or
duplicate data fields of the pointer segment, the following occurs:
v If the missing source segment data is used in the search field of the pointer
segment, no pointer segment is put in the index.
v If the missing source segment data is used in the subsequence or duplicate data
fields of the pointer segment, the pointer segment is put in the index. However,
the subsequence or duplicate data field will contain one of the three following
representations of zero:
P = X'0F'
X = X'00'
C = C'0'
Which of these is used is determined by what is specified on the FIELD
statements in the DBD that defined the source segment field.

Considerations When Using Secondary Indexing

v When a source segment is inserted into or deleted from a database, an index
pointer segment is inserted into or deleted from the secondary index. This
maintenance always occurs regardless of whether the application program doing
the updating is using the secondary index.
v When an index pointer segment is deleted by a REPL or DLET call, position is
lost for all calls within the database record for which a PCB position was
established using the deleted index pointer segment.
v When replacing data in a source segment, if the data is used in the search,
subsequence, or duplicate data fields of a secondary index, the index is updated
to reflect the change as follows:
– If data used in the duplicate data field of the pointer segment is replaced in
the source segment, the pointer segment is updated with the new data.
– If data used in the search or subsequence fields of the pointer segment is
replaced in the source segment, the pointer segment is updated with the new
data. In addition, the position of the pointer segment in the index is changed,
because a change to the search or subsequence field of a pointer segment
changes the key of the pointer segment. The index is updated by deleting the
pointer segment from the position that was determined by the old key. The
pointer segment is then inserted in the position determined by the new key.
v The use of secondary indexes increases storage requirements for all calls made
within a specific PCB when the processing option allows the source segment to
be updated. Additional storage requirements for each secondary index database
range from 6K to 10K bytes. Part of this additional storage is fixed in real storage
by VSAM.
v You should always compare the use of secondary indexing with other ways of
achieving the same result. For example, to produce a report from an HDAM or
PHDAM database in root key sequence, you can use a secondary index.
However, in many cases, access to each root sequentially is a random operation.

204 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Secondary Indexes

It would be very time-consuming to fully scan a large database when access to

each root is random. It might be more efficient to scan the database in physical
sequence (using GN calls and no secondary index) and then sort the results by
root key to produce a final report in root key sequence.
v When calls for a target segment are qualified on the search field of a secondary
index, and the indexed database is not being processed using the secondary
index, additional I/O operations are required. Additional I/O operations are
required because the index must be accessed each time an occurrence of the
target segment is inspected. Because the data in the search field of a secondary
index is a duplication of data in a source segment, you should decide whether an
inspection of source segments might yield the same result faster.
v When using a secondary data structure, the target segment and the segments on
which it was dependent (its physical parents) cannot be inserted or deleted.

How to Specify Use of Secondary Indexing in the DBD

Figure 131 on page 207 shows the EDUC database and its secondary index.
Figure 132 on page 207 and Figure 133 on page 207 show the two DBDs required
for the databases. The secondary index in this example is used to retrieve
COURSE segments based on student names. The example uses direct, rather than
symbolic, pointers. The pointer segment in the secondary index contains a student
name in the search field and a system related field in the subsequence field. Both
of these fields are defined in the STUDENT segment. The STUDENT segment is
the source segment. The COURSE segment is the target segment.

The DBDs in Figure 132 on page 207 and Figure 133 on page 207 highlight the
statements and parameters coded when a secondary index is used. (Wherever
statements or parameters are omitted the parameter in the DBD is coded the same
regardless of whether secondary indexing is used.) “DBD for the EDUC Database”
and “DBD for the SINDX Database” on page 208 provide a summary of how the
statements and parameters in the DBDs in Figure 132 on page 207 and Figure 133
on page 207 are used.

DBD for the EDUC Database

An LCHILD and XDFLD statement are used to define the secondary index. These
statements are coded after the SEGM statement for the target segment.
v LCHILD statement. The LCHILD statement specifies the name of the secondary
index SEGM statement and the name of the secondary index database in the
NAME= parameter. The PTR= parameter is always PTR=INDX when a
secondary index is used.
v XDFLD statement. The XDFLD statement defines the contents of the pointer
segment and the options used in the secondary index. It must appear in the DBD
input deck after the LCHILD statement that references the pointer segment. The
meaning of the parameters in the XDFLD statement are as follows:
This parameter specifies the name that can be used in the SSA to qualify a
DL/I call on the secondary processing sequence.
This parameter identifies the source segment, which in this example is
STUDENT. If this operand is omitted, the target segment is assumed to be
the same segment as the source segment. The remaining parameters in the
XDFLD statement describe information related to the source segment.

Chapter 8. Choosing Optional Database Functions 205

Secondary Indexes

This parameter (not used in the example) specifies the unique constant
required when a secondary index is part of a shared database.
This parameter specifies the one to five fields from the source segment that
are to be copied into the pointer segment’s search field. In this case, only
one field is being copied, the STUDNM field, which contains student names.
This parameter specifies the one to five fields from the source segment that
are to be copied into the pointer segment’s subsequence field. These extra
fields can be used to make the key in the index unique. In this case, one
field is being copied, the /SX1 field, which contains a system-related field.
This parameter is optional.
This parameter (not used in the example) specifies the one to five fields from
the source segment that are to be copied into the pointer segment’s duplicate
data field. These fields can only be accessed when the secondary index is
processed as a separate database. This parameter is optional.
This parameter (not used in the example) contains a 1-byte value used to
suppress entries in the secondary index database. This parameter is
This parameter (not used in the example) specifies a user-exit routine. The
user routine gets control after a source segment is built. The routine is used
to suppress entries in the secondary index database when you cannot use
the values that can be specified in the NULLVAL= parameter. This parameter
is optional.

In the example, shown in Figure 131 on page 207, a system-related field (/SX1) is
used on the SUBSEQ parameter. System-related fields must also be coded on
FIELD statements after the SEGM for the source segment. For more details, see
“Making Keys Unique Using System Related Fields” on page 196.

206 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Secondary Indexes

Figure 131. Databases for Secondary Indexing Example

Figure 132 shows the EDUC DBD for the example in Figure 131.



Figure 132. EDUC DBD for Secondary Indexing

Figure 133 shows the SINDX DBD for the example in Figure 131.



Figure 133. SINDX DBD for Secondary Indexing

Chapter 8. Choosing Optional Database Functions 207

Secondary Indexes

DBD for the SINDX Database

v DBD statement. The DBD statement specifies the name of the secondary index
database in the NAME= parameter. The ACCESS= parameter is always
ACCESS=INDEX for the secondary index DBD.
v SEGM statement. You choose what is used in the NAME= parameter. This value
is used when processing the secondary index as a separate database.
v FIELD statement. The NAME= parameter specifies the sequence field of the
secondary index. In this case, the sequence field is composed of both the search
and subsequence field data, the student name, and the system-related field
/SX1. You specify what is chosen by NAME=parameter.
v LCHILD statement. The LCHILD statement specifies the name of the target,
SEGM, and the name of the target database in the NAME= parameter. The
INDEX= parameter has the name on the XDFLD statement in the target
database. If the pointer segment contains a direct-address pointer to the target
segment, the PTR= parameter is PTR=SNGL. The PTR= parameter is
PTR=SYMB if the pointer segment contains a symbolic pointer to the target

Choosing Secondary Indexes Versus Logical Relationships

While learning about secondary indexes and logical relationships, you might have
noted that both options give you logical data structures. A logical data structure is a
hierarchic data structure different from the data structure represented by the
physical DBD. How, then, do you decide when to use a logical relationship and
when to use a secondary index? This decision is based primarily on how your
applications need to process the data.

When to Use a Secondary Index

In analyzing application requirements, if more than one candidate exists for the
sequence field of a segment, use a secondary index. Choose one sequence field to
be defined in the physical DBD. Then set up a secondary index to allow processing
of the same segment in another sequence. For the example shown in Figure 134,
access the customer segment that follows in both customer number (CUSTNO) and
customer name (CUSTNAME) sequence. To do this, define CUSTNO as the
sequence field in the physical DBD and then define a secondary index that
processes CUSTOMER segments in CUSTNAME sequence.

Figure 134. Fields in the CUSTOMER Segment

When to Use a Logical Relationship

If you have applications such as a bill-of-materials using a recursive structure, use a
logical relationship. A recursive structure exists when there is a many-to-many
association between two segments in the same physical hierarchy. For example, in
the segments shown in Figure 135 on page 209, the assembly “car” is composed of
many parts, one of which is an engine. However, the engine is itself an assembly
composed of many parts.

208 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Secondary Indexes Versus Logical Relationships

Figure 135. Assembly and Parts as Examples to Demonstrate Segments Logical Relationship

Related Reading: Recursive structure are explained in “Recursive Structures:

Same Database Logical Relationships” on page 166.

Finally, you can have application requirements that result in a segment that appears
to have two parents. In the example shown in Figure 136, the customer database
keeps track of orders (CUSTORDN). Each order can have one or more line items
(ORDLINE), with each line item specifying one product (PROD) and model
(MODEL). In the product database, many outstanding line item requests can exist
for a given model. This type of relationship is called a many-to-many relationship
and is handled in IMS through a logical relationship.

Figure 136. Example of a Segment That Appears to Have Two Parents

Variable-Length Segments
Database types that support variable-length segments:

Variable-length segments are simply segments whose length can vary in occurrence
of some segment types. A database can contain both variable-length segment and
fixed-length segment types. Variable-length segments can be used for HISAM,
HDAM, PHDAM, HIDAM, and PHIDAM databases.

Chapter 8. Choosing Optional Database Functions 209

Variable-Length Segments

How to Specify Variable-Length Segments

It is the data portion of a variable-length segment whose length varies. The data
portion varies between a minimum and a maximum number of bytes. As shown in
Figure 137, you specify minimum and maximum size in the BYTES= keyword in the
SEGM statement in the DBD. Because IMS needs to know the length of the data
portion of a variable-length segment, you include a 2-byte size field in each
segment when loading it. The size field is in the data portion of the segment. The
length of the data portion you specify must include the two bytes used for the size
field. If the segment type has a sequence field, the minimum length specified in the
size field must equal at least the size field and all data to the end of the sequence

Figure 137. How Variable-Length Segments Are Specified

How Variable-Length Segments Are Stored and Processed

When a variable-length segment is initially loaded, the space used to store its data
portion is the length specified in the MINBYTES operand or the length specified in
the size field, whichever is larger. If the space in the MINBYTES operand is larger,
more space is allocated for the segment than is required. The additional space can
be used when existing data in the segment is replaced with data that is longer.

The prefix and data portion of HDAM, PHDAM, HIDAM, and PHIDAM
variable-length segments can be separated in storage when updates occur. When
this happens, the first four bytes following the prefix point to the separated data
portion of the segment.

Figure 138 shows the format of a HISAM variable-length segment. It is also the
format of an HDAM, PHDAM, HIDAM, or PHIDAM variable-length segment when
the prefix and data portion of the segment have not been separated in storage.

Figure 138. Format of HISAM Variable-Length Segments

Figure 139 on page 211 shows the format of an HDAM, PHDAM, HIDAM, or
PHIDAM variable-length segment when the prefix and data portion of the segment
have been separated in storage.

210 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Variable-Length Segments

Figure 139. Format of HDAM, PHDAM, HIDAM or PHIDAM Variable-Length Segments

After a variable-length segment is loaded, replace operations can cause the size of
data in it to be either increased or decreased. When the length of data in an
existing HISAM segment is increased, the logical record containing the segment is
rewritten to acquire the additional space. Any segments displaced by the rewrite are
put in overflow storage. Displacement of segments to overflow storage can affect
performance. When the length of data in an existing HISAM segment is decreased,
the logical record is rewritten so all segments in it are physically adjacent.

When a replace operation causes the length of data in an existing HDAM, PHDAM,
HIDAM, or PHIDAM segment to be increased, one of two things can happen:
v If the space allocated for the existing segment is long enough for the new data,
the new data is simply placed in the segment. This is true regardless of whether
the prefix and data portions of the segment were previously separated in the data
v If the space allocated for the existing segment is not long enough for the new
data, the prefix and data portions of the segment are separated in storage. IMS
puts the data portion of the segment as close to the prefix as possible. Once the
segment is separated, a pointer is placed in the first four bytes following the
prefix to point to the data portion of the segment. This separation increases the
amount of space needed for the segment, because, in addition to the pointer
kept with the prefix, a 1-byte segment code and 1-byte delete code are added to
the data portion of the segment (see Figure 138 on page 210). In addition, if
separation of the segment causes its two parts to be stored in different blocks,
two read operations will be required to access the segment.

When a replace operation causes the length of data in an existing HDAM, PHDAM,
HIDAM, or PHIDAM segment to be decreased, one of three things can happen:
v If prefix and data are not separated, the data in the existing segment is replaced
with the new, shorter data followed by free space.
v If prefix and data are separated but sufficient space is not available immediately
following the original prefix to recombine the segment, the data in the separated
data portion of the segment is replaced with the new, shorter data followed by
free space.
v If prefix and data are separated and sufficient space is available immediately
following the original prefix to recombine the segment, the new data is placed in
the original space, overlaying the data pointer. The old separated data portion of
the segment is then available as free space in HD databases.

When to Use Variable-Length Segments

Use variable-length segments when the length of data in your segment varies, for
example, with descriptive data. By using variable-length segments, you do not need
to make the data portion of your segment type as long as the longest piece of

Chapter 8. Choosing Optional Database Functions 211

Variable-Length Segments

descriptive data you have. This saves storage space. Note, however, that if you are
using HDAM, PHDAM, HIDAM, or PHIDAM databases and your segment data
characteristically grows in size over time, segments will split. If a segment split
causes the two parts of a segment to be put in different blocks, two read operations
will be required to access the segment until the database is reorganized. So
variable-length segments work well if segment size varies but is stable (as in an
address segment). Variable-length segments might not work well if segment size
typically grows (as in a segment type containing a cumulative list of sales

What Application Programmers Need to Know about Variable-Length

If you are using variable-length segments in your database, you need to let
application programmers who will be using the database know this. They need to
know which of the segment types they have access to are variable in length and
the maximum size of each of these variable-length segment types. In calculating the
size of their I/O area, application programmers must use the maximum size of a
variable-length segment. In addition, they need to know that the first two bytes of
the data portion of a variable-length segment contain the length of the data portion
including the size field.

Working with the application programmer, you should devise a scheme for
accessing data in variable-length segments. You should devise a scheme because
if variable-length fields and fixed-length fields in a segment are mixed, the
application program has no way of knowing where specific fields begin. One way to
solve this problem is to put the size of a variable-length field at the beginning of the
variable-length field. If a segment has only one variable-length field, it can be made
the last field in the segment. If it is at all possible, the simplest scheme is to have
only one field in a variable-length segment.

Adding or Converting to Variable-Length Segments

Information on how to add variable-length segments to an existing database and
convert an entire database to variable-length segments is in Chapter 16, “Modifying
Databases,” on page 423.

Segment Edit/Compression Exit Routine

| The following database types support the Segment Edit/Compression exit routine:
| v HDAM
| v DEDB

Detailed information on how the Segment Edit/Compression exit routine works and
how you use it is in IMS Version 9: Customization Guide. This topic introduces you
to the facility.

The Segment Edit/Compression exit routine allows you to encode, edit, or compress
the data portion of a segment. You can use this facility on segment data in full
function databases and Fast Path DEDBs. You write the routine (your edit routine)
that actually manipulates the data in the segment. The IMS code gives your edit

212 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Segment Edit/Compression Exit Routine

routine information about the segment’s location and assists in moving the segment
back and forth between the buffer pool and the application program’s I/O area.

The Segment Edit/Compression exit routine lets you:

v Encode data for security purposes. Encoding data consists of “scrambling”
segment data when it is on the device so only programs with access to the edit
routine can see it in decoded form.
v Edit data. Editing data allows application programs to receive data in a format
other than the one in which it is stored. For example, an application program
might receive segment fields in an order other than the one in which they are
stored; an application program might require all blank space be removed from
descriptive data.
v Compress data. This allows better use of DASD storage because segments can
be compressed when written to the device and then expanded when passed
back to the application program. Segment data might be compressed, for
example, by removing all blanks and zeros.
| v Expand Data. The DEDB Sequential Dependent Scan utility invokes the
| Segment Edit/Compression exit routine (DFSCMPX0) to expand compressed
| SDEP segments when you specify both SDEP segment compression in the DBD
| and the DEDB Scan utility keyword, EXPANDSEG.
| Related Reading: EXPANDSEG and the DEDB Scan utility are described in IMS
| Version 9: Utilities Reference: Database and Transaction Manager. The segment
| compression exit is described in IMS Version 9: Customization Guide.

Two types of segment manipulation are possible using the Segment

Edit/Compression exit routine:
v Data compression— movement or compression of data within a segment in a
manner that does not alter the content or position of the key field. Typically, this
involves compression of data from the end of the key field to the end of the
segment. When a fixed-length segment is compressed, a 2-byte field must be
added to the beginning of the data portion of the segment by the user data
compression routine. This field is used by IMS to determine secondary storage
requirements and is the only time that the location of the key field can be altered.
The segment size field of a variable-length segment cannot be compressed but
must be updated to reflect the length of the compressed segment.
v Key compression— movement or compression of any data within a segment in
a manner that can change the relative position, value, or length of the key field
and any other fields except the size field. The segment size field of a
variable-length segment must be updated by the compression routine to reflect
the length of the compressed segment.

| Use of the segment edit/compression facility is specified by segment type. Any

| segment type can be edited or compressed (using either data or key compression)
| as long as the segment is:
| v Not a logical child
| v Not in an HSAM, SHISAM, or index database

| The use of the segment edit/compression exit routine is defined in physical

| database DBDs. This exit routine’s use cannot be defined in a logical database
| DBD.

Data compression is allowed but key compression is not allowed when the segment

Chapter 8. Choosing Optional Database Functions 213

Segment Edit/Compression Exit Routine

v A root segment in a HISAM database

v A segment in a DEDB database

Things to Consider Before Using the Segment Edit/Compression Exit

| v Because your edit routine is executed as part of a DL/I call, if it abnormally
| terminates so does the entire IMS region.
| v Your routine cannot use the operating system macros LOAD, GETMAIN, SPIE or
| Related Reading: For alternatives to these macros, see IMS Version 9:
| Customization Guide.
| v Editing and compressing of each segment on its way to or from an application
| program requires additional processor time.

Depending on the options you select, search time to locate a specific segment can
increase. If you are fully compressing the segment using key compression, every
segment type that is a candidate to satisfy either a fully qualified key or data field
request must be expanded or divided. IMS then examines the appropriate field. For
key field qualification, only those fields from the start of the segment through the
sequence field are expanded during the search. For data field qualification, the total
segment is expanded. In the case of data compression and a key field request, little
more processing is required to locate the segment than that of non-compressed
segments. Only the segment sequence field is used to determine if this segment
occurrence satisfies the qualification.

Other considerations can affect total system performance, especially in an online

environment. For example, being able to load an algorithm table into storage gives
the compression routine a large amount of flexibility. However, this can place the
entire IMS control region into a wait state until the requested member is present in
storage. It is suggested that all alternatives be explored to lessen the impact of
situations such as this.

| Preventing Split Segments from Impacting Performance

| When segments in a full-function database grow larger than the size of their current
| location, replace calls can split the segments. When segments are split, their
| prefixes remain in their existing location, but their data parts are stored in a new
| location, possibly in another block or CI. Split segments can negatively affect
| performance by requiring additional reads to retrieve both parts of the segments.

| To prevent IMS from splitting compressed segments, you can specify a minimum
| size for the segments that includes extra padded space. This gives the compressed
| segment room to grow and decreases the chance that IMS will split the segment.

| You specify the minimum size for fixed-length full-function segments differently than
| you do for variable-length full-function segments:
| v For fixed-length segments, specify the minimum size using both the fourth and
| fifth subparameters on the COMPRTN= parameter of the SEGM statement. The
| fourth subparameter, size, only defines the minimum size if you also specify the
| fifth subparameter, PAD.
| v For variable-length segments, specify the minimum size using the second
| subparameter, min_bytes, of the BYTES= parameter of the SEGM statement.

214 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Segment Edit/Compression Exit Routine

| Related Reading: For a complete description of the COMPRTN= and BYTES=

| parameters of SEGM statements for full-function databases, see IMS Version 9:
| Utilities Reference: System.

| DEDB segments are never split by replace calls. If a DEDB segment grows beyond
| the size of its current location, the entire segment, including its prefix, is moved to a
| new location. For this reason, it is not necessary to pad compressed DEDB
| segments.

How to Specify the Segment Edit/Compression Exit Routine

| To specify the use of the segment edit/compression facility for a segment, use the
| COMPRTN= keyword of the SEGM statement in the DBD.

| Related Reading: For more information on using the COMPRTN= keyword to

| specify the use of the segment edit/compression facility, see IMS Version 9: Utilities
| Reference: System.

Converting to the Segment Edit/Compression Exit Routine

Information on how to convert an existing database so it can use the Segment
Edit/Compression exit routine (DFSCMPX0) is discussed in Chapter 16, “Modifying
Databases,” on page 423.

Data Capture Exit Routines

The following database types support data capture exit routines:

The Data Capture exit routine is an installation-written exit routine. Data Capture
exit routines promote and enhance database coexistence. Data Capture exit
routines capture segment-level data from a DL/I database for propagation to DB2
UDB for z/OS databases. Installations running IMS and DB2 UDB for z/OS
databases can use Data Capture exit routines to exchange data across the two
database types.

Data Capture exit routines can be written in assembler language, C, VS COBOL II,
or PL/I. IMS Version 9: Customization Guide describes Data Capture exit routines in

Data Capture exit routines are supported by IMS Transaction Manager and
Database Manager. DBCTL support is for BMPs only.

Data Capture exit routines are compatible with the following physical database

Chapter 8. Choosing Optional Database Functions 215

Data Capture Exit Routines

Data Capture exit routines do not support segments in secondary indexes.

A Data Capture exit routine is called based on segment-level specifications in the

DBD. When a Data Capture exit routine is specified on a database segment, it is
invoked by all application program activity on that segment, regardless of which
PSB is active. Therefore, Data Capture exit routines are global. Using a Data
Capture exit routine can have a performance impact across the entire database

DBD Parameters for Data Capture Exit Routines

This topic contains programming interface information.

Using Data Capture exit routines requires specification of one or two DBD
parameters and subsequent DBDGEN. The EXIT= parameter identifies which Data
Capture exit routines will run against segments in a database. The VERSION=
parameter records important information about the DBD for use by Data Capture
exit routines.

The EXIT= Parameter

To use the Data Capture exit routine, you must use the optional EXIT= parameter.
You specify EXIT= on either the DBD or SEGM statements of physical database

Specifying EXIT= on the DBD statement applies a Data Capture exit routine to all
segments within a database structure. Specifying EXIT= on the SEGM statement
applies a Data Capture exit routine to only that segment type.

You can override Data Capture exit routines specified on the DBD statement by
specifying EXIT= on a SEGM statement. EXIT=NONE on a SEGM statement
cancels all Data Capture exit routines specified on the DBD statement for that
segment type. A physical child does not inherit an EXIT= parameter specified on the
SEGM statement of its physical parent.

You can specify multiple Data Capture exit routines on a single DBD or SEGM
statement. For example, you might code a DBD statement as:

| The name of the Data Capture exit routine that you intend to use is the only
| required operand for the EXIT= parameter. Exit names can have a maximum of
| eight alphanumeric characters. For example, if you specify a Data Capture exit
| routine with the name EXITA on a SEGM statement in a database, the EXIT=
| parameter is coded as follows:

KEY, NOPATH, DATA, CASCADE, KEY, DATA, and NOPATH are default operands.
These defaults define what data is captured by the exit routine when a segment is
updated by an application program.

Related Reading:

216 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Data Capture Exit Routines

v For more information about the Data Capture exit routine, see IMS Version 9:
Customization Guide.
v For a full description of the EXIT= parameter on both the DBD and SEGM
statements, see IMS Version 9: Utilities Reference: System.

The VERSION= Parameter

VERSION= is an optional parameter that supports Data Capture exit routines.
VERSION= is specified on the DBD statement as:
VERSION='character string'

The maximum length of the character string is 255 bytes. You can use VERSION=
to create a naming convention that denotes the database characteristics that affect
the proper functioning of Data Capture exit routines. You might use VERSION= to
flag DBDs containing logical relationships, or to indicate which data capture exit
routines are defined on the DBD or SEGM statements. VERSION= might be coded

DAL, in this statement, tells you that Data Capture exit routine A is specified on the
DBD statement (D), and that the database contains logical relationships (L).
&SYSDATE and &SYSTIME tell you the date and time the DBD was generated.

If you do not specify a VERSION= parameter, DBDGEN generates a default

13-character date-time stamp. The default consists of an 8-byte date stamp and a
5-byte time stamp with the following format:

The default date-time stamp on VERSION= is identical to the DBDGEN date-time


VERSION= is passed as a variable length character string with a 2-byte length of

the VERSION=, which does not include the length of the LL.

Call Sequence of Data Capture Exit Routines

This topic contains programming interface information.

| A Data Capture exit routine is invoked once per segment update for each segment
| for which the Data Capture exit routine is specified. Data Capture exit routines are
| invoked multiple times for a single call under certain conditions. These conditions
| include:
| v Path updates.
| v Cascade deletes when multiple segment types or multiple segment occurrences
| are deleted.
| v Updates on logical children.
| v Updates on logical parents.
| v Updates on a single segment when multiple Data Capture exit routines are
| specified against that segment. Each exit is invoked once, in the order it is listed
| on the DBD or SEGM statements.

When multiple segments are updated in a single application program call, Data
Capture exit routines are invoked in the same order in which IMS physically
updates the segments:

Chapter 8. Choosing Optional Database Functions 217

Data Capture Exit Routines

1. Path inserts are executed “top-down” in DL/I. Therefore, a Data Capture exit
routine for a parent segment is called before a Data Capture exit routine for that
parent’s dependent.
2. Cascade deletes are executed “bottom-up”. All dependent segments’ exits are
called before their respective parents’ exits on cascade deletes. IMS physically
deletes dependent segments on cascade deletes only after it has validated the
delete rules by following the hierarchy to the lowest level segment. After delete
rules are validated, IMS deletes segments starting with the lowest level segment
in a dependent chain and continuing up the chain, deleting the highest level
parent segment in the hierarchy last. Data Capture exit routines specified for
segments in a cascade delete are called in reverse hierarchical order.
3. Path replaces are performed “top-down” in IMS. In Data Capture exit routines
defined against segments in path replaces, parent segments are replaced first.
All of their descendents are then replaced in descending hierarchical order.

When an application program does a cascade delete on logically related segments,

Data Capture exit routines defined on the logical child are always called before
Data Capture exit routines defined on the logical parent. Data Capture exit routines
are called even if the logical child is higher in the physical hierarchy, except in
recursive structures where the delete results in the deletion of a parent of the
deleted segment.

Data Passed To and Captured By the Data Capture Exit Routine

This topic contains programming interface information.

| Data is passed to Data Capture exit routines when an application program updates
| IMS with a DL/I insert, delete, or replace call. Segment data passed to Data
| Capture exit routines is always physical data. When the update involves logical
| children, the data passed is physical data and the concatenated key of the logical
| parent segment. For segments that use the Segment Edit/Compression exit routine
| (DFSCMPX0), the data passed is expanded data.

| When an application replaces a segment, both the existing and the replacement
| physical data are captured. In general, segment data is captured even if the
| application call does not change the data. However, for full-function databases, IMS
| compares the before and after data. If the data has not changed, IMS does not
| update the database or log the replace data. Because data is not replaced, Data
| Capture exit routines specified for that segment are not called and the data is not
| captured.

Data might be captured during replaces even if segment data does not change
| 1. The application inserts a concatenation of a logical child and logical parent, IMS
| replaces the logical parent, and the parent data does not change.
2. The application issues a replace for a segment in a DEDB database.

In each case, IMS updates the database without comparing the before and after
data, and therefore the data is captured even though it does not change.

The entire segment, before and after, is passed to Data Capture exit routines when
the application replaces a segment. When the exit routine is interested in only a few
fields, it is recommended that the SQL update request not be issued until after the
before and after replace data for those fields is compared to see if the fields were

218 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Data Capture Exit Routines

Data Capture Call Functions

This topic contains programming interface information.

| Data Capture exit routines are called when segment data is updated by an
| application program insert, replace, or delete call. Optionally, Data Capture exit
| routines are called when DL/I deletes a dependent segment because the application
| program deleted its parent segment, a process known as cascade delete. Data
| Capture exit routines are passed two functions to identify the following:
| 1. The action performed by the application program
| 2. The action performed by IMS

| The two functions that are passed to the Data Capture exit routines are:
| v Call function. The DL/I call, ISRT, REPL, or DLET, that is issued by the
| application program for the segment.
| v Physical function. The physical action, ISRT, REPL, or DLET, performed by IMS
| as a result of the call. The physical function is used to determine the type of SQL
| request to issue when propagating data.

The call and physical functions passed to the exit routine are always the same for
replace calls. However, the functions passed might differ for delete or insert calls:
v For delete calls resulting in cascade deletes, the call function passed is CASC (to
indicate the cascade delete) and the physical function passed is DLET.
v For insert calls resulting in the insert of a logical child and the replace of a logical
parent (because the logical parent already exists), the call function passed is
ISRT and the physical function passed is REPL. IMS physically replaces the
logical parent with data inserted by the application program even if the parent
data does not change. Both call and physical functions are then used, based on
the data propagation requirements, to determine the SQL request to issue in the
Data Capture exit routine.

Cascade Delete When Crossing Logical Relationships

This topic contains programming interface information.

If the EXIT= options specify NOCASCADE, data is not captured for cascade
deletes. However, when a cascade delete crosses a logical relationship into another
physical database to delete dependent segments, a Data Capture exit routine
needs to be called in order to issue the SQL delete for the parent of the physical
structure in DB2 UDB for z/OS. Rather than requiring the EXIT= CASCADE option,
IMS always calls the exit routine for a segment when deleting the parent segment in
a physical database record with an exit routine defined, regardless of the
CASCADE/NOCASCADE option specified on the segment. IMS bypasses the
NOCASCADE option only when crossing logical relationships into another physical
database. As with all cascade deletes, the call function passed is CASC and the
physical function passed is DLET.

Data Capture Exit Routines and Logically Related Databases

This topic contains programming interface information.

Segment data passed to Data Capture exit routines is always physical data.
Consequently, you must place restrictions on delete rules in logically related
databases supporting Data Capture exit routines. Table 17 on page 220
summarizes which delete rules you can and cannot use in logically related
databases with Data Capture exit routines specified on their segments.

Chapter 8. Choosing Optional Database Functions 219

Data Capture Exit Routines

Table 17. Delete Rule Restrictions for Logically Related Databases Using Data Capture Exit
Logical Delete Physical Delete
Segment Type Virtual Delete Rule Rule Rule
Logical Children Yes No No
Logical Parents No Yes Yes

When a logically related database has a delete rule violation on a logical child:
v The logical child cannot have a Data Capture exit routine specified.
v No ancestor of the logical child can have a Data Capture exit routine specified.
When a logically related database has a delete rule violation on a logical parent, the
logical parent cannot have a Data Capture exit routine specified. ACBGEN validates
logical delete rule restrictions and will not allow a PSB that refers to a database that
violates these restrictions to proceed.

Converting to Data Capture Exit Routines

Related Reading:
v For information on how to convert an existing database for Data Capture exit
routines, see “Converting Databases for Data Capture Exit Routines and
Asynchronous Data Capture” on page 447.
v For detailed information on coding the EXIT= and VERSION= parameters, see
IMS Version 9: Utilities Reference: Database and Transaction Manager.

Field-Level Sensitivity
The following database types support field-level sensitivity:

Field-level sensitivity gives you an increased level of data independence by isolating

application programs from:
v Changes in the arrangement of fields within a segment
v Addition or deletion of data within a segment

In addition, field-level sensitivity enhances data security by limiting an application

program to a subset of fields within a segment, and controlling replace operations at
the field level.

Field-level sensitivity allows you to reformat a segment type. Reformatting a

segment type can be done without changing the application program’s view of the
segment data, provided fields have not been removed or altered in length or data
type. Fields can be added to or shifted within a segment in a manner transparent to
the application program. Field-level sensitivity gives applications a segment
organization that always conforms to what is specified in the SENFLD statements.
(SENFLD statements are described in “How to Specify Use of Field-Level

220 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Field-Level Sensitivity

Sensitivity in the DBD and PSB,” but basically they determine the order of fields in
a segment as seen by an application program.)

Using Field-Level Sensitivity as a Mapping Interface

Field-level sensitivity acts as a mapping interface by letting PSBGEN field locations
differ from DBDGEN field locations. Mapping is invoked after the segment edit
routine on input and before the segment edit routine on output. When creating a
sequential data set from database information (or creating database information
from a sequential data set), field-level sensitivity can reduce or eliminate the
amount of formatting an application program must do.

Using Field-Level Sensitivity with Variable-Length Segments

If field-level sensitivity is used with variable-length segments, you can add new
fields to a segment without reorganizing the database. FIELD definitions in a
DBDGEN allow you to enlarge segment types without affecting any previous users
of the segment. The DBDGEN FIELD statement lets you specify a field that doesn’t
yet exist in the physical segment but that will be dynamically created when the
segment is retrieved.

Field-level sensitivity can help in the transition of an application program from a

non-database environment to a database environment. Application programs that
formerly accessed z/OS files might be able to receive the same information in the
same format if the database was designed with conversion in mind.

Field-level sensitivity is not supported for DEDBs and MSDBs.

How to Specify Use of Field-Level Sensitivity in the DBD and PSB

An application program’s view of data is defined through the PSBGEN utility using
SENFLD statements following the SENSEG statement. In the SENFLD statement,
the NAME= parameter identifies a field that has been defined in the segment
through the DBDGEN utility.

The START= parameter defines the starting location of the field in the application
program’s I/O area. In the I/O area, fields do not need to be located in any
particular order, nor must they be contiguous. The end of the segment in the I/O
area is defined by the end of the right most field. All segments using field-level
sensitivity appear fixed in length in the I/O area. The length is determined by the
sum of the lengths of fields on SENFLD statements associated with a SENSEG

Figure 140 on page 222 is an example of field-level sensitivity. Following the figure
is information about coding field-level sensitivity.

Field-level sensitivity is used below to reposition three fields from a physical

segment in the application program’s I/O area.

Chapter 8. Choosing Optional Database Functions 221

Field-Level Sensitivity

Figure 140. DBD and PSB Coding for Field-Level Sensitivity

Figure 141 shows the DBD for the example shown in Figure 140.


Figure 141. DBD Example for Field-Level Sensitivity

Figure 142 shows the PSB for the figure shown in Figure 140.


Figure 142. PSB Example for Field-Level Sensitivity

v A SENFLD statement is coded for each field that can appear in the I/O area. A
maximum of 255 SENFLD statements can be coded for each SENSEG
statement, with a limit of 10000 SENFLD statements for a single PSB.
v The optional REPL= parameter on the SENFLD statement indicates whether
replace operations are allowed on the field. In the figure, replace is not allowed
for EMPNAME but is allowed for EMPNO and ADDRESS. If REPL= is not coded
on a SENFLD statement, the default is REPL=Y.
v The TYPE= parameter on FIELD statements in the DBD is used to determine fill
values on insert operations.

Retrieving Segments Using Field-Level Sensitivity

When you retrieve segments using field-level sensitivity, you should be aware of the
following information:
v Gaps between fields in the I/O area are set to blanks on a retrieve call.
v If an application program uses a field in an SSA, that field must be coded on a
SENFLD statement. This rule does not apply to sequence fields used in an SSA
on retrieve operations.

Figure 143 shows an example of a retrieve call based on the DBD and PSB in
Figure 140.

222 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Field-Level Sensitivity

Figure 143. Example of a Retrieve Call

Replacing Segments Using Field-Level Sensitivity

The SENFLD statement must allow replace operations (REPL=Y) if the application
program is going to replace data in a segment. In Figure 140 on page 222, the
SENFLD statement for EMPNAME specifies REPL=N. A “DA” status code would be
returned if the application program tried to replace the EMPNAME field. Figure 144
shows an example of a REPL call based on the DBD and PSB in Figure 140.

Figure 144. Example of a REPL Call

Inserting Segments Using Field-Level Sensitivity

The TYPE= parameter on the SEGM statement of the DBD determines the fill value
in the physical segment when an application program is not sensitive to a field on
insert calls.
TYPE= Fill Value
X Binary Zeros
P Packed Decimal Zero
C Blanks

Chapter 8. Choosing Optional Database Functions 223

Field-Level Sensitivity

The fill value in the physical segment is binary zeros when:

v Space in a segment is not defined by a FIELD macro in the DBD
v A defined DBD field is not referenced on the insert operation

Figure 145 shows an example of an insert operation based on the DBD and PCB in
Figure 140 on page 222.

Figure 145. Example of an ISRT Call

Blanks are inserted in the BIRTHD field because its FIELD statement in the DBD
specifies TYPE=C. Packed decimal zero is inserted in the SAL field because its
FIELD statement in the DBD specifies TYPE=P. Binary zeros are inserted in
positions 35 to 40 because no FIELD statement was coded for this space in the

Using Field-Level Sensitivity When Fields Overlap

On the SENFLD statement, you code the starting position of fields as they will
appear in the I/O area. If fields overlap in the I/O area, here are the rules you must
v Two different bytes of data cannot be moved to the same position in the I/O area
on input.
v The same data can be moved to different positions in the I/O area on retrieve
v Two bytes from different positions in the I/O area cannot be moved to the same
DBD field on output.

Using Field-Level Sensitivity When Path Calls Are Issued

If an application program issues path calls while using field level sensitivity, here
are the rules you must follow:
v You should not code SENFLD statements so that two fields from different
physical segments are in the same segment in the I/O area.
v PROCOPT=P is required on the PCB statement.

Using Field-Level Sensitivity with Logical Relationships

Here are the rules you must follow when using field-level sensitivity with segments
involved in a logical relationship:
v Application programs can not be insert sensitive to a logical child.
v The same field can be referenced in more than one SENFLD statement within a
SENSEG. If the duplicate field names are part of a concatenated segment and

224 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Field-Level Sensitivity

the same field name appears in both parts of the concatenation, the first part
references the logical child. The second and all subsequent parts reference the
logical parent. This referencing sequence determines the order in which fields are
moved to the I/O area.
v When using field-level sensitivity with a virtual logical child, the field list of the
paired segment is searched after the field list of the virtual segment and before
the field list of the logical parent.

Using Field-Level Sensitivity with Variable-Length Segments

| When field-level sensitivity is used with a variable-length segment, an application
| program’s view of the segment is fixed in length and does not include the 2-byte
| length field. This topic and its subtopics address special situations when field level
| sensitivity is used with variable-length segments. First, however, here is some
| general information about using field-level sensitivity with variable-length segments:
| v When inserting a variable-length segment, the length used is the minimum length
| needed to hold all sensitive fields.
| v When replacing a variable-length segment, if the length has to be increased to
| contain data an application program has modified, the length used is the
| minimum length needed to hold the modified data.
| v An application program cannot be sensitive to overlapping fields in a
| variable-length segment with get or update sensitivity if the data type of any of
| those fields is not character.
| v Existing programs processing variable-length segments that use the length field
| to determine the presence or absence of a field might need to be modified if
| segments are inserted or updated by programs using field-level sensitivity.

When field-level sensitivity is used with variable-length segments, two situations

exist that you should know about. The first is when fields are missing. The second
is when fields are partially present. This topic examines the following information:
v Retrieving Missing Fields
v Replacing Missing Fields
v Inserting Missing Fields
v Retrieving Partially Present Fields
v Replacing Partially Present Fields

Retrieving Missing Fields

If a field does not exist in the physical variable-length segment at retrieval time, the
corresponding field in the application program’s I/O area is filled with a value based
on the data type specified in the DBD. Figure 146 is an example of a missing field
on a retrieve call based on the DBD and PSB in Figure 147 and Figure 148 on
page 226.

Chapter 8. Choosing Optional Database Functions 225

Field-Level Sensitivity

Figure 146. Example of a Missing Field on a Retrieve Call



Figure 147. DBD Example for Field-Level Sensitivity with Variable-Length Segments



Figure 148. PSB Example for Field-Level Sensitivity with Variable-Length Segments

The length field is not present in the I/O area. Also, the address field is filled with
blanks, because TYPE=C is specified on the FIELD statement in the DBD.

Replacing Missing Fields

A missing field that is not replaced does not affect the physical variable-length
segment. Figure 149 is an example of a missing field on a replace call based on the
DBD and PSB in Figure 147.

226 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Field-Level Sensitivity

Figure 149. First Example of a Missing Field on a Replace Call

The length field, maintained by IMS, does not include room for the address field,
because the field was missing and not replaced.

On a replace call, if a field returned to the application program with a fill value is
changed to a non-fill value, the segment length is increased to the minimum size
needed to hold the modified field.
v The 'LL' field is updated to include the full length of the added field and all fields
up to the added field.
v The TYPE= parameter in the DBD (see Figure 147 on page 226) determines the
fill value for non-sensitive DBD fields up to the added field.
v Binary zero is the fill value for space up to the added field that is not defined by
a FIELD statement in the DBD.

Figure 150 is an example of a missing field on a replace call based on the DBD and
PSB in Figure 147 on page 226.

Chapter 8. Choosing Optional Database Functions 227

Field-Level Sensitivity

Figure 150. Second Example of a Missing Field on a Replace Call

The 'LL' field is maintained by IMS to include the full length of the ADDRESS field
and all fields up to the ADDRESS field. BIRTHD is filled with blanks, because
TYPE=C is specified on the FIELD statement in the DBD. Positions 34 to 42 are set
to binary zeros, because the space was not defined by a FIELD statement in the

Inserting Missing Fields

When a variable-length segment is inserted into the database, the length field is set
to the value of the minimum size needed to hold all sensitive fields.
v The 'LL' field is updated to include all sensitive fields.
v The TYPE= parameter on the DBD (see Figure 147 on page 226) determines the
fill value for non-sensitive DBD fields.
v Binary zero is the fill value for space not defined by a FIELD statement in the

Figure 151 is an example of a missing field on an insert call using the DBD and
PSB in Figure 147 on page 226.

Figure 151. Example of a Missing Field on an Insert Call

The 'LL' field is maintained by IMS to include the full length of all sensitive fields up
to and including the ADDRESS field. BIRTHD is filled with blanks, because

228 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Field-Level Sensitivity

TYPE=C was specified on the FIELD statement in the DBD. Positions 34 to 42 are
set to binary zeros, because the space was not defined in a FIELD statement in the

Retrieving Partially Present Fields

If the last field in the physical variable-length segment at retrieval time is only
partially present and if the data type is character (TYPE=C), data is returned to the
application program padded with blanks on the right. Otherwise, the field is returned
with a fill value based on the data type. Figure 152 is an example of a partially
present field on a retrieval call based on the DBD and PSB in Figure 147 on page

Figure 152. Example of a Partially Present Field on a Retrieval Call

The ADDRESS field in the I/O area is padded with blanks to correspond to the
length defined on the SEGM statement in the DBD.

Replacing Partially Present Fields

You should know the following information about replacing partially present fields:
v If segment length is increased on a REPL call, the field returned to the
application program is written to the database if it has not been changed.
v If the data type of the field is character and the field is changed on a REPL call,
the segment length is increased if necessary to include all non-blank characters
in the changed data.
v If the data type is not character and the field is changed on a REPL call, the
segment length is increased to contain the entire field.

Figure 153 on page 230 is an example of a partially present field on a REPL call
based on the DBD and PSB in Figure 147 on page 226.

Chapter 8. Choosing Optional Database Functions 229

Field-Level Sensitivity

Figure 153. Example of a Partially Present Field on a REPL Call

The 'LL' field is changed from 50 to 52 by DL/I to accommodate the change in the
field length of ADDRESS.

General Considerations for Using Field-Level Sensitivity

v Field-level sensitivity is not supported for GSAM, MSDB, or DEDB databases.
v Fields referenced in PSBGEN with SENFLD statements must be defined in
DBDGEN with FIELD statements.
v The same DBD field can be referenced in more than one SENFLD statement.
v When using field-level sensitivity, the application program always sees a fixed
length segment for a given PCB, regardless of whether the segment is fixed or
v Application programs must be sensitive to any field referenced in an SSA, except
the sequence field.
v Application programs must be sensitive to the sequence field, if present, for
insert or load.
v Field-level sensitivity and segment level sensitivity can be mixed in the same
v Non-referenced, non-defined fields are set to binary zeros as fill characters, when
required, during insert or replace operations.
v Using call/trace with the compare option increases the amount of storage
required in the PSB work pool.

Multiple Data Set Groups

The following database types support multiple data set groups:

230 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Multiple Data Set Groups

Although this book has explored storing a database on a single or a single pair of
data sets, HD databases can be stored on more than the one or two data sets
required for database storage. You have seen that an HD database is stored on an
ESDS, if VSAM is being used, or an OSAM data set, if OSAM is being used.

HD databases can be stored on multiple data sets. When storing a database on

multiple data sets, the terms primary and secondary data set group are used to
distinguish between the one or more data sets that must be specified for the
database (called the primary data set group) and the one or more data sets you are
allowed to specify for the database (called secondary data set groups).

In HD databases, a single data set is used for storage rather than a pair of data
sets. The primary data set group therefore consists of the ESDS (if VSAM is being
used) or OSAM data set (if OSAM is being used) on which you must specify
storage for your database. The secondary data set group is an additional ESDS or
OSAM data set on which you are allowed to store your database.

As many as ten data set groups can be used in HISAM and HD databases, that is,
one primary data set group and a maximum of nine secondary data set groups.

Why Use Multiple Data Set Groups?

When you design database records, you design them to meet the processing
requirements of many applications. You decide what segments will be in a database
record and their hierarchic sequence within a database record. These decisions are
based on what works best for all of your application program’s requirements.
However, the way in which you arranged segments in a database record no doubt
suits the processing requirements of some applications better than others. For
example, look at the two database records shown in Figure 154. Both of them
contain the same segments, but the hierarchic sequence of segments is different.

Figure 154. Hierarchy of Applications That Need to Access INSTR and LOC Segments

The hierarchy on the left favors applications that need to access INSTR and LOC
segments. The hierarchy on the right favors applications that need to access
STUDENT and GRADE segments. (Favor, in this context, means that access to the
segments is faster.) If the applications that access the INSTR and LOC segments
are more important than the ones that access the STUDENT and GRADE
segments, you can use the database record on the left. But if both applications are
equally important, you can split the database record into different data set groups.
This will give both types of applications good access to the segments each needs.

Chapter 8. Choosing Optional Database Functions 231

Multiple Data Set Groups

To split the database record, you would use two data set groups. As shown in
Figure 155, the first data set group contains the COURSE, INSTR, REPORT, and
LOC segments. The second data set group contains the STUDENT and GRADE

Figure 155. Database Record Split into Two Database Groups

Other uses of multiple data set groups include:

v Separating infrequently-used segments from high-use segments.
v Separating segments that frequently have information added to them from those
that do not. For the former segments, you might specify additional free space so
conditions are optimum for additions.
v Separating segments that are added or deleted frequently from those that are
not. This can keep space from being fragmented in the main database.
v Separating segments whose size varies greatly from the average segment size.
This can improve use of space in the database. Remember, the bit map in an HD
database indicates whether space is available for the longest segment type
defined in the data set group. It does not keep track of smaller amounts of
space. If you have one or more segment types that are large, available space for
smaller segments will not be utilized, because the bit map does not track it.

HD Databases Using Multiple Data Set Groups

The following rules must be followed when using a multiple data set group in an HD
v As many as ten data set groups can be defined.
v The root segment in a database record must be in the primary data set group.

In the database record shown in Figure 156 on page 233, segments COURSE (1),
INSTR (2), LOC (4), and STUDENT (5) could go in one data set group, while
segments REPORT (3) and GRADE (6) could go in a second data set group.
Examples of how this HD database record could be divided into three groups are in
Table 18.
Table 18. Examples of Multiple Data Set Grouping
Data Set Group 1 Data Set Group 2 Data Set Group 3
Segment 1 Segments 2, 5, and 6 Segments 3 and 4
Segments 1, 3, and 6 Segments 2 and 5 Segment 3
Segments 1, 3, and 6 Segments 2 and 5 Segment 4

232 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Multiple Data Set Groups

Figure 156. Example of How to Divide an HD Database Record

v Segments separated into different data set groups must be connected by

physical child first pointers. For example, in Figure 157 the INSTR segment in the
primary data set group must point to the first occurrence of its physical child
REPORT in the secondary data set group, and STUDENT must point to GRADE.

Figure 157. Connecting Segments in Multiple Data Set Groups Using Physical Child First

How HD Records Are Stored in Multiple Data Set Groups

Now that you have seen what segments can be stored in a single data set group in
an HD database, this topic looks at how segments are stored. Figure 158 on page
234 shows one database record:
v Stored in an HDAM or a PHDAM database using two data set groups
v Stored in a HIDAM or a PHIDAM database using two data set groups

Specify in the DBD which segment types need to be put in a data set group. Based
on that information, IMS automatically loads segments into the correct data set
group. In this example, the user specified that four segment types in the database
record were put in the primary data set group (COURSE, INSTR, LOC, STUDENT)
and two segment types were put in the secondary data set group (REPORT,

Chapter 8. Choosing Optional Database Functions 233

Multiple Data Set Groups

In the HDAM or PHDAM database, note that only the primary data set group has a
root addressable area. The secondary data set group is additional overflow storage.

Figure 158. HD Database Record in Storage When Multiple Data Set Groups Are Used

Specifying Use of Multiple Data Set Groups in HD and PHD

You can specify multiple data set groups to IMS in the DBD. For HDAM databases,
use the DATASET statement. For PHDAM databases, use the DSGROUP
parameter in the SEGM statement. You can group the segments any way, but you
still must list the segments in hierarchical sequence in the DBD.

The following examples use the database record used in “Why Use Multiple Data
Set Groups?” on page 231 and “HD Databases Using Multiple Data Set Groups” on
page 232. The first example, Figure 159, shows two groups: data set group A
contains COURSE and INSTR, data set group B contains all of the other segments.
The second example shows a different grouping. Note the differences in DBDs
when the groups are not in sequential hierarchical order of the segments.

234 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Multiple Data Set Groups

Figure 159. First Example of Data Set Groups

Figure 160 is the HDAM DBD for the first example. Note that the segments are
grouped by the DATASET statements preceding the SEGM statements and that the
segments are listed in hierarchical order. In each DATASET statement, the DD1=
parameter names the VSAM ESDS or OSAM data set that will be used. Also, each
data set group can have its own characteristics, such as device type.


Figure 160. HDAM DBD for First Example of Data Set Groups

Figure 161 shows the DBD for a PHDAM database. Instead of using the DATASET
statement, use the DSGROUP parameter in the SEGM statement. The first two
segments do not have DSGROUP parameters because it is assumed that they are
in the first group.


Figure 161. PHDAM DBD for First Example of Data Set Groups

The second example, Figure 162 on page 236, differs from the first example in that
the groups do not follow the order of the hierarchical sequence. The segments must
be listed in the DBD in hierarchical sequence, so additional DATASET statements or
DSGROUP parameters are required.

Chapter 8. Choosing Optional Database Functions 235

Multiple Data Set Groups

Figure 162. Second Example of Data Set Groups

Figure 163 is the DBD for an HDAM database of the second example. It is similar
to the first example, except that because the sixth segment is part of the first group,
you need another DATASET statement before it with the DSA label. The additional
DATASET label groups the sixth segment with the first three.


Figure 163. HDAM DBD for Second Example of Data Set Groups

Figure 164 is the DBD for a PHDAM database of the second example. It is similar
to the first example, except that because the sixth segment is part of the first group,
you must explicitly group it with the first two segments by using the DSGROUP


Figure 164. PHDAM DBD for Second Example of Data Set Groups

236 Administration Guide: Database Manager

CI Reclaim

Block-Level Data Sharing and CI Reclaim

IMS reclaims storage used for KSDS control intervals (CIs) whose erasure has
been committed in data-sharing or XRF environments. This feature is not, however,
a replacement for routine reorganization of KSDS data sets. VSAM CI space
reclamation enhances the performance of database GETS or INSERTS after mass
deletes occur in data-sharing or XRF environments.

Restriction: CI reclaim does not occur for SHISAM databases. When a large
number of records in a SHISAM database are deleted, particularly a large number
of consecutive records, serious performance degradation can occur. Eliminate
empty CIs and resolve the problem by using VSAM REPRO.

HALDB Single Partition Processing

BMP, JBP, and batch-processing applications can process a single partition of a
HALDB independent of rest of the HALDB. The partition independence is similar to
the independent processing of partitions by utilities. To restrict processing to a
single partition, restrict DB PCB usage by specifying the label name of the DB PCB
or the nth position of the DB PCB, and the partition name in the HALDB control

Related Reading: For information on specifying single partition processing, see

IMS Version 9: Installation Volume 2: System Definition and Tailoring.

Logical Relationships in Single Partition Processing

An application can process single partitions with logical relationships. If a logical
child is in the single partition that the application has access to, and its logical
parent is in another partition, the application can process the logical parent, even
though it is in another partition. Because of a logical relationship, an application with
restricted access can process a partition that it does not have direct access to.

Secondary Indexes in Single Partition Processing

An application can process single partitions with secondary indexes. If an
application inserts a segment into the partition that the application has access to,
the secondary index partition is updated with a new index entry as well. Even
though the application does not have access to the secondary index partition, that
partition is updated when the application inserts a segment.

Restriction: HALDB single partition processing is not allowed if an alternate

processing sequence is used.

Partition Selection
A partition is selected by using the root key for the DL/I call and the high key
defined for the partition. When access is restricted to a single partition and the root
key is outside the key range of the partition, status code FM or GE is returned.

If you use a partition selection exit routine, the routine is called when the DL/I call
provides a specific root key. The exit routine selects a partition based on the root
key given. If the partition selected is different than the one that the application has
access to, status code FM or GE is returned. The exit routine is not called to select
a first partition or next partition.

Chapter 8. Choosing Optional Database Functions 237

HALDB Single Partition Processing

When access is restricted to a single partition, the first partition is always the
partition to which access is restricted, and the next partition does not exist.

Recommendation: If restricting processing to a single partition, the SSA should

include only the root keys that are in the key range of the partition.

Examples of Single Partition Processing

For the following examples, the DB PCB usage is restricted to HALDB partition 2,
which contains the records with root keys 201 through 400.
GU rootkey=110
The root key 110 is outside the range of root keys for the partition. FM
status code is returned.
GU rootkey=240 GN rootkey=110
Moves forward from root key 240 to find key equal to 110. Because 110 is
lower than 240, GE status code is returned.
GU rootkey=240 GN rootkey>=110
Moves forward from root key 240 to find key equal to or greater than 110. If
key not found before reaching end of partition, GB status code is returned.
GN rootkey>=110
Attempts to start search at key 110. Because key is outside root key range
of partition, FM status code is returned.

| Integrated HALDB Online Reorganization Function

| With the integrated HALDB Online Reorganization (OLR) function, you can
| reorganize HALDB partitions online, improving database performance without
| disrupting data availability. HALDB OLR can reorganize any number of partitions,
| singly or in parallel.

| Related Reading: For complete information on the online reorganization of

| HALDBs, see “HALDB Online Reorganization” on page 364.

| Storing XML Data in IMS Databases

| You can store and retrieve XML documents in IMS databases using Java
| application programs. When storing and retrieving XML documents, the XML
| documents must be valid to XML schemas generated by the DLIModel utility. The
| XML schemas must match the hierarchical structure of the IMS database.

| XML documents can be stored in IMS databases using any combination of two
| storage methods to best fit the structure of the XML document:
| Decomposed XML storage
| The XML tags are removed from the XML document and only the data is
| extracted. The extracted data is converted into traditional IMS field types
| and inserted into the database. Use this approach in the following
| scenarios:
| v XML applications and non-XML applications must access the same
| database.
| v Extensive searching of the database is needed.
| v A strict XML schema is available.
| Intact XML storage
| The XML document is stored, with its XML structure and tags intact, in an

238 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Storing XML Data in IMS Databases

| IMS database designed exclusively for storing intact XML documents. In

| this case, only Java application programs can access the data in the
| database. Because the XML document does not have to be regenerated
| when the data is retrieved from the database, the retrieval of the XML data
| is typically faster than when it is stored without its XML tagging. Use this
| approach in the following scenarios:
| v Faster storage and retrieval of XML documents are needed.
| v Less searching of the database is required.
| v The XML schema requires more flexibility.

| Related Reading:
| v For more information about the DLIModel utility, see IMS Version 9: Utilities
| Reference: System.
| v For more information about storing XML data in IMS databases, see IMS Version
| 9: IMS Java Guide and Reference.

Chapter 8. Choosing Optional Database Functions 239

Storing XML Data in IMS Databases

240 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Chapter 9. Designing Full-Function Databases
After you determine the type of database and optional functions that best suit your
application’s processing requirements, you need to make a series of decisions
about database design and use of options. This set of decisions primarily
determines how well your database performs and how well it uses available space.
This series of decisions is made based on:
v The type of database and optional functions you have already chosen
v The performance requirements of your applications
v How much storage you have available for use online

In this chapter:
v “Specifying Free Space (HDAM, PHDAM, HIDAM, and PHIDAM Only)”
v “Estimating the Size of the Root Addressable Area (HDAM or PHDAM Only)” on
page 242
v “Determining Which Randomizing Module to Use (HDAM and PHDAM Only)” on
page 243
v “Choosing HDAM or PHDAM Options” on page 244
v “Choosing a Logical Record Length for a HISAM Database” on page 245
v “Choosing a Logical Record Length for HD Databases” on page 248
v “Determining the Size of CIs and Blocks” on page 248
v “Buffering Options” on page 249
v “OSAM Sequential Buffering” on page 253
v “VSAM Options” on page 260
v “OSAM Options” on page 265
v “Dump Option (DUMP Parameter)” on page 265
v “Deciding Which FIELD Statements to Code in the DBD” on page 265
v “Planning for Maintenance” on page 265

Specifying Free Space (HDAM, PHDAM, HIDAM, and PHIDAM Only)

As you have seen, dependent segments inserted after an HD database is loaded
are put as close as possible to the segments to which they are related. (When
segments are close to the segments that point to them, the I/O time needed to
retrieve a dependent segment is shorter. The I/O time is shorter because the seek
time and rotational delay time are shorter.) However, as the database grows and
available space decreases, dependent segments are increasingly put further from
their related segments. When this happens, performance decreases, a problem that
can only be eliminated by reorganizing the database.

To minimize the effect of insert operations after the database is loaded, allocate free
space in the database when it is initially loaded. Free space allocation in the
database will reduce the performance impact caused by insert operations, and
therefore, decrease the frequency with which HD databases must be reorganized.

For OSAM data sets and VSAM ESDS, free space is specified in the FRSPC=
keyword of the DATASET statement in the DBD. In the keyword, one or both of the
following operands can be specified:
v Free block frequency factor (fbff). The fbff specifies that every nth block or CI in a
data set group be left as free space when the database is loaded (where fbff=n).

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1974, 2004 241

Specifying Free Space (HDAM, PHDAM, HIDAM, and PHIDAM Only)

The range of fbff includes all integer values from 0 to 100, except 1. Avoid
specifying fbff for HDAM or PHDAM databases. If you specify fbff for HDAM or
PHDAM databases and if at load time the randomizing module generates the
relative block or CI number of a block or CI marked as free space, the
randomizer must store the root segment in another block.
If you specify fbff, every nth block or CI will be considered a second-most
desirable block or CI by the HD Space Search Algorithm. This is true unless you
specify SEARCHA=1 in the DATASET macro of the DBDGEN utility. By
specifying SEARCHA=1, you are telling IMS not to search for space in the
second-most desirable block or CI.
Related Reading:
– For details on the HD Space Search Algorithm, see “How the HD Space
Search Algorithm Works” on page 103.
– For more information on the SEARCHA keyword, see IMS Version 9: Utilities
Reference: Database and Transaction Manager.
v Free space percentage factor (fspf). The fspf specifies the minimum percentage
of each block or CI in a data set group to be left as free space when the
database is loaded. The range of fspf is from 0 to 99.

Note: This free space applies to VSAM ESDS and OSAM data sets. It does not
apply to HIDAM or PHIDAM index databases or to DEDBs.

For VSAM KSDS, free space is specified in the FREESPACE parameter of the
DEFINE CLUSTER command. This VSAM parameter is disregarded for a VSAM ESDS
data set used for HIDAM, PHIDAM, HDAM, or PHDAM. This command is explained
in detail in DFSMS Access Method Services for Catalogs.

Estimating the Size of the Root Addressable Area (HDAM or PHDAM

To estimate the size of the root addressable area, use the following formula:
(A x B) / C = D

A= the number of bytes of a database record to be stored in the root
addressable area
B= the expected number of database records
C= the number of bytes available for data in each CI or block CI or block size,
minus overhead)
D= the size you will need, in blocks or CIs, for the root addressable area.

If you have specified free space for the database, include it in your calculations for
determining the size of the root addressable area. Use the following formula to
accomplish this step:
(D x E x G) / F = H

D= the size you calculated in the first formula (the necessary size of the root
addressable area in block or CIs)
E= how often you are leaving a block or CI in the database empty for free
space (what you specified in the fbff operand in the DBD)

242 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Sizing the Root Addressable Area

F= (E-1) (fbff-1)
G= 100 100 - fspf The fspf is the minimum percentage of each block or
CI you are leaving as free space (what you specified in the fspf operand in
the DBD)
H= the total size you will need, in blocks or CIs

Specify the number of blocks or CIs you need in the root addressable area in the
RMNAME=rbn keyword in the DBD statement in the DBD.

Determining Which Randomizing Module to Use (HDAM and PHDAM

As you have seen, a randomizing module is required to store and access HDAM or
PHDAM database records. This module converts the key of a root segment to a
relative block number and RAP number. These numbers are then used to store or
access HDAM or PHDAM root segments. An HDAM database or a PHDAM partition
uses only one randomizing module, but several databases and partitions can share
the same module. Four randomizing modules are supplied with IMS.

Normally, one of the four randomizing modules supplied with the system will work
for your database. These modules, and the arithmetic techniques they use, are
described in detail in IMS Version 9: Customization Guide.

Partition selection is completed prior to invoking the randomizing module on

PHDAM databases. The randomizing module selects locations only within a

Write Your Own Randomizing Module

If, given your root key distribution, none of these randomizing modules works well
for you, write your own randomizing module. If you write your own randomizing
module, one of your goals is to have it distribute root segments so that, when
subsequently accessing them, only one read and one seek operation is required.
When a root key is given to the randomizing module, if the relative block number
the randomizer produces is the block actually containing the root, only one read and
seek operation is required (access is fast). The randomizing module you write
should allow you to vary the number of blocks and RAPs you specify, so blocks and
RAPs can be used for tuning the system. The randomizing module should also
distribute roots randomly, not randomize to bit map locations, and keep packing
density high. IMS Version 9: Customization Guide tells you what the interface to
your randomizing module should be.

Assess the Effectiveness of the Randomizing Module

| One way to determine the effectiveness of a given randomizing module for your
| database is to run the IMS High Performance Pointer Checker (HD Tuning Aid).
| This tool produces a report in the form of a map showing how root segments are
| stored in the database. It shows you root segment storage based on the number of
| blocks or CIs you specified for the root addressable area and the number of RAPs
| you specified for each block or CI. By running the HD Tuning Aid against the
| various randomizing modules, you can see which module gives you the best
| distribution of root keys in your database. In addition, by changing the number of
| RAPs and blocks or CIs you specify, you can see (given a specific randomizing
| module) which combination of RAPs and blocks or CIs produces the best root
| segment distribution.

Chapter 9. Designing Full-Function Databases 243

Determining Which Randomizing Module To Use

| Before choosing a randomizing module, read “Adjusting HDAM and PHDAM

| Options” on page 404, which discusses how you can adjust HDAM or PHDAM
| options, including the randomizing module, to tune your database after it is running.

Choosing HDAM or PHDAM Options

In an HDAM or a PHDAM database, the options you choose can greatly affect
performance. The options discussed here are those you specify in the RMNAME
keyword in the DBD statement or when using the HALDB Partition Definition utility.
Figure 165 shows the format for specifying the RMNAME parameter. The definition
list that follows explains the meaning of mod, anch, rbn, and bytes.


Figure 165. Specifying the RMNAME keyword

mod Name of the randomizing module you have chosen

anch Number of RAPs in a block or CI
rbn Number of blocks or CIs in the root addressable area
bytes Maximum number of bytes of a database record to be put in the root
addressable area when segments in the database records are inserted
consecutively (without intervening processing operations)

Minimizing I/O Operations

In choosing these HDAM or PHDAM options, your primary goal is to minimize the
number of I/O operations it takes to access a database record or segment. The
fewer I/O operations, the faster the access time. Performance is best when:
v The number of RAPs in a block or CI is equal to the number of roots in the block
or CI (block or CI space is not wasted on unused RAPs).
v Unique block and RAP numbers are generated for most root segments (thereby
eliminating long synonym chains).
v Root segments are stored in key sequence.
v All frequently used dependent segments are in the root addressable area (access
to the root addressable area is faster than access to the overflow area) and in
the same block or CI as the root.

Your choice of a randomizing module (discussed in “Determining Which

Randomizing Module to Use (HDAM and PHDAM Only)” on page 243) determines
how many addresses are unique for each root and whether roots are stored in key
sequence. In general, a randomizing module is considered efficient if roots are
distributed evenly in the root addressable area. You can experiment with different
randomizing modules. Try various combinations of the anch, rbn, and bytes
operands to see what effect they have on distribution of root segments.

Maximizing Packing Density

A secondary goal in choosing HDAM or PHDAM options is to maximize packing
density without adversely affecting performance. Packing density is the percentage
of space in the root addressable area being used for root segments and the
dependent segments associated with them. Packing density is determined as

244 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Choosing HDAM or PHDAM Options

Packing density =
( Number of roots x root bytes ) /
( Number of CIs in the root addressable area x Usable space in the CI )
root bytes
The average number of bytes in each root in the root addressable area.
Usable space in the CI
The CI or block size minus (as applicable) space for the FSEAP, RAPs,
VSAM CIDF, VSAM RDF, and free space.

Packing density should be high, but, as the percentage of packing density

increases, the number of dependent segments put into overflow storage can
increase. In addition, performance for processing of dependent segments decreases
when they are in overflow storage. All of the operands you can specify in the
RMNAME= keyword affect packing density. So, to optimize packing density, try
different randomizing modules and various combinations of the anch, rbn, and bytes

Choosing a Logical Record Length for a HISAM Database

In a HISAM database, your choice of a logical record length is important because it
can affect both the access time and the use of space in the database. The relative
importance of each depends on your individual situation. To get the best possible
performance and an optimum balance between access time and the use of space,
plot several trial logical record lengths and test them before making a final choice.

Logical Record Length Considerations

The following should be considered:
v Only complete segments can be stored in a logical record. Therefore, the space
between the last segment that fit in the logical record and the end of the logical
record is unused.
v Each database record starts at the beginning of a logical record. The space
between the end of the database record and the end of the last logical record
containing it is unused. This unused space is relative to the average size of your
database records.
v Very short or very long logical records tend to increase wasted space. If logical
records are short, the number of areas of unused space increases. If logical
records are long, the size of areas of unused space increases. Figure 166 shows
why short or long logical records increase wasted space.
Choose a logical record length that minimizes the amount of unused space at the
end of logical records.

The database record shown in Figure 166 on page 246 is stored on three short
logical records in Figure 167 on page 246 and in two longer logical records in
Figure 168 on page 246. Note the three areas of unused space.

Chapter 9. Designing Full-Function Databases 245

Choosing a Logical Record Length for a HISAM Database

Figure 166. Database Record for Logical Record Examples

In Figure 167, note the three areas of unused space. In Figure 168, there are only
two areas of unused space, rather than three, but the total size of the areas is

Figure 167. Short Logical Records

Figure 168. Long Logical Records

Segments in a database record that do not fit in the logical record in the primary
data set are put in one or more logical records in the overflow data set. More read
and seek operations, and therefore longer access time, are required to access
logical records in the overflow data set than in the primary data set. This is
especially true as the database grows in size and chains of overflow records
develop. Therefore, you should try to put the most-used segments in your database
record in the primary data set. When choosing a logical record length the primary
data set should be as close to average database record length as possible. This
results in a minimum of overflow logical records and thereby minimizes performance
problems. When you calculate the average record length, beware of unusually long
or short records that can skew the results.

A read operation reads one CI into the buffer pool. CIs contain one or more logical
records in a database record. Because of this, it takes as many read and seek
operations to access an entire database record as it takes CIs to contain it. In
Figure 170 on page 247, each CI contains two logical records, and two CIs are
required to contain the database record shown in Figure 169 on page 247.
Consequently, it takes two read operations to get these four logical records into the

246 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Choosing a Logical Record Length for a HISAM Database

Figure 169. Database Record for Logical Records Example

Figure 170. Logical Records Example with Two Read Operations

The number of read and seek operations required to access a database record
increases as the size of the logical record decreases. The question to consider is:
Do you often need access to the entire database record? If so, you should try to
choose a logical record size that will usually contain an entire database record. If,
however, you typically access only one or a few segments in a database record,
choice of a logical record size large enough to contain the average database record
is not as important.

Consider what will happen in the following setup example in which you need to read
database records, one after another:
v Your CI or block size is 2048 bytes.
v Your Logical record size is 512 bytes.
v Your Average database record size is 500 bytes.
v The range of your database record sizes is 300 to 700 bytes.

Because your logical and average database record sizes are about equal (512 and
500), approximately one of every two database records will be read into the buffer
pool with one read operation. (This assumption is based on the average size of
database records.) If, however, your logical record size were 650, you would access
most database records with a single read operation. An obvious trade-off exists
here, one you must consider in picking a logical record length for HISAM data sets.
If your logical record size were 650, much unused space would exist between the
end of an average database record and the last logical record containing it.

Rules to Observe
The following rules must be observed when choosing a logical record length for
HISAM data sets:
v Logical record size in the primary data set must be at least equal to the size of
the root segment, plus its prefix, plus overhead. If variable-length segments are

Chapter 9. Designing Full-Function Databases 247

Choosing a Logical Record Length for a HISAM Database

used, logical record size must be at least equal to the size of the longest root
segment, plus its prefix, plus overhead. Five bytes of overhead is required for
v Logical record size in the overflow data set must be at least equal to the size of
the longest segment in the overflow data set, plus its prefix, plus overhead. Five
bytes of overhead is required for VSAM.
v Logical record lengths in the overflow data set must be equal to or greater than
logical record length in the primary data set.
v The maximum logical record size is 30720 bytes.
v Except for SHISAM databases, logical record lengths must be an even number.

Calculating How Many Logical Records Are Needed to Hold a

Database Record
Calculate the average size of a database record before plotting various logical
record sizes. By calculating the average size of a database record, given a specific
logical record size, you can see how many logical records it takes to hold a
database record (of average size).

Related Reading: To determine the average size of your database records, see
“Estimating the Minimum Size of the Database” on page 311.

Specifying Logical Record Length

Specify the length of the logical records in the RECORD= operand of the DATASET
statement in the DBD.

Choosing a Logical Record Length for HD Databases

In HD databases, the important choice is not logical record length but CI or block
size. Logical record length is the same as block size when VSAM is used. Logical
record size is equal to CI size, minus 7 bytes of overhead (4 bytes for a CIDF, 3
bytes for an RDF).

Related Reading: See “Determining the Size of CIs and Blocks” for information on
determining CI or block size.

As with HISAM databases, specify the length of the logical records in the
RECORD= operand of the DATASET statement in the DBD.

Determining the Size of CIs and Blocks

You can specify the DEDB CI resource size for your database. (If you do not
specify it, the DBDGEN utility will calculate it for you.) Based on CI size, VSAM
determines the size of physical blocks on a DASD track. VSAM always uses the
largest possible physical block size, because the largest block size best utilizes
space on the track. So your choice of a CI size is an important one. Your goal in
picking it is to keep a high percentage of space on the track for your data, rather
than for device overhead.

Track sizes vary from one device to another, and many different CI sizes you can
specify exist. Because you can specify different CI sizes, the physical block size
that VSAM picks varies and is based on device overhead factors. For information
about using VSAM data sets, refer to DFSMS Access Method Services for

248 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Buffering Options

Buffering Options
Database buffers are defined areas in virtual storage. When an application program
processes a segment in the database, the entire block or CI containing the segment
is read from the database into a buffer. The application program processes the
segment while it is in the buffer. If the processing involves modifying any segments
in the buffer, the contents of the buffer must eventually be written back to the
database so the database is current.

You need to choose the size and number of buffers that give you the maximum
performance benefit. If your database uses OSAM, you might also decide to use
OSAM sequential buffering. The subtopics in this topic can help you with these

Multiple Buffers in Virtual Storage

You can specify both the number of buffers needed in virtual storage and their size.
You can specify multiple buffers with different sizes. Because a complete block or
CI is read into a buffer, the buffer must be at least as large as the block or CI that is
read into it. For best performance, use multiple buffers in virtual storage. To
understand why, you need to understand the concept of buffers and how they are
used in virtual storage.

When the data an application program needs is already in a buffer, the data can be
used immediately. The application program is not forced to wait for the data to be
read from the database to the buffer. Because the application program does not
wait, performance is better. By having multiple buffers in virtual storage and by
making a buffer large enough to contain all the segments of a CI or block, you
increase the chance that the data needed by application programs is already in
virtual storage. Thus, the reason for having multiple buffers in virtual storage is to
eliminate some of an application program’s wait time.

In virtual storage, all buffers are put in a buffer pool. Separate buffer pools exist for
VSAM and OSAM. A buffer pool is divided into subpools. Each subpool is defined
with a subpool definition statement. Each subpool consists of a specified number of
buffers of the same size. With OSAM and VSAM you can specify multiple subpools
with buffers of the same size.

″Use″ Chain
In the subpool, buffers are chained together in the order in which they have been
used. This organization is called a “use chain.” The most recently used buffers are
at the top of the use chain and the least recently used buffers are at the bottom.

The Buffer Handler

When a buffer is needed, an internal component called the buffer handler selects
the buffer at the bottom of the use chain, because buffers that are least recently
used are less likely to contain data an application program needs to use again. If a
selected buffer contains data an application program has modified, the contents of
the buffer are written back to the database before the buffer is used. This causes
the application program wait time discussed earlier.

Chapter 9. Designing Full-Function Databases 249

Buffering Options

Background Write Option

If you use VSAM, you can reduce or eliminate wait time by using the background
write option. This option is discussed under “VSAM Options” on page 260.
Otherwise, you control and reduce wait time by carefully choosing of the number
and size of buffers.

Shared Resource Pools

You can define multiple VSAM local shared resource pools. Multiple local shared
resource pools allow you to specify multiple VSAM subpools of the same size. You
create multiple shared resource pools and then place in each one a VSAM subpool
that is the same size as other VSAM subpools in other local shared resource pools.
You can then assign a specific database data set to a specific subpool by assigning
the data set to a shared resource pool. The data set is directed to a specific
subpool within the assigned shared resource pool based on the data set’s control
interval size.

Using Separate Subpools

If you have many VSAM data sets with similar or equal control interval sizes, you
might get a performance advantage by replacing a single large subpool with
separate subpools of identically sized buffers. Creating separate subpools of the
same size for VSAM data sets offers benefits similar to OSAM multiple subpool

You can also create separate subpools for VSAM KSDS index and data
components within a VSAM local shared resource pool. Creating separate subpools
can be advantageous because index and data components do not need to share
buffers or compete for buffers in the same subpool.

Hiperspace Buffering
Multiple VSAM local shared resource pools enhance the benefits provided by
Hiperspace™ buffering. Hiperspace buffering allows you to extend the buffering of
4K and multiples of 4K buffers to include buffers allocated in expanded storage in
addition to the buffers allocated in virtual storage. Using multiple local shared
resource pools and Hiperspace buffering allows data sets with certain reference
patterns (for example, a primary index data set) to be isolated to a subpool backed
by Hiperspace, which reduces the VSAM read I/O activity needed for database

Hiperspace buffering is activated at IMS initialization. In batch systems, you place

the necessary control statements in the DFSVSAMP data set. In online systems,
you place the control statements in the IMS.PROCLIB data set with the member
name DFSVSMnn. Hiperspace buffering is specified for VSAM buffers through one
or two optional parameters applied to the VSRBF subpool definition statement.

Related Reading: For a brief explanation of how to specify hiperspace buffering,

see “Hiperspace Buffering Parameters” on page 406.

Buffer Size
Pick buffer sizes that are equal to or larger than the size of the CIs and blocks that
are read into the buffer. A variety of valid buffer sizes exist. If you pick buffers larger
than your CI or block sizes, virtual storage is wasted.

250 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Buffering Options

For example, suppose your CI size is 1536 bytes. The smallest valid buffer size that
can hold your CI is 2048 bytes. This wastes 512 bytes (2048 - 1536) and is not a
good choice of CI and buffer size.

Buffer Numbers
Pick an appropriate number of buffers of each size so buffers are available for use
when they are needed, an optimum amount of data is kept in virtual storage during
application program processing, and application program wait time is minimized.
The trade-off in picking a number of buffers is that each buffer uses up virtual

When you initially choose buffer sizes and the number of buffers, you are making a
scientific guess based on what you know about the design of your database and
the processing requirements of your applications. After you choose and implement
buffer size and numbers, various monitoring tools are available to help you
determine how well your scientific guess worked. Monitoring is discussed in
Chapter 14, “Monitoring Databases,” on page 335.

Buffer size and number of buffers are specified when the system is initialized. Both
can be changed (tuned) for optimum performance at any time. Tuning is discussed
in Chapter 15, “Tuning Databases,” on page 341.

VSAM Buffer Sizes

The buffer sizes (in bytes) that you can choose when using VSAM as the access
method are:

In order not to waste buffer space, choose a buffer size that is the same as a valid
CI size. Valid CI sizes for VSAM data clusters are:
v For data components up to 8192 bytes (or 8K bytes), the CI size must be a
multiple of 512.
v For data components over 8192 bytes (or 8K bytes), the CI size must be a
multiple of 2048 (up to a maximum of 32768 bytes).

Valid CI sizes (in bytes) for VSAM index clusters using VSAM catalogs are:

Valid CI sizes for VSAM index clusters using integrated catalog facility catalogs are:

Chapter 9. Designing Full-Function Databases 251

Buffering Options

v For index components up to 8192 bytes (or 8K bytes), the CI size must be a
multiple of 512.
v For index components over 8192 bytes (or 8K bytes), the CI size must be a
multiple of 2048 (up to a maximum of 32768 bytes).

OSAM Buffer Sizes

The buffer sizes (in bytes) that you can choose when using OSAM as the access
method are:
Any multiple of 2048 up to a maximum of 32768

For OSAM data sets, choose a buffer size that is the same as a valid block size so
that buffer space is not wasted. Valid block sizes for OSAM data sets are any size
from 18 to 32768 bytes.

Restriction: When using sequential buffering and the coupling facility for OSAM
data caching, the OSAM database block size must be defined in multiples of 256
bytes (decimal). Failure to define the block size accordingly can result in
ABENDS0DB from the coupling facility. This condition exists even if the IMS system
is accessing the database in read-only mode.

Specifying Buffers
Specify the number of buffers and their size when the system is initialized. Your
specifications, which are given to the system in the form of control statements, are
put in the:
v DFSVSAMP data set in batch, utility.
v IMS.PROCLIB data set with the member name DFSVSMnn in IMS DCCTL and
DBCTL environments.

The following example shows the necessary control statements specifications:

v Four 2048-byte buffers for OSAM
v Four 2048-byte buffers and fifteen 1024-byte buffers for VSAM

Detailed information on how to code these control statements is located in the IMS
Version 9: Installation Volume 2: System Definition and Tailoring.

OSAM buffers can be fixed in storage using the IOBF= parameter. In VSAM, buffers
are fixed using the VSAMFIX= parameter in the OPTIONS statement. This
parameter is described under “VSAM Options” on page 260. Performance is
generally improved if buffers are fixed in storage, then page faults do not occur. A
page fault occurs when an instruction needs a page (a specific piece of storage)
and the page is not in storage.

252 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Buffering Options

With OSAM, you can fix the buffers and their buffer prefixes, or the buffer prefixes
and the subpool header, in storage. In addition, you can selectively fix buffer
subpools, that is, you can choose to fix some buffer subpools and not others. Buffer
subpools are fixed using the IOBF= parameter. The format of this parameter is:
IOBF= (length,number,fix1,fix2,id)

v length is the size of buffers in a subpool.
v number is the number of buffers in a subpool. If three or fewer are specified, IMS
gives you three; otherwise, it gives you the number specified. If you do not
specify a sufficient number of buffers, your application program calls could waste
time waiting for buffer space.
v fix1 is whether the buffers and buffer prefixes in this subpool need to be fixed
and is specified as Y or N (yes or no).
v fix2 is whether the buffer prefixes in this subpool and the subpool header need to
be fixed and is specified as Y or N (yes or no).
The default for the fix1 parameter is that buffers and their prefixes are not fixed.
The default for the fix2 parameter is that buffer prefixes and the subpool header
are not fixed.
v id is a parameter that specifies an identifier to be assigned to the subpool. It is
used in conjunction with the DBD statement to assign a specific subpool to a
given data set. This DBD statement is not the DBD statement used in a DBD
generation but one specified during execution, as described in IMS Version 9:
Installation Volume 2: System Definition and Tailoring. The id parameter allows
you to have more than one subpool with the same buffer size. You can use it to:
– Get better distribution of activity among subpools
– Direct new database applications to “private” subpools
– Control the contention between a BMP and MPPs for subpools

OSAM Sequential Buffering

Sequential Buffering (SB) is an extension of the normal buffering technique used for
OSAM database data sets. When SB is active, multiple consecutive blocks can be
read from your database with a single I/O operation. (SB does not enhance OSAM
write operations.) This technique can help reduce the elapsed time of many
programs and utilities that sequentially process your databases.

Sequential Buffering Introduction

The normal OSAM buffering method reads only one block with each I/O operation.
This method is known as a random read. Without SB, IMS must issue a random
read each time your program processes a block that is not already in the OSAM
buffer pool. For programs that process your databases sequentially, random reads
can be time-consuming because the DASD must rotate one revolution or more
between each read.

SB reduces the time needed for I/O read operations in three ways:
v By reading 10 consecutive blocks with a single I/O operation. This is called a
sequential read. Sequential reads reduce the number of I/O operations necessary
to sequentially process a database data set.
When a sequential read is issued, the block containing the segment your
program requested plus nine adjacent blocks are read from the database into an

Chapter 9. Designing Full-Function Databases 253

OSAM Sequential Buffering

SB buffer pool in virtual storage. When your program processes segments in any
of the other nine blocks, no I/O operations are required because the blocks are
already in the SB buffer pool.
Example: If your program sequentially processes an OSAM data set containing
100,000 consecutive blocks, 100,000 I/O operations are required using the
normal OSAM buffering method. SB can take as few as 10,000 I/O operations to
process the same data set.
v By monitoring the database I/O reference pattern and deciding if it is more
efficient to satisfy a particular I/O request with a sequential read or a random
read. This decision is made for each I/O request processed by SB.
v By overlapping sequential read I/O operations with CPC processing and other I/O
operations of the same application. When overlapped sequential reads are used,
SB anticipates future requests for blocks and reads those blocks into SB buffers
before they are actually needed by your application. (Overlapped I/O is supported
only for batch and BMP regions.)

Benefits of Sequential Buffering

By using SB, any application program or utility that sequentially processes OSAM
data sets can run faster. Because many other factors affect the elapsed time of a
job, the time savings is difficult to predict. You need to experiment with SB to
determine actual time savings.

Programs That Can Benefit from SB

Some of the programs, utilities, and functions that might benefit from the use of SB
v IMS batch programs that sequentially process your databases.
v BMPs that sequentially process your databases.
v Any long-running MPP, Fast Path, and CICS programs that sequentially process
your databases.

Note: SB is possible but not recommended for short-running MPP, IFP, and
CICS programs. SB is not recommended for the short-running programs,
because SB has a high initialization overhead each time such online
programs are run.
v IMS utilities, including:
– Online Database Image Copy
– HD Reorganization Unload
– Partial Database Reorganization
– Surveyor
– Database Scan
– Database Prefix Update
– Batch Backout
| v HALDB Online Reorganization function

Typical Productivity Benefits of SB

By using SB for programs and utilities that sequentially process your databases,
you might be able to:
v Run existing sequential application programs within decreasing “batch window
times.” For example, if the time you set aside to run batch application programs
is reduced by one hour, you might still be able to run all the programs you
normally run within this reduced time period.

254 Administration Guide: Database Manager

OSAM Sequential Buffering

v Run additional sequential application programs within the same time period.
v Run some sequential application programs more often.
v Make online image copies much faster.
v Reduce the time needed to reorganize your databases.

Flexibility of SB Use
IMS provides several methods for requesting SB. You can request the use of SB for
specific programs and utilities during PSBGEN or by using SB control statements.
You can also request the use of SB for all or some batch and BMP programs by
using an SB Initialization Exit Routine.

IMS also allows a system programmer or master terminal operator (MTO) to

override requests for the use of SB by disallowing its use. This is done by issuing
an SB MTO command or using an SB Initialization Exit Routine. The use of SB can
be disallowed during certain times of the day to avoid virtual or real storage
constraint problems.

These methods of controlling the use of SB are discussed in “How to Request the
Use of SB” on page 257.

How SB Buffers Data

This topic describes what happens when you request SB. You will learn what SB
buffers, how and when SB is activated, and what happens to the data that SB

What SB Buffers
As discussed in Chapter 8, “Choosing Optional Database Functions,” on page 151,
HD databases can consist of multiple data set groups. A database PCB can
therefore refer to several data set groups. A database PCB can also refer to several
data set groups when the database referenced by the PCB is involved in logical
relationships. A particular database, and therefore a particular data set group, can
be referenced by multiple database PCBs. A specific data set group referenced by a
specific database PCB is referred to in the following discussion as a DB-PCB/DSG

When SB is activated, it buffers data from the OSAM data set associated with a
specific DB-PCB/DSG pair. SB can be active for several DB-PCB/DSG pairs at the
same time, but each pair requires a separate activation.

Conditional Activation and Periodical Evaluation of SB

IMS does not immediately activate SB when you request it. Instead, when SB is
requested for a program, IMS begins monitoring the I/O reference pattern and
activity rate for each DB-PCB/DSG pair used by the program. After awhile, IMS
performs the first of a series of periodical evaluations of the buffering process. IMS
performs these periodic evaluation for each DB-PCB/DSB pair. This periodical
evaluation determines if the use of SB would be beneficial for the DB-PCB/DSG
pair. If the use of SB would be beneficial, IMS activates SB for the DB-PCB/DSG
pair. This activation of SB is known as conditional activation.

After SB is activated, IMS continues to periodically evaluate the I/O reference

pattern and activity rate. Based on these evaluations, IMS can:
v Temporarily deactivate SB and continue to monitor the I/O reference pattern and
activity rate. Temporary deactivation is implemented to unfix and page-release
the SB buffers.

Chapter 9. Designing Full-Function Databases 255

OSAM Sequential Buffering

v Temporarily deactivate monitoring of the I/O reference pattern and activity rate.
This form of temporary deactivation is implemented only if SB has been
deactivated and IMS concludes from subsequent evaluations that use of SB
would still not be beneficial.

When SB is temporarily deactivated, it can be reactivated later based on the results

of subsequent evaluations.

Individual periodical evaluations are performed for each DB-PCB/DSG pair.

Therefore, IMS can deactivate SB for one DB-PCB/DSG pair while SB remains
active for other DB-PCB/DSG pairs.

Role of the SB Buffer Handler

When SB is activated for a DB-PCB/DSG pair, a pool of SB buffers is allocated to
the pair (SB buffers are also discussed in “Virtual Storage Considerations for SB”).
Each SB buffer pool consists of n buffer sets (the default is four) and each buffer
set contains 10 buffers. These buffers are used by an internal component called the
SB buffer handler to hold the sets of 10 consecutive blocks read with sequential

While SB is active, all requests for database blocks not found in the OSAM buffer
pool are sent to the SB buffer handler. The SB buffer handler responds to these
requests in the following way:
v If the requested block is already in an SB buffer, a copy of the block is put into
an OSAM buffer.
v If the requested block is not in an SB buffer, the SB buffer handler analyzes a
record of previous I/O requests and decides whether to issue a sequential read
or a random read. If it decides to issue a random read, the requested block is
read directly into an OSAM buffer. If it decides to issue a sequential read, the
requested block and nine adjacent blocks are read into an SB buffer set. When
the sequential read is complete, a copy of the requested block is put into an
OSAM buffer.
v The SB buffer handler also decides when to initiate overlapped sequential reads.

Note: When processing a request from an online program, the SB buffer handler
only searches the SB buffer pools allocated to that online program.

Related Reading: For information on how IMS invalidates SB buffers, see the
data-sharing chapter of IMS Version 9: Administration Guide: System.

Virtual Storage Considerations for SB

Each DB-PCB/DSG pair buffered by SB has its own SB buffer pool. By default,
each SB buffer pool contains four buffer sets (although IMS lets you change this
value). Ten buffers exist in each buffer set. Each buffer is large enough to hold one
OSAM data set block.

The total size of each SB buffer pool is:

4 * 10 * block size

The SB buffers are page-fixed in storage to eliminate page faults, reduce the path
length of I/O operations, and increase performance. SB buffers are page-unfixed
and page-released when a periodical evaluation temporarily deactivates SB.

256 Administration Guide: Database Manager

OSAM Sequential Buffering

You must ensure that the batch, online or DBCTL region has enough virtual storage
to accommodate the SB buffer pools. This storage requirement can be
considerable, depending upon the block size and the number of programs using

SB is not recommended in real storage-constrained environments such as batch

and DB/TM.

Some systems are storage-constrained only during certain periods of time, such as
during online peak times. You can use an SB Initialization Exit Routine to control
the use of SB according to specific criteria (the time) of day.

Related Reading: For details on the SB Initialization User Exit Routine see IMS
Version 9: Customization Guide.

How to Request the Use of SB

IMS provides two methods for specifying which of your programs and databases
should use SB.
1. You can explicitly specify which programs and utilities should use SB during
PSB generation or by using SB control statements.
2. You can specify that by default all or a subset of your batch and BMP programs
and utilities should use SB by coding an SB exit routine or by using a sample
SB exit routine provided with IMS.

Determine which method you will use. Using the second method is easier because
you do not need to know which BMP and batch programs use sequential
processing. However, using SB by default can lead to an uncontrolled increase in
real and virtual storage use, which can impact system performance. Generally, if
you are running IMS in a storage-constrained z/OS environment, use the first
method. If you are running IMS in a non storage-constrained z/OS environment, use
the second method.

Requesting SB During PSB Generation

| To request SB during PSB generation, specify SB=COND in the PCB macro
| instruction of your application’s PSB. (This is not possible for IMS utilities that do
| not use a PSB during execution.) You code this keyword for each database PCB
| buffered with SB.

The following diagram shows the syntax of the SB keyword in the PCB statement.

 PCB TYPE=DB, Other parameters 


COND Specifies that SB should be conditionally activated for this PCB.

NO Specifies that SB should not be used for this PCB.
If you do not include the SB keyword in your PCB, IMS defaults to NO
unless specified otherwise in the SB exit routine.

The SB keyword value can be overridden by SB control statements. This option is

discussed in “Requesting SB With SB Control Statements” on page 258.

The following example shows a PCB statement coded to request conditional

activation of SB:

Chapter 9. Designing Full-Function Databases 257

OSAM Sequential Buffering



Detailed instructions for coding PSB statements are contained in IMS Version 9:
Utilities Reference: System.

Requesting SB With SB Control Statements

You can put SBPARM control statements in the optional //DFSCTL file. This file is
defined by a //DFSCTL DD statement in the JCL of your batch, dependent, or online
region. You can use the SBPARM control statement to:
v Specify which database PCBs (and which data sets referenced by the database
PCB) should use SB
v Override the default number of buffer sets

This control statement allows you to override PSB specifications without requiring
you to regenerate the PSB.

You can specify keywords that request use of SB for all or specific DBD names, DD
names, PSB names, and PCB labels. You can also combine these keywords to
further restrict when SB is used.

By using the BUFSETS keyword of the SBPARM control statement, you can
change the number of buffer sets allocated to SB buffer pools. For details on the
SB buffer pools see “Virtual Storage Considerations for SB” on page 256. The
default number of buffer sets is four. Badly organized databases can require six or
more buffer sets for efficient sequential processing. Well-organized databases
require as few as two buffer sets. An indicator of how well-organized your database
is can be found in the optional //DFSSTAT reports.

Related Reading:
v For details on //DFSSTAT reports, see IMS Version 9: Utilities Reference:
Database and Transaction Manager.
v For information on tuning the number of buffer sets, see Chapter 15, “Tuning
Databases,” on page 341.

The example below shows the SBPARM control statement necessary to request
conditional activation of SB for all DBD names, DD names, PSB names, and PCBs.

The next example shows the parameters necessary to:

v Request conditional activation of SB for all PCBs that were coded with
'DBDNAME=SKILLDB' during PSB generation
v Set the number of buffer sets to 6

Detailed instructions for coding the SBPARM control statement are contained in IMS
Version 9: Installation Volume 2: System Definition and Tailoring.

Requesting SB with an SB Initialization Exit Routine

You can use an SB Initialization Exit Routine to:
v Request conditional activation of SB for all or some batch and BMP programs
v Allow or disallow the use of SB
v Change the default number of buffer sets

258 Administration Guide: Database Manager

OSAM Sequential Buffering

You can do this by writing your own SB exit routine or by selecting a sample SB
exit routine and copying it under the name DFSSBUX0 into IMS.SDFSRESL. An SB
exit routine allows you to dynamically control the use of SB at application
scheduling time.

IMS supplies five sample SB exit routines in IMS.SDFSSRC and IMS.SDFSRESL.

Three of the sample routines request SB for various subsets of application
programs and utilities. One sample routine requests SB during certain times of the
day and another routine disallows use of SB. You can use these sample routines as
written or modify them to fit your needs.

Detailed instructions for the SB Initialization Exit Routine are in the IMS Version 9:
Customization Guide.

SB Options or Parameters Provided by Several Sources

If you provide the same SB option or parameter in more than one place, the
following priority list applies (item 1 having the highest priority):
1. SB control statement specifications (the nth control statement overrides the mth
control statement, where n>m)
2. PSB specifications
3. Defaults changed by the SB Initialization Exit Routine
4. IMS defaults

Using SB in an Online System

To allow the use of SB in an online IMS or DBCTL environment, an IMS system
programmer must explicitly request that IMS load the SB modules. This is done by
putting an SBONLINE control statement in the DFSVSMxx member. By default, IMS
does not load SB modules in an online environment. This helps avoid a noticeable
increase in virtual storage requirements.

The two forms of the SBONLINE control statement are:




where nnnnn is the maximum storage (in kilobytes) that can be used for SB buffers.

When the MAXSB limit is reached, IMS stops allocating SB buffers to online
applications until terminating online programs release SB buffer space. By default, if
you do not specify the MAXSB= keyword, the maximum storage for SB buffers is

Detailed instructions for coding the SBONLINE control statement are contained in
IMS Version 9: Installation Volume 2: System Definition and Tailoring.

Disallowing the Use of SB

This topic describes how an IMS system programmer or MTO can disallow the use
of SB. When the use of SB has been disallowed, a request for conditional activation
of SB is ignored.

There are three ways to disallow the use of SB. The following list describes the
three methods:

Chapter 9. Designing Full-Function Databases 259

OSAM Sequential Buffering

1. An SB Initialization Exit Routine can be written (or a sample exit routine

adapted) that can dynamically disallow and allow use of SB. This method can
be used if you are using SB in an IMS batch, online, or DBCTL environment.
2. The MTO commands /STOP SB and /START SB can be issued to dynamically
disallow and allow use of SB within an IMS online subsystem.
Related Reading: For details on the /STOP SB and /START SB commands, see
IMS Version 9: Command Reference.
3. The SBONLINE control statement can be omitted from the DFSVSMxx member.
This will keep IMS from loading the SB modules into the online subsystem. No
program in the online subsystem will be able to use SB.

VSAM Options
Several types of options can be chosen for databases using VSAM. Specifying
options such as free space for the ESDS data set, logical record size, and CI size
are discussed in the preceding topics in this chapter. This topic describes these
optional functions:
1. Functions specified in the OPTIONS control statement when IMS is initialized.
2. Functions specified in the POOLID, VSRBF, and DBD control statements when
IMS is initialized.
3. Functions specified in the Access Method Services DEFINE CLUSTER
command when a data set is defined.

Optional Functions Specified in the OPTIONS Control Statement

Several options exist that can be chosen during IMS system initialization for
databases using VSAM. These options are specified in the OPTIONS control
statement. In a batch system, the options you specify are put in the data set with
the DDNAME DFSVSAMP. In an online system, they are put in the IMS.PROCLIB
data set with the member name DFSVSMnn. Your choice of VSAM options can
affect performance, use of space in the database, and recovery. This topic
describes each option and the implications of using it.

The OPTIONS statement is described in detail in the IMS Version 9: Installation

Volume 2: System Definition and Tailoring. The OPTIONS statement and all its
parameters are optional.

Using Background Write (BGWRT Parameter)

When an application program issues a call requiring that data be read from the
database, the data is read into a buffer. If the buffer the data is to be read into
contains altered data, the altered data must be written back to the database before
the buffer can be used. If the data was not written back to the database, the data
would be lost (overlaid) when new data was read into the buffer. Then there would
be no way to update the database.

For these reasons, when an application program needs data read into a buffer and
the buffer contains altered data, the application program waits while the buffer is
written to the database. This waiting time decreases performance. The application
program is ready to do processing, but the buffer is not available for use.
Background write is a function you can choose in the OPTIONS statement that
reduces the amount of wait time lost for this reason.

To understand how background write works, you need to know something about
how buffers are used in a subpool. You specify the number of buffers and their size.
All buffers of the same size are in the same subpool. Buffers in a subpool are on a

260 Administration Guide: Database Manager

VSAM Options

use chain, that is, they are chained together in the order in which they have been
most or least recently used. The most recently used buffers are at the top of the
use chain; least recently used buffers are at the bottom.

When a buffer is needed, the VSAM buffer manager selects the buffer at the bottom
of the use chain. The buffer at the bottom of the use chain is selected, because
buffers that have not been used recently are less likely to contain data that will be
used again. If the buffer the VSAM buffer handler picks contains altered data, the
data is written to the database before the buffer is used. It is during this step that
the application program is waiting.

| Background write solves the following problem: when the VSAM buffer manager
| gets a buffer in any subpool, it looks (when background write is used) at the next
| buffer on the use chain. The next buffer on the use chain will be used next. If the
| buffer contains altered data, IMS is notified so background write will be invoked.
| Background write has VSAM write data to the database from some percentage of
| the buffers at the bottom of the use chain. VSAM does this for all subpools. The
| data that is written to the database still remains in the buffers so the application
| program can still use any data in the buffers.

Background write is a very useful function when processing is done sequentially,

but it is not as important to use in online systems as in batch. This is because, in
online environments, IMS automatically writes buffers to the database at sync

To use background write, specify BGWRT=YES,n on the OPTIONS statement,

where n is the percentage of buffers in each subpool to be written to the database.
If you do not code the BGWRT= parameter, the default is BGWRT=YES and the
default percentage is 34%. If an application program continually uses buffers but
does not reexamine the data in them, you can make n 99%. Then, a buffer will
normally be available when it is needed.

CICS does not support this function.

Choosing an Insert Strategy (INSERT Parameter)

Get free space in a CI in a KSDS is by specifying it in the DEFINE CLUSTER
command. (The DEFINE CLUSTER command is explained in “Specifying Free
Space for a KSDS (FREESPACE Parameter)” on page 263. Free space for a KSDS
cannot be specified using the FRSPC= keyword in the DBD.

To specify free space in the DEFINE CLUSTER command, you must decide:
v Whether free space you have specified is preserved or used when more than
one root segment is inserted at the same time into the KSDS.
v Whether to split the CI at the point where the root is inserted, or midway in the
CI, when a root that causes a CI split is inserted.

These choices are specified in the INSERT= parameter in the OPTIONS statement.
INSERT=SEQ preserves the free space and splits the CI at the point where the root
is inserted. INSERT=SKP does not preserve the free space and splits the CI
midway in the CI. In most cases, specify INSERT=SEQ so free space will be
available in the future when you insert root segments. Your application determines
which choice gives the best performance.

If you do not specify the INSERT= parameter, the default is INSERT=SKP.

Chapter 9. Designing Full-Function Databases 261

VSAM Options

Using the IMS Trace Parameters

The IMS trace parameters trace information that has proven valuable in solving
problems in the specific area of the trace. All traces share sequencing numbers so
that a general picture of the IMS environment can be obtained by looking at all the

| ON is the default for the IMS DL/I, LOCK and retrieve traces. OFF is the default for
| all other traces. The traces can be turned on at IMS initialization time. They can
| also be started or stopped by the /TRACE command during IMS execution. Output
| from long-running traces can be saved on the system log if requested.

Related Reading: For more information on the trace parameters, see IMS Version
9: Installation Volume 2: System Definition and Tailoring.

Determining Which Dump Option to Use (DUMP Parameter)

The dump option is a serviceability aid that has no impact on performance. It
merely describes the type of abend to take place if an abend occurs in the buffer
handler (an internal component). If DUMP=YES is specified, the control region will
abend when there is an abend in the buffer handler.

Deciding Whether to Fix VSAM Database Buffers and IOBs in

Storage (VSAMFIX Parameter)
Each VSAM subpool contains buffers and input/output control blocks (IOBs).
Performance is generally improved if these buffers and IOBs are fixed in storage.
Then, page faults do not occur. A page fault occurs when an instruction references
a page (a specific piece of storage) that is not in real storage.

You can specify whether buffers and IOBs are fixed in storage in the VSAMFIX=
parameter of the OPTIONS statement. If you have buffers or IOBs fixed, they are
fixed in all subpools. If you do not code the VSAMFIX= parameter, the default is
that buffers and IOBs are not fixed.

This parameter can be used in a CICS environment if the buffers were specified by

Using Local Shared Resources (VSAMPLS Parameter)

Specifying VSAMPLS=LOCL in the OPTIONS statement is for local shared
resources (LSR). When you specify VSAMPLS=LOCL, VSAM control blocks and
subpools are put in the IMS control region. VSAMPLS=LOCL is the only valid
operand and the default.

Optional Functions Specified in the POOLID, DBD, and VSRBF Control

Options chosen during IMS initialization determine the size and structure of VSAM
local shared resource pools. In a batch environment, you specify these options in a
data set with the DDNAME DFSVSAMP. In online systems, you specify these
options in the IMS.PROCLIB data set with the member name DFSVSMnn.

With these options, you can enhance IMS performance by:

v Defining multiple local shared resource pools
v Dedicating subpools to a specific data set
v Defining separate subpools for index and data components of VSAM data sets

262 Administration Guide: Database Manager

VSAM Options

Related Reading: Implementing the POOLID, VSRBF, and DBD control statements
and their corresponding parameters is described in detail in IMS Version 9:
Installation Volume 2: System Definition and Tailoring.

Optional Functions Specified in the Access Method Services DEFINE

There are several optional functions that affect performance that can be chosen
when you define your VSAM data sets. These functions are specified in the Access
Method Services DEFINE CLUSTER command. HALDBs require that the REUSE
parameter be specified on the DEFINE CLUSTER command. IMS Online Recovery
Services takes advantage of the REUSE parameter, if it is specified.

Related Reading: This command and all its parameters are described in detail in
DFSMS Access Method Services for Catalogs.

Specifying that ’Fuzzy’ Image Copies Can be Taken with the

Database Image Copy 2 (DFSUDMT0)
To establish that ’fuzzy’ image copies of KSDSs can be taken with the Database
Image Copy 2 (DFSUDMT0), specify the BWO(TYPEIMS) parameter. For this
option to take effect the following conditions must exist:
v The KSDS must be SMS-managed.
v All access to the KSDS, once this option is specified, is done under DFSMS 1.3
or later version (once the KSDS has been opened under DFSMS 1.3, attempts to
open it under an earlier version will fail).

Specifying Free Space for a KSDS (FREESPACE Parameter)

It get free space in a CI in a KSDS, specify it in the FREESPACE parameter in the
DEFINE CLUSTER command. Free space for a KSDS can not be specified using the
FRSPC= keyword in the DBD.

You specify free space in the FREESPACE parameter as a percentage. The format
of the parameter is FREESPACE(x,y) where:
x is the percentage of space in a CI left free when the database is loaded or
when a CI split occurs after initial load
y is the percentage of space in a control area (CA) left free when the
database is loaded or when a CA split occurs after initial load.

Free space is preserved when a CI or CA is split by coding INSERT=SEQ in the

OPTIONS control statement. INSERT=SEQ is explained in “Choosing an Insert
Strategy (INSERT Parameter)” on page 261.

If you do not specify the FREESPACE parameter, the default is that no free space
is reserved in the KSDS data set when the database is loaded.

Specifying Whether Data Set Space Is Pre-formatted for Initial

Load (SPEED | RECOVERY Parameter)
When initially loading a VSAM data set, you can specify whether you need the data
set pre-formatted in the SPEED | RECOVERY parameter. When SPEED is
specified, it says the data set should not be pre-formatted. An advantage of
pre-formatting a data set is; if initial load fails, you can recover and continue loading
database records after the last correctly-written record. However, IMS does not
support the RECOVERY option (except by use of the Utility Control Facility). So,
although you can specify it, you cannot perform recovery. Because you cannot take

Chapter 9. Designing Full-Function Databases 263

VSAM Options

advantage of recovery when you specify the RECOVERY parameter, you should
specify SPEED to improve performance during initial load.

To be able to recover your data set during load, you should load it under control of
the Utility Control Facility. This utility is described in IMS Version 9: Utilities
Reference: Database and Transaction Manager.

RECOVERY is the default for this parameter.

Specifying Whether Index Set Records Are Replicated

A VSAM KSDS cluster has a data component (where segments are stored in
HISAM, HIDAM, or PHIDAM databases) and an index component (called the VSAM
index in this discussion.) The VSAM index contains pointers to CIs in the KSDS
data component. When a specific key in a KSDS is requested, the VSAM index is
used to limit the search for the CI that contains the correct root segment. Without
the VSAM index, the entire KSDS data component could be searched to find the
correct CI. The VSAM index can be on either the same volume as the data
component or on another volume. It is the VSAM index whose options are of
concern here. You need to know some things about the VSAM index before the
options are described.

The VSAM index consists of one or more levels, as shown in Figure 171. The first
(lowest) level is called the sequence set level. All other levels are called index set
levels. The sequence set level has a sequence set record for each CA in the
database. Each sequence set record contains a pointer to each CI in a specific CA
and the highest root segment’s key in that CI.

Figure 171. Levels in a VSAM Index

Index set records on the first index set level contain pointers to sequence set
records. Each pointer on the first index set level contains the address of a
sequence set record and the highest root segment key in the sequence set record
pointed to.

If no more room exists for new pointers in an index set record, a new index set
record is started on the same level. As soon as there are two index set records on
a level, a new index set record is started on the next higher level.

At the second and higher levels of the index set, the pointers are to index set
records at the next lowest level. Each pointer contains the address of an index set
record at the next lower level along with the highest key in the index set record
pointed to.

One option you can specify for the VSAM index that especially affects performance
is the REPLICATE | NOREPLICATE parameter in the DEFINE CLUSTER command. If

264 Administration Guide: Database Manager

VSAM Options

you specify REPLICATE, each record in the sequence set and the index set is
written as many times as it will fit on the track. Repeat records to reduce the delay
caused when the disk rotates. The repetition of records means the arm is almost
always close or over a record so very little disk rotation is necessary. Repeating
records also improves performance. Note, however, that the VSAM index, because
of the repetition, will probably require more direct-access space.

If you specify NOREPLICATE, records in the VSAM index are not repeated.
NOREPLICATE is the default for this parameter.

There is a new option that you must specify for KSDSs in order to take ’fuzzy’
image copies using the Database Image Copy 2 utility. BWO(TYPEIMS) is the
specification. The KSDS must be SMS-managed for BWO(TYPEIMS) to mean
anything. And, you should ensure that all access to the KSDS (once the
BWO(TYPEIMS) option has been specified) is under DFSMS 1.3 or higher.

OSAM Options
Two types of options are available for databases using OSAM:
1. Options specified in the DBD (free space, logical record size, CI size).
These options are covered in preceding sections in this chapter.
2. Options specified in the OPTIONS control statement when IMS is initialized.
In a batch system, the options are put in the data set with the DDNAME
DFSVSAMP. In an online system, they are put in the IMS.PROCLIB data set
with the member name DFSVSMnn. Your choice of OSAM options can affect
performance, recovery, and the use of space in the database.
The OPTIONS statement is described in detail in IMS Version 9: Installation
Volume 2: System Definition and Tailoring. The statement and all its parameters
are optional.

Dump Option (DUMP Parameter)

The dump option is a serviceability aid that has no impact on performance. It
merely describes the type of abnormal termination to take place when abnormal
termination occurs in the buffer handler (an internal component).

Deciding Which FIELD Statements to Code in the DBD

Chapter 2, “Standards and Procedures,” on page 19 describes the statements that
are coded in the DBD. One of those statements is the FIELD statement, which
defines a field within a segment type. An important thing to note about the FIELD
statement is that it has to be coded for sequence fields and for fields an application
program can refer to in the SSA of a call. A FIELD statement also has to be coded
if it is referenced by a SENFLD statement in any PSB. Because each FIELD
statement takes up storage in the DMB control block, do not generate FIELD
statements that are unnecessary.

Planning for Maintenance

In designing your database, remember to plan for maintenance. If your applications
require, for instance, that the database be available 16 hours a day, you do not
design a database that takes 10 hours to unload and reload. No guideline we can
give you for planning for maintenance exists, because all such plans are application
dependent. However, remember to plan for it.

Chapter 9. Designing Full-Function Databases 265

Planning for Maintenance

A possible solution to the problem just described is to make three separate

databases and put them on different volumes. If the separate databases have
different key ranges, then application programs could include logic to determine
which database to process against. This solution would allow you to reorganize the
three databases at separate times, eliminating the need for a single 10-hour
reorganization. Another solution to the problem if your database uses HDAM or
HIDAM might be to do a partial reorganization using the Partial Database
Reorganization utility (described in Chapter 16, “Modifying Databases,” on page

In the online environment, the Image Copy utilities allow you to do some
maintenance without taking the database offline. These utilities let you take image
copies of databases or partitions while they are allocated to and being used by an
online IMS system.

HALDB provides greatly improved availability for large databases. By partitioning

large databases, you can perform offline maintenance on a single partition, while
the remaining partitions remain available.

| You can also reorganize HALDBs online, which improves the performance of your
| HALDB without disrupting access to its data. If you plan to reorganize your HALDB
| online, make sure that there is enough DASD space to accommodate the
| reorganization process.

Related Reading: For information on reorganizing HALDBs online, see “HALDB

Online Reorganization” on page 364.

266 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Chapter 10. Designing Fast Path Databases
After you determine the type of database and optional functions that best suit your
application’s processing requirements, you need to make a series of decisions
about database design and the use of options. This set of decisions primarily
determines how well your database performs and how well it uses available space.
These decisions are based on:
The type of database and optional functions you have already chosen
The performance requirements of your applications
How much storage you have available for use online

This chapter examines the following topics:

v “Designing a Data Entry Database (DEDB)”
v “Designing a Main Storage Database (MSDB)” on page 273
v “High-Speed Sequential Processing (HSSP)” on page 279
v “Designing a DEDB or MSDB Buffer Pool” on page 282
v “Designing a DEDB Buffer Pool in the DBCTL Environment” on page 286

Designing a Data Entry Database (DEDB)

This topic describes the choices you need to make in designing a DEDB and
proposes guidelines to help you make these choices.

To design a DEDB, you must know the following information:

v How the application fits the limitations imposed by the DEDB itself
v How the application can make optimum use of the area concept of a DEDB
v The size of the CI
v The size of the UOW
v The DEDB randomizing routine
v Record deactivation
v Multiple copies of an area data set
v PCL (physical child last pointer)
v Subset pointers

Related Reading: DEDBs can be shared. For information on DEDB data sharing,
see IMS Version 9: Administration Guide: System and IMS Version 9: Utilities
Reference: System.

DEDB Design Guidelines

The following list describes guidelines for designing DEDBs:
v Except for the relationship between a parent and its children, the logical structure
(defined by the PCB) does not need to follow the hierarchic order of segment
types defined by the DBD.
For example, SENSEG statements for DDEP segments can precede the
SENSEG statement for the SDEP segment. This implementation prevents
unqualified GN processing from retrieving all SDEP segments before accessing
the first DDEP segments.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1974, 2004 267

Designing a Data Entry Database

v Most of the time, SDEP segments are retrieved all at once, using the DEDB
Sequential Dependent Scan utility. If you later must relate SDEP segments to
their roots, you must plan for root identification as part of the SDEP segment
v A journal can be implemented by collecting data across transactions using a
DEDB. To minimize contention, you should plan for an area with more than one
root segment. For example, a root segment can be dedicated to a
transaction/region or to each terminal. To further control resource contention, you
should assign different CIs to these root segments, because the CI is the basic
unit of DEDB allocation.
v Following is a condition you might be confronted with and a way you might
resolve it. Assume that transactions against a DEDB record are recorded in a
journal using SDEP segments and that a requirement exists to interrogate the
last 20 or so of them.
SDEP segments have a fast insert capability, but on the average, one I/O
operation is needed for each retrieved segment. The additional I/O operations
could be avoided by inserting the journal data as both a SDEP segment and a
DDEP segment and by limiting the twin chain of DDEP segments to 20
occurrences. The replace or insert calls for DDEP segments does not necessarily
cause additional I/O, since they can fit in the root CI. The root CI is always
accessed even if the only call to the database is an insert of an SDEP segment.
The online retrieve requests for the journal items can then be responded to by
the DDEP segments instead of the SDEP segments.
v As physical DDEP twin chains build up, I/O activity increases. The SDEP
segment type can be of some help if the application allows it.
The design calls for DDEP segments of one type to be batched and inserted as
a single segment whenever their number reaches a certain limit. An identifier
helps differentiate them from the regular journal segments. This design prevents
updates after the data has been converted into SDEP segments.

DEDB Area Design Guidelines

The following are some reasons why DEDBs are divided into areas and some
related design considerations:
v DEDBs should be divided into areas in a way that makes sense for the
application programs.
Example: A service bureau organization makes a set of applications available to
its customers. The design calls for a common database to be used by all users
of this set of applications. The area concept fits this design because the
randomizing routine and record keys can be set so that data requests are
directed to the user’s area only. Furthermore, on the operational side, users can
be given specific time slots. Their areas are allocated and deallocated
dynamically without interrupting other services currently using the same DEDB.
National or international companies with business locations spanning multiple
time zones might take advantage of the partitioned database concept. Because
not all areas must be online all the time, data can be spread across areas by
time zone.
Preferential treatment for specific records (specific accounts, specific clients, and
so on.) can be implemented without using a new database, for example, by
keeping more sequential dependent segments online for certain records. By
putting together those records in one area, you can define a larger sequential
dependent segment part and control the retention period accordingly.
v The impact of permanent I/O errors and severe errors can be reduced using a
DEDB. DL/I requires that all database data sets, except for HALDBs, be available

268 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Designing a Data Entry Database

all the time. With a DEDB, the data not available is limited only to the area
affected by the failure. Because the DEDB utilities run at the level of the area,
the recovery of the failing area can be done while the rest of the database is
accessible to online processing. The currently allocated log volume must be freed
by a /DBR AREA command and used in the recovery operation. Track recovery is
also supported. The recovered area can then be dynamically allocated back to
the operational environment.
Related Reading: Make multiple copies of DEDB area data sets to make data
more available to application programs. See “Multiple Copies of an Area Data
Set” on page 272.
v Space management parameters can vary from one area to another. This
includes: CI size, UOW size, root addressable part, overflow part, and sequential
dependent part. Also, the device type can vary from one area to the other.
v It is feasible to define an area on more than one volume and have one volume
dedicated to the sequential dependent part. This implementation might save
some seek time as sequential dependent segments are continuously added at
the end of the sequential dependent part. The savings depends on the current
size of the sequential dependent part and the blocking factor used for sequential
dependent segments. If an area spans more than one volume, volumes must be
of the same type.
v Only the independent overflow part of a DEDB is extendable. Sufficient space
should be provided for all parts when DEDBs are designed. To extend the
independent overflow part of a DEDB, you must follow the procedures in
“Extending DEDB Independent Overflow Online” on page 458.
The /DISPLAY command and the POS call can help monitor the usage of auxiliary
space. Unused space in the root addressable and independent overflow parts
can be reclaimed through reorganization. It should be noted that, in the overflow
area, space is not automatically reused by ISRT calls. To be reused at call time,
the space must amount to an entire CI, which is then made available to the ISRT
space management algorithm. Local out-of-space conditions can occur, although
some available space exists in the database.
v Adding or removing an area from a DEDB requires a DBDGEN and an ACBGEN.
Database reload is required if areas are added or deleted in the middle of
existing areas. Areas added other than at the end changes the area sequence
number assigned to the areas. The subsequent log records written reflect this
number, which is then used for recovery purposes. If areas are added between
existing areas, prior log records will be invalid. Therefore, an image copy must be
made following the unload/reload. Be aware that the sequence of the AREA
statements in the DBD determines the sequence of the MRMB entries passed on
entry to the randomizing routine. An area does not need to be mounted if the
processing does not require it, so a DBDGEN/ACBGEN is not necessary to
logically remove an area from processing.
v Careful monitoring of the retention period of each log allows you to make an
image copy of one area at a time. Also, because the High-Speed DEDB Direct
Reorganization utility logs changes, you do not need to make an image copy
following a reorganization.
v The area concept allows randomizing at the area level, instead of randomizing
throughout the entire DEDB. This means the key might need to carry some
information to direct the randomizing routine to a specific area.

Determining the Size of the CI

The choice of a CI size depends on the following factors:

Chapter 10. Designing Fast Path Databases 269

Designing a Data Entry Database

v CI sizes of 512, 1 KB, 2 KB, 4 KB, and up to 28 KB in 4 KB increments are

| v Only one RAP exists per CI. The average record length has to be considered. In
| the base section of the root addressable part, a CI can be shared only by the
| roots that randomize to its RAP and their DDEP segments.
v Track utilization according to the device type.
v SDEP segment writes. A larger CI requires a fewer number of I/Os to write the
same amount of SDEP segments.
v The maximum segment size, which is 28,552 bytes if using a 28 KB CI size.

Determining the Size of the UOW

The UOW is the unit of space allocation in which you specify the size of the root
addressable and independent overflow parts.

Three factors might affect the size of the UOW:

1. The High-Speed DEDB Direct Reorganization utility (DBFUHDR0) runs on a
UOW basis. Therefore, while the UOW is being reorganized, none of the CIs
and data they contain are available to other processing.
A large UOW can cause resource contention, resulting in increased response
time if the utility is run during the online period. A minor side effect of a large
UOW is the space reserved on DASD for the “reorganization UOW,” which is
used only by the utility.
A UOW that is too small can cause some overhead during reorganization as the
utility switches from one UOW to the next with very little useful work each time.
However, this might not matter so much if reorganization time is not critical.
2. The use of processing option P, (explained in “Processing Option P
(PROCOPT=P)” on page 271). This consideration pertains to sequential
processing using BMP regions. If the application program is coded to take
advantage of the 'GC' status code, this status code must be returned frequently
enough to fit in the planned sync interval.
Assume every root CI needs to be modified and that, for resource control
reasons, each sync interval is allowed to process sequentially no more than 20
CIs of data. The size of the UOW should not be set to more than 20 CIs.
Otherwise, the expected 'GC' status code would not be returned in time for the
application program to trigger a sync point, release the resources, and not lose
position in the database.
A UOW that is too small, such as the minimum of two CIs, can cause too many
‘unsuccessful database call’ conditions each time a UOW is crossed. On a 'GC'
status code, no segment is returned and the call must be reissued after an
optional SYNC or CHKP call.
3. The dependent overflow (DASD space) usage is more efficient with a large
UOW than a small UOW.

See “SDEP CI Preallocation and Reporting” for a discussion of how the size of the
UOW affects DEDB design.

SDEP CI Preallocation and Reporting

Because of data sharing, SDEP CIs cannot be allocated one at a time. Also, each
data sharing system requires its own current CI. Therefore, a set of SDEP CIs are
preallocated to each IMS on an allocation call. The number of CIs obtained by an
IMS is a function of the system’s insert rate. The insert process obtains the current
CI, not the area open process.

270 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Designing a Data Entry Database

Because the insert process obtains the current CI, space use and reporting is
complex. If a preallocation attempt cannot obtain the number of CIs requested, the
ISRT or sync point call receives status FS, even if there is enough space for that
particular call. The FS processing marks the area as full, and any subsequent
smaller inserts also fail.

When there are few available SDEP CIs in an area, the number that can actually be
used for SDEP inserts varies depending on the system’s insert rate. Also, the
command /DIS AREA calculates the number of SDEP CIs free as those available for
preallocation and any unused CIs preallocated to the IMS issuing the command.
Area close processing discards CIs preallocated to the IMS, and the unused CIs
are lost until the SDEP Delete utility is run. Therefore, the number of unused CIs
reported by the /DIS AREA command after area close processing is smaller because
the preallocated CIs are no longer available.

Processing Option P (PROCOPT=P)

The PROCOPT=P option is specified during the PCB generation in the PCB
statement or in the SENSEG statement for the root segment.

The option takes effect only if the region type is a BMP. If specified, it offers the
following advantage:

Whenever an attempt is made to retrieve or insert a DEDB segment that causes a

UOW boundary to be crossed, a 'GC' status code is set in the PCB but no segment
is returned or inserted. The only calls for which this takes place are: G(H)U, G(H)N,
POS, and ISRT.

Although crossing the UOW boundary has no particular significance for most
applications, the 'GC' status code that is returned indicates this could be a
convenient time to invoke sync point processing. This is because a UOW boundary
is also a CI boundary. As explained for sequential processing, a CI boundary is a
convenient place to request a sync point.

The sync point is invoked by either a SYNC or a CHKP call, but this normally
causes position on all currently accessed databases to be lost. The application
program then has to resume processing by reestablishing position first. This
situation is not always easy to solve, particularly for unqualified G(H)N processing.

An additional advantage with this processing option is, if a SYNC or CHKP call is
issued after a 'GC' status code, database position is kept. Database position is such
that an unqualified G(H)N call issued after a 'GC' status code returns the first root
segment of the next UOW. When a 'GC' status code is returned, no data is
presented or inserted. Therefore, the application program should, optionally, request
a sync point, reissue the database call that caused the 'GC' status code, and
proceed. The application program can ignore the 'GC' status code, and the next
database call will work as usual.

Database recovery and change accumulation processing must buffer all log records
written between sync points. Sync points must be taken at frequent intervals to
avoid exhausting available storage. If not, database recovery might not be possible.

DEDB Randomizing Routine Design

A DEDB randomizing module is required for placing root segments in a DEDB. The
randomizing module is also required for retrieving root segments from a DEDB. One

Chapter 10. Designing Fast Path Databases 271

Designing a Data Entry Database

or more such modules can be used with an IMS system. Only one randomizing
module can be associated with each DEDB.

Related Reading: Refer to IMS Version 9: Customization Guide for register usage
and a sample randomizing program exit (DBFHDC40).

The purpose of the randomizing module is the same as in HDAM processing. A root
search argument key field value is supplied by the application program and
converted into a relative root anchor point number. Because the entry and exit
interfaces are different, DEDB and HDAM randomizing routines are not object code
compatible. The main line randomizing logic of HDAM should not need modification
if randomizing through the whole DEDB.

Some additional differences between DEDB and HDAM randomizing routines are as
v The ISRT algorithm attempts to put the entire database record close to the root
segment (with the exception of SDEP segments). No BYTES parameter exists to
limit the size of the record portion to be inserted in the root addressable part.
v With the DEDB, only one RAP can be defined in each root addressable CI.
v CIs that are not randomized to are left empty.

Because of the area concept, some applications might decide to randomize in a

particular area rather than through all the DEDB as in HDAM processing. Therefore,
the expected output of such a randomizing module is made up of a relative root
anchor point number in an area and the address of the control block (DMAC)
representing the area selected.

Keys that randomize to the same RAP are chained in ascending key sequence.

DEDB logic runs in parallel, so DEDB randomizing routines must be reentrant. The
randomizing routines operate out of the common storage area (CSA). If they use
operating system services like LOAD, DELETE, GETMAIN, and FREEMAIN, the
routines must abide by the same rules as described in IMS Version 9:
Customization Guide.

Multiple Copies of an Area Data Set

The data in an area is in a VSAM data set called the area data set (ADS).
Installations can create as many as seven copies (multiple area data sets, MADS)
of each ADS, making the data more available to application programs.

Each copy of an ADS contains exactly the same user data. Fast Path maintains
data integrity by keeping identical data in the copies during application processing.
When an application program updates data in an area, Fast Path updates that data
in each copy of the ADS. When an application program reads data from an area,
Fast Path retrieves the requested data from any one of the available copies of the
ADS. All copies of an ADS must have the same definition but can reside on
different devices and on different device types. Using copies of ADS is also helpful
in direct access device migration; for example, from a 3380 device to a 3390

If an ADS fails to open during normal open processing of a DEDB, none of the
copies of the ADS can be allocated, and the area is stopped. However, when open
failure occurs during emergency restart, only the failed ADS is deallocated and
stopped. The other copies of the ADS remain available for use.

272 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Designing a Data Entry Database

Record Deactivation
If an error occurs while an application program is updating a DEDB, it is not
necessary to stop the database or the area. IMS continues to allow application
programs to access that area, and it only prevents them from accessing the control
interval in error. If multiple copies of the ADS exist, one copy of the data is always
available. (It is unlikely that the same control interval is in error in seven copies of
the ADS.) IMS automatically deactivates a record when a count of 10 errors is

Record deactivation minimizes the effect of database failures and errors to the data
in these ways:
v If multiple copies of an area data set are used, and an error occurs while an
application program is trying to update that area, the error does not need
immediate correction. Other application programs can continue to access the
data in that area through other available copies of that area.
v If a copy of an area has errors, you can create a new copy from existing copies
of the ADS using the DEDB Data Set Create utility. The copy with the errors can
then be destroyed.

Physical Child Last Pointers

The PCL pointer makes it possible to access the last physical child of a segment
type directly from the physical parent. Using the INSERT rule LAST avoids the need
to follow a potentially long physical child pointer chain.

Subset Pointers
Subset pointers help you avoid unproductive get calls when you need to access the
last part of a long segment chain. These pointers divide a chain of segment
occurrences under the same parent into two or more groups, or subsets. You can
define as many as eight subset pointers for any segment type, dividing the chain
into as many as nine subsets. Each subset pointer points to the start of a new

Related Reading: For more information on defining and using subset pointers, see
the topic about Processing DEDBs with Subset Pointers in IMS Version 9:
Application Programming: Database Manager.

Restrictions: When you unload and reload a DEDB containing subset pointers,
IMS does not automatically retain the position of the subset pointers. When
unloading the DEDB, you must note the position of the subset pointers, storing the
information in a permanent place. (For example, you could append a field to each
segment, indicating which subset pointer, if any, points to that segment.) Or, if a
segment in a twin chain can be uniquely identified, identify the segment a subset
pointer is pointing to and add a temporary indication to the segment for reload.
When reloading the DEDB, you must redefine the subset pointers, setting them to
the segments to which they were previously set.

Designing a Main Storage Database (MSDB)

This topic describes the choices you might need to make in designing an MSDB
and proposes guidelines to help you make these choices.

Consider the following list of questions when designing an MSDB database:

v How are virtual storage requirements for the database calculated?

Chapter 10. Designing Fast Path Databases 273

Designing a Main Storage Database

v How are virtual storage requirements for the Fast Path buffer pool calculated?
v What are the storage requirements for the I/O area?
v Should FLD calls or other DL/I calls be used for improved MSDB and DEDB
v How can the difference in resource allocation between an MSDB and a DL/I
database be a key to good performance?
v What are the requirements in designing for minimum resource contention in a
mixed-mode environment?
v How is the number of MSDB segments loaded into virtual storage controlled?
v What are the auxiliary storage requirements for an MSDB?
v How can an MSDB be checkpointed?

Calculating Virtual Storage Requirements for an MSDB

You can calculate the storage requirements for an MSDB as follows:
(L + 4)S + C + 14F + X


S = the number of segments in the MSDB as specified by the

member DBFMSDBx in the IMS.PROCLIB

L = the segment length as specified in the DBD member

C = 80 for non-related MSDBs without a terminal-related key, or

94 for the other types of MSDB

F = the number of fields defined in the DBD member

X = 2 if C + 14F is not a multiple of 4, OR

0 if C + 14F is a multiple of 4

MSDBs reside in the z/OS extended common storage area (ECSA).

Calculating Buffer Requirements

Details about calculating buffer requirements are in “Designing a DEDB or MSDB
Buffer Pool” on page 282, along with other Fast Path buffer requirements. The
following considerations apply during execution:
v Fast Path buffer requirements vary with the type of call to the MSDB.
v With a GHx/REPL call sequence, an entire segment is kept in the Fast Path
buffer until a sync point is reached. If the total size of a series of segments
exceeds the NBA (normal buffer allocation), the NBA parameter needs to be
adjusted rather than using the OBA (overflow buffer) on a regular basis. You
should accommodate the total number of segments used between sync points.
v When using a FLD call, the VERIFY and CHANGE logic reside in the Fast Path

Calculating the Storage for an Application I/O Area

A GHx/REPL call requires an I/O area large enough to accommodate the largest
segment to be processed. The FLD call requires storage to accommodate the total
field search argument (FSA) requirements.

274 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Designing a Main Storage Database

Understanding Resource Allocation, a Key to Performance

The MSDB resource allocation scheme is different from that of DL/I. Since the
MSDB is a key to good performance, it is important to understand it.
1. An MSDB record can be shared (S) by multiple users or be owned exclusively
(E) by one user.
2. The same record can have both statuses (shared and exclusive) at the same
3. Updates to MSDBs are applied during sync point processing. The resource is
always owned in exclusive mode for the duration of sync point processing.

The different enqueue levels of an MSDB record, when a record is enqueued, and
the duration are summarized in Table 19.
Table 19. Levels of Enqueue of an MSDB Record
Enqueue Level When Duration
READ GH with no update intent VERIFY/get calls
From call time until sync point Call processing
(phase 1)¹
HOLD GH with no update intent At sync point, to reapply VERIFYs
From call time until sync point Phase 1 of sync point processing,
(phase 1)¹ then released
UPDATE² At sync point, to apply the results of Sync point processing, then
CHANGE, REPL, DLET, or ISRT released

1. If there was no FLD/VERIFY call against this resource or if this resource is not
going to be updated, it is released. Otherwise, if only FLD/VERIFY logic has to
be reapplied, the MSDB record is enqueued at the HOLD level. If the same
record is involved in an update operation, it is enqueued at the UPDATE level
as shown in the table above.
2. At DLET/REPL call time, no enqueue activity takes place because it is the prior
GH call that set up the enqueue level.

Table 20 shows that the status of an MSDB record depends on the enqueue level of
each program involved. Therefore, it is possible for an MSDB record to be
enqueued with the shared and exclusive statuses at the same time. For example,
such a record can be shared between program A (GH call for update) and program
B (GU call), but cannot be shared at the same time with a third program, C, which
is entering sync point with update on the record.
Table 20. Example of MSDB Record Status: Shared (S) or Owned Exclusively (E)
Enqueue Level in Program A
Enqueue Level in

Chapter 10. Designing Fast Path Databases 275

Designing a Main Storage Database

The FLD/CHANGE call does not participate in any allocation; therefore,

FLD/CHANGE calls can be executed even though the same database record is
being updated during sync point processing.

If FLD/CHANGE and FLD/VERIFY calls are mixed in the same FLD call, when the
first FLD/VERIFY call is encountered, the level of enqueue is set to READ for the
remainder of the FLD call.

Designing to Minimize Resource Contention

One reason to use an MSDB is its fast access to data and high availability for
processing. To maintain high availability, you should design to avoid the contention
for resources that is likely to happen in a high transaction rate environment.

The following is a list of performance-related considerations. Some of the

considerations do not apply exclusively to MSDBs, but they are listed to give a
better understanding of the operational environment.
v Access by Fast Path transactions to DL/I databases and use of the alternate
PCB should be kept to a minimum. Use of the alternate PCB should be kept to a
minimum because FP transactions must contend for resources with IMS
transactions (some of which could be long running). Also, common sync point
processing is invoked and entirely serialized in the IMS control region.
v To avoid resource contention when sharing MSDBs between Fast Path and DL/I
transactions, You should try to make commit processing often and to avoid
long-running scans.
v GH for read/update delays any sync point processing that intends to update the
same MSDB resource. Therefore, GH logic should be used only when you
assume the referenced segments will not be altered until completion of the
transaction. If the resource is being updated, release is at the completion of sync
point. Otherwise, the release is at entry to sync point.
v The following consideration deals with deadlock prevention. Deadlock can occur
if transactions attempt to acquire (GH calls) multiple MSDB resources.
Whenever a request for an MSDB resource exists that is already allocated and
the levels involved are HOLD or UPDATE, control is passed to IMS to detect a
potential deadlock situation. Increase in path length and response time results.
The latter can be significant if a deadlock occurs, thus requiring the pseudo
abend of the transaction.
In order to reduce the likelihood of deadlocks caused by resource contention,
sync point processing enqueues (UPDATE level) MSDB resources in a defined
sequence. This sequence is in ascending order of segment addresses. MSDB
segments are acquired in ascending order of keys within ascending order of
MSDB names, first the page-fixed ones then the pageable MSDBs.
The application programmer can eliminate potential deadlock situations at call
time by also acquiring (GH calls) MSDB resources using the same sequence.
v From the resource allocation scheme discussed earlier, you probably realize that
FLD logic should be used whenever possible instead of GH/REPL logic.
– The FLD/VERIFY call results in an enqueue at the READ level, and if no
other levels are involved, then control is not passed to IMS. This occurrence
results in a shorter path length.
– The FLD/CHANGE call, when not issued in connection with VERIFY logic
does not result in any enqueue within either Fast Path or IMS.
– FLD logic has a shorter path length through the Program Request Handler,
since only one call to process exists instead of two needed for GH/REPL

276 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Designing a Main Storage Database

– The FLD/CHANGE call never waits for any resource, even if that same
resource is being updated in sync point processing.
– The FLD/VERIFY call waits only for sync point processing during which the
same resource is being updated.
– With FLD logic, the resource is held in exclusive mode only during sync point

In summary, programming with FLD logic can contribute to higher transaction rates
and shorter response times.

The following examples, Figure 172 and Figure 173, show how the MSDB record is
held in exclusive mode:

Figure 172. First Example MSDB Record Held in Exclusive Mode

The following notes are for Figure 172:

1. MSDB record R1 is held in exclusive mode against:
v Any MSDB calls except CHANGE calls
v Any other sync point processing that intends to update the same record
2. MSDB record R1 is held in exclusive mode against:
v Any other GH for update
v Any other sync point processing that intends to update the same record

Figure 173. Second Example MSDB Record Held in Exclusive Mode

The following notes are for Figure 173.

1. MSDB record R1 is held in exclusive mode against:
v Any MSDB calls except CHANGE calls
v Any other sync point processing that intends to update the same record
2. MSDB record is held in exclusive mode for the duration of the FLD call against
any other sync point processing that intends to update the same resource

Choosing MSDBs to Load and Page-Fix

Deciding which MSDBs to load and page-fix involves a trade-off between desired
application performance and the amount of real storage available. This decision is
made with total Fast Path application requirements in mind. IMS system initialization
requires additional information before MSDBs can be loaded and page fixed. This
information is specified in member DBFMSDBx of IMS.PROCLIB. This member is

Chapter 10. Designing Fast Path Databases 277

Designing a Main Storage Database

called by executing the control region startup procedure IMS. The suffix 'x' matches
the parameter supplied in the MSDB keyword of the EXEC statement in procedure

The control information that loads and page fixes MSDBs is in 80-character record
format in member DBFMSDBx. Either you supply this information or it can be
supplied by the output of the MSDB maintenance utility. When the /NRE command
requests MSDBLOAD, the definition of the databases to be loaded is found in the
DBFMSDBx procedure.

| The definition in DBFMSDBx can represent a subset of the MSDBs currently on the
| sequential data set identified by DD statement MSDBINIT. Explicitly state each
| MSDB that you want IMS to load. If each MSDB is not explicitly stated, IMS
| abends.

| The format for DBFMSDBx is as follows:

 DBD=dbd_name, NBSEGS=nnnnnnnn 

The DBD name as specified during DBDGEN.
The number you specify of expected database segments for this MSDB.
This number must be equal to or great than the number of MSDB segments
loaded during restart.
The NBRSEGS parameter is also used to reserve space for terminal-related
dynamic MSDBs for which no data has to be initially loaded.
F The optional page-fix indicator for this MSDB.

If the MSDBs are so critical to your Fast Path applications that IMS should not run
without them, place a first card image at the beginning of the DBFMSDBx member.
For each card image, the characters “MSDBABND=n” must be typed without
blanks, and all characters must be within columns 1 and 72 of the card image. Four
possible card images exist, and each contains one of the following sets of
This card image causes the IMS control region to abend if an error occurs while
loading the MSDBs during system initialization. Errors include:
v Open failure on the MSDBINIT data set
v Error in the MSDB definition
v I/O error on the MSDBINIT data set
This card image causes the IMS control region to abend if an error occurs while
writing the MSDBs to the MSDBCP1 or MSDBCP2 data set in the initial
checkpoint after IMS startup.
This card image causes the IMS control region to abend if an error occurs
during the initial load of the MSDBs from the MSDBINIT data set, making one
or more of the MSDBs unusable. These errors include data errors in the
MSDBINIT data set, no segments in the MSDBINIT data set for a defined
MSDB, and those errors described under “MSDBABND=Y.”

278 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Designing a Main Storage Database

This card image causes the IMS control region to abend if an error occurs
during the writing of the MSDBs to the MSDBCPn data set (described in
“MSDBABND=C”), or during the initial load of the MSDBs from the MSDBINIT
data set (described in “MSDBABND=I”).
This card image causes the IMS control region to abend if an error occurs
during the writing of the MSDBs to the MSDBCPn data set (described in
“MSDBABND=C”), or during the loading of the MSDBs in system initialization
(described in “MSDBABND=Y”).

Auxiliary Storage Requirements for an MSDB

DASD space is needed to keep image copies of MSDBs when they are dumped at
system and shutdown checkpoints. The data sets involved are the MSDBCP1 and
MSDBCP2 data sets. The same calculations apply to the MSDBDUMP data set,
which contains a copy of the MSDBs following a /DBDUMP DATABASE MSDB command.

The data sets just discussed are written in 2K-byte blocks. Because only the first
extent is used, the allocation of space must be on cylinder boundaries and be

Space allocation is calculated like this:


The calculation of the number of records (R) to be allocated can be derived from
the formula:

(E + P + 2047)/2048


E = main storage required, in bytes, for the Fast Path extension of the

P = main storage required for all MSDBs as defined by


E is determined by the following formula:

E = (20 + 4D)T


D = number of MSDBs using logical terminal names as keys

T = total number of logical terminal names defined

in the system

High-Speed Sequential Processing (HSSP)

High-Speed Sequential Processing (HSSP) is a function of Fast Path that handles
sequential processing of DEDBs.

Chapter 10. Designing Fast Path Databases 279

High-Speed Sequential Processing (HSSP)

Some reasons you may choose to use it are that, HSSP:
v Generally has a faster response time than regular batch processing.
v Optimizes sequential processing of DEDBs.
v Reduces program execution time.
v Typically produces less output than regular batch processing.
v Reduces DEDB updates and image copy operation times.
v Image copies can assist in database recovery.
v Locks at UOW level to ease “bottle-necking” of cross IRLM communication.
v Uses private buffer pools reducing impact on NBA/OBA buffers.
v Allows for execution in both a mixed mode environment, concurrently with other
programs, and in an IRLM-using global sharing environment.
v Optimizes database maintenance by allowing the use of the image-copy option
for an updated database.

More detailed information is included in the following topics on HSSP:

v “Limitations and Restrictions When Using HSSP”
v “Using HSSP” on page 281
v “HSSP Processing Option H (PROCOPT=H)” on page 281

Limitations and Restrictions When Using HSSP

Though HSSP can execute in a mixed-mode environment as well as concurrently
with other programs, and in an environment with global sharing using IRLM; a
program using HSSP can only execute as a non-message-driven BMP.

Other restrictions and limitations of HSSP include:

| v Only one HSSP process can be active on an area at any given time. The /DIS
| AREA command identifies the IMSID of any HSSP job processing an area.
v HSSP processing and online utilities cannot process on the same area
v Non-forward referencing while using HSSP is not allowed.
v Programs using HSSP must properly process the 'GC' status code by following it
with a commit process.

Restrictions and limitations involving image copies include:

v The image copy option is available only for HSSP processing.
v HSSP image copying is allowed only if PROCOPT = H.
v The image copy process can only be done if a database is registered with
DBRC. In addition, image copy data sets must be initialized in DBRC.

The following restrictions and limitations apply for PROCOPT=H:

v PROCOPT=H is allowed only for DEDBs.
v PROCOPT=H is not allowed on the segment level, only on the PCB level.
v Backward referencing while using HSSP is not allowed. You cannot use an
HSSP PCB to refer to a prior UOW in a DEDB.
v Only one PROCOPT=H PCB per database per PSB is allowed.
v A maximum of four PROCOPTs can be specified, including H.

280 Administration Guide: Database Manager

High-Speed Sequential Processing (HSSP)

v PROCOPT=H must be used with other Fast Path processing options, such as
GH and IH.
v When a GC status code is returned, the program must cause a commit process
before any other call can be made to that PCB.
v HSSP image copying is not allowed if PROCOPT ¬=H.
v An ACBGEN must be done to activate the PROCOPT=H.
v H is compatible with all other PROCOPTs except for PROCOPT=O.

Using HSSP
To use HSSP, you must specify a new PROCOPT option during PSBGEN, option
'H' see “HSSP Processing Option H (PROCOPT=H).” Additionally, you need to
make sure that the programs using HSSP properly process the 'GC' status code by
following it with a commit process.

HSSP includes the image-copy option and the ability to set area ranges. To use
these functions, you need one or more of the following:
v The SETR statement
v The SETO statement
v A DFSCTL data set for the dependent regions

Related Reading: For more information about the SETR and SETO control
statements, refer to IMS Version 9: Installation Volume 2: System Definition and

HSSP Processing Option H (PROCOPT=H)

PROCOPT=H is a PSBGEN OPTION. It allows you to define whether processing,
with respect to a PCB, should be treated as an HSSP process. Its use provides
HSSP capability for the application program using this PSB. Following is an
example of macros and keywords for a PSBGEN using PROCOPT=H:
,DBDNAME = name

Label is an optional parameter of the PCB macro. It can be up to 8 characters long

and is identical to the label on the associated SETO or SETR statements. H is
compatible with any other Fast Path PROCOPT, except for PROCOPT=O, and
PROCOPT=H can be used in one or more PCBs.

Related Reading:
v For information on PROCOPT=H rules, see “Limitations and Restrictions When
Using HSSP” on page 280.
v For more information on H processing, see IMS Version 9: Installation Volume 2:
System Definition and Tailoring.

Image-Copy Option
Selecting the image-copy option with HSSP reduces the total elapsed times of
DEDB updates and subsequent image-copy operations.

Chapter 10. Designing Fast Path Databases 281

High-Speed Sequential Processing (HSSP)

As database administrator, you decide whether to make an image copy of a

database using HSSP. If you specify image copying, HSSP creates an
asynchronous copy that is similar to a concurrent image copy.

The image copy process can only be done if a database is registered with DBRC.
In addition, image copy data sets must be initialized in DBRC.

HSSP image copies can also be used for database recovery. However, the
Database Recovery Utility must know that an HSSP image copy is supplied.

Related Reading: For information on DBRC databases and HSSP, and on created
image copies, refer to the IMS Version 9: Operations Guide and the IMS Version 9:
Database Recovery Control (DBRC) Guide and Reference.

For information on image copies and recovery, refer to IMS Version 9: Utilities
Reference: System.

UOW Locking
In a globally shared environment, data is shared not only between IMS subsystems,
but also across central processor complexes (CPC). In such an environment,
communication between two IRLMs could potentially “bottleneck” and become
impeded. To ease this problem, HSSP locks at a UOW level in update mode,
reducing the locking overhead. Non-HSSP or DEDB online processing locks at a
UOW level in a shared mode. Otherwise, the locking for DEDB online processing is
at the CI level. For information on UOW locking, refer to IMS Version 9:
Administration Guide: System.

Private Buffer Pools

Private buffer pools for the HSSP area are used for HSSP updates and image
copies. HSSP does not impact NBA/OBA buffers. HSSP dynamically allocates up to
three times the number of CIs per area in one UOW. Each buffer is a CI in size.
The private buffer pools are located in ECSA/CSA.

HSSP jobs use a combination of both Private buffer pools and common buffers
(NBA/OBA). HSSP dynamically allocates up to three times the number of CIs per
area in one UOW, with each buffer being a CI in size. The private buffer pools are
located in ECSA/CSA.HSSP uses the private buffers for reading RAP CIs, and
common buffers for reading IOVF CIs. An FW status code may be received during
the run of an HSSP job when NBA has been exceeded just as in a non-HSSP job.

Designing a DEDB or MSDB Buffer Pool

Buffers needed to fulfill requests resulting from database calls are obtained from a
global pool called the Fast Path buffer pool. The characteristics of the pool are
defined at IMS definition time and can be overridden at IMS startup time.

Three parameters characterize the Fast Path buffer pool:

Total number of buffers.
| The buffer pool is allocated at IMS startup in the ECSA or, if FPBUFF=LOCAL
| is specified in DFSFDRxx, in the FDBR private region. During emergency
| restart processing, the entire buffer pool can be briefly page-fixed. Consider the
| amount of available real storage when setting the DBBF value. IMS writes the
| total number of buffers to the X’5937’ log.

282 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Designing a DEDB or MSDB Buffer Pool

System buffer allocation.
This is a set of buffers in the Fast Path buffer pool that is page fixed at startup
of the first region with access to Fast Path resources.
Buffer size.
The size must be larger than or equal to the size of the largest CI of any DEDB
to be processed. The buffer size can be up to 28 KB.

Buffer Requirements
Fast Path buffers are used to hold:
v Update information such as:
– MSDB FLD/VERIFY call logic
– MSDB FLD/CHANGE call logic
– MSDB updates (results of REPL, ISRT, and DLET calls)
– Inserted SDEP segments
v Referenced DEDB CIs from the root addressable part and the sequential
dependent part.
v Updated DEDB CIs from the root addressable part.
v SDEP segments that have gone through sync point. The SDEP segments are
collected in the current SDEP segment buffer. One such buffer allocated for each
area defined with the SDEP segment type exists. This allocation takes place at
area open time.

The number of buffers a transaction or a sync interval is allowed to use must be

specified for each region if Fast Path resources are likely to be accessed.

Normal Buffer Allocation (NBA)

Fast Path regions and IMS regions accessing Fast Path resources require that the
normal buffer allocation (NBA) be specified in the region startup procedure.
Because this allocation of buffers is used first, calculate them to accommodate most
of the transaction requirements. At the start of the region, the number of NBA
buffers is page fixed in the Fast Path buffer pool.

Overflow Buffer Allocation (OBA)

The overflow buffer allocation (OBA) is optional and is used for exceptional buffer
requirements when the normal buffer allocation (NBA) has been exhausted. Its use
is dependent on obtaining a latch that serializes all regions currently in an overflow
buffer state. If the latch is not available, the region has to wait until it is available.
After the latch has been obtained, the NBA value is increased by the OBA value
and normal processing resumes. The overflow buffer latch is released during sync
point processing. At any point in time, only the largest OBA request among all the
active regions is page fixed in the Fast Path buffer pool.

Fast Path Buffer Allocation Algorithm

Fast Path buffers are allocated on demand up to a limit specified at the start of the
region. Buffers so specified are called NBA to be used by one sync point interval.

Before satisfying any request from the NBA allocation, an attempt is made to reuse
any already allocated buffer containing an SDEP CI. This process goes on until the

Chapter 10. Designing Fast Path Databases 283

Designing a DEDB or MSDB Buffer Pool

NBA limit is reached. From that point on, a warning in the form of an 'FW' status
code returned to Fast Path database calls is sent to BMP regions. MD and MPP
regions do not get this warning.

The next request for an additional buffer causes the buffer stealing facility to be
invoked and then the algorithm examines each buffer and CI already allocated. As a
result, buffers containing CIs being released are sent to a local queue (SDEP buffer
chain) to be reused by this sync interval.

If, after invoking the buffer stealing facility, no available buffer is found, a request for
the overflow buffer latch is issued. The overflow buffer latch governs the use of an
additional buffer allocation called overflow buffer allocation (OBA). This allocation is
also specified as a parameter at region start time. From that point on, any time a
request cannot be satisfied locally, a buffer is acquired from the OBA allocation until
the OBA limit is reached. At that time, MD and BMP regions have their 'FW' status
code replaced by an 'FR' status code after an internal ROLB call is performed. In
MD and MPP regions, the transaction is abended and stopped.

System Buffer Allocation (DBFX)

The system buffer allocation (DBFX) is needed, because DEDB writes are deferred
until after sync point processing. The result of one transaction or sync interval is
written back by one output thread. These output threads run from the control region
in SRB mode. Buffers allocated to an output thread are therefore not available to
dependent regions until after the CI they contain is written back. If the Fast Path
buffer pool is defined exactly as the sum of all NBAs, dependent regions must wait
for the buffers to come back to the global pool. Fast Path regions can process the
next transaction as soon as the sync point completes. Sync point processing does
not wait for the output thread to complete. The DBFX allocation of buffers is page
fixed at the start of the first region specifying an NBA request.

Determining the Fast Path Buffer Pool Size

The number of fast path buffers (DBBFs) required is calculated using the following

v DBBF: Fast Path buffer pool size as specified
v A: Number of active areas that have SDEP segments
v NBA: Normal buffer allocation of each active region
v N: Total of all NBAs
v OBA: Largest overflow buffer allocation
v DBFX: System buffer allocation

Fast Path Buffer Performance Considerations

An incorrect specification of DBBF (too small) can result in the rejection of an area
open or a region initialization. The system calculates the size of the buffer pool in
accordance with the formula given in “Determining the Fast Path Buffer Pool Size”
and rejects the open or initialization if the actual DBBF value is smaller.

A DBFX value that is too small is likely to cause region waits and increase
response time.

284 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Designing a DEDB or MSDB Buffer Pool

An NBA value that is too small might cause the region processing to be serialized
through the overflow buffer latch and again cause delays.

An NBA value that is too large can increase the probability of contention (and
delays) for other transactions. All CIs can be acquired at the exclusive level and be
kept at that level until the buffer stealing facility is invoked. This occurrence
happens after the NBA limit is reached. Therefore, an NBA that is too large can
increase resource contention.

A (NBA + OBA) value that is too small might result in more frequent unsuccessful
processing. This means an 'FR' status code condition for BMP regions, or
transaction abend for MD and MPP regions.

Inquiry-only programs do not make use of an OBA specification, as buffers already

allocated are reused when the NBA limit is reached.

| IMS logs information about buffers and their use to the X’5937’ log. This information
| can be helpful in determining how efficiently the Fast Path buffers are being used.

The NBA Limit and Sync Point

In BMP regions, when the NBA limit is reached, an 'FW' status code is returned.
This status code is presented to every subsequent Fast Path database call until the
OBA limit condition is reached.

The first occurrence of the 'FW' status code indicates no more NBA buffers exist.
This occurrence is a convenient point at which to request a sync point. Fast Path
resources (and others) would be released and the next sync point interval would be
authorized to use a new set of NBA buffers. The overflow buffer latch serializes all
the regions in an overflow buffer state and therefore causes delays in their

If processing is primarily sequential, the sync point should be invoked on a UOW

boundary crossing.

Related Reading: See “Processing Option P (PROCOPT=P)” on page 271 for

details on what happens on a UOW boundary crossing.

The DBFX Value and the Low Activity Environment

If the IMS or Fast Path activity in the system is relatively low, log buffers are written
less often, and therefore output threads are scheduled or dispatched less
frequently. This situation is likely to result in many buffers waiting to be written and
therefore could cause wait-for-buffer conditions. Wait-for-buffer conditions could be
alleviated by specifying a larger DBFX value.

A special case to be considered is the BMP region loading or processing a DEDB

and being the only activity in the system. For example, assume an NBA of 20
buffers exists. To avoid a wait-for-buffer condition, the DBFX value must be
specified as between one or two times the NBA value. This can result in a DBBF
specification of three times the NBA number, which gives 60 buffers to the Fast
Path buffer pool.

Except for the following case, there is no buffer look-aside capability across
transactions or sync intervals (global buffer look-aside).

Chapter 10. Designing Fast Path Databases 285

Designing a DEDB or MSDB Buffer Pool

Assume that a region requests a DEDB CI resource that is currently being written
or is owned by another region that ends up being written (output thread
processing). Then, this CI and the buffer are passed to the requestor after the write
(no read required) completes successfully. Any other regions must read it from disk.

Designing a DEDB Buffer Pool in the DBCTL Environment

Buffers needed to fulfill requests from database calls are obtained from a global
pool called the Fast Path buffer pool. The characteristics of the pool are defined at
IMS definition time and can be overridden at IMS startup time.

Three parameters characterize the Fast Path buffer pool:

1. DBBF: Total number of buffers.
| The buffer pool is allocated at IMS startup in the ECSA or, if FPBUFF=LOCAL is
| specified in DFSFDRxx, in the FDBR private region. IMS writes the total number
| of buffers to the X’5937’ log.
2. DBFX: System buffer allocation.
This is a set of buffers in the Fast Path buffer pool that is page fixed at startup
of the first region with access to Fast Path resources.
3. BSIZ: Buffer size.
| The size must be larger than or equal to the size of the largest CI of any DEDB
| to be processed. The buffer size can be up to 28 KB.

Buffer Requirements in a DBCTL Environment

Fast Path buffers are used to hold:
v Update information such as inserted SDEP segments.
v Referenced DEDB CIs from the root addressable part and the sequential
dependent part.
v Updated DEDB CIs from the root addressable part.
v SDEP segments that have gone through sync point. The segments are collected
in the current SDEP segment buffer. One buffer allocated for each area defined
with the SDEP segment type exists. This allocation takes place at area open

The number of buffers a transaction or a sync interval is allowed to use must be

specified for each region if Fast Path resources are likely to be accessed.

Normal Buffer Allocation for BMPs

BMP regions accessing Fast Path resources require this allocation to be specified
in the region startup procedure. The startup parameter is already specified as NBA.
This allocation of buffers is used first and should be calculated to accommodate
most of the transaction requirements. At the start of the region, the number of NBA
buffers is page fixed in the Fast Path buffer pool.

Normal Buffer Allocation for CCTL Regions and Threads

CCTL (coordinator control) regions, requiring fast path resources, need the following
parameters specified in the DRA startup table:

286 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Designing a DEDB Buffer Pool in the DBCTL Environment

CNBA is the normal buffer allocation of each active CCTL region. FPB is the normal
buffer allocation for CCTL threads.

When the CCTL connects to DBCTL, the number of CNBA buffers is page fixed in
the fast path buffer pool. However, if CNBA buffers are not available, the connect

Each CCTL thread that requires DEDB buffers is assigned its fast path buffers
(FPB) out of the total number of CNBA buffers.

For more information about the CCTLNBA parameter, refer to IMS Version 9:
Administration Guide: System.

Overflow Buffer Allocation for BMPs

This buffer allocation is optional and is used for exceptional buffer requirements
when the NBA has been exhausted. Its use is dependent on obtaining a latch that
serializes all BMPs and CCTL threads currently in an overflow buffer state. If the
latch is not available, the region has to wait until it is available. After the latch has
been obtained, the NBA value is increased by the OBA value and normal
processing resumes. The overflow buffer latch is released during sync point
processing. At any point in time, only the largest OBA request among all the active
BMPs and CCTL threads is page fixed in the Fast Path buffer pool.

Overflow Buffer Allocation for CCTL Threads

OBA for CCTL threads is similar to that for BMPs. The OBA value used for each
thread is set with the FPOB parameter in the startup table. This buffer allocation is
optional and is used for exceptional buffer requirements when the FPB has been
exhausted. Its use is dependent on obtaining a latch that serializes all BMPs and
CCTL threads currently in an overflow buffer state. If the latch is not obtained, the
FPB value is increased by the FPOB value, and normal processing resumes. The
overflow buffer latch is released during sync point processing. At any point in time,
only the largest OBA/FPOB request among all the active BMPs and CCTL threads
is page fixed in the fast path buffer pool.

Fast Path Buffer Allocation Algorithm for BMPs

FPBs are allocated on demand up to a limit specified at the start of the region.
Buffers specified as NBAs are used by one sync point interval.

Before satisfying any request from the NBA allocation, an attempt is made to reuse
any already allocated buffer containing an SDEP CI. This process goes on until the
NBA limit is reached. From that point on, a warning in the form of an 'FW' status
code returned to Fast Path database calls is sent to BMP regions.

The next request for an additional buffer causes the buffer stealing facility to be
invoked and then the algorithm examines each buffer and CI already allocated. As a
result, buffers containing CIs being released are sent to a local queue (SDEP buffer
chain) to be reused by this sync interval.

If, after invoking the buffer stealing facility, no available buffer is found, a request for
the overflow buffer latch is issued. The overflow buffer latch governs the use of an
additional buffer allocation, OBA. This allocation is also specified as a parameter at
region start time. From that point on, any time a request cannot be satisfied locally,

Chapter 10. Designing Fast Path Databases 287

Designing a DEDB Buffer Pool in the DBCTL Environment

a buffer is acquired from the OBA allocation until the OBA limit is reached. At that
time, BMP regions have their 'FW' status code replaced by an 'FR' status code after
an internal ROLB call is performed.

Fast Path Buffer Allocation Algorithm for CCTL Threads

When a CCTL thread issues a schedule request using FPB, buffers are allocated
out of the CNBA total. If FPB cannot be satisfied out of CNBA, the schedule request

Before satisfying any request from the FPB allocation, an attempt is made to reuse
any already allocated buffer containing an SDEP CI. This process goes on until the
FPB limit is reached. From that point on, a warning in the form of an 'FW' status
code returned to Fast Path database calls is sent to the CCTL threads.

The next request for an additional buffer causes the buffer stealing facility to be
invoked, and then the algorithm examines each buffer and CI already allocated. As
a result, buffers containing CIs being released are sent to a local queue (SDEP
buffer chain) to be reused by this sync interval.

If, after invoking the buffer stealing facility, no available buffer is found, a request for
the overflow buffer latch is issued. The overflow buffer latch governs the use of an
additional buffer allocation, OBA (FPOB). From that point on, any time a request
cannot be satisfied locally, a buffer is acquired from the FPOB allocation until the
FPOB limit is reached. At that time, CCTL threads have their 'FW' status code
replaced by an 'FR' status code after an internal ROLB call is performed.

System Buffer Allocation (SBA)

The system buffer allocation (SBA) is needed because DEDB writes are deferred
until after sync point processing. The result of one sync interval is written back by
one output thread. These output threads run from the control region in SRB mode.
Buffers allocated to an output thread are therefore not available to BMPs and CCTL
threads until after the CI they contain is written back. If the Fast Path buffer pool is
defined exactly as the sum of all NBAs, BMPs and CCTL threads must wait for the
buffers to come back to the global pool. BMPs and CCTL threads can process the
next transaction as soon as the sync point completes. Sync point processing does
not wait for the output thread to complete. The DBFX allocation of buffers is page
fixed at the start of the first region specifying an NBA or FPB request.

Determining the Size of the Fast Path Buffer Pool for DBCTL
The number of buffers required is calculated using the following formula:
DBBF ≥ A + N + LO + DBFX + CN

Where the values are:

v DBBF: Fast Path buffer pool size as specified
v A: Number of active areas that have SDEP segments
v N: Total of all NBAs
v LO: Largest overflow buffer allocation among active BMPs and CCTL threads
v DBFX: System buffer allocation
v CN: Total of all CNBAs

288 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Designing a DEDB Buffer Pool in the DBCTL Environment

Fast Path Buffer Performance Considerations for DBCTL

An incorrect specification of DBBF (too small) can result in the rejection of an area
open or a region initialization. The system calculates the size of the buffer pool in
accordance with the formula given in “Determining the Size of the Fast Path Buffer
Pool for DBCTL” on page 288 and rejects the open or initialization if the actual
DBBF value is smaller.

A DBFX value that is too small is likely to cause region waits and increase
response time.

An NBA/FPB value that is too small might cause the region processing to be
serialized through the overflow buffer latch and again cause delays.

An NBA/FPB value that is too large can increase the probability of contention (and
delays) for other BMPs and CCTL threads. All CIs can be acquired at the exclusive
level and be kept at that level until the buffer stealing facility is invoked. This
happens after the NBA limit is reached. Therefore, an NBA/FPB that is too large
can increase resource contention. Also, an FPB value that is too large indicates that
fewer CCTL threads can concurrently schedule fast path PSBs.

A (NBA + OBA) value that is too small might result in more frequent unsuccessful
processing. This means an 'FR' status code condition for BMP regions and CCTL

Inquiry-only BMP or CCTL programs do not make use of the overflow buffer
specification logic, as buffers already allocated are reused when the NBA/FPB limit
is reached.

| IMS logs information about buffers and their use to the X’5937’ log. This information
| can be helpful in determining how efficiently the Fast Path buffers are being used.

The NBA/FPB Limit and Sync Point in a DBCTL Environment

In BMP regions and CCTL threads, when the NBA/FPB limit is reached, an 'FW'
status code is returned. This status code is presented to every subsequent Fast
Path database call until the OBA/FPOB limit condition is reached.

The first occurrence of the 'FW' status code indicates no more NBA/FPB buffers
exist. This occurrence is a convenient point at which to request a sync point. Fast
Path resources (and others) would be released and the next sync point interval
would be authorized to use a new set of NBA/FPB buffers. The overflow buffer latch
serializes all the regions in an overflow buffer state and therefore causes delays in
their processing.

Related Reading: See “Processing Option P (PROCOPT=P)” on page 271 for

benefits of using PROCOPT=P for BMP regions.

Low Activity and the DBFX Value in a DBCTL Environment

If the IMS or Fast Path activity in the system is relatively low, log buffers are written
less often and therefore output threads are scheduled or dispatched less frequently.
This situation is likely to result in many buffers waiting to be written and therefore
could cause wait-for-buffer conditions. This could be alleviated by specifying a
larger DBFX value.

Chapter 10. Designing Fast Path Databases 289

Designing a DEDB Buffer Pool in the DBCTL Environment

Consider the special case: The BMP region loads or processes a DEDB and is the
only activity in the system. For example, assume that an NBA of 20 buffers exists.
To avoid a wait-for-buffer condition, the DBFX value must be between once or twice
the NBA value. This can result in a DBBF specification of three times the NBA
number, giving 60 buffers to the Fast Path buffer pool.

Except for the following case, there is no buffer look-aside capability across BMP
regions and CCTL threads or sync intervals (global buffer look-aside).

Assume that a region requests a DEDB CI resource that is currently being written
or is owned by another region that ends up being written (output thread
processing). Then, this CI and the buffer are passed to the requestor after the
successful completion of the write (no read required). Any other BMP regions and
CCTL threads must read it from disk.

A Note on Fast Path Buffer Allocation in IMS Regions

IMS regions that access Fast Path resources must have the NBA and OBA
parameters specified in their startup procedures.

With MODE=MULT, these allocations must be large enough to accommodate all

buffer requirements for transactions processed between sync points.

With MODE=SNGL, transaction classes should be set up so transactions with

similar buffer requirements are run in the same region.

290 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Chapter 11. Implementing Database Design
After you have designed your databases and before application programs can use
them, you must tell IMS their physical and logical characteristics by coding and
generating a DBD (database description) for each database.

Before an application program can use the database, you must tell IMS the
application program’s characteristics and use of data and terminals. You tell IMS the
application program characteristics by coding and generating a PSB (program
specification block).

Finally, before an application program can be scheduled for execution, IMS needs
the PSB and DBD information for the application program available in a special
internal format called an ACB (application control block).

This chapter examines the following areas of implementing your database design:
v “Coding Database Descriptions as Input for the DBDGEN Utility”
| v “Implementing HALDB Design” on page 294
v “Coding Program Specification Blocks as Input to the PSBGEN Utility” on page
v “Building the Application Control Blocks (ACBGEN)” on page 304
v “Defining Generated Program Specification Blocks for SQL Applications” on page

Coding Database Descriptions as Input for the DBDGEN Utility

A DBD is a series of macro instructions that describes such things as a database’s
organization and access method, the segments and fields in a database record, and
the relationships between types of segments. After you have coded the DBD macro
instructions, they are used as input to the DBDGEN utility. This utility is a macro
assembler that generates a DBD control block and stores it in the IMS.DBDLIB
library for subsequent use during database processing.

Figure 174 illustrates the DBD generation process. Figure 175 on page 292 shows
the input to the DBDGEN utility. Separate input is required for each database being

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1974, 2004 291

Coding DBDs for DBDGEN Utility

Figure 174. The DBD Generation Process



DBD required for each DBD generation

data set(or AREA) required for each data set group
(or AREA in a Fast Path DEDB)
SEGM required for each segment type
FIELD required for each DBD generation
LCHILD required for each secondary index or
logical relationship
XDFIELD required for each secondary index relationship
DBDGEN required for each DBD generation
END required for each DBD generation

Figure 175. Structure of DBD Generation Input

The DBD Statement

In the input, the DBD statement names the database being described and specifies
its organization. Only one DBD statement exists in the input deck.

The DATASET Statement

This statement defines the physical characteristics of the data sets to be used for
the database. At least one DATASET statement is required for each data set group
in the database. Depending on the type of database, up to 10 data set groups can
be defined. Each DATASET statement is followed by the SEGM statements for all
segments to be placed in that data set group.

The DATASET statement is not allowed for HALDBs. Use either the HALDB
Partition Definition utility to define HALDB partitions or the DBRC commands

292 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Coding DBDs for DBDGEN Utility

If the database is a DEDB, the AREA statement is used instead of the DATASET
statement. The AREA statement defines an area in the DEDB. Up to 2048 AREA
statements can be used to define multiple areas in the database. All AREA
statements must be put between the DBD statement and the first SEGM statement.

The SEGM Statement

This statement defines a segment type in the database, its position in the hierarchy,
its physical characteristics, and its relationship to other segments. SEGM
statements are put in the input deck in hierarchic sequence, and a maximum of 15
hierarchic levels can be defined. The number of database statements allowed
depends on the type of database. SEGM statements must immediately follow the
data set or AREA statements to which they are related.

The FIELD Statement

This statement defines a field within a segment type. FIELD statements must
immediately follow the SEGM statement to which they are related. A FIELD
statement is required for all sequence fields in a segment and all fields the
application program can refer to in the SSA of a DL/I call. A FIELD statement is also
required for any fields referenced by a SENFLD statement in any PSB. To save
space, do not generate FIELD statements except in these circumstances. FIELD
statements can be put in the input deck in any order except that the sequence field,
if one is defined, must always be first. Up to 255 fields can be defined for each
segment type, and a maximum of 1000 fields can be defined for each database.
The definition of fields within a segment can overlap. For example, a date “field”
within a segment can be defined as three 2-byte fields and also as one 6-byte field
as shown in Figure 176.

Figure 176. Example of a Date Field within a Segment Defined as Three 2–Byte Fields and
One 6–Byte Field

This technique allows application programs to access the same piece of data in a
variety of ways. To access the same piece of data in a variety of ways, you code a
separate FIELD statement for each field. For the example shown, you would code
four FIELD statements, one for the total 6-byte date and three for each 2-byte field
in the date.

The LCHILD Statement

The LCHILD statement defines a secondary index or logical relationship between
two segment types, or the relationship between a HIDAM (or PHIDAM) index
database and the root segment type in the HIDAM (or PHIDAM) database. LCHILD

Chapter 11. Implementing Database Design 293

Coding DBDs for DBDGEN Utility

statements immediately follow the SEGM, FIELD, or XDFLD statement of the

segment involved in the relationship. Up to 255 LCHILD statements can be defined
for each database.

Restriction: The LCHILD statement cannot be specified for the primary index of a
PHIDAM database because the primary index is automatically generated.

The XDFLD Statement

The XDFLD statement is used only when a secondary index exists. It is associated
with the target segment and specifies:
v The name of an indexed field
v The name of the source segment
v The field used to create the secondary index from the source segment

Up to 32 XDFLD statements can be defined per segment. However, the number of

XDFLD and FIELD statements combined cannot exceed 255 per segment or 1000
per database.

Restriction: The CONST parameter is not allowed for a HALDB. Shared secondary
indexes are not supported.

The DBDGEN and END Statements

One DBDGEN statement and one END statement is put at the end of each DBD
generation input deck. These specify:
v The end of the statements used to define the DBD (DBDGEN)
v The end of input statements to the assembler (END)

Related Reading: Detailed instructions for coding DBD statements and examples
of DBDs are contained in IMS Version 9: Utilities Reference: System.

| Implementing HALDB Design

| To define a HALDB, you define it to DBRC. You can do this using either DBRC
| batch commands or using the Partition Definition utility. This topic discusses
| defining HALDBs using the Partition Definition utility. This topic also discusses
| “Allocating an ILDS” on page 300.

| Related Reading: The Complete IMS HALDB Guide, published by IBM Redbooks™
| for the Version 8 release of IMS, contains a comprehensive discussion of HALDBs.

| Creating HALDBs with the HALDB Partition Definition Utility

The HALDB Partition Definition utility is an ISPF application that allows you to
manage IMS HALDB partitions.

The HALDB Partition Definition utility is accessed through ISPF panels in a TSO
session. You can perform the following tasks on the HALDB master and its
| v Register a new HALDB master database with DBRC.
v Add HALDB partitions to an existing HALDB.
v Find, view, sort, copy, modify, delete, and print HALDB partitions.
v Define and modify data set groups.
v Edit HALDB information.

294 Administration Guide: Database Manager

HALDB Partition Utility

v Export HALDB definitions.

v Import HALDB definitions.
v View IMS DDNAME concatenations.
v Choose IMS RECON and DBDLIB libraries.
v Delete HALDB information.

| Creating HALDB Partitions With the Partition Definition Utility

| To create a HALDB, you first use the Database Description Generation (DBDGEN)
| utility to create a master database and define it as a HALDB. After you have
| defined a HALDB master database, use the Partition Definition utility to define the
| partitions within the HALDB.

| Related Reading: For information on using the DBDGEN utility to create a HALDB
| master database, see:
| v Figure 161 on page 235 for an example of the DBD for PHDAM
| v “Coding Database Descriptions as Input for the DBDGEN Utility” on page 291
| v IMS Version 9: Utilities Reference: System

| When you define the first HALDB partition, you must also register the HALDB
| master database in the DBRC RECON data set. You can use either the HALDB
| Partition Definition utility or the DBRC INIT.DB and INIT.PART commands to do this.
| The HALDB Partition Definition utility does not impact RECON data set contention
| of online IMS subsystems. The RECON data set is reserved only for the time it
| takes to process a DBRC request. It is not held for the duration of the utility
| execution.

Related Reading: For additional information on HALDB and the RECON data set,
see IMS Version 9: Database Recovery Control (DBRC) Guide and Reference.

When defining HALDB partitions using the Partition Definition utility, you must
provide information such as the partition name, data set prefix name, and high key
value. Whenever possible, the Partition Definition utility provides default values for
required fields.

The steps for defining a new HALDB are as follows:

1. Use the DBDGEN process to define a HALDB master database. The HALDB
Partition Definition utility does not let you define HALDB partitions until the
DBDGEN process is performed.
2. Make the dialog data sets available to the TSO user. You can add the data sets
to a LOGON procedure or use TSO commands to allocate them. You can use
the TSOLIB command to add data sets to the STEPLIB. Table 21 shows which
file names and data sets need to be allocated. Be sure to use your own high
level qualifiers.
Table 21. File Names and Data Sets to Allocate
File Name Sample Data Set Names Disposition

Chapter 11. Implementing Database Design 295

HALDB Partition Utility

Table 21. File Names and Data Sets to Allocate (continued)

File Name Sample Data Set Names Disposition

If you use a logon procedure, you must log on again and specify logon with the
new procedure. If you use allocation commands, they must be issued outside of
ISPF. After you allocate the data sets and restart ISPF, restart the Install/IVP
dialog, return to this task description, and continue with the remaining steps.
3. Start the HALDB Partition Definition utility from the ISPF command line by
issuing the following command:


You can use the F2 key to split the screen and view these instructions online
while viewing the HALDB partition definition panels at the same time.
4. Specify the name of the database. Fill in the first partition name as shown in
Figure 177 on page 297. Fill in the data set name prefix using the data set
name for your data set instead of the high level qualifier shown in Figure 177 on
page 297. You should, however, specify the last qualifier as IVPDB1A to match
cluster names previously allocated.
| Recommendation: When naming your partitions, use a naming sequence that
| allows you to add new names later without disrupting the sequence. For
| example, if you name your partitions xxxx010, xxxx020 and xxxx030 and then
| later split partition xxxx020 because it has grown too large, you can name the
| new partition xxxx025 without disrupting the order of your naming sequence.

296 Administration Guide: Database Manager

HALDB Partition Utility

Partition Default Information

Type the field values. Then press Enter to continue.

Database Name . . . . . . . IVPDB1

Processing Options
Automatic Definition . . . .No
Input data set . . . . . . .
Use defaults for DS groups .No

Defaults for Partitions

Partition Name . . . . . . .IVPDB11
Data set name prefix . . . .IXUEXEHQ.IVPDB1A

Free Space
Free block freq. factor . 0
Free space percentage . . 0

Defaults for data set groups

Block Size . . . . . . . . .8192

DBRC options
Max. image copies . . . .2
Recovery period . . . . .0
Recovery utility JCL . . RECOVJCL
Default JCL . . . . . . .________
Image Copy JCL . . . . . ICJCL
Online image copy JCL . .OICJCL
Receive JCL . . . . . . .RECVJCL
Reusable? . . . . . . . .No

To exit the application, press F3

Command = = = >

Figure 177. Partition Default Information

| 5. Define your partitions in the Change Partition panel. Make sure that the name of
| the partition and the data set name prefix are correct and then define a high key
| for the partition.
| The high key identifies the highest root key of any record that the partition can
| contain and is represented by a hexadecimal value that you enter directly into
| the Partition High Key field of the Change Partition panel. Press F5 to accept
| the hexadecimal value and display its alphanumeric equivalent in the right
| section of the Partition High Key field.
| You can enter the partition high key value using alphanumeric characters by
| pressing F5 before making any changes in the hexadecimal section of the
| Partition High Key field. This displays the ISPF editing panel. The alphanumeric
| input you enter in the editing panel displays in both hexadecimal and
| alphanumeric formats in the Change Partition Panel when you press F3 to save
| and exit the ISPF editor.
| The last partition you define for a HALDB must have a high key value of X'FF'.
| This ensures that the keys of all records entered into the HALDB will be lower
| than the highest high key in the HALDB. The Partition Definition utility fills all
| remaining bytes in the Partition High Key field with hexadecimal X'FF'.
| When you finish defining the partition high key, press enter to create the
| partition. The Change Partition panel remains active so that you can create
| additional partitions. To create additional partitions, you must change the
| partition name and the partition high key.
| Figure 178 on page 298. is an example of the Change Partition panel. The
| Partition High Key field includes sample input.
Chapter 11. Implementing Database Design 297
HALDB Partition Utility

6. When you finish defining partitions, press the cancel key (F12) to exit the
Change Partition panel. A list of partitions defined in the current session
To exit the HALDB Partition Definition utility entirely, press F12 again.

| Help
| ---------------------------------------------------------------
| Change Partition
| Type the field values. Then press Enter.
| Database name..........IVPDB1
| Partition name.........IVPDB11
| Partition ID...........1
| Data set name prefix...IXUEXEHQ.IVPDB1A
| Partition Status......._______
| Partition High Key
| +00 57801850 00F7F4F2 40C5A585 99879985 | ...&.742 Evergre |
| +10 859540E3 85999981 | en Terra |
| Free Space
| Free block freq. factor...0
| Free space percentage.....0
| Attributes for data set group A
| Block Size................8192
| DBRC options
| Max. image copies.........2
| Recovery period...........0
| Recovery utility JCL......_________
| Image copy JCL............ICJCL
| Online image copy JCL.....OICJCL
| Receive JCL...............RECVJCL
| Reusable?.................No
| Command = = = >
| Figure 178. Change Partition Panel
| Automatic and Manual HALDB Partition Definition: You can choose either
automatic or manual partition definition by specifying Yes or No in the Automatic
Definition field in the Processing Options section of the Partition Default Information
| panel.

| Entering Yes in the Automatic Definition field specifies that the Partition Definition
| utility automatically defines your HALDB partitions. You must have previously
| created a data set and it must contain your HALDB partition selection strings.
| Specify the name of the data set in the Input data set field.

| Entering No in the Automatic Definition field specifies that you define your HALDB
| partitions manually. “Creating HALDB Partitions With the Partition Definition Utility”
| on page 295 explains this process. You can still use an input data set when you
| define HALDB partitions manually.

Adding HALDB Partitions to an Existing HALDB

Related Reading: See Appendix E, “HALDB Partition Definition utility,” on page 511
for information on using the Partition Definition utility for adding HALDB partitions to
an existing HALDB.

298 Administration Guide: Database Manager

HALDB Partition Utility

Finding, Viewing, Sorting, Copying, Modifying, Deleting, and

Printing HALDB Partitions
Related Reading: See Appendix E, “HALDB Partition Definition utility,” on page 511
for information on the interfaces for finding, viewing, sorting, copying, modifying,
deleting, and printing HALDB partitions.

Defining and Modifying Data Set Groups

Related Reading: See Appendix E, “HALDB Partition Definition utility,” on page 511
for information on the interfaces for defining and modifying HALDB data set groups.

Number of Data Sets in a HALDB Partition

| Table 22 lists the minimum and maximum number of data sets a partition can
| contain for each type of HALDB.
| Table 22. Minimum and maximum number of data sets for HALDB partitions.
| HALDB Type Minimum number of data sets Maximum number of data sets
| PHDAM Two: an OSAM or VSAM Eleven: ten OSAM or VSAM ESDS,
| entry-sequenced data set (ESDS), and and one KSDS for the ILDS
| a key-sequenced data set (KSDS) for
| the ILDS
| PHIDAM Three: a OSAM or VSAM ESDS, a Thirteen: ten OSAM or VSAM
| KSDS for the ILDS, and a KSDS for ESDS, one KSDS for the ILDS, and
| the primary index one KSDS for the primary index

| Exporting Database Definitions

Related Reading: See Appendix E, “HALDB Partition Definition utility,” on page 511
for information on the interfaces for exporting Database definitions.

Use the HALDB Partition Definition utility to export a HALDB definition. The
database information is stored in the partitioned data set that you specify as an
ISPF table and so must have the attributes of ISPTLIB data sets (record format =
fixed block, record length = 80, data set organization = PDS or PDS/E).

Importing Database Definitions

Only an exported ISPF table can be used for importing database definitions.

The output from the export of a HALDB is a member of a PDS. The information
about the HALDB is saved in the form of an ISPF table. The ISPF table becomes
input for the import process.

The import can be performed from the HALDB Partition Definition utility or a batch

To import a database using a batch job, submit a batch ISPF job similar to the job
shown in Figure 335 on page 541. All ISPF DD names are required.

The batch job executes the standard ISPF command, ISPSTART, that sets up the
ISPF environment, and then starts the DSPXRUN command. The DSPXRUN command
identifies the database, the import file to use, and the processing options.

Related Reading: For more information on the DSPXRUN command, see

“DSPXRUN Command Syntax” on page 542.

Chapter 11. Implementing Database Design 299

HALDB Partition Utility

Viewing IMS DDNAME Concatenation

You can look at the concatenation of data sets that are allocated to the IMS
DDNAME. The data set is displayed using the ISRDDN command, which is part of
the ISPF product.

When you specify a generic database name and use options 1 through 5 from the
DFSHALDB panel, the viewing IMS DDNAME concatenation option only works if
you use 4 or fewer DBD data sets. If you specify option 7, the data sets
concatenated to the IMS DDNAME always display.

Use the help (F1) information provided by ISRDDN and ISPF to learn more about
the ISRDDN utility. When you exit the ISRDDN utility, you return to the HALDB
Partition Definition utility panels.

| Choosing IMS RECON and DBDLIB Libraries

The HALDB Partition Definition utility menu contains an option to set IMS
configurations. The IMS configuration can consist of a combination of DBDLIB and
RECON data sets. You should use the same DBDLIB and RECON data sets that
IMS will use to access the database. You can specify one data set for RECON1,
RECON2, RECON3, and up to ten DBDLIB data sets for the IMS DDNAME.

You can control the RECON data sets in a configuration. If you have the IMS
DDNAME allocated from the logon procedure and the IMS.SDFSRESL libraries
allocated to the STEPLIB DDNAME, do not use the configuration option. If you
define and select a configuration, those data sets override the allocations from the
logon procedure.

The IMS DDNAME includes the data sets that contain the DBDLIB members. The
STEPLIB allocation contains the RECON1, RECON2, and RECON3 members that
name the actual RECON data sets. The RECON/DBDLIB Configurations option
re-allocates the IMS DDNAME and allocates RECON1, RECON2, and RECON3
DDNAMEs to specify the RECON data sets.

If you delete a configuration only, the configuration is deleted from the list, but the
data sets that are named in the configuration are not deleted.

Deleting Database Information

Use the HALDB Partition Definition utility to delete a database. Use the / (slash)
character to confirm that you want to delete the database. You may wish to perform
an export prior to deleting a database from the RECON data set.

Attention: You cannot undo the delete of a HALDB database.

Allocating an ILDS
Partitioning a database can complicate the use of pointers between database
records because after a partition has been reorganized the following pointers may
become invalid:
v Pointers from other database records within this partition
v Pointers from other partitions that point to this partition
v Pointers from secondary indexes

The use of indirect pointers eliminates the need to update pointers throughout other
database records when a single partition is reorganized. The Indirect List data set
(ILDS) acts as a repository for the indirect pointers. There is one ILDS per partition
in PHDAM and PHIDAM databases.

300 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Allocating an ILDS

| The ILDS contains indirect list entries (ILEs). Each ILE in an ILDS has a 9-byte key
| that is the indirect list key (ILK) of the target segment appended with the segment
| code of the target segment. The ILK is a unique token that is assigned to segments
| when the segments are created.

| After a reorganization reload or a migration reload of segments involved in

| inter-record pointing, the ILE is updated to reflect the changes in location of the
| target segment of the ILE. Segments involved in inter-record pointing can be one of
| the following types:
| v Physically paired logical children
| v Logical parents of unidirectional logical children
| v Targets of secondary indexes

| The sample command in Figure 179 defines an ILDS. Note that the key size is 9
| bytes at offset 0 (zero) into the logical record. Also note that the record size is
| specified as 50 bytes, the current length of an ILE.

TRK(2,1) -
FREESPACE(80,10) -
DATA ( -
CISZ(512) -
KEYS(9,0) -
RECSZ(50,50) ) -
CISZ(2048) )

Figure 179. Sample Command to Define an ILDS

To compute the size of an ILDS, multiply the size of an ILE by the total number of
physically paired logical children, logical parents of unidirectional relationships, and
secondary index targets.

| Related Reading:
| v For information about the role of ILDS in the HALDB self-healing pointer process,
| see “The HALDB Self-Healing Pointer Process” on page 382.
| v For information about initializing an ILDS, search for “Indirect List Data Set” in
| IMS Version 9: Administration Guide: System.

Coding Program Specification Blocks as Input to the PSBGEN Utility

A PSB is a series of macro instructions that describes an application program’s
characteristics, its use of segments and fields within a database, and its use of
logical terminals. A PSB consists of one or more PCBs (program communication
blocks). Of the two types of PCBs, one is used for alternate message destinations,
the other, for application access and operation definitions.

Chapter 11. Implementing Database Design 301

Coding PSBs for the PSBGEN Utility

After you code the PSB macro instructions, they are used as input to the PSBGEN
utility. This utility is a macro assembler that generates a PSB control block then
stores it in the IMS.PSBLIB library for subsequent use during database processing.

Figure 180 shows the PSB generation process.

Figure 180. The PSB Generation Process

Figure 181 shows the structure of the deck used as input to the PSBGEN utility.



PCB TYPE=TP required for output message destinations

PCB TYPE=DB required for each database the application program
can access
SENSEG required for each segment in the database the
application program can access
SENFLD required for each field in a segment that
the application program can access,
when field-level sensitivity is specified
PSBGEN required for each PSB generation
END required for each PSB generation

Figure 181. Structure of PSB Generation Input

The Alternate PCB

Two types of PCB statements can be placed in the input deck. The first type, called
the alternate PCB, describes where a message can be sent when the message’s
destination differs from the place where it was entered. Alternate PCB statements
must be put at the beginning of the input deck. More information on alternate PCBs
is contained in IMS Version 9: Administration Guide: System.

302 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Coding PSBs for the PSBGEN Utility

The Database PCB Statement

The second type of PCB statement is called the database PCB statement.
Database PCB statements define the DBD of the database the application program
will access. The statements also define types of operations (such as get, insert, and
replace) that the application program can perform on segments in the database.
The database can be either physical or logical. A separate database PCB statement
is required for each database the application program accesses. In each PSB
generation, up to 255 database PCBs can be defined, minus the number of
alternate PCBs defined in the input deck. The other forms of statements that apply

The SENSEG Statement

This statement defines a segment type in the database to which the application
program is sensitive. A separate SENSEG statement must exist for each segment
type. The segments can physically exist in one database or be derived from several
physical databases. If an application program is sensitive to a segment beneath the
root segment, it must also be sensitive to all segments in the path from the root
segment to the sensitive segment. For example, in Figure 182 if D is defined as a
sensitive segment for an application program, B and A must also be defined as
sensitive segments.

Figure 182. Example of a SENSEG Relationship

An application program must be sensitive to all segments in the path to the

segment that you actually want to be sensitive. However, you can make the
application program sensitive to only the segment key in these other segments.
With this option, the application program does not have any access to the segments
other than the keys it needs to get to the sensitive segment. To make an application
sensitive to only the segment key of a segment, code PROCOPT=K in the
SENSEG statement. The application program will not be able to access any other
field in the segment other than the segment key. In the previous example, the
application program would be sensitive to the key of segment A and B but not
sensitive to A and B’s data.

SENSEG statements must immediately follow the PCB statement to which they are
related. Up to 30000 SENSEG statements can be defined for each PSB generation.

The SENFLD Statement

This statement is used only in parallel with field-level sensitivity. It defines the fields
in a segment type to which the application program is sensitive. This statement, in
conjunction with the SENSEG statement, helps you secure your data. Each
SENFLD statement must follow the SENSEG statement to which it is related. Up to
255 sensitive fields can be defined for a given segment type, and a maximum of
10000 can be defined for each PSB generation.

Chapter 11. Implementing Database Design 303

Coding PSBs for the PSBGEN Utility

The PSBGEN Statement

This statement names the PSB and specifies various characteristics of the
application program, such as the language it is written in and the size of the largest
I/O area it can use. The input deck can contain only one PSBGEN statement.

The END Statement

One END statement is placed at the end of each PSB generation input deck. The
END statement specifies the end of input statements to the assembler.

Detailed instructions for coding PSB statements and examples of PSBs are
contained in of IMS Version 9: Utilities Reference: System.

Building the Application Control Blocks (ACBGEN)

IMS builds the ACB with the ACBGEN utility by merging information from the PSB
and DBD. For execution in a batch environment, IMS can build ACBs either
dynamically (PARM=DLI), or it can prebuild them using the ACB maintenance utility
(PARM=DBB). ACBs must be prebuilt for use by online application programs. The
ACB generation process is shown in Figure 183.

ACBs cannot be prebuilt for GSAM DBDs. However, ACBs can be prebuilt for PSBs
that reference GSAM databases.

The ACB maintenance utility (ACBGEN), shown in Figure 183, gets the PSB and
DBD information it needs from IMS.PSBLIB and IMS.DBDLIB.

Figure 183. The ACB Generation Process

You can have the utility prebuild ACBs for all PSBs in IMS.PSBLIB, for a specific
PSB, or for all PSBs that reference a particular DBD. Prebuilt ACBs are kept in the
IMS.ACBLIB library. (IMS.ACBLIB is not used if ACBs are not prebuilt.) When ACBs
are prebuilt and an application program is scheduled, the application program’s
ACB is read from IMS.ACBLIB directly into storage. This means that less time is
required to schedule an application program. In addition, less storage is used if
prebuilt ACBs are used. Another advantage of using the ACB maintenance utility is

304 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Building ACBs

the initial error checking it performs. It checks for errors in the names used in the
PSB and the DBDs associated with the PSB and, if erroneous cross-references are
found, prints appropriate error messages.

IMS.ACBLIB has to be used exclusively. Because of this, the ACB maintenance

utility can only be executed using an IMS.ACBLIB that is not currently allocated to
an active IMS system. Also, because IMS.ACBLIB is modified, it cannot be used for
any other purpose during execution of the ACB maintenance utility.

You can change ACBs or add ACBs in an “inactive” copy of ACBLIB and then make
the changed or new members available to an active IMS online system by using the
online change function. “Using the Online Change Function” in Chapter 16,
“Modifying Databases,” on page 423 describes how you effectively change ACBLIB
for an online system.

Detailed instructions for running the ACB maintenance utility and examples of its
use are contained in the IMS Version 9: Utilities Reference: System.

Defining Generated Program Specification Blocks for SQL Applications

Generated PSBs (GPSB) are a type of PSB that do not require a PSBGEN or
ACBGEN. A GPSB contains an I/O PCB and a single modifiable alternate PCB.
GPSBs are not defined through a PSBGEN. Instead, they are defined by the
system definition process through the APPLCTN macro. The GPSB parameter
indicates the use of a generated PSB and specifies the name to be associated with
it. The LANG parameter specifies the language format of the GPSB. For more
information on defining GPSBs refer to the APPLCTN macro topic of the IMS
Version 9: Installation Volume 2: System Definition and Tailoring.

The I/O PCB can be used by the application program to obtain input messages and
send output to the inputting terminal. The alternate PCB can be used by the
application program to send output to other terminals or programs.

Other than the I/O PCB, an application that makes only Structured Query Language
(SQL) calls does not require any PCBs. It does, however, need to define the
application program name and language type to IMS. A GPSB can be used for this

Chapter 11. Implementing Database Design 305

Generated Program Specification Blocks

306 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Chapter 12. Developing Test Databases
| Before the application programs accessing your database are transferred to
| production status, they must be tested. To avoid damaging a production database,
| you need a test database.

| IBM provides various programs that can help you develop your test database,
| including the DL/I Test Program (DFSDDLT0). For more information on the available
| IMS tools, go to www.ibm.com/ims and link to the IBM® DB2 and IMS Tools Web
| site.

Related Reading:
v For guidance information about application program testing, see IMS Version 9:
Application Programming: Design Guide.
v For information about testing an online system, see IMS Version 9:
Administration Guide: System.

In this Chapter:
“Test Requirements”
“Designing, Creating, and Loading a Test Database” on page 308

Test Requirements
Depending on your system configuration, user requirements, and the design
characteristics of your database and data communication systems, test for the
v That DL/I call sequences execute and the results are correct.
– This kind of test often requires only a few records, and you can use the DL/I
Test Program, DFSDDLT0, to produce these records.
– If this is part of a unit test, consider extracting records from your existing
database. To extract the necessary records, you can use programs such as
the IMS DataRefresher™.
v That calls execute through all possible application decision paths.
– You might need to approximate your production database. To do this, you can
use programs such as the IMS DataRefresher and other IMS tools.
v How performance compares with that of a model, for system test or regression
tests, for example.
– For this kind of test, you might need a copy of a subset of the production
database. You can use IMS tools to help you.

To test for these capabilities, you need a test database that approximates, as
closely as possible, the production database. To design such a test database, you
should understand the requirements of the database, the sample data, and the
application programs.

To protect your production databases, consider providing the test JCL procedures to
those who test application programs. Providing the test JCL helps ensure that the
correct libraries are used.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1974, 2004 307

Test Requirements

What Kind of Database?

Often, the test database can be a copy of a subset of the production database, or
in some other way, a replica of it. If you have designed the production database,
you should have firsthand knowledge of this requirement. Your DBDs for the
production database can provide the details. If you have your production database
defined in a data dictionary, that definition gives you much of the information you
need. The topics in this chapter describe some aids available to help you design
and generate your test database.

What Kind of Sample Data?

It is important for the sample data to approximate the real data, because you must
test that the system processes data with the same characteristics, such as the
range of field values. The kind of sample data needed depends on whether you are
testing calls or program logic.
v To test calls, you need values in only those fields that are sequence fields or
which are referenced in SSAs.
v To test program logic, you need data in all fields accessed in the program logic
such as adds or compares.

Again, you might use a copy of a subset of the real database. However, first
determine which fields contain sensitive data and therefore must use fictitious data
in the test database.

What Kind of Application Program?

In order to design a test database that effectively tests the operational application
programs being developed, you should know certain things about those programs.
Much of the information you need is in the application program design
documentation, the descriptors such as the PSBs, your project test plan, and in the
Data Dictionary.

Designing, Creating, and Loading a Test Database

You can develop a test database just as you would develop a production database.
With that approach, you perform the tasks described throughout the other chapters
of this manual, keeping in mind the special requirements for test databases. If your
installation has testing standards and procedures, you should follow them in
developing a test database.

Using Testing Standards

Testing standards and procedures help you avoid the same kinds of problems for
test database development as your IMS development standards do for production
databases. Some of the subjects that might be included in your test system
standards and that affect test database design are:
v Objectives of your test system
– What you test for and at what development stages do you test for it
– The kinds of testing—offline, online, integrated DB/DC or isolated
v Description of the test organization and definition of responsibilities of each group
v Relationship of test and production modes of operation
v How your test system development process deals with:
– DB/TM structures
– Development tools

308 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Designing, Creating, and Loading a Test Database

– DB/TM features
– Backup and recovery

Related Reading: The IMS test system is discussed in IMS Version 9:

Administration Guide: System.

Using IBM Programs to Develop a Test Database

If you use the same development aids to develop the test database that you use to
develop your production databases, you will benefit from using familiar tools. Also,
you will avoid problems caused by differences between test and production

Using the Data Extraction, Processing, and Restructuring System

You can use this system (Program Number: 5796-PLH) to access a wide variety of
data and restructure it into a test database. By means of control statements, you
define the source and target files and specify the structure of the target files.

The data restructuring phase of the system allows you to:

v Combine components of different files to form new files
v Restructure a file to form different files
v Rearrange data within a file
v Alter values according to your needs
v Form hierarchies
v Decrease or increase the number of levels in a hierarchy

Details about using this system are in Data Extraction, Processing, and
Restructuring System, Program Description/Operations Manual.

Using the IMS Application Development Facility II

If your installation uses CSP/370AD to develop application programs, you can use it
to create a simple test database. The interactive nature of ADF enables you to
dynamically add segments to a database. By means of SEGM and FIELD
statements, you can define a test database and update it as needed.

Related Reading: For information on how to use CSP/370AD, see the Cross
System Product/370 Application Development Guide.

CSP/370AD supports both IMS and CICS.

Using the DL/I Test Program, DFSDDLT0

If you need a test database with relatively few database records, for example, you
can use DFSDDLT0 to test DL/I call sequences. If you have no machine-readable
database to begin with, you can define a PCB, then use DFSDDLT0 to insert
segments. This step eliminates the need for a load program to generate your test

Related Reading: Information about this test program is in “Testing an Application

Program,” in IMS Version 9: Application Programming: Design Guide.

The DL/I Test Program cannot be used by CICS, but can be used for stand-alone
batch programs. If used for stand-alone batch programs, it is useful to interpret the
database performance as it might be implemented for online or shared database

Chapter 12. Developing Test Databases 309

Designing, Creating, and Loading a Test Database

310 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Chapter 13. Loading Databases
After you implement your database design, you are ready to write and load your
database. However, before writing a load program, you must estimate the minimum
size of the database and allocate data sets.

This chapter examines the following areas of loading a database:

v “Estimating the Minimum Size of the Database”
v “Allocating Data Sets” on page 318
v “Writing a Load Program” on page 320
v “Loading Fast Path Databases” on page 331

Estimating the Minimum Size of the Database

When you estimate the size of your database, you estimate how much space you
need to initially load your data. Unless you do not plan to insert segments into your
database after it is loaded, allocate more space for your database than you actually
estimate for the initial load.

This topic contains the step-by-step procedure for estimating minimum database
space. To estimate the minimum size needed for your database, you must already
have made certain design decisions about the physical implementation of your
database. Because these decisions are different for each DL/I access method, they
are discussed under the appropriate access method in step 3 of the procedure.

| If you plan to reorganize your HALDBs online, consider the extra space
| reorganization requires. Although online reorganization does not need any additional
| space when you first load a HALDB, the process does require additional space at
| the time of reorganization. For more information on HALDB online reorganization,
| see “HALDB Online Reorganization” on page 364.

Step 1. Calculate the Size of an Average Database Record

First, determine the size, then the average number of occurrences of each segment
type in a database record. By multiplying these two numbers together, you get the
size of an average database record.

Determining Segment Size

Segment size here is physical segment size, and it includes both the prefix and
data portion of the segment. You define the size of the data portion. It can include
unused space for future use. The size of the data portion of the segment is the
number you specified in the BYTES= operand in the SEGM statement in the DBD.

The prefix portion of the segment depends on the segment type and on the options
you are using. Table 23 on page 312 helps you determine, by segment type, the
size of the prefix. Using the chart, add up the number of bytes required for
necessary prefix information and for extra fields and pointers generated in the prefix
for the options you have chosen. Segments can have more than one 4-byte pointer
in their prefix. You need to factor all extra pointers of this type into your calculations.

Related Reading: For rules on using mixed pointers, see “Mixing Pointers” on page

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1974, 2004 311

Estimating the Minimum Size of the Database

Table 23. Required Fields and Pointers in a Segment’s Prefix

Type of Segment Fields and Pointers Used in the Size of the Field or
Segment’s Prefix Pointer (in Bytes)
All types Segment code (not present in a SHSAM, 1
SHISAM, GSAM, or secondary index pointer
Delete byte (not present in a SHSAM, 1
SHISAM, or GSAM segment)
HDAM, PHDAM, PCF pointer 4
PCL pointer 4
PP pointer 4
PTF pointer 4
PTB pointer 4
HDAM and HIDAM HF pointer 4
HB pointer 4
DEDB PCF pointer 4
PCL pointer 4
Subset pointer 4
Logical parent (for LCF pointer 4
LCL pointer 4
Logical child counter 4
| Logical parent (for Logical child counter (only present for 4
| PHDAM and unidirectional logical parents)
Logical child LTF pointer 4
LTB pointer 4
LP pointer 4
Logical child (PHDAM EPS 28
Secondary index Symbolic or direct-address pointer to the 4
target segment
PSINDEX EPS plus the target segment root key 28 + length of the
target-segment root
All segments in ILK 8

Determining Segment Frequency

After you have determined the total size of a segment type, you need to determine
segment frequency. Segment frequency is the average number of occurrences of a
particular segment type in the database record. To determine segment frequency,
first determine the average number of times a segment occurs under its immediate
physical parent.

For example, in the database record in Figure 184 on page 313, the ITEMS
segment occurs an average of 10 times for each DEPOSITS segment. The

312 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Estimating the Minimum Size of the Database

DEPOSITS segment occurs an average of four times for each CUSTOMER root
segment. The frequency of a root segment is always one.

Figure 184. Segment Sizes and Average Segment Occurrences

To determine the average number of occurrences of a particular segment type in

the database record, multiply together the segment frequencies of each segment in
the path from the given segment back up to the root. For the ITEMS segment type,
the path includes the ITEMS segment and the DEPOSITS segment. The segment
frequency of ITEMS is 10, and the segment frequency of DEPOSITS is 4.
Therefore, the average number of occurrences of the ITEMS segment in the
database record is 40 (10 x 4). Another way of expressing this idea is that each
customer has an average of 4 DEPOSITS, and each DEPOSIT has an average of
10 ITEMS. Therefore, for each customer, an average of 40 (10 x 4) ITEMS exist in
the database record.

Determining Average Database Record Size

Now that you have determined segment size and segment frequency, you can
determine the average size of a database record. To determine average database
record size for a HISAM database, multiply segment size and segment frequency
together for each segment type in the database record, then add the results. For
example, for the database record in Figure 184, the average database record size
is calculated as shown in Table 24.
Table 24. Calculating the Average Database Record Size
Segment Type Segment Size Occurrences Total Size
CUSTOMER 120 1 120
ADDRESS 30 4 120
CHECKS 30 8 240
DEPOSITS 10 4 40
ITEMS 20 40 (10x4) 800
MISC 10 1 10
REL ACCT 12 .5 6
Record Total 1336

Step 2. Determine Overhead Needed for CI Resources

If you are not using VSAM, you can skip this step. If you are using VSAM, you
need to determine how much overhead is needed for a CI before you can do the
remaining space calculations.

Chapter 13. Loading Databases 313

Estimating the Minimum Size of the Database

Overhead is space used in a CI for two control fields. VSAM uses the control fields
to manage space in the CI. The control fields and their sizes are shown in Table 25.
Table 25. VSAM Control Fields
Field Size in Bytes
CIDF (Control interval definition field) 4
RDF (Record definition field 3

If one logical record exists for each CI, CI overhead consists of one CIDF and one
RDF (for a total of 7 bytes). HDAM and HIDAM databases and PHDAM and
PHIDAM partitions use one logical record for each CI.

If more than one logical record exists for each CI, CI overhead consists of one
CIDF and two RDFs (for a total of 10 bytes). HISAM (KSDS and ESDS), HIDAM
and PHIDAM index, and secondary index databases can all use more than one
logical record for each CI.

Step 3 tells you when to factor CI overhead into your space calculations.

Step 3. Determine the Number of CIs or Blocks Needed

The calculations in this step are done by database type. To determine how many
CIs or blocks are needed to hold your database records, go to the topic in this step
that applies to the database type you are using. If you are using VSAM, the first CI
in the database is reserved for VSAM.

HISAM: Determining the Number of CIs or Blocks Needed

A CI in HISAM can contain one or more logical records. In the primary data set a
logical record can only contain one database record (or part of one database
record). In the overflow data set a logical record can only contain segments of the
same database record, but more than one logical record can be used for the
overflow segments of a single database record.

In HISAM, you should remember how logical records work, because you need to
factor logical record overhead into your calculations before you can determine how
many CIs (control intervals) are needed to hold your database records. Logical
record overhead is a combination of the overhead that is always required for a
logical record and the overhead that exists because of the way in which database
records are stored in logical records (that is, storage of segments almost always
results in residual or unused space).

Because some overhead is associated with each logical record, you need to
calculate the amount of space that is available after factoring in logical record
overhead. Once you know the amount of space in a logical record available for
data, you can determine how many logical records are needed to hold your
database records. If you know how many logical records are required, you can
determine how many CIs or blocks are needed.

For example, assume you need to load 500 database records using VSAM, and to
use a CI size of 2048 bytes for both the KSDS and ESDS. Also, assume you need
to store four logical records in each KSDS CI and two logical records in each ESDS
1. First factor in CI overhead by subtracting the overhead from the CI size: 2048 -
10 = 2038 bytes for both the KSDS and the ESDS. The 10 bytes of overhead
consists of a 4-byte CIDF and two 3-byte RDFs.

314 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Estimating the Minimum Size of the Database

2. Then, calculate logical record size by dividing the available CI space by the
number of logical records per CI: 2038/4 = 509 bytes for the KSDS and 2038/2
= 1019 bytes for the ESDS. Because logical record size in HISAM must be an
even value, use 508 bytes for the KSDS and 1018 bytes for the ESDS.
3. Finally, factor in logical record overhead by subtracting the overhead from
logical record size: 508 - 5 = 503 bytes for the KSDS and 1018 - 5 bytes for the
ESDS. HISAM logical record overhead consists of 5 bytes for VSAM (a 4-byte
RBA pointer for chaining logical records and a 1-byte end-of-data indicator).
This means if you specify a logical record size of 508 bytes for the KSDS, you
have 503 bytes available in it for storing data. If you specify a logical record size
of 1018 bytes for the ESDS, you have 1013 bytes available in it for storing data.

Refer to the previous example. Because the average size of a database record is
1336 bytes, the space available for data in the KSDS is not large enough to contain
it. It takes the available space in one KSDS logical record plus one ESDS logical
record to hold the average database record (503 + 1013 = 1516 bytes of available
space). This record size is greater than an average database record of 1336 bytes.
Because you need to load 500 database records, you need 500 logical records in
both the KSDS and ESDS.
v To store four logical records per CI in the KSDS, you need a minimum of 500/4 =
125 CIs of 2048 bytes each for the KSDS.
v To store two logical records per CI in the ESDS, you need a minimum of 500/2 =
250 CIs of 2048 bytes each for the ESDS.

HIDAM or PHIDAM: Determining the Number of CIs or Blocks

With HIDAM or PHIDAM, one VSAM logical record exists per CI or block. In this
context, logical record is the unit of transfer when invoking an access method (such
as VSAM), to get or put records. Logical record overhead consists of an FSEAP (4
bytes). If you are using RAPs (HIDAM only), the logical record overhead consists of
one RAP (4 bytes). For example, assume you need to load 500 database records
using VSAM and to use a CI size of 2048 bytes and no RAP (specify PTR=TB on
the root to suppress the RAP for HIDAM).
1. First, determine the size of a logical record by subtracting CI overhead from CI
size: 2048 - 7 = 2041 bytes for the ESDS logical record size. The 7 bytes of
overhead consists of a 4-byte CIDF and a 3-byte RDF.
2. Then, determine the amount of logical record space available for data by
factoring in logical record overhead. In this example, logical record overhead
consists of an FSEAP: 2041 - 4 = 2037 bytes. This means you have 2037 bytes
available to store data in each logical record.

HIDAM or PHIDAM Index: Calculating the Space Needed

Calculating space for a HIDAM or PHIDAM index is similar to calculating space for
a HISAM KSDS. The difference is that no logical record overhead exists. One index
record is stored in one logical record, and multiple logical records can be stored in
one CI or block.

HDAM or PHDAM: Determining the Amount of Space Needed

Because of the many variables in HDAM or PHDAM, no exact formula exists for
estimating database space requirements. Therefore, you should use a space
calculation aid to help determine the amount of space needed for HDAM or PHDAM

Chapter 13. Loading Databases 315

Estimating the Minimum Size of the Database

If you are using VSAM, and you decide to estimate, without use of an aid, the
amount of space to allocate for the database, the first CI in the database is
reserved for VSAM. Because of this, the bit map is in the second CI.

With HDAM or PHDAM, logical record overhead depends on the database design
options you have selected. You must choose the number of CIs or blocks in the root
addressable area and the number of RAPS for each CI or block. These choices are
based on your knowledge of the database.

A perfect randomizer requires as many RAPs as there are database records.

Because a perfect randomizer does not exist, plan for approximately 20% more
RAPs than you have database records. The extra RAPs reduces the likelihood of
synonym chains. For example, assume you need to store 500 database records.
Then, for the root addressable area, if you use:
v One RAP per CI or block, you need 600 CIs or blocks
v Two RAPs per CI or block, you need 300 CIs or blocks
v Three RAPs per CI or block, you need 200 CIs or blocks

Because of the way your randomizer works, you decide 300 CIs or blocks with two
RAPs each works best. Assume you need to store 500 database records using
VSAM, and you have chosen to use 300 CIs in the root addressable area and two
RAPs for each CI. This decision influences your choice of CI size. Because you are
using two RAPs per CI, you expect two database records to be stored in each CI.
You know that a 2048-byte CI is not large enough to hold two database records (2 x
1336 = 2672 bytes). And you know that a 3072-byte CI is too large for two
database records of average size. Therefore, you would probably use 2048-byte
CIs and the byte limit count to ensure that on average you would store two
database records in the CI.

To determine the byte limit count:

1. First, determine the size of a logical record by subtracting CI overhead from CI
size: 2048 - 7 = 2041 bytes for the ESDS logical record size.
2. Then, determine the amount of logical record space available for data by
factoring in logical record overhead. (Remember only one logical record exists
per CI in HDAM or PHDAM.) In this example, logical record overhead consists
of a 4-byte FSEAP and two 4-byte RAPs: 2041 - 4 - (2 x 4) = 2029 bytes. This
means you have 2029 bytes available for storing data in each logical record in
the root addressable area.
3. Finally, determine the available space per RAP by dividing the available logical
record space by the number of RAPs per CI: 2029/2 = 1014 bytes. Therefore,
you must use a byte limit count of about 1000 bytes.

Continuing our example, you know you need 300 CIs of 2048 bytes each in the root
addressable area. Now you need to calculate how many CIs you need in the
overflow area. To do this:
v Determine the average number of bytes that will not fit in the root addressable
area. Assume a byte limit count of 1000 bytes. Subtract the byte limit count from
the average database record size: 1336 - 1000 = 336 bytes. Multiply the average
number of overflow bytes by the number of database records: 500 x 336 =
168000 bytes needed in the non-root addressable area.
v Determine the number of CIs needed in the non-root addressable area by
dividing the number of overflow bytes by the bytes in a CI available for data.
Determine the bytes in a CI available for data by subtracting CI and logical

316 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Estimating the Minimum Size of the Database

record overhead from CI size: 2048 - 7 - 4 = 2037 (7 bytes of CI overhead and 4

bytes for the FSEAP). Overflow bytes divided by CI data bytes is 168000/2037 =
83 CIs for the overflow area.

You have estimated you need a minimum of 300 CIs in the root addressable area
and a minimum of 83 CIs in the non-root addressable area.

Secondary Index: Determining the Amount of Space Needed

Calculating space for a secondary index is similar to calculating space for a HISAM
KSDS. The difference is that no logical record overhead exists in which factor. One
index record is stored in one logical record, and multiple logical records can be
stored in one CI or block.

Step 4. Determine the Number of Blocks or CIs Needed for Free Space
In HDAM, HIDAM, PHDAM, and PHIDAM databases, you can allocate free space
when your database is initially loaded. Free space is explained in Chapter 6,
“Choosing Full-Function Database Types,” on page 55, “Specifying Free Space”.
Free space can only be allocated for an HD VSAM ESDS or OSAM data set. Do
not confuse the free space discussed here with the free space you can allocate for
a VSAM KSDS using the DEFINE CLUSTER command.

To calculate the total number of CIs or blocks you need to allocate in the database,
you can use the following formula:
A = B x (fbff / (fbff - 1)) x (100 / (100 - fspf))

Where the values are:

A The total number of CIs or blocks needed including free space.
B The number of blocks or CIs in your database.
fbff How often you are leaving a block or CI in the database empty for free
space (what you specified in fbff operand in the DBD).
fspf The minimum percentage of each block or CI you are leaving as free space
(what you specified in the fspf operand in the DBD).

Step 5. Determine the Amount of Space Needed for Bit Maps

In HDAM, HIDAM, PHDAM, and PHIDAM databases, you need to add the amount
of space required for bit maps to your calculations. Bit maps are explained in
“General Format of HD Databases and Use of Special Fields” on page 91. To
calculate the number of bytes needed for bit maps in your database, you can use
the following formula:
A = D / ((B - C) x 8)

Where the values are:

A The number of bit map blocks or CIs you need for the database.
B The CI or block size you have specified, in bytes, minus 4.
Four is subtracted from the CI or block size because each CI or block has a
4-byte FSEAP.
C The number of RAPs you specified for a CI or block, times 4.
The number of RAPs is multiplied by 4 because each RAP is four bytes
long. (B - C) is multiplied by 8 in the formula to arrive at the total number of
bits that will be available in the CI or block for the bit map.

Chapter 13. Loading Databases 317

Estimating the Minimum Size of the Database

D The number of CIs or blocks in your database.

You need to add the number of CIs or blocks needed for bit maps to your space

Allocating Data Sets

Once you have determined how much space you will need for your database, you
can allocate data sets and then load your database. VSAM data sets can be
allocated using the DEFINE CLUSTER command. The REUSE parameter is required
for HALDB data sets. Use of this command is described in DFSMS Access Method
Services for Catalogs.

Attention: If you plan to use the Database Image Copy 2 utility to take image
copies of your database, the data sets must be allocated on hardware that supports
the DFSMS concurrent copy function.

When loading databases (excluding HALDB databases) that contain logical

relationships or secondary indexes, DL/I writes a control record to a work file
(DFSURWF1). This work file must also be allocated and in the JCL.

All other data sets are allocated using normal z/OS JCL. You can use the z/OS
program IEFBR14 to preallocate data sets, except when the database is an MSDB.
For MSDBs, you should use the z/OS program IEHPROGM.

Allocating OSAM Data Sets

For databases other than HALDBs, at the time the data set is loaded, you should
use JCL to allocate OSAM data sets. For HALDB OSAM data sets, the allocation
must be done before the load. This mode of allocation can be for single or multiple
volumes, using the SPACE parameter.

If the installation control of direct-access storage space and volumes require that
the OSAM data sets be pre-allocated, or if a message queue data set requires
more than one volume, the OSAM data sets might be pre-allocated.

Observe the following restrictions when you preallocate with any of the accepted
v DCB parameters should not be specified.
v Secondary allocation must be specified for all volumes if the data set will be
extended beyond the primary allocation.
v Secondary allocation must be specified for all volumes in order to write to
volumes pre-allocated but not written to by initial load or reload processing.
v Secondary allocation is not allowed for queue data sets because queue data sets
are not extended beyond their initial or pre-allocated space quantity. However,
queue data sets can have multivolume allocation.
v The secondary allocation size defined on the first volume will be used for all
secondary allocations on all volumes regardless of the secondary allocation size
specified on the other volumes. All volumes should be defined with the same
secondary allocation size to avoid confusion.
v If the OSAM data set will be cataloged, use IEHPROGM or Access Method
Services to ensure that all volumes are included in the catalog entry.

318 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Allocating Data Sets

When a multiple-volume data set is pre-allocated, you should allocate extents on all
the volumes to be used. The suggested method of allocation is to have one
IEFBR14 utility step for each volume on which space is desired.

v Do not use IEFBR14 and specify a DD card with a multivolume data set,
because this allocates an extent on only the first volume.
v Do not use this technique to allocate multi-volume OSAM databases on which
you intend to use the Image Copy 2 Utility (DFSUDMT0). All multi-volume
databases on which the Image Copy 2 Utility will be used MUST be allocated
using the standard DFP techniques.

Example of Allocating an OSAM Data Set

The JCL in Figure 185 is an example of allocating an OSAM data set.



Figure 185. JCL allocating an OSAM data set

Cautions When Allocating OSAM Data Sets

| 1. Pre-allocating more volumes for OSAM data set extents than are used during
| initial load or reload processing might cause an abend if you attempt to extend
| the data set beyond the last volume written to at initial load or reload time under
| the following circumstances: the initial load or reload step did not result in the
| data being written to the last volume of the pre-allocated data set, and
| secondary allocation was not specified during data set pre-allocation.
2. It is recommended that you not reuse multivolume OSAM data sets without first
scratching the data set and then reallocating the space. Failure to do this might
cause an invalid EOF mark to be left in the DSCB of the last volume of the data
set when the data set is:
a. First reused by an IMS utility (such as the Unload/Reload utility used in
database reorganization).
b. Then opened by OSAM for normal processing.
For example, a data set might initially be allocated on three volumes, with the
EOF mark on the third volume. However, after the reorganization utility is run,
the data set might need only the first two volumes. Therefore, the new EOF
mark is placed on the second volume. After reorganization, when the data set is
opened by OSAM for normal processing, OSAM checks the last volume’s DSCB
for an EOF mark. When OSAM finds the EOF in the third volume, it inserts new

Chapter 13. Loading Databases 319

Allocating Data Sets

data after the old EOF mark in the third volume instead of inserting data after
the EOF mark created by the reorganization utility in the second volume.
Subsequent processing by another utility such as the Image Copy utility uses
the EOF mark set by the reorganization utility on the second volume and
ignores new data inserted by OSAM on volume three.
3. When loading this database, the order of the DD cards determines the order in
which the data is loaded.
4. If you intend to use the Image Copy 2 utility (DFSUDMT0) to back up and
restore multi-volume databases, they MUST be allocated using the standard
DFP techniques.

Writing a Load Program

After you have determined how much space your database requires and allocated
data sets for it, you can load the database.

The Load Process

Loading the database is done using an initial load program. Initial load programs
must be batch programs, since you cannot load a database with an online
application program. It is your responsibility to write this program.

Basically, an initial load program reads an existing file containing your database
records. Using the DBD, which defines the physical characteristics of the database,
and the load PSBs (see Figure 186 on page 322), the load program builds
segments for a database record and inserts them into the database in hierarchic
order. If the data to be loaded into the database already exists in one or more files
(see Figure 187 on page 323), merge and sort the data, if necessary, so that it is
presented to the load program in correct sequence. Also, if you plan to merge
existing files containing redundant data into one database, delete the redundant
data, if necessary, and correct any data that is wrong.

After you have defined the database, you load it by writing an application program
that uses the ISRT call. An initial load program builds each segment in the
program’s I/O area, then loads it into the database by issuing an ISRT call for it.
ISRT calls are the only DL/I requests allowed when you specify PROCOPT=L in the
PCB. The only time you use the “L” option is when you initially load a database.
This option is valid only for batch programs.

| Recommendation: If a user load program using PROCOPT=L|LS is running in a

| DLI or DBB region, DBRC authorization is required for all databases logically
| related to the one being loaded. If DBRC is active when the database is loaded,
| DBRC sets the image copy status for this database to IC NEEDED in the DBDS
| record in the RECON data set.

The FIRST, LAST, and HERE insert rules do not apply when you are loading a
database, unless you are loading an HDAM database. When you are loading a
HDAM database, the rules determine how root segments with non-unique sequence
fields are ordered. If you are loading a database using HSAM, the same rules

Recommendation: Load programs do not need to issue checkpoints.

Most comprehensive databases are loaded in stages by segment type or by groups

of segment types. Because there are usually too many segments to load using only
one application program, you need several programs to do the loading. Each load

320 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Writing a Load Program

program after the first load program is technically an “add” program, not a load
program. Do not specify “L” as the processing option in the PCB for add programs.
You should review any add type of load program written to load a database to
ensure that the program’s performance will be acceptable; it usually takes longer to
add a group of segments than to load them.

For HSAM, HISAM, HIDAM, and PHIDAM, the root segments that the application
program inserts must be pre-sorted by the key fields of the root segments. The
dependents of each root segment must follow the root segment in hierarchic
sequence, and must follow key values within segment types. In other words, you
insert the segments in the same sequence in which your program would retrieve
them if it retrieved in hierarchic sequence (children after their parents, database
records in order of their key fields).

If you are loading an HDAM or PHDAM database, you do not need to pre-sort root
segments by their key fields.

When you load a database:

v If a loaded segment has a key, the key value must be in the correct location in
the I/O area.
v When you load a logical child segment, the I/O area must contain the logical
parent’s concatenated key, followed by the logical child segment to be inserted.
v After issuing an ISRT call, the current position is just before the next available
space following the last segment successfully loaded. The next segment you load
will be placed in that space.

| Recommendation: You should always create an image copy immediately after you
| load, reload, or reorganize the database.

Status Codes for Load Programs

If the ISRT call is successful, DL/I returns a blank status code for the program. If
not, DL/I returns one of these status codes:
LB The segment you are trying to load already exists in the database. DL/I only
returns this status code for segments with key fields.
In a call-level program, you should transfer control to an error routine.
LC The segment you are trying to load is out of key sequence.
LD No parent exists for this segment. This status code usually means that the
segment types you are loading are out of sequence.
LE In an ISRT call with multiple SSAs, the segments named in the SSAs are
not in their correct hierarchic sequence.
LF Initial load of PHDAM or PHIDAM attempted ISRT of a logical child
V1 You have supplied a variable-length segment whose length is invalid.

Using SSAs in a Load Program

When you are loading segments into the database, you do not need to worry about
position, because DL/I inserts one segment after another. The most important part
of loading a database is the order in which you build and insert the segments.

The only SSA you must supply is the unqualified SSA giving the name of the
segment type you are inserting.

Chapter 13. Loading Databases 321

Writing a Load Program

Because you do not need to worry about position, you need not use SSAs for the
parents of the segment you are inserting. If you do use them, be sure they contain
only the equal (EQ, =b, or b=) relational operator. You must also use the key field of
the segment as the comparative value.

For HISAM, HIDAM, and PHIDAM, the key X'FFFF' is reserved for IMS. IMS returns
a status code of LB if you try to insert a segment with this key.

Loading a Sequence of Segments with the D Command Code

You can load a sequence of segments in one call by concatenating the segments in
the I/O area and supplying DL/I with a list of unqualified SSAs. You must include
the D command code with the first SSA. The sequence that the SSAs define must
lead down the hierarchy, with each segment in the I/O area being the child of the
previous segment.

Two Types of Initial Load Program

Two types of initial load programs exist: basic and restartable. The basic program
must be restarted from the beginning if problems occur during execution. The
restartable program can be restarted at the last checkpoint taken before problems
occurred. Restartable load programs must be run under control of the Utility Control
Facility (UCF) and require VSAM as the access method. The following topics
describe both types of load programs:
v “Basic Initial Load Program” on page 323
v “Restartable Initial Load Program” on page 326

Figure 186 on page 322 shows the load process.

Figure 187 on page 323 illustrates loading a database using existing files.

Figure 186. The Load Process

322 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Writing a Load Program

Figure 187. Loading a Database Using Existing Files

Basic Initial Load Program

You should write a basic initial load program (one that is not restartable) when the
volume of data you need to load is not so great that you would be seriously set
back if problems occurred during program execution. If problems do occur, the
basic initial load program must be rerun from the beginning.

Figure 188 on page 325 shows the logic for developing a basic initial load program.
Following Figure 188 is a sample load program (Figure 189) that satisfies the basic
IMS database loading requirements. A sample program showing how this can be
done with the Utility Control Facility is also provided.

Fast Path Data Entry Databases (DEDBs) cannot be loaded in a batch job as can
DL/I databases. DEDBs are first initialized by the DEDB Initialization Utility and then
loaded by a user-written Fast Path application program that executes typically in a
BMP region.

Related Reading: See IMS Version 9: Utilities Reference: Database and

Transaction Manager for a description of how DEDBs are loaded.

Chapter 13. Loading Databases 323

Writing a Load Program

Fast Path Main Storage Databases (MSDBs) are not loaded until the IMS control
region is initialized. These databases are then loaded by the IMS start-up procedure
when the following requirements are met:
v The MSDB= parameter on the EXEC Statement of Member Name IMS specifies
a one-character suffix to DBFMSDB in IMS.PROCLIB.
v The member contains a record for each MSDB to be loaded.
The record contains a record for each MSDB, the number of segments to be
loaded, and an optional “F” which indicates that the MSDB is to be fixed in
Related Reading: For a description of the record format and the DBD keyword
parameters, see the topics about member name IMS in IMS Version 9:
Installation Volume 2: System Definition and Tailoring.
v A sequential data set, part of a generation data group (GDG) with dsname
IMS.MSDBINIT(0), is generated.
This data set can be created by a user-written program or by using the INSERT
function of the MSDB Maintenance utility. Records in the data set are sequenced
by MSDB name, and within MSDBs by key.
Related Reading: For a description of the record format and information on how
to use the MSDB Maintenance utility, see IMS Version 9: Utilities Reference:
Database and Transaction Manager.

324 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Writing a Load Program

Figure 188. Basic Initial Load Program Logic

Chapter 13. Loading Databases 325

Writing a Load Program

ST 13,4(11) SAVE
ST 11,8(13) AREA
LR 13,11 MAINT
DC AL2(0)

Figure 189. Sample Load Program

Restartable Initial Load Program

You should write a restartable initial load program (one that can be restarted from
the last checkpoint taken) when the volume of data you need to load is great
enough that you would be seriously set back if problems occurred during program

326 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Writing a Load Program

execution. If problems occur and your program is not restartable, the entire load
program has to be rerun from the beginning.

Restartable load programs differ from basic load programs in their logic. Figure 190
on page 328 shows the logic for developing a restartable initial load program. If you
already have a basic load program, usually only minor changes are required to
make it restartable. The basic program must be modified to recognize when restart
is taking place, when WTOR requests to stop processing have been made, and
when checkpoints have been taken.

Related Reading: Detailed guidance information on what must be done to run a

restartable load program under the control of UCF is contained in IMS Version 9:
Utilities Reference: Database and Transaction Manager.

| To make your initial database load program restartable under UCF, consider the
| following points when you are planning and writing the program:
v If a program is being restarted, the PCB status code will contain a UR prior to
the issuance of the first DL/I call. The key feedback area will contain the fully
concatenated key of the last segment inserted prior to the last UCF checkpoint
taken. (If no checkpoints were taken prior to the failure, this area will contain
binary zeros.)
v The UCF does not checkpoint or reposition user files. When restarting, it is the
user’s responsibility to reposition all such files.
v When restarting, the first DL/I call issued must be an insert of a root segment.
For HISAM and HIDAM Index databases, the restart will begin with a GN and a
VSAM ERASE sequence to reinsert the higher keys. The resume operation then
takes place. Space in the KSDS is reused (recovered) but not in the ESDS.
For HDAM, the data will be compared if the root sequence field is unique and a
root segment insert is done for a segment that already exists in the database
because of segments inserted after the checkpoint. If the segment data is the
same, the old segment will be overlaid and the dependent segments will be
dropped since they will be reinserted by a subsequent user/reload insert. This
occurs only until a non-duplicate root is found. Once a segment with a new key
or with different data is encountered, LB status codes will be returned for any
subsequent duplicates. Therefore, space is reused for the roots, but lost for the
dependent segments.
For HDAM with non-unique keys, any root segments that were inserted after the
checkpoint at which the restart was made will remain in the database. This is
also true for their dependent segments.
v When the stop request is received, UCF will take a checkpoint just prior to
inserting the next root. If the application program fails to terminate, it will be
presented the same status code at each of the following root inserts until normal
termination of the program.
v For HISAM databases, the RECOVERY option must be specified. For HD
organizations, either RECOVERY or SPEED can be defined to Access Method
v UCF checkpoints are taken when the checkpoint count (CKPNT=) has expired
and a root insert has been requested. The count refers to the number of root
segments inserted and the checkpoint is taken immediately prior to the insertion
of the root.

Chapter 13. Loading Databases 327

Writing a Load Program

Figure 190. Restartable Initial Load Program Logic

The following lists explains the status codes shown in Figure 190:
UR Load program being restarted under control of UCF
UC Checkpoint record written to UCF journal data set
US Initial load program prepared to stop processing
UX Checkpoint record was written and processing stopped

328 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Writing a Load Program

ST 13,4(11) SAVE
ST 11,8(13) AREA
LR 13,11 MAINT

Figure 191. Sample Restartable Initial Load Program (Part 1 of 2)

Chapter 13. Loading Databases 329

Writing a Load Program

DC AL2(0)

Figure 191. Sample Restartable Initial Load Program (Part 2 of 2)

JCL for the Initial Load Program

Figure 192 shows the JCL you will need to initially load your database. The
//DFSURWF1 DD statement is present only if a logical relationship or secondary
index exists.

// EXEC PGM=DFSRRC00,PARM=’DLI,your initial load program name,

// your PSB name’
//DFSRESLB DD references an authorized library that contains IMS
SVC modules
//STEPLIB DD references library that contains your load program
// BLKSIZE=(you must specify),
//DBNAME DD references the database data set to be
initially loaded or referenced by
the initial load program
//INPUT DD input to your initial load program
. DD input for VSAM and OSAM buffers and options

Figure 192. JCL used to initially load a database

330 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Writing a Load Program

Loading a HISAM Database

Segments in a HISAM database are stored in the order in which you present them
to the load program. You must present all occurrences of the root segment in
ascending key sequence and all dependent segments of each root in hierarchic
sequence. PROCOPT=L (for load) must be specified in the PCB.

Loading a SHISAM Database

Segments in a SHISAM database are stored in the order in which you present them
to the load program. You must present all occurrences of the root segment in
ascending key sequence. PROCOPT=L (for load) must be specified in the PCB.

Loading a GSAM Database

GSAM databases use logical records, not segments or database records. GSAM
logical records are stored in the order in which you present them to the load

Loading an HDAM or a PHDAM Database

In an HDAM or a PHDAM database, the user randomizing module determines
where a database record is stored, so the sequence in which root segments are
presented to the load program does not matter. All dependents of a root should
follow the root in hierarchic sequence. PROCOPT=L (for load) or PROCOPT=LS
(for load segments in ascending sequence) must be specified in the PCB.

Loading a HIDAM or a PHIDAM Database

To load a HIDAM or a PHIDAM database, you must present root segments in
ascending key sequence and all dependents of a root should follow the root in
hierarchic sequence. PROCOPT=LS (for load segments in ascending sequence)
must be specified in the PCB.

Loading a Database with Logical Relationships or Secondary Indexes

If you are loading a database with logical relationships or secondary indexes, you
will need to run, in addition to your load program, some combination of the
reorganization utilities. You need to run them to put the correct pointer information
in each segment’s prefix. These reorganization utilities are described in Chapter 15,
“Tuning Databases,” on page 341.

Loading Fast Path Databases

This topic describes how to load MSDBs, DEDBs, and sequential dependent

Loading an MSDB
Because MSDBs reside in main storage, you do not load them as you do other IMS
databases, that is, by means of a load program that you provide. Rather, they are
loaded during system initialization, when they are read from a data set. You first
build this data set either by using a program you provide or by running the MSDB
Maintenance utility.

Related Reading:
v See IMS Version 9: Utilities Reference: Database and Transaction Manager for
information on how to the MSDB Maintenance utility.
v See Figure 73 on page 130 for the record format of the MSDBINIT data set.

Chapter 13. Loading Databases 331

Loading Fast Path Databases

Loading a DEDB
You load data into a DEDB database with a load program similar to that used for
loading other IMS databases. Unlike other load programs, this program runs as a
batch message program. The following five steps are necessary to load a DEDB:
1. Calculate space requirements.
The following example assures that root and sequential dependent segment
types are loaded in one area.
Assume all root segments are 200 bytes long (198 bytes of data plus 2 bytes
for the length field) and that there are 850 root segments in the area. On the
average, there are 30 SDEP segments per record. Each is 150 bytes long (148
bytes of data and a 2-byte length field). The CI size is 1024 bytes.
A. Calculate the minimum space required to hold root segments:

1024 CI length minus

21 CI control fields
____ equals amount of space for root segments
1003 and their prefixes.

1003 / 214 = 4.6 Amount of root and root prefix space

divided by length of one root with its
prefix equals the number of segments
that will fit in one CI.
DEDB segments do not span CIs.
Therefore, only four
roots will fit in a CI.

850 / 4 = 212.5 The minimum amount of space to hold

the defined number of roots to be
inserted in this area (850)
requires 213 CIs.

After choosing a UOW size, you can determine the DBD specifications for the
root addressable and independent overflow parts using the result of the above
calculation as a base.
B. Calculate the minimum space required to hold the sequential dependent

1024 CI length minus

17 CI control fields
____ equals amount of space for sequential
1007 dependents and their prefixes.

1007 / 160 = 6.2 Amount of sequential dependent and

prefix space divided by length of one
sequential dependent plus its prefix
equals the number of segments that
will fit in one CI.
Six SDEP segments will fit in a

30 / 6 = 5 CIs Minimum amount of space required to

hold 30 sequential dependent
segments from one root. For 850
roots, the minimum amount of space
required is 850 * 5 = 4250 CIs.

C. Factor into your calculations additional space to take into account:

v The “reorganization UOW”, which is the same size as a regular UOW
v Two control data CIs allocated at the beginning of the root addressable part

332 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Loading Fast Path Databases

v One control data CI for each 120 CIs in the independent overflow part
Assuming a UOW size of 20 CIs, the minimum amount of space to be
allocated is: 213 + 4250 + 20 + 2 + 1 = 4486 CIs.
2. Set up the DBD specifications according to the above results, and execute the
DBD generation.
3. Allocate the VSAM cluster using VSAM Access Method Services.
The following example shows how to allocate an area that would later be
referred to as AREA1 in a DBDGEN:
The following keywords have special significance when defining an area:
NAME The name supplied for the cluster is the name
subsequently referred to as the area name. The
name for the data component is optional.
NONINDEXED DEDB areas are non-indexed clusters.
CONTROLINTERVALSIZE The value supplied, because of a VSAM ICIP
requirement, must be 512, 1024, 2048, or 4096.
RECORDSIZE The record size is 7 less than the CI size.
These 7 bytes are used for VSAM control
information at the end of each CI.
SPEED This keyword is recommended for performance
CATALOG This optional parameter can be used to specify
a user catalog.
4. Run the DEDB initialization utility (DBFUMIN0).
This offline utility must be run to format each area to DBD specifications.
Root-addressable and independent-overflow parts are allocated accordingly. The
space left in the VSAM cluster is reserved for the sequential-dependent part. Up
to 2048 areas can be specified in one utility run; however, the area initializations
are serialized. After the run, check the statistical information report against the
space calculation results.
5. Run the user DEDB load program.
A BMP program is used to load the DEDB. The randomizing routine used during
the loading of the DEDB might have been tailored to direct specific ranges of
data to specific areas of the DEDB.
If the load operation fails, the area must be scratched, reallocated, and

Loading Sequential Dependent Segments

If the order of sequential dependent segments is important, you must consider the
way sequential dependents might be loaded in a DEDB. The two alternatives are:

Chapter 13. Loading Databases 333

Loading Fast Path Databases

v Add a root and its sequential dependents.

All the sequential dependents of a root are physically written together, but their
physical order does not reflect the original data entry sequence. This reflection is
not necessarily the way the application needs to view the dependent segments if
they are being used primarily as a journal of transactions.
v Add all roots and then the sequential dependents.
This technique restores the SDEP segments to their original entry sequence
order. However, it requires a longer process, because the addition of each SDEP
segment causes the root to be accessed.

334 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Chapter 14. Monitoring Databases
This chapter describes a number of IMS tools you can use to monitor the
performance of your databases. Several tools this chapter does not discuss, but
which you can also use for monitoring purposes include:
v IMS Performance Analyzer
v IMS DB Control Suite (On-demand Space Monitor)
v IMS DB Tools Space Monitor Utilities
v DB Integrity Control Facility

Related Reading:
v For information about these and other IMS tools, go to www.ibm.com/ims and link
to the IBM DB2 and IMS Tools Web site.
v For information about using the IMS Monitor is found in IMS Version 9:
Administration Guide: System.
v Additional information about monitoring can also be found in the topic on data
sharing in IMS Version 9: Administration Guide: System.

In this chapter:
v “IMS Monitor”
v “Monitoring Fast Path Systems” on page 337

IMS Monitor
The IMS Monitor is a tool that records data about the performance of your DL/I
databases in a batch environment. The recorded data is produced in a variety of
reports. The monitor’s usefulness is twofold. First, when you run the monitor
routinely, it gives you performance data over time. By comparing this data, you can
determine whether the performance trend is acceptable. This helps you make
decisions about tuning your database and determining when it needs to be

The second use of the monitor is to assess how the changes you make effect
performance. Once you have accumulated reports describing normal database
processing, you can use them as a profile against which to compare the effect of
your changes. Examples of changes you might make (then test for performance)
v Changes in the structure of your databases
v A change from one DL/I access method to another
v A change in database buffer pool number and size
v Changes in application program logic

In all these cases, your primary goal is probably to minimize the number of I/Os
required to perform an operation. The monitor helps you determine whether you
have met your objective.

The following example shows how to use the IMS Monitor: suppose you are
performing a final test on a new or revised application. The monitor reports show
that some DL/I calls in the program, which should have required a single I/O
retrieval, actually required a large database scan involving many I/Os. You might be
able to correct this problem by making changes in the application program logic.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1974, 2004 335

IMS Monitor

The monitor itself is actually two programs, as shown in Figure 193.

v The IMS Monitor (DFSMNTR0)
v The IMS Monitor Report Print utility (DFSUTR20)

Figure 193. IMS Monitor Works

The IMS Monitor collects data from IMS control blocks (when DL/I is operating) and
records the data either on an independent data set or in the IMS log. It collects data
with minimum interference to the system. The monitor runs in the same address
space as the IMS job, and it can be turned on or off with the MON= parameter in
the execution JCL.

The IMS Monitor Report Print utility is an offline program that produces reports
summarizing information collected by the IMS Monitor. It produces the following
v VSAM Buffer Pool report
v VSAM Statistics report
v Database Buffer Pool report
v Program I/O report
v DL/I Call Summary report
v Distribution Appendix report
v Monitor Overhead report

Example output of each of these reports is in the IMS Version 9: Utilities Reference:
System. Each field in the reports is explained, followed by a summary of how you
can use the report. Many of these reports are also provided by the IMS Monitor,
which is described in IMS Version 9: Administration Guide: System. Where the
same report is produced by both the DB and IMS Monitor, the description of the
report in the IMS Version 9: Utilities Reference: System is applicable for both.

Information on operating the IMS Monitor is contained in IMS Version 9: Operations


When the IMS Monitor is on, it remains on until the batch execution ends, requiring
some overhead. It cannot be turned on and off from the system console. To

336 Administration Guide: Database Manager

IMS Monitor

minimize the monitor’s impact, use the IMS Monitor in a single-thread test
environment rather than multi-thread application environments.

This ensures that the data gathered by the IMS Monitor can be related to a
particular program.

Monitoring Fast Path Systems

The major emphasis for monitoring IMS online systems that include message-driven
Fast Path applications is the balance between rapid response and high transaction
rates. With Fast Path, performance data is made part of the system log information.
Because the bulk of the online traffic is expected to be handled by expedited
message handling and not be present on the message queues, the Fast Path Log
Analysis utility (DBFULTA0) is the prime tool for monitoring Fast Path applications.
The IMS Monitor can also be used to monitor Fast Path systems.

Related Reading: For information on using the IMS Monitor for Fast Path systems,
see IMS Version 9: Utilities Reference: System.

Use the Fast Path Log Analysis utility (DBFULTA0) to prepare statistical reports for
Fast Path based on data recorded on the IMS system log. This utility is offline and
produces five reports useful for system installation, tuning, and troubleshooting:
v A detailed listing of exception transactions
v A summary of exception detail by transaction code for MPP (message-processing
program) regions
v A summary by transaction code for MPP regions
v A summary of IFP, BMP, and CCTL transactions by PSB name or transaction
v A summary of the log analysis

Do not confuse this utility with the IMS Monitor or the IMS Log Transaction Analysis

Related Reading:
v For more information on CCTL transactions, see the IMS Version 9:
Customization Guide.
v For more detailed information on the Fast Path Log Analysis utility, see IMS
Version 9: Utilities Reference: System.

As an administrator in the Fast Path environment, you should perform tasks, like
establishing monitoring strategies, performance profiles, and analysis procedures.
This topic highlights how to use the Analysis utility to do these tasks, and suggests
some Areas where tuning activities might be valuable.

Fast Path Log Analysis Utility

The Fast Path Log Analysis utility gathers statistics of Fast Path exclusive and
potential transactions that are passed to Fast Path dependent regions. It reports
information for other PSBs (including Fast Path PCBs and the programs that enter
the sync point processing) and produces three types of output:
v Formatted summary and detail reports
v A data set of fixed format records for the total traffic of Fast Path transactions
extracted from the system logs that form the input to the utility

Chapter 14. Monitoring Databases 337

Monitoring Fast Path Systems

v A data set of records, in the same format, that are selected based on exception
conditions (such as those transactions that exceed a certain fixed response time)

The latter data sets can be analyzed in more detail by your installation’s programs.
They can also be sorted to group critical transactions or events. The details of the
record format and meaning of the fields are given in IMS Version 9: Utilities
Reference: System.

Fast Path Log Reduction

To reduce log volume you can use the LGNR parameter, which is specified during
IMS startup. LGNR indicates the maximum number of DEDB buffer alterations that
are held before the entire CI is logged.

Related Reading:
v Another way to reduce log volume is to designate the DEDB as nonrecoverable.
No changes to the database are logged and no record of database updates is
kept in the DBRC RECON data set. See “Non-Recovery Option” on page 114.
v For more information on log reduction and the LGNR parameter, see IMS Version
9: Utilities Reference: System.

Fast Path Transaction Timings

For each Fast Path transaction, four time intervals are separately calculated.
Figure 194 shows the boundary events and intervals.

Figure 194. Fast Path Transaction Event Timings

The following list describes the four intervals shown in Figure 194:
1. Input queue time: reflects the transaction input queuing within the balancing
group to distribute the work.
2. Process time: records the actual elapsed processing time for the individual
3. Output queue time: shows the effect of sync point in delaying the output
message release until after logging.
4. Output message time: shows the line and device availability for receiving the
output message. If the transaction originated from a programmable controller,
the output time could reflect a delay in dequeue caused by the output not being
acknowledged until the next input.

The sum of the first three intervals is termed the transit time. This time is slightly
different from a response time, because it excludes the line activity for the
message, message formatting, and the input edit processing up to the time the
message segment leaves the exit routine.

338 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Monitoring Fast Path Systems

Monitored Events for Fast Path

The control program automatically collects Fast Path event data during system
operation. Table 26 shows the information that is made part of the system log
records for each Fast Path transaction.
Table 26. Monitor Data for Fast Path Transactions
Monitored Data Message-Driven Region Other Region
Transit and Output Message Times x
LTERM Name x
Routing Code x
Balancing Group Queue Count x
Number of DEDB Calls x x
Number of I/O to DEDB x x
Number of MSDB Calls x x
Number of CI Contentions x x
Number of Buffers Allocated x x
Number of Waits for Buffer x x
Sync Point Failure Reason Code x x

Selecting Transactions
The analysis utility lets you select transactions to be reported in detail. You give the
transaction code and a transit time that each transaction is to exceed, up to a
maximum of 65.5 seconds. Several codes can be selected for each utility run.
There is also a way to ask for all transactions that exceed the given transit time. In
this case, the individual exception specification overrides the general one.

When you do not need to print all such occurrences of the exceptions, you can give
a maximum number of detail records to be printed. The default is 1000 individual
records, though you can specify up to 9999999 as the maximum number. When you
cut off the number of printed records, the data set for the exception records
contains all transactions that meet the selection criteria.

You can also specify a start time and end time for the transaction reporting interval.
The start time corresponds to the earliest transaction that satisfies the clock time
(format HH:MM:SS) specified by a utility input control statement. End time is set by
the latest transaction that enters the sync point processing before the ending clock
time that is specified on an input control statement.

Another selection technique that is available is to select only non-message-driven

transactions for reporting. Use this to look at the activity (occurring against MSDBs
or DEDBs) caused by calls from IMS programs or BMPs.

Interpreting Fast Path Analysis Reports

The analysis reports show the origin, database activity, and processing events for
each transaction code, although most reported items show average and maximum
values. The reports produced are:
v Overall summary by transaction
Summarized by transaction code, the transit times and input/output message
lengths are given. The database calls and buffer usage are also included.
v Exception detail

Chapter 14. Monitoring Databases 339

Monitoring Fast Path Systems

For those transactions selected, the terminal origin and routing code are given for
each individual occurrence of the transaction. The detail also includes the data
appearing in the overall summary.
v Summary of exception detail by transaction code
This report is based on the transactions in the exception report. The items
reported are the same as for the overall summary.
v Summary of transactions by PSB
All programs that are in non-message-driven regions, MPP regions, and BMP
regions that enter the sync point processing are reported. The items reported are
the same as the summary of exception detail.
v Recapitulation of the analysis
This is a documentation aid that gives the grand totals of transactions input to
the analysis, and the I/O for online utilities.

The combination of the interval covered by the system log input to the utility and the
exception criteria you define in the input control statements determines the content
of these reports.

Examples of the reports format and the definition of the items reported can be
found in IMS Version 9: Utilities Reference: System, within the description of the
Fast Path Log Analysis utility.

Following are some suggestions for interpreting the reported events:

v Examine the summary reports and investigate the reasons for sync point failure.
v Examine the summary report to see if buffer usage was consistently under the
NBA values. Check all negative differences that indicate the need for overflow
buffers to see that they were unusual occurrences.
v Compare the database call counts to those of the expected profile. Select those
transactions that show unusual patterns for a run to produce a detailed exception
v Examine the balancing group queue counts to see if they are conforming with the
scheduling algorithm expectations.

340 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Chapter 15. Tuning Databases
Tune your database either to improve performance or to better use database space.
This chapter introduces the reorganization utilities, which you can use to tune your
database. The chapter also describes the various types of tuning changes you can
make with the reorganization utilities, and also when and how to make the changes.

This chapter examines the following aspects of database tuning:

v “Reorganizing the Database”
v “Reorganizing HALDBs” on page 358, including:
– “HALDB Offline Reorganization” on page 359
– “HALDB Online Reorganization” on page 364
v “Changing DL/I Access Methods” on page 388
v “Changing the Hierarchic Structure” on page 401
v “Changing Direct-Access Storage Devices” on page 403
v “Tuning OSAM Sequential Buffering” on page 403
v “Adjusting HDAM and PHDAM Options” on page 404
v “Adjusting Buffers” on page 405
v “Adjusting VSAM Options” on page 408
v “Adjusting OSAM Options” on page 410
v “Changing the Amount of Space Allocated” on page 410
v “Changing Operating System Access Methods” on page 411
v “Changing the Number of Data Set Groups” on page 411
v “Tuning Fast Path Systems” on page 415

Keep in mind that when you tune your database, you are often making more than a
simple change to it. For example, you might need to reorganize your database and
at the same time change operating system access methods. This chapter has
procedures to guide you through making each type of change. If you are making
more than one change at a time, you should look at the flowchart, Figure 223 on
page 413. When used in conjunction with the individual procedures in this chapter,
the flowchart guides you in making some types of multiple changes to the database.

Also, some of the tuning changes you make can affect the logic in application
programs. You can often use the dictionary to analyze the affect before making
changes. In addition, some changes require that you code new DBDs and PSBs. If
you initialize your changes in the dictionary, you can then use the dictionary to help
create new DBDs and PSBs.

If you are using data sharing, additional information about tuning is in IMS Version
9: Administration Guide: System.

Reorganizing the Database

| Reorganizing a database means changing how the data in the database is
| organized to improve performance. In some cases, reorganizing a database might
| also refer to modifying the database’s structure or the structure of the records and
| segments in the database. Although this chapter focuses on changing how data is
| organized, you can use many of the reorganization utilities discussed here to make
| structural changes as well.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1974, 2004 341

Reorganizing the Database

Two database types, DEDB and HALDB, support online reorganization in addition to
the offline methods of reorganization discussed here. For more information on the
online reorganization of each of these types of databases, see:
v For HALDB, see “HALDB Online Reorganization” on page 364
v For DEDB, search for High-Speed DEDB Direct Reorganization utility
(DBFUHDR0) in IMS Version 9: Utilities Reference: Database and Transaction

Related Reading: See Chapter 16, “Modifying Databases,” on page 423, for
information on making structural changes to your database.

IMS reclaims storage used for KSDS control intervals (CIs) whose erasure has
been committed in data-sharing or XRF environments. This function is not, however,
a replacement for routine reorganization of KSDS data sets. VSAM CI space
reclamation enhances the performance of database GETS or INSERTS after mass
deletes occur in data-sharing or XRF environments.

Restriction: CI reclaim does not occur for SHISAM databases. When a large
number of records in a SHISAM database are deleted, particularly a large number
of consecutive records, serious performance degradation can occur. Eliminate
empty CIs and resolve the problem by using VSAM REPRO.

When You Should Reorganize

| You should reorganize your database in the following circumstances:
| v Database performance has deteriorated. This can happen either because
| segments in a database record are stored across too many CIs or blocks, or
| because you are running out of free space in your database.
| v There is too much physical I/O to DASD.
| v The database structure has changed. For example, you should reorganize a
| HALDB partition after changing its boundaries or high key.
| v The HDAM or PHDAM randomizer has changed.
| v The HALDB Partitions Selection exit routine has changed.

The DB Monitor can aid in monitoring a database to help you determine when it is
time to reorganize your database. Information about the DB Monitor is found in
Chapter 14, “Monitoring Databases,” on page 335.

| Reorganizing Databases Offline

You perform three basic steps when reorganizing a database offline (unless you are
not making structural changes to the database, in which case, seeChapter 16,
“Modifying Databases,” on page 423):
1. Unloading the existing database.
2. Deleting the old database space and defining new database space. (This
practice is always good, but it is only necessary if you have multiple extents or
volumes, or are using VSAM.) For VSAM, database space refers to the clusters
defined to VSAM for database data sets.
3. Reloading the database.

| Protecting Your Database During an Offline Reorganization

When you reorganize your database offline, you delete it. Therefore, you should
protect it from system or reorganization failure. You can protect your existing
database by renaming the space it occupies and then defining new database

342 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Reorganizing the Database

space. You should take an image copy of your database as soon as it is reloaded
and before any application programs are run against it. Taking an image copy
provides you with a backup copy of the database and establishes a point of
recovery with DBRC in case of system failure. You can create image copies of your
database using the Database Image Copy utility or the Database Image Copy 2
utility, which are described in detail in IMS Version 9: Utilities Reference: Database
and Transaction Manager.

| Offline Reorganization Utilities

IMS utilities can help you reorganize your database. This topic introduces you to
these utilities and explains how they work together.

Related Reading: For more information about reorganization utilities, see the IMS
Version 9: Utilities Reference: Database and Transaction Manager.

Note the following information about the utilities:

| v You can use the following reorganization utilities with HALDB:
| – HD Reorganization Unload utility (DFSURGU0)
| – HD Reorganization Reload utility (DFSURGL0)
| – Database Prereorganization utility (DFSURPR0)
| – HALDB Partition Data Set Initialization utility (DFSUPNT0)
| For HALDB, both the Database Prereorganization utility and the HALDB Partition
| Data Set Initialization utility (DFSUPNT0) initialize partitions.
| If you are migrating an HDAM or HIDAM database to HALDB, the
| Prereorganization utility allows some reuse of your existing JCL by disabling
| full-function database utilities, such as Scan, Prefix Resolution and Prefix Update,
| in the DFSURCDS data set. After the database is migrated, you can use the
| HALDB Partition Data Set Initialization utility, which has additional functions such
| as unconditional specific partition initialization.
v The utilities cannot be used to reorganize HSAM, SHSAM, or GSAM databases.
To reorganize these databases, you must write a program to read the old
database and then create a new database.
v You are not required to use these reorganization utilities to reorganize your
database. You can write your own programs to unload and reload data. You need
to write your own programs only if you are making structural changes to your
database that cannot be done using these utilities. Information about when these
utilities can be used to make structural changes to a database is contained in
Chapter 16, “Modifying Databases,” on page 423.
v Several of the reorganization utilities can be used when initially loading a
database. They are not used to load the database but to collect and sort the
pointer information needed in a segment’s prefix. Therefore, as you read through
the utilities you will find some described as “used for initial load or

The reorganization utilities can be classified into three groups, based on the type of
reorganization you plan to do:
v Partial reorganization
v Reorganization using UCF
v Reorganization without UCF

Chapter 15. Tuning Databases 343

Reorganizing the Database

| Partial Offline Reorganization

If you are reorganizing an HD database, you can reorganize parts of it, rather than
the whole database. You would need to reorganize parts, rather than all of it, for
two reasons:
v Only parts of it need to be reorganized.
v By reorganizing only parts of it, you can break the amount of time it takes to do a
total reorganization into smaller pieces.

The utilities you use to do a partial reorganization are:

v The Database Surveyor utility, which helps you determine which parts of your
database to reorganize
v The Partial Database Reorganization utility, which does the actual reorganization

| HALDB partitions do not support partial offline reorganization.

| Offline Reorganization Using UCF

Reorganization can be done using a single program, called the Utility Control
Facility (UCF), or by using various combinations of utilities. When UCF is used, it
acts as a controller, determining which of the various reorganization utilities need to
be executed and then getting them executed. Using UCF reduces the number of
JCL statements you must create and eliminates the need to sequence the various
utilities for execution. It also reduces the number of decisions operations people
must make.

| Offline Reorganization Without UCF

When you do not use UCF, reorganization of the database is done using a
combination of utilities. Which utilities you need to use, and how many, depends on
the type of database and whether it uses logical relationships or secondary indexes.

If your database does not use logical relationships or secondary indexes, you
simply run the appropriate unload and reload utilities, which are as follows:
v For HISAM databases, the HISAM Reorganization Unload utility and the HISAM
Reorganization Reload utility
v For HIDAM index databases (if reorganized separately from the HIDAM
database), the HISAM Reorganization Unload utility and the HISAM
Reorganization Reload utility
v For SHISAM, HDAM, and HIDAM databases, the HD Reorganization Unload
utility and the HD Reorganization Reload utility

If your database does use logical relationships or secondary indexes, you need to
run the HD Reorganization Unload and Reload utilities (even if it is a HISAM
database). In addition, you must run a variety of other utilities to collect, sort, and
restore pointer information from a segment’s prefix. Remember, when a database is
reorganized, the location of segments changes. If logical relationships or secondary
indexes are used, update prefixes to reflect new segment locations. The various
utilities involved in updating segment prefixes are:
v Database Prereorganization utility
v Database Scan utility
v Database Prefix Resolution utility
v Database Prefix Update utility

These utilities can also be used to resolve prefix information during initial load of
the database.

344 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Reorganizing the Database

In the discussion of the utilities in this section, the four unload and reload utilities
are discussed first. The four utilities used to resolve prefix information are then
discussed. When reading through the utilities for the first time, you need to
understand that, if logical relationships or secondary indexes exist (requiring use of
the latter four utilities), the sequence in which operations is as follows:
1. Unload
2. Collect more prefix information
3. Reload
4. Collect more prefix information
5. Updated prefixes

You will find, for instance, that the HD Reorganization Reload utility does not just
reload the database if a secondary index or logical relationship exists. It reloads the
database using one input as a data set containing some of the prefix information
that has been collected. It then produces a data set containing more prefix
information as output from the reload. When the various utilities do their processing,
they use data sets produced by previously executed utilities and produce data sets
for use by subsequently executed utilities. When reading through the utilities, watch
the input and output data set names, to understand what is happening.

Figure 195 shows you the sequence in which utilities are executed if logical
relationships or secondary indexes exist. Figure 196 on page 347 shows the
sequence for these utilities when using HALDB partitions.

Chapter 15. Tuning Databases 345

Reorganizing the Database

Figure 195. Steps in Reorganizing When Logical Relationships or Secondary Indexes Exist

346 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Reorganizing the Database

| Figure 196. Steps for Reorganizing HALDB Partitions When Logical Relationships or
| Secondary Indexes Exist

| As an alternative, where Figure 196 calls for the Partition Initialization utility, you
| can run the Prereorganization utility.

HISAM Reorganization Unload Utility (DFSURUL0)

Figure 197 shows the input to and output from the HISAM Reorganization Unload

Figure 197. HISAM Reorganization Unload Utility (DFSURUL0)

You use the HISAM Unload utility to unload a HISAM database or HIDAM index
database. (SHISAM databases are unloaded using the HD Reorganization Unload
utility.) If your database uses secondary indexes, you also use the HISAM Unload
utility (later in the reorganization process) to perform a variety of other operations
associated with secondary indexes.

Chapter 15. Tuning Databases 347

Reorganizing the Database

HISAM Reorganization Reload Utility (DFSURRL0)

Figure 198 shows the input to and output from the HISAM Reorganization Reload

Figure 198. HISAM Reorganization Reload Utility (DFSURRL0)

You use the HISAM reload utility to reload a HISAM database. (SHISAM databases
are reloaded using the HD Reorganization Reload utility.) You also use the HISAM
reload utility to reload the primary index of a HIDAM database. If your databases
use secondary indexes, you use the HISAM reload utility (later in the reorganization
process) to perform a variety of other operations associated with secondary

HD Reorganization Unload Utility (DFSURGU0)

Figure 199 shows the input to and output from the HD Reorganization Unload utility.

Figure 199. HD Reorganization Unload Utility (DFSURGU0)

You use the HD Reorganization Unload utility to unload:

v HDAM, HIDAM, or SHISAM databases

348 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Reorganizing the Database

v HISAM databases that use secondary indexes

v HISAM databases that use symbolic pointers in a logical relationship
v HISAM databases without segment/edit compression that are being converted to
HISAM databases with segment/edit compression.
v PHDAM databases or partitions
v PHIDAM databases or partitions
| v PSINDEX databases or partitions

| If you use the HD Reorganization Unload utility to unload a HALDB (a PHDAM,

| PHIDAM, or PSINDEX database), you do not need to include DD statements for the
| database data sets. The HD Reorganization Unload utility uses dynamic allocation
| for HALDB data sets.

HD Reorganization Reload Utility (DFSURGL0)

Figure 200 shows the input to and output from the HD Reorganization Reload utility.

Figure 200. HD Reorganization Reload Utility (DFSURGL0)

You use the HD Reorganization Reload utility to reload:

v HISAM databases that use logical relationships or secondary indexes
v HISAM databases without segment/edit compression that are being converted to
HISAM databases with segment/edit compression
If logical relationships or secondary indexes exist in the database being reloaded,
the DFSURCDS control data set created by the Prereorganization utility is used as
one input to the HD Reorganization Reload utility. The DFSURCDS control data set
contains information needed to resolve secondary index or logical relationship

When logical relationships or secondary indexes exist, the HD Reorganization

Reload utility produces as output the DFSURWF1 work data set. DFSURCDS
identifies the information that will be collected on DFSURWF1.

The DFSURWF1 work data set will become input to the Database Prefix Resolution
utility. Note in Figure 200 that, if the database being reloaded has a primary index, it

Chapter 15. Tuning Databases 349

Reorganizing the Database

is reloaded automatically when the main database is reloaded. A HIDAM index

database can also be reorganized as a separate operation using the HISAM unload
and reload utilities.

Exception: DFSURWF1 is not used for HALDBs.

Database Prereorganization Utility (DFSURPR0)

Figure 201 shows the input to and output from the Database Prereorganization

Figure 201. Database Prereorganization Utility (DFSURPR0)

You use the Database Prereorganization utility when:

v A database to be initially loaded or reorganized has secondary indexes or logical
v A database not being initially loaded or reorganized contains segments involved
in logical relationships with databases that are being loaded or reorganized

The Database Prereorganization utility produces the DFSURCDS control data set,
which contains information about what pointers need to be resolved later if
secondary indexing or logical relationships exist. The DFSURCDS control data set
produced by the Prereorganization utility is used as input to the following:
v The Database Scan utility, if that utility needs to be run
v The HD Reorganization Reload utility, if secondary indexing or logical
relationships exist
v The Database Prefix Resolution utility, after the database is loaded or reloaded

The Prereorganization utility also produces a list of which databases not being
initially loaded or reorganized contain segments involved in logical relationships with
the database that is being initially loaded or reorganized.

This utility is always run before the database is loaded (for initial load) or reloaded
(for reorganization).

Database Scan Utility (DFSURGS0)

Figure 202 shows the input to and output from the Database Scan utility.

350 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Reorganizing the Database

Figure 202. Database Scan Utility (DFSURGS0)

You use the Database Scan utility to scan databases that are not being initially
loaded or reorganized but contain segments involved in logical relationships with
databases that are being initially loaded or reorganized. For input, the utility uses
the DFSURCDS control data set created by the Prereorganization utility. For output,
the utility produces the DFSURWF1 work data set, which contains prefix information
needed to resolve logical relationships. The DFSURWF1 work data set is used as
input to the Database Prefix Resolution utility.

This utility is always run before the database is loaded (for initial load) or reloaded
(for reorganization).

Database Prefix Resolution Utility (DFSURG10)

Figure 203 shows the input to and output from the Database Prefix Resolution

Chapter 15. Tuning Databases 351

Reorganizing the Database

Figure 203. Database Prefix Resolution Utility (DFSURG10)

You use the Prefix Resolution utility to accumulate and sort the information that has
been put on DFSURWF1 work data sets up to this point in the load or reload
process. The various work data sets that could be input to this utility are:
v The DFSURCDS control data set produced by the Prereorganization utility
v The DFSURWF1 work data set produced by the scan utility
v The DFSURWF1 work data set produced by the HD Reorganization Reload utility

The DFSURWF1 work data sets must be concatenated to form an input data set for
the Prefix Resolution utility. The name of the input data set is SORTIN.

The Prefix Resolution utility uses the z/OS sort/merge programs to sort the
information that has been accumulated. For output, the utility produces the
DFSURWF3 work data set, which contains the sorted prefix information needed to
resolve logical relationships. The DFSURWF3 data set will become input to the
Database Prefix Update utility.

If secondary indexes exist, the utility produces the DFSURIDX work data set, which
contains the information needed to create a new secondary index or update a
shared secondary index database. The DFSURIDX work data set is used as input
to the HISAM unload utility. The HISAM unload utility formats the secondary index
information before the HISAM reload utility creates a secondary index or updates a
shared secondary index database.

This utility is always run after the database is loaded (for initial load) or reloaded
(for reorganization).

Database Prefix Update Utility (DFSURGP0)

Figure 204 shows the input to and output from the Database Prefix Update utility.

352 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Reorganizing the Database

Figure 204. Database Prefix Update Utility (DFSURGP0)

You use the Prefix Update utility to update the prefix of each segment whose prefix
was affected by the initial loading or reorganization of the database. The prefix
fields that are updated include the logical parent, logical twin, and logical child
pointer fields, and the counter fields for logical parents. The Prefix Update utility
uses as input the DFSURWF3 data set created by the Prefix Resolution utility.

This utility is always run after the database is loaded (for initial load) or reloaded
(for reorganization) and after the Prefix Resolution utility has been run.

Using HISAM Unload and Reload Utilities for Secondary Indexing

In addition to using the HISAM unload and reload utilities to unload and reload a
database, you can also use them to:
v Build a secondary index database
v Merge a secondary index into a shared secondary index database
v Replace a secondary index in a shared secondary index database
v Extract a secondary index from a shared secondary index database

Each of these operations is done separately. That is, none of them can be done in
conjunction with running the HISAM unload and reload utilities to unload or reload a
regular database.

Figure 205 on page 354 shows the input to and output from the HISAM unload and
reload utilities when performing the first three operations. The DFSURIDX work data
set used as input to the HISAM unload utility was created by the Prefix Resolution
utility. It contains the information needed to create or update a shared secondary
index database. The HISAM unload utility formats the secondary index information
for use by the HISAM reload utility. Note that the input control statement to the
HISAM unload utility has an X in position 1 when the utility is used for secondary
indexing operations rather than for unloading a regular database. Position 3
contains one of the following characters:
v M: means the operation is either to build a new secondary index database or
merge a secondary index into a shared secondary index database
v R: means the operation is to replace a secondary index into a shared secondary
index database

Chapter 15. Tuning Databases 353

Reorganizing the Database

The HISAM reload utility uses the output from the HISAM unload utility to create the
new secondary index or merge or replace the secondary index in a shared
secondary index database.

Figure 206 on page 355 shows the input to and output from the HISAM unload
utility when an index is being extracted from a set of shared indexes. Note that the
input can be one of the following:
v The DFSURIDX work data set created by the Prefix Resolution utility
v The shared secondary index database

Again, position 1 in the input control statement contains an X. Position 3 contains

an E, which means the operation is to extract a secondary index.

Figure 205. HISAM Reorganization Unload and Reload Utilities Used for Create, Merge, or
Replace Secondary Indexing Operations

354 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Reorganizing the Database

Figure 206. HISAM Reorganization Unload Utility Used for Extract Secondary Indexing

Utility Control Facility (DFSUCF00)

The Utility Control Facility is a program that controls the execution of reorganization
and recovery utilities. Control here means that it generates many of the JCL
statements you must create and eliminates the need to sequence the various
utilities for execution. The only reorganization utilities that cannot be run under the
control of UCF are the Database Surveyor utility and the Partial Database
Reorganization utility. In addition to controlling the execution of other utilities, UCF
allows you to stop and then later restart a job.

Database Surveyor Utility (DFSPRSUR)

Figure 207 on page 356 shows the input to and output from the Database Surveyor

Chapter 15. Tuning Databases 355

Reorganizing the Database

Figure 207. Database Surveyor Utility (DFSPRSUR)

Use the Surveyor utility to scan all or part of an HDAM or a HIDAM database to
determine whether a reorganization is needed. The Surveyor utility produces a
report describing the physical organization of the database. The report includes the
size and location of areas of free space. When you do a partial reorganization, you
will know where free space exists into which you can put your reorganized
database records.

Partial Database Reorganization Utility (DFSPRCT1)

Figure 208 on page 357 shows the input to and output from the Partial Database
Reorganization utility.

You would use the Partial Database Reorganization utility to reorganize parts of
your HD database. It can be used when HD databases use secondary indexes or
logical relationships. You tell the utility what range of records you need reorganized.
v In an HDAM database, a range is a group of database records with continuous
relative block numbers.
v In a HIDAM database, a range is a group of database records with continuous
key values.

Generally, before using the Partial Database Reorganization utility, you would run
the Database Surveyor utility (described in “Database Surveyor Utility
(DFSPRSUR)” on page 355). The Surveyor utility helps you determine whether a
reorganization is needed and find the location and size of areas of free space. You
need to know the location and size of areas of free space so you will know where
to put reorganized database records.

The Partial Database Reorganization utility reorganizes the database in two steps:
1. In the first step, the utility produces control tables for use in Step 2, which is
when the actual reorganization is done. As an option, the utility can produce
PSB source statements for creating a PSB for use in Step 2. The utility also
generates reports that show which logically related segments in logically related
356 Administration Guide: Database Manager
Reorganizing the Database

databases must be scanned in Step 2, and which can be optionally scanned in

Step 2. (Some GSAM databases are involved in Step 2 for which a PSB is
2. In the second step, the utility does the actual reorganization. The database
records you have specified are unloaded to a data set. The space they
occupied in the database is freed. Then database records are reloaded into the
database in the range of free space you specified. Finally, all pointers to
database records with new locations are changed to point to the new location. A
report is produced at the end of Step 2 to tell you what was done.

Figure 208. Partial Database Reorganization Utility (DFSPRCT1)

| Procedures for Offline Database Reorganizations

This topic describes how to reorganize offline the following database and index

Chapter 15. Tuning Databases 357

Reorganizing the Database

v Primary or Secondary Index

Reorganizing a HISAM Database (No Secondary Indexes)

To reorganize a HISAM database when it does not use logical relationships or
secondary indexes:
1. Unload the database using the HISAM Reorganization Unload utility.
2. Any time you unload a data set, you should delete and reallocate the data set
before reloading.
3. Reload the database using the HISAM Reorganization Reload utility. Make an
image copy of your database once it is reloaded.

Reorganizing an HD (HDAM or HIDAM) Database (No Logical

Relationships or Secondary Indexes)
To reorganize an HD database when it does not use logical relationships or
secondary indexes:
1. Unload the database using the HD Reorganization Unload utility.
2. Any time you unload a data set, you should delete and reallocate the data set
before reloading.
3. Reload the database using the HD Reorganization Reload utility. Make an
image copy of your database once it is reloaded.

Reorganizing a Primary or Secondary Index

HIDAM has a primary index. HISAM, HDAM, and HIDAM have separate secondary
index databases when secondary indexing is being used. Both index types are
reorganized in the same way:
1. Unload the index database using the HISAM Reorganization Unload utility.
2. Any time you unload a data set, you should delete and reallocate the data set
before reloading.
3. Reload the index database using the HISAM Reorganization Reload utility.
Make an image copy of your database as soon as it is reloaded.

| Reorganizing HALDBs
| One of the primary advantages of HALDB is its simplified and shortened
| reorganization process and the ability to reorganize HALDB databases online using
| the integrated HALDB Online Reorganization function.

| Both PHDAM and PHIDAM HALDBs can be reorganized online or offline. A

| PSINDEX HALDB can be reorganized only offline. Whether you are reorganizing
| your HALDB online or offline, the reorganization process is different from the
| reorganization processes used for other full-function databases.

| Reorganizations of HALDBs with logical relationships and secondary indexes do not

| require the execution of utilities to update these pointers. Instead, HALDB uses a
| self-healing pointer process to correct these pointers when they are used.

| These subjects are discussed in the following topics:

| v “HALDB Offline Reorganization” on page 359
| v “HALDB Online Reorganization” on page 364
| v “The HALDB Self-Healing Pointer Process” on page 382

358 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Reorganizing HALDBs

| HALDB Offline Reorganization

| The offline reorganization processes for a HALDB database and other full-function
| IMS databases are similar: they both consist of an unload and reload of the
| database. The HALDB offline reorganization process has advantages over the
| reorganization process of other full-function databases, such as:
| v You can reorganize one HALDB partition at a time or reorganize multiple
| partitions in parallel.
| v The self-healing pointer process of HALDBs eliminates the need to manually
| update logical relationships and secondary indexes after reorganizing a HALDB.
| v You do not need to include DD statements for HALDB data sets when you
| reorganize a HALDB. HALDB data sets are dynamically allocated.

| Overview of HALDB Offline Reorganization

| A offline reorganization of a HALDB database can be done with one or more
| parallel processes. These processes unload one or more partitions and reload
| them. If the database has secondary indexes or logical relationships, additional
| steps are not required. The HALDB self-healing process makes updates of pointers
| during the reorganization unnecessary. The amount of time required for a
| reorganization depends on the sizes of the partitions. Smaller partitions reduce the
| time. You can reduce your reorganization time by creating more partitions and
| reorganizing them in parallel.

| The basic steps involved in reorganizing a HALDB offline are:

| 1. Run the HD Reorganization Unload utility (DFSURGU0) to unload the entire
| database, a range of partitions, or a single partition.
| 2. Optionally, initialize the partitions by running either of the following utilities:
| v HALDB Partition Data Set Initialization utility (DFSUPNT0)
| v Database Prereorganization utility (DFSURPR0)
| 3. Run the HD Reorganization Reload utility to reload the database or partitions.
| 4. Make image copies of all reloaded partition data sets.

| Figure 209 on page 360 shows the offline processes used to reorganize a HALDB
| database with logical relationships and secondary indexes. In this case, the
| partitions are reorganized by parallel processes. Each partition can be unloaded
| and reloaded in less time than unloading and reloading the entire database. This is
| much faster than the process for a non-HALDB full-function database. Additionally,
| no time is required for updating pointers in the logically related database or
| rebuilding secondary indexes. This further shortens the process.

Chapter 15. Tuning Databases 359

Reorganizing HALDBs

| Figure 209. Offline Reorganization of a HALDB database
| Related Reading: To compare the HALDB reorganization process illustrated in
| Figure 209 with the reorganization process for other full-function databases, see the
| flow chart of the steps for reorganizing non-HALDB databases that use logical
| relationships or secondary indexes in Figure 195 on page 346.

| Options for Offline Reorganization of HALDBs

| You have several options when reorganizing a HALDB database:
| v You can reorganize any number of partitions. If you need to reorganize only one
| partition, you can unload and reload it without processing other partitions.
| v You can reorganize partitions in parallel or you can reorganize the database with
| one process. The degree of parallelism is determined by the number of
| reorganization jobs you run. Each job can process one or multiple partitions. To
| increase the parallelism, you can increase the number of reorganization jobs and
| decrease the number of partitions each job processes.
| v You can reuse existing database data sets or you can delete them after they are
| unloaded and allocate new data sets for the reload.
| v You can add partitions, delete partitions, or change partition boundaries.

| Related Reading:

360 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Reorganizing HALDBs

| v For information on changing partition definitions, including partition boundaries,

| see “Changing HALDB Partition Definitions” on page 398.
| v For information on using the Partition Definition utility to change partition
| definitions in DBRC, see “Creating HALDBs with the HALDB Partition Definition
| Utility” on page 294.

| Unloading HALDB Partitions and Databases for Offline

| Reorganization
| HALDB partitions or databases can be unloaded with the HD Reorganization
| Unload utility (DFSURGU0).

| To unload an entire HALDB database, do not include a SYSIN DD statement. To

| unload any other number of partitions, you must include a control statement in your
| SYSIN data set. The control statement identifies the name of the first partition to
| unload and, if you are unloading more than one partition, the number of partitions to
| unload.

| Multiple partitions are unloaded consecutively. For key range partitioning,

| consecutive partitions are determined by the high keys. If you are using a partition
| selection exit routine, consecutive partitions are determined by the order assigned
| by the exit routine.

| Do not include DD statements for the HALDB database data sets. The HD
| Reorganization Unload utility uses dynamic allocation for HALDB data sets. This is
| not true for non-HALDB databases.

| Requirement: You must supply buffer pools for all data sets in the partitions that
| are unloaded. This includes the ILDSs.

| Recommendation: Enable OSAM sequential buffering for databases that use


| Figure 210 shows a control statement to unload one partition.


| Figure 210. Example: The HD Reorganization Unload Utility Control Statement to Unload
| One Partition

| Figure 211 shows a control statement to unload three partitions.


| Figure 211. Example: The HD Reorganization Unload Utility Control Statement to Unload
| Multiple Partitions

| Figure 212 on page 362 shows a sample job that unloads a HALDB partition.

Chapter 15. Tuning Databases 361

Reorganizing HALDBs



Figure 212. Example: Sample JCL to Unload a HALDB Partition

| The IMS High Performance Unload tool is an alternative to the HD Reorganization

| Unload utility. You can use the High Performance Unload tool to unload any number
| of partitions or the entire database.

| Related Reading: For more information on the High Performance Unload tool, see
| IBM DB2 and IMS Tools: IMS High Performance Unload for OS/390.

| Reallocating HALDB Database Data Sets for Offline

| Reorganization
| You do not have to delete and redefine HALDB database data sets before you
| reload them. This applies to both OSAM and VSAM data sets. VSAM data sets,
| other than ILDSs, must be specified with the REUSE option. HALDB supports this
| option.

| If you delete and redefine partition data sets, but do not reload data into them, you
| must initialize the partition data sets. If you reload data into the partition data sets
| after deleting and redefining them, you do not need to initialize the partition data
| sets.

| If you delete and redefine VSAM data sets, you receive a z/OS IEC161I system
| message when reloading a partition. This is not an error message. It indicates that
| a VSAM data set was empty when it was opened. Figure 213 shows the message
| for an ILDS.
| IEC161I 152-061,JOUKO3D,RELOAD,PEO01L,,,

| Figure 213. Example: IEC161I message during reload
| Related Reading: For more information on IEC system messages, see z/OS V1R4:
| MVS System Messages, Vol 7 (IEB-IEE).

362 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Reorganizing HALDBs

| Reloading HALDB Partitions and Databases for Offline

| Reorganization
| HALDB partitions and databases can be reloaded with the HD Reorganization
| Reload utility (DFSURGL0). The HD Reorganization Reload utility reads the output
| file from the HD Reorganization Unload utility. You do not specify the partitions to
| be reloaded. They are determined by the records in the input file to the HD
| Reorganization Reload utility.

| Do not include DD statements for the HALDB database data sets. The HD
| Reorganization Reload utility uses dynamic allocation for HALDB data sets. This is
| not true for non-HALDB databases.

| You must supply buffer pools for all data sets in the partitions that are reloaded.
| This includes the ILDSs.

| The HD Reorganization Reload utility sets the image copy needed flag for data sets
| in partitions that it loads. You should image copy them as you would any database
| data sets after they have been reloaded.

| Figure 214 shows a sample job that reloads HALDB partitions. The partitions it
| reloads depend on the records in the input file.
| //*******************************************************************
| //*******************************************************************
| // PARM=’ULU,DFSURGL0,PEOPLE,,,,,,,,,,,Y,N’
| VSRBF=8192,50
| IOBF=(4096,50)
| /*

| Figure 214. Example: JCL to Reload a HALDB Partition
| ILDS Reorganization Updates: The HD Reorganization Reload utility updates the
| ILDS for partitions that contain targets of logical relationships or secondary indexes.
| The utility has three options for updating ILDSs:
| v No control statement
| v NOILDS control statement
| v ILDSMULTI control statement

| If you do not specify a control statement in the SYSIN data for the HD
| Reorganization Reload utility, an ILDS entry is updated or created when a target of
| a secondary index or logical relationship is inserted in the partition. An entry exists if
| a previous reorganization loaded the target segment in the partition. The updates to
| the ILDS are done in VSAM update mode. When a CI or CA is filled, it must be split
| by VSAM. Free space in the ILDS can help avoid these splits. Updates can be
| random or sequential. This depends on the order in which these segments are

Chapter 15. Tuning Databases 363

Reorganizing HALDBs

| inserted and their ILKs. The ILDS keys are based on the ILK that is based on the
| location of the target segment when it was created.

| You can create free space in an ILDS by copying it using the VSAM REPRO
| command. The REPRO command honors the free space parameters in the VSAM

| You can delete and redefine the ILDS before reloading. You might want to do this to
| eliminate entries in the ILDS for target segments that are no longer in the partition.
| The HD Reorganization Reload utility never deletes an entry in the ILDS. The only
| way to delete these entries is to delete and redefine the ILDS. Alternately, an empty
| ILDS contains no free space. A reload with a large number of target segments
| might require a large number of CI and CA splits.

| If you specify a NOILDS control statement in the SYSIN data, the HD

| Reorganization Reload utility does not update or create entries in the ILDSs. They
| must be created by a separate process using the HALDB Index/ILDS Rebuild utility
| (DFSPREC0). Separate executions of DFSPREC0 are required for each partition.
| These executions can be done in parallel and on different machines.

| The ILDSMULTI option applies only to migration reloads. For more information
| about ILDSMULTI, see the HD Reorganization Reload utility section of IMS Version
| 9: Utilities Reference: Database and Transaction Manager.

| Reorganizing HALDB Partitioned Secondary Index Databases: You might need

| to reorganize your partitioned secondary index (PSINDEX) database. Because the
| reorganization of HALDBs does not require the recreation of their secondary
| indexes, a PSINDEX database can become disorganized as entries are added to it
| over time.

| The HD Reorganization Unload utility and the HD Reorganization Reload utility can
| be used to reorganize PSINDEX databases. The restrictions and recommendations
| for reorganizing other HALDB databases also apply to PSINDEX databases with
| one exception: HALDB secondary indexes have no ILDSs. The HD Reorganization
| Reload utility control statements should not be used with secondary indexes.

| The steps for reorganizing a PSINDEX database are the same as those for
| reorganizing other types of HALDBs offline. See “Overview of HALDB Offline
| Reorganization” on page 359 for a list of these steps.

| HALDB Online Reorganization

| Prior to IMS Version 9, you had to ensure that HALDB partitions were offline before
| you could perform database reorganization for them. IMS Version 9 introduced an
| integrated HALDB Online Reorganization function that allows HALDB partitions to
| remain online and available for IMS application programs during a database
| reorganization.

| An online reorganization of a PHDAM or PHIDAM HALDB partition runs

| non-disruptively, allowing concurrent IMS updates, including updates by
| data-sharing IMS systems. The online reorganization is non-disruptive because IMS
| copies small amounts of data from the partition’s original data sets (the input data
| sets) to separate output data sets. IMS tracks which data has been copied so that
| IMS applications can automatically retrieve or update data from the correct set of
| data sets.

364 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Reorganizing HALDBs

| As described in “Data Set Naming Conventions for HALDB Online Reorganization”

| on page 372, HALDB Online Reorganization extends the established data definition
| and data set naming convention for HALDBs. The data set groups in a HALDB
| database use the characters A-through-J in the DDNAMEs and data set names of
| the ten supported data set groups. The primary index for a PHIDAM database uses
| the character X in these names. This data definition and data set naming
| convention is extended so that IMS uses the characters M-through-V (and Y) for an
| alternate set of data sets.

| The initial load or offline reorganization reload of a HALDB partition always uses the
| A-through-J (and X) data sets. Until the first time that you reorganize a HALDB
| partition online, only the A-through-J (and X) data sets are used.

| There are three phases of online reorganization for a HALDB partition:

| 1. The initialization phase, during which IMS prepares the output data sets and
| updates the RECON data sets.
| 2. The copying phase, during which IMS performs the actual reorganization by
| copying the data from the input data sets to the output data sets.
| 3. The termination phase, during which IMS closes the input data sets and
| updates the RECON data sets.

| The Initialization Phase for HALDB Online Reorganization

| You start the online reorganization of a HALDB partition using the INITIATE OLREORG
| command. See the IMS Version 9: Command Reference for more information about
| this command.

| During the initialization phase, IMS updates the RECON data sets to establish the
| ownership of the online reorganization by the IMS system that is performing the
| online reorganization. This ownership means that no other IMS system can perform
| a reorganization of the HALDB partition until the current online reorganization is
| complete or until ownership is transferred to another IMS system. IMS adds the
| M-V (and Y) DBDSs to the RECON data sets if those DBDS records do not already
| exist. IMS also adds the M-V (and Y) DBDSs to any existing change accumulation
| groups and DBDS groups that include the corresponding A-J (and X) DBDSs.

| Before online reorganization begins for a HALDB partition, there is a single set of
| active data sets for the HALDB partition. These active data sets are the input data
| sets for the copying phase. There might also be a set of inactive data sets from a
| prior online reorganization that are not used by IMS application programs.

| During the initialization phase, IMS evaluates each of the inactive data sets to
| ensure that it meets the requirements for output data sets (see “HALDB Online
| Reorganization Requirements for Existing Output Data Sets” on page 545). If any of
| the output data sets does not exist, IMS creates it automatically during this phase.

| At the end of the initialization phase, IMS treats the original active set of data sets
| as the input set and the inactive data sets as the output set. This use of the input
| and output sets of data sets is represented by the cursor-active status for the
| partition, which is recorded in online reorganization records in the RECON data
| sets. A listing of the partition’s database record in the RECON data sets shows
| OLREORG CURSOR ACTIVE=YES. A listing of the partition also shows that both sets of
| DBDSs are active: the first set of DBDSs listed is for the input data set and the
| second set of DBDSs is for the output data set, for example, DBDS ACTIVE=A-J and
| M-V. While the partition is in the cursor-active status, both sets of data sets must be
| available for the partition to be processed by any application.

Chapter 15. Tuning Databases 365

Reorganizing HALDBs

| Figure 215 shows part of a listing of the RECON data sets for a HALDB partition
| that has the cursor-active status.
| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
| 04.174 12:30:54.1 LISTING OF RECON PAGE 0003
| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
| DB
| USID=0000000004 AUTHORIZED USID=0000000004 HARD USID=0000000004
| RECEIVE USID=0000000004 RECEIVE NEEDED USID=0000000000
| K2000
| D2F2F0F0F0404040404040404040404040404040404040404040404040404040
| A = 4096
| B = 4096

| Figure 215. Example RECON Listing: DB Record for a HALDB in Cursor-Active Status
| During the initialization phase, various error conditions, such as an unacceptable
| preexisting data set or an insufficient amount of disk space for an automatically
| created data set, can cause the initialization to fail. However, if an error occurs
| during or after the data set creation and validation process, but before IMS records
| the cursor-active status in the RECON data sets, any automatically created output
| data sets are retained along with any preexisting ones.

| Also during the initialization phase of an online reorganization, IMS dynamically

| creates a program specification block (PSB) for the reorganization. The PSB name
| is the 7-character HALDB partition name prefixed with the single character zero
| (’0’). For example, a HALDB partition with the name SSN5603 has a dynamic PSB
| with the name 0SSN5603 for the reorganization work. This PSB does not exist in
| the PSBLIB or the ACBLIB, but the name can appear in a listing of RECON or in
| output from utilities.

| The Copying Phase for HALDB Online Reorganization

| During the copying phase, the HALDB partition comprises the A-through-J (and X)
| data sets and the M-through-V (and Y) data sets. During this phase, both sets of
| data sets must be available in order for IMS applications to access the partition.

366 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Reorganizing HALDBs

| While IMS reorganizes a HALDB partition online, IMS applications can make
| database updates to the partition. Some of the database updates are made to the
| input data sets, while others are made to the output data sets, depending on which
| data is updated by the application. Which data sets are updated is transparent to
| the application program. Figure 216 illustrates the relationship between the input
| and output data sets at a point during the online reorganization.

Figure 216. The Relationship between Input Data Sets and Output Data Sets during the
Online Reorganization of a HALDB Partition

| Figure 216 shows two sets of database data sets for a HALDB partition, the input
| data sets that have not been reorganized and the output data sets that have been
| (at least partially) reorganized. The figure shows the reorganization as progressing
| from left to right, from the input data sets above to the output data sets below. The
| data sets in the figure are divided into four areas:
| 1. Data within the input data sets that has been copied to the output data sets.
| This area reflects the old data organization (prior to the reorganization), and is
| not used again by IMS applications until the data sets are reused as the output
| data sets for a later online reorganization.
| 2. Data within the output data sets that has been copied from the input data sets.
| This data in this area has been reorganized, and can be used by IMS
| applications during the reorganization.
| 3. Data within both the input and output data sets that is locked and in the process
| of being copied and reorganized from the input data sets to the output data
| sets. This area of locked records is called a unit of reorganization. From a
| recovery point of view, this unit of reorganization is equivalent to a unit of
| recovery.
| While IMS processes the current unit of reorganization, IMS applications that
| access any of the locked data records must wait until IMS completes the
| reorganization for those records. After the copying and reorganization completes
| for the unit of reorganization, IMS commits the changes and unlocks the
| records, thus making them available again for IMS applications.
| 4. Data within the input data sets that has not yet been copied to the output data
| sets. This data has also not yet been reorganized, and can be used by IMS
| applications during the reorganization.

| As the online reorganization progresses, IMS uses a kind of pointer called a cursor
| to mark the end point of those database records that have already been copied
| from the input data sets to the output data sets. As the reorganization and copying
| proceeds, this cursor moves through the partition (from left to right in Figure 216).

Chapter 15. Tuning Databases 367

Reorganizing HALDBs

| When an IMS application program accesses data from a HALDB partition that is
| being reorganized online, IMS retrieves the data record:
| v From the output data sets if the database record is located “at or before” the
| cursor.
| v From the input data sets if the database record is located “after” the cursor.
| If the data record happens to fall within the unit of reorganization, IMS retries the
| data access after the records are unlocked. An application program does not
| receive an error status code for data within a unit of reorganization.

| To allow recovery of either an input data set or an output data set, all database
| changes are logged during the online reorganization, including the database records
| that are copied from the input data set to the output data sets.

| The Termination Phase for HALDB Online Reorganization

| The online reorganization of a HALDB partition terminates after the end of the
| copying phase, or when IMS encounters an error condition during the
| reorganization. You can also stop the online reorganization of a HALDB partition
| using the TERMINATE OLREORG command. See the IMS Version 9: Command
| Reference for more information about this command.

| After the copying phase is complete for a HALDB partition, the output data sets
| become the active data sets, and the input data sets become the inactive data sets.
| The active data sets are used for all data access by IMS application programs. The
| inactive data sets are not used by application programs, but can be reused for a
| subsequent online reorganization. Unless you perform an initial load or a batch
| reorganization reload for the partition, successive online reorganizations for the
| partition alternate between these two sets of data sets.

| IMS updates the partition’s database record in the RECON data sets to reset the
| cursor-active status for the partition to reflect that there is now just one set of data
| sets. A listing of this record from the RECON data sets shows OLREORG CURSOR
| ACTIVE=NO and the ACTIVE DBDS field shows the active (newly reorganized) data
| sets. IMS also updates the online reorganization records in the RECON data sets
| with the timestamp of when the reorganization completed.

| If you specified the DEL keyword for the INITIATE OLREORG command (or the UPDATE
| OLREORG command), IMS deletes the inactive data sets after resetting the
| cursor-active status for the partition. Before deleting the inactive data sets, IMS
| notifies all sharing IMS systems, including batch jobs, that the online reorganization
| is complete and is recorded in the RECON data sets. The IMS system that is
| performing the online reorganization waits until it receives an acknowledgement
| from each of these sharing IMS systems that they have closed and deallocated the
| now-inactive data sets, and then it deletes these data sets. However, if the
| acknowledgements are not received within 4.5 minutes, the owning IMS system will
| attempt to delete the inactive data sets anyway. Without the acknowledgements, the
| deletion attempt is likely to fail.

| Finally, at the end of the termination phase, IMS updates the RECON data sets to
| reset the ownership of the online reorganization so that no IMS system has
| ownership. This resetting of ownership means that any IMS system can perform a
| subsequent reorganization of the HALDB.

368 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Reorganizing HALDBs

| If online reorganization of a HALDB partition terminates prior to completion, either

| because of an error or because you issued the TERMINATE OLREORG command, you
| must restart the online reorganization or perform an offline reorganization for the
| partition.

| Figure 217 shows the normal processing steps of a successful online reorganization
| of a HALDB partition. The columns represent the flow of control through the phases
| of the online reorganization, from the user to IMS, and the status of the data sets
| as the processing events occur.

Figure 217. Normal Processing Steps of HALDB Online Reorganization

| Migration and Coexistence Considerations for HALDB Online

| Reorganization
| During migration from a prior IMS release to IMS Version 9, IMS marks the DB
| records in the RECON data sets for all existing HALDBs to indicate that they cannot
| be reorganized online. To allow online reorganization of a HALDB partition, use the
| DBRC CHANGE.DB DBD(HALDB_master) OLRCAP command to change the status of the
| HALDB and all of its partitions to allow online reorganization for those partitions.
| You can also use the CHANGE.DB ALL OLRCAP command to enable online
| reorganization for all of your HALDB databases.

Chapter 15. Tuning Databases 369

Reorganizing HALDBs

| Table 27 shows the IMS versions that can access HALDBs that are capable of
| being reorganized online.
| Table 27. IMS Versions that Can Access HALDBs that Are Capable of Being Reorganized
| Online
| Access to HALDB partitions that are
| IMS Version capable of being reorganized online?
| IMS Version 7 No
| IMS Version 8 No
| IMS Version 8 with the OLR Coexistence Yes
| IMS Version 9 Yes

| You must apply the IMS Version 8 OLR Coexistence SPE to allow full data sharing
| between IMS Version 8 and IMS Version 9 systems that have HALDBs that are
| capable of being reorganized online.

| You must use the following IMS Version 9 (or later) utilities to process HALDBs that
| are capable of being reorganized online:
| v Database Recovery
| v Database Image Copy
| v Database Image Copy 2
| v Database Change Accumulation

| Fallback Considerations for HALDB Online Reorganization

| For IMS Version 8 systems that have the OLR Coexistence SPE applied, you can
| access or share data with all Version 9 HALDBs. However, if any M-through-V (and
| Y) data sets are active, or if the HALDB Online Reorganization cursor is active for
| any partitions, you must use IMS Version 9 utilities whenever those partitions are
| processed, except for the Batch Backout, Log Recovery, and Log Archive utilities
| which must be run on the release of IMS that created the logs.

| For any partitions with M-through-V (and Y) data sets active, or for any partitions
| with an active HALDB Online Reorganization cursor, you must run an offline
| reorganization before you can fall back to using the IMS Version 8 utilities.

| Should fallback to a prior version become necessary, you must define all the
| HALDBs as no longer capable of being reorganized online. For IMS Version 7
| systems and IMS Version 8 systems that do not have the OLR Coexistence SPE
| applied, you can access only those HALDBs that are not capable of being
| reorganized online. After fallback, HALDBs that are capable of being reorganized
| online are unavailable until you complete the following actions:
| 1. Using the IMS Version 9 offline reorganization utility, reorganize all partitions
| that have the M-through-V (and Y) data sets active; these data sets could be
| active either because the partition has the cursor-active status or because these
| are the only data sets for the partition.
| 2. Define the partitions as no longer capable of being reorganized online by using
| the command CHANGE.DB DBD(HALDB_master) OLRNOCAP.

| Restrictions for HALDB Online Reorganization

| The following restrictions apply to HALDB Online Reorganization:

370 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Reorganizing HALDBs

| v You can perform an online reorganization only for a HALDB that is defined in the
| RECON data sets as capable of being reorganized online (OLRCAP). For more
| information about the OLRCAP parameter, see the INIT.DB command or the
| CHANGE.DB command in the IMS Version 9: Database Recovery Control (DBRC)
| Guide and Reference.
| v You cannot start an online reorganization for a partition if another IMS system
| already owns an online reorganization for that partition.
| v You cannot make data definitional changes during an online reorganization of a
| partition. HALDB Online Reorganization provides only reclustering and space
| distribution advantages.
| v Image copy for a partition is not allowed if the partition is in the cursor-active
| status. This restriction applies even if the online reorganization terminated before
| the cursor-active status has been reset and the online reorganization for the
| partition is not owned by any IMS.
| v To backout in-flight work from an online reorganization, you must run a batch
| backout using a DL/I region type.
| v To use a type-2 command to start an online reorganization for a HALDB partition,
| you must have an IMS Common Service Layer that includes the Operations
| Manager and the Structured Call Interface. See the IMS Version 9: Common
| Service Layer Guide and Reference for more information.
| v HALDB Online Reorganization runs only in a local storage option-subordinate
| (LSO=S) environment. IMS rejects attempts to initiate an online reorganization for
| a HALDB partition in a local storage option-yes (LSO=Y) environments. For more
| information about the LSO specification, see the IMS Version 9: Installation
| Volume 2: System Definition and Tailoring.
| v You cannot perform an online reorganization for a HALDB partition from an
| alternate IMS system in an XRF complex. However, after an XRF takeover, the
| new active IMS system will continue a reorganization that was active when the
| takeover process began.
| v You cannot perform an online reorganization for a HALDB partition from a
| tracking IMS system in an RSR complex. However, for HALDBs that are
| registered as DBTRACK at the tracking IMS system, IMS tracks the effects of an
| online reorganization in the same way it tracks updates to any database. See
| “IMS Remote Site Recovery Processing for HALDB Online Reorganization” on
| page 378 for more information.
| v You cannot issue the following commands for a HALDB partition while it is being
| reorganized online:
| If you issue any of these commands for a HALDB partition that is actively being
| reorganized online, IMS displays error message DFS0488I and does not process
| the command for the named partition. For more information about these
| commands, see the IMS Version 9: Command Reference. For more information
| about message DFS0488I, see the IMS Version 9: Messages and Codes,
| Volume 2.
| v You cannot issue the following commands for a HALDB master while any of its
| partitions is being reorganized online:

Chapter 15. Tuning Databases 371

Reorganizing HALDBs


| For more information about these commands, see the IMS Version 9: Command
| Reference.

| Data Set Naming Conventions for HALDB Online Reorganization

| As described in “HALDB Naming Conventions” on page 22, the data sets for
| HALDB partitions use a specified naming convention. HALDB Online
| Reorganization extends this naming convention to include a second set of data
| sets. Data sets for partitions that are involved in HALDB Online Reorganization use
| the following naming convention: bbbbbbb.dppppp
| bbbbbbb Represents a data set name prefix of up to 37 characters that you
| defined using the HALDB Partition Definition utility or DBRC batch
| same data set base name is used for every data set within a
| HALDB partition.
| d Represents an IMS-assigned data set name type character that
| uniquely identifies a specific data set for a HALDB partition. The
| possible single-character values are:
| A-through-J
| “A” corresponds to the first, or possibly only, data set group
| that is defined in the DBD, “B” corresponds to the second
| data set group, and so on. The use of the characters
| A-through-J applies generally to HALDB partitions,
| regardless of whether they are capable of being
| reorganized online.
| M-through-V
| “M” corresponds to the first, or possibly only, data set group
| that is defined in the DBD, “N” corresponds to the second
| data set group, and so on. The use of the characters
| M-through-V applies only to HALDB partitions that are
| capable of being reorganized online.
| L The indirect list data set (ILDS). The online reorganization
| process does not make a copy of this data set.
| X The primary index of a PHIDAM database. This data set is
| the index for the A-through-J data sets and is replaced by
| the Y data set when the online reorganization process
| copies the database records from the A-through-J and X
| data sets into the M-through-V and Y data sets. The use of
| the X character applies generally to HALDB partitions,
| regardless of whether they are capable of being
| reorganized online.
| Y The primary index of a PHIDAM database. This data set is
| the index for the M-through-V data sets and it is replaced
| by the X data set when the online reorganization process
| copies the database records from the M-through-V and Y
| data sets into the A-through-J and X data sets. The use of
| the Y character applies only to HALDB partitions that are
| capable of being reorganized online.
| ppppp Specifies the five-digit partition ID that is assigned by IMS.

372 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Reorganizing HALDBs

| The data set names for the output data sets are identical to the names of the
| corresponding input data sets, except for the IMS-assigned data set name type
| character (A-through-J, M-through-V, X, or Y). Table 28 shows example data set
| names.
| Table 28. Data Set Name Examples for HALDB Online Reorganization
| Active Data Set Before Data Set Group or
| Online Reorganization Index Partition ID Input Data Set Name Output Data Set Name
| A-through-J (and X) 1 00003 DH41.A00003 DH41.M00003
| A-through-J (and X) Index 00065 ACCT.X00065 ACCT.Y00065
| M-through-V (and Y) 2 00005 PAY.MST.N00005 PAY.MST.B00005
| M-through-V (and Y) 8 00001 PAY.EMP.T00001 PAY.EMP.H00001

| Output Data Set Requirements for HALDB Online Reorganization

| During the initialization phase for an online reorganization of a HALDB partition,
| IMS creates any output data sets that do not already exist. For example, when the
| input data sets are the A-through-J (and X) set, if the M and P output data sets
| already exist, but the N and O output data sets do not, IMS creates the N and O
| data sets and uses the existing M and P data sets.

| Any existing output data sets must have the characteristics described in “HALDB
| Online Reorganization Requirements for Existing Output Data Sets” on page 545.
| Any data in the existing output data sets is overwritten during the copying phase of
| an online reorganization. Output data sets that IMS creates for the online
| reorganization have the characteristics described in “Attributes of
| Automatically-Created Output Data Sets” on page 545.

| Starting HALDB Online Reorganization

| Table 29 describes the tasks and commands for starting or resuming an online
| reorganization for a HALDB partition.
| Table 29. Mapping Startup Tasks to Commands for HALDB Online Reorganization
| Task Command Command Type
| Specify that a HALDB master is INIT.DB OLRCAP or CHANGE.DB DBRC
| capable of being reorganized online. OLRCAP
| Begin HALDB Online Reorganization INITIATE OLREORG Type 2
| for one or more partitions.
| Begin HALDB Online Reorganization /INITIATE OLREORG Type 1
| for one or more partitions.
| Resume HALDB Online Reorganization INITIATE OLREORG Type 2
| for one or more partitions.
| Resume HALDB Online Reorganization /INITIATE OLREORG Type 1
| for one or more partitions.
| Set the RATE for a HALDB Online INITIATE OLREORG Type 2
| Reorganization. SET(RATE(rate)) or UPDATE
| Set the RATE for a HALDB Online /INITIATE OLREORG Type 1
| Reorganization. SET(RATE(rate)) or /UPDATE

| Related Reading:

Chapter 15. Tuning Databases 373

Reorganizing HALDBs

| v For more information about the INITIATE OLREORG, /INITIATE OLREORG, UPDATE
| OLREORG and /UPDATE OLREORG commands, see the IMS Version 9: Command
| Reference.
| v For more information about the CHANGE.DB and the INIT.DB commands, see the
| IMS Version 9: Database Recovery Control (DBRC) Guide and Reference.

| Monitoring HALDB Online Reorganization

| Table 30 describes the tasks and commands for monitoring an online reorganization
| for a HALDB partition.
| Table 30. Mapping Monitoring Tasks to Commands for HALDB Online Reorganization
| Task Command Command Type
| Display status and rate information QUERY OLREORG Type 2
| about HALDB Online Reorganizations
| that are in progress.
| Monitor and display the status of the /DISPLAY DB OLR Type 1
| specified databases or partitions
| (including those HALDB Online
| Reorganizations that are in progress).
| Display HALDB Online Reorganization QUERY DB Type 2
| status.
| List all of the databases for which QUERY DB STATUS(OLR) Type 2
| HALDB Online Reorganizations are in
| progress.

| Related Reading: For more information about the /DISPLAY DB, /DISPLAY DB OLR,
| QUERY DB, and QUERY OLREORG commands, see the IMS Version 9: Command
| Reference.

| Modifying and Tuning HALDB Online Reorganization

| Table 31 describes the tasks and commands for modifying and tuning an online
| reorganization for a HALDB partition.
| Table 31. Mapping Modifying and Tuning Tasks to Commands for HALDB Online
| Reorganization
| Task Command Command Type
| Stop HALDB Online Reorganization for TERMINATE OLREORG Type 2
| one or more partitions.
| Stop HALDB Online Reorganization for /TERMINATE OLREORG Type 1
| one or more partitions.
| Change the impact of HALDB Online UPDATE OLREORG Type 2
| Reorganization on overall system SET(RATE(rate))
| performance, for one or more
| partitions.
| Change the impact of HALDB Online /UPDATE OLREORG Type 1
| Reorganization on overall system SET(RATE(rate))
| performance, for one or more
| partitions.
| Specify whether to delete the inactive UPDATE OLREORG OPTION(DEL | Type 2
| data sets after the copying phase NODEL)
| completes.

374 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Reorganizing HALDBs

| Table 31. Mapping Modifying and Tuning Tasks to Commands for HALDB Online
| Reorganization (continued)
| Task Command Command Type
| Specify whether to delete the inactive /UPDATE OLREORG OPTION(DEL | Type 1
| data sets after the copying phase NODEL)
| completes.

| Related Reading: For more information about the TERMINATE OLREORG, /TERMINATE
| OLREORG, UPDATE OLREORG, and /UPDATE OLREORG commands, see the IMS Version 9:
| Command Reference.

| Example: Figure 218 on page 376 shows the processing steps for an online
| reorganization of a HALDB partition and how it is affected by a TERMINATE OLREORG
| command that temporarily stops the reorganization:
| v When you issue the TERMINATE OLREORG command, IMS terminates the
| reorganization by entering the termination phase.
| v Later, when you issue the INITIATE OLREORG command, IMS restarts the
| reorganization from the initialization phase, then proceeds to the copying phase.
| In the figure, the reorganization then completes successfully through the
| termination phase.
| Note that there are two sets of data sets for the second initialization phase because
| the reorganization is not complete.

| In the figure, the columns represent the flow of control through the phases of the
| online reorganization, from the user to IMS, and the status of the data sets as the
| processing events occur.

Chapter 15. Tuning Databases 375

Reorganizing HALDBs

Figure 218. Processing Steps for an Interrupted Online Reorganization of a HALDB Partition

376 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Reorganizing HALDBs

| How a HALDB Online Reorganization Impacts IMS Logging

| The online reorganization of a HALDB partition generates X'50' database change
| log records for all of the data in the partition. IMS also logs other HALDB Online
| Reorganization information in a small number of X'29' log records. Thus, the total
| amount of log data generated by a HALDB Online Reorganization is considerably
| greater than the amount of data in the partition.

| Reorganizing partitions online, especially reorganizing multiple partitions in parallel

| on the same IMS system, can generate sufficient log data to impact normal
| transaction processing. The large number of log records that are generated can
| also affect the rate of OLDS switches and log archiving.

| Controlling the Overall System Impact of a HALDB Online

| Reorganization
| An online reorganization of a HALDB partition can impact the overall system
| performance of an IMS system, and likewise, other IMS work can affect the
| performance of an online reorganization. You can use the RATE parameter of the
| INITIATE OLREORG and UPDATE OLREORG commands to control the impact of an online
| reorganization on your IMS system.

| Depending on system resources, IMS requires a certain amount of time to process

| a unit of reorganization. The value of the RATE parameter represents how much of
| that time IMS spends actually copying and reorganizing the data and how much of
| that time IMS spends in an intentionally introduced delay. You specify the RATE
| value as a percentage, with values less than 100 representing the addition of an
| intentionally introduced delay. Adding this delay to the copying process can help
| minimize the online reorganization’s impact on other IMS work.

| The default value for the RATE parameter is 100, which allows the online
| reorganization to run as fast as possible, depending on system resources, system
| contention, and log contention, with no intentionally introduced delay. However, if
| you set the RATE value to 25, for example, IMS adds a delay to the reorganization
| processing so that 25% of the total processing time for a unit of reorganization is
| spent copying the data, and the remaining 75% is spent in an intentionally
| introduced delay. Thus, RATE(25) would cause the online reorganization to take
| approximately four times as long to run as it would have run with RATE(100).

| You can change the RATE value at any time by issuing the UPDATE OLREORG
| command.

| IMS Restart and XRF Processing for HALDB Online

| Reorganization
| If you shut down IMS while any online reorganizations of HALDB partitions are
| running, IMS suspends the reorganizations before completing the shutdown
| checkpoint. After IMS restarts, IMS automatically resumes the online
| reorganizations. IMS resumes the online reorganization even if you specified the
| NOPDBO option in the DFSVSMxx member.

| If IMS terminates abnormally while any online reorganizations are running, IMS
| dynamically backs out all uncommitted changes for these reorganizations to the
| most recent sync point. After IMS restarts, IMS automatically resumes the online
| reorganizations.

| Likewise, when an XRF takeover occurs, IMS automatically resumes the online
| reorganizations on the new active IMS system.

Chapter 15. Tuning Databases 377

Reorganizing HALDBs

| IMS Restart and Fast Database Recovery Processing for HALDB

| Online Reorganization
| When an FDBR takeover occurs, IMS performs the following actions:
| v Backs out all uncommitted changes for these reorganizations to the most recent
| sync point
| v Closes the partition
| v Unauthorizes the partition

| When you restart the IMS system, IMS does not resume the online reorganization
| because the partitions are not authorized after the FDBR terminates.

| IMS Remote Site Recovery Processing for HALDB Online

| Reorganization
| During Remote Site Recovery (RSR) tracking, IMS updates the tracking site
| RECON data sets with information for HALDB Online Reorganization. For HALDB
| partitions that are registered as database-level tracking (DBTRACK) at a Database
| Level Tracking (DLT) tracking IMS system, IMS performs the following steps during
| tracking of the online reorganization:
| v Creates the output data sets for the shadow partition, as needed.
| v Updates both the input and output data sets for the shadow partition.
| v Marks the original input data sets as inactive, and marks the output data sets as
| the active data sets at the completion of the tracking of the online reorganization.
| v Deletes the inactive data sets if delete option is in effect. You specify this option
| (or accept the default) by using the OPTION keyword of the INITIATE OLREORG
| command at the active site.

| IMS stops the shadow partition if errors occur during the validation or creation of
| the output data sets. The tracked partition at the active site is unaffected by errors
| at the tracking site. After you correct the problem that caused the error, restart the
| shadow partition on the tracking IMS system to initiate online forward recovery for
| the partition and to continue tracking.

| If the output data sets for the online reorganization already exist at the tracking site
| before tracking begins, ensure that these data sets have same characteristics (such
| as block size, record size, and control interval size) as those at the active site. See
| “HALDB Online Reorganization Requirements for Existing Output Data Sets” on
| page 545 for the data set characteristics. If you change output data set
| characteristics manually at the active site, you must make the same changes at the
| tracking site.

| After an RSR takeover, IMS stops all HALDB partitions, including those that had
| online reorganizations in process. After you rebuild the primary index and indirect
| list data sets using the HALDB Index/ILDS Rebuild utility (DFSPREC0) at the new
| active site, issue the INITIATE OLREORG command to resume the online
| reorganizations, if needed. The online reorganizations are not automatically
| restarted after takeover.

| Locking Impacts of HALDB Online Reorganization

| An online reorganization for a HALDB partition uses the IRLM to request global
| locks for each UOR to maintain partition integrity and recoverability. An online
| reorganization that is running with the RATE(100) specification can incur a
| significant number of IRLM lock structure accesses per second.

| Recommendations:

378 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Reorganizing HALDBs

| v Consider using a second subpool to relieve database buffer contention for more
| than four concurrent online reorganizations.
| v Use the IBM CFSizer to model the additional coupling facility activities to ensure
| that your coupling facility configuration is capable of handling the extra load
| introduced by the online reorganizations:
| – For IRLM 2.1 with PC=NO specified, each additional 1000 concurrently held
| locks requires 256 KB of ECSA storage.
| – For IRLM 2.2, each additional 1000 concurrently held locks requires 540 KB
| obtained from IRLM private storage. No increase in ECSA storage is
| necessary.
| v Review your LOGL latch contention rate, OLDS logging rate, IRLM lock structure
| access, and DBBP (for OSAM) latch contention.

| Using IMS Utilities with HALDB Online Reorganization

| The following IMS utilities have special considerations when used with HALDB
| Online Reorganization: Batch Backout (DFSBBO00), Database Change
| Accumulation (DFSUCUM0), Database Image Copy (DFSUDMP0), Database
| Recovery (DFSURDB0), and Primary Index and ILDS Rebuild (DFSPREC0).
| Batch Backout (DFSBBO00)
| If dynamic backout fails for a unit or reorganization, IMS creates a backout
| record in the RECON data sets that contains the dynamic PSB name. Run
| the Batch Backout utility (DFSBBO00) for the listed PSB name.
| If dynamic backout was not attempted, use the Log Recovery utility
| (DFSULTR0) with the PSB option to list those PSBs that require backout. If
| there is in-flight online reorganization work for a HALDB partition that
| requires backout, the Log Recovery utility lists the dynamic PSB name. Run
| the Batch Backout utility (DFSBBO00) for each of the listed PSB names.
| Database Change Accumulation (DFSUCUM0)
| You can use the Database Change Accumulation utility (DFSUCUM0) to
| accumulate changes for HALDB partition A-through-J data sets and for the
| M-through-V data sets. You need to specify the DB0 control statement so
| that the Database Change Accumulation utility accumulates changes or
| purges changes from before the online reorganization started.
| The Database Change Accumulation utility might create Database Change
| Accumulation header records (type X'25' records) for a corresponding
| A-through-J and M-through-V data set if the online reorganization
| checkpoint is not complete at the start of the database change
| accumulation.
| Database Image Copy (DFSUDMP0)
| You can use the Database Image Copy utility (DFSUDMP0) to copy the
| currently active data set that is recorded in the RECON data sets. The
| Database Image Copy utility also determines if it should copy the
| M-through-V data sets or the A-through-J data sets. However, if a partition
| is in the cursor-active status, you cannot run the Database Image Copy
| utility for that partition.
| It is not necessary to code a DD statement in the JCL when copying
| HALDB partition data sets, because they are dynamically allocated.
| Database Recovery (DFSURDB0)
| The Database Recovery utility (DFSURDB0) expects the utility output data
| sets to exist, and makes no attempt to create them. See “Recovery for
| HALDB Online Reorganization” on page 380.

Chapter 15. Tuning Databases 379

Reorganizing HALDBs

| Primary Index and ILDS Rebuild (DFSPREC0)

| You can use the HALDB Index/ILDS Rebuild utility (DFSPREC0) to recover
| the primary index data set for both the input and output data sets. You can
| also use the HALDB Index/ILDS Rebuild utility to recover both the X and Y
| primary index data sets and the ILDS in a single run. You cannot specify a
| particular input or output data set, but if the partition is in the cursor-active
| status, the utility allocates and rebuilds all of the necessary data sets.

| Related Reading: For more information about these utilities, see the IMS Version 9:
| Utilities Reference: Database and Transaction Manager.

| Recovery for HALDB Online Reorganization

| After DBRC sets the cursor-active status for the partition in the RECON data sets,
| and until the copying phase completes and DBRC resets the cursor-active status,
| you can recover any of the input or output data sets using the Database Recovery
| utility (DFSURDB0). To restore the output data sets, the Database Recovery utility
| uses the database change records (type X'50' log records) and applies them to
| empty output data sets.

| Recommendation: Make an image copy of the output data sets as soon as

| possible after the online reorganization completes. Recovering from this image copy
| is faster than recovering from the database change records that are logged during
| the online reorganization. However, you cannot make an image copy while the
| partition is in cursor-active status.

| To recover an output data set before the online reorganization completes, perform
| the following tasks:
| 1. Stop the online reorganization by using the TERMINATE OLREORG command. If the
| online reorganization encountered an abend, it is stopped automatically.
| 2. Issue the /DBR or the UPDATE DB command for the HALDB partition.
| 3. Run database change accumulation, as necessary. You can create the JCL by
| issuing the GENJCL.CA command, or you can run the Database Change
| Accumulation utility (DFSUCUM0) from your own JCL. The purge time for the
| change accumulation must be equal to the time of the beginning of the online
| reorganization to represent restoring from the initial empty state of the data set.
| See “Specifying a Purge Time for the Database Change Accumulation Utility” on
| page 381.
| 4. Create the output data set to be recovered, either by using a JCL DD statement
| or by using Access Method Services, as appropriate.
| 5. Recover the database changes. You can create the JCL by issuing the
| GENJCL.RECOV command. Alternatively, you can run the Database Recovery utility
| (DFSURDB0) from your own JCL with the DD statement for DFSUDUMP
| specified as DUMMY to indicate that there is no image copy from which to
| restore.
| 6. Run the Batch Backout utility (DFSBBO00), because you might need to back
| out uncommitted data.
| 7. After you have recovered, and possibly backed-out, all of the required data sets
| of the HALDB partition, issue the /STA DB or the UPDATE DB command for the
| HALDB partition.
| 8. Issue the INITIATE OLREORG command to resume the online reorganization.

| You can also recover an output data set after the online reorganization completes
| but before an image copy has been made. Follow the same steps as for recovering

380 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Reorganizing HALDBs

| an output data set before the online reorganization completes, except the steps for
| stopping and restarting the online reorganization.

| In addition, you can recover an output data set from a point other than the
| beginning of the online reorganization, such as from a full dump of a DASD volume,
| using existing procedures if the online reorganization is either completed or
| terminated.

| Specifying a Purge Time for the Database Change Accumulation Utility:

| When you run the Database Change Accumulation utility (DFSUCUM0) for one of
| the output data sets, specify a purge time that is equal to the online reorganization
| start time.

| Specifying this purge time is necessary if change accumulation records (or an input
| log) that involve the output data set span the time that a online reorganization was
| started. Specifying the purge time eliminates database change records from before
| this point in time and is analogous to eliminating database change records from
| prior to the start time of an image copy.

| Specifying a Starting Point for the GENJCL.CA and GENJCL.RECOV

| Commands: Even if no image copy exists for the output data sets, the RECON
| data sets reflect the beginning of the online reorganization as a starting point from
| which you can perform forward recovery of one of these data sets, even after the
| online reorganization is complete. Until you make an image copy of an output data
| set, the GENJCL.CA command treats this starting point as though it were the most
| recent image copy and causes changes to the output data set to be accumulated
| from that point. Similarly, the GENJCL.RECOV command prepares recovery of an
| output data set from this point, even if no physical image copy exists.

| Specifying the Active Data Sets for the Database Image Copy Utilities: The
| database image copy utilities always copy from the currently active data sets that
| are recorded in the RECON data sets. Regardless of whether the A-through-J or
| the M-through-V data sets are active, you do not need to change the JCL or control
| statements for these utilities to specify which set of data sets to use.

| On the utility control statement for the Database Image Copy utility (DFSUDMP0),
| the DDNAME does not need to refer to the currently active data set. Regardless of
| whether the A-through-J or the M-through-V data sets are active, the utility
| automatically uses currently active data sets.

| Example: Assume that the data set for a second data set group defined in the DBD
| is to be copied, and that the partition name is PARTNO3. Regardless of which set
| of data sets is active, you can code a DDNAME of either PARTNO3B or
| PARTNO3N on the control statement. If the A-through-J data sets are active,
| whether you specify PARTNO3B or PARTNO3N, the utility copies from PARTNO3B.
| Likewise, if the M-through-V data sets are active, the utility copies from

| In the JCL statements for the Database Image Copy utility, you should omit the DD
| statement that refers to the input data set. Based on whether the A-through-J or the
| M-through-V data sets are active, the utility dynamically allocates the appropriate
| data set. A DD statement that refers to a specific data set name can cause the
| utility job to fail because of a “Data Set Not Found” condition during job-step
| initiation. This condition occurs if an inactive data set name is coded in the JCL and
| the data set does not exist.

Chapter 15. Tuning Databases 381

Reorganizing HALDBs

| Activating Sequential Buffering to Improve the Performance of

| HALDB Online Reorganization
| You can use sequential buffering to improve the performance of online
| reorganization of OSAM databases by including the SBONLINE statement in the
| IMS.PROCLIB data set member DFSVSMxx.

| Using the SBONLINE statement causes IMS to load the sequential buffering
| modules during initialization so that, whenever you start an online reorganization for
| an OSAM partition, IMS activates sequential buffering immediately. If you do not
| include the SBONLINE statement, IMS analyzes the DL/I calls to determine whether
| sequential buffering is suited for processing the reorganization.

| The two forms of the SBONLINE control statement are:


| where nnnnn is the maximum amount of storage (in kilobytes) that can be allocated
| to sequential buffers.

| When the maximum amount of storage is reached, IMS stops allocating sequential
| buffers to online applications (including HALDB Online Reorganization) until these
| applications release sequential buffer space. If you do not specify the MAXSB=
| keyword, the maximum amount of storage for sequential buffers is unlimited. For
| more information about the SBONLINE control statement, see the IMS Version 9:
| Installation Volume 2: System Definition and Tailoring.

| The HALDB Self-Healing Pointer Process

| Reorganizations of HALDBs with logical relationships and secondary indexes do not
| require the execution of utilities to update pointers. Instead, HALDB uses a
| self-healing pointer process to correct logical relationship and secondary index
| pointers. This process is implemented by placing a target key and an extended
| pointer set (EPS) in the secondary index or logically related database and by using
| an indirect list data set (ILDS) in each partition of PHDAM and PHIDAM databases.

| How the Self-Healing Pointer Process Works

| The elements of the self-healing pointer process can be seen in Figure 219 on page
| 383, which shows the interrelationships between the elements prior to a database
| reorganization.

382 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Reorganizing HALDBs

| Figure 219. HALDB Pointer Before a Reorganization
| Each secondary index entry and each logical child segment contains the key of its
| target record. For secondary indexes, the key of the target’s root segment is
| included in the prefix. For logical child segments, the concatenated key of the
| logical parent is included in the segment data.

| Each segment in a PHDAM or PHIDAM database has an indirect list key (ILK). The
| ILK is unique for the segment type across the entire database. It is composed of
| the relative byte address (RBA), partition ID, and partition reorganization number of
| the segment when it was first created. The ILK for a segment never changes. It is
| maintained across reorganizations.

| Each secondary index entry or logical child segment has an extended pointer set
| (EPS). The EPS includes the ILK of its target segment. It also contains the RBA,
| partition ID, and partition reorganization number for the target segment. These parts
| of the EPS might not be accurate. That is, they might not reflect the current location
| of the target segment or the current reorganization number of the target segment’s
| partition. In Figure 219 they are accurate.

| The target segment has an indirect list entry (ILE) in the ILDS for a partition. The
| ILE contains accurate information about the target segment. This includes its
| current RBA, the correct partition ID, and the current reorganization number for the
| partition. The key of the ILE is composed of the ILK and the segment code of the
| target segment.

Chapter 15. Tuning Databases 383

Reorganizing HALDBs

| The reorganization number for a partition is physically stored in the partition’s first
| database data set. This number is initialized by partition initialization or load, and
| incremented with each reorganization that reloads segments in the partition.

| Finding Target Segments

| When IMS accesses the target segment from the secondary index entry or logical
| child segment, it must first determine the partition in which the target resides. It
| uses the key in the secondary index or logical child to determine the partition. Next
| it must determine the location in the target partition database data set. It compares
| the partition ID and reorganization number of the target partition with the partition ID
| and reorganization number stored in the EPS. If they match, IMS uses the RBA in
| the EPS to locate the target segment. If they do not match, the RBA in the EPS
| cannot be used.

| When the RBA in the EPS cannot be used, IMS uses the information in the ILE to
| locate the target segment. The ILE key is found by using the ILK from the EPS and
| the target’s segment code. The ILE is read from the ILDS of the partition
| determined from the target’s key.

| Figure 220 on page 385 illustrates a situation in which the RBA in the EPS cannot
| be used. In the figure, the target partition has been reorganized three times since
| the EPS was accurate. This has moved the target segment and updated the
| reorganization number in the partition data set. The EPS still contains a
| reorganization number of 5, but the reorganization number in the partition data set
| is now 8. The information in the ILE has been updated by the HD Reorganization
| Reload utility. IMS uses the ILK from the EPS to find the ILE and uses the RBA in
| the ILE to find the target segment.

384 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Reorganizing HALDBs

| Figure 220. HALDB Pointer After a Reorganization
| Even though the retrieval is indirect, often the CI containing the ILE will already be
| in IMS’s buffer pool.

| Recommendation: If possible, avoid the indirect process of locating target

| segments. Instead, get the target segment location from the EPS without reading
| the ILE. The self-healing process allows IMS to limit the use of ILEs.

| Healing Pointers
| The self-healing process updates or corrects the information in EPSs. When the ILE
| is used, the information about the current location of the segment in the ILE is
| moved to the EPS. This allows IMS to avoid the indirect process if the EPS is used
| for a later retrieval. This correction to the EPS in the database buffer pool is always
| done.

| Because of locking considerations, the update might not be written to the database
| on DASD. The buffer containing the entry or segment with the updated EPS is
| marked as altered if the application program is allowed to update the database. The
| call must be done with a PCB allowing updates, and the IMS system must have an
| access intent for the partition that allows updates. If updates are not allowed, the
| buffer is not marked as altered.

| When the application reaches a sync point, it does not write buffers to DASD if they
| are not marked as altered. If the updated EPS is not written to DASD, the next time
| it is retrieved from DASD and used to find its target, IMS must use the indirect
| process. That is, IMS must read the ILE again.

Chapter 15. Tuning Databases 385

Reorganizing HALDBs

| Figure 221 shows the EPS after it has been healed. The RBA points to the current
| location. The partition ID is correct. The partition reorganization number matches
| the number stored in the partition database data set.

| Figure 221. HALDB Pointer After the Self-Healing Process
| Performance of the Self-Healing Process
| The performance of the self-healing process can be much more efficient than you
| might anticipate.

| Many pointers can be healed with a small number of ILDS reads. This is due to the
| use of IMS database buffering. ILDSs are database data sets. They use database
| buffer pools in the same way that other database data sets use them. If a CI is
| already in its buffer pool, it does not have to be read from DASD.

| Each ILE is 50 bytes. You specify the CI sizes for your ILDSs. An 8 KB ILDS CI
| holds up to 163 ILEs and a 16 KB CI holds up to 327 ILEs, so a single CI can hold
| many ILEs. After a reorganization, IMS might need to heal many pointers to the
| reorganized partitions.

| When there are frequent uses of the CIs in an ILDS, they tend to remain in their
| buffer pool. One read of an ILDS CI might be sufficient to heal hundreds of pointers.
| As with most IMS database tuning, having a large number of buffers for frequently
| used data sets can be highly beneficial.

| Another benefit of the self-healing process is that it does not waste resources
| healing pointers that are not used. In many secondary indexes, only a small number
| of entries are actually used. With a non-HALDB database, the entire index is rebuilt

386 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Reorganizing HALDBs

| every time the indexed database is reorganized. With HALDB, the index is not
| rebuilt and only a small number of referenced index entries are updated. HALDB
| does not use resources to update pointers that are never used.

| When an EPS is updated, an application marks buffers as altered only if the

| application is allowed to make updates. If updates are allowed and a block-level
| data sharing environment is being used, a block lock is requested for the altered
| block. Block level data sharing environments exist when the IRLM is used and the
| share level for the database is either 2 or 3. The block locks are held until the
| application program commits its unit of work, which could cause a performance
| problem.

| Optimizing Self-Healing Performance: Usually application programs with update

| authority commit frequently. This is good programming practice. Occasionally, an
| application program that is allowed to do updates does not actually do them. For
| example, a program with a PCB specifying PROCOPT=A might only read. In this
| case, it might not commit frequently. Because it only reads, it never holds many
| locks. This could change with the implementation of HALDB. If the program runs in
| a block level data sharing environment and invokes the healing process, it will hold
| block locks until they are committed. This could cause two problems. First, it might
| hold the locks for a long time and cause other programs to wait before they can
| update the blocks. Second, it could hold many locks. This could cause a storage
| shortage in the IRLM or a lock structure.

| If you have a program that holds locks for a long time or that holds many locks
| when performing the self-healing pointer process, you have four options:
| v If the application program does not make updates, use PROCOPT=G.
| v Have your program commit frequently.
| v Invoke the pointer healing process before you run application programs that use
| PROCOPT=A, but do not do any updates. Run another program or utility before
| this type of application program. The HALDB Conversion and Maintenance Aid
| tool supplies a pointer healing utility.
| v Rebuild secondary indexes with an index builder, such as the IMS Index Builder
| for z/OS. The IMS Index Builder for z/OS creates EPSs with accurate RBAs.

| This scenario is not common. Most users can let the pointer healing process occur
| without taking any special precautions.

| Recommendation: Do not rebuild your secondary indexes after a reorganization.

| Let the self-healing process of HALDB correct the pointers. This shortens the
| outage for reorganizations and tends to minimize the use of resources.

| Related Reading:
| v For more information about the IMS High Availability Large Database Conversion
| and Maintenance Aid, see the IMS High Availability Large Database Conversion
| and Maintenance Aid for z/OS, User’s Guide.
| v For more information about the IMS Index Builder, see the IMS Index Builder for
| z/OS User’s Guide.

Chapter 15. Tuning Databases 387

Changing DL/I Access Methods

Changing DL/I Access Methods

When you originally chose a DL/I access method (or type of database), you chose it
based on such things as:
v The type of processing you needed to do (sequential, direct, or both)
v The volatility of your data

If the characteristics of your applications have changed over a period of time,

performance might be improved by changing to another DL/I access method.
Chapter 6, “Choosing Full-Function Database Types,” on page 55 describes which
type of DL/I access method to choose given your application’s characteristics.
Assuming that you have decided to change access methods, this topic tells you:
v Given your existing DL/I access method, what things you need to change to
convert to a different DL/I access method
v How to do the conversion

The reorganization utilities described earlier in this chapter can be used to change
DL/I access methods among the HISAM, HDAM, and HIDAM access methods. One
exception to this is that HDAM cannot be changed to HISAM or HIDAM unless
HDAM database physical records are in root key sequence. This exception exists
because HISAM and HIDAM databases must be loaded with database records in
root key sequence. When the HD Reorganization Unload utility unloads an HDAM
database, it unloads it using GN calls. GN calls against an HDAM database unload
the database records in the physical sequence in which they were stored by the
randomizing module. This will not be root key sequence unless you used a
sequential randomizing module (one that put the database records into the
database in physical root key sequence).

| Related Reading: The procedures in this topic require you to reassess different
| aspects of your databases. See the following related readings for information to
| help you make the reassessments:
| v For a description of free space and how it is specified, see “Specifying Free
| Space (HDAM, PHDAM, HIDAM, and PHIDAM Only)” on page 241.
| v For a description of types of pointers and how to specify them, see “Types of
| Pointers You Can Specify” on page 81.
| v For information about what to consider in choosing a logical record length and
| how logical record lengths are specified, see “Choosing a Logical Record Length
| for HD Databases” on page 248.
| v For information about what to consider in choosing a CI or block size and how CI
| and block size are specified, see “Determining the Size of CIs and Blocks” on
| page 248.
| v For information about what to consider in choosing buffer number and size and
| how buffers are specified, see “Buffer Numbers” on page 251.
| v For information about how to calculate database size, see “Estimating the
| Minimum Size of the Database” on page 311.
| v For information about choosing HDAM or PHDAM options, see “Choosing HDAM
| or PHDAM Options” on page 244.
| v For information about choosing and specifying a randomizing module, see
| “Determining Which Randomizing Module to Use (HDAM and PHDAM Only)” on
| page 243.

388 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Changing DL/I Access Methods

Changing the DL/I Access Method From HISAM to HIDAM

You need the following before changing your DL/I access method from HISAM to
v Determine whether you are going to set aside free space in the HIDAM
database. (Free space is space into which database records are not loaded
when the database is initially loaded.)
Unlike HISAM, in a HIDAM database you can set aside periodic blocks or CIs of
free space or a percentage of free space in each block or CI (in the ESDS or
OSAM data set). This free space can then be used for inserting database
records or segments into the database after initial load.
v Determine what type of pointers you are going to use in the database. Unlike
HISAM, HIDAM uses direct-address pointers to point from one segment in the
database to the next.
v Reassess your choice of logical record size. A logical record in HISAM can only
contain segments from the same database record. In HIDAM, a logical record
can contain segments from more than one database record.
v Reassess your choice of CI or block size. In HISAM, your choice of CI or block
size should have been some multiple of the average size of a database record.
In HIDAM, the size should be chosen because of the characteristics of the device
and the type of processing you plan to do.
v Reassess your choice of database buffer sizes and the number of buffers you
have allocated. If you have changed your CI or block size, you need to allocate
buffers for the new size.
v Recalculate database space. You need to do this because the changes you are
making will result in different requirements for database space.

Once you have determined what changes you need to make, you are ready to
change your DL/I access method from HISAM to HIDAM. To do this:
1. Unload your database using the existing DBD and the HD Reorganization
Unload utility.
2. Code a new DBD that reflects the changes you need to make. You must also
code a DBD for the HIDAM index.
3. If you need to make change that are not specified in the DBD (such as
changing database buffer sizes or the amount of space allocated for the
database), make these changes.
4. For non-VSAM data sets, delete the old database space and define new
database space. For VSAM data sets, delete the space allocated for the old
clusters and define space for the new clusters.
5. Reload the database using the new DBD and the HD Reorganization Reload
utility. Remember to make an image copy of your database as soon as it is
If you are using logical relationships or secondary indexes, you will need to run
additional utilities immediately before and after reloading your database. The
flowchart in Figure 195 on page 346 tells you which utilities to use and the order
in which they must be run.

Changing the DL/I Access Method From HISAM to HDAM

You need to do the following before changing your DL/I access method from HISAM
to HDAM:

Chapter 15. Tuning Databases 389

Changing DL/I Access Methods

v Determine what type of pointers you are going to use in the database. Unlike
HISAM, HDAM uses direct-address pointers to point from one segment in the
database to the next.
v Determine which randomizing module you are going to use. Unlike HISAM,
HDAM uses a randomizing module. The randomizing module generates
information that determines where a database record will be stored.
v Determine which HDAM options you are going to use. Unlike HISAM, an HDAM
database is divided into two parts: a root addressable area and an overflow area.
The root addressable area contains all root segments and is the primary storage
area for dependent segments in a database record. The overflow area is for
storage of dependent segments that do not fit in the root addressable area. The
HDAM options here are the ones that pertain to choices you make about the root
addressable area. These are:
– The maximum number of bytes of a database record to be put in the root
addressable area when segments in the database record are inserted
consecutively (without intervening processing operations).
– The number of blocks or CIs in the root addressable area.
– The number of RAPS (root anchor points) in a block or CI in the root
addressable area. (A RAP is a field that points to a root segment.)
v Reassess your choice of logical record sizes. A logical record in HISAM can only
contain segments from the same database record. In HDAM, a logical record can
contain segments from more than one database record. In addition, HDAM
logical records contain RAPs and two space management fields (FSEs and
v Reassess your choice of CI or block size. In HISAM, your choice of CI or block
size should have been some multiple of the average size of a database record.
In HDAM, the size should be chosen because of the characteristics of the device
and the type of processing you plan to do.
v Reassess your choice of database buffer sizes and the number of buffers you
have allocated. If you have changed your CI or block size, you need to allocate
buffers for the new size.
v Recalculate database space. You need to do this because the changes you are
making will result in different requirements for database space.

Once you have determined what changes you need to make, you are ready to
change your DL/I access method from HISAM to HDAM. To do this:
1. Unload your database, using the existing DBD and the HD Reorganization
Unload utility.
2. Code a new DBD that reflects the changes you need to make.
3. If you need to make changes that are not specified in the DBD (such as
changing database buffer sizes or the amount of space allocated for the
database), make these changes. HDAM only requires one data set, whereas
HISAM requires two.
4. For non-VSAM data sets, delete the old database space and define new
database space. For VSAM data sets, delete the space allocated for the old
clusters and define space for the new clusters.
5. Reload the database using the new DBD and the HD Reorganization Reload
utility. Make an image copy of your database as soon as it is reloaded.
If you are using logical relationships or secondary indexes, you will need to run
additional utilities before reloading your database. The flowchart in Figure 195
on page 346 tells you which utilities to use and the order in which they must be

390 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Changing DL/I Access Methods

Changing the DL/I Access Method From HIDAM to HISAM

You need to do the following before changing your DL/I access method from HIDAM
v Reassess your choice of logical record size. A logical record in HISAM can only
contain segments from the same database record. In HIDAM, a logical record
can contain segments from more than one database record.
v Reassess your choice of CI or block size. In HIDAM, your choice of CI or block
size should be based on the characteristics of the device and the type of
processing you plan to do. In HISAM, the size should be some multiple of the
average size of a database record.
v Reassess your choice of database buffer sizes and the number of buffers you
have allocated. If you have changed your CI or block size, you need to allocate
buffers for the new size.
v Recalculate database space. You need to do this because the changes you are
making will result in different requirements for database space.

Once you have determined what changes you need to make, you are ready to
change your DL/I access method from HIDAM to HISAM. To do this:
1. Unload your database using the existing DBD and the HD Reorganization
Unload utility.
2. Code a new DBD that reflects the changes you need to make. You will not be
specifying direct-address pointers or free space in the DBD, because HISAM,
unlike HIDAM, does not allow use of these. Also, HISAM has only one DBD
whereas HIDAM had two.
3. If you need to make changes that are not specified in the DBD (such as
changing database buffer sizes or the amount of space allocated for the
database), make these changes.
4. For non-VSAM data sets, delete the old database space and define new
database space. For VSAM data sets, delete the space allocated for the old
clusters and define space for the new clusters.
5. Reload the database using the new DBD and the HD Reorganization Reload
utility. Remember to make an image copy of your database as soon as it is
If you are using logical relationships or secondary indexes, run additional utilities
right before and after reloading your database. The flowchart in Figure 195 on
page 346 tells you which utilities to use and the order in which they must be

Changing the DL/I Access Method From HIDAM to HDAM

You need to do the following before changing your DL/I access method from HIDAM
to HDAM:
v Reassess your choice of direct-address pointers. Although both HIDAM and
HDAM use direct-address pointers, you might need to change the type of
direct-address pointer used:
– Because of the changing needs of your applications.
– Because pointers are partly chosen based on the type of database you are
using. For example, if you used physical twin backward pointers on root
segments in your HIDAM database to get fast sequential processing of roots,
they will not have any use in an HDAM database. See Chapter 6, “Choosing
Full-Function Database Types,” on page 55 under “Types of Pointers You Can
Specify” for a description of types of pointers, their uses, and how to specify

Chapter 15. Tuning Databases 391

Changing DL/I Access Methods

v Determine which randomizing module you are going to use. Unlike HIDAM,
HDAM uses a randomizing module. The randomizing module generates
information that determines where a database record is to be stored.
v Determine which HDAM options you are going to use. Unlike HIDAM, an HDAM
database does not have a separate index database. Instead the database is
divided into two parts: a root addressable area and an overflow area. The root
addressable area contains all root segments and is the primary storage area for
dependent segments in a database record. The overflow area is for storage of
dependent segments that do not fit in the root addressable area. The HDAM
options here are the ones that pertain to choices you make about the root
addressable area. These are:
– The maximum number of bytes of a database record to be put in the root
addressable area when segments in the database record are inserted
consecutively (without intervening processing operations).
– The number of blocks or CIs in the root addressable area.
– The number of RAPs in a block or CI in the root addressable area.
v Reassess your choice of logical record size.
v Reassess your choice of CI or block size.
v Reassess your choice of database buffer sizes and the number of buffers you
have allocated. If you have changed your CI or block size, you need to allocate
buffers for the new size.
v Recalculate database space. You need to do this because the changes you are
making will result in different requirements for database space.

After you have determined what changes you need to make, you are ready to
change your DL/I access method from HIDAM to HDAM. To do this:
1. Unload your database using the existing DBD and the HD Reorganization
Unload utility.
2. Code a new DBD that reflects the changes you need to make. You probably will
not be specifying free space, but you will be specifying HDAM options. Note
also that you’ll need only one DBD for HDAM, whereas HIDAM required two
3. If you need to make changes that are not specified in the DBD (such as
changing database buffer sizes or the amount of space allocated for the
database), make these changes. HDAM only requires one data set, whereas
HIDAM requires two.
4. For non-VSAM data sets, delete the old database space and define new
database space. For VSAM data sets, delete the space allocated for the old
clusters and define space for the new clusters.
5. Reload the database using the new DBD and the HD Reorganization Reload
utility. Remember to make an image copy of your database as soon as it is
If you are using logical relationships or secondary indexes, you will need to run
additional utilities right before and after reloading your database. The flowchart
in Figure 195 on page 346 tells you which utilities to use and the order in which
they must be run.

Changing the DL/I Access Method From HDAM to HISAM

You need to do the following before changing your DL/I access method from HDAM

392 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Changing DL/I Access Methods

v Reassess your choice of logical record size. A logical record in HISAM can only
contain segments from the same database record. In HISAM, a logical record
can contain segments from more than one database record.
v Reassess your choice of CI or block size. In HDAM, your choice of CI or block
size should be based on the characteristics of the device and the type of
processing you plan to do. In HISAM, the size should be some multiple of the
average size of a database record.
v Reassess your choice of database buffer sizes and the number of buffers you
have allocated. If you have changed your CI or block size, you need to allocate
buffers for the new size.
v Recalculate database space. You need to recalculate database space because
the changes you are making will result in different requirements for database

After you have determined what changes you need to make, you are ready to
change your DL/I access method from HDAM to HISAM. Remember you must write
your own unload and reload programs unless database records in the HDAM
database are in physical root key sequence. In writing your own load program, if
your HDAM database uses logical relationships, you must preserve information in
the delete byte (for example, a segment that is logically deleted in the database
might not be physically deleted).

To change from HDAM to HISAM:

1. Unload your database using the existing DBD and one of the following:
v Your unload program
v The HD Reorganization Unload utility if database records are in physical root
key sequence
2. Code a new DBD that reflects the changes you need to make. You will not be
specifying direct-address pointers or HDAM options.
3. If you need to make changes that are not specified in the DBD (such as
changing database buffer sizes or the amount of space allocated for the
database), make these changes. HDAM only requires one data set, whereas
HISAM requires two.
4. For non-VSAM data sets, delete the old database space and define new
database space. For VSAM data sets, delete the space allocated for the old
clusters and define space for the new clusters.
5. Reload the database using the new DBD and:
v Your load program, or
v The HD Reorganization Reload utility if database records are in physical root
key sequences
Remember to make an image copy of your database as soon as it is
If you are using logical relationships or secondary indexes, you will need to run
additional utilities right before and after reloading your database. The flowchart
in Figure 195 on page 346 tells you which utilities to use and the order in which
they must be run.

Changing the DL/I Access Method From HDAM to HIDAM

You need to make the following changes before changing your DL/I access method
from HDAM to HIDAM:
v Determine whether you are going to set aside free space in the HIDAM
database. (Free space is space into which database records are not loaded

Chapter 15. Tuning Databases 393

Changing DL/I Access Methods

when the database is initially loaded.) In a HIDAM database, you can set aside
periodic blocks or CIs of free space or a percentage of free space in each block
or CI (in the ESDS or OSAM data set). This free space can then be used for
inserting database records or segments into the database after initial load. In an
HDAM database, you generally get the free space you need by careful choice of
HDAM options.
v Reassess your choice of direct-address pointers. Although both HIDAM and
HDAM use direct-address pointers, you might need to change the type of
direct-address pointer used:
– Because of the changing needs of your applications.
– Because pointers are partly chosen based on the type of database you are
using. For example, you can chose to use physical twin forward and backward
pointers on root segments in your HIDAM database to get fast sequential
processing of roots.
v Reassess your choice of logical record size.
v Reassess your choice of CI or block size.
v Reassess your choice of database buffer sizes and the number of buffers you
have allocated. If you have changed your CI or block size, you need to allocate
buffers for the new size.
v Recalculate database space. You need to recalculate database space because
the changes you are making will result in different requirements for database

Once you have determined what changes you need to make, you are ready to
change your DL/I access method from HDAM to HIDAM. Remember you must write
your own unload and reload programs unless database records in the HDAM
database are in physical root key sequence. In writing your own load program, if
your HDAM database uses logical relationships, you must preserve information in
the delete byte (for example, a segment that is logically deleted in the database
might not be physically deleted).

To change from HDAM to HIDAM:

1. Unload your database using the existing DBD and one of the following:
v Your unload program
v The HD Reorganization Unload utility if database records are in physical root
key sequence
2. Code a new DBD that reflects the changes you need to make. You must also
code a DBD for the HIDAM index. You will not be specifying HDAM options but
you probably will be specifying free space.
3. If you need to make changes that are not specified in the DBD (such as
changing database buffer sizes or the amount of space allocated for the
database), make these changes. HDAM only requires one data set, whereas
HIDAM requires two.
4. For non-VSAM data sets, delete the old database space and define new
database space. For VSAM data sets, delete the space allocated for the old
clusters and define space for the new clusters.
5. Reload the database using the new DBD and one of the following:
v Your load program
v The HD Reorganization Reload utility if database records are in physical root
key sequence.
Remember to make an image copy of your database as soon as it is reloaded.

394 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Changing DL/I Access Methods

If you are using logical relationships or secondary indexes, you will need to run
additional utilities before reloading your database. The flowchart in Figure 195
on page 346 tells you which utilities to use and the order in which they must be

Changing the DL/I Access Method From HDAM to PHDAM and HIDAM
For a logical view of HDAM and HIDAM databases before and after changing to
PHDAM and PHIDAM respectively, see Figure 222.

Figure 222. HDAM and HIDAM Databases Before and After Changing to PHDAM and

Requirement: You must concurrently migrate all databases that are logically
related. All secondary indexes that point to these logically related databases must
be migrated at the same time the databases they point to are migrated.

Because non-keyed PHDAM root segments are not supported, you cannot migrate
an HDAM database with non-keyed roots to HALDB.

There are two methods for changing a HDAM or HIDAM database to PHDAM or
PHIDAM. The first method keeps the same database name. The second method
changes the name of the physical database and uses a logical database with the
old database name.

Secondary Index Considerations

Migration of secondary index databases with non-unique keys requires separate
JCL steps to sort and merge the unload records to create new /SX values prior to
inputting them into the HD Reorganization Reload utility. User data is lost.

Related Reading: For more information about the HD Reorganization Reload

Utility, see IMS Version 9: Utilities Reference: Database and Transaction Manager.

Secondary indexes targeting HDAM or HIDAM databases that are changing to

PHDAM or PHIDAM must be changed to PSINDEXs. The steps for doing this are

Chapter 15. Tuning Databases 395

Changing DL/I Access Methods

the same as the steps for unload and reload. Run the HD Reorganization Unload
and Reload utilities against the secondary index. The user data is preserved in the
secondary index.

Determining the Database Name

When migrating a database to a HALDB format, you must decide whether to
change the database name.

If the new database is to have the same name as the old database:
1. Unload the old database with the migrate option before changing RECON or
2. Create a RECON list before deleting the records for the database.
3. Remove the information from the old database RECON and DBDLIB.
4. Delete all MDA members
5. Define the HALDB by using DBDGEN, ACBGEN, and either the HALDB
Partition Definition utility or the DBRC commands INIT.DB and INIT.PART.

After the definitions are complete, load the new database.

If the new database is to have a different name from the old database:
1. Create a RECON list before deleting the records for the database. The old
information is retained in RECON as long as necessary.
2. Unload the old database.
3. Remove the DBD from DBDLIB and ACBLIB.
4. Delete all MDA members that refer to the old database.
5. Perform a DBDGEN on the old database name as a logical database with the
source being the new HALDB.
6. Define the HALDB by using DBDGEN, ACBGEN, and either the HALDB
Partition Definition utility or the DBRC commands INIT.DB and INIT.PART.

Performing the Migration Unload

Use the HD Reorganization Unload utility (DFSURGU0) to unload the database.
Specify the migrate option to unload the database.

Performing the Migration Reload

To reload the database:
1. Run the DBDGEN utility for the new HALDB DBD.
2. Use either the HALDB Partition Definition utility or the DBRC commands
INIT.DB and INIT.PART to define the new HALDB partitions.
| 3. Run the HALDB Partition Data Set Initialization utility (DFSUPNT0) or the
| Database Prereorganization utility (DFSURPR0).
4. Reload the database by using HD Reorganization Reload utility (DFSURGL0).
5. Make an image copy of all partitions.

The user data is preserved in the secondary index.

Changing the DL/I Access Method From PHDAM and PHIDAM to

The process of restoring HDAM or HIDAM databases that were migrated to PHDAM
or PHIDAM is known as fallback. Fallback supports the following types of logical
v Unidirectional HALDB to current unidirectional database

396 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Changing DL/I Access Methods

v Physically paired HALDBs to current physically paired databases

The order of physical twin segments is maintained when a fallback from HALDBs
occurs. This includes segments that are non-keyed and that have a non-unique key.

Primary indexes are recreated, not unloaded. Secondary indexes are recreated by
the reload utility process. User data is not preserved.

Requirements: The requirements for a fallback include:

v You must perform a concurrent fallback of all databases that are logically related.
v You must have prefix resolution and prefix update utilities, if logical children or
secondary indexes are present when a database falls back from HALDB.
| v Before you use the database, but after you reload and perform any prefix
| resolution or prefix update, take an image copy of all data sets, including the
| prime index, by using one of the image copy utilities. The image copy utilities
| invoke DBRC to validate input and record results, which ensures that you have a
| backup copy of the database that can serve as an effective point of recovery in
| case of failure.
v You must complete the fallback of all related databases and secondary index
databases before any database can be used.

Restriction: You cannot perform a fallback on physically paired HALDBs to current

virtually paired databases and preserve the logical sequence of the virtual logical
child. The step to accomplish this conversion are:
1. Perform a fallback on current physically paired databases.
2. Reorganize the current database.
3. Change the logical relationship to virtually paired databases.

The steps in the fallback process are:

1. Unload all related databases using the HD Reorganization Unload utility
(DFSURGLU0) with the FALLBACK option. DFSURGU0 locates the paired
logical children and saves information needed for fallback in the prefix of the
output data. The prefix created by DFSURGU0 contains the information required
to create the new segment prefix when the data is reloaded.
2. Perform DBDGENs to define the current format databases.
3. Re-register all databases to be controlled by DBRC. If keeping the same
database name, first use the HALDB partition Definition utility to delete the
4. Perform the prereorganization step with the databases listed as DBR.
5. Reload all the unloaded databases using the new definitions.

Logical children have some special considerations. There are three cases to
consider: unidirectional, virtually paired, and physically paired databases. Current
DL/I offers an option to not store the logical parent’s concatenated key in the logical
child (virtual key storage option); in normal retrieval the key is built and the user
application always sees the concatenated key in the data. For all logical children
unloaded, you must drop the logical parent’s concatenated key if the virtual key
storage option is chosen. The unloaded segments are reloaded as real segments
that are part of a physically paired relationship. This type of unload, dropping the
logical parent’s concatenated key, only occurs when DFSURGU0 performs a
fallback unload.

Chapter 15. Tuning Databases 397

Changing DL/I Access Methods

| Changing HALDB Partition Definitions

| HALDB partitions can require changing when they become too large, too small,
| empty, obsolete, and so forth. In most cases, HALDB partitions can be added,
| deleted, enabled, or disabled without requiring the whole database to be
| unavailable. In other cases, you must take the entire HALDB offline to make
| changes.

| This topic discusses the following subjects:

| v “Making Changes to a Single Partition”
| v “Making Changes that Affect All of the Partitions in a HALDB”
| v “Partition Structure Modification” on page 399
| v “Changing Partition Boundaries” on page 400

| Making Changes to a Single Partition

| Certain characteristics of HALDBs are specific to each partition in the HALDB. To
| change these characteristics, you do not need to take the entire HALDB offline; you
| only need to take the partition in which you are making changes offline. Before
| making changes to a partition, issue a /DBRECOVERY command or an UPDATE DB
| STOP(ACCESS) command against the partition.

| You can change the following characteristics of a single partition:

| v DSN prefix
| v Randomizing module name
| v Number of root anchor points (RAPs)
| v Bytes parameter
| v OSAM block size
| v VSAM CI size

| For example, suppose a PHDAM partition has many roots that randomize to the
| same root anchor point. This causes lock contention problems that negatively
| impact performance. To remedy this problem, you can increase the number of
| RAPs in the partition.

| The following steps describe how to change the number of RAPs in a partition:
| 1. Issue the /DBRECOVERY command to take the partition offline.
| 2. Unload the data from the partition.
| 3. Use the Partition Definition utility or DBRC commands to change the number of
| RAPs in the partition.
| 4. Reload the partition.
| 5. Take an image copy of the data sets for the partition.
| 6. Issue the /START DB command or the UPDATE DB command to make the partition
| available again.

| Making Changes that Affect All of the Partitions in a HALDB

| Certain characteristics of HALDB partitions are common to all partitions in a
| HALDB. Before you can change these characteristics, you must take all of the
| partitions in the HALDB offline by issuing the /DBRECOVERY command.

| You can change the following characteristics of HALDB partitions only after taking
| all partitions offline:
| v DBD definition

398 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Changing DL/I Access Methods

| v The HALDB Partition Selection exit routine (DFSPSE00)

| v Share level
| v Nonrecoverable attribute status
| v RSR GSG name or tracking level

| For example, suppose a HALDB has an existing HALDB Partition Selection exit
| routine that needs to be replaced with a HALDB Partition Selection exit routine that
| selects partitions based on a new algorithm. This change requires the entire HALDB
| to be offline.

| The steps below describe how to change a HALDB Partition Selection exit routine:
| 1. Issue the /DBRECOVERY command to take the HALDB offline.
| 2. Unload the data from the HALDB using the existing HALDB Partition Selection
| exit routine.
| 3. Use the Partition Definition utility or DBRC commands to change the HALDB
| Partition Selection exit routine.
| 4. Reload the data from the HALDB using the new HALDB Partition Selection exit
| routine.
| 5. Run Image Copy for the data sets for all partitions in the HALDB.
| 6. Issue the /START command or the UPDATE DB command to make the HALDB
| available again.

| Partition Structure Modification

| When you modify a partition structure, IMS records the changes in the RECON and
| increments the version number of the HALDB master that is used to track partition
| definition changes.

| Online change is not used for changing HALDB partition definitions. IMS recognizes
| the version number differences and dynamically reflects the new definitions in the
| online IMS system.

| If you are using XRF, the alternate IMS system sees the dynamic change and
| automatically updates the definitions in the alternate system, requiring no action
| from you.

| There are three cases when IMS verifies the HALDB partition structure:
| v When a partition is authorized for use. This would detect a change in an existing
| partition or in a partition which was not previously authorized. This occurs
| commonly when a partition is taken offline, modified, and made available again.
| The first use of the updated partition triggers partition structure rebuild.
| v When an invalid key is detected by partition selection or by a Partition Selection
| exit routine. This can occur, for example, when a new partition is added beyond
| the high key of the last partition and all existing partitions are already authorized.
| In this case, IMS partition selection or the Partition Selection exit routine detects
| the new partition. Aftger the new partition is detected, IMS performs partition
| structure rebuild automatically.
| OPTION(OPEN) command is issued. For example, if a new partition has been
| added beyond the high key of the last partition and all existing partitions are
| already authorized, these commands will initiate a partition structure rebuild. For
| more details on the /START DB command and the UPDATE DB command, see IMS
| Version 9: Command Reference.

Chapter 15. Tuning Databases 399

Changing DL/I Access Methods

| When making changes to HALDB partition definitions, consider the following points:
| v If you use a HALDB Partition Selection exit routine, you must issue the
| /DBRECOVERY command and then the /START command after making any structure
| modifications to a partition. Issuing /DBRECOVERY and then /START registers the
| changes with IMS. When the HALDB Partition Selection exit routine selects
| HALDB partition membership, IMS is not aware of HALDB partition boundaries
| and cannot automatically recognize changed definitions.
| v If you are using a HALDB Partition Selection exit routine and IMS notifies you of
| a structure modification, you might need the exit routine to select partitions
| correctly based on the current partition structure.
| v Issuing a /START DB command with the OPEN keyword might fail after the
| definition of a partition structure has been changed. This is because structure
| rebuild is needed. To invoke structure rebuild, an application program that uses
| the partition must be run or the type-1 command /START DB HALDB_Master OPEN
| must be issued.
| v Newly added partitions will not be known by the online IMS system until partition
| structure rebuild has been invoked and the new structure has been created.

| Changing Partition Boundaries

| Changes to partition boundaries can affect one or more partitions. If a change to
| one partition causes records to be moved to or from any other partitions, the
| change also affects those other partitions. If you use high keys for partition
| selection, IMS automatically sets the initialization-required flag for the partitions
| affected by a boundary change. If you use a HALDB Partition Selection exit routine,
| you are responsible for flagging the partitions that are affected by a boundary
| change as requiring initialization. In either case, before you change the partition
| boundaries, you must issue the /DBR command against all of the partitions that will
| be affected by the change.

| For example, suppose a HALDB partition named PART200 has a key range from
| 101 up to a high key of 200 (KEY200). PART200 needs to be split into two HALDB
| partitions so that a new partition named PART150 is added between another
| partition, PART100, and PART200. PART150 will have a key range from 101 up to
| a high key of 150 (KEY150), a key range that used to be included in PART200.

| To create a new partition named PART150 by splitting PART200:

| 1. Take partition PART200 offline by issuing the /DBRECOVERY command.
| 2. Unload the data from PART200.
| 3. Define the new partition named PART150 with a high key of KEY150.
| 4. Physically allocate the necessary data sets for PART150.
| 5. Initialize partitions PART150 and PART200 by running either of the following
| utilities:
| v HALDB Partition Data Set Initialization utility (DFSUPNT0)
| v Database Prereorganization utility (DFSURPR0)
| 6. Reload the PART200 data into the data sets that were allocated in step 4. IMS
| uses the new HALDB partition definitions in DBRC to load the data into
| PART150 and PART200. With the new definitions, the first root key higher than
| KEY150 is the first record loaded into PART200.
| 7. Run an Image Copy utility for the data sets for both PART150 and PART200.
| DBRC does not allow updates to the data after the image copy required flag is
| set and before the image copies have been recorded in the RECON data sets.
| 8. Issue the /START command to PART200 to make it available again.

400 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Changing DL/I Access Methods

| In this example, online IMS systems do not know of PART150 until one of the
| following events occur:
| v A /START DB HALDB_Master OPEN command is issued
| v A UPDATE DB HALDB_Master OPEN command is issued
| v A DL/I call causes an authorization call to DBRC for PART200. The first DL/I call
| goes through HALDB partition selection again to properly select and authorize
| either PART150 or PART200.

Procedure for Changing to DEDBs

If your database requires logical relationships, a secondary index, or fixed-length
segments, DEDBs cannot be used.

You need to do the following before changing your database to DEDBs:

v Determine whether or not your application programs can tolerate the FH (data
unavailable) status code.
v Determine whether or not your database can tolerate a randomizing routine
(might not be a problem when changing from HDAM).
v Recalculate database space, particularly when using DEDB features such as
partitioning and data set replication.
v Determine which pointers are available to use.

To change to DEDBs:
1. Unload your database using the existing DBD and one of the following:
v Your unload program
v The HD Reorganization Unload utility if database records are in physical root
key sequence
2. Code a new DBD for the DEDBs.
3. Execute the DBD generation.
4. For non-VSAM data sets, delete the old database space and define the new
database space. For VSAM data sets, delete the space allocated for the old
clusters and define space for the new clusters.
5. Run the DEDB initialization utility (DBFUMIN0).
6. Run the user DEDB load program.

Changing the Hierarchic Structure

There are two types of tuning changes you might need to make that involve
changes to the structure of your database record. The first is changing the
hierarchic sequence of segment types in your database record to improve
performance. The second is combining segments to maximize the use of space.

Changes involving adding and deleting segments in the hierarchy are covered in
Chapter 16, “Modifying Databases,” on page 423.

Changing the Sequence of Segment Types

In general, performance is best if frequently used dependent segments are close to
the root segment and infrequently used dependent segments are toward the end of
the database record. This arrangement maximizes performance because all types
of databases (except HSAM) have direct (therefore, fast) access to root segments.
But, after the root is located, dependent segments are found by one of the

Chapter 15. Tuning Databases 401

Changing the Hierarchic Structure

v Searching sequentially through the database record (HSAM and HISAM)

v Following pointers from the root segments to a dependent path and then
searching through twin chains until the correct segment is reached (HDAM,

One way to determine whether the order of dependent segment types in your
hierarchy is an efficient one is to examine the IWAITS/CALL field on the DL/I Call
Summary report.

Related Reading: For detailed information on the DL/I Call Summary report, see
IMS Version 9: Utilities Reference: Database and Transaction Manager.

The IWAITS/CALL field tells you, by DL/I call against a specific segment, the
average number of times a segment had to wait for I/O operations to finish before
the segment could be processed. A high number (and high, of course, is relative to
the application) indicates that multiple I/O operations were required to process the

If the database does not need to be reorganized, the high number can mean this is
a frequently used segment type placed too far from the beginning of the database
record. If you determine this is the situation, you can change placement of the
segment type. The change can increase the value in the IWAITS/CALL field for
other segments.

To change the placement of a segment type, you must write a program to unload
segments from the database in the new hierarchic sequence. (The reorganization
utilities cannot be used to make such a change.) Then you need to load the
segments into a new database. Again, you must write a program to reload.

Combining Segments
The second type of change you might need to make in the structure of your
database record is combining segment types to maximize use of space. For
example, having two segment types, a dependent segment for college classes with
a dependent segment for instructors who teach the classes, is an inefficient use of
space if typically only one or two instructors teach a class. Rather than having a
separate instructor segment, you can combine the two segment types, thereby
saving space.

Combining segments also requires that you write an unload and reload program.
(The reorganization utilities cannot be used to make such a change.)

Procedure for Changing the Hierarchic Structure

To change the hierarchic structure, you need to:
1. Determine whether the change you are making will affect the code in any
application programs. If so, make sure the code gets changed.
2. Unload your database using your unload program and the existing DBD.
3. Code a new DBD.
4. If the change you are making affected the code in application programs, make
any necessary changes to the PSBs for those application programs. If you have
the DB/DC Data Dictionary, it can help you determine which application
programs and PCBs are affected by the DBD changes you have made.

402 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Changing the Hierarchic Structure

5. For non-VSAM data sets, delete the old database space and define new
database space. For VSAM data sets, delete the space allocated for the old
clusters and define space for the new clusters.
6. Reload your database using your load program and the new DBD. Remember
to make an image copy of your database as soon as it is reloaded.
7. If your database uses logical relationships or secondary indexes, you must run
some of the reorganization utilities before and after reloading to resolve prefix
information. The flowchart in Figure 195 on page 346 tells you which utilities to
use and the order in which they must be run.

Changing Direct-Access Storage Devices

Several situations might warrant tuning your database by changing DASDs
(direct-access storage devices). First, when application requirements change, you
might require a faster or slower device. Second, you might want to take advantage
of new devices offering better performance. Finally, you might need to change
devices to get database data sets on two different devices, so as to minimize
contention for device use.

You can change your database (or part of it) from one device to another using the
reorganization utilities. To change direct-access storage devices:
1. Unload your database using the existing DBD and the appropriate unload utility.
2. Recalculate CI or block size to maximize use of track space on the new device.
Information on calculating CI or block size is contained in Chapter 9, “Designing
Full-Function Databases,” on page 241 under “Determining the Size of CIs and
3. Code a new DBD.
4. For non-VSAM data sets, delete the old database space and define new
database space. For VSAM data sets, delete the space allocated for the old
clusters and define space for the new clusters.
5. Reload your database, using the new DBD and the appropriate reload utility.
Remember to make an image copy of your database as soon as it is reloaded.
6. If your database uses logical relationships or secondary indexes, you must run
some of the reorganization utilities before and after reloading to resolve prefix
information. The flowchart in Figure 195 on page 346 tells you which utilities to
use and the order in which they must be run.

Tuning OSAM Sequential Buffering

If you are using OSAM Sequential Buffering, you can do two things to help ensure
that it processes your databases efficiently:
v Keep your databases well organized; that is, the logical (database record)
sequence is nearly the same as the physical (DASD block) sequence.
v Select the right number of SB buffer sets (Tuning of SB buffers is discussed
“OSAM Sequential Buffering” on page 407).

Well-Organized Database
Well-organized databases are by far the most important of these two factors. When
the databases SB processes are well organized, you note elapsed time
improvements. This is because your programs process IMS database segments
and records, and they do not process DASD blocks directly. Processing a
well-organized database in logical-record sequence results in an I/O reference
pattern that accesses most DASD blocks in physical sequence. SB can take

Chapter 15. Tuning Databases 403

Tuning OSAM Sequential Buffering

advantage of these sequential I/O patterns by issuing many sequential reads.

Extensive use of sequential reads considerably reduces the elapsed time for your

Badly-Organized Database
Processing a badly-organized database in logical-record sequence typically results
in an I/O reference pattern that accesses many DASD blocks in a random
sequence. This happens because many segments were stored in randomly
scattered blocks after the database was loaded or reorganized. When your
database is accessed in a predominantly random pattern, most I/O operations
issued by the SB buffer handler are random reads. SB is not able to issue many
sequential reads, and the elapsed time for your job is not considerably reduced.

You can use the SB buffering statistics in the optional //DFSSTAT reports to see if
your database is well-organized. Your database is likely to be badly organized if a
large percentage of the blocks were read with random reads during sequential
processing. You can monitor this percentage over a period of time to see if it
increases as the database ages.

Related Reading: For details on //DFSSTAT reports, see IMS Version 9: Utilities
Reference: System.

Ensuring a Well-Organized Database

You can ensure your databases are reasonably well-organized by:
v Providing enough embedded free space at database load or reorganization time.
IMS can then use this free space to insert new segments near their related
segments (segments in the same database record).
Related Reading: For details on how to provide enough embedded free space,
see “Specifying Free Space (HDAM, PHDAM, HIDAM, and PHIDAM Only)” on
page 241.
Tip: Choose the amount of free space based on the growth and performance
characteristics of your database. For new databases, use a value of 25% and
increase or decrease this value as needed. It is a good idea to schedule a
reorganization for the database when the reusable free space is less than 5%.
v Selecting an appropriate database reorganization frequency.
Related Reading: For more information on when and how to reorganize your
databases, see “Reorganizing the Database” on page 341.
v Using efficient HDAM and PHDAM randomizing modules and randomizing
parameters. Information on this can be found in “Determining Which
Randomizing Module to Use (HDAM and PHDAM Only)” on page 243.

Adjusting HDAM and PHDAM Options

To assess any design choices you have previously made or to improve
performance, read “Choosing HDAM or PHDAM Options” on page 244. This topic
discusses the HDAM and PHDAM options you can choose and the performance
implications each.

You can adjust HDAM and PHDAM options using the reorganization utilities:
1. Determine whether the change you are making will affect the code in any
application programs. It should only do so if you are changing to a sequential
randomizing module.
2. Unload your database, using the existing DBD and the appropriate unload utility.

404 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Adjusting HDAM and PHDAM Options

3. Code a new DBD (for non-PHDAM) using the TSO Partition Definition Utility. If
you changed your CI or block size, you need to allocate buffers for the new
Related Reading: See Chapter 9, “Designing Full-Function Databases,” on
page 241 for a discussion of what things to consider in choosing buffer number
and size and how they are specified.
4. If the change you are making affected the code in application programs, make
any necessary changes to the PSBs for those application programs. If you have
the DB/DC Data Dictionary, it can help you determine which application
programs and PCBs are affected by the DBD changes you have made.
5. Determine whether you need to recalculate database space.
Related Reading: See “Estimating the Minimum Size of the Database” on page
311 for a description of how to calculate space.
6. For non-VSAM data sets, delete the old database space and define new
database space. For VSAM data sets, delete the space allocated for the old
clusters and define space for the new clusters.
7. Reload your database or partition using the new DBD (if any) and the
appropriate reload utility. Make an image copy of your database as soon as it is

Adjusting Buffers
The size and number of buffers you can choose are described in “Multiple Buffers in
Virtual Storage” on page 249. This topic also discusses the performance
implications of choosing a buffer size and number. To improve performance, reread
that topic and reassess the original choices you made before you adjust your

VSAM Buffers
| This topic contains the following information about VSAM buffers:
| v “Monitoring VSAM Buffers”
| v “When to Adjust VSAM Buffers”
| v “VSAM Buffer Adjustment Options”

Monitoring VSAM Buffers

If you are using VSAM, you can monitor buffers using the DB monitor reports
described in Chapter 14, “Monitoring Databases,” on page 335. For each buffer size
you define, a VSAM subpool report is produced. The VSAM Buffer Pool report tells
the number of buffers in the subpool and their size (in the SUBPOOL BUFFER

When to Adjust VSAM Buffers

Adjust VSAM buffers when you see buffer performance begin to degrade, or if you
wish to add options to boost performance in anticipation of increased buffer activity.

VSAM Buffer Adjustment Options

1. If background write is turned on and the number in the NUMBER OF VSAM
WRITES TO MAKE SPACE IN THE POOL field is not zero, you probably do not
have enough buffers allocated in the subpool. Try allocating more buffers to
decrease the number or reduce it to zero.
2. If you need to improve performance for a specific application, you can reserve
subpools for certain data sets by:
v Defining multiple local shared resource pools.

Chapter 15. Tuning Databases 405

Adjusting Buffers

v Dedicating subpools to a specific data set.

v Defining separate subpools for index and data components of VSAM data
sets. IMS Version 9: Installation Volume 2: System Definition and Tailoring
tells you how to specify these options.
3. If sequential mode processing is not used, the number of VSAM buffers
specified in the DFSVSAMP DD statement can dramatically affect performance.
This problem occurs when the number of VSAM KSDS indexes that must be
read, plus one for the data portion, is equal to or greater than the number of
VSAM buffers allocated. This problem can be alleviated either by increasing the
number of buffers or by using sequential mode. With sequential mode, the need
to read indexes above the sequence set is reduced. However, sequential mode
can only be obtained in a batch environment with a DBD referenced by a single
PCB and with a processing option of LOAD or RETRIEVE only. Sequential
mode is not available in data sharing.
4. VSAM buffers can take advantage of z/OS Hiperspace buffering.

Hiperspace Buffering Parameters: To use Hiperspace buffering, you must

specify one or two optional parameters on the VSRBF subpool definition statement:
Specifies the action IMS takes if Hiperspace buffering requested for a
subpool is unavailable.
HSO Hiperspace buffering is optional. IMS continues to run.
HSR Hiperspace buffering is required. IMS terminates.
HSn Specifies the number of Hiperspace buffers to build for a subpool. The
number n is a 1- to 8-digit number.

Hiperspace parameters are valid only for buffer sizes of 4K or multiples of 4K.
Specifying Hiperspace parameters on buffers smaller than 4K causes an error. To
use Hiperspace buffering you might need to unload your database and then reload
it into 4K or multiples of 4K CI sizes to accommodate Hiperspace requirements.

If you decide to leave intact databases with CI sizes of less than 4K, do not allocate
any buffers less than 4K. The CIs that are less than 4K are placed in 4K or larger
buffer pools. However, the CIs compete with VSAM data sets already there. This
method might be expedient in the short term.

Related Reading:
v For more information on coding the HSO|HSR and HSn parameters to activate
Hiperspace buffering on VSAM buffers, see IMS Version 9: Installation Volume 2:
System Definition and Tailoring.
v For more information about VSAM buffers, including Hiperspace buffers, see
z/OS V1R4: DFSMS: Using Data Sets.

OSAM Buffers
If you are using OSAM, individual subpool buffer reports do exist. However, you can
monitor the number of buffers you are using by using the Enhanced OSAM Buffer
Subpool statistics function which supports the following values:
Provides the full OSAM Subpool statistics in a formatted form.
Provides the full OSAM Subpool statistics in an unformatted form.

406 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Adjusting Buffers

Provides a summary of the OSAM database buffer pool statistics in a
formatted form.
Provides a the full OSAM database buffer pool statistics in a formatted form
for online statistics returned as a result of a /DIS POOL command.

Related Reading: For detailed information on these values, see the IMS Version
9: Application Programming: Design Guide.

Another way to improve performance, this time for a specific application, is to

reserve subpools for use by certain data sets. For example, if you have an index
data set with a block size of 512 bytes, reserve a subpool for it that contains
512-byte buffers. You can do this by not defining 512-byte block sizes for any other
data sets in the database. (Remember, block sizes are specified by data set in the
BLOCK= operand in the DATASET statement in the DBD.) If you then allocate
enough 512-byte buffers to hold all the blocks in your index, all blocks read into the
buffer pool will remain in the buffer pool.

Performance can also be improved through the use of the co (caching option)
parameter of the IOBF control statement specified either in the DFSVSMxxx
member of IMS.PROCLIB or in DFSVSAMP.

Related Reading:
v For detailed information about the DB Monitor Database Buffer Pool report, see
the IMS Version 9: Utilities Reference: System.
v For more information on the co (caching option) parameter of the IOBF control
statement, OSAM buffer pools and the use of the coupling facility for OSAM data
caching see the IMS Version 9: Installation Volume 2: System Definition and

Procedure for Adjusting VSAM and OSAM Database Buffers

To adjust VSAM and OSAM database buffers, change the control statements that
specify buffer size and number. Then put the new control statements in the:
v DFSVSAMP data set in batch and utility environments
v IMS.PROCLIB data set with the member name DFSVSMnn in IMS TM and
DBCTL environments

Related Reading: Detailed information on how to code these control statements is

in IMS Version 9: Installation Volume 2: System Definition and Tailoring.

OSAM Sequential Buffering

If you are using OSAM Sequential Buffering, you can use the Sequential Buffering
Summary report and the Sequential Buffering Detail report to see how the SB
buffers were used during a your program’s execution.

By default, four buffer sets exist in each SB buffer pool. If the reports indicate that a
large percentage of random read I/O operations were used, and you know that the
program was processing your database sequentially, increasing the number of
buffer sets to six or more can improve performance. By increasing the number of
buffer sets, it is more likely that a block is still in an SB buffer when requested, and
a read I/O operation is not necessary.

Chapter 15. Tuning Databases 407

Adjusting Buffers

If only a few random reads were used during your program’s execution, it indicates
that the database is very well organized and most requests were satisfied from the
SB buffer pool or with sequential reads. If this happens, you can save virtual
storage space by decreasing the number of buffer sets in each SB buffer pool to
two or three.

Procedure for Adjusting Sequential Buffers

You can change the number of buffer sets allocated to each SB buffer pool in two
v Coding an SBPARM control statement with the BUFSETS keyword.
v Using an SB Initialization Exit Routine.

Once you have changed the number of buffer sets, you can use the SB Test Utility
to reprocess the SB buffer handler call sequence that was issued during your
program’s execution. Then you can study the resulting //DFSSTAT reports to see
the impact of the change.

Related Reading:
v The Sequential Buffering Summary report and the Sequential Buffering Detail
reports are described and instructions on how to use the SB Test Utility are in the
IMS Version 9: Utilities Reference: Database and Transaction Manager.
v Detailed instructions on how to code an SBPARM control statement are in the
IMS Version 9: Installation Volume 2: System Definition and Tailoring.
v Details on the SB Initialization Exit Routine are in the IMS Version 9:
Customization Guide.

Adjusting VSAM Options

The VSAM options you can choose are described in “VSAM Options” on page 260.
In Chapter 6, “Choosing Full-Function Database Types,” on page 55, the
performance implications of each VSAM option are also discussed. To improve
performance, reread that topic and reassess the original choices you made.

The only VSAM option you can specifically monitor for is background write. If you
are not using background write, you can look at the VSAM Buffer Pool report
described in IMS Version 9: Utilities Reference: System. The report, in the Number
of VSAM Writes To Make Space in the Pool field, documents the number of times
data in a buffer had to be written to the database before the buffer could be used. If
you use background write, you might find that you are able to reduce this number
and therefore the size of the buffer pool.

If you are already using background write, the VSAM Buffer Pool report tells you
how many times background write is invoked in the Number of Times Background
Write Function Invoked field. The VSAM Statistics report (another report produced
by the DB monitor) tells you in the BKG WTS field if background write was invoked.
It also tells you, in the USR WRTS field, among other things, how many times
background write was invoked.

Two types of adjustable VSAM options exist:

v Options specified in the OPTIONS control statement
v Options specified in the Access Method Services DEFINE CLUSTER command

408 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Adjusting VSAM Options

Procedure for Adjusting VSAM Options Specified in the OPTIONS

Control Statement
To adjust these VSAM options, change the appropriate parameters in the OPTIONS
control statement. Then put the new control statement in the:
v DFSVSAMP data set in a batch system
v IMS.PROCLIB data set with the member name DFSVSMnn in an online system

Detailed information on how to code these control statements is in IMS Version 9:

Installation Volume 2: System Definition and Tailoring.

Procedures for Adjusting VSAM Options Specified in the Access

Method Service DEFINE CLUSTER Command
To adjust these VSAM options, change the appropriate parameters in the DEFINE
CLUSTER command. What additional things you must do depends on which VSAM
parameter you are changing, as described in this topic.

Changing the FREESPACE Parameter

You can use the reorganization utilities to change the use of free space or to
change the percent of free space you have specified. To make this change:
1. Unload your database using the existing DBD and the appropriate unload utility.
2. Recalculate database space. You need to do this because the change you are
making will result in different requirements for database space. See Chapter 13,
“Loading Databases,” on page 311, “Estimating the Minimum Size of the
Database” on page 311 for a description of how to calculate database space.
3. Delete the old database cluster and define the new database cluster with a
change to the FREESPACE parameter.
4. Reload your database, using either the existing DBD (if no changes were made
to the DBD) or the new DBD. Use the appropriate reload utility.
5. If the database being reorganized is a secondary index with direct pointers, you
must run some of the reorganization utilities before and after reloading to
resolve prefix information. The flowchart in Figure 195 on page 346 tells you
which utilities to use and the order in which they must be run.

Changing the SPEED / RECOVERY Parameter

Do not unload and reload your database merely to change the SPEED/RECOVERY
parameter. Rather, if you have RECOVERY specified, change the parameter to
SPEED to improve performance when the database is reloaded and restart of the
load program is not used. IMS does not support the RECOVERY parameter.
Recovery can only be done when the database load program is run under control of

Because it is assumed you would only change the parameter when making other
database changes that require you to unload and reload your database, no
procedure for changing it is provided here.

Changing the REPLICATE / NOREPLICATE Parameter

You can use the reorganization utilities to change whatever you’ve specified for the
REPLICATE|NOREPLICATE parameters. To change them:
1. Unload your database, using the existing DBD and the appropriate unload utility.
2. Recalculate database space. You need to do this because the change you are
making will result in different requirements for database space.

Chapter 15. Tuning Databases 409

Adjusting VSAM Options

Related Reading: See Chapter 13, “Loading Databases,” on page 311,

“Estimating the Minimum Size of the Database” on page 311 for descriptions of
how to calculate database space.
3. Delete the old database cluster and define the new database cluster.
4. Reload your database using the existing DBD and the appropriate reload utility.
5. If your database uses logical relationships or secondary indexes, you must run
some of the reorganization utilities before and after reloading to resolve prefix
information. The flowchart in Figure 195 on page 346 tells you which utilities to
use and the order in which they must be run.

Adjusting OSAM Options

The OSAM options you can choose are described in “OSAM Options” on page 265.
Performance implications of each OSAM option are also discussed there. To
improve performance, reread that topic and reassess the original choices you

You cannot specifically monitor any OSAM options. To adjust OSAM options,
change the appropriate parameters in the OPTIONS control statement. Then put
the new control statement in the:
v DFSVSAMP data set in a batch system
v IMS.PROCLIB data set with the member name DFSVSMnn in an online system

Detailed information on how to code these control statements is in IMS Version 9:

Installation Volume 1: Installation Verification.

Changing the Amount of Space Allocated

Change the amount of space allocated for your database in two situations. The first
is when you are running out of primary space. Do not use your secondary space
allocation because this can greatly decrease performance. Also change the amount
of space allocated for your database when the number of I/O operations required to
process a DL/I call is large enough to make performance unacceptable.
Performance can be unacceptable if data in the database is spread across too
much DASD space.

One way to routinely monitor use of space is by watching the IWAITS/CALL field in
the DL/I Call Summary report. The DL/I Call Summary report is described in IMS
Version 9: Utilities Reference: System. If the IWAITS/CALL field has a relatively
high number in it, the high number can be caused by space problems. If you
suspect space is the problem, you can verify such problems in two specific ways:
v For VSAM data sets, you can get a report from the VSAM catalog using the
LISTCAT command. In the report, check CI/CA splits, EXCPs, and EXTENTS
(LISTCAT ALL report is described in Chapter 14, “Monitoring Databases,” on
page 335).
v For non-VSAM data sets, you can get a report on the VTOC using the LISTVTOC
command. In the report, check the NOEXT field (LISTCAT ALL report is
described in Chapter 14, “Monitoring Databases,” on page 335).

If you decide to change the amount of space allocated for your database, do it with
JCL or with z/OS utilities. The reorganization utilities must be run to put the
database in its new space. The procedure for putting the database in its new space
is as follows:
1. Unload your database, using the existing DBD and the appropriate unload utility.

410 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Changing the Amount of Space Allocated

2. Recalculate database space.

Related Reading: See “Estimating the Minimum Size of the Database” on page
311 for a description of how to calculate database space.
3. Delete the old database space for non-VSAM data sets and define new
database space. For VSAM data sets, delete the space allocated for the old
clusters and define space for the new clusters.
4. If you are changing the space in the root addressable area of an HDAM
database, you might need to adjust other HDAM parameters. In this case, you
must code a new DBD before reloading (a new DBD is not needed when a
PHDAM partition is changed). To change the space in the root addressable area
of a PHDAM partition, you must use the HALDB Partition Definition utility.
5. Reload your database, using either the existing DBD (if no changes were made
to the DBD) or the new DBD. Use the appropriate reload utility.
6. You must run some of the reorganization utilities before and after reloading to
resolve prefix information if your non-HALDB database uses logical relationships
or secondary indexes. The flowchart in Figure 195 on page 346 tells you which
utilities to use and the order in which they must be run.

Changing Operating System Access Methods

You can use the reorganization utilities to change access methods from OSAM to
VSAM, or from VSAM to OSAM.

To change access methods:

1. Unload the database.
2. Code a new DBD (unless you have already done this as described in Step 1).
3. Delete the old data sets and define the new clusters when changing from
non-VSAM to VSAM. Delete the old clusters and define new database data sets
when changing from VSAM to non-VSAM.
4. You need to change from OSAM options and buffers to VSAM options and
buffers or vice versa. These topics are covered in preceding sections of this
“Adjusting Buffers” on page 405
“Adjusting VSAM Options” on page 408
“Adjusting OSAM Options” on page 410
5. Reload your database, using the new DBD. Remember to make an image copy
of your database as soon as it is reloaded.
6. If your non-HALDB database uses logical relationships or secondary indexes,
you must run some of the reorganization utilities before and after loading to
resolve prefix information. The flowchart in Figure 195 on page 346 tells you
which utilities to use and the order in which they must be run.

Changing the Number of Data Set Groups

Normally, a database is physically stored on one data set or, as in HISAM, on a pair
of data sets. However, databases can be physically stored on more than one data
set or pair of data sets. If so, each data set or pair of data sets is called a data set
group. “Multiple Data Set Groups” on page 230 tells you:
v What data set groups are
v When they can be used
v What situations might prompt you to use them

Chapter 15. Tuning Databases 411

Changing the Number of Data Set Groups

v How they are specified in the DBD

You should be familiar with these topics. You should also have decided to change to
multiple data set groups to tune your database. It is not possible for you to
specifically monitor your database to determine whether multiple data set groups
will improve performance or better utilize space. Rather, knowledge of your
application’s requirements along with many types of statistics about database use
might help you make this decision.

To change the number of data set groups in your database, (see Figure 223 on
page 413) you:
1. Unload your database using the existing DBD.
2. If your database is PHDAM or PHIDAM, delete the database definition from the
DBRC RECON data sets using the HALDB Partition Definition Utility.
3. Code a new DBD.
4. Recalculate database space. You need to recalculate database space because
the change you are making will result in different requirements for database
Related Reading: See “Estimating the Minimum Size of the Database” on page
311 for a description of how to calculate database space.
5. Delete the old database space and define new database space for non-VSAM
data sets. Delete the space allocated for the old clusters and define space for
the new clusters for VSAM data sets.
6. If your new database is PHDAM or PHIDAM, run the HALDB Partition Definition
utility to define the partition data sets for the database.
7. Reallocate data sets because the number and size of data sets you are using
will change.
Related Reading: See “Allocating Data Sets” on page 318 for information on
allocating data sets.
8. Reload your database using the new DBD. Take an image copy of your
database as soon as the database is reloaded.
9. Run some of the reorganization utilities before and after reloading to resolve
prefix information if your database uses logical relationships or secondary
indexes. The flowchart in Figure 195 on page 346 shows you which utilities to
use and the order in which they must be run.

412 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Changing the Number of Data Set Groups

Figure 223. Utility Sequence of Execution When Making Database Changes during Reorganization

Notes to Figure 223:

1. You can use the database reorganization/load processing utilities (that is, the
HISAM Unload/Reload, HD Unload/Reload, Prefix Resolution and Prefix
Update utilities) to operate on one or more databases concurrently. For

Chapter 15. Tuning Databases 413

Changing the Number of Data Set Groups

example, you can reorganize one or more existing databases at the same time
that other databases are being initially loaded. Any or all of the databases
being operated on can be logically interrelated. A database operation is defined
as an initial database load, a database unload/reload (reorganization), or a
database scan.
2. If one or more segments in any or all of the databases being operated upon is
involved in either a logical relationship or a secondary index relationship, the
YES branch must be taken. You can also use the Prereorganization utility to
determine which database operations must be performed.
3. Based upon the information given to it on control statements, the database
Prereorganization utility provides a list of databases that must be initially
loaded, reorganized, or scanned. You must not change the number and
sequence of databases specified on the prereorganization control statement
between reload and prefix resolution.
4. This area of the flowchart must be followed once for each database to be
operated upon, whether the operation consists of an initial load, reorganization,
or scan. The operations can be done for all databases concurrently, or one
database at a time. If the various database operations are performed
sequentially, work data set storage space can be saved and processing
efficiency increased if DISP=(MOD,KEEP) is specified for the DFSURWF1 DD
statement associated with each database operation. The attributes of the work
data set for the database initial load, reorganization, and scan programs must
be identical.
When using the HD Reorganization Reload utility, first do all unloads and
scans of logically related databases if logical parent concatenated keys are
defined as virtual in the logical child.
5. You must ensure that all operations indicated by the Prereorganization utility (if
it was executed) are completed prior to taking the YES branch.
6. If any work data sets were generated during any of the database operations
that were executed by you, the YES branch must be taken. The presence of a
logical relationship in a database does not guarantee that work data sets will
be generated during a database operation. The reorganization/load processing
utilities determine the need for work data sets dynamically, based upon the
actual segments presented during a database operation. If any segments that
participate in a logical relationship are loaded, work data sets will be generated
and the YES branch must be taken.
If for any specific database operation no work data set was generated for the
database, processing of that database is complete and ready to use.
When a HIDAM database is initially loaded or reorganized, its primary index
will be generated at database load time.
7. You must run the DB Scan utility before a database is unloaded when logical
parent concatenated keys are defined as virtual in the logical child database to
be unloaded.
This program should be executed against each database listed in the output of
the Prereorganization utility. A work data set can be generated for each
database scanned by this utility. Databases for scanning are listed after the
characters “DBS=” in one or more output messages of the Prereorganization
8. The HD Reorganization Reload utility can cause the generation of a work data
set to be later used by the Prefix Resolution utility. Databases to be
reorganized using the HD Reorganization Unload utility and the HD
Reorganization Reload utility are listed after the character “DBR=” in one or
more output messages of the Prereorganization utility.

414 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Changing the Number of Data Set Groups

9. The user-provided initial database load program can automatically cause the
generation of a work data set to be later used by the Prefix Resolution utility.
You do not need to add code to the initial load program for work data set
generation. Code is added automatically by IMS through the user program
issuing ISRT requests. You must, however, provide a DD statement for this
data set along with the other JCL statements necessary to execute the initial
load program. Databases for initial loading are listed after the characters
DBIL= in one or more output messages of the Prereorganization utility.
10. The database Prefix Resolution utility combines the workfile output from the
Database Scan utility, the HD Reorganization Reload utility, and the user’s
initial database load execution to create an output data set for use by the
Prefix Update utility. The Prefix Update utility then completes all logical
relationships defined for the databases that were operated upon.
11. This path must be taken for HISAM databases with logical relationships. This
path must also be taken if structural changes are required (for example,
HISAM to HDAM, pointer changes, additional segments, or adding a secondary
12. If a secondary index needs to be created or if two secondary indexes need to
be combined, you must run the HISAM Unload/Reload utilities. After the
HISAM Unload/Reload utilities are run, if logical relationships exist in the
database, you must execute the Prefix Update utility before the reorganization
or load process is considered to be complete.
13. For information on scratching and allocating OSAM data sets, see the topic
about designing the IMS online system in IMS Version 9: Administration Guide:

Tuning Fast Path Systems

Your objective in tuning the IMS online system when Fast Path applications are
present depends upon the importance of the message-driven programs and their
criteria for acceptable response time. The performance analysis studies that you
should undertake are:
v Examining the availability of sufficient real storage
v Checking the effectiveness of the balancing groups
v Investigating the number of Fast Path dependent regions and the possibility of
parallel processing
v Monitoring of the required frequency of DEDB reorganization to reduce
fragmented units of work
v Monitoring of the use of DEDB overflow buffers
v Monitoring the forced serialization of programs that concurrently need to use
overflow buffers specified by the EXEC statement DBFX parameter
v Examining the area key ranges and whether the randomizing algorithm can be
v Reducing the amount of mixed mode processing

Fast Path performance can also be improved by eliminating unnecessary delays

caused by the following:
v Transaction volume to a particular Fast Path application program
v DEDB structure considerations
v Contention for DEDB Control Interval (CI) resources
v Exhaustion of DEDB DASD space
v Utilization of available real storage

Chapter 15. Tuning Databases 415

Tuning Fast Path Systems

v Sync point processing and physical logging

v Contention for output threads (OTHR)
v Overhead resulting from reprocessing
v Dispatching priority of processor-dominant and I/O-dominant tasks
v DASD contention caused by I/O on DEDBs
v Resource locking considerations with block level sharing
v Buffer pool usage and not grouping Fast Path application programs with similar
buffer use characteristics together into one or more message classes

Statistics on transaction processing and contention for CIs can be obtained from the
output of the Fast Path Log Analysis utility (DBFULTA0), which retrieves (from
system log input) data relating to the usage of Fast Path resources.

Related Reading: For information on the Fast Path Log Analysis utility, see IMS
Version 9: Utilities Reference: System.

Transaction Volume to a Particular Fast Path Application Program

If a disproportionately high number of transactions are queued to a particular
balancing group, consider increasing the number of regions associated with that
particular balancing group. The Fast Path Log Analysis report provides information
about balancing group queuing.

DEDB Structure Considerations

Several characteristics of DEDB usage affect an application’s response time:
v Data replication
v Subset pointers
v Number of areas
v Complexity of hierarchic structure
v Complexity of DL/I calls
v Use of sharing across IMS
v Last child pointers
v Recoverability

The first three characteristics are unique to DEDBs; the last five apply generally to
databases. Data replication allows up to seven data sets for an individual area.
When reading from an area represented by multiple data sets, performance is not
impacted, unless the CI is defective. When updating, up to seven additional writes
could be required. Although the physical write is performed asynchronously to
transaction processing, there could be delays caused by access paths to a variety
of DASD devices.

Up to eight subset pointers allow an application program to separate the children of

a parent into groups in a DEDB, with the subset pointer pointing to the start of each
group. Use of such pointers can help improve performance by reducing the time
needed to access segments whose position is significantly displaced in a chain of
sequential dependent segments.

Usage of Buffers from a Buffer Pool

The Fast Path buffer pool is used by all Fast Path programs except the DEDB
online utilities, which have their own buffer pool. The Fast Path buffer pool is used
to support the processing of MSDBs and DEDBs. The Fast Path buffer pool

416 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Tuning Fast Path Systems

comprises buffers of a size defined at system startup by the BSIZ parameter. The
buffer size selected must be capable of holding the largest CI from any DEDB area
that is to be opened. The number of buffers page-fixed is based upon the value of
supplied parameters:
v The normal buffer allocation (NBA) value causes the defined number of buffers to
be fixed in the buffer pool at startup of the dependent region. (This number can
be specified for the dependent region startup procedure using the NBA
parameter.) The application program in this dependent region is eligible to
receive up to this number of buffers within a given sync interval before one of the
following occurs:
– The buffer manager acquires unmodified buffers from the requesting
application program.
– No more buffers can be acquired on behalf of the requesting application
program (a number of buffers equal to NBA have been requested, received,
and modified). In this case, the buffer manager must acquire access to the
overflow buffer allocation (OBA) if this value was specified for this program. If
no OBA was specified, then all resources acquired for this program during
sync interval processing to date are released.
v The OBA value is the number of buffers that a program can serially acquire when
NBA is exceeded. (This number can be specified for the dependent region
startup procedure using the OBA parameter.) The overflow interlock function
serializes the overflow buffer access, and only one application program at a time
can gain access to the overflow buffer allocation. Therefore, the overflow buffer
can be involved in deadlocks.
v The DBFX value, which is a system startup parameter, defines a reserve of
buffers that are page-fixed upon start of the first Fast Path application program.
These buffers are used when asynchronous OTHREAD processing is not
releasing buffers quickly enough to support the requests made in sync interval

It follows that:
v BSIZ should be set equal to the largest DEDB CI that will be online. Because the
buffer manager does not split buffers to accommodate multiple control intervals,
making all DEDB CIs of a same size will provide more optimum use of storage.
Even though large block sizes (up to 28K) can be used, this would cause only
partial use of the buffer pool if there were many smaller CI sizes.
v The NBA value should be set approximately equal to the normal number of buffer
updates made during a sync interval. The NBA value for inquiry-only programs
should be small, because the buffers that are never modified can be reused and
will all be released at sync time.
v The OBA should be used only in relation to a limited proportion of sync intervals.
OBA is not required for inquiry-only programs. In general, the user should be
careful to use the OBA value as intended. It should be used to support sync
intervals where application program logic demands a variation in total modified
buffer needs, thereby requiring access to OBA on an exceptional basis. With
BMPs, OBA values greater than 1 should be unnecessary because the 'FW'
status code that is returned when the NBA allocation is exceeded can be used to
invoke a SYNC call. Invoking a SYNC call would then release all resources.
Such application design reduces the serialization and possible deadlocks
inherent in using the overflow interlock function.
v The DBFX value should be set, taking into account the total number of buffers
that are likely to be in OTHREAD processing at peak load time. If this value is
too low, an excessive number of wait-for-buffer conditions are reflected in the
IMS Fast Path Log Analysis report.

Chapter 15. Tuning Databases 417

Tuning Fast Path Systems

To optimize the buffer usage, group message processing application programs with
similar buffer use characteristics and assign them to a particular message class, so
that the applications share the region’s buffers.

Related Reading: See IMS Version 9: Installation Volume 2: System Definition and
Tailoring for details of APPLCTN and TRANSACT class specifications.

Contention for DEDB Control Interval (CI) Resources

Queuing takes place on the DEDB CI resource to maintain serialized access on
DEDB data. When two independent application programs concurrently request
access to a particular CI, one requestor is required to wait. When such a wait would
cause a deadlock, one of the application programs is selected to have its resources
released and its processing returned to the previous sync point. (It should be noted
that the overflow buffer interlock can also be involved in a deadlock). The rules for
selection of the program to be interrupted because of a deadlock are:
v If the deadlock involves one or more message-driven programs, one of the
programs is abnormally terminated, reinstated to its previous sync point, and
v If a BMP deadlocks with another BMP, the BMP that went through sync point last
is abnormally terminated, has its resources released, is sent back to its previous
sync point, and is given a return code.
v If a deadlock involves a DEDB utility, the other program is terminated and
rescheduled. Two utilities cannot be involved in a deadlock, because two utilities
cannot concurrently access the same DEDB area.

The number of contention and deadlock situations can be decreased by taking the
following steps:
v Ensure that CIs contain no more segments than necessary. (CI size is specified
in the DBD.)
v Limit the use of the overflow buffer interlock, which, in conjunction with CI usage,
can be involved in a deadlock.
v Limit the value of NBA to the value necessary to cope with the majority of cases
and use OBA to deal with the exceptional conditions. When the full buffer
allocation (NBA or NBA and OBA) for a program has been exceeded, the buffer
manager can begin stealing unmodified buffers from this program. When all
buffers associated with a CI have been stolen, the CI can be released, providing
it is not currently in use by a PCB. The buffer stealing and associated CI
releasing is triggered by exceeding the full buffer allocation. Minimizing NBA and
OBA will assist the timely release of CIs, thereby reducing CI contention.
v Ensure that BMPs accessing DEDBs issue SYNC calls at frequent intervals.
(BMPs could be designed to issue many calls between sync points and so gain
exclusive control over a significant number of CIs.)
v BMPs that do physical-sequential processing through a DEDB should issue a
SYNC call when crossing a CI boundary (provided it is possible to calculate this
point). This ensures that the application program never holds more than a single

Reports produced by the Fast Path Log Analysis utility give statistics about CI

Exhaustion of DEDB DASD Space

An out-of-space condition (with consequent stoppage of the DEDB area) can occur
in the root addressable and sequential dependent portions of an area. Such

418 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Tuning Fast Path Systems

situations will affect the operation of the system as a whole and can necessitate
lengthy recovery procedures. The number of out-of-space conditions can be
decreased by:
v Attempting to restrict the number of uses of independent overflow CIs through
randomizing algorithm design or regular reorganization
v Deleting sequential dependent CIs on a regular basis
v Using display commands or DEDB POS calls to track space usage
An out-of-space condition can be relieved without bringing IMS down by following
the procedures in “Extending DEDB Independent Overflow Online” on page 458.

Utilization of Available Real Storage

The amount of page-fixed storage defined will be a significant consideration in
limited storage systems. The factors influencing real storage utilization are
summarized in Appendix B, “Insert, Delete, and Replace Rules for Logical
Relationships,” on page 465.

Synchronization Point Processing and Physical Logging

Some 'clustering' of output and release of updated CIs and buffers occurs because
DEDB updates are deferred until after physical logging is complete. In BMPs, it
helps to minimize the number of updates performed in any one sync interval,
particularly if the program is to be run concurrent with the main bulk of message

It is likely that, for performance reasons, the physical log record will be large, so
that the log record might not be written for some time during low logging activity.
However, IMS varies the interval between the periodic invoking of physical logging.
This interval is directly related to the total logging activity in the IMS system. (Low
activity causes a smaller interval to be set.)

The physical logging process can be relatively slow because of small physical log
buffers or channel or control unit contention for the WADS/OLDS data sets.

The Fast Path environment can have high transaction rates and logging activity.
Therefore, the physical configuration supporting the logging process must also be
analyzed and altered for optimum performance.

Contention for Output Threads

Each OTHR defined provides for the possibility of scheduling a separate service
request block (SRB) to control the writing of the modified buffers associated with a
particular sync interval. If the OTHR value is low, then queuing of write buffers
waiting for an output thread can occur. In general, it is probably best to have one
OTHR for each started dependent region that will cause modification of a DEDB.

Overhead Resulting from Reprocessing

Overhead will result from the necessity to perform reprocessing in either the
message-driven or non-message-driven environments. The following conditions will
necessitate reprocessing:
v Deadlocks involving CIs and (possibly) overflow interlock
v Verify failures at sync point time
v User-initiated rollback caused by such conditions as verify failure at call time

Chapter 15. Tuning Databases 419

Tuning Fast Path Systems

In the case of deadlocks, the application program is pseudo abended for dynamic
backout. The program controller subtask is detached, and subsequently, reattached.
For verify failures or rollback calls, rescheduling involves only the release of
resources held and returned to the application program.

Excessive incidence of the above conditions will add to response time and total
overhead. Conditions resulting in abend interception followed by dump and
application program reinstatement will add to overhead.

Dispatching Priority of Processor-Dominant and I/O-Dominant Tasks

Because MSDB processing within a sync interval is processor-dominant, application
programs processing solely or mainly MSDBs should be dispatched at a lower
priority than those programs processing solely or mainly DEDBs (I/O dominant).

DASD Contention Due to I/O on DEDBs

As always, I/O contention for DEDB Areas will act as a limitation upon performance.
To minimize this impact:
v Limit the number of heavily-used Areas per device.
v Limit the number of application programs accessing any one DEDB area. One
possibility here is to design the transaction, input edit/routing exit, and
randomizing algorithm combination so that the access to any one area is limited
to a particular application program or programs.
v Limit the incidence and effect of stealing unmodified buffers by appropriate
application program design. Buffer stealing can necessitate a second I/O to
recover the stolen buffer/control interval. This can happen if the logic of the
application program requires processing of a buffer when a significant number of
calls have been made following the first retrieval.

Resource Locking Considerations with Block Level Sharing

Resource locking can occur either locally in a non-sysplex environment or globally
in a sysplex environment.

In a non-sysplex environment, local locks can be granted in one of three ways:

v Immediately because of either of the following reasons:
IMS was able to get the required IRLM latches, and there is no other interest
on this resource.
The request is compatible with other holders or waiters.
v Asynchronously because the request could not get the required IRLM latches
and was suspended. (This can also occur in a sysplex environment.) The lock is
granted when latches become available and one of two conditions exist:
No other holders exist.
The request is compatible with other holders or waiters.
v Asynchronously because the request is not compatible with the holders or
waiters and was granted after their interest was released. (This could also occur
in a sysplex environment.)

In a sysplex environment, global locks can be granted in one of three ways:

v Locally by the IRLM because either of the following two reasons:
There is no other interest for this resource.
This IRLM has the only interest, this request is compatible with the holders or
waiters on this system, and XES already knows about the resource.

420 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Tuning Fast Path Systems

v Synchronously on the XES CALL because:

Either XES shows no other interest for this resource.
Or XES shows only SHARE interest for the hash class.
v Asynchronously on the XES CALL because of one of two conditions:
Either XES shows EXCLUSIVE interest on the hash class by an IRLM, but
the resource names do not match (FALSE CONTENTION by RMF).
Or the request is incompatible with the other HOLDERs and is granted by the
CONTENTION Exit after their interest is released (IRLM REAL

Resource Name Hash Routine

The Fast Path Resource Name Hash routine generates the hash value used by the
IRLM. You can specify the name of such a routine with the USRHASH parameter
on the FPCTRL macro, but it is ignored.

One technique used by the IMS-supplied Fast Path Resource Name Hash routine
(DBFLHSH0) increases the range of values implicit with the relative CI numbers by
combining parts of the 31-bit CI number with values derived from a database’s
DMCB number and its area number as follows: Bits 11 through 15 of DMCB
number are XOR’d with bits 7, 6, 5, 4, 3 of the area number to give a combination
5-bit position number. (Using the area number’s bits in reverse order helps make
both DMCB number and area number vary the combination value.)

For the relative CI number (bits 0 through 15 are not used):

v Bits 16 through 20 are XOR’d with the combination value.
v Bits 21 through 25 are XOR’d with the combination value.
v Bits 26 through 29 are used unchanged.
v Bits 30 and 31 are not used—thus a hashed CI number used as a GHT entry
represents four CIs.

For the hashed resource name:

v Bits 16 through 29 of the hashed relative CI become bits 18 through 31 of the
hash value that is passed to the IRLM.
v Bits 18 through 26 of the hash value are used as the displacement into the
resource hash table (RHT).
v Bits 18 through 31 are used as the displacement into the GHT.

Chapter 15. Tuning Databases 421

Tuning Fast Path Systems

422 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Chapter 16. Modifying Databases
Under several circumstances, you must modify your database. Over time, user
requirements can change, necessitating changes in the database design. Or you
might choose to use new or different options or features. Or perhaps you have
simply found a more efficient way to structure the database. This chapter describes
the various types of structural changes you can make to your database and tells
you when and how you can make the changes using the reorganization utilities.

This chapter examines the following areas of modifying a database:

v “Adding Segment Types” on page 424
v “Deleting Segment Types” on page 425
v “Moving Segment Types” on page 426
v “Changing Segment Size” on page 426
v “Changing Data in a Segment (Except for Data at the End of a Segment)” on
page 427
v “Changing the Position of Data in a Segment” on page 427
v “Adding Logical Relationships” on page 427
v “Adding a Secondary Index” on page 445
v “Adding or Converting to Variable-Length Segments” on page 445
v “Converting to the Segment Edit/Compression Exit Routine” on page 446
v “Converting Databases for Data Capture Exit Routines and Asynchronous Data
Capture” on page 447
v “Converting a Logical Parent Concatenated Key from Virtual to Physical or
Physical to Virtual” on page 448
v “Using the Online Change Function” on page 448
v “Extending DEDB Independent Overflow Online” on page 458

When you modify your database, you often make more than a simple change to it.
For example, you might need to add a segment type and a secondary index. This
topic has procedures to guide you through making each type of change. If you
make more than one change at a time, you should look at Figure 223 on page 413.
The flowchart, when used with the individual procedures in this chapter, will guide
you in making some types of multiple changes to the database.

Attention: If the DBD for an existing MSDB is changed, the header information
(BHDR) might change, even though the database segments do not. In this case,
the headers in the MSDBCPx data sets are invalid or the wrong length. A change in
the MSDB headers causes message DFS2593I. If ABND=Y is specified in the
MSDB PROCLIB member, ABENDU1012 is also issued. Correct this problem by
using the MSDBLOAD option on a warm start or cold start to load the MSDBs from
an MSDBINIT data set.

Related Reading: If you share data, additional information about modifications is in

IMS Version 9: Administration Guide: System.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1974, 2004 423

Adding Segment Types

Adding Segment Types

There are three ways to add a segment type to a database:
v Unloading and reloading using the reorganization utilities
v Without unloading or reloading
v Using your own unload and reload program

Unloading and Reloading Using the Reorganization Utilities

You can add segment types to a database record using the reorganization utilities if:
v The segment type to be added is at the bottom level of a path in the hierarchy.
Figure 224 shows an existing database record (indicated by solid lines) and the
places where a new segment type can be added (indicated by dashed lines).
v The existing relative order of segments in the database record does not change.
In other words, the existing parent to child relationships cannot change.
v The existing segment names do not change.

Figure 224. Where Segment Types Can Be Added in a Database Record

To use the reorganization utilities to add a segment type to the database:

1. Determine if the change you are making affects the code in any application
programs. If the code is affected, make the necessary changes to the
application program.
2. Unload your database, using the existing DBD.
3. Code a new DBD. You need to add SEGM= statements to the DBD for the
new segment type. No database updates are allowed between unload and
4. If the change you are making affects the code in application programs, make
any necessary changes to the PSBs for those application programs.
5. Rebuild the ACB if you have ACBs prebuilt rather than built dynamically.
6. Recalculate database space. You need to do this because the change you are
making will result in different requirements for database space.
Related Reading: See “Estimating the Minimum Size of the Database” on
page 311 for a description of how to calculate database space.

424 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Adding Segment Types

7. For non-VSAM data sets, delete the old database space and define the new
database space. For VSAM data sets, delete the space allocated for the old
clusters and define space for the new clusters.
8. Reload your database, using the new DBD. Make an image copy of your
database as soon as it is reloaded.
9. If your database uses logical relationships or secondary indexes, run some of
the reorganization utilities before and after reloading to resolve prefix
information. The flowchart in Figure 195 on page 346 tells you which utilities to
use and the order in which they must be run.
10. Code and execute an application program to insert the new segment types into
the database.

Without Unloading or Reloading

You can add segment types to a database record without unloading the database
under the following circumstances:
v In a HISAM database, the segment type to be added must be the last segment in
the hierarchy. In addition, the segment type to be added must fit in the existing
logical record.
v In an HD database, the segment type to be added must also be the last segment
in the hierarchy. The parent of the new segment type must use hierarchic
pointers. Also, the segment type cannot be the largest segment type in the data
set group.

To add a segment type to the database without unloading and reloading:

1. Determine whether the change you are making affects the code in any
application programs. If the code is affected, make sure it gets changed.
2. Code a new DBD. You need to add a SEGM= statement to the DBD for the new
segment type.
3. If the change you are making affected the code in application programs, make
any necessary changes to the PSBs for those application programs. If you have
the DB/DC Data Dictionary, it can help you determine which application
programs and PCBs are affected by the DBD changes you have made.
4. Rebuild the ACB if you have ACBs prebuilt rather than built dynamically.
5. Code and execute an application program to insert the new segment type.

Using Your Own Unload and Reload Program

You must write your own unload and reload program to add a segment type to the
database, if the segment type does not meet the qualifications described in
“Unloading and Reloading Using the Reorganization Utilities” on page 424 and
“Without Unloading or Reloading.”

Deleting Segment Types

You can delete a segment type from a database by:
v Using the reorganization utilities
v Using your own unload and reload program

You can delete a segment type from a database, using the reorganization utilities, if:
v The existing relative order of segments in the database record does not change.
In other words, the existing parent to child relationships cannot change.
v The existing segment names do not change.

Chapter 16. Modifying Databases 425

Deleting Segment Types

To use the reorganization utilities to delete a segment type from the database:
1. Code and execute an application program to delete all occurrences of the
segment type being deleted. You must code and execute the application
program before the database is unloaded.
2. Determine whether the change you are making affects the code in any
application programs. If the code is affected, make sure it gets changed.
3. Unload your database, using the existing DBD.
4. Code a new DBD. You need to remove SEGM= statements from the DBD for:
v The segment type being deleted
v The children of the deleted segment.
5. If the change you are making affected the code in application programs, make
any necessary changes to the PSBs for those application programs. If you
have the DB/DC Data Dictionary, it can help you determine which application
programs and PCBs are affected by the DBD changes you have made.
6. Recalculate database space. You need to do this because the change you are
making will result in different requirements for database space.
Related Reading: See “Estimating the Minimum Size of the Database” on
page 311 for a description of how to calculate database space.
7. Rebuild the ACB if you have ACBs prebuilt rather than built dynamically.
8. For non-VSAM data sets, delete the old database space and define new
database space. For VSAM data sets, delete the space allocated for the old
clusters and define space for the new clusters.
9. Reload your database using the new DBD. Remember to make an image copy
of your database as soon as it is reloaded.
10. If your database uses logical relationships or secondary indexes, you must run
some of the reorganization utilities before and after reloading to resolve prefix
information. The flowchart in Figure 195 on page 346 tells you which utilities to
use and the order in which they must be run.

Moving Segment Types

Because segment types cannot be moved using the reorganization utilities, you
must write your own unload and reload program to move them.

Changing Segment Size

Using the reorganization utilities, you can increase or decrease segment size at the
end of a segment type. When increasing segment size, you are adding data to the
end of a segment. When decreasing segment size, IMS truncates data at the end of
a segment.

If you are increasing the size of a segment, you cannot predict what is at the end of
the segment when it is reloaded. Also, new data must be added to the end of a
segment using your own program after the database is reloaded.

To increase or decrease segment size:

1. Determine whether the change you are making affects the code in any
application programs. If the code is affected, make sure it gets changed.
2. Unload your database, using the existing DBD. If you are changing a HISAM
database, you must use the HD UNLOAD/RELOAD utility since the HISAM
utilities cannot be used to make structural changes.

426 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Changing Segment Size

3. Code a new DBD. You need to change the BYTES= operand on the SEGM
statement in the DBD to reflect the new segment size. If you are eliminating
data from a segment for which FIELD statements are coded in the DBD, you
need to eliminate the FIELD statements. If you are adding data to a segment
and the data is referenced in the SSA in application programs, you need to
code FIELD statements. No database updates are allowed between unload and
4. If the change you are making affected the code in application programs, make
any necessary changes to the PSBs for those application programs. If you have
the DB/DC Data Dictionary, it can help you determine which application
programs and PCBs are affected by the DBD changes you have made.
5. Rebuild the ACB if you have ACBs prebuilt rather than build dynamically.
6. Recalculate database space. You need to do this because the change you are
making results in different requirements for database space.
Related Reading: See “Estimating the Minimum Size of the Database” on page
311 for a description of how to calculate database space.
7. For non-VSAM data sets, delete the old database space and define new
database space. For VSAM data sets, delete the space allocated for the old
clusters and define space for the new clusters.
8. Reload your database, using the new DBD. Make an image copy of your
database as soon as it is reloaded.
9. If your database uses logical relationships or secondary indexes, you must run
some of the reorganization utilities before and after reloading to resolve prefix
information. The flowchart in Figure 195 on page 346 tells you which utilities to
use and the order in which they must be run.

Changing Data in a Segment (Except for Data at the End of a Segment)

Data in a segment cannot be increased or decreased in size using the
reorganization utilities. To increase or decrease the size of fields, you must write
your own unload and reload programs.

Changing the Position of Data in a Segment

| You cannot change the position of data in a segment using the reorganization
| utilities. To make this kind of change, you must write your own unload and reload
| program, use field-level sensitivity, or use the IMS System Utilities/Database Tools
| (DBT) DB Segment Restructure Utility.

Related Reading: See “Field-Level Sensitivity” on page 220 for information on how
to use field-level sensitivity.

Adding Logical Relationships

Logical relationships are explained in detail in “Logical Relationships” on page 151.
This topic contains examples and procedures for adding a logically-related database
to an existing database. Not all situations in which you might need to add a logical
relationship are described in this topic. However, if the examples do not fit your
specific requirements, you should be able to gather enough information from them
to decide:
v If adding a logical relationship to your existing database is possible
v How to add the relationship

Chapter 16. Modifying Databases 427

Adding Logical Relationships

| The examples in this topic are followed by Table 32 on page 441, which tells you
| what to do when reorganizing a database to add a logical relationship. Following
| the table, “Some Restrictions on Modifying Existing Logical Relationships” on page
| 443 discusses some restrictions on modifying existing logical relationships.

The examples in this topic show the logical parent as a root segment, although this
is not a requirement. The examples are still valid when the logical parent is at a
lower level in the hierarchy.

When adding logical relationships to existing databases, you should always make
the change on a test database. Thoroughly test the change before implementing it
using production databases.

Inthe following examples, these conventions are used:

v Existing databases are shown using solid lines.
v The database being added is shown using dashed lines.
v The logical parent and logical child relationship is labeled for the database being
added. They are labeled LP and LC.
v The terms DBX, DBY, and DBZ refer to database 1, database 2, and database 3.

| Related Reading: For example procedures 1 through 13, the following related
| readings provide more detailed information for some of the steps:
| v See “Estimating the Minimum Size of the Database” on page 311 for a
| description of how to calculate database space.
| v See “Writing a Load Program” on page 320 for a description of how to write an
| initial load program.

Example 1. DBX Exists, DBY Is to Be Added

Example 1 is shown in Figure 225.

Figure 225. DBX Exists, DBY Is to Be Added

DBX must be reorganized to add the counter field to the segment prefix for A. DBIL
must be specified in the control statement for DBX. In the following “Example 1
Procedure,” the counter field for segment A is updated to show the number of C
segments because segment C is loaded with a user load program.

Example 1 Procedure
1. Determine whether the change you are making affects the code in any
application programs. If the code is affected, make sure it gets changed.
2. Unload DBX, using the existing DBD and the HD Unload utility.

428 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Adding Logical Relationships

3. Code a new DBD for DBX and DBY. “How to Specify Use of Logical
Relationships in the Logical DBD” in Chapter 8, “Choosing Optional Database
Functions,” on page 151, explains how the DBD is coded for logical
4. If the change you are making affected the code in application programs, make
any necessary changes to the PSBs for these application programs. If you
have the DB/DC Data Dictionary, it can help you determine which application
programs and PCBs are affected by the DBD changes you have made.
5. Rebuild the ACB if you have ACBs prebuilt rather than built dynamically.
6. Recalculate database space for DBX and calculate space for DBY.
7. For non-VSAM data sets, delete the old database space and define new
database space. For VSAM data sets, delete the space allocated for the old
clusters and define space for the new clusters.
8. Run the Prereorganization utility, specifying DBIL in the control statements for
DBX and DBY.
9. Reload DBX, using the new DBD and the HD Reload utility.
10. Load DBY, using an initial load program.
11. Run the Prefix Resolution utility, using the DFSURWF1 work files that are
output from Steps 9 and 10 as input.
12. Run the Prefix Update utility, using the DFSURWF3 work file that is output
from Step 11 as input.
13. Remember to make an image copy of both databases as soon as they are

Example 2. DBX and DBY Exist, DBZ Is to Be Added

Example 2 is shown in Figure 226.

Figure 226. DBX and DBY Exist, DBZ Is to Be Added

In this example, the counter exists in the segment C prefix. DBX and DBY must be
reorganized to calculate the new value for the counter in the segment C prefix.
DBIL must be specified in the control statement for DBX and DBY. In the following
“Example 2 Procedure,” the segment A counter field is updated to show the number
of C segments because segment C is loaded with a user load program.

Example 2 Procedure
1. Determine whether the change you are making affects the code in any
application programs. If the code is affected, make sure it gets changed.
2. Unload DBX and DBY, using the existing DBDs and HD Unload utility.

Chapter 16. Modifying Databases 429

Adding Logical Relationships

3. Code a new DBD for DBY and DBZ. “How to Specify Use of Logical
Relationships in the Logical DBD” in Chapter 8, “Choosing Optional Database
Functions,” on page 151 explains how the DBD is coded for logical
4. If the change you are making affected the code in application programs, make
any necessary changes to the PSBs for these application programs. If you
have the DB/DC Data Dictionary, it can help you determine which application
programs and PCBs are affected by the DBD changes you have made.
5. Rebuild the ACB if you have ACBs prebuilt rather than built dynamically.
6. Recalculate database space for DBX and DBY, and calculate space for DBZ.
7. For non-VSAM data sets, delete the old database space and define new
database space. For VSAM data sets, delete the space allocated for the old
clusters and define space for the new clusters.
8. Run the Prereorganization utility, specifying DBIL in the control statements for
9. Reload DBX and DBY, using the new DBDs and the HD Reload utility.
10. Load DBZ, using an initial load program.
11. Run the Prefix Resolution utility, using the DFSURWF1 work files that are
output from Steps 9 and 10 as input.
12. Run the Prefix Update utility, using the DFSURWF3 work file that is output
from Step 11 as input.
13. Remember to make an image copy of all three databases as soon as they are

Example 3. DBX and DBY Exist, DBZ Is to Be Added

Example 3 is shown in Figure 227.

Figure 227. DBX and DBY Exist, DBZ Is to Be Added

DBY must be reorganized to add the counter field to the segment C prefix. DBIL
must be specified in the control statement for DBY. DBX must be reorganized
because an initial load (DBIL) of the logical parent (segment C) assumes an initial
load (DBIL of the logical child). The procedure for this example (and all conditions
and considerations) is exactly the same as example 2.

Example 4. DBX and DBY Exist, DBZ Is to Be Added

Example 4 is shown in Figure 228 on page 431.

430 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Adding Logical Relationships

Figure 228. DBX and DBY Exist, DBZ Is to Be Added

The procedure for this example (and all conditions and considerations) is exactly
the same as for example 2.

Example 5. DBX Exists, DBY Is to Be Added

Example 5 is shown in Figure 229.

Figure 229. DBX Exists and DBY Is to Be Added

DBX must be reorganized to add the logical child pointers in the segment A prefix.

1. Determine whether the change you are making affects the code in any
application programs. If the code is affected, make sure it gets changed.
2. Unload DBX, using the existing DBD and the HD Unload utility.
3. Code a new DBD for DBX and DBY. “How to Specify Use of Logical
Relationships in the Logical DBD” in Chapter 8, “Choosing Optional Database
Functions,” on page 151 explains how the DBD is coded for logical
4. If the change you are making affected the code in application programs, make
any necessary changes to the PSBs for these application programs. If you
have the DB/DC Data Dictionary, it can help you determine which application
programs and PCBs are affected by the DBD changes you have made.
5. Rebuild the ACB if you have ACBs prebuilt rather than built dynamically.
6. Recalculate database space for DBX, and calculate space for DBY.
7. For non-VSAM data sets, delete the old database space and define new
database space. For VSAM data sets, delete the space allocated for the old
clusters and define space for the new clusters.
8. Run the Prereorganization utility, specifying DBR in the control statement for
DBX, and DBIL in the control statement for DBY.
9. Reload DBX, using the new DBD and the HD Reload utility.
10. Load DBY, using an initial load program.

Chapter 16. Modifying Databases 431

Adding Logical Relationships

11. Run the Prefix Resolution utility, using the DFSURWF1 work files that are
output from Steps 9 and 10 as input.
12. Run the Prefix Update utility, using the DFSURWF3 work file that is output
from Step 11 as input.
13. Remember to make an image copy of both databases as soon as they are

Example 6. DBX and DBY Exist, DBZ Is to Be Added

Example 6 is shown in Figure 230.

Figure 230. DBX and DBY Exist, DBZ Is to Be Added

DBY must be reorganized to add the logical child pointers to the segment C prefix.
One of the following three procedures should be used:
v “Procedure When Reorganizing DBY (Segment B Contains a Symbolic Pointer)”
v “Procedure When Reorganizing DBY and Scanning DBX (Segment B Contains a
Direct Pointer)” on page 433
v “Procedure When Reorganizing DBX and DBY” on page 433

Procedure When Reorganizing DBY (Segment B Contains a

Symbolic Pointer)
1. Determine whether the change you are making affects the code in any
application programs. If the code is affected, make sure it gets changed.
2. Unload DBY, using the existing DBD and HD Unload utility.
3. Code a new DBD for DBY and DBZ. “How to Specify Use of Logical
Relationships in the Logical DBD” in Chapter 8, “Choosing Optional Database
Functions,” on page 151 explains how the DBD is coded for logical
4. If the change you are making affected the code in application programs, make
any necessary changes to the PSBs for these application programs. If you
have the DB/DC Data Dictionary, it can help you determine which application
programs and PCBs are affected by the DBD changes you have made.
5. Rebuild the ACB if you have ACBs prebuilt rather than built dynamically.
6. Recalculate database space for DBY, and calculate space for DBZ.
7. For non-VSAM data sets, delete the old database space and define new
database space. For VSAM data sets, delete the space allocated for the old
clusters and define space for the new clusters.
8. Run the Prereorganization utility, specifying DBR in the control statement for
DBY, and DBIL in the control statement for DBZ. (The output from the
Prereorganization utility indicates that a scan of DBX is required.)
9. Reload DBY, using the new DBD and the HD Reload utility.
10. Load DBZ, using an initial load program.

432 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Adding Logical Relationships

11. Run the Prefix Resolution utility, using the DFSURWF1 work files that are
output from Steps 9 and 10 as input.
12. Run the Prefix Update utility, using the DFSURWF3 work file that is output
from Step 11 as input.
13. Remember to make an image copy of both databases as soon as they are

When DBY is reloaded, two type 00 records are produced for each occurrence of
segment C. One contains a logical child database named DBZ and matches the
type 10 record produced for segment E. The other contains a logical child database
named DBX. Because a scan or reorganization of DBX was not done, a matching
10 record was not produced for segment B. The Prefix Resolution utility produces
message DFS878 when this occurs. The message can be ignored as long as the
printed 00 record refers to DBY and DBX. Any messages for DBY and DBZ should
be investigated.

Procedure When Reorganizing DBY and Scanning DBX (Segment

B Contains a Direct Pointer)
1. Determine whether the change you are making affects the code in any
application programs. If the code is affected, make sure it gets changed.
2. Unload DBY, using the existing DBD and HD Unload utility.
3. Code a new DBD for DBY and DBZ. “How to Specify Use of Logical
Relationships in the Logical DBD” in Chapter 8, “Choosing Optional Database
Functions,” on page 151 explains how the DBD is coded for logical
4. If the change you are making affected the code in application programs, make
any necessary changes to the PSBs for these application programs. If you
have the DB/DC Data Dictionary, it can help you determine which application
programs and PCBs are affected by the DBD changes you have made.
5. Rebuild the ACB if you have ACBs prebuilt rather than built dynamically.
6. Recalculate database space for DBY, and calculate space for DBZ.
7. For non-VSAM data sets, delete the old database space and define new
database space. For VSAM data sets, delete the space allocated for the old
clusters and define space for the new clusters.
8. Run the Prereorganization utility, specifying DBR in the control statement for
DBY, and DBIL in the control statement for DBZ. (The output from the
Prereorganization utility says that a scan of DBX is required.)
9. Run the scan utility against DBX.
10. Reload DBY, using the new DBD and the HD Reload utility.
11. Load DBZ, using an initial load program.
12. Run the Prefix Resolution utility, using the DFSURWF1 work files that are
output from Steps 9, 10, and 11 as input.
13. Run the Prefix Update utility, using the DFSURWF3 work file that is output
from Step 12 as input.
14. Remember to make an image copy of both databases as soon as they are

Procedure When Reorganizing DBX and DBY

1. Determine whether the change you are making affects the code in any
application programs. If the code is affected, make sure it gets changed.
2. Unload DBX and DBY, using the existing DBDs and HD Unload utility.

Chapter 16. Modifying Databases 433

Adding Logical Relationships

3. Code a new DBD for DBY and DBZ. “How to Specify Use of Logical
Relationships in the Logical DBD” in Chapter 8, “Choosing Optional Database
Functions,” on page 151 explains how the DBD is coded for logical
4. If the change you are making affected the code in application programs, make
any necessary changes to the PSBs for these application programs. If you
have the DB/DC Data Dictionary, it can help you determine which application
programs and PCBs are affected by the DBD changes you have made.
5. Rebuild the ACB if you have ACBs prebuilt rather than built dynamically.
6. Recalculate database space for DBX and DBY, and calculate space for DBZ.
7. For non-VSAM data sets, delete the old database space and define new
database space. For VSAM data sets, delete the space allocated for the old
clusters and define space for the new clusters.
8. Run the Prereorganization utility, specifying DBR in the control statements for
DBX and DBY, and DBIL in the control statement for DBZ. (The output from
the Prereorganization utility says that a scan of DBX is required.)
9. Reload DBX and DBY, using the new DBDs and the HD Reload utility.
10. Load DBZ, using an initial load program.
11. Run the Prefix Resolution utility, using the DFSURWF1 work files that are
output from Steps 9 and 10 as input.
12. Run the Prefix Update utility, using the DFSURWF3 work file that is output
from Step 11 as input.
13. Remember to make an image copy of all three databases as soon as they are

Example 7. DBX and DBY Exist, DBZ Is to Be Added

Example 7 is shown in Figure 231.

Figure 231. DBX and DBY Exist, DBZ Is to Be Added

DBY must be reorganized to add the logical child pointers to the segment C prefix.
Logical child pointers from segment C to segment B are not unloaded, therefore,
DBX must be reorganized or scanned. DBX must be reorganized to add the logical
child pointers in the segment A prefix.

Procedure Using Scan

1. Determine whether the change you are making affects the code in any
application programs. If the code is affected, make sure it gets changed.
2. Unload DBY, using the existing DBD and HD Unload utility.
3. Code a new DBD for DBY and DBZ. “How to Specify Use of Logical
Relationships in the Logical DBD” in Chapter 8, “Choosing Optional Database
Functions,” on page 151 explains how the DBD is coded for logical

434 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Adding Logical Relationships

4. If the change you are making affected the code in application programs, make
any necessary changes to the PSBs for these application programs. If you
have the DB/DC Data Dictionary, it can help you determine which application
programs and PCBs are affected by the DBD changes you have made.
5. Rebuild the ACB if you have ACBs prebuilt rather than built dynamically.
6. Recalculate database space for DBY and calculate space for DBZ.
7. For non-VSAM data sets, delete the old database space and define new
database space. For VSAM data sets, delete the space allocated for the old
clusters and define space for the new clusters.
8. Run the Prereorganization utility, specifying DBR in the control statements for
DBY, and DBIL in the control statement for DBZ. (The output from the
Prereorganization utility indicates that a scan of DBX is required.)
9. Run the scan utility against DBX.
10. Reload DBY, using the new DBDs and the HD Reload utility.
11. Load DBZ, using an initial load program.
12. Run the Prefix Resolution utility, using the DFSURWF1 work files that are
output from Steps 9, 10, and 11 as input.
13. Run the Prefix Update utility, using the DFSURWF3 work file that is output
from Step 12 as input.
14. Remember to make an image copy of both databases as soon as they are

Procedure When Reorganizing DBX and DBY

1. Determine whether the change you are making affects the code in any
application programs. If the code is affected, make sure it gets changed.
2. Unload DBY and DBY using the existing DBDs and the HD Unload utility.
3. Code a new DBD for DBY and DBZ. “How to Specify Use of Logical
Relationships in the Logical DBD” in Chapter 8, “Choosing Optional Database
Functions,” on page 151 explains how the DBD is coded for logical
4. If the change you are making affected the code in application programs, make
any necessary changes to the PSBs for these application programs. If you
have the DB/DC Data Dictionary, it can help you determine which application
programs and PCBs are affected by the DBD changes you have made.
5. Rebuild the ACB if you have ACBs prebuilt rather than built dynamically.
6. Recalculate database space for DBX and DBY and calculate space for DBZ.
7. For non-VSAM data sets, delete the old database space and define new
database space. For VSAM data sets, delete the space allocated for the old
clusters and define space for the new clusters.
8. Run the Prereorganization utility, specifying DBR in the control statements for
DBX and DBY, and DBIL in the control statement for DBZ. (The output from
the Prereorganization utility indicates that a scan of DBX is required.)
9. Reload DBX and DBY, using the new DBDs and the HD Reload utility.
10. Load DBZ, using an initial load program.
11. Run the Prefix Resolution utility, using the DFSURWF1 work files that are
output from Steps 9 and 10 input.
12. Run the Prefix Update utility, using the DFSURWF3 work file that is output
from Step 11 as input.
13. Remember to make an image copy of both databases as soon as they are

Chapter 16. Modifying Databases 435

Adding Logical Relationships

Example 8. DBX and DBY Exist, DBZ Is to Be Added

Example 8 is shown in Figure 232.

Figure 232. DBX and DBY Exist, DBZ Is to Be Added

DBY must be reorganized to add the logical child pointers in the segment C prefix.
The procedure for this example (and all conditions and considerations) is exactly
the same as the procedures for example 6.

Example 9. DBY Exists, DBZ Is to Be Added

Example 9 is shown in Figure 233.

Figure 233. DBY Exists, DBZ Is to Be Added

DBY must be reorganized. DBZ must be loaded using an initial load program. DBIL
must be specified in the control statement for DBY. Do not specify DBR in the
control statement for DBY.

1. Determine whether the change you are making affects the code in any
application programs. If the code is affected, make sure it gets changed.
2. Unload DBY, using the existing DBD and HD Unload utility.
3. Code a new DBD for DBY and DBZ. “How to Specify Use of Logical
Relationships in the Logical DBD” in Chapter 8, “Choosing Optional Database
Functions,” on page 151 explains how the DBD is coded for logical
4. If the change you are making affected the code in application programs, make
any necessary changes to the PSBs for these application programs. If you
have the DB/DC Data Dictionary, it can help you determine which application
programs and PCBs are affected by the DBD changes you have made.
5. Rebuild the ACB if you have ACBs prebuilt rather than built dynamically.
6. Recalculate database space for DBY and calculate space for DBZ.
7. For non-VSAM data sets, delete the old database space and define new
database space. For VSAM data sets, delete the space allocated for the old
clusters and define space for the new clusters.

436 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Adding Logical Relationships

8. Run the Prereorganization utility, specifying DBIL in the control statements for
DBY and DBZ.
9. Reload DBY, using the new DBDs and the HD Reload utility.
10. Load DBZ, using an initial load program.
11. Run the Prefix Resolution utility, using the DFSURWF1 work files that are
output from Steps 9 and 10 as input.
12. Run the Prefix Update utility, using the DFSURWF3 work file that is output
from Step 11 as input.
13. Remember to make an image copy of both databases as soon as they are

Example 10. DBY Exists, DBZ Is to Be Added

Example 10 is shown in Figure 234.

Figure 234. DBY Exists, DBZ Is to Be Added

Segment X might be considered a logical child if the key of segment D is at the

correct location in segment X. DBY must be reorganized, because an initial load
(DBIL) of the logical parent (segment D) assumes an initial load (DBIL) of the
logical child.

In this example, you could use symbolic or direct pointers for segment X. Do not
under any circumstances specify DBR in the control statement for DBY. If you do,
the reload utility will not generate work records for segment D; the logical child
pointer in segment D would never be resolved. The procedure for this example (and
all conditions and considerations) is exactly the same as the procedures for
example 9.

Example 11. DBX and DBY Exist, DBZ Is to Be Added

Example 11 is shown in Figure 235.

Figure 235. DBX and DBY Exist, DBZ Is to Be Added

DBX and DBY must be reorganized. DBZ must be loaded using an initial load
program. Because you must specify DBIL in the control statement for DBZ (a logical

Chapter 16. Modifying Databases 437

Adding Logical Relationships

parent database), you must also specify DBIL for DBY (a logical child database).
DBY is also a logical parent database. Therefore, you must specify DBIL in the
control statement for DBX (a logical child database). The procedure for this
example (and all conditions and considerations) is exactly the same as for Example

Example 12. DBX and DBY Exist, DBZ Is to Be Added

Example 12 is shown in Figure 236.

Figure 236. DBX and DBY Exist, DBZ Is to Be Added

In this example, segment B has a symbolic pointer. The procedure for this example
(and all conditions and considerations) is exactly the same as for example 2.

Example 13. DBX and DBY Exist, Segment Y and DBZ Are to Be Added
Example 13 is shown in Figure 237.

Figure 237. DBX and DBY Exist, Segment Y and DBZ Are to Be Added

1. Determine whether the change you are making affects the code in any
application programs. If the code is affected, make sure it gets changed.
2. Unload DBX, using the existing DBD and HD Unload utility.

438 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Adding Logical Relationships

3. Code a new DBD for DBY and DBZ. “How to Specify Use of Logical
Relationships in the Logical DBD” in Chapter 8, “Choosing Optional Database
Functions,” on page 151 explains how the DBD is coded for logical
4. If the change you are making affected the code in application programs, make
any necessary changes to the PSBs for these application programs. If you
have the DB/DC Data Dictionary, it can help you determine which application
programs and PCBs are affected by the DBD changes you have made.
5. Rebuild the ACB if you have ACBs prebuilt rather than built dynamically.
6. Recalculate database space for DBX and DBY, and calculate space for DBZ.
7. For non-VSAM data sets, delete the old database space and define new
database space. For VSAM data sets, delete the space allocated for the old
clusters and define space for the new clusters.
8. Run the Prereorganization utility, specifying DBIL in the control statements for
9. Reload DBX, using the new DBD and the HD Reload utility.
10. Load DBY and DBZ, using an initial load program.
11. Run the Prefix Resolution utility, using the DFSURWF1 work files that are
output from Steps 9 and 10 as input.
12. Run the Prefix Update utility, using the DFSURWF3 work file that is output
from Step 11 as input.
13. Remember to make an image copy of both databases as soon as they are

Steps in Reorganizing a Database to Add a Logical Relationship

Table 32 on page 441 shows you:
v When a logically related database must be scanned
v When both sides of a logical relationship must be reorganized
v When the Prefix Resolution and Prefix Update utilities must be run

The figure applies to reorganizations only. When initially loading databases, you
must run the Prefix Resolution and Update utilities whenever work data sets are

Table 32 covers all reorganization situations, whether or not database pointers are
being changed. In using the figure, a bidirectional physically paired relationship
should be treated as two unidirectional relationships. Unless otherwise specified,
DBR should be specified for the reorganized databases when the Prereorganization
utility is run.

The following two examples guide you in use of the figure.

Example 1. How to use Table 32

Assume your database has unidirectional symbolic pointers and you are not
changing pointers. On the left side of Table 32, in the FROM column, find
unidirectional symbolic pointers. The follow across to the right in the TO row and
find unidirectional symbolic pointers. The figure tells you what you must do to
reorganize with one of the following:
v The database containing the logical parent
v The database containing the logical child

Chapter 16. Modifying Databases 439

Adding Logical Relationships

v Both databases, if necessary

In all three situations, it is not necessary to run the Prefix Resolution or Update
utilities (this is what is meant by “finished”).

Example 2. How to use Table 32

Assume your database has bidirectional symbolic pointers and you need to change
to bidirectional direct pointers. Table 32 shows that:
v Reorganizing only the logical parent database cannot be done, because a logical
parent pointer must be created in the logical child segment in the logical child
v Reorganizing the logical child database can be done. To scan the logical child
database, you must scan the logical parent database. The control statements for
the Prereorganization utility must specify DBIL for the logical child database.
Also, the Prefix Resolution and Update utilities must be run.
v Reorganizing both databases can also be done. In this case, the control
statements for the Prereorganization utility must specify DBIL for the logical child
database and DBR for the logical parent database. Again, the Prefix Resolution
and Update utilities must be run.

440 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Adding Logical Relationships

Table 32. Steps in Reorganizing a Database to Add a Logical Relationship

What You Must Do to Reorganize When You Need:
Unidirectional Bidirectional
Type of Symbolic Unidirectional Symbolic Bidirectional
Type of Database Reorganization Pointers Direct Pointers Pointers Direct Pointers
Unidirectional with Logical parent Finished1 Not valid, 1. Scan logical Not valid,
symbolic pointers database only because symbolic child data base. because direct LP
LP pointers exist and LT pointers
now and direct LP 2. Run prefix must be put in the
pointers must be resolution and logical child
added to the update. database.
logical child
database. Note: Logical
child segment will
not contain LT
pointers unless it
is reorganized.
Logical child Finished 1. Scan logical Not valid, Not valid,
database only parent data base. because a because a
counter exists counter exists
2. Run prefix now and LCF/LCL now and LCF/LCL
resolution and pointers must be pointers must be
update. put into the logical put into the logical
parent database. parent database.
Specify DBIL for
the logical child
Both databases Finished2 Run prefix Run prefix Run prefix
resolution and resolution and resolution and
update. update. update.

Specify DBIL for Specify DBR for Specify DBIL for

the logical child both databases. the logical child
database and database and
DBR for the DBR for the
logical parent logical parent
database. database.
Unidirectional with Logical parent Not valid, 1. Scan logical Not valid, 1. Scan logical
direct pointers database only because a direct child data base. because a direct child data base.
LP pointer exists LP pointer exists
now and symbolic 2. Run prefix now and symbolic 2. Run prefix
LP pointers must resolution and LP pointers must resolution and
be added to the update. be added to the update.
logical child logical child
database. database. LT Note: Logical
pointers must also child segment will
be added to the not contain LT
logical child pointers unless
database. database is
Logical child Finished Finished Not valid, Not valid,
database only because LCF/LCL because LCF/LCL
pointers must be pointers must be
put in the logical put in the logical
parent database. parent database.
Both databases Finished2 Run prefix Run prefix Run prefix
resolution and resolution and resolution and
update. update. update.

Chapter 16. Modifying Databases 441

Adding Logical Relationships

Table 32. Steps in Reorganizing a Database to Add a Logical Relationship (continued)

What You Must Do to Reorganize When You Need:
Unidirectional Bidirectional
Type of Symbolic Unidirectional Symbolic Bidirectional
Type of Database Reorganization Pointers Direct Pointers Pointers Direct Pointers
Bidirectional with Logical parent Not valid, Not valid, 1. Scan logical Not valid,
symbolic pointers database only because the because symbolic child data base. because a
counter in the LP and LT symbolic LP
logical parent pointers exist now 2. Run prefix pointer exists now
database will not and a direct LP resolution and and a direct LP
be resolved and pointer must be update. pointer must be
LT pointers exist added to the added to the
now in the logical logical child Note: LCF/LCL logical child
child database. database. pointers are not database.
unloaded and
Logical child Not valid, Not valid, 1. Scan logical 1. Scan logical
database only because LCF/LCL because LCF/LCL parent data base. parent data base.
pointers exist now pointers exist now
in the logical in the logical 2. Run prefix 2. Run prefix
parent database parent database resolution and resolution and
and a counter and a counter update. update.
must be added to must be added to
the logical parent the logical parent 3. Specify DBIL
database. database. for the logical
child data base.
Both databases Run prefix Run prefix Run prefix Run prefix
resolution and resolution and resolution and resolution and
update. update. update. update.

Specify DBIL for Specify DBIL for Specify DBIL for

the logical child the logical child the logical child
database and database and database and
DBR for the DBR for the DBR for the
logical parent logical parent logical parent
database. database. database.

442 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Adding Logical Relationships

Table 32. Steps in Reorganizing a Database to Add a Logical Relationship (continued)

What You Must Do to Reorganize When You Need:
Unidirectional Bidirectional
Type of Symbolic Unidirectional Symbolic Bidirectional
Type of Database Reorganization Pointers Direct Pointers Pointers Direct Pointers
Bidirectional with Logical parent Not valid, Not valid, Not valid, 1. Scan logical
direct pointers database only because direct LP because the because a direct child database.
and LT pointers counter in the LP pointer exists
exist in the logical logical parent in the logical child 2. Run prefix
child database database will not database and the resolution and
and symbolic LP be resolved and change is to update.
pointers must be LT pointers will symbolic LP
added. not be removed pointers. Note: LCF/LCL
from the logical pointers are not
child database. unloaded and
Logical child Not valid, Not valid, 1. Scan logical 1. Scan logical
database only because LCF/LCL because LCF/LCL parent data base. parent data base.
pointers exists in pointers exist now
the logical parent in the logical 2. Run prefix 2. Run prefix
database and a parent database resolution and resolution and
counter must be and a counter update. update.
added to the must be added to
logical parent the logical parent
database. database.
Both databases Run prefix Run prefix Run prefix Run prefix
resolution and resolution and resolution and resolution and
update. update. update. update.

Specify DBIL for Specify DBIL for

the logical child the logical child
database and database and
DBR for the DBR for the
logical parent logical parent
database. database.

1. The Prereorganization utility says to scan the logical child database and the DFSURWF1 records will be produced
if scan is run.
2. DFSURWF1 records are produced; however, the prefix resolution and update utilities need not be run.

Some Restrictions on Modifying Existing Logical Relationships

In some cases, the IMS utilities cannot be used to modify an existing logical
relationship. When an existing logical relationship cannot be modified, you must
write your own program. Two examples are as follows:

Example 1: Changing from Bidirectional Virtual to Bidirectional

Physical Pairing
Figure 238 on page 444 shows the change in pairing from virtual to physical:

Chapter 16. Modifying Databases 443

Adding Logical Relationships

Figure 238. The Change in Pairing from Virtual to Physical

Example 2: Changing the Location of the Real Logical Child in a

Bidirectional Logical Relationship
Figure 239 shows the position change of a real logical child from one logically
related database to another:

Figure 239. The Position Change of a Real Logical Child from One Logically Related
Database to Another

In both of these “before” examples, occurrences of segment B can exist that are
physically, but not logically, deleted. The logical child can be accessed from the
logical path but not the physical path. When unloading DBX, the HD Unload utility
cannot access occurrences of segment B that are physically, but not logically,
deleted. Therefore, you must write your own program to do this type of

Summary on Use of Utilities When Adding Logical Relationships

v Counters are increased by counting logical children loaded using an initial load
program or, when logically related databases are reorganized, by using DBIL in
the control statement.
v Counter problems can be corrected by reorganizing databases. When correcting
counter problems, DBIL must be specified in the control statement for the
databases involved.
v LCF and LCL pointers are not unloaded and reloaded. They must be recreated
by the Prefix Resolution and Update utilities.
v Unless DBIL is specified for all its logical child databases, never specify DBIL in
the control statement for a logical parent database.
v To change from symbolic to direct pointers, specify DBIL on the control statement
for the logical child database.

444 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Adding a Secondary Index

Adding a Secondary Index

Secondary indexes are explained in Chapter 8, “Choosing Optional Database
Functions,” on page 151. If you need to add a secondary index to your database:
1. Determine whether the change you are making affects the code in any
application programs. If the code is affected, make sure it gets changed.
2. Unload your database, using the existing DBD and the HD Unload utility.
3. Code new DBDs. “How to Specify Use of Secondary Indexing in the DBD” in
Chapter 6, “Choosing Full-Function Database Types,” on page 55 explains how
the DBD is coded for secondary indexes. You need two new DBDs, one for the
existing database and one for the new secondary index database.
4. If the change you are making affects the code in application programs, make
any necessary changes to the PSBs for those application programs. If you
have the DB/DC Data Dictionary, it can help you determine which application
programs and PCBs are affected by the DBD changes you have made.
5. Rebuild the ACB if you have ACBs prebuilt rather than built dynamically.
6. Delete the old database space and define new database space (non-VSAM),
or delete the space allocated for the cluster and define space for the new
cluster. In addition, define space for the secondary index.
7. Reload the database, using the new DBD and the HD Reload utility.
8. Run the Prefix Resolution utility, using the DFSURWF1 work file that is output
from Step 7 as input.
9. Run the HISAM unload utility, using the DFSURIDX work file that is output
from Step 8 as input. Be sure to indicate in the utility control statement that
HISAM unload is being used to build a secondary index.
10. Run the HISAM reload utility using as input the output from HISAM unload.
11. When you add a secondary index, remember to change your JCL. You need a
DD statement for the secondary index data set even when you are not using
the secondary index to process the main database. You also need to change
your reorganization procedures when adding a secondary index. Whenever
you reorganize the data set the secondary index points to, you must execute
the reorganization utilities to rebuild the secondary index.

Adding or Converting to Variable-Length Segments

Variable-length segments are explained in Chapter 8, “Choosing Optional Database
Functions,” on page 151. If you need to change selected segments in your
database from fixed to variable length—or convert the entire database to
variable-length segments—two ways exist to do it. Regardless of which way you
use, the object in conversion is to put a size field in the segment you need to make
variable length and then get the segment defined as variable length in the DBD.

Method 1. Converting Segments or a Database

To convert selected segments or the entire database this way, you must:
1. Determine whether the change you are making affects the code in any
application programs. If the code is affected, make sure it gets changed.
2. Code and generate a new DBD that identifies the segment types that will be
variable length, and their size.
3. If the change you are making affected the code in application programs, make
any necessary changes to the PSBs for those application programs. If you have
the DB/DC Data Dictionary, it can help you determine which application
programs and PCBs are affected by the DBD changes you have made.

Chapter 16. Modifying Databases 445

Adding or Converting to Variable-Length Segments

4. Rebuild the ACB if you have ACBs prebuilt rather than built dynamically.
5. Write a program that sequentially retrieves from the database all segments that
are to be variable length. Your program must add the 2-byte size field to each
segment retrieved and then insert the segment back into the database.

Method 2. Converting Segments or a Database

To convert selected segments or the entire database this way, you must:
1. Determine whether the change you are making affects the code in any
application programs. If the code is affected, make sure it gets changed.
2. Unload your database, using the existing DBD.
3. Code and generate a new (interim) DBD. This DBD should specify fixed-length
segments for all segments being converted to variable length. It should also
specify use of the segment edit/compression facility for each segment to be
converted. (The interim DBD is used, as explained in Step 9, to add a size
field to the existing fixed-length segments.)
4. If the change you are making affected the code in application programs, make
any necessary changes to the PSBs for those application programs. If you
have the DB/DC Data Dictionary, it can help you determine which application
programs and PCBs are affected by the DBD changes you have made.
5. Rebuild the ACB if you have ACBs prebuilt rather than built dynamically.
6. Recalculate database space if necessary. You need to do this when the
change you are making results in different requirements for database space.
7. For non-VSAM data sets, delete the old database space and define new
database space. For VSAM data sets, delete the space allocated for the old
clusters and define space for the new clusters.
8. Write an edit routine to which the segment edit/compression facility can exit.
Your edit routine should add a size field to each segment it receives.
(Information on the segment edit/compression facility and the edit routine you
must write is contained in Chapter 8, “Choosing Optional Database Functions,”
on page 151 under “Using the Segment Edit/Compression Facility”.)
9. Reload the database, using the interim DBD. As each occurrence of a segment
type that needs to be converted is presented for loading, your edit routine gets
control and adds the size field to the segment. When your edit routine returns
control, the segment is loaded into the database. Remember to make an
image copy of your database as soon as it is loaded.
10. If your database uses logical relationships or secondary indexes, you must run
some of the reorganization utilities before and after reloading to resolve prefix
information. The flowchart in Figure 195 on page 346 tells you which utilities to
use and the order in which they must be run.
11. After the database is loaded, code and generate a new DBD that specifies the
segment types in the database that are variable, and their size.

Converting to the Segment Edit/Compression Exit Routine

| You might need to make changes to your database before you can use the
| Segment Edit/Compression exit routine (DFSCMPX0) with it.

To convert an existing database to support DFSCMPX0, follow these steps:

1. Determine whether the change you are making affects the code in any
application programs. If the code is affected, make sure it gets changed.
2. Unload your database, using the existing DBD and the HD Unload utility.

446 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Converting to the Segment Edit/Compression Facility

3. Code a new DBD. The new DBD must specify the name of your edit routine for
the segment types you need edited.
4. If the change you are making affected the code in application programs, make
any necessary changes to the PSBs for those application programs. If you have
the DB/DC Data Dictionary, it can help you determine which application
programs and PCBs are affected by the DBD changes you have made.
5. Rebuild the ACB if you have ACBs prebuilt rather than built dynamically.
6. Recalculate database space. You need to do this because the change you are
making results in different requirements for database space.
7. Delete the old database space and define new database space. If you are using
VSAM, use the Access Method Services DEFINE CLUSTER command to define
VSAM data sets.
8. Reload the database, using the new DBD. Remember to make an image copy
of your database as soon as it is reloaded.
9. If your database uses logical relationships or secondary indexes, you must run
some of the reorganization utilities before and after reloading to resolve prefix
information. Figure 195 on page 346 tells you which utilities to use and the
order in which they must be run.

Related Reading: For more information on the Segment Edit/Compression exit

routine (DFSCMPX0), see:
v “Segment Edit/Compression Exit Routine” on page 212
v IMS Version 9: Customization Guide

Converting Databases for Data Capture Exit Routines and

Asynchronous Data Capture
This topic contains general-use programming interface information.

Data Capture exit routines are explained in “Data Capture Exit Routines” on page
215. To convert an existing database for use with Data Capture exit routines or
Asynchronous Data Capture:
1. Determine whether the change requires revisions to the logical delete rules in a
database. If so, change the delete rules, which might require reorganizing your
2. Code a new DBD. On the DBD or SEGM statements, specify the name of each
exit routine you need called against a segment in the database.
Related Reading:
v See IMS Version 9: Utilities Reference: System for details on the DBD
parameters required for Data Capture exit routines or Asynchronous Data
v IMS Version 9: Customization Guide explains the exit routines in detail, how
to code them, and how they work.
3. Run DBDGEN.
4. If you use prebuilt ACBs rather than dynamically built ACBs, rebuild the ACB.

Chapter 16. Modifying Databases 447

Converting a Logical Parent Concatenated Key

Converting a Logical Parent Concatenated Key from Virtual to Physical

or Physical to Virtual
You can convert a logical parent concatenated key from virtual to physical or from
physical to virtual by using DBDGEN and the HD reorganization utilities. To do this
1. Unload your database, using the existing DBD.
2. Code a new DBD, changing the concatenated key physical/virtual specification.
3. If you use prebuilt ACBs rather than dynamically built ACBs, rebuild the ACB.
4. Recalculate the database space. You need to do this because the change you
are making changes database space requirements.
5. For non-VSAM data sets, delete the old database space and define new
database space. For VSAM data sets, delete the space allocated for the old
clusters and define space for the new clusters.
6. If your database uses logical relationships or secondary indexes, you must run
some of the reorganization utilities before and after reloading to resolve prefix
information. Figure 195 on page 346 tells you which utilities to use and the
order in which they must be run.
7. Reload your database using the new DBD. Remember to make an image copy
of your database as soon as it is reloaded.
8. If required, run reorganization utilities to resolve prefix information.

Using the Online Change Function

Adding, changing, and deleting databases (except MSDBs) online without stopping
IMS can be done using the online change function.

The online change function for DEDBs allows both database-level and area-level
changes. A database-level change affects the structure of the DEDB and includes
such changes as adding or deleting an area, adding a segment type, or changing
the randomizer routines. An area-level change involves increasing or decreasing the
size of an area (IOVF, DOVF, CI). An area-level change requires the user to stop
only that area with the /DBRECOVERY command; a database-level change requires
the user to stop all areas of the DEDB.

Unlike standard randomizers which distribute database records across the entire
DEDB, two-stage randomizers distribute database records within an area. By using
a two-stage randomizer, changes to an individual area’s root addressable allocation
are area-level changes, and only the areas affected need to be stopped.

To use online change, you must do the following:

1. Allocate the required new data sets (see IMS Version 9: Installation Volume 1:
Installation Verification for planning these data sets).
2. Run a MODBLKS system definition if additions, changes, or deletions to the
system definition DATABASE (and possibly APPLCTN) statements need to be
made (see IMS Version 9: Administration Guide: System for more information).
3. Run the necessary DBDGEN (see IMS Version 9: Utilities Reference:
Database and Transaction Manager), PSBGEN, and ACBGEN (see IMS
Version 9: Utilities Reference: System).

448 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Using the Online Change Function

Note: All changes to ACBLIB members resulting from the ACBGEN execution
are available to the online system after the online change (provided that
the changed resources—PSBs and DBDs—are defined in the online
| 4. Update the security definitions of the IMS system’s security facilities to include
| any new databases. Security facilities can include RACF, another external
| security product, the IMS Security Maintenance utility, and exit routines. For
| more information on IMS security, see IMS Version 9: Administration Guide:
| System.
5. Allocate the database data sets for databases to be added.
6. Load your database.
7. For Fast Path, online change must be completed before the database can be
loaded. Also, Fast Path can only load databases online; batch jobs cannot be
8. If dynamic allocation is used in a z/OS environment, run the dynamic allocation
9. Use the online change utility to copy your updated staging libraries to the
inactive libraries (see IMS Version 9: Utilities Reference: System for
information on running this utility).
10. Issue the operator commands to cause your inactive libraries to become your
active libraries (see IMS Version 9: Command Reference for the commands

If a database in a z/OS environment needs to be reorganized because of changes

to the active ACBLIB data set, /DBR must be issued to deallocate the database prior
to the /MODIFY COMMIT command that introduces the ACBGEN changes. The
commands /DBR, /DBD, or /STA DATABASE ACCESS= must be completed to take the
areas of the database to be changed or deleted offline prior to issuing the /MODIFY
COMMIT command.

Maintaining Continuous Availability of IFP and MPP Regions

Changes can be made to DEDBs using online change while maintaining the
availability of IFP and MPP regions that access the DEDBs. If database level
changes are made to the DEDB while an IFP/MPP is running, then the application
will pseudoabend and the PSB will be rescheduled on the next DL/I call to the

Two level changes can be made to DEDBs. The database level changes allow:
1. Add or Delete DEDBs.
2. Add or Delete segment types.
3. Add, Change, or Delete a segment and its fields.
4. Add, Change, or Delete segment compression routines.
5. Add, Change, or Delete data capture exit routines.
6. Change randomizers.
7. Add or Delete areas.
8. Change area RAP space allocation and the randomizer is not a 2-stage

The area level changes allow:

1. Change area RAP space allocation and the randomizer is a 2-stage randomizer.
2. Change DOVF or IOVF space allocation.

Chapter 16. Modifying Databases 449

Using the Online Change Function

3. Change SDEP space allocation.

4. Change CI size.

Area level changes and items 4 through 8 of the database level change require a
BUILD DBD (not a BUILD PSB). In this case, with exception to items 4 and 5 when
the defined PSB SENSEGs have reference to exit routines that are added or
deleted, the PSB does not change. Changes can be made to DEDBs using online
change while maintaining the availability of IFP and MPP regions that access the
DEDBs only if there is no change to the scheduled PSB. The application will then
pseudoabend with ABENDU0777 and the PSB will be rescheduled on the next DL/I
call to DEDB. The message DFS2834I is issued. Other changes to the PSBs such
as items 1 through 5 of the DEDB database changes, full-function database
changes, or PSB changes using online change require that the IFP and MPP
regions be brought down.

The following procedure describes the steps necessary to make database level
changes to a DEDB with an IFP / MPP running:
1. Use a specific user-developed application program or OEM utility to unload the
DEDB through existing system definitions.
2. DBDGEN, PSBGEN and ACBGEN to generate the application control blocks to
implement the DEDB structural changes. The changed or new application
control blocks must be built into the active IMS system’s staging copy of
ACBLIB, which is offline.
3. Run the online change utility, DFSUOCU0, to move the changed ACBLIB from
the staging ACBLIB to the inactive (A or B) copy of the ACBLIB that is online
to the active IMS system.
4. Enter the normal /DBR command sequence to remove access to the DEDB
from the active IMS system.
5. Enter and follow the online change command sequence for PREPARE
processing for ACBLIB changes.
6. Enter and follow the online change command sequence for COMMIT/ABORT
processing for ACBLIB changes. The online IMS system will switch from using
the active (A or B) copy of the ACBLIB to the inactive (A or B) copy.
7. Delete, define and initialize all of the DEDB AREA data sets with the new
system definitions.
8. Enter the normal /START DATABASE and /START AREA commands to make the
DEDB and its AREAs accessible to the active IMS system.
9. Use a specific user-developed application program or OEM utility to reload the
DEDB through the change system definitions for the DEDB.
10. On the first access to the newly changed DEDB, the application will
pseudoabend and the PSB will be rescheduled. Message DFS2834I will be
The transaction will be tried again for both IFPs and MPPs when the PSB is
rescheduled. If the application attempts to access the DEDB before commit
processing has completed, an ’FH’ status will be returned to the application.
The DEDB is inaccessible because the randomizer for the DEDB is unloaded
by the /DBR command.

If database level changes are made to DEDBs while a BMP or DBCTL thread is
active, then commit processing fails and the message DFS3452 is issued.

Related Reading: See the IMS Version 9: Messages and Codes, Volume 2 for
more information on message DFS3452 and other messages.

450 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Using the Online Change Function

If area level changes are made to DEDBs while a BMP or DBCTL thread is active,
then on the next access to the newly changed area, the application should continue
processing as usual.

Changing Randomizer and Exit Routines

Randomizer routines determine the location of database records by AREA within the
DEDB and by root anchor point (RAP) within the AREA. A change of the DEDB
randomizer is a database level change. A new randomizing routine affects the
location (AREA and RAP) of every database record within the DEDB. The
randomizer is defined for the DEDB in the DBD parameter: RMNAME=.

A randomizer change can involve introducing a brand new randomizer into the
active IMS system or changing an existing randomizer in use by one or more

New Randomizer Routine

The name of the randomizer is specified in the DBD parameter: RMNAME=. If a
new randomizer is introduced for an existing DEDB, a DBDGEN and ACBGEN of
the database with the new randomizer name is required in addition to the following
procedural steps:
1. Use a specific customer-developed application program or original equipment
manufacturer (OEM) utility to unload the DEDB with the current randomizer.
2. Assemble and link edit the new randomizer into the IMS SDFSRESL or one of
the libraries in the IMS SDFSRESL STEPLIB concatenation.
3. Run a DBDGEN for the DEDB with the new randomizer designated in the DBD
parameter: RMNAME=.
4. ACBGEN is also needed to build the application control blocks to implement
the DEDB definition that includes the new randomizer. The changed or new
application control blocks must be built into the active IMS system’s staging
copy of ACBLIB, which is offline.
5. ACBLIB Run the online change utility, DFSUOCU0, to move the changed
ACBLIB from the staging ACBLIB to the inactive (A or B) copy of the ACBLIB
that is online to the active IMS system.
6. Enter the normal /DBR operator command sequence to remove access to the
DEDB from the active IMS system.
7. Enter and follow the online change command sequence for PREPARE
processing for ACBLIB changes.
8. Enter and follow the online change command sequence for COMMIT/ABORT
processing for ACBLIB changes. The online IMS system will switch from using
the active (A or B) copy of the ACBLIB to the inactive (A or B) copy.
9. Delete, define and initialize all of the DEDB AREA data sets with the new
system definitions.
10. Enter the normal /START DATABASE and /START AREA commands to make the
DEDB and its areas accessible to the active IMS system.
11. Use a specific customer-developed application program or OEM utility to reload
the DEDB with the new randomizer routine in effect.

Changed Randomizer Routine

If a change is made to a randomizer already in use by one or more DEDBs, then all
of the DEDBs using the subject randomizer must be included in the change

Chapter 16. Modifying Databases 451

Using the Online Change Function

The changed randomizer will not be introduced if an existing version is already

loaded for any DEDB in the active IMS system. You can determine that the existing
version is no longer used by locating the keyword GONE in message DFS2838I.
Also, you can determine that the randomizer module is brought from any library to
the storage by locating the keyword LOADED in the message DFS2842I.

Changing DEDB randomizers requires the procedures described below. Because

the name of the randomizer remains the same, DBDGEN, ACBGEN and the online
change command sequence are not applicable.
1. Use a specific customer-developed application program or OEM utility to unload
the DEDB with the existing randomizer. This should be done for all of the
DEDBs that use the randomizer to be changed.
2. Enter the normal /DBR DATABASE operator command sequence to remove access
to the DEDBs from the active IMS system. The /DBR DATABASE command
unloads the randomizer for the DEDBs designated as operands. When all the
DEDBs that reference the randomizer are stopped, the randomizer is removed
from the active IMS system. If a DEDB is not stopped and references a
randomizer that has been removed from the IMS system, then a U1021 abend
results on the next DL/I call.
3. Assemble and link edit the changed randomizer into the IMS SDFSRESL or one
of the libraries of the IMS SDFSRESL STEPLIB concatenation.
4. Delete, define and initialize all of the DEDB AREA data sets to prepare for
reloading the DEDB with the changed randomizer.
5. Enter the /START DATABASE command for each of the DEDBs that use the
changed randomizer. For DEDBs, the /START DATABASE command causes the
randomizer to be loaded.
6. Use a specific customer-developed application program or OEM utility to reload
the DEDB with the changed randomizer routine in effect.

Deleted Randomizer Routine

To delete a randomizer from the active IMS system, follow the procedural steps that
are documented under ″New Randomizer Routine″. Once all the DEDBs that were
using the old randomizer have been unloaded and had the /DBR command run
successfully against them, then the randomizer can be deleted. Customers with
data sharing IMS systems that do not share SDFSRESLs must be careful to delete
the randomizer from both systems. A message (DFS2838) is generated when the
randomizer is deleted.

Adding, Changing or Deleting Segment Compression Routines

Segment compression routines are segment specific and are defined for the DEDB
in the DBD SEGM parameter (″COMPRTN=″). Adding, changing or deleting
segment compression routines is procedurally the same and involves the same
restrictions as DEDB randomizer routines.

Adding, Changing or Deleting Data Capture Exit Routines

Data Capture exit routines can be defined for the DEDB on the DBD statement, for
a specific segment on the SEGM statement (″EXIT=″), or for both. Multiple exit
routines can be specified on a single DBD or SEGM statement.

Adding a New Data Capture Exit Routine: To add a new Data Capture exit
routine, follow the procedure below:
1. Assemble and link edit the new exit routine into the IMS.SDFSRESL or one of
the libraries in the IMS.SDFSRESL STEPLIB concatenation.

452 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Using the Online Change Function

2. Run a DBDGEN for the DEDB with the new exit routine designated in the DBD
or SEGM parameter: ″EXIT=″.
3. ACBGEN is also needed to build the application control blocks to implement the
DEDB definition that includes the new exit routine. The changed or new
application control blocks must be built into the active IMS system’s staging
copy of ACBLIB, which is offline.
4. Run the online change Utility, DFSUOCU0, to move the changed ACBLIB from
the staging ACBLIB to the inactive (A or B) copy of the ACBLIB that is online to
the active IMS system.
5. Enter the normal /DBR command sequence to remove access to the DEDB
from the active IMS system.
6. Enter and follow the online change command sequence for PREPARE
processing for ACBLIB changes.
7. Enter and follow the online change command sequence for COMMIT/ABORT
processing for ACBLIB changes. The online IMS system will switch from using
the active (A or B) copy of the ACBLIB to the inactive (A or B) copy.
8. Enter the normal /START DATABASE and /START AREA commands to make the
DEDB and its areas accessible to the active IMS system.

Changing an Existing Data Capture Exit Routine: To change an existing Data

Capture exit routine, follow these steps:
1. Allow the dependent regions that are accessing DEDBs with the particular Data
Capture exit to end normally.
2. Assemble and link edit the changed exit routine into the IMS SDFSRESL or one
of the libraries of the IMS SDFSRESL STEPLIB concatenation.
3. Start the dependent regions. Data Capture exits are loaded at dependent region
initialization time, so the new version of the exit will take effect when the region
is started. Data Capture exit routines that were linked as reentrant or reusable
are unloaded at dependent region termination time. Otherwise, they are
unloaded after every DL/I call.

Deleting a Data Capture Exit Routine: To delete a Data Capture exit routine,
execute the following steps:
1. Run a DBDGEN for the DEDB with the old exit routine omitted from the DBD or
SEGM statement.
2. ACBGEN is also needed to build the application control blocks to implement the
DEDB definition that excludes the old exit routine. The changed or new
application control blocks must be built into the active IMS system’s staging
copy of ACBLIB, which is offline.
3. Run the online change utility, DFSUOCU0, to move the changed ACBLIB from
the staging ACBLIB to the inactive (A or B) copy of the ACBLIB that is online to
the active IMS system.
4. Enter the normal /DBR command sequence to remove access to the DEDB
from the active IMS system.
5. Enter and follow the online change command sequence for PREPARE
processing for ACBLIB changes.
6. Enter and follow the online change command sequence for COMMIT/ABORT
processing for ACBLIB changes. The online IMS system will switch from using
the active (A or B) copy of the ACBLIB to the inactive (A or B) copy.
7. Enter the normal /START DATABASE and /START AREA commands to make
the DEDB and its areas accessible to the active IMS system.

Chapter 16. Modifying Databases 453

Using the Online Change Function

Changing Root Addressable Space with Two Stage Randomizer

The UOW structure and root addressable allocation is specific to each area within
each DEDB. However, a change to the number of root addressable CIs within one
area can affect the number of root anchor points within the whole DEDB. If the
DEDB uses a standard randomizing routine that randomly distributes database
records across the entire database, changes to the root addressable allocation are
Database Level changes and procedurally must be handled as such. This topic is
not applicable to such changes.

If, however, a ″Two Stage″ randomizer is used for the DEDB, a change to an
individual area UOW root addressable definition is an AREA Level change. A ″Two
Stage″ randomizer does not attempt to evenly distribute database records across all
areas based on the total number of root anchor points in the entire DEDB. A ″Two
Stage″ randomizer is designated in the DBDGEN by coding the randomizer name
as follows:

In prior releases of IMS, customers would get the following error message if a
DEDB DBD had more than one operand in the RMNAME parameter:

The same message will appear for this release of IMS if anything but a two is
specified as the second operand of RMNAME. Customers can still specify
RMNAME=(mmmmmmmm) for standard randomizer routines.

Changing the DEDB AREA UOW Structural Definition

Changing the DEDB AREA UOW structural definition requires the following
procedural steps:
1. Use a specific customer-developed application program or original equipment
manufacturer (OEM) utility to unload the area through existing system
2. DBDGEN, PSBGEN and ACBGEN to generate the application control blocks to
implement the DEDB structural changes. The ″UOW=(x,y)″ parameter on the
AREA DBDGEN macro statement defines the amount of space allocated to
overflow within a DEDB UOW. The ″ROOT=(nnn,mmm)″ parameter on the
AREA DBDGEN macro statement defines the amount of space allocated to
Independent Overflow.
The changed or new application control blocks must be built into the active IMS
system’s staging copy of ACBLIB, which is offline.
3. Run the online change utility, DFSUOCU0, to move the changed ACBLIB from
the staging ACBLIB to the inactive (A or B) copy of the ACBLIB that is online to
the active IMS system.
4. Enter the /DBR AREA command to remove access to the area from the active
IMS system.
5. Enter and follow the online change command sequence for PREPARE
processing for ACBLIB changes.
6. Enter and follow the online change command sequence for COMMIT/ABORT
processing for ACBLIB changes.
7. Delete, define and initialize the area with the new system definitions.
8. Enter the /START AREA command to make the area accessible to the active
IMS system.
9. Use a specific customer-developed application program or OEM utility to reload
the DEDB through the changed system definitions for the DEDB.

454 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Using the Online Change Function

Making Online Changes at the DEDB and Area Level

| This topic contains the following information about making online changes to DEDB
| and DEDB areas:
| v “Adding or Deleting DEDBs”
| v “Changing DEDBs by Adding or Deleting Segments” on page 456
| v “Adding or Deleting DEDB Areas” on page 457
| v “Changing Root Addressable Space Allocation” on page 457
| v “Changing Dependent and Independent Overflow Space Allocation” on page 457
| v “Changing CI Size” on page 458

Adding or Deleting DEDBs

Figure 240 shows the overall process for adding a database using online change.

Figure 240. Adding a Database Using Online Change

Adding or deleting a DEDB and implementing the change by means of the IMS
online change facility requires that you follow the steps described below. See
Figure 240 for an overall picture.
1. MODBLKs Level system definition (Stage 1 and Stage 2) to add or delete the
DEDB. The changed MODBLKs should be generated into the active IMS
system’s staging copy of MODBLKs, which is offline.
2. DBDGEN, PSBGEN and ACBGEN to generate the application control blocks to
add or delete the DEDB and PSBs that access it. The changed or new
application control blocks must be generated into the active IMS system’s
staging copy of ACBLIB, which is offline.
3. Run the online change utility, DFSUOCU0, to move the changed MODBLKs and
ACBLIB changes from the staging libraries to the inactive (A or B) copies of
these libraries that are online to the active IMS system.
4. Enter and follow the online change command sequence for PREPARE
processing. If a DEDB is being added to an IMS system that does not have
Fast Path installed, the DFS2833 error message will appear and the PREPARE
process will be aborted.
If a DEDB is added whose areas have CI sizes that exceed the system buffer
size (BSIZ= ), then message DFS2832 will appears and the PREPARE process
Finally, if a DEDB is added to an IMS system that was initialized without any
DEDBs, then message DFS2837 appears and the PREPARE process aborts.

Chapter 16. Modifying Databases 455

Using the Online Change Function

Output threads are initialized during Fast Path initialization only if DEDBs are
currently generated in the system. In order for the user to be able to add
DEDBs with online change, IMS must be initialized with DEDBs to begin with.
5. If the DEDB is to be deleted, any BMP region or DBCTL thread scheduled for
access to the DEDB must first be stopped. Full function transactions scheduled
for access to the DEDB will be placed in a QSTOP state and as a result, MPP
or IFP dependent regions need not be stopped to implement the online change
to delete the DEDB.
6. If the DEDB is to be deleted, access to it from the active IMS system must be
removed by means of a /DBR DB command. The commit will fail with a
DFS3452 message if the DEDB has not had the /DBR command successfully
run against it beforehand.
7. Execute the online change command sequence for COMMIT/ABORT
8. If the DEDB is newly added, execute the following additional steps at any
appropriate time prior to making the DEDB generally available for normal user
a. Execute the normal procedures for defining the new DEDB and its areas
and area data sets to DBRC and the RECON data sets.
b. Define and initialize all of the area data sets belonging to the new DEDB.
c. Execute the procedures to include the required Dynamic Allocation
definitions that will enable the DEDB and its areas to be allocated to the
active IMS system. Or register the DEDB and its areas to DBRC, and DBRC
will dynamically allocate them during IMS initialization.
d. Enter the /START DATABASE and /START AREA commands to make the DEDB
and its areas accessible to the active IMS system.
e. Run the necessary application load programs.

Related Reading: See the IMS Version 9: Messages and Codes, Volume 2 for
information on the types of messages you might receive while adding or deleting

Changing DEDBs by Adding or Deleting Segments

Adding or deleting segment types or changing segment formats affects the structure
of a DEDB and constitutes a Database Level change. The addition or deletion of
segment types (including the DEDB Sequential Dependent Segment type) affects
the hierarchical structure and the segment prefix layout to implement this structure.
Similarly, the change of individual segment formats changes the structure of the
entire database and space allocations within each AREA of the DEDB.

To make structural changes to an existing DEDB, execute the procedural steps

described below.
1. Use a specific customer-developed application program or OEM utility to unload
the DEDB through existing system definitions.
2. DBDGEN, PSBGEN and ACBGEN to generate the application control blocks to
implement the DEDB structural changes. The changed or new application
control blocks must be built into the active IMS system staging copy of ACBLIB,
which is offline.
3. Run the online change utility, DFSUOCU0, to move the changed ACBLIB from
the staging ACBLIB to the inactive (A or B) copy of the ACBLIB that is online to
the active IMS system.

456 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Using the Online Change Function

4. Enter the normal /DBR command sequence to remove access to the DEDB
from the active IMS system. This command may be issued any time prior to the
5. Enter and follow the online change command sequence for PREPARE
processing for ACBLIB changes.
6. Enter and follow the online change command sequence for COMMIT/ABORT
processing for ACBLIB changes.
7. Delete, define and initialize all of the AREA data sets belonging to the DEDB
with the new system definitions.
8. Enter the normal /START DATABASE and /START AREA commands to make the
DEDB and its areas accessible to the active IMS system.
9. Use a specific customer-developed application program or OEM utility to reload
the DEDB through the changed system definitions for the DEDB.

Adding or Deleting DEDB Areas

Adding or deleting an area can affect the location of every database record
throughout the DEDB. Changing the number of areas will alter the number of root
anchor points (RAPs) within the DEDB. DEDB randomizing routines attempt to
randomly distribute database records throughout the entire DEDB based first on the
area and then on the root anchor point (RAP) within the area.

Adding or deleting one or more areas to a DEDB constitutes a structural change

such as adding a segment type. The steps described in “Changing DEDBs by
Adding or Deleting Segments” on page 456 should be followed to change the
number of areas defined in the DEDB. If areas are newly added, the required
DBRC definitions for areas and area data sets must be processed and dynamic
allocation blocks must be prepared before the new areas can be accessed by the
active IMS system.

Changing Root Addressable Space Allocation

| There are different implications depending on whether you randomly distribute
| DEDB records or use a standard randomizer to evenly distribute DEDB records. In
| either case, you can distribute DEDB records across an entire DEDB or just a
| single DEDB area.

Random Distribution of DB Records Across All AREAs: Changes to the DEDB

unit of work (UOW) structure that affect the number of DEDB Control Intervals
defined to the Root Addressable portion impact the number of root anchor points
within the entire DEDB. This type of change potentially affects the location of every
database record within the DEDB.

Standard Randomizers: Standard DEDB randomizing routines attempt to evenly

distribute database records across all areas and within the selected AREA. Such
randomizers determine the record location based on the total number of root anchor
points in the entire DEDB.

A change to the UOW structure that changes the number of CIs defined to the root
addressable area constitutes Database Level change when a standard DEDB
randomizing routine is used. This type of change should be treated the same as a
DEDB structural change in terms of online change procedures.

Changing Dependent and Independent Overflow Space

Starting in IMS Version 3, Fast Path has provided limited support for extending
DEDB AREA Independent Overflow space allocation. That support continues

Chapter 16. Modifying Databases 457

Using the Online Change Function

unchanged. Additionally, DEDB online change will allow changes to the overflow
space allocation both within each UOW (Dependent Overflow) and outside the root
addressable portion (Independent Overflow) of the AREA. Both Dependent and
Independent Overflow changes are considered to be Area-level changes. However,
such changes must not alter the number of CIs defined to the root addressable
portion. Changing the number of root addressable CIs will change the number of
root anchor points and could affect the DEDB randomizing routine in locating
database records.

Changing DEDB AREA overflow allocation requires the same procedural steps as
those defined for changing the root addressable area.

Related Reading: See “Changing the DEDB AREA UOW Structural Definition” on
page 454 for details on changing the DEDB AREA overflow.

Changing CI Size
DEDB online change can be used to change DEDB AREA control interval size.
However, CI size changes must not alter the number of CIs allocated to the root
addressable portion of an AREA because this could affect the DEDB randomizer in
locating database records across the DEDB. The SIZE= parameter on the AREA
statement of DBDGEN defines the CI size of the data set that constitutes the

Extending DEDB Independent Overflow Online

You can extend the independent overflow (IOVF) portion of a DEDB area while IMS
is online by following the procedure described in this topic. The first time the area is
opened after this procedure is completed, a message is issued to verify that Fast
Path recognizes and accepts the change to the area and normal open processing
completes. You can also modify the IOVF portion of a DEDB using DEDB online

You cannot decrease the size of the IOVF with this procedure. However, the size of
the sequential dependent part might increase or decrease depending on the total
amount of space allocated to the area. The steps in this procedure also reorganize
the area.

To increase the size of the IOVF portion of a DEDB online you must:
1. Run the DBDGEN utility to obtain an updated DBD. Update only the following
operands on the ROOT= keyword of the AREA statement:
Specifies the total number of units of work (UOWs) allocated to the root
addressable and the IOVF parts of the area. Increase number to reflect
the number of UOWs you need to add to the IOVF.
Specifies the space reserved for the IOVF, expressed as the number of
UOWs. Increase the number on this operand by the same amount you
increase the number operand. For example, if the original values were
number=x and overflow=y, and if number is changed to x + 2, then
overflow must be changed to y + 2.

All other control statements must remain identical to those on the existing
DBD. Changing other control statements might damage data and create
unpredictable results.

458 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Extending DEDB Independent Overflow Online

2. Run the ACBGEN utility using the updated DBD. You should run PSB=ALL to
create a new and complete ACBLIB with the new ROOT= parameters. The
output should be a different data set from the one currently used by the control
region. The new ACBLIB is identical to the old ACBLIB, except for the ROOT=
changes. You can use the staging ACBLIB, but do not switch with the online
change function.
3. Ensure that the area is in good condition. The area must not have any
in-doubts, and must not be in a recovery-needed condition. Also, at least one
copy of the area (one area data set) must have no error queue elements
(EQEs). Use the /DIS AREA command to display EQEs and the condition. Use
the /DIS CCTL INDOUBT command to display all in-doubt threads. Eliminate
potential defects before continuing to the next step so that data is not lost or
4. Process SDEPs using the SDEP scan and delete utilities. This step is required
because the IOVF extension procedure requires an unload and load of the
area. Some unload and load utilities are unable to process SDEPs.
Unload/load utilities that do process SDEPs might reload them in root order
rather than time order, which can interfere with subsequent SDEP scan and
delete operations.
Related Reading:
v For more information on the DBRC definitions for the shared AREAs with
SDEP segments, see the IMS Version 9: Database Recovery Control
(DBRC) Guide and Reference.
v For more information on DEDB Sequential Dependent Scan utility keywords
and change boundaries, see the IMS Version 9: Utilities Reference:
Database and Transaction Manager.
v For more information on the DEDB Sequential Dependent Scan utility
user-written exit routine parameter interface, see the IMS Version 9:
Customization Guide.
5. If multiple copies of the area (MADS) exist, stop all copies of the area except
one using the /STOP ADS command. Ensure that the remaining copy does not
have any EQEs and is not in a recovery-needed condition. Multiple ADSs must
be stopped to ensure that DBRC has accurate information when the area is
brought online after the IOVF is extended.
6. Issue a /DBR or /STO AREA command against the area.
7. Take an image copy of the area.
8. If the area is registered with DBRC, set the recovery-needed flag on for the
area. This flag is required by the DEDB Initialization utility and can be set
using a CHANGE.DBDS RECOV command.
9. Unload the area.
10. Execute the IDCAMS utility to delete and redefine the data set. The amount of
space you allocate for the area in the Define procedure should reflect the
increased size of the IOVF. The number of SDEP CIs in the area might change
because this number represents the difference between the total amount of
space allocated to the area and the amount used by the other parts. These
other parts are the root addressable part, the IOVF, the reorganization UOW,
and two control CIs.
Related Reading: See DFSMS Access Method Services for Catalogs for a
description of the IDCAMS Delete and Define functions.
11. Execute the Fast Path initialization utility against the new area using the new
12. Issue the /START AREA command to bring the area online.

Chapter 16. Modifying Databases 459

Extending DEDB Independent Overflow Online

13. Reload the area.

Note: It is recommended that you reload the area in batch. If you reload the
area using a BMP, the BMP might fail with message DFS3709A and
reason code 5. If this failure occurs, issue the CHANGE.DBDS command to
set ICOFF and restart the BMP.
IMS Version 9: Messages and Codes, Volume 2 explains message DFS3709A
and the reason for this failure.
14. Take an image copy of the area after the reload.

When the area is next accessed, message DFS3703I is issued. This message
alerts you that discrepancies were found during open processing. However, open
processing continues because the discrepancies indicate to IMS that you used an
accepted procedure to increase the size of the IOVF. DFS3703I is not issued during
subsequent opens of the area as long as IMS remains online. DFS3703I is also
issued by any sharing subsystem the first time the area is opened on that
subsystem after the IOVF is extended.

During emergency restart or extended recovery facility (XRF) takeover, the updated
area information is picked up from the log. Therefore, DFS3703I is not issued.

Use the new ACBLIB for any subsequent normal restarts of the online system.
Ensure that the new ACBLIB reflects only the changes made to the ROOT=
keyword. Any other changes you make might cause damage to the area. If you do
not use the new ACBLIB, open logic allows the discrepancy between information
from the old ACBLIB and information from the area data set, but issues message
DFS3703I each time the discrepancy is encountered.

Note: Remember that you cannot use the online change function to update the
ACBLIB with the altered ROOT= parameter.

460 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Part 3. Appendixes

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1974, 2004 461

462 Administration Guide: Database Manager
Appendix A. Meaning of Bits in the Delete Byte
This appendix examines the meanings of:
v “Bits in the Delete Byte”
v “Bits in the Prefix Descriptor Byte”

Bits in the Delete Byte

This topic contain diagnosis, modification or tuning information.

The meaning of each bit in the delete byte, when turned on, is as follows:
Bit Meaning When Delete Byte is Turned On
0 Segment has been marked for deletion. This bit is used for segments in a
HISAM or secondary index database or segments in primary index.
1 Database record has been marked for deletion. This bit is used for
segments in a HISAM or secondary index database or segments in a
primary index.
2 Segment has been processed by the delete routine.
3 This bit is reserved.
4 Prefix and data portion of the segment are separated in storage. (The
delete byte preceding the separated data portion of the segment has all bits
turned on.)
5 Segment has been marked for deletion from a physical path. This bit is
called the PD (physical delete) bit.
6 Segment has been marked for deletion from a logical path. This bit is called
the LD (logical delete) bit.
7 Segment has been marked for removal from its logical twin chain. This bit
should only be set on if bits 5 and 6 are also on).

Bits in the Prefix Descriptor Byte

This topic contains diagnosis, modification, or tuning information.

The delete byte is also used for the root segment of a DEDB, only there it is called
a prefix descriptor byte. The meaning of each bit, when turned on, is as follows:
Bit Meaning When Root Segment Prefix Descriptor is Turned On
0 Sequential dependent segment is defined.
1-3 These bits are reserved.
4-7 If the number of defined segments is 8 or less, bits 4 through 7 contain the
highest defined segment code. Otherwise, the bits are set to 000.

Appendix B, “Insert, Delete, and Replace Rules for Logical Relationships,” on page
465, discusses replacing, inserting, and deleting rules for logical relationships,
which includes how to specify rules in a physical DBD and a rules summary.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1974, 2004 463

Bits in the Prefix Descriptor Byte

464 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Appendix B. Insert, Delete, and Replace Rules for Logical
You need to examine all your application requirements and decide who can insert,
delete, and replace segments involved in logical relationships and how those
updates are to be made (physical path only or physical and logical path). The
insert, delete, and replace rules in the physical DBD determine how updates apply
across logical relationships.

This appendix examines the following information on rules:

v “Specifying Rules in the Physical DBD”
v “Insert Rules” on page 466
v “Replace Rules” on page 469
v “Using the DLET Call” on page 475

| This appendix contains general-use programming interface information.

Specifying Rules in the Physical DBD

| Insert, delete, and replace rules are specified using the RULES= keyword of a
| SEGM statement in the DBD for logical relationships. Figure 241 contains a
| diagram of the RULES= keyword and its parameters.

|  SEGM Other parameters RULES=( P , P , P ) 

| Figure 241. Insert, Delete, and Replace Rules in the DBD
| The valid parameters values for the RULES= keyword are:
| B Specifies a bidirectional virtual delete rule. It is not a valid value for either the
| first or last positional parameter of the RULES= keyword.
| L Specifies a logical insert, delete, or replace rule.
| P Specifies a physical insert, delete, or replace rule.
| V Specifies a virtual insert, delete, or replace rule.

| The RULES= keyword accepts three positional parameters:

| v The first positional parameter sets the insert rule
| v The second positional parameter sets the delete rule
| v The third positional parameter sets the insert rule

For example, RULES=P,L,V says the insert rule is physical, the delete rule is
logical, and the replace rule is virtual. The B rule is only applicable for delete. In
general, the P rule is the most restrictive, the V rule is least restrictive, and the L
rule is somewhere in between.

The RULES= parameter is applicable only to segments involved in logical paths,

that is, the logical child, logical parent, and physical parent segments. The RULES=
parameter is not coded for the virtual logical child.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1974, 2004 465

Insert Rules

Insert Rules
The insert rules apply to the destination parent segments, but not to the logical child
segment. A destination parent can be a logical or physical parent. The insert rule
has no meaning for the logical child segment except to satisfy the RULES= macro’s
coding scheme. Therefore, any insert rule (P, L, V) can be coded for a logical child.
A logical child can be inserted provided:
v The insert rule of the destination parent is not violated
v The logical child being inserted does not already exist (it cannot be a duplicate)

A description of how the insert rules work for the destination parent is a follows:
v When RULES=P is specified, the destination parent can be inserted only using
the physical path. This means the destination parent must exist before inserting a
logical path. A concatenated segment is not needed, and the logical child is
inserted by itself. Figure 242 on page 467 shows an example of the physical
insert rule.
v When RULES=L is specified, the destination parent can be inserted either using
the physical path or concatenated with the logical child and using the logical
path. When a logical child/destination parent concatenated segment is inserted,
the destination parent is inserted if it does not already exist and the I/O area key
check does not fail. If the destination parent does exist, it will remain unchanged
and the logical child will be connected to it. Figure 245 on page 468 shows an
example of the logical insert rule.
v When RULES=V is specified, the destination parent can be inserted either using
the physical path or concatenated with the logical child and using the logical
path. When a logical child/destination parent concatenated segment is inserted,
the destination parent is replaced if it already exists. If it does not already exist,
the destination parent is inserted. Figure 247 on page 469 shows an example of
the virtual insert rule.

The Logical Child Insert Call

To insert the logical child segment, the I/O area in an application program must
contain one of the following segments in accordance with the destination parent’s
insert rule:
v The logical child
v The logical child/destination parent concatenated segment

For all DL/I calls, either an error is detected and an error status code returned (in
which case no data is changed), or the required changes are made to all segments
effected by the call. Therefore, if the required function cannot be performed for both
parts of the concatenated segment, an error status code is returned, and no change
is made to either the logical child or the destination parent.

The insert operation is not affected by KEY or DATA sensitivity as specified in a

logical DBD or a PCB. This means that if a program is other than DATA sensitive to
both the logical child and destination parent of a concatenated segment, and if the
insert rules is L or V, the program must still supply both of them in the I/O area
when inserting using a logical path. Because of this, maintenance programs that
insert concatenated segments should be DATA sensitive to both segments in the

466 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Insert Rules

Status Codes
The nonblank status codes that can be returned to an application program after an
ISRT call are as follows:
v AM—An insert was attempted and PROCOPTI
v GE—The parent of the destination parent or logical child was not found
v II—An attempt was made to insert a duplicate segment
v IX—The rule specified was P, but the destination parent was not found
One reason for getting an IX status code is that the I/O area key check failed.
Concatenated segments must contain the destination parent’s key twice—once
as part of the logical child’s LPCK and once as a field in the parent. These keys
must be equal.

Figure 242, Figure 243, and Figure 244 on page 468 show a physical insert rule

Figure 242. Physical Insert Rule Example

Figure 243. Paths for Physical Insert Rule Example

Appendix B. Insert, Delete, and Replace Rules for Logical Relationships 467
Insert Rules


ISRT ’BORROW’ STATUS CODE=’ ’ (’IX’ if LOANS does not exist)

Figure 244. ISRT and Status Codes for Physical Insert Rule Example

Figure 245 and Figure 246 show a logical insert rule example.

Figure 245. Logical Insert Rule Example



Figure 246. ISRT and Status Codes for Logical Insert Rule Example

The IX status code shown in Figure 246 is the result of omitting the concatenated
segment CUST/CUSTOMER in the second call. IMS checked for the key of the
CUSTOMER segment (in the I/O area) and failed to find it. With the L insert rule,
the concatenated segment must be inserted to create a logical path.

Figure 247 on page 469 and Figure 248 on page 469 show a virtual insert rule

468 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Insert Rules

Figure 247. Virtual Insert Rule Example



Figure 248. ISRT and Status Codes for Virtual Insert Rule Example

The code shown in Figure 248 will replace the LOANS segment if present, and
insert the LOANS segment if not. The V insert rule is a powerful option.

Insert Rules Summary

Specifying the insert rule as P prevents inserting the destination parent as part of a
concatenated segment. A destination parent can only be inserted using the physical
path. If the insert creates a logical path, only the logical child needs to be inserted.

Specifying the insert rule as L on the logical and physical parent allows insertion
using either the physical path or the logical path as part of a concatenated
segment. When inserting a concatenated segment, if the destination parent already
exists it remains unchanged and the logical child is connected to it. If the
destination parent does not exist, it is inserted. In either case, the logical child is
inserted if it is not a duplicate, and the destination parent’s insert rule is not

The V insert rule is the most powerful of the three rules. The V insert rule is the
most powerful because it will insert the destination parent (inserted as a
concatenated segment using the logical path) if the parent did not previously exist,
or otherwise replace the existing destination parent with the inserted destination

Replace Rules
The replace rules are applicable to the physical parent, logical parent, and logical
child segments of a logical path. The following is a description of how the replace
rules work:

Appendix B. Insert, Delete, and Replace Rules for Logical Relationships 469
Replace Rules

v When RULES=P is specified, the segment can only be replaced when retrieved
using a physical path. If this rule is violated, no data is replaced and an RX
status code is returned. Figure 249 shows an example of the physical replace
v When RULE=L is specified, the segment can only be replaced when retrieved
using a physical path. If this rule is violated, no data is replaced. However, no RX
status code is returned, and a blank status code is returned. Figure 251 on page
471 shows an example of the logical replace rule.
v When RULES=V is specified, the segment can be replaced when retrieved by
either a physical or logical path. Figure 253 on page 472 shows an example of
the virtual replace rule.

The Replace Call

A replace operation can be done only on that portion of a concatenated segment to
which an application program is data sensitive. If no data is changed in a segment,
no data is replaced. Therefore, no replace rule is violated. The replace rule is not
checked for a segment that is part of a concatenated segment but is not retrieved.

For all DL/I calls, either an error is detected and an error status code returned (in
which case no data is changed), or the required changes are made to all segments
affected by the call. Therefore, if the required function cannot be performed for both
parts of the concatenated segment, an error status code is returned, and no change
is made to either the logical child or the destination parent.

Status Codes
The status code returned to an application program indicates the first violation of
the replace rule that was detected. These status codes are as follows:
v AM—a replace was attempted and PROCOPTR
v DA—the key field of a segment or a non-replaceable field was changed
v RX—the replace rule was violated

Figure 249 and Figure 250 on page 471 show a physical replace rule example.

Figure 249. Physical Replace Rule Example

470 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Replace Rules



Figure 250. Calls and Status Codes for Physical Replace Rule Example

The P replace rule prevents replacing the LOANS segment as part of a

concatenated segment. Replacement must be done using the segment’s physical

Figure 251 and Figure 252 show a logical replace rule example.

Figure 251. Logical Replace Rule Example


Figure 252. Calls and Status Codes for Logical Replace Rule Example

As shown in Figure 251, the L replace rule prevents replacing the LOANS segment
as part of a concatenated segment. Replacement must be done using the
segment’s physical path. However, the status code returned is blank. The
BORROW segment, accessed by its physical path, is replaced. Because the logical
child is accessed by its physical path, it does not matter which replace rule is

The L replace rule allows replacing only the logical child half of the concatenation,
and the return of a blank status code.

Figure 253 on page 472 and Figure 254 on page 472 show a virtual replace rule

Appendix B. Insert, Delete, and Replace Rules for Logical Relationships 471
Replace Rules

Figure 253. Virtual Replace Rule Example


Figure 254. Calls and Status Codes for Virtual Replace Rule Example

As shown in Figure 254, the V replace rule allows replacing the CUSTOMER
segment using its logical path as part of a concatenated segment.

Replace Rules Summary

Specifying the replace rule as P, on any segment in a logical relationship, prevents
replacing that segment except when it is retrieved using its physical path. When the
replace rule for the logical parent is specified as L, IMS returns a blank status code
without replacing any data when the logical parent is accessed concatenated with
the logical child. Because the logical child has been accessed by its physical path,
its replace rule can be any of the three. So, using the replace rule allows the
selective replacement of the logical child half of the concatenation and a blank
status code. Specifying a replace rule of V, on any segment of a logical relationship,
allows replacing that segment by either its physical or logical path.

Table 33 on page 473 and Table 34 on page 474 show all of the possible
combinations of replace rules that can be specified. They show what actions take
place for each combination when a call is issued to replace a concatenated
segment in a logical database. Table 33 on page 473 and Table 34 on page 474 are
based on the databases and logical views shown in Figure 255 on page 473 and
Figure 256 on page 473.

472 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Replace Rules

Figure 255. Physical Databases for Replace Rules Tables

Figure 256. Logical Views for Replace Rules Table

Table 33. Replace Rules for Logical View 1

Segment Attempting
Replace Rule Specified to Replace Data Replaced?
B C B C Code B C

Appendix B. Insert, Delete, and Replace Rules for Logical Relationships 473
Replace Rules

Table 33. Replace Rules for Logical View 1 (continued)

Segment Attempting
Replace Rule Specified to Replace Data Replaced?
B C B C Code B C

Table 34. Replace Rules for Logical View 2

Segment Attempting
Replace Rule Specified to Replace Data Replaced?
B A B A Code B A

474 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Replace Rules

Table 34. Replace Rules for Logical View 2 (continued)

Segment Attempting
Replace Rule Specified to Replace Data Replaced?
B A B A Code B A

Using the DLET Call

The DLET call is a request to delete a path of segments, not a request to release
the DASD space used by a segment. Delete rules are needed when a segment is
involved in a logical relationship, because that segment belongs to two paths: a
physical and a logical path. The selection of the delete rules for the logical child and
its logical and physical parent (or two logical parents if physical pairing is used)
determines whether one or two DLET calls are necessary to delete the two access

Physical and Logical Deletion

Physically deleting a segment prevents further access to that segment using its
physical parents. Physically deleting a segment also physically deletes its physical
dependents, however one exception to this exists: If one of the physical parents of
the physically deleted segment is a logical child that has been accessed from its
logical parent, then the physically deleted segment is accessible from that logical
child. The deleted segment is accessible from that logical child because the
physical dependents of a logical child are variable intersection data.

Logically deleting a logical child prevents further access to the logical child using its
logical parent. Unidirectional logical child segments are assumed to be logically
deleted. A logical parent is considered logically deleted when all its logical children
are physically deleted. For physically paired logical relationships, the physical child
paired to the logical child must also be physically deleted before the logical parent
is considered logically deleted.

Deleting Concatenated Segments

The following application program can be sensitive to either the concatenated
segment—SOURCE=(DATA/DATA), (DATA/KEY), (KEY/DATA)—or the logical child,
because it is the logical child that is either physically or logically deleted (depending
on the path accessed) in all cases. The concatenated segment relationships are
shown in Figure 257 on page 476.

Appendix B. Insert, Delete, and Replace Rules for Logical Relationships 475
Delete Rules

Figure 257. Concatenated Segment Relationships

The Third Access Path

In Figure 258, three paths to the logical child segment SEG4 exist:
v The physical path from its physical parent SEG3
v The logical path from its logical parent SEG7
v A third path from SEG4’s physical dependents (SEG5 and SEG6) (because
segment SEG6 is a logical parent accessible from its logical child SEG2)
Related Reading: See “Possibility of Abnormal Termination” on page 497 for
more information on potential abends.

These paths are called “full-duplex” paths, which means accessibility to segments in
the paths is in two directions (up and down). Two delete bits that control access
along the paths exist, but they are “half-duplex,” which means they only block half
of each respective path. No bit that blocks the third path exists. If SEG4 were both
physically and logically deleted (in which case the PD and LD bits in SEG4 would
be set), SEG4 would still be accessible from the third path, and so would both of its

Neither physical nor logical deletion prevents access to a segment from its physical
or logical children. Logically deleting SEG4 prevents access to SEG4 from its
logical parent SEG7, and it does not prevent access from SEG4 to SEG7.
Physically deleting SEG4 prevents access to SEG4 from its physical parent SEG3,
but it does not prevent access from SEG4 to SEG3.

Figure 258. Third Access Path Example

476 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Delete Rules

Use of the Delete Byte

The delete byte is used by IMS to maintain the delete status of segments within a
database. The meaning of each bit within the delete byte is in “Bits in the Delete
Byte” on page 463. The bit is only meaningful for logical child segments and their
logical parents. For segments involved in a logical relationship, the PD and LD bits
are set or assumed set as follows:
v If a segment is physically deleted (thereby preventing further access to it from its
physical parent), then delete processing scans downward from the deleted
segment through its dependents, turns upward, and either releases each
segment’s DASD space or sets the PD bit. HISAM is the one exception to this
process. In HISAM, the delete bit is set in the segment specified by the DLET
call and processing terminates.
v If the PD bit is set in a logical parent, the LD bit is set in all logical children that
can be reached from that logical parent.
v When physical pairing is used, if the PD bit is set in one of a pair of logical
children, the LD bit is set in its paired segment.
v When a virtually paired logical child is logically deleted (thereby preventing
further access to it from its logical parent), the LD bit is set in the logical child.
v The LD bit is assumed set in all logical children in unidirectional logical
v If physical pairing is used, the LD bit is assumed set in a parent if all the paired
segments that are physical children of the parent have the PD bit set on.

Issuing the Delete Call

A DLET call can be issued against a segment defined in either a physical or logical
DBD. The call can be issued against either a physical segment or a concatenated

A DLET call issued against a concatenated segment requests deletion of the logical
child in the path that is accessed. If a concatenated segment or a logical child is
accessed from its logical parent, the DLET call requests logical deletion. In all other
cases, a delete call requests physical deletion.

Physical deletion of a segment generates a request for logical deletion of all the
segment’s logical children and generates a request for physical deletion of all the
segment’s physical children. Physical deletion of a segment also generates a
request to delete any index pointer segments for which the physically deleted
segment is the source segment.

Delete sensitivity must be specified in the PCB for each segment against which a
delete call can be issued. The call does not need to be specified for the physical
dependents of those segments. Delete operations are not affected by KEY or DATA
sensitivity as specified in either the PCB or logical DBD.

Status Codes
The nonblank status codes that can be returned to an application program after a
DLET call are as follows:
v DX—A delete rule was violated
v DA—The key was changed in the I/O area
v AM—The call function was not compatible with the processing option or segment

Appendix B. Insert, Delete, and Replace Rules for Logical Relationships 477
Delete Rules

DASD Space Release

The DLET call is not a request for release of DASD space. Depending on the
database organization, DASD space can or cannot be reused when it is released.
DASD space for a segment is released when the following conditions are met:
v Space has been released for all physical dependents of the segment.
v The segment is physically deleted (PD bit is set or being set on).
v If the segment is a logical child or logical parent, then it must be physically and
logically deleted (PD bit is set or being set on and LD bit is set or assumed set).
v If the segment is a dependent of a logical child (and is variable intersection data)
and the DLET call was issued against a physical parent of the logical child, the
logical child must be both physically and logically deleted.
v If the segment is a secondary index pointer segment, the space has been
released for its target segment.

Delete Rules
The following is a description of how the delete values work for the logical parent,
physical parent, and logical child.

Logical Parent
v When RULES=P is specified, the logical parent must be logically deleted before
a DLET call is effective against it or any of its physical parents. Otherwise, the
call results in a DX status code, and no segments are deleted. However, if a
delete request is made against a segment as a result of propagation across a
logical relationship, then the P rule acts like the L rule that follows.
v When RULES=L is specified, either physical or logical deletion can occur first.
When the logical parent is processed by a DLET call, all logical children are
logically deleted, but the logical parent remains accessible from its logical
v When RULES=V is specified, a logical parent is deleted along its physical path
explicitly when deleted by a DLET call. All of its logical children are logically
deleted, although the logical parent remains accessible from these logical
A logical parent is deleted along its physical path implicitly when it is no longer
involved in a logical relationship. A logical parent is no longer involved in a logical
relationship when:
– It has no logical children pointing to it (its logical child counter is zero, if it has
– It points to no logical children (all of its logical child pointers are zero, if it has
– It has no physical children that are also real logical children

Physical Parent (Virtual Pairing Only)

v BIDIRECTIONAL VIRTUAL means a physical parent is automatically deleted
along its physical path when it is no longer involved in a logical relationship. A
physical parent is no longer involved in a logical relationship when:
– It has no logical children pointing to it (its logical child counter is zero, if it has
– It points to no logical children (all of its logical child pointers are zero, if it has
– It has no physical children that are also real logical children

478 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Delete Rules

Logical Child
v When RULES=P is specified, the logical child segment must be logically deleted
first and physically deleted second. If physical deletion is attempted first, the
DLET call issued against the segment or any of its physical parents results in a
DX status code, and no segments are deleted. If a delete request is made
against the segment as a result of propagation across a logical relationship, or if
the segment is one of a physically paired set, then the rule acts like the L rule
that follows.
v When RULES=L is specified, deletion of a logical child is effective for the path for
which the delete was requested. Physical and logical deletion of the logical child
can be performed in any order. The logical child and any physical dependents
remain accessible from the non-deleted path.
v When RULES=V is specified, a logical child is both logically and physically
deleted when it is deleted through either its logical or physical path (setting either
the PD or LD bits sets both bits). If this rule is coded on only one logical child
segment of a physically paired set, it acts like the L rule.

Note: For logical children involved in unidirectional logical relationships, the

meaning of all three rules is the same, so any of the three rules can be

Examples Using the Delete Rules

Figure 259 through Figure 294 show the use of the delete rules for each of the
segment types for which the delete rule can be coded (logical and physical parents
and their logical children). Only the rule pertinent to the example is shown in each
figure. The explanation accompanying the example applies only to the specific

Figure 259. Logical Parent, Virtual Pairing—Physical Delete Rule Example

Appendix B. Insert, Delete, and Replace Rules for Logical Relationships 479
Delete Rules

Figure 260. Logical Parent, Physical Pairing—Physical Delete Rule Example: Before and



Figure 261. Logical Parent, Physical Pairing—Physical Delete Rule Example: Database Calls

The physical delete rule requires that all logical children be previously physically
deleted. Physical dependents of the logical parent are physically deleted.

The DLET status code will be ’DX’ if all of the logical children were not previously
physically deleted. All logical children are logically deleted. The LD bit is set on in
the physical logical child BORROW.

Figure 262. Logical Parent, Physical Pairing—Physical Delete Rule Example

480 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Delete Rules

Figure 263. Logical Parent, Physical Pairing—Physical Delete Rule Example: Before and



Figure 264. Logical Parent, Physical Pairing—Physical Delete Rule Example: Calls and
Status Codes

The physical delete rule requires that:

v All logical children be previously physically deleted.
v Physical children paired to the logical child be previously deleted.

CUSTOMER, the logical parent, has been physically deleted. Both the logical child
and its pair had previously been physically deleted. (The PD and LD bits are set on
the before figure of the BORROW/LOANS.)

Figure 265. Logical Parent, Virtual Pairing—Logical Delete Rule Example

Appendix B. Insert, Delete, and Replace Rules for Logical Relationships 481
Delete Rules

Figure 266. Logical Parent, Virtual Pairing—Logical Delete Rule Example: Before and After



Figure 267. Logical Parent, Virtual Pairing—Logical Delete Rule Example: Calls and Status

The logical delete rule allows either physical or logical deletion first; neither causes
the other. Physical dependents of the logical parent are physically deleted.

The logical parent LOANS remains accessible from its logical children. All logical
children are logically deleted. The LD bit is set on in the physical child BORROW.

The processing and results shown in Figure 265 on page 481 would be the same if
the logical parent LOANS delete rule were virtual instead of logical. The example
that follows is an additional one to explain the logical delete rule.

482 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Delete Rules

Figure 268. Logical Parent, Physical Pairing—Logical Delete Rule Example

Figure 269. Logical Parent, Physical Pairing—Logical Delete Rule Example: Before and After



Figure 270. Logical Parent, Physical Pairing—Logical Delete Rule Example: Calls and Status

The logical delete rule allows either physical or logical deletion first; neither causes
the other. Physical dependents of the logical parent are physically deleted.

The logical parent LOANS remains accessible from its logical children. All physical
children are physically deleted. Paired logical children are logically deleted.

Appendix B. Insert, Delete, and Replace Rules for Logical Relationships 483
Delete Rules

The processing and results shown in Figure 268 on page 483 would be the same if
the logical parent LOANS delete rule were virtual instead of logical. An additional
example to explain the virtual delete rule follows in Figure 271.

Figure 271. Logical Parent, Virtual Pairing—Virtual Delete Rule Example

Figure 272. Logical Parent, Virtual Pairing—Virtual Delete Rule Example: Before and After


Figure 273. Logical Parent, Virtual Pairing—Virtual Delete Rule Example: Calls and Status

The virtual delete rule allows explicit and implicit deletion. Explicit deletion is the
same as using the logical rule. Implicit deletion causes the logical parent to be
physically deleted when the last logical child is physically deleted.

Physical dependents of the logical child are physically deleted. The logical parent is
physically deleted. Physical dependents of the logical parent are physically deleted.
The LD bit is set on in the physical logical child BORROW.

484 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Delete Rules

Figure 274. Logical Parent, Physical Pairing—Virtual Delete Rule Example

Figure 275. Logical Parent, Physical Pairing—Virtual Delete Rule Example: Before and After


Figure 276. Logical Parent, Physical Pairing—Virtual Delete Rule Example: Calls and Status

The virtual delete rule allows explicit and implicit deletion. Explicit deletion is the
same as using the logical rule. Implicit deletion causes the logical parent to be
physically deleted when the last logical child is physically and logically deleted.

The logical parent is physically deleted. Any physical dependents of the logical
parent are physically deleted.

Note: The CUST segment must be physically deleted before the DLET call is
issued. The LD bit is set on in the BORROW segment.

Appendix B. Insert, Delete, and Replace Rules for Logical Relationships 485
Delete Rules

Figure 277. Physical Parent, Virtual Pairing—Bidirectional Virtual Example

Figure 278. Physical Parent, Virtual Pairing—Bidirectional Virtual Example: Before and After


Figure 279. Deleting Last Logical Child Deletes Physical Parent

The bidirectional virtual rule for the physical parent has the same effect as the
virtual rule for the logical parent.

When the last logical child is logically deleted, the physical parent is physically
deleted. The logical child (as a dependent of the physical parent) is physically
deleted. All physical dependents of the physical parent are physically deleted. That
is, ACCOUNTS (not shown), BORROW, and PAYMENT are physically deleted.

486 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Delete Rules

Figure 280. Logical Child, Virtual Pairing—Physical Delete Rule Example





Figure 281. Logical Child, Virtual Pairing—Physical Delete Rule Example: Deleting the
Logical Child

The physical delete rule requires that the logical child be logically deleted first. The
LD bit is now set in the BORROW segment.

The logical child can be physically deleted only after being logically deleted. After
the second delete, the LD and PD bits are both set. The physical delete of the
logical child also physically deleted the physical dependents of the logical child. The
PD bit is set.

Appendix B. Insert, Delete, and Replace Rules for Logical Relationships 487
Delete Rules

Figure 282. Logical Child, Virtual Pairing—Physical Delete Rule Example: Before and After

Figure 283. Logical Child, Virtual Pairing—Logical Delete Rule Example

488 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Delete Rules





Figure 284. Logical Child, Virtual Pairing—Logical Delete Rule Example: Calls and Status

The logical delete rule allows the logical child to be deleted physically or logically
first. Physical dependents of the logical child are physically deleted, but they remain
accessible from the logical path that is not logically deleted.

The delete of the virtual logical child sets the LD bit on in the physical logical child
BORROW (BORROW is logically deleted).

Figure 285. Logical Child, Virtual Pairing—Logical Delete Rule Example: Before and After

Appendix B. Insert, Delete, and Replace Rules for Logical Relationships 489
Delete Rules

Figure 286. Logical Child, Physical Pairing—Physical or Logical Delete Rule Example





Figure 287. Logical Child, Physical Pairing—Physical or Logical Delete Rule Example: Calls
and Status

With the physical or logical delete rule, each logical child must be deleted from its
physical path. Physical dependents of the logical child are physically deleted, but
they remain accessible from the paired logical child that is not deleted.

Physically deleting BORROW sets the LD bit on in CUST. Physically deleting CUST
sets the LC bit on in the BORROW segment.

490 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Delete Rules

Figure 288. Logical Child, Physical Pairing—Physical or Logical Delete Rule Example: Before
and After

Figure 289. Logical Child, Virtual Pairing—Virtual Delete Rule Example

Appendix B. Insert, Delete, and Replace Rules for Logical Relationships 491
Delete Rules





Figure 290. Logical Child, Virtual Pairing—Virtual Delete Rule Example: Calls and Status

The virtual delete rule allows the logical child to be deleted physically and logically.
Deleting either path deletes both parts. Physical dependents of the logical child are
physically deleted.

The previous delete deleted both paths because the delete rule is virtual. Deleting
either path deletes both.

Figure 291. Logical Child, Virtual Pairing—Virtual Delete Rule Example: Before and After

492 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Delete Rules

Figure 292. Logical Child, Physical Pairing—Virtual Delete Rule Example





Figure 293. Logical Child, Physical Pairing—Virtual Delete Rule Example: Calls and Status

With the virtual delete rule, deleting either logical child deletes both paired logical
children. (Notice the PD and LD bit is set on in both.) Physical dependents of the
logical child are physically deleted.

Physical dependents of the logical child are physically deleted.

Appendix B. Insert, Delete, and Replace Rules for Logical Relationships 493
Delete Rules

Figure 294. Logical Child, Physical Pairing—Virtual Delete Rule Example: Before and After

Accessibility of Deleted Segments

A physically deleted segment remains accessible under the following circumstances:
v A physical dependent of the deleted segment is a logical parent accessible from
its logical children.
v A physical dependent of the deleted segment is a logical child accessible from its
logical parent.
v A physical parent of the deleted segment is a logical child accessible from its
logical parent. The deleted segment in this case is variable intersection data in a
bidirectional logical relationship.

A logically deleted logical child cannot be accessed from its logical parent.

Neither physical or logical deletion prevents access to a segment from its physical
or logical children. Because logical relationships provide for inversion of the physical
structure, a segment can be physically or logically deleted or both, and still be
accessible from a dependent segment because of an active logical relationship. A
physically deleted root segment can be accessed when it is defined as a dependent
segment in a logical DBD. The logical DBD defines the inversion of the physical
DBD. Figure 295 shows the accessibility of deleted segments.‘

When the physical dependent of a deleted segment is a logical parent with logical
children that are not physically deleted, the logical parent and its physical parents
are accessible from those logical children.

494 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Delete Rules

Figure 295. (Part 1 of 5). Example of Deleted Segments Accessibility

The physical structure in Figure 295 shows that SEG3, SEG4, SEG5, and SEG6
have been physically deleted, probably by issuing a DLET call for SEG3. This
resulted in all of SEG3’s dependents being physically deleted. (SEG6’s delete rule
is not P, or a ’DX’ status code would be issued.)

SEG3, SEG4, SEG5, and SEG6 remain accessible from SEG2, the logical child of
SEG6. This is because SEG2 is not physically deleted. However, physical
dependents of SEG6 cannot be accessible, and their DASD space is released
unless an active logical relationship prohibits

When the physical dependent of a deleted segment is a logical child whose logical
parent is not physically deleted, the logical child, its physical parents, and its
physical dependents are accessible from the logical parent.

The logical child segment SEG4 remains accessible from its logical parent SEG7
(SEG7 is not physically deleted). Also accessible are SEG5 and SEG6, which are
variable intersection data. The physical parent of the logical child (SEG3) is also
accessible from the logical child (SEG4).

A physically and logically deleted logical child can be accessed from its physical
dependents (Figure 296 on page 496).

Appendix B. Insert, Delete, and Replace Rules for Logical Relationships 495
Delete Rules

Figure 296. (Part 2 of 5). Example of Deleted Segments Accessibility

The physical structure Figure 296 shows that logical child SEG4 is both physically
and logically deleted.

From a previous example (part 1 of 4), we know SEG6 (a logical parent) is

accessible from SEG2, if that segment (its logical child) is not physically deleted.
We also know that once we’ve accessed SEG6, its physical parents (SEG5, SEG4,
SEG3) are accessible. It doesn’t matter that the logical child is logically deleted
(which is the only difference between this example and that of part 1 of 4).

The third path cannot be blocked because no delete bit exists for this path.
Therefore, the logical child SEG4 is accessible from its dependents even though it
is been physically and logically deleted.

When a segment accessed by its third path is deleted, it is physically deleted in its
physical data base, but it remains accessible from its third path (Figure 297 and
Figure 298 on page 497).

Figure 297. (Part 3 of 5). Example of Deleted Segments Accessibility

496 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Delete Rules



Figure 298. (Part 4 of 5). Example of Deleted Segments Accessibility: Database Calls

SEG5 is physically deleted by the DLET call, and SEG 6 is physically deleted by
propagation. SEG2/SEG6 has unidirectional pointers, so SEG2 was considered
logically deleted before the DLET call was issued. The LD bit is only assumed to be
set on (Figure 299).

Figure 299. (Part 5 of 5). Example of Deleted Segments Accessibility

The results are interesting. SEG5 is inaccessible from its physical parent path (from
SEG4) unless SEG4 is accessed by its logical parent SEG7 (SEG5 and SEG6 are
accessible as variable intersection data). SEG5 is still accessible from its third path
(from SEG6) because SEG6 is still accessible from its logical child. Thus, a
segment can be physically deleted by an application program and still be accessible
to that application program, using the same PCB used to delete the segment.

Possibility of Abnormal Termination

If a logical parent is physically and logically deleted, its DASD space is released.
For this to occur, all of its logical children must be physically and logically deleted.
However, the DASD space for these logical children cannot be released if the
logical children have physical dependents with active logical relationships.
Accessing such a logical child from its physical dependents (both the logical child
and logical parent have been physically and logically deleted) can result in a user
850 through 859 abnormal termination if one of the following occurs:
v The LPCK is not stored in the logical child
v The concatenation definition is data sensitive to the logical parent
Figure 300 shows an example of abnormal termination.

Appendix B. Insert, Delete, and Replace Rules for Logical Relationships 497
Delete Rules

Figure 300. Example of Abnormal Termination

The logical parent SEG7 has been physically and logically deleted (the LD bit is
never really set, but is assumed to be set. It is shown only for the purpose of
illustration.) All of the logical children of the logical parent have also been physically
and logically deleted. However, the logical parent has had its segment space
released, whereas the logical child (SEG4) still exists. The logical child still exists
because it has a physical dependent that has an active logical relationship that
precludes releasing its space.

If an application program accesses SEG4 from its dependents (SEG1 to

SEG2/SEG6 to SEG5), IMS must build the logical parent’s concatenated key if that
key is not stored in the logical child. When IMS attempts to access logical parent
SEG7, abnormal termination will occur. The 850 through 859 abnormal termination
codes are issued when a pointer is followed that doesn’t lead to the expected

Avoiding Abnormal Termination

You must avoid creating a physically deleted logical child that can be accessed from
below in the physical structure (using its third path). A logical child can be accessed
from below if any of its physical dependents are accessible through logical paths.
Two methods exist in avoiding this situation.
v Method 1
The first method requires that logical paths to dependents be broken before the
logical child is physically deleted. Breaking the logical path with method 1 is done
using a P rule for the dependents as long as no physical deletes are propagated
into the database. Therefore, no V rules on logical children can be allowed at or
above the logical child, because, with the V rule, a propagated logical delete
causes a physical delete without a P rule violation check. (For more information
on this, see “Detecting Physical Delete Rule Violations” on page 499.) The L rule
also causes propagation, if the PD bit is already set on, but the dependent’s P
rule will prevent that case. Similarly, no V rule can be allowed on any logical
parent above the logical child, because the logical delete condition would cause
the physical delete.
v Method 2

498 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Delete Rules

The second method requires breaking the logical path whenever the logical child
is physically deleted. Breaking the logical path with this method is done for
subordinate logical child segments using the V delete rule. Subordinate logical
parent segments need to have bidirectional logical children with the V rule (must
be able to reach the logical children) or physically paired logical children with the
V rule. This method will not work with subordinate logical parents pointed to by
unidirectional logical children.

Detecting Physical Delete Rule Violations

When a DLET call is issued, the delete routine scans the physical structure
containing the segment to be deleted. The delete routine scans the physical
structure to determine if any segment in it uses the physical delete rule and whether
that rule is being violated. Figure 301 and Figure 302 show an example of violating
the physical delete rule.

Figure 301. Example of Violation of the Physical Delete Rule



Figure 302. Example of Violation of the Physical Delete Rule: Database Calls

SEG7 (the logical child of SEG2) uses the physical delete rule and has not been
logically deleted (the LD bit has not been set on). Therefore, the physical delete
rule is violated. A ’DX’ status code is returned to the application program, and no
segments are deleted.

Treating the Physical Delete Rule as Logical

If the delete routine determines that neither the segment specified in the DLET call
nor any physical dependent of that segment in the physical structure uses the
physical delete rule, any physical rule encountered later (logical deletion propagated

Appendix B. Insert, Delete, and Replace Rules for Logical Relationships 499
Delete Rules

to logical child or logical parent causing physical deletion—V rule—in another

database) is treated as a logical delete rule. Figure 303 and Figure 304 show an
example of treating the physical delete rule as logical.

Figure 303. Example of Treating the Physical Delete Rule as Logical



Figure 304. Example of Treating the Physical Delete Rule as Logical: Database Calls

SEG8 and SEG9 are both physically deleted, and SEG9 is logically deleted (V rule).
SEG5 is physically and logically deleted because it is the physical pair to SEG9
(with physical pairing setting the LD bit in one set, the PID bit in the other, and vice
versa). Physically deleting SEG5 causes propagation of the physical delete to
SEG5’s physical dependents; therefore, SEG6 and SEG7 are physically deleted.

Note that the physical deletion of SEG7 is prevented if the physical deletion started
by issuing a DLET call for SEG4. But the physical rule of SEG7 is treated as logical
in this case.

Inserting Physically and Logically Deleted Segments

When a segment is inserted, a replace operation is performed (space is reused),
and existing dependents of the inserted segment remain if:
v The segment to be inserted already exists (same segment type and same key
field value for both the physical and logical sequencing)
v The delete bit is set on for that segment along the path of insertion

For HDAM and HIDAM databases, the logical twin chain is established as required,
and existing dependents of the inserted segment remain.

500 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Delete Rules

For HISAM databases, if the root segment is physically and logically deleted before
the insert is done, then the first logical record for that root in primary and secondary
data set groups is reused. Remaining logical records on any OSAM chain are

Delete Rules Summary

The DLET Call
A DLET call issued against a concatenated segment (SOURCE=DATA/DATA,
DATA/KEY, KEY/DATA) is a DLET call against the logical child only.
A DLET call against a logical child that has been accessed from its logical
parent is a request that the logical child be logically deleted.
In all other cases, a DLET call issued against a segment is a request for that
segment to be physically deleted.
Physical Deletion
A physically deleted segment cannot be accessed from its physical path,
however, one exception exists: If one of the physical parents of the physically
deleted segment is a logical child that can be accessed from its logical parent,
then the physically deleted segment is accessible from that logical child. The
physically deleted segments is accessible because the physical dependents of
the logical child are variable intersection data.
Logical Deletion
By definition, a logically deleted logical child cannot be accessed from its logical
parent. Unidirectional logical child segments are assumed to be logically
By definition, a logical parent is considered logically deleted when all its logical
children are physically deleted and all its physical children that are part of a
physically paired set are physically deleted.
Access Paths
Neither physical nor logical deletion of a segment prevents access to the
segment from its physical or logical children, or from the segment to its physical
or logical parents. A physically deleted root segment can be accessed only from
its physical or logical children.
Propagation of Delete
In bidirectional physical pairing, physical deletion of one of the pair of logical
children causes logical deletion of its paired segment. Likewise, logical deletion
of one causes physical deletion of the other.
Physical deletion of a segment propagates logical deletion requests to its
bidirectional logical children. Physical deletion of a segment propagates physical
deletion requests to its physical children and to any index pointer segments for
which it is the source segment.
Delete Rules
Further delete operations are governed by the following delete rules:
Logical Parent
When RULES=P is specified, if the segment is not already logically deleted,
a DLET call against the segment or any of its physical parents results in a
DX status code. No segments are deleted. If a request is made against the
segment as a result of propagation across a logical relationship, then the P
rule works like the L rule.
When RULES=L is specified, either physical or logical deletion can occur
first, and neither causes the other to occur.

Appendix B. Insert, Delete, and Replace Rules for Logical Relationships 501
Delete Rules

When RULES=V is specified, either physical or logical deletion can occur

first. If the segment is logically deleted as the result of a DLET call, then it
is physically deleted also.
Physical Parent of a Virtually Paired Logical Child
RULES=P, L, or V is meaningless.
When RULES=B is specified and all physical children that are virtually
paired logical children are logically deleted, the physical parent segment is
physically deleted.
Logical Child
When RULES=P is specified, if the segment is not already logically deleted,
then a DLET call requesting physical deletion of the segment or any of its
physical parents results in a DX status code. No segments are deleted. If a
delete request is made against the segment as a result of propagation
across a logical relationship or if the segment is one of a physically paired
set, then the rule works like the L rule.
When RULES=L is specified, either physical or logical deletion can occur
first, and neither causes the other to occur.
When RULES=V is specified, either physical or logical deletion can occur
first and either causes the other to occur. If this rule is used on only one
segment of a physically paired set, it works like the L rule.
Space Release
Depending on the database organization, DASD space can or cannot be
reused when it is released. DASD space for a segment is released when
the following conditions are met:
v Space has been released for all physical dependents of the segment.
v The segment is physically deleted.
v If the segment is a logical child or a logical parent, then it is physically
and logically deleted.
v If the segment is a dependent of a logical child (variable intersection
data) and the DLET call was issued against a physical parent of the
logical child, then the logical child is both physically and logically deleted.
v If the segment is a primary index pointer segment, the space is released
for its target segment.

Insert, Delete, and Replace Rules Summary

Figure 305 summarizes rules by stating a desired result and then indicating the rule
that can be used to obtain that result. Table 35 on page 503 lists the rules and how
to specify them.

502 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Delete Rules

Figure 305. Insert, Delete, and Replace Rules Summary

| Table 35. Specifying Insert, Delete, and Replace Rules

| Rule RULES= Specification
| physical insert rule RULES= (P,_,_)
| logical insert rule RULES= (L,_,_)
| virtual insert rule RULES= (V,_,_)
| physical delete rule RULES= (_,P,_)
| logical delete rule RULES= (_,L,_)
| bidirectional virtual delete rule RULES= (_,B,_)
| virtual delete rule RULES= (_,V,_)
| physical replace rule RULES= (_,_,P)
| logical replace rule RULES= (_,_,L)
| virtual replace rule RULES= (_,_,V)

| Insert Rules for Physical Parent Segment A: The insert rules for physical parent
| (PP) segment A control the insert of PP A using the logical path to PP A. The rules
| are as follows:
| v To disallow the insert of PP A on its logical path, use the physical insert rule.
| v To allow the insert of PP A on its logical path (concatenated with virtual logical
| child segment A), use either the logical or virtual rule.
| Where PP A is already present, a logical connection is established to the existing
| PP A segment. The existing PP A can either be replaced or remain unchanged:
| – If PP A is to remain unchanged by the insert call, use the logical insert rule.
| – If PP A is to be replaced by the insert call, use the virtual insert rule.

| Delete Rules for Physical Parent Segment A: The delete rules for PP segment
| A control the deletion of PP A using the logical path to PP A. The rules are as
| follows:
| v To cause PP segment A to be deleted automatically when the last logical
| connection (through real logical child segment B to PP segment A) is broken, use
| the bidirectional virtual delete rule.
| v The other delete rules for PP A are not meaningful.

Appendix B. Insert, Delete, and Replace Rules for Logical Relationships 503
Delete Rules

| Replace Rules for Physical Parent Segment A: The replace rules for PP
| segment A control the replacement of PP A using the logical path to PP A. The rules
| are as follows:
| v To disallow the replacement of PP A on its logical path and receive an 'RX' status
| code if the rule is violated by an attempt to replace PP A, use the physical
| replace rule.
| v To disregard the replacement of PP A on its logical path, use the logical replace
| rule.
| v To allow the replacement of PP A on its logical path, use the virtual replace rule.

| Insert Rules for Logical Parent Segment B:

| Note: These rules are identical to the insert rules for PP segment A.

| The insert rules for logical parent (LP) segment B control the insert of LP B using
| the logical path to LP B. The rules are as follows:
| v To disallow the insert of LP B on its logical path, use the physical insert rule.
| v To allow the insert of LP B on its logical path (concatenated with virtual segment
| RLC B) use either the logical or virtual rule.
| Where LP B is already present, a logical connection is established to the existing
| LP B segment. The existing LP B can either be replaced or remain unchanged:
| – If LP B is to remain unchanged by the insert call, use the logical insert rule.
| – If LP B is to be replaced by the insert call, use the virtual insert rule.

| Delete Rules for Logical Parent Segment B: The delete rules for segment LP B
| control the deletion of LP B on its physical path. A delete call for a concatenated
| segment is interpreted as a delete of the logical child only. The rules are as follows:
| v To ensure that LP B remains accessible until the last logical relationship path to
| that occurrence has been deleted, choose the physical delete rule. If an attempt
| to delete LP B is made while there are occurrences of real logical child (RLC) B
| pointing to LP B, a 'DX' status code is returned and no segment is deleted.
| v To allow segment LP B to be deleted on its physical path, choose the logical
| delete rule. When LP B is deleted, it is no longer accessible on its physical path.
| It is still possible to access LP B from PP A through RLC B as long as RLC B
| exists.
| v Use the virtual delete rule to physically delete LP B when it has been explicitly
| deleted by a delete call or implicitly deleted when all RLC Bs pointing to it have
| been physically deleted.

| Replace Rules for Logical Parent Segment B:

| Note: These rules are identical to the replace rules for PP segment A.

| The replace rules for LP segment B control the replacement of LP B using the
| logical path to LP B. The rules are as follows:
| v Use the physical replace rule to disallow the replacement of LP B on its logical
| path and receive an 'RX' status code if the rule is violated by an attempt to
| replace LP B.
| v Use the logical replace rule to disregard the replacement of LP B on its logical
| path.
| v Use the virtual replace rule to allow the replacement of LP B on its logical path.

504 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Delete Rules

| Insert Rules for Real Logical Child Segment B: The insert rules do not apply to
| a logical child.

| Delete Rules for Real Logical Child Segment B: The delete rules for RLC
| segment B apply to delete calls using its logical or physical path. The rules are as
| follows:
| v Use the physical delete rule to control the sequence in which RLC B is deleted
| on its logical and physical paths. The physical delete rule requires that it be
| logically deleted before it is physically deleted. A violation results in a 'DX' status
| code.
| v Use the logical delete rule to allow either physical or logical deletes to be first.
| v Use the virtual delete rule to use a single delete call from either the logical or
| physical path to both logically and physically delete RLC B.

| Replace Rules for Real Logical Child Segment B:

| Note: These rules are identical to the replace rules for PP segment A.

| The replace rules for LP B control the replacement of RLC B using the logical path
| to RLC B. The rules are as follows:
| v Use the physical replace rule to disallow the replacement of RLC B on its logical
| path and receive an 'RX' status code if the rule is violated by an attempt to
| replace RLC B.
| v To disregard an attempt to replace RLC B on its logical path, use the logical
| replace rule.
| v To allow the replacement of RLC B on its logical path, use the virtual replace
| rule.

Appendix B. Insert, Delete, and Replace Rules for Logical Relationships 505
Delete Rules

506 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Appendix C. Using OSAM as the Access Method
This appendix contains product-sensitive programming interface information.

You need to know the following information about OSAM if your database is using
OSAM as an access method:
v OSAM is a special access method supplied with IMS.
v IMS communicates with OSAM using OPEN, CLOSE, READ, and WRITE
v OSAM communicates with the I/O supervisor using the I/O driver interface.
v An OSAM data set can be read using either the BSAM or QSAM access method.
v The number of extents in an OSAM data set is limited by:
– The maximum length of the data extent block (DEB)
– The length of the sector number table that is created for rotational position
sensing (RPS) devices
The length of a DEB is represented in a single byte that is expressed as the
number of double words. The sector number table exists only for RPS devices
and consists of a fixed area of eight bytes plus one byte for each block on a
track, rounded up to an even multiple of eight bytes. A minimum-sized sector
table (7 blocks per track) requires two double words. A maximum-sized sector
table (255 blocks per track) requires 33 double words.
In addition, for each extent area (two double words), OSAM requires a similar
area that contains device geometry data. Each extent requires a total of four
double words. The format and length (expressed in double words) of an OSAM
DEB are shown in Table 36.
Table 36. Length and Format of an OSAM DEB
Format Length
Appendage sector table 5
Basic DEB 4
Access method dependent section 2
Subroutine name section 1
Standard DEB extents 120 (60 extents)
OSAM extent data 120
Minimum sector table 2

With a minimum-sized sector table, the DEB can reflect a maximum of 60 DASD
extents. With a maximum-sized sector table, the DEB can reflect a maximum of
52 DASD extents.
v An OSAM data set can be opened for update in place and extension to the end
through one data control block (DCB). The phrase “extension to the end” means
that records can be added to the end of the data set and that new direct-access
extents can be obtained.
v An OSAM data set does not need to be formatted before use.
v An OSAM data set can use fixed-length blocked or unblocked records.
| v The maximum size of an OSAM data set depends on the block size of the data
| set and whether it is a HALDB OSAM data set. The size limits for OSAM data
| sets are:
| – 8 GB for a non-HALDB OSAM data set that has an even-length block size

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1974, 2004 507

OSAM as the Access Method

| – 4 GB for a non-HALDB OSAM data set that has an odd-length block size
| – 4 GB for a HALDB OSAM data set
v File mark definition is always used to define the current end of the data set.
When new blocks are added to the end of the data set, they replace dummy
pre-formatted (by OSAM) blocks that exist on a logical cylinder basis. A file mark
is written at the beginning of the next cylinder, if one exists, during a format
logical cylinder operation. This technique is used as a reliability aid while the
OSAM data set is open.
v OSAM EXCP counts are accumulated during OSAM End of Volume (EOV) and
close processing.
| v Migrating OSAM data sets utilizing ADRDSSU and the DFSMSdss™ component
| of z/OS DFSMS: DFSMSdss will migrate the tracks of a data set up to the last
| block written value (DS1LSTAR) as specified by the DSCB for the volume being
| migrated. If the OSAM data set spans multiple volumes that have not been
| pre-allocated, the DS1LSTAR field for each DSCB will be valid and DFSMSdss
| can correctly migrate the data.
| If the OSAM data set spans multiple volumes that have been pre-allocated, the
| DS1LSTAR field in the DSCB for each volume (except the last) can be zero. This
| condition will occur during the loading operation of a pre-allocated, multi-volume
| data set. The use of pre-allocated volumes precludes EOV processing when
| moving from one volume to another, thereby allowing the DSCBs for these
| volumes to not be updated. The DSCB for the last volume loaded is updated
| during close processing of the data set.
| DFSMSdss physical DUMP or RESTORE commands with the parameters ALLEXCP
| or ALLDATA must be used when migrating OSAM data sets that span
| pre-allocated, multi volumes. These parameters will allow DFSMSdss to correctly
| migrate OSAM data sets.
| Related Reading: For more information on the z/OS DFSMSdss component of
| DFSMS and the ALLEXCP and ALLDATA parameters of the DUMP and RESTORE
| commands, see the DFSMSdss Storage Administration Reference.

Other z/OS access methods (VSAM and SAM) are used in addition to OSAM for
physical storage of data.

Related Reading: For information about defining OSAM subpools, see IMS Version
9: Installation Volume 2: System Definition and Tailoring.

508 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Appendix D. Correcting Bad Pointers
Ordinarily, bad pointers should not occur in your database. When they do, the
cause is typically:
v Failure to run database backout
v Failure to perform emergency restart
v Omitting a log during backout or recovery

The normal way to correct a bad pointer is to perform recovery. However, some
cases exist in which a bad pointer can be corrected through reorganization. A
description of the circumstances in which this can or cannot be done is as follows:
v PC/PT pointers. The HD Unload utility issues unqualified GN calls to read a
database. If the bad pointer is a PC or PT pointer, DL/I will follow the bad pointer
and the GN call will fail. Therefore, reorganization cannot be used to correct PC
or PT pointers.
v LP/LT pointers. LP and LT pointers are rebuilt during reorganization. However,
DL/I can follow the LP pointer during unload. If the logical child segment contains
a direct LP pointer and the logical parent’s concatenated key is not physically
stored in the logical child segment, DL/I follows the bad LP pointer to construct
the logical parent’s concatenated key. This causes an ABEND.
v LP pointer. When DBR= is specified for pre-reorganization and the database has
direct LP pointers, the HD Unload utility saves the old LP pointer. Bad LP
pointers produce an error message (DFS879) saying a logical child that has no
logical parent exists.
v LP pointer. When DBIL= is specified for pre-reorganization of a logical child or
parent database, the utilities that resolve LP pointers use concatenated keys to
match logical parent and logical child segments. New LP pointers are created.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1974, 2004 509

510 Administration Guide: Database Manager
Appendix E. HALDB Partition Definition utility
The HALDB Partition Definition utility is an ISPF application that allows you to
manage the partitions of an IMS HALDB. This utility can be used in place of the
DBRC INIT.DB and INIT.PART commands to register the HALDB master in the
RECON data set. The HALDB master is registered at the time its first partition is

Related Reading: For more information on how HALDBs are maintained in the
RECON, see IMS Version 9: Database Recovery Control (DBRC) Guide and

Important: The HALDB Partition Definition utility will not impact online IMS
subsystems with regard to RECON contention. The RECON is only reserved for the
time it takes to process a DBRC request. It is not held for the duration of the utility

To access the HALDB utility:

1. Log on to TSO.
2. Start ISPF.
3. From the ISPF command line, type: tso %dfshaldb and press Enter.

The utility consists of several panels and programs that perform various actions on
the HALDB and its partitions.

Important: The Panel IDs are shown enclosed in parentheses in the caption of
each panel image here. To enable Panel IDs to be displayed in the upper left corner
of each of your panels; enter panelid on the ISPF command line and press Enter.

In this appendix:
v “The Partitioned Databases Panel” on page 512
v “Accessing Help Information” on page 513
v “Exiting the Utility” on page 513
v “Displaying the ISPF Member List” on page 514
v “Opening HALDB Partitions” on page 515
v “Defining Data Set Group Information” on page 527
v “Displaying the List of Defined Partitions” on page 528
v “Opening Database Information” on page 536
v “Deleting Database Information” on page 537
v “Exporting Database Information” on page 537
v “Importing Database Information” on page 538
v “Displaying the IMS Concatenation” on page 538
v “Selecting an IMS Configuration” on page 539
v “Using Batch to Export or Import Partition Information” on page 541
v “DSPXRUN Command Syntax” on page 542

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1974, 2004 511

Partitioned Databases Panel

The Partitioned Databases Panel

You define the HALDB that you want to manipulate on the Partitioned Databases
panel. Here you specify the type of action to perform, for example: define, modify,
or view. The succeeding panels guide you through the processes.

The Partitioned Databases panel has point-and-shoot text fields (in turquoise by
default). To use the point-and-shoot fields, just position the cursor on the text and
press the enter key.

The Figure 306 on page 512 provides space for you to enter a HALDB name,
allowing HALDB to gather information about that HALDB. The information can be
retrieved from DBDLIB or from RECON depending on the option you select and the
current state of the partitions. Following Figure 306 on page 512 are descriptions of
the panel fields.

Partitioned Databases

Type a database name and choose an option. Then press Enter.

To select a database from a list, type a filter (*) and press F4.

Configuration . . : DEFAULT

Database name . . . IVPDB1 +

Option . . . . . . . __ 1. OPEN DATABASE partitions

2. Open database information
3. Delete database information
4. Export database definitions
5. Import database definitions
6. Show IMS DDname concatenation
7. Select IMS RECON / DBDLIB libraries

To exit the application, press F3.

Command ===>
F1=Help F3=Exit F4=Prompt

Figure 306. Partitioned Databases panel (DSPXPAA)

The options in Figure 306 allow you to perform the following actions:
1. Create or change HALDB partitions (see “Opening HALDB Partitions” on page
515 and “Displaying the List of Defined Partitions” on page 528).
2. View or change HALDB information (see “Opening Database Information” on
page 536).
3. Delete HALDB information (see “Deleting Database Information” on page 537).
4. Export HALDB information (see “Exporting Database Information” on page 537).
5. Import HALDB information (see “Importing Database Information” on page 538).
6. Show the IMS concatenation (see “Displaying the IMS Concatenation” on page
7. Select an IMS configuration (see “Selecting an IMS Configuration” on page
| The configuration is a name you have specified that identifies a set of DBD
| libraries and a set of RECON data sets. If you already have the IMS DD
| statement allocated from the logon procedure and if you have the

512 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Partitioned Databases Panel

| IMS.SDFSRESLs allocated to the STEPLIB DD statement, you do not need

| to use the Configuration option. If you do define and select a
| configuration, those data sets will override the allocations from the logon
| procedure.
Database name
Enter up to 8 alphanumeric characters (the first character must be
alphabetic). The HALDB name must be a member from a DBDLIB data set.
DBDLIB data sets must be allocated under a DD name of IMS. The
database name that you specify is remembered across ISPF sessions.
You can include an asterisk to indicate that you want a member list display.
The asterisk can appear alone or as part of the name to limit the list that is
displayed. (see “Displaying the ISPF Member List” on page 514)
Important: When you include an asterisk as part of the member name, the
concatenation for the ’IMS’ DD name may contain only up to 4 data sets.
This is an ISPF restriction.
A numeric value that indicates the type of processing to perform. The
number corresponds to one of the actions in the list.

Accessing Help Information

The Partitioned Databases panel has help information available from the action bar
(Figure 307). This information is available from other panels as well.

Figure 307. Help Action Bar Choices

Help information can also be obtained by pressing the help key. The help displayed
depends on the circumstances and on the placement of the cursor when the help
key is pressed.
v If an error message is displayed, more information on the error might be
v If the cursor is on an input field, information about the field is displayed,
otherwise information about the panel is displayed.

Important: The F1 key is set to invoke the Help dialogs.

Exiting the Utility

The panels in the HALDB Partition Definition utility support an exit key (F3) which
will return your session to a display of the Figure 306 on page 512. When you use
the exit key from Figure 306 your session will exit the HALDB Partition Definition
utility altogether. Since you can accidentally press the exit key, a confirmation panel,
shown in Figure 308 on page 514, will allow you to continue without losing unsaved

Appendix E. HALDB Partition Definition utility 513

Exiting the Utility

Figure 308. Exit Confirmation Panel

To exit pull-down panels press the cancel key (F12), then the exit key (F3) if you
wish to leave the HALDB Partition Definition utility panels altogether.

Displaying the ISPF Member List

When you include an asterisk in the database name field, a member list for the
members of the IMS DD name concatenation with a name that matches the filter is
displayed. A sample member list display is shown in Figure 309.

File Help
MEMBER LIST IMSIVP81.DBDLIB Row 00001 of 00011
Name Size TTR Alias-of AC AM RM ---- Attributes ---
. DBFSAMD1 00000158 00013B 00 24 24
. DBFSAMD2 000001A0 000143 00 24 24
. DBFSAMD3 000006E0 00014B 00 24 24
. DBFSAMD4 000002C8 000207 00 24 24
. DI21PART 00000230 000133 00 24 24
. IVPDB1 00000138 000103 00 24 24
. IVPDB1I 00000138 00010B 00 24 24
. IVPDB2 00000130 000113 00 24 24
. IVPDB3 00000188 00011B 00 24 24
. IVPDB4 00000110 000123 00 24 24
. IVPDB5 000000B0 00012B 00 24 24
Command ====> Scroll ===> CSR
F1=Help F3=Exit F12=Cancel

Figure 309. ISPF Member List Display (DSPXPAM)

The member list originates from the PDS directories of the IMS concatenation. The
members that are displayed can be HALDB or non-HALDB. The member list is a
standard ISPF list so there is no IMS-specific information displayed.

From the member list, you can select the HALDB name to process by typing in the
far-left column. If the name selected is not for a partitioned database, an error
message is displayed. You can select a HALDB name with the slash (/) character
and the File action to select the type of actions to perform. The same actions that
are shown on Figure 306 on page 512 are available here.

If you specify an option on the Partitioned Databases panel (512), you do not need
to use the File Action bar; just press Enter. You can use the File Action bar to
override the option that you specified an option on the Partitioned Databases panel.

The list of HALDBs in the Member List panel can be manipulated by using the File
action bar (Figure 310 on page 515).

514 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Displaying the ISPF Member List

Figure 310. File Action Bar Choices

The options on the File Action bar allow you to perform the following actions:
v Create or change HALDB partitions (see “Opening HALDB Partitions” and
“Displaying the List of Defined Partitions” on page 528).
v View or change HALDB information (see “Opening Database Information” on
page 536).
v Delete HALDB information (see “Deleting Database Information” on page 537).
v Export HALDB information (see “Exporting Database Information” on page 537).
v Import HALDB information (see “Importing Database Information” on page 538).

Opening HALDB Partitions

Before you can define the partitions for a HALDB, you must use the DBDGEN
process to define the HALDB as a partitioned database.

The first time you choose a HALDB you must set values for the HALDB master; see
Figure 311 on page 516. When you press Enter to continue, you set the defaults for
the partitions, see Figure 312 on page 518. When you press Enter to continue
again, you define partitions using those defaults. You can modify each partition
uniquely as they are created or you can modify them later from the list of partitions.
Figure 314 on page 524 shows an example of the panel to specify the partition

After the initial set of partitions is defined (and whenever you select that HALDB
again), you will see the Database Partitions display (see Figure 319 on page 529 in
Displaying the List of Defined Partitions).

Important: Most of the information initially displayed on the panel in Figure 311 on
page 516 is extracted from the DBDLIB member. You can change the displayed
information, but that information is not saved back into the DBDLIB member (the
definition is saved in the RECON data sets).

| Each HALDB can support up to 1001 partitions.

Appendix E. HALDB Partition Definition utility 515

Opening HALDB Partitions

| Help
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
| Partitioned Database Information
| Type the field values. Then press Enter to continue.
| Database name . . . . . . . : IVPDB1
| Master Database values
| Part. selection routine . . . DFSIVD1
| RSR global service group . . . BKUPGRP1
| RSR tracking type . . . . . . DBTRACK
| Share level . . . . . . . . . 0
| Database organization . . . : PHDAM
| Recoverable? . . . . . . . . . Yes
| Number of data set groups . : 10
| Online Reorganization Capable: Yes
| To exit the application, press F3.
| Command ===>
| F1=Help F3=Exit F12=Cancel
| Figure 311. Partitioned Database Information (DSPXPOA)
The following are descriptions of the fields on the Partitioned Database information
Database name
Enter 1 to 8 alphanumeric characters. This is the name you selected from
the previous panel (see Figure 306 on page 512); it is the name of the
HALDB that you are defining.
Part. selection routine
Enter 1 to 8 alphanumeric characters (the first character must be
alphabetic). This is the name of the Partition Selection Exit Routine
provided by you.
RSR global service group
Enter 1 to 8 alphanumeric characters (the first character must be
alphabetic). This is an optional parameter used to specify the RSR global
service group that the HALDB is to be assigned to.
RSR tracking type
This is an optional parameter you use to specify the type of RSR tracking
(shadowing) for a partition assigned to a global service group. The type,
RCVTRACK or DBTRACK, cannot be specified without an RSR global
service group having been defined for the HALDB master.
v DBTRACK- indicates HALDB readiness tracking is to be done.
v RCVTRACK- indicates recovery readiness tracking is to be done.

DBTRACK is the default.

Share level
0, 1, 2, or 3. Share level is an optional parameter you use to specify the
level of data sharing that authorized subsystems can share a HALDB at.
Share level 0 is the default.
Database organization
This field indicates the type of HALDB organization, you can specify either:

516 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Opening HALDB Partitions

Yes indicates that the HALDB is recoverable. No indicates that the HALDB is
not recoverable. Yes is the default. If an RSR global service group is
specified, the recoverable field must be Yes.
Related Reading: For more information on non-recoverable databases see
the IMS Version 9: Operations Guide.
Number of data set groups
This is the number of data sets in the groups that contain data as specified
in the DBDGEN.
| Online Reorganization Capable
| Yes specifies that this HALDB supports online reorganization. No specifies
| that this HALDB does not support online reorganization. These
| specifications are stored in the DBRC RECON data set.
| Related Reading:
| v For more information on reorganizing HALDBs online, see “HALDB
| Online Reorganization” on page 364.
| v For more information on DBRC and the RECON data set, see IMS
| Version 9: Database Recovery Control (DBRC) Guide and Reference.

Figure 312 on page 518 shows the partition default information.

Appendix E. HALDB Partition Definition utility 517

Opening HALDB Partitions

Partition Default Information

Type the field values. Then press Enter to continue.

Database name . . . . . . . : IVPDB1

Processing options
Automatic definition . . . . No
Input dataset . . . . . . . . ’IMS.IVPDB1.KEYS’
Use defaults for DS groups. . No

Defaults for partitions

Partition name . . . . . . . IVPD101
Data set name prefix . . . . IMS.DB01.FINANCE.YEAR1998.CURR

Module name . . . . . . . DD41DUP2
Anchor . . . . . . . . . . 2
High block number. . . . . 999
Bytes . . . . . . . . . . 2000

Free Space
Free block freq. factor. . 0
Free space percentage. . . 0

Defaults for data set groups

Block Size . . . . . . . . . 8192

DBRC options
Max. image copies. . . . . 2
Recovery period. . . . . . 0
Recovery utility JCL . . . RECOVJCL
Default JCL. . . . . . . . ________
Image copy JCL . . . . . . ICJCL
Online image copy JCL. . . OICJCL
Receive JCL. . . . . . . . RECVJCL
Reusable? . . . . . . . . No

To exit the application, press F3.

Command ===>
F1=Help F3=Exit F6=Groups F12=Cancel

Figure 312. Partition Default Information (DSPXPCA)

v The Randomizer section is present only if the HALDB is PHDAM.
v The Defaults for data set groups section is present only if there is only one data
set group specified during DBDGEN. If there are multiple data set groups, use
F6=Groups to display all data set groups using the dialog described in “Defining
Data Set Group Information” on page 527.

The following are descriptions of the fields on the Partition Default Information
Database name
This is the name you selected from the previous panel (see Figure 306 on
page 512), it is the name of the HALDB that you are defining.
Automatic definition
The value can be Yes or No. Specifying yes will cause the partitions to be
defined automatically based on your choices for partition name (that must

518 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Opening HALDB Partitions

include percent sign characters for placeholders. see “Automatic Partition

Definition” on page 521) and input data set.
Specifying No allows you to specify unique values for each partition.
Yes is the default.
Input data set
Provide the name of a z/OS data set. Specify a member name if it is a
PDS. Each line of the data set must contain a partition selection string or
the high key value to be used during partition definition.
Related Reading: See “Automatic Partition Definition” on page 521 and
“Manual Partition Definition” on page 522 for more details on defining
Use defaults for DS groups
This value can be Yes or No. This option determines if all data set groups
are automatically set to the same defaults or if you are prompted to provide
values for each group. It can be left blank if automatic definition is set to
Partition name
Enter 1 to 7 alphanumeric characters (the first character must be
alphabetic). The Partition name is used as a prefix to the DDNAMEs of its
data sets, and so it must be unique.
Related Reading: For automatic definitions, you need to include percent
signs (%) as placeholders for an alphanumeric sequence number (A-Z,
0-9). See “Automatic Partition Definition” on page 521 for more details.
Data set name prefix
Any alphanumeric name that is valid in JCL with a maximum length of 37
Module name
Enter 1 to 8 alphanumeric characters (the first character must be
alphabetic). This is the name of the randomizing module. A randomizing
module controls root segment placement in, or retrieval from, the PHDAM
HALDB. This parameter is for PHDAM HALDBs only.
| 1 to 3 numeric digits, with a range of 1 to 255. Specifies the number of root
| anchor points desired in each control interval or block in the root
| addressable area of a PHDAM HALDB. The anchor operand must be an
| unsigned decimal integer and must not exceed a value of 255. Typical
| values are from 1 to 5. This parameter is for PHDAM HALDBs only.
| The default value of this parameter is 1.
High block number
A numeric unsigned decimal integer value with a range of 0 to 2**24 - 1.
This value specifies the maximum relative block number value that the user
wishes to allow a randomizing module to produce for this HALDB. This
parameter is for PHDAM HALDBs only. This value determines the number
of control intervals or blocks in the root addressable area of an PHDAM
A high block number of zero means that no upper limit check is performed
on the RBN created by the randomizing module. That is, it is all root
addressable area.
Bytes A numeric unsigned decimal integer value with a range of 1 to 2**24 - 1.

Appendix E. HALDB Partition Definition utility 519

Opening HALDB Partitions

This value specifies the maximum number of bytes of a HALDB record that
can be stored into the root addressable area in a series of inserts unbroken
by a call to another HALDB record.
| A value of 0 (zero) means that all bytes are addressable. It is equivalent to
| omitting the bytes parameter from the RMNAME keyword in the DBD macro
| statement in DBDGEN. This parameter is for PHDAM HALDBs only.
| Related Reading: For more information on the DBD macro statement in
| DBDGEN, see IMS Version 9: Utilities Reference: System.
Free block freq. factor
A numeric unsigned decimal integer from 0 to 100, except 1. The free block
frequency factor (fbff) specifies that every nth control interval or block in this
data set group is left as free space during HALDB load or reorganization
(where fbff=n). The range of fbff includes all integer values from 0 to 100
except fbff=1. The default value for fbff is 0.
Free space percentage
Two numeric unsigned decimal integer digits with a range from 0 to 99. The
fspf is the free space percentage factor. It specifies the minimum
percentage of each control interval or block that is to be left as free space
in this data set group.
The default value for fspf is 0.
Block size
A numeric unsigned even decimal integer with a range from 1 to 32,000.
The block size value is used by OSAM only. An initial value of 4096 is
displayed. If the HALDB is not OSAM, the block size field is not displayed.
Related Reading: For more information on the INIT.DBDS command, see
IMS Version 9: Database Recovery Control (DBRC) Guide and Reference.
Max. image copies
A required parameter you use to specify the number of image copies that
DBRC maintains for the identified DBDS. The value must be a unsigned
decimal integer from 2 to 255.
Recovery period
An optional parameter you use to specify the recovery period of the image
copies for the specified DBDS.
Specify an unsigned decimal integer from 0 to 999 that represents the
number of days that information about the image copies is kept in RECON.
If you specify 0, there is no recovery period. 0 is the default.
Recovery utility JCL
Enter 1 to 8 alphanumeric characters (the first character must be
alphabetic). This is an optional parameter you use to specify the name of a
member of a partitioned data set of skeletal JCL. When you issue the
GENJCL.RECOV command, DBRC uses this member to generate the JCL to
run the Database Recovery utility for the identified DBDS.
RECOVJCL is the default member name.
Default JCL
Enter 1 to 8 alphanumeric characters (the first character must be
alphabetic). This is an optional parameter you use to specify an implicit
skeletal JCL default member for the DBDS. The specified member is used
by the GENJCL.IC, GENJCL.OIC, and GENJCL.RECOV commands to resolve
keywords that you have defined.

520 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Opening HALDB Partitions

Image copy JCL

Enter 1 to 8 alphanumeric characters (the first character must be
alphabetic). This is an optional parameter you use to specify the name of a
member of a partitioned data set that contains skeletal JCL. When you
issue the GENJCL.IC command, DBRC uses this member to generate the
JCL to run the Database Image Copy utility for the identified DBDS.
ICJCL is the default member name.
Online image copy JCL
Enter 1 to 8 alphanumeric characters (the first character must be
alphabetic). This is an optional parameter you use to specify the name of a
member of a partitioned data set that contains skeletal JCL. DBRC uses
this member when you issue the GENJCL.OIC command to generate the JCL
to run the Online Database Image Copy utility for the identified DBDS.
OICJCL is the default member name.
Receive JCL
Enter 1 to 8 alphanumeric characters (the first character must be
alphabetic). This is an optional parameter you use to specify the name of
the skeletal JCL member used by the GENJCL.RECEIVE command.
RECVJCL is the default member name.
The value is either Yes or No. Specifies whether the Database Image Copy
utility, or the Online Database Image Copy utility are to reuse previously
defined image copy data sets.
No is the default value.

Automatic Partition Definition

In the Partition Default Information panel (see Figure 312 on page 518) you can set
Automatic definition to yes and have your partitions defined without intervention.
You must have previously created a data set and it must contain your partition
selection strings. Specify the name of the data set in the input data set field of the
panel depicted in Figure 312 on page 518.

Each line of the input data set must contain a partition selection string or the high
key value to be used during partition definition. The file must contain only one value
on each line of the file, with the value left-justified. The length of the string is
determined by the last non-blank character. Each record must contain only one

In the partition name field, include percent signs (%) as placeholders for an
alphanumeric sequence number (A-Z, 0-9). If you type a partition name like:
Partition name . . . . . . . IVPD1%%

The partitions are created in the following sequence:


Appendix E. HALDB Partition Definition utility 521

Opening HALDB Partitions


When you press Enter, as many partitions as you have key values in the input data
set are automatically generated.

| If you want to generate partition names that will allow you to preserve your naming
| sequence when expanding your database in the future, you can specify a partition
| name like IVP1%%A. The partitions would then be created in the following
| sequence:
| .
| .
| .
| .
| .
| .

When automatic definition is processing, a status panel is displayed (Figure 313 on

page 522). This automatic definition status panel is updated as new partitions are

Figure 313. Automatic Definition Status

After automatic definition is complete, in the Database Partitions panel (Figure 319
on page 529) you can see that the partition selection string is filled-in with
information from your input data set.

Manual Partition Definition

On the Partition Default Information panel (Figure 312 on page 518) you can set
Automatic definition to No so that you can define the partitions serially. You can
still use an input data set even though you set Automatic definition to No.
v If you specify an input data set, you must have previously created the data set
and it must contain your partition selection strings. The partition selection string
field (in Figure 314 on page 524) is primed from your input data set. For each
partition, the partition selection string is filled-in from a record of the input data
set. If you try to define more partitions than there are key values, the last key
value from the input data set is displayed on the Change Partition panel
(Figure 314 on page 524) and you will have to change it manually.
v If you do not specify an input data set to provide the partition high key values,
the partition high key values can be added manually for each partition.

522 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Opening HALDB Partitions

– If you did not specify a partition selection exit, the partition high key values
are required.
– If you did specify a partition selection exit, the partition selection string values
are optional.

After you set the defaults and press the enter key, the partition definition screen is
displayed. You can modify the fields and press the enter key to define the partition.
After you press the enter key, the partition is defined in RECON and the partition
definition panel is displayed again so that you can define more partitions. The
partition ID is incremented each time a partition is defined. Press the cancel key
(PF12) to prevent the displayed partition from being defined.

When you press PF12 to stop defining new partitions, the Partitioned Databases
panel (Figure 306 on page 512) is displayed again. You may also choose to stop
defining new partitions by pressing F11=List; a list of defined partitions (see
“Displaying the List of Defined Partitions” on page 528) is displayed.

Appendix E. HALDB Partition Definition utility 523

Opening HALDB Partitions

| Help
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
| Change Partition
| Type the field values. Then press Enter.
| Database name . . . . . . . : IVPDB1
| Partition name . . . . . . . IVPD101
| Partition ID. . . . . . . . : 1
| Data set name prefix. . . . . IMS.DB01.FINANCE.YEAR1998.CURR
| Partition Status. . . . . . . _______
| Partition Selection String
| +00 F2F0F0F3 4BF2F2F4 40F1F77A F2F57AF0 | 2003.224 17:25:0 |
| +10 F94BF6F3 F3F12432 00000000 00001020 | 9.6331.......... |
| +20 A840C1A5 85404040 40E28195 40D196A2 | y Ave San Jos |
| +30 856B40C3 C14040F9 F5F1F4F1 00100020 | e, CA 95141.... |
| +40 00050000 40F0F34B F0F3F440 00000100 | .... 03.034 .... |
| +50 F1F8F0F0 C9C2D4E2 C5D9E540 40C9C2D4 | 1800IBMSERV IBM |
| +60 40C39699 974B4040 F5F5F540 C2818993 | Corp. 555 Bail |
| +70 A840C1A5 85404040 40E28195 40D196A2 | y Ave San Jos |
| +80 856B40C3 C14040F9 F5F1F4F1 00403010 | e, CA 95141. .. |
| +90 00010500 40F0F34B F2F4F340 00324020 | .... 03.243 .. . |
| +A0 9201913C D2FE933D 913C1F66 4360A005 | k.j.K.l.j....-.. |
| +B0 3233A200 D996A281 6BD785A3 85996B40 | ..s.Rosa,Peter, |
| +C0 000080D4 81A3A3F9 71C4C6F8 F1F4C6C2 | ...Matt9.DF814FB |
| +D0 9311913C F6F4F8F6 943C1F66 4360A005 | l.j.6486m....-.. |
| +E0 41E3453C 06000045 10110220 10416220 | .T.............. |
| +F0 FFFFF900 00004920 18007410 94000300 | ..9.........m... |
| Randomizer
| Module name . . . . . . . DD41DUP2
| Anchor . . . . . . . . . . 2
| High block number. . . . . 999
| Bytes . . . . . . . . . . 2000
| Free Space
| Free block freq. factor. . 0
| Free space percentage. . . 0
| Attributes for data set group A
| Block Size . . . . . . . . 8192
| DBRC options
| Max. image copies. . . . 2
| Recovery period. . . . . 0
| Recovery utility JCL . . RECOVJCL
| Default JCL. . . . . . . ________
| Image copy JCL . . . . . ICJCL
| Online image copy JCL. . OICJCL
| Receive JCL. . . . . . . RECVJCL
| Reusable? . . . . . . . No
| Command ===>
| F1=Help F3=Exit F5=String F6=Groups F12=Cancel
| Figure 314. Change Partition (DSPXPPA)
v The Randomizer section is present only if the HALDB is PHDAM.
v The data set group attributes section is present only if there is only one data set
group specified during DBDGEN. If there is more than one data set group, use
F6=Groups to display all data set groups using the dialog described in “Defining
Data Set Group Information” on page 527.

The following are descriptions of the fields on the Change Partition screen:

524 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Opening HALDB Partitions

| Partition ID
| A numeric value between 1 and 32 767, but less than the current high
| partition ID value for this HALDB. The Partition Definition utility generates
| the partition ID for you, regardless of whether you create your partitions
| manually or automatically. DBRC records this number in the RECON data
| set. Data set names include the partition ID of the partition to which they
| belong.
| After an ID is assigned to a partition, you cannot change it.
| Partition Status
| You can disable a partition by typing disable in the Partition Status field.
| Usually, you would only disable a partition prior to deleting it.
| To enable a disabled partition, type enable in the Partition Status field.
| Partition High Key
The Partition High Key field allows you to specify the highest database
record root key that a partition can contain. The partition high key is
determined by your installation. IMS treats the partition high key as a
hexadecimal value. You must enter a value in the Partition High Key field.
The length of the Partition High Key field is determined by the root key
length you specify using the BYTES= parameter in the FIELD statement
during DBD definition. If the length of the partition high key you enter is
longer than the root key length, an error message displays and you must
reduce the length of the partition high key. If the partition high key length is
less than the defined root key length, the Partition Definition utility pads the
high key value with hex ’FF’s up to the defined root key length. The partition
high key values must be unique for each partition within a HALDB.
The Partition High Key field consists of two sections: an editable section on
the left that displays the partition high key in hexadecimal format and a
view-only section on the right that displays the partition high key in
alphanumeric format.
You can enter a hexadecimal value directly in the left section of the Partition
High Key field. The Partition Definition utility displays the alphanumeric
equivalent of this value in the right section of the Partition High Key field.
You can enter an alphanumeric value directly by using the ISPF editor. To
access the ISPF editor, press F5 (If you have already entered something in
the hexadecimal section, press F5 twice). Once an alphanumeric value is
entered, its hexadecimal equivalent is displayed in the left section of the
Partition High Key field.
An alphanumeric value can consist of any character information. If the
alphanumeric value contains non-display characters, you must identify
these characters using hexadecimal notation. In the ISPF editor, a
hexadecimal character string is enclosed by single quotation marks and
| either prefixed or followed with an x, for example: X'c1f201ffff'.
| Partition Selection String
| The Change Partition panel displays the Partition Selection String field
| only when you have specified a partition selection routine in the HALDB
| master definition. A partition selection routine uses the partition selection
| string in hexadecimal format to distribute records across the partitions in
| your HALDB.

Appendix E. HALDB Partition Definition utility 525

Opening HALDB Partitions

| Partition selection strings are 256 bytes long. If you enter a partition
| selection string that is less than 256 bytes in length, the Partition Definition
| utility fills the remaining bytes with X'00'.
| The Partition Selection String field consists of two sections: an editable
| section on the left that displays the partition selection string in hexadecimal
| format and a view-only section on the right that displays the partition
| selection string in alphanumeric format.
| You can enter a hexadecimal value directly in the left section of the
| Partition Selection String field. The Partition Definition utility displays the
| alphanumeric equivalent of this value in the right section of the Partition
| Selection String field.
| You can enter the partition selection string in an alphanumeric format by
| using the ISPF editor. To access the ISPF editor, press F5 (If you have
| already entered something in the hexadecimal section, press F5 twice).
| After you enter an alphanumeric string, its hexadecimal equivalent is
| displayed in the left section of the Partition Selection String field.
| An alphanumeric string can consist of any character information. If an
| alphanumeric string contains non-display characters, you must identify
| these characters using hexadecimal notation. In the ISPF editor, a
| hexadecimal character string is enclosed by single quotation marks and
| either prefixed or followed with an x, for example: X'c1f201ffff'.
| F5 performs two functions: first, when new data is entered into the
| hexadecimal section of either the Partition High Key or the Partition
| Selection String field, F5 enters the data into the Partition Definition utility
| and displays the alphanumeric equivalent of the hexadecimal string in the
| right section of the field. Second, if there is no uncommitted data in the
| hexadecimal section, it displays the alphanumeric editor. Figure 315 is an
| example of the editor panel that is displayed for the Partition Selection
| String field.
EDIT Partition Selection String

Database name . . . . : IVPDB1

Partition name . . . . : IVPD101

****** ***************************** Top of Data **********

=COLS> ----+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5---
000001 ’546787789af’x
****** **************************** Bottom of Data ********
Command ===>
F1=Help F3=Exit

Figure 315. Selection String Editor (DSPXPKE)

Pressing F6 allows you to display the Data set group dialog that is
discussed in “Defining Data Set Group Information” on page 527.
Pressing F11 allows you to display the Database partitions panel that is
discussed in “Displaying the List of Defined Partitions” on page 528.

If your definition of the HALDB from DBDLIB only allows one data set group, the
Attributes for data set group A section is displayed. If multiple groups are

526 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Opening HALDB Partitions

allowed, a reminder to press PF6 to work with the groups is displayed. The data set
groups dialog is discussed in “Defining Data Set Group Information” on page 527.

Related Reading: For a description of the fields shown in Figure 314 on page 524,
see the description for Figure 312 on page 518.

Defining Data Set Group Information

You can define data set group information by pressing F6 on the Change Partition
panel (see Figure 314 on page 524). This section describes how to define the data
set group information.

If you have multiple data set groups defined for your HALDB and you do not use
automatic definition, use the data set group list that is displayed in Figure 316 on
page 527 and Figure 317 on page 528.

From the data set groups list, you can change the attributes for each member by
typing over the values in the list column. There is a special row in the list that
allows you to make changes to an entire column of the list; the all row. When you
type a value in the all row and press Enter, the value you typed is propagated to all
of the members of the groups. After your changes are made, the all row is blanked

Important: Press F9 to save your changes and then press F12 to return to the
previous panel.

The list contains an action column. The only action allowed is to display all
information for a particular group. Select the group by typing a slash (/) in the Act
column. Figure 318 on page 528 is where you can modify the values by typing over
the existing data and pressing enter.

Change Dataset Groups Row 1 to 11 of 11

Select an item by pressing a ’/’ on the desired line then press Enter.

Database name . . . . . . . : IVPDB1

Partition name . . . . . . : IVPD101
Partition ID. . . . . . . . : 1
Data set name prefix. . . . : IMS.DB01.FINANCE.YEAR1998.CURR

Block Max Image Recovery Recovery Default

Act Group Size Copies Period Util. JCL JCL
___ All _____ __ ___ ________ ________
___ A 8192 2 0 RECOVJCL ________
___ B 8192 2 0 RECOVJCL ________
___ C 8192 2 0 RECOVJCL ________
___ D 8192 2 0 RECOVJCL ________
___ E 8192 2 0 RECOVJCL ________
___ F 8192 2 0 RECOVJCL ________
___ G 8192 2 0 RECOVJCL ________
___ H 8192 2 0 RECOVJCL ________
___ I 8192 2 0 RECOVJCL ________
___ J 8192 2 0 RECOVJCL ________
Command ===>
F1=Help F3=Exit F7=Backward F8=Forward F9=Save F11=Right F12=Cancel

Figure 316. Change Data Set Groups, Part 1 (DSPXPGA)

Appendix E. HALDB Partition Definition utility 527

Defining Data Set Group Information

Change Dataset Groups Row 1 to 11 of 11

Select an item by pressing a ’/’ on the desired line then press Enter.

Database name . . . . . . . : IVPDB1

Partition name . . . . . . : IVPD101
Partition ID. . . . . . . . : 1
Data set name prefix. . . . : IMS.DB01.FINANCE.YEAR1998.CURR

Image On. Image Receive

Act Group Copy JCL Copy JCL JCL Reusable?
___ All ________ ________ ________ ___
Command ===>
F1=Help F3=Exit F7=Backward F8=Forward F9=Save F11=Right F12=Cancel

Figure 317. Change Data Set Groups, Part 2 (DSPXPGB)

Change a Dataset Group

Enter values, then press Enter.

Attributes for data set group B

Block size . . . . . . . . 8192

DBRC options
Max. image copies. . . . 2
Recovery period. . . . . 0
Recovery utility JCL . . RECOVJCL
Default JCL. . . . . . . ________
Image copy JCL . . . . . ICJCL
Online image copy JCL. . OICJCL
Receive JCL. . . . . . . RECVJCL
Reusable? . . . . . . . No

Command ===>
F1=Help F3=Exit F12=Cancel

Figure 318. Change a Data Set Group (DSPXPGC)

Related Reading: For descriptions of the fields on the Change Data Set Groups
panels, see the field definitions for Figure 312 on page 518.

Displaying the List of Defined Partitions

When you choose Open database partitions from the Partitioned Databases panel
(Figure 306 on page 512), the Database Partitions list is displayed. The list is
displayed immediately if there are already partitions defined for the HALDB, or it is
displayed after you define partitions for HALDBs that do not already have partitions.
See Figure 319 on page 529 for an example of the Database Partitions list. The list
is displayed as a table that you can scroll up and down in.

528 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Displaying Partitions List

| File Edit View Help

| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
| Database Partitions Row 1 to 15 of 166
| Select an item by pressing a ’/’ on the desired line then press Enter.
| Database name . . . . . : IVPDB1
| Act Name Id Data set name prefix Status
| ___ IVPD101 1 IMS.DB01.FINANCE.YE2002
| ___ IVPD102 2 IMS.DB01.PAYROLL.YE2002
| ___ IVPD103 3 IMS.DB01.PAYROLL.YE2002
| ___ IVPD104 4 IMS.DB01.PAYROLL.YE2002
| ___ IVPD105 5 IMS.DB01.PAYROLL.YE2002
| ___ IVPD106 6 IMS.DB01.PAYROLL.YE2002
| ___ IVPD107 7 IMS.AB01.PAYROLL.YE2002
| ___ IVPD108 8 IMS.DB01.PAYROLL.YE2002
| ___ IVPD109 9 IMS.DB01.PAYROLL.YE2002
| ___ IVPD110 10 IMS.AB01.PAYROLL.YE2002 Disabled
| ___ IVPD111 11 IMS.DB01.PAYROLL.YE2002
| ___ IVPD112 12 IMS.DB01.PAYROLL.YE2002
| ___ IVPD113 13 IMS.TP01.PAYROLL.YE2002
| ___ IVPD114 14 IMS.DB01.PAYROLL.YE2002
| ___ IVPD115 15 IMS.DB01.FINANCE.YE2002
| Command ===>
| F1=Help F3=Exit F7=Backward F8=Forward F11=Right
| Figure 319. Database Partitions Panel, Sorted by Partition ID (DSPXPLA)
The Database Partitions list panel has the HALDB name at the top and table
information below. Descriptions of the table columns are listed below.
Act This is the line command input field where you can invoke commands such
as open, copy, and the other commands listed in “The Partition List Line
Commands” on page 532.
Name The name column contains the partition name that was provided during the
definition of the partition. This is the initial sort sequence.
Related Reading: For a more detailed description of the partition name,
see “Opening HALDB Partitions” on page 515.
Id This is the partition ID number. The number does not have to be sequential.
Related Reading: For a more detailed description of the partition ID, see
“Displaying the List of Defined Partitions” on page 528.
Data set name prefix
The data set name prefix contains the name of the data set that was
provided during the definition of the partition.
Related Reading: For a more detailed description of the data set name
prefix, see “Opening HALDB Partitions” on page 515.
| Status A partition can be disabled by selecting a partition and typing ″disable″ in
| the Partition status field of the Change Partition panel. When a partition is
| disabled, ″Disabled″ appears in the Status column for that partition in the
| Database Partitions panel. For enabled partitions, the column remains
| blank.

From the Database Partitions list panel Figure 319, you can work with individual
partitions. To use the File Action bar, type a slash (/) in the Act line command
column for the partition you want to work with, then put the cursor on the File action
bar choice and press Enter. Select the action you want to perform by typing the
number or by positioning the cursor on the choice then pressing enter again.

Appendix E. HALDB Partition Definition utility 529

Displaying Partitions List

You can invoke the Database Partitions panel (Figure 320) to show the values by
pressing your PF11 key.

| File Edit View Help

| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
| Database Partitions Row 1 to 4 of 166
| Select an item by pressing a ’/’ on the desired line then press Enter.
| Database name . . . . . : IVPDB1
| Act Name
| Partition Selection String
| ____ IVPD001
| +00 F2F0F0F3 4BF2F2F4 40F1F77A F2F57AF0 | 2003.224 17:25:0 |
| +10 F94BF6F3 F3F12432 00000000 00001020 | 9.6331.......... |
| +20 A840C1A5 85404040 40E28195 40D196A2 | y Ave San Jos |
| +30 856B40C3 C14040F9 F5F1F4F1 00100020 | e, CA 95141.... |
| +40 00050000 40F0F34B F0F3F440 00000100 | .... 03.034 .... |
| +50 F1F8F0F0 C9C2D4E2 C5D9E540 40C9C2D4 | 1800IBMSERV IBM |
| +60 40C39699 974B4040 F5F5F540 C2818993 | Corp. 555 Bail |
| +70 A840C1A5 85404040 40E28195 40D196A2 | y Ave San Jos |
| +80 856B40C3 C14040F9 F5F1F4F1 00403010 | e, CA 95141. .. |
| +90 00010500 40F0F34B F2F4F340 00324020 | .... 03.243 .. . |
| +A0 9201913C D2FE933D 913C1F66 4360A005 | k.j.K.l.j....-.. |
| +B0 3233A200 D996A281 6BD785A3 85996B40 | ..s.Rosa,Peter, |
| +C0 000080D4 81A3A3F9 71C4C6F8 F1F4C6C2 | ...Matt9.DF814FB |
| +D0 9311913C F6F4F8F6 943C1F66 4360A005 | l.j.6486m....-.. |
| +E0 41E3453C 06000045 10110220 10416220 | .T.............. |
| +F0 FFFFF900 00004920 18007410 94000300 | ..9.........m... |
| ____ IVPD002
| +00 F2F0F0F3 4BF2F2F4 40F1F87A F1F27AF0 | 2003.224 18:12:0 |
| +10 F94BF6F3 F3F12432 00000000 00001020 | 9.6331.......... |
| Command ===>
| F1=Help F3=Exit F7=Backward F8=Forward F11=Right
| Figure 320. Database Partitions Panel, Sorted by Key (DSPXPLB)
The Database Partitions list panel has the HALDB name at the top and table
information below. Descriptions of the table columns for Figure 320 on page 530 are
presented below.
Act This is the line command input field where you can invoke commands such
as open, copy, and the other commands listed on “The Partition List Line
Commands” on page 532.
Name The name column contains the partition name that was provided during the
definition of the partition. This is the initial sort sequence.
Related Reading: For a more detailed description of the partition name,
see “Opening HALDB Partitions” on page 515.
Partition Selection String
The partition selection string is used by the partition selection routine.
Related Reading: For a more detailed description of the partition selection
string, see “Opening HALDB Partitions” on page 515.

You can invoke the Database Partitions panel to show the Randomizer values by
pressing your PF11 key (Figure 321 on page 531).

530 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Displaying Partitions List

File Edit View Help

Database Partitions Row 1 to 15 of 166

Select an item by pressing a ’/’ on the desired line then press Enter.

Database name . . . . . : IVPDB1

------------- Randomizer -------------- - Free Space -

Act Name Module Anchor High block Bytes FBFF FSPF
___ IVPD101 DD41DUP2 2 999 2000 0 0
___ IVPD102 DD41DUP2 2 999 2000 0 0
___ IVPD103 DD41DUP2 2 999 2000 0 0
___ IVPD104 DD41DUP2 2 999 2000 0 0
___ IVPD105 DD41DUP2 2 999 2000 0 0
___ IVPD106 DD41DUP2 2 999 2000 0 0
___ IVPD107 DD41DUP2 2 999 2000 0 0
___ IVPD108 DD41DUP2 2 999 2000 0 0
___ IVPD109 DD41DUP2 2 999 2000 0 0
___ IVPD110 DD41DUP2 2 999 2000 0 0
___ IVPD111 DD41DUP2 2 999 2000 0 0
___ IVPD112 DD41DUP2 2 999 2000 0 0
___ IVPD113 DD41DUP2 2 999 2000 0 0
___ IVPD114 DD41DUP2 2 999 2000 0 0
___ IVPD115 DD41DUP2 2 999 2000 0 0
Command ===>
F1=Help F3=Exit F7=Backward F8=Forward F11=Right

Figure 321. Database Partitions Panel, Sorted by Name (DSPXPLC)

Important: The Randomizer section is present only if the HALDB is PHDAM.

The Database Partitions list panel has the HALDB name at the top and table
information below. Descriptions of the table columns for Figure 321 on page 531 are
presented below.
Act This is the line command input field where you can invoke commands such
as open, copy, and the other commands listed in “The Partition List Line
Commands” on page 532.
Name The name column contains the partition name provided during the definition
of the partition. This is the initial sort sequence.
Related Reading: For a more detailed description of the partition name,
see “Opening HALDB Partitions” on page 515.
The module column contains the module name of the randomizing module.
Related Reading: For a more detailed description of the module name see
Figure 312 on page 518.
The anchor column contains the number of root anchor points.
Related Reading: For a more detailed description of the anchor see
Figure 312 on page 518.
High block
The high block column contains the high block number.
Related Reading: For a more detailed description of the high block number
see Figure 312 on page 518.
Bytes For a more detailed description of the bytes field see Figure 312 on page
FBFF The FBFF column contains the free block frequency factor.

Appendix E. HALDB Partition Definition utility 531

Displaying Partitions List

Related Reading: For a more detailed description of the free block

frequency factor in Figure 312 on page 518.
FSPF The FSPF column contains the free space percentage factor.
Related Reading: For a more detailed description of the free space
percentage factor see Figure 312 on page 518.

To use line commands, type the command in the Act column to the right of the
partition you want to use. You can type multiple line commands (only one per
partition, though) on the Database Partitions panel: the commands are executed
serially starting from the top.

The Partition List Line Commands

Line commands will allow you to perform the following actions:
Delete a partition
Type a D in the line command field and press Enter. A delete confirmation
panel is displayed. Type a 1 in the option field and press Enter to confirm
the delete or press the cancel key to cancel the delete.
If you are deleting several partitions at once, and wish to accept all of the
deletes, you can type a 2 in the option field. It is reset to blank each time
the partition list is displayed.
Copy a partition
Type a C in the line command field to define a new partition using the
attributes of the selected partition. The partition name must be unique. You
change the partition information using the Change Partition panel (see
Figure 314 on page 524).
Open a partition
Type an O in the line command field to open a partition. You can then
change partition information. The partition name and ID cannot be changed.
press Enter to commit or press the cancel key to discard your changes. You
change the partition information using the Change Partition panel (see
Figure 314 on page 524).
Print partition information
Type a P in the line command field to print partition information for the
selected partition. The information will not be routed to a printer
immediately; instead it is added to the ISPF list data set.

The Partition List Action Bar

The list of partitions in the Database Partitions panel can be manipulated with line
commands or by using the File action bar choices (Figure 322).

Figure 322. File Action Bar Choices

532 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Displaying Partitions List

New partition
You can create new partitions using the same panels that you used when
you initially created partitions. See Figure 312 on page 518.
Open partition
You can open the selected partitions and modify them as desired. See
Figure 314 on page 524.
Open data set groups
You can manipulate the data set group members using the panels
described in “Defining Data Set Group Information” on page 527.
Print partition information
Information about the selected partitions is written to the ISPF list data set.
Print partition view
The information in the currently-displayed view is written to the ISPF list
data set.

The list of partitions in the Database Partitions can be sorted in various ways using
the Edit action bar choice (Figure 323).

Figure 323. Edit Action Bar Choices

Copy partition...
Type a slash (/) in the line command field and use the Edit - Copy partition
pull-down panel to define a new partition using the attributes of the selected
partition. The partition name and the ID must be unique.
The Change Partition panel is then displayed, see Figure 314 on page 524,
and you can create new partitions serially. The values shown in the panel
are filled-in using the attributes of the selected partition.
Delete partition
Type a slash (/) in the line command field and use the Edit - Delete a
partition pull-down panel to delete partitions. A delete confirmation panel is
displayed. You can press Enter to confirm delete or press the cancel key to
ignore the delete.
Find... You can search the partition list for a selected character string. Only simple
character values can be specified. The cursor is placed on the partition that
contains the search value.
The search string is not case sensitive. It will search on any field, not just
the currently displayed fields on the Database Partitions panels (Figure 324
on page 534).

Appendix E. HALDB Partition Definition utility 533

Displaying Partitions List

Figure 324. Searching the Partition List

Change all partitions...

Use the Edit - Change all partitions pull-down panel to change individual
fields for all of the partitions in the HALDB. The partition name and the ID
cannot be changed. See “Change All Partitions.”
Change selected partitions...
Type a slash (/) in the line command field to change a partition and use the
Edit - Change selected partitions pull-down panel to change individual fields
for the selected partitions. The partition name and the ID cannot be
changed. The process is the same as that described in “Change All
Partitions,” but only the selected partitions are changed.

The list of partitions in the Database Partitions can be sorted in various ways by
using the View action bar choice (Figure 325).

Figure 325. View Action Bar Choices

Help information is available using the Help action bar choice.

Change All Partitions

Figure 326 on page 535 is an example of the Change Partition panel. The entry
fields are blank. Make changes only to the fields that you want to change. The field
changes are applied to all of the partitions.

Important: The same process is used for Change selected partitions except that
the changes are only applied to the partitions selected from the list with a slash (/).

If you want to change a character field to blanks, type a single slash (/) character
so that it is the only character in the field.

534 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Displaying Partitions List

Change Partition

Press Enter to continue.

Database name. . . . . . . : IVPDB1

Partition name . . . . . . :
Partition ID . . . . . . . :
Data set name prefix . . . . _________________________________
Status. . . . . . . . . . . . _______

Partition Selection String

+00 ________ ________ ________ ________ | |
+10 ________ ________ ________ ________ | |
+20 ________ ________ ________ ________ | |
+30 ________ ________ ________ ________ | |
+40 ________ ________ ________ ________ | |
+50 ________ ________ ________ ________ | |
+60 ________ ________ ________ ________ | |
+70 ________ ________ ________ ________ | |
+80 ________ ________ ________ ________ | |
+90 ________ ________ ________ ________ | |
+A0 ________ ________ ________ ________ | |
+B0 ________ ________ ________ ________ | |
+C0 ________ ________ ________ ________ | |
+D0 ________ ________ ________ ________ | |
+E0 ________ ________ ________ ________ | |
+F0 ________ ________ ________ ________ | |

Module name . . . . . . . DD41MOD3
Anchor . . . . . . . . . . ___
High block number. . . . . ________
Bytes . . . . . . . . . . ________

Free Space
Free block freq. factor. . ___
Free space percentage. . . __

Command ===>
F1=Help F3=Exit F5=String F6=Groups F12=Cancel

Figure 326. Change Partition Panel (DSPXPPB)

v The Randomizer section is present only if the HALDB is PHDAM.
v The data set groups section is present only if there is only one data set group
specified during DBDGEN. If there is more than one data set group, use
F6=Groups to display all data set groups using the dialog described in “Defining
Data Set Group Information” on page 527.

Figure 327 on page 536 shows the Change Dataset Groups panel.

Appendix E. HALDB Partition Definition utility 535

Displaying Partitions List

Change Dataset Groups Row 1 to 10 of 10

Select an item by pressing a ’/’ on the desired line then press Enter.

Database name . . . . . . . : IVPDB1

Partition name . . . . . . : IVPD101
Partition ID. . . . . . . . : 1
Data set name prefix. . . . : IMS.DB01.FINANCE.YEAR1998.CURR

Block Max Image Recovery Recovery Default

Act Group Size Copies Period Util. JCL JCL
___ All _____ __ ___ ________ ________
___ A _____ __ ___ ________ ________
___ B _____ __ ___ ________ ________
___ C _____ __ ___ ________ ________
___ D _____ __ ___ ________ ________
___ E _____ __ ___ ________ ________
___ F _____ __ ___ ________ ________
___ G _____ __ ___ ________ ________
___ H _____ __ ___ ________ ________
___ I _____ __ ___ ________ ________
___ J _____ __ ___ ________ ________
Command ===>
F1=Help F3=Exit F7=Backward F8=Forward F9=Save F11=Right F12=Cancel

Figure 327. Change Data Set Groups, Part 1 (DSPXPGA)

Related Reading: For a description of the fields not listed here, see the description
for Figure 311 on page 516.

Opening Database Information

When you choose Open database information from the Partitioned Databases panel
shown in Figure 306 on page 512, you are shown information about the HALDB
which was saved when you first defined partitions for the HALDB (Figure 328).

| Help
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
| Partitioned Database Information
| Type the field values. Then press Enter to continue.
| Database name . . . . . . . : IVPDB1
| Master Database values
| Part. selection routine . . . DFSIVD1
| RSR global service group . . .
| RSR tracking type . . . . . .
| Share level . . . . . . . . . 0
| Database organization . . . : PHDAM
| Recoverable? . . . . . . . . . Yes
| Number of data set groups . : 1
| Online Reorganization Capable: Yes
| To exit the application, press F3.
| Command ===>
| F1=Help F3=Exit F12=Cancel
| Figure 328. Partitioned Database Information (DSPXPOA)
Related Reading: For a description of the fields shown in Figure 328, see the
description for Figure 311 on page 516.

536 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Opening Database Information

You can modify the fields and press Enter to change the values in RECON. If you
press cancel or exit, any changes you entered on this panel are discarded.

Deleting Database Information

When you choose to delete database information from Figure 306 on page 512, you
are presented with the Delete a Database panel (see Figure 329). You must type a
slash (/) character and press Enter to confirm the delete. When you confirm it, the
information about the HALDB and about all of its partitions is deleted from RECON.

There is no way to undo the delete. You may wish to perform an export prior to
deleting a HALDB from RECON. See “Exporting Database Information” for
information about performing an export.

Delete Database Information

Type ’/’ to confirm the delete of the database information from RECON.
Then press Enter.

Database name . . . . . : IVPDB1

Confirm database delete . __

Command ===>
F1=Help F3=Exit F12=Cancel

Figure 329. Delete a Database (DSPXPDA)

Exporting Database Information

When you choose to Export database information from Figure 306 on page 512, the
information is stored in the partitioned data set that you specify. It is saved as an
ISPF table and so must have the attributes of ISPTLIB data sets (record format =
fixed block, record length = 80, data set organization = PDS (or PDS/E)).
Figure 330 shows the Export a Database panel.

Export a Database

Type a data set name. Then press Enter.

Database Name . . . . . . : IVPDB1

Output dataset name. . . . . ’TEST.RSR.PARTS’
Output member name . . . . . IVPDB1

To exit the application, press F3.

Command ===>
F1=Help F12=Cancel

Figure 330. Export a Database (DSPXPEA)

Field Description
Database name
The HALDB name that was specified in the primary panel.

Appendix E. HALDB Partition Definition utility 537

Exporting Database Information

Output data set name

The output data set name is the name of the data set that will contain the
partition information.

Importing Database Information

When you choose to Import database information from Figure 306 on page 512 you
can specify the name of the PDS or PDS/E that contains the information.

Important: Only an exported table can be used for the import.

After you press Enter, the table is read and each partition is defined.

Figure 331 shows the Import a Database panel.

Import a Database

Type a dataset name. Then press Enter.

Database name . . . . . : IVPDB1

Input dataset name. . . . ’PROD.RSR.PARTS’
Input member name . . . . IVPDB1

Processing option . . . . __ 1. Stop on first error

2. Try all partitions

Command ===>
F1=Help F3=Exit F12=Cancel

Figure 331. Import a Database (DSPXPIA)

Database name
The HALDB name that was specified on the primary panel.
Input data set name
The input data set name is the name of the data set that contains the
partition information. The data set must be partitioned.
Input member name
The input member name is the name of a member within the input data set.
The member must have been exported using the HALDB Partition Definition
utility .
Processing option
Each partition in the imported table can be defined in RECON. If there are
errors, you can choose to try the remaining partitions or to stop the

Displaying the IMS Concatenation

You can look at the concatenation of data sets that are allocated to the IMS DD
name. The data sets are displayed using the ISRDDN command that is part of the
ISPF product (Figure 332 on page 539).

538 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Displaying the IMS Concatenation

Current Data Set Allocations Line 1 of 2

Volume Disposition Act DDname Data Set Name List Actions: B E V F C I Q

-------------------------- End of Allocation List -----------------------------
Command ===> Scroll ===> CSR

Figure 332. The IMS Concatenation (ISRDDN)

Use the help (F1) information provided by ISRDDN and in the ISPF manuals to
learn more about the ISRDDN utility. When you exit the ISRDDN utility, the HALDB
Partition Definition utility panels are displayed again.

Selecting an IMS Configuration

You can control which RECON data set and which DBDLIB data sets are used. For
this purpose, a set of RECON and DBDLIB data sets are considered a

The configuration is a name that you specify that identifies a set of DBD libraries
and a set of RECON data sets. If you already have the IMS DD name allocated
from the logon procedure and if you have the IMS.SDFSRESLs allocated to the
STEPLIB DD name, you do not need to use the Configuration option. If you do
define and select a configuration, those data sets will override the allocations from
the logon procedure.
1. IMS DD name
The IMS DD name includes the data sets that contain the DBDLIB members.
The RECON / DBDLIB Configurations panels re-allocate the IMS DD name.
2. RECON allocation
The STEPLIB allocation contains RECON1, RECON2, and RECON3 members
that name the actual RECON data sets. IMS uses those members to determine
which RECON data sets to use. There is an alternative to using a STEPLIB:
use the TSOLIB command to change the search order that TSO/E uses to find
commands and programs.
The RECON / DBDLIB Configurations panels re-allocates the IMS DD name
and will allocate the RECON1, RECON2, and RECON3 DDnames to explicitly
specify the RECON data sets. The STEPLIB concatenation is not modified.

Figure 333 on page 540 shows the RECON/DBDLIB Configurations panel.

Appendix E. HALDB Partition Definition utility 539

Selecting an IMS Configuration

RECON / DBDLIB Configurations Row 1 to 5 of 5

To create a new configuration, fill in the first line and press Enter.
Select a default by type ’/’ on the Act column then press Enter.
You can use ’O’ to open or ’D’ to delete a configuration.

Act Current Name Description

___ _______ ______________________________________________
___ * SDFSRESL IMS V9R1 datasets
___ TESTM Test IMS for Matt
___ TESTP Test IMS for Peter
___ TEST1 Test IMS
**************************** Bottom of data ****************************

Command ===>
F1=Help F3=Exit F7=Up F8=Down F12=Cancel

Figure 333. User Configurations (DSPXPMB)

A list of configurations can be maintained when you select option 7 from the
Partitioned Databases panel. The list is initially empty and it can be added-to by
filling in the blank line. The active configuration is identified by an asterisk (*) in the
Current column. Figure 334 shows the Configurations Details panel.

Rows from the list can be deleted by using a line command of d. Only the
configuration is deleted from the list. The data sets that are named in the
configuration are not deleted.

The data sets named in the configuration are set or changed by using a line
command of o for open.

Configuration Details

Type in values in the fields and press Enter to continue.

Configuration name . . . . TEST1

Description . . . . . . . Test IMS

RECON dataset names

RECON1 dataset . . . . ’TEST.PARTS.RECON1’
RECON2 dataset . . . . ’TEST.PARTS.RECON2’
RECON3 dataset . . . . ______________________________

DBDLIB dataset names

DBDLIB dataset 1 . . . ’TEST.PARTS.DBDLIB’
DBDLIB dataset 2 . . . ______________________________
DBDLIB dataset 3 . . . ______________________________
DBDLIB dataset 4 . . . ______________________________
DBDLIB dataset 5 . . . ______________________________
DBDLIB dataset 6 . . . ______________________________
DBDLIB dataset 7 . . . ______________________________
DBDLIB dataset 8 . . . ______________________________
DBDLIB dataset 9 . . . ______________________________
DBDLIB dataset 10 . . . ______________________________

Command ===>
F13=Help F15=Exit F19=Up F20=Down F22=Actions

Figure 334. Configuration Details Panel (DSPXPMC)

540 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Selecting an IMS Configuration

The RECON data sets are separately allocated to the RECON1, RECON2, and
RECON3 file names.

The DBDLIB data sets are concatenated to the IMS file name.

Important: When you specify a generic HALDB name in the Partitioned Database
panel; option 6 will only work if you use four (4) or fewer DBD data sets. However,
for greater flexibility you can specify up to ten (10) data sets.

Using Batch to Export or Import Partition Information

The output from the export of a HALDB is a member of a PDS. The information
about the HALDB is saved in the form of an ISPF table. The ISPF table is used as
input for the import process. The import can be done from the ISPF panels or from
a batch job.

| The batch import of a HALDB can be done by submitting a batch ISPF job similar
| to the job shown in Figure 335. ISPF is invoked in batch, so all ISPF DDNAMES
| are required.
//ISPPROF DD DSN=&&PROFILE;, /* dummy ISPF profile */
// SPACE=(3200,(30,30,1)),DCB=(RECFM=FB,LRECL=80,BLKSIZE=3200)

Figure 335. Sample JCL for Batch Import

The batch job executes the standard ISPF command ISPSTART that sets up the
ISPF environment then starts the DSPXRUN command. The DSPXRUN command
identifies the HALDB, the import file to use, and the processing options.

Appendix E. HALDB Partition Definition utility 541

DSPXRUN Command Syntax

DSPXRUN Command Syntax

The DSPXRUN command can be used to import HALDB information in a batch

The following diagram shows the syntax of the DSPXRUN command:

|  ISPSTART CMD ( Command String ) 


| Command String:

| DSPXRUN EXPORT DBN (database_name) DSN (dataset_name) 


|  MEM (member_name) OPT (processing_option)


| The values are essentially the same as the values required for the foreground
| import (see “Importing Database Information” on page 538).
| When you choose to export database information using a batch job, the
| information is stored in the partitioned data set that you specify. The
| information is saved as an ISPF table and so it must have the attributes of
| ISPTLIB data sets: record format = fixed block, record length = 80, and
| data set organization = PDS (or PDS/E).
| Related Reading: For more information on ISPTLIB data sets, see ISPF
| User’s Guide, Volume 1.
| When you choose to import database information using a batch job, the
| partition information is read from a partitioned data set that you specify. The
| partition information is defined to the RECON data sets.
The HALDB name that was specified on the primary panel.
The input data set name is the name of the data set that contains the
partition information. The data set must be partitioned.
The input member name is the name of a member within the input data set.
The member must have been exported using the HALDB Partition Definition
| processing_option
| The processing option field lets you determine what the Partition Definition
| utility does in the event that an error occurs when it processes a partition
| from the imported table. The Partition Definition utility records each partition
| it imports in RECON. If there are errors, you can choose to try the
| remaining partitions or to stop the process. The valid values are 1 or 2:
| 1 Stop on first error (prior imported partitions are retained)
| 2 Try all partitions

| The OPT parameter is ignored during export processing.

542 Administration Guide: Database Manager

DSPXRUN Command Syntax

| DSPXRUN EXPORT Sample Output

| Exporting database IVPDB1 using JCL similar to Figure 335 on page 541 would
| result in the following output:
| DSPM142I Start export to MEM=IVPDB1 in DSN=’PROD.RSR.PARTS’
| from DBN=IVPDB1
| DSPM143I The export file contains partition IVPDB11
| DSPM143I The export file contains partition IVPDB12
| DSPM143I The export file contains partition IVPDB13
| DSPM219I Table IVPDB1 was created successfully to dataset

| DSPXRUN IMPORT Sample Output

| Importing database IVPDB1 using JCL similar to Figure 335 on page 541 would
| result in the following output:
| DSPM283I Start Import to DBN=IVPDB1 from MEM=IVPDB1 in
| DSN=’PROD.RSR.PARTS’ Options=2
| DSPM285I Imports start at 23/22/14 11:55
| DSPM284I Import successful for partition IVPDB11
| DSPM284I Import successful for partition IVPDB12
| DSPM284I Import successful for partition IVPDB13
| DSPM282I 3 of a total 3 partitions from table IVPDB1
| were imported to database successfully.

Appendix E. HALDB Partition Definition utility 543

544 Administration Guide: Database Manager
| Appendix F. Output Data Set Requirements for HALDB Online
| Reorganization
| This appendix describes the detailed requirements and attributes for the output data
| sets used during online reorganization of HALDB partitions. These requirements are
| described in the following topics:
| v “HALDB Online Reorganization Requirements for Existing Output Data Sets”
| v “Attributes of Automatically-Created Output Data Sets”
| HALDB Online Reorganization Requirements for Existing Output Data
| Sets
| If an existing output data set does not meet the requirements described in this
| section, IMS displays an error message and the online reorganization for the
| HALDB partition does not begin.

| An OSAM output data set has the following requirements:

| v Must be cataloged
| v Must be a DASD data set
| v Must not be a VSAM data set, except for the primary index data set of a
| PHIDAM database
| v Must not be a PDS, PDSE, or a member of a PDS or PDSE

| A VSAM output data set has the following requirements:

| v Must be a VSAM entry-sequenced data set (ESDS), except for the primary index
| data set of a PHIDAM database
| v Must have the REUSE attribute
| v Must have a fixed-length record length that is identical to that of the
| corresponding input data set
| v Must have a control interval size that is identical to that of the corresponding
| input data set
| v Must have a SHAREOPTIONS attribute value that is at least as high as that of
| the corresponding input data set if the database is defined to DBRC with a
| SHARELVL attribute value of 2 or 3

| A primary index data set has the following requirements:

| v Must be a VSAM key-sequenced data set (KSDS)
| v Must have the same key offset and length as the corresponding input KSDS
| v Must have the other required characteristics listed for VSAM output data sets
| Attributes of Automatically-Created Output Data Sets
| For those output data sets that do not already exist at the beginning of the
| initialization phase of an online reorganization, IMS creates the data sets with the
| following attributes:
| Number of Volumes
| If a particular input data set is SMS-managed, IMS creates the
| corresponding output data set with the same number of volumes.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1974, 2004 545

| If the input data set is not SMS-managed, IMS automatically
| creates the corresponding output data set only when the input data
| set resides on a single volume. For a non-SMS-managed input data
| set that resides on multiple volumes, you must create the
| corresponding output data set before starting the online
| reorganization.
| Location of SMS-managed output data sets
| If a particular input data set is SMS-managed, the corresponding
| output data set is also SMS-managed, and uses the same storage
| class as the input data set.
| Your site’s storage administrator must ensure that this storage class
| refers to a storage group with sufficient space to hold the output
| data set, or that the automatic class selection (ACS) routine selects
| an appropriate storage class for the data set.
| Location of non-SMS-managed, non-VSAM output data sets
| Regardless of the type of DASD on which the input data set
| resides, IMS creates the corresponding non-VSAM output data set
| using the equivalent of a DD statement UNIT=SYSALLDA parameter.
| When it creates the output data set, IMS does not request any
| specific volume serial number, thus allowing the data set to be
| created on a storage volume or, if no storage volume is available,
| on a public volume.
| Location of non-SMS-managed, VSAM output data sets
| IMS creates a VSAM output data set on the same volume as the
| corresponding input data set. This restriction can limit the
| usefulness of automatically creating a VSAM data set that is not
| SMS-managed.
| Size of output data sets on a single volume
| When the input data set has extents on only one DASD volume,
| IMS creates the output data set on a single volume using the
| equivalent of a DD statement VOLUME=(,,,1) parameter.
| The amount of primary space for the output data set is derived from
| the space allocation of the input data set:
| v For a non-VSAM data set, the primary space is the total amount
| of space in the first five extents on the volume.
| v For a VSAM data set, the primary space is the primary space
| allocation used when the input data set was created.

| If you specified secondary space amount for the input data set, IMS
| uses this same secondary amount for the output data set.

| To reserve approximately the same amount of space for the output

| data set as was reserved for the input data set, regardless of the
| DASD types involved, IMS requests the space for the output data
| set as a number of OSAM blocks or VSAM records. For input data
| sets that did not specify a number of OSAM blocks or VSAM
| records, IMS converts the cylinder or track allocation to an
| equivalent number of blocks or records.

| An automatically created output data set could have a considerably

| different amount of available DASD space than was used for the
| input data set. For example, for an input data set that used

546 Administration Guide: Database Manager

| secondary allocation, the automatic creation process reserves the
| primary space for the output data set, but there might not be
| enough space on the volume for secondary allocation either during
| the online reorganization or during later database processing.
| Size of output data sets on multiple volumes (SMS-managed only)
| IMS automatically creates multiple-volume output data sets only
| when the input data set (and, therefore, the output data set) is
| SMS-managed. You can determine the storage class by examining
| the input data set or the site’s ACS routine.
| Although it is not strictly a requirement for SMS-managed
| multiple-volume output data sets, you should ensure that the
| storage class specifies the guaranteed-space attribute. By
| specifying the guaranteed-space attribute, you allow VSAM to use
| the primary-space allocation for each of the volumes when it
| creates the output data sets. Secondary space is used as needed.
| However, even with the guaranteed-space attribute, the output data
| sets might not have the same amount of space as the input data
| sets, especially if secondary-space allocation was used for the input
| data sets.
| The requested primary and secondary space is based on the input
| data set’s space allocation on the first DASD volume.

Appendix F. Output Data Set Requirements for HALDB Online Reorganization 547
548 Administration Guide: Database Manager
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550 Administration Guide: Database Manager

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552 Administration Guide: Database Manager

This bibliography lists all of the information in the Title Acronym Order
IMS Version 9 library. number
CICS Transaction Server for z/OS V2.3: CICS IMS Version 9: Application APDB SC18-7809
RACF Security Guide, SC34-6249 Programming: Database
Cross System Product/370 Runtime Services
IMS Version 9: Application APDG SC18-7810
Generating and Running IMS and MVS Batch Programming: Design Guide
Applications, SH23-0514 IMS Version 9: Application APCICS SC18-7811
Data Extraction, Processing, and Restructuring Programming: EXEC DLI
System Program Description/Operations Commands for CICS and
Manual, SH20-2177 IMS
IMS Version 9: Application APTM SC18-7812
DB2 Universal Database for z/OS V8: DB2
Programming: Transaction
Universal Database for z/OS Administration
Guide, SC26-9931
IMS Version 9: Base Primitive BPE SC18-7813
IBM DB2 and IMS Tools: IMS DataPropagator Environment Guide and
for z/OS: An Introduction, GC27-1211 Reference
IBM DB2 and IMS Tools: IMS High Availability IMS Version 9: Command CR SC18-7814
Large Database Conversion and Maintenance Reference
Aid for z/OS, User’s Guide, SC18-7249 IMS Version 9: Common CQS SC18-7815
Queue Server Guide and
IBM DB2 and IMS Tools: IMS High Reference
Performance Image Copy for z/OS User’s IMS Version 9: Common CSL SC18-7816
Guide, SC18-7617 Service Layer Guide and
IBM DB2 and IMS Tools: IMS High Reference
Performance Load for OS/390 User’s Guide, IMS Version 9: Customization CG SC18-7817
SC27-0938 Guide
IMS Version 9: Database DBRC SC18-7818
IBM DB2 and IMS Tools: IMS High
Recovery Control (DBRC)
Performance Unload for OS/390, SC27-0936 Guide and Reference
IBM DB2 and IMS Tools: IMS Index Builder for IMS Version 9: Diagnosis DGR LY37-3203
z/OS User’s Guide, SC27-0930 Guide and Reference
IBM Redbooks: The Complete IMS HALDB IMS Version 9: Failure FAST LY37-3204
Guide, SG24-6945 Analysis Structure Tables
(FAST) for Dump Analysis
z/OS V1R4: DFSMS Access Method Services IMS Version 9: IMS Connect CT SC18-9287
for Catalogs, SC26-7394 Guide and Reference
z/OS V1R4: DFSMS: Using Data Sets, IMS Version 9: IMS Java JGR SC18-7821
SC26-7410 Guide and Reference
z/OS V1R4: DFSMSdss Storage Administration IMS Version 9: Installation IIV GC18-7822
Volume 1: Installation
Reference, SC35-0424
z/OS V1R4: MVS System Messages, Vol 7 IMS Version 9: Installation ISDT GC18-7823
(IEB-IEE), SA22-7637 Volume 2: System Definition
and Tailoring
IMS Version 9: Master Index MIG SC18-7826
IMS Version 9 Library and Glossary
Title Acronym Order IMS Version 9: Messages MC1 GC18-7827
number and Codes, Volume 1
IMS Version 9: Administration ADB SC18-7806 IMS Version 9: Messages MC2 GC18-7828
Guide: Database Manager and Codes, Volume 2
IMS Version 9: Administration AS SC18-7807 IMS Version 9: Open OTMA SC18-7829
Guide: System Transaction Manager Access
Guide and Reference
IMS Version 9: Administration ATM SC18-7808
Guide: Transaction Manager

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1974, 2004 553

Title Acronym Order
IMS Version 9: Operations OG SC18-7830
IMS Version 9: Release RPG GC17-7831
Planning Guide
IMS Version 9: Summary of SOC SC18-7832
Operator Commands
IMS Version 9: Utilities URDBTM SC18-7833
Reference: Database and
Transaction Manager
IMS Version 9: Utilities URS SC18-7834
Reference: System

Supplementary Publications
Title Order number
IMS Connector for Java 2.2.2 and SC09-7869 Online Documentation for
WebSphere Studio Application
Developer Integration Edition 5.1.1
IMS Version 9 Fact Sheet GC18-7697
IMS Version 9: Licensed Program GC18-7825

Publication Collections
Title Format Order
IMS Version 9 Softcopy Library CD LK3T-7213
IMS Favorites CD LK3T-7144
Licensed Bill of Forms (LBOF): Hardcopy LBOF-7789
IMS Version 9 Hardcopy and and CD
Softcopy Library
Unlicensed Bill of Forms Hardcopy SBOF-7790
(SBOF): IMS Version 9
Unlicensed Hardcopy Library
OS/390 Collection CD SK2T-6700
z/OS Software Products CD SK3T-4270
z/OS and Software Products DVD SK3T-4271
DVD Collection

Accessibility Titles Cited in This

Title Order number
z/OS V1R1.0 TSO Primer SA22-7787
z/OS V1R5.0 TSO/E User’s Guide SA22-7794
z/OS V1R5.0 ISPF User’s Guide, SC34-4822
Volume 1

554 Administration Guide: Database Manager

Special characters adjusting PHDAM options 243
/CK operand 196
/DBR AREA command 269
task description 3
/DBR command
for test databases
/DBR command (/DBRECOVERY command) 451
Cross System Product/370 Application
/NRE command 278
Development (CSP/370AD) 309
/START AREA command 451, 453
Data Extraction, Processing and Restructuring
/START AREA usage 453, 454
System 309
/START DATABASE command 112, 451, 453
DL/I test program 309
/START DATABASE usage 452, 453
AL (available length) field 93
/STOP AREA command 112
/STOP DATABASE command 112
estimating CFRM list structure size 150
/SX operand 196
first fit
assigning VSO DEDB areas to data spaces 143
A IMS data sets 318
abnormal termination in logical relationships 497, 499 OSAM data sets 318
ACB (application control block) alternate PCB 302
building by IMS 304 AM status code 470, 477
maintenance utility (DFSUACB0) 305 analyzing requirements for logical relationships 52
ACBGEN (Application Control Block Generation) anchor point area 93
utility 451, 453 application control block (ACB) 304
ACBGEN description 304 application programs, loading 325
ACBLIB application requirements, analyzing 4, 45, 53
online change procedure 451, 453 area
ACBLIB library 305 adding 457
access methods DEDB
BSAM (Basic Sequential Access Method) 507 design guidelines 268
changing DL/I access methods 388 deleting 457
HISAM 65 UOW structural definition 454
IMS access methods 11, 60 area data set replication 115
introduction 11 AREA statement 293
operating system access methods 11 areas
OSAM (Overflow Sequential Access Method) 507 DEDB
OSAM (overflow sequential access methods) introduction 110
used by HD 91 opening 111
QSAM (Queued Sequential Access Method) 507 preopening 111
VSAM reopening 111
HISAM 65 starting 112
z/OS access methods stopping 112
used by HD 79 VSO DEDB
used by HSAM 61 defining 135
accessing segments Asynchronous Data Capture
HDAM (Hierarchical Direct Access Method) 99 description 18
HIDAM (Hierarchical Indexed Direct Access procedure for adding 447
Method) 99 using 447
HISAM (Hierarchical Indexed Sequential Access auxiliary storage requirements for MSDBs 279
Method) 68 available length (AL) field 93
HSAM (Hierarchical Sequential Access Method) 63
PHDAM (Partitioned Hierarchical Direct Access
Method) 99
PHIDAM (Partitioned Hierarchical Indexed Direct
background write 260
Access Method) 99
backspacing 64
add programs, use in loading a database 321
basic initial load program, writing 323
adding segments to change DEDBs 456
Basic Sequential Access Method
adjusting HDAM options 243
See BSAM (Basic Sequential Access Method) 61

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1974, 2004 555

BGWRT parameter 260 buffers (continued)
bidirectional physically paired logical relationship 153 system buffer allocation 284, 288
bidirectional virtually paired logical relationship 155 VSAM buffer sizes 251
bit map block BWO(TYPEIMS) 263
HALDB partitions 92 KSDS 263
bit maps bytes operand 94
calculating space 317 BYTES parameter 174, 197
description 92
bits in delete byte 463
block-level data sharing 107 C
CI reclaim 237, 342 cache structure
SHISAM restriction 237, 342 VSO DEDB areas 135
blocks Cache Structure name
calculating number needed 314 defining a VSO 139
determining size 62 registering with DBRC 141
determining size of 248 calculating space
HIDAM (Hierarchical Indexed Direct Access See space calculations
Method) 97 calls
HISAM (Hierarchical Indexed Sequential Access See also DL/I calls
Method) 66 CHKP
PHIDAM 97 benefits in GSAM databases 76
BMPs benefits in SHISAM databases 76
and CCTL threads 287 UOW size considerations 270
batch message processing 127 GU or GN
data sharing 56 See DL/I calls
DBCTL environment 56 ROLB 284, 288
normal buffer allocation 286 SYNC 270
OBA values 417 CCTL, fast path buffer allocation algorithm 288
overflow buffer allocation 287 CFRM (coupling facility resource management)
to access DEDBs 418 estimating CFRM list structure size 150
updates in a sync interval 419 CFRM policy for MADSIOT 149
BSAM (Basic Sequential Access Method) CFSTR1|2 naming convention 140
access to GSAM databases 76 changing
access to HSAM databases 61 CI size 458
access to OSAM databases 507 DEDBs by adding/deleting segments 456
access to SHSAM databases 75 exit routines 451
BSIZ parameter 283, 286 overflow space allocation 457
buffer handler 249 randomizer routines 451
buffer pools changing the number of data set groups 411
description 249 child segment, definition 7
designing a Fast Path 282 CHKP call
Fast Path, use 416 benefits in GSAM databases 76
in DBCTL environment 286 benefits in SHISAM databases 76
lookaside option 145 UOW size considerations 270
private CI (control interval)
description 139 calculating number needed 314
size determination for Fast Path 284 contention 418
size for Fast Path determination 288 DEDB (data entry database) 119
buffers determining size of 248
allocation in Fast Path 290 HIDAM (Hierarchical Indexed Direct Access
choosing options 249 Method) 97
description 274 HISAM (Hierarchical Indexed Sequential Access
description of 253 Method) 66
fast path buffer allocation algorithm number 95
for CCTL threads 288 overhead 313
Fast Path buffer allocation algorithm 283 PHIDAM (Partitioned Hierarchical Indexed Direct
for BMPs 287 Access Method) 97
fixing in storage 252, 262 SDEP 270
Hiperspace buffering for VSAM 250 size determination in DEDB 269
OSAM buffer sizes 252 size, changing 458
specifying 252 splits 69

556 Administration Guide: Database Manager

CI reclaim control interval
block-level data sharing 237, 342 See CI (control interval) 66
deleting records 237, 342 control interval definition field (CIDF) 314
KSDS reorganization 237, 342 control interval update sequence number (CUSN) 119
mass deletes 237, 342 conventions
SHISAM exclusion 237, 342 naming
VSAM REPRO, using 237, 342 general rules 21
XRF environments 237, 342 HALDB (High Availability Large Database) 22
CICS (Customer Information Control System) HALDB data sets 23
background write 261 conversion
CSP/370AD 309 See procedures, modifying a database
database types not supported 12, 56 copying phase of HALDB Online Reorganization 366
DL/I Test Program 309 counter
security 31 in logical relationships 164
sequential buffering introduction 15
benefits 254 coupling facility
SB Initialization exit routine 260 cache structure 135
using 258, 259 MADSIOT 149
virtual storage 257 structures 140
tasks not supported 4 structures, naming convention 140
VSAM database buffers 262 CP (free space chain pointer) field 93
CICS-DBCTL Cross System Product/370 Application Development
GSAM 78 (CSP/370AD) 309
SHISAM 78 crossing a logical relationship 177, 180
SHSAM 78 cursor
CIDF (control interval definition field) 314 cursor-active status for HALDB Online
code inspections 28 Reorganization 365
codes 470 HALDB Online Reorganization 367
coexistence considerations for HALDB Online CUSN (control interval update sequence number) 119
Reorganization 369 Customer Information Control System (CICS)
commands See CICS (Customer Information Control System) 3
/NRE 278
/START DATABASE 112 DA status code 470, 477
/STOP DATABASE 112 contention in Fast Path 416
DEFINE CLUSTER 263, 265, 318 out-of-space for DEDB 418
GENJCL.CA 381 DASD space release 478
modifying and tuning HALDB Online XML
Reorganization 374 overview of storing in IMS databases 238
monitoring HALDB Online Reorganization 374 Data Capture exit routine 452
starting HALDB Online Reorganization 373 adding 452
common synchronization point process, 419 and logical databases 219
compressing segment data 213 call functions 219
compression facility call sequence 217
See segment edit/compression facility 17 changing 453
COMPRTN parameter data capture exit routine 218
DBD SEGM statement 452 deleting 453
concatenated key description 17, 215
converting 448 function 215
fields 195 specifying in DBD 216
in symbolic pointing 189 using 216, 447
logical parent’s 157 Data Dictionary
concatenated segments 162, 171 See DB/DC Data Dictionary 18
configuration data elements in segment 15
HALDB (High Availability Large Database) 539 data entry database
constant field 194 See DEDB (data entry database) 418
CONSTANT parameter 206 data extraction, processing, and restructuring
system 309

Index 557
data part of segment 14, 15 database (continued)
data requirements, analyzing 45, 53 HD description 78
data sensitivity 184 HSAM description 60
data set implementing 5, 291
OSAM introduction to 11
maximum size 79, 507 loading 5, 320
VSAM Local-DL/I support 56
maximum size 79 logical 162
data set groups modifying 5, 423
See multiple data set groups 18 monitoring 5, 335
data set statement MSDB description 128
description 292 MSDB, Areas in data sharing 115
HALDB (High Availability Large Database) 292 multiple data set groups 234
data sets protecting during reorganization 342
allocation 318 recovery 5
DFSVSAMP 69 reorganizing 341
ESDS in HD databases 91 security
ESDS in secondary indexes 192 establishing 31
HALDB Online Reorganization for application programs 18
naming conventions 372 introduction 6
output data sets 373, 545 SHISAM description 75
HALDB partitions SHSAM description 75
maximum number of data sets 299 standards and procedures 6
HISAM 65 testing 5, 307
KSDS in secondary indexes 192 tuning 5, 341
MSDBCP1 and MSDBCP2 279 database administration
MSDBDUMP data set 279 task description 3
naming convention database definition
HALDB Online Reorganization overview 24 HALDB partitions 295
naming conventions using the Partition Definition utility 295
HALDB (High Availability Large Database) 23 database description
HALDB Online Reorganization 372 See DBD (database description) 18
PHDAM 23 database PCB 303
PHIDAM 23 Database Prefix Resolution utility (DFSURG10) 351
PSINDEX 23 Database Prefix Update utility (DFSURGP0) 352
OSAM in HD databases 91 Database Prereorganization utility (DFSURPR0) 350
pre-formatting space 263 database record
data sharing calculating size 311
DEDB 115 definition 6
VSO DEDB Areas 144 HDAM (Hierarchical Direct Access Method) 94
data space HIDAM 96
z/OS HISAM (Hierarchical Indexed Sequential Access
accessing for VSO DEDB areas 143 Method) 66
acquiring for VSO areas 143 HSAM (Hierarchical Sequential Access Method) 61
data structures, developing 45, 53 introduction to 12
database locking 105
application program’s view 18 MSDB (main storage database) 130
CICS local-DL/I 56 PHDAM (Partitioned Hierarchical Direct Access
DBCTL support 56 Method) 94
DEDB description 109 Database Scan utility (DFSURGS0) 350
definition 18 Database Surveyor utility (DFSPRSUR) 355
design databases
aids for testing 309 XML
what it involves 4 overview of storing XML data 238
design considerations 241, 267 databases, loading
DL/I 56 description 311
Fast Path types 115 Fast Path initial loads 323
GSAM description 76 JCL 325
HALDB (High Availability Large Database) restartable load program, using UCF 326
description 78

558 Administration Guide: Database Manager

DATASET statement DEDB (data entry database) (continued)
example 235 and DBCTL 3
in logical DBD 177 and segment edit/compression facility 213
DB/DC Data Dictionary area
establishing security 34 design guidelines 268
generating DBDs 18 area concept 110
generating PSBs 18 buffer pools 286
introduction 18 calls against 127
DBBF parameter changing by adding/deleting segments 456
DEDB Buffer Pool in the DBCTL environment 286 CI resources 418
DEDB or MSDB Buffer Pools 282 DBCTL support 56
DBCTL deleting 455
access from transaction management subsystems 3 deleting areas 457
CICS applications 56 description of 109
DBBF parameter 286 design considerations 267
designing DEDB buffer pools 286 extending IOVF online 458
DBD (database description) Free space algorithm 126
coding 291 functions 110
introduction 18 HSSP processing of 279
logical relationships 171 Insert algorithm 125
specifying use loading the database 332
Data Capture exit routine 216 performance considerations 416
field-level sensitivity 221 SSA restrictions 127
logical relationships 172, 175, 176, 177 storage of records 122
multiple data set groups 234 when to use 109
secondary indexes 205 DEDB Area Data Set Create utility (DBFUMRI0) 115
segment edit/compression facility 215 DEDB AREA UOW structural definition, changing 454
variable-length segments 210 DEDB areas
using dictionary to generate 18 disabling preopen process 112
DBD statement 175, 292 emergency restart
DBDGEN (Database Description Generation) reopening 111
utility 452, 453 FPOPN= 111
DBDGEN (Database Description Generation) opening 111
utility 291 preopen
DBDLIB 291 concurrent to operation 111
HALDB (High Availability Large Database) 539 preopening 111
member 515 reopening
DBFDBMA0 (MSDB Maintenance utility) 129 emergency restart 111
DBFUHDR0 (High-Speed DEDB Direct Reorganization restarting
utility) 270 after IRLM failure 112
DBFX parameter 282, 286 starting 112
DBFX value 285, 289 stopping 112
DCCTL DEDB CI resource
data sharing 56 and DBFX value 286, 290
GSAM (Generalized Sequential Access Method) 78 contention 418
SHISAM (Simple Hierarchical Indexed Sequential determine resource size 248
Access Method) 78 Fast Path Performance 415
SHSAM (Simple Hierarchical Sequential Access overhead needed 313
Method) 78 DEDB segments
DD name segment growth 215
naming convention DEFINE CLUSTER command
HALDB Online Reorganization overview 23 for VSAM index option 265
DDATA parameter 197 HALDB (High Availability Large Database) 318
DDNAME in access method services 263
HALDB (High Availability Large Database) 300, 514 REUSE parameter 318
deactivation, record 114 VSAM data set allocation 318
decomposed storage of XML data defining data set groups
overview 238 HALDB (High Availability Large Database) 299
DEDB (data entry database) delete byte
adding 455 bits 463
adding areas 457 description 15

Index 559
delete byte (continued) distribution of DB records, random 457
HDAM 96 DL/I access methods
HISAM 66 changing 388
HSAM 63 from HDAM to PHDAM and HIDAM to
in logical relationships 477 PHIDAM 395
in secondary indexes 194 from PHDAM and PHIDAM to HDAM and
PHDAM (Partitioned Hierarchical Direct Access HIDAM 396
Method) 96 HDAM to HIDAM 393
delete rules for logical relationships 182, 183, 475, 505 HDAM to HISAM 392
deleted randomizer routine 452 HIDAM to HDAM 391
deleting segments HIDAM to HISAM 391
DEDBs 456 HISAM to HDAM 389
HD databases 103 HISAM to HIDAM 389
HISAM databases 72 DL/I and ACBs 304
HSAM databases 64 DL/I Call Summary report 402
dependent segment, definition 7 DL/I calls
design aids DEDBs 127
for test databases 309 HD databases 80
design reviews HISAM databases 68
description of 25 HSAM databases 63
introduction 4 in logical relationships
destination parent 163, 184 delete call 477
determining VSAM options 260 logical child insert call 466
DFPXPMB 539, 540 replace call 470
DFSCTL data set control statements MSDB 131, 134
SB control statement 258 DL/I Databases 56
SBPARM control statement 258 DL/I parameter 262
DFSDDLT0 (DL/I test program) 309 DL/I test program (DFSDDLT0) 309
DFSMNTB0 (DB Monitor program) 335 DLIModel utility
DFSPRCT1 (Partial Database Reorganization storing XML data
utility) 356 overview 238
DFSPRSUR (Database Surveyor utility) 355 DLOG parameter 262
DFSUOCU0 (Online Change utility) 451, 453 DREF (disabled reference) option
DFSURG10 (Database Prefix Resolution utility) 351 for VSO-area data spaces 143
DFSURGL0 (HD Reorganization Reload utility) 349 DSPXPDA 537
DFSURGP0 (Database Prefix Update utility) 352 DSPXPEA 537
DFSURGS0 (Database Scan utility) 350 database name 537
DFSURGU0 (HD Reorganization Unload utility) 348 output data set name 538
DFSURPR0 (Database Prereorganization utility) 350 DSPXPIA 538
DFSURRL0 (HISAM Reorganization Reload utility) 348 database name 538
DFSURUL0 (HISAM Reorganization Unload utility) 347 input data set name 538
DFSVSAMP data set 69 input member name 538
DFSVSMxx member of IMS.PROCLIB processing option 538
MADSIOT 149 DSPXPKE panel 526
dictionary DSPXPLA 529
See DB/DC Data Dictionary act 529
direct access methods data set name prefix 529
HDAM (Hierarchical Direct Access Method) 78 ID 529
HIDAM (Hierarchical Indexed Direct Access name 529
Method) 78 DSPXPLB 530
PHDAM (Partitioned Hierarchical Direct Access DSPXPOA 536
Method) 78 DSPXRUN command 542
PHIDAM (Partitioned Hierarchical Indexed Direct database_name 542
Access Method) 78 dataset_name 542
direct address pointers 78, 81 member_name 542
direct dependent segment types (DDEP) 122 processing_option 542
direct pointers dump option 262
logical relationships 156, 158, 161, 183 DUMP parameter 262, 265
secondary indexes 194, 195 duplex paths 476
direct storage method 56 duplicate data field 195
DISP parameter 262 duplicate data in logical relationships 151

560 Administration Guide: Database Manager

duplicate keys 192 Fast Path (continued)
DX status code 477 monitoring and tuning 337
output thread 149
performance considerations 337
E Resource Name Hash routine 421
ECNT (extended communications node table) 132 selecting transactions 339
edit/compression facility subset pointers 123, 273
See segment edit/compression facility synchronization point processing 149, 419
editing segment data 213 transaction timings 338
emergency restart tuning Fast Path systems 415
DEDB areas user hash routine, programming considerations 421
reopening 111 using the Log Analysis utility (DBFULTA0) 337
encoding data Fast Path virtual storage option
See segment edit/compression facility See virtual storage option
encrypting data 33 fbff (free block frequency factor) 241
END statement 294, 304 FCP (forward chain pointer) 130
Error Queue Element (EQE) 113 FH status code 113
ESAF FID (fixed intersection data) 165
See external subsystem attach facility FIELD statement
ESCD (extended system contents directory) 132 definition 196
ESDS (entry-sequenced data set) in secondary indexing 208
HD databases 91 in the DBD 265
HISAM 65 position in DBD 293
secondary indexes 192 field-level sensitivity
estimating minimum database size 248 description of 220
example of initial load program 326 establishing security 31
EXIT parameter 216 inserting segments 223
exit routines, changing 451 introduction 17
EXIT= parameter overlapping paths 224
SEGM statement 452 path calls 224
exporting database definitions replacing segments 223
HALDB (High Availability Large Database) 299 retrieving segments 222
extended communications node table (ECNT) 132 specifying in DBD and PSB 221
extended system contents directory (ESCD) 132 use with variable-length segments 225
external subsystem attach facility 57 uses 220
EXTRTN parameter 198, 206 using 220
fields 195
AL 93
F constant 194
fallback considerations for HALDB Online CP 93
Reorganization 370 definition 6
Fast Path duplicate data 195
access to DL/I databases 127 FSE 93
buffers 416 FSEAP 92
CI contention 339, 418 ID 93
committing updates 149 in segment 15
common sync point processing 420 pointer 194
control interval 418 search 194
databases subsequence 194
DEDB 115 system related 196
DEDB overview 109 File Action bar 514
MSDB overview 128 FINISH statement 294
overview 109 first fit algorithm to assign VSO DEDB areas to data
environments 109 spaces 143
initial database load 323 fixed intersection data (FID) 165
interpreting analysis reports 339 fixed-length segments
loading the database 331 specifying minimum size 214
log analysis 337 fixed-length segments, definition 14
log reduction 338 FLD (Field) call 134
mixed mode 127 format
monitored events 339 CI in DEDB 119

Index 561
format (continued) FW status code
DEDB segments 119 for CCTL threads 289
fixed-length segments 14 in BMP regions 285
HD databases 91 in fast path buffer allocation 284
HDAM segments 96 in fast path buffer allocation for BMPs 288
HIDAM index segment 98
HIDAM segments 97
HISAM segments 66 G
HSAM segments 62 GC status code 270, 281
PHDAM segments 96 GE status code 171
PHIDAM index segment 98 general format of HD databases and use of special
PHIDAM segments 97 fields 317
pointer segment 193 Generalized Sequential Access Method (GSAM)
variable-length segments 14 See GSAM (Generalized Sequential Access
formula Method) 74
estimating CFRM list structure size 150 GPSB (Generated PSB)
first fit algorithm 143 I/O PCB 305
formulas for modifiable alternate response PCB 305
calculating buffers for Fast Path 284, 288 GSAM (Generalized Sequential Access Method) 74,
calculating space for MSDBs 279 76, 331
calculating storage for MSDB 274
size of root addressable area 242
forward chain pointer 130 H
FPOPN= HALDB (High Availability Large Database) 78
overview 111 adding partitions 298
FPRLM= automatic partition definition 298
restarting DEDB areas 112 automatic partition definition using Partition Definition
FR status code utility 521
for BMP regions 285 batch import 299
for CCTL threads 289 bit map block for partition 92
in fast path buffer allocation 284 Change Partition screen 524
in fast path buffer allocation for BMPs 288 F11 526
free block frequency factor (fbff) 241 F5 526
free logical record 68 F6 526
free space Partition high key 525
chain pointer (CP) field 93 Partition ID field 525
element (FSE) 93 Partition Selection String 525
element anchor point (FSEAP) 92 changing 398
HD (Hierarchical Direct) 92 HALDB Partition Selection exit routine 399
HDAM (Hierarchical Direct Access Method) 241 overview 398
HIDAM 241 partition boundaries 400
HIDAM (Hierarchical Indexed Direct Access partition key ranges 400
Method) 97 partition structure modification 399
KSDS 263 single partitions 398
percentage factor 242 changing DL/I access methods
PHDAM (Partitioned Hierarchical Direct Access changing from HDAM to PHDAM and HIDAM to
Method) 241 PHIDAM 395
PHIDAM 241 from PHDAM and PHIDAM to HDAM and
PHIDAM (Partitioned Hierarchical Indexed Direct HIDAM 396
Access Method) 97 changing partitions using the PDU 297
space calculations 317 configuration
FREESPACE parameter 263 list 540
FRSPC parameter 241 copying partitions 299
FS status code 271 creating HALDB (High Availability Large Database)
FSE (free space element) 93 partitions 295
FSEAP (free space element anchor point) 92 creating with the Partition Definition utility
fspf (free space percentage factor) 242 (PDU) 295
full-duplex paths 476 data set naming conventions 23, 372
full-function segments data set statement 292
specifying minimum size 214 data sets
maximum per partition 299

562 Administration Guide: Database Manager

HALDB (High Availability Large Database) (continued) HALDB (High Availability Large Database) (continued)
Database Partition list ILDS, updating
act 531 offline reorganization 363
anchor 531 importing database definitions 299
bytes 531 importing database information using Partition
FBFF 531 Definition utility 538
File action bar choice 529 IMS concatenation
FSFF 532 displaying using Partition Definition utility 538
high block 531 IMS configuration 539
module 531 indirect list data set (ILDS)
name 531 allocating 300
Database Partitions list 528 indirect list entry (ILE)
displaying 528 description 301
DBDLIB 300, 539 indirect list key (ILK)
DEFINE CLUSTER command 318 description 301
defining data set groups 299 information
defining data set groups using Partition Definition changing using Partition Definition utility 515
utility 527 deleting using Partition Definition utility 515, 537
defining with the Partition Definition utility exporting using Partition Definition utility 515,
(PDU) 295 537
definition process 295 importing using Partition Definition utility 515,
Delete a Database panel using Partition Definition 538
utility 537 opening using Partition Definition utility 536
deleting a database 300 viewing using Partition Definition utility 515
deleting partitions 299 interfaces
DSPXPDA 537 HALDB Partition Definition utility
DSPXPGA 527 LCHILD statement 294
DSPXPGB 528 line commands 532
DSPXPGC 528 manual partition definition 298
DSPXPIA manual partition definition using Partition Definition
See DSPXPIA 538 utility 522
DSPXPKE panel 526 master
DSPXPLA values 515
See DSPXPLA 528 maximum size 79
DSPXPLB 530 migrating
DSPXPOA 536 fallback to HDAM and HIDAM 396
DSPXRUN command 542 from HDAM to PHDAM and HIDAM to
exporting database definitions 299 PHIDAM 395
fallback modifying 398
to HDAM and HIDAM 396 HALDB Partition Selection exit routine 399
File Action bar 514 overview 398
actions 515 partition boundaries 400
finding partitions 299 partition key ranges 400
HALDB (High Availability Large Database), partition structure modification 399
defining 295 single partitions 398
HALDB Online Reorganization 364 modifying data set groups 299
HALDB Partition Definition utility (%DFSHALDB) modifying partitions 299
accessing Help 513 naming conventions 22
exiting the utility 513 offline reorganization 359
main panel 512 overview 359
main screen 512 reallocating data sets 362
Partitioned Databases panel 512 reloading partitions 363
using 511 unloading partitions 361
HALDB Partition Definition utility (PDU) 295 updating ILDS 363
HALDB Partition Selection exit routine (DFSPSE00) online reorganization 364
changing 399 DD name naming convention overview 23
modifying 399 naming convention 372
replacing 399 naming convention overview 24
overview 78

Index 563
HALDB (High Availability Large Database) (continued) HALDB (High Availability Large Database) partition
partition bit map block 92 definition utility
partition definition 295 registering OLR capability with DBRC 517
Partition Definition utility 295, 523 HALDB Online Reorganization
accessing 511 coexistence considerations 369
high key value 522 copying phase 366
impact on RECON 511 cursor 367
modifying fields 523 cursor-active status 365
panels 511 Database Change Accumulation utility 381
Partition Definition utility (PDU) 294 DD name naming convention
Change Partition panel 297 overview 23
partition high key 297 dynamic PSB 366
partition structure modification 399 fallback considerations 370
partitions FDBR 378
changing 398 GENJCL.CA command 381
changing boundaries 400 GENJCL.RECOV command 381
changing key ranges 400 image copy utilities 381
changing using Partition Definition utility 515 initialization phase 365
changing, overview 398 locking 378
copying using Partition Definition utility 532 log impact 377
creating using Partition Definition utility 515 migration considerations 369
data sets, maximum 299 modifying 374
defining using Partition Definition utility 515 monitoring 374
deleting using Partition Definition utility 532 naming convention
manual definition using Partition Definition overview 24
utility 522 output data set requirements 373, 545
maximum number 515 overview 364
modifying 398 RATE parameter of INITIATE OLREORG
modifying key ranges 400 command 377
modifying, overview 398 recovery 380
naming conventions 23 Remote Site Recovery (RSR) 378
opening using Partition Definition utility 515, 532 requirements for output data sets 373, 545
printing information using Partition Definition restart 377, 378
utility 532 restrictions 370
pointers sequential buffering 382
self-healing pointer process 382 starting 373
printing partitions 299 system impact 377
reallocating data sets termination phase 368
offline reorganization 362 tuning 374
RECON 300 unit of reorganization 367
RECON data set 539 utilities 379
reloading partitions XRF 377
offline reorganization 363 HALDB Partition Definition utility (%DFSHALDB)
reorganizing 358 accessing Help 513
offline 359 exiting the utility 513
reallocating data sets 362 main panel 512
reloading partitions 363 options 512
secondary indexes 364 main screen 512
unloading partitions 361 options 512
updating ILDS 363 Partitioned Databases panel 512
REUSE parameter 318 options 512
secondary indexes using 511
reorganizing 364 HALDB Partition Selection exit routine (DFSPSE00)
self-healing pointer process 382 changing 399
performance 386 modifying 399
sorting partitions 299 replacing 399
unloading partitions half-duplex paths 476
offline reorganization 361 HB (hierarchic backward) pointers 83
viewing DDNAME 300 HD Reorganization Reload utility
viewing partitions 299 ILDS
control statement specifications 363

564 Administration Guide: Database Manager

HD Reorganization Reload utility (continued) HIDAM (Hierarchical Indexed Direct Access Method)
ILDS (continued) (continued)
updating 363 loading the database 331
HD Reorganization Reload utility (DFSURGL0) 349 locking 107
HD Reorganization Unload utility (DFSURGU0) 348 logical record length 248
HD space search algorithm 103 maximum size 79
HD Tuning Aid 243 multiple data set groups 232
HDAM (Hierarchical Direct Access Method) options available 80
accessing segments 99 pointers in 81
calls against 80 RAPs, using 98
changing DL/I access methods segment format 97
from HIDAM 391 sequential root processing 99
from HISAM 389 space calculations 105, 311
from PHDAM 396 specifying free space 241
to HIDAM 393 storage of records 96
to HISAM 392 when to use 81
to PHDAM 395 HIDAM (Partitioned Hierarchical Indexed Direct Access
database records 96 Method)
database records, locking 105 deleting segments 103
deleting segments 103 hierarchic
description of 78 backward pointers 83
format of database 91 hierarchic forward (HF) pointers
inserting segments 100 description 82
loading the database 331 Hierarchical Direct Access Method
locking 107 See HDAM (Hierarchical Direct Access
logical record length 248 Method) 318
maximum size 79 Hierarchical Indexed Direct Access Method
multiple data set groups 232 See HIDAM (Hierarchical Indexed Direct Access
options available 80 Method) 318
OSAM (overflow sequential access methods) Hierarchical Indexed Sequential Access Method
used 91 See HISAM (Hierarchical Indexed Sequential Access
overflow area 94 Method) 318
pointers in 81 Hierarchical Sequential Access Method
randomizing module 243 See HSAM (Hierarchical Sequential Access
root addressable area 94, 96 Method) 318
segment format 96 hierarchy
size of root addressable area 242 concept explained 8
space calculations 311 definition 7
specifying free space 241 restructuring of with secondary indexes 191
storage of records 94 high key
when to use 80 of HALDB partitions 297
z/OS access methods used 79 value, entering 297
HF (hierarchic forward) pointers High-Speed DEDB Direct Reorganization utility
description 82 (DBFUHDR0) 270
HIDAM (Hierarchical Direct Access Method) high-speed sequential processing (HSSP)
calls against 80 description 279
HIDAM (Hierarchical Indexed Direct Access Method) hiperspace buffering 406
accessing segments 99 HISAM (Hierarchical Indexed Sequential Access
changing DL/I access methods Method)
from HDAM 393 access method 65
from HISAM 389 accessing segments 68
from PHIDAM 396 calls against 68
to HDAM 391 changing DL/I access methods
to HISAM 391 from HDAM 392
to PHIDAM 395 from HIDAM 391
deleting segments 103 to HDAM 389
description of 78 to HIDAM 389
format of database 91 database reorganization procedures 358
index database 79, 96 deleting segments 72
index segment 98 description of 65
inserting segments 100 inserting segments 68

Index 565
HISAM (Hierarchical Indexed Sequential Access ILDS (indirect list data set) (continued)
Method) (continued) sample JCL 300
loading the database 331 size, calculating 301
locking 106 ILE (indirect list entry) 301
logical record format 67 ILK (indirect list key) 301
logical record length 245, 248 image-copy option 281
options available 65 IMBED | NOIMBED parameter 264
performance 70, 74 implementing database design 5, 291
pointers 67 importing database definitions
replacing segments 74 HALDB (High Availability Large Database) 299
segment format 66 IMS Data Capture exit
space calculations 311 See Data Capture exit routine
storage of records 65 IMS High Performance Pointer Checker 243
when to use 65, 74 IMS trace parameters 262
HISAM Reorganization Reload utility (DFSURRL0) 348 IMS.ACBLIB 305
HISAM Reorganization Unload utility (DFSURUL0) 347 IMS.DBDLIB 291
HSAM (Hierarchical Sequential Access Method) IMS.PSBLIB 302
accessing segments 63 in physical databases 176
calls against 63 in the physical DBD 175
deleting segments 64 independent overflow part of area (IOVF)
description of 60 description 119
inserting segments 64 extending online 458
options available 61 index maintenance exit routine 198
performance 64 index segment 98
replacing segments 64 index set records 264
segment format 62 indexed databases 79
space calculations 311 HIDAM 96
storage of records 61 HISAM 65
when to use 61 PHIDAM 96
z/OS access methods used 61 INDICES parameter 201
HSSP (high-speed sequential processing) indirect list data set (ILDS)
description 279 allocating 300
for database recovery 282 calculating size 301
image-copy option 281 defining 300
limits and restrictions 280 sample JCL 300
private buffer pools 282 size, calculating 301
processing option H 281 indirect list entry (ILE) 301
reasons for choosing 280 indirect list key (ILK) 301
SETO statement 281 initial load program
SETR statement 281 basic 326
UOW locking 282 Fast Path 323
using 281 restartable, using UCF 326
writing 323
initialization phase of HALDB Online
I Reorganization 365
I/O errors input for DBDGEN utility
ADS 149 DBD 291
MADS 149 INSERT parameter
I/O PCB 305 free space for a KSDS 261, 263
ID (task ID) field 93 using in splitting CIs 69
IDP and Fast Path 337 insert rules for logical relationships 182, 183, 465, 469
IEFBR14 utility 318 insert strategy
IEHPROGM program 318 choosing 261
IFP and MPP regions inserting segments
maintaining continuous availability of 449 DEDB SDEPs 271
ILDS HD databases 100
reorganization updates 363 HISAM databases 68
ILDS (indirect list data set) HSAM databases 64
allocating 300 MSDB (main storage database) 132
calculating size 301 inspections
defining 300 code inspections 28

566 Administration Guide: Database Manager

inspections (continued) LCHILD statement (continued)
security inspection 28 in secondary indexing 205
intact storage of XML data LCL (logical child last) pointer 158
overview 238 level in hierarchy 11
intersection data 164, 166 levels in VSAM index 264
IOB (input/output block) 262 LGNR 338
IOBF parameter 252 libraries
See independent overflow part of Area IMS.DBDLIB 291
failure list structure
restarting DEDB areas 112 defining 149
IRLM (internal resource lock manager) estimating size 150
block-level data sharing 107 LKASID
failure INIT.DBDS and INIT.CHANGE parameter 137
restarting DEDB areas 112 LOAD (load), description 320
locking protocols 105 load program, writing 320
ISPF loading databases
batch job 541 description 311
ISPF member list 514 introduction 5
display 514 MSDB (main storage database) 277
ISPF panels sample programs 325, 326
HALDB Partition Definition utility local views, developing a data structure 45
(%DFSHALDB) 512 LOCK parameter 262
ISPSTART 542 locking impact of HALDB Online Reorganization 378
ISPTLIB 537 locking protocols 105
ISRDDN command 538 log analysis, Fast Path information 337
ISRT (insert), loading a database 320 log facility, Fast Path performance 416
IWAITS/CALL field 402 log impact of HALDB Online Reorganization 377
log reduction 338
J for initial load program 325
JCL (Job Control Language) for restartable initial load program 327
for allocating data sets 318 logical child first (LCF) pointer 158
for initial load program 330 logical child in logical relationships 152, 156
Job Control Language logical child last (LCL) pointer 158
See JCL (Job Control Language) 318 logical databases 162
logical DBD 176, 183
logical parent in logical relationships 152, 156
K logical parent pointer
KEY sensitivity 184 See LP (logical parent) pointer 156
keys logical parent’s concatenated key (LPCK) 157
ascending sequence 61 logical records
concatenated 195 HD (Hierarchical Direct) 91
duplicate 192 HISAM 66, 245, 248
unique in secondary indexes 196 overhead 314
KSDS (key-sequenced data set) secondary indexes 193
HISAM (Hierarchical Indexed Sequential Access logical relationships 52
Method) 65 analyzing requirements 53
secondary indexes 192 and Data Capture exit routine 219
specifying BWO(TYPEIMS) 263 bidirectional physically paired 153
specifying free space for 263 bidirectional virtually paired 155
comparison with secondary indexes 208
concatenated segments 163
L counter 164
crossing 177, 180
LATC parameter 262
delete rule restrictions 219
LCF (logical child first) pointer 158
delete rules 182, 475, 505
LCHILD statement
description of 151, 183
description 293
DLET calls 477
HALDB (High Availability Large Database) 294
establishing 166
in logical relationships 172, 175

Index 567
logical relationships (continued) maximum size (continued)
insert rules 182, 466, 469 HDAM database 79
intersection data 164, 166 HIDAM database 79
ISRT call 466 PHDAM database 79
loading databases 331 PHIDAM database 79
logical child 152, 156 MBR parameter 177
logical parent 152, 156 migrating
paths 162, 163 fallback
performance considerations 183, 186 from HALDB 396
physical parent 152, 156 from PHDAM and PHIDAM 396
pointers 156, 161 to HDAM and HIDAM 396
procedures for adding to existing databases 427 from HDAM to PHDAM and HIDAM to PHIDAM 395
REPL call 470 to HALDB 395
replace rules 182, 469, 473 migration considerations for HALDB Online
restrictions on modifying 443 Reorganization 369
rules 505 minimum size
rules for defining 175, 176, 177, 183 specifying for full-function segments 214
secondary indexes, with 203 mixed mode 127
sequence fields 170, 171 mixing pointers 89
specifying in DBD 172, 175, 176, 177 modifiable alternate response PCB 305
uses 151 modifying a database
virtual logical children 171 description of 423
logical twin backward (LTB) pointer 160 introduction 5
logical twin chains 185 modifying data set groups
logical twin forward (LTF) pointer 160 HALDB (High Availability Large Database) 299
logical twin pointer 509 MON parameter 336
long busy 149 monitoring
lookaside option and tuning Fast Path systems 337
for buffer pools 145 description of 335
lookaside option for buffer pools, description 145 events for Fast Path 339
lookaside, defining private buffer pools 141 introduction 5
LP (logical parent) pointer 156 reports 335
correcting bad pointers 509 movement in hierarchy 10
definition 156 MSDB (main storage database)
performance considerations 183 calls against 131
LPCK (logical parent’s concatenated key) 157 deleting segments 132
LTB (logical twin backward) pointer 160 description of 128
LTERM 128 design considerations 273, 282
LTF (logical twin forward) pointer 160 inserting segments 132
loading the database 331, 423
MSDB Maintenance utility (DBFDBMA0) 129
M options available 128
macros page fixing 277
PCB 291 position 133
PSB 291 restrictions on changing DBD 423
MADSIOT (Multiple Area Data Set I/O Timing) 149 storage of records 130
CFRM 149 when to use 127, 129
coupling facility 149 MSDBCP1 data set 279
long busy 149 MSDBCP2 data set 279
main storage database MSDBDUMP data set 279
See MSDB (main storage database) 331 multi-area structure
main storage utilization, Fast Path 419 duplexing 139
maintenance Multiple Area Data Set I/O Timing (MADSIOT) 149
databases, planning 265 multiple area data sets (MADS)
secondary indexes 199 I/O errors 149
maintenance utility (DFSUACB0) 304 MADSIOT 149
making keys unique using system related fields 196 multiple data set groups
many-to-many mapping 46 description of 230
mapping data aggregates 46 HD databases 232
maximum size introduction 18
HALDB (High Availability Large Database) 79 specifying in DBD 234

568 Administration Guide: Database Manager

multiple data set groups (continued) online reorganization (OLR)
storage of records 233 HALDB (High Availability Large Database)
uses 231 registering OLR capability with DBRC using
using 230 PDU 517
DEDB areas 111
N operands
NAME parameter /CK 196
in a DBD 177, 205 /SX 196
in the SENFLD statement 221 See parameters
naming convention optional functions
examples of defining 140 Data Capture exit routines 215
naming convention, coupling facility structure 140 field-level sensitivity 220
naming conventions 21 GSAM databases 77
general rules 21 HD databases 80
HALDB (High Availability Large Database) 22 HISAM databases 65
HALDB data sets 23 HSAM (Hierarchical Sequential Access Method) 61
HALDB online reorganization logical relationships 151, 183
DD name overview 23 MSDB databases 128
overview 24 multiple data set groups 230
NBA (normal buffer allocation) secondary indexes 186
for CCTL 286 Segment Edit/Compression exit routine 212
in DBCTL environment 286 SHISAM databases 76
limit 285 SHSAM databases 75
use of 283 variable-length segments 209
NBA parameter 274 OPTIONS statement
NBA/FPB limit 289 fixing buffers in VSAM 252
NBRSEGS parameter 278 for OSAM 265
NE status code 200 for VSAM 260, 262
no free logical record 69 OSAM 265
NOLKASID use in splitting CIs 69
INIT.DBDS and INIT.CHANGE parameter 137 OSAM
non-terminal-related database 128 data set
NOPROT parameter 200 maximum size 79
normal buffer allocation (NBA) OSAM (Overflow Sequential Access Method)
for CCTL 286 adjusting buffers 406
in DBCTL environment 286 allocation of data sets 318
use of 283 description 253, 507
NULLVAL parameter 198, 206 options 265
track space used 248
used by HD 91
O OSAM data set
OBA (overflow buffer allocation) maximum size 507
for CCTL threads 287 OSAM Sequential Buffering (SB)
in DBCTL environment 287 See SB (OSAM Sequential Buffering) 253
use of 283 output thread 149
OLR (online reorganization) overflow buffer allocation (OBA)
HALDB (High Availability Large Database) See OBA (overflow buffer allocation) 287
registering OLR capability with DBRC using overflow data set 65
PDU 517 Overflow Sequential Access Method
one-to-many mapping 46 See OSAM (Overflow Sequential Access
online change Method) 507
databases 448 overflow space allocation, changing 457
online reorganization overhead
HALDB DEDB CI resources 313
data set naming convention overview 24 logical records 314
DD name naming convention overview 23
HALDB naming convention 372
HALDB Online Reorganization 364 P
packing density 244
page fixing MSDBs 277

Index 569
parameters parameters (continued)
BGWRT 260 RMNAME (continued)
BSIZ specifying number of RAPS 93
in DB/TM environment 283 RULES 465, 505
in the DBCTL environment 286 SCHD 262
CNBA 287 SOURCE 175, 184
DB Monitor 336 SRCH 206
in DB/TM environment 282 SUBS 262
in the DBCTL environment 286 SUBSEQ 196, 206
in DB/TM environment 282 VERSION 217
in the DBCTL environment 286 VSAMFIX 252, 262
DISP 262 PARENT parameter 85, 163, 174, 177
DL/I 262 parent segment, definition 7
DLOG 262 Partial Database Reorganization utility
DUMP 262, 265 (DFSPRCT1) 356
EXIT 216 Partition Default information screen
EXTRTN 198, 206 anchor 519
FPB 287 automatic definition 518, 521
FPOB 287 block size 520
FREESPACE 263 bytes 519
FRSPC 241 data set name prefix 519
IMBED | NOIMBED 264 database name 518
INDICES 201 default JCL 520
INSERT free block freq. factor 520
free space for a KSDS 261, 263 free space percentage 520
using in splitting CIs 69 high block number 519
IOBF 252 image copy JCL 521
LATC 262 input data set 519
LGNR 338 max. image copies 520
LOCK 262 module name 519
MBR 177 online image copy JCL 521
MON 336 partition ID 519
NAME receive JCL 521
in a DBD 177, 205 recovery period 520
in the SENFLD statement 221 recovery utility JCL 520
NBA 274 reusable? 521
NBRSEGS 278 use defaults for DS groups 519
NOPROT 200 partition definition utility
NULLVAL 198, 206 HALDB (High Availability Large Database)
PARENT 163, 177 registering OLR capability with DBRC 517
in logical relationships 174, 177 Partition Definition utility (PDU)
to specify PCF and PCL pointers 86 changing partitions 297
to specify PCF pointers 85 creating HALDB partitions 295
PASSWD 33 HALDB functions 294
POINTER 175 high key value, entering 297
PROCOPT 32, 271 partition definition steps 295
PROCSEQ 188, 191 partition high key value, entering 297
PROT 200 partition high key 297
RECORD 248 entering the high key value 297
REPL 222 partition structure modification 399
REPLICATE | NOREPLICATE 264 partitioned database 78
RMNAME 94 information screen
HDAM options 244 database name 516
PHDAM options 244 database organization 516
specifying number of blocks or CIs 243 number of data set groups 517

570 Administration Guide: Database Manager

partitioned database (continued) PCL (physical child last) pointers
information screen (continued) correcting 509
part. selection routine 516 description 85
recoverable? 517 PDS directory 514
RSR global service group 516 performance
RSR tracking type 516 avoiding split segments 214
share level 516 comparison of databases 78
partitions discussion 241, 267
automatic definition 298 HISAM 70, 74
bit map block 92 HSAM 64
changing 398 logical relationships 183
boundaries 400 monitoring 335
key ranges 400 tuning a database 341
overview 398 PHDAM (partitioned Hierarchical Direct Access Method)
partition structure modification 399 RAPs (root anchor points) 93
changing with the Partition Definition utility PHDAM (Partitioned Hierarchical Direct Access Method)
(PDU) 297 access methods 11
creating with the Partition Definition utility accessing segments 99
(PDU) 295 calls against 80
data sets, maximum 299 changing DL/I access methods
defining from HDAM 395
automatically 298 to HDAM 396
manually 298 counters, introduction 15
high key 297 data set naming conventions 23
high key value 297 database
manual definition 298 reorganizing 358
modifying 398 database records 96
boundaries 400 database records, locking 105
key ranges 400 DBCTL support 56
overview 398 deleting segments 103
partition structure modification 399 description of 78
naming conventions 23 format of database 91
offline reorganization inserting segments 100
reallocating data sets 362 loading the database 331
reloading 363 locking 107
unloading 361 logical record length 248
updating ILDS 363 multiple data set groups 232
partition definition process 295 options available 80
partition high key 297 overflow area 94
reallocating data sets pointers in 81
offline reorganization 362 pointers, introduction 15
reloading randomizing module 243
offline reorganization 363 root addressable area 94, 96
unloading segment format 96
offline reorganization 361 size of root addressable area 242
updating ILDS space calculations 311
offline reorganization 363 specifying free space 241
PASSWD parameter 33 storage of records 94
password protection 33 z/OS access methods used 79
paths PHIDAM
full duplex 476 access methods 11
half duplex 476 PHIDAM (Partitioned Hierarchical Indexed Data Access
in hierarchy 8 Method)
in logical relationships 162 changing DL/I access methods
third access 476 from HIDAM 395
PCB (program communication block) to HIDAM 396
coding 301 PHIDAM (Partitioned Hierarchical Indexed Direct Access
introduction 18 Method)
PCF (physical child first) pointers accessing segments 99
correcting 509 calls against 80
description 84 counters, introduction 15

Index 571
PHIDAM (Partitioned Hierarchical Indexed Direct Access pointers (continued)
Method) (continued) PP 159
data set naming conventions 23 PTB 88
database PTF 87
reorganizing 358 self-healing pointer process 382
DBCTL support 56 performance 386
description of 78 sequence in a segment’s prefix 90, 164
format of database 91 symbolic 189, 194
index database 79, 96 types 391
index segment 98 position
inserting segments 100 hierarchy 10
loading the database 331 MSDB 133
locking 107 post-implementation review 29
logical record length 248 PP (physical parent) pointer 159
maximum size 79 pre-formatting data set space 263
multiple data set groups 232 preallocated CIs 270
options available 80 prefix descriptor byte 463
pointers in 81 prefix part of segment 14
pointers, introduction 15 Prefix Resolution utility (DFSURG10) 351
segment format 97 Prefix Update utility (DFSURGP0) 352
space calculations 105, 311 preopen
specifying free space 241 disabling for DEDB areas 112
storage of records 96 preopening
when to use 81 DEDB areas 111
physical block size 248 Prereorganization utility (DFSURPR0) 350
physical child first pointers 84, 509 primary data set groups
physical child last pointers 85, 509 See multiple data set groups
physical parent in logical relationships 152, 156 primary data set, defined 65
physical parent pointer private buffer pool
See PP (physical parent) pointer 159 description 139
physical twin backward pointers 88, 509 procedures
physical twin forward pointers 87, 509 adding a DEDB 455
physically adjacent 60, 65 adding logical relationships 427
PI (program isolation), lock protocols 105 adding secondary indexes 445
pointer field 194 adding segment edit/compression facility 446
POINTER parameter 175 adding segment types 424
pointer segment 188, 193 adding variable-length segments 445
pointers adjusting HDAM options 404
correcting 509 adjusting PHDAM options 404
direct-address 78 Asynchronous Data Capture 447
FCP (forward chain pointer) 130 calculating database size 311
HALDB self-healing pointer process 382 changing DASD 403
performance 386 changing hierarchic structure
HB (hierarchic backward) 83 changing sequence of segment types 401
HD 81 combining segments 402
hierarchic forward (HF) 82 changing segment size 426
HISAM (Hierarchical Indexed Sequential Access converting concatenated keys 448
Method) 67 deleting a DEDB 455
in logical relationships 161 deleting segment types 425
in secondary indexes 194, 195 description of 19
introduction 15 extending DEDB IOVF online 458
LCF 158 introduction 6
LCL 158 modifying a database 423
logical relationships 156 reorganization
logical twin 509 HD database 358
LP (logical parent) 156, 509 HISAM database 358
LTB 160 primary index 358
LTF 160 processing option H 281
mixing types 89 processing option P
PCF (physical child first) 84 and NBA limit 285
PCL (physical child last) 85 and NBA/FPB limit 289

572 Administration Guide: Database Manager

processing option P (continued) randomizer (continued)
in determining the size of the UOW 271 standard 457
processing, mixed mode 127 Two Stage 454
PROCOPT parameter randomizer routines, changing 451
establishing security 32 randomizer, deleted routine 452
in HSSP 281 randomizing module
option H 281 DEDB design 271
option K 303 in HDAM database records 243
option P 271 in PHDAM database records 243
PROCSEQ parameter 188, 191 introduction 79
program communication block RAP (root anchor point) 451
See PCB (program communication block) RAPs (root anchor points)
program isolation lock manager 105 explained 93
program specification block HIDAM 98
See PSB (program specification block) number 95
programs RATE parameter of INITIATE OLREORG
DB Monitor 335 command 377
DB Monitor Report print 335 RDF (record definition field) 314
DFSDDLT0 309 read errors
DL/I test 309 DEDB
IEFBR14 utility 318 VSO 147
IEHPROGM program 318 real logical child 155, 158, 186
running 327 RECON data set
writing a load program 320, 330 HALDB (High Availability Large Database) 539
PROT parameter 200 record deactivation 114
PSB (program specification block) Record Deactivation 114
as mask over data structure 31 record definition field (RDF) 314
coding 301 RECORD parameter 248
defined 18 record search argument (RSA) 76
using dictionary to generate 18 Recoverable Resource Manager Services attachment
PSBGEN (Program Specification Block facility 57
Generation) 304 recovery 5, 264
utilities 302, 454 recovery for HALDB Online Reorganization 380
PSBLIB library 302 recursive structures 166, 170, 208
PSINDEX registering databases 150
data set naming conventions 23 relative block number 95
database reload utility (DFSURGL0) 349
reorganizing 358 reload utility (DFSURRL0) 348
DDNAME requirements 23 Remote Site Recovery (RSR)
PTB (physical twin backward) 509 DBTRACK 516
PTB (physical twin backward) pointers 88 global service group
PTF (physical twin forward) 509 HALDB (High Availability Large Database) 516
PTF (physical twin forward) pointers 87 HALDB Online Reorganization 378
Q HALDB (High Availability Large Database) 516
Q command codes, locking 106 tracking type
QSAM (Queued Sequential Access Method) HALDB (High Availability Large Database) 516
access to GSAM databases 76 reorganization 344
and OSAM data set 507 online
processing HSAM databases 61 HALDB naming convention 372
processing SHSAM databases 75 reorganization utilities
See also utilities
introduction to reorganization utilities 343
R reorganizing 341, 509
random distribution of DB records 457 assessing need using Database Surveyor utility 355
randomizer Database Surveyor utility (DFSPRSUR) 355
exit routine 451 HALDB (High Availability Large Database) 358
routine, changed 451 offline reorganization 359
routine, deleted 452 overview of offline reorganization 359
routine, new 451 reallocating data sets 362

Index 573
reorganizing (continued) root anchor point (RAP) 451
HALDB (High Availability Large Database) root anchor points
(continued) See RAPs (root anchor points) 93
reloading partitions 363 root processing
secondary indexes 364 sequential
unloading partitions 361 HIDAM 99
updating ILDS 363 root segment, definition 7
HALDB self-healing pointer process 382 RRSAF
offline reorganization See Recoverable Resource Manager Services
HALDB (High Availability Large Database) 359 attachment facility
reallocating data sets 362 RSA (record search argument) 76
reloading HALDB partitions 363 rules
unloading HALDB partitions 361 defining logical relationships 176
updating ILDS 363 description of 465, 505
PHDAM database in logical databases 177, 183
overview of offline reorganization 359 in physical databases 175
PHDAM databases 358 fields in a segment 15
PHIDAM database HD with data set groups 232
overview of offline reorganization 359 secondary indexes with logical relationships 203
PHIDAM databases 358 segments 14
reloading HALDB partitions 363 sequence fields 16
secondary indexes using an SSA 131
HALDB (High Availability Large Database) 364 RULES parameter 465, 505
self-healing pointer process for HALDBs 382 RX status code 470
unloading HALDB partitions 361, 362
updating ILDS 363
REPL parameter 222 S
replace rules for logical relationships SB (OSAM Sequential Buffering)
choosing 183 benefits 254
description of 469, 473 productivity 254
replacing segments programs 254
HISAM databases 74 utilities 254
HSAM databases 64 buffer handler 256
REPLICATE | NOREPLICATE parameter 264 buffer pools 256
replication, area data set 115 buffer set 256
reports CICS 254
Fast Path Analysis 339 conditional activation 255
resolution utility (DFSURG10) 351 data set groups 255
resolving data conflicts 52 DB-PCP/DSG pair 255
resource allocation for MSDBs 275 deactivation 255
resource contention 276 description 253, 254
restart 76 disallowing use 259
emergency HALDB Online Reorganization 382
reopening DEDB areas 111 overlapped I/O 254, 256
HALDB Online Reorganization 377, 378 periodical evaluation 255
restrictions random read 253
HALDB Online Reorganization 370 requesting use 257, 260
HSSP, of 280 sequential read 253
modifying existing logical relationships 443 virtual storage 256
segments 14 scan utility (DFSURGS0) 350
SSA rules for DEDBs 127 SCD (system contents directory) 132
using secondary indexes with logical SCHD parameter 262
relationships 203 SDEP (sequential dependent)
reviews 25 CI preallocation 270
RMNAME parameter 244 SDFSRESL 453
specifying number of blocks or CIs 243 search field 194
specifying number of RAPS 93 secondary data set groups
usage 451 See multiple data set groups 18
ROLB call 284, 288 secondary data structure 192
root addressable area 94, 454
root addressable Area 119

574 Administration Guide: Database Manager

secondary indexes segment edit/compression exit routine
HALDB (High Availability Large Database) avoiding split segments 214
reorganizing 364 specifying minimum segment size 214
reorganizing Segment Edit/Compression exit routine
HALDB (High Availability Large Database) 364 description of 212
secondary indexing uses 213
analyzing requirements 52 segment edit/compression facility
comparison with logical relationships 208 introduction 17
description of 186 procedure for adding 446
index maintenance exit routine 198 specifying the use of 215
INDICES parameter 201 SEGMENT parameter 205
introduction 17 segment search argument
loading databases 331 See SSA (segment search argument) 195
locking 107 segments
maintenance 199 accessing
making keys unique 196 HDAM databases 99
pointer segment 193 HIDAM databases 99
procedure for adding 445 HISAM databases 68
processing as separate database 200 HSAM databases 63
restructured hierarchy 191 PHDAM databases 99
segments 188 PHIDAM databases 99
sharing 201 calculating frequency 312
sparse indexing 198 calculating size 311
specifying in DBD 205 changing position of data 427
storage 192 changing size 426
suppressing index entries 198 child, definition 7
system related fields 196 data elements 15
use DEDB
logical relationships 203 segment growth 215
variable-length segments 204 definition 6
uses 186 deleting
utility unload 353 HD databases 103
secondary processing sequence 192 HISAM databases 72
security HSAM databases 64
establishing 31 MSDB (main storage database) 132
field-level sensitivity 220 dependent, definition 7
introduction 6, 18 fields 15
security inspection 29 fixed-length 14
SEGM statement 175 fixed-length segments
description 293 specifying minimum size 214
example 177 full-function
in secondary indexing 208 avoiding split segments 214
in the physical DBD 172 specifying minimum size 214
specifying insert, delete, and replace rules 465 inserting
specifying variable-length segments 210 HD databases 100
segment HISAM databases 68
data HSAM databases 64
compressing 213 MSDB 132
editing 213 introduction to 14
segment code logical child 163
description 14 moving segment types 426
HDAM 96 occurrence, definition 7
HISAM 66 parent, definition 7
HSAM 62 pointer 188
PHDAM 96 procedure for adding to database 424
Segment compression routine procedure for deleting from database 425
adding 452 replacing
changing 452 HISAM databases 74
deleting 452 HSAM databases 64
segment deletion 127 root, definition 7
rules 14

Index 575
segments (continued) single area data sets (ADS) (continued)
source 189 I/O errors 149
target 189 size
twin, definition 8 maximum
type, definition 7 HALDB (High Availability Large Database) 79
variable length 14 HIDAM database 79
variable-length 209 PHDAM database 79
variable-length segments PHIDAM database 79
specifying minimum size 214 size calculations
segments, adding to change DEDBs 456 See space calculations 311
segments, deleting to change DEDBs 456 size field in variable-length segments 210
self-healing pointer process 382 size of DEDB estimation 270
performance 386 SOURCE parameter 175, 184
SENFLD statement 220, 303 source segment 189
SENSEG statement space calculations
description 303 CIs or blocks needed for database 314
field-level sensitivity 221 database size 311
restricting data access 31 overhead for DEDB CI resources 313
sequence field space management fields, updating 101
See also keys space management in HD databases 91
HIDAM 97 space release in logical relationships 478
HISAM 65 space search algorithm 103
HSAM (Hierarchical Sequential Access Method) 61 sparse indexing 198
introduction to 15 SPEED | RECOVERY parameter 263
logical relationships 170, 171 SRCH parameter 206
PHIDAM (Partitioned Hierarchical Indexed Direct SSA (segment search argument)
Access Method) 97 restrictions for DEDBs 127
unique, definition 16 secondary indexes 195
sequence set records 264 standards and procedures
sequencing in hierarchy 9 description of 19
sequencing logical twin chains 185 introduction 6
sequential access methods START parameter 197
HISAM 65 starting
HSAM 60 DEDB areas 112
sequential buffering (SB) statements
See SB (OSAM Sequential Buffering) 253 AREA 293
sequential dependent part of Area 119 data set
sequential randomizing module 243 description of 292
sequential root processing DATASET
HIDAM 99 example of 235
sequential storage method 56 specifying DDNAMEs for data sets 177
SETO statement 281 DBD 208, 292
SETR statement 281 DBDGEN 294
shared secondary indexes 201 END 294, 304
SHISAM (Simple Hierarchical Indexed Sequential definition of 196
Access Method) 74, 331 in the DBD 265
CI reclaim restriction 237, 342 position in DBD 293
VSAM REPRO, using 237, 342 FINISH 294
SHSAM (Simple Hierarchical Sequential Access LCHILD in logical relationships 172, 175, 205, 293
Method) 74, 75 OPTIONS
Simple Hierarchical Indexed Sequential Access Method fixing buffers in VSAM 252
(SHISAM) for OSAM 265
See SHISAM (Simple Hierarchical Indexed for VSAM 260, 262
Sequential Access Method) 74 OSAM 265
Simple Hierarchical Sequential Access Method use in splitting CIs 69
See SHSAM (Simple Hierarchical Sequential Access SEGM
Method) 74 description of 293
single area data sets (ADS) example of 177, 208
Fast Path I/O toleration 149 in secondary indexing 208

576 Administration Guide: Database Manager

statements (continued) symbolic pointers
SEGM (continued) logical relationships 157, 184
in the physical DBD 172, 175 secondary indexes 189, 195
specifying insert, delete, and replace rules 465 SYNC (Synchronization Point) call 270
specifying variable-length segments 210 sync point processing for Fast Path 149
SENFLD 220, 303 synchronization point
SENSEG Fast Path 149, 285, 289
description of 303 output thread 149
field-level sensitivity 221 processing 149, 419
restricting data access 31 synonyms 96
XDFLD syntax diagram
description of 196 how to read xviii
in secondary indexing 205 system contents directory (SCD) 132
restrictions in use 294 system related fields 196
specifying sparse indexing 198
status codes
in a delete call 477 tape, magnetic 60
in a replace call 470 target segment 189
in an insert call 467 task ID field 93
DA 470, 477 terminal-related database 128
DX 477 termination phase of HALDB Online
FH 113 Reorganization 368
FR test database 307
for BMP regions 285 testing a database
for CCTL threads 289 description of 307
in fast path buffer allocation 284 introduction 5
in fast path buffer allocation for BMPs 288 testing, application programs 308
FW third access path 476
for CCTL threads 289 tools
in BMP regions 285 Data Extraction, Processing, and Restructuring
in fast path buffer allocation 284 System 309
in fast path buffer allocation for BMPs 288 for test databases 309
GC 270 Cross System Product/370 Application
GE 171, 467 Development (CSP/370AD) 309
II 467 DL/I test program 309
IX 467 trace parameters 262
NE 200 track space used 248
RX 470 transaction timings, Fast Path 338
stopping tuning a database
DEDB areas 112 description of 341
storage of data Fast Path 337
DEDBs 122 introduction 5
HDAM databases 94 two stage randomizer, changing root addressable
HIDAM databases 96 space 454
HISAM databases 65 TYPE parameter 222
HSAM databases 61
introduction 6
MSDB (main storage database) 130, 279 U
multiple data set groups 233 UCF (utility control facility)
PHDAM databases 94 described 355
PHIDAM databases 96 restartable initial database load program 326
variable-length segments 210 running restartable load program under 327
SUBS parameter 262 unique sequence fields
SUBSEQ parameter 196 HISAM (Hierarchical Indexed Sequential Access
subsequence field 194 Method) 65
subset pointers 123, 273 introduction 16
suppressing index entries 198 unit of reorganization for HALDB Online
Surveyor utility (DFSPRSUR) 355 Reorganization 367
SX (/SX) operand 196 units of work (UOW) 119
symbolic checkpoint call 76 Unload utility (DFSURGU0) 348

Index 577
unload utility (DFSURUL0) 347 variable-length segments (continued)
UOW (unit of work) 119, 270 using 209
UOW locking 282 what application programmers need to know 212
UOW structural definition 454 VERSION parameter 217
use chain 249 VID (variable intersection data) 165
user data field in pointer segment 196 virtual logical child 155
utilities Virtual Storage Access Method (VSAM)
ACB maintenance 304 HISAM databases 65
Database Change Accumulation 381 virtual storage option
database image copy 381 introduction 135
Database Prefix Resolution utility (DFSURG10) 351 VSAM
Database Prefix Update utility (DFSURGP0) 352 data set
Database Prereorganization utility maximum size 79
(DFSURPR0) 350 VSAM (Virtual Storage Access Method)
Database Scan utility (DFSURGS0) 350 access to GSAM databases 76
Database Surveyor (DFSPRSUR) 355 adjusting buffers 405
DBDGEN 291 adjusting options 409, 410
DBFDBMA0 129 and Hiperspace buffering 250
DBFUHDR0 270 changing access methods 411
DFSPRCT1 356 changing space allocation 410
DFSPRSUR 355 CIDF (control interval definition field) 314
DFSUCF00 355 ESDS in HD databases 91
DFSURG10 351 HISAM databases 65
DFSURGL0 349 index 264
DFSURGP0 352 local shared resource pools
DFSURGS0 350 assigning data sets 262
DFSURGU0 348 defining 262
DFSURPR0 350 index and data subpools 262
DFSURRL0 348 subpools of same size 250
DFSURUL0 347 options 260, 265
for unload and reloading secondary indexes 353 passwords 33
HALDB Online Reorganization 379 RDF (record definition field) 314
HD Reorganization Reload 349 storage of secondary indexes 192
HD Reorganization Unload 348 track space used 248
High-Speed DEDB Direct Reorganization VSAMFIX parameter 252, 262
(DBFUHDR0) 270 VSAMPLS parameter 262
HISAM Reorganization Reload 348 VSO DEDB (virtual storage option data entry database)
HISAM Reorganization Unload 347 checkpoint processing 147
MSDB Maintenance 129 data sharing 144
Partial Database Reorganization 356 defining a VSO Cache Structure Name 139
PSBGEN 302 defining a VSO DEDB Area 136
reorganization 343 emergency restart 147
UCF 355 I/O error processing 146
Unload 348 read errors 147
utility control facility write errors 146
See UCF (utility control facility) input processing 145
locking 144
options across restart 147
V output processing 146
variable intersection data (VID) 165 PRELOAD option 146
variable-length segments resource control 144
definition 14 using data spaces 143
description of 210 with XRF 148
introduction 17 VSO DEDB areas
procedure for adding 445 block-level sharing of 138
replace operations 211 defining
specifying in DBD 210 CHANGE.DBDS 135
specifying minimum size 214 INIT.DBDS 135
storage 210 virtual storage
use with secondary indexes 204 coupling facility cache structure 135
uses 211 data space 135

578 Administration Guide: Database Manager

write errors, DEDB VSO 146

XDFLD statement
description 196
in secondary indexing 205
restrictions in use 294
specifying sparse indexing 198
decomposed storage
overview 238
intact storage
overview 238
overview of storing in IMS databases 238
overview of storing XML data 238

z/OS access methods
used by HD 79
used by HSAM 61

Index 579
580 Administration Guide: Database Manager

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 IMS Administration Guide: Database Manager Version 9

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