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200 9 - 2010





This booklet has been prepared to help students of the

VKI Short Training Program to make a rapid adjustment to life
at the VKI. Please read it carefully before your arrival.



- By plane
The taxi fare from the airport to central Brussels is rather high.
A train service links the airport with the three main railway
stations (Gare du Midi, Gare Centrale, Gare du Nord), leaving
the airport at ..h04, ..h26, ..h36 and ..h52. The journey takes
about 25 minutes and you will effect a considerable saving of
money if you take this train. At the Midi Station, you can take
the "136”, “137” "W" or "365" bus to Rhode-Saint-Genèse
disembarking at Espinette Centrale (see map). You can also take
a train from Brussels Midi to Rhode-Saint-Genèse, leaving in
Brussels at ..h50; this takes about 20 minutes to arrive at the
station of Rhode-Saint-Genèse, where you can take the bus
"136” or “137" to the "Espinette Centrale".
Interesting schedule sites : www.b-rail.be; www.tec-
charleroi.be; www.tecbw.com; www.delijn.be.

- By car
Those arriving from central Brussels should follow signs
indicating "Charleroi". All other directions : please check
enclosed map.

- By train
Those arriving by train should leave the train at the Midi Station
in Brussels, and take the bus "136”, “137", "W" or “365” to
Rhode-Saint-Genèse disembarking at Espinette Centrale (see
map). You can also take the train (as indicated above).
Interesting schedule sites : www.b-rail.be; www.tec-
charleroi.be; www.tecbw.com; www.delijn.be.


The VKI Secretariat will help students in finding

accommodation (please e-mail your request to
secretariat@vki.ac.be about 1 month before your arrival). This is
not applicable to IAESTE candidates, as accommodation is
arranged through IAESTE itself.


The Institute is closed on W.E. and on the following days :

November 01 Sunday All Saints Day
November 02 Monday Memorial Day
November 11 Wednesday Armistice Day
November 27 Friday St Eloi Celebration
December 23 VKI closed until 3 Jan. 2010

April 04 Monday Easter Monday
May 01 Saturday Labour Day
May 13 Thursday Ascension Day
May 14 Friday VKI closed
May 24 Monday Whit Monday
June 30 Friday 54th Graduation Day
July 21 Wednesday National Holiday
August 15 Sunday Assumption Day
November 01 Monday All Saints Day
November 02 Tuesday Memorial Day
November 11 Thursday Armistice Day
November 12 Friday VKI closed
November 26 Friday St Eloi Celebration
December 24 Wednesday VKI closed until 2 Jan 2011


Except on the days shown as holidays on the Calendar, the

Institute will be open from Monday to Friday. Normal working
hours are from 8h10 to 12h15, and from 13h00 to 16h55, and all
students are requested to be present at VKI during these working
hours. Students who wish to work at their desks or in the
computer rooms outside of the above hours can do so, but have
to observe the rules detailed in the section “Access to the
Institute”. In addition access to some VKI premises is possible
outside normal working hours or during holidays and weekends,
as detailed in section “Access to the Institute”.

There are three breaks during the day, two coffee breaks of 15
minutes at mid morning and mid afternoon and a lunch break
from 12h15 to 13h00. However please note that experiments in
facilities requiring a team of operators cannot be interrupted to
go to coffee break, and that running facilities or active computer
sessions in public computer rooms cannot be left unattended for
the same purpose.


No access to your laboratory or to other department laboratories,

to the electronic or the photo lab, to the drawing office, to the
metal, wood or paint workshops, or to the library is normally
possible outside working hours. These premises are indeed
locked outside normal working hours. On the other hand the
computer centre and your desk space are accessible at all times,

but an electric lock, for which you need to know the access
code, protects their entry. You may also have access to your
desk or to the computer centre during nights, weekends, or other
holiday periods, but during these periods access to VKI is
possible only through the VKI main front gate, as all other
access gates are locked. The VKI main front gate has to be kept
closed, and the same access code has to be used to open it.
Remember that for security reasons, it is mandatory to close
again the front main gate each time you come in or go out, even
if you plan to pass through the same gate a short time after.
Please refer to the VKI map, which has been given to you, or to
the VKI description on our WEB site, to identify the location of
all these premises.

Permission should be requested from the VKI Director to show

the Institute to visitors.

Outside normal working hours, your access to the department

lab where your experimental set-up is located can be authorized
in special cases, provided that:

1. Your faculty supervisor agrees to it, on the basis of his

assessment of your training level and of potential dangers of
the equipment you might be using, possibly after consulting
with the laboratory personnel and/or the VKI Safety Officer.
2. You started your daily work at the normal starting hour in the
morning (08:10), and the status of your work, according to
the faculty supervisor judgment, requires extra effort.
3. For safety reasons, you do not remain alone in the lab, but
there is at least another researcher. Furthermore you know a
clear escape route and emergency shut-down procedure, you
have access to a telephone, know who to call in case of

accident, and will follow specific instructions, if any,
previously given to you by the VKI Safety Officer.
4. In any case you are not authorized to operate large facilities
or noise-producing facilities.
5. In any case you are supposed to identify yourself at any
request of the security night-watcher.


You are kindly requested to wear the identification badge

given to you. This badge also mentions a “Statistics Number”,
which is used for internal accounting of the cost of the project
that you have been assigned. You should tell your statistics
number each time it is requested by a VKI member who is
working for you or with you.


Desks are provided for use by students in the study rooms. Mr.
E. Vanhaelen (Administrative Office) assigns these on an
individual basis. You are responsible for bringing back to him
your desk key at the end of your training period.


Students who were awarded the VKI fellowship will be asked to

certify that they have no other means of support and will then be
paid in part very shortly after their arrival at the VKI.


All students must provide the proof that they are covered by a
health insurance in Belgium.


Several banks such as Ing, PnP Paribas-Fortis Bank, Dexia, are

located on the avenue de la Forêt de Soignes near the Espinette
Centrale. These banks are generally open from 9.00 to 12.30 hrs
and from 14.00 to 16.00 hrs.


Students may arrange to have personal mail sent to them at the

Institute. This is placed each morning in alphabetical order in
the mailboxes located in the entrance hall of the academic
building. The same boxes are used by members of the faculty
and staff to communicate messages.You are advised to check
your mailbox daily. Note that many announcements are now
made by electronic mail (e-mail). Students are advised to check
also their e-mail daily. Students who want their personal
correspondence to be mailed with that of the Institute are asked
to drop it, duly stamped and before 16.00 hours, in the


Students are allowed to make calls from the telephone installed

in the main entrance hall, chargeable for cash. Local calls (in
Belgium only) may be made from the phones in the study rooms
by touching first “0” and then the number. No charge is made
for national calls. However, students are kindly asked not to use
these telephones for long calls, also if using a calling card.
There is a card telephone installed in the hall near the canteen.


Luncheons and a choice of sandwiches are served every working

day at the canteen between 12:00 and 13:00, provided you have
ordered them in advance. Other drinks, sweets and fruits are
available for cash. The canteen is also open for the two daily 15-
minute coffee breaks from 10:00 to 10:30 and from 15:00 to
15:30. Running laboratory tests, however, should not be
interrupted for that purpose. Coffee breaks have to be
considered as opportunities of meeting professors, other
researchers of the VKI and members of the technical staff as a
forum during which common problems can be discussed, and as
a way of practicing foreign languages.

You can also buy drinks from the canteen during its opening
hours specified above, to take them to your desk or laboratory,
but you are kindly requested to take back to the canteen within
one day (and not to use them as a tool in your lab) any cup,
plate, glass, spoon or any other borrowed tableware.
Furthermore, to avoid any liquid spillage, dangerous for

computer or equipment safety, you are not allowed to have any
drink in proximity of any keyboard or electrical control panel.
Please dispose of properly in a trash bin, and do not leave in the
laboratories, study rooms and computer centre any remnants of
food, food packing, drink cans, etc.

Distribution machines for fresh drinks and packed food are

located in the Computer Centre (Pavillon). Two other
distribution machines for fresh drinks are located in the ground
floor and first floor corridors of building A.


Following a Belgian Federal Law, smoking is not allowed

anywhere inside the VKI buildings. Please also exercise
courtesy and do not drop cigarette butts on the outside grounds,
but in the ashtrays provided at the entrance of the buildings.


1. The library is open between 08.15-12.00 hours and

13.00-16.45 hours from Monday to Friday.
2. Volumes marked "Reference" are to be consulted in the
library and may not be taken away. It is allowed to take
out a maximum of 10 reports or books in total. The loan
period for books and reports is 3 weeks, renewable once,
unless there are other requests for them. If the item has
not been returned after 6 weeks, any further loan of other
items will be refused. Periodicals cannot be borrowed.

3. When leaving the library, submit the books/reports you
wish to check out to the librarian.
They will be registered in a database.
4. Books and reports should absolutely not be loaned to
others. In any case, the person who signs for a book or
report remains responsible for it until the book has been
checked in by the librarian. Furthermore, if any book and
report is lost, the person who has signed for it will be
asked to refund its replacement cost.
5. Persons who anticipate a need for new books in the
library for their research or studies should make their
needs known to the librarian as early as possible.
6. If specific journal articles or reports are not available in
the VKI library, the librarian will attempt to obtain them
from external sources. Requests of this nature must be
made as early as possible and be approved by the
7. For information retrieval, a PC is at your disposal in the
library reading room. The search engine is located on the
This website contains reports, books and articles back to
1990. Previous information has to be searched using the
manual card index system.
8. VKI’s library is connected to several bibliography
databases. To conduct a search, make an appointment
with the librarian (request should be approved by the

- 10 -

The Computer Centre is located in the prefabricated

building (the "Pavillon"). Access to it is controlled by a code-
protected electric lock.
The computer system is composed of a network of LINUX
workstations and Windows PC’s. Basic details concerning
configuration, access and regulations for operation and security
are described in the VKI Computer Center Users Handbook (not
up to date to the latest changes).
Brief instructions on the set-up of their user account will be
given to all newcomers on paper. These instructions will be
complemented by a mandatory introductory course on the use of
the computational facilities held at the very first days of the
academic year, and by on-line material.
Important sources of information are :
the VKI intranet (http1://www.vki.ac.be),
the help-desk (http://www.vki.ac.be/helpdesk),
the cluster blog (http://www.vki.ac.be/blog) and

Elemental rules of conduit are available at

http://www1.vki.ac.be/cc/index.html. Failure to conform to
these regulations may endanger the operation and security of the
network and is therefore considered as a severe misconduct.

- 11 -
Use of the VKI computers for non-VKI related activities
(e.g. games, internet movie watching or downloading of
copyright protected music or movies) is not allowed and can
lead to prosecutions. Use of VKI printers to print extensive
downloaded internet material unrelated to VKI work, or
personal photographs is not allowed. Sending messages with
falsified or anonymous sender identification will also be
considered as a severe misconduct and could lead to immediate
dismissal from the VKI, even if no malicious intent is involved.
Members are advised to check their electronic mail
daily for changes and updates.
A LCD display close to the entrance provides news,
information about the queues, licenses available and resources.
Members are advised to check these info weekly.

- 12 -

VKI Short Training Program Report

As part of your training at the VKI you will have to prepare a

VKI Report, which has to be considered as “the deliverable”, i.e.
the final tangible result of your work. This report must describe
completely your research, including definition of the problem,
methodology, results and their uncertainty, their analysis,
conclusions and recommendations for future work. It must
contain all information necessary to repeat the experiment/
calculation in order to reproduce the same results. Therefore it
must include a full description of the hardware or software
developed during your stay at VKI, if any, and its use. It must
include a complete description of your experimental set-up or
computer program used, and of any special procedure used for
adjusting equipment, handling instruments, compiling or
running computer codes, etc. In particular mechanical drawings
of hardware should be included in appendix, or alternatively the
VKI Design Office drawing number must be indicated in the
text, to fully specify the hardware. Of course these requirements
apply only if the same information is not given in a previous
VKI report, which has then to be referenced. In particular for PC
or computer codes you will be required to document input and
output files formats, special switches, if any, to control program
compilation or execution, and to leave on a permanent storage
medium (CD) the source and the executable codes, with sample
input/output files. On the same CD you will also record the
electronic version of your report, including all figures, pictures,
and data tables, both inserted in the report file and as separate

- 13 -
If you are carrying out an experimental project, you should also
consider that a set of good photographs showing your set-up,
your model, either as a whole or during its construction, or your
instrumentation, is often worth as much if not more than a long
and complicated description, and effectively complements a
mechanical drawing or a schematics. For this purpose, you will
have to request the intervention of the photo lab to take
professional quality pictures, (do not use your personal camera,
as VKI has to keep and archive the negative films or the
electronic images of digital cameras) and this will not normally
be possible during the last days when you have completed your
research and are trying to finish your report, but has to be done
during the two or three months of your stay, as soon as there is
something interesting to illustrate by a picture.

Also consider that your report will be reproduced in black-

and-white. No color is allowed for cost reasons. Therefore
avoid the use of color in graphs, avoid color photographs, as
a good B/W photograph usually contain all the required
information. Surface plots obtained by computer graphics
should be made using a grey scale, not a color scale, as this
latter leads to ambiguous results when reproduced in black and
white. Multiple curves in graphs should be differentiated by
using different line styles and symbols, not colors. Reproduction
of B/W photographs in the report can be made either by
photocopying “screened prints” glued on the paper originals, or,
much better, by inserting in an electronic document a “halftone
pattern” picture file obtained by scanning (with the appropriate
care, and with the B/W option) an original, good quality
photograph. Indeed using a color picture to make a B/W
photocopy will lead to an unacceptably poor quality. Also

- 14 -
remember to mention, in the picture caption, the photograph
inventory number assigned by the photo lab.

After approval by the faculty supervisor, the report has to be

handed in to the library who will reproduce it in a sufficient
number of copies (you can get two copies of it, one copy is kept
in the library together with the originals, and your supervisor(s),
advisor(s) and the technical advisor will each get one). As
reproduction and binding can take one day or more, you will be
able to leave VKI with two final copies of your report only if
you turned in the reproduction-ready material a few days before.
Please directly arrange this with the librarians, Mrs Evelyne
Crochard and Mrs Christelle Debeer.

Role of supervisor

Your supervisor is a Professor of the VKI Faculty. In some

cases, determined by him, he will be assisted by a VKI
researcher playing the role of advisor (a research engineer, a
post-doctoral researcher, a PhD candidate, an ARO or a DC
member). The faculty professor acting as supervisor has
assigned you a project when you were accepted in the STP. He
will further define this project, identify and explain problems to
solve, define goals, approaches, tools and test cases. He will also
introduce you to the personnel of his department: the head, the
other faculty members, the laboratory personnel and researchers.
In general you should discuss with the faculty professor the
scientific aspects of your work, report your progress at regular
intervals as defined by him, and also report to him unexpected
problems. If you are carrying out an experimental project, the
faculty supervisor will also nominate an industrial engineer to
act as technical advisor and to be responsible for the technical

- 15 -
aspects of your work and for the technical coordination of your
work with other VKI services (like metal and wood workshops,
electronic and photo labs). For instance, if you need to design a
model, or any mechanical piece, you will discuss with your
faculty supervisor its conceptual design and requirements, in
some cases also its mechanical design, and then the final
detailed mechanical design will be discussed with and approved
by the technical advisor. The faculty supervisor will also define
with you the content of your “VKI STP Report”. Please submit
to him for review such report, or parts of it as you write them,
because he has to approve it prior to submission to the VKI
library. In some cases the faculty supervisor may ask you to
make a presentation of your results at the end of your training
period in front of an audience composed of other VKI
researchers, or a demonstration of the functioning of some
equipment or computer program.

Role of Advisor

The research engineer, post-doctoral researcher, PhD candidate,

ARO or DC member playing the role of advisor will assist the
faculty supervisor in directing your work or in advising or
helping you. In a number of cases he has been selected because
he is working in the same domain as you, or in a closely related
domain, and therefore has a direct interest in your results.
However it must be stressed, that you are responsible for your
results, not him, and that you have to do the work, not him, even
if he is with you during some critical experiments or during
some demonstrations or debugging of computer programs.

- 16 -
Role of Technical Advisor

The technical advisor (TA) is responsible for the technical

aspects of all research work conducted in the lab : you should
discuss with him the detailed mechanical design of your model
or equipment, after having discussed and defined their
conceptual design and requirements with your faculty
supervisor. You will also discuss with the TA the practical set-
up for your tests, including the instrumentation and data
acquisition chain, but leaving of course to the faculty supervisor
the initiative and decision for the choice of a specific
measurement technique and test program. The TA is also
responsible for the operation of the test facilities (wind tunnels,
water tunnels, rotating facilities, etc.) and for authorizing you to
run a specific facility (this will be the case only for small
facilities, not requiring a specially trained operator).

Your technical advisor is also the person who is in charge of the

organization of your work in the laboratories. For instance your
TA and your supervisor are the only persons authorized to give
directions to the laboratory technicians and mechanics to work
for your project or for another one. Therefore you should not
introduce requests of work directly to the lab technicians or
mechanics, and certainly not interrupt them when they are doing
something else, but address your requests to the TA who is
responsible for the daily planning of the work, and who decides,
in agreement with the faculty supervisor, “who does what”.
Obviously this does not prevent you from following what the
technicians or mechanics are doing, or asking them directly very
limited actions or help, but without interfering with the general
work distribution as planned by the TA. In case of planning

- 17 -
problems in the lab, you should report them to your faculty

The technical advisor is also responsible for the measuring

instruments you are using: you should not borrow or lend
instruments, PC’s (or worse open PC’s to interchange, borrow
or lend computer Input/Output or Data Acquisition cards, or
open and disassemble other equipment) from and to other STP,
DC, ARO, PhD or Post-Doc researchers, but ask or inform the
TA. Also if an instrument, cable, or any equipment is
malfunctioning, you should not just put aside that item and use
another one, but you must report that malfunction to the TA who
has to take action for its repair or replacement. Please be aware
that most of the equipment that you are using can be extremely
expensive: even apparently common items, like a small pressure
transducer, can cost the same amount as your full STP
fellowship, or a water micro manometer can cost the same
amount as a new smallest size car. Also each lab mechanic is
responsible for his own mechanical tools, and any borrowed
screwdrivers, wrenches, calipers, etc. should be returned to him,
not just left on a table or lent to another researcher...

Your technical advisor is also responsible for the technical

coordination of your project between VKI services: contacts
with workshop, electronic or photo lab. In particular, you have
no access to workshops unless accompanied by the technical
advisor or the faculty member or explicitly authorized by them.
Furthermore you are not allowed to introduce work requests
(nor to introduce requests of modifications of previous work
requests) to the workshop directly, but your faculty supervisor
or your TA must sign each request, materialized by a
mechanical drawing, for approval.

- 18 -
Ir. Jean-Marie MUYLAERT


Dr. Tony ARTS

Professor and Head, Turbomachinery and Propulsion


Professor, Environmental and Applied Fluid Dynamics

Dr. Jean-François BROUCKAERT

Assistant Professor, Turbomachinery and Propulsion

Dr. Jean-Marie BUCHLIN

Professor, Environmental and Applied Fluid Dynamics

Dr. Olivier CHAZOT

Associate Professor, Aeronautics and Aerospace


Professor and Head, Aeronautics and Aerospace

Dr. Mahmood KHALID

Professor and Head, Aeronautics and Aerospace

Dr. Thierry MAGIN

Assistant Professor, Aeronautics and Aerospace

- 19 -
Dr. Guillermo PANIAGUA
Associate Professor, Turbomachinery and Propulsion

Dr. Patrick RAMBAUD

Assistant Professor, Aeronautics and Aerospace, Environmental
and Applied Fluid Dynamics


Dean of Faculty
Professor and Head, Environmental and Applied Fluid


Assistant Professor
Aeronautics and Aerospace, Environmental and Applied Fluid

Dr. Jeroen VAN BEECK

Associate Professor, Environmental and Applied Fluid


Assistant Professor, Turbomachinery and Propulsion

- 20 -
Visiting Professor :


Associate Professor, Aeronautics and Aerospace, Environmental
and Applied Fluid Dynamics

Honorary Professors :


Turbomachinery and Propulsion

Dott.Ing. Mario CARBONARO

Professor, Aeronautics and Aerospace
Honorary Director

Dott.Ing. Domenico OLIVARI

Environmental and Applied Fluid Dynamics

Dipl.Ing. Claus H. SIEVERDING

Professor, Turbomachinery and Propulsion


Professor, Turbomachinery and Propulsion

- 21 -
Adjunct Professors :

Dr. Benoit BOTTIN

Aeronautics and Aerospace

Dr. Gérard DEGREZ

Aeronautics and Aerospace



Turbomachinery and Propulsion

Eng. Cem Ozan ASMA

Aeronautics and Aerospace

Dr. Yacine BABOU

Aeronautics and Aerospace

Dr. Patricia CORIERI

Environmental and Applied Fluid Dynamics

Mr. Alessandro GAMBALE

Environmental and Applied Fluid Dynamics

Dr. Andrea LANI

Aeronautics and Aerospace

- 22 -
Eng. Janos MOLNAR († 01/12/2009)
Aeronautics and Aerospace

Eng. Michelangelo MONALDI

Turbomachinery and Propulsion

Dr. Alessandro PARENTE

Environmental and Applied Fluid Dynamics

Ing. Sébastien PARIS

Aeronautics and Aerospace

Ir. Philippe PLANQUART

Environmental and Applied Fluid Dynamics


Aeronautics and Aerospace

Dr. Rosaria VETRANO

Environmental and Applied Fluid Dynamics

Dr. Tolga YASA

Turbomachinery and Propulsion

- 23 -


Ing. Julien DESSET

Turbomachinery and Propulsion

Ing. Guillaume DIQUAS

Environmental and Applied Fluid Dynamics


Turbomachinery and Propulsion


Aeronautics and Aerospace Department

Model Workshops and Engineering


Design Office
Head : Jean-Jacques DELVAL
Staff : Luigi GRECO

- 24 -
Electronics Laboratory
Head : Pierre CUVELIER
Staff : Rémy VOSTES

Documentation Service (Library, Photocopies, Printing)

Head : Evelyne CROCHARD
With : Michel DOYEN

Communication Service (Website, Infography, Photography)

Head : Christelle DEBEER
With : Miguel MARQUEZ

High-Performance Computing & Information Technology

Services (HPC & IT Services)
Heads : Dr. Raimondo GIAMMANCO
Staff : Giuseppe ANGELINI
Olivier JADOT

- 25 -

Administrative Service


Administrative Office :

Telephone Operator :

Secretariat and General Inquiries

Assistant to the
Director and
Head of Secretariat : Stella SAUVAN
Secretaries : Lysiane ABBOTT
Dominique LANDUYT

- 26 -

Safety Committee (CPPT/CPBW) :

Safety Officer : Ing. Walter KNAEPEN

Effective Members : Carlo DI DONATO

Guillaume DIQUAS

Substitute Members : Terence BOYEN

Maurizio CASCIO
Jean-Christophe DESILVE

“First Aid” Volunteers :

Brigitte BOON
Jean-François BROUCKAERT

- 27 -
VKI Fire Brigade :
Foreman : Ing. Walter KNAEPEN
Members : Pierre CUVELIER
Jean-Christophe DESILVE

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