Bajaj Allianz
Bajaj Allianz
Bajaj Allianz
Submitted By:
MBA 3rd Sem (7557)
Divya Rawal
The work and analysis mentioned in this Project Report have been
undertaken by the candidate herself and necessary references have
been recognized and acknowledged in the text of this report.
Ms. Charu
Project Guide
First of all I would like to express my sincere gratitude and thanks to the
director of my college Dr. N.K. Kakkar and my Internal Project Guide Mrs.
Charu Mohla and mentor Mr. Kapil Bajaj for guiding me throughout this
project and for giving me his valuable and important advices and support to
mould my project in the right direction.
Chapter 1 : Introduction
1.1 : Objectives
Chapter 5 : FINDINGS
Chapter 7 : CONCLUSION
Chapter 9 : Limitations
Chapter 10 : Bibliography
Chapter 1
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The first step in employee benefit plan design is to determine who the
employer intends to benefit and why. The scope of coverage and
the employees who are to be covered by the plan will be the first
limiting factor in the number of alternatives available because of
the nondiscrimination rules in the Code. For example, if the plan is
to cover a select group of executives, it may not be possible to
provide the benefit on a tax-favored basis. On the other hand, if
the plan is to be a broad-based plan covering executives and
rank-and-file employees, then many alternatives are available on
a tax-favored basis.
The design used for the study was both descriptive and exploratory in
nature. It was exploratory as the opinion of respondent was sought
through questionnaire and analyzed. It was descriptive as the help of
concerned literature on the subject was taken.
Data was collected from both primary and secondary sources. The
primary source included the respondent from whom the required
information was gathered directly and emphasis was laid on their
opinion. Secondary source are profile of BAJAJ Allianz Co., personnel
manual of Company and concerned literature.
(a) Discussion
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(b) Questionnaire
2.23 SCOPE:
The scope of the project is wide and the study is confined to the
Welfare Schemes in Bajaj Allianz Gen. Insurance Co. located at Pitam
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In its first year of operations, the company has acquired the No. 1 status
among the private non-life insurers. As on 31st March 2006 Bajaj
Allianz General Insurance maintained its leadership position by
garnering the premium income of Rs.1285 crore. Bajaj Allianz has made
a profit after tax of Rs.52 crores.
Bajaj Allianz today has a network presence in over 100 towns spread across
the length and breadth of the country. From Surat to Siliguri and Jammu to
Thiruvananthapuram, all the offices are interconnected with the Head Office
at Pune.
In the first half of the current financial year, 2006-07, Bajaj Allianz garnered
a premium income of Rs. 842 crores, achieving a growth of 35% and Net
profits rose to Rs.27 Crores.
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• To be the first choice insurer for customers
• To be the preferred employer for staff in the insurance industry.
• To be the number one insurer for creating shareholder value
As a responsible, customer focused market leader, we will strive to
understand the insurance needs of the consumers and translate it into
affordable products that deliver value for money.
Leadership Style
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• Empowering with responsibilities and accountability at all
• Visionary.
• Courage, Credibility, Compassion and Visibility.
• Timely recognition, feedback and counseling.
• Communication, information sharing and consultations.
• To be role model.
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• To maintain a leading position as supplier of systems, equipments
and services to National / International standards and to attain a
high level of customer confidence.
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Chapter 4
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According to Kreitner Robert (1999:384)
“ The term motivation derives from the Latin movere, “move”. It is
virtually impossible to determine a person’s motivation until that
person behaves or literally moves. By observing what someone says or
does in a given situation, one can draw reasonable inferences about
the person’s underlying motivation.”
Mitchell (1982) aptly defines motivation as “the degree to which an
individual wants to chooses to engage in certain specified behavior”
Cowling and Mailer (1998) have defined motivation as: ” Motivation is a
psychological concept related to strength and direction of human
behavior. Motivation is explained as a force within individuals, which
lead them to achieve certain goals in order to fulfill their needs or
Bennett (1997) also suggests that motivation is a force that influences
on employee to work so as to achieve certain aims and benefits.
Bennett (1997:102) comments:
'An employee's motivation to work consists of all the drives, force and
influences - conscious or unconscious -that cause the employee to
want to achieve certain aims and benefits.
“Motivation is some kind of drive or impulse that causes one to act in a
certain way.” Webster’s New World Dictionary (1998).
Motivation can be defined as that which energizes, directs, and
sustains human behavior. In HRM, the term refers to a person's desire
to do the best possible job or to exert the maximum effort to perform
assigned tasks. An important feature of motivation is that it is
behavior directed toward a goal.
Motivation of employees at all levels is the most critical function of
management. In the hospitality sector in particular employee
productivity is a critical factor and thus motivation of employees
becomes a major function of HRM in the hospitality sector.
Motivation plays a major role in achieving high performance in the
workplace, which is an important goal of management. However, just
because an employee is motivated does not guarantee she will
perform satisfactorily. Therefore, changing the performance of workers
is rather more complicated than just “motivating” them. (Hunt J W,
Managers are challenged to understand employee needs and to assign
work and workplaces so that employees will engage in behaviors that
meet their needs, while at the same time achieving organizational
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Direction Effective
Motivation e
Figure: Formula for effective performance
Motivation theory seeks motivation that it is behaviour directed toward
a goal. Motivation theory seeks to explain why employees are more
motivated by and satisfied with one type of work than another.
Robert Wood (1996) has defined motives in three different categories:
Physiological motives
Physiological motives are variously called primary motives. The living
system has motives for some physical satisfaction, a lack of which over
a longer period proves to be extremely damaging. The individual
requires oxygen, food, and water; something to preserve body
temperature, which indirectly points to clothing and shelter; but these
by themselves do not form a motive. These physiological motives may
be divided into specific categories. There are two features of these
motives: (1) they are universal, is they exist in all human beings
irrespective of their divergent social cultural and physical settings; and
(2) the behavior patterns related to these motives are largely
unlearned or innate. These behavior patterns appear' either
immediately after birth or at different periods of life following upon
maturation of the neuro-physiological mechanism, for instance, the
reproductive behavioral pattern.
Socio-Psychological Motives:
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Socio-psychological motives may not be as immediate or physical, yet
they influence behavior at an early stage. An individual is not merely a
food seeking living system. He/she desires and actively strives for
association, for belonging to various individuals and groups. These
motives are neither inborn to him nor are they related directly to his
survival. These motives originate from the training which he acquires
from different social organizations -to which he belongs (i.e. I the
family, club, etc.) Socio-psychological motives, unlike physiological
motives, are largely learnt and accordingly vary from culture to
culture. They may be divided into affective and egoistic motives. Both
are related to people. Affiliative motives deal with belongingness,
friendship or affection with .people. Egoistic motives relate to a
position over people rather than with people. Power, status, prestige or
esteem fall under egoistic motives. Socio-psychological motives
include, acquisitiveness, security, status, autonomy, affiliation,
achievement, dependence, aggression, power and nurturance.
General Motives:
There is an intermediate category of motives between the
physiological and the socio-psychological. The motives in this category
are unlearned but not physiological based. They are placed in a
general category. In this category may fall all other motives which
cannot be classified as physiological and socio-psychological including
competence, manipulation, ~ activity and curiosity.
Employee satisfaction is therefore a result of different motives. These
motives enhance the productivity of the employees.
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As supporting their views Newstorm and Davis (1995:126) say:
Management planning should consider the effect of any
proposed action on the secondary needs of employees.
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Maslow's Theory:
Maslow's hierarchical concept of human needs is based on the, view of
prepotency of needs. These needs include the physiological needs,
safety needs, love, esteem and the need for self-actualization. After
the satisfaction of physiological needs, the need for safety tends to
motivate human behaviour. This need refers to freedom from fears of
external threats including criminal, attacks and climate distress,
protection, comfort, peace and orderly and neat surroundings. The
need for love involves the acceptance, group participation and desire
for affectionate relationships among family members and other
associates. It propels the individuals to belong to warm, supportive
associations of other persons. Then comes the need for esteem (i. e
recognition and prestige, confidence and leadership, achievement and
ability, etc.) which refers to the wish of an individual for a high
valuation of his personal worth. This need reveals itself in two
manners: (I) an individual requires self-knowledge of competence in
certain aspects of accomplishments, and (2) he requires the
recognition or approval of these accomplishments by other persons.
Finally, the self-actualization need refers to realization of individual's
intrinsic potentials. This need can be regarded as the desire to become
more and. more what one is, to become everything which one is
capable of becoming, to do things purely for the challenge of
accomplishment, intellectual curiosity and fulfillment, and creativity
and aesthetic appreciation.
There are many other features of Maslow's theory, which deserve
attention: (I) this hierarchy relates to the motivational scale of normal,
healthy individuals belonging to a highly advanced society. This society
ensures satisfaction of ~ physiological and safety needs. (2) From the
standpoint of what actually motivates human behaviour it can be
asserted that a satiated need is no longer a motivator. (3) In advance
society, the physiological and safety needs do not form motivators for
most normal adults. It is only in underdeveloped regions that these
needs dominate human behaviour. In advance regions, these needs
motivate only a small segment of population which is either
abnormally deprived or, has not experienced warm affiliate
relationships and the esteem of others. The theory asserts that it is
perhaps only the search for higher level needs, which form the
motivating factor for a normal adult individual.
In the light of above facts, the author is of opinion that,
motivation is needed at all levels and pay forms a
unique, incentive, which is one of the major driving force
for the people at all levels.
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Employee benefit services may be classified into two broad categories:
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also be divided as voluntary and statutory. Many employers provide
the following welfare facilities voluntarily:
(a) Education officers trained at the central place, who in turn train
worker teachers at regional level and
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development of employees. The I.L.O has urged upon the
member countries to take appropriate steps to provide
recreational facilities for the workers in or near the undertaking
in which they are employed. Under the Plantation Labour Act,
1951, it is obligatory for employers to provide recreation
facilities. The committee on Labour Welfare recommended that
State Government and trade unions should take the initiative
and combine their efforts to provide a minimum number of
sports and recreation to keep the labour force fit and healthy.
Excursion, youth clubs and holidays homes can be provided for
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Vroom (1964) has done an excellent job of examining the relationship
between job satisfaction and varius aspects of job behaviour and
perhaps summarizing his findings is the best way of giving the reader
an overview. Vroom categorizes studies in terms of which job
behaviours are correlated with job satisfaction. Specifically, he groups
them into studies of turnover, absenteeism, accidents, and job
Satisfaction and turnover
There is a consistent negative relationship between job satisfaction
and the probability of resignation.
Satisfaction and absentieem
Thre is a less consistent negative relationship beween job satisfaction
and absences.
Satisfaction and accidents
There is some indication of a negative relationship between job
satisfaction and accidents.
Satisfaction and job performance
There is no simple relationship between job satisfaction and job
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lines. They use a fairly low level of skill have little skill variety,
have very little autonomy, and do not complete an identifiable
piece of work: they do badly on all the job characteristics
needed for intrinsic satisfaction.
Pay: In a number of studies people have been asked to rank
various sources of job satisfaction and pay has usually come out
among the first. It is more a source of dissatisfaction than
satisfaction: in some studies as many as 80 per cent of
employees were discontented with their pay. In job satisfaction
scales, contentment with pay is always one of the main
components, and gives a reasonably good prediction of overall
Many people try so hard to increase their pay in one way or
another that it would be surprising if pay was not an important
source of satisfaction – some go on strike some try to be
promoted others do a second job. However across the population
pay has a surprisingly small correlation with happiness or
satisfaction. But within organizations there is a correlation
between job satisfaction and pay, after other variables have
been held constant although it is still small.
Relative pay is a better predictor of job satisfaction than the
absolute amount paid. People at work have a clear idea of what
they ought to the paid in comparison with others, and in relation
to their skill, experience, etc. it is widely believed that
performance, seniority, age education etc. should be recognized
and regarded by higher pay. If there is a discrepancy between
what employees think they should be paid and what they are
paid. They are dissatisfied. They were paid in the past, although
inflation makes accurate comparisons difficult and probably
increases satisfaction with current pay a little.
Security: Findings on the importance of security are
contradictory. The results depend on the country and historical
period in which studies have been carried out .When people are
worried about losing their jobs this is found to spread to
discontent with all other aspects of their. The people who are
most concerned about security are those in the lower income
group, and whose parents were in unskilled or semi-skilled jobs-
presumably because there is less security for less skilled
workers. On the other hand, it is also found that more intelligent
people are also very interested in long-term security. In Britain
some of the elements of security are provided by the state
health and unemployment insurance and pensions. What workers
would really like is guaranteed employment; despite a greatly
improved employment situation.
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Status: There is a strong correlation between status and job
satisfaction, both in terms of status within an organization and
of the social class generally believed to be associated with
different occupations. On the other hand the most highly paid
people – managers administrators and doctors – are less
satisfied and more stressed than university teachers, scientist
and the others. In they enjoy the use of skills and the company
of their coworkers for example. The main negative feature of
high status jobs is that they can be more stressful.
Promotion prospects : American surveys show that
opportunity for advancement is usually ranked first or second in
importance. Herzberg et al., (1959) found that achievement,
recognition and advancement were the main causes of positive
satisfaction and estimates of the likelihood and promotion. On
the other hand, if people expecting promotion do not get it they
will be discontented. The importance of promotion is quite
different for people in different social classes and at different
skill levels. For managerial and professional people work is part
of a career and promotion is of the highest importance. For
unskilled and semi-skilled workers promotion is less likely and is
less sought after.
Working groups : Many studies have found that the working
group is one of the most important components of job
satisfaction. The Human relations movement emphasized the
importance of social factors at work and while it underestimated
the importance of other factors, such as pay and the work itself,
the findings are still valid. Co-workers can be a major source of
help at work there is often a great deal of joking fun and gossip
and they can provide social support at times of stress.
Coworkers produce job satisfaction under the following
a. Cohesiveness: Satisfaction is greatest in cohesive groups.
The conditions for cohesiveness are discussed elsewhere
frequent interaction group members of similar background
and values democratic leadership skills, members brought
together by the work flow in a cooperative manner etc. a
number of studies have shown that labour turnover is much
less in cohesive groups.
b. Popularity: There is a close correlation between popularity
and satisfaction and unpopular members usually leave.
c. Group size: Smaller groups have higher satisfaction than
larger ones; the reason is probably that in smaller groups
each members can exert a lot of influence and talk as much
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as he or she likes while in large groups the majority will be at
the lower and of the dominance hierarchy.
d. Opportunities for interaction: Satisfaction is high when
there are opportunities for interaction and reduced when
noise or physical separation makes this different.
Supervision: Satisfaction with superiors is the second source of
social satisfaction at work and is ranked as less important than
that with co-workers; tropically the two fall third and seventh in
order of importance supervision was mainly a source of periods
of dissatisfaction in the Herzberg studies, and another study
found that there was a great deal of conflict with supervisors.
Supervisors may make demands for more or better work may be
felt to treat different subordinates unfairly, may be seen as
distant hostile or unsympathetic. On the other hand supervisors
can provide benefits that are partly material partly social they
are a greater source of instrumental tangible help than co-
workers. They can help with promotion pay rises and conditions
of work: they can do more to solve difficulties at work than
either co-workers or spouses. The social rewards which
supervisors can provide include praise, encouragement and the
creation of a pleasant social atmosphere. Support from
supervisors can reduce the effects of stress on anxiety and
depression. Most supervisors feel that helping people in this way
is part of the job. But the social side of the relationship is made
difficult by the difference in power, status and salary.
Characteristics of organization: Several aspects of
organizational structure affect job satisfaction.
Size: Satisfaction is greater in smaller companies and
absenteeism is much less. Smaller size can be achieved by
Levels: Satisfaction is greater when there are fewer levels in
the hierarchy, i.e., in organizations, which are smaller or have a
larger spans on control.
Participation in decisions or administration produces higher job
satisfaction. There may be participation in formal works
committees, it may be used by supervisors, or it may be used by
management when some change is being introduced.
Other aspects of the company mentioned in surveys are
managers – their training and skills the nature of contacts with
them; personnel policies – appraisal schemes; relations with
trade unions – liberal or conservative attitudes; pride in
company and product – based on public reputation social
importance etc.
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Individual differences: Extroverts are happier than introverts
and this is partly because they have more favorable experiences
at work; this in turn is partly because they get on better with
people and enjoy social contacts more. Neuroticism is negatively
correlated both with job satisfaction and with happiness in
general probably because neurotics find more things stressful
and cause of anxiety and distress. Individual lacking in social
skills, intelligence, physical attractiveness or other aspects of
competence and personal resources are also unhappier.
Job satisfaction depends on the ‘fit’ between personality and job.
If an individual’s profile of need matches the profile of rewards
offered by the job he or she will be more satisfied. The most
obvious fit, which is needed, is between employees’ knowledge
and skills and those required by the job. It does not matter from
the organization’s point of view if employees are over qualified
but it does matter for the employee. Those high in achievement
motivation prefer more challenging jobs, and show more
correlation between performance and satisfaction. Those with
strong social needs are happier as members of close-knit,
cooperative groups.
More highly educated and more intelligent people are generally
more satisfied because they usually do more interesting and
challenging jobs. However, if they are not doing jobs of this
nature they are less satisfied.
Age and sex: It is usually found that older people are more
satisfied with their jobs. The effect is greatest for intrinsic
satisfaction. It is partly because older people have more
rewarding and higher status jobs, but there is still a correlation
with age when such rewards have been held constant. The most
likely reason is that for older people aspirations and attainments
come closer so that they almost meet. In other words older
people become more adjusted to their work situation. They may
also be able to adjust the work situation to their needs for
example by changing jobs or by altering their conditions of work.
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with co-workers and other forms of stress. In particular the
combination of low status and low-grade work is associated with
dissatisfaction and with dissatisfaction and with poor health, but
there could be several reasons for this including a tendency from
those in poor health to gravitate to poor job.
Social support from co-workers and supervisors is a major
source both of job satisfaction and positive mental health. It
can buffer the effects of stress at work more effectively than
core sources of social support. People in stressful jobs are in
particular need of support form cohesive working groups or
socially skilled supervisors.
Life satisfaction: Job satisfaction is one of the main factors in
overall life satisfaction, although it is less important than
marriage and family life. Some attempts to clarify the direction
of causation have found that both direction operate others that
it is job satisfaction which influences life satisfaction. Another
possibility is that areas of work and non-work have a lot in
common such as friendship status similar styles of behavior and
that they jointly affect satisfaction with life as a whole. Another
study concluded that we suspect that how one effectively
evaluates various life concerns relates to essentially one
phenomenon at the global level. Perceptions of general well
begin. At least part of the link between the two kinds of
satisfaction is a ‘top-to-bottom’ one i.e., general well being
affects job satisfaction.
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some criticism of these. knowledge contract).
Fit Opportunities for responsibility
Good on use of skills good in present job.
Quite good on development. Fit
Good on self development.
Good on responsibility in short
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Meaning of Morale
According to Flippo morale is “a mental condition or attitudes of
individuals and groups which determines their willingness to co-
operate. Good morale is evidenced by employee enthusiasm, voluntary
conformance with regulations and orders, and a willingness to
cooperate with others in the accomplishment of an organization’s
objectives. Poor morale is evidenced by surliness, insubordination, a
feeling of discouragement and dislike of the job, company and
In the words of Jucious, “morale is a state of mind or willingness to
work which in turn affects individuals and organizational objectives.”
Morale, he adds consists of “What is it”? What does it do”? “Where
does it reside”? “Whom doesn’t affect?” and “What does it affect?”
Jucious answers his own questions thus.
What IS IT? – It is an attitude of mind, an esprit de corps, a
state of well-being and an emotional force.
WHAT DOES IT DO?- It affects output, the quality of a product,
costs, cooperation, discipline, enthusiasm, initiative and other
aspects of success.
WHERE DOES IT RESIDE?- It resides in the minds, attitudes and
emotions of individuals themselves and in the reactions of their group.
WHOM DOES IT AFFECT?- It affects the employees and executives in
their interactions. Ultimately it affects the consumers and the
WHAT DOES IT AFFECT?- It affects an employee’s or group’s willingness
to work and cooperate in the best interests of the individuals or groups
and the organizations for which they work.
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On the other hand, if they feel dissatisfied, pessimistic and
irritated, their morale is said to below.
(v) Morale influences human behavior and performance.
(vi) Morale is a psychological feeling.
(vii) Morale is intangible. It cannot be increased directly.
(viii) Morale is a contagious phenomenon. Individuals transmit their
attitudes to each other.
According to Napolean, “in war conditions make up three quarters of
the game, the relative balance of manpower accounts for the
remaining quarter.” Morale is equally important in management. High
morale mean willing cooperation and loyalty to the organization.
Employees with high morale take greater interest in the job, feel a
sense of identity with the organization and take pride in it. High morale
is an index of sound industrial relations. It helps the management in
overcoming labor-turnover, absenteeism, indiscipline, grievances and
other labour problem.
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2. High Morale-Low Productivity. The situation arises when
employees spend their time and energy in satisfying their
personal objectives unrelated to the company’s goals. Faulty
machinery, lack off training, ineffective supervision and
restrictive norms of informal groups can also lead to low
productivity on the part of employees with high morale.
3. Low Morale-High Productivity: Low morale cannot result in
high productivity for a long period. However, this situation can
occur for a temporary period due to fear of loss of job,
exceptionally good supervision and machine paced work in which
only a part of workers’ capabilities are used.
4. Low Morale-Low Productivity: This is a normal relationship. In
the long run how morale is likely to result in low productivity.
High Productivity
High Morale Low Morale
High Productivity High Productivity
High High Morale Low Morale Low
Morale Low Productivity Low Productivity Morale
Low Productivity
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2. Job security: When employees are under a constant fear of
losing the job, their morale cannot be high. Therefore,
reasonable security of job should be guaranteed.
3. Sound Compensation System: A just and fair wage structure
with proper incentives for efficient performance is very helpful in
building morale.
4. Sound Promotion Policy: Adequate opportunities for career
growth and advancement is essential for raising the morale of
ambitious and hardworking employees. It provides recognition
for achievement and inspires employees.
5. Job enrichment: Job enrichment provides recognition, growth
and responsibility. Greater authority should be delegated to
provide work autonomy to the employee. Job rotation also helps
to improve employee morale.
6. Grievance Procedures: A sound procedure should be installed
for quick and impartial redressal of employee grievances. Such a
procedure will help to void dissatisfaction and negative attitudes
among employees.
7. Suggestion Scheme: Management should install a proper
system by which employees can suggest changes. Useful
suggestions should be rewarded and widely recognized. This will
create a sense of involvement and loyalty among workers.
8. Employee Counseling: Managers should regularly provide
guidance, advice and assistance to employees to help them in
tackling their personal and work-related problems. Counseling
will create confidence among employees and improve their
9. Workers’ Participation in Management: Participation of
employees in the process of decision- making helps to improve
mutual understanding. It also promotes team spirit and sense of
belonging among workers.
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• Voice: Actively and constructively attempting to improve
conditions including suggesting improvements, discussing
problems with superiors, and some forms of union activity.
• Loyalty: Passively but optimistically waiting for conditions to
improve , including speaking up for the organization in the
face of external criticism and trusting the organization and
its management to “ do the right thing”.
• Neglect: Passively allowing conditions to worsen, including
chronic absenteeism or lateness, reduced effort, and
increased error rate.
Exit and neglect behaviours encompass out performance
variables productivity absenteeism, and turnover. But this
model expands employee response to include voice and loyalty-
constructive behaviours that allow individuals to tolerate
unpleasant situations or to revive satisfactory working
conditions, it helps us to understand situations, such as those
sometimes found among unionized workers, for whom low job
satisfaction is coupled with low turnover. Union members often
express dissatisfaction through the grievance procedure or
through formal contract negotiations. These voice mechanisms
allow union members to continue in their jobs while convincing
themselves that they are acting to improve the situation.
Destructive Constructive
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demanding customers adversely effect the employee’s job
A number of companies are acting on this evidence. Service-
oriented businesses such as FedEx, Southwest Airlines,
American Express, and Office Depot obsess about pleasing their
customers. Toward that end, they also focus on building
employee satisfaction-recognizing that employee satisfaction
will go a long way toward a contributing to their goal of having
happy customers. These firms seek to hire upbeat and friendly
employees, they train employees in the importance of customer
service, they reward customer service, they provide positive
employee work climates, and they regularly track employee
satisfaction through attitudes surveys.
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An engaged employee is a person who is fully involved in and is
enthusiastic about, his or her work. Such employees are attracted to,
and inspired, committed and fascinated by their work. In a recent
research by Hewitt Associates, it was found that engaged employees
are not only intellectually committed to the organization but are also
emotionally attached to it, as is measured by three primary behaviors:
Say, stay and strive.
The age old business dictum goes that “satisfied employees create
satisfied customers” by constantly striving for the best, contributing to
the bottom line of the company success by their motivation and
enhanced performance. It is believed that an engaged employee
always acts positively in the interest of the company and takes
unconcealed pride in the success and prosperity of his employer. The
engaged employees and the organizations go that extra mile for each
other, thereby realizing the benefits that flow through an investment in
such a relationship.
Does Engagement Really Make a Difference?
According to the former GE Chairman and CEO, Jack Welch, a
company’s health is determined through it’s energized workforce who
not only realize the mission of the organization and have an
understanding of how to achieve it, help the organization win in the
long run. Engaged employees care about the future of the company
and are willing to study entitled, The War for talent, reported that a
shortage of skilled employees was an emerging trend and it was more
so due to the fact that the organizations fail in their attempts to create
a workforce that is not only cognitively vigilant but also emotionally
connected to the organization.
Research has proven that wholly engaged employees tend to be more
self-motivated, reliable, and have higher levels of organizational
loyalty. They are capable of delivering sustained affecting the key
results areas such as employee turnover, sales, innovation and
customer satisfaction, engaged employees in customer facing roles are
more likely to treat customer is ways that positively influence
customer satisfaction and are more than twice as likely to be company
advocates. They share information with colleagues and pass on ideas
that speak up for the organization. Engaged employees are much more
likely to feel secure and stable in their position and are in fact the
ambassadors for the company, singing its praises to everyone, and
taking the best foot forward to deliver and over-deliver for customers
and the colleagues alike.
- 47 -
- 47 -
Employee engagement can occur when the organizations work on
removing the blockades to work which necessitates having a clear
understanding of the levers required to improve the key employee
attitudes of satisfaction and engagement so as to create an
optimally functioning system.
There can be more than one way to improve the level of employee
engagement in a company. In fact, there are many different things
that companies not only can do, but also need to do. Most
organization has a range of practices to improve the engagement
level of their employees. Best practice recommends starting right at
the selection or recruitment stage by having the right employees
working in the right jobs and having a strong induction and
orientation program in place. Besides giving the employees clarity
on the vision and goals of the organization, it is essential for
organizations to put into place regular technical / soft – skill training
and development programs and the certification programs to drive
people towards excellent performance as it so happens at HCL
Once the employees become a part of the system, efforts have to
be put into place to engage employees to their highest level. This
includes giving emphasis on certain areas which go a long way in
affecting the level of engagement of the employees and includes:
• Communication: A proper communication system helps
employees in finding out what is going on within the company
outside their immediate team. They also help to create an
environment of trust and openness within the organizations
where they are able to talk openly. Employees who feel they are
listened to are able to express dissatisfaction and work together
to resolve their causes, without it affecting their performance.
The initiative must be taken by the leaders at the top as it
happens at the Sum Microsystems where the CEO interacts with
Sun employees through WSUN, a forum on Sun’s intranet. He
uses this to sustain an active, an ongoing dialog on the corporate
goals and direction.
The organizations must work towards implementing the
communication forums to provide regular feedback to all people,
including team meetings and conferences. 3M, for example
encourages employees to bring forward their questions or
concerns through such programs as Let’s talk It Over, Between
Us and various internal and external help lines.
Beside using the regular employee opinion and satisfaction
surveys, an update on the various organizational issues can be
tracked by the organizations through the usage of in-house
- 48 -
- 48 -
magazines and online communications, including discussion
boards by company personnel including the senior management.
• Reward Schemes: These form an important part of a
company’s overall employee engagement program. Studies have
long shown that while money in itself is not a motivating factor
the absence of financial reward can be a significant demotivator.
Thus the role of reward schemes in boosting. Thus the roles of
reward schemes in boosting employee engagement are? To
remove barriers to satisfaction in the organization and provide a
framework for rewarding everyone in the organization for their
performance. This may be achieved through right compensation
and benefit programs, stock ownership and profit sharing plans
and recognition programs. People want to know if their input
matters and that they are contributing to the organization’s
success in a meaningful way, for which there must be
performance based reward scheme in place.
In fact, organizations must have flexible benefit schemes, as Hewitt
Associates does, to attract and retain their talent, which provides
employees with the freedom to choose how they receive their
benefits tailoring a package to suit their lifestyle.
• Developing the right culture: The organizations must have
clear and humane HR policies and take initiatives to maintain the
quality of work life of its employees. Opportunities must be
provided for social interaction such as family gathering
barbeques, and trips to the cinema or picnics. At HCL
Infosystems, a balance between personal / professional lives of
employees is maintained through recreational activities like
festivities @ HCL, get-togethers @HCL, sport@HCL. The company
also encourage an open and transparent culture to empower its
people and develop entrepreneurs.
The organizations must demonstrate a commitment to
employees’ well –being by providing opportunities for career
advancement and be developing a safe, clean and inspiring work
environment for their all-round growth. The employees must be
provided with enough resources to solve their day-to-day
problems or to do a job well. Culture – building activities are
great for generating a feeling of belongings. Giving employees a
feeling of belongingness is crucial in creating a thriving
organization that people feel committed to and others want to
• Leadership: Effective leaders who help in setting the tone for
creating an engaged workforce can really differentiate an
organization from its competitors. Everyone in the organization
- 49 -
- 49 -
with leadership responsibility must have the emotional
intelligence and leadership skills needed to switch and
employees on they must act as role models, demonstrate and
set high standards to which others can aspire. Good practices
include effective performance management and a fair evaluation
of performance. The leaders must act as coaches and mentors
and must give an honest feedback and guidance to their
Ideas should be sought from all employees and the frontline
employees should be allowed to exercise a degree of discretion
during service delivery E.g., allowing employees to spend up to a
certain amount to correct a customers problem or handle a
complaint. The success of Microsoft, for example, stems in part
from Bill gates’ belief that smart people anywhere in the
company should have the4 power to drive an initiative. Initiatives
such as Six Sigma are dependent, in part on the active
participation of employees on the shop floor.
For great managements, the path towards engaging employees
and keeping them engaged beings with asking them what they
want and what is important in order to be effective in their roles.
Effective leaders don’t wait to get the resignation to know that
an employee is dissatisfied.
An organization can always gain a competitive advantage
by creating an engaged workforce. It therefore,
becomes, imperative for the organizations to identify the
level of engagement in their organization, strive to
eliminate the reasons behind the disengaged workforce
and implement strategies to make them fully engaged.
Employee engagement is something that is very difficult
to accomplish but if efforts are made on an ongoing
basis, it can shrivel with relative ease.
- 50 -
- 50 -
increase the number of persons hired. When the economy is slower,
more people are happy to have a pay cheque.
At the peak of the last hiring boom "pay envy" presented a significant
problem. Stock options, performance pay and signing bonuses created
ambiguities in pay systems and caused problems. Current employees
hired without receiving signing bonuses like those given to new
employees were envious.
In one survey, more than 50 per cent workers indicated that they
believed they were paid too little, while only 23 per cent expressed
satisfaction with their pay. One factor driving the confusion was that
wages went up rapidly for those in high demand, but not everyone was
in high demand. Also, paying people based on their individual
performance often created "winners" and "losers".
All this attention to compensation means that even people who did not
worry much about the topic before are turning into it now. Employers
often had no choice but to turn to new and different compensation
approaches in order to compete for employees. Many HR professionals
and managers now admit these approaches have caused problems.
Pay envy dampens morale and team-work, causes turnover and
creates a "caste system" in the company.
- 51 -
- 51 -
Wages represent hourly rates of pay, and salary refers to the monthly
rate of pay, irrespective of the number of hours put in by an employee.
Wages and salaries are subject to annual increments. They differ from
employee to employee, and depend upon the nature of job, seniority,
and merit.
There are: (i) individual incentive schemes, and (ii) group incentive
programmes. Individual incentives are applicable to specific employee
performance. Where a given task demands group effort for completion,
incentives are paid to the group as a whole. The amount is later
divided among group members on an equitable basis.
Fringe Benefits
Non-monetary Benefits
- 52 -
- 52 -
- 53 -
- 53 -
- 54 -
- 54 -
Comparison provides a feeling of equity or inequity. There is a sense of
equity when the employee's remuneration is equal or more than the
remuneration received by others in the same category of jobs. If the
remuneration is lower, the employee feels he or she is inequitably
treated. An employee sticks to an organisation when he or she is paid
equitably. The organisation's pay structure must, therefore, be
equitable and consistent.
- 55 -
- 55 -
performance and rewards, then they may set minimum goals in order
to retain their jobs, but will not see the need to excel in their positions.
- 56 -
- 56 -
- 57 -
- 57 -
These are the various benefits which the company gives to its
Dearness Allowance(DA)
- 58 -
- 58 -
The total amount to be reimbursed in a year commencing from the
date of operation of the lease shall be least of the following:
In Class ‘A’ cities like Delhi. Mumbai, Calcutta etc it is paid at the rate
of 6% of pay subject to maximum of Rs.100 per month.
In Class ’B1’ cities like Lucknow, Allahabad, Patna etc. it is paid at the
rate of 4.5% of pay subject to maximum of Rs.75 per month.
In Class ‘B2’ cities like Tiruchy, Chandigarh, Srinagar etc. it is paid at
the rate of 3.5% of pay subject to maximum of Rs.20 per month.
- 59 -
- 59 -
are deputed for training abroad for more than 3 months continuous
duration are entitled to a kit allowance of Rs.750/- provided they have
not been paid such an allowance in the last seven years. The amount
will be paid in cash in India.
And In cases of employees who are sponsored by the Company for
higher studies abroad, they may be granted an advance for the
purchase of kit of an amount not exceeding Rs. 750/- which can be
recovered in five equal monthly instalments from the salary payable
in India. This amount may be granted only at the request of the
Educational Assistance
If the Education of the children is not possible in Company aided
schools then Educational assistance of Rs.45/- p.m. per child will be
paid to the employees in non-executive salary grades subject to a
maximum of three school going children inclusive of Higher
Secondary from 1st Standard onwards on production of the prescribed
- 60 -
- 60 -
by acquiring higher/additional qualifications for better and more
efficient performance in their respective functional area.
The Scheme is applicable to all the employees of the Company other
than Deputationists, Apprentices, Trainees and Temporary and Casual
(including daily rated/monthly rated employees), who have completed
a minimum of two years service on the date of enrollment for the
course leading to the qualifications for acquisition of which the award
is claimed under this Scheme but under certain conditions like
a) The qualifications must be significantly relevant to the duties
performed by the employee of his particular functional channel and
should be such that it helps improve his/her skill or knowledge for
better and more efficient performance of work.
b) The qualifications must be higher than and/or additional to (i)
the minimum qualifications prescribed for direct entry to the post
held by the employee, or where it is a promotion post, and (ii) the
qualifications already possessed by him on the date of enrollment
for the course and the like.
Company Sponsorship
All employees are eligible for this including trainees/apprentices
but excluding those employees who are being employed on
temporary basis.
a) For courses in India employee will be entitled to Basic Pay
and D.A. as on duty during the period of study and the payment of
HRA is based on classification cities which are declared by Central
Government like in ‘A’ class cities the employee is entitled to have
30% of pay in Delhi and Mumbai and in other have 25% of pay while in
other class cities they are entitled to have 75% of normal rates
applicable to employees posted in such places.
b) The employee will be paid T.A. as per the rules of the
Company laid down from time to time
c) Examination fees and other charges , if any , of the institute
will also be borne by the company.
- 61 -
- 61 -
d) An out of pocket allowance is also given to the employees but
the employee will not be entitled to Bonus & Plant Performance
Payment for the period of study.
For courses in India, Study Leave is admissible to a regular employee
of the Company who has rendered a minimum of 3 years service
inclusive of training/apprenticeship period in the company and for
courses in abroad, Study Leave is admissible to a regular employee of
the Company who has rendered a minimum of 5 years of service
exclusive of training apprenticeship period in the Company for courses
Study leave will not be debited to the regular leave account of the
employee but the employee is not entitled to any pay or allowances
during the period of study Leave.
- 62 -
- 62 -
- 63 -
- 63 -
Admissible to employee and family in lieu of LTC once in a block of
two years as per entitlements and conditions specified under the
rules. The LTC block years will be the same as under the facility of
availing once in two years. If split facility is availed once, the same
facility will be available for the second time for that block of two
1 2 3
Once in a block of two Actual distance by As in Col. 2
years shortest route
*Employee &Family
- 64 -
- 64 -
1 2 3
Once in a block of two years Any place in India Actual fare limited to fare
In case of travel abroad for distance of 1500Kms
Employee & Family
actual fare limited to fare each way for any place in
for distance of 3000 kms India or abroad.**
each way. **
Split facility once in a Actual fare limited to fare
calendar year Actual fare limited to for distance of 750 kms
fare for distance of 1500 each way for any place in
- Employee & kms each way for any India or abroad.
Family* place in India or abroad
Clubbed facility once in a Any place in India In case Actual fare limited to fare
block of four years of travel abroad actual for distance of 3000 kms
- Employee & fare limited to fare for each way for any place in
Family* distance of 6000 kms India or abroad
each way
- 65 -
- 65 -
Rates of Reimbursement
Expenditure incurred on maintenance of conveyance and use of the
same in the performance of journeys on official business shall be
reimbursed subject to the following limits per month.
- 66 -
- 66 -
- 67 -
- 67 -
On the death of the member while in service, the assurance benefit
applicable to the category together with the amount with interest due
to the credit of member employee in the running account shall become
payable to the beneficiary.
On reaching superannuation or earlier cessation of service other than
death, the total amount of savings portion in the credit of the member
employee during the period of membership together with the interest
thereon shall become payable to the member employee.
Contribution paid by the member employee towards the savings
portion will qualify for deduction under Income Tax.
On the death of the employee while in service, the category wise
assurance benefit is paid to the beneficiary as appointed by the
- 68 -
- 68 -
employee. The prescribed form of appointment of Beneficiary(ies) is
to be signed by the employee on the date of entry to the scheme. In
the event of the employee not having a family or dependents, he shall
appoint legal personal representative to be his/her beneficiary. The
benefit in respect of the member is strictly personal and cannot be
assigned by the member.
- 69 -
- 69 -
sanctioned interest subsidy on housing loans as per company rules
under BAJAJ ALLIANZ CO. Interest Subsidy Scheme
- 70 -
- 70 -
However, expenditure incurred on consultations, diagnostics test and
medicines in emergencies/odd hours/problems of logistics will be
reimbursed upto Rs.1,000/- in a financial year on submission of
prescriptions and cash memos. The reimbursement of these charges
will be done as per rates prescribed in BAJAJ ALLIANZ CO. Schedule.
This amount can be claimed on conclusion of the financial year.
Employees who are not eligible for Bonus under the Payment of Bonus
Act are paid Special Incentive. The payment on this account is linked
to the performance under the MOU and is regulated as per the
categorisation of the Company's performance by the Government.
The festival advance up to the limit of one month basic pay will be
admissible only for the following festivals:
1. Pongal
2. Republic Day
3. Id-ul-fitr
4. Holi
5. Ram Naumi
6. Id-ul-zuha
7. Vaikasi Visakam (for Tiruchy only)
8. Muharram
- 71 -
- 71 -
9. Independence Day
10. Janam Ashtami
11. Ganesh Chaturthi
12. Onam
13. Dussehra
14. Diwali
15. Guru Nanak's Birthday (in units other than Tiruchy)
16. Christmas
1. Motor Car:
The amount of advance is limited to 35 months basic pay or
Rs.1,20,000 or the anticipated cost of the motor car whichever is the
least. The advance and interest thereon is recoverable in not more
than 200 equal monthly instalments or remaining number of months
available for recovery till superannuation whichever is less.
2. Motor Cycle/Scooter:
The amount of advance is limited to Rs.15000/- or the anticipated
cost of the vehicle whichever is less . The amount of advance and
interest thereon is recoverable in not more than 90 equal monthly
instalments or remaining number of months available for recovery till
superannuation whichever is less.
3. Moped (such as Luna/Suvega/Vicky etc.):
The amount of advance is limited to Rs.9000/-, or anticipated cost of
the vehicle whichever is less. The amount of advance and interest
thereon is recoverable in not more than 80 equal monthly instalments
or remaining number of months available for recovery till
superannuation whichever is less.
1. Motor Car:
The amount of advance is limited to Rs.90,000/- or 25 months' basic
pay or the anticipated cost of the motor car whichever is the least.
The amount of advance and interest thereon is recoverable in not
more than 150/-monthly instalments or remaining number of months
available for recovery till superannuation, whichever is less.
2. Motor Cycle/Scooter:
The amount of advance is limited to Rs.11,500/- or the anticipated
cost of the vehicle whichever is less. The amount of advance and
interest thereon is recoverable in not more than 75 equal monthly
instalments or remaining number of months available for recovery till
superannuation, whichever is less.
- 72 -
- 72 -
3. Moped :
The amount of advance is limited to Rs.7000/- or anticipated cost of
the vehicle, whichever is less. The amount of advance and interest
thereon is recoverable in not more than 60 equal monthly instalments
or remaining number of months available for recovery till
superannuation whichever is less.
a) Scale of Kit
b) Refreshments
c) Prizes
d) Travel/DA Entitlement
e) Cash allowance
f) Time-off
g) Sports coordinators/Team manager
h) Out of pocket expenses
- 73 -
- 73 -
- 74 -
- 74 -
Complete 16
Partial 24
Not at all 0
Not at all
0% Complete Complete
Partial Partial
60% Not at all
Only 40%
employees at
CO. are
aware about
the welfare
providing by
the company
rest 60% are
aware about
same100% 8
Upto 50% 22
Below 50% 8
- 75 -
- 75 -
21% 21%
Upto 50%
Below 50%
- 76 -
- 76 -
Q3. Are present welfare activities sufficient to benefit
Yes 6
Upto certain level 26
No 7
18% 15%
Upto certain
67% No
Just 15% of the employee agrees that these welfare schemes are
sufficient to benefit them and 67% says that these activities help only
upto certain level rest 18% disagrees that these schemes benefits
them in any respect.
Yes 3
To some extent 26
No 10
- 77 -
- 77 -
26% 8%
To some extent
66% No
Only 8% of BAJAJ ALLIANZ CO. employees are satisfied with the Sum
assured under Group Insurance Scheme 66% of them says that it is
adequate only to some extent and rest 26% are dissatisfied with this
amount.Under social obligation, Housing Loan Facility and Interest
Subsidy thereon is provided.
Fully satisfied 17
Partially satisfied 19
Dissatisfied 4
43% F u lly sa tisfie d
Pa rtia lly sa tisfie d
47% D issa tisfie d
- 78 -
- 78 -
43% of the employees are satisfied with the Housing Loan Facility and
Interest Subsidy provided by the company. 47% are partially satisfied
and only a few i.e. 10% are not satisfied with this facility.
Yes 15
Partially 12
No 13
Is Company Leased
Accomadation provided upto
certain grade of executive
Yes 12
Partially 14
No 13
- 79 -
- 79 -
33% 31% Y es
P artially
31% employees are completely satisfied with the LTC facility 36% are
partially satisfied and the rest 33% are not satisfied with the LTC
Satisfied 35
satisfied 2
Dissatisfied 2
- 80 -
- 80 -
S atisfactio n o f em p lo ye es w ith
M ed ic al F a cility
S atis fied
5% 5%
P artially
s atis fied
90% Dis s atis fied
90% Employees at BAJAJ ALLIANZ CO. are satisfied with the medical
facility provided by the company. Only 5% of the employees are
partially satisfied and 5% are not satisfied.
Yes 4
No 16
Don't know 15
- 81 -
- 81 -
C o m p a n y h a s a n y s y s te m to
re v ie w th e s a tis fa c tio n le v e l o f
e m p lo y e e
Y es
46% D on't k now
Only 11% says that Company has system to review the satisfaction
level about welfare measures for employees while 46% disagrees to
this whereas 43% doesn't know anything related to this.
Large extent 12
Upto certain
level 25
Benefits help
Doesn't help
in 2
providing motivation
Large extent
Upto certain
64% doesn't help
- 82 -
- 82 -
Benefits help in
providing motivation
Large extent
Upto certain
64% doesn't help
Monetary 11
Motivation 18
Security 12
Recognition 3
- 83 -
- 83 -
7% 25% Monetary
27% Motivation
Social Security
41% Recognition
Majority of the employees i.e. 41% want that while deciding about
welfare schemes MOTIVATION should be considered. 27% and 25% of
the employee want it to be SOCIAL SECURITY and MONETARY
respectively and only 7% of them say that it should be RECOGNITION.
- 84 -
- 84 -
- 85 -
- 85 -
- 86 -
- 86 -
- 87 -
- 87 -
- 88 -
- 88 -
satisfied if they perceive that they do fir in. This argues for
management to strive during the selection of new employees to
find job candidates who not only have the ability, experience,
and motivation to perform, but also a values system that is
compatible with the organization’s.
Managers should be interested in their employees attitudes
because attitudes given warnings of potential problems and
because they influence behaviour. Satisfied and committed
employees, for instance, have lower rates of turnover and
absenteeism. Given that managers want to keep resignations
and absences down-especially among their more productive
employees- they will want to do the things that will generate
positive hob attitudes.
Managers should also be aware that employees will try to
reduce cognitive dissonance. More important, dissonance can
be managed. If employees are required to engage in activities
that appear inconsistent to them or that ae at odds with their
attitudes, the pressures to reduce the resulting dissonance are
lessened when the employee perceives that the dissonance is
externally imposed and is beyond his or her control or if the
rewards are significant enough to offset the dissonance.
- 89 -
- 89 -
Supportive working conditions. Employees are concerned with
their work environment for both personal comfort and
facilitating doing a good job. Studies demonstrate that
employees prefer physical surroundings that are not dangerous
or uncomfortable. In addition, most employees prefer working
relatively close to home, in clean and relatively modern
facilities, and with adequate tools and equipment.
Supportive colleagues. People get more out of work than
merely money or tangible achievements. For most employees,
work also fills the need for social interaction. Not surprisingly,
therefore, having friendly and supportive co-workers leads to
increased job satisfaction. The behaviour of one’s boss is also
satisfaction. The behaviour of one’s boss is also a major
determinant of satisfaction. Studies generally find that
employee satisfaction is increased when the immediate
supervisor is understanding and friendly, offers praise for good
performance, listens to employees opinions and shows a
personal interest in them.
The notion that managers and organizations can control the
level of employee job satisfaction is inherently attractive. It fits
nicely with the view that managers directly influence
organizational processes and outcomes. Unfortunately there is
a growing body of evidence that challenges the notion that
mangers control the factors that influence employee job
satisfaction. The most recent findings indicate that employee
job satisfaction is largely genetically determined.
- 90 -
- 90 -
through their control of the selection process. If mangers want
satisfied workers, they need to make sure their selection
process screens out the negative maladjusted, trouble- making
fault- finders who derive little satisfaction in anything about
their jobs.
- 91 -
- 91 -
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- 92 -
- 93 -
- 93 -
• The study has been confined to a period of 60 days. Hence it
cannot reveal the exact trends of Welfare Schemes and opinion
of all employees.
• Sample size being small not everybody’s view could be
• Problem parting with the confidential information.
• There is a great tendency of fluctuation in the response and their
- 94 -
- 94 -
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- 95 -
• Chhabra N.T, Human Resourse Management,Dhanpat Rai & Co., 2006
Other Sources