Scorereport 4
Scorereport 4
Scorereport 4
Score Report.
Report Date: March 8, 2019. Institution Where Relevant Training Was Received: COMM COLL OF SOUTHERN NEV.
Candidate ID Number: 11524073. Undergraduate Major: ELEMENTARY EDUCATION .
Social Security Number (Last Four Digits): 4075. Graduate Major: ELEMENTARY EDUCATION .
Date of Birth: 07/15/1975. Educational Level: SOPHOMORE (SECOND YEAR) .
Gender: F. GPA: 3.5 to 4.0 ..
* The passing information in Section I pertains only to your most recent test results for any score recipients selected with your registration. If you have taken one of these
tests previously, check Your Highest Scores and Overall Passing Status in Section II for your highest score. If no passing information is displayed, you did not select a score
** Average Performance Range - The range of scaled scores earned by the middle 50 percent of the test takers taking the test. It provides an indication of the difficulty of the
test. Average Performance Range is not computed when fewer than 30 test takers take this form of the test.
+ Score automatically reported to state licensing agency.
Your Highest Scores and Overall Passing Status, To see your highest scores and overall passing status (for any score recipients selected for your most recent tests), go to SECTION 2,Details on Your Most Recent Results, To see category scores for your most recent tests, go to SECTION 3.
ETS will retain your score for 10 years for reporting purposes. For more information on interpreting your scores, refer to “Understanding Your Praxis Scores” available at Further information on state requirements is also available online.
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Test Taker
Score Report.
4861,5712,194,,156,Y,P,February 26, 2019|4861,5722,172,,162,Y,P,February 26, 2019|4861,5732,144,,150,Y,F,February 26, 2019|8670,5712,194,,156,Y,P,February 26, 2019|8670,5722,172,,162,Y,P,February 26, 2019|8670,5732,144,,150,Y,F,February 26, 2019
Report Date: March 8, 2019
Candidate ID Number: 11524073
CORE ACAD SKILLS FOR EDUC: READING (5712) 194 Required minimum score is blank, Qualifying score is 156 Score reported status is and Overall status is YES Passed Test date is , February 26, 2019
CORE ACAD SKILLS FOR EDUC: WRITING (5722) 172 Required minimum score is blank, Qualifying score is 162 Score reported status is and Overall status is YES Passed Test date is , February 26, 2019
CORE ACAD SKILLS FOR EDUC: MATH (5732) 144 Required minimum score is blank, Qualifying score is 150 Score reported status is and Overall status is YES Not Passed Test date is , February 26, 2019
CORE ACAD SKILLS FOR EDUC: READING (5712) 194 Required minimum score is blank, Qualifying score is 156 Score reported status is and Overall status is YES Passed Test date is , February 26, 2019
CORE ACAD SKILLS FOR EDUC: WRITING (5722) 172 Required minimum score is blank, Qualifying score is 162 Score reported status is and Overall status is YES Passed Test date is , February 26, 2019
CORE ACAD SKILLS FOR EDUC: MATH (5732) 144 Required minimum score is blank, Qualifying score is 150 Score reported status is and Overall status is YES Not Passed Test date is , February 26, 2019
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Test Taker
Score Report.
Report Date: March 8, 2019
Candidate ID Number: 11524073
MULTIPLE-CHOICE SECTION Raw points earned is, 25 out of 34 Average range is 17-23
Subcategory name is,
ESSAY SECTIONS Raw points earned is, 15 out of 24 Average range is 13-16
* Category-level information indicates the number of test questions answered correctly for relatively small subsets of the questions. Because they are based on
small numbers of questions, category scores are less reliable than the official scaled scores, which are based on the full sets of questions. Furthermore, the
questions in a category may vary in difficulty from one test to another. Therefore, the category scores of individuals who have taken different forms of the test
are not necessarily comparable. For these reasons, category scores should not be considered a precise reflection of a candidate’s level of knowledge in that
category and ETS recommends that category information not be used to inform any decisions affecting candidates without careful consideration of such
inherent lack of precision.
** The range of scores earned by the middle 50% of a group of test takers who took this form of the test at the most recent national administration or other
comparable time period. N/C means that this range was not computed because fewer than 30 test takers took this form of the test or because there were fewer
than 8 questions in the category or, for a constructed-response module, fewer than 8 points to be awarded by the raters. N/A indicates that this test section
was not taken and, therefore, the information is not applicable.
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