Academic Graduate Studies & Research Division (Agsrd) Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani-K. K. Birla, Goa Campus
Academic Graduate Studies & Research Division (Agsrd) Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani-K. K. Birla, Goa Campus
Academic Graduate Studies & Research Division (Agsrd) Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani-K. K. Birla, Goa Campus
N. B.
1. If any of the above date happens to be a Sunday or a holiday, the
immediate next date will be the calendar date.
2. Student should ensure with his supervisor that the Mid. Semester grade
and the Final Grade are sent to the AGSRD by the due date
3. The time and venue of Seminars to be fixed by the Supervisor
4. The final viva-voce examination is to be held as per the Calendar of
Events above. Students should invariably submit Final report on or before
the above mentioned dates to the Supervisor.
5. Specified formats of the Cover/Title page and Certificate from the
supervisor should be adhered to in the preparation of final report.
Attention should be given to the items in the checklist for preparation of
the report.
Associate Dean-AGSRD
This course aims at training the higher degree students towards acquiring
competence in research methodologies, writing research reports/proposals,
enhancing experimental/ laboratory skills, providing opportunities for involvement
in laboratory/course development activities and such other related professional
Under the research related activities, which carries 50% weight age, a broad topic
of research will be assigned to the higher degree student by the Supervisor and
the student would conduct literature search in the specified area, learn various
research methodologies/techniques for data collection and data analysis, testing
techniques/methods etc and deliver seminars in his/her research area to the
supervisor. The student should also write research report(s) that along with the
seminar/viva would form part of evaluation component related to research related
For developmental activities, which carry 25% weight age, the supervisor would
assign to the student working with him an appropriate developmental work,
which can be related to Centres/Laboratories/Assistance in course development
or in the R&D activities of the supervisor. The student would have the
teaching/research skills by assisting the supervisor in teaching, evaluation and
research activities of the supervisor.
The remaining 25% weight age would be for the project proposal, which the
student would be required to write, based on the skills acquired during the
activities mentioned above.
3. Operational Details
Associate Dean, AGSRD will display the list of students registered for
Research Practice (RP) course in the first week of the semester. Besides
the ID Number and names of the students, the list would also show the
title of the RP Project and name of Supervisor for each student. This will
be displayed on AGSRD Notice Board. The details would also be sent to
all the supervisors in the beginning of the semester. Any discrepancy in
ID No., Name, Title of RP Project and/or Supervisor should be brought to
the notice of Associate Dean, AGSRD at the earliest and latest by the
second week of semester.
Within 2 weeks of registration, the student should prepare the work plan
for his research project and also for the developmental activities in
consultation with the supervisor. The student should get these work plan
approved by the supervisor and submit a copy of the same along with the
TS-I form.
Mid semester grading will be done jointly by the supervisor and examiner
based on the work done and progress made towards planned objectives by
the student in the assigned research area and also the work done by the
student in the areas related to developmental activities (i.e. developmental
activities at Centres/Laboratories/Assistance in course development or in
the R&D activities of Supervisor). The student is required to submit mid
semester report describing the work done and progress made by him in
these two areas. He should also deliver a seminar to highlight these
The student should submit mid-semester report in the 9 week (see
calendar of events) of the semester to the supervisor and this should be
followed by seminar/presentation by the student. The supervisor in turn is
required to send mid-semester grades of all the students working with
him to Associate Dean, AGSRD, by the end of 9 week of the semester.
(Please refer to the date mentioned in the calendar of events)
End semester report would provide details of work done by the student in
research related area as well as in development related activities. End
semester report should be submitted to the supervisor in the 15 week of
the semester (please refer to the calendar of events) and should be
followed by seminar/presentation. In addition to the details of work done
in research related area and brief report about the developmental activities
carried out by the student (to be shown as section A of the end-semester
report), the end semester report should also contain a research proposal as
section B of the end semester report. (The details regarding section B of
the end semester report are given in the following section i.e. section 6 on
the next page).
Every student would write a research proposal beginning in the 12 week
of the semester. This research proposal would form a part of the final
(end semester) report (Section-B). The research proposal carries 25%
weight age and should be written in the proper format i.e. (i) Topic of
Research (ii) Background and current status of research work in the area
as evident from the literature search/review, (iii) scope of the proposed
research work, (iv) methodology (v) work plan and time schedule (vi)
references and bibliography.
Properly written research proposal would help the student for his Higher
Degree Dissertation (HDD) course, if he/she continues in the same area
for HDD too.
4. Evaluation Scheme
5. Components for Mid semester Grading
The supervisor should submit the final evaluation form along with one copy of final
report to Associate Dean, AGSRD after final presentation and viva is over.
7. Course Notices
8. General
Part – 1 of the Handout given in the Institute Bull etin should also be consulted.
9. Check List of Items for final report of Research Practice
Note: Attention should be paid on the above items while preparing the FINAL REPORT.
Supervisors are also requested to ensure that their candidate(s) have prepared the
TS-1 Form (Page-1)
The student should correctly fill in this proforma immediately after all the changes (in
topic, supervisor or both) are finalized and submit it to AGSRD within two weeks of
registration along with a copy of the work plan duly approved by supervisor
A. Personal Particulars
____________ ___________________
Date: (Signature of Student)
___________ __________________
Date: (Signature of Supervisor)
TS-1 Form (Page-2)
Background of work:
Plan of work:
____________________ ______________________
ID No. , Name & Signature of the Student Name & Signature of the Supervisor